# SVGEdit
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**SVGEdit** is a fast, web-based, JavaScript-driven SVG drawing editor that
works in any modern browser. **SVGEdit** is based on a powerful SVG canvas **@svgedit/svgcanvas**
## Contributions
SVGEdit is the most popular open source SVG editor. It was started more than 13 years ago by a fantastic team of developers. Unfortunately, the product was not maintained for quite a long time. We decided to give this tool a new life by refreshing many aspects.
Please let us know by creating an issue or a discussion if you wish to contribute.
## I want to use SVGEdit
Thanks to **Netlify**, you can access the following builds from your favorite browser:
- [Try SVGEdit V7 (master branch on github)](https://svgedit.netlify.app/editor/index.html)
- [Try SVGEdit V7 (latest published version on npm)](https://unpkg.com/svgedit@latest/dist/editor/index.html)
### Prior to V7:
We recommend using the V7 version but for older browsers or some abandoned features, you may need to access older versions of SVGEdit.
- [Try SVGEdit 6.1.0 here](https://60a0000fc9900b0008fd268d--svgedit.netlify.app/editor/index.html)
- [Try SVGEdit 5.1.0 here](https://unpkg.com/svgedit@5.1.0/editor/svg-editor.html)
Additional tip: you may try a version released on NPM using `unpkg`, for example, with version 3.2.0
- [https://unpkg.com/svgedit@3.2.0/editor/svg-editor.html](https://unpkg.com/svgedit@3.2.0/editor/svg-editor.html)
## I want to host SVGEdit in my environment
If you want to host a local version of SVGEdit, please follow these instructions:
1. clone or copy the repository contents from github
1. run `npm i` to install dependencies
1. run `npm run build --workspace @svgedit/svgcanvas` to build the svgcanvas dependency locally
1. to test, you can run `npm run start` to start a local server
1. and access `http://localhost:8000/src/editor/index.html` with a supported browser
1. run `npm run build` to build a bundle that you can serve from your own web server
## I want to contribute to SVGEdit
SVGEdit is made of two major components:
1. The "svgcanvas" that takes care of the underlying svg editor. It can be used to build your own editor
1. The "editor" that takes care of the editor UI (menus, buttons, etc.)
You should fork SVGEdit in your github environment and install SVGEdit locally as explained above.
Before you submit your PR, please make sure you run locally:
1. `npm run lint` to check that you follow the standardjs rules (https://standardjs.com/rules) for the linter
1. `npm run test` to run a suite of Cypress tests (https://www.cypress.io/)
If you intend to contribute on a regular basis, let us know so we can add you to the maintainer team.
## I want to integrate SVGEdit into my own Web application
V7 is changing significantly the way to integrate and customize SVGEdit. You can have a look at `index.html` to see how you can insert a `div` element into your HTML code and inject the editor into the `div`.
**Warning: This `div` can be positioned anywhere in the DOM but it must have a numeric width and a numeric height (i.e. not 'auto' which happens when the `div` is hidden)**