/*globals svgEditor*/ /* Depends on Firefox add-on and executables from https://github.com/brettz9/webappfind Todos: 1. See WebAppFind Readme for SVG-related todos */ (function () {'use strict'; var pathID, saveMessage = 'webapp-save', readMessage = 'webapp-read', excludedMessages = [readMessage, saveMessage]; window.addEventListener('message', function(e) { if (e.origin !== window.location.origin || // PRIVACY AND SECURITY! (for viewing and saving, respectively) (!Array.isArray(e.data) || excludedMessages.indexOf(e.data[0]) > -1) // Validate format and avoid our post below ) { return; } var svgString, messageType = e.data[0]; switch (messageType) { case 'webapp-view': // Populate the contents pathID = e.data[1]; svgString = e.data[2]; svgEditor.loadFromString(svgString); /*if ($('#tool_save_file')) { $('#tool_save_file').disabled = false; }*/ break; case 'webapp-save-end': alert('save complete for pathID ' + e.data[1] + '!'); break; default: throw 'Unexpected mode'; } }, false); window.postMessage([readMessage], window.location.origin !== 'null' ? window.location.origin : '*'); // Avoid "null" string error for file: protocol (even though file protocol not currently supported by add-on) svgEditor.addExtension('WebAppFind', function() { return { name: 'WebAppFind', svgicons: svgEditor.curConfig.extPath + 'webappfind-icon.svg', buttons: [{ id: 'webappfind_save', // type: 'app_menu', title: 'Save Image back to Disk', position: 4, // Before 0-based index position 4 (after the regular "Save Image (S)") events: { click: function () { if (!pathID) { // Not ready yet as haven't received first payload return; } window.postMessage([saveMessage, pathID, svgEditor.canvas.getSvgString()], window.location.origin); } } }] }; }); }());