--- name: Bug report about: Create a report in case we may be able to help labels: bug - unconfirmed --- **PLEASE NOTE: We are trying to make this project live again. While you can file an issue, we will do our best but you should not expect any action, even if we label the issue. However, we are welcoming new contributors ** **Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to '...' 2. Click on '....' 3. Scroll down to '....' 4. See error **Expected behavior** A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. **SVG-Edit environment (IMPORTANT)** - File for SVG-Edit: [e.g., `svg-editor.html`, `svg-editor-es.html`, `embedapi.html`] - Version: [e.g. 3.0.0] - Protocol: [e.g., http, https, file] **Desktop (please complete the following information):** - OS: [e.g. iOS] - Browser [e.g. chrome, safari] - Version [e.g. 22] **Smartphone (please complete the following information):** - Device: [e.g. iPhone6] - OS: [e.g. iOS8.1] - Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari] - Version [e.g. 22] **Screenshots** If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. **Log** If applicable, copy any error logs in your browser console. This can be very helpful in identifying the problem. **Additional context** Add any other context about the problem here.