# Settings in the [build] context are global and are applied to all contexts # unless otherwise overridden by more specific contexts. [build] # Directory to change to before starting a build. # This is where we will look for package.json/.nvmrc/etc. base = "/" # Directory that contains the deploy-ready HTML files and assets generated by # the build. This is relative to the base directory if one has been set, or the # root directory if a base has not been set. This sample publishes the # directory located at the absolute path "root/project/build-output" publish = "dist/" # Default build command. command = "npm run build" # Production context: all deploys from the Production branch set in your site's # deploy contexts will inherit these settings. [context.release-v5.1.0] publish = "editor/" command = "echo 'already built'" # Production context: all deploys from the Production branch set in your site's # deploy contexts will inherit these settings. [context.master] publish = "/" command = "echo 'already built'"