Overhaul for paint boxes, simplified and reduced code required

git-svn-id: http://svg-edit.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1794 eee81c28-f429-11dd-99c0-75d572ba1ddd
Alexis Deveria 2010-10-12 18:35:45 +00:00
parent 289d7a8f41
commit 8c43ffa9d0
1 changed files with 92 additions and 95 deletions

View File

@ -480,7 +480,8 @@
zoomInIcon = 'crosshair',
zoomOutIcon = 'crosshair',
ui_context = 'toolbars',
orig_source = '';
orig_source = '',
paintBox = {fill: null, stroke:null};
// This sets up alternative dialog boxes. They mostly work the same way as
// their UI counterparts, expect instead of returning the result, a callback
@ -570,9 +571,6 @@
var cur_context = '';
var orig_title = $('title:first').text();
var fillPaint = new $.jGraduate.Paint({solidColor: curConfig.initFill.color});
var strokePaint = new $.jGraduate.Paint({solidColor: curConfig.initStroke.color});
var saveHandler = function(window,svg) {
show_save_warning = false;
@ -661,8 +659,7 @@
// upon creation of a text element the editor is switched into
// select mode and this event fires - we need our UI to be in sync
if (mode !== "multiselect" && !is_node) {
// FIXME: This also needs to fire if only one element is selected via multiselect
if (!is_node) {
@ -789,18 +786,8 @@
// Makes sure the current selected paint is available to work with
var prepPaints = function() {
for(var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
var type = i === 0 ? 'fill': 'stroke';
var cur = $('#' + type + '_color rect').attr('fill');
if(cur.indexOf('url(') === 0) {
var grad = $('#' + type + '_color defs *')[0];
var obj = {};
obj.type = grad.tagName;
obj[grad.tagName] = grad;
var paint = new $.jGraduate.Paint(obj);
svgCanvas.setPaint(type, paint);
var flyout_funcs = {};
@ -1336,27 +1323,23 @@
// prevent undo on these canvas changes
svgCanvas.setColor(type, paintColor, true);
svgCanvas.setPaintOpacity(type, paintOpacity, true);
// update the rect inside #fill_color/#stroke_color
var paint_rect = $("#" + type + "_color rect");
paint_rect.attr('opacity', paintOpacity);
paintOpacity *= 100;
if(isFill) {
var paint = fillPaint = getPaint(paintColor, paintOpacity, type);
} else {
var paint = strokePaint = getPaint(paintColor, paintOpacity, type);
var paint = getPaint(paintColor, paintOpacity, type);
if(paint.type.indexOf('Gradient') >= 0) {
var elem = paint[paint.type];
if(elem) {
elem.id = 'gradbox_' + type;
$("#" + type + "_color defs").empty().append(elem);
paint_rect.attr('fill', 'url(#gradbox_' + type + ')');
// update the rect inside #fill_color/#stroke_color
// if(paint.type.indexOf('Gradient') >= 0) {
// var elem = paint[paint.type];
// if(elem) {
// elem.id = 'gradbox_' + type;
// $("#" + type + "_color defs").empty().append(elem);
// paint_rect.attr('fill', 'url(#gradbox_' + type + ')');
// }
// }
@ -1371,7 +1354,6 @@
if ($('#linecap_' + attr).length != 0)
setStrokeOpt($('#linecap_' + attr)[0]);
// All elements including image and group have opacity
@ -1832,26 +1814,23 @@
var right_click = evt.button === 2;
var picker = ((evt.shiftKey || right_click) ? "stroke" : "fill");
var id = ((evt.shiftKey || right_click) ? '#stroke_' : '#fill_');
var isStroke = evt.shiftKey || right_click;
var picker = isStroke ? "stroke" : "fill";
var color = $(this).attr('data-rgb');
var rectbox = document.getElementById("gradbox_"+picker).parentNode.firstChild;
var paint = null;
// Webkit-based browsers returned 'initial' here for no stroke
if (color == 'transparent' || color == 'initial') {
if (color === 'transparent' || color === 'initial') {
color = 'none';
$(id + "opacity").html("N/A");
paint = new $.jGraduate.Paint();
else {
paint = new $.jGraduate.Paint({alpha: 100, solidColor: color.substr(1)});
rectbox.setAttribute("fill", color);
rectbox.setAttribute("opacity", 1);
if (evt.shiftKey) {
strokePaint = paint;
if (isStroke) {
if (svgCanvas.getColor('stroke') != color) {
svgCanvas.setColor('stroke', color);
@ -1859,7 +1838,6 @@
svgCanvas.setPaintOpacity('stroke', 1.0);
} else {
fillPaint = paint;
if (svgCanvas.getColor('fill') != color) {
svgCanvas.setColor('fill', color);
@ -3171,7 +3149,7 @@
var colorPicker = function(elem) {
var picker = elem.attr('id') == 'stroke_color' ? 'stroke' : 'fill';
// var opacity = (picker == 'stroke' ? $('#stroke_opacity') : $('#fill_opacity'));
var paint = (picker == 'stroke' ? strokePaint : fillPaint);
var paint = paintBox[picker].paint;
var title = (picker == 'stroke' ? 'Pick a Stroke Paint and Opacity' : 'Pick a Fill Paint and Opacity');
var was_none = false;
var pos = elem.position();
@ -3187,31 +3165,9 @@
function(p) {
paint = new $.jGraduate.Paint(p);
var oldgrad = document.getElementById("gradbox_"+picker);
var svgbox = oldgrad.ownerSVGElement;
var rectbox = svgbox.getElementsByTagName('rect')[0];
var defs = svgbox.getElementsByTagName('defs')[0];
if (paint.type === "linearGradient" || paint.type === "radialGradient") {
var newgrad = defs.appendChild(document.importNode(paint[paint.type], true));
newgrad.id = "gradbox_"+picker;
rectbox.setAttribute("fill", "url(#gradbox_" + picker + ")");
rectbox.setAttribute("opacity", paint.alpha/100);
else {
rectbox.setAttribute("fill", paint.solidColor != "none" ? "#" + paint.solidColor : "none");
rectbox.setAttribute("opacity", paint.alpha/100);
if (picker == 'stroke') {
svgCanvas.setPaint('stroke', paint);
strokePaint = paint;
else {
svgCanvas.setPaint('fill', paint);
fillPaint = paint;
svgCanvas.setPaint(picker, paint);
function(p) {
@ -3276,39 +3232,80 @@
// set up gradients to be used for the buttons
var svgdocbox = new DOMParser().parseFromString(
'<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><rect width="100%" height="100%"\
fill="#' + curConfig.initFill.color + '" opacity="' + curConfig.initFill.opacity + '"/>\
<defs><linearGradient id="gradbox_">\
<stop stop-color="#000" offset="0.0"/>\
<stop stop-color="#FF0000" offset="1.0"/>\
</linearGradient></defs></svg>', 'text/xml');
var docElem = svgdocbox.documentElement;
var boxgrad = svgdocbox.getElementById('gradbox_');
boxgrad.id = 'gradbox_fill';
$('#fill_color').append( document.importNode(docElem,true) );
boxgrad.id = 'gradbox_stroke';
$('#stroke_color').append( document.importNode(docElem,true) );
$('#stroke_color rect').attr({
'fill': '#' + curConfig.initStroke.color,
'opacity': curConfig.initStroke.opacity
var PaintBox = function(container, type) {
var cur = curConfig[type === 'fill' ? 'initFill' : 'initStroke'];
// set up gradients to be used for the buttons
var svgdocbox = new DOMParser().parseFromString(
'<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><rect width="100%" height="100%"\
fill="#' + cur.color + '" opacity="' + cur.opacity + '"/>\
<defs><linearGradient id="gradbox_"/></defs></svg>', 'text/xml');
var docElem = svgdocbox.documentElement;
docElem = $(container)[0].appendChild(document.importNode(docElem, true));
this.rect = docElem.firstChild;
this.defs = docElem.getElementsByTagName('defs')[0];
this.grad = this.defs.firstChild;
this.paint = new $.jGraduate.Paint({solidColor: cur.color});
this.type = type;
this.setPaint = function(paint, apply) {
this.paint = paint;
var fillAttr = "none";
var ptype = paint.type;
var opac = paint.alpha / 100;
switch ( ptype ) {
case 'solidColor':
fillAttr = "#" + paint[ptype];
case 'linearGradient':
case 'radialGradient':
this.grad = this.defs.appendChild(paint[ptype]);
var id = this.grad.id = 'gradbox_' + this.type;
fillAttr = "url(#" + id + ')';
this.rect.setAttribute('fill', fillAttr);
this.rect.setAttribute('opacity', opac);
if(apply) {
svgCanvas.setColor(this.type, paintColor, true);
svgCanvas.setPaintOpacity(this.type, paintOpacity, true);
this.prep = function() {
var ptype = this.paint.type;
switch ( ptype ) {
case 'linearGradient':
case 'radialGradient':
var paint = new $.jGraduate.Paint({copy: this.paint});
svgCanvas.setPaint(type, paint);
paintBox.fill = new PaintBox('#fill_color', 'fill');
paintBox.stroke = new PaintBox('#stroke_color', 'stroke');
$('#group_opacity').val(curConfig.initOpacity * 100);
// Use this SVG elem to test vectorEffect support
var test_el = docElem.firstChild;
var test_el = paintBox.fill.rect.cloneNode(false);
var supportsNonSS = (test_el.style.vectorEffect === 'non-scaling-stroke');
var svgdocbox = paintBox.fill.rect.ownerDocument;
// Use this to test support for blur element. Seems to work to test support in Webkit
var blur_test = svgdocbox.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'feGaussianBlur');
if(typeof blur_test.stdDeviationX === "undefined") {