
218 lines
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- Breaking change: Extension now formatted as export (and `this` is set to editor, including for `callback`) - Breaking change: Locale now formatted as export - Breaking change: Moved out remaining modular i18n (imagelib) to own folder - Breaking change: Drop `executeAfterLoads` (and getJSPDF/getCanvg) - Breaking change: `RGBColor` must accept `new` - Breaking change: canvg - `stackBlurCanvasRGBA` must be set now by function (`setStackBlurCanvasRGBA`) rather than global; `canvg` now a named export - Breaking change: Avoid passing `canvg`/`buildCanvgCallback` to extensions (have them import) - Fix: i18nize imaglib more deeply - Fix: Positioning of Document Properties dialog (Fixes #246) - Fix (regression): PDF Export (Fixes #249) - Fix (regression): Add polyfill for `ChildNode`/`ParentNode` (and use further) - Fix (regression): Apply Babel universally to dependencies - Fix (regression): Ordering of `uaPrefix` function in `svgEditor.js` - Fix (regression): Embedded API - Fix (embedded editor): Fix backspace key in Firefox so it doesn't navigate out of frame - Fix: Alert if no exportWindow for PDF (e.g., if blocked) - Refactoring( RGBColor) `RGBColor` as class, without rebuilding constants, optimize string replacement, move methods to prototype, use templates and object literals, use `Object.keys` - Refactoring (canvg) Use classes more internally, use shorthand objects; array extras, return to lazy-loading - Refactoring: Use Promises in place of `$.getScript`; always return Promises in case deciding to await resolving - Refactoring: Avoid importing `RGBColor` into `svgutils.js` (jsPDF imports it itself) - Refactoring: Arrow functions, destructuring, shorter property references - Refactoring: Fix `lang` and `dir` for locales (though not in use currently anyways) - Refactoring: Provide path config for canvg, jspdf
2018-06-02 01:14:38 +00:00
export default {
lang: 'zh-TW',
dir: 'ltr',
common: {
ok: '确定',
cancel: '取消',
key_backspace: '空白',
key_del: '刪除',
key_down: '下',
key_up: '上',
more_opts: 'More Options',
url: 'URL',
width: 'Width',
height: 'Height'
misc: {
powered_by: 'Powered by'
ui: {
toggle_stroke_tools: 'Show/hide more stroke tools',
palette_info: '點擊更改填充顏色按住Shift鍵單擊更改線條顏色',
zoom_level: '更改縮放級別',
panel_drag: 'Drag left/right to resize side panel',
(INCOMPLETE: ES6 Module conversion and linting) - Breaking change: Require `new` with `EmbeddedSVGEdit` (allows us to use `class` internally) - Breaking change: If `svgcanvas.setUiStrings` must now be called if not using editor in order to get strings (for sake of i18n) (and if using path.js alone, must also have its `setUiStrings` called) - Breaking change (ext-overview-window): Avoid global `overviewWindowGlobals` - Breaking change (ext-imagelib): Change to object-based encoding for namespacing of messages (though keep stringifying/parsing ourselves until we remove IE9 support) - Breaking change: Rename `jquery.js` to `jquery.min.js` - Breaking change: Remove `scoped` attribute from `style`; it is now deprecated and obsolete; also move to head (after other stylesheets) - Enhancement: Make SpinButton plugin independent of SVGEdit via generic state object for tool_scale - Enhancement: Remove now unused Python l10n scripts (#238) - Enhancement: ES6 Modules (including jQuery plugins but not jQuery) - Enhancement: Further JSDoc (incomplete) - Enhancement (Optimization): Compress images using imageoptim (and add npm script) (per #215) - Fix: i18nize path.js strings and canvas notifications - Fix: Attempt i18n for ext-markers - Refactoring (ext-storage): Move locale info to own file imported by the extension (toward modularity; still should be split into separate files by language and *dynamically* imported, but we'll wait for better `import` support to refactor this) - Refactoring: For imagelib, add local jQuery copy (using old 1.4.4 as had been using from server) - Refactoring: For MathJax, add local copy (using old 2.3 as had been using from server); server had not been working - Refactoring: Remove `use strict` (implicit in modules) - Refactoring: Remove trailing whitespace, fix some code within comments - Refactoring: Expect `jQuery` global rather than `$` for better modularity (also to adapt line later once available via `import`) - Refactoring: Prefer `const` (and then `let`) - Refactoring: Add block scope keywords closer to first block in which they appear - Refactoring: Use ES6 `class` - Refactoring `$.isArray` -> `Array.isArray` and avoid some other jQuery core methods with simple VanillaJS replacements - Refactoring: Use abbreviated object property syntax - Refactoring: Object destructuring - Refactoring: Remove `uiStrings` contents in svg-editor.js (obtains from locale) - Refactoring: Add favicon to embedded API file - Refactoring: Use arrow functions for brief functions (incomplete) - Refactoring: Use `Array.prototype.includes`/`String.prototype.includes`; `String.prototype.startsWith`, `String.prototype.trim` - Refactoring: Remove now unnecessary svgutils do/while resetting of variables - Refactoring: Use shorthand methods for object literals (avoid ": function") - Refactoring: Avoid quoting object property keys where unnecessary - Refactoring: Just do truthy/falsey check for lengths in place of comparison to 0 - Refactoring (Testing): Avoid jQuery usage within most test files (defer script, also in preparation for future switch to ES6 modules for tests) - Refactoring: Make jpicker variable declaration indent bearable - Refactoring (Linting): Finish svgcanvas.js - Docs: Mention in comment no longer an entry file as before - Docs: Migrate old config, extensions, and FAQ docs - Licensing: Indicate MIT is license type of rgbcolor; rename/add license file name for jgraduate and screencast to reflect type (Apache 2.0); rename file to reflect it contains license information (of type MIT) for Raphael icons
2018-05-18 03:25:45 +00:00
quality: 'Quality:',
pathNodeTooltip: 'Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type',
pathCtrlPtTooltip: 'Drag control point to adjust curve properties',
pick_stroke_paint_opacity: 'Pick a Stroke Paint and Opacity',
pick_fill_paint_opacity: 'Pick a Fill Paint and Opacity'
properties: {
id: 'Identify the element',
fill_color: '更改填充顏色',
stroke_color: '線條顏色',
stroke_style: '更改線條(虛線)風格',
stroke_width: '線條寬度',
pos_x: '調整 X 軸',
pos_y: '調整 Y 軸',
linecap_butt: 'Linecap: Butt',
linecap_round: 'Linecap: Round',
linecap_square: 'Linecap: Square',
linejoin_bevel: 'Linejoin: Bevel',
linejoin_miter: 'Linejoin: Miter',
linejoin_round: 'Linejoin: Round',
angle: '旋轉角度',
blur: 'Change gaussian blur value',
opacity: '更改所選項目不透明度',
circle_cx: '改變圓的CX坐標',
circle_cy: '改變圓的CY坐標',
circle_r: '改變圓的半徑',
ellipse_cx: '改變橢圓的圓心x軸座標',
ellipse_cy: '改變橢圓的圓心y軸座標',
ellipse_rx: '改變橢圓的x軸長',
ellipse_ry: '改變橢圓的y軸長',
line_x1: '更改行的起點的x坐標',
line_x2: '更改行的終點x坐標',
line_y1: '更改行的起點的y坐標',
line_y2: '更改行的終點y坐標',
rect_height: '更改矩形的高度',
rect_width: '更改矩形的寬度',
corner_radius: '角半徑:',
image_width: '更改圖像的寬度',
image_height: '更改圖像高度',
image_url: '更改網址',
node_x: '改變節點的x軸座標',
node_y: '改變節點的y軸座標',
seg_type: 'Change Segment type',
straight_segments: '直線',
curve_segments: '曲線',
text_contents: '更改文字內容',
font_family: '更改字體',
font_size: '更改字體大小',
bold: '粗體',
italic: '斜體'
tools: {
main_menu: 'Main Menu',
bkgnd_color_opac: '更改背景顏色/不透明',
connector_no_arrow: 'No arrow',
fitToContent: '適合內容',
fit_to_all: '適合所有的內容',
fit_to_canvas: '適合畫布',
fit_to_layer_content: '適合圖層內容',
fit_to_sel: '適合選取的物件',
align_relative_to: '相對對齊 ...',
relativeTo: '相對於:',
page: '網頁',
largest_object: '最大的物件',
selected_objects: '選取物件',
smallest_object: '最小的物件',
new_doc: '清空圖像',
open_doc: '打開圖像',
export_img: 'Export',
save_doc: '保存圖像',
import_doc: 'Import Image',
align_to_page: 'Align Element to Page',
align_bottom: '底部對齊',
align_center: '居中對齊',
align_left: '向左對齊',
align_middle: '中間對齊',
align_right: '向右對齊',
align_top: '頂端對齊',
mode_select: '選擇工具',
mode_fhpath: '鉛筆工具',
mode_line: '線工具',
mode_rect: 'Rectangle Tool',
mode_square: 'Square Tool',
mode_fhrect: '徒手畫矩形',
mode_ellipse: '橢圓',
mode_circle: '圓',
mode_fhellipse: '徒手畫橢圓',
mode_path: '路徑工具',
mode_text: '文字工具',
mode_image: '圖像工具',
mode_zoom: '縮放工具',
no_embed: 'NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed',
undo: '取消復原',
redo: '復原',
tool_source: '編輯SVG原始碼',
wireframe_mode: '框線模式(只瀏覽線條)',
clone: 'Clone Element(s)',
del: 'Delete Element(s)',
group_elements: '群組',
make_link: 'Make (hyper)link',
set_link_url: 'Set link URL (leave empty to remove)',
to_path: '轉換成路徑',
reorient_path: '調整路徑',
ungroup: '取消群組',
docprops: '文件屬性',
move_bottom: '移至底部',
move_top: '移動到頂部',
node_clone: '增加節點',
node_delete: '刪除節點',
node_link: '將控制點連起來',
add_subpath: 'Add sub-path',
openclose_path: 'Open/close sub-path',
source_save: '保存',
cut: 'Cut',
copy: 'Copy',
paste: 'Paste',
paste_in_place: 'Paste in Place',
delete: 'Delete',
group: 'Group',
move_front: 'Bring to Front',
move_up: 'Bring Forward',
move_down: 'Send Backward',
move_back: 'Send to Back'
layers: {
layer: '圖層',
layers: 'Layers',
del: '刪除圖層',
move_down: '向下移動圖層',
new: '新增圖層',
rename: '重新命名圖層',
move_up: '向上移動圖層',
dupe: 'Duplicate Layer',
merge_down: 'Merge Down',
merge_all: 'Merge All',
move_elems_to: '移動物件到:',
move_selected: '移動被點選的物件其他圖層'
config: {
image_props: '圖片屬性',
doc_title: '標題',
doc_dims: '畫布大小',
included_images: '包含圖像',
image_opt_embed: '內嵌資料 (本地端檔案)',
image_opt_ref: '使用檔案參照',
editor_prefs: '編輯器屬性',
icon_size: '圖示大小',
language: '語言',
background: '編輯器背景',
editor_img_url: 'Image URL',
editor_bg_note: '注意: 編輯器背景不會和圖像一起儲存',
icon_large: '大',
icon_medium: '中',
icon_small: '小',
icon_xlarge: '特大',
select_predefined: '使用預設值:',
units_and_rulers: 'Units & Rulers',
show_rulers: 'Show rulers',
base_unit: 'Base Unit:',
grid: 'Grid',
snapping_onoff: 'Snapping on/off',
snapping_stepsize: 'Snapping Step-Size:',
grid_color: 'Grid color'
notification: {
invalidAttrValGiven: '數值給定錯誤',
noContentToFitTo: '找不到符合的內容',
dupeLayerName: '喔不!已經有另一個同樣名稱的圖層了!',
enterUniqueLayerName: '請輸入一個名稱不重複的',
enterNewLayerName: '請輸入新圖層的名稱',
layerHasThatName: '圖層本來就是這個名稱(抱怨)',
QmoveElemsToLayer: "要搬移所選取的物件到'%s'層嗎?",
QwantToClear: '要清空圖像嗎?\n這會順便清空你的回復紀錄',
(INCOMPLETE: ES6 Module conversion and linting) - Breaking change: Require `new` with `EmbeddedSVGEdit` (allows us to use `class` internally) - Breaking change: If `svgcanvas.setUiStrings` must now be called if not using editor in order to get strings (for sake of i18n) (and if using path.js alone, must also have its `setUiStrings` called) - Breaking change (ext-overview-window): Avoid global `overviewWindowGlobals` - Breaking change (ext-imagelib): Change to object-based encoding for namespacing of messages (though keep stringifying/parsing ourselves until we remove IE9 support) - Breaking change: Rename `jquery.js` to `jquery.min.js` - Breaking change: Remove `scoped` attribute from `style`; it is now deprecated and obsolete; also move to head (after other stylesheets) - Enhancement: Make SpinButton plugin independent of SVGEdit via generic state object for tool_scale - Enhancement: Remove now unused Python l10n scripts (#238) - Enhancement: ES6 Modules (including jQuery plugins but not jQuery) - Enhancement: Further JSDoc (incomplete) - Enhancement (Optimization): Compress images using imageoptim (and add npm script) (per #215) - Fix: i18nize path.js strings and canvas notifications - Fix: Attempt i18n for ext-markers - Refactoring (ext-storage): Move locale info to own file imported by the extension (toward modularity; still should be split into separate files by language and *dynamically* imported, but we'll wait for better `import` support to refactor this) - Refactoring: For imagelib, add local jQuery copy (using old 1.4.4 as had been using from server) - Refactoring: For MathJax, add local copy (using old 2.3 as had been using from server); server had not been working - Refactoring: Remove `use strict` (implicit in modules) - Refactoring: Remove trailing whitespace, fix some code within comments - Refactoring: Expect `jQuery` global rather than `$` for better modularity (also to adapt line later once available via `import`) - Refactoring: Prefer `const` (and then `let`) - Refactoring: Add block scope keywords closer to first block in which they appear - Refactoring: Use ES6 `class` - Refactoring `$.isArray` -> `Array.isArray` and avoid some other jQuery core methods with simple VanillaJS replacements - Refactoring: Use abbreviated object property syntax - Refactoring: Object destructuring - Refactoring: Remove `uiStrings` contents in svg-editor.js (obtains from locale) - Refactoring: Add favicon to embedded API file - Refactoring: Use arrow functions for brief functions (incomplete) - Refactoring: Use `Array.prototype.includes`/`String.prototype.includes`; `String.prototype.startsWith`, `String.prototype.trim` - Refactoring: Remove now unnecessary svgutils do/while resetting of variables - Refactoring: Use shorthand methods for object literals (avoid ": function") - Refactoring: Avoid quoting object property keys where unnecessary - Refactoring: Just do truthy/falsey check for lengths in place of comparison to 0 - Refactoring (Testing): Avoid jQuery usage within most test files (defer script, also in preparation for future switch to ES6 modules for tests) - Refactoring: Make jpicker variable declaration indent bearable - Refactoring (Linting): Finish svgcanvas.js - Docs: Mention in comment no longer an entry file as before - Docs: Migrate old config, extensions, and FAQ docs - Licensing: Indicate MIT is license type of rgbcolor; rename/add license file name for jgraduate and screencast to reflect type (Apache 2.0); rename file to reflect it contains license information (of type MIT) for Raphael icons
2018-05-18 03:25:45 +00:00
QwantToOpen: 'Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!',
QerrorsRevertToSource: 'SVG原始碼解析錯誤\n要回復到原本的SVG原始碼嗎',
QignoreSourceChanges: '要忽略對SVG原始碼的更動嗎',
featNotSupported: '未提供此功能',
enterNewImgURL: '輸入新的圖片網址',
(INCOMPLETE: ES6 Module conversion and linting) - Breaking change: Require `new` with `EmbeddedSVGEdit` (allows us to use `class` internally) - Breaking change: If `svgcanvas.setUiStrings` must now be called if not using editor in order to get strings (for sake of i18n) (and if using path.js alone, must also have its `setUiStrings` called) - Breaking change (ext-overview-window): Avoid global `overviewWindowGlobals` - Breaking change (ext-imagelib): Change to object-based encoding for namespacing of messages (though keep stringifying/parsing ourselves until we remove IE9 support) - Breaking change: Rename `jquery.js` to `jquery.min.js` - Breaking change: Remove `scoped` attribute from `style`; it is now deprecated and obsolete; also move to head (after other stylesheets) - Enhancement: Make SpinButton plugin independent of SVGEdit via generic state object for tool_scale - Enhancement: Remove now unused Python l10n scripts (#238) - Enhancement: ES6 Modules (including jQuery plugins but not jQuery) - Enhancement: Further JSDoc (incomplete) - Enhancement (Optimization): Compress images using imageoptim (and add npm script) (per #215) - Fix: i18nize path.js strings and canvas notifications - Fix: Attempt i18n for ext-markers - Refactoring (ext-storage): Move locale info to own file imported by the extension (toward modularity; still should be split into separate files by language and *dynamically* imported, but we'll wait for better `import` support to refactor this) - Refactoring: For imagelib, add local jQuery copy (using old 1.4.4 as had been using from server) - Refactoring: For MathJax, add local copy (using old 2.3 as had been using from server); server had not been working - Refactoring: Remove `use strict` (implicit in modules) - Refactoring: Remove trailing whitespace, fix some code within comments - Refactoring: Expect `jQuery` global rather than `$` for better modularity (also to adapt line later once available via `import`) - Refactoring: Prefer `const` (and then `let`) - Refactoring: Add block scope keywords closer to first block in which they appear - Refactoring: Use ES6 `class` - Refactoring `$.isArray` -> `Array.isArray` and avoid some other jQuery core methods with simple VanillaJS replacements - Refactoring: Use abbreviated object property syntax - Refactoring: Object destructuring - Refactoring: Remove `uiStrings` contents in svg-editor.js (obtains from locale) - Refactoring: Add favicon to embedded API file - Refactoring: Use arrow functions for brief functions (incomplete) - Refactoring: Use `Array.prototype.includes`/`String.prototype.includes`; `String.prototype.startsWith`, `String.prototype.trim` - Refactoring: Remove now unnecessary svgutils do/while resetting of variables - Refactoring: Use shorthand methods for object literals (avoid ": function") - Refactoring: Avoid quoting object property keys where unnecessary - Refactoring: Just do truthy/falsey check for lengths in place of comparison to 0 - Refactoring (Testing): Avoid jQuery usage within most test files (defer script, also in preparation for future switch to ES6 modules for tests) - Refactoring: Make jpicker variable declaration indent bearable - Refactoring (Linting): Finish svgcanvas.js - Docs: Mention in comment no longer an entry file as before - Docs: Migrate old config, extensions, and FAQ docs - Licensing: Indicate MIT is license type of rgbcolor; rename/add license file name for jgraduate and screencast to reflect type (Apache 2.0); rename file to reflect it contains license information (of type MIT) for Raphael icons
2018-05-18 03:25:45 +00:00
defsFailOnSave: 'NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.',
loadingImage: 'Loading image, please wait...',
saveFromBrowser: "Select 'Save As...' in your browser (possibly via file menu or right-click context-menu) to save this image as a %s file.",
(INCOMPLETE: ES6 Module conversion and linting) - Breaking change: Require `new` with `EmbeddedSVGEdit` (allows us to use `class` internally) - Breaking change: If `svgcanvas.setUiStrings` must now be called if not using editor in order to get strings (for sake of i18n) (and if using path.js alone, must also have its `setUiStrings` called) - Breaking change (ext-overview-window): Avoid global `overviewWindowGlobals` - Breaking change (ext-imagelib): Change to object-based encoding for namespacing of messages (though keep stringifying/parsing ourselves until we remove IE9 support) - Breaking change: Rename `jquery.js` to `jquery.min.js` - Breaking change: Remove `scoped` attribute from `style`; it is now deprecated and obsolete; also move to head (after other stylesheets) - Enhancement: Make SpinButton plugin independent of SVGEdit via generic state object for tool_scale - Enhancement: Remove now unused Python l10n scripts (#238) - Enhancement: ES6 Modules (including jQuery plugins but not jQuery) - Enhancement: Further JSDoc (incomplete) - Enhancement (Optimization): Compress images using imageoptim (and add npm script) (per #215) - Fix: i18nize path.js strings and canvas notifications - Fix: Attempt i18n for ext-markers - Refactoring (ext-storage): Move locale info to own file imported by the extension (toward modularity; still should be split into separate files by language and *dynamically* imported, but we'll wait for better `import` support to refactor this) - Refactoring: For imagelib, add local jQuery copy (using old 1.4.4 as had been using from server) - Refactoring: For MathJax, add local copy (using old 2.3 as had been using from server); server had not been working - Refactoring: Remove `use strict` (implicit in modules) - Refactoring: Remove trailing whitespace, fix some code within comments - Refactoring: Expect `jQuery` global rather than `$` for better modularity (also to adapt line later once available via `import`) - Refactoring: Prefer `const` (and then `let`) - Refactoring: Add block scope keywords closer to first block in which they appear - Refactoring: Use ES6 `class` - Refactoring `$.isArray` -> `Array.isArray` and avoid some other jQuery core methods with simple VanillaJS replacements - Refactoring: Use abbreviated object property syntax - Refactoring: Object destructuring - Refactoring: Remove `uiStrings` contents in svg-editor.js (obtains from locale) - Refactoring: Add favicon to embedded API file - Refactoring: Use arrow functions for brief functions (incomplete) - Refactoring: Use `Array.prototype.includes`/`String.prototype.includes`; `String.prototype.startsWith`, `String.prototype.trim` - Refactoring: Remove now unnecessary svgutils do/while resetting of variables - Refactoring: Use shorthand methods for object literals (avoid ": function") - Refactoring: Avoid quoting object property keys where unnecessary - Refactoring: Just do truthy/falsey check for lengths in place of comparison to 0 - Refactoring (Testing): Avoid jQuery usage within most test files (defer script, also in preparation for future switch to ES6 modules for tests) - Refactoring: Make jpicker variable declaration indent bearable - Refactoring (Linting): Finish svgcanvas.js - Docs: Mention in comment no longer an entry file as before - Docs: Migrate old config, extensions, and FAQ docs - Licensing: Indicate MIT is license type of rgbcolor; rename/add license file name for jgraduate and screencast to reflect type (Apache 2.0); rename file to reflect it contains license information (of type MIT) for Raphael icons
2018-05-18 03:25:45 +00:00
noteTheseIssues: 'Also note the following issues: ',
unsavedChanges: 'There are unsaved changes.',
enterNewLinkURL: 'Enter the new hyperlink URL',
errorLoadingSVG: 'Error: Unable to load SVG data',
URLloadFail: 'Unable to load from URL',
retrieving: 'Retrieving \'%s\' ...',
popupWindowBlocked: 'Popup window may be blocked by browser',
(INCOMPLETE: ES6 Module conversion and linting) - Breaking change: Require `new` with `EmbeddedSVGEdit` (allows us to use `class` internally) - Breaking change: If `svgcanvas.setUiStrings` must now be called if not using editor in order to get strings (for sake of i18n) (and if using path.js alone, must also have its `setUiStrings` called) - Breaking change (ext-overview-window): Avoid global `overviewWindowGlobals` - Breaking change (ext-imagelib): Change to object-based encoding for namespacing of messages (though keep stringifying/parsing ourselves until we remove IE9 support) - Breaking change: Rename `jquery.js` to `jquery.min.js` - Breaking change: Remove `scoped` attribute from `style`; it is now deprecated and obsolete; also move to head (after other stylesheets) - Enhancement: Make SpinButton plugin independent of SVGEdit via generic state object for tool_scale - Enhancement: Remove now unused Python l10n scripts (#238) - Enhancement: ES6 Modules (including jQuery plugins but not jQuery) - Enhancement: Further JSDoc (incomplete) - Enhancement (Optimization): Compress images using imageoptim (and add npm script) (per #215) - Fix: i18nize path.js strings and canvas notifications - Fix: Attempt i18n for ext-markers - Refactoring (ext-storage): Move locale info to own file imported by the extension (toward modularity; still should be split into separate files by language and *dynamically* imported, but we'll wait for better `import` support to refactor this) - Refactoring: For imagelib, add local jQuery copy (using old 1.4.4 as had been using from server) - Refactoring: For MathJax, add local copy (using old 2.3 as had been using from server); server had not been working - Refactoring: Remove `use strict` (implicit in modules) - Refactoring: Remove trailing whitespace, fix some code within comments - Refactoring: Expect `jQuery` global rather than `$` for better modularity (also to adapt line later once available via `import`) - Refactoring: Prefer `const` (and then `let`) - Refactoring: Add block scope keywords closer to first block in which they appear - Refactoring: Use ES6 `class` - Refactoring `$.isArray` -> `Array.isArray` and avoid some other jQuery core methods with simple VanillaJS replacements - Refactoring: Use abbreviated object property syntax - Refactoring: Object destructuring - Refactoring: Remove `uiStrings` contents in svg-editor.js (obtains from locale) - Refactoring: Add favicon to embedded API file - Refactoring: Use arrow functions for brief functions (incomplete) - Refactoring: Use `Array.prototype.includes`/`String.prototype.includes`; `String.prototype.startsWith`, `String.prototype.trim` - Refactoring: Remove now unnecessary svgutils do/while resetting of variables - Refactoring: Use shorthand methods for object literals (avoid ": function") - Refactoring: Avoid quoting object property keys where unnecessary - Refactoring: Just do truthy/falsey check for lengths in place of comparison to 0 - Refactoring (Testing): Avoid jQuery usage within most test files (defer script, also in preparation for future switch to ES6 modules for tests) - Refactoring: Make jpicker variable declaration indent bearable - Refactoring (Linting): Finish svgcanvas.js - Docs: Mention in comment no longer an entry file as before - Docs: Migrate old config, extensions, and FAQ docs - Licensing: Indicate MIT is license type of rgbcolor; rename/add license file name for jgraduate and screencast to reflect type (Apache 2.0); rename file to reflect it contains license information (of type MIT) for Raphael icons
2018-05-18 03:25:45 +00:00
exportNoBlur: 'Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred',
exportNoforeignObject: 'foreignObject elements will not appear',
exportNoDashArray: 'Strokes will appear filled',
exportNoText: 'Text may not appear as expected'
- Breaking change: Extension now formatted as export (and `this` is set to editor, including for `callback`) - Breaking change: Locale now formatted as export - Breaking change: Moved out remaining modular i18n (imagelib) to own folder - Breaking change: Drop `executeAfterLoads` (and getJSPDF/getCanvg) - Breaking change: `RGBColor` must accept `new` - Breaking change: canvg - `stackBlurCanvasRGBA` must be set now by function (`setStackBlurCanvasRGBA`) rather than global; `canvg` now a named export - Breaking change: Avoid passing `canvg`/`buildCanvgCallback` to extensions (have them import) - Fix: i18nize imaglib more deeply - Fix: Positioning of Document Properties dialog (Fixes #246) - Fix (regression): PDF Export (Fixes #249) - Fix (regression): Add polyfill for `ChildNode`/`ParentNode` (and use further) - Fix (regression): Apply Babel universally to dependencies - Fix (regression): Ordering of `uaPrefix` function in `svgEditor.js` - Fix (regression): Embedded API - Fix (embedded editor): Fix backspace key in Firefox so it doesn't navigate out of frame - Fix: Alert if no exportWindow for PDF (e.g., if blocked) - Refactoring( RGBColor) `RGBColor` as class, without rebuilding constants, optimize string replacement, move methods to prototype, use templates and object literals, use `Object.keys` - Refactoring (canvg) Use classes more internally, use shorthand objects; array extras, return to lazy-loading - Refactoring: Use Promises in place of `$.getScript`; always return Promises in case deciding to await resolving - Refactoring: Avoid importing `RGBColor` into `svgutils.js` (jsPDF imports it itself) - Refactoring: Arrow functions, destructuring, shorter property references - Refactoring: Fix `lang` and `dir` for locales (though not in use currently anyways) - Refactoring: Provide path config for canvg, jspdf
2018-06-02 01:14:38 +00:00