var svgEditorExtension_arrows = (function () { 'use strict'; function asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, key, arg) { try { var info = gen[key](arg); var value = info.value; } catch (error) { reject(error); return; } if (info.done) { resolve(value); } else { Promise.resolve(value).then(_next, _throw); } } function _asyncToGenerator(fn) { return function () { var self = this, args = arguments; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var gen = fn.apply(self, args); function _next(value) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "next", value); } function _throw(err) { asyncGeneratorStep(gen, resolve, reject, _next, _throw, "throw", err); } _next(undefined); }); }; } /** * @file ext-arrows.js * * @license MIT * * @copyright 2010 Alexis Deveria * */ var extArrows = { name: 'arrows', init: function init(S) { var _this = this; return _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee2() { var strings, svgEditor, svgCanvas, addElem, nonce, $, prefix, selElems, arrowprefix, randomizeIds, setArrowNonce, unsetArrowNonce, pathdata, getLinked, showPanel, resetMarker, addMarker, setArrow, colorChanged, contextTools; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee2$(_context2) { while (1) { switch (_context2.prev = { case 0: colorChanged = function _colorChanged(elem) { var color = elem.getAttribute('stroke'); var mtypes = ['start', 'mid', 'end']; var defs = svgCanvas.findDefs(); $.each(mtypes, function (i, type) { var marker = getLinked(elem, 'marker-' + type); if (!marker) { return; } var curColor = $(marker).children().attr('fill'); var curD = $(marker).children().attr('d'); if (curColor === color) { return; } var allMarkers = $(defs).find('marker'); var newMarker = null; // Different color, check if already made allMarkers.each(function () { var attrs = $(this).children().attr(['fill', 'd']); if (attrs.fill === color && attrs.d === curD) { // Found another marker with this color and this path newMarker = this; } }); if (!newMarker) { // Create a new marker with this color var lastId =; var dir = lastId.includes('_fw') ? 'fw' : 'bk'; newMarker = addMarker(dir, type, arrowprefix + dir + allMarkers.length); $(newMarker).children().attr('fill', color); } $(elem).attr('marker-' + type, 'url(#' + + ')'); // Check if last marker can be removed var remove = true; $(S.svgcontent).find('line, polyline, path, polygon').each(function () { var element = this; $.each(mtypes, function (j, mtype) { if ($(element).attr('marker-' + mtype) === 'url(#' + + ')') { remove = false; return remove; } return undefined; }); if (!remove) { return false; } return undefined; }); // Not found, so can safely remove if (remove) { $(marker).remove(); } }); }; setArrow = function _setArrow() { resetMarker(); var type = this.value; if (type === 'none') { return; } // Set marker on element var dir = 'fw'; if (type === 'mid_bk') { type = 'mid'; dir = 'bk'; } else if (type === 'both') { addMarker('bk', type); svgCanvas.changeSelectedAttribute('marker-start', 'url(#' + + ')'); type = 'end'; dir = 'fw'; } else if (type === 'start') { dir = 'bk'; } addMarker(dir, type); svgCanvas.changeSelectedAttribute('marker-' + type, 'url(#' + pathdata[dir].id + ')');'changed', selElems); }; addMarker = function _addMarker(dir, type, id) { // TODO: Make marker (or use?) per arrow type, since refX can be different id = id || arrowprefix + dir; var data = pathdata[dir]; if (type === 'mid') { data.refx = 5; } var marker = svgCanvas.getElem(id); if (!marker) { marker = addElem({ element: 'marker', attr: { viewBox: '0 0 10 10', id: id, refY: 5, markerUnits: 'strokeWidth', markerWidth: 5, markerHeight: 5, orient: 'auto', style: 'pointer-events:none' // Currently needed for Opera } }); var arrow = addElem({ element: 'path', attr: { d: data.d, fill: '#000000' } }); marker.append(arrow); svgCanvas.findDefs().append(marker); } marker.setAttribute('refX', data.refx); return marker; }; resetMarker = function _resetMarker() { var el = selElems[0]; el.removeAttribute('marker-start'); el.removeAttribute('marker-mid'); el.removeAttribute('marker-end'); }; showPanel = function _showPanel(on) { $('#arrow_panel').toggle(on); if (on) { var el = selElems[0]; var end = el.getAttribute('marker-end'); var start = el.getAttribute('marker-start'); var mid = el.getAttribute('marker-mid'); var val; if (end && start) { val = 'both'; } else if (end) { val = 'end'; } else if (start) { val = 'start'; } else if (mid) { val = 'mid'; if (mid.includes('bk')) { val = 'mid_bk'; } } if (!start && !mid && !end) { val = 'none'; } $('#arrow_list').val(val); } }; getLinked = function _getLinked(elem, attr) { var str = elem.getAttribute(attr); if (!str) { return null; } var m = str.match(/\(#(.*)\)/); // const m = str.match(/\(#(?.+)\)/); // if (!m || ! { if (!m || m.length !== 2) { return null; } return svgCanvas.getElem(m[1]); // return svgCanvas.getElem(; }; unsetArrowNonce = function _unsetArrowNonce(win) { randomizeIds = false; arrowprefix = prefix; = arrowprefix + 'fw'; = arrowprefix + 'bk'; }; setArrowNonce = function _setArrowNonce(win, n) { randomizeIds = true; arrowprefix = prefix + n + '_'; = arrowprefix + 'fw'; = arrowprefix + 'bk'; }; = 10; return S.importLocale(); case 10: strings = _context2.sent; svgEditor = _this; svgCanvas = svgEditor.canvas; // {svgcontent} = S, addElem = svgCanvas.addSVGElementFromJson, nonce = S.nonce, $ = S.$, prefix = 'se_arrow_'; randomizeIds = S.randomize_ids; /** * @param {Window} win * @param {!(string|Integer)} n * @returns {void} */ svgCanvas.bind('setnonce', setArrowNonce); svgCanvas.bind('unsetnonce', unsetArrowNonce); if (randomizeIds) { arrowprefix = prefix + nonce + '_'; } else { arrowprefix = prefix; } pathdata = { fw: { d: 'm0,0l10,5l-10,5l5,-5l-5,-5z', refx: 8, id: arrowprefix + 'fw' }, bk: { d: 'm10,0l-10,5l10,5l-5,-5l5,-5z', refx: 2, id: arrowprefix + 'bk' } }; /** * Gets linked element. * @param {Element} elem * @param {string} attr * @returns {Element} */ contextTools = [{ type: 'select', panel: 'arrow_panel', id: 'arrow_list', defval: 'none', events: { change: setArrow } }]; return _context2.abrupt("return", { name:, context_tools: (contextTool, i) { return Object.assign(contextTools[i], contextTool); }), callback: function callback() { $('#arrow_panel').hide(); // Set ID so it can be translated in locale file $('#arrow_list option')[0].id = 'connector_no_arrow'; }, addLangData: function addLangData(_ref) { return _asyncToGenerator( /*#__PURE__*/regeneratorRuntime.mark(function _callee() { var lang, importLocale, _yield$importLocale, langList; return regeneratorRuntime.wrap(function _callee$(_context) { while (1) { switch (_context.prev = { case 0: lang = _ref.lang, importLocale = _ref.importLocale; = 3; return importLocale(); case 3: _yield$importLocale = _context.sent; langList = _yield$importLocale.langList; return _context.abrupt("return", { data: langList }); case 6: case "end": return _context.stop(); } } }, _callee); }))(); }, selectedChanged: function selectedChanged(opts) { // Use this to update the current selected elements selElems = opts.elems; var markerElems = ['line', 'path', 'polyline', 'polygon']; var i = selElems.length; while (i--) { var elem = selElems[i]; if (elem && markerElems.includes(elem.tagName)) { if (opts.selectedElement && !opts.multiselected) { showPanel(true); } else { showPanel(false); } } else { showPanel(false); } } }, elementChanged: function elementChanged(opts) { var elem = opts.elems[0]; if (elem && (elem.getAttribute('marker-start') || elem.getAttribute('marker-mid') || elem.getAttribute('marker-end'))) { // const start = elem.getAttribute('marker-start'); // const mid = elem.getAttribute('marker-mid'); // const end = elem.getAttribute('marker-end'); // Has marker, so see if it should match color colorChanged(elem); } } }); case 21: case "end": return _context2.stop(); } } }, _callee2); }))(); } }; return extArrows; }());