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## ?
2019-11-30 03:59:55 +00:00
- License: Relicense ext-mathjax from Apache-2.0 to MIT per
- License: Clarify in `@license` that `ext-server_moinsave.js` is
"(MIT OR GPL-2.0-or-later)" per subsequent text
- License: Reorder license listing in `jquery.contextMenu.js` so
that more permissive is noticeable first
- Fix (Accessibility): Avoid duplicate IDs
2019-11-30 03:59:55 +00:00
- Optimization: Remove unused `jquery-ui-1.8.custom.min.js` file
- Linting (ESLint): Simplify regexes
- Linting (ESLint): Replace `innerHTML` with `textContent` from old demo
2019-11-23 15:52:39 +00:00
- Testing: Switch to Cypress with code coverage for UI testing;
use ESM version for faster debugging
2019-11-23 15:54:55 +00:00
- Testing: Add map file for underscore
- Testing: Separate tests into unit/ui; split UI tests by specific domain;
setup browser-bug folder and ui issues folder
- Testing: Create test utilities for selecting English and visiting and
approving storage
- npm: Add rimraf toward supporting Windows development (needed for
building docs and instrumenting)
- npm: Update scripts to reflect removal of `all_tests.html`;
remove `browser-test` script
- npm: Update devDeps, peerDeps
## 5.1.0
- Deprecated: Should now use `avoidClientSideDownload` in place of
`avoidClientSide` (config for `ext-server_opensave.js`).
2019-11-16 02:48:09 +00:00
- Fix: IE 11 issue; fixes #363
- Fix: Avoid race condition in `jQuery.svgIcons.js` (evident
when attempting to load from `file:` URL in Chrome)
2019-11-16 02:48:09 +00:00
- Fix: Input width (@seahindeniz)
- Fix: Use change event to be sure that file is loaded before
the function (@Moliman)
- Enhancement: Added `avoidClientSideOpen` config for
- Optimization: Re-rerun image optimization per update
- Linting (ESLint): Adjust per now applied rules
- Linting (ESLint): Add HTML files to linting
- Linting (ESLint): Avoid shadowing
2019-11-16 02:48:09 +00:00
- Linting: Assorted changes; ensure license versions are valid semver
- Refactoring: Use `static` keyword for classes
2019-11-16 02:48:09 +00:00
- Refactoring: Prefer `for...of`, `event.key` (newly enforced linting)
- Refactoring: Better var. names
- Testing: Accessibility test API update
- Docs: Clarify need for Node.js/npm being installed
- Build: Remove `types-docs` script as being handled in ESLint
- Maintenance: Add `.editorconfig`
2019-10-01 09:34:52 +00:00
- npm: Add script to fix eslint errors
2019-11-16 02:48:09 +00:00
- npm: Rename `build-config` to `build-by-config`
2019-07-14 14:35:16 +00:00
- npm: Update devDeps (including switching from deprecated opn-cli
package to open-cli); update core-js-bundle copy; add new
axe testing peer dep. axe-core in devDeps
## 5.0.0
- Breaking change: Switch from deprecated `@babel/polyfill` to
`core-js-bundle` and `regenerator-runtime` replacements
- Build: Require Node 8.5
- Fix: Ensure PHP files are present in `dist/extensions` alongside
2019-04-18 14:01:21 +00:00
JavaScript extension files using them
- Fix: Bug in obtaining `extPath` in `ext-server_opensave.js`
- Fix: Fully redirect extension entrances for lacking browser support
- Enhancement: Add config `avoidClientSide` to avoid using
client-side support by default (and always require server)
- Enhancement: Return a Promise for Editor's `setCustomHandlers`,
`loadFromString`, `loadFromDataURI` so known when ready and set
- Refactoring: Destructuring, templates, label Unicode code point
- Linting (JSDoc): Update per newly enforced `require-returns`; avoid
Closure syntax; reenable `jsdoc/valid-jsdoc` as fixed; notes
re: valid-jsdoc replacement; use same namepath
- Linting: Update per ash-nazg/plugin-node update
- Docs: Simplify comments in HTML files re: script purposes
- Docs: Update release instructions
- Docs (Refactoring): Formally specify `Promise` resolve type;
add `typedef` for dialog result object; add an
`ArbitraryCallbackResult` type; prefer `void`
- npm: Rename (`build-doc` to `build-docs`, `types-doc` to
`types-docs`); add `open-docs` script
- npm: Update devDeps
- npm: Remove unused devDeps; update insecure devDeps
## 4.3.0
- Fix: Droplets for gradient pickers can now be double-clicked in
other browsers in addition to Firefox such as Chrome
to allow change of color (fixes #181) (@ajinkyas);
may be different between the browsers as a result of
- Fix: Delay icon setting until locales available (fixes #323)
2019-03-05 14:20:03 +00:00
- Fix: Extension with no `placement` to be added to end;
for #326 (@sjernigan)
- Fix: Error on dragging control point of arc; fixes #268 (@cuixiping)
- Fix: With locales loading before extensions, ensure extensions'
`langReady` runs properly; fixes #334 (@cuixiping)
- Optimization fix: Properly run code conditionally on browser check;
fixes #312 (@ianli-sc)
- Enhancement: Add CAD Placemark extension (@NeiroNx)
- Enhancement (svgIcons): Fix JSDoc param def; add `alt` options
- Accessibility: Begin work, add aria-label to some buttons and
form controls; add `role=main`; `<img alt>`; `<iframe title>`
- i18n: Add `lang` attribute
- Refactoring: lbs, simplify i18nized element retrieval call
2019-03-16 11:38:33 +00:00
- Refactoring: Make dialog OK button retrievable locale-independently
via a `data-ok` attribute (using for testing)
- Linting (ESLint): Update polyfills to new compat rules of
eslint-config-ash-nazg and adhere to new rules (prefer `for-of`
(or array methods) to `for`, catch preferred `includes` to `indexOf`);
avoid `no-zero-fractions` rule for now
- Testing (UI Refactoring): Abstract out to helper file functions
2019-03-16 11:38:33 +00:00
- Testing (UI Refactoring): Avoid testing being locale-dependent;
approve storage (and set locale to English) before each test
- Testing: Avoid reporting meta-viewport (have own zooming
controls and difficult to fix)
- Testing: Skip js errors in Testcafe; we're getting some uncaught
error despite not replicating manually; should file a Testcafe issue
- Docs: Some JSDoc descriptions, JSDoc spacing, fix svgIcons
param def
- Docs (Accessibility): Refer to known issues
- npm: Update devDeps; update nested deps for security audit; remove
one unneeded)
## 4.2.0
- Fix: Problem with retaining lines with grid mode (@NeiroNx)
- l10n: Add Chinese (simplified) extension locales (@enlove)
- l10n: Add Russian translation to some strings (@NeiroNx)
- Refactoring: Avoid Firefox console errors with hidden iframe
- npm: Update devDeps
## 4.1.0
- Fix: Avoid cross-frame unsafe `instanceof`
- Enhancement: Add svgcanvas distributions
- Demo: Rename import to match named dist export
- Linting (ESLint): Prefer `addEventListener`, exponentiation operator,
avoiding catastrophic regexes, prefer spread, prefer
`startsWith`/`endsWith`, no fn ref in iterator
- npm: Update devDeps
## 4.0.1
- Fix: Adjust side panel width checking based on device zoom (fixes #298)
- Fix (regression): RGBColor
## 4.0.0
- Breaking change: `loadSvgString` now returns a `Promise` rather than accepting a callback - Breaking change: Treat callbacks to `editor.ready` as Promises, only resolving after all resolve - Breaking change: Make `editor.runCallbacks` return a `Promise` which resolves upon all callbacks resolving - Breaking change: Require `npx` (used with `babel-node`) to allow Node files for HTML building and JSDoc type checking to be expressed as ESM. - Breaking change: `addExtension` now throws upon a repeated attempt to add an already-added extension - Breaking change (storage preference cookies): Namespace the cookie as "svgeditstore" instead of just "store" - Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.rasterExport` fourth (callback) argument, collapsing fifth (options) to fourth - Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.exportPDF` third (callback) argument - Breaking change (API): `editor/contextmenu.js` `add` now throws instead of giving a console error only upon detecting a bad menuitem or preexisting context menu - Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.embedImage` second (callback) argument - Breaking change (API): Make `getHelpXML` a class instead of instance method of `RGBColor` - Breaking change (internal API): Refactor `dbox` (and `alert`/`confirm`/`process`/`prompt`/`select`) to avoid a callback argument in favor of return a Promise - Fix: Avoid running in extension `langReady` multiple times or serially - Enhancement (API): Add svgCanvas.runExtension to run just one extension and add `nameFilter` callback to `runExtensions` - Enhancement (API): Supply `$` (our wrapped jQuery) to extensions so can use its plugins, e.g., dbox with its `alert` - Enhancement: Use alert dialog in place of `alert` in webappfind - Enhancement: `editor.ready` now returns a Promise resolving when all callbacks have resolved - Enhancement: Allow `noAlert` option as part of second argument to `loadSvgString` (and `loadFromURL` and `loadFromDataURI`) to avoid UI alert (and trigger promise rejection) - Enhancement: Make `dbox` as a separate module for alert, prompt, etc. dialogs - Refactoring: Internal `PaintBox` as class; other misc. tweaks; no bitwise in canvg - Linting (ESLint): Further linting changes (for editor); rename `.eslintrc` -> `.eslintrc.json` per recommendation - Optimization: Recompress images (imageoptim-cli updated) - npm: Update devDeps - npm: Bump to 4.0.0
2018-11-08 06:48:01 +00:00
- Breaking change (storage preference cookies): Namespace the cookie as
"svgeditstore" instead of just "store"
- Breaking change: `loadSvgString` now returns a `Promise` rather than
accepting a callback.
- Breaking change: Treat callbacks to `editor.ready` as Promises, only
resolving after all resolve. May require no changes unless for timing.
- Breaking change: Make `editor.runCallbacks` return a `Promise` which
resolves upon all callbacks resolving.
- Breaking change: Require `npx` (used with `babel-node`) to allow Node files
for HTML building and JSDoc type checking to be expressed as ESM.
- Breaking change: `addExtension` now throws upon a repeated attempt to
add an already-added extension
- Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.rasterExport` fourth (callback)
argument, collapsing fifth (options) to fourth
- Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.exportPDF` third (callback)
- Breaking change (API): `editor/contextmenu.js` `add` now throws instead
of giving a console error only upon detecting a bad menuitem or
preexisting context menu
- Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.embedImage` second (callback)
- Breaking change (API): Make `getHelpXML` a class instead of instance method
of `RGBColor`
- Breaking change (internal API): Refactor `dbox` (and
`alert`/`confirm`/`process`/`prompt`/`select`) to avoid a callback argument
in favor of returning a Promise
- Breaking internal API change: `updateGripCursor` moved to be class method
of Selector rather than instance method
- Breaking internal API change: `subpathIsClosed` moved to be class method
of `Path` rather than instance method
- Fix: Avoid running in extension `langReady` multiple times or serially
- Enhancement (API): Add `svgCanvas.runExtension` to run just one extension and
add `nameFilter` callback to `runExtensions`
- Enhancement (API): Supply `$` (our wrapped jQuery) to extensions so can use
its plugins, e.g., dbox with its `alert`
- Enhancement: Use alert dialog in place of `alert` in webappfind
- Enhancement: `editor.ready` now returns a Promise resolving when all
callbacks have resolved
- Enhancement: Allow `noAlert` option as part of second argument to
`loadSvgString` (and `loadFromURL` and `loadFromDataURI`) to avoid UI
alert (and trigger promise rejection)
- Enhancement: Make `dbox` as a separate module for alert, prompt, etc. dialogs
- Optimization: Recompress images (imageoptim-cli updated)
- Refactoring: Internal `PaintBox` as class; other misc. tweaks; no bitwise
in canvg
- Refactoring: Reuse utilities base64 encoder for SVG icons plugin
- Linting (ESLint): Further linting changes (for editor); rename
`.eslintrc` -> `.eslintrc.js` per recommendation and to more transparently
allow comments; apply new strict `eslint-config-ash-nazg` rules.
- Linting (ESLint): Stricter rules (or switch to warning)
- Docs (JSDoc): Fix return of the `mouseUp` (can also be an object) and
`mouseDown` (may also be a boolean) of `pathActions`; other JSDoc
- npm: Update devDeps
## 3.2.0
- Refactoring: Avoid unnecessary `addEventListener` `false`; change internal
jPicker function to class (used with `new`)
- Linting (ESLint): Add `valid-jsdoc` rule and make fixes, but turn off for
now due to <> and
- Linting (ESLint compat): Add `eslint-plugin-compat` to get browser support
- Linting (ESLint Markdown JavaScript): Add `eslint-plugin-markdown` with
slightly loosened config (`no-undef` and `padded-blocks` off and
`no-unused-vars` as a warning)
- Linting (ESLint JSDoc code comments): Add `eslint-plugin-jsdoc` and apply to
JSDoc code comments though disable `jsdoc/valid-types` rule for now due to <> and disable rule
`jsdoc/require-param` due to
<>; also of
possible interest: <>,
- Breaking change: `loadSvgString` now returns a `Promise` rather than accepting a callback - Breaking change: Treat callbacks to `editor.ready` as Promises, only resolving after all resolve - Breaking change: Make `editor.runCallbacks` return a `Promise` which resolves upon all callbacks resolving - Breaking change: Require `npx` (used with `babel-node`) to allow Node files for HTML building and JSDoc type checking to be expressed as ESM. - Breaking change: `addExtension` now throws upon a repeated attempt to add an already-added extension - Breaking change (storage preference cookies): Namespace the cookie as "svgeditstore" instead of just "store" - Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.rasterExport` fourth (callback) argument, collapsing fifth (options) to fourth - Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.exportPDF` third (callback) argument - Breaking change (API): `editor/contextmenu.js` `add` now throws instead of giving a console error only upon detecting a bad menuitem or preexisting context menu - Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.embedImage` second (callback) argument - Breaking change (API): Make `getHelpXML` a class instead of instance method of `RGBColor` - Breaking change (internal API): Refactor `dbox` (and `alert`/`confirm`/`process`/`prompt`/`select`) to avoid a callback argument in favor of return a Promise - Fix: Avoid running in extension `langReady` multiple times or serially - Enhancement (API): Add svgCanvas.runExtension to run just one extension and add `nameFilter` callback to `runExtensions` - Enhancement (API): Supply `$` (our wrapped jQuery) to extensions so can use its plugins, e.g., dbox with its `alert` - Enhancement: Use alert dialog in place of `alert` in webappfind - Enhancement: `editor.ready` now returns a Promise resolving when all callbacks have resolved - Enhancement: Allow `noAlert` option as part of second argument to `loadSvgString` (and `loadFromURL` and `loadFromDataURI`) to avoid UI alert (and trigger promise rejection) - Enhancement: Make `dbox` as a separate module for alert, prompt, etc. dialogs - Refactoring: Internal `PaintBox` as class; other misc. tweaks; no bitwise in canvg - Linting (ESLint): Further linting changes (for editor); rename `.eslintrc` -> `.eslintrc.json` per recommendation - Optimization: Recompress images (imageoptim-cli updated) - npm: Update devDeps - npm: Bump to 4.0.0
2018-11-08 06:48:01 +00:00
<>; NOTE:
if we need to tap into Markdown within JSDoc, see <>
for commit not present in npm.
- Docs (README): Indicate minimal polyfills needed for older browsers
(IE <= 11, IE Mobile, Opera Mini, Blackberry Browser <= 10,
Android Browser 4.4.3-4.4.4)
- Docs (JSDoc): Add some Markdown for variables, line breaks; tighten checks
for overly generic types (though allow for `.Function` as in
`jQuery.Function`) and avoid one previously missed instance
2018-10-26 00:08:26 +00:00
- Docs (3.0.0): Clarify
- Docs (ReleaseInstructions): Clarify need for npm permissions to publish
- npm: Update devDeps (including some resolving security vulnerabilities)
- npm: Do a fresh install of all packages and update `package-lock.json`
accordingly; update qunit dist
## 3.1.1
- Fix: Save broken on Firefox (since FF version?)
2018-10-25 02:14:25 +00:00
- Docs (ReleaseInstructions): Clarify build instructions for release
- Docs (ReleaseInstructions): Update per new testing; update
`grep-doc` -> `types-doc` and indicate current failing status; indicate
when `build-doc` will be used; clarify `npm pack`
2018-10-25 02:14:25 +00:00
- Docs: For clarity, rename `grep-jsdoc.js` to
- Docs: Move `GenericCallback` to `typedefs.js` for possible (if unlikely)
- Docs: Mention potentially more frequent release schedule
2018-10-25 02:14:25 +00:00
- npm: Update "grep-doc" to "types-doc" for greater clarity
- npm: Per convention, switch Node-based (headless browser) testing script to
`npm test` and change the browser tests to "browser-test"
## 3.1.0
- Fix (Embedded editor): (Though cross-origin DOM access of iframes apparently
doesn't work now in Chrome or Firefox (which we had been using to disable a
button) nor does cross-origin storage access work in Chrome), PDF export has
been fixed (we download the PDF to workaround data URI limitations in Chrome)
and we avoid opening an extra tab in Chrome PNG export
- Fix (Embedded editor): Avoid using same origin shortcut if there is no
global available to use (e.g., if using the modular editor)
- Fix (Embedded editor): Add events only after load is complete and
svgCanvas is available; also log blocked error objects
- Fix: Have export handler, if triggered, always open a window even if no
window name was given (needed in Chrome to avoid opening an extra window)
- Enhancement: For anyone visiting the ES6 modules entrance file without ESM
support, redirect to non-modular version
- Enhancement: For PDF export, switch Chrome by default to "save" `outputType`
- Enhancement: Add `opts` object to `rasterExport` with `avoidEvent` property
to avoid calling the `exported` event
- Refactoring (canvg): Better type-checking on `canvasRGBA_` (but set
correctly by default anyways)
- Refactoring: Avoid redundant use of \*AttributeNS methods with
`null` value; just use \*Attribute methods without namespace
- Refactoring: Display inline styles within a template for readability
(until we may refactor as class swapping)
- Refactoring: Line breaks
- Refactoring: Reorder path config to group (non-modular-dependent) image
paths together (and correct code comment)
- Docs (CHANGES): clarifications/fixes
- Docs (README): Deemphasize unstable embedded editor fixes
- Docs: Versions section (for migrating)
- Docs: More info on `importLocale` for extensions
- Docs: Add code comment re: use of `extIconsPath` in Mathjax
- Docs (JSDoc): Denote optional arguments
- Docs (JSDoc): Add @this to indicate `ExtensionInitResponse#callback`
- Build: Add comment not to edit xdomain editor directly
- Build: Remove unused `Makefile`
## 3.0.1
- Fix: Revert fix to have extension `mouseup` events run on "zoom" and
"select" modes (#159); breaks polygon selection
- Fix (jgraduate->jpicker): Actually fix issue with color val check when no
other proper results (equal to "all"); prior fix had not covered
original intention
## 3.0.0
- See pre-release version notes below for other changes that are a part
of 3.0.0
- Breaking change: For checkbox for persisting choice of initial use storage
approval in storage extension dialog, turn on by default for convenience of
most users (must still hit "ok" and users can still turn off the checkbox)
- Breaking change: Remove `storagePromptClosed` state boolean in favor of
`storagePromptState`; used by `ext-storage.js`
- Fix: Map extension click events to "mousedown" so they can be received
on touch devices (since `touch.js` changes `touchstart` to
`mousedown`) (@ClemArt); closes #168
- Fix: Ensure extension `mouseup` events run on "zoom" and "select"
modes (@iuyiuy); closes #159
- Fix: Allow language to be properly set back to a different locale and
retaining preference (and ensure language changes are available before
dialog closed)
- Fix: Centering of canvas wasn't being set at proper time; fixes #272
- Fix (extensions): Ensure `langReady` changes are available by time prefs
dialog is closed and that its changes have occurred by time extensions
have first loaded (`setLang` now returns a Promise rather than `undefined`
as it waits for extension's `langReady` to resolve); this is also useful
with `ext-storage.js` so we know that `extensions_loaded` (which
conditionally updates the canvas based on `storagePromptState`) has seen
`langReady` and the storage extension hasn't set a `storagePromptState`
of "waiting"
- Fix (regression): Extension locale loading for non-English locales
- Enhancement: Allow "Escape" to work with hotkeys within text boxes;
allows escaping out of source textarea (part of #291)
- Enhancement: Allow 'a' also with meta key (command in Mac, ctrl otherwise)
to select all (part of #291)
- Enhancement: Add a global escape key listener to clear the selection
- Refactoring: Change 'a' to lower case in key command to avoid impression
that shift is needed
- Refactoring: Avoid unneeded internal IIFEs; simplify w/h formula
- Refactoring: array extra/spread operator
2018-10-19 12:59:24 +00:00
- npm: Update devDeps
## 3.0.0-rc.3
- Security fix: Ensure all apostrophes are escaped for `toXml` utility
- Security fix/Breaking change (Imagelib): Only allow origins within
`imgLibs` to be accepted for `message` listener
- Security fix/Breaking change (xdomain): Namespace xdomain file to avoid
it being used to modify non-xdomain storage
- Security fix (Imagelib): Avoid XSS
- Security fix (Imagelib): Expose `dropXMLInternalSubset` to extensions
for preventing billion laughs attack (and use in Imagelib)
- Security fix (minor): For embedded API, avoid chance for arbitrary
property setting (though this was only for trusted origins anyways)
- Security fix (minor): For embedded API example, copy params to iframe
source without XSS risk (though params should already be XML-safe
given `encodeURIComponent` and lack of a single quote attribute
- Situational regression: Remove Openclipart as its site's now setting of
`X-Frame-Options` to `"sameorigin"` makes it unusable on our end
for our cross-origin uses (even with an attempt to use their API)
2018-09-13 01:22:04 +00:00
- Breaking change (minor): Change export to check `exportWindowName`
for filename and change default from `download` to `svg.pdf` to
distinguish from other downloads
- Fix: Given lack of support now for dataURI export in Chrome, provide
PDF download as export (#273 @cuixiping); fixes #124 and #254
2018-09-22 04:05:05 +00:00
- Fix: Polygon/polyline in PDF export (#287 @cuixiping); fixes #280
- Fix: Avoid error if `URL` is not defined (export)
- Fix: Ensure repeated selection of same file overwrites with that
file's contents (fix #289)
- Fix: Avoid errors occurring in Chrome now for `supportsGoodTextCharPos`
- Fix (jPicker): Avoid setting `Math.precision` pseudo-global
- Fix (jPicker): Precision argument had not been passed in previously
- Fix (image import): Put src after onload to avoid missing event;
check other width/height properties in case offset is 0; fixes #278
- Fix (image export): Export in Chrome; fixes #282
- Fix (Context menus regression): Avoid showing double shortcuts (#285); add
some missing ones
- Fix (Star extension): Minor: Avoid erring if `inradius` is `NaN`
- Forward compatibility enhancement: Once IE9 support may be dropped,
we may post messages as objects, so don't break if objects received
(embedded API, xdomain, Imagelib)
- Forward compatibility enhancement: For IAN image library, add
`svgedit=3` param to URL so that it can keep using old API for
SVG-Edit versions before 3, while conditionally using new object-based
API now (and if we switch exclusively to the object-based API in the
future, this site will continue to work)
- Imagelib backward compatibility regression fix: Allow string based API
again so as not to break old SVG-Edit which fail at *presence* of
`namespace` (fixes #274)
- Refactoring: Avoid passing unused arguments, setting unused variables,
and making unnecessary checks; avoid useless call to `createSVGMatrix`
- Refactoring: Avoid useless assignment (courtesty lgtm)
- Refactoring: Destructuring, spread
- Refactoring (jPicker): Use ES6 templates; avoid unnecessary check
- Linting (LGTM): Add `lgtm.yml` file (still some remaining items flagged
but hoping for in-code flagging)
- Linting (LGTM): Flag origin-checked item as safe
- Linting (ESLint): Consistent spacing; new "standard"
- Testing: Add testcafe (ESLint plugin/rules, accessibility test
(failing), ui test beginnings (passing))
- Docs: Contributing file
- Docs (JSDoc): Missing return value
- Update (Imagelib): Remove extra (and more outdated) jQuery copy
- Build (prerelease change): Switch to `terser` plugin with `uglify`
plugin not supporting ES6+-capable minifier
- npm: Update devDeps
- npm: Point to official sinon-test package now that ES6 Modules
support landed
## 3.0.0-rc.2
- Fix: Avoid extension `includeWith` button conflicts/redundancies;
Incorporates #147
- Fix: Ensure shift-key cycling through flyouts works with extension-added
`includeWith` as well as toolbarbuttons
- Fix: Apply flyout arrows after extensions loaded (avoid race condition)
- Fix: Ensure SVG icon of flyout right-arrow is cloned so can be applied to
more than one extension
- Fix: Ensure line tool shows as selected when "L" key command is used
- Fix: Add images (and references) for fallback (#135)
- Fix (svgIcons plugin regression): Race condition
- Fix (canvg): Regression for `text` and `tspan` elements as far as
`captureTextNodes` with canvg (inheriting class had set
`captureTextNodes` too late)
- Fix (canvg): Regression on blur
- Fix (canvg): Avoid errors for `tspan` passed to `getGradient`
- Fix (regression): Reapply locale strings
- i18n: picking stroke/fill paint and opacity
- i18n: Remove eyedropper and imagelib references from main locale (in
extension locale now)
- i18n: Add placeholders for `pick_stroke_paint_opacity`,
`pick_fill_paint_opacity`, `popupWindowBlocked`
- i18n: Update `saveFromBrowser`
- Enhancement: Create xdomain file build which works without ES6 Modules
- Enhancement: Build xdomain files dynamically
- Optimize: Further image optimizing
- Optimize: Avoid rewriting `points` attribute for free-hand path;
incorporates #176 (fixes #175)
- Refactoring: Avoid passing on `undefined` var. (#147)
- Refactoring: lbs; avoid indent in connector, destructuring, use map
over push
- Docs: Clarify nature of fixes
- Docs: JSDoc for `setupFlyouts`, `Actions`, `toggleSidePanel`; missing for
## 3.0.0-rc.1
2018-06-25 04:49:50 +00:00
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath',
'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented
from URL setting
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
- Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in
conformity with JSDoc module naming convention)
- Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear
purpose and avoid confusing with editor)
- Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js"
- Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js"
- Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js"
- Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css"
- Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to
have file name more closely reflect name)
- Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js"
- Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js"
- Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a
poyfill of SVGPathSeg)
- Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson`
for consistency
- Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for
- Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to
- Breaking change: Change name of `ext-arrows.js` from `Arrows` to `arrows`
for sake of file path (not localized anyways).
2018-06-25 04:49:50 +00:00
- Breaking change: In interests of modularity/removing globals,
remove `window.svgCanvas` and `svgCanvas.ready` as used by older
extensions; use `svgEditor.canvas` and `svgEditor.ready` instead
- Breaking change: Extension now formatted as export (and `this`
is set to editor, including for `callback`)
2018-06-25 04:49:50 +00:00
- Breaking change: Locale now formatted as export
- Breaking change: `RGBColor` must accept `new`
- Breaking change: Avoid passing `canvg`/`buildCanvgCallback` to extensions
(have them import)
- Breaking change: Have `readLang` now return a value (lang and data) (as well
as `putLocale` which returns a call to it) but do not call `setLang`
- Breaking change: Avoid adding `assignAttributes`, `addSVGElementFromJson`,
`call`, `copyElem`, `findDefs`, `getElem`, `getId`, `getIntersectionList`,
`getMouseTarget`, `getNextId`, `getUrlFromAttr`, `hasMatrixTransform`,
`matrixMultiply`, `recalculateAllSelectedDimensions`,
`recalculateDimensions`, `remapElement`, `removeUnusedDefElems`, `round`,
`runExtensions`, `sanitizeSvg`, `setGradient` `transformListToTransform`
(and mistaken `toString` export) to `getPrivateMethods` (passed to
extensions) as available as public ones (on canvas or editor that is
available to extensions)
- Breaking change (prerelease): Avoid recent addition of locale-side
function in ext-imagelib for l10n
- Breaking change (prerelease): Avoid recent change to have editor ready
callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep
- Breaking change (prerelease): Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and
`outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary)
- Breaking change (prerelease): Change `addlangData` extension event to
for consistency with method name
- Breaking change (prerelease): Moved out remaining modular i18n (imagelib)
to own folder
- Breaking change (prerelease): Drop `executeAfterLoads`
(and getJSPDF/getCanvg)
- Breaking change (prerelease): canvg - `stackBlurCanvasRGBA` must be set now
by function (`setStackBlurCanvasRGBA`) rather than global (though it imports
default now); `canvg` now a named export
- npm: Add `prepublishOnly` script to ensure building/testing before publish
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
- npm: Update devDeps including Rollup, Sinon
- Fix: Remove redundant (and incorrect) length set in
`removeFromSelection`. (#256; fixes #255)
2018-06-25 04:49:50 +00:00
- Fix: Detection of whether to keep ellipse (rx and ry when just created
are now returning 0 instead of null); also with rectangle/square;
fixes #262
- Fix: Avoid erring during resize on encountering MathML (which have no
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
- Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use
- Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay
adding of the extension until locale data loaded
2018-06-25 04:49:50 +00:00
- Fix: i18nize imaglib more deeply
- Fix: Positioning of Document Properties dialog (Fixes #246)
- Fix (regression): PDF Export (Fixes #249)
- Fix (regression): Add polyfill for `ChildNode`/`ParentNode` (and use further)
- Fix (regression): Apply Babel universally to dependencies
- Fix (regression): Ordering of `uaPrefix` function in `svgEditor.js`
- Fix (regression): Embedded API
- Fix (embedded editor): Fix backspace key in Firefox so it doesn't navigate
out of frame
- Fix: Alert if no `exportWindow` for PDF (e.g., if blocked)
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
- Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME
type to PNG
- Fix (extension): Wrong name for moinsave
- Fix (extension): ForeignObject editor
- Fix (Embedded API): Avoid treating as cross-origin if even access to
`origin` on `contentDocument` is restricted
2018-06-25 04:49:50 +00:00
- Fix (Embedded API): Avoid adding URL to iframe src if there are no arguments
- Fix (Embedded API): Handle origin issues (fixes #173)
- Fix (Cross-origin usage): Recover from exceptions with `localStorage`
2018-06-25 04:49:50 +00:00
- Fix regression (Imagelib): Fix path for non-module version
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
- Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes
- Enhancement: Link to rawgit/raw.githack for live master demos (fixes #43)
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
- Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used
by `ext-shapes.js`)
- Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event
- Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which
have been been received prior to extension load)
2018-06-25 04:49:50 +00:00
- Enhancement: Sort SVG attributes alphabetically (#252 @Neil Fraser)
- Enhancement: Allow callback argument and return promise
for canvas methods: `rasterExport` and `exportPDF`
- Enhancement: Add `pointsAdded` canvas event (Fixes #141)
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
- Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying
sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers
- Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out
of file name)
- Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it)
- Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading
- Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension
locale loading
- Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise
- Enhancement: More i18n of extensions
- Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData`
2018-06-25 04:49:50 +00:00
- i18n: Clarify locale messages (where still available as English) to reflect
fact that Chrome only has "Save as" via context menu/right-click, not via
file menu (toward #192)
- Refactoring: Sort Embedded functions alphabetically and add lbs for better
visibility in code
- Refactoring: Simplify `isValidUnit`
- Refactoring( RGBColor) `RGBColor` as class, without rebuilding
constants, optimize string replacement, move methods to prototype,
use templates and object literals, use `Object.keys`
- Refactoring (canvg) Use classes more internally, use shorthand objects;
array extras, return to lazy-loading
- Refactoring: Use Promises in place of `$.getScript`; always return
Promises in case deciding to await resolving
- Refactoring: Avoid importing `RGBColor` into `svgutils.js` (jsPDF imports
it itself)
- Refactoring: Arrow functions, destructuring, shorter property references
- Refactoring: Fix `lang` and `dir` for locales (though not in use
currently anyways)
- Refactoring: Provide path config for canvg, jspdf
- Refactoring: Drop code for `callback` as init function (still may be
present on *return* from the extension `init` method, however).
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
- Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand,
array extras, more camelCase variable names
- Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class
- Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection
- Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope
- Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility
- Refactoring: Clearer variable names
- Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors
- Refactoring (minor): variadic args through spread operator
2018-06-25 04:49:50 +00:00
- Refactoring (minor): `getIssues` to return codes and strings, lbs
- Refactoring (minor): Use single quotes in PHP
- Docs (Code comments): Coding standards within
- Docs: Transfer some changes from ExtensionDocs on wiki (need to fully
- Docs: Reference JSDocs in README
- Docs (ReleaseInstructions): Update
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
- Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki
folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML
(with formatting) was not preserved, though named links were carried over
with absolute URLs
- Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements
- Docs: Add Editor doc file for help to general users
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
- Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions
- Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92)
- Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such
references upon each release)
- Docs: 80 chars max
- npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types
- Docs (JSDoc): Move jsdoc output to public directory so may be visible
on releases (while still having in a `.gitignore`)
- Docs (JSDoc): Exclusions
- Docs (JSDoc): Add items; fix table layout
- Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials
(moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc)
- Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or
regular names)
- Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`;
consistency with `@returns`
- Docs (JSDoc): Use Markdown plugin over HTML
- Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow
- Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags
- Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config
- Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type
of array/function/object
- Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens`
2018-06-25 04:49:50 +00:00
- Linting (ESLint): Avoid linting jsdoc folder
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
- Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-25 04:49:50 +00:00
## 3.0.0-alpha.4
- Docs: Convert more docs to JSDoc and add JSDoc script (thanks, tetedacier!)
- Fix `main` on `package.json` to reference UMD distribution and `module`
to point to ES6 Module dist
- Fix (regression): Bad name on function passed to `path.js`
- Fix (regression): Star tool (radialshift)
- Fix (regression): Favicon setting
## 3.0.0-alpha.3
- Change: Default to stylesheet above `editor` directory
- Docs: Installation steps
- Fix regression (Connector extension): Get config object when available
- Fix regression (Extensions): Use `extIconsPath` for now given
that `extPath` will not work relative to `dist`
- Fix regression: Enforce stylesheet ordering sequence
- Fix regression: Ensure SVG-edit hidden until stylesheets loaded
- Fix regression: Avoid abandoning stylesheet loading if one load fails
- Fix (ext-connector): Handle case of 2 connecting elements with
same y-coordinate (fixes #210 ; thanks, @iuyiuy!)
- Enhancement: Delete the image upon cancel if it is a new image (fixes #177)
- Enhancement: Allow `addSvgElementFromJson` to accept non-SVG namespaces
with explicit `namespace` property as well as the default SVG namespace
(fixes #155); document
- Optimization: For `setSvgString`, if element content is not SVG,
return `false` earlier (Fixes #152); thanks iuyiuy!
- Demos: Add svgcanvas demo (Neil Fraser)
- npm: Update devDeps
## 3.0.0-alpha.2
- Licensing: Indicate MIT is license type of rgbcolor and rename
file to reflect it; rename/add license file name for jgraduate
and screencast to reflect type (Apache 2.0);
contains license information (of type MIT) for Raphael icons
- Breaking change: Rename config file to `svgedit-config-iife.js` (or
for the module version, `svgedit-config-es.js`); also expect
one directory higher; incorporates #207 (@iuyiuy)
- Breaking change: Separate `extIconsPath` from `extPath` (not copying
over icons)
- Breaking change: Don't reference `custom.css` in HTML; can instead
be referenced in JavaScript through the config file (provided in `svgedit-config-sample-iife.js`/`svgedit-config-sample-es.js` as
`svgedit-custom.css` for better namespacing); incorporates #207 (@iuyiuy)
- Breaking change: Remove minified jgraduate/spinbtn files (minified within
Rollup routine)
- Breaking change: Require `new` with `EmbeddedSVGEdit` (allows us to use
`class` internally)
- Breaking change: `svgcanvas.setUiStrings` must now be called if not using
editor in order to get strings (for sake of i18n) (and if using path.js
alone, must also have its `setUiStrings` called)
- Breaking change (ext-overview-window): Avoid global `overviewWindowGlobals`
- Breaking change (ext-imagelib): Change to object-based encoding for
namespacing of messages (though keep stringifying/parsing ourselves until
we remove IE9 support)
- Breaking change: Rename `jquery.js` to `jquery.min.js`
- Breaking change: Remove `scoped` attribute from `style`; it is now
deprecated and obsolete; also move to head (after other stylesheets)
- Breaking change: Avoid zoom with scroll unless shift key pressed
- Fix: i18nize path.js strings and canvas notifications
- Fix: Attempt i18n for ext-markers
- Fix: Zoom centered on cursor when scrolled; incorporates
#169 (@AndrolGenhald), adapting for conventions
- Fix: Update Atom feed reference in HTML
- Fix: Broken "lv" locale (and inconsistent tabs/spaces pt-PR)
- Fix: Inadvertent global assignments (uncovered by ESLint):
2018-05-17 08:27:12 +00:00
* `addBezierCurve` in `canvg.js` had undeclared `i`
* Fix: Undeclared variable in opera widget
* jgraduate->jpicker: Fix missing `var` for some `i` loops
* Fix: Globals (`x`, `y`) in `mouseMove`
* Fix: Global (`element`, `d_attr` (now renamed to `dAttr`)) in `mouseDown`
* Testing (math_test): Fix undeclared variables
* Screencast `showNotes`
- Fix: Bad scope closure references
* An apparent bug in `jquery.svgicons.js` whereby a variable
`holder` was declared in too nested of a scope
* Fix: Avoid `drawnPath` not defined error (currently adds as a global, but
should be switching to modules anyways)
- Fix (jquery.jgraduate.js): Ensure `numstops` is present before check
- Fix (history.js) Relocation of rotational transform had undeclared
variable (`elem`)
- Fix (Editor): Restore save alert
- Fix (Firefox svgutils.js): tspan (and textPath apparently) have no `getBBox`
2018-05-17 08:27:12 +00:00
in Firefox, so recover (fixes FF issue with recalculate test 3:
"recalculateDimensions() on text w/tspan with simple translate")
- Fix (Chrome recalculate.js): Chrome has a
2018-05-17 08:27:12 +00:00
in not performing `removeAttribute` after `removeItem`; deal with it
(though only if there is a single identity matrix) (fixes Chrome issue
with recalculate test 1:
"recalculateDimensions() on rect with identity matrix")
- Fix (HTML): Update assorted links, including using `https://`
- Enhancement: ES6 modules (including jQuery plugins, extensions, locales,
tests), along with Babel; make Node build routine for converting modular
HTML source to non-modular
- Enhancement: use `loadStylesheets` for modular stylesheet defining
(but parallel loading)
- Enhancement: Add `stylesheets` config for modular but parallel
stylesheet loading with `@default` option for simple
inclusion/exclusion of defaults (if not going with default).
- Enhancement (Project size): Remove now unused Python l10n scripts (#238)
- Enhancement (Optimization): Compress images using imageoptim (and add
npm script) (per #215)
- Enhancement (Editor): Use `https` (instead of `http`) for link placeholder
- Enhancement: Make SpinButton plugin independent of SVGEdit via
generic state object for `tool_scale`
- Enhancement: Move `config-sample.js` out of `editor` directory
- Enhancement: For `callback`-style extensions, also provide config
object; add following to that object: `buildCanvgCallback`, `canvg`,
`decode64`, `encode64`, `executeAfterLoads`, `getTypeMap`, `isChrome`,
`ieIE`, `NS`, `text2xml`
- npm: Add ESLint, uglify, start scripts
- npm: Update devDeps
- npm: Add html modules and config build to test script
- Docs: Remove "dependencies" comments in code except where summarizing
role of jQuery or a non-obvious dependency
- Linting: 2 spaces, remove BOM, remove carriage returns, bad characters
in Persian locale file
- Linting (ESLint): Numerous changes
- Refactoring: Throw Error objects instead of strings (including in
- Refactoring: Switch to ESLint in source
- Refactoring: Move scripts to own files
- Refactoring: Clean up `svg-editor.html`: consistent indents; avoid extra
lbs, avoid long lines
- Refactoring: Avoid embedded API adding inline JavaScript listener
- Refactoring: Move layers and context code to `draw.js`
- Refactoring: Move `pathActions` from `svgcanvas.js` (though preserve
aliases to these methods on `canvas`) and `convertPath` from
`svgutils.js` to `path.js`
- Refactoring: Move `getStrokedBBox` from `svgcanvas.js` (while keeping
an alias) to `svgutils.js` (as `getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible` to avoid
conflict with existing)
- Refactoring/Linting: Enforce `no-extra-semi` and `quote-props` rules
- Refactoring: Further avoidance of quotes on properties (as possible)
- Refactoring: Use `class` in place of functions where intended as classes
- Refactoring: Consistency and granularity in extensions imports
- Refactoring: Remove `use strict` (implicit in modules)
- Refactoring: Remove trailing whitespace, fix some code within comments
- Refactoring: Expect `jQuery` global rather than `$` for better modularity
(also to adapt line later once available via `import`)
- Refactoring: Prefer `const` (and then `let`)
- Refactoring: Add block scope keywords closer to first block in which
they appear
- Refactoring: Use ES6 `class`
- Refactoring `$.isArray` -> `Array.isArray` and avoid some other jQuery
core methods with simple VanillaJS replacements
- Refactoring: Use abbreviated object property syntax
- Refactoring: Object destructuring
- Refactoring: Remove `uiStrings` contents in svg-editor.js (obtains
from locale)
- Refactoring: Add favicon to embedded API file
- Refactoring: Use arrow functions for brief functions (incomplete)
- Refactoring: Use `Array.prototype.includes`/`String.prototype.includes`;
`String.prototype.startsWith`, `String.prototype.trim`
- Refactoring: Remove now unnecessary svgutils do/while resetting
of variables
- Refactoring: Use shorthand methods for object literals (avoid ": function")
- Refactoring: Avoid quoting object property keys where unnecessary
- Refactoring: Just do truthy/falsey check for lengths in place of
comparison to 0
- Refactoring: Make jpicker variable declaration indent bearable
- Refactoring (ext-storage): Move locale info to own file imported by the
extension (toward modularity; still should be split into separate files
by language and *dynamically* imported, but we'll wait for better
`import` support to refactor this)
- Refactoring (imagelib): Add local jQuery copy (using old 1.4.4 as had
been using from server)
- Refactoring (MathJax): Add local copy (using old 2.3 as had been using from
server); server had not been working
- Refactoring (Testing): Avoid jQuery usage within most test files (defer script,
also in preparation for future switch to ES6 modules for tests)
- Refactoring (Linting): Finish svgcanvas.js
- Docs: Mention in comment no longer an entry file as before
- Docs: Migrate old config, extensions, and FAQ docs
- Docs: Further JSDoc (incomplete)
- Build: Update minified version of spinbtn/jgraduate/jpicker per
linted/improved files
- Testing: Move JavaScript out of HTML to own files
- Testing: Fix timing of `all_tests.html` for ensuring expanding iframe
size to fit content
- Testing: Add favicon to test files (also may avoid extra log in console)
- Testing: Update QUnit to 2.6.1 (node_modules) and Sinon to 5.0.8 (and
add sinon-test at 2.1.3) and enforce eslint-plugin-qunit linting rules;
update custom extensions
- Testing: Add `node-static` for automating (and accessing out-of-directory
- Testing: Avoid HTML attributes for styling
- Testing: Add npm `test` script
- Testing: Comment out unused jQuery SVG test
- Testing: Add test1 and svgutils_performance_test to all tests page
- Testing: Due apparently to Path having not been a formal class, the test
was calling it without `new`; refactored now with sufficient mock data
to take into account it is a class
2018-05-17 08:27:12 +00:00
## 3.0.0-alpha.1
(Only released on npm for reserving name rather than being intended as a
testable release; the list below, however, does list the fixes it includes.)
- Fix: Rubberband box is not placed properly (left and top) for imported SVG
images when moved multiple times (#48; PR #49)
- Fix: Remove double-bind of keypresses Z and Y (#59; PR #60)
- Fix: For import SVG image leading to unattached dragtool (PR #7)
- Fix `browser.js` error triggering for `supportsPathInsertItemBefore` and
`supportsPathReplaceItem` when testing whether `replaceItem` and
`insertItemBefore` work, since paths must start with M commands
- Fix: Remove fix that cloned path segments and add tests to show it works;
PR #69
- Fix: Preserve rx ry attributes on ellipse elements for batik compatibility;
do not strip `rx=0` and `ry=0` from ellipse elements as these values are not
default and hold a special meaning for ellipses (a value of 0 disables
rendering of the element); PR #71
- Fix: Hidden font-size label/inability to set font size; #62; PR #83
- Fix: Check for deleted defs after paste; pasting a line with markers
produces invalid SVG if original line was deleted; #82; PR #90
- Fix: Update layers panel on programmatic call to `createLayer`; #104;
PR #106
- Fix: Trigger `svgEditorReady` after the canvas is ready (PR #96) and
when opened through an iframe (#93; PR #127)
- Fix: Change the text input bindings to catch more input events (`input` as
well as `keyup`; e.g., trigger for `ALT+keycode`); PR #85
- Fix: Layers in svgcanvas; PR #107
- Fix: `createSVGRect()` in `getIntersectionList`; `createSVGRect()` does not
have parameters, they must be set on the object after; PR #138
- Fix: Resizing an element would set `stroke="null"` on it; PR #142
- Fix: Importing complex paths (paths with several "M/m" and "Z/z"); PR #195
- Fix (Firefox 59): Update `pathseg.js` to latest version to fix; #216; PR #217
- Fix (Firefox): Multiselect not working after zoom (#55; PR #56)
- Fix (Chrome/Opera): No longer saving or exporting in Chrome >= 60; #193;
PR #201
- Fix (Chrome): Hide Overview panel in Chrome < 49 (rendering and performance
issues); see #26 and <>;
PR #44 and #46
- Fix (IE, Chrome): Some browsers require objects passed to `getInsectionList`
to be of correct the type; PR #67
- Fix (IE11): `NoModificationAllowedError` upon selecting multiple elements
(#54, PR #57)
- Fix (Browser-specific): Improve `supportsNativeTransformLists` detection
beyond Firefox; PR #158
- Fix (Browser-specific): Overcome browsers blocking data URIs by Blob URLs
where available for export; #222; PR #224
- Enhancement: Add ability to set SVG drawings without adding to the undo
stack; PR #208
- Enhancement: Clipboard that works across tabs and windows; PR #206
- Enhancement: Add config options for text (font size and family,
stroke width); PR #91
- Enhancement: Expose current zoom level (`getSnapToGrid`) through canvas for
extensions; PR #87
- Enhancement: Insist on "image" mode for select image dialog to show,
allowing extensions to add images without this behavior; PR #86
- Enhancement: Log errors from extensions to the browser console; PR #150
- Enhancement (i18n): zh-CN language option; PR #125
- Enhancement: Add `composer.json` to let PHP developers keep track of
svgedit on ``; PR #174.
- Enhancement: `addSvgElementFromJson` to create text nodes and build
children; PR #130
- Optimization: `getBBox` performance improvements; PR #103
- Optimization: Loading time (by removing unnecessary code); PR #148
- Localization: French (PR #132) and German (PR #111) updates
- Refactoring: Added `HistoryRecordingService` and separate `layer.js`
file; PR #107
- Refactoring: Migrate more to `draw.js` and utilities; PR #109
- Testing: Draw; PR #109
- Docs: Fix reference link in comment; PR #105
- Docs: Complete Markdown converted SvgCanvas docs; #92; PR #99
- Docs: Fix documentation Markdown headings; PR #188
- Git: Add `build` to ignore; PR #125
- Build: Additions/changes for Makefile; PR #89 and #108
- Build: Provide `package.json` for npm to reserve name (reflecting current
state of `master`)
## 2.8.1 (Ellipse) - December 2nd, 2015
For a complete list of changes run:
git log 81afaa9..5986f1e
- Enhancement: Use `getIntersectionList` when available
- Enhancement: Switched to https for all URLs
- Enhancement: Minor administrative updates (docs/,, author emails)
- Fix: Bug where all icons were broken in Safari
- Fix: Updated translations for "page" and "delete" in 57 locales.
## 2.8 (Ellipse) - November 24th, 2015
For a complete list of changes run:
git log 4bb15e0..253b4bf
- Enhancement (Experimental): Client-side PDF export
(issue [#1156](
(to data: URI) and server-side PDF export (where not supported in browser
and using ext-server_opensave.js); uses
[jsPDF]( library
- Enhancement: For image exports, provided "datauri" property to "exported"
- Enhancement: Allow config "exportWindowType" of value "new" or "same" to
indicate whether to reuse the same export window upon subsequent exports
- Enhancement: Added openclipart support to imagelib extension
- Enhancement: allow showGrid to be set before load
- Enhancement: Support loading of (properly URL encoded) non-base64
"data:image/svg+xml;utf8,"-style data URIs
- Enhancement: More clear naming of labels: "Open Image"->"Open SVG" and
"Import SVG"->"Import Image" ( issue [#1206](
- Enhancement: Included reference to (repository-ignored) `custom.css` file
which once created by the user, as with config.js, allows customization
without modifying the repo (its main editor file)
- Enhancement: Updated Slovenian locale.
- Demo enhancement: Support and demonstrate export in embedded editor
- Upgrade: canvg version
- Upgrade: Added PathSeg polyfill to workaround pathseg removal in browsers.
- Fix: pathtool bug where paths were erroneously deleted.
- Fix: Context menu did not work for groups.
- Fix: Avoid error in ungrouping function when no elements selected (was
impacting MathJax "Ok" button).
- Fix: issue [#1205](
with Snap to Grid preventing editing
- Fix: bug in exportImage if svgEditor.setCustomHandlers calls made
- Fix: Ensure "loading..." message closes upon completion or error
- Fix: Ensure all dependencies are first available before canvg (and jsPDF) usage
- Fix: Allow for empty images
- Fix: Minor improvement in display when icon size is set to small
- Fix: Based64-encoding issues with Unicode text (e.g., in data URIs or icons)
- Fix: 2.7 regression in filesave.php for SVG saving (used by
`ext-server_opensave.js` when client doesn't support the download attribute)
- Potentially breaking API changes (subject to further alteration before release):
* Remove 2.7-deprecated "pngsave" (in favor of "exportImage")
* Data URIs must be properly URL encoded (use encodeURIComponent() on the
"data:..." prefix and double encodeURIComponent() the remaining content)
* Remove "paramurl" parameter (use "url" or "source" with a data: URI instead)
* svgCanvas.rasterExport now takes an optional window name as the third
argument, with the supplied name also being provided as a
"exportWindowName" property on the object passed to the [exportImage]( method optionally supplied to svgEditor.setCustomHandlers.
* Change 2.7 allowance of "PDF" as a type in the canvas "rasterExport"
method and the "exported" event to instead be moved to the canvas
"exportPDF" method and "exportedPDF" event respectively.
## 2.7.1 (applied to 2.7 branch) - April 17, 2014
- Fix important ID situation with embedded API
- Update functions available to embedded editor
## 2.7 (Deltoid curve) - April 7th, 2014
- Export to PNG, JPEG, BMP, WEBP (including quality control for JPEG/WEBP)
for default editor and for the server_opensave extension
- Added Star, Polygon, and Panning Extensions r2318 r2319 r2333
- Added non-default extension, ext-xdomain-messaging.js, moving cross-origin
messaging code (as used by the embedded editor) out of core and requiring,
when the extension IS included, that configuration (an array
"allowedOrigins") be set in order to allow access by any domain (even
same domain).
- Cause embedded editor to pass on URL arguments to the child editor
(child iframe)
- Added default extension, ext-storage.js moving storage setting code into
this (optional) extension; contains dialog to ask user whether they wish
to utilize local storage for prefs and/or content; provides configuration
options to tweak behaviors.
- Allow for a new file config.js within the editor folder (but not committed
to SVN and ignored) which is always loaded and can be used for supplying
configuration which happens early enough to affect URL or user storage
configuration, in addition to extension behavior configuration. Provided
`config-sample.js` to indicate types of configuration one could use
(see also `defaultPrefs`, `defaultExtensions`, and `defaultConfig` within
- Added configuration `preventAllURLConfig`, `lockExtensions`, and/or
`preventURLContentLoading` for greater control of what can be configured
via URL.
- Allow second argument object to setConfig containing
`allowInitialUserOverride` booleans to allow for preference config in
`config.js` to be overridden by URL or preferences in user storage;
also can supply "overwrite" boolean in 2nd argument object if set to
`false` to prevent overwriting of any prior-set configuration (URL
config/pref setting occurs in this manner automatically for
security reasons).
- Allow server_opensave extension to work wholly client-side (if
browser supports the download attribute)
- Added WebAppFind extension
- Added new php_savefile extension to replace outdated, non-functioning
server-save code; requires user to create `savefile_config.php` file
and do any validation there (for their own security)
- Use addEventListener for 'beforeunload' event so user can add their
own if desired
- Changed locale behavior to always load from locale file, including
English. Allow extensions to add new `langReady` callback which is passed
an object with `lang` and `uiStrings` properties whenever the locale data
is first made available or changed by the user (this callback will not
be invoked until the locale data is available). Extensions can add
strings to all locales and utilize this mechanism.
- Made fixes impacting path issues and also ext-connector.js
- Fixed a bug where the position number supplied on an extension object
was too high (e.g., if too few other extensions were included,
the extension might not show up because its position was set too high).
- Added Polish locale
- Zoom features
- Make extension paths relative within extensions (issue 1184)
- Security improvements and other fixes
- Embedded editor can now work same domain without JSON parsing and the
consequent potential loss of arguments or return values.
- Potentially breaking API changes:
* Disallowed "extPath", "imgPath", "langPath", and "jGraduatePath"
setting via URL and prevent cross-origin/cross-folder extensions
being set by URL (security enhancement)
* Deprecated "pngsave" option called by setCustomHandlers() in favor
of "exportImage" (to accommodate export of other image types).
Second argument will now supply, in addition to "issues" and
"svg", the properties "type" (currently 'PNG', 'JPEG', 'BMP',
'WEBP'), "mimeType", and "quality" (for 'JPEG' and 'WEBP' types).
* Default extensions will now always load (along with those supplied
in the URL unless the latter is prohibited by configuration), so
if you do not wish your old code to load all of the default
extensions, you will need to add `&noDefaultExtensions=true` to the
URL (or add equivalent configuration in `config.js`).
`ext-overview_window.js` can now be excluded though it is still
a default.
* Preferences and configuration options must be within the list supplied
within `svg-editor.js` (should include those of all documented
* Embedded messaging will no longer work by default for privacy/data
integrity reasons. One must include the `ext-xdomain-messaging.js`
extension and supply an array configuration item, `allowedOrigins`
with potential values including: "\*" (to allow all
origins--strongly discouraged!), "null" as a string to allow
`file:///` access, window.location.origin (to allow same domain
access), or specific trusted origins. The embedded editor works
without the extension if the main editor is on the same domain,
but if cross-origin control is needed, the `allowedOrigins` array
must be supplied by a call to
`svgEditor.setConfig({allowedOrigins: [origin1, origin2, etc.]})`
in the new `config.js` file.
## 2.6 (Cycloid) - January 15th, 2013
- Support for Internet Explorer 9
- Context menu
- Cut/Copy/Paste/Paste in Place options
- Gridlines, snap to grid
- Merge layers
- Duplicate layer
- Image library
- Shape library
- Basic Server-based tools for file opening/saving
- In-group editing
- Cut/Copy/Paste
- full list: <>
## 2.5 - June 15, 2010
- Open Local Files (Firefox 3.6+ only)
- Import SVG into Drawing (Firefox 3.6+ only)
- Ability to create extensions/plugins
- Security fix: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'extIconsPath', 'canvgPath', 'langPath', 'jGraduatePath', and 'jspdfPath' were not being prevented - Breaking change: Rename "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js" (make in conformity with JSDoc module naming convention) - Breaking change: Rename "svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" (to make clear purpose and avoid confusing with editor) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css" - Breaking change: Rename "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js" (to have file name more closely reflect name) - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js" - Breaking change: Rename "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js" - Breaking change: Rename "pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js" (as it is a poyfill of SVGPathSeg) - Breaking change: Rename `addSvgElementFromJson()` to `addSVGElementFromJson` for consistency - Breaking change: Rename `changeSvgContent()` to `changeSVGContent()` for consistency - Breaking change: Have `exportPDF` resolve with `output` and `outputType` rather than `dataurlstring` (as type may vary) - Breaking change: Rename `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js` to `extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js` - Breaking change: Avoid recent change to have editor ready callbacks return Promises (we're not using and advantageous to keep sequential) - Breaking change: Avoid recent addition of locale-side function in ext-imagelib for l10n - Breaking change: Change name of ext-arrows.js from `Arrows` to `arrows` for sake of file path (not localized anyways). - Breaking change: Change `addlangData` extension event to `addLangData` for consistency with method name - Breaking change: Have `readLang` return lang and data but do not call `setLang` - Fix: Have general locales load first so extensions may use - Fix: Provide `importLocale` to extensions `init` so it may delay adding of the extension until locale data loaded - Fix: Ensure call to `rasterExport` without `imgType` properly sets MIME type to PNG - Fix: Wrong name for moinsave - Update: Update WebAppFind per new API changes - Enhancement: Make `setStrings` public on editor for late setting (used by `ext-shapes.js`) - Enhancement: Add `extensions_added` event - Enhancement: Add `message` event (Relay messages including those which have been been received prior to extension load) - Enhancement: Allow SVGEdit to work out of the box--avoid need for copying sample config file. Should also help with Github-based file servers - Enhancement: Allow avoiding "name" in extension export (just extract out of file name) - Enhancement: Add stack blur to canvg by default (and refactoring it) - Enhancement: Return `Promise` for `embedImage` (as with some other loading methods) - Enhancement: Supply `importLocale` to `langReady` to facilitate extension locale loading - Enhancement: Recover if an extension fails to load (just log and otherwise ignore) - Enhancement: More i18n of extensions (also fixed issue with some console warnings about missing locale strings); i18nize Hello World too - Enhancement: Allowing importing of locales within `addLangData` - npm: Update devDeps - Docs: Migrate copies of all old wiki pages to docs/from-old-wiki folder; intended for a possible move to Markdown, so raw HTML (with formatting) was not preserved, though named links had their absolute URL links preserved - Docs: Begin deleting `` as ensuring jsdoc has replacements - Docs: Add Edtior doc file for help to general users - Docs: Clarify/simplify install instructions - npm/Docs (JSDoc): Add script to check for overly generic types - Docs (JSDoc): For config/prefs and extension creating, link to tutorials (moved tutorials to own directory to avoid recursion problems by jsdoc) - Docs (JSDoc): Add modules (upper case for usual main entrance files or regular names) - Docs (JSDoc): Fill out missing areas; indicate return of `undefined`; consistency with `@returns` - Docs (JSDoc): Add our own layout template to support overflow - Docs (JSDoc): Use cleverLinks and disallow unknown tags - Docs (JSDoc): Insist on "pedantic" flag; put output directory in config - Docs (JSDoc): Use more precise Integer/Float over number, the specific type of array/function/object - Docs (JSDoc): Use `@throws`, `@enum`, `@event`/`@fires`/`@listens` - Docs: Generally update/improve docs (fixes #92) - Docs: Update links to `latest` path (Avoid needing to update such references upon each release) - Docs: 80 chars max - Refactoring: Drop code for extension as function (already requiring export to be an object) - Refactoring: Object destructuring, `Object.entries`, Object shorthand, array extras, more camelCase variable names - Refactoring: Add a `Command` base class - Refactoring: Simplify svgicons `callback` ready detection - Refactoring: Put `let` or `const` closer to scope - Refactoring: Remove unneeded `delimiter` from regex escaping utility - Refactoring: Clearer variable names - Refactoring: Use (non-deprecated) Event constructors - Testing: Use new Sinon
2018-06-06 07:26:20 +00:00
- Main menu and overall interface improvements
- Create and select elements outside the canvas
- Base support for the svg:use element
- Add/Edit Sub-paths
- Multiple path segment selection
- Radial Gradient support
- Connector lines
- Arrows & Markers
- Smoother freehand paths
- Foreign markup support (ForeignObject?/MathML)
- Configurable options
- File-loading options
- Eye-dropper tool (copy element style)
- Stroke linejoin and linecap options
- Export to PNG
- Blur tool
- Page-align single elements
- Inline text editing
- Line draw snapping with Shift key
## 2.4 - January 11, 2010
- Zoom
- Layers
- UI Localization
- Wireframe Mode
- Resizable UI (SVG icons)
- Set background color and/or image (for tracing)
- Convert Shapes to Paths
- X, Y coordinates for all elements
- Draggable Dialog boxes
- Select Non-Adjacent Elements
- Fixed-ratio resize
- Automatic Tool Switching
- Raster Images
- Group elements
- Add/Remove path nodes
- Curved Paths
- Floating point values for all attributes
- Text fields for all attributes
- Title element
## 2.3 - September 08, 2009
- Align Objects
- Rotate Objects
- Clone Objects
- Select Next/Prev Object
- Edit SVG Source
- Gradient picking
- Polygon Mode (Path Editing, Phase 1)
## 2.2 - July 08, 2009
- Multiselect Mode
- Undo/Redo Actions
- Resize Elements
- Contextual tools for rect, circle, ellipse, line, text elements
- Some updated button images
- Stretched the UI to fit the browser window
- Resizing of the SVG canvas
- Upgraded to jPicker 1.0.8
## 2.1 - June 17, 2009
- tooltips added to all UI elements
- fix flyout menus
- ask before clearing the drawing (suggested by martin.vidner)
- control group, fill and stroke opacity
- fix flyouts when using color picker
- change license from GPLv2 to Apache License v2.0
- replaced Farbtastic with jPicker, because of the license issues
- removed dependency on `svgcanvas.svg`, now created in JavaScript
- added Select tool
- using jQuery hosted by Google instead of local version
- allow dragging of elements
- save SVG file to separate tab
- create and edit text elements
- context panel tools
- change rect radius, font-family, font-size
- added keystroke shortcuts for all tools
- move to top/bottom
## 2.0 - June 03, 2009
- rewritten SVG-edit, so now it uses OOP
- draw ellipse, square
- created HTML interface similar to Inkscape
## 1.0 - February 06, 2009
- SVG-Edit released