module.exports = { extends: ["ash-nazg/sauron-node"], parserOptions: { sourceType: "module" }, env: { browser: true }, settings: { polyfills: [ "Array.isArray", "Blob", "console", "", "document.body", "document.evaluate", "document.head", "document.importNode", "document.querySelector", "document.querySelectorAll", "DOMParser", "Error", "fetch", "FileReader", "history.pushState", "history.replaceState", "JSON", "location.href", "location.origin", "MutationObserver", "Object.assign", "Object.defineProperty", "Object.defineProperties", "Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor", "Object.entries", "Object.keys", "Object.values", "Promise", "Set", "Uint8Array", "URL", "window.getComputedStyle", "window.postMessage", "window.scrollX", "window.scrollY", "XMLHttpRequest", "XMLSerializer" ], jsdoc: { additionalTagNames: { // In case we need to extend customTags: [] }, augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs: true, // Todo: Figure out why this is not working and why seem to have to // disable for all Markdown: /* baseConfig: { rules: { "no-multi-spaces": "off" } } */ } }, overrides: [ // Locales have no need for importing outside of SVG-Edit { files: [ "editor/locale/lang.*.js", "editor/extensions/ext-locale/**", "docs/tutorials/" ], rules: { "import/no-anonymous-default-export": ["off"] } }, // For extensions, `this` is generally assigned to be the more // descriptive `svgEditor`; they also have no need for importing outside // of SVG-Edit { files: ["editor/extensions/**/ext-*.js"], rules: { "consistent-this": ["error", "svgEditor"], "import/no-anonymous-default-export": ["off"] } }, // These browser files don't do importing or requiring { files: [ "editor/svgpathseg.js", "editor/touch.js", "editor/typedefs.js", "editor/redirect-on-no-module-support.js", "editor/extensions/imagelib/index.js", "editor/external/dom-polyfill/dom-polyfill.js", "screencasts/svgopen2010/script.js", "opera-widget/handlers.js", "firefox-extension/handlers.js", "firefox-extension/content/svg-edit-overlay.js" ], rules: { "import/unambiguous": ["off"] } }, { files: ['**/*.html'], rules: { 'import/unambiguous': 'off' } }, // Our Markdown rules (and used for JSDoc examples as well, by way of // our use of `matchingFileName` in conjunction with // `jsdoc/check-examples` within `ash-nazg`) { files: ["**/*.md"], rules: { "eol-last": ["off"], "no-console": ["off"], "no-undef": ["off"], "no-unused-vars": ["warn"], "padded-blocks": ["off"], "import/unambiguous": ["off"], "import/no-unresolved": ["off"], "node/no-missing-import": ["off"], "no-multi-spaces": "off", "sonarjs/no-all-duplicated-branches": "off", 'node/no-unpublished-import': ['error', {allowModules: ['@cypress/fiddle']}], "no-alert": "off", // Disable until may fix "indent": "off" } }, // Dis-apply Node rules mistakenly giving errors with browser files, // and treating Node global `root` as being present for shadowing { files: ["editor/**", "screencasts/**"], globals: { root: "off" }, rules: { "node/no-unsupported-features/node-builtins": "off" } }, { // Node files files: [ "docs/jsdoc-config.js", "build-html.js", "rollup.config.js", "rollup-config.config.js" ], env: { node: true, }, globals: { require: true }, rules: { // We can't put Rollup in npmignore or user can't get access, // and we have too many modules to add to `peerDependencies` // so this rule can know them to be available, so we instead // disable "node/no-unpublished-import": "off" } }, { // As consumed by jsdoc, cannot be expressed as ESM files: ["docs/jsdoc-config.js"], parserOptions: { sourceType: "script" }, globals: { "module": false }, rules: { "import/no-commonjs": "off", "strict": "off" } }, { extends: ['plugin:node/recommended-script'], files: ['cypress/support/build-coverage-badge.js'] }, { files: ["cypress/**"], extends: ["plugin:cypress/recommended"], env: { node: true }, rules: { 'no-console': 0, 'import/unambiguous': 0, } } ], rules: { // "unicorn/regex-shorthand": 0, // The Babel transform seems to have a problem converting these "prefer-named-capture-group": "off", // Override these `ash-nazg/sauron` rules which are difficult for us // to apply at this time "unicorn/prefer-string-slice": "off", "default-case": "off", "require-unicode-regexp": "off", "max-len": ["off", { ignoreUrls: true, ignoreRegExpLiterals: true }], "unicorn/prefer-query-selector": "off", "unicorn/prefer-node-append": "off", "unicorn/no-zero-fractions": "off" } };