import { NS } from '../../../instrumented/svgcanvas/namespaces.js' import * as utilities from '../../../instrumented/svgcanvas/utilities.js' import * as coords from '../../../instrumented/svgcanvas/coords.js' import * as recalculate from '../../../instrumented/svgcanvas/recalculate.js' describe('recalculate', function () { const root = document.createElement('div') = 'root' = 'hidden' const svgroot = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'svg') = 'svgroot' root.append(svgroot) const svg = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'svg') svgroot.append(svg) const dataStorage = { _storage: new WeakMap(), put: function (element, key, obj) { if (!this._storage.has(element)) { this._storage.set(element, new Map()) } this._storage.get(element).set(key, obj) }, get: function (element, key) { return this._storage.get(element).get(key) }, has: function (element, key) { return this._storage.has(element) && this._storage.get(element).has(key) }, remove: function (element, key) { const ret = this._storage.get(element).delete(key) if (!this._storage.get(element).size === 0) { this._storage.delete(element) } return ret } } let elemId = 1 /** * Initilize modules to set up the tests. * @returns {void} */ function setUp () { utilities.init( /** * @implements {module:utilities.EditorContext} */ { getSvgRoot () { return svg }, getDOMDocument () { return null }, getDOMContainer () { return null }, getDataStorage () { return dataStorage } } ) coords.init( /** * @implements {module:coords.EditorContext} */ { getGridSnapping () { return false }, getDrawing () { return { getNextId () { return String(elemId++) } } }, getDataStorage () { return dataStorage } } ) recalculate.init( /** * @implements {module:recalculate.EditorContext} */ { getSvgRoot () { return svg }, getStartTransform () { return '' }, setStartTransform () { /* empty fn */ }, getDataStorage () { return dataStorage } } ) } let elem /** * Initialize for tests and set up `rect` element. * @returns {void} */ function setUpRect () { setUp() elem = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'rect') elem.setAttribute('x', '200') elem.setAttribute('y', '150') elem.setAttribute('width', '250') elem.setAttribute('height', '120') svg.append(elem) } /** * Initialize for tests and set up `text` element with `tspan` child. * @returns {void} */ function setUpTextWithTspan () { setUp() elem = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'text') elem.setAttribute('x', '200') elem.setAttribute('y', '150') const tspan = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'tspan') tspan.setAttribute('x', '200') tspan.setAttribute('y', '150') const theText = 'Foo bar' tspan.append(theText) elem.append(tspan) svg.append(elem) } /** * Tear down the tests (empty the svg element). * @returns {void} */ afterEach(() => { while (svg.hasChildNodes()) { svg.firstChild.remove() } }) it('Test recalculateDimensions() on rect with identity matrix', function () { setUpRect() elem.setAttribute('transform', 'matrix(1,0,0,1,0,0)') recalculate.recalculateDimensions(elem) // Ensure that the identity matrix is swallowed and the element has no // transform on it. assert.equal(elem.hasAttribute('transform'), false) }) it('Test recalculateDimensions() on rect with simple translate', function () { setUpRect() elem.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(100,50)') recalculate.recalculateDimensions(elem) assert.equal(elem.hasAttribute('transform'), false) assert.equal(elem.getAttribute('x'), '300') assert.equal(elem.getAttribute('y'), '200') assert.equal(elem.getAttribute('width'), '250') assert.equal(elem.getAttribute('height'), '120') }) it('Test recalculateDimensions() on text w/tspan with simple translate', function () { setUpTextWithTspan() elem.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(100,50)') recalculate.recalculateDimensions(elem) // Ensure that the identity matrix is swallowed and the element has no // transform on it. assert.equal(elem.hasAttribute('transform'), false) assert.equal(elem.getAttribute('x'), '300') assert.equal(elem.getAttribute('y'), '200') const tspan = elem.firstElementChild assert.equal(tspan.getAttribute('x'), '300') assert.equal(tspan.getAttribute('y'), '200') }) // TODO: Since recalculateDimensions() and surrounding code is // probably the largest, most complicated and strange piece of // code in SVG-edit, we need to write a whole lot of unit tests // for it here. })