
248 lines
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- Breaking change: Rename config file to `svgedit-config-iife.js` (or for the module version, `svgedit-config-es.js`); also expect one directory higher; incorporates #207 (@iuyiuy) - Breaking change: Separate `extIconsPath` from `extPath` (not copying over icons) - Breaking change: Don't reference `custom.css` in HTML; can instead be referenced in JavaScript through the config file (provided in `svgedit-config-sample-iife.js`/`svgedit-config-sample-es.js` as `svgedit-custom.css` for better namespacing); incorporates #207 (@iuyiuy) - Breaking change: Remove minified jgraduate/spinbtn files (minified within Rollup routine) - Fix: Zoom when scrolled; incorporates #169 (@AndrolGenhald), adapting for conventions; also allow avoidance when shift key pressed - Fix: Update Atom feed reference in HTML - Fixes related to recent commits: Some path and method name fixes needed, function order, missing methods, variable scope declaration, no need for DOMContentLoaded listeners in modules, switch back to non-default export, avoid trimming nullish, deal with mock tests, fix `math.matrixMultiply`, use jquery-svg where needed for array/SVG attributes; add babel-polyfill and defer script to imagelib; other misc. fixes - Enhancement: Move config-sample.js out of `editor` directory - Enhancement: For `callback`-style extensions, also provide config object; add following to that object: buildCanvgCallback, canvg, decode64, encode64, executeAfterLoads, getTypeMap, isChrome, ieIE, NS, text2xml - Enhancement: Complete ES6 modules work (extensions, locales, tests), along with Babel; make Node build routine for converting modular source to non-modular, use `loadStylesheets` for modular stylehsheet defining (but parallel loading); - Enhancement: Add `stylesheets` config for modular but parallel stylesheet loading with `@default` option for simple inclusion/exclusion of defaults (if not going with default). - Refactoring: Clean up `svg-editor.html`: consistent indents; avoid extra lbs, avoid long lines - Refactoring: Avoid embedded API adding inline JavaScript listener - Refactoring: Move layers and context code to `draw.js` - Refactoring: Move `pathActions` from `svgcanvas.js` (though preserve aliases to these methods on `canvas`) and `convertPath` from `svgutils.js` to `path.js` - Refactoring: Move `getStrokedBBox` from `svgcanvas.js` (while keeping an alias) to `svgutils.js` (as `getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible` to avoid conflict with existing) - Docs: Remove "dependencies" comments in code except where summarizing role of jQuery or a non-obvious dependency - Refactoring/Linting: Enfore `no-extra-semi` and `quote-props` rules - Refactoring: Further avoidance of quotes on properties (as possible) - Refactoring: Use `class` in place of functions where intended as classes - Refactoring: Consistency and granularity in extensions imports - Testing: Update QUnit to 2.6.1 (node_modules) and Sinon to 5.0.8 (and add sinon-test at 2.1.3) and enforce eslint-plugin-qunit linting rules; update custom extensions - Testing: Add node-static for automating (and accessing out-of-directory contents) - Testing: Avoid HTML attributes for styling - Testing: Add npm `test` script - Testing: Comment out unused jQuery SVG test - Testing: Add test1 and svgutils_performance_test to all tests page - Testing: Due apparently to Path having not been a formal class, the test was calling it without `new`; refactored now with sufficient mock data to take into account it is a class - npm: Update devDeps - npm: Add html modules and config build to test script
2018-05-22 10:03:16 +00:00
(function () {
'use strict';
lang: 'lang',
dir: 'dir',
common: {
ok: 'OK',
cancel: 'Cancel',
key_backspace: 'Backspace',
key_del: 'Del',
key_down: 'Down',
key_up: 'Up',
more_opts: 'more_opts',
url: 'url',
width: 'width',
height: 'height'
misc: {
powered_by: 'powered_by'
ui: {
toggle_stroke_tools: 'toggle_stroke_tools',
palette_info: 'palette_info',
zoom_level: 'zoom_level',
panel_drag: 'panel_drag',
quality: 'Quality:',
pathNodeTooltip: 'Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type',
pathCtrlPtTooltip: 'Drag control point to adjust curve properties'
properties: {
id: 'id',
fill_color: 'fill_color',
stroke_color: 'stroke_color',
stroke_style: 'stroke_style',
stroke_width: 'stroke_width',
pos_x: 'pos_x',
pos_y: 'pos_y',
linecap_butt: 'linecap_butt',
linecap_round: 'linecap_round',
linecap_square: 'linecap_square',
linejoin_bevel: 'linejoin_bevel',
linejoin_miter: 'linejoin_miter',
linejoin_round: 'linejoin_round',
angle: 'angle',
blur: 'blur',
opacity: 'opacity',
circle_cx: 'circle_cx',
circle_cy: 'circle_cy',
circle_r: 'circle_r',
ellipse_cx: 'ellipse_cx',
ellipse_cy: 'ellipse_cy',
ellipse_rx: 'ellipse_rx',
ellipse_ry: 'ellipse_ry',
line_x1: 'line_x1',
line_x2: 'line_x2',
line_y1: 'line_y1',
line_y2: 'line_y2',
rect_height: 'rect_height',
rect_width: 'rect_width',
corner_radius: 'corner_radius',
image_width: 'image_width',
image_height: 'image_height',
image_url: 'image_url',
node_x: 'node_x',
node_y: 'node_y',
seg_type: 'seg_type',
straight_segments: 'straight_segments',
curve_segments: 'curve_segments',
text_contents: 'text_contents',
font_family: 'font_family',
font_size: 'font_size',
bold: 'bold',
italic: 'italic'
tools: {
main_menu: 'main_menu',
bkgnd_color_opac: 'bkgnd_color_opac',
connector_no_arrow: 'connector_no_arrow',
fitToContent: 'fitToContent',
fit_to_all: 'fit_to_all',
fit_to_canvas: 'fit_to_canvas',
fit_to_layer_content: 'fit_to_layer_content',
fit_to_sel: 'fit_to_sel',
align_relative_to: 'align_relative_to',
relativeTo: 'relativeTo',
page: 'page',
largest_object: 'largest_object',
selected_objects: 'selected_objects',
smallest_object: 'smallest_object',
new_doc: 'new_doc',
open_doc: 'open_doc',
export_img: 'export_img',
save_doc: 'save_doc',
import_doc: 'import_doc',
align_to_page: 'align_to_page',
align_bottom: 'align_bottom',
align_center: 'align_center',
align_left: 'align_left',
align_middle: 'align_middle',
align_right: 'align_right',
align_top: 'align_top',
mode_select: 'mode_select',
mode_fhpath: 'mode_fhpath',
mode_line: 'mode_line',
mode_connect: 'mode_connect',
mode_rect: 'mode_rect',
mode_square: 'mode_square',
mode_fhrect: 'mode_fhrect',
mode_ellipse: 'mode_ellipse',
mode_circle: 'mode_circle',
mode_fhellipse: 'mode_fhellipse',
mode_path: 'mode_path',
mode_shapelib: 'mode_shapelib',
mode_text: 'mode_text',
mode_image: 'mode_image',
mode_zoom: 'mode_zoom',
mode_eyedropper: 'mode_eyedropper',
no_embed: 'no_embed',
undo: 'undo',
redo: 'redo',
tool_source: 'tool_source',
wireframe_mode: 'wireframe_mode',
toggle_grid: 'toggle_grid',
clone: 'clone',
del: 'del',
group_elements: 'group_elements',
make_link: 'make_link',
set_link_url: 'set_link_url',
to_path: 'to_path',
reorient_path: 'reorient_path',
ungroup: 'ungroup',
docprops: 'docprops',
imagelib: 'imagelib',
move_bottom: 'move_bottom',
move_top: 'move_top',
node_clone: 'node_clone',
node_delete: 'node_delete',
node_link: 'node_link',
add_subpath: 'add_subpath',
openclose_path: 'openclose_path',
source_save: 'source_save',
cut: 'cut',
copy: 'copy',
paste: 'paste',
paste_in_place: 'paste_in_place',
delete: 'delete',
group: 'group',
move_front: 'move_front',
move_up: 'move_up',
move_down: 'move_down',
move_back: 'move_back'
layers: {
layer: 'Layer',
layers: 'layers',
del: 'del',
move_down: 'move_down',
new: 'new',
rename: 'rename',
move_up: 'move_up',
dupe: 'dupe',
merge_down: 'merge_down',
merge_all: 'merge_all',
move_elems_to: 'move_elems_to',
move_selected: 'move_selected'
config: {
image_props: 'image_props',
doc_title: 'doc_title',
doc_dims: 'doc_dims',
included_images: 'included_images',
image_opt_embed: 'image_opt_embed',
image_opt_ref: 'image_opt_ref',
editor_prefs: 'editor_prefs',
icon_size: 'icon_size',
language: 'language',
background: 'background',
editor_img_url: 'editor_img_url',
editor_bg_note: 'editor_bg_note',
icon_large: 'icon_large',
icon_medium: 'icon_medium',
icon_small: 'icon_small',
icon_xlarge: 'icon_xlarge',
select_predefined: 'select_predefined',
units_and_rulers: 'units_and_rulers',
show_rulers: 'show_rulers',
base_unit: 'base_unit',
grid: 'grid',
snapping_onoff: 'snapping_onoff',
snapping_stepsize: 'snapping_stepsize',
grid_color: 'grid_color'
shape_cats: {
basic: 'basic',
object: 'object',
symbol: 'symbol',
arrow: 'arrow',
flowchart: 'flowchart',
animal: 'animal',
game: 'game',
dialog_balloon: 'dialog_balloon',
electronics: 'electronics',
math: 'math',
music: 'music',
misc: 'misc',
raphael_1: 'raphael_1',
raphael_2: 'raphael_2'
imagelib: {
select_lib: 'select_lib',
show_list: 'show_list',
import_single: 'import_single',
import_multi: 'import_multi',
open: 'open'
notification: {
invalidAttrValGiven: 'Invalid value given',
noContentToFitTo: 'No content to fit to',
dupeLayerName: 'There is already a layer named that!',
enterUniqueLayerName: 'Please enter a unique layer name',
enterNewLayerName: 'Please enter the new layer name',
layerHasThatName: 'Layer already has that name',
QmoveElemsToLayer: "Opravdu chcete přesunout vybrané objekty do vrstvy '%s'?",
QwantToClear: 'Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!',
QwantToOpen: 'Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!',
QerrorsRevertToSource: 'There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?',
QignoreSourceChanges: 'Ignore changes made to SVG source?',
featNotSupported: 'Feature not supported',
enterNewImgURL: 'Enter the new image URL',
defsFailOnSave: 'NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.',
loadingImage: 'Loading image, please wait...',
saveFromBrowser: 'Select \'Save As...\' in your browser (possibly via file menu or right-click context-menu) to save this image as a %s file.',
- Breaking change: Rename config file to `svgedit-config-iife.js` (or for the module version, `svgedit-config-es.js`); also expect one directory higher; incorporates #207 (@iuyiuy) - Breaking change: Separate `extIconsPath` from `extPath` (not copying over icons) - Breaking change: Don't reference `custom.css` in HTML; can instead be referenced in JavaScript through the config file (provided in `svgedit-config-sample-iife.js`/`svgedit-config-sample-es.js` as `svgedit-custom.css` for better namespacing); incorporates #207 (@iuyiuy) - Breaking change: Remove minified jgraduate/spinbtn files (minified within Rollup routine) - Fix: Zoom when scrolled; incorporates #169 (@AndrolGenhald), adapting for conventions; also allow avoidance when shift key pressed - Fix: Update Atom feed reference in HTML - Fixes related to recent commits: Some path and method name fixes needed, function order, missing methods, variable scope declaration, no need for DOMContentLoaded listeners in modules, switch back to non-default export, avoid trimming nullish, deal with mock tests, fix `math.matrixMultiply`, use jquery-svg where needed for array/SVG attributes; add babel-polyfill and defer script to imagelib; other misc. fixes - Enhancement: Move config-sample.js out of `editor` directory - Enhancement: For `callback`-style extensions, also provide config object; add following to that object: buildCanvgCallback, canvg, decode64, encode64, executeAfterLoads, getTypeMap, isChrome, ieIE, NS, text2xml - Enhancement: Complete ES6 modules work (extensions, locales, tests), along with Babel; make Node build routine for converting modular source to non-modular, use `loadStylesheets` for modular stylehsheet defining (but parallel loading); - Enhancement: Add `stylesheets` config for modular but parallel stylesheet loading with `@default` option for simple inclusion/exclusion of defaults (if not going with default). - Refactoring: Clean up `svg-editor.html`: consistent indents; avoid extra lbs, avoid long lines - Refactoring: Avoid embedded API adding inline JavaScript listener - Refactoring: Move layers and context code to `draw.js` - Refactoring: Move `pathActions` from `svgcanvas.js` (though preserve aliases to these methods on `canvas`) and `convertPath` from `svgutils.js` to `path.js` - Refactoring: Move `getStrokedBBox` from `svgcanvas.js` (while keeping an alias) to `svgutils.js` (as `getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible` to avoid conflict with existing) - Docs: Remove "dependencies" comments in code except where summarizing role of jQuery or a non-obvious dependency - Refactoring/Linting: Enfore `no-extra-semi` and `quote-props` rules - Refactoring: Further avoidance of quotes on properties (as possible) - Refactoring: Use `class` in place of functions where intended as classes - Refactoring: Consistency and granularity in extensions imports - Testing: Update QUnit to 2.6.1 (node_modules) and Sinon to 5.0.8 (and add sinon-test at 2.1.3) and enforce eslint-plugin-qunit linting rules; update custom extensions - Testing: Add node-static for automating (and accessing out-of-directory contents) - Testing: Avoid HTML attributes for styling - Testing: Add npm `test` script - Testing: Comment out unused jQuery SVG test - Testing: Add test1 and svgutils_performance_test to all tests page - Testing: Due apparently to Path having not been a formal class, the test was calling it without `new`; refactored now with sufficient mock data to take into account it is a class - npm: Update devDeps - npm: Add html modules and config build to test script
2018-05-22 10:03:16 +00:00
noteTheseIssues: 'Also note the following issues: ',
unsavedChanges: 'There are unsaved changes.',
enterNewLinkURL: 'Enter the new hyperlink URL',
errorLoadingSVG: 'Error: Unable to load SVG data',
URLloadFail: 'Unable to load from URL',
retrieving: 'Retrieving \'%s\' ...',
exportNoBlur: 'Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred',
exportNoforeignObject: 'foreignObject elements will not appear',
exportNoDashArray: 'Strokes will appear filled',
exportNoText: 'Text may not appear as expected'