/*globals $, svgedit*/ /*jslint vars: true, eqeq: true*/ /** * Package: svgedit.draw * * Licensed under the MIT License * * Copyright(c) 2011 Jeff Schiller */ // Dependencies: // 1) jQuery // 2) browser.js // 3) svgutils.js (function() {'use strict'; if (!svgedit.draw) { svgedit.draw = {}; } // alias var NS = svgedit.NS; var visElems = 'a,circle,ellipse,foreignObject,g,image,line,path,polygon,polyline,rect,svg,text,tspan,use'.split(','); var RandomizeModes = { LET_DOCUMENT_DECIDE: 0, ALWAYS_RANDOMIZE: 1, NEVER_RANDOMIZE: 2 }; var randomize_ids = RandomizeModes.LET_DOCUMENT_DECIDE; /** * This class encapsulates the concept of a layer in the drawing * @param name {String} Layer name * @param child {SVGGElement} Layer SVG group. */ svgedit.draw.Layer = function(name, group) { this.name_ = name; this.group_ = group; }; svgedit.draw.Layer.prototype.getName = function() { return this.name_; }; svgedit.draw.Layer.prototype.getGroup = function() { return this.group_; }; // Called to ensure that drawings will or will not have randomized ids. // The currentDrawing will have its nonce set if it doesn't already. // // Params: // enableRandomization - flag indicating if documents should have randomized ids svgedit.draw.randomizeIds = function(enableRandomization, currentDrawing) { randomize_ids = enableRandomization === false ? RandomizeModes.NEVER_RANDOMIZE : RandomizeModes.ALWAYS_RANDOMIZE; if (randomize_ids == RandomizeModes.ALWAYS_RANDOMIZE && !currentDrawing.getNonce()) { currentDrawing.setNonce(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100001)); } else if (randomize_ids == RandomizeModes.NEVER_RANDOMIZE && currentDrawing.getNonce()) { currentDrawing.clearNonce(); } }; /** * This class encapsulates the concept of a SVG-edit drawing * * @param svgElem {SVGSVGElement} The SVG DOM Element that this JS object * encapsulates. If the svgElem has a se:nonce attribute on it, then * IDs will use the nonce as they are generated. * @param opt_idPrefix {String} The ID prefix to use. Defaults to "svg_" * if not specified. */ svgedit.draw.Drawing = function(svgElem, opt_idPrefix) { if (!svgElem || !svgElem.tagName || !svgElem.namespaceURI || svgElem.tagName != 'svg' || svgElem.namespaceURI != NS.SVG) { throw "Error: svgedit.draw.Drawing instance initialized without a element"; } /** * The SVG DOM Element that represents this drawing. * @type {SVGSVGElement} */ this.svgElem_ = svgElem; /** * The latest object number used in this drawing. * @type {number} */ this.obj_num = 0; /** * The prefix to prepend to each element id in the drawing. * @type {String} */ this.idPrefix = opt_idPrefix || "svg_"; /** * An array of released element ids to immediately reuse. * @type {Array.} */ this.releasedNums = []; /** * The z-ordered array of tuples containing layer names and elements. * The first layer is the one at the bottom of the rendering. * TODO: Turn this into an Array. * @type {Array.>} */ this.all_layers = []; /** * The current layer being used. * TODO: Make this a {Layer}. * @type {SVGGElement} */ this.current_layer = null; /** * The nonce to use to uniquely identify elements across drawings. * @type {!String} */ this.nonce_ = ""; var n = this.svgElem_.getAttributeNS(NS.SE, 'nonce'); // If already set in the DOM, use the nonce throughout the document // else, if randomizeIds(true) has been called, create and set the nonce. if (!!n && randomize_ids != RandomizeModes.NEVER_RANDOMIZE) { this.nonce_ = n; } else if (randomize_ids == RandomizeModes.ALWAYS_RANDOMIZE) { this.setNonce(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100001)); } }; svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getElem_ = function(id) { if(this.svgElem_.querySelector) { // querySelector lookup return this.svgElem_.querySelector('#'+id); } // jQuery lookup: twice as slow as xpath in FF return $(this.svgElem_).find('[id=' + id + ']')[0]; }; svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getSvgElem = function() { return this.svgElem_; }; svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getNonce = function() { return this.nonce_; }; svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.setNonce = function(n) { this.svgElem_.setAttributeNS(NS.XMLNS, 'xmlns:se', NS.SE); this.svgElem_.setAttributeNS(NS.SE, 'se:nonce', n); this.nonce_ = n; }; svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.clearNonce = function() { // We deliberately leave any se:nonce attributes alone, // we just don't use it to randomize ids. this.nonce_ = ""; }; /** * Returns the latest object id as a string. * @return {String} The latest object Id. */ svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getId = function() { return this.nonce_ ? this.idPrefix + this.nonce_ + '_' + this.obj_num : this.idPrefix + this.obj_num; }; /** * Returns the next object Id as a string. * @return {String} The next object Id to use. */ svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getNextId = function() { var oldObjNum = this.obj_num; var restoreOldObjNum = false; // If there are any released numbers in the release stack, // use the last one instead of the next obj_num. // We need to temporarily use obj_num as that is what getId() depends on. if (this.releasedNums.length > 0) { this.obj_num = this.releasedNums.pop(); restoreOldObjNum = true; } else { // If we are not using a released id, then increment the obj_num. this.obj_num++; } // Ensure the ID does not exist. var id = this.getId(); while (this.getElem_(id)) { if (restoreOldObjNum) { this.obj_num = oldObjNum; restoreOldObjNum = false; } this.obj_num++; id = this.getId(); } // Restore the old object number if required. if (restoreOldObjNum) { this.obj_num = oldObjNum; } return id; }; // Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.releaseId // Releases the object Id, letting it be used as the next id in getNextId(). // This method DOES NOT remove any elements from the DOM, it is expected // that client code will do this. // // Parameters: // id - The id to release. // // Returns: // True if the id was valid to be released, false otherwise. svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.releaseId = function(id) { // confirm if this is a valid id for this Document, else return false var front = this.idPrefix + (this.nonce_ ? this.nonce_ + '_' : ''); if (typeof id != typeof '' || id.indexOf(front) != 0) { return false; } // extract the obj_num of this id var num = parseInt(id.substr(front.length), 10); // if we didn't get a positive number or we already released this number // then return false. if (typeof num != typeof 1 || num <= 0 || this.releasedNums.indexOf(num) != -1) { return false; } // push the released number into the released queue this.releasedNums.push(num); return true; }; // Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.getNumLayers // Returns the number of layers in the current drawing. // // Returns: // The number of layers in the current drawing. svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getNumLayers = function() { return this.all_layers.length; }; // Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.hasLayer // Check if layer with given name already exists svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.hasLayer = function(name) { var i; for (i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); i++) { if(this.all_layers[i][0] == name) {return true;} } return false; }; // Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.getLayerName // Returns the name of the ith layer. If the index is out of range, an empty string is returned. // // Parameters: // i - the zero-based index of the layer you are querying. // // Returns: // The name of the ith layer svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getLayerName = function(i) { if (i >= 0 && i < this.getNumLayers()) { return this.all_layers[i][0]; } return ""; }; // Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.getCurrentLayer // Returns: // The SVGGElement representing the current layer. svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getCurrentLayer = function() { return this.current_layer; }; // Function: getCurrentLayerName // Returns the name of the currently selected layer. If an error occurs, an empty string // is returned. // // Returns: // The name of the currently active layer. svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getCurrentLayerName = function() { var i; for (i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) { if (this.all_layers[i][1] == this.current_layer) { return this.getLayerName(i); } } return ""; }; // Function: setCurrentLayer // Sets the current layer. If the name is not a valid layer name, then this function returns // false. Otherwise it returns true. This is not an undo-able action. // // Parameters: // name - the name of the layer you want to switch to. // // Returns: // true if the current layer was switched, otherwise false svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.setCurrentLayer = function(name) { var i; for (i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) { if (name == this.getLayerName(i)) { if (this.current_layer != this.all_layers[i][1]) { this.current_layer.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:none"); this.current_layer = this.all_layers[i][1]; this.current_layer.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:all"); } return true; } } return false; }; // Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.deleteCurrentLayer // Deletes the current layer from the drawing and then clears the selection. This function // then calls the 'changed' handler. This is an undoable action. // Returns: // The SVGGElement of the layer removed or null. svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.deleteCurrentLayer = function() { if (this.current_layer && this.getNumLayers() > 1) { // actually delete from the DOM and return it var parent = this.current_layer.parentNode; var nextSibling = this.current_layer.nextSibling; var oldLayerGroup = parent.removeChild(this.current_layer); this.identifyLayers(); return oldLayerGroup; } return null; }; // Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.identifyLayers // Updates layer system and sets the current layer to the // top-most layer (last child of this drawing). svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.identifyLayers = function() { this.all_layers = []; var numchildren = this.svgElem_.childNodes.length; // loop through all children of SVG element var orphans = [], layernames = []; var a_layer = null; var childgroups = false; var i; for (i = 0; i < numchildren; ++i) { var child = this.svgElem_.childNodes.item(i); // for each g, find its layer name if (child && child.nodeType == 1) { if (child.tagName == "g") { childgroups = true; var name = $("title", child).text(); // Hack for Opera 10.60 if(!name && svgedit.browser.isOpera() && child.querySelectorAll) { name = $(child.querySelectorAll('title')).text(); } // store layer and name in global variable if (name) { layernames.push(name); this.all_layers.push( [name, child] ); a_layer = child; svgedit.utilities.walkTree(child, function(e){e.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:inherit");}); a_layer.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:none"); } // if group did not have a name, it is an orphan else { orphans.push(child); } } // if child has is "visible" (i.e. not a or element), then it is an orphan else if(~visElems.indexOf(child.nodeName)) { var bb = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(child); orphans.push(child); } } } // create a new layer and add all the orphans to it var svgdoc = this.svgElem_.ownerDocument; if (orphans.length > 0 || !childgroups) { i = 1; // TODO(codedread): What about internationalization of "Layer"? while (layernames.indexOf(("Layer " + i)) >= 0) { i++; } var newname = "Layer " + i; a_layer = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, "g"); var layer_title = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, "title"); layer_title.textContent = newname; a_layer.appendChild(layer_title); var j; for (j = 0; j < orphans.length; ++j) { a_layer.appendChild(orphans[j]); } this.svgElem_.appendChild(a_layer); this.all_layers.push( [newname, a_layer] ); } svgedit.utilities.walkTree(a_layer, function(e){e.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:inherit");}); this.current_layer = a_layer; this.current_layer.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:all"); }; // Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.createLayer // Creates a new top-level layer in the drawing with the given name and // sets the current layer to it. // // Parameters: // name - The given name // // Returns: // The SVGGElement of the new layer, which is also the current layer // of this drawing. svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.createLayer = function(name) { var svgdoc = this.svgElem_.ownerDocument; var new_layer = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, "g"); var layer_title = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, "title"); layer_title.textContent = name; new_layer.appendChild(layer_title); this.svgElem_.appendChild(new_layer); this.identifyLayers(); return new_layer; }; // Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.getLayerVisibility // Returns whether the layer is visible. If the layer name is not valid, then this function // returns false. // // Parameters: // layername - the name of the layer which you want to query. // // Returns: // The visibility state of the layer, or false if the layer name was invalid. svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getLayerVisibility = function(layername) { // find the layer var layer = null; var i; for (i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) { if (this.getLayerName(i) == layername) { layer = this.all_layers[i][1]; break; } } if (!layer) {return false;} return (layer.getAttribute('display') != 'none'); }; // Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.setLayerVisibility // Sets the visibility of the layer. If the layer name is not valid, this function return // false, otherwise it returns true. This is an undo-able action. // // Parameters: // layername - the name of the layer to change the visibility // bVisible - true/false, whether the layer should be visible // // Returns: // The SVGGElement representing the layer if the layername was valid, otherwise null. svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.setLayerVisibility = function(layername, bVisible) { if (typeof bVisible != typeof true) { return null; } // find the layer var layer = null; var i; for (i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) { if (this.getLayerName(i) == layername) { layer = this.all_layers[i][1]; break; } } if (!layer) {return null;} var oldDisplay = layer.getAttribute("display"); if (!oldDisplay) {oldDisplay = "inline";} layer.setAttribute("display", bVisible ? "inline" : "none"); return layer; }; // Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.getLayerOpacity // Returns the opacity of the given layer. If the input name is not a layer, null is returned. // // Parameters: // layername - name of the layer on which to get the opacity // // Returns: // The opacity value of the given layer. This will be a value between 0.0 and 1.0, or null // if layername is not a valid layer svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getLayerOpacity = function(layername) { var i; for (i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) { if (this.getLayerName(i) == layername) { var g = this.all_layers[i][1]; var opacity = g.getAttribute('opacity'); if (!opacity) { opacity = '1.0'; } return parseFloat(opacity); } } return null; }; // Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.setLayerOpacity // Sets the opacity of the given layer. If the input name is not a layer, nothing happens. // If opacity is not a value between 0.0 and 1.0, then nothing happens. // // Parameters: // layername - name of the layer on which to set the opacity // opacity - a float value in the range 0.0-1.0 svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.setLayerOpacity = function(layername, opacity) { if (typeof opacity != typeof 1.0 || opacity < 0.0 || opacity > 1.0) { return; } var i; for (i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) { if (this.getLayerName(i) == layername) { var g = this.all_layers[i][1]; g.setAttribute("opacity", opacity); break; } } }; }());