
171 lines
6.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
# Introduction
SVG-edit has several options that can be overridden either by adding URL
parameters or by setting the options in JavaScript (since v2.5).
Options may be divided into "config" (which is not meant to be customized
via UI by the user) and "preferences" (which are meant to be customized
by UI).
See the API definition of
[Config]{@link module:SVGEditor.Config}
for the allowable values, defaults, and uses of config.
See the API definition of [Preferences]{@link module:SVGEditor.Prefs}
for their information.
A few among these options related to paths are disallowed via URL though
they can still be set by `svgEditor.setConfig()` (since v2.7).
These are covered in the sections below.
One may preload a file. See "Preloading a file" below.
One may also configure stylesheets expected by the default HTML
(`svgedit-custom.css` (v3.0+) or `custom.css` (v2.8))).
One may also add stylesheets programmatically (since v3.0).
See "Customizing stylesheets" below.
## How to set the options
### Setting options programmatically
Options of either type can be set using `svgEditor.setConfig(options)`,
where `options` is an object literal of keys and values. This must be
run before the actual page or DOM is loaded, otherwise it will have no
Note that one may create a `svgedit-config-iife.js` file within the project
root directory as of v3.0 (or for v2.8, within `editor/config.js`) and
add such configuration directives to it without needing to modify the
repository editor code
dimensions: [320, 240],
canvas_expansion: 5,
initFill: {
color: '0000FF'
This will set the default width/height of the image, the size of the outside
canvas, and the default "fill" color.
#### Overwrite configuration
For programmatic config setting, one may optionally pass (another)
object to `.setConfig()` as the second argument to further adjust
configuration behavior.
If an `overwrite` boolean is set to `false` on this additional object,
it will, as occurs with all URL type configurations, prevent the current
configuration from overwriting any explicitly set previous configurations.
The default is `true` except for URLs which always are `false`.
If an `allowInitialUserOverride` boolean is set to `true`, this will allow
subsequent configuration overwriting via URL (e.g., if you want the
user to have the option to override certain of your (`svgedit-config-iife.js`)
`.setConfig()` directives via URL while still providing them with
your own default value, you should add this property).
### Setting options via URL
The same options from the "Setting options programmatically" section can be
set in the URL as follows:
## Priority of programmatically-set config vs. URL config
If options are set both using `.setConfig()` as well as in the URL, the
`.setConfig()` value will be used (as of v2.7). (The reverse was true in
previous versions but was changed for security reasons.)
See section "Overwrite configuration" above on changing this behavior.
## Note to developers of SVGEdit on preferences vs. configuration
Those items marked as preferences are intended to be configuration items
which can also be set via the UI (and specifically via Editor Options
except where mentioned). Config and preferences should therefore not
share the same name.
There are, however, some items set in the UI which are currently
stored as config, whereas a few "preferences" are not meant to be set
by the user. A future version may adjust these types.
## Preloading a file
It is possible to start the editor with preloaded SVG file, using either
of the following approahces.
### Preload a file (Programmatically)
One should bear in mind that if one wishes to immediately set a
particular string regardless of previous saves by the user, especially when
from the config file (`svgedit-config-iife.js` in v3.0 or `editor/config.js`
in v2.8) which runs early, one should first set the config option
`noStorageOnLoad` to `true` or otherwise any
previous local storage that is found will overwrite your own string.
Bear in mind that if this option is set, the user will be prevented thereby
from saving their own text locally.
If you wish to store a one-time default and let the user subsequently save
locally, you do not need to set `noStorageOnLoad` as storage will only be
set if storage is found.
// Serialized string:
svgEditor.loadFromString('<svg xmlns="...">...</svg>');
// Data URI:
// Local URL:
### Preload a file (by URL)
As a URL parameter, one can pre-load an SVG file in the following manner:
// Data URI
location.href += '?source=' + encodeURIComponent('data:image/svg+xml;utf8,' + svgText);
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
// Data URI (base 64):
location.href += '?source=' + encodeURIComponent('data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + svgTextAsBase64); // data%3Aimage%2Fsvg%2Bxml%3Bbase64%2C ...
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
// Local URL:
location.href += '?url=' + encodeURIComponent('images/logo.svg'); // images%2Flogo.svg
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
**Note:** There is currently a bug that prevents data URIs ending with
equals (=) characters from being parsed. Removing these characters seem
to allow the import to work as expected.
<!-- Todo: Is this still occurring? -->
## Customizing stylesheets
As of version 3.0, stylesheets can be indicated dynamically (and
asynchronously loaded though applied serially) via
`svgEditor.setConfig({stylesheets: [...]})`.
To add your own stylesheets along with the default stylesheets, ensure
`"@default"` is present in the array along with your own. For example:
svgEditor.setConfig({stylesheets: ['@default', 'myStylesheet.css']});
(In version 2.8, the CSS file `editor/custom.css` was included by default,
whether the file existed or not. With version 3.0, the move was made to
be fully modular and let plugins add their default stylesheets to
`$.loadingStylesheets` which SVGEdit would load dynamically, so that HTML
would not need to indicate such style-information in a non-modular fashion.)