Revert changes of previous revision

git-svn-id: eee81c28-f429-11dd-99c0-75d572ba1ddd
Jeff Schiller 2010-10-28 05:50:39 +00:00
parent 7d81d66d9a
commit 6218fc42b7
4 changed files with 329 additions and 336 deletions

View File

@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
* SVG-edit History Commands
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Jeff Schiller
// Dependencies:
// 1) jQuery
(function() {
if (!window.svgedit) {
window.svgedit = {};
if (!svgedit.history) {
svgedit.history = {};
// TODO: create a 'typing' command object that tracks changes in text
// if a new Typing command is created and the top command on the stack is also a Typing
// and they both affect the same element, then collapse the two commands into one
// Group: Undo/Redo history management
// Class: svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand
// History command to make a change to an element.
// Usually an attribute change, but can also be textcontent.
// Parameters:
// elem - The DOM element that was changed
// attrs - An object with the attributes to be changed and the values they had *before* the change
// text - An optional string visible to user related to this change
svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand = function(elem, attrs, text) {
this.elem = elem;
this.text = text ? ("Change " + elem.tagName + " " + text) : ("Change " + elem.tagName);
this.newValues = {};
this.oldValues = attrs;
for (var attr in attrs) {
if (attr == "#text") this.newValues[attr] = elem.textContent;
else if (attr == "#href") this.newValues[attr] = getHref(elem);
else this.newValues[attr] = elem.getAttribute(attr);
// Function: ChangeElementCommand.apply
// Performs the stored change action
this.apply = function() {
var bChangedTransform = false;
for(var attr in this.newValues ) {
if (this.newValues[attr]) {
if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = this.newValues[attr];
else if (attr == "#href") setHref(this.elem, this.newValues[attr])
else this.elem.setAttribute(attr, this.newValues[attr]);
else {
if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = "";
else {
this.elem.setAttribute(attr, "");
if (attr == "transform") { bChangedTransform = true; }
else if (attr == "stdDeviation") { canvas.setBlurOffsets(this.elem.parentNode, this.newValues[attr]); }
// relocate rotational transform, if necessary
if(!bChangedTransform) {
var angle = getRotationAngle(elem);
if (angle) {
var bbox = elem.getBBox();
var cx = bbox.x + bbox.width/2,
cy = bbox.y + bbox.height/2;
var rotate = ["rotate(", angle, " ", cx, ",", cy, ")"].join('');
if (rotate != elem.getAttribute("transform")) {
elem.setAttribute("transform", rotate);
// if we are changing layer names, re-identify all layers
if (this.elem.tagName == "title" && this.elem.parentNode.parentNode == svgcontent) {
return true;
// Function: ChangeElementCommand.unapply
// Reverses the stored change action
this.unapply = function() {
var bChangedTransform = false;
for(var attr in this.oldValues ) {
if (this.oldValues[attr]) {
if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = this.oldValues[attr];
else if (attr == "#href") setHref(this.elem, this.oldValues[attr]);
else this.elem.setAttribute(attr, this.oldValues[attr]);
if (attr == "stdDeviation") canvas.setBlurOffsets(this.elem.parentNode, this.oldValues[attr]);
else {
if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = "";
else this.elem.removeAttribute(attr);
if (attr == "transform") { bChangedTransform = true; }
// relocate rotational transform, if necessary
if(!bChangedTransform) {
var angle = getRotationAngle(elem);
if (angle) {
var bbox = elem.getBBox();
var cx = bbox.x + bbox.width/2,
cy = bbox.y + bbox.height/2;
var rotate = ["rotate(", angle, " ", cx, ",", cy, ")"].join('');
if (rotate != elem.getAttribute("transform")) {
elem.setAttribute("transform", rotate);
// if we are changing layer names, re-identify all layers
if (this.elem.tagName == "title" && this.elem.parentNode.parentNode == svgcontent) {
// Remove transformlist to prevent confusion that causes bugs like 575.
if (svgTransformLists[]) {
delete svgTransformLists[];
return true;
// Function: ChangeElementCommand.elements
// Returns array with element associated with this command
this.elements = function() { return [this.elem]; }
// Class: svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand
// History command for an element that was added to the DOM
// Parameters:
// elem - The newly added DOM element
// text - An optional string visible to user related to this change
svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand = function(elem, text) {
this.elem = elem;
this.text = text || ("Create " + elem.tagName);
this.parent = elem.parentNode;
// Function: InsertElementCommand.apply
// Re-Inserts the new element
this.apply = function() {
this.elem = this.parent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.elem.nextSibling);
if (this.parent == svgcontent) {
// Function: InsertElementCommand.unapply
// Removes the element
this.unapply = function() {
this.parent = this.elem.parentNode;
this.elem = this.elem.parentNode.removeChild(this.elem);
if (this.parent == svgcontent) {
// Function: InsertElementCommand.elements
// Returns array with element associated with this command
this.elements = function() { return [this.elem]; };
// Class: svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand
// History command for an element removed from the DOM
// Parameters:
// elem - The removed DOM element
// parent - The DOM element's parent
// text - An optional string visible to user related to this change
svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand = function(elem, parent, text) {
this.elem = elem;
this.text = text || ("Delete " + elem.tagName);
this.parent = parent;
// Function: RemoveElementCommand.apply
// Re-removes the new element
this.apply = function() {
if (svgTransformLists[]) {
delete svgTransformLists[];
this.parent = this.elem.parentNode;
this.elem = this.parent.removeChild(this.elem);
if (this.parent == svgcontent) {
// Function: RemoveElementCommand.unapply
// Re-adds the new element
this.unapply = function() {
if (svgTransformLists[]) {
delete svgTransformLists[];
this.parent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.elem.nextSibling);
if (this.parent === svgcontent) {
// Function: RemoveElementCommand.elements
// Returns array with element associated with this command
this.elements = function() { return [this.elem]; };
// special hack for webkit: remove this element's entry in the svgTransformLists map
if (svgTransformLists[]) {
delete svgTransformLists[];
// Class: svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand
// History command for an element that had its DOM position changed
// Parameters:
// elem - The DOM element that was moved
// oldNextSibling - The element's next sibling before it was moved
// oldParent - The element's parent before it was moved
// text - An optional string visible to user related to this change
svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand = function(elem, oldNextSibling, oldParent, text) {
this.elem = elem;
this.text = text ? ("Move " + elem.tagName + " to " + text) : ("Move " + elem.tagName);
this.oldNextSibling = oldNextSibling;
this.oldParent = oldParent;
this.newNextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
this.newParent = elem.parentNode;
// Function: MoveElementCommand.unapply
// Re-positions the element
this.apply = function() {
this.elem = this.newParent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.newNextSibling);
if (this.newParent == svgcontent) {
// Function: MoveElementCommand.unapply
// Positions the element back to its original location
this.unapply = function() {
this.elem = this.oldParent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.oldNextSibling);
if (this.oldParent == svgcontent) {
// Function: MoveElementCommand.elements
// Returns array with element associated with this command
this.elements = function() { return [this.elem]; };
// Class: svgedit.history.BatchCommand
// History command that can contain/execute multiple other commands
// Parameters:
// text - An optional string visible to user related to this change
svgedit.history.BatchCommand = function(text) {
this.text = text || "Batch Command";
this.stack = [];
// Function: BatchCommand.apply
// Runs "apply" on all subcommands
this.apply = function() {
var len = this.stack.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
// Function: BatchCommand.unapply
// Runs "unapply" on all subcommands
this.unapply = function() {
for (var i = this.stack.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Function: BatchCommand.elements
// Iterate through all our subcommands and returns all the elements we are changing
this.elements = function() {
var elems = [];
var cmd = this.stack.length;
while (cmd--) {
var thisElems = this.stack[cmd].elements();
var elem = thisElems.length;
while (elem--) {
if (elems.indexOf(thisElems[elem]) == -1) elems.push(thisElems[elem]);
return elems;
// Function: BatchCommand.addSubCommand
// Adds a given command to the history stack
// Parameters:
// cmd - The undo command object to add
this.addSubCommand = function(cmd) { this.stack.push(cmd); };
// Function: BatchCommand.isEmpty
// Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the batch command is empty
this.isEmpty = function() { return this.stack.length == 0; };

View File

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
<script type="text/javascript" src="spinbtn/JQuerySpinBtn.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="contextmenu/jquery.contextMenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="browsersupport.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="history.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svgutils.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svgcanvas.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svg-editor.js"></script>
@ -34,7 +33,6 @@
<script type="text/javascript" src="jgraduate/jquery.jgraduate.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="spinbtn/JQuerySpinBtn.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="browsersupport.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="history.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svgutils.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svgcanvas.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svg-editor.min.js"></script>

View File

@ -9,12 +9,6 @@
// Dependencies:
// 1) jQuery
// 2) browsersupport.js
// 3) history.js
// 4) svgutils.js
if(!window.console) {
window.console = {};
window.console.log = function(str) {};
@ -540,14 +534,305 @@ var restoreRefElems = function(elem) {
// Group: Undo/Redo history management
this.undoCmd = {};
// "Import" svgedit.history classes.
var ChangeElementCommand = this.undoCmd.changeElement = svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand;
var InsertElementCommand = this.undoCmd.insertElement = svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand;
var RemoveElementCommand = this.undoCmd.removeElement = svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand;
var MoveElementCommand = this.undoCmd.moveElement = svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand;
var BatchCommand = this.undoCmd.batch = svgedit.history.BatchCommand;
// Function: ChangeElementCommand
// History command to make a change to an element.
// Usually an attribute change, but can also be textcontent.
// Parameters:
// elem - The DOM element that was changed
// attrs - An object with the attributes to be changed and the values they had *before* the change
// text - An optional string visible to user related to this change
var ChangeElementCommand = this.undoCmd.changeElement = function(elem, attrs, text) {
this.elem = elem;
this.text = text ? ("Change " + elem.tagName + " " + text) : ("Change " + elem.tagName);
this.newValues = {};
this.oldValues = attrs;
for (var attr in attrs) {
if (attr == "#text") this.newValues[attr] = elem.textContent;
else if (attr == "#href") this.newValues[attr] = getHref(elem);
else this.newValues[attr] = elem.getAttribute(attr);
// Function: ChangeElementCommand.apply
// Performs the stored change action
this.apply = function() {
var bChangedTransform = false;
for(var attr in this.newValues ) {
if (this.newValues[attr]) {
if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = this.newValues[attr];
else if (attr == "#href") setHref(this.elem, this.newValues[attr])
else this.elem.setAttribute(attr, this.newValues[attr]);
else {
if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = "";
else {
this.elem.setAttribute(attr, "");
if (attr == "transform") { bChangedTransform = true; }
else if (attr == "stdDeviation") { canvas.setBlurOffsets(this.elem.parentNode, this.newValues[attr]); }
// relocate rotational transform, if necessary
if(!bChangedTransform) {
var angle = getRotationAngle(elem);
if (angle) {
var bbox = elem.getBBox();
var cx = bbox.x + bbox.width/2,
cy = bbox.y + bbox.height/2;
var rotate = ["rotate(", angle, " ", cx, ",", cy, ")"].join('');
if (rotate != elem.getAttribute("transform")) {
elem.setAttribute("transform", rotate);
// if we are changing layer names, re-identify all layers
if (this.elem.tagName == "title" && this.elem.parentNode.parentNode == svgcontent) {
return true;
// Function: ChangeElementCommand.unapply
// Reverses the stored change action
this.unapply = function() {
var bChangedTransform = false;
for(var attr in this.oldValues ) {
if (this.oldValues[attr]) {
if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = this.oldValues[attr];
else if (attr == "#href") setHref(this.elem, this.oldValues[attr]);
else this.elem.setAttribute(attr, this.oldValues[attr]);
if (attr == "stdDeviation") canvas.setBlurOffsets(this.elem.parentNode, this.oldValues[attr]);
else {
if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = "";
else this.elem.removeAttribute(attr);
if (attr == "transform") { bChangedTransform = true; }
// relocate rotational transform, if necessary
if(!bChangedTransform) {
var angle = getRotationAngle(elem);
if (angle) {
var bbox = elem.getBBox();
var cx = bbox.x + bbox.width/2,
cy = bbox.y + bbox.height/2;
var rotate = ["rotate(", angle, " ", cx, ",", cy, ")"].join('');
if (rotate != elem.getAttribute("transform")) {
elem.setAttribute("transform", rotate);
// if we are changing layer names, re-identify all layers
if (this.elem.tagName == "title" && this.elem.parentNode.parentNode == svgcontent) {
// Remove transformlist to prevent confusion that causes bugs like 575.
if (svgTransformLists[]) {
delete svgTransformLists[];
return true;
// Function: ChangeElementCommand.elements
// Returns array with element associated with this command
this.elements = function() { return [this.elem]; }
// Function: InsertElementCommand
// History command for an element that was added to the DOM
// Parameters:
// elem - The newly added DOM element
// text - An optional string visible to user related to this change
var InsertElementCommand = this.undoCmd.insertElement = function(elem, text) {
this.elem = elem;
this.text = text || ("Create " + elem.tagName);
this.parent = elem.parentNode;
// Function: InsertElementCommand.apply
// Re-Inserts the new element
this.apply = function() {
this.elem = this.parent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.elem.nextSibling);
if (this.parent == svgcontent) {
// Function: InsertElementCommand.unapply
// Removes the element
this.unapply = function() {
this.parent = this.elem.parentNode;
this.elem = this.elem.parentNode.removeChild(this.elem);
if (this.parent == svgcontent) {
// Function: InsertElementCommand.elements
// Returns array with element associated with this command
this.elements = function() { return [this.elem]; };
// Function: RemoveElementCommand
// History command for an element removed from the DOM
// Parameters:
// elem - The removed DOM element
// parent - The DOM element's parent
// text - An optional string visible to user related to this change
var RemoveElementCommand = this.undoCmd.removeElement = function(elem, parent, text) {
this.elem = elem;
this.text = text || ("Delete " + elem.tagName);
this.parent = parent;
// Function: RemoveElementCommand.apply
// Re-removes the new element
this.apply = function() {
if (svgTransformLists[]) {
delete svgTransformLists[];
this.parent = this.elem.parentNode;
this.elem = this.parent.removeChild(this.elem);
if (this.parent == svgcontent) {
// Function: RemoveElementCommand.unapply
// Re-adds the new element
this.unapply = function() {
if (svgTransformLists[]) {
delete svgTransformLists[];
this.parent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.elem.nextSibling);
if (this.parent === svgcontent) {
// Function: RemoveElementCommand.elements
// Returns array with element associated with this command
this.elements = function() { return [this.elem]; };
// special hack for webkit: remove this element's entry in the svgTransformLists map
if (svgTransformLists[]) {
delete svgTransformLists[];
// Function: MoveElementCommand
// History command for an element that had its DOM position changed
// Parameters:
// elem - The DOM element that was moved
// oldNextSibling - The element's next sibling before it was moved
// oldParent - The element's parent before it was moved
// text - An optional string visible to user related to this change
var MoveElementCommand = this.undoCmd.moveElement = function(elem, oldNextSibling, oldParent, text) {
this.elem = elem;
this.text = text ? ("Move " + elem.tagName + " to " + text) : ("Move " + elem.tagName);
this.oldNextSibling = oldNextSibling;
this.oldParent = oldParent;
this.newNextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
this.newParent = elem.parentNode;
// Function: MoveElementCommand.unapply
// Re-positions the element
this.apply = function() {
this.elem = this.newParent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.newNextSibling);
if (this.newParent == svgcontent) {
// Function: MoveElementCommand.unapply
// Positions the element back to its original location
this.unapply = function() {
this.elem = this.oldParent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.oldNextSibling);
if (this.oldParent == svgcontent) {
// Function: MoveElementCommand.elements
// Returns array with element associated with this command
this.elements = function() { return [this.elem]; };
// TODO: create a 'typing' command object that tracks changes in text
// if a new Typing command is created and the top command on the stack is also a Typing
// and they both affect the same element, then collapse the two commands into one
// Function: BatchCommand
// History command that can contain/execute multiple other commands
// Parameters:
// text - An optional string visible to user related to this change
var BatchCommand = this.undoCmd.batch = function(text) {
this.text = text || "Batch Command";
this.stack = [];
// Function: BatchCommand.apply
// Runs "apply" on all subcommands
this.apply = function() {
var len = this.stack.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
// Function: BatchCommand.unapply
// Runs "unapply" on all subcommands
this.unapply = function() {
for (var i = this.stack.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Function: BatchCommand.elements
// Iterate through all our subcommands and returns all the elements we are changing
this.elements = function() {
var elems = [];
var cmd = this.stack.length;
while (cmd--) {
var thisElems = this.stack[cmd].elements();
var elem = thisElems.length;
while (elem--) {
if (elems.indexOf(thisElems[elem]) == -1) elems.push(thisElems[elem]);
return elems;
// Function: BatchCommand.addSubCommand
// Adds a given command to the history stack
// Parameters:
// cmd - The undo command object to add
this.addSubCommand = function(cmd) { this.stack.push(cmd); };
// Function: BatchCommand.isEmpty
// Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the batch command is empty
this.isEmpty = function() { return this.stack.length == 0; };
// Set scope for addCommandToHistory
var addCommandToHistory;

View File

@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ svgedit.Utilities.walkTreePost = function(elem, cbFn) {
// Function: getUrlFromAttr
// Function: svgedit.Utilities.getUrlFromAttr
// Extracts the URL from the url(...) syntax of some attributes.
// Three variants:
// * <circle fill="url(someFile.svg#foo)" />
@ -319,4 +319,35 @@ svgedit.Utilities.getUrlFromAttr = function(attrVal) {
return null;
// Function: svgedit.Utilities.getHref
// Returns the given element's xlink:href value
svgedit.Utilities.getHref = function(elem) {
return elem.getAttributeNS(xlinkns, "href");
// Function: svgedit.Utilities.setHref
// Sets the given element's xlink:href value
svgedit.Utilities.setHref = function(elem, val) {
elem.setAttributeNS(xlinkns, "xlink:href", val);
// Function: findDefs
// Parameters:
// svgElement - The <svg> element.
// Returns:
// The document's <defs> element, create it first if necessary
svgedit.Utilities.findDefs = function(svgElement) {
var svgElement = svgDoc.documentElement;
var defs = svgElement.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, "defs");
if (defs.length > 0) {
defs = defs[0];
else {
// first child is a comment, so call nextSibling
defs = svgElement.insertBefore( svgElement.ownerDocument.createElementNS(svgns, "defs" ), svgElement.firstChild.nextSibling);
return defs;