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- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
SVG-edit started out as a much tinier project contained in just two JS files: svg-editor.js (essentially the editor UI) and svgcanvas.js (everything else). Over time, as SVG-edit has gained more and more features, these files naturally grew in size. And while extensions were introduced as one mechanism to separate features from the main code base, by Oct 2010, svgcanvas.js had reached 11,600 lines of JavaScript.
My main concern with this was that one giant JS file, no matter how well-commented and organized, cannot attract new developers. It's just too daunting to try and find out how the project works when it's one giant file. In a project that relies on casual contributors finding spare time, this is a huge problem. I experienced this first hand, since I had stopped heavily contributing to the project earlier in 2010 and then tried to come back near the end of 2010 and found myself lost.
The other problem is that the only realistic way of testing any new change was to invoke the editor and try out the feature. While this is a really good way to ensure your new feature works, it doesn't catch if you've broken other existing features. Over time, codebases that only rely on manual testing are bound to make less and less progress.
I'll note that a call to split out JS functionality into separate files was made by Narendra back in 2009 (when he had gone away from the project and tried to come back). He had even contributed new code in the form of a separate script to deal with localization, which was great. But at the time I didn't really know how I wanted to deal with modularization in a web app. I didn't want to be making separate GET requests for every script tag, and even his attempt with locale.js bothered me just a little. Plus, development was hot and heavy on new features ;)
But now that I was in Narendra's shoes and the amount of code had gone up by an order of magnitude, I realized how important it was. With this in mind, I set out to try and break apart the code a little bit. Starting with [r1817](, I managed to split out some bits of code into a separate JS file. My goal in the refactoring was to make incremental changes that carefully started to split apart the code but didn't introduce any new bugs. I haven't been entirely successful in this, but there haven't been any major disasters, at least.
I eventually worked things out such that code that had been refactored lived somewhere under the 'svgedit' global namespace. The end goal is for everything to live under this namespace, but for now there are pieces that don't (svgEditor and svgCanvas).
For instance, browser.js introduces the following:
svgedit.browser.isOpera() svgedit.browser.isWebkit() svgedit.browser.isGecko() svgedit.browser.supportsSelectors() svgedit.browser.supportsPathReplaceItem() etc...
Here's a bullet-point summary of the state of affairs:
Development versions of SVG-edit now have many <script> tags that load in all the JS modules.
The dependencies between these files are currently maintained manually, the JS files must be loaded in the correct order
Each new JS module has a corresponding test file under test/.
The Makefile has been updated to compile all the JS modules using the Closure Compiler. This collapses all the JS into one compiled file and reduces the number of GET requests back to a sane level for a release version of SVG-edit.
NOTE: This is an ongoing effort. It's not done, and I don't know if it will ever be done. Currently svgcanvas.js is still around 8800 lines of code and occasionally growing. My silly benchmark for this effort is to have every file browsable online in Google Code :) Don't browse to svgcanvas.js in googlecode today. My browser grinds to a halt.
Unit Tests
As I refactor, I am taking the opportunity to add unit tests for each module/function/class refactored. As of Jan 2010, we are close to 500 unit tests. They are all ran at
Current Tasks
1) I introduced the concept of a Drawing earlier on that would encapsulate the state of a single open SVG document. The SVG editor has a handle to the current drawing and uses that instead of accessing svg DOM elements directly. Eventually all code that deals with layers, current editing context, document history and more will be moved into draw.js but for now, much of that code still lives in svgcanvas.js.
2021-05-09 17:29:45 +00:00
1) I'm in the process of migrating a large chunk of svgcanvas.js called "pathActions" into its own module (path.js). This piece of code did have a lot of dependencies so moving it piece-by-piece seemed like the right way to go. Currently it's about half-way migrated, with most of the 'public API' still living in svgcanvas.js.
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
Finish moving layers functionality into the Drawing class
Move current_group and context functionality into Drawing
Move setSvgString() and importSvgString() into a module
Move pathActions into its own module
Regenerate API documentation
Determine how to convince the Closure Compiler to compile svgedit.browser.isOpera() into svgedit$browser$isOpera() so that it can also be optimized (reduces compiled file size and saves in run-time cost).
I have some other things I intend to investigate:
Moving to something that uses jscode instead of our existing documentation style
Moving to using a bit of Closure (for goog.require/provide). My concern with this is that there is significant overlap between Closure and jQuery and I'd want to make sure we are not pulling in code that we don't need.