# Introduction ## `save`, `open`, `exportImage` (`setCustomHandlers`) You can hook to the save event (e.g. in an extension), to handle saving the SVG file differently: ### Example ```js svgEditor.setCustomHandlers({ save (win, data) { // Save svg } }); ``` Other methods corresponding to UI events that may be supplied are `open` and `exportImage`. See [`CustomHandler`]{@link module:SVGEditor.CustomHandler} for the required format of the object to be passed to [`setCustomHandlers`]{@link module:SVGEditor.setCustomHandlers}. ## Parent/Opening window events ### `svgEditorReady` The `svgEditorReady` event is triggered on a containing `document` (of `window.opener` or `window.parent`) when the editor is loaded. See [svgEditorReadyEvent]{@link module:SVGEditor#event:svgEditorReadyEvent} for the JSDocs. ### Example ```js $(document).bind('svgEditorReady', function () { const svg = ` `; $('iframe.svgedit')[0].contentWindow.svgCanvas.setSvgString(svg); }); ``` If you are acting within the frame, you may use `svgEditor.ready` (see [Within-frame events](#Editor-within-frame-events-svgEditor) below). ## Editor (within-frame) events (`svgEditor`) ### `svgEditor.canvas` - Canvas object. See [Canvas events](#Canvas-events). ### `svgEditor.canvas.bind(eventName, function () {})` - Method for listening to canvas events. See [Canvas events](#Canvas-events). ### `svgEditor.ready(function () {})` Method for listening to editor callbacks. Used internally as well. No arguments passed to callback. See [`SVGEditor.ready`]{@link module:SVGEditor.ready}. ## Extension events Most extensions will want to run functions when certain events are triggered. This is a list of the current events that can be hooked onto. All events are optional. See the `vars` param of [`runExtensions`]{@link module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#runExtensions} for some of the available extension events and their descriptions and types. See [`ExtensionStatus`]{@link module:svgcanvas.ExtensionStatus} for the values to be returned by the corresponding extension methods listening for these extension event types. ## Canvas events Canvas events are listened to with the bind method ([JSDocs API]{@link module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#bind}): ```js canvas.bind(eventName, callback); ``` Canvas events are passed between the editor and canvas and should mostly only of be of interest to those working with the [Canvas]{@tutorial CanvasAPI} alone or those developing SVGEdit). `callback` (see [`EventHandler`]{@link module:svgcanvas.EventHandler}) will be passed the `window` object and a single argument specific to the event (see [`GenericCanvasEvent`]{@link module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:GenericCanvasEvent}). The `bind` method will return any previous callback attached to the given event name. The method used to trigger these bound events is `call()` ([JSDocs]{@link module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#call}). All events below are currently called from within `svgcanvas.js` except where noted. All events are also defined internally within `svg-editor.js` except where noted. |Event|Where bound/defined (besides editor)|Where called/triggered (besides canvas)| |-----|------------------------------------|-----------------------------| |`changed` | | (Also called from `draw.js`, `ext-arrows.js`, `ext-foreignObject.js`, `ext-markers.js`, `ext-polygon.js`, `ext-star.js`, and `path.js`) | |`cleared` | Not bound/defined in SVGEdit. | | |`contextset` | | Only called from `draw.js`| |`exported` | | | |`exportedPDF` | | | |`extension_added` | | | |`extensions_added` | | Only called from `svg-editor.js` | |`message` | Only bound/defined in `ext-webappfind.js` | Only called from `svg-editor.js` | |`pointsAdded` | Not bound/defined in SVGEdit. | | |`saved` | | | |`selected` | | Also called from `path.js` | |`setnonce` | Only bound/defined in `ext-arrows.js` | | |`transition` | | | |`updateCanvas` | | | |`unsetnonce` | Only bound/defined in `ext-arrows.js` | | |`zoomed` | | | |`zoomDone` | | |