/** * ext-placemark.js * * * @copyright 2010 CloudCanvas, Inc. All rights reserved * */ export default { name: 'placemark', async init (S) { const svgEditor = this; const svgCanvas = svgEditor.canvas; const addElem = svgCanvas.addSVGElementFromJson; const {$, importLocale} = S; // {svgcontent}, let selElems, // editingitex = false, // svgdoc = S.svgroot.parentNode.ownerDocument, started, newPM; // edg = 0, // newFOG, newFOGParent, newDef, newImageName, newMaskID, // undoCommand = 'Not image', // modeChangeG, ccZoom, wEl, hEl, wOffset, hOffset, ccRgbEl, brushW, brushH; const strings = await importLocale(); const markerTypes = { nomarker: {}, forwardslash: {element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M30,100 L70,0'}}, reverseslash: {element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M30,0 L70,100'}}, verticalslash: {element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M50,0 L50,100'}}, xmark: {element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M20,80 L80,20 M80,80 L20,20'}}, leftarrow: {element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M0,50 L100,90 L70,50 L100,10 Z'}}, rightarrow: {element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M100,50 L0,90 L30,50 L0,10 Z'}}, box: {element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M20,20 L20,80 L80,80 L80,20 Z'}}, star: {element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M10,30 L90,30 L20,90 L50,10 L80,90 Z'}}, mcircle: {element: 'circle', attr: {r: 30, cx: 50, cy: 50}}, triangle: {element: 'path', attr: {d: 'M10,80 L50,20 L80,80 Z'}} }; // duplicate shapes to support unfilled (open) marker types with an _o suffix ['leftarrow', 'rightarrow', 'box', 'star', 'mcircle', 'triangle'].forEach((v) => { markerTypes[v + '_o'] = markerTypes[v]; }); /** * * @param {boolean} on * @returns {void} */ function showPanel (on) { $('#placemark_panel').toggle(on); } /** * @param {Element} elem - A graphic element will have an attribute like marker-start * @param {"marker-start"|"marker-mid"|"marker-end"} attr * @returns {Element} The marker element that is linked to the graphic element */ function getLinked (elem, attr) { if (!elem) { return null; } const str = elem.getAttribute(attr); if (!str) { return null; } const m = str.match(/\(#(.*)\)/); if (!m || m.length !== 2) { return null; } return svgCanvas.getElem(m[1]); } /** * Called when text is changed. * @param {string} txt * @returns {void} */ function updateText (txt) { const items = txt.split(';'); selElems.forEach((elem) => { if (elem && elem.getAttribute('class').includes('placemark')) { $(elem).children().each((_, i) => { const [, , type, n] = i.id.split('_'); if (type === 'txt') { $(i).text(items[n]); } }); } }); } /** * Called when font is changed. * @param {string} font * @returns {void} */ function updateFont (font) { font = font.split(' '); const fontSize = parseInt(font.pop()); font = font.join(' '); selElems.forEach((elem) => { if (elem && elem.getAttribute('class').includes('placemark')) { $(elem).children().each((_, i) => { const [, , type] = i.id.split('_'); if (type === 'txt') { $(i).attr({'font-family': font, 'font-size': fontSize}); } }); } }); } /** * @param {string} id * @param {""|"\\nomarker"|"nomarker"|"leftarrow"|"rightarrow"|"textmarker"|"textmarker_top"|"textmarker_bottom"|"forwardslash"|"reverseslash"|"verticalslash"|"box"|"star"|"xmark"|"triangle"|"mcircle"} val * @returns {SVGMarkerElement} */ function addMarker (id, val) { let marker = svgCanvas.getElem(id); if (marker) { return undefined; } // console.log(id); if (val === '' || val === 'nomarker') { return undefined; } const color = svgCanvas.getColor('stroke'); // NOTE: Safari didn't like a negative value in viewBox // so we use a standardized 0 0 100 100 // with 50 50 being mapped to the marker position const scale = 2;// parseFloat($('#marker_size').val()); const strokeWidth = 10; let refX = 50; const refY = 50; const viewBox = '0 0 100 100'; const markerWidth = 5 * scale; const markerHeight = 5 * scale; const seType = val; if (!markerTypes[seType]) { return undefined; } // an unknown type! // positional markers(arrows) at end of line if (seType.includes('left')) refX = 0; if (seType.includes('right')) refX = 100; // create a generic marker marker = addElem({ element: 'marker', attr: { id, markerUnits: 'strokeWidth', orient: 'auto', style: 'pointer-events:none', class: seType } }); const mel = addElem(markerTypes[seType]); const fillcolor = (seType.substr(-2) === '_o') ? 'none' : color; mel.setAttribute('fill', fillcolor); mel.setAttribute('stroke', color); mel.setAttribute('stroke-width', strokeWidth); marker.append(mel); marker.setAttribute('viewBox', viewBox); marker.setAttribute('markerWidth', markerWidth); marker.setAttribute('markerHeight', markerHeight); marker.setAttribute('refX', refX); marker.setAttribute('refY', refY); svgCanvas.findDefs().append(marker); return marker; } /** * @param {Element} el * @param {string} val * @returns {void} */ function setMarker (el, val) { const markerName = 'marker-start'; const marker = getLinked(el, markerName); if (marker) { $(marker).remove(); } el.removeAttribute(markerName); if (val === 'nomarker') { svgCanvas.call('changed', [el]); return; } // Set marker on element const id = 'placemark_marker_' + el.id; addMarker(id, val); el.setAttribute(markerName, 'url(#' + id + ')'); svgCanvas.call('changed', [el]); } /** * Called when the main system modifies an object. This routine changes * the associated markers to be the same color. * @param {Element} el * @returns {void} */ function colorChanged (el) { const color = el.getAttribute('stroke'); const marker = getLinked(el, 'marker-start'); // console.log(marker); if (!marker) { return; } if (!marker.attributes.class) { return; } // not created by this extension const ch = marker.lastElementChild; if (!ch) { return; } const curfill = ch.getAttribute('fill'); const curstroke = ch.getAttribute('stroke'); if (curfill && curfill !== 'none') { ch.setAttribute('fill', color); } if (curstroke && curstroke !== 'none') { ch.setAttribute('stroke', color); } } /** * Called when the main system creates or modifies an object. * Its primary purpose is to create new markers for cloned objects. * @param {Element} el * @returns {void} */ function updateReferences (el) { const id = 'placemark_marker_' + el.id; const markerName = 'marker-start'; const marker = getLinked(el, markerName); if (!marker || !marker.attributes.class) { return; } // not created by this extension const url = el.getAttribute(markerName); if (url) { const len = el.id.length; const linkid = url.substr(-len - 1, len); if (el.id !== linkid) { const val = $('#placemark_marker').attr('value') || 'leftarrow'; addMarker(id, val); svgCanvas.changeSelectedAttribute(markerName, 'url(#' + id + ')'); svgCanvas.call('changed', selElems); } } } /** * @param {Event} ev * @returns {void} */ function setArrowFromButton (ev) { const parts = this.id.split('_'); let val = parts[2]; if (parts[3]) { val += '_' + parts[3]; } $('#placemark_marker').attr('value', val); } /** * @param {"nomarker"|"leftarrow"|"rightarrow"|"textmarker"|"forwardslash"|"reverseslash"|"verticalslash"|"box"|"star"|"xmark"|"triangle"|"mcircle"} id * @returns {string} */ function getTitle (id) { const {langList} = strings; const item = langList.find((itm) => { return itm.id === id; }); return item ? item.title : id; } /** * Build the toolbar button array from the marker definitions. * @param {module:SVGEditor.Button[]} buttons * @returns {module:SVGEditor.Button[]} */ function addMarkerButtons (buttons) { Object.keys(markerTypes).forEach(function (id) { const title = getTitle(String(id)); buttons.push({ id: 'placemark_marker_' + id, svgicon: id, icon: svgEditor.curConfig.extIconsPath + 'markers-' + id + '.png', title, type: 'context', events: {click: setArrowFromButton}, panel: 'placemark_panel', list: 'placemark_marker', isDefault: id === 'leftarrow' }); }); return buttons; } const buttons = [{ id: 'tool_placemark', icon: svgEditor.curConfig.extIconsPath + 'placemark.png', type: 'mode', position: 12, events: { click () { showPanel(true); svgCanvas.setMode('placemark'); } } }]; const contextTools = [ { type: 'button-select', panel: 'placemark_panel', id: 'placemark_marker', colnum: 3, events: {change: setArrowFromButton} }, { type: 'input', panel: 'placemark_panel', id: 'placemarkText', size: 20, defval: '', events: { change () { updateText(this.value); } } }, { type: 'input', panel: 'placemark_panel', id: 'placemarkFont', size: 7, defval: 'Arial 10', events: { change () { updateFont(this.value); } } } ]; return { name: strings.name, svgicons: svgEditor.curConfig.extIconsPath + 'placemark-icons.xml', buttons: addMarkerButtons(strings.buttons.map((button, i) => { return Object.assign(buttons[i], button); })), context_tools: strings.contextTools.map((contextTool, i) => { return Object.assign(contextTools[i], contextTool); }), callback () { $('#placemark_panel').hide(); // const endChanges = function(){}; }, mouseDown (opts) { // const rgb = svgCanvas.getColor('fill'); const sRgb = svgCanvas.getColor('stroke'); const sWidth = svgCanvas.getStrokeWidth(); if (svgCanvas.getMode() === 'placemark') { started = true; const id = svgCanvas.getNextId(); const items = $('#placemarkText').val().split(';'); let font = $('#placemarkFont').val().split(' '); const fontSize = parseInt(font.pop()); font = font.join(' '); const x0 = opts.start_x + 10, y0 = opts.start_y + 10; let maxlen = 0; const children = [{ element: 'line', attr: { id: id + '_pline_0', fill: 'none', stroke: sRgb, 'stroke-width': sWidth, 'stroke-linecap': 'round', x1: opts.start_x, y1: opts.start_y, x2: x0, y2: y0 } }]; items.forEach((i, n) => { maxlen = Math.max(maxlen, i.length); children.push({ element: 'line', attr: { id: id + '_tline_' + n, fill: 'none', stroke: sRgb, 'stroke-width': sWidth, 'stroke-linecap': 'round', x1: x0, y1: y0 + (fontSize + 6) * n, x2: x0 + i.length * fontSize * 0.5 + fontSize, y2: y0 + (fontSize + 6) * n } }); children.push({ element: 'text', attr: { id: id + '_txt_' + n, fill: sRgb, stroke: 'none', 'stroke-width': 0, x: x0 + 3, y: y0 - 3 + (fontSize + 6) * n, 'font-family': font, 'font-size': fontSize, 'text-anchor': 'start' }, children: [i] }); }); if (items.length > 0) { children.push({ element: 'line', attr: { id: id + '_vline_0', fill: 'none', stroke: sRgb, 'stroke-width': sWidth, 'stroke-linecap': 'round', x1: x0, y1: y0, x2: x0, y2: y0 + (fontSize + 6) * (items.length - 1) } }); } newPM = svgCanvas.addSVGElementFromJson({ element: 'g', attr: { id, class: 'placemark', fontSize, maxlen, lines: items.length, x: opts.start_x, y: opts.start_y, px: opts.start_x, py: opts.start_y }, children }); setMarker( newPM.firstElementChild, $('#placemark_marker').attr('value') || 'leftarrow' ); return { started: true }; } return undefined; }, mouseMove (opts) { if (!started) { return undefined; } if (svgCanvas.getMode() === 'placemark') { const x = opts.mouse_x / svgCanvas.getZoom(); const y = opts.mouse_y / svgCanvas.getZoom(); const {fontSize, maxlen, lines, px, py} = $(newPM).attr( ['fontSize', 'maxlen', 'lines', 'px', 'py'] ); $(newPM).attr({x, y}); $(newPM).children().each((_, i) => { const [, , type, n] = i.id.split('_'); const y0 = y + (fontSize + 6) * n, x0 = x + maxlen * fontSize * 0.5 + fontSize; const nx = (x + (x0 - x) / 2 < px) ? x0 : x; const ny = (y + ((fontSize + 6) * (lines - 1)) / 2 < py) ? y + (fontSize + 6) * (lines - 1) : y; if (type === 'pline') { i.setAttribute('x2', nx); i.setAttribute('y2', ny); } if (type === 'tline') { i.setAttribute('x1', x); i.setAttribute('y1', y0); i.setAttribute('x2', x0); i.setAttribute('y2', y0); } if (type === 'vline') { i.setAttribute('x1', nx); i.setAttribute('y1', y); i.setAttribute('x2', nx); i.setAttribute('y2', y + (fontSize + 6) * (lines - 1)); } if (type === 'txt') { i.setAttribute('x', x + fontSize / 2); i.setAttribute('y', y0 - 3); } }); return { started: true }; } return undefined; }, mouseUp () { if (svgCanvas.getMode() === 'placemark') { const {x, y, px, py} = $(newPM).attr(['x', 'y', 'px', 'py']); return { keep: (x != px && y != py), // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq element: newPM }; } return undefined; }, selectedChanged (opts) { // Use this to update the current selected elements selElems = opts.elems; selElems.forEach((elem) => { if (elem && elem.getAttribute('class').includes('placemark')) { const txt = []; $(elem).children().each((n, i) => { const [, , type] = i.id.split('_'); if (type === 'txt') { $('#placemarkFont').val( i.getAttribute('font-family') + ' ' + i.getAttribute('font-size') ); txt.push($(i).text()); } }); $('#placemarkText').val(txt.join(';')); showPanel(true); } else { showPanel(false); } }); }, elementChanged (opts) { opts.elems.forEach((elem) => { if (elem.id.includes('pline_0')) { // need update marker of pline_0 colorChanged(elem); updateReferences(elem); } }); } }; } };