# Accessibility We run some automated accessibility tests to try to ensure best practices for visually impaired as well as accessibility's benefits for non-impaired users. ## Known rule problems Here are the [rules](https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-core/blob/develop/doc/rule-descriptions.md) currently being reported: 1. `meta-viewport` - Regarding "Zooming and scaling must not be disabled", ``; this rule is ignored in tests, as it is a known issue. We do have our own zoom controls. It should also require a lot of work to refactor. 1. `color-contrast` - Regarding "Elements must have sufficient color contrast", the following at least have been reported: `#sidepanel_handle`, `#main_icon > span`, `#stroke_style`. 1. `duplicate-id`, - Regarding "id attribute value must be unique", the selector `#fill_color > svg > defs > lineargradient` is being reported, and it is due to multiple IDs within `editor/images/svg_edit_icons.svg` (due to internal duplicates and/or because of cloning?).