Finish Python script that switches the release script tags in svg-editor.html. Updated Makefile

git-svn-id: eee81c28-f429-11dd-99c0-75d572ba1ddd
Jeff Schiller 2011-01-18 06:13:40 +00:00
parent af0599d632
commit 8379711c3e
3 changed files with 119 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ build/$(PACKAGE): $(COMPILED_JS)
# Remove all hidden .svn directories
-find build/$(PACKAGE) -name .svn -type d | xargs rm -rf {} \;
# Remove all JS files that were compiled
# Create the release version of the main HTML file.
build/tools/ --i=editor/svg-editor.html --on=svg_edit_release > build/$(PACKAGE)/svg-editor.html
# codedread: NOTE: Some files are not ready for the Closure compiler: (jquery)
@ -75,4 +75,8 @@ clean:
rm -rf build/$(PACKAGE)
rm -rf build/firefox
rm -rf build/opera
rm -rf build/$(PACKAGE).zip
rm -rf build/$(PACKAGE)-src.tar.gz
rm -rf build/$(PACKAGE).xpi
rm -rf build/$(PACKAGE).wgt
rm -rf $(COMPILED_JS)

View File

@ -4,16 +4,19 @@
# Licensed under the Apache 2 License as is the rest of the project
# Copyright (c) 2011 Jeff Schiller
# This script has very little real-world application. It is only used in our pure-client web
# app served on GoogleCode so we can have one HTML file, run a build script and generate a 'release'
# version without having to maintain two separate HTML files.
# This script takes the following inputs:
# * a HTML file
# * a series of flag names
# * a HTML file (--i=in.html)
# * a series of flag names (--on=Foo --on=Bar)
# It parses, the HTML file, enables/disables sections of the makrup based
# on conditional comments and flag values, then outputs a new HTML file.
# It parses, the HTML file, enables/disables sections of the markup based
# on if-else comments and flag values, then outputs a new HTML file.
# Example:
@ -24,7 +27,7 @@
# BAR!
# <!--{endif}-->
# $ --i in.html --o test-out.html --enable foo
# $ --i in.html --on foo
# out.html:
# <!--{if foo}-->
@ -33,30 +36,117 @@
# BAR!
# <!{endif}-->
# Only if-else-endif are currently supported. All conditional comment expressions must
# be on one line with no other non-whitespace characters.
# It has the following limitations:
# 1) Only if-else-endif are currently supported.
# 2) All processing comments must be on one line with no other non-whitespace characters.
# 3) Comments cannot be nested.
import optparse
import os
inside_if = False
last_if_true = False
_options_parser = optparse.OptionParser(
usage="%prog --i input.svg --o output.svg [--enable flag1]",
description=("Hello world!"))
action="store", dest="input_html_file", help="Input HTML filename")
action="store", dest="output_html_file", help="Output HTML filename")
action="append", type="string", dest="enabled_flags",
help="name of flag to enable")
usage='%prog --i input.html [--on flag1]',
description=('Rewrites an HTML file based on conditional comments and flags'))
action='store', dest='input_html_file', help='Input HTML filename')
action='append', type='string', dest='enabled_flags',
help='name of flag to enable')
def parse_args(args=None):
options, rargs = _options_parser.parse_args(args)
print options
options, rargs = _options_parser.parse_args(args)
return options, (None, None)
if rargs:
_options_parser.error("Additional arguments not handled: %r, see --help" % rargs)
def parseComment(line, line_num, enabled_flags):
global inside_if
global last_if_true
return options, (None, None)
start = line.find('{')
end = line.find('}')
statement = line[start+1:end].strip()
if statement.startswith('if '):
if inside_if == True:
print 'Fatal Error: Nested {if} found on line ' + str(line_num)
print line
# Evaluate whether the expression is true/false.
# only one variable name allowed for now
variable_name = statement[3:].strip()
if variable_name in enabled_flags:
last_if_true = True
line = '<!--{if ' + variable_name + '}-->'
last_if_true = False
line = '<!--{if ' + variable_name + '}>'
inside_if = True
elif statement == 'else':
if inside_if == False:
print 'Fatal Error: {else} found without {if} on line ' + str(line_num)
print line
if last_if_true:
line = '<!--{else}>'
line = '<!{else}-->'
# invert the logic so the endif clause is closed properly
last_if_true = not last_if_true
elif statement == 'endif':
if inside_if == False:
print 'Fatal Error: {endif} found without {if} on line ' + str(line_num)
print line
if last_if_true:
line = '<!--{endif}-->'
line = '<!{endif}-->'
inside_if = False
return line
def ship(inFileName, enabled_flags):
# read in HTML file
in_file = file(inFileName, 'r')
i = 0
lines = in_file.readlines()
out_lines = []
# loop for each line of markup
for line in lines:
strline = line.strip()
# if we find a comment, process it and print out
if strline.startswith('<!--{') or strline.startswith('<!{'):
# using the same indentation as the previous line
start = line.find('<')
out_lines.append(line[:start] \
+ parseComment(strline, i, enabled_flags) \
+ os.linesep)
else: # else append line to the output list
i += 1
return ''.join(out_lines)
if __name__ == '__main__':
options, (input, output) = parse_args()
if options.input_html_file != None:
enabled_flags = []
if options.enabled_flags != None:
out_file = ship(options.input_html_file, enabled_flags)
print out_file

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
<!--{if svg_edit_release}>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svgedit.compiled.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="browser.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svgtransformlist.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="math.js"></script>