if(!window.console) { window.console = new function() { this.log = function(str) {}; this.dir = function(str) {}; }; } // These command objects are used for the Undo/Redo stack // attrs contains the values that the attributes had before the change function ChangeElementCommand(elem, attrs, text) { this.elem = elem; this.text = text ? ("Change " + elem.tagName + " " + text) : ("Change " + elem.tagName); this.newValues = {}; this.oldValues = attrs; for (attr in attrs) { if (attr == "#text") this.newValues[attr] = elem.textContent; else this.newValues[attr] = elem.getAttribute(attr); } this.apply = function() { for( attr in this.newValues ) { if (this.newValues[attr]) { if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = this.newValues[attr]; else this.elem.setAttribute(attr, this.newValues[attr]); } else { if (attr != "#text") this.elem.textContent = ""; else this.elem.removeAttribute(attr); } } return true; }; this.unapply = function() { for( attr in this.oldValues ) { if (this.oldValues[attr]) { if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = this.oldValues[attr]; else this.elem.setAttribute(attr, this.oldValues[attr]); } else { if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = ""; else this.elem.removeAttribute(attr); } } return true; }; } function InsertElementCommand(elem, text) { this.elem = elem; this.text = text || ("Create " + elem.tagName); this.parent = elem.parentNode; this.apply = function() { this.elem = this.parent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.elem.nextSibling); }; this.unapply = function() { this.parent = this.elem.parentNode; this.elem = this.elem.parentNode.removeChild(this.elem); }; } function RemoveElementCommand(elem, parent, text) { this.elem = elem; this.text = text || ("Delete " + elem.tagName); this.parent = parent; this.apply = function() { this.parent = this.elem.parentNode; this.elem = this.parent.removeChild(this.elem); }; this.unapply = function() { this.elem = this.parent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.elem.nextSibling); }; } function MoveElementCommand(elem, oldNextSibling, oldParent, text) { this.elem = elem; this.text = text ? ("Move " + elem.tagName + " to " + text) : ("Move " + elem.tagName + "top/bottom"); this.oldNextSibling = oldNextSibling; this.oldParent = oldParent; this.newNextSibling = elem.nextSibling; this.newParent = elem.parentNode; this.apply = function() { this.elem = this.newParent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.newNextSibling); }; this.unapply = function() { this.elem = this.oldParent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.oldNextSibling); }; } // TODO: create a 'typing' command object that tracks changes in text // if a new Typing command is created and the top command on the stack is also a Typing // and they both affect the same element, then collapse the two commands into one // TODO: create a 'batch' command object that you can add an arbitrary number of // commands to (this will be useful for making changes to many elements in a // multiselection at one, we don't want to have to undo each element's change) function SvgCanvas(c) { // private members // ************************************************************************************** // FIXME: what's the right way to make this 'class' private to the SelectorManager? function Selector(id, elem) { // this is the selector's unique number this.id = id; // this holds a reference to the element for which this selector is being used this.selectedElement = elem; // this is a flag used internally to track whether the selector is being used or not this.locked = true; // this function is used to reset the id and element that the selector is attached to this.reset = function(e) { this.locked = true; this.selectedElement = e; this.selectorGroup.setAttribute("display", "inline"); }; // this holds a reference to the element that holds all visual elements of the selector this.selectorGroup = addSvgElementFromJson({ "element": "g", "attr": {"id": ("selectorGroup"+this.id)} }); // this holds a reference to element this.selectorRect = this.selectorGroup.appendChild( addSvgElementFromJson({ "element": "rect", "attr": { "id": ("selectedBox"+this.id), "fill": "none", "stroke": "blue", "stroke-width": "1", "stroke-dasharray": "5,5", "width": 1, "height": 1, // need to specify this so that the rect is not selectable "style": "pointer-events:none", } }) ); // this holds a reference to the grip elements for this selector this.selectorGrips = { "nw":null, "n":null, "ne":null, "w":null, "e":null, "sw":null, "s":null, "se":null, }; // add the corner grips for (dir in this.selectorGrips) { this.selectorGrips[dir] = this.selectorGroup.appendChild( addSvgElementFromJson({ "element": "rect", "attr": { "id": (dir + "_grip" + this.id), "fill": "blue", "width": 6, "height": 6, "style": ("cursor:" + dir + "-resize"), // when we are in rotate mode, we will set rx/ry to 3 // "rx": 3, // "ry": 3, // This expands the mouse-able area of the grips making them // easier to grab with the mouse. // This works in Opera and WebKit, but does not work in Firefox // see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=500174 "stroke-width": 2, "pointer-events": "all", } }) ); $('#'+this.selectorGrips[dir].id).mousedown( function() { current_mode = "resize"; current_resize_mode = this.id.substr(0,this.id.indexOf("_")); }); } this.showGrips = function(show) { for (dir in this.selectorGrips) { this.selectorGrips[dir].setAttribute("display", show ? "inline" : "none"); } }; this.resize = function(bbox) { var selectedBox = this.selectorRect; var selectedGrips = this.selectorGrips; var selected = this.selectedElement; var sw = parseInt(selected.getAttribute("stroke-width")); var offset = 1; if (!isNaN(sw)) { offset += sw/2; } if (selected.tagName == "text") { offset += 2; } var l=bbox.x-offset, t=bbox.y-offset, w=bbox.width+(offset<<1), h=bbox.height+(offset<<1); selectedBox.x.baseVal.value = l; selectedBox.y.baseVal.value = t; selectedBox.width.baseVal.value = w; selectedBox.height.baseVal.value = h; selectedGrips.nw.x.baseVal.value = l-3; selectedGrips.nw.y.baseVal.value = t-3; selectedGrips.ne.x.baseVal.value = l+w-3; selectedGrips.ne.y.baseVal.value = t-3; selectedGrips.sw.x.baseVal.value = l-3; selectedGrips.sw.y.baseVal.value = t+h-3; selectedGrips.se.x.baseVal.value = l+w-3; selectedGrips.se.y.baseVal.value = t+h-3; selectedGrips.n.x.baseVal.value = l+w/2-3; selectedGrips.n.y.baseVal.value = t-3; selectedGrips.w.x.baseVal.value = l-3; selectedGrips.w.y.baseVal.value = t+h/2-3; selectedGrips.e.x.baseVal.value = l+w-3; selectedGrips.e.y.baseVal.value = t+h/2-3; selectedGrips.s.x.baseVal.value = l+w/2-3; selectedGrips.s.y.baseVal.value = t+h-3; }; }; // TODO: add accessor methods to determine number of currently selected elements // TODO: move selectElement into SelectorManager and allow multiple selected elements // with each call function SelectorManager() { // this will hold the element that contains all selector rects/grips this.selectorParentGroup = null; // this is a special rect that is used for multi-select this.rubberBandBox = null; // this will hold objects of type Selector (see above) this.selectors = []; // this holds a map of SVG elements to their Selector object this.selectorMap = {}; // local reference to this object var mgr = this; // private function var initGroup = function() { mgr.selectorParentGroup = addSvgElementFromJson({ "element": "g", "attr": {"id": "selectorParentGroup"} }); }; this.requestSelector = function(elem) { var N = this.selectors.length; if (this.selectorParentGroup == null) { initGroup(); } // if we've already acquired one for this element, return it if (this.selectorMap[elem] ) { this.selectorMap[elem].locked = true; return this.selectorMap[elem]; } for (var i = 0; i < N; ++i) { if (this.selectors[i] && !this.selectors[i].locked) { this.selectors[i].locked = true; this.selectors[i].reset(elem); return this.selectors[i]; } } // if we reached here, no available selectors were found, we create one this.selectors[N] = new Selector(N, elem); this.selectorParentGroup.appendChild(this.selectors[N].selectorGroup); this.selectorMap[elem] = this.selectors[N]; return this.selectors[N]; }; this.releaseSelector = function(sel) { var N = this.selectors.length; for (var i = 0; i < N; ++i) { if (this.selectors[i] && this.selectors[i] == sel) { if (sel.locked == false) { console.log("WARNING! selector was released but was already unlocked"); } delete this.selectorMap[sel.selectedElement]; sel.locked = false; sel.selectedElement = null; // remove from DOM and store reference in JS but only if it exists in the DOM try { sel.selectorGroup.setAttribute("display", "none"); } catch(e) { } break; } } }; // this keeps the selector groups as the last child in the document this.update = function() { this.selectorParentGroup = svgroot.appendChild(this.selectorParentGroup); } this.getRubberBandBox = function() { if (this.selectorParentGroup == null) { initGroup(); } if (this.rubberBandBox == null) { this.rubberBandBox = this.selectorParentGroup.appendChild( addSvgElementFromJson({ "element": "rect", "attr": { "id": "selectorRubberBand", "fill": "blue", "fill-opacity": 0.15, "stroke": "blue", "stroke-width": 0.5, "display": "none", "pointer-events": "none", } })); } return this.rubberBandBox; } } // ************************************************************************************** var canvas = this; var container = c; var svgns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; var idprefix = "svg_"; var svgdoc = c.ownerDocument; var svgroot = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "svg"); svgroot.setAttribute("width", 640); svgroot.setAttribute("height", 480); svgroot.setAttribute("id", "svgroot"); svgroot.setAttribute("xmlns", svgns); container.appendChild(svgroot); var d_attr = null; var started = false; var obj_num = 1; var start_x = null; var start_y = null; var current_mode = "select"; var current_resize_mode = "none"; var current_fill = "none"; var current_stroke = "black"; var current_stroke_width = 1; var current_stroke_style = "none"; var current_opacity = 1; var current_stroke_opacity = 1; var current_fill_opacity = 1; var current_font_size = "12pt"; var current_font_family = "serif"; var freehand_min_x = null; var freehand_max_x = null; var freehand_min_y = null; var freehand_max_y = null; // this will hold all the currently selected elements // default size of 1 until it needs to grow bigger var selectedElements = new Array(1); // this holds the selected's bbox var selectedBBox = null; // this object manages selectors for us var selectorManager = new SelectorManager(); // this object holds the one-and-only selector (for now) var theSelector = null; var rubberBox = null; var events = {}; var undoStackPointer = 0; var undoStack = []; // FIXME: we MUST compress consecutive text changes to the same element // (right now each keystroke is saved as a separate command that includes the // entire text contents of the text element) // TODO: consider limiting the history that we store here (need to do some slicing) var addCommandToHistory = function(cmd) { // if our stack pointer is not at the end, then we have to remove // all commands after the pointer and insert the new command if (undoStackPointer < undoStack.length && undoStack.length > 0) { undoStack = undoStack.splice(0, undoStackPointer); } undoStack[undoStack.length] = cmd; undoStackPointer = undoStack.length; // console.log("after add command, stackPointer=" + undoStackPointer); // console.log(undoStack); }; // private functions var getId = function() { if (events["getid"]) return call("getid", obj_num); return idprefix + obj_num; }; var call = function(event, arg) { if (events[event]) { return events[event](this,arg); } }; var assignAttributes = function(node, attrs) { for (i in attrs) { node.setAttributeNS(null, i, attrs[i]); } }; // remove unneeded attributes // makes resulting SVG smaller var cleanupElement = function(element) { if (element.getAttribute('fill-opacity') == '1') element.removeAttribute('fill-opacity'); if (element.getAttribute('opacity') == '1') element.removeAttribute('opacity'); if (element.getAttribute('stroke') == 'none') element.removeAttribute('stroke'); if (element.getAttribute('stroke-dasharray') == 'none') element.removeAttribute('stroke-dasharray'); if (element.getAttribute('stroke-opacity') == '1') element.removeAttribute('stroke-opacity'); if (element.getAttribute('stroke-width') == '1') element.removeAttribute('stroke-width'); if (element.getAttribute('rx') == '0') element.removeAttribute('rx') if (element.getAttribute('ry') == '0') element.removeAttribute('ry') }; var addSvgElementFromJson = function(data) { return canvas.updateElementFromJson(data) }; var svgToString = function(elem, indent) { // TODO: could use the array.join() optimization trick here too var out = ""; if (elem) { var attrs = elem.attributes; var attr; var i; var childs = elem.childNodes; for (i=0; i=0; i--) { attr = attrs.item(i); if (attr.nodeValue != "") { out += " " + attr.nodeName + "=\"" + attr.nodeValue+ "\""; } } if (elem.hasChildNodes()) { out += ">"; indent++; var bOneLine = false; for (i=0; i"; } else { out += "/>"; } } return out; }; // end svgToString() var recalculateSelectedDimensions = function() { var selected = selectedElements[0]; var box = selected.getBBox(); // if we have not moved/resized, then immediately leave if (box.x == selectedBBox.x && box.y == selectedBBox.y && box.width == selectedBBox.width && box.height == selectedBBox.height) { return; } // after this point, we have some change var remapx = function(x) {return ((x-box.x)/box.width)*selectedBBox.width + selectedBBox.x;} var remapy = function(y) {return ((y-box.y)/box.height)*selectedBBox.height + selectedBBox.y;} var scalew = function(w) {return w*selectedBBox.width/box.width;} var scaleh = function(h) {return h*selectedBBox.height/box.height;} var changes = {}; selected.removeAttribute("transform"); switch (selected.tagName) { case "path": // extract the x,y from the path, adjust it and write back the new path // but first, save the old path changes["d"] = selected.getAttribute("d"); var M = selected.pathSegList.getItem(0); var curx = M.x, cury = M.y; var newd = "M" + remapx(curx) + "," + remapy(cury); for (var i = 1; i < selected.pathSegList.numberOfItems; ++i) { var l = selected.pathSegList.getItem(i); var x = l.x, y = l.y; // webkit browsers normalize things and this becomes an absolute // line segment! we need to turn this back into a rel line segment // see https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26487 if (l.pathSegType == 4) { x -= curx; y -= cury; curx += x; cury += y; } // we only need to scale the relative coordinates (no need to translate) newd += " l" + scalew(x) + "," + scaleh(y); } selected.setAttributeNS(null, "d", newd); break; case "line": changes["x1"] = selected.x1.baseVal.value; changes["y1"] = selected.y1.baseVal.value; changes["x2"] = selected.x2.baseVal.value; changes["y2"] = selected.y2.baseVal.value; selected.x1.baseVal.value = remapx(selected.x1.baseVal.value); selected.y1.baseVal.value = remapy(selected.y1.baseVal.value); selected.x2.baseVal.value = remapx(selected.x2.baseVal.value); selected.y2.baseVal.value = remapy(selected.y2.baseVal.value); break; case "circle": changes["cx"] = selected.cx.baseVal.value; changes["cy"] = selected.cy.baseVal.value; changes["r"] = selected.r.baseVal.value; selected.cx.baseVal.value = remapx(selected.cx.baseVal.value); selected.cy.baseVal.value = remapy(selected.cy.baseVal.value); // take the minimum of the new selected box's dimensions for the new circle radius selected.r.baseVal.value = Math.min(selectedBBox.width/2,selectedBBox.height/2); break; case "ellipse": changes["cx"] = selected.cx.baseVal.value; changes["cy"] = selected.cy.baseVal.value; changes["rx"] = selected.rx.baseVal.value; changes["ry"] = selected.ry.baseVal.value; selected.cx.baseVal.value = remapx(selected.cx.baseVal.value); selected.cy.baseVal.value = remapy(selected.cy.baseVal.value); selected.rx.baseVal.value = scalew(selected.rx.baseVal.value); selected.ry.baseVal.value = scaleh(selected.ry.baseVal.value); break; case "text": // cannot use x.baseVal.value here because x is a SVGLengthList changes["x"] = selected.getAttribute("x"); changes["y"] = selected.getAttribute("y"); selected.setAttribute("x", remapx(selected.getAttribute("x"))); selected.setAttribute("y", remapy(selected.getAttribute("y"))); break; case "rect": changes["x"] = selected.x.baseVal.value; changes["y"] = selected.y.baseVal.value; changes["width"] = selected.width.baseVal.value; changes["height"] = selected.height.baseVal.value; selected.x.baseVal.value = remapx(selected.x.baseVal.value); selected.y.baseVal.value = remapy(selected.y.baseVal.value); selected.width.baseVal.value = scalew(selected.width.baseVal.value); selected.height.baseVal.value = scaleh(selected.height.baseVal.value); break; default: // rect console.log("Unknown shape type: " + selected.tagName); break; } // fire changed event if (changes) { var text = (current_resize_mode == "none" ? "position" : "size"); addCommandToHistory(new ChangeElementCommand(selected, changes, text)); } call("changed", selected); }; var recalculateSelectedOutline = function() { var selected = selectedElements[0]; var theSelector = selectorManager.requestSelector(selected); if (selected != null && theSelector != null) { theSelector.resize(selectedBBox); } }; // public events // call this function to set a single selected element // call this function with null to clear the selected element var selectElement = function(newSelected, multi) { // if the element to be selected is actually the rubber-band box // then simply return (do not select it) if (newSelected == selectorManager.getRubberBandBox()) { return; } // if we are not in multi-mode and newSelected is already selected // then simply return // otherwise clear all previous selectors var multi = multi || false; if (!multi) { var selected = selectedElements[0]; if (selectedElements[0] == newSelected) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < selectedElements.length; ++i) { selectorManager.releaseSelector(selectedElements[i]); } } // find next slot in selectedElements array var index = 0; /* index = selectedElements.length; for (var i = 0; i < selectedElements.length; ++i) { if (selectedElements[i] == null) { index = i; break; } } */ selectedElements[index] = newSelected; selected = selectedElements[index]; if (selected != null) { selectedBBox = selected.getBBox(); // the manager gives us a selector var theSelector = selectorManager.requestSelector(selected); // recalculate size and then re-append to bottom of document recalculateSelectedOutline(); // set all our current styles to the selected styles current_fill = selected.getAttribute("fill"); current_fill_opacity = selected.getAttribute("fill-opacity"); current_stroke = selected.getAttribute("stroke"); current_stroke_opacity = selected.getAttribute("stroke-opacity"); current_stroke_width = selected.getAttribute("stroke-width"); current_stroke_style = selected.getAttribute("stroke-dasharray"); if (selected.tagName == "text") { current_font_size = selected.getAttribute("font-size"); current_font_family = selected.getAttribute("font-family"); } // do not show resize grips on text elements theSelector.showGrips(selected.tagName != "text" && current_mode != "multiselect"); } call("selected", selected); }; // in mouseDown : // - when we are in a create mode, the element is added to the canvas // but the action is not recorded until mouseUp // - when we are in select mode, select the element, remember the position // and do nothing else var mouseDown = function(evt) { var x = evt.pageX - container.parentNode.offsetLeft + container.parentNode.scrollLeft; var y = evt.pageY - container.parentNode.offsetTop + container.parentNode.scrollTop; switch (current_mode) { case "select": started = true; start_x = x; start_y = y; current_resize_mode = "none"; var t = evt.target; // WebKit returns
when the canvas is clicked, Firefox/Opera return if (t.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "div" && t.nodeName.toLowerCase() != "svg") { selectElement(t); } else { current_mode = "multiselect"; rubberBox = selectorManager.getRubberBandBox(); rubberBox.x.baseVal.value = start_x; rubberBox.y.baseVal.value = start_y; rubberBox.width.baseVal.value = 0; rubberBox.height.baseVal.value = 0; rubberBox.setAttribute("display", "inline"); } break; case "resize": started = true; start_x = x; start_y = y; break; case "fhellipse": case "fhrect": case "path": started = true; start_x = x; start_y = y; d_attr = "M" + x + "," + y + " "; addSvgElementFromJson({ "element": "path", "attr": { "d": d_attr, "id": getId(), "fill": "none", "stroke": current_stroke, "stroke-width": current_stroke_width, "stroke-dasharray": current_stroke_style, "stroke-opacity": current_stroke_opacity, "opacity": current_opacity / 2 } }); freehand_min_x = x; freehand_max_x = x; freehand_min_y = y; freehand_max_y = y; break; case "square": // FIXME: once we create the rect, we lose information that this was a square // (for resizing purposes this is important) case "rect": started = true; start_x = x; start_y = y; addSvgElementFromJson({ "element": "rect", "attr": { "x": x, "y": y, "width": 0, "height": 0, "id": getId(), "fill": current_fill, "stroke": current_stroke, "stroke-width": current_stroke_width, "stroke-dasharray": current_stroke_style, "stroke-opacity": current_stroke_opacity, "fill-opacity": current_fill_opacity, "opacity": current_opacity / 2 } }); break; case "line": started = true; addSvgElementFromJson({ "element": "line", "attr": { "x1": x, "y1": y, "x2": x, "y2": y, "id": getId(), "stroke": current_stroke, "stroke-width": current_stroke_width, "stroke-dasharray": current_stroke_style, "stroke-opacity": current_stroke_opacity, "fill": "none", "opacity": current_opacity / 2 } }); break; case "circle": started = true; addSvgElementFromJson({ "element": "circle", "attr": { "cx": x, "cy": y, "r": 0, "id": getId(), "fill": current_fill, "stroke": current_stroke, "stroke-width": current_stroke_width, "stroke-dasharray": current_stroke_style, "stroke-opacity": current_stroke_opacity, "fill-opacity": current_fill_opacity, "opacity": current_opacity / 2 } }); break; case "ellipse": started = true; addSvgElementFromJson({ "element": "ellipse", "attr": { "cx": x, "cy": y, "rx": 0, "ry": 0, "id": getId(), "fill": current_fill, "stroke": current_stroke, "stroke-width": current_stroke_width, "stroke-dasharray": current_stroke_style, "stroke-opacity": current_stroke_opacity, "fill-opacity": current_fill_opacity, "opacity": current_opacity / 2 } }); break; case "text": started = true; var newText = addSvgElementFromJson({ "element": "text", "attr": { "x": x, "y": y, "id": getId(), "fill": current_fill, "stroke": current_stroke, "stroke-width": current_stroke_width, "stroke-dasharray": current_stroke_style, "stroke-opacity": current_stroke_opacity, "fill-opacity": current_fill_opacity, // fix for bug where text elements were always 50% opacity "opacity": current_opacity, "font-size": current_font_size, "font-family": current_font_family, } }); newText.textContent = "text"; break; } }; // in mouseMove we do not record any state changes yet (but we do update // any elements that are still being created, moved or resized on the canvas) var mouseMove = function(evt) { if (!started) return; var selected = selectedElements[0]; var x = evt.pageX - container.parentNode.offsetLeft + container.parentNode.scrollLeft; var y = evt.pageY - container.parentNode.offsetTop + container.parentNode.scrollTop; var shape = svgdoc.getElementById(getId()); switch (current_mode) { case "select": // we temporarily use a translate on the element being dragged // this transform is removed upon mouseUp and the element is relocated to the // new location if (selected != null) { var dx = x - start_x; var dy = y - start_y; selectedBBox = selected.getBBox(); selectedBBox.x += dx; selectedBBox.y += dy; var ts = "translate(" + dx + "," + dy + ")"; selected.setAttribute("transform", ts); recalculateSelectedOutline(); } break; case "multiselect": if (rubberBox != null) { rubberBox.x.baseVal.value = Math.min(start_x,x); rubberBox.y.baseVal.value = Math.min(start_y,y); rubberBox.width.baseVal.value = Math.abs(x-start_x); rubberBox.height.baseVal.value = Math.abs(y-start_y); } // evt.target is the element that the mouse pointer is passing over // TODO: add new targets to the selectedElements array, create a // selector for it, etc var nodeName = evt.target.nodeName; if (nodeName != "div" && nodeName != "svg") { selectElement(evt.target); } break; case "resize": // we track the resize bounding box and translate/scale the selected element // while the mouse is down, when mouse goes up, we use this to recalculate // the shape's coordinates var box=selected.getBBox(), left=box.x, top=box.y, width=box.width, height=box.height, dx=(x-start_x), dy=(y-start_y); var tx=0, ty=0, sx=1, sy=1; var ts = null; if(current_resize_mode.indexOf("n") != -1) { ty = dy; sy = (height-dy)/height; } else if(current_resize_mode.indexOf("s") != -1) { sy = (height+dy)/height; } if(current_resize_mode.indexOf("e") != -1) { sx = (width+dx)/width; } else if(current_resize_mode.indexOf("w") != -1) { tx = dx; sx = (width-dx)/width; } selectedBBox.x = left+tx; selectedBBox.y = top+ty; selectedBBox.width = width*sx; selectedBBox.height = height*sy; // normalize selectedBBox if (selectedBBox.width < 0) { selectedBBox.x += selectedBBox.width; selectedBBox.width = -selectedBBox.width; } if (selectedBBox.height < 0) { selectedBBox.y += selectedBBox.height; selectedBBox.height = -selectedBBox.height; } ts = "translate(" + (left+tx) + "," + (top+ty) + ") scale(" + (sx) + "," + (sy) + ") translate(" + (-left) + "," + (-top) + ")"; selected.setAttribute("transform", ts); recalculateSelectedOutline(); break; case "text": shape.setAttribute("x", x); shape.setAttribute("y", y); break; case "line": shape.setAttributeNS(null, "x2", x); shape.setAttributeNS(null, "y2", y); break; case "square": var size = Math.max( Math.abs(x - start_x), Math.abs(y - start_y) ); shape.setAttributeNS(null, "width", size); shape.setAttributeNS(null, "height", size); shape.setAttributeNS(null, "x", start_x < x ? start_x : start_x - size); shape.setAttributeNS(null, "y", start_y < y ? start_y : start_y - size); break; case "rect": shape.setAttributeNS(null, "x", Math.min(start_x,x)); shape.setAttributeNS(null, "y", Math.min(start_y,y)); shape.setAttributeNS(null, "width", Math.abs(x-start_x)); shape.setAttributeNS(null, "height", Math.abs(y-start_y)); break; case "circle": var cx = shape.getAttributeNS(null, "cx"); var cy = shape.getAttributeNS(null, "cy"); var rad = Math.sqrt( (x-cx)*(x-cx) + (y-cy)*(y-cy) ); shape.setAttributeNS(null, "r", rad); break; case "ellipse": var cx = shape.getAttributeNS(null, "cx"); var cy = shape.getAttributeNS(null, "cy"); shape.setAttributeNS(null, "rx", Math.abs(x - cx) ); shape.setAttributeNS(null, "ry", Math.abs(y - cy) ); break; case "fhellipse": case "fhrect": freehand_min_x = Math.min(x, freehand_min_x); freehand_max_x = Math.max(x, freehand_max_x); freehand_min_y = Math.min(y, freehand_min_y); freehand_max_y = Math.max(y, freehand_max_y); // break; missing on purpose case "path": var dx = x - start_x; var dy = y - start_y; start_x = x; start_y = y; d_attr += "l" + dx + "," + dy + " "; shape.setAttributeNS(null, "d", d_attr); break; } // TODO: should we fire the change event here? I'm thinking only fire // this event when the user mouses up. That's when the action (create, // move, resize, draw) has finished // fire changed event // call("changed", selected); }; // - in create mode, the element's opacity is set properly, we create an InsertElementCommand // and store it on the Undo stack // - in move/resize mode, the element's attributes which were affected by the move/resize are // identified, a ChangeElementCommand is created and stored on the stack for those attrs // this is done in recalculateSelectedDimensions() var mouseUp = function(evt) { if (!started) return; var selected = selectedElements[0]; started = false; var element = svgdoc.getElementById(getId()); var keep = false; switch (current_mode) { // fall-through to select here case "resize": current_mode = "select"; case "select": if (selected != null) { recalculateSelectedDimensions(); recalculateSelectedOutline(); // we return immediately from select so that the obj_num is not incremented return; } break; case "multiselect": if (rubberBox != null) { rubberBox.setAttribute("display", "none"); } current_mode = "select"; break; case "path": keep = true; break; case "line": keep = (element.getAttribute('x1') != element.getAttribute('x2') || element.getAttribute('y1') == element.getAttribute('y2')); break; case "square": case "rect": keep = (element.getAttribute('width') != 0 || element.getAttribute('height') != 0); break; case "circle": keep = (element.getAttribute('r') != 0); break; case "ellipse": keep = (element.getAttribute('rx') != 0 || element.getAttribute('ry') != 0); break; case "fhellipse": if ((freehand_max_x - freehand_min_x) > 0 && (freehand_max_y - freehand_min_y) > 0) { element = addSvgElementFromJson({ "element": "ellipse", "attr": { "cx": (freehand_min_x + freehand_max_x) / 2, "cy": (freehand_min_y + freehand_max_y) / 2, "rx": (freehand_max_x - freehand_min_x) / 2, "ry": (freehand_max_y - freehand_min_y) / 2, "id": getId(), "fill": current_fill, "stroke": current_stroke, "stroke-width": current_stroke_width, "stroke-dasharray": current_stroke_style, "opacity": current_opacity, "stroke-opacity": current_stroke_opacity, "fill-opacity": current_fill_opacity } }); call("changed",element); keep = true; } break; case "fhrect": if ((freehand_max_x - freehand_min_x) > 0 && (freehand_max_y - freehand_min_y) > 0) { element = addSvgElementFromJson({ "element": "rect", "attr": { "x": freehand_min_x, "y": freehand_min_y, "width": (freehand_max_x - freehand_min_x), "height": (freehand_max_y - freehand_min_y), "id": getId(), "fill": current_fill, "stroke": current_stroke, "stroke-width": current_stroke_width, "stroke-dasharray": current_stroke_style, "opacity": current_opacity, "stroke-opacity": current_stroke_opacity, "fill-opacity": current_fill_opacity } }); call("changed",element); keep = true; } break; case "text": keep = true; selectElement(element); break; } d_attr = null; obj_num++; if (!keep && element != null) { element.parentNode.removeChild(element); element = null; } else if (element != null) { element.setAttribute("opacity", current_opacity); cleanupElement(element); selectorManager.update(); // we create the insert command that is stored on the stack // undo means to call cmd.unapply(), redo means to call cmd.apply() addCommandToHistory(new InsertElementCommand(element)); call("changed",element); } }; // public functions this.save = function() { // remove the selected outline before serializing this.selectNone(); var str = "\n"; // see http://jwatt.org/svg/authoring/#doctype-declaration // str += "\n"; str += svgToString(svgroot, 0); this.saveHandler(str); }; this.clear = function() { var nodes = svgroot.childNodes; var len = svgroot.childNodes.length; var i = 0; this.selectNone(); for(var rep = 0; rep < len; rep++){ if (nodes[i].nodeType == 1) { // element node nodes[i].parentNode.removeChild(nodes[i]); } else { i++; } } call("cleared"); }; this.setResolution = function(x, y) { var w = svgroot.getAttribute("width"), h = svgroot.getAttribute("height"); svgroot.setAttribute("width", x); svgroot.setAttribute("height", y); addCommandToHistory(new ChangeElementCommand(svgroot, {"width":w,"height":h}, "resolution")); call("changed", svgroot); }; this.getMode = function() { return current_mode; }; this.setMode = function(name) { current_mode = name; }; this.getStrokeColor = function() { return current_stroke; }; this.setStrokeColor = function(val) { current_stroke = val; this.changeSelectedAttribute("stroke", val); }; this.getFillColor = function() { return current_fill; }; this.setFillColor = function(val) { current_fill = val; this.changeSelectedAttribute("fill", val); }; this.getStrokeWidth = function() { return current_stroke_width; }; this.setStrokeWidth = function(val) { current_stroke_width = val; this.changeSelectedAttribute("stroke-width", val); }; this.getStrokeStyle = function() { return current_stroke_style; }; this.setStrokeStyle = function(val) { current_stroke_style = val; this.changeSelectedAttribute("stroke-dasharray", val); }; this.getOpacity = function() { return current_opacity; }; this.setOpacity = function(val) { current_opacity = val; this.changeSelectedAttribute("opacity", val); }; this.getFillOpacity = function() { return current_fill_opacity; }; this.setFillOpacity = function(val) { current_fill_opacity = val; this.changeSelectedAttribute("fill-opacity", val); }; this.getStrokeOpacity = function() { return current_stroke_opacity; }; this.setStrokeOpacity = function(val) { current_stroke_opacity = val; this.changeSelectedAttribute("stroke-opacity", val); }; this.updateElementFromJson = function(data) { var shape = svgdoc.getElementById(data.attr.id); // if shape is a path but we need to create a rect/ellipse, then remove the path if (shape && data.element != shape.tagName) { svgroot.removeChild(shape); shape = null; } if (!shape) { shape = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, data.element); svgroot.appendChild(shape); } assignAttributes(shape, data.attr); cleanupElement(shape); return shape; }; this.each = function(cb) { $(svgroot).children().each(cb); }; this.bind = function(event, f) { events[event] = f; }; this.setIdPrefix = function(p) { idprefix = p; }; this.getFontFamily = function() { return current_font_family; }; this.setFontFamily = function(val) { current_font_family = val; this.changeSelectedAttribute("font-family", val); }; this.getFontSize = function() { return current_font_size; }; this.setFontSize = function(val) { current_font_size = val; this.changeSelectedAttribute("font-size", val); }; this.getText = function() { var selected = selectedElements[0]; if (selected == null) { return ""; } return selected.textContent; }; this.setTextContent = function(val) { this.changeSelectedAttribute("#text", val); }; this.setRectRadius = function(val) { var selected = selectedElements[0]; if (selected != null && selected.tagName == "rect") { var r = selected.getAttribute("rx"); if (r != val) { selected.setAttribute("rx", val); selected.setAttribute("ry", val); addCommandToHistory(new ChangeElementCommand(selected, {"rx":r, "ry":r}, "Radius")); call("changed", selected); } } }; this.changeSelectedAttribute = function(attr, val) { var selected = selectedElements[0]; if (selected != null) { var oldval = (attr == "#text" ? selected.textContent : selected.getAttribute(attr)); if (oldval != val) { if (attr == "#text") selected.textContent = val; else selected.setAttribute(attr, val); selectedBBox = selected.getBBox(); recalculateSelectedOutline(); var changes = {}; changes[attr] = oldval; addCommandToHistory(new ChangeElementCommand(selected, changes, attr)); call("changed", selected); } } }; $(container).mouseup(mouseUp); $(container).mousedown(mouseDown); $(container).mousemove(mouseMove); this.saveHandler = function(svg) { window.open("data:image/svg+xml;base64," + Utils.encode64(svg)); }; this.selectNone = function() { selectElement(null); }; this.deleteSelectedElement = function() { var selected = selectedElements[0]; if (selected != null) { var parent = selected.parentNode; var t = selected; // this will unselect the element (and remove the selectedOutline) selectElement(null); var elem = parent.removeChild(t); addCommandToHistory(new RemoveElementCommand(elem, parent)); } }; this.moveToTopSelectedElement = function() { var selected = selectedElements[0]; if (selected != null) { var t = selected; var oldParent = t.parentNode; var oldNextSibling = t.nextSibling; if (oldNextSibling == selectorManager.selectorParentGroup) oldNextSibling = null; t = t.parentNode.appendChild(t); addCommandToHistory(new MoveElementCommand(t, oldNextSibling, oldParent, "top")); } }; this.moveToBottomSelectedElement = function() { var selected = selectedElements[0]; if (selected != null) { var t = selected; var oldParent = t.parentNode; var oldNextSibling = t.nextSibling; if (oldNextSibling == selectorManager.selectorParentGroup) oldNextSibling = null; t = t.parentNode.insertBefore(t, t.parentNode.firstChild); addCommandToHistory(new MoveElementCommand(t, oldNextSibling, oldParent, "bottom")); } }; this.moveSelectedElement = function(dx,dy) { var selected = selectedElements[0]; if (selected != null) { selectedBBox = selected.getBBox(); selectedBBox.x += dx; selectedBBox.y += dy; recalculateSelectedDimensions(); recalculateSelectedOutline(); } }; this.getUndoStackSize = function() { return undoStackPointer; } this.getRedoStackSize = function() { return undoStack.length - undoStackPointer; } this.undo = function() { if (undoStackPointer > 0) { this.selectNone(); var cmd = undoStack[--undoStackPointer]; cmd.unapply(); call("changed", cmd.elem); } // console.log("after undo, stackPointer=" + undoStackPointer); // console.log(undoStack); } this.redo = function() { if (undoStackPointer < undoStack.length && undoStack.length > 0) { this.selectNone(); var cmd = undoStack[undoStackPointer++]; cmd.apply(); call("changed", cmd.elem); } // console.log("after redo, stackPointer=" + undoStackPointer); // console.log(undoStack); }; } // Static class for various utility functions var Utils = { // This code was written by Tyler Akins and has been placed in the // public domain. It would be nice if you left this header intact. // Base64 code from Tyler Akins -- http://rumkin.com // schiller: Removed string concatenation in favour of Array.join() optimization, // also precalculate the size of the array needed. "_keyStr" : "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", "encode64" : function(input) { // base64 strings are 4/3 larger than the original string var output = new Array( Math.floor( (input.length + 2) / 3 ) * 4 ); var chr1, chr2, chr3; var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4; var i = 0, p = 0; do { chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++); chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++); enc1 = chr1 >> 2; enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4); enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6); enc4 = chr3 & 63; if (isNaN(chr2)) { enc3 = enc4 = 64; } else if (isNaN(chr3)) { enc4 = 64; } output[p++] = this._keyStr.charAt(enc1); output[p++] = this._keyStr.charAt(enc2); output[p++] = this._keyStr.charAt(enc3); output[p++] = this._keyStr.charAt(enc4); } while (i < input.length); return output.join(''); } }