Cleanup code left from last revision

git-svn-id: eee81c28-f429-11dd-99c0-75d572ba1ddd
Alexis Deveria 2011-02-09 17:48:00 +00:00
parent 085d7f479f
commit 292391150f
1 changed files with 0 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -450,9 +450,7 @@ svgedit.utilities.getBBox = function(elem) {
if(issue) {
console.log('get from kids');
ret = getStrokedBBox($(selected).children());
} else {
ret = selected.getBBox();
@ -494,44 +492,6 @@ svgedit.utilities.getBBox = function(elem) {
// get the bounding box from the DOM (which is in that element's coordinate system)
return ret;
if(elname === 'text' && selected.textContent === '') {
selected.textContent = 'a'; // Some character needed for the selector to use.
ret = selected.getBBox();
selected.textContent = '';
} else if(elname === 'path' && !svgedit.browser.supportsPathBBox()) {
ret = svgedit.utilities.getPathBBox(selected);
} else if(elname === 'use' && !svgedit.browser.isWebkit() || elname === 'foreignObject') {
ret = selected.getBBox();
var bb = {};
bb.width = ret.width;
bb.height = ret.height;
bb.x = ret.x + parseFloat(selected.getAttribute('x')||0);
bb.y = ret.y + parseFloat(selected.getAttribute('y')||0);
ret = bb;
} else if(~visElems_arr.indexOf(elname)) {
try { ret = selected.getBBox();}
catch(e) {
// Check if element is child of a foreignObject
var fo = $(selected).closest("foreignObject");
if(fo.length) {
try {
ret = fo[0].getBBox();
} catch(e) {
ret = null;
} else {
ret = null;
if(ret) {
ret = svgedit.utilities.bboxToObj(ret);
// get the bounding box from the DOM (which is in that element's coordinate system)
return ret;
// Function: svgedit.utilities.getRotationAngle