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/* eslint-disable max-len, no-console */
import SvgCanvas from '../../../packages/svgcanvas/svgcanvas.js'
describe('Basic Module', function () {
// helper functions
const isIdentity = function (m) {
return (m.a === 1 && m.b === 0 && m.c === 0 && m.d === 1 && m.e === 0 && m.f === 0);
const matrixString = function (m) {
return [m.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e, m.f].join(',');
let svgCanvas
// svgroot = document.getElementById('svgroot'),
// svgdoc = svgroot.documentElement,
svgns = ''
const xlinkns = ''
beforeEach(() => {
document.body.textContent = ''
const svgEditor = document.createElement('div') = 'svg_editor'
const svgcanvas = document.createElement('div') = 'hidden' = 'svgcanvas'
const workarea = document.createElement('div') = 'workarea'
const toolsLeft = document.createElement('div') = 'tools_left'
svgEditor.append(workarea, toolsLeft)
svgCanvas = new SvgCanvas(
document.getElementById('svgcanvas'), {
canvas_expansion: 3,
dimensions: [640, 480],
initFill: {
color: 'FF0000', // solid red
opacity: 1
initStroke: {
width: 5,
color: '000000', // solid black
opacity: 1
initOpacity: 1,
imgPath: '../editor/images',
langPath: 'locale/',
extPath: 'extensions/',
extensions: ['ext-arrows.js', 'ext-eyedropper.js'],
initTool: 'select',
wireframe: false
it('Test existence of SvgCanvas object', function () {
assert.equal(typeof {}, typeof svgCanvas)
describe('Path Module', function () {
it('Test path conversion from absolute to relative', function () {
const convert = svgCanvas.pathActions.convertPath
// TODO: Test these paths:
// "m400.00491,625.01379a1.78688,1.78688 0 1 1-3.57373,0a1.78688,1.78688 0 1 13.57373,0z"
// "m36.812,15.8566c-28.03099,0 -26.28099,12.15601 -26.28099,12.15601l0.03099,12.59399h26.75v3.781h-37.37399c0,0 -17.938,-2.034 -133.00001,26.25c115.06201,28.284 130.71801,27.281 130.71801,27.281h9.34399v-13.125c0,0 -0.504,-15.656 15.40601,-15.656h26.532c0,0 14.90599,0.241 14.90599,-14.406v-24.219c0,0 2.263,-14.65601 -27.032,-14.65601zm-14.75,8.4684c2.662,0 4.813,2.151 4.813,4.813c0,2.661 -2.151,4.812 -4.813,4.812c-2.661,0 -4.812,-2.151 -4.812,-4.812c0,-2.662 2.151,-4.813 4.812,-4.813z"
// "m 0,0 l 200,0 l 0,100 L 0,100"
"<svg xmlns='' width='400' x='300'>" +
"<path id='p1' d='M100,100 L200,100 L100,100Z'/>" +
"<path id='p2' d='m 0,0 l 200,0 l 0,100 L 0,100'/>" +
const p1 = document.getElementById('p1')
const p2 = document.getElementById('p2')
const dAbs = p1.getAttribute('d')
const seglist = p1.pathSegList
assert.equal(p1.nodeName, 'path', "Expected 'path', got")
assert.equal(seglist.numberOfItems, 4, 'Number of segments before conversion')
// verify segments before conversion
let curseg = seglist.getItem(0)
assert.equal(curseg.pathSegTypeAsLetter.toUpperCase(), 'M', 'Before conversion, segment #1 type')
curseg = seglist.getItem(1)
assert.equal(curseg.pathSegTypeAsLetter.toUpperCase(), 'L', 'Before conversion, segment #2 type')
curseg = seglist.getItem(3)
assert.equal(curseg.pathSegTypeAsLetter.toUpperCase(), 'Z', 'Before conversion, segment #3 type' + dAbs)
// convert and verify segments
let d = convert(p1, true)
assert.equal(d, 'm100,100l100,0l-100,0z', 'Converted path to relative string')
// TODO: see why this isn't working in SVG-edit
d = convert(p2, true)
console.log('Convert true', d)
d = convert(p2, false)
console.log('Convert false', d)
describe('Import Module', function () {
it('Test import use', function () {
"<svg xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' width='400' x='300'>" +
"<rect id='the-rect' width='200' height='200'/>" +
"<use id='the-use' xlink:href='#the-rect'/>" +
"<use id='foreign-use' xlink:href='somefile.svg#the-rect'/>" +
"<use id='no-use'/>" +
const u = document.getElementById('the-use')
const fu = document.getElementById('foreign-use')
const nfu = document.getElementById('no-use')
assert.equal((u && u.nodeName), 'use', 'Did not import <use> element')
assert.equal(fu, null, 'Removed <use> element that had a foreign href')
assert.equal(nfu, null, 'Removed <use> element that had no href')
// This test shows that an element with an invalid attribute is still parsed in properly
// and only the attribute is not imported
it('Test invalid attribute', function () {
'<svg width="640" height="480" xmlns="">' +
'<text x="182.75" y="173.5" id="the-text" fill="#008000" font-size="150" font-family="serif" text-anchor="middle" d="M116,222 L110,108">words</text>' +
const t = document.getElementById('the-text')
assert.equal((t && t.nodeName), 'text', 'Did not import <text> element')
assert.equal(t.getAttribute('d'), null, 'Imported a <text> with a d attribute')
// This test makes sure import/export properly handles namespaced attributes
it('Test importing/exporting namespaced attributes', function () {
/* const setStr = */ svgCanvas.setSvgString(
'<svg width="640" height="480" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:se="" xmlns:foo="">' +
'<image xlink:href="/src/editor/images/logo.svg"/>' +
'<polyline id="se_test_elem" se:foo="bar" foo:bar="baz"/>' +
const attrVal = document.getElementById('se_test_elem').getAttributeNS('', 'foo')
assert.strictEqual(attrVal, 'bar', true, 'Preserved namespaced attribute on import')
const output = svgCanvas.getSvgString()
const hasXlink = output.includes('xmlns:xlink=""')
const hasSe = output.includes('xmlns:se=')
const hasFoo = output.includes('xmlns:foo=')
const hasAttr = output.includes('se:foo="bar"')
assert.equal(hasAttr, true, 'Preserved namespaced attribute on export')
assert.equal(hasXlink, true, 'Included xlink: xmlns')
assert.equal(hasSe, true, 'Included se: xmlns')
assert.equal(hasFoo, false, 'Did not include foo: xmlns')
it('Test import math elements inside a foreignObject', function () {
/* const set = */ svgCanvas.setSvgString(
'<svg width="640" height="480" xmlns="" xmlns:se="" xmlns:xlink="">' +
'<foreignObject id="fo" width="24" height="26" font-size="24"><math id="m" display="inline" xmlns="">' +
'<msub>' +
'<mi>A</mi>' +
'<mn>0</mn>' +
'</msub>' +
'</math>' +
'</foreignObject>' +
const fo = document.getElementById('fo')
// we cannot use getElementById('math') because not all browsers understand MathML and do not know to use the @id attribute
// see Bug
const math = fo.firstChild
assert.equal(Boolean(math), true, 'Math element exists')
assert.equal(math.nodeName, 'math', 'Math element has the proper nodeName')
assert.equal(math.getAttribute('id'), 'm', 'Math element has an id')
assert.equal(math.namespaceURI, '', 'Preserved MathML namespace')
it('Test importing SVG into existing drawing', function () {
/* const doc = */ svgCanvas.setSvgString(
'<svg width="640" height="480" xmlns="">' +
'<g><title>Layer 1</title>' +
'<circle cx="200" cy="200" r="50" fill="blue"/>' +
'<ellipse cx="300" cy="100" rx="40" ry="30" fill="green"/>' +
'</g>' +
'<svg width="100" height="100" xmlns="">' +
'<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="yellow"/>' +
'<rect width="20" height="20" fill="blue"/>' +
const svgContent = document.getElementById('svgcontent')
const circles = svgContent.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, 'circle')
const rects = svgContent.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, 'rect')
const ellipses = svgContent.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, 'ellipse')
assert.equal(circles.length, 2, 'Found two circles upon importing')
assert.equal(rects.length, 1, 'Found one rectangle upon importing')
assert.equal(ellipses.length, 1, 'Found one ellipse upon importing')
it('Test importing SVG remaps IDs', function () {
/* const doc = */ svgCanvas.setSvgString(
'<svg width="640" height="480" xmlns="">' +
'<g><title>Layer 1</title>' +
'<ellipse id="svg_1" cx="200" cy="200" rx="50" ry="20" fill="blue"/>' +
'<ellipse id="svg_2" cx="300" cy="100" rx="40" ry="30" fill="green"/>' +
'<ellipse id="svg_3" cx="300" cy="100" rx="40" ry="30" fill="green"/>' +
'</g>' +
'<svg width="100" height="100" xmlns="" xmlns:xl="">' +
'<defs>' +
'<linearGradient id="svg_2">' +
'<stop stop-color="red" offset="0"/>' +
'<stop stop-color="green" offset="1"/>' +
'</linearGradient>' +
'<rect id="svg_3" width="20" height="20" fill="blue" stroke="url(#svg_2)"/>' +
'</defs>' +
'<circle id="svg_1" cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="url(#svg_2)"/>' +
'<use id="svg_4" width="30" height="30" xl:href="#svg_3"/>' +
const svgContent = document.getElementById('svgcontent')
const circles = svgContent.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, 'circle')
const rects = svgContent.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, 'rect')
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// ellipses = svgContent.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, 'ellipse'),
const defs = svgContent.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, 'defs')
2021-12-25 20:25:12 +00:00
// grads = svgContent.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, 'linearGradient'),
const uses = svgContent.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, 'use')
assert.notEqual(circles.item(0).id, 'svg_1', 'Circle not re-identified')
assert.notEqual(rects.item(0).id, 'svg_3', 'Rectangle not re-identified')
// TODO: determine why this test fails in WebKit browsers
// assert.equal(grads.length, 1, 'Linear gradient imported');
const grad = defs.item(0).firstChild
assert.notEqual(, 'svg_2', 'Linear gradient not re-identified')
assert.notEqual(circles.item(0).getAttribute('fill'), 'url(#svg_2)', 'Circle fill value not remapped')
assert.notEqual(rects.item(0).getAttribute('stroke'), 'url(#svg_2)', 'Rectangle stroke value not remapped')
assert.notEqual(uses.item(0).getAttributeNS(xlinkns, 'href'), '#svg_3')