![alt text](https://svg-edit.github.io/svgedit/images/logo48x48.svg "svg-edit logo of a pencil") SVG-edit === SVG-edit is a fast, web-based, javascript-driven SVG drawing editor that works in any modern browser. ### [Try SVG-edit here](https://svg-edit.github.io/svgedit/releases/svg-edit-2.8.1/svg-editor.html) (Also available as a [download](https://github.com/SVG-Edit/svgedit/releases/download/svg-edit-2.8.1/svg-edit-2.8.1.zip) in [releases](https://github.com/SVG-Edit/svgedit/releases)). ## Recent news * 2015-12-02 SVG-edit 2.8.1 was released. * 2015-11-24 SVG-edit 2.8 was released. * 2015-11-24 Code, issue tracking, and docs are being moved to github (previously [code.google.com](https://code.google.com/p/svg-edit)). * 2014-04-17 2.7 and stable branches updated to reflect 2.7.1 important bug fixes for the embedded editor. * 2014-04-07 SVG-edit 2.7 was released. * 2013-01-15 SVG-edit 2.6 was released. ## Videos * [SVG-edit 2.4 Part 1](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpC7b1ZJvvM) * [SVG-edit 2.4 Part 2](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDzZEoGUDe8) * [SVG-edit 2.3 Features](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVIcIy5fXOc) * [Introduction to SVG-edit](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJKmEI06YiY) (Version 2.2) ## Supported browsers The following browsers had been tested for 2.6 or earlier and will probably continue to work with 2.8. * Firefox 1.5+ * Opera 9.50+ * Safari 4+ * Chrome 1+ * IE 9+ and Edge ## Further reading and more information * See [docs](docs/) for more documentation. * [Acknowledgements](docs/Acknowledgements.md) lists open source projects used in svg-edit. * See [AUTHORS](AUTHORS) file for authors. * [Stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/tags/svg-edit) group. * Join the [svg-edit mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/svg-edit). * Join us on `#svg-edit` on `freenode.net` (or use the [web client](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=svg-edit)).