Added symbol as an element that is referred to when uniquifying elements, added a TODO for connectors/markers

git-svn-id: eee81c28-f429-11dd-99c0-75d572ba1ddd
Jeff Schiller 2011-01-12 06:07:28 +00:00
parent e5ce3448b1
commit 53962cabb8
1 changed files with 10 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -6375,7 +6375,15 @@ this.randomizeIds = function() {
// g - The parent element of the tree to give unique IDs
var uniquifyElems = this.uniquifyElems = function(g) {
var ids = {};
var ref_elems = ["filter", "linearGradient", "pattern", "radialGradient", "textPath", "use"];
// TODO: Handle markers and connectors. These are not yet re-identified properly
// as their referring elements do not get remapped.
// <marker id='se_marker_end_svg_7'/>
// <polyline id='svg_7' se:connector='svg_1 svg_6' marker-end='url(#se_marker_end_svg_7)'/>
// Problem #1: if svg_1 gets renamed, we do not update the polyline's se:connector attribute
// Problem #2: if the polyline svg_7 gets renamed, we do not update the marker id nor the polyline's marker-end attribute
var ref_elems = ["filter", "linearGradient", "pattern", "radialGradient", "symbol", "textPath", "use"];
svgedit.utilities.walkTree(g, function(n) {
// if it's an element node
@ -6396,7 +6404,7 @@ var uniquifyElems = this.uniquifyElems = function(g) {
var attrnode = n.getAttributeNode(attr);
if (attrnode) {
// the incoming file has been sanitized, so we should be able to safely just strip off the leading #
var url = getUrlFromAttr(attrnode.value),
var url = getUrlFromAttr(attrnode.value),
refid = url ? url.substr(1) : null;
if (refid) {
if (!(refid in ids)) {