(avoiding polluting jQuery). (Might be moved to own module in
- BREAKING CHANGE: `putLocale` (a function called automatically by
`svg-editor.js`) no longer checks `pref`. Should not impact
average consumers.
`putLocale` now also logs lang and checks `goodLangs` even if an explicit lang param is provided
Click event can trigger the script before the user choose the file, so it will be loader on the next
Open SVG click. Change event trigger the script after the user choose the file.
- Linting (ESLint): Adjust per now applied rules
- Testing: Accessibility test API update
- Docs: Clarify need for Node.js/npm being installed
- npm: Update devDeps and core-js-bundle copy; add new axe testing peer dep. axe-core
- Linting: `match-description`, bad returns
- Linting: Use eslint-plugin-jdsoc `preferredTypes` in place of custom file
- Linting: Remove `report-unused-disable-directives` command as have as rule
- Lintin: Avoid overly generic `Array`
- npm: Update devDep
- Fix: Bug in obtaining `extPath` in ext-server_opensave.js
- Enhancement: Add config `avoidClientSide` to avoid using client-side support by default (and always require server)
- Build: Require Node 8.5
`loadFromString`, `loadFromDataURI` so known when ready and set
- Docs (Refactoring): Formally specify `Promise` resolve type;
add `typedef` for dialog result object; add an
`ArbitraryCallbackResult` type
eslint-config-ash-nazg and adhere to new rules (prefer `for-of`
(or array methods) to `for`, catch preferred `includes` to `indexOf`);
avoid `no-zero-fractions` rule for now
- npm: Update devDeps (removing one unneeded)
- Breaking change: Treat callbacks to `editor.ready` as Promises, only resolving after all resolve
- Breaking change: Make `editor.runCallbacks` return a `Promise` which resolves upon all callbacks resolving
- Breaking change: Require `npx` (used with `babel-node`) to allow Node files
for HTML building and JSDoc type checking to be expressed as ESM.
- Breaking change: `addExtension` now throws upon a repeated attempt to add an already-added extension
- Breaking change (storage preference cookies): Namespace the cookie as "svgeditstore" instead of just "store"
- Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.rasterExport` fourth (callback) argument, collapsing fifth (options) to fourth
- Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.exportPDF` third (callback) argument
- Breaking change (API): `editor/contextmenu.js` `add` now throws instead of giving a console error only upon detecting a bad menuitem or preexisting context menu
- Breaking change (API): Remove `svgCanvas.embedImage` second (callback) argument
- Breaking change (API): Make `getHelpXML` a class instead of instance method of `RGBColor`
- Breaking change (internal API): Refactor `dbox` (and `alert`/`confirm`/`process`/`prompt`/`select`) to avoid a callback argument in favor of return a Promise
- Fix: Avoid running in extension `langReady` multiple times or serially
- Enhancement (API): Add svgCanvas.runExtension to run just one extension and add `nameFilter` callback to `runExtensions`
- Enhancement (API): Supply `$` (our wrapped jQuery) to extensions so can use its plugins, e.g., dbox with its `alert`
- Enhancement: Use alert dialog in place of `alert` in webappfind
- Enhancement: `editor.ready` now returns a Promise resolving when all callbacks have resolved
- Enhancement: Allow `noAlert` option as part of second argument to `loadSvgString` (and `loadFromURL` and `loadFromDataURI`) to avoid UI alert (and trigger promise rejection)
- Enhancement: Make `dbox` as a separate module for alert, prompt, etc. dialogs
- Refactoring: Internal `PaintBox` as class; other misc. tweaks; no bitwise in canvg
- Linting (ESLint): Further linting changes (for editor); rename `.eslintrc` -> `.eslintrc.json` per recommendation
- Optimization: Recompress images (imageoptim-cli updated)
- npm: Update devDeps
- npm: Bump to 4.0.0
- Breaking internal API change: `updateGripCursor` moved to be class method of Selector rather than instance method
- Breaking internal API change: `subpathIsClosed` moved to be class method of `Path` rather than instance method
- Refactoring: Reuse utilities base64 encoder for SVG icons plugin
- Docs (JSDoc): Fix return of the `mouseUp` (can also be an object) and `mouseDown` (may also be a boolean) of `pathActions`; other JSDoc additions/improvements
- Refactoring (minor): Add favicon to canvas demo
- Linting (ESLint Markdown JavaScript): Add `eslint-plugin-markdown` with
slightly loosened config (`no-undef` and `padded-blocks` off and
`no-unused-vars` as a warning)
- Linting (ESLint JSDoc code comments): Add `eslint-plugin-jsdoc` and apply to
JSDoc code comments
- Linting (ESLint): Completely avoid unescaped tabs in files
- Docs (Linting): Add linting info file
- npm: Rename `copy-deps` script to `copy`
- Refactoring: Add stackblur-canvas as a dependency and copy it in (until such time as we can do so for canvg)
jPicker function to class (used with `new`)
- Linting (ESLint): Add `valid-jsdoc` rule and make fixes; but turn off for
now due to <https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/11036> and
- Docs (JSDoc): Add some Markdown for variables, line breaks; tighten checks
for overly generic types (though allow for `.Function` as in
`jQuery.Function`) and avoid one previously missed instance
- Docs: Mention potentially more frequent release schedule
- Docs (ReleaseInstructions): Update per new testing; update
`grep-doc` -> `types-doc` and indicate current failing status; indicate
when `build-doc` will be used; clarify `npm pack`
- npm: Add newly renamed `jsdoc-check-overly-generic-types.js` to ignore
- npm: Bump to 3.1.1