/* eslint-env qunit */ import '../editor/svgpathseg.js'; import {NS} from '../editor/namespaces.js'; import * as utilities from '../editor/utilities.js'; import * as transformlist from '../editor/svgtransformlist.js'; import * as math from '../editor/math.js'; import * as path from '../editor/path.js'; import closePlugin from './qunit/qunit-assert-close.js'; closePlugin(QUnit); // log function QUnit.log((details) => { if (window.console && window.console.log) { window.console.log(details.result + ' :: ' + details.message); } }); /** * Create an SVG element for a mock. * @param {module:utilities.SVGElementJSON} jsonMap * @returns {SVGElement} */ function mockCreateSVGElement (jsonMap) { const elem = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, jsonMap.element); Object.entries(jsonMap.attr).forEach(([attr, value]) => { elem.setAttribute(attr, value); }); return elem; } let mockaddSVGElementFromJsonCallCount = 0; /** * Mock of {@link module:utilities.EditorContext#addSVGElementFromJson}. * @param {module:utilities.SVGElementJSON} json * @returns {SVGElement} */ function mockaddSVGElementFromJson (json) { const elem = mockCreateSVGElement(json); svgroot.append(elem); mockaddSVGElementFromJsonCallCount++; return elem; } const mockPathActions = { resetOrientation (pth) { if (utilities.isNullish(pth) || pth.nodeName !== 'path') { return false; } const tlist = transformlist.getTransformList(pth); const m = math.transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix; tlist.clear(); pth.removeAttribute('transform'); const segList = pth.pathSegList; const len = segList.numberOfItems; // let lastX, lastY; for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { const seg = segList.getItem(i); const type = seg.pathSegType; if (type === 1) { continue; } const pts = []; ['', 1, 2].forEach(function (n, j) { const x = seg['x' + n], y = seg['y' + n]; if (x !== undefined && y !== undefined) { const pt = math.transformPoint(x, y, m); pts.splice(pts.length, 0, pt.x, pt.y); } }); path.replacePathSeg(type, i, pts, pth); } // path.reorientGrads(pth, m); return undefined; } }; const EPSILON = 0.001; // const svg = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'svg'); const sandbox = document.getElementById('sandbox'); const svgroot = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'svg', attr: {id: 'svgroot'} }); sandbox.append(svgroot); QUnit.module('svgedit.utilities_bbox', { beforeEach () { // We're reusing ID's so we need to do this for transforms. transformlist.resetListMap(); path.init(null); mockaddSVGElementFromJsonCallCount = 0; } }); QUnit.test('Test svgedit.utilities package', function (assert) { assert.ok(utilities); assert.ok(utilities.getBBoxWithTransform); assert.ok(utilities.getStrokedBBox); assert.ok(utilities.getRotationAngleFromTransformList); assert.ok(utilities.getRotationAngle); }); QUnit.test('Test getBBoxWithTransform and no transform', function (assert) { const {getBBoxWithTransform} = utilities; let elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'path', attr: {id: 'path', d: 'M0,1 L2,3'} }); svgroot.append(elem); let bbox = getBBoxWithTransform(elem, mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.deepEqual(bbox, {x: 0, y: 1, width: 2, height: 2}); assert.equal(mockaddSVGElementFromJsonCallCount, 0); elem.remove(); elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'rect', attr: {id: 'rect', x: '0', y: '1', width: '5', height: '10'} }); svgroot.append(elem); bbox = getBBoxWithTransform(elem, mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.deepEqual(bbox, {x: 0, y: 1, width: 5, height: 10}); assert.equal(mockaddSVGElementFromJsonCallCount, 0); elem.remove(); elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'line', attr: {id: 'line', x1: '0', y1: '1', x2: '5', y2: '6'} }); svgroot.append(elem); bbox = getBBoxWithTransform(elem, mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.deepEqual(bbox, {x: 0, y: 1, width: 5, height: 5}); assert.equal(mockaddSVGElementFromJsonCallCount, 0); elem.remove(); elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'rect', attr: {id: 'rect', x: '0', y: '1', width: '5', height: '10'} }); const g = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'g', attr: {} }); g.append(elem); svgroot.append(g); bbox = getBBoxWithTransform(elem, mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.deepEqual(bbox, {x: 0, y: 1, width: 5, height: 10}); assert.equal(mockaddSVGElementFromJsonCallCount, 0); g.remove(); }); QUnit.test('Test getBBoxWithTransform and a rotation transform', function (assert) { const {getBBoxWithTransform} = utilities; let elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'path', attr: {id: 'path', d: 'M10,10 L20,20', transform: 'rotate(45 10,10)'} }); svgroot.append(elem); let bbox = getBBoxWithTransform(elem, mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.close(bbox.x, 10, EPSILON); assert.close(bbox.y, 10, EPSILON); assert.close(bbox.width, 0, EPSILON); assert.close(bbox.height, Math.sqrt(100 + 100), EPSILON); elem.remove(); elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'rect', attr: {id: 'rect', x: '10', y: '10', width: '10', height: '20', transform: 'rotate(90 15,20)'} }); svgroot.append(elem); bbox = getBBoxWithTransform(elem, mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.close(bbox.x, 5, EPSILON); assert.close(bbox.y, 15, EPSILON); assert.close(bbox.width, 20, EPSILON); assert.close(bbox.height, 10, EPSILON); assert.equal(mockaddSVGElementFromJsonCallCount, 1); elem.remove(); const rect = {x: 10, y: 10, width: 10, height: 20}; const angle = 45; const origin = {x: 15, y: 20}; // eslint-disable-line no-shadow elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'rect', attr: {id: 'rect2', x: rect.x, y: rect.y, width: rect.width, height: rect.height, transform: 'rotate(' + angle + ' ' + origin.x + ',' + origin.y + ')'} }); svgroot.append(elem); mockaddSVGElementFromJsonCallCount = 0; bbox = getBBoxWithTransform(elem, mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); const r2 = rotateRect(rect, angle, origin); assert.close(bbox.x, r2.x, EPSILON, 'rect2 x is ' + r2.x); assert.close(bbox.y, r2.y, EPSILON, 'rect2 y is ' + r2.y); assert.close(bbox.width, r2.width, EPSILON, 'rect2 width is' + r2.width); assert.close(bbox.height, r2.height, EPSILON, 'rect2 height is ' + r2.height); assert.equal(mockaddSVGElementFromJsonCallCount, 0); elem.remove(); // Same as previous but wrapped with g and the transform is with the g. elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'rect', attr: {id: 'rect3', x: rect.x, y: rect.y, width: rect.width, height: rect.height} }); const g = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'g', attr: {transform: 'rotate(' + angle + ' ' + origin.x + ',' + origin.y + ')'} }); g.append(elem); svgroot.append(g); mockaddSVGElementFromJsonCallCount = 0; bbox = getBBoxWithTransform(g, mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.close(bbox.x, r2.x, EPSILON, 'rect2 x is ' + r2.x); assert.close(bbox.y, r2.y, EPSILON, 'rect2 y is ' + r2.y); assert.close(bbox.width, r2.width, EPSILON, 'rect2 width is' + r2.width); assert.close(bbox.height, r2.height, EPSILON, 'rect2 height is ' + r2.height); assert.equal(mockaddSVGElementFromJsonCallCount, 0); g.remove(); elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'ellipse', attr: {id: 'ellipse1', cx: '100', cy: '100', rx: '50', ry: '50', transform: 'rotate(45 100,100)'} }); svgroot.append(elem); mockaddSVGElementFromJsonCallCount = 0; bbox = getBBoxWithTransform(elem, mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); // TODO: the BBox algorithm is using the bezier control points to calculate the bounding box. Should be 50, 50, 100, 100. assert.ok(bbox.x > 45 && bbox.x <= 50); assert.ok(bbox.y > 45 && bbox.y <= 50); assert.ok(bbox.width >= 100 && bbox.width < 110); assert.ok(bbox.height >= 100 && bbox.height < 110); assert.equal(mockaddSVGElementFromJsonCallCount, 1); elem.remove(); }); QUnit.test('Test getBBoxWithTransform with rotation and matrix transforms', function (assert) { const {getBBoxWithTransform} = utilities; let tx = 10; // tx right let ty = 10; // tx down let txInRotatedSpace = Math.sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty); // translate in rotated 45 space. let tyInRotatedSpace = 0; let matrix = 'matrix(1,0,0,1,' + txInRotatedSpace + ',' + tyInRotatedSpace + ')'; let elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'path', attr: {id: 'path', d: 'M10,10 L20,20', transform: 'rotate(45 10,10) ' + matrix} }); svgroot.append(elem); let bbox = getBBoxWithTransform(elem, mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.close(bbox.x, 10 + tx, EPSILON); assert.close(bbox.y, 10 + ty, EPSILON); assert.close(bbox.width, 0, EPSILON); assert.close(bbox.height, Math.sqrt(100 + 100), EPSILON); elem.remove(); txInRotatedSpace = tx; // translate in rotated 90 space. tyInRotatedSpace = -ty; matrix = 'matrix(1,0,0,1,' + txInRotatedSpace + ',' + tyInRotatedSpace + ')'; elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'rect', attr: {id: 'rect', x: '10', y: '10', width: '10', height: '20', transform: 'rotate(90 15,20) ' + matrix} }); svgroot.append(elem); bbox = getBBoxWithTransform(elem, mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.close(bbox.x, 5 + tx, EPSILON); assert.close(bbox.y, 15 + ty, EPSILON); assert.close(bbox.width, 20, EPSILON); assert.close(bbox.height, 10, EPSILON); elem.remove(); const rect = {x: 10, y: 10, width: 10, height: 20}; const angle = 45; const origin = {x: 15, y: 20}; // eslint-disable-line no-shadow tx = 10; // tx right ty = 10; // tx down txInRotatedSpace = Math.sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty); // translate in rotated 45 space. tyInRotatedSpace = 0; matrix = 'matrix(1,0,0,1,' + txInRotatedSpace + ',' + tyInRotatedSpace + ')'; elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'rect', attr: {id: 'rect2', x: rect.x, y: rect.y, width: rect.width, height: rect.height, transform: 'rotate(' + angle + ' ' + origin.x + ',' + origin.y + ') ' + matrix} }); svgroot.append(elem); bbox = getBBoxWithTransform(elem, mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); const r2 = rotateRect(rect, angle, origin); assert.close(bbox.x, r2.x + tx, EPSILON, 'rect2 x is ' + r2.x); assert.close(bbox.y, r2.y + ty, EPSILON, 'rect2 y is ' + r2.y); assert.close(bbox.width, r2.width, EPSILON, 'rect2 width is' + r2.width); assert.close(bbox.height, r2.height, EPSILON, 'rect2 height is ' + r2.height); elem.remove(); // Same as previous but wrapped with g and the transform is with the g. elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'rect', attr: {id: 'rect3', x: rect.x, y: rect.y, width: rect.width, height: rect.height} }); const g = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'g', attr: {transform: 'rotate(' + angle + ' ' + origin.x + ',' + origin.y + ') ' + matrix} }); g.append(elem); svgroot.append(g); bbox = getBBoxWithTransform(g, mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.close(bbox.x, r2.x + tx, EPSILON, 'rect2 x is ' + r2.x); assert.close(bbox.y, r2.y + ty, EPSILON, 'rect2 y is ' + r2.y); assert.close(bbox.width, r2.width, EPSILON, 'rect2 width is' + r2.width); assert.close(bbox.height, r2.height, EPSILON, 'rect2 height is ' + r2.height); g.remove(); elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'ellipse', attr: {id: 'ellipse1', cx: '100', cy: '100', rx: '50', ry: '50', transform: 'rotate(45 100,100) ' + matrix} }); svgroot.append(elem); bbox = getBBoxWithTransform(elem, mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); // TODO: the BBox algorithm is using the bezier control points to calculate the bounding box. Should be 50, 50, 100, 100. assert.ok(bbox.x > 45 + tx && bbox.x <= 50 + tx); assert.ok(bbox.y > 45 + ty && bbox.y <= 50 + ty); assert.ok(bbox.width >= 100 && bbox.width < 110); assert.ok(bbox.height >= 100 && bbox.height < 110); elem.remove(); }); QUnit.test('Test getStrokedBBox with stroke-width 10', function (assert) { const {getStrokedBBox} = utilities; const strokeWidth = 10; let elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'path', attr: {id: 'path', d: 'M0,1 L2,3', 'stroke-width': strokeWidth} }); svgroot.append(elem); let bbox = getStrokedBBox([elem], mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.deepEqual(bbox, {x: 0 - strokeWidth / 2, y: 1 - strokeWidth / 2, width: 2 + strokeWidth, height: 2 + strokeWidth}); elem.remove(); elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'rect', attr: {id: 'rect', x: '0', y: '1', width: '5', height: '10', 'stroke-width': strokeWidth} }); svgroot.append(elem); bbox = getStrokedBBox([elem], mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.deepEqual(bbox, {x: 0 - strokeWidth / 2, y: 1 - strokeWidth / 2, width: 5 + strokeWidth, height: 10 + strokeWidth}); elem.remove(); elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'line', attr: {id: 'line', x1: '0', y1: '1', x2: '5', y2: '6', 'stroke-width': strokeWidth} }); svgroot.append(elem); bbox = getStrokedBBox([elem], mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.deepEqual(bbox, {x: 0 - strokeWidth / 2, y: 1 - strokeWidth / 2, width: 5 + strokeWidth, height: 5 + strokeWidth}); elem.remove(); elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'rect', attr: {id: 'rect', x: '0', y: '1', width: '5', height: '10', 'stroke-width': strokeWidth} }); const g = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'g', attr: {} }); g.append(elem); svgroot.append(g); bbox = getStrokedBBox([elem], mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.deepEqual(bbox, {x: 0 - strokeWidth / 2, y: 1 - strokeWidth / 2, width: 5 + strokeWidth, height: 10 + strokeWidth}); g.remove(); }); QUnit.test("Test getStrokedBBox with stroke-width 'none'", function (assert) { const {getStrokedBBox} = utilities; let elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'path', attr: {id: 'path', d: 'M0,1 L2,3', 'stroke-width': 'none'} }); svgroot.append(elem); let bbox = getStrokedBBox([elem], mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.deepEqual(bbox, {x: 0, y: 1, width: 2, height: 2}); elem.remove(); elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'rect', attr: {id: 'rect', x: '0', y: '1', width: '5', height: '10', 'stroke-width': 'none'} }); svgroot.append(elem); bbox = getStrokedBBox([elem], mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.deepEqual(bbox, {x: 0, y: 1, width: 5, height: 10}); elem.remove(); elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'line', attr: {id: 'line', x1: '0', y1: '1', x2: '5', y2: '6', 'stroke-width': 'none'} }); svgroot.append(elem); bbox = getStrokedBBox([elem], mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.deepEqual(bbox, {x: 0, y: 1, width: 5, height: 5}); elem.remove(); elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'rect', attr: {id: 'rect', x: '0', y: '1', width: '5', height: '10', 'stroke-width': 'none'} }); const g = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'g', attr: {} }); g.append(elem); svgroot.append(g); bbox = getStrokedBBox([elem], mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.deepEqual(bbox, {x: 0, y: 1, width: 5, height: 10}); g.remove(); }); QUnit.test('Test getStrokedBBox with no stroke-width attribute', function (assert) { const {getStrokedBBox} = utilities; let elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'path', attr: {id: 'path', d: 'M0,1 L2,3'} }); svgroot.append(elem); let bbox = getStrokedBBox([elem], mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.deepEqual(bbox, {x: 0, y: 1, width: 2, height: 2}); elem.remove(); elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'rect', attr: {id: 'rect', x: '0', y: '1', width: '5', height: '10'} }); svgroot.append(elem); bbox = getStrokedBBox([elem], mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.deepEqual(bbox, {x: 0, y: 1, width: 5, height: 10}); elem.remove(); elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'line', attr: {id: 'line', x1: '0', y1: '1', x2: '5', y2: '6'} }); svgroot.append(elem); bbox = getStrokedBBox([elem], mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.deepEqual(bbox, {x: 0, y: 1, width: 5, height: 5}); elem.remove(); elem = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'rect', attr: {id: 'rect', x: '0', y: '1', width: '5', height: '10'} }); const g = mockCreateSVGElement({ element: 'g', attr: {} }); g.append(elem); svgroot.append(g); bbox = getStrokedBBox([elem], mockaddSVGElementFromJson, mockPathActions); assert.deepEqual(bbox, {x: 0, y: 1, width: 5, height: 10}); g.remove(); }); /** * Returns radians for degrees. * @param {Float} degrees * @returns {Float} */ function radians (degrees) { return degrees * Math.PI / 180; } /** * * @param {module:utilities.BBoxObject} point * @param {Float} angle * @param {module:math.XYObject} origin * @returns {module:math.XYObject} */ function rotatePoint (point, angle, origin) { // eslint-disable-line no-shadow if (!origin) { origin = {x: 0, y: 0}; } const x = point.x - origin.x; const y = point.y - origin.y; const theta = radians(angle); return { x: x * Math.cos(theta) + y * Math.sin(theta) + origin.x, y: x * Math.sin(theta) + y * Math.cos(theta) + origin.y }; } /** * * @param {module:utilities.BBoxObject} rect * @param {Float} angle * @param {module:math.XYObject} origin * @returns {module:utilities.BBoxObject} */ function rotateRect (rect, angle, origin) { // eslint-disable-line no-shadow const tl = rotatePoint({x: rect.x, y: rect.y}, angle, origin); const tr = rotatePoint({x: rect.x + rect.width, y: rect.y}, angle, origin); const br = rotatePoint({x: rect.x + rect.width, y: rect.y + rect.height}, angle, origin); const bl = rotatePoint({x: rect.x, y: rect.y + rect.height}, angle, origin); const minx = Math.min(tl.x, tr.x, bl.x, br.x); const maxx = Math.max(tl.x, tr.x, bl.x, br.x); const miny = Math.min(tl.y, tr.y, bl.y, br.y); const maxy = Math.max(tl.y, tr.y, bl.y, br.y); return { x: minx, y: miny, width: (maxx - minx), height: (maxy - miny) }; }