
6663 lines
205 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* svgcanvas.js
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2009 Alexis Deveria
* Copyright(c) 2009 Pavol Rusnak
* Copyright(c) 2009 Jeff Schiller
TODOs for TransformList:
* go through ungrouping again
* ensure zooming works properly
* ensure undo/redo works perfectly
var isOpera = !!window.opera;
var isWebkit = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit") != -1;
if(!window.console) {
window.console = {};
window.console.log = function(str) {};
window.console.dir = function(str) {};
if( isOpera ) {
window.console.log = function(str) {opera.postError(str);}
var uiStrings = {
"pathNodeTooltip":"Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip":"Drag control point to adjust curve properties"
// this defines which elements and attributes that we support
// TODO: add <a> elements to this
// TODO: add <marker> to this
// TODO: add <mask> to this
// TODO: add <pattern> to this
// TODO: add <symbol> to this
// TODO: add <tspan> to this
// TODO: add <use> to this
var svgWhiteList = {
"circle": ["cx", "cy", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "id", "opacity", "r", "requiredFeatures", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "systemLanguage", "transform"],
"defs": [],
"desc": [],
"ellipse": ["cx", "cy", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "id", "opacity", "requiredFeatures", "rx", "ry", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "systemLanguage", "transform"],
"g": ["id", "display", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "opacity", "requiredFeatures", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "systemLanguage", "transform"],
"image": ["height", "id", "opacity", "requiredFeatures", "systemLanguage", "transform", "width", "x", "xlink:href", "xlink:title", "y"],
"line": ["fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "id", "opacity", "requiredFeatures", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "systemLanguage", "transform", "x1", "x2", "y1", "y2"],
"linearGradient": ["id", "gradientTransform", "gradientUnits", "requiredFeatures", "spreadMethod", "systemLanguage", "x1", "x2", "y1", "y2"],
"path": ["d", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "id", "opacity", "requiredFeatures", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "systemLanguage", "transform"],
"polygon": ["id", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "id", "opacity", "points", "requiredFeatures", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "systemLanguage", "transform"],
"polyline": ["id", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "opacity", "points", "requiredFeatures", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "systemLanguage", "transform"],
"radialGradient": ["id", "cx", "cy", "fx", "fy", "gradientTransform", "gradientUnits", "r", "requiredFeatures", "spreadMethod", "systemLanguage"],
"rect": ["fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "height", "id", "opacity", "requiredFeatures", "rx", "ry", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "systemLanguage", "transform", "width", "x", "y"],
"stop": ["id", "offset", "requiredFeatures", "stop-color", "stop-opacity", "systemLanguage"],
"switch": ["id", "requiredFeatures", "systemLanguage"],
"svg": ["id", "height", "requiredFeatures", "systemLanguage", "transform", "viewBox", "width", "xmlns", "xmlns:xlink"],
"text": ["fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "font-family", "font-size", "font-style", "font-weight", "id", "opacity", "requiredFeatures", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "systemLanguage", "transform", "text-anchor", "x", "xml:space", "y"],
"title": [],
function SvgCanvas(c)
console.log('Start profiling')
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('Stop profiling')
var uiStrings = {
"pathNodeTooltip":"Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip":"Drag control point to adjust curve properties"
var toXml = function(str) {
return $('<p/>').text(str).html();
var fromXml = function(str) {
return $('<p/>').html(str).text();
var pathFuncsStrs = ['Moveto','Lineto','CurvetoCubic','CurvetoQuadratic','Arc','LinetoHorizontal','LinetoVertical','CurvetoCubicSmooth','CurvetoQuadraticSmooth']
var pathFuncs = [0,'ClosePath'];
// These command objects are used for the Undo/Redo stack
// attrs contains the values that the attributes had before the change
function ChangeElementCommand(elem, attrs, text) {
this.elem = elem;
this.text = text ? ("Change " + elem.tagName + " " + text) : ("Change " + elem.tagName);
this.newValues = {};
this.oldValues = attrs;
for (attr in attrs) {
if (attr == "#text") this.newValues[attr] = elem.textContent;
else this.newValues[attr] = elem.getAttribute(attr);
this.apply = function() {
var bChangedTransform = false;
for( attr in this.newValues ) {
if (this.newValues[attr]) {
if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = this.newValues[attr];
else this.elem.setAttribute(attr, this.newValues[attr]);
else {
if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = "";
else {
this.elem.setAttribute(attr, "");
if (attr == "transform") { bChangedTransform = true; }
// relocate rotational transform, if necessary
if(!bChangedTransform) {
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(elem);
if (angle) {
var bbox = elem.getBBox();
var cx = bbox.x + bbox.width/2,
cy = bbox.y + bbox.height/2;
var rotate = ["rotate(", angle, " ", cx, ",", cy, ")"].join('');
if (rotate != elem.getAttribute("transform")) {
elem.setAttribute("transform", rotate);
// if we are changing layer names, re-identify all layers
if (this.elem.tagName == "title" && this.elem.parentNode.parentNode == svgcontent) {
return true;
this.unapply = function() {
var bChangedTransform = false;
for( attr in this.oldValues ) {
if (this.oldValues[attr]) {
if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = this.oldValues[attr];
else this.elem.setAttribute(attr, this.oldValues[attr]);
else {
if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = "";
else this.elem.removeAttribute(attr);
if (attr == "transform") { bChangedTransform = true; }
// relocate rotational transform, if necessary
if(!bChangedTransform) {
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(elem);
if (angle) {
var bbox = elem.getBBox();
var cx = bbox.x + bbox.width/2,
cy = bbox.y + bbox.height/2;
var rotate = ["rotate(", angle, " ", cx, ",", cy, ")"].join('');
if (rotate != elem.getAttribute("transform")) {
elem.setAttribute("transform", rotate);
// if we are changing layer names, re-identify all layers
if (this.elem.tagName == "title" && this.elem.parentNode.parentNode == svgcontent) {
return true;
this.elements = function() { return [this.elem]; }
function InsertElementCommand(elem, text) {
this.elem = elem;
this.text = text || ("Create " + elem.tagName);
this.parent = elem.parentNode;
this.apply = function() {
this.elem = this.parent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.elem.nextSibling);
if (this.parent == svgcontent) {
this.unapply = function() {
this.parent = this.elem.parentNode;
this.elem = this.elem.parentNode.removeChild(this.elem);
if (this.parent == svgcontent) {
this.elements = function() { return [this.elem]; };
// this is created for an element that has or will be removed from the DOM
// (creating this object does not remove the element from the DOM itself)
function RemoveElementCommand(elem, parent, text) {
this.elem = elem;
this.text = text || ("Delete " + elem.tagName);
this.parent = parent;
this.apply = function() {
this.parent = this.elem.parentNode;
this.elem = this.parent.removeChild(this.elem);
if (this.parent == svgcontent) {
this.unapply = function() {
this.elem = this.parent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.elem.nextSibling);
if (this.parent == svgcontent) {
this.elements = function() { return [this.elem]; };
// special hack for webkit: remove this element's entry in the svgTransformLists map
if (svgTransformLists[]) {
delete svgTransformLists[];
function MoveElementCommand(elem, oldNextSibling, oldParent, text) {
this.elem = elem;
this.text = text ? ("Move " + elem.tagName + " to " + text) : ("Move " + elem.tagName);
this.oldNextSibling = oldNextSibling;
this.oldParent = oldParent;
this.newNextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
this.newParent = elem.parentNode;
this.apply = function() {
this.elem = this.newParent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.newNextSibling);
if (this.newParent == svgcontent) {
this.unapply = function() {
this.elem = this.oldParent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.oldNextSibling);
if (this.oldParent == svgcontent) {
this.elements = function() { return [this.elem]; };
// TODO: create a 'typing' command object that tracks changes in text
// if a new Typing command is created and the top command on the stack is also a Typing
// and they both affect the same element, then collapse the two commands into one
// this command object acts an arbitrary number of subcommands
function BatchCommand(text) {
this.text = text || "Batch Command";
this.stack = [];
this.apply = function() {
var len = this.stack.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
this.unapply = function() {
for (var i = this.stack.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
this.elements = function() {
// iterate through all our subcommands and find all the elements we are changing
var elems = [];
var cmd = this.stack.length;
while (cmd--) {
var thisElems = this.stack[cmd].elements();
var elem = thisElems.length;
while (elem--) {
if (elems.indexOf(thisElems[elem]) == -1) elems.push(thisElems[elem]);
return elems;
this.addSubCommand = function(cmd) { this.stack.push(cmd); };
this.isEmpty = function() { return this.stack.length == 0; };
// private members
// **************************************************************************************
// FIXME: what's the right way to make this 'class' private to the SelectorManager?
function Selector(id, elem) {
// this is the selector's unique number = id;
// this holds a reference to the element for which this selector is being used
this.selectedElement = elem;
// this is a flag used internally to track whether the selector is being used or not
this.locked = true;
// this function is used to reset the id and element that the selector is attached to
this.reset = function(e, update) {
this.locked = true;
this.selectedElement = e;
this.selectorGroup.setAttribute("display", "inline");
// this holds a reference to the <g> element that holds all visual elements of the selector
this.selectorGroup = addSvgElementFromJson({ "element": "g",
"attr": {"id": ("selectorGroup"}
// this holds a reference to the path rect
this.selectorRect = this.selectorGroup.appendChild( addSvgElementFromJson({
"element": "path",
"attr": {
"id": ("selectedBox",
"fill": "none",
"stroke": "blue",
"stroke-width": "1",
"stroke-dasharray": "5,5",
// need to specify this so that the rect is not selectable
"style": "pointer-events:none"
}) );
// this holds a reference to the grip elements for this selector
this.selectorGrips = { "nw":null,
this.rotateGripConnector = this.selectorGroup.appendChild( addSvgElementFromJson({
"element": "line",
"attr": {
"id": ("selectorGrip_rotateconnector_" +,
"stroke": "blue",
"stroke-width": "1"
}) );
this.rotateGrip = this.selectorGroup.appendChild( addSvgElementFromJson({
"element": "circle",
"attr": {
"id": ("selectorGrip_rotate_" +,
"fill": "lime",
"r": 4,
"stroke": "blue",
"stroke-width": 2,
"style": "cursor:url(images/rotate.png) 12 12, auto;"
}) );
// add the corner grips
for (dir in this.selectorGrips) {
this.selectorGrips[dir] = this.selectorGroup.appendChild(
"element": "circle",
"attr": {
"id": ("selectorGrip_resize_" + dir + "_" +,
"fill": "blue",
"r": 4,
"style": ("cursor:" + dir + "-resize"),
// This expands the mouse-able area of the grips making them
// easier to grab with the mouse.
// This works in Opera and WebKit, but does not work in Firefox
// see
"stroke-width": 2,
}) );
this.showGrips = function(show) {
// TODO: use suspendRedraw() here
var bShow = show ? "inline" : "none";
this.rotateGrip.setAttribute("display", bShow);
this.rotateGripConnector.setAttribute("display", bShow);
var elem = this.selectedElement;
for (dir in this.selectorGrips) {
this.selectorGrips[dir].setAttribute("display", bShow);
if(elem) this.updateGripCursors(canvas.getRotationAngle(elem));
// Updates cursors for corner grips on rotation so arrows point the right way
this.updateGripCursors = function(angle) {
var dir_arr = [];
var steps = Math.round(angle / 45);
if(steps < 0) steps += 8;
for (dir in this.selectorGrips) {
while(steps > 0) {
var i = 0;
for (dir in this.selectorGrips) {
this.selectorGrips[dir].setAttribute('style', ("cursor:" + dir_arr[i] + "-resize"));
this.resize = function() {
var selectedBox = this.selectorRect;
var selectedGrips = this.selectorGrips;
var selected = this.selectedElement;
var sw = round(selected.getAttribute("stroke-width"));
var offset = 1/canvas.getZoom();
if (selected.getAttribute("stroke") != "none" && !isNaN(sw)) {
offset += sw/2;
if (selected.tagName == "text") {
offset += 2/canvas.getZoom();
var bbox = canvas.getBBox(selected);
if(!isWebkit && selected.tagName == 'g') {
// The bbox for a group does not include stroke vals, so we
// get the bbox based on its children.
var stroked_bbox = canvas.getStrokedBBox(selected.childNodes);
$.each(bbox, function(key, val) {
bbox[key] = stroked_bbox[key];
// loop and transform our bounding box until we reach our first rotation
var tlist = canvas.getTransformList(selected);
var m = transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix;
// This should probably be handled somewhere else, but for now
// it keeps the selection box correctly positioned when zoomed
m.e *= current_zoom;
m.f *= current_zoom;
// apply the transforms
var l=bbox.x-offset, t=bbox.y-offset, w=bbox.width+(offset<<1), h=bbox.height+(offset<<1);
var bbox = {x:l, y:t, width:w, height:h};
// we need to handle temporary transforms too
// if skewed, get its transformed box, then find its axis-aligned bbox
var nbox = transformBox(l*current_zoom, t*current_zoom, w*current_zoom, h*current_zoom, m);
var nbax = nbox.aabox.x,
nbay = nbox.aabox.y,
nbaw = nbox.aabox.width,
nbah = nbox.aabox.height;
// now if the shape is rotated, un-rotate it
var cx = nbax + nbaw/2; // + ( -;
var cy = nbay + nbah/2; // + ( -;
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(selected);
if (angle) {
var rot = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
var rotm = rot.matrix; = transformPoint(,,rotm); = transformPoint(,,rotm); = transformPoint(,,rotm); = transformPoint(,,rotm);
// calculate the axis-aligned bbox
var minx =,
miny =,
maxx =,
maxy =;
minx = Math.min(minx, Math.min(, Math.min(, ) );
miny = Math.min(miny, Math.min(, Math.min(, ) );
maxx = Math.max(maxx, Math.max(, Math.max(, ) );
maxy = Math.max(maxy, Math.max(, Math.max(, ) );
nbax = minx;
nbay = miny;
nbaw = (maxx-minx);
nbah = (maxy-miny);
var sr_handle = svgroot.suspendRedraw(100);
var dstr = "M" + nbax + "," + nbay
+ " L" + (nbax+nbaw) + "," + nbay
+ " " + (nbax+nbaw) + "," + (nbay+nbah)
+ " " + nbax + "," + (nbay+nbah) + "z";
assignAttributes(selectedBox, {'d': dstr});
var gripCoords = {
nw: [nbax, nbay],
ne: [nbax+nbaw, nbay],
sw: [nbax, nbay+nbah],
se: [nbax+nbaw, nbay+nbah],
n: [nbax + (nbaw)/2, nbay],
w: [nbax, nbay + (nbah)/2],
e: [nbax + nbaw, nbay + (nbah)/2],
s: [nbax + (nbaw)/2, nbay + nbah],
if(selected == selectedElements[0]) {
for(dir in gripCoords) {
var coords = gripCoords[dir];
assignAttributes(selectedGrips[dir], {
cx: coords[0], cy: coords[1]
if (angle) {
this.selectorGroup.setAttribute("transform", "rotate(" + [angle,cx,cy].join(",") + ")");
else {
this.selectorGroup.setAttribute("transform", "");
// we want to go 20 pixels in the negative transformed y direction, ignoring scale
assignAttributes(this.rotateGripConnector, { x1: nbax + (nbaw)/2,
y1: nbay,
x2: nbax + (nbaw)/2,
y2: nbay- 20});
assignAttributes(this.rotateGrip, { cx: nbax + (nbaw)/2,
cy: nbay - 20 });
// now initialize the selector
function SelectorManager() {
// this will hold the <g> element that contains all selector rects/grips
this.selectorParentGroup = null;
// this is a special rect that is used for multi-select
this.rubberBandBox = null;
// this will hold objects of type Selector (see above)
this.selectors = [];
// this holds a map of SVG elements to their Selector object
this.selectorMap = {};
// local reference to this object
var mgr = this;
this.initGroup = function() {
// remove old selector parent group if it existed
if (mgr.selectorParentGroup && mgr.selectorParentGroup.parentNode) {
// create parent selector group and add it to svgroot
mgr.selectorParentGroup = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "g");
mgr.selectorParentGroup.setAttribute("id", "selectorParentGroup");
mgr.selectorMap = {};
mgr.selectors = [];
mgr.rubberBandBox = null;
this.requestSelector = function(elem) {
if (elem == null) return null;
var N = this.selectors.length;
// if we've already acquired one for this element, return it
if (typeof(this.selectorMap[]) == "object") {
this.selectorMap[].locked = true;
return this.selectorMap[];
for (var i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if (this.selectors[i] && !this.selectors[i].locked) {
this.selectors[i].locked = true;
this.selectorMap[] = this.selectors[i];
return this.selectors[i];
// if we reached here, no available selectors were found, we create one
this.selectors[N] = new Selector(N, elem);
this.selectorMap[] = this.selectors[N];
return this.selectors[N];
this.releaseSelector = function(elem) {
if (elem == null) return;
var N = this.selectors.length;
var sel = this.selectorMap[];
for (var i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if (this.selectors[i] && this.selectors[i] == sel) {
if (sel.locked == false) {
console.log("WARNING! selector was released but was already unlocked");
delete this.selectorMap[];
sel.locked = false;
sel.selectedElement = null;
// remove from DOM and store reference in JS but only if it exists in the DOM
try {
sel.selectorGroup.setAttribute("display", "none");
} catch(e) { }
this.getRubberBandBox = function() {
if (this.rubberBandBox == null) {
this.rubberBandBox = this.selectorParentGroup.appendChild(
addSvgElementFromJson({ "element": "rect",
"attr": {
"id": "selectorRubberBand",
"fill": "blue",
"fill-opacity": 0.15,
"stroke": "blue",
"stroke-width": 0.5,
"display": "none",
"style": "pointer-events:none"
return this.rubberBandBox;
// **************************************************************************************
// **************************************************************************************
// SVGTransformList implementation for Webkit
// These methods do not currently raise any exceptions.
// These methods also do not check that transforms are being inserted or handle if
// a transform is already in the list, etc. This is basically implementing as much
// of SVGTransformList that we need to get the job done.
// interface SVGEditTransformList {
// attribute unsigned long numberOfItems;
// void clear ( )
// SVGTransform initialize ( in SVGTransform newItem )
// SVGTransform getItem ( in unsigned long index )
// SVGTransform insertItemBefore ( in SVGTransform newItem, in unsigned long index )
// SVGTransform replaceItem ( in SVGTransform newItem, in unsigned long index )
// SVGTransform removeItem ( in unsigned long index )
// SVGTransform appendItem ( in SVGTransform newItem )
// NOT IMPLEMENTED: SVGTransform createSVGTransformFromMatrix ( in SVGMatrix matrix );
// NOT IMPLEMENTED: SVGTransform consolidate ( );
// }
// **************************************************************************************
var svgTransformLists = {};
var SVGEditTransformList = function(elem) {
this._elem = elem || null;
this._xforms = [];
// TODO: how do we capture the undo-ability in the changed transform list?
this._update = function() {
var tstr = "";
var concatMatrix = svgroot.createSVGMatrix();
for (var i = 0; i < this.numberOfItems; ++i) {
var xform = this._list.getItem(i);
tstr += transformToObj(xform).text + " ";
this._elem.setAttribute("transform", tstr);
this._list = this;
this._init = function() {
// Transform attribute parser
var str = this._elem.getAttribute("transform");
if(!str) return;
// TODO: Add skew support in future
var re = /\s*((scale|matrix|rotate|translate)\s*\(.*?\))\s*,?\s*/;
var arr = [];
var m = true;
while(m) {
m = str.match(re);
str = str.replace(re,'');
if(m && m[1]) {
var x = m[1];
var bits = x.split(/\s*\(/);
var name = bits[0];
var val_bits = bits[1].match(/\s*(.*?)\s*\)/);
var val_arr = val_bits[1].split(/[, ]+/);
var letters = 'abcdef'.split('');
var mtx = svgroot.createSVGMatrix();
$.each(val_arr, function(i, item) {
val_arr[i] = parseFloat(item);
if(name == 'matrix') {
mtx[letters[i]] = val_arr[i];
var xform = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
var fname = 'set' + name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);
var values = name=='matrix'?[mtx]:val_arr;
xform[fname].apply(xform, values);
this.numberOfItems = 0;
this.clear = function() {
this.numberOfItems = 0;
this._xforms = [];
this.initialize = function(newItem) {
this.numberOfItems = 1;
this._xforms = [newItem];
this.getItem = function(index) {
if (index < this.numberOfItems && index >= 0) {
return this._xforms[index];
return null;
this.insertItemBefore = function(newItem, index) {
var retValue = null;
if (index >= 0) {
if (index < this.numberOfItems) {
var newxforms = new Array(this.numberOfItems + 1);
// TODO: use array copying and slicing
for ( var i = 0; i < index; ++i) {
newxforms[i] = this._xforms[i];
newxforms[i] = newItem;
for ( var j = i+1; i < this.numberOfItems; ++j, ++i) {
newxforms[j] = this._xforms[i];
this._xforms = newxforms;
retValue = newItem;
else {
retValue = this._list.appendItem(newItem);
return retValue;
this.replaceItem = function(newItem, index) {
var retValue = null;
if (index < this.numberOfItems && index >= 0) {
this._xforms[index] = newItem;
retValue = newItem;
return retValue;
this.removeItem = function(index) {
var retValue = null;
if (index < this.numberOfItems && index >= 0) {
var retValue = this._xforms[index];
var newxforms = new Array(this.numberOfItems - 1);
for (var i = 0; i < index; ++i) {
newxforms[i] = this._xforms[i];
for (var j = i; j < this.numberOfItems-1; ++j, ++i) {
newxforms[j] = this._xforms[i+1];
this._xforms = newxforms;
return retValue;
this.appendItem = function(newItem) {
return newItem;
// **************************************************************************************
var addSvgElementFromJson = function(data) {
return canvas.updateElementFromJson(data)
var assignAttributes = function(node, attrs, suspendLength) {
if(!suspendLength) suspendLength = 0;
// Opera has a problem with suspendRedraw() apparently
var handle = null;
if (!window.opera) svgroot.suspendRedraw(suspendLength);
for (i in attrs) {
var ns = (i.substr(0,4) == "xml:" ? xmlns :
i.substr(0,6) == "xlink:" ? xlinkns : null);
node.setAttributeNS(ns, i, attrs[i]);
if (!window.opera) svgroot.unsuspendRedraw(handle);
// remove unneeded attributes
// makes resulting SVG smaller
var cleanupElement = function(element) {
var handle = svgroot.suspendRedraw(60);
if (element.getAttribute('fill-opacity') == '1')
if (element.getAttribute('opacity') == '1')
if (element.getAttribute('stroke') == 'none')
if (element.getAttribute('stroke-dasharray') == 'none')
if (element.getAttribute('stroke-opacity') == '1')
if (element.getAttribute('stroke-width') == '1')
if (element.getAttribute('rx') == '0')
if (element.getAttribute('ry') == '0')
if (element.getAttribute('display') == 'inline')
this.updateElementFromJson = function(data) {
var shape = svgdoc.getElementById(;
// if shape is a path but we need to create a rect/ellipse, then remove the path
if (shape && data.element != shape.tagName) {
shape = null;
if (!shape) {
shape = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, data.element);
if (current_layer) {
assignAttributes(shape, data.attr, 100);
return shape;
// TODO: declare the variables and set them as null, then move this setup stuff to
// an initialization function - probably just use clear()
var canvas = this;
var container = c;
var svgns = "";
var xlinkns = "";
var xmlns = "";
var idprefix = "svg_";
var svgdoc = c.ownerDocument;
var svgroot = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "svg");
svgroot.setAttribute("width", 640);
svgroot.setAttribute("height", 480);
svgroot.setAttribute("id", "svgroot");
svgroot.setAttribute("xmlns", svgns);
svgroot.setAttribute("xmlns:xlink", xlinkns);
var svgcontent = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "svg");
svgcontent.setAttribute('id', 'svgcontent');
svgcontent.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 640 480');
svgcontent.setAttribute("xmlns", svgns);
svgcontent.setAttribute("xmlns:xlink", xlinkns);
// TODO: make this string optional and set by the client
// TODO: make sure this is always at the top of the SVG file right underneath the <svg> element
var comment = svgdoc.createComment(" Created with SVG-edit - ");
// TODO For Issue 208: this is a start on a thumbnail
// var svgthumb = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "use");
// svgthumb.setAttribute('width', '100');
// svgthumb.setAttribute('height', '100');
// svgthumb.setAttributeNS(xlinkns, 'href', '#svgcontent');
// svgroot.appendChild(svgthumb);
// z-ordered array of tuples containing layer names and <g> elements
// the first layer is the one at the bottom of the rendering
var all_layers = [];
var encodableImages = {};
var last_good_img_url = 'images/logo.png';
// pointer to the current layer <g>
var current_layer = null;
var save_options = {round_digits: 5};
var d_attr = null;
var started = false;
var obj_num = 1;
var start_x = null;
var start_y = null;
var start_transform = null;
var init_bbox = {};
var current_mode = "select";
var current_resize_mode = "none";
var all_properties = {
shape: {
fill: "#FF0000",
fill_paint: null,
fill_opacity: 1,
stroke: "#000000",
stroke_paint: null,
stroke_opacity: 1,
stroke_width: 5,
stroke_style: 'none',
opacity: 1
all_properties.text = $.extend(true, {}, all_properties.shape);
$.extend(all_properties.text, {
fill: "#000000",
stroke_width: 0,
font_size: 24,
font_family: 'serif'
var cur_shape = all_properties.shape;
var cur_text = all_properties.text;
var cur_properties = cur_shape;
var freehand_min_x = null;
var freehand_max_x = null;
var freehand_min_y = null;
var freehand_max_y = null;
var current_path = null;
var current_path_pts = [];
var current_path_pt = -1;
var current_path_pt_drag = -1;
var current_path_oldd = null;
var current_ctrl_pt_drag = -1;
var link_control_pts = false;
var current_zoom = 1;
// this will hold all the currently selected elements
// default size of 1 until it needs to grow bigger
var selectedElements = new Array(1);
// this holds the selected's bbox
var selectedBBoxes = new Array(1);
var justSelected = null;
// this object manages selectors for us
var selectorManager = new SelectorManager();
var rubberBox = null;
var events = {};
var undoStackPointer = 0;
var undoStack = [];
var curBBoxes = [];
// This method rounds the incoming value to the nearest value based on the current_zoom
var round = function(val){
return parseInt(val*current_zoom)/current_zoom;
// This method sends back an array or a NodeList full of elements that
// intersect the multi-select rubber-band-box on the current_layer only.
// Since the only browser that supports the SVG DOM getIntersectionList is Opera,
// we need to provide an implementation here. We brute-force it for now.
// Reference:
// Firefox does not implement getIntersectionList(), see
// Webkit does not implement getIntersectionList(), see
var getIntersectionList = function(rect) {
if (rubberBox == null) { return null; }
if(!curBBoxes.length) {
// Cache all bboxes
curBBoxes = canvas.getVisibleElements(current_layer, true);
var resultList = null;
try {
resultList = current_layer.getIntersectionList(rect, null);
} catch(e) { }
if (resultList == null || typeof(resultList.item) != "function") {
resultList = [];
var rubberBBox = rubberBox.getBBox();
$.each(rubberBBox, function(key, val) {
rubberBBox[key] = val / current_zoom;
var i = curBBoxes.length;
while (i--) {
if (Utils.rectsIntersect(rubberBBox, curBBoxes[i].bbox)) {
// addToSelection expects an array, but it's ok to pass a NodeList
// because using square-bracket notation is allowed:
return resultList;
// FIXME: we MUST compress consecutive text changes to the same element
// (right now each keystroke is saved as a separate command that includes the
// entire text contents of the text element)
// TODO: consider limiting the history that we store here (need to do some slicing)
var addCommandToHistory = function(cmd) {
// if our stack pointer is not at the end, then we have to remove
// all commands after the pointer and insert the new command
if (undoStackPointer < undoStack.length && undoStack.length > 0) {
undoStack = undoStack.splice(0, undoStackPointer);
undoStackPointer = undoStack.length;
// private functions
var getId = function() {
if (events["getid"]) return call("getid", obj_num);
return idprefix + obj_num;
var getNextId = function() {
// ensure the ID does not exist
var id = getId();
while (svgdoc.getElementById(id)) {
id = getId();
return id;
var call = function(event, arg) {
if (events[event]) {
return events[event](this,arg);
// this function sanitizes the input node and its children
// this function only keeps what is allowed from our whitelist defined above
var sanitizeSvg = function(node) {
// we only care about element nodes
// automatically return for all comment, etc nodes
// for text, we do a whitespace trim
if (node.nodeType == 3) {
node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
// Remove empty text nodes
if(!node.nodeValue.length) node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
if (node.nodeType != 1) return;
var doc = node.ownerDocument;
var parent = node.parentNode;
// can parent ever be null here? I think the root node's parent is the document...
if (!doc || !parent) return;
var allowedAttrs = svgWhiteList[node.nodeName];
// if this element is allowed
if (allowedAttrs != undefined) {
var i = node.attributes.length;
while (i--) {
// if the attribute is not in our whitelist, then remove it
// could use jQuery's inArray(), but I don't know if that's any better
var attrName = node.attributes.item(i).nodeName;
if (allowedAttrs.indexOf(attrName) == -1) {
// TODO: do I need to call setAttribute(..., "") here for Fx2?
if(attrName == 'd') {
// Convert to absolute
// recurse to children
i = node.childNodes.length;
while (i--) { sanitizeSvg(node.childNodes.item(i)); }
// else, remove this element
else {
// remove all children from this node and insert them before this node
var children = [];
while (node.hasChildNodes()) {
children.push(parent.insertBefore(node.firstChild, node));
// remove this node from the document altogether
// call sanitizeSvg on each of those children
var i = children.length;
while (i--) { sanitizeSvg(children[i]); }
var removeUnusedGrads = function() {
var defs = svgcontent.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, "defs");
if(!defs || !defs.length) return;
var all_els = svgcontent.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, '*');
var grad_uses = [];
$.each(all_els, function(i, el) {
var fill = el.getAttribute('fill');
if(fill && fill.indexOf('url(#') == 0) {
//found gradient
var stroke = el.getAttribute('stroke');
if(stroke && stroke.indexOf('url(#') == 0) {
//found gradient
var lgrads = svgcontent.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, "linearGradient");
var grad_ids = [];
var i = lgrads.length;
while (i--) {
var grad = lgrads[i];
var id =;
var url_id = 'url(#' + id + ')';
if($.inArray(url_id, grad_uses) == -1) {
// Not found, so remove
// Remove defs if empty
var i = defs.length;
while (i--) {
var def = defs[i];
if(!def.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns,'*').length) {
var svgCanvasToString = function() {
// TODO: Find out why Webkit throws an error somewhere here (breaking the editor)
$.each(svgcontent.childNodes, function(i, node) {
if(i && node.nodeType == 8 &&'Created with') != -1) {
svgcontent.insertBefore(node, svgcontent.firstChild);
var output = svgToString(svgcontent, 0);
return output;
var svgToString = function(elem, indent) {
var out = new Array();
if (elem) {
var attrs = elem.attributes;
var attr;
var i;
var childs = elem.childNodes;
for (i=0; i<indent; i++) out.push(" ");
out.push("<"); out.push(elem.nodeName);
if( == 'svgcontent') {
// Process root element separately; Prevents errors caused
// in webkit when removing attributes
var res = canvas.getResolution();
out.push(' width="' + res.w + '" height="' + res.h
+ '" xmlns:xlink="'+xlinkns+'" xmlns="'+svgns+'"');
} else {
for (i=attrs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
attr = attrs.item(i);
var attrVal = attr.nodeValue;
if (attrVal != "") {
if(attrVal.indexOf('pointer-events') == 0) continue;
out.push(" ");
if(attr.localName == 'd') attrVal = convertPath(elem, true);
if(!isNaN(attrVal)) {
attrVal = shortFloat(attrVal);
// Embed images when saving
&& elem.nodeName == 'image'
&& attr.localName == 'href'
&& save_options.images
&& save_options.images == 'embed') {
var img = encodableImages[attrVal];
if(img) attrVal = img;
// map various namespaces to our fixed namespace prefixes
// TODO: put this into a map and do a look-up instead of if-else
if (attr.namespaceURI == xlinkns) {
else if(attr.namespaceURI == '' && attr.localName != 'xmlns') {
else if(attr.namespaceURI == xmlns) {
out.push(attr.localName); out.push("=\"");
out.push(attrVal); out.push("\"");
if (elem.hasChildNodes()) {
var bOneLine = false;
for (i=0; i<childs.length; i++)
var child = childs.item(i);
if ( == "selectorParentGroup") continue;
switch(child.nodeType) {
case 1: // element node
out.push(svgToString(childs.item(i), indent));
case 3: // text node
var str = child.nodeValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
if (str != "") {
bOneLine = true;
out.push(toXml(str) + "");
case 8: // comment
out.push(new Array(indent+1).join(" "));
} // switch on node type
if (!bOneLine) {
for (i=0; i<indent; i++) out.push(" ");
out.push("</"); out.push(elem.nodeName); out.push(">");
} else {
return out.join('');
}; // end svgToString()
this.embedImage = function(val, callback) {
// Below is some code to fetch the data: URL representation
// of local image files. It is commented out until we figure out
// a way of introducing this as an option into the UI. Also, it
// does not work in Firefox at all :(
// load in the image and once it's loaded, get the dimensions
$(new Image()).load(function() {
// create a canvas the same size as the raster image
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = this.width;
canvas.height = this.height;
// load the raster image into the canvas
// retrieve the data: URL
try {
var urldata = ';svgedit_url=' + encodeURIComponent(val);
urldata = canvas.toDataURL().replace(';base64',urldata+';base64');
encodableImages[val] = urldata;
} catch(e) {
encodableImages[val] = false;
last_good_img_url = val;
if(callback) callback(encodableImages[val]);
// importNode, like cloneNode, causes the comma-to-period
// issue in Opera/Win/non-en. Thankfully we can compare to the original XML
// and simply use the original value when necessary
this.fixOperaXML = function(elem, orig_el) {
var x_attrs = elem.attributes;
$.each(x_attrs, function(i, attr) {
if(attr.nodeValue.indexOf(',') == -1) return;
// attr val has comma, so let's get the good value
var ns = attr.prefix == 'xlink' ? xlinkns :
attr.prefix == "xml" ? xmlns : null;
var good_attrval = orig_el.getAttribute(attr.localName);
if(ns) {
elem.setAttributeNS(ns, attr.nodeName, good_attrval);
} else {
elem.setAttribute(attr.nodeName, good_attrval);
var childs = elem.childNodes;
var o_childs = orig_el.childNodes;
$.each(childs, function(i, child) {
if(child.nodeType == 1) {
canvas.fixOperaXML(child, o_childs[i]);
var recalculateAllSelectedDimensions = function() {
var text = (current_resize_mode == "none" ? "position" : "size");
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand(text);
var i = selectedElements.length;
while(i--) {
var cmd = recalculateDimensions(selectedElements[i]);
if (cmd) {
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
call("changed", selectedElements);
// this is how we map paths to our preferred relative segment types
var pathMap = [ 0, 'z', 'M', 'M', 'L', 'L', 'C', 'C', 'Q', 'Q', 'A', 'A',
'L', 'L', 'L', 'L', // TODO: be less lazy below and map them to h and v
'S', 'S', 'T', 'T' ];
var truePathMap = [0, 'z', 'M', 'm', 'L', 'l', 'C', 'c', 'Q', 'q', 'A', 'a',
'H', 'h', 'V', 'v', 'S', 's', 'T', 't'];
var logMatrix = function(m) {
var remapElement = function(selected,changes,m) {
var remap = function(x,y) { return transformPoint(x,y,m); };
var scalew = function(w) { return m.a*w; }
var scaleh = function(h) { return m.d*h; }
var box = canvas.getBBox(selected);
switch (selected.tagName)
case "line":
var pt1 = remap(changes["x1"],changes["y1"]),
pt2 = remap(changes["x2"],changes["y2"]);
changes["x1"] = pt1.x;
changes["y1"] = pt1.y;
changes["x2"] = pt2.x;
changes["y2"] = pt2.y;
case "circle":
var c = remap(changes["cx"],changes["cy"]);
changes["cx"] = c.x;
changes["cy"] = c.y;
// take the minimum of the new selected box's dimensions for the new circle radius
var tbox = transformBox(box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height, m);
var w = -, h = -;
changes["r"] = Math.min(w/2, h/2);
case "ellipse":
var c = remap(changes["cx"],changes["cy"]);
changes["cx"] = c.x;
changes["cy"] = c.y;
changes["rx"] = scalew(changes["rx"]);
changes["ry"] = scaleh(changes["ry"]);
case "rect":
case "image":
var pt1 = remap(changes["x"],changes["y"]);
changes["x"] = pt1.x;
changes["y"] = pt1.y;
changes["width"] = scalew(changes["width"]);
changes["height"] = scaleh(changes["height"]);
case "text":
// we just absorb all matrices into the element and don't do any remapping
var chlist = canvas.getTransformList(selected);
var mt = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
case "polygon":
case "polyline":
var len = changes["points"].length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var pt = changes["points"][i];
pt = remap(pt.x,pt.y);
changes["points"][i].x = pt.x;
changes["points"][i].y = pt.y;
case "path":
var len = changes["d"].length;
var firstseg = changes["d"][0];
var firstpt = remap(firstseg.x,firstseg.y);
changes["d"][0].x = firstpt.x;
changes["d"][0].y = firstpt.y;
for (var i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
var seg = changes["d"][i];
var type = seg.type;
// if absolute or first segment, we want to remap x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2
// if relative, we want to scalew, scaleh
if (type % 2 == 0) { // absolute
var pt = remap(seg.x,seg.y),
pt1 = remap(seg.x1,seg.y1),
pt2 = remap(seg.x2,seg.y2);
seg.x = pt.x;
seg.y = pt.y;
seg.x1 = pt1.x;
seg.y1 = pt1.y;
seg.x2 = pt2.x;
seg.y2 = pt2.y;
seg.r1 = scalew(seg.r1),
seg.r2 = scaleh(seg.r2);
else { // relative
seg.x = scalew(seg.x);
seg.y = scaleh(seg.y);
seg.x1 = scalew(seg.x1);
seg.y1 = scaleh(seg.y1);
seg.x2 = scalew(seg.x2);
seg.y2 = scaleh(seg.y2);
seg.r1 = scalew(seg.r1),
seg.r2 = scaleh(seg.r2);
} // for each segment
} // switch on element type to get initial values
// now we have a set of changes and an applied reduced transform list
// we apply the changes directly to the DOM
// TODO: merge this switch with the above one and optimize
switch (selected.tagName)
case "rect":
case "image":
changes.x = changes.x-0 + Math.min(0,changes.width);
changes.y = changes.y-0 + Math.min(0,changes.height);
changes.width = Math.abs(changes.width);
changes.height = Math.abs(changes.height);
assignAttributes(selected, changes, 1000);
case "ellipse":
changes.rx = Math.abs(changes.rx);
changes.ry = Math.abs(changes.ry);
case "circle":
if(changes.r) changes.r = Math.abs(changes.r);
case "line":
case "text":
assignAttributes(selected, changes, 1000);
case "polyline":
case "polygon":
var len = changes["points"].length;
var pstr = "";
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var pt = changes["points"][i];
pstr += pt.x + "," + pt.y + " ";
selected.setAttribute("points", pstr);
case "path":
var dstr = "";
var len = changes["d"].length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var seg = changes["d"][i];
var type = seg.type;
dstr += truePathMap[type];
switch(type) {
case 13: // relative horizontal line (h)
case 12: // absolute horizontal line (H)
dstr += seg.x + " ";
case 15: // relative vertical line (v)
case 14: // absolute vertical line (V)
dstr += seg.y + " ";
case 3: // relative move (m)
case 5: // relative line (l)
case 19: // relative smooth quad (t)
case 2: // absolute move (M)
case 4: // absolute line (L)
case 18: // absolute smooth quad (T)
dstr += seg.x + "," + seg.y + " ";
case 7: // relative cubic (c)
case 6: // absolute cubic (C)
dstr += seg.x1 + "," + seg.y1 + " " + seg.x2 + "," + seg.y2 + " " +
seg.x + "," + seg.y + " ";
case 9: // relative quad (q)
case 8: // absolute quad (Q)
dstr += seg.x + "," + seg.y + " " + seg.x1 + "," + seg.y1 + " ";
case 11: // relative elliptical arc (a)
case 10: // absolute elliptical arc (A)
dstr += seg.r1 + "," + seg.r2 + " " + seg.angle + " " + seg.largeArcFlag +
" " + seg.sweepFlag + " " + seg.x + "," + seg.y + " ";
case 17: // relative smooth cubic (s)
case 16: // absolute smooth cubic (S)
dstr += seg.x + "," + seg.y + " " + seg.x2 + "," + seg.y2 + " ";
selected.setAttribute("d", dstr);
// this function returns the command which resulted from the selected change
// TODO: use suspendRedraw() and unsuspendRedraw() around this function
var recalculateDimensions = function(selected) {
if (selected == null) return null;
var tlist = canvas.getTransformList(selected);
// remove any unnecessary transforms
if (tlist && tlist.numberOfItems > 0) {
var k = tlist.numberOfItems;
while (k--) {
var xform = tlist.getItem(k);
if (xform.type == 0) {
// remove identity matrices
else if (xform.type == 1) {
if (isIdentity(xform.matrix)) {
// remove zero-degree rotations
else if (xform.type == 4) {
if (xform.angle == 0) {
// if this element had no transforms, we are done
if (tlist.numberOfItems == 0) {
return null;
// we know we have some transforms, so set up return variable
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Transform");
// store initial values that will be affected by reducing the transform list
var changes = {}, initial = null;
switch (selected.tagName)
case "line":
changes["x1"] = selected.getAttribute("x1");
changes["y1"] = selected.getAttribute("y1");
changes["x2"] = selected.getAttribute("x2");
changes["y2"] = selected.getAttribute("y2");
case "circle":
changes["cx"] = selected.getAttribute("cx");
changes["cy"] = selected.getAttribute("cy");
changes["r"] = selected.getAttribute("r");
case "ellipse":
changes["cx"] = selected.getAttribute("cx");
changes["cy"] = selected.getAttribute("cy");
changes["rx"] = selected.getAttribute("rx");
changes["ry"] = selected.getAttribute("ry");
case "rect":
case "image":
changes["x"] = selected.getAttribute("x");
changes["y"] = selected.getAttribute("y");
changes["width"] = selected.getAttribute("width");
changes["height"] = selected.getAttribute("height");
case "text":
changes["x"] = selected.getAttribute("x");
changes["y"] = selected.getAttribute("y");
case "polygon":
case "polyline":
initial = {};
initial["points"] = selected.getAttribute("points");
var list = selected.points;
var len = list.numberOfItems;
changes["points"] = new Array(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var pt = list.getItem(i);
changes["points"][i] = {x:pt.x,y:pt.y};
case "path":
initial = {};
initial["d"] = selected.getAttribute("d");
var segList = selected.pathSegList;
var len = segList.numberOfItems;
changes["d"] = new Array(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var seg = segList.getItem(i);
changes["d"][i] = {
type: seg.pathSegType,
x: seg.x,
y: seg.y,
x1: seg.x1,
y1: seg.y1,
x2: seg.x2,
y2: seg.y2,
r1: seg.r1,
r2: seg.r2,
angle: seg.angle,
largeArcFlag: seg.largeArcFlag,
sweepFlag: seg.sweepFlag
} // switch on element type to get initial values
// if we haven't created an initial array in polygon/polyline/path, then
// make a copy of initial values and include the transform
if (initial == null) {
initial = $.extend(true, {}, changes);
// save the start transform value too
initial["transform"] = start_transform ? start_transform : "";
// if it's a group, we have special processing to flatten transforms
if (selected.tagName == "g") {
var box = canvas.getBBox(selected);
var oldcenter = {x: box.x+box.width/2, y: box.y+box.height/2};
var newcenter = transformPoint(box.x+box.width/2, box.y+box.height/2,
var m = svgroot.createSVGMatrix();
// temporarily strip off the rotate and save the old center
var gangle = canvas.getRotationAngle(selected);
if (gangle) {
for (var i = 0; i < tlist.numberOfItems; ++i) {
var xform = tlist.getItem(i);
if (xform.type == 4) {
// extract old center through mystical arts
var rm = xform.matrix;
var a = gangle * Math.PI / 180;
// FIXME: This blows up if the angle is exactly 0 or 180 degrees!
oldcenter.y = 0.5 * (Math.sin(a)*rm.e + (1-Math.cos(a))*rm.f) / (1 - Math.cos(a));
oldcenter.x = ((1 - Math.cos(a)) * oldcenter.y - rm.f) / Math.sin(a);
var tx = 0, ty = 0;
var operation = 0;
var N = tlist.numberOfItems;
// first, if it was a scale then the second-last transform will be it
if (N >= 3 && tlist.getItem(N-2).type == 3 &&
tlist.getItem(N-3).type == 2 && tlist.getItem(N-1).type == 2)
operation = 3; // scale
// if the children are unrotated, pass the scale down directly
// otherwise pass the equivalent matrix() down directly
var tm = tlist.getItem(N-3).matrix;
var sm = tlist.getItem(N-2).matrix;
var tmn = tlist.getItem(N-1).matrix;
var children = selected.childNodes;
var c = children.length;
while (c--) {
var child = children.item(c);
tx = 0;
ty = 0;
if (child.nodeType == 1) {
var childTlist = canvas.getTransformList(child);
var m = transformListToTransform(childTlist).matrix;
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(child);
var old_start_transform = start_transform;
start_transform = child.getAttribute("transform");
if(angle || hasMatrixTransform(childTlist)) {
var e2t = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
e2t.setMatrix(matrixMultiply(tm, sm, tmn, m));
// if not rotated or skewed, push the [T][S][-T] down to the child
else {
// update the transform list with translate,scale,translate
// slide the [T][S][-T] from the front to the back
// [T][S][-T][M] = [M][T2][S2][-T2]
// [T][S][-T][M] = [T][S][M][-T2]
// [-T2] = [M_inv][-T][M]
var t2n = matrixMultiply(m.inverse(), tmn, m);
// [T2] is always negative translation of [-T2]
var t2 = svgroot.createSVGMatrix();
t2.e = -t2n.e;
t2.f = -t2n.f;
// [T][S][-T][M] = [M][T2][S2][-T2]
// [S2] = [T2_inv][M_inv][T][S][-T][M][-T2_inv]
var s2 = matrixMultiply(t2.inverse(), m.inverse(), tm, sm, tmn, m, t2n.inverse());
var translateOrigin = svgroot.createSVGTransform(),
scale = svgroot.createSVGTransform(),
translateBack = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
translateOrigin.setTranslate(t2n.e, t2n.f);
scale.setScale(s2.a, s2.d);
translateBack.setTranslate(t2.e, t2.f);
} // not rotated
batchCmd.addSubCommand( recalculateDimensions(child) );
start_transform = old_start_transform;
} // element
} // for each child
// Remove these transforms from group
else if (N >= 3 && tlist.getItem(N-1).type == 1)
operation = 3; // scale
m = transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix;
var e2t = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
// next, check if the first transform was a translate
// if we had [ T1 ] [ M ] we want to transform this into [ M ] [ T2 ]
// therefore [ T2 ] = [ M_inv ] [ T1 ] [ M ]
else if ( (N == 1 || (N > 1 && tlist.getItem(1).type != 3)) &&
tlist.getItem(0).type == 2)
operation = 2; // translate
var T_M = transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix;
var M_inv = transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix.inverse();
var M2 = matrixMultiply( M_inv, T_M );
tx = M2.e;
ty = M2.f;
if (tx != 0 || ty != 0) {
// we pass the translates down to the individual children
var children = selected.childNodes;
var c = children.length;
while (c--) {
var child = children.item(c);
if (child.nodeType == 1) {
var old_start_transform = start_transform;
start_transform = child.getAttribute("transform");
var childTlist = canvas.getTransformList(child);
var newxlate = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
childTlist.insertItemBefore(newxlate, 0);
batchCmd.addSubCommand( recalculateDimensions(child) );
start_transform = old_start_transform;
start_transform = old_start_transform;
// else, a matrix imposition from a parent group
// keep pushing it down to the children
else if (N == 1 && tlist.getItem(0).type == 1 && !gangle) {
operation = 1;
var m = tlist.getItem(0).matrix;
var children = selected.childNodes;
var c = children.length;
while (c--) {
var child = children.item(c);
if (child.nodeType == 1) {
var old_start_transform = start_transform;
start_transform = child.getAttribute("transform");
var childTlist = canvas.getTransformList(child);
var em = matrixMultiply(m, transformListToTransform(childTlist).matrix);
var e2m = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
batchCmd.addSubCommand( recalculateDimensions(child) );
start_transform = old_start_transform;
// else it was just a rotate
else {
if (gangle) {
var newRot = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
tlist.insertItemBefore(newRot, 0);
if (tlist.numberOfItems == 0) {
return null;
// if it was a translate, put back the rotate at the new center
if (operation == 2) {
if (gangle) {
var newRot = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
tlist.insertItemBefore(newRot, 0);
// if it was a resize
else if (operation == 3) {
var m = transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix;
var roldt = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
roldt.setRotate(gangle, oldcenter.x, oldcenter.y);
var rold = roldt.matrix;
var rnew = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
rnew.setRotate(gangle, newcenter.x, newcenter.y);
var rnew_inv = rnew.matrix.inverse();
var m_inv = m.inverse();
var extrat = matrixMultiply(m_inv, rnew_inv, rold, m);
tx = extrat.e;
ty = extrat.f;
if (tx != 0 || ty != 0) {
// now push this transform down to the children
// we pass the translates down to the individual children
var children = selected.childNodes;
var c = children.length;
while (c--) {
var child = children.item(c);
if (child.nodeType == 1) {
var old_start_transform = start_transform;
start_transform = child.getAttribute("transform");
var childTlist = canvas.getTransformList(child);
var newxlate = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
childTlist.insertItemBefore(newxlate, 0);
batchCmd.addSubCommand( recalculateDimensions(child) );
start_transform = old_start_transform;
if (gangle) {
tlist.insertItemBefore(rnew, 0);
// else, it's a non-group
else {
var box = canvas.getBBox(selected);
var oldcenter = {x: box.x+box.width/2, y: box.y+box.height/2};
var newcenter = transformPoint(box.x+box.width/2, box.y+box.height/2,
var m = svgroot.createSVGMatrix();
// temporarily strip off the rotate and save the old center
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(selected);
if (angle) {
for (var i = 0; i < tlist.numberOfItems; ++i) {
var xform = tlist.getItem(i);
if (xform.type == 4) {
// extract old center through mystical arts
var rm = xform.matrix;
var a = angle * Math.PI / 180;
// FIXME: This blows up if the angle is exactly 0 or 180 degrees!
oldcenter.y = 0.5 * (Math.sin(a)*rm.e + (1-Math.cos(a))*rm.f) / (1 - Math.cos(a));
oldcenter.x = ((1 - Math.cos(a)) * oldcenter.y - rm.f) / Math.sin(a);
// 2 = translate, 3 = scale, 4 = rotate, 1 = matrix imposition
var operation = 0;
var N = tlist.numberOfItems;
// first, if it was a scale of a non-skewed element, then the second-last
// transform will be the [S]
// if we had [M][T][S][T] we want to extract the matrix equivalent of
// [T][S][T] and push it down to the element
if (N >= 3 && tlist.getItem(N-2).type == 3 &&
tlist.getItem(N-3).type == 2 && tlist.getItem(N-1).type == 2)
operation = 3; // scale
m = transformListToTransform(tlist,N-3,N-1).matrix;
} // if we had [T][S][-T][M], then this was a skewed element being resized
// Thus, we simply combine it all into one matrix
else if(N == 4 && tlist.getItem(N-1).type == 1) {
operation = 3; // scale
m = transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix;
var e2t = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
// reset the matrix so that the element is not re-mapped
m = svgroot.createSVGMatrix();
} // if we had [R][T][S][-T][M], then this was a rotated matrix-element
// if we had [T1][M] we want to transform this into [M][T2]
// therefore [ T2 ] = [ M_inv ] [ T1 ] [ M ] and we can push [T2]
// down to the element
else if ( (N == 1 || (N > 1 && tlist.getItem(1).type != 3)) &&
tlist.getItem(0).type == 2)
operation = 2; // translate
var oldxlate = tlist.getItem(0).matrix,
meq = transformListToTransform(tlist,1).matrix,
meq_inv = meq.inverse();
m = matrixMultiply( meq_inv, oldxlate, meq );
// else if this child now has a matrix imposition (from a parent group)
// we might be able to simplify
else if (N == 1 && tlist.getItem(0).type == 1 && !angle) {
// Remap all point-based elements
m = transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix;
switch (selected.tagName) {
case 'line':
changes.x1 = selected.getAttribute("x1");
changes.y1 = selected.getAttribute("y1");
changes.x2 = selected.getAttribute("x2");
changes.y2 = selected.getAttribute("y2");
case 'polyline':
case 'polygon':
changes.points = selected.getAttribute("points");
if(changes.points) {
var list = selected.points;
var len = list.numberOfItems;
changes.points = new Array(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var pt = list.getItem(i);
changes.points[i] = {x:pt.x,y:pt.y};
case 'path':
changes.d = selected.getAttribute("d");
if(changes.d) {
var segList = selected.pathSegList;
var len = segList.numberOfItems;
changes.d = new Array(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var seg = segList.getItem(i);
changes.d[i] = {
type: seg.pathSegType,
x: seg.x,
y: seg.y,
x1: seg.x1,
y1: seg.y1,
x2: seg.x2,
y2: seg.y2,
r1: seg.r1,
r2: seg.r2,
angle: seg.angle,
largeArcFlag: seg.largeArcFlag,
sweepFlag: seg.sweepFlag
operation = 1;
// if it was a rotation, put the rotate back and return without a command
// (this function has zero work to do for a rotate())
else {
operation = 4; // rotation
if (angle) {
var newRot = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
tlist.insertItemBefore(newRot, 0);
if (tlist.numberOfItems == 0) {
return null;
// if it was a translate or resize, we need to remap the element and absorb the xform
if (operation == 1 || operation == 2 || operation == 3) {
} // if we are remapping
// if it was a translate, put back the rotate at the new center
if (operation == 2) {
if (angle) {
var newRot = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
tlist.insertItemBefore(newRot, 0);
// [Rold][M][T][S][-T] became [Rold][M]
// we want it to be [Rnew][M][Tr] where Tr is the
// translation required to re-center it
// Therefore, [Tr] = [M_inv][Rnew_inv][Rold][M]
else if (operation == 3) {
var m = transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix;
var roldt = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
roldt.setRotate(angle, oldcenter.x, oldcenter.y);
var rold = roldt.matrix;
var rnew = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
rnew.setRotate(angle, newcenter.x, newcenter.y);
var rnew_inv = rnew.matrix.inverse();
var m_inv = m.inverse();
var extrat = matrixMultiply(m_inv, rnew_inv, rold, m);
if (angle) {
} // a non-group
// if the transform list has been emptied, remove it
if (tlist.numberOfItems == 0) {
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(selected, initial));
return batchCmd;
// public events
// Group: Selection
// Function: clearSelection
// Clears the selection. The 'selected' handler is then called.
this.clearSelection = function() {
if (selectedElements[0] != null) {
var len = selectedElements.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem == null) break;
selectedElements[i] = null;
if (i==0) selectedBBoxes[i] = null;
call("selected", selectedElements);
// TODO: do we need to worry about selectedBBoxes here?
// Function: addToSelection
// Adds a list of elements to the selection. The 'selected' handler is then called.
// Parameters:
// elemsToAdd - an array of DOM elements to add to the selection
// showGrips - a boolean flag indicating whether the resize grips should be shown
this.addToSelection = function(elemsToAdd, showGrips) {
if (elemsToAdd.length == 0) { return; }
// find the first null in our selectedElements array
var j = 0;
while (j < selectedElements.length) {
if (selectedElements[j] == null) {
// now add each element consecutively
var i = elemsToAdd.length;
while (i--) {
var elem = elemsToAdd[i];
// we ignore any selectors
if (!elem ||,13) == "selectorGrip_") continue;
// if it's not already there, add it
if (selectedElements.indexOf(elem) == -1) {
selectedElements[j] = elem;
// only the first selectedBBoxes element is ever used in the codebase these days
if (j == 0) selectedBBoxes[j] = this.getBBox(elem);
var sel = selectorManager.requestSelector(elem);
if (selectedElements.length > 1) {
call("selected", selectedElements);
if(showGrips) {
else if (selectedElements.length > 1) {
// make sure the elements are in the correct order
// See:
selectedElements.sort(function(a,b) {
if(a && b && a.compareDocumentPosition) {
return 3 - (b.compareDocumentPosition(a) & 6);
} else if(a == null) {
return 1;
// Make sure null value is at the end
if(!selectedElements[0]) selectedElements.push(selectedElements.shift());
// TODO: could use slice here to make this faster?
// TODO: should the 'selected' handler
// Function: removeFromSelection
// Removes elements from the selection.
// Parameters:
// elemsToRemove - an array of elements to remove from selection
this.removeFromSelection = function(elemsToRemove) {
if (selectedElements[0] == null) { return; }
if (elemsToRemove.length == 0) { return; }
// find every element and remove it from our array copy
var newSelectedItems = new Array(selectedElements.length);
var newSelectedBBoxes = new Array(selectedBBoxes.length);
var j = 0;
var len = selectedElements.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem) {
// keep the item
if (elemsToRemove.indexOf(elem) == -1) {
newSelectedItems[j] = elem;
if (j==0) newSelectedBBoxes[j] = selectedBBoxes[i];
else { // remove the item and its selector
// the copy becomes the master now
selectedElements = newSelectedItems;
selectedBBoxes = newSelectedBBoxes;
this.addNodeToSelection = function(point) {
// Currently only one node can be selected at a time, should allow more later
// Should point be the index or the grip element?
var is_closed = pathIsClosed();
if(is_closed && point == current_path_pts.length/2 - 1) {
current_path_pt = 0;
} else {
current_path_pt = point;
$('#pathpointgrip_container circle').attr('stroke','#00F');
var grip = $('#pathpointgrip_' + point).attr('stroke','#0FF');
$('#ctrlpointgrip_container circle').attr('fill', '#EEE');
$('#ctrlpointgrip_' + current_path_pt + 'c1, #ctrlpointgrip_' + current_path_pt + 'c2').attr('fill','#0FF');
call("selected", [grip[0]]);
// Some global variables that we may need to refactor
var root_sctm = null;
var mouse_target = null;
// A (hopefully) quicker function to transform a point by a matrix
// (this function avoids any DOM calls and just does the math)
// Returns a x,y object representing the transformed point
var transformPoint = function(x, y, m) {
return { x: m.a * x + m.c * y + m.e, y: m.b * x + m.d * y + m.f};
var isIdentity = function(m) {
return (m.a == 1 && m.b == 0 && m.c == 0 && m.d == 1 && m.e == 0 && m.f == 0);
// matrixMultiply() is provided because WebKit didn't implement multiply() correctly
// on the SVGMatrix interface. See
// This function tries to return a SVGMatrix that is the multiplication m1*m2.
// As far as I can tell, there is no way for us to handle matrix multiplication
// of arbitrary matrices because we cannot directly set the a,b,c,d,e,f values
// of the resulting matrix, we have to do it with translate/rotate/scale
// TODO: Actually all browsers seem to allow setting of a-f in a SVGMatrix without
// throwing an exception - perhaps an update was issued in SVG 1.1 2e?
var matrixMultiply = function() {
var multi2 = function(m1, m2) {
var m = svgroot.createSVGMatrix();
m.a = m1.a*m2.a + m1.c*m2.b;
m.b = m1.b*m2.a + m1.d*m2.b,
m.c = m1.a*m2.c + m1.c*m2.d,
m.d = m1.b*m2.c + m1.d*m2.d,
m.e = m1.a*m2.e + m1.c*m2.f + m1.e,
m.f = m1.b*m2.e + m1.d*m2.f + m1.f;
return m;
var args = arguments, i = args.length, m = args[i-1];
while(i-- > 1) {
var m1 = args[i-1];
m = multi2(m1, m);
return m;
// This returns a single matrix Transform for a given Transform List
// (this is the equivalent of SVGTransformList.consolidate() but unlike
// that method, this one does not modify the actual SVGTransformList)
// This function is very liberal with its min,max arguments
var transformListToTransform = function(tlist, min, max) {
var min = min == undefined ? 0 : min;
var max = max == undefined ? (tlist.numberOfItems-1) : max;
min = parseInt(min);
max = parseInt(max);
if (min > max) { var temp = max; max = min; min = temp; }
var m = svgroot.createSVGMatrix();
for (var i = min; i <= max; ++i) {
// if our indices are out of range, just use a harmless identity matrix
var mtom = (i >= 0 && i < tlist.numberOfItems ?
tlist.getItem(i).matrix :
m = matrixMultiply(m, mtom);
return svgroot.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(m);
var hasMatrixTransform = function(tlist) {
var num = tlist.numberOfItems;
while (num--) {
var xform = tlist.getItem(num);
if (xform.type == 1 && !isIdentity(xform.matrix)) return true;
return false;
// // Easy way to loop through transform list, but may not be worthwhile
// var eachXform = function(elem, callback) {
// var tlist = canvas.getTransformList(elem);
// var num = tlist.numberOfItems;
// if(num == 0) return;
// while(num--) {
// var xform = tlist.getItem(num);
// callback(xform, tlist);
// }
// }
// FIXME: this should not have anything to do with zoom here - update the one place it is used this way
// converts a tiny object equivalent of a SVGTransform
// has the following properties:
// - tx, ty, sx, sy, angle, cx, cy, string
var transformToObj = function(xform, mZoom) {
var m = xform.matrix;
var tobj = {tx:0,ty:0,sx:1,sy:1,angle:0,cx:0,cy:0,text:""};
var z = mZoom?current_zoom:1;
switch(xform.type) {
case 1: // MATRIX
tobj.text = "matrix(" + [m.a,m.b,m.c,m.d,m.e,m.f].join(",") + ")";
case 2: // TRANSLATE
tobj.tx = m.e;
tobj.ty = m.f;
tobj.text = "translate(" + m.e*z + "," + m.f*z + ")";
case 3: // SCALE = m.a; = m.d;
if (m.a == m.d) tobj.text = "scale(" + m.a + ")";
else tobj.text = "scale(" + m.a + "," + m.d + ")";
case 4: // ROTATE
tobj.angle = xform.angle;
// this prevents divide by zero
if (xform.angle != 0) {
var K = 1 - m.a; = ( K * m.f + m.b*m.e ) / ( K*K + m.b*m.b ); = ( m.e - m.b * ) / K;
tobj.text = "rotate(" + xform.angle + " " +*z + "," +*z + ")";
// TODO: matrix, skewX, skewY
return tobj;
var transformBox = function(l, t, w, h, m) {
var topleft = {x:l,y:t},
topright = {x:(l+w),y:t},
botright = {x:(l+w),y:(t+h)},
botleft = {x:l,y:(t+h)};
topleft = transformPoint( topleft.x, topleft.y, m );
var minx = topleft.x,
maxx = topleft.x,
miny = topleft.y,
maxy = topleft.y;
topright = transformPoint( topright.x, topright.y, m );
minx = Math.min(minx, topright.x);
maxx = Math.max(maxx, topright.x);
miny = Math.min(miny, topright.y);
maxy = Math.max(maxy, topright.y);
botleft = transformPoint( botleft.x, botleft.y, m);
minx = Math.min(minx, botleft.x);
maxx = Math.max(maxx, botleft.x);
miny = Math.min(miny, botleft.y);
maxy = Math.max(maxy, botleft.y);
botright = transformPoint( botright.x, botright.y, m );
minx = Math.min(minx, botright.x);
maxx = Math.max(maxx, botright.x);
miny = Math.min(miny, botright.y);
maxy = Math.max(maxy, botright.y);
return {tl:topleft, tr:topright, bl:botleft, br:botright,
aabox: {x:minx, y:miny, width:(maxx-minx), height:(maxy-miny)} };
// - when we are in a create mode, the element is added to the canvas
// but the action is not recorded until mousing up
// - when we are in select mode, select the element, remember the position
// and do nothing else
var mouseDown = function(evt)
root_sctm = svgroot.getScreenCTM().inverse();
var pt = transformPoint( evt.pageX, evt.pageY, root_sctm );
var mouse_x = pt.x;
var mouse_y = pt.y;
if($.inArray(current_mode, ['select', 'resize']) == -1) {
x = mouse_x / current_zoom;
y = mouse_y / current_zoom;
start_x = x;
start_y = y;
// find mouse target
mouse_target =;
// go up until we hit a child of a layer
while (mouse_target.parentNode.parentNode.tagName == "g") {
mouse_target = mouse_target.parentNode;
// Webkit bubbles the mouse event all the way up to the div, so we
// set the mouse_target to the svgroot like the other browsers
if (mouse_target.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "div") {
mouse_target = svgroot;
// if it is a selector grip, then it must be a single element selected,
// set the mouse_target to that and update the mode to rotate/resize
if (mouse_target.parentNode == selectorManager.selectorParentGroup && selectedElements[0] != null) {
var gripid =;
var griptype = gripid.substr(0,20);
// rotating
if (griptype == "selectorGrip_rotate_") {
current_mode = "rotate";
// resizing
else if(griptype == "selectorGrip_resize_") {
current_mode = "resize";
current_resize_mode = gripid.substr(20,gripid.indexOf("_",20)-20);
mouse_target = selectedElements[0];
start_transform = mouse_target.getAttribute("transform");
var tlist = canvas.getTransformList(mouse_target);
switch (current_mode) {
case "select":
started = true;
current_resize_mode = "none";
if (mouse_target != svgroot) {
// if this element is not yet selected, clear selection and select it
if (selectedElements.indexOf(mouse_target) == -1) {
// only clear selection if shift is not pressed (otherwise, add
// element to selection)
if (!evt.shiftKey) {
justSelected = mouse_target;
current_path = null;
// else if it's a path, go into pathedit mode in mouseup
// insert a dummy transform so if the element(s) are moved it will have
// a transform to use for its translate
for (var i = 0; i < selectedElements.length; ++i) {
if(selectedElements[i] == null) continue;
var slist = canvas.getTransformList(selectedElements[i]);
slist.insertItemBefore(svgroot.createSVGTransform(), 0);
else {
current_mode = "multiselect";
if (rubberBox == null) {
rubberBox = selectorManager.getRubberBandBox();
start_x *= current_zoom;
start_y *= current_zoom;
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': start_x,
'y': start_y,
'width': 0,
'height': 0,
'display': 'inline'
}, 100);
case "zoom":
started = true;
start_x = x;
start_y = y;
if (rubberBox == null) {
rubberBox = selectorManager.getRubberBandBox();
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': start_x * current_zoom,
'y': start_y * current_zoom,
'width': 0,
'height': 0,
'display': 'inline'
}, 100);
case "resize":
started = true;
start_x = x;
start_y = y;
// Getting the BBox from the selection box, since we know we
// want to orient around it
init_bbox = canvas.getBBox($('#selectedBox0')[0]);
$.each(init_bbox, function(key, val) {
init_bbox[key] = val/current_zoom;
// append three dummy transforms to the tlist so that
// we can translate,scale,translate in mousemove
var pos = canvas.getRotationAngle(mouse_target)?1:0;
if(hasMatrixTransform(tlist)) {
tlist.insertItemBefore(svgroot.createSVGTransform(), pos);
tlist.insertItemBefore(svgroot.createSVGTransform(), pos);
tlist.insertItemBefore(svgroot.createSVGTransform(), pos);
} else {
case "fhellipse":
case "fhrect":
case "fhpath":
started = true;
start_x = x;
start_y = y;
d_attr = x + "," + y + " ";
var stroke_w = cur_shape.stroke_width == 0?1:cur_shape.stroke_width;
"element": "polyline",
"attr": {
"points": d_attr,
"id": getNextId(),
"fill": "none",
"stroke": cur_shape.stroke,
"stroke-width": stroke_w,
"stroke-dasharray": cur_shape.stroke_style,
"stroke-opacity": cur_shape.stroke_opacity,
"stroke-linecap": "round",
"stroke-linejoin": "round",
"opacity": cur_shape.opacity / 2,
"style": "pointer-events:none"
freehand_min_x = x;
freehand_max_x = x;
freehand_min_y = y;
freehand_max_y = y;
case "image":
started = true;
start_x = x;
start_y = y;
var newImage = addSvgElementFromJson({
"element": "image",
"attr": {
"x": x,
"y": y,
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"id": getNextId(),
"opacity": cur_shape.opacity / 2,
"style": "pointer-events:inherit"
newImage.setAttributeNS(xlinkns, "href", last_good_img_url);
case "square":
// FIXME: once we create the rect, we lose information that this was a square
// (for resizing purposes this could be important)
case "rect":
started = true;
start_x = x;
start_y = y;
"element": "rect",
"attr": {
"x": x,
"y": y,
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"id": getNextId(),
"fill": cur_shape.fill,
"stroke": cur_shape.stroke,
"stroke-width": cur_shape.stroke_width,
"stroke-dasharray": cur_shape.stroke_style,
"stroke-opacity": cur_shape.stroke_opacity,
"fill-opacity": cur_shape.fill_opacity,
"opacity": cur_shape.opacity / 2,
"style": "pointer-events:inherit"
case "line":
started = true;
var stroke_w = cur_shape.stroke_width == 0?1:cur_shape.stroke_width;
"element": "line",
"attr": {
"x1": x,
"y1": y,
"x2": x,
"y2": y,
"id": getNextId(),
"stroke": cur_shape.stroke,
"stroke-width": stroke_w,
"stroke-dasharray": cur_shape.stroke_style,
"stroke-opacity": cur_shape.stroke_opacity,
"fill": "none",
"opacity": cur_shape.opacity / 2,
"style": "pointer-events:none"
case "circle":
started = true;
"element": "circle",
"attr": {
"cx": x,
"cy": y,
"r": 0,
"id": getNextId(),
"fill": cur_shape.fill,
"stroke": cur_shape.stroke,
"stroke-width": cur_shape.stroke_width,
"stroke-dasharray": cur_shape.stroke_style,
"stroke-opacity": cur_shape.stroke_opacity,
"fill-opacity": cur_shape.fill_opacity,
"opacity": cur_shape.opacity / 2,
"style": "pointer-events:inherit"
case "ellipse":
started = true;
"element": "ellipse",
"attr": {
"cx": x,
"cy": y,
"rx": 0,
"ry": 0,
"id": getNextId(),
"fill": cur_shape.fill,
"stroke": cur_shape.stroke,
"stroke-width": cur_shape.stroke_width,
"stroke-dasharray": cur_shape.stroke_style,
"stroke-opacity": cur_shape.stroke_opacity,
"fill-opacity": cur_shape.fill_opacity,
"opacity": cur_shape.opacity / 2,
"style": "pointer-events:inherit"
case "text":
started = true;
var newText = addSvgElementFromJson({
"element": "text",
"attr": {
"x": x,
"y": y,
"id": getNextId(),
"fill": cur_text.fill,
"stroke": cur_shape.stroke,
"stroke-width": cur_text.stroke_width,
"stroke-dasharray": cur_shape.stroke_style,
"stroke-opacity": cur_shape.stroke_opacity,
"fill-opacity": cur_shape.fill_opacity,
// fix for bug where text elements were always 50% opacity
"opacity": cur_shape.opacity,
"font-size": cur_text.font_size,
"font-family": cur_text.font_family,
"text-anchor": "middle",
"style": "pointer-events:inherit",
"xml:space": "preserve"
newText.textContent = "text";
case "path":
started = true;
case "pathedit":
started = true;
current_path_oldd = current_path.getAttribute("d");
var id =;
if (id.substr(0,14) == "pathpointgrip_") {
// Select this point
current_path_pt_drag = parseInt(id.substr(14));
} else if(id.indexOf("ctrlpointgrip_") == 0) {
current_ctrl_pt_drag = id.split('_')[1];
var node_num = current_ctrl_pt_drag.split('c')[0]-0;
if(current_path_pt_drag == -1 && current_ctrl_pt_drag == -1) {
// if we haven't moused down on a shape, then go into multiselect mode
// otherwise, select it
if ( != "svgroot") {
current_path = null;
canvas.addToSelection([mouse_target], true);
// Insert the dummy transform here in case element is moved
var tlist = canvas.getTransformList(mouse_target);
tlist.insertItemBefore(svgroot.createSVGTransform(), 0);
else {
if (rubberBox == null) {
rubberBox = selectorManager.getRubberBandBox();
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': start_x,
'y': start_y,
'width': 0,
'height': 0,
'display': 'inline'
}, 100);
case "rotate":
started = true;
// we are starting an undoable change (a drag-rotation)
canvas.beginUndoableChange("transform", selectedElements);
console.log("Unknown mode in mousedown: " + current_mode);
// in this function we do not record any state changes yet (but we do update
// any elements that are still being created, moved or resized on the canvas)
// TODO: svgcanvas should just retain a reference to the image being dragged instead
// of the getId() and getElementById() funkiness - this will help us customize the ids
// a little bit for squares and paths
var mouseMove = function(evt)
if (!started) return;
var selected = selectedElements[0];
var pt = transformPoint( evt.pageX, evt.pageY, root_sctm );
var mouse_x = pt.x;
var mouse_y = pt.y;
var shape = svgdoc.getElementById(getId());
x = mouse_x / current_zoom;
y = mouse_y / current_zoom;
var setRect = function(square) {
var w = Math.abs(x - start_x),
h = Math.abs(y - start_y),
new_x, new_y;
if(square) {
w = h = Math.max(w, h);
new_x = start_x < x ? start_x : start_x - w;
new_y = start_y < y ? start_y : start_y - h;
} else {
new_x = Math.min(start_x,x);
new_y = Math.min(start_y,y);
'width': w,
'height': h,
'x': new_x,
'y': new_y
switch (current_mode)
case "select":
// we temporarily use a translate on the element(s) being dragged
// this transform is removed upon mousing up and the element is
// relocated to the new location
if (selectedElements[0] != null) {
var dx = x - start_x;
var dy = y - start_y;
if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) {
var len = selectedElements.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var selected = selectedElements[i];
if (selected == null) break;
if (i==0) {
var box = canvas.getBBox(selected);
selectedBBoxes[i].x = box.x + dx;
selectedBBoxes[i].y = box.y + dy;
// update the dummy transform in our transform list
// to be a translate
var xform = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
var tlist = canvas.getTransformList(selected);
if(tlist.numberOfItems) {
tlist.replaceItem(xform, 0);
// TODO: Webkit returns null here, find out why
// console.log(selected.getAttribute("transform"))
} else {
// update our internal bbox that we're tracking while dragging
case "multiselect":
x *= current_zoom;
y *= current_zoom;
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': Math.min(start_x,x),
'y': Math.min(start_y,y),
'width': Math.abs(x-start_x),
'height': Math.abs(y-start_y)
// clear out selection and set it to the new list
// canvas.clearSelection();
// FIXME: fix this, need to supply rect to getIntersectionList()
// canvas.addToSelection(getIntersectionList());
// for each selected:
// - if newList contains selected, do nothing
// - if newList doesn't contain selected, remove it from selected
// - for any newList that was not in selectedElements, add it to selected
var elemsToRemove = [], elemsToAdd = [];
var newList = getIntersectionList();
var len = selectedElements.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var ind = newList.indexOf(selectedElements[i]);
if (ind == -1) {
else {
newList[ind] = null;
len = newList.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (newList[i]) elemsToAdd.push(newList[i]); }
if (elemsToRemove.length > 0)
if (elemsToAdd.length > 0)
case "resize":
// we track the resize bounding box and translate/scale the selected element
// while the mouse is down, when mouse goes up, we use this to recalculate
// the shape's coordinates
var tlist = canvas.getTransformList(selected);
var hasMatrix = hasMatrixTransform(tlist);
var box=hasMatrix?init_bbox:canvas.getBBox(selected), left=box.x, top=box.y, width=box.width,
height=box.height, dx=(x-start_x), dy=(y-start_y);
// if rotated, adjust the dx,dy values
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(selected);
if (angle) {
var r = Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
var theta = Math.atan2(dy,dx) - angle * Math.PI / 180.0;
dx = r * Math.cos(theta);
dy = r * Math.sin(theta);
// if not stretching in y direction, set dy to 0
// if not stretching in x direction, set dx to 0
if(current_resize_mode.indexOf("n")==-1 && current_resize_mode.indexOf("s")==-1) {
dy = 0;
if(current_resize_mode.indexOf("e")==-1 && current_resize_mode.indexOf("w")==-1) {
dx = 0;
var ts = null;
var tx = 0, ty = 0;
var sy = height ? (height+dy)/height : 1,
sx = width ? (width+dx)/width : 1;
// if we are dragging on the north side, then adjust the scale factor and ty
if(current_resize_mode.indexOf("n") != -1) {
sy = height ? (height-dy)/height : 1;
ty = height;
// if we dragging on the east side, then adjust the scale factor and tx
if(current_resize_mode.indexOf("w") != -1) {
sx = width ? (width-dx)/width : 1;
tx = width;
// update the transform list with translate,scale,translate
var translateOrigin = svgroot.createSVGTransform(),
scale = svgroot.createSVGTransform(),
translateBack = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
if(evt.shiftKey) {
if(sx == 1) sx = sy
else sy = sx;
if(hasMatrix) {
var diff = angle?1:0;
tlist.replaceItem(translateOrigin, 2+diff);
tlist.replaceItem(scale, 1+diff);
tlist.replaceItem(translateBack, 0+diff);
} else {
var N = tlist.numberOfItems;
tlist.replaceItem(translateBack, N-3);
tlist.replaceItem(scale, N-2);
tlist.replaceItem(translateOrigin, N-1);
var selectedBBox = selectedBBoxes[0];
// reset selected bbox top-left position
selectedBBox.x = left;
selectedBBox.y = top;
// if this is a translate, adjust the box position
if (tx) {
selectedBBox.x += dx;
if (ty) {
selectedBBox.y += dy;
case "zoom":
x *= current_zoom;
y *= current_zoom;
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': Math.min(start_x*current_zoom,x),
'y': Math.min(start_y*current_zoom,y),
'width': Math.abs(x-start_x*current_zoom),
'height': Math.abs(y-start_y*current_zoom)
case "text":
'x': x,
'y': y
case "line":
// Opera has a problem with suspendRedraw() apparently
var handle = null;
if (!window.opera) svgroot.suspendRedraw(1000);
shape.setAttributeNS(null, "x2", x);
shape.setAttributeNS(null, "y2", y);
if (!window.opera) svgroot.unsuspendRedraw(handle);
case "square":
case "rect":
case "image":
case "circle":
var cx = shape.getAttributeNS(null, "cx");
var cy = shape.getAttributeNS(null, "cy");
var rad = Math.sqrt( (x-cx)*(x-cx) + (y-cy)*(y-cy) );
shape.setAttributeNS(null, "r", rad);
case "ellipse":
var cx = shape.getAttributeNS(null, "cx");
var cy = shape.getAttributeNS(null, "cy");
// Opera has a problem with suspendRedraw() apparently
var handle = null;
if (!window.opera) svgroot.suspendRedraw(1000);
shape.setAttributeNS(null, "rx", Math.abs(x - cx) );
var ry = Math.abs(evt.shiftKey?(x - cx):(y - cy));
shape.setAttributeNS(null, "ry", ry );
if (!window.opera) svgroot.unsuspendRedraw(handle);
case "fhellipse":
case "fhrect":
freehand_min_x = Math.min(x, freehand_min_x);
freehand_max_x = Math.max(x, freehand_max_x);
freehand_min_y = Math.min(y, freehand_min_y);
freehand_max_y = Math.max(y, freehand_max_y);
// break; missing on purpose
case "fhpath":
start_x = x;
start_y = y;
d_attr += + x + "," + y + " ";
shape.setAttributeNS(null, "points", d_attr);
// update path stretch line coordinates
case "path":
var line = document.getElementById("path_stretch_line");
if (line) {
line.setAttribute("x2", x *= current_zoom);
line.setAttribute("y2", y *= current_zoom);
case "pathedit":
// if we are dragging a point, let's move it
if (current_path_pt_drag != -1 && current_path) {
var old_path_pts = $.map(current_path_pts, function(n){return n/current_zoom;});
updatePath(mouse_x, mouse_y, old_path_pts);
} else if (current_ctrl_pt_drag != -1 && current_path) {
// Moving the control point. Since only one segment is altered,
// we only need to do a pathSegList replace.
var data = current_ctrl_pt_drag.split('c');
var index = data[0]-0;
var ctrl_num = data[1]-0;
var pt_index;
var pt_count = current_path_pts.length/2;
updateCurvedSegment(mouse_x, mouse_y, index, ctrl_num);
if(link_control_pts) {
var is_closed = pathIsClosed();
if(ctrl_num == 1) {
ctrl_num = 2;
pt_index = index+1;
if(index < 0) {
index = pt_count - 2;
if(!is_closed) break;
} else {
ctrl_num = 1;
pt_index = index;
if(index >= pt_count - 1) {
index = 0;
if(!is_closed) break;
var pt = getPathPoint(pt_index, true);
var new_x = pt[0] - (mouse_x - pt[0]);
var new_y = pt[1] - (mouse_y - pt[1]);
updateCurvedSegment(new_x, new_y, index, ctrl_num, true);
case "rotate":
var box = canvas.getBBox(selected),
cx = box.x + box.width/2,
cy = box.y + box.height/2;
var m = transformListToTransform(canvas.getTransformList(selected)).matrix;
var center = transformPoint(cx,cy,m);
cx = center.x;
cy = center.y;
var angle = ((Math.atan2(cy-y,cx-x) * (180/Math.PI))-90) % 360;
canvas.setRotationAngle(angle<-180?(360+angle):angle, true);
call("changed", selectedElements);
}; // mouseMove()
var shortFloat = function(val) {
var digits = save_options.round_digits;
if(!isNaN(val)) {
return Number(Number(val).toFixed(digits));
} else if($.isArray(val)) {
return shortFloat(val[0]) + ',' + shortFloat(val[1]);
this.reorientPath = function() {
var elem = selectedElements[0];
if(!elem) return;
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(elem);
if(angle == 0) return;
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Reorient path");
var changes = {
d: elem.getAttribute('d'),
transform: elem.getAttribute('transform')
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(elem, changes));
current_path = elem;
setPointContainerTransform(""); // Maybe this should be in resetPointGrips?
canvas.addToSelection([elem], true);
call("changed", selectedElements);
// If the path was rotated, we must now pay the piper:
// Every path point must be rotated into the rotated coordinate system of
// its old center, then determine the new center, then rotate it back
// This is because we want the path to remember its rotation
// TODO: This is still using ye olde transform methods, can probably
// be optimized or even taken care of by recalculateDimensions
var recalcRotatedPath = function() {
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(current_path, true);
if(!angle) return;
var box = canvas.getBBox(current_path);
var oldbox = selectedBBoxes[0];
var oldcx = oldbox.x + oldbox.width/2,
oldcy = oldbox.y + oldbox.height/2,
newcx = box.x + box.width/2,
newcy = box.y + box.height/2;
// un-rotate the new center to the proper position
var dx = newcx - oldcx,
dy = newcy - oldcy;
var r = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
var theta = Math.atan2(dy,dx) + angle;
newcx = r * Math.cos(theta) + oldcx;
newcy = r * Math.sin(theta) + oldcy;
var getRotVals = function(x, y) {
dx = x - oldcx;
dy = y - oldcy;
// rotate the point around the old center
r = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
theta = Math.atan2(dy,dx) + angle;
dx = r * Math.cos(theta) + oldcx;
dy = r * Math.sin(theta) + oldcy;
// dx,dy should now hold the actual coordinates of each
// point after being rotated
// now we want to rotate them around the new center in the reverse direction
dx -= newcx;
dy -= newcy;
r = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
theta = Math.atan2(dy,dx) - angle;
return {'x':(r * Math.cos(theta) + newcx)/1,
'y':(r * Math.sin(theta) + newcy)/1};
var list = current_path.pathSegList;
var i = list.numberOfItems;
while (i) {
i -= 1;
var seg = list.getItem(i);
var type = seg.pathSegType;
if(type == 1) continue;
var rvals = getRotVals(seg.x,seg.y);
var points = [rvals.x, rvals.y];
if(seg.x1 != null && seg.x2 != null) {
c_vals1 = getRotVals(seg.x1, seg.y1);
c_vals2 = getRotVals(seg.x2, seg.y2);
points.splice(points.length, 0, c_vals1.x , c_vals1.y, c_vals2.x, c_vals2.y);
replacePathSeg(type, i, points);
} // loop for each point
box = canvas.getBBox(current_path);
selectedBBoxes[0].x = box.x; selectedBBoxes[0].y = box.y;
selectedBBoxes[0].width = box.width; selectedBBoxes[0].height = box.height;
// now we must set the new transform to be rotated around the new center
var R_nc = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
var tlist = canvas.getTransformList(current_path);
R_nc.setRotate((angle * 180.0 / Math.PI), newcx, newcy);
if(document.getElementById("pathpointgrip_container")) {
var pcx = newcx * current_zoom,
pcy = newcy * current_zoom;
var xform = ["rotate(", (angle*180.0/Math.PI), " ", pcx, ",", pcy, ")"].join("");
// Rotate all points of a path and remove its transform value
var resetPathOrientation = function(path) {
if(path == null || path.nodeName != 'path') return false;
var tlist = canvas.getTransformList(path);
var m = transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix;
var segList = path.pathSegList;
var len = segList.numberOfItems;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var seg = segList.getItem(i);
var type = seg.pathSegType;
if(type == 1) continue;
var pts = [];
$.each(['',1,2], function(j, n) {
var x = seg['x'+n], y = seg['y'+n];
if(x && y) {
var pt = transformPoint(x, y, m);
pts.splice(pts.length, 0, pt.x, pt.y);
replacePathSeg(type, i, pts, path);
// Convert an element to a path
this.convertToPath = function(elem, getBBox, angle) {
if(elem == null) {
var elems = selectedElements;
$.each(selectedElements, function(i, elem) {
if(elem) canvas.convertToPath(elem);
if(!getBBox) {
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Convert element to Path");
var attrs = getBBox?{}:{
"fill": cur_shape.fill,
"fill-opacity": cur_shape.fill_opacity,
"stroke": cur_shape.stroke,
"stroke-width": cur_shape.stroke_width,
"stroke-dasharray": cur_shape.stroke_style,
"stroke-opacity": cur_shape.stroke_opacity,
"opacity": cur_shape.opacity,
var path = addSvgElementFromJson({
"element": "path",
"attr": attrs
var eltrans = elem.getAttribute("transform");
if(eltrans) {
var id =;
var parent = elem.parentNode;
if(elem.nextSibling) {
parent.insertBefore(path, elem);
} else {
var d = '';
var joinSegs = function(segs) {
$.each(segs, function(j, seg) {
var l = seg[0], pts = seg[1];
d += l;
for(var i=0; i < pts.length; i+=2) {
d += (pts[i] +','+pts[i+1]) + ' ';
// Possibly the cubed root of 6, but 1.81 works best
var num = 1.81;
switch (elem.tagName) {
case 'ellipse':
var rx = elem.getAttribute('rx')-0;
var ry = elem.getAttribute('ry')-0;
case 'circle':
if(elem.tagName == 'circle') {
var rx = ry = elem.getAttribute('r')-0;
var cx = elem.getAttribute('cx')-0;
var cy = elem.getAttribute('cy')-0;
['C',[(cx-rx),(cy-ry/num), (cx-rx/num),(cy-ry), (cx),(cy-ry)]],
['C',[(cx+rx/num),(cy-ry), (cx+rx),(cy-ry/num), (cx+rx),(cy)]],
['C',[(cx+rx),(cy+ry/num), (cx+rx/num),(cy+ry), (cx),(cy+ry)]],
['C',[(cx-rx/num),(cy+ry), (cx-rx),(cy+ry/num), (cx-rx),(cy)]],
case 'path':
d = elem.getAttribute('d');
case 'line':
var x1 = elem.getAttribute('x1');
var x2 = elem.getAttribute('x2');
var y1 = elem.getAttribute('y1');
var y2 = elem.getAttribute('y2');
d = "M"+x1+","+y1+"L"+x2+","+y2;
case 'polyline':
case 'polygon':
var points = elem.getAttribute('points');
d = "M"+points;
case 'rect':
var rx = elem.getAttribute('rx')-0;
var ry = elem.getAttribute('ry')-0;
var b = elem.getBBox();
var x = b.x, y = b.y, w = b.width, h = b.height;
var num = 4-num; // Why? Because!
if(!rx && !ry) {
// Regular rect
['M',[x, y]],
['L',[x+w, y]],
['L',[x+w, y+h]],
['L',[x, y+h]],
['L',[x, y]],
} else {
['M',[x, y+ry]],
['C',[x,y+ry/num, x+rx/num,y, x+rx,y]],
['L',[x+w-rx, y]],
['C',[x+w-rx/num,y, x+w,y+ry/num, x+w,y+ry]],
['L',[x+w, y+h-ry]],
['C',[x+w, y+h-ry/num, x+w-rx/num,y+h, x+w-rx,y+h]],
['L',[x+rx, y+h]],
['C',[x+rx/num, y+h, x,y+h-ry/num, x,y+h-ry]],
['L',[x, y+ry]],
if(d) {
if(!getBBox) {
// Replace the current element with the converted one
// Reorient if it has a matrix
if(eltrans) {
var tlist = canvas.getTransformList(path);
if(hasMatrixTransform(tlist)) {
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new RemoveElementCommand(elem, parent));
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new InsertElementCommand(path));
path.setAttribute('id', id);
canvas.addToSelection([path], true);
} else {
// Get the correct BBox of the new path, then discard it
var bb = false;
try {
bb = path.getBBox();
} catch(e) {
// Firefox fails
return bb;
// Convert a path to one with only absolute or relative values
var convertPath = function(path, toRel) {
var segList = path.pathSegList;
var len = segList.numberOfItems;
var curx = 0, cury = 0;
var d = "";
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var seg = segList.getItem(i);
// if these properties are not in the segment, set them to zero
var x = seg.x || 0,
y = seg.y || 0,
x1 = seg.x1 || 0,
y1 = seg.y1 || 0,
x2 = seg.x2 || 0,
y2 = seg.y2 || 0;
var type = seg.pathSegType;
var letter = pathMap[type]['to'+(toRel?'Lower':'Upper')+'Case']();
var addToD = function(pnts, more, last) {
var str = '';
var more = more?' '+more.join(' '):'';
var last = last?shortFloat(last):'';
$.each(pnts, function(i, pnt) {
pnts[i] = shortFloat(pnt);
d += letter + pnts.join(' ') + more + last;
switch (type) {
case 1: // z,Z closepath (Z/z)
d += "z";
case 2: // absolute move (M)
case 4: // absolute line (L)
case 12: // absolute horizontal line (H)
case 14: // absolute vertical line (V)
case 18: // absolute smooth quad (T)
x -= curx;
y -= cury;
case 3: // relative move (m)
case 5: // relative line (l)
case 13: // relative horizontal line (h)
case 15: // relative vertical line (v)
case 19: // relative smooth quad (t)
if(toRel) {
curx += x;
cury += y;
} else {
x += curx;
y += cury;
curx = x;
cury = y;
case 6: // absolute cubic (C)
x -= curx; x1 -= curx; x2 -= curx;
y -= cury; y1 -= cury; y2 -= cury;
case 7: // relative cubic (c)
if(toRel) {
curx += x;
cury += y;
} else {
x += curx; x1 += curx; x2 += curx;
y += cury; y1 += cury; y2 += cury;
curx = x;
cury = y;
case 8: // absolute quad (Q)
x -= curx; x1 -= curx;
y -= cury; y1 -= cury;
case 9: // relative quad (q)
if(toRel) {
curx += x;
cury += y;
} else {
x += curx; x1 += curx;
y += cury; y1 += cury;
curx = x;
cury = y;
case 10: // absolute elliptical arc (A)
x -= curx;
y -= cury;
case 11: // relative elliptical arc (a)
if(toRel) {
curx += x;
cury += y;
} else {
x += curx;
y += cury;
curx = x;
cury = y;
addToD([[seg.r1,seg.r2]], [
(seg.largeArcFlag ? 1 : 0),
(seg.sweepFlag ? 1 : 0)
case 16: // absolute smooth cubic (S)
x -= curx; x2 -= curx;
y -= cury; y2 -= cury;
case 17: // relative smooth cubic (s)
if(toRel) {
curx += x;
cury += y;
} else {
x += curx; x2 += curx;
y += cury; y2 += cury;
curx = x;
cury = y;
} // switch on path segment type
} // for each segment
return d;
var resetPointGrips = function() {
var sr = svgroot.suspendRedraw(100);
var setPointContainerTransform = function(value) {
var conts = $('#pathpointgrip_container,#ctrlpointgrip_container');
$.each(conts,function() {
this.setAttribute("transform", value);
if(!value) {
var recalcPathPoints = function() {
current_path_pts = [];
var segList = current_path.pathSegList;
var curx = segList.getItem(0).x, cury = segList.getItem(0).y;
current_path_pts.push(curx * current_zoom);
current_path_pts.push(cury * current_zoom);
var len = segList.numberOfItems;
for (var i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
var l = segList.getItem(i);
var x = l.x, y = l.y;
// paths can now be closed, skip Z segments
if (l.pathSegType == 1) {
var type = l.pathSegType;
// current_path_pts just holds the absolute coords
if (type == 4) {
curx = x;
cury = y;
} // type 4 (abs line)
else if (type == 5) {
curx += x;
cury += y;
} // type 5 (rel line)
else if (type == 6) {
curx = x;
cury = y;
} // type 6 (abs curve)
else if (type == 7) {
curx += x;
cury += y;
} // type 7 (rel curve)
current_path_pts.push(curx * current_zoom);
current_path_pts.push(cury * current_zoom);
} // for each segment
var removeAllPointGripsFromPath = function() {
// loop through and hide all pointgrips
$('#pathpointgrip_container > *').attr("display", "none");
var line = document.getElementById("path_stretch_line");
if (line) line.setAttribute("display", "none");
$('#ctrlpointgrip_container *').attr('display','none');
var addAllPointGripsToPath = function(pointToSelect) {
// loop through and show all pointgrips
var len = current_path_pts.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
var grip = document.getElementById("pathpointgrip_"+i/2);
if (grip) {
assignAttributes(grip, {
'cx': current_path_pts[i],
'cy': current_path_pts[i+1],
'display': 'inline'
else {
addPointGripToPath(current_path_pts[i], current_path_pts[i+1],i/2);
var index = i/2;
var item = current_path.pathSegList.getItem(index);
if(item.pathSegType == 6) {
index -= 1;
// Same code as when making a curve, needs to be in own function
var cur_x = getPathPoint(index)[0];
var cur_y = getPathPoint(index)[1];
var next_x = getPathPoint(index+1)[0];
var next_y = getPathPoint(index+1)[1];
addControlPointGrip(item.x1,item.y1, cur_x,cur_y, index+'c1');
addControlPointGrip(item.x2,item.y2, next_x,next_y, index+'c2');
// FIXME: we cannot just use the same transform as the path because we might be
// at a different zoom level
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(current_path);
if (angle) {
var bbox = canvas.getBBox(current_path);
var cx = (bbox.x + bbox.width/2) * current_zoom,
cy = (bbox.y + bbox.height/2) * current_zoom;
var xform = ["rotate(", angle, " ", cx, ",", cy, ")"].join("");
if(pointToSelect != null) {
var addPointGripToPath = function(x,y,index) {
// create the container of all the point grips
var pointGripContainer = document.getElementById("pathpointgrip_container");
if (!pointGripContainer) {
var parent = document.getElementById("selectorParentGroup");
pointGripContainer = parent.appendChild(document.createElementNS(svgns, "g")); = "pathpointgrip_container";
var pointGrip = document.getElementById("pathpointgrip_"+index);
// create it
if (!pointGrip) {
pointGrip = document.createElementNS(svgns, "circle");
assignAttributes(pointGrip, {
'id': "pathpointgrip_" + index,
'display': "none",
'r': 4,
'fill': "#0FF",
'stroke': "#00F",
'stroke-width': 2,
'cursor': 'move',
'style': 'pointer-events:all',
'xlink:title': uiStrings.pathNodeTooltip
pointGrip = pointGripContainer.appendChild(pointGrip);
var grip = $('#pathpointgrip_'+index);
grip.dblclick(function() {
// set up the point grip element and display it
assignAttributes(pointGrip, {
'cx': x,
'cy': y,
'display': "inline",
var pathIsClosed = function() {
if(!current_path) return;
return current_path.getAttribute('d').substr(-1,1).toLowerCase() == 'z';
var updateSegLine = function(next_node) {
// create segment line
var segLine = document.getElementById("segline");
if(!segLine) {
var pointGripContainer = $('#pathpointgrip_container')[0];
segLine = document.createElementNS(svgns, "path");
assignAttributes(segLine, {
'id': "segline",
'fill': "none",
'stroke': "#0FF",
'stroke-width': 2,
segLine = pointGripContainer.appendChild(segLine);
if(!segLine.getAttribute('d')) {
var pt = getPathPoint(current_path_pt);
segLine.setAttribute('d', 'M' + pt.join(',') + ' 0,0');
if(current_path_pt+1 >= current_path.pathSegList.numberOfItems) {
if(!next_node) {
// Replace "M" val
replacePathSeg(2, 0, getPathPoint(current_path_pt, true), segLine);
} else {
var seg = current_path.pathSegList.getItem(current_path_pt+1);
var points = [seg.x, seg.y];
if(seg.x1 != null && seg.x2 != null) {
points.splice(2, 0, seg.x1, seg.y1, seg.x2, seg.y2);
points = $.map(points, function(n){return n*current_zoom;});
replacePathSeg(seg.pathSegType, 1, points, segLine);
var updatePath = function(mouse_x, mouse_y, old_path_pts) {
var x = mouse_x / current_zoom;
var y = mouse_y / current_zoom;
var is_closed = pathIsClosed();
var i = current_path_pt_drag * 2;
var last_index = current_path_pts.length/2 - 1;
var is_first = current_path_pt_drag == 0 || (is_closed && current_path_pt_drag == last_index);
var is_last = !is_closed && current_path_pt_drag == last_index;
// if the image is rotated, then we must modify the x,y mouse coordinates
// and rotate them into the shape's rotated coordinate system
// we also re-map mouse_x/y and x/y into the rotated coordinate system
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(current_path, true);
if (angle) {
// calculate the shape's old center that was used for rotation
var box = selectedBBoxes[0];
var cx = (box.x + box.width/2) * current_zoom,
cy = (box.y + box.height/2) * current_zoom;
var dx = mouse_x - cx, dy = mouse_y - cy;
var r = Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
var theta = Math.atan2(dy,dx) - angle;
current_path_pts[i] = mouse_x = cx + r * Math.cos(theta);
current_path_pts[i+1] = mouse_y = cy + r * Math.sin(theta);
x = mouse_x / current_zoom;
y = mouse_y / current_zoom;
else {
current_path_pts[i] = x * current_zoom;
current_path_pts[i+1] = y * current_zoom;
if(is_first && is_closed) {
// Update the first point
current_path_pts[0] = current_path_pts[i];
current_path_pts[1] = current_path_pts[i+1];
current_path_pt_drag = 0;
var index = current_path_pt_drag;
var abs_x = getPathPoint(index)[0];
var abs_y = getPathPoint(index)[1];
var item = current_path.pathSegList.getItem(index);
var x_diff = x - old_path_pts[index*2];
var y_diff = y - old_path_pts[index*2 + 1];
var cur_type = item.pathSegType;
var points = [];
if(cur_type == 6) {
points = [abs_x,abs_y, item.x1,item.y1, item.x2 + x_diff,item.y2 + y_diff];
} else {
if(is_first) {
// Need absolute position for first point
points = getPathPoint(0);
} else {
points = [abs_x, abs_y];
replacePathSeg(cur_type, index, points);
var setSeg = function(index,first) {
var points, item = current_path.pathSegList.getItem(index);
var type = item.pathSegType;
if(first) {
item.x += x_diff;
item.y += y_diff;
switch (type) {
case 1:
points = [];
case 4:
points = [item.x, item.y];
case 6:
if(first) {
item.x1 -= x_diff;
item.y1 -= y_diff;
item.x2 += x_diff;
item.y2 += y_diff;
points = [item.x, item.y, item.x1 + x_diff,item.y1 + y_diff, item.x2,item.y2];
replacePathSeg(type, index, points);
return type;
if(is_closed || !is_last) {
var next_type = setSeg(index+1);
} else {
var next_type = 0;
if(is_first && is_closed) {
var last_type = setSeg(last_index,1);
// move the point grip
var grip = document.getElementById("pathpointgrip_" + current_path_pt_drag);
if (grip) {
grip.setAttribute("cx", mouse_x);
grip.setAttribute("cy", mouse_y);
if(is_closed && is_first) {
var grip = document.getElementById("pathpointgrip_" + last_index);
grip.setAttribute("cx", mouse_x);
grip.setAttribute("cy", mouse_y);
call("changed", [grip]);
if(is_first) cur_type = last_type;
if(cur_type != 4) {
var num = is_first?last_index:index;
var id2 = (num-1)+'c2';
var line = document.getElementById("ctrlLine_"+id2);
if(line) {
// Don't do if first point on open path
if(!(!is_closed && current_path_pt_drag == 0)) {
var x2 = line.getAttribute('x2') - 0 + x_diff*current_zoom;
var y2 = line.getAttribute('y2') - 0 + y_diff*current_zoom;
addControlPointGrip(x2,y2, mouse_x,mouse_y, id2, true);
if(next_type != 4) {
var id1 = (current_path_pt_drag)+'c1';
var line = document.getElementById("ctrlLine_"+id1);
if(line) {
var x2 = line.getAttribute('x2') - 0 + x_diff*current_zoom;
var y2 = line.getAttribute('y2') - 0 + y_diff*current_zoom;
addControlPointGrip(x2,y2, mouse_x,mouse_y, id1, true);
if(next_type != 4) {
var updateCurvedSegment = function(mouse_x, mouse_y, index, ctrl_num) {
var list = current_path.pathSegList;
if(index+1 >= list.numberOfItems) {
index = -1;
var c_item = list.getItem(index+1);
// Only do curves
if(c_item.pathSegType != 6) return;
ctrl_pt_drag = index + 'c' + ctrl_num;
var x = mouse_x / current_zoom;
var y = mouse_y / current_zoom;
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(current_path, true);
// TODO: Make sure this works for linked control points
if (angle) {
// calculate the shape's old center that was used for rotation
var box = selectedBBoxes[0];
var cx = (box.x + box.width/2) * current_zoom,
cy = (box.y + box.height/2) * current_zoom;
var dx = mouse_x - cx, dy = mouse_y - cy;
var r = Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
var theta = Math.atan2(dy,dx) - angle;
mouse_x = cx + r * Math.cos(theta);
mouse_y = cy + r * Math.sin(theta);
x = mouse_x / current_zoom;
y = mouse_y / current_zoom;
c_item['x' + ctrl_num] = x;
c_item['y' + ctrl_num] = y;
replacePathSeg(6, index+1, [c_item.x,c_item.y, c_item.x1,c_item.y1, c_item.x2,c_item.y2]);
var grip = document.getElementById("ctrlpointgrip_" + ctrl_pt_drag);
if(grip) {
grip.setAttribute("cx", mouse_x);
grip.setAttribute("cy", mouse_y);
var line = document.getElementById("ctrlLine_"+ctrl_pt_drag);
line.setAttribute("x2", mouse_x);
line.setAttribute("y2", mouse_y);
var getPathPoint = function(index, raw_val) {
var len = current_path_pts.length;
var pt_num = len/2;
if(index < 0) {
index += pt_num;
} else if(index >= pt_num) {
index -= pt_num;
var z = raw_val?1:current_zoom;
return [current_path_pts[index*2] / z, current_path_pts[index*2 + 1] / z];
// This replaces the segment at the given index. Type is given as number.
var replacePathSeg = function(type, index, pts, path) {
if(!path) path = current_path;
var func = 'createSVGPathSeg' + pathFuncs[type];
var seg = path[func].apply(path, pts);
path.pathSegList.replaceItem(seg, index);
var addControlPointGrip = function(x, y, source_x, source_y, id, raw_val) {
if(!raw_val) {
x *= current_zoom; y *= current_zoom;
source_x *= current_zoom; source_y *= current_zoom;
// create the container of all the control point grips
var ctrlPointGripContainer = document.getElementById("ctrlpointgrip_container");
if (!ctrlPointGripContainer) {
var parent = document.getElementById("selectorParentGroup");
ctrlPointGripContainer = parent.appendChild(document.createElementNS(svgns, "g")); = "ctrlpointgrip_container";
ctrlPointGripContainer.setAttribute("display", "inline");
var ctrlLine = document.getElementById("ctrlLine_"+id);
if (!ctrlLine) {
ctrlLine = document.createElementNS(svgns, "line");
assignAttributes(ctrlLine, {
'id': "ctrlLine_"+id,
'stroke': "#555",
'stroke-width': 1,
"style": "pointer-events:none"
ctrlLine = ctrlPointGripContainer.appendChild(ctrlLine);
assignAttributes(ctrlLine, {
'x1': source_x,
'y1': source_y,
'x2': x,
'y2': y,
'display': "inline"
var pointGrip = document.getElementById("ctrlpointgrip_"+id);
// create it
if (!pointGrip) {
pointGrip = document.createElementNS(svgns, "circle");
assignAttributes(pointGrip, {
'id': "ctrlpointgrip_" + id,
'display': "none",
'r': 4,
'fill': "#0FF",
'stroke': "#55F",
'stroke-width': 1,
'cursor': 'move',
'style': 'pointer-events:all',
'xlink:title': uiStrings.pathCtrlPtTooltip
pointGrip = ctrlPointGripContainer.appendChild(pointGrip);
assignAttributes(pointGrip, {
'cx': x,
'cy': y,
'display': "inline"
var removeControlPointGrips = function(index) {
for(var i=1; i <= 2; i++) {
$("#ctrlpointgrip_" + index + "c" + i + ",#ctrlLine_" + index + "c" + i).attr("display", "none");
// - in create mode, the element's opacity is set properly, we create an InsertElementCommand
// and store it on the Undo stack
// - in move/resize mode, the element's attributes which were affected by the move/resize are
// identified, a ChangeElementCommand is created and stored on the stack for those attrs
// this is done in when we recalculate the selected dimensions()
var mouseUp = function(evt)
var tempJustSelected = justSelected;
justSelected = null;
if (!started) return;
var pt = transformPoint( evt.pageX, evt.pageY, root_sctm );
var mouse_x = pt.x;
var mouse_y = pt.y;
var x = mouse_x / current_zoom;
var y = mouse_y / current_zoom;
started = false;
var element = svgdoc.getElementById(getId());
var keep = false;
switch (current_mode)
// intentionally fall-through to select here
case "resize":
case "multiselect":
if (rubberBox != null) {
rubberBox.setAttribute("display", "none");
curBBoxes = [];
current_mode = "select";
case "select":
if (selectedElements[0] != null) {
// if we only have one selected element
if (selectedElements[1] == null) {
// set our current stroke/fill properties to the element's
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected.tagName != "g" && selected.tagName != "image") {
cur_properties.fill = selected.getAttribute("fill");
cur_properties.fill_opacity = selected.getAttribute("fill-opacity");
cur_properties.stroke = selected.getAttribute("stroke");
cur_properties.stroke_opacity = selected.getAttribute("stroke-opacity");
cur_properties.stroke_width = selected.getAttribute("stroke-width");
cur_properties.stroke_style = selected.getAttribute("stroke-dasharray");
if (selected.tagName == "text") {
cur_text.font_size = selected.getAttribute("font-size");
cur_text.font_family = selected.getAttribute("font-family");
// always recalculate dimensions to strip off stray identity transforms
// if it was being dragged/resized
if (x != start_x || y != start_y) {
var len = selectedElements.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (selectedElements[i] == null) break;
if(selectedElements[i].tagName != 'g') {
// Not needed for groups (incorrectly resizes elems), possibly not needed at all?
// no change in position/size, so maybe we should move to pathedit
else {
var t =;
if (selectedElements[0].nodeName == "path" && selectedElements[1] == null) {
if (current_path == t) {
current_mode = "pathedit";
// This resets the pathedit selection in case it
// was a rotate that turned into a matrix
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(t);
if(!angle) setPointContainerTransform();
// recalculate current_path_pts
// save the path's bbox
selectedBBoxes[0] = canvas.getBBox(current_path);
} // going into pathedit mode
else {
current_path = t;
} // if it was a path
// else, if it was selected and this is a shift-click, remove it from selection
else if (evt.shiftKey) {
if(tempJustSelected != t) {
} // no change in mouse position
// we return immediately from select so that the obj_num is not incremented
case "zoom":
if (rubberBox != null) {
rubberBox.setAttribute("display", "none");
var factor = evt.shiftKey?.5:2;
call("zoomed", {
'x': Math.min(start_x,x),
'y': Math.min(start_y,y),
'width': Math.abs(x-start_x),
'height': Math.abs(y-start_y),
'factor': factor
case "fhpath":
// Check that the path contains at least 2 points; a degenerate one-point path
// causes problems.
// Webkit ignores how we set the points attribute with commas and uses space
// to separate all coordinates, see
var coords = element.getAttribute('points');
var commaIndex = coords.indexOf(',');
if (commaIndex >= 0) {
keep = coords.indexOf(',', commaIndex+1) >= 0;
} else {
keep = coords.indexOf(' ', coords.indexOf(' ')+1) >= 0;
case "line":
keep = (element.x1.baseVal.value != element.x2.baseVal.value ||
element.y1.baseVal.value != element.y2.baseVal.value);
case "square":
case "rect":
keep = (element.width.baseVal.value && element.height.baseVal.value);
case "image":
keep = (element.width.baseVal.value && element.height.baseVal.value);
case "circle":
keep = (element.r.baseVal.value);
case "ellipse":
keep = (element.rx.baseVal.value && element.ry.baseVal.value);
case "fhellipse":
if ((freehand_max_x - freehand_min_x) > 0 &&
(freehand_max_y - freehand_min_y) > 0) {
element = addSvgElementFromJson({
"element": "ellipse",
"attr": {
"cx": (freehand_min_x + freehand_max_x) / 2,
"cy": (freehand_min_y + freehand_max_y) / 2,
"rx": (freehand_max_x - freehand_min_x) / 2,
"ry": (freehand_max_y - freehand_min_y) / 2,
"id": getId(),
"fill": cur_shape.fill,
"stroke": cur_shape.stroke,
"stroke-width": cur_shape.stroke_width,
"stroke-dasharray": cur_shape.stroke_style,
"opacity": cur_shape.opacity,
"stroke-opacity": cur_shape.stroke_opacity,
"fill-opacity": cur_shape.fill_opacity,
"style": "pointer-events:inherit"
keep = true;
case "fhrect":
if ((freehand_max_x - freehand_min_x) > 0 &&
(freehand_max_y - freehand_min_y) > 0) {
element = addSvgElementFromJson({
"element": "rect",
"attr": {
"x": freehand_min_x,
"y": freehand_min_y,
"width": (freehand_max_x - freehand_min_x),
"height": (freehand_max_y - freehand_min_y),
"id": getId(),
"fill": cur_shape.fill,
"stroke": cur_shape.stroke,
"stroke-width": cur_shape.stroke_width,
"stroke-dasharray": cur_shape.stroke_style,
"opacity": cur_shape.opacity,
"stroke-opacity": cur_shape.stroke_opacity,
"fill-opacity": cur_shape.fill_opacity,
"style": "pointer-events:inherit"
keep = true;
case "text":
keep = true;
case "path":
// set element to null here so that it is not removed nor finalized
element = null;
// continue to be set to true so that mouseMove happens
started = true;
var stretchy = document.getElementById("path_stretch_line");
if (!stretchy) {
stretchy = document.createElementNS(svgns, "line");
assignAttributes(stretchy, {
'id': "path_stretch_line",
'stroke': "blue",
'stroke-width': "0.5"
stretchy = document.getElementById("selectorParentGroup").appendChild(stretchy);
stretchy.setAttribute("display", "inline");
// if pts array is empty, create path element with M at current point
if (current_path_pts.length == 0) {
d_attr = "M" + x + "," + y + " ";
"element": "path",
"attr": {
"d": d_attr,
"id": getNextId(),
"fill": cur_shape.fill,
"fill-opacity": cur_shape.fill_opacity,
"stroke": cur_shape.stroke,
"stroke-width": cur_shape.stroke_width,
"stroke-dasharray": cur_shape.stroke_style,
"stroke-opacity": cur_shape.stroke_opacity,
"opacity": cur_shape.opacity / 2,
"style": "pointer-events:inherit"
// set stretchy line to first point
assignAttributes(stretchy, {
'x1': mouse_x,
'y1': mouse_y,
'x2': mouse_x,
'y2': mouse_y
else {
// determine if we clicked on an existing point
var i = current_path_pts.length;
var FUZZ = 6/current_zoom;
var clickOnPoint = false;
while(i) {
i -= 2;
var px = current_path_pts[i], py = current_path_pts[i+1];
// found a matching point
if ( x >= (px-FUZZ) && x <= (px+FUZZ) && y >= (py-FUZZ) && y <= (py+FUZZ) ) {
clickOnPoint = true;
// get path element that we are in the process of creating
var path = svgdoc.getElementById(getId());
var len = current_path_pts.length;
// if we clicked on an existing point, then we are done this path, commit it
// (i,i+1) are the x,y that were clicked on
if (clickOnPoint) {
// if clicked on any other point but the first OR
// the first point was clicked on and there are less than 3 points
// then leave the path open
// otherwise, close the path
if (i == 0 && len >= 6) {
// Create end segment
var abs_x = current_path_pts[0];
var abs_y = current_path_pts[1];
d_attr += ['L',abs_x,',',abs_y,'z'].join('');
path.setAttribute("d", d_attr);
} else if(len < 3) {
keep = false;
// this will signal to commit the path
element = path;
current_path_pts = [];
started = false;
// else, create a new point, append to pts array, update path element
else {
var lastx = current_path_pts[len-2], lasty = current_path_pts[len-1];
// we store absolute values in our path points array for easy checking above
d_attr += "L" + round(x) + "," + round(y) + " ";
path.setAttribute("d", d_attr);
// set stretchy line to latest point
assignAttributes(stretchy, {
'x1': mouse_x,
'y1': mouse_y,
'x2': mouse_x,
'y2': mouse_y
addPointGripToPath(mouse_x,mouse_y,(current_path_pts.length/2 - 1));
keep = true;
case "pathedit":
keep = true;
element = null;
// if we were dragging a path point, stop it now
if (current_path_pt_drag != -1) {
current_path_pt_drag = -1;
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Edit Path");
// the attribute changes we want to undo
var oldvalues = {};
oldvalues["d"] = current_path_oldd;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(current_path, oldvalues, "path points"));
call("changed", [current_path]);
// If connected, last point should equal first
if(pathIsClosed()) {
current_path_pts[current_path_pts.length-2] = getPathPoint(0,true)[0];
current_path_pts[current_path_pts.length-1] = getPathPoint(0,true)[1];
// make these changes undo-able
} // if (current_path_pt_drag != -1)
else if(current_ctrl_pt_drag != -1) {
current_ctrl_pt_drag = -1;
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Edit Path control points");
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(current_path, {d:current_path_oldd}));
call("changed", [current_path]);
} // else, move back to select mode
else {
current_mode = "select";
case "rotate":
keep = true;
element = null;
current_mode = "select";
var batchCmd = canvas.finishUndoableChange();
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
// perform recalculation to weed out any stray identity transforms that might get stuck
console.log("Unknown mode in mouseup: " + current_mode);
if (!keep && element != null) {
element = null;
var t =;
// if this element is in a group, go up until we reach the top-level group
// just below the layer groups
// TODO: once we implement links, we also would have to check for <a> elements
while (t.parentNode.parentNode.tagName == "g") {
t = t.parentNode;
// if we are not in the middle of creating a path, and we've clicked on some shape,
// then go to Select mode.
// WebKit returns <div> when the canvas is clicked, Firefox/Opera return <svg>
if ( (current_mode != "path" || current_path_pts.length == 0) && != "selectorParentGroup" && != "svgcanvas" && != "svgroot")
// switch into "select" mode if we've clicked on an element
canvas.addToSelection([t], true);
} else if (element != null) {
canvas.addedNew = true;
element.setAttribute("opacity", cur_shape.opacity);
element.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:inherit");
if(current_mode == "path") {
current_path = element;
current_mode = "pathedit";
addAllPointGripsToPath(current_path_pts.length/2 - 1);
} else if (current_mode == "text" || current_mode == "image") {
// keep us in the tool we were in unless it was a text or image element
canvas.addToSelection([element], true);
// we create the insert command that is stored on the stack
// undo means to call cmd.unapply(), redo means to call cmd.apply()
addCommandToHistory(new InsertElementCommand(element));
start_transform = null;
// public functions
// Group: Serialization
// Function: open
// Calls the 'opened' handler and sends the SVG XML text. Clients of the SvgCanvas bind
// their load function (typically calls to setSvgString() to the 'opened' event. = function(str) {
// Nothing by default, handled by optional widget/extension
call("opened", str);
// Function: save
// Serializes the current drawing into SVG XML text and returns it to the 'saved' handler.
// This function also includes the XML prolog. Clients of the SvgCanvas bind their save
// function to the 'saved' event.
// Returns:
// Nothing = function(opts) {
// remove the selected outline before serializing
// Update save options if provided
if(opts) $.extend(save_options, opts);
save_options.apply = true;
var str = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n";
// no need for doctype, see
str += svgCanvasToString();
call("saved", str);
var walkTree = function(elem, cbFn){
if (elem && elem.nodeType == 1) {
var i = elem.childNodes.length;
while (i--) {
walkTree(elem.childNodes.item(i), cbFn);
// Function: getSvgString
// Returns the current drawing as raw SVG XML text.
// Returns:
// The current drawing as raw SVG XML text.
this.getSvgString = function() {
save_options.apply = false;
return svgCanvasToString();
// Function: setSvgString
// This function sets the current drawing as the input SVG XML.
// Parameters:
// xmlString - The SVG as XML text.
// Returns:
// This function returns false if the set was unsuccessful, true otherwise.
this.setSvgString = function(xmlString) {
try {
// convert string into XML document
var newDoc = Utils.text2xml(xmlString);
// run it through our sanitizer to remove anything we do not support
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Change Source");
// remove old svg document
var oldzoom = svgroot.removeChild(svgcontent);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new RemoveElementCommand(oldzoom, svgroot));
// set new svg document
svgcontent = svgroot.appendChild(svgdoc.importNode(newDoc.documentElement, true));
// change image href vals if possible
$(svgcontent).find('image').each(function() {
var image = this;
var val = this.getAttributeNS(xlinkns, "href");
if(val.indexOf('data:') === 0) {
// Check if an SVG-edit data URI
var m = val.match(/svgedit_url=(.*?);/);
if(m) {
var url = decodeURIComponent(m[1]);
$(new Image()).load(function() {
// Add to encodableImages if it loads
// Fix XML for Opera/Win/Non-EN
if(window.opera) {
canvas.fixOperaXML(svgcontent, newDoc.documentElement);
svgcontent.setAttribute('id', 'svgcontent');
// determine proper size
var w, h;
if (svgcontent.getAttribute("viewBox")) {
var vb = svgcontent.getAttribute("viewBox").split(' ');
w = vb[2];
h = vb[3];
// handle old content that doesn't have a viewBox
else {
w = svgcontent.getAttribute("width");
h = svgcontent.getAttribute("height");
svgcontent.setAttribute("viewBox", ["0", "0", w, h].join(" "));
// just to be safe, set width and height to 100%/100%
// (removing causes bug in Webkit)
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new InsertElementCommand(svgcontent));
// update root to the correct size
var changes = {};
changes['width'] = svgroot.getAttribute('width');
changes['height'] = svgroot.getAttribute('height');
svgroot.setAttribute('width', w);
svgroot.setAttribute('height', h);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(svgroot, changes));
// reset zoom
current_zoom = 1;
// identify layers
// reset transform lists
svgTransformLists = {};
call("changed", [svgcontent]);
} catch(e) {
return false;
return true;
// Layer API Functions
// Group: Layers
var identifyLayers = function() {
all_layers = [];
var numchildren = svgcontent.childNodes.length;
// loop through all children of svgcontent
var orphans = [], layernames = [];
for (var i = 0; i < numchildren; ++i) {
var child = svgcontent.childNodes.item(i);
// for each g, find its layer name
if (child && child.nodeType == 1) {
if (child.tagName == "g") {
var name = $("title",child).text();
// store layer and name in global variable
if (name) {
all_layers.push( [name,child] );
current_layer = child;
walkTree(child, function(e){e.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:inherit");});
current_layer.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:none");
// if group did not have a name, it is an orphan
else {
// if child has a bbox (i.e. not a <title> or <defs> element), then it is an orphan
else if(canvas.getBBox(child) && child.nodeName != 'defs') { // Opera returns a BBox for defs
var bb = canvas.getBBox(child);
// create a new layer and add all the orphans to it
if (orphans.length > 0) {
var i = 1;
while ($.inArray(("Layer " + i), layernames) != -1) { i++; }
var newname = "Layer " + i;
current_layer = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "g");
var layer_title = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "title");
layer_title.textContent = newname;
for (var j = 0; j < orphans.length; ++j) {
current_layer = svgcontent.appendChild(current_layer);
all_layers.push( [newname, current_layer] );
walkTree(current_layer, function(e){e.setAttribute("style","pointer-events:inherit");});
// Function: createLayer
// Creates a new top-level layer in the drawing with the given name, sets the current layer
// to it, and then clears the selection This function then calls the 'changed' handler.
// This is an undoable action.
// Parameters:
// name - The given name
this.createLayer = function(name) {
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Create Layer");
var new_layer = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "g");
var layer_title = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "title");
layer_title.textContent = name;
new_layer = svgcontent.appendChild(new_layer);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new InsertElementCommand(new_layer));
call("changed", [new_layer]);
// Function: deleteCurrentLayer
// Deletes the current layer from the drawing and then clears the selection. This function
// then calls the 'changed' handler. This is an undoable action.
this.deleteCurrentLayer = function() {
if (current_layer && all_layers.length > 1) {
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Delete Layer");
// actually delete from the DOM and store in our Undo History
var parent = current_layer.parentNode;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new RemoveElementCommand(current_layer, parent));
call("changed", [svgcontent]);
return true;
return false;
// Function: getNumLayers
// Returns the number of layers in the current drawing.
// Returns:
// The number of layers in the current drawing.
this.getNumLayers = function() {
return all_layers.length;
// Function: getLayer
// Returns the name of the ith layer. If the index is out of range, an empty string is returned.
// Parameters:
// i - the zero-based index of the layer you are querying.
// Returns:
// The name of the ith layer
this.getLayer = function(i) {
if (i >= 0 && i < canvas.getNumLayers()) {
return all_layers[i][0];
return "";
// Function: getCurrentLayer
// Returns the name of the currently selected layer. If an error occurs, an empty string
// is returned.
// Returns:
// The name of the currently active layer.
this.getCurrentLayer = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < all_layers.length; ++i) {
if (all_layers[i][1] == current_layer) {
return all_layers[i][0];
return "";
// Function: setCurrentLayer
// Sets the current layer. If the name is not a valid layer name, then this function returns
// false. Otherwise it returns true. This is not an undo-able action.
// Parameters:
// name - the name of the layer you want to switch to.
// Returns:
// true if the current layer was switched, otherwise false
this.setCurrentLayer = function(name) {
name = toXml(name);
for (var i = 0; i < all_layers.length; ++i) {
if (name == all_layers[i][0]) {
if (current_layer != all_layers[i][1]) {
current_layer.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:none");
current_layer = all_layers[i][1];
current_layer.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:all");
return true;
return false;
// Function: renameCurrentLayer
// Renames the current layer. If the layer name is not valid (i.e. unique), then this function
// does nothing and returns false, otherwise it returns true. This is an undo-able action.
// Parameters:
// newname - the new name you want to give the current layer. This name must be unique
// among all layer names.
// Returns:
// true if the rename succeeded, false otherwise.
this.renameCurrentLayer = function(newname) {
if (current_layer) {
var oldLayer = current_layer;
// setCurrentLayer will return false if the name doesn't already exists
if (!canvas.setCurrentLayer(newname)) {
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Rename Layer");
// find the index of the layer
for (var i = 0; i < all_layers.length; ++i) {
if (all_layers[i][1] == oldLayer) break;
var oldname = all_layers[i][0];
all_layers[i][0] = toXml(newname);
// now change the underlying title element contents
var len = oldLayer.childNodes.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var child = oldLayer.childNodes.item(i);
// found the <title> element, now append all the
if (child && child.tagName == "title") {
// wipe out old name
while (child.firstChild) { child.removeChild(child.firstChild); }
child.textContent = newname;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(child, {"#text":oldname}));
call("changed", [oldLayer]);
return true;
current_layer = oldLayer;
return false;
// Function: setCurrentLayerPosition
// Changes the position of the current layer to the new value. If the new index is not valid,
// this function does nothing and returns false, otherwise it returns true. This is an
// undo-able action.
// Parameters:
// newpos - The zero-based index of the new position of the layer. This should be between
// 0 and (number of layers - 1)
// Returns:
// true if the current layer position was changed, false otherwise.
this.setCurrentLayerPosition = function(newpos) {
if (current_layer && newpos >= 0 && newpos < all_layers.length) {
for (var oldpos = 0; oldpos < all_layers.length; ++oldpos) {
if (all_layers[oldpos][1] == current_layer) break;
// some unknown error condition (current_layer not in all_layers)
if (oldpos == all_layers.length) { return false; }
if (oldpos != newpos) {
// if our new position is below us, we need to insert before the node after newpos
var refLayer = null;
var oldNextSibling = current_layer.nextSibling;
if (newpos > oldpos ) {
if (newpos < all_layers.length-1) {
refLayer = all_layers[newpos+1][1];
// if our new position is above us, we need to insert before the node at newpos
else {
refLayer = all_layers[newpos][1];
svgcontent.insertBefore(current_layer, refLayer);
addCommandToHistory(new MoveElementCommand(current_layer, oldNextSibling, svgcontent));
return true;
return false;
// Function: getLayerVisibility
// Returns whether the layer is visible. If the layer name is not valid, then this function
// returns false.
// Parameters:
// layername - the name of the layer which you want to query.
// Returns:
// The visibility state of the layer, or false if the layer name was invalid.
this.getLayerVisibility = function(layername) {
// find the layer
var layer = null;
for (var i = 0; i < all_layers.length; ++i) {
if (all_layers[i][0] == layername) {
layer = all_layers[i][1];
if (!layer) return false;
return (layer.getAttribute("display") != "none");
// Function: setLayerVisibility
// Sets the visibility of the layer. If the layer name is not valid, this function return
// false, otherwise it returns true. This is an undo-able action.
// Parameters:
// layername - the name of the layer to change the visibility
// bVisible - true/false, whether the layer should be visible
// Returns:
// true if the layer's visibility was set, false otherwise
this.setLayerVisibility = function(layername, bVisible) {
// find the layer
var layer = null;
for (var i = 0; i < all_layers.length; ++i) {
if (all_layers[i][0] == layername) {
layer = all_layers[i][1];
if (!layer) return false;
var oldDisplay = layer.getAttribute("display");
if (!oldDisplay) oldDisplay = "inline";
layer.setAttribute("display", bVisible ? "inline" : "none");
addCommandToHistory(new ChangeElementCommand(layer, {"display":oldDisplay}, "Layer Visibility"));
if (layer == current_layer) {
// call("changed", [selected]);
return true;
// Function: moveSelectedToLayer
// Moves the selected elements to layername. If the name is not a valid layer name, then false
// is returned. Otherwise it returns true. This is an undo-able action.
// Parameters:
// layername - the name of the layer you want to which you want to move the selected elements
// Returns:
// true if the selected elements were moved to the layer, false otherwise.
this.moveSelectedToLayer = function(layername) {
// find the layer
var layer = null;
for (var i = 0; i < all_layers.length; ++i) {
if (all_layers[i][0] == layername) {
layer = all_layers[i][1];
if (!layer) return false;
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Move Elements to Layer");
// loop for each selected element and move it
var selElems = selectedElements;
var i = selElems.length;
while (i--) {
var elem = selElems[i];
if (!elem) continue;
var oldNextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
// TODO: this is pretty brittle!
var oldLayer = elem.parentNode;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new MoveElementCommand(elem, oldNextSibling, oldLayer));
return true;
// Function: getLayerOpacity
// Returns the opacity of the given layer. If the input name is not a layer, null is returned.
// Parameters:
// layername - name of the layer on which to get the opacity
// Returns:
// The opacity value of the given layer. This will be a value between 0.0 and 1.0, or null
// if layername is not a valid layer
this.getLayerOpacity = function(layername) {
for (var i = 0; i < all_layers.length; ++i) {
if (all_layers[i][0] == layername) {
var g = all_layers[i][1];
var opacity = g.getAttribute("opacity");
if (!opacity) {
opacity = "1.0";
return parseFloat(opacity);
return null;
// Function: setLayerOpacity
// Sets the opacity of the given layer. If the input name is not a layer, nothing happens.
// This is not an undo-able action. NOTE: this function exists solely to apply
// a highlighting/de-emphasis effect to a layer, when it is possible for a user to affect
// the opacity of a layer, we will need to allow this function to produce an undo-able action.
// If opacity is not a value between 0.0 and 1.0, then nothing happens.
// Parameters:
// layername - name of the layer on which to set the opacity
// opacity - a float value in the range 0.0-1.0
this.setLayerOpacity = function(layername, opacity) {
if (opacity < 0.0 || opacity > 1.0) return;
for (var i = 0; i < all_layers.length; ++i) {
if (all_layers[i][0] == layername) {
var g = all_layers[i][1];
g.setAttribute("opacity", opacity);
// Function: clear
// Clears the current document. This is not an undoable action.
this.clear = function() {
current_path_pts = [];
// clear the svgcontent node
var nodes = svgcontent.childNodes;
var len = svgcontent.childNodes.length;
var i = 0;
for(var rep = 0; rep < len; rep++){
if (nodes[i].nodeType == 1) { // element node
} else {
// create empty first layer
all_layers = [];
canvas.createLayer("Layer 1");
// clear the undo stack
// reset the selector manager
// reset the rubber band box
rubberBox = selectorManager.getRubberBandBox();
// TODO: should this be an 'internal' function?
this.clearPath = function(remove) {
if(remove && current_mode == "path") {
var elem = svgdoc.getElementById(getId());
if(elem) elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem);
current_path_pts = [];
current_path_pt = -1;
// TODO: should this be an 'internal' function?
this.getNodePoint = function() {
if(current_path_pt != -1) {
var pt = getPathPoint(current_path_pt, true);
var list = current_path.pathSegList;
var segtype;
if(list.numberOfItems > current_path_pt+1) {
segtype = list.getItem(current_path_pt+1).pathSegType;
} else {
segtype = false;
return {
x: pt[0],
y: pt[1],
type: segtype
} else {
return false;
this.linkControlPoints = function(linkPoints) {
link_control_pts = linkPoints;
this.clonePathNode = function() {
var pt = current_path_pt, list = current_path.pathSegList;
var next_item = list.getItem(pt+1);
// Get point in between nodes
if(next_item.pathSegType % 2 == 0) { // even num, so abs
var cur_item = list.getItem(pt);
var new_x = (next_item.x + cur_item.x) / 2;
var new_y = (next_item.y + cur_item.y) / 2;
} else {
var new_x = next_item.x/2;
var new_y = next_item.y/2;
var seg = current_path.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(new_x, new_y);
list.insertItemBefore(seg, pt+1); // Webkit doesn't do this right.
var abs_x = (getPathPoint(pt)[0] + new_x) * current_zoom;
var abs_y = (getPathPoint(pt)[1] + new_y) * current_zoom;
var last_num = current_path_pts.length/2;
// Add new grip
addPointGripToPath(abs_x, abs_y, last_num);
// Update path_pts
current_path_pts.splice(pt*2 + 2, 0, abs_x, abs_y);
// current_path.setAttribute("d", convertToD(current_path.pathSegList));
this.deletePathNode = function() {
var last_pt = current_path_pts.length/2 - 1;
var pt = current_path_pt, list = current_path.pathSegList;
var cur_item = list.getItem(pt);
var next_item = list.getItem(pt+1);
if(pt == 0) {
var next_x = getPathPoint(1)[0];
var next_y = getPathPoint(1)[1];
// Make the next point be the "M" point
replacePathSeg(2, 1, [next_x, next_y]);
// Reposition last node
var last_item = list.getItem(last_pt);
replacePathSeg(4, last_pt, [next_x, next_y]);
removeControlPointGrips(last_pt - 1);
current_path_pts.splice(last_pt*2, 2, next_x, next_y);
current_path_pts.splice(0, 2);
} else {
current_path_pts.splice(pt*2, 2);
if(window.opera) { // Opera repaints incorrectly
var cp = $(current_path); cp.attr('d',cp.attr('d'));
this.getResolution = function() {
// return [svgroot.getAttribute("width"), svgroot.getAttribute("height")];
var vb = svgcontent.getAttribute("viewBox").split(' ');
return {'w':vb[2], 'h':vb[3], 'zoom': current_zoom};
this.getImageTitle = function() {
var childs = svgcontent.childNodes;
for (var i=0; i<childs.length; i++) {
if(childs[i].nodeName == 'title') {
return childs[i].textContent;
return '';
this.setImageTitle = function(newtitle) {
var childs = svgcontent.childNodes, doc_title = false, old_title = '';
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Change Image Title");
for (var i=0; i<childs.length; i++) {
if(childs[i].nodeName == 'title') {
doc_title = childs[i];
old_title = doc_title.textContent;
if(!doc_title) {
doc_title = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "title");
svgcontent.insertBefore(doc_title, svgcontent.firstChild);
if(newtitle.length) {
doc_title.textContent = newtitle;
} else {
// No title given, so element is not necessary
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(doc_title, {'#text': old_title}));
this.setResolution = function(x, y) {
var res = canvas.getResolution();
var w = res.w, h = res.h;
var batchCmd;
if(x == 'fit') {
// Get bounding box
var bbox = canvas.getStrokedBBox();
if(bbox) {
batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Fit Canvas to Content");
var visEls = canvas.getVisibleElements();
var dx = [], dy = [];
$.each(visEls, function(i, item) {
var cmd = canvas.moveSelectedElements(dx, dy, true);
x = Math.round(bbox.width);
y = Math.round(bbox.height);
} else {
return false;
x *= current_zoom;
y *= current_zoom;
if (x != w || y != h) {
var handle = svgroot.suspendRedraw(1000);
if(!batchCmd) {
batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Change Image Dimensions");
svgroot.setAttribute('width', x);
svgroot.setAttribute('height', y);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(svgroot, {"width":w, "height":h}));
svgcontent.setAttribute("viewBox", ["0 0", x/current_zoom, y/current_zoom].join(' '));
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(svgcontent, {"viewBox": ["0 0", w, h].join(' ')}));
call("changed", [svgcontent]);
return true;
this.setBBoxZoom = function(val, editor_w, editor_h) {
var spacer = .85;
var bb;
var calcZoom = function(bb) {
if(!bb) return false;
var w_zoom = Math.round((editor_w / bb.width)*100 * spacer)/100;
var h_zoom = Math.round((editor_h / bb.height)*100 * spacer)/100;
var zoomlevel = Math.min(w_zoom,h_zoom);
return {'zoom': zoomlevel, 'bbox': bb};
if(typeof val == 'object') {
bb = val;
if(bb.width == 0 || bb.height == 0) {
var newzoom = bb.zoom?bb.zoom:current_zoom * bb.factor;
return {'zoom': current_zoom, 'bbox': bb};
return calcZoom(bb);
switch (val) {
case 'selection':
if(!selectedElements[0]) return;
var sel_elems = $.map(selectedElements, function(n){ if(n) return n; });
bb = canvas.getStrokedBBox(sel_elems);
case 'canvas':
var res = canvas.getResolution();
spacer = .95;
bb = {width:res.w, height:res.h ,x:0, y:0};
case 'content':
bb = canvas.getStrokedBBox();
case 'layer':
bb = canvas.getStrokedBBox(canvas.getVisibleElements(current_layer));
return calcZoom(bb);
this.setZoom = function(zoomlevel) {
var res = canvas.getResolution();
svgroot.setAttribute("width", res.w * zoomlevel);
svgroot.setAttribute("height", res.h * zoomlevel);
current_zoom = zoomlevel;
$.each(selectedElements, function(i, elem) {
if(!elem) return;
if(current_mode == "pathedit") {
this.getMode = function() {
return current_mode;
this.setMode = function(name) {
// toss out half-drawn path
if (current_mode == "path" && current_path_pts.length > 0) {
var elem = svgdoc.getElementById(getId());
started = false;
else if (current_mode == "pathedit") {
cur_properties = (selectedElements[0] && selectedElements[0].nodeName == 'text') ? cur_text : cur_shape;
current_mode = name;
this.getStrokeColor = function() {
return cur_properties.stroke;
this.setStrokeColor = function(val,preventUndo) {
cur_shape.stroke = val;
cur_properties.stroke_paint = {type:"solidColor"};
if (!preventUndo)
this.changeSelectedAttribute("stroke", val);
this.changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo("stroke", val);
this.getFillColor = function() {
return cur_properties.fill;
this.setFillColor = function(val,preventUndo) {
cur_properties.fill = val;
cur_properties.fill_paint = {type:"solidColor"};
// take out any path/line elements when setting fill
var elems = [];
var i = selectedElements.length;
while(i--) {
var elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem && elem.tagName != "polyline" && elem.tagName != "line") {
if (elems.length > 0) {
if (!preventUndo)
this.changeSelectedAttribute("fill", val, elems);
this.changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo("fill", val, elems);
var findDefs = function() {
var defs = svgcontent.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, "defs");
if (defs.length > 0) {
defs = defs[0];
else {
// first child is a comment, so call nextSibling
defs = svgcontent.insertBefore( svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "defs" ), svgcontent.firstChild.nextSibling);
return defs;
var addGradient = function() {
$.each(['stroke','fill'],function(i,type) {
if(!cur_properties[type + '_paint'] || cur_properties[type + '_paint'].type == "solidColor") return;
var grad = canvas[type + 'Grad'];
// find out if there is a duplicate gradient already in the defs
var duplicate_grad = findDuplicateGradient(grad);
var defs = findDefs();
// no duplicate found, so import gradient into defs
if (!duplicate_grad) {
var orig_grad = grad;
grad = defs.appendChild( svgdoc.importNode(grad, true) );
canvas.fixOperaXML(grad, orig_grad);
// get next id and set it on the grad = getNextId();
else { // use existing gradient
grad = duplicate_grad;
var functype = type=='fill'?'Fill':'Stroke';
canvas['set'+ functype +'Color']("url(#" + + ")");
var findDuplicateGradient = function(grad) {
var defs = findDefs();
var existing_grads = defs.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, "linearGradient");
var i = existing_grads.length;
while (i--) {
var og = existing_grads.item(i);
if (grad.getAttribute('x1') != og.getAttribute('x1') ||
grad.getAttribute('y1') != og.getAttribute('y1') ||
grad.getAttribute('x2') != og.getAttribute('x2') ||
grad.getAttribute('y2') != og.getAttribute('y2'))
// else could be a duplicate, iterate through stops
var stops = grad.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, "stop");
var ostops = og.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, "stop");
if (stops.length != ostops.length) {
var j = stops.length;
while(j--) {
var stop = stops.item(j);
var ostop = ostops.item(j);
if (stop.getAttribute('offset') != ostop.getAttribute('offset') ||
stop.getAttribute('stop-opacity') != ostop.getAttribute('stop-opacity') ||
stop.getAttribute('stop-color') != ostop.getAttribute('stop-color'))
if (j == -1) {
return og;
} // for each gradient in defs
return null;
// Group: Fill and Stroke
this.setStrokePaint = function(p, addGrad) {
// make a copy
var p = new $.jGraduate.Paint(p);
// now set the current paint object
cur_properties.stroke_paint = p;
if (p.type == "solidColor") {
else if(p.type == "linearGradient") {
canvas.strokeGrad = p.linearGradient;
if(addGrad) addGradient();
else {
// console.log("none!");
this.setFillPaint = function(p, addGrad) {
// make a copy
var p = new $.jGraduate.Paint(p);
this.setFillOpacity(p.alpha/100, true);
// now set the current paint object
cur_properties.fill_paint = p;
if (p.type == "solidColor") {
else if(p.type == "linearGradient") {
canvas.fillGrad = p.linearGradient;
if(addGrad) addGradient();
else {
// console.log("none!");
this.getStrokeWidth = function() {
return cur_properties.stroke_width;
// When attempting to set a line's width to 0, change it to 1 instead
this.setStrokeWidth = function(val) {
if(val == 0 && $.inArray(current_mode, ['line', 'path']) != -1) {
cur_properties.stroke_width = val;
this.changeSelectedAttribute("stroke-width", val);
this.getStrokeStyle = function() {
return cur_shape.stroke_style;
this.setStrokeStyle = function(val) {
cur_shape.stroke_style = val;
this.changeSelectedAttribute("stroke-dasharray", val);
this.getOpacity = function() {
return cur_shape.opacity;
this.setOpacity = function(val) {
cur_shape.opacity = val;
this.changeSelectedAttribute("opacity", val);
this.getFillOpacity = function() {
return cur_shape.fill_opacity;
this.setFillOpacity = function(val, preventUndo) {
cur_shape.fill_opacity = val;
if (!preventUndo)
this.changeSelectedAttribute("fill-opacity", val);
this.changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo("fill-opacity", val);
this.getStrokeOpacity = function() {
return cur_shape.stroke_opacity;
this.setStrokeOpacity = function(val, preventUndo) {
cur_shape.stroke_opacity = val;
if (!preventUndo)
this.changeSelectedAttribute("stroke-opacity", val);
this.changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo("stroke-opacity", val);
// returns an object that behaves like a SVGTransformList
this.getTransformList = function(elem) {
if (isWebkit) {
var t = svgTransformLists[];
if (!t) {
svgTransformLists[] = new SVGEditTransformList(elem);
t = svgTransformLists[];
return t;
else if (elem.transform) {
return elem.transform.baseVal;
return null;
this.getBBox = function(elem) {
var selected = elem || selectedElements[0];
if (elem.nodeType != 1) return null;
var ret = null;
if(elem.nodeName == 'text' && selected.textContent == '') {
selected.textContent = 'a'; // Some character needed for the selector to use.
ret = selected.getBBox();
selected.textContent = '';
} else if (elem.nodeName == 'g' && isOpera) {
// deal with an opera bug here
// the bbox on a 'g' is not correct if the elements inside have been moved
// so we create a new g, add all the children to it, add it to the DOM, get its bbox
// then put all the children back on the old g and remove the new g
// (this means we make no changes to the DOM, which saves us a lot of headache at
// the cost of performance)
ret = selected.getBBox();
var newg = document.createElementNS(svgns, "g");
while (selected.firstChild) { newg.appendChild(selected.firstChild); }
var i = selected.attributes.length;
while(i--) { newg.setAttributeNode(selected.attributes.item(i).cloneNode(true)); }
ret = newg.getBBox();
while (newg.firstChild) { selected.appendChild(newg.firstChild); }
} else {
try { ret = selected.getBBox(); }
catch(e) { ret = null; }
// get the bounding box from the DOM (which is in that element's coordinate system)
return ret;
// we get the rotation angle in the tlist
this.getRotationAngle = function(elem, to_rad) {
var selected = elem || selectedElements[0];
// find the rotation transform (if any) and set it
var tlist = canvas.getTransformList(selected);
if(!tlist) return 0; // <svg> elements have no tlist
var N = tlist.numberOfItems;
for (var i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
var xform = tlist.getItem(i);
if (xform.type == 4) {
return to_rad ? xform.angle * Math.PI / 180.0 : xform.angle;
return 0.0;
// this should:
// - remove any old rotations if present
// - prepend a new rotation at the transformed center
this.setRotationAngle = function(val,preventUndo) {
// ensure val is the proper type
val = parseFloat(val);
var elem = selectedElements[0];
var oldTransform = elem.getAttribute("transform");
var bbox = canvas.getBBox(elem);
var cx = bbox.x+bbox.width/2, cy = bbox.y+bbox.height/2;
var tlist = canvas.getTransformList(elem);
// only remove the real rotational transform if present (i.e. at index=0)
if (tlist.numberOfItems > 0) {
var xform = tlist.getItem(0);
if (xform.type == 4) {
// find R_nc and insert it
if (val != 0) {
var center = transformPoint(cx,cy,transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix);
var R_nc = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
R_nc.setRotate(val, center.x, center.y);
else if (tlist.numberOfItems == 0) {
if (!preventUndo) {
// we need to undo it, then redo it so it can be undo-able! :)
// TODO: figure out how to make changes to transform list undo-able cross-browser?
var newTransform = elem.getAttribute("transform");
elem.setAttribute("transform", oldTransform);
var pointGripContainer = document.getElementById("pathpointgrip_container");
if(elem.nodeName == "path" && pointGripContainer) {
var selector = selectorManager.requestSelector(selectedElements[0]);
this.each = function(cb) {
this.bind = function(event, f) {
var old = events[event];
events[event] = f;
return old;
this.setIdPrefix = function(p) {
idprefix = p;
this.getBold = function() {
// should only have one element selected
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null && selected.tagName == "text" &&
selectedElements[1] == null)
return (selected.getAttribute("font-weight") == "bold");
return false;
this.setBold = function(b) {
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null && selected.tagName == "text" &&
selectedElements[1] == null)
this.changeSelectedAttribute("font-weight", b ? "bold" : "normal");
this.getItalic = function() {
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null && selected.tagName == "text" &&
selectedElements[1] == null)
return (selected.getAttribute("font-style") == "italic");
return false;
this.setItalic = function(i) {
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null && selected.tagName == "text" &&
selectedElements[1] == null)
this.changeSelectedAttribute("font-style", i ? "italic" : "normal");
this.getFontFamily = function() {
return cur_text.font_family;
this.setFontFamily = function(val) {
cur_text.font_family = val;
this.changeSelectedAttribute("font-family", val);
this.getFontSize = function() {
return cur_text.font_size;
this.setFontSize = function(val) {
cur_text.font_size = val;
this.changeSelectedAttribute("font-size", val);
this.getText = function() {
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected == null) { return ""; }
return selected.textContent;
this.setTextContent = function(val) {
this.changeSelectedAttribute("#text", val);
this.setImageURL = function(val) {
svgCanvas.changeSelectedAttribute("#href", val);
this.setRectRadius = function(val) {
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null && selected.tagName == "rect") {
var r = selected.getAttribute("rx");
if (r != val) {
selected.setAttribute("rx", val);
selected.setAttribute("ry", val);
addCommandToHistory(new ChangeElementCommand(selected, {"rx":r, "ry":r}, "Radius"));
call("changed", [selected]);
this.setSegType = function(new_type) {
var grip = $('#pathpointgrip_' + current_path_pt);
var old_d = current_path.getAttribute('d');
var index = grip[0].id.split('_')[1] - 0;
var last_index = current_path_pts.length/2 - 1;
var is_closed = pathIsClosed();
if(!is_closed && index == last_index) {
return; // Last point of unclosed path should do nothing
} else if(index >= last_index && is_closed) {
index = 0;
var next_index = index+1;
var cur_x = getPathPoint(index)[0];
var cur_y = getPathPoint(index)[1];
var next_x = getPathPoint(next_index)[0];
var next_y = getPathPoint(next_index)[1];
if(!new_type) { // double-click, so just toggle
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Toggle Path Segment Type");
// Toggle segment to curve/straight line
var old_type = current_path.pathSegList.getItem(index+1).pathSegType;
new_type = (old_type == 6) ? 4 : 6;
} else {
new_type -= 0;
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Change Path Segment Type");
var points;
var bb = current_path.getBBox();
switch ( new_type ) {
case 6:
var diff_x = next_x - cur_x;
var diff_y = next_y - cur_y;
var ct1_x = cur_x + (diff_y/2);
var ct1_y = cur_y - (diff_x/2);
var ct2_x = next_x + (diff_y/2);
var ct2_y = next_y - (diff_x/2);
points = [next_x,next_y, ct1_x,ct1_y, ct2_x,ct2_y];
case 4:
points = [next_x,next_y];
replacePathSeg(new_type, next_index, points);
// recalculateDimensions(current_path);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(current_path, {d: old_d}));
call("changed", [current_path]);
this.quickClone = function(elem) {
// Hack for Firefox bugs where text element features aren't updated
if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Gecko/') == -1) return elem;
var clone = elem.cloneNode(true)
elem.parentNode.insertBefore(clone, elem);
selectedElements[0] = clone;
return clone;
// New functions for refactoring of Undo/Redo
// this is the stack that stores the original values, the elements and
// the attribute name for begin/finish
var undoChangeStackPointer = -1;
var undoableChangeStack = [];
// This function tells the canvas to remember the old values of the
// attrName attribute for each element sent in. The elements and values
// are stored on a stack, so the next call to finishUndoableChange() will
// pop the elements and old values off the stack, gets the current values
// from the DOM and uses all of these to construct the undo-able command.
this.beginUndoableChange = function(attrName, elems) {
var p = ++undoChangeStackPointer;
var i = elems.length;
var oldValues = new Array(i), elements = new Array(i);
while (i--) {
var elem = elems[i];
if (elem == null) continue;
elements[i] = elem;
oldValues[i] = elem.getAttribute(attrName);
undoableChangeStack[p] = {'attrName': attrName,
'oldValues': oldValues,
'elements': elements};
// This function makes the changes to the elements
this.changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo = function(attr, newValue, elems) {
var handle = svgroot.suspendRedraw(1000);
if(current_mode == 'pathedit') {
// Editing node
var num = (attr == 'x')?0:1;
var old_path_pts = $.map(current_path_pts, function(n){return n/current_zoom;});
current_path_pts[current_path_pt*2 + num] = newValue-0;
current_path_pt_drag = current_path_pt;
updatePath(current_path_pts[current_path_pt*2], current_path_pts[current_path_pt*2 + 1], old_path_pts);
var elems = elems || selectedElements;
var i = elems.length;
while (i--) {
var elem = elems[i];
if (elem == null) continue;
// Set x,y vals on elements that don't have them
if((attr == 'x' || attr == 'y') && $.inArray(elem.tagName, ['g', 'polyline', 'path']) != -1) {
var bbox = canvas.getStrokedBBox([elem]);
var diff_x = attr == 'x' ? newValue - bbox.x : 0;
var diff_y = attr == 'y' ? newValue - bbox.y : 0;
canvas.moveSelectedElements(diff_x*current_zoom, diff_y*current_zoom, true);
// only allow the transform/opacity attribute to change on <g> elements, slightly hacky
if (elem.tagName == "g" && (attr != "transform" && attr != "opacity")) continue;
var oldval = attr == "#text" ? elem.textContent : elem.getAttribute(attr);
if (oldval == null) oldval = "";
if (oldval != String(newValue)) {
if (attr == "#text") {
var old_w = canvas.getBBox(elem).width;
elem.textContent = newValue;
elem = canvas.quickClone(elem);
// Hoped to solve the issue of moving text with text-anchor="start",
// but this doesn't actually fix it. Hopefully on the right track, though. -Fyrd
// var box=canvas.getBBox(elem), left=box.x, top=box.y, width=box.width,
// height=box.height, dx = width - old_w, dy=0;
// var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(elem, true);
// if (angle) {
// var r = Math.sqrt( dx*dx + dy*dy );
// var theta = Math.atan2(dy,dx) - angle;
// dx = r * Math.cos(theta);
// dy = r * Math.sin(theta);
// elem.setAttribute('x', elem.getAttribute('x')-dx);
// elem.setAttribute('y', elem.getAttribute('y')-dy);
// }
} else if (attr == "#href") {
elem.setAttributeNS(xlinkns, "href", newValue);
else elem.setAttribute(attr, newValue);
if (i==0)
selectedBBoxes[i] = this.getBBox(elem);
// Use the Firefox quickClone hack for text elements with gradients or
// where other text attributes are changed.
if(elem.nodeName == 'text') {
if((newValue+'').indexOf('url') == 0 || $.inArray(attr, ['font-size','font-family','x','y']) != -1) {
elem = canvas.quickClone(elem);
// Timeout needed for Opera & Firefox
setTimeout(function() {
// if this element was rotated, and we changed the position of this element
// we need to update the rotational transform attribute
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(elem);
if (angle != 0 && attr != "transform") {
var tlist = canvas.getTransformList(elem);
var n = tlist.numberOfItems;
while (n--) {
var xform = tlist.getItem(n);
if (xform.type == 4) {
// remove old rotate
var box = canvas.getBBox(elem);
var center = transformPoint(box.x+box.width/2, box.y+box.height/2, transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix);
var cx = center.x,
cy = center.y;
var newrot = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
newrot.setRotate(angle, cx, cy);
tlist.insertItemBefore(newrot, n);
} // if oldValue != newValue
} // for each elem
// This function returns a BatchCommand object which summarizes the
// change since beginUndoableChange was called. The command can then
// be added to the command history
this.finishUndoableChange = function() {
var p = undoChangeStackPointer--;
var changeset = undoableChangeStack[p];
var i = changeset['elements'].length;
var attrName = changeset['attrName'];
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Change " + attrName);
while (i--) {
var elem = changeset['elements'][i];
if (elem == null) continue;
var changes = {};
changes[attrName] = changeset['oldValues'][i];
if (changes[attrName] != elem.getAttribute(attrName)) {
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(elem, changes, attrName));
undoableChangeStack[p] = null;
return batchCmd;
// If you want to change all selectedElements, ignore the elems argument.
// If you want to change only a subset of selectedElements, then send the
// subset to this function in the elems argument.
this.changeSelectedAttribute = function(attr, val, elems) {
var elems = elems || selectedElements;
canvas.beginUndoableChange(attr, elems);
var i = elems.length;
canvas.changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo(attr, val, elems);
var batchCmd = canvas.finishUndoableChange();
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
this.deleteSelectedElements = function() {
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Delete Elements");
var len = selectedElements.length;
var selectedCopy = []; //selectedElements is being deleted
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var selected = selectedElements[i];
if (selected == null) break;
var parent = selected.parentNode;
var t = selected;
// this will unselect the element and remove the selectedOutline
var elem = parent.removeChild(t);
selectedCopy.push(selected) //for the copy
selectedElements[i] = null;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new RemoveElementCommand(elem, parent));
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) addCommandToHistory(batchCmd);
call("changed", selectedCopy);
this.groupSelectedElements = function() {
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Group Elements");
// create and insert the group element
var g = addSvgElementFromJson({
"element": "g",
"attr": {
"id": getNextId()
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new InsertElementCommand(g));
// now move all children into the group
var i = selectedElements.length;
while (i--) {
var elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem == null) continue;
var oldNextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
var oldParent = elem.parentNode;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new MoveElementCommand(elem, oldNextSibling, oldParent));
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) addCommandToHistory(batchCmd);
// update selection
canvas.addToSelection([g], true);
this.ungroupSelectedElement = function() {
var g = selectedElements[0];
if (g.tagName == "g") {
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Ungroup Elements");
var parent = g.parentNode;
var anchor = g.previousSibling;
var children = new Array(g.childNodes.length);
var xform = g.getAttribute("transform");
// get consolidated matrix
var glist = canvas.getTransformList(g);
var m = transformListToTransform(glist).matrix;
// TODO: get all fill/stroke properties from the group that we are about to destroy
// "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset",
// "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity",
// "stroke-width"
// and then for each child, if they do not have the attribute (or the value is 'inherit'?)
// then set the child's attribute
// TODO: get the group's opacity and propagate it down to the children (multiply it
// by the child's opacity (or 1.0)
var i = 0;
var gangle = canvas.getRotationAngle(g);
while (g.firstChild) {
var elem = g.firstChild;
var oldNextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
var oldParent = elem.parentNode;
children[i++] = elem = parent.insertBefore(elem, anchor);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new MoveElementCommand(elem, oldNextSibling, oldParent));
var chtlist = canvas.getTransformList(elem);
if (glist.numberOfItems) {
// TODO: if the group's transform is just a rotate, we can always transfer the
// rotate() down to the children (collapsing consecutive rotates and factoring
// out any translates)
if (gangle && glist.numberOfItems == 1) {
// [Rg] [Rc] [Mc]
// we want [Tr] [Rc2] [Mc] where:
// - [Rc2] is at the child's current center but has the
// sum of the group and child's rotation angles
// - [Tr] is the equivalent translation that this child
// undergoes if the group wasn't there
// [Tr] = [Rg] [Rc] [Rc2_inv]
// get group's rotation matrix (Rg)
var rgm = glist.getItem(0).matrix;
// get child's rotation matrix (Rc)
var rcm = svgroot.createSVGMatrix();
var cangle = canvas.getRotationAngle(elem);
if (cangle) {
rcm = chtlist.getItem(0).matrix;
// get child's old center of rotation
var cbox = canvas.getBBox(elem);
var ceqm = transformListToTransform(chtlist).matrix;
var coldc = transformPoint(cbox.x+cbox.width/2, cbox.y+cbox.height/2,ceqm);
// sum group and child's angles
var sangle = gangle + cangle;
// get child's rotation at the old center (Rc2_inv)
var r2 = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
r2.setRotate(sangle, coldc.x, coldc.y);
// calculate equivalent translate
var trm = matrixMultiply(rgm, rcm, r2.matrix.inverse());
// set up tlist
if (cangle) {
if (sangle) {
chtlist.insertItemBefore(r2, 0);
if (trm.e || trm.f) {
var tr = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
tr.setTranslate(trm.e, trm.f);
chtlist.insertItemBefore(tr, 0);
else { // more complicated than just a rotate
// transfer the group's transform down to each child and then
// call recalculateDimensions()
var oldxform = elem.getAttribute("transform");
var changes = {};
changes["transform"] = oldxform ? oldxform : "";
var newxform = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
// [ gm ] [ chm ] = [ chm ] [ gm' ]
// [ gm' ] = [ chm_inv ] [ gm ] [ chm ]
var chm = transformListToTransform(chtlist).matrix,
chm_inv = chm.inverse();
var gm = matrixMultiply( chm_inv, m, chm );
// remove transform and make it undo-able
if (xform) {
var changes = {};
changes["transform"] = xform;
g.setAttribute("transform", "");
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(g, changes));
// remove the group from the selection
// delete the group element (but make undo-able)
g = parent.removeChild(g);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new RemoveElementCommand(g, parent));
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) addCommandToHistory(batchCmd);
// update selection
this.moveToTopSelectedElement = function() {
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null) {
var t = selected;
var oldParent = t.parentNode;
var oldNextSibling = t.nextSibling;
if (oldNextSibling == selectorManager.selectorParentGroup) oldNextSibling = null;
t = t.parentNode.appendChild(t);
addCommandToHistory(new MoveElementCommand(t, oldNextSibling, oldParent, "top"));
this.moveToBottomSelectedElement = function() {
var selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null) {
var t = selected;
var oldParent = t.parentNode;
var oldNextSibling = t.nextSibling;
if (oldNextSibling == selectorManager.selectorParentGroup) oldNextSibling = null;
// first child is a comment, so call nextSibling
var firstChild = t.parentNode.firstChild.nextSibling;
if (firstChild.tagName == 'defs') {
firstChild = firstChild.nextSibling;
t = t.parentNode.insertBefore(t, firstChild);
addCommandToHistory(new MoveElementCommand(t, oldNextSibling, oldParent, "bottom"));
this.moveSelectedElements = function(dx,dy,undoable) {
// if undoable is not sent, default to true
// if single values, scale them to the zoom
if (dx.constructor != Array) {
dx /= current_zoom;
dy /= current_zoom;
var undoable = undoable || true;
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("position");
var i = selectedElements.length;
while (i--) {
var selected = selectedElements[i];
if (selected != null) {
if (i==0)
selectedBBoxes[i] = this.getBBox(selected);
var xform = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
var tlist = canvas.getTransformList(selected);
// dx and dy could be arrays
if (dx.constructor == Array) {
if (i==0) {
selectedBBoxes[i].x += dx[i];
selectedBBoxes[i].y += dy[i];
} else {
if (i==0) {
selectedBBoxes[i].x += dx;
selectedBBoxes[i].y += dy;
tlist.insertItemBefore(xform, 0);
var cmd = recalculateDimensions(selected);
if (cmd) {
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
if (undoable)
call("changed", selectedElements);
return batchCmd;
this.getStrokedBBox = function(elems) {
if(!elems) elems = canvas.getVisibleElements();
if(!elems.length) return false;
// Make sure the expected BBox is returned if the element is a group
// FIXME: doesn't this mean that every time we call getStrokedBBox() that we are
// re-creating the getCheckedBBox() function? shouldn't we make this a function
// at the 'canvas' level
var getCheckedBBox = function(elem) {
try {
// TODO: Fix issue with rotated groups. Currently they work
// fine in FF, but not in other browsers (same problem mentioned
// in Issue 339 comment #2).
var bb = elem.getBBox();
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(elem);
if ((angle && angle % 90) || hasMatrixTransform(canvas.getTransformList(elem))) {
// Accurate way to get BBox of rotated element in Firefox:
// Put element in group and get its BBox
var good_bb = false;
// Get the BBox from the raw path for these elements
var elemNames = ['ellipse','path','line','polyline','polygon'];
if($.inArray(elem.tagName, elemNames) != -1) {
bb = good_bb = canvas.convertToPath(elem, true, angle);
} else if(elem.tagName == 'rect') {
// Look for radius
var rx = elem.getAttribute('rx');
var ry = elem.getAttribute('ry');
if(rx || ry) {
bb = good_bb = canvas.convertToPath(elem, true, angle);
if(!good_bb) {
var g = document.createElementNS(svgns, "g");
var parent = elem.parentNode;
parent.replaceChild(g, elem);
bb = g.getBBox();
// Old method: Works by giving the rotated BBox,
// this is (unfortunately) what Opera and Safari do
// natively when getting the BBox of the parent group
// var angle = angle * Math.PI / 180.0;
// var rminx = Number.MAX_VALUE, rminy = Number.MAX_VALUE,
// rmaxx = Number.MIN_VALUE, rmaxy = Number.MIN_VALUE;
// var cx = round(bb.x + bb.width/2),
// cy = round(bb.y + bb.height/2);
// var pts = [ [bb.x - cx, bb.y - cy],
// [bb.x + bb.width - cx, bb.y - cy],
// [bb.x + bb.width - cx, bb.y + bb.height - cy],
// [bb.x - cx, bb.y + bb.height - cy] ];
// var j = 4;
// while (j--) {
// var x = pts[j][0],
// y = pts[j][1],
// r = Math.sqrt( x*x + y*y );
// var theta = Math.atan2(y,x) + angle;
// x = round(r * Math.cos(theta) + cx);
// y = round(r * Math.sin(theta) + cy);
// // now set the bbox for the shape after it's been rotated
// if (x < rminx) rminx = x;
// if (y < rminy) rminy = y;
// if (x > rmaxx) rmaxx = x;
// if (y > rmaxy) rmaxy = y;
// }
// bb.x = rminx;
// bb.y = rminy;
// bb.width = rmaxx - rminx;
// bb.height = rmaxy - rminy;
return bb;
} catch(e) { return null; }
var full_bb;
$.each(elems, function() {
if(full_bb) return;
full_bb = getCheckedBBox(this);
// This shouldn't ever happen...
if(full_bb == null) return null;
if(elems.length == 1) return full_bb;
var max_x = full_bb.x + full_bb.width;
var max_y = full_bb.y + full_bb.height;
var min_x = full_bb.x;
var min_y = full_bb.y;
// FIXME: same re-creation problem with this function as getCheckedBBox() above
var getOffset = function(elem) {
var sw = elem.getAttribute("stroke-width");
var offset = 0;
if (elem.getAttribute("stroke") != "none" && !isNaN(sw)) {
offset += sw/2;
return offset;
$.each(elems, function(i, elem) {
var cur_bb = getCheckedBBox(elem);
if(!cur_bb) return;
var offset = getOffset(elem);
min_x = Math.min(min_x, cur_bb.x - offset);
min_y = Math.min(min_y, cur_bb.y - offset);
full_bb.x = min_x;
full_bb.y = min_y;
$.each(elems, function(i, elem) {
var cur_bb = getCheckedBBox(elem);
if(!cur_bb) return;
var offset = getOffset(elem);
max_x = Math.max(max_x, cur_bb.x + cur_bb.width + offset);
max_y = Math.max(max_y, cur_bb.y + cur_bb.height + offset);
full_bb.width = max_x - min_x;
full_bb.height = max_y - min_y;
return full_bb;
this.getVisibleElements = function(parent, includeBBox) {
if(!parent) parent = $(svgcontent).children(); // Prevent layers from being included
var contentElems = [];
$(parent).children().each(function(i, elem) {
try {
var box = elem.getBBox();
if (box) {
var item = includeBBox?{'elem':elem, 'bbox':canvas.getStrokedBBox([elem])}:elem;
} catch(e) {}
return contentElems.reverse();
this.cycleElement = function(next) {
var cur_elem = selectedElements[0];
var elem = false;
var all_elems = this.getVisibleElements(current_layer);
if (cur_elem == null) {
var num = next?all_elems.length-1:0;
elem = all_elems[num];
} else {
var i = all_elems.length;
while(i--) {
if(all_elems[i] == cur_elem) {
var num = next?i-1:i+1;
if(num >= all_elems.length) {
num = 0;
} else if(num < 0) {
num = all_elems.length-1;
elem = all_elems[num];
canvas.addToSelection([elem], true);
call("selected", selectedElements);
var resetUndoStack = function() {
undoStack = [];
undoStackPointer = 0;
this.getUndoStackSize = function() { return undoStackPointer; };
this.getRedoStackSize = function() { return undoStack.length - undoStackPointer; };
this.getNextUndoCommandText = function() {
if (undoStackPointer > 0)
return undoStack[undoStackPointer-1].text;
return "";
this.getNextRedoCommandText = function() {
if (undoStackPointer < undoStack.length)
return undoStack[undoStackPointer].text;
return "";
this.undo = function() {
if (undoStackPointer > 0) {
var cmd = undoStack[--undoStackPointer];
call("changed", cmd.elements());
this.redo = function() {
if (undoStackPointer < undoStack.length && undoStack.length > 0) {
var cmd = undoStack[undoStackPointer++];
call("changed", cmd.elements());
// this function no longer uses cloneNode because we need to update the id
// of every copied element (even the descendants)
// we also do it manually because Opera/Win/non-EN puts , instead of .
var copyElem = function(el) {
// manually create a copy of the element
var new_el = document.createElementNS(svgns, el.nodeName);
$.each(el.attributes, function(i, attr) {
var ns = attr.nodeName == 'href' ? xlinkns :
attr.prefix == "xml" ? xmlns : null;
new_el.setAttributeNS(ns, attr.nodeName, attr.nodeValue);
// set the copied element's new id
new_el.removeAttribute("id"); = getNextId();
// manually increment obj_num because our cloned elements are not in the DOM yet
// now create copies of all children
$.each(el.childNodes, function(i, child) {
switch(child.nodeType) {
case 1: // element node
case 3: // text node
new_el.textContent = child.nodeValue;
if(new_el.tagName == 'image') {
return new_el;
var preventClickDefault = function(img) {
// this creates deep DOM copies (clones) of all selected elements
this.cloneSelectedElements = function() {
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Clone Elements");
// find all the elements selected (stop at first null)
var len = selectedElements.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem == null) break;
// use slice to quickly get the subset of elements we need
var copiedElements = selectedElements.slice(0,i);
// note that we loop in the reverse way because of the way elements are added
// to the selectedElements array (top-first)
var i = copiedElements.length;
while (i--) {
// clone each element and replace it within copiedElements
var elem = copiedElements[i] = copyElem(copiedElements[i]);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new InsertElementCommand(elem));
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
this.addToSelection(copiedElements.reverse()); // Need to reverse for correct selection-adding
call("selected", selectedElements);
// aligns selected elements (type is a char - see switch below for explanation)
// relative_to can be "selected", "largest", "smallest", "page"
this.alignSelectedElements = function(type, relative_to) {
var bboxes = [], angles = [];
var minx = Number.MAX_VALUE, maxx = Number.MIN_VALUE, miny = Number.MAX_VALUE, maxy = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var curwidth = Number.MIN_VALUE, curheight = Number.MIN_VALUE;
var len = selectedElements.length;
if (!len) return;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (selectedElements[i] == null) break;
var elem = selectedElements[i];
bboxes[i] = canvas.getStrokedBBox([elem]);
// now bbox is axis-aligned and handles rotation
switch (relative_to) {
case 'smallest':
if ( (type == 'l' || type == 'c' || type == 'r') && (curwidth == Number.MIN_VALUE || curwidth > bboxes[i].width) ||
(type == 't' || type == 'm' || type == 'b') && (curheight == Number.MIN_VALUE || curheight > bboxes[i].height) ) {
minx = bboxes[i].x;
miny = bboxes[i].y;
maxx = bboxes[i].x + bboxes[i].width;
maxy = bboxes[i].y + bboxes[i].height;
curwidth = bboxes[i].width;
curheight = bboxes[i].height;
case 'largest':
if ( (type == 'l' || type == 'c' || type == 'r') && (curwidth == Number.MIN_VALUE || curwidth < bboxes[i].width) ||
(type == 't' || type == 'm' || type == 'b') && (curheight == Number.MIN_VALUE || curheight < bboxes[i].height) ) {
minx = bboxes[i].x;
miny = bboxes[i].y;
maxx = bboxes[i].x + bboxes[i].width;
maxy = bboxes[i].y + bboxes[i].height;
curwidth = bboxes[i].width;
curheight = bboxes[i].height;
default: // 'selected'
if (bboxes[i].x < minx) minx = bboxes[i].x;
if (bboxes[i].y < miny) miny = bboxes[i].y;
if (bboxes[i].x + bboxes[i].width > maxx) maxx = bboxes[i].x + bboxes[i].width;
if (bboxes[i].y + bboxes[i].height > maxy) maxy = bboxes[i].y + bboxes[i].height;
} // loop for each element to find the bbox and adjust min/max
if (relative_to == 'page') {
minx = 0;
miny = 0;
maxx = svgroot.getAttribute('width');
maxy = svgroot.getAttribute('height');
var dx = new Array(len);
var dy = new Array(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (selectedElements[i] == null) break;
var elem = selectedElements[i];
var bbox = bboxes[i];
dx[i] = 0;
dy[i] = 0;
switch (type) {
case 'l': // left (horizontal)
dx[i] = minx - bbox.x;
case 'c': // center (horizontal)
dx[i] = (minx+maxx)/2 - (bbox.x + bbox.width/2);
case 'r': // right (horizontal)
dx[i] = maxx - (bbox.x + bbox.width);
case 't': // top (vertical)
dy[i] = miny - bbox.y;
case 'm': // middle (vertical)
dy[i] = (miny+maxy)/2 - (bbox.y + bbox.height/2);
case 'b': // bottom (vertical)
dy[i] = maxy - (bbox.y + bbox.height);
this.getZoom = function(){return current_zoom;};
// Function: getVersion
// Returns a string which describes the revision number of SvgCanvas.
this.getVersion = function() {
return "svgcanvas.js ($Rev$)";
this.setUiStrings = function(strs) {
$.extend(uiStrings, strs);
// Static class for various utility functions
var Utils = {
// This code was written by Tyler Akins and has been placed in the
// public domain. It would be nice if you left this header intact.
// Base64 code from Tyler Akins --
// schiller: Removed string concatenation in favour of Array.join() optimization,
// also precalculate the size of the array needed.
"_keyStr" : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=",
"encode64" : function(input) {
// base64 strings are 4/3 larger than the original string
// input = Utils.encodeUTF8(input); // convert non-ASCII characters
input = Utils.convertToXMLReferences(input);
if(window.btoa) return window.btoa(input); // Use native if available
var output = new Array( Math.floor( (input.length + 2) / 3 ) * 4 );
var chr1, chr2, chr3;
var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4;
var i = 0, p = 0;
do {
chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
enc4 = chr3 & 63;
if (isNaN(chr2)) {
enc3 = enc4 = 64;
} else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
enc4 = 64;
output[p++] = this._keyStr.charAt(enc1);
output[p++] = this._keyStr.charAt(enc2);
output[p++] = this._keyStr.charAt(enc3);
output[p++] = this._keyStr.charAt(enc4);
} while (i < input.length);
return output.join('');
"decode64" : function(input) {
if(window.atob) return window.atob(input);
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3 = "";
var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4 = "";
var i = 0;
// remove all characters that are not A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /, or =
input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
do {
enc1 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc2 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc3 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc4 = this._keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);
if (enc3 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);
if (enc4 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);
chr1 = chr2 = chr3 = "";
enc1 = enc2 = enc3 = enc4 = "";
} while (i < input.length);
return unescape(output);
// based on
// codedread:does not seem to work with webkit-based browsers on OSX
"encodeUTF8": function(input) {
//return unescape(encodeURIComponent(input)); //may or may not work
var output = '';
for (var n = 0; n < input.length; n++){
var c = input.charCodeAt(n);
if (c < 128) {
output += input[n];
else if (c > 127) {
if (c < 2048){
output += String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) | 192);
else {
output += String.fromCharCode((c >> 12) | 224) + String.fromCharCode((c >> 6) & 63 | 128);
output += String.fromCharCode((c & 63) | 128);
return output;
"convertToXMLReferences": function(input) {
var output = '';
for (var n = 0; n < input.length; n++){
var c = input.charCodeAt(n);
if (c < 128) {
output += input[n];
else if(c > 127) {
output += ("&#" + c + ";");
return output;
"rectsIntersect": function(r1, r2) {
return r2.x < (r1.x+r1.width) &&
(r2.x+r2.width) > r1.x &&
r2.y < (r1.y+r1.height) &&
(r2.y+r2.height) > r1.y;
// found this function
"text2xml": function(sXML) {
// NOTE: I'd like to use jQuery for this, but jQuery makes all tags uppercase
//return $(xml)[0];
var out;
var dXML = ($.browser.msie)?new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"):new DOMParser();
dXML.async = false;
} catch(e){
throw new Error("XML Parser could not be instantiated");
if($.browser.msie) out = (dXML.loadXML(sXML))?dXML:false;
else out = dXML.parseFromString(sXML, "text/xml");
catch(e){ throw new Error("Error parsing XML string"); };
return out;