Fixed bug where eyedropper would be incorrectly disabled at times

git-svn-id: eee81c28-f429-11dd-99c0-75d572ba1ddd
Alexis Deveria 2011-01-28 16:48:42 +00:00
parent 262b0da7e7
commit 2a8f6fbd20
1 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ svgEditor.addExtension("eyedropper", function(S) {
var svgcontent = S.svgcontent,
svgns = "",
svgdoc = S.svgroot.parentNode.ownerDocument,
svgCanvas = svgEditor.canvas,
ChangeElementCommand = svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand,
addToHistory = function(cmd) { canvas.undoMgr.addCommandToHistory(cmd); },
addToHistory = function(cmd) { svgCanvas.undoMgr.addCommandToHistory(cmd); },
currentStyle = {fillPaint: "red", fillOpacity: 1.0,
strokePaint: "black", strokeOpacity: 1.0,
strokeWidth: 5, strokeDashArray: null,
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ svgEditor.addExtension("eyedropper", function(S) {
var elem = null;
var tool = $('#tool_eyedropper');
// enable-eye-dropper if one element is selected
if (opts.elems.length == 1 && opts.elems[0] &&
if (!opts.multiselected && opts.elems[0] &&
$.inArray(opts.elems[0].nodeName, ['svg', 'g', 'use']) == -1)
elem = opts.elems[0];