file where used for alignment though use tab escape within JS), CSS
(including comments), PHP, SVG, JSON, XUL
- Remove extra spaces in svgcanvas.js, ext-connector.js
{object} -> {Object}
Remove extra semicolons.
Use jQuery’s .empty().
Make nodelist loops O(n) rather than O(n^2).
Specify radix in parseInt to prevent guessing octal.
Fixed recently introduced bugs in mergeLayer, cloneLayer.
More Draw unit tests.
Migrating Canvas methods to Draw, Layer, and utilities: copyElem,
pathActions.convertPath, cloneLayer, mergeLayer, and mergeAllLayers.
Canvas API is unchanged for backwards compatibility (i.e. previous
functions forward to new functions).
Canvas was referencing drawing.all_layers and drawing.current_layer.
Both variables now represent Layer instead of group element and should
be considered private.
Moved Layer class to layer.js
New HistoryRecordingService added to help with moving Layer code out of
Canvas. Started using it in Canvas.mergLayer