Added Spanish translation by Alicia, fixed issue 369
git-svn-id: eee81c28-f429-11dd-99c0-75d572ba1dddmaster
@ -1,155 +1,158 @@
{"id":"layer_new","title":"Nueva capa"},
{"id":"layer_delete","title":"Eliminar capa"},
{"id":"layer_rename","title":"Cambie el nombre de la capa"},
{"id":"layer_up","title":"Mover la capa Up"},
{"id":"layer_down","title":"Mover la capa de Down"},
{"id":"tool_clear","title":"Nueva imagen [N]"},
{"id":"tool_open","title":"Abrir imagen [O]"},
{"id":"tool_save","title":"Guardar imagen [S]"},
{"id":"tool_docprops","title":"Propiedades del documento [I]"},
{"id":"tool_source","title":"Fuente Editar [U]"},
{"id":"tool_undo","title":"Deshacer [Z]"},
{"id":"tool_redo","title":"Rehacer [Y]"},
{"id":"tool_clone","title":"Clone Elemento [C]"},
{"id":"tool_delete","title":"Eliminar elemento [Delete/Backspace]"},
{"id":"tool_move_top","title":"Mover al principio [Shift Up]"},
{"id":"tool_move_bottom","title":"Mover al final [Shift Down]"},
{"id":"group_opacity","title":"Cambiar la opacidad tema seleccionado"},
{"id":"layer_delete","title":"Suprimir capa"},
{"id":"layer_rename","title":"Renombrar capa"},
{"id":"layer_up","title":"Mover la capa hacia arriba"},
{"id":"layer_down","title":"Mover la capa hacia abajo"},
{"id":"tool_clear","title":"Nueva imagen"},
{"id":"tool_open","title":"Abrir imagen"},
{"id":"tool_save","title":"Guardar imagen"},
{"id":"tool_docprops","title":"Propiedades del documento"},
{"id":"tool_source","title":"Editar código fuente"},
{"id":"tool_clone","title":"Clonar Elemento"},
{"id":"tool_delete","title":"Suprimir elemento"},
{"id":"tool_move_top","title":"Mover arriba"},
{"id":"tool_move_bottom","title":"Mover abajo"},
{"id":"group_opacity","title":"Cambiar la opacidad de elemento seleccionado"},
{"id":"angle","title":"Cambiar el ángulo de rotación"},
{"id":"tool_clone_multi","title":"Elementos Clone [C]"},
{"id":"tool_delete_multi","title":"Eliminar elementos seleccionados [Delete/Backspace]"},
{"id":"tool_alignleft","title":"Alinear a la izquierda"},
{"id":"tool_aligncenter","title":"Alinear al centro"},
{"id":"tool_alignright","title":"Alinear a la derecha"},
{"id":"tool_aligntop","title":"Alinear arriba"},
{"id":"tool_alignmiddle","title":"Alinear Medio"},
{"id":"tool_alignbottom","title":"Alinear abajo"},
{"id":"tool_clone_multi","title":" Clonar elementos"},
{"id":"tool_delete_multi","title":"Suprimir los elementos seleccionados"},
{"id":"tool_alignleft","title":"Alinear lado izquierdo"},
{"id":"tool_aligncenter","title":"Centrar verticalmente"},
{"id":"tool_alignright","title":"Alinear lado derecho"},
{"id":"tool_aligntop","title":"Alinear parte superior"},
{"id":"tool_alignmiddle","title":"Centrar horizontalmente"},
{"id":"tool_alignbottom","title":"Alinear parte inferior"},
{"id":"align_relative_to","title":"Alinear con respecto a ..."},
{"id":"tool_group","title":"Elementos de Grupo de [G]"},
{"id":"tool_ungroup","title":"Desagrupar elementos [G]"},
{"id":"rect_width","title":"Ancho rectángulo Cambio"},
{"id":"rect_height","title":"Rectángulo de altura Cambio"},
{"id":"rect_rx","title":"Cambiar Rectángulo Corner Radius"},
{"id":"image_width","title":"Ancho de la imagen Cambio"},
{"id":"tool_group","title":"Agrupar elementos"},
{"id":"tool_ungroup","title":"Desagrupar elementos"},
{"id":"rect_width","title":"Cambiar el ancho rectángulo"},
{"id":"rect_height","title":"Cambiar la altura del rectágulo"},
{"id":"rect_rx","title":"Cambiar el radio de las esquinas del rectángulo"},
{"id":"image_width","title":"Cambiar el ancho de la imagen"},
{"id":"image_height","title":"Cambiar la altura de la imagen"},
{"id":"image_url","title":"Cambiar URL"},
{"id":"circle_cx","title":"CX círculo Cambio de coordenadas"},
{"id":"circle_cy","title":"Círculo Cambio CY coordinar"},
{"id":"circle_r","title":"Radio de círculo Cambio"},
{"id":"ellipse_cx","title":"Cambiar elipse CX coordinar"},
{"id":"ellipse_cy","title":"Elipse Cambio CY coordinar"},
{"id":"ellipse_rx","title":"Radio x elipse Cambio"},
{"id":"ellipse_ry","title":"Radio y elipse Cambio"},
{"id":"line_x1","title":"Cambiar la línea de partida de la coordenada x"},
{"id":"line_y1","title":"Cambiar la línea de partida y de coordinar"},
{"id":"line_x2","title":"Cambiar la línea de horas de coordenada x"},
{"id":"line_y2","title":"Cambiar la línea de horas de coordenada"},
{"id":"tool_bold","title":"Texto en negrita [B]"},
{"id":"tool_italic","title":"Texto en cursiva [I]"},
{"id":"font_family","title":"Cambiar la fuente Familia"},
{"id":"font_size","title":"Change Font Size"},
{"id":"text","title":"Contenido del texto"},
{"id":"tool_select","title":"Herramienta de selección [1]"},
{"id":"tool_fhpath","title":"Herramienta Lápiz [2]"},
{"id":"tool_line","title":"La herramienta [3]"},
{"id":"tools_rect_show","title":"Cuadrado / Rect Herramienta [4/Shift 4]"},
{"id":"tools_ellipse_show","title":"Elipse / Herramienta Círculo [5/Shift 5]"},
{"id":"tool_text","title":"Herramienta de texto [6]"},
{"id":"tool_path","title":"Path Tool [7]"},
{"id":"tool_image","title":"Image Tool [8]"},
{"id":"tool_zoom","title":"Zoom Tool [Ctrl Up/Down]"},
{"id":"image_url","title":"Modificar URL"},
{"id":"circle_cx","title":"Cambiar la posición horizonral cx del círculo"},
{"id":"circle_cy","title":"Cambiar la posición vertical cy del círculo"},
{"id":"circle_r","title":"Cambiar el radio del círculo"},
{"id":"ellipse_cx","title":"Cambiar la posición horizontal cx de la elipse"},
{"id":"ellipse_cy","title":"Cambiar la posición vertical cy de la elipse"},
{"id":"ellipse_rx","title":"Cambiar el radio horizontal x de la elipse"},
{"id":"ellipse_ry","title":"Cambiar el radio vertical y de la elipse"},
{"id":"line_x1","title":"Cambiar la posición horizontal x del comienzo de la línea"},
{"id":"line_y1","title":"Cambiar la posición vertical y del comienzo de la línea"},
{"id":"line_x2","title":"Cambiar la posición horizontal x del final de la línea"},
{"id":"line_y2","title":"Cambiar la poición vertical y del final de la línea"},
{"id":"tool_bold","title":"Texto en"},
{"id":"tool_italic","title":"Texto en cursiva"},
{"id":"font_family","title":"Cambiar el tipo de fuente"},
{"id":"font_size","title":"Change el tamaño de la fuente"},
{"id":"text","title":"Cambiar el contenido del texto"},
{"id":"tool_select","title":"Herramienta de selección"},
{"id":"tool_fhpath","title":"Herramienta de lápiz"},
{"id":"tool_line","title":"Herramienta de trazado de lineas"},
{"id":"tools_rect_show","title":"Herramienta de cuadrado / rectángulo"},
{"id":"tools_ellipse_show","title":"Herramienta de círculo / elipse"},
{"id":"tool_text","title":"Herramienta de texto"},
{"id":"tool_path","title":"Herramienta de ruta"},
{"id":"tool_image","title":"Herramienta de imagen"},
{"id":"tool_zoom","title":"Herramienta de zoom"},
{"id":"zoom","title":"Cambiar el nivel de zoom"},
{"id":"fill_color","title":"Cambiar el color de relleno"},
{"id":"stroke_color","title":"Cambiar el color del trazo"},
{"id":"stroke_width","title":"Cambiar la anchura del trazo"},
{"id":"stroke_style","title":"Cambiar estilo de trazo guión"},
{"id":"palette","title":"Haga clic para cambiar el color de relleno, shift-clic para cambiar el color del trazo"},
{"id":"stroke_color","title":"Cambiar el color del contorno"},
{"id":"stroke_width","title":"Cambiar el ancho del contorno"},
{"id":"stroke_style","title":"Cambiar el estilo del trazo del contorno"},
{"id":"palette","title":"Haga clic para cambiar el color de relleno, haga Mayús-clic para cambiar el color del contorno"},
{"id":"tool_fhrect","title":"Free-Hand Rectángulo"},
{"id":"tool_fhrect","title":"Rectángulo a mano alzada"},
{"id":"tool_fhellipse","title":"Free-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id":"bkgnd_color","title":"Color de fondo / opacidad"},
{"id":"tool_fhellipse","title":"Elipse a mano alzada"},
{"id":"bkgnd_color","title":"Cambiar color de fondo / opacidad"},
{"id":"cornerRadiusLabel","textContent":"Radio de la esquina:"},
{"id":"relativeToLabel","textContent":"en relación con:"},
{"id":"svninfo_change_background","textContent":"Lienzo de fondo"},
{"id":"selectedPredefined","textContent":"Seleccione predefinidas:"},
{"id":"selectedPredefined","textContent":"Seleccionar predefinido:"},
{"id":"fitToContent","textContent":"Ajustar al contenido"},
{"id":"tool_source_save","textContent":"Apply Changes"},
{"id":"tool_source_save","textContent":"Aplicar cambios"},
{"id":"fit_to_all","textContent":"Ajustar a todo el contenido"},
{"id":"fit_to_layer_content","textContent":"Ajustar al contenido de la capa de"},
{"id":"fit_to_layer_content","textContent":"Ajustar al contenido de la capa"},
{"id":"fit_to_sel","textContent":"Ajustar a la selección"},
{"id":"fit_to_canvas","textContent":"Ajustar a la lona"},
{"id":"selected_objects","textContent":"objetos elegidos"},
{"id":"largest_object","textContent":"objeto más grande"},
{"id":"smallest_object","textContent":"objeto más pequeño"},
{"id":"fit_to_canvas","textContent":"Ajustar al lienzo"},
{"id":"selected_objects","textContent":"Objetos seleccionados"},
{"id":"largest_object","textContent":"El objeto más grande"},
{"id":"smallest_object","textContent":"El objeto más pequeño"},
{"id":"svninfo_dim","textContent":"Dimensiones lienzo"}
{"id":"path_node_x","title":"Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id":"path_node_y","title":"Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id":"seg_type","title":"Change Segment type"},
{"id":"tool_node_clone","title":"Clone Node"},
{"id":"tool_node_delete","title":"Delete Node"},
{"id":"selLayerLabel","textContent":"Move elements to:"},
{"id":"selLayerNames","title":"Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id":"sidepanel_handle","title":"Drag left/right to resize side panel [X]","textContent":"L a y e r s"},
{"id":"tool_wireframe","title":"Wireframe Mode [F]"},
{"id":"svginfo_image_props","textContent":"Image Properties"},
{"id":"svginfo_dim","textContent":"Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id":"includedImages","textContent":"Included Images"},
{"id":"image_opt_embed","textContent":"Embed data (local files)"},
{"id":"image_opt_ref","textContent":"Use file reference"},
{"id":"svginfo_editor_prefs","textContent":"Editor Preferences"},
{"id":"svginfo_change_background","textContent":"Editor Background"},
{"id":"svginfo_bg_note","textContent":"Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id":"svginfo_icons","textContent":"Icon size"},
{"id":"icon_xlarge","textContent":"Extra Large"},
{"id":"selected_x","title":"Change X coordinate"},
{"id":"selected_y","title":"Change Y coordinate"},
{"id":"tool_topath","title":"Convert to Path"},
{"id":"tool_reorient","title":"Reorient path"},
{"id":"tool_node_link","title":"Link Control Points"},
{"id":"svninfo_dim","textContent":"Dimensiones del lienzo"},
{"id":"path_node_x","title":"Cambiar la posición horizontal x del nodo"},
{"id":"path_node_y","title":"Cambiar la posición vertical y del nodo"},
{"id":"seg_type","title":"Cambiar el tipo de segmento"},
{"id":"tool_node_clone","title":"Clonar nodo"},
{"id":"tool_node_delete","title":"Suprimir nodo"},
{"id":"selLayerLabel","textContent":"Desplazar elementos hacia:"},
{"id":"selLayerNames","title":"Mover los elementos seleccionados a otra capa"},
{"id":"sidepanel_handle","title":"Arrastrar hacia la izquierda/derecha para modificar el tamaño del panel lateral","textContent":"C a p a s"},
{"id":"tool_wireframe","title":"Modo wireframe"},
{"id":"svginfo_image_props","textContent":"Propiedades de Imagen"},
{"id":"svginfo_dim","textContent":"Tamaño del lienzo"},
{"id":"includedImages","textContent":"Imágenes integradas"},
{"id":"image_opt_embed","textContent":"Integrar imágenes en forma de datos (archivos locales)"},
{"id":"image_opt_ref","textContent":"Usar la referencia del archivo"},
{"id":"svginfo_editor_prefs","textContent":"Preferencias del Editor"},
{"id":"svginfo_change_background","textContent":"Fondo del Editor"},
{"id":"svginfo_bg_note","textContent":"Note: El fondo no se guardará junto con la imagen."},
{"id":"svginfo_icons","textContent":"Tamaño del icono"},
{"id":"icon_xlarge","textContent":"Muy grande"},
{"id":"selected_x","title":"Cambiar la posición horizontal X"},
{"id":"selected_y","title":"Cambiar la posición vertical Y"},
{"id":"tool_topath","title":"Convertir en ruta"},
{"id":"tool_reorient","title":"Reorientar la ruta"},
{"id":"tool_node_link","title":"Enlazar puntos de control"},
{"js_strings": {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Valor no válido",
"noContentToFitTo":"No existe un contenido al que ajustarse.",
"dupeLayerName":"¡Ya existe una capa con este nombre!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Introduzca otro nombre distinto para la capa.",
"enterNewLayerName":"Introduzca el nuevo nombre de la capa.",
"layerHasThatName":"El nombre introducido es el nombre actual de la capa.",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"¿Desplazar los elementos seleccionados a la capa '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"¿Desea suprimir el dibujo?\n¡El historial de acciones también se borrará!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"Existen errores sintácticos en su código fuente SVG.\n¿Desea volver al código fuente SVG original?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"¿Desea ignorar los cambios realizados sobre el código fuente SVG?",
"featNotSupported":"Función no compatible.",
"enterNewImgURL":"Introduzca la nueva URL de la imagen.",
"pathNodeTooltip":"Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip":"Drag control point to adjust curve properties"
"pathNodeTooltip":"Arrastre el nodo para desplazarlo. Haga doble clic sobre el nodo para cambiar el tipo de segmento.",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip":"Arrastre el punto de control para ajustar las propiedades de la curva.",
@ -410,6 +410,7 @@ script type="text/javascript" src="locale/locale.min.js"></script-->
<option id="lang_cs" value="cs">Čeština</option>
<option id="lang_nl" value="nl">Nederlands</option>
<option id="lang_en" value="en" selected="selected">English</option>
<option id="lang_es" value="es">Español</option>
<option id="lang_fr" value="fr">Français</option>
<!-- <option id="lang_de" value="de">Deutsch</option> -->
<option id="lang_ro" value="ro">Româneşte</option>
@ -3064,6 +3064,93 @@ function BatchCommand(text) {
call("changed", selectedElements);
// If the path was rotated, we must now pay the piper:
// Every path point must be rotated into the rotated coordinate system of
// its old center, then determine the new center, then rotate it back
// This is because we want the path to remember its rotation
// TODO: This is still using ye olde transform methods, can probably
// be optimized or even taken care of by recalculateDimensions
var recalcRotatedPath = function() {
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(current_path, true);
if(!angle) return;
var box = canvas.getBBox(current_path);
var oldbox = selectedBBoxes[0];
var oldcx = oldbox.x + oldbox.width/2,
oldcy = oldbox.y + oldbox.height/2,
newcx = box.x + box.width/2,
newcy = box.y + box.height/2;
// un-rotate the new center to the proper position
var dx = newcx - oldcx,
dy = newcy - oldcy;
var r = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
var theta = Math.atan2(dy,dx) + angle;
newcx = r * Math.cos(theta) + oldcx;
newcy = r * Math.sin(theta) + oldcy;
var getRotVals = function(x, y) {
dx = x - oldcx;
dy = y - oldcy;
// rotate the point around the old center
r = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
theta = Math.atan2(dy,dx) + angle;
dx = r * Math.cos(theta) + oldcx;
dy = r * Math.sin(theta) + oldcy;
// dx,dy should now hold the actual coordinates of each
// point after being rotated
// now we want to rotate them around the new center in the reverse direction
dx -= newcx;
dy -= newcy;
r = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
theta = Math.atan2(dy,dx) - angle;
return {'x':(r * Math.cos(theta) + newcx)/1,
'y':(r * Math.sin(theta) + newcy)/1};
var list = current_path.pathSegList;
var i = list.numberOfItems;
while (i) {
i -= 1;
var seg = list.getItem(i);
var type = seg.pathSegType;
if(type == 1) continue;
var rvals = getRotVals(seg.x,seg.y);
var points = [rvals.x, rvals.y];
if(seg.x1 != null && seg.x2 != null) {
c_vals1 = getRotVals(seg.x1, seg.y1);
c_vals2 = getRotVals(seg.x2, seg.y2);
points.splice(points.length, 0, c_vals1.x , c_vals1.y, c_vals2.x, c_vals2.y);
replacePathSeg(type, i, points);
} // loop for each point
box = canvas.getBBox(current_path);
selectedBBoxes[0].x = box.x; selectedBBoxes[0].y = box.y;
selectedBBoxes[0].width = box.width; selectedBBoxes[0].height = box.height;
// now we must set the new transform to be rotated around the new center
var R_nc = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
var tlist = canvas.getTransformList(current_path);
R_nc.setRotate((angle * 180.0 / Math.PI), newcx, newcy);
if(document.getElementById("pathpointgrip_container")) {
var pcx = newcx * current_zoom,
pcy = newcy * current_zoom;
var xform = ["rotate(", (angle*180.0/Math.PI), " ", pcx, ",", pcy, ")"].join("");
// Rotate all points of a path and remove its transform value
var resetPathOrientation = function(path) {
if(path == null || path.nodeName != 'path') return false;
@ -4176,88 +4263,7 @@ function BatchCommand(text) {
var oldvalues = {};
oldvalues["d"] = current_path_oldd;
// If the path was rotated, we must now pay the piper:
// Every path point must be rotated into the rotated coordinate system of
// its old center, then determine the new center, then rotate it back
// This is because we want the path to remember its rotation
var angle = canvas.getRotationAngle(current_path, true);
if (angle) {
var box = canvas.getBBox(current_path);
var oldbox = selectedBBoxes[0];
var oldcx = oldbox.x + oldbox.width/2,
oldcy = oldbox.y + oldbox.height/2,
newcx = box.x + box.width/2,
newcy = box.y + box.height/2;
// un-rotate the new center to the proper position
var dx = newcx - oldcx,
dy = newcy - oldcy;
var r = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
var theta = Math.atan2(dy,dx) + angle;
newcx = r * Math.cos(theta) + oldcx;
newcy = r * Math.sin(theta) + oldcy;
var getRotVals = function(x, y) {
dx = x - oldcx;
dy = y - oldcy;
// rotate the point around the old center
r = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
theta = Math.atan2(dy,dx) + angle;
dx = r * Math.cos(theta) + oldcx;
dy = r * Math.sin(theta) + oldcy;
// dx,dy should now hold the actual coordinates of each
// point after being rotated
// now we want to rotate them around the new center in the reverse direction
dx -= newcx;
dy -= newcy;
r = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
theta = Math.atan2(dy,dx) - angle;
return {'x':(r * Math.cos(theta) + newcx)/1,
'y':(r * Math.sin(theta) + newcy)/1};
var list = current_path.pathSegList;
var i = list.numberOfItems;
while (i) {
i -= 1;
var seg = list.getItem(i);
var type = seg.pathSegType;
if(type == 1) continue;
var rvals = getRotVals(seg.x,seg.y);
var points = [rvals.x, rvals.y];
if(seg.x1 != null && seg.x2 != null) {
c_vals1 = getRotVals(seg.x1, seg.y1);
c_vals2 = getRotVals(seg.x2, seg.y2);
points.splice(points.length, 0, c_vals1.x , c_vals1.y, c_vals2.x, c_vals2.y);
replacePathSeg(type, i, points);
} // loop for each point
box = canvas.getBBox(current_path);
selectedBBoxes[0].x = box.x; selectedBBoxes[0].y = box.y;
selectedBBoxes[0].width = box.width; selectedBBoxes[0].height = box.height;
// now we must set the new transform to be rotated around the new center
var rotate = "rotate(" + (angle * 180.0 / Math.PI) + " " + newcx + "," + newcy + ")";
current_path.setAttribute("transform", rotate);
if(document.getElementById("pathpointgrip_container")) {
var pcx = newcx * current_zoom,
pcy = newcy * current_zoom;
var xform = ["rotate(", (angle*180.0/Math.PI), " ", pcx, ",", pcy, ")"].join("");
} // if rotated
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(current_path, oldvalues, "path points"));
@ -4274,6 +4280,8 @@ function BatchCommand(text) {
} // if (current_path_pt_drag != -1)
else if(current_ctrl_pt_drag != -1) {
current_ctrl_pt_drag = -1;
var batchCmd = new BatchCommand("Edit Path control points");
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(current_path, {d:current_path_oldd}));
Reference in New Issue