Move remapElement() to coords and add a first unit test

git-svn-id: eee81c28-f429-11dd-99c0-75d572ba1ddd
Jeff Schiller 2013-02-17 04:58:04 +00:00
parent 4441810638
commit 29534a7d4b
4 changed files with 445 additions and 375 deletions

View File

@ -6,11 +6,12 @@
// Dependencies:
// 1) svgtransformlist.js
// 1) jquery.js
// 2) math.js
// 3) svgutils.js
// 4) jquery.js
// 5) history.js
// 3) browser.js
// 4) svgutils.js
// 5) units.js
// 6) svgtransformlist.js
var svgedit = svgedit || {};
@ -20,7 +21,303 @@ if (!svgedit.coords) {
svgedit.coords = {};
// TODO: Move remapElement() into here.
// this is how we map paths to our preferred relative segment types
var pathMap = [0, 'z', 'M', 'm', 'L', 'l', 'C', 'c', 'Q', 'q', 'A', 'a',
'H', 'h', 'V', 'v', 'S', 's', 'T', 't'];
var editorContext_ = null;
svgedit.coords.init = function(editorContext) {
editorContext_ = editorContext;
// Function: remapElement
// Applies coordinate changes to an element based on the given matrix
// Parameters:
// selected - DOM element to be changed
// changes - Object with changes to be remapped
// m - Matrix object to use for remapping coordinates
svgedit.coords.remapElement = function(selected, changes, m) {
var remap = function(x, y) { return svgedit.math.transformPoint(x, y, m); },
scalew = function(w) { return m.a * w; },
scaleh = function(h) { return m.d * h; },
doSnapping = editorContext_.getGridSnapping() && selected.parentNode.parentNode.localName === 'svg',
finishUp = function() {
if (doSnapping) for (var o in changes) changes[o] = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(changes[o]);
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(selected, changes, 1000, true);
box = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(selected);
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
var type = i === 0 ? 'fill' : 'stroke';
var attrVal = selected.getAttribute(type);
if (attrVal && attrVal.indexOf('url(') === 0) {
if (m.a < 0 || m.d < 0) {
var grad = svgedit.utilities.getRefElem(attrVal);
var newgrad = grad.cloneNode(true);
if (m.a < 0) {
// flip x
var x1 = newgrad.getAttribute('x1');
var x2 = newgrad.getAttribute('x2');
newgrad.setAttribute('x1', -(x1 - 1));
newgrad.setAttribute('x2', -(x2 - 1));
if (m.d < 0) {
// flip y
var y1 = newgrad.getAttribute('y1');
var y2 = newgrad.getAttribute('y2');
newgrad.setAttribute('y1', -(y1 - 1));
newgrad.setAttribute('y2', -(y2 - 1));
} = editorContext_.getDrawing().getNextId();
selected.setAttribute(type, 'url(#' + + ')');
// Not really working :(
// if (selected.tagName === 'path') {
// reorientGrads(selected, m);
// }
var elName = selected.tagName;
if (elName === 'g' || elName === 'text' || elName == 'tspan' || elName === 'use') {
// if it was a translate, then just update x,y
if (m.a == 1 && m.b == 0 && m.c == 0 && m.d == 1 &&
(m.e != 0 || m.f != 0) )
// [T][M] = [M][T']
// therefore [T'] = [M_inv][T][M]
var existing = svgedit.math.transformListToTransform(selected).matrix,
t_new = svgedit.math.matrixMultiply(existing.inverse(), m, existing);
changes.x = parseFloat(changes.x) + t_new.e;
changes.y = parseFloat(changes.y) + t_new.f;
// TODO(codedread): Special handing for tspans:
// <g transform="translate(-100,0)">
// <text x="100" y="100">
// <tspan x="200" y="100">...</tspan>
// </text>
// </g>
// Note that if the <text> element's x/y coordinates are being
// adjusted, the tspan's x/y coordinates also need to be similarly
// transformed as the coordinate space is not nested:
// <text x="0" y="100">
// <tspan x="100" y="100">...</tspan>
// </text>
else {
// we just absorb all matrices into the element and don't do any remapping
var chlist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(selected);
var mt = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
mt.setMatrix(svgedit.math.matrixMultiply(svgedit.math.transformListToTransform(chlist).matrix, m));
// now we have a set of changes and an applied reduced transform list
// we apply the changes directly to the DOM
switch (elName)
case 'foreignObject':
case 'rect':
case 'image':
// Allow images to be inverted (give them matrix when flipped)
if (elName === 'image' && (m.a < 0 || m.d < 0)) {
// Convert to matrix
var chlist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(selected);
var mt = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
mt.setMatrix(svgedit.math.matrixMultiply(svgedit.math.transformListToTransform(chlist).matrix, m));
} else {
var pt1 = remap(changes.x, changes.y);
changes.width = scalew(changes.width);
changes.height = scaleh(changes.height);
changes.x = pt1.x + Math.min(0, changes.width);
changes.y = pt1.y + Math.min(0, changes.height);
changes.width = Math.abs(changes.width);
changes.height = Math.abs(changes.height);
case 'ellipse':
var c = remap(,; = c.x; = c.y;
changes.rx = scalew(changes.rx);
changes.ry = scaleh(changes.ry);
changes.rx = Math.abs(changes.rx);
changes.ry = Math.abs(changes.ry);
case 'circle':
var c = remap(,; = c.x; = c.y;
// take the minimum of the new selected box's dimensions for the new circle radius
var tbox = svgedit.math.transformBox(box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height, m);
var w = -, h = -;
changes.r = Math.min(w/2, h/2);
if (changes.r) changes.r = Math.abs(changes.r);
case 'line':
var pt1 = remap(changes.x1, changes.y1),
pt2 = remap(changes.x2, changes.y2);
changes.x1 = pt1.x;
changes.y1 = pt1.y;
changes.x2 = pt2.x;
changes.y2 = pt2.y;
case 'text':
case 'use':
case 'g':
var gsvg = $(selected).data('gsvg');
if (gsvg) {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(gsvg, changes, 1000, true);
case 'polyline':
case 'polygon':
var len = changes.points.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var pt = changes.points[i];
pt = remap(pt.x, pt.y);
changes.points[i].x = pt.x;
changes.points[i].y = pt.y;
var len = changes.points.length;
var pstr = '';
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var pt = changes.points[i];
pstr += pt.x + ',' + pt.y + ' ';
selected.setAttribute('points', pstr);
case 'path':
var segList = selected.pathSegList;
var len = segList.numberOfItems;
changes.d = new Array(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var seg = segList.getItem(i);
changes.d[i] = {
type: seg.pathSegType,
x: seg.x,
y: seg.y,
x1: seg.x1,
y1: seg.y1,
x2: seg.x2,
y2: seg.y2,
r1: seg.r1,
r2: seg.r2,
angle: seg.angle,
largeArcFlag: seg.largeArcFlag,
sweepFlag: seg.sweepFlag
var len = changes.d.length,
firstseg = changes.d[0],
currentpt = remap(firstseg.x, firstseg.y);
changes.d[0].x = currentpt.x;
changes.d[0].y = currentpt.y;
for (var i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
var seg = changes.d[i];
var type = seg.type;
// if absolute or first segment, we want to remap x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2
// if relative, we want to scalew, scaleh
if (type % 2 == 0) { // absolute
var thisx = (seg.x != undefined) ? seg.x : currentpt.x, // for V commands
thisy = (seg.y != undefined) ? seg.y : currentpt.y, // for H commands
pt = remap(thisx,thisy),
pt1 = remap(seg.x1, seg.y1),
pt2 = remap(seg.x2, seg.y2);
seg.x = pt.x;
seg.y = pt.y;
seg.x1 = pt1.x;
seg.y1 = pt1.y;
seg.x2 = pt2.x;
seg.y2 = pt2.y;
seg.r1 = scalew(seg.r1),
seg.r2 = scaleh(seg.r2);
else { // relative
seg.x = scalew(seg.x);
seg.y = scaleh(seg.y);
seg.x1 = scalew(seg.x1);
seg.y1 = scaleh(seg.y1);
seg.x2 = scalew(seg.x2);
seg.y2 = scaleh(seg.y2);
seg.r1 = scalew(seg.r1),
seg.r2 = scaleh(seg.r2);
} // for each segment
var dstr = '';
var len = changes.d.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var seg = changes.d[i];
var type = seg.type;
dstr += pathMap[type];
switch (type) {
case 13: // relative horizontal line (h)
case 12: // absolute horizontal line (H)
dstr += seg.x + ' ';
case 15: // relative vertical line (v)
case 14: // absolute vertical line (V)
dstr += seg.y + ' ';
case 3: // relative move (m)
case 5: // relative line (l)
case 19: // relative smooth quad (t)
case 2: // absolute move (M)
case 4: // absolute line (L)
case 18: // absolute smooth quad (T)
dstr += seg.x + ',' + seg.y + ' ';
case 7: // relative cubic (c)
case 6: // absolute cubic (C)
dstr += seg.x1 + ',' + seg.y1 + ' ' + seg.x2 + ',' + seg.y2 + ' ' +
seg.x + ',' + seg.y + ' ';
case 9: // relative quad (q)
case 8: // absolute quad (Q)
dstr += seg.x1 + ',' + seg.y1 + ' ' + seg.x + ',' + seg.y + ' ';
case 11: // relative elliptical arc (a)
case 10: // absolute elliptical arc (A)
dstr += seg.r1 + ',' + seg.r2 + ' ' + seg.angle + ' ' + (+seg.largeArcFlag) +
' ' + (+seg.sweepFlag) + ' ' + seg.x + ',' + seg.y + ' ';
case 17: // relative smooth cubic (s)
case 16: // absolute smooth cubic (S)
dstr += seg.x2 + ',' + seg.y2 + ' ' + seg.x + ',' + seg.y + ' ';
selected.setAttribute('d', dstr);
// TODO: Move updateClipPath() into here.
// TODO: Move recalculateDimensions() into here.

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
// 9) select.js
// 10) draw.js
// 11) path.js
// 12) coords.js
if (!window.console) {
window.console = {};
@ -303,7 +304,9 @@ svgedit.utilities.init({
getSVGRoot: function() { return svgroot; },
// TODO: replace this mostly with a way to get the current drawing.
getSelectedElements: function() { return selectedElements; },
getSVGContent: function() { return svgcontent; }
getSVGContent: function() { return svgcontent; },
getBaseUnit: function() { return curConfig.baseUnit; },
getStepSize: function() { return curConfig.stepSize; }
var findDefs = canvas.findDefs = svgedit.utilities.findDefs;
var getUrlFromAttr = canvas.getUrlFromAttr = svgedit.utilities.getUrlFromAttr;
@ -317,6 +320,13 @@ var getRefElem = canvas.getRefElem = svgedit.utilities.getRefElem;
var assignAttributes = canvas.assignAttributes = svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes;
var cleanupElement = this.cleanupElement = svgedit.utilities.cleanupElement;
// import from coords.js
getDrawing: function() { return getCurrentDrawing(); },
getGridSnapping: function() { return curConfig.gridSnapping; }
var remapElement = this.remapElement = svgedit.coords.remapElement;
// import from sanitize.js
var nsMap = svgedit.getReverseNS();
var sanitizeSvg = canvas.sanitizeSvg = svgedit.sanitize.sanitizeSvg;
@ -407,19 +417,6 @@ svgedit.path.init({
getSVGRoot: function() { return svgroot; }
// Function: snapToGrid
// round value to for snapping
// NOTE: This function did not move to svgutils.js since it depends on curConfig.
svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid = function(value){
var stepSize = curConfig.snappingStep;
var unit = curConfig.baseUnit;
if (unit !== "px") {
stepSize *= svgedit.units.getTypeMap()[unit];
return Math.round(value/stepSize)*stepSize;
var snapToGrid = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid;
// Interface strings, usually for title elements
var uiStrings = {
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
@ -1064,290 +1061,6 @@ var logMatrix = function(m) {
console.log([m.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e, m.f]);
// Function: remapElement
// Applies coordinate changes to an element based on the given matrix
// Parameters:
// selected - DOM element to be changed
// changes - Object with changes to be remapped
// m - Matrix object to use for remapping coordinates
var remapElement = this.remapElement = function(selected, changes, m) {
var remap = function(x, y) { return svgedit.math.transformPoint(x, y, m); },
scalew = function(w) { return m.a*w; },
scaleh = function(h) { return m.d*h; },
doSnapping = curConfig.gridSnapping && selected.parentNode.parentNode.localName === "svg",
finishUp = function() {
if (doSnapping) for (var o in changes) changes[o] = snapToGrid(changes[o]);
assignAttributes(selected, changes, 1000, true);
box = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(selected);
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
var type = i === 0 ? 'fill' : 'stroke';
var attrVal = selected.getAttribute(type);
if (attrVal && attrVal.indexOf('url(') === 0) {
if (m.a < 0 || m.d < 0) {
var grad = svgedit.utilities.getRefElem(attrVal);
var newgrad = grad.cloneNode(true);
if (m.a < 0) {
//flip x
var x1 = newgrad.getAttribute('x1');
var x2 = newgrad.getAttribute('x2');
newgrad.setAttribute('x1', -(x1 - 1));
newgrad.setAttribute('x2', -(x2 - 1));
if (m.d < 0) {
//flip y
var y1 = newgrad.getAttribute('y1');
var y2 = newgrad.getAttribute('y2');
newgrad.setAttribute('y1', -(y1 - 1));
newgrad.setAttribute('y2', -(y2 - 1));
} = getNextId();
selected.setAttribute(type, 'url(#' + + ')');
// Not really working :(
// if (selected.tagName === 'path') {
// reorientGrads(selected, m);
// }
var elName = selected.tagName;
if (elName === "g" || elName === "text" || elName == "tspan" || elName === "use") {
// if it was a translate, then just update x,y
if (m.a == 1 && m.b == 0 && m.c == 0 && m.d == 1 &&
(m.e != 0 || m.f != 0) )
// [T][M] = [M][T']
// therefore [T'] = [M_inv][T][M]
var existing = svgedit.math.transformListToTransform(selected).matrix,
t_new = svgedit.math.matrixMultiply(existing.inverse(), m, existing);
changes.x = parseFloat(changes.x) + t_new.e;
changes.y = parseFloat(changes.y) + t_new.f;
// TODO(codedread): Special handing for tspans:
// <g transform="translate(-100,0)">
// <text x="100" y="100">
// <tspan x="200" y="100">...</tspan>
// </text>
// </g>
// Note that if the <text> element's x/y coordinates are being
// adjusted, the tspan's x/y coordinates also need to be similarly
// transformed as the coordinate space is not nested:
// <text x="0" y="100">
// <tspan x="100" y="100">...</tspan>
// </text>
} else {
// we just absorb all matrices into the element and don't do any remapping
var chlist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(selected);
var mt = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
mt.setMatrix(matrixMultiply(svgedit.math.transformListToTransform(chlist).matrix, m));
// now we have a set of changes and an applied reduced transform list
// we apply the changes directly to the DOM
switch (elName) {
case "foreignObject":
case "rect":
case "image":
// Allow images to be inverted (give them matrix when flipped)
if (elName === 'image' && (m.a < 0 || m.d < 0)) {
// Convert to matrix
var chlist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(selected);
var mt = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
mt.setMatrix(svgedit.math.matrixMultiply(svgedit.math.transformListToTransform(chlist).matrix, m));
} else {
var pt1 = remap(changes.x, changes.y);
changes.width = scalew(changes.width);
changes.height = scaleh(changes.height);
changes.x = pt1.x + Math.min(0, changes.width);
changes.y = pt1.y + Math.min(0, changes.height);
changes.width = Math.abs(changes.width);
changes.height = Math.abs(changes.height);
case "ellipse":
var c = remap(,; = c.x; = c.y;
changes.rx = scalew(changes.rx);
changes.ry = scaleh(changes.ry);
changes.rx = Math.abs(changes.rx);
changes.ry = Math.abs(changes.ry);
case "circle":
var c = remap(,; = c.x; = c.y;
// take the minimum of the new selected box's dimensions for the new circle radius
var tbox = svgedit.math.transformBox(box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height, m);
var w = -, h = -;
changes.r = Math.min(w/2, h/2);
if (changes.r) changes.r = Math.abs(changes.r);
case "line":
var pt1 = remap(changes.x1, changes.y1),
pt2 = remap(changes.x2, changes.y2);
changes.x1 = pt1.x;
changes.y1 = pt1.y;
changes.x2 = pt2.x;
changes.y2 = pt2.y;
case "text":
case "use":
case "g":
var gsvg = $(selected).data('gsvg');
if (gsvg) {
assignAttributes(gsvg, changes, 1000, true);
case "polyline":
case "polygon":
var len = changes.points.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var pt = changes.points[i];
pt = remap(pt.x, pt.y);
changes.points[i].x = pt.x;
changes.points[i].y = pt.y;
var len = changes.points.length;
var pstr = "";
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var pt = changes.points[i];
pstr += pt.x + "," + pt.y + " ";
selected.setAttribute("points", pstr);
case "path":
var segList = selected.pathSegList;
var len = segList.numberOfItems;
changes.d = new Array(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var seg = segList.getItem(i);
changes.d[i] = {
type: seg.pathSegType,
x: seg.x,
y: seg.y,
x1: seg.x1,
y1: seg.y1,
x2: seg.x2,
y2: seg.y2,
r1: seg.r1,
r2: seg.r2,
angle: seg.angle,
largeArcFlag: seg.largeArcFlag,
sweepFlag: seg.sweepFlag
var len = changes.d.length,
firstseg = changes.d[0],
currentpt = remap(firstseg.x, firstseg.y);
changes.d[0].x = currentpt.x;
changes.d[0].y = currentpt.y;
for (var i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
var seg = changes.d[i];
var type = seg.type;
// if absolute or first segment, we want to remap x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2
// if relative, we want to scalew, scaleh
if (type % 2 == 0) { // absolute
var thisx = (seg.x != undefined) ? seg.x : currentpt.x, // for V commands
thisy = (seg.y != undefined) ? seg.y : currentpt.y, // for H commands
pt = remap(thisx, thisy),
pt1 = remap(seg.x1, seg.y1),
pt2 = remap(seg.x2, seg.y2);
seg.x = pt.x;
seg.y = pt.y;
seg.x1 = pt1.x;
seg.y1 = pt1.y;
seg.x2 = pt2.x;
seg.y2 = pt2.y;
seg.r1 = scalew(seg.r1),
seg.r2 = scaleh(seg.r2);
} else { // relative
seg.x = scalew(seg.x);
seg.y = scaleh(seg.y);
seg.x1 = scalew(seg.x1);
seg.y1 = scaleh(seg.y1);
seg.x2 = scalew(seg.x2);
seg.y2 = scaleh(seg.y2);
seg.r1 = scalew(seg.r1),
seg.r2 = scaleh(seg.r2);
} // for each segment
var dstr = "";
var len = changes.d.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
var seg = changes.d[i];
var type = seg.type;
dstr += pathMap[type];
switch(type) {
case 13: // relative horizontal line (h)
case 12: // absolute horizontal line (H)
dstr += seg.x + " ";
case 15: // relative vertical line (v)
case 14: // absolute vertical line (V)
dstr += seg.y + " ";
case 3: // relative move (m)
case 5: // relative line (l)
case 19: // relative smooth quad (t)
case 2: // absolute move (M)
case 4: // absolute line (L)
case 18: // absolute smooth quad (T)
dstr += seg.x + "," + seg.y + " ";
case 7: // relative cubic (c)
case 6: // absolute cubic (C)
dstr += seg.x1 + "," + seg.y1 + " " + seg.x2 + "," + seg.y2 + " " +
seg.x + "," + seg.y + " ";
case 9: // relative quad (q)
case 8: // absolute quad (Q)
dstr += seg.x1 + "," + seg.y1 + " " + seg.x + "," + seg.y + " ";
case 11: // relative elliptical arc (a)
case 10: // absolute elliptical arc (A)
dstr += seg.r1 + "," + seg.r2 + " " + seg.angle + " " + (+seg.largeArcFlag) +
" " + (+seg.sweepFlag) + " " + seg.x + "," + seg.y + " ";
case 17: // relative smooth cubic (s)
case 16: // absolute smooth cubic (S)
dstr += seg.x2 + "," + seg.y2 + " " + seg.x + "," + seg.y + " ";
selected.setAttribute("d", dstr);
// Function: updateClipPath
// Updates a <clipPath>s values based on the given translation of an element
@ -2048,7 +1761,7 @@ var recalculateDimensions = this.recalculateDimensions = function(selected) {
// if it was a translate or resize, we need to remap the element and absorb the xform
if (operation == 1 || operation == 2 || operation == 3) {
remapElement(selected, changes, m);
} // if we are remapping
// if it was a translate, put back the rotate at the new center
@ -2084,7 +1797,7 @@ var recalculateDimensions = this.recalculateDimensions = function(selected) {
var m_inv = m.inverse();
var extrat = svgedit.math.matrixMultiply(m_inv, rnew_inv, rold, m);
remapElement(selected, changes, extrat);
if (angle) {
if (tlist.numberOfItems) {
tlist.insertItemBefore(rnew, 0);
@ -2429,10 +2142,10 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
var real_y = r_start_y = start_y = y;
if (curConfig.gridSnapping){
x = snapToGrid(x);
y = snapToGrid(y);
start_x = snapToGrid(start_x);
start_y = snapToGrid(start_y);
x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(x);
y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(y);
start_x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(start_x);
start_y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(start_y);
// if it is a selector grip, then it must be a single element selected,
@ -2502,7 +2215,7 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
// console.log('o',[evt.offsetX, evt.offsetY]);
// console.log('s',[start_x, start_y]);
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': r_start_x,
'y': r_start_y,
'width': 0,
@ -2516,7 +2229,7 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
if (rubberBox == null) {
rubberBox = selectorManager.getRubberBandBox();
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': real_x * current_zoom,
'y': real_x * current_zoom,
'width': 0,
@ -2768,8 +2481,8 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
var real_y = y = mouse_y / current_zoom;
if (curConfig.gridSnapping){
x = snapToGrid(x);
y = snapToGrid(y);
x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(x);
y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(y);
@ -2784,8 +2497,8 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
var dy = y - start_y;
if (curConfig.gridSnapping){
dx = snapToGrid(dx);
dy = snapToGrid(dy);
dx = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(dx);
dy = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(dy);
if (evt.shiftKey) {
@ -2831,7 +2544,7 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
case "multiselect":
real_x *= current_zoom;
real_y *= current_zoom;
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': Math.min(r_start_x, real_x),
'y': Math.min(r_start_y, real_y),
'width': Math.abs(real_x - r_start_x),
@ -2876,10 +2589,10 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
height = box.height, dx = (x-start_x), dy = (y-start_y);
if (curConfig.gridSnapping){
dx = snapToGrid(dx);
dy = snapToGrid(dy);
height = snapToGrid(height);
width = snapToGrid(width);
dx = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(dx);
dy = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(dy);
height = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(height);
width = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(width);
// if rotated, adjust the dx,dy values
@ -2922,10 +2635,10 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
translateBack = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
if (curConfig.gridSnapping){
left = snapToGrid(left);
tx = snapToGrid(tx);
top = snapToGrid(top);
ty = snapToGrid(ty);
left = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(left);
tx = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(tx);
top = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(top);
ty = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(ty);
translateOrigin.setTranslate(-(left+tx), -(top+ty));
@ -2956,7 +2669,7 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
case "zoom":
real_x *= current_zoom;
real_y *= current_zoom;
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': Math.min(r_start_x*current_zoom, real_x),
'y': Math.min(r_start_y*current_zoom, real_y),
'width': Math.abs(real_x - r_start_x*current_zoom),
@ -2964,7 +2677,7 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
}, 100);
case "text":
'x': x,
'y': y
}, 1000);
@ -2975,8 +2688,8 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
if (!window.opera) svgroot.suspendRedraw(1000);
if (curConfig.gridSnapping){
x = snapToGrid(x);
y = snapToGrid(y);
x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(x);
y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(y);
var x2 = x;
@ -3013,13 +2726,13 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
if (curConfig.gridSnapping){
w = snapToGrid(w);
h = snapToGrid(h);
new_x = snapToGrid(new_x);
new_y = snapToGrid(new_y);
w = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(w);
h = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(h);
new_x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(new_x);
new_y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(new_y);
'width': w,
'height': h,
'x': new_x,
@ -3032,7 +2745,7 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
var cx =, cy =,
rad = Math.sqrt( (x-cx)*(x-cx) + (y-cy)*(y-cy) );
if (curConfig.gridSnapping){
rad = snapToGrid(rad);
rad = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(rad);
shape.setAttributeNS(null, "r", rad);
@ -3043,10 +2756,10 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
handle = null;
if (!window.opera) svgroot.suspendRedraw(1000);
if (curConfig.gridSnapping){
x = snapToGrid(x);
cx = snapToGrid(cx);
y = snapToGrid(y);
cy = snapToGrid(cy);
x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(x);
cx = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(cx);
y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(y);
cy = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(cy);
shape.setAttributeNS(null, "rx", Math.abs(x - cx) );
var ry = Math.abs(evt.shiftKey?(x - cx):(y - cy));
@ -3091,10 +2804,10 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
y *= current_zoom;
if (curConfig.gridSnapping){
x = snapToGrid(x);
y = snapToGrid(y);
start_x = snapToGrid(start_x);
start_y = snapToGrid(start_y);
x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(x);
y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(y);
start_x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(start_x);
start_y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(start_y);
if (evt.shiftKey) {
var path = svgedit.path.path;
@ -3113,7 +2826,7 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
if (rubberBox && rubberBox.getAttribute('display') !== 'none') {
real_x *= current_zoom;
real_y *= current_zoom;
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': Math.min(r_start_x*current_zoom, real_x),
'y': Math.min(r_start_y*current_zoom, real_y),
'width': Math.abs(real_x - r_start_x*current_zoom),
@ -3127,7 +2840,7 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
x *= current_zoom;
y *= current_zoom;
// if (rubberBox && rubberBox.getAttribute('display') != 'none') {
// assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
// svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
// 'x': Math.min(start_x,x),
// 'y': Math.min(start_y,y),
// 'width': Math.abs(x-start_x),
@ -3148,7 +2861,7 @@ var getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function(evt) {
cy = center.y;
var angle = ((Math.atan2(cy-y, cx-x) * (180/Math.PI))-90) % 360;
if (curConfig.gridSnapping){
angle = snapToGrid(angle);
angle = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(angle);
if (evt.shiftKey) { // restrict rotations to nice angles (WRS)
var snap = 45;
@ -3610,7 +3323,7 @@ var textActions = canvas.textActions = function() {
cursor = svgedit.utilities.getElem("text_cursor");
if (!cursor) {
cursor = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, "line");
assignAttributes(cursor, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(cursor, {
'id': "text_cursor",
'stroke': "#333",
'stroke-width': 1
@ -3628,7 +3341,7 @@ var textActions = canvas.textActions = function() {
var start_pt = ptToScreen(charbb.x, textbb.y);
var end_pt = ptToScreen(charbb.x, (textbb.y + textbb.height));
assignAttributes(cursor, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(cursor, {
x1: start_pt.x,
y1: start_pt.y,
x2: end_pt.x,
@ -3654,7 +3367,7 @@ var textActions = canvas.textActions = function() {
if (!selblock) {
selblock = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, "path");
assignAttributes(selblock, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(selblock, {
'id': "text_selectblock",
'fill': "green",
'opacity': 0.5,
@ -3678,7 +3391,7 @@ var textActions = canvas.textActions = function() {
+ " " + br.x + "," + br.y
+ " " + bl.x + "," + bl.y + "z";
assignAttributes(selblock, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(selblock, {
d: dstr,
'display': 'inline'
@ -4106,15 +3819,15 @@ var pathActions = canvas.pathActions = function() {
newPoint = [x, y];
if (curConfig.gridSnapping){
x = snapToGrid(x);
y = snapToGrid(y);
mouse_x = snapToGrid(mouse_x);
mouse_y = snapToGrid(mouse_y);
x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(x);
y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(y);
mouse_x = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(mouse_x);
mouse_y = svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid(mouse_y);
if (!stretchy) {
stretchy = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, "path");
assignAttributes(stretchy, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(stretchy, {
'id': "path_stretch_line",
'stroke': "#22C",
'stroke-width': "0.5",
@ -4211,7 +3924,7 @@ var pathActions = canvas.pathActions = function() {
if (subpath) {
if (svgedit.path.path.matrix) {
remapElement(newpath, {}, svgedit.path.path.matrix.inverse());
svgedit.coords.remapElement(newpath, {}, svgedit.path.path.matrix.inverse());
var new_d = newpath.getAttribute("d");
@ -4316,7 +4029,7 @@ var pathActions = canvas.pathActions = function() {
if (rubberBox == null) {
rubberBox = selectorManager.getRubberBandBox();
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
'x': start_x * current_zoom,
'y': start_y * current_zoom,
'width': 0,
@ -4360,7 +4073,7 @@ var pathActions = canvas.pathActions = function() {
pointGrip2.setAttribute('display', 'inline');
var ctrlLine = svgedit.path.getCtrlLine(1);
assignAttributes(ctrlLine, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(ctrlLine, {
x1: mouse_x,
y1: mouse_y,
x2: alt_x * current_zoom,
@ -7221,7 +6934,7 @@ this.getBlur = function(elem) {
canvas.setBlurOffsets = function(filter, stdDev) {
if (stdDev > 3) {
// TODO: Create algorithm here where size is based on expected blur
assignAttributes(filter, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(filter, {
x: '-50%',
y: '-50%',
width: '200%',
@ -8654,7 +8367,7 @@ this.updateCanvas = function(w, h) {
var x = (w/2 - this.contentW*current_zoom/2);
var y = (h/2 - this.contentH*current_zoom/2);
assignAttributes(svgcontent, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(svgcontent, {
width: this.contentW*current_zoom,
height: this.contentH*current_zoom,
'x': x,
@ -8662,7 +8375,7 @@ this.updateCanvas = function(w, h) {
"viewBox" : "0 0 " + this.contentW + " " + this.contentH
assignAttributes(bg, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(bg, {
width: svgcontent.getAttribute('width'),
height: svgcontent.getAttribute('height'),
x: x,
@ -8671,7 +8384,7 @@ this.updateCanvas = function(w, h) {
var bg_img = svgedit.utilities.getElem('background_image');
if (bg_img) {
assignAttributes(bg_img, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(bg_img, {
'width': '100%',
'height': '100%'
@ -8696,7 +8409,7 @@ this.setBackground = function(color, url) {
if (url) {
if (!bg_img) {
bg_img = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, "image");
assignAttributes(bg_img, {
svgedit.utilities.assignAttributes(bg_img, {
'id': 'background_image',
'width': '100%',
'height': '100%',

View File

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
// 1) jQuery
// 2) browser.js
// 3) svgtransformlist.js
// 4) units.js
(function() {
@ -649,4 +650,17 @@ svgedit.utilities.cleanupElement = function(element) {
// Function: snapToGrid
// round value to for snapping
// NOTE: This function did not move to svgutils.js since it depends on curConfig.
svgedit.utilities.snapToGrid = function(value) {
var stepSize = editorContext_.getSnappingStep();
var unit = editorContext_.getBaseUnit();
if (unit !== "px") {
stepSize *= svgedit.units.getTypeMap()[unit];
value = Math.round(value/stepSize)*stepSize;
return value;

View File

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<script src='../editor/jquery.js'></script>
<script src='../editor/svgedit.js'></script>
<script src='../editor/browser.js'></script>
<script src='../editor/svgutils.js'></script>
<script src='../editor/sanitize.js'></script>
<script src='qunit/qunit.js'></script>
$(function() {
<link rel='stylesheet' href='qunit/qunit.css' type='text/css'/>
<script type='text/javascript' src='../editor/jquery.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='../editor/math.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='../editor/browser.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='../editor/svgutils.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='../editor/units.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='../editor/svgtransformlist.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='../editor/coords.js'></script>
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<script type='text/javascript'>
$(function() {
// log function
QUnit.log = function(result, message) {
if (window.console && window.console.log) {
@ -18,15 +20,59 @@ $(function() {
var svg = document.createElementNS(svgedit.NS.SVG, 'svg');
var elemId = 1;
function setUp() {
// Mock out editor context.
getSVGRoot: function() { return svg },
getDOMDocument: function() { return null },
getDOMContainer: function() { return null }
getGridSnapping: function() { return false; },
getDrawing: function() {
return {
getNextId: function() { return '' + elemId++; }
// TODO: Since recalculateDimensions() and surrounding code is
// probably the largest, most complicated and strange piece of
// code in SVG-edit, we need to write a whole lot of unit tests
// for it here.
test('Test remapElement(translate) for rect', function() {
var rect = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'rect');
var attrs = {
x: '200',
y: '150',
width: '125',
height: '75'
// Create a translate.
var m = svg.createSVGMatrix();
m.a = 1; m.b = 0;
m.c = 0; m.d = 1;
m.e = 100; m.f = -50;
svgedit.coords.remapElement(rect, attrs, m);
equals(rect.getAttribute('x'), '300');
equals(rect.getAttribute('y'), '100');
equals(rect.getAttribute('width'), '125');
equals(rect.getAttribute('height'), '75');
<h1 id='qunit-header'>Unit Tests for svgedit.coords</h1>
<h2 id='qunit-banner'></h2>
<h2 id='qunit-userAgent'></h2>