import { NS } from '../../../packages/svgcanvas/core/namespaces.js' import * as math from '../../../packages/svgcanvas/core/math.js' describe('math', function () { const svg = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'svg') it('Test svgedit.math package', function () { assert.ok(math) assert.ok(math.transformPoint) assert.ok(math.isIdentity) assert.ok(math.matrixMultiply) assert.equal(typeof math.transformPoint, typeof function () { /* empty fn */ }) assert.equal(typeof math.isIdentity, typeof function () { /* empty fn */ }) assert.equal(typeof math.matrixMultiply, typeof function () { /* empty fn */ }) }) it('Test svgedit.math.transformPoint() function', function () { const { transformPoint } = math const m = svg.createSVGMatrix() m.a = 1; m.b = 0 m.c = 0; m.d = 1 m.e = 0; m.f = 0 let pt = transformPoint(100, 200, m) assert.equal(pt.x, 100) assert.equal(pt.y, 200) m.e = 300; m.f = 400 pt = transformPoint(100, 200, m) assert.equal(pt.x, 400) assert.equal(pt.y, 600) m.a = 0.5; m.b = 0.75 m.c = 1.25; m.d = 2 pt = transformPoint(100, 200, m) assert.equal(pt.x, 100 * m.a + 200 * m.c + m.e) assert.equal(pt.y, 100 * m.b + 200 * m.d + m.f) }) it('Test svgedit.math.isIdentity() function', function () { assert.ok(math.isIdentity(svg.createSVGMatrix())) const m = svg.createSVGMatrix() m.a = 1; m.b = 0 m.c = 0; m.d = 1 m.e = 0; m.f = 0 assert.ok(math.isIdentity(m)) }) it('Test svgedit.math.matrixMultiply() function', function () { const mult = math.matrixMultiply const { isIdentity } = math // translate there and back const tr1 = svg.createSVGMatrix().translate(100, 50) const tr2 = svg.createSVGMatrix().translate(-90, 0) const tr3 = svg.createSVGMatrix().translate(-10, -50) let I = mult(tr1, tr2, tr3) assert.ok(isIdentity(I), 'Expected identity matrix when translating there and back') // rotate there and back // TODO: currently Mozilla fails this when rotating back at -50 and then -40 degrees // (b and c are *almost* zero, but not zero) const rotThere = svg.createSVGMatrix().rotate(90) const rotBack = svg.createSVGMatrix().rotate(-90) // TODO: set this to -50 const rotBackMore = svg.createSVGMatrix().rotate(0) // TODO: set this to -40 I = mult(rotThere, rotBack, rotBackMore) assert.ok(isIdentity(I), 'Expected identity matrix when rotating there and back') // scale up and down const scaleUp = svg.createSVGMatrix().scale(4) const scaleDown = svg.createSVGMatrix().scaleNonUniform(0.25, 1) const scaleDownMore = svg.createSVGMatrix().scaleNonUniform(1, 0.25) I = mult(scaleUp, scaleDown, scaleDownMore) assert.ok(isIdentity(I), 'Expected identity matrix when scaling up and down') // test multiplication with its inverse I = mult(rotThere, rotThere.inverse()) assert.ok(isIdentity(I), 'Expected identity matrix when multiplying a matrix by its inverse') I = mult(rotThere.inverse(), rotThere) assert.ok(isIdentity(I), 'Expected identity matrix when multiplying a matrix by its inverse') }) it('Test svgedit.math.transformBox() function', function () { const { transformBox } = math const m = svg.createSVGMatrix() m.a = 1; m.b = 0 m.c = 0; m.d = 1 m.e = 0; m.f = 0 const r = transformBox(10, 10, 200, 300, m) assert.equal(, 10) assert.equal(, 10) assert.equal(, 210) assert.equal(, 10) assert.equal(, 10) assert.equal(, 310) assert.equal(, 210) assert.equal(, 310) assert.equal(r.aabox.x, 10) assert.equal(r.aabox.y, 10) assert.equal(r.aabox.width, 200) assert.equal(r.aabox.height, 300) }) })