
660 lines
20 KiB

/* eslint-disable unicorn/no-fn-reference-in-iterator */
* ext-connector.js
* @license MIT
* @copyright 2010 Alexis Deveria
export default {
name: 'connector',
async init (S) {
const svgEditor = this;
const svgCanvas = svgEditor.canvas;
const {getElem} = svgCanvas;
const {$, svgroot, importLocale} = S,
addElem = svgCanvas.addSVGElementFromJson,
selManager = S.selectorManager,
connSel = '.se_connector',
// connect_str = '-SE_CONNECT-',
elData = $.data;
const strings = await importLocale();
let startX,
{svgcontent} = S,
started = false,
connections = [],
selElems = [];
* @param {Float} x
* @param {Float} y
* @param {module:utilities.BBoxObject} bb
* @param {Float} offset
* @returns {module:math.XYObject}
function getBBintersect (x, y, bb, offset) {
if (offset) {
offset -= 0;
bb = $.extend({}, bb);
bb.width += offset;
bb.height += offset;
bb.x -= offset / 2;
bb.y -= offset / 2;
const midX = bb.x + bb.width / 2;
const midY = bb.y + bb.height / 2;
const lenX = x - midX;
const lenY = y - midY;
const slope = Math.abs(lenY / lenX);
let ratio;
if (slope < bb.height / bb.width) {
ratio = (bb.width / 2) / Math.abs(lenX);
} else {
ratio = lenY
? (bb.height / 2) / Math.abs(lenY)
: 0;
return {
x: midX + lenX * ratio,
y: midY + lenY * ratio
* @param {"start"|"end"} side
* @param {Element} line
* @returns {Float}
function getOffset (side, line) {
const giveOffset = line.getAttribute('marker-' + side);
// const giveOffset = $(line).data(side+'_off');
// TODO: Make this number (5) be based on marker width/height
const size = line.getAttribute('stroke-width') * 5;
return giveOffset ? size : 0;
* @param {boolean} on
* @returns {undefined}
function showPanel (on) {
let connRules = $('#connector_rules');
if (!connRules.length) {
connRules = $('<style id="connector_rules"></style>').appendTo('head');
connRules.text(!on ? '' : '#tool_clone, #tool_topath, #tool_angle, #xy_panel { display: none !important; }');
* @param {Element} elem
* @param {Integer|"end"} pos
* @param {Float} x
* @param {Float} y
* @param {boolean} [setMid]
* @returns {undefined}
function setPoint (elem, pos, x, y, setMid) {
const pts = elem.points;
const pt = svgroot.createSVGPoint();
pt.x = x;
pt.y = y;
if (pos === 'end') { pos = pts.numberOfItems - 1; }
// TODO: Test for this on init, then use alt only if needed
try {
pts.replaceItem(pt, pos);
} catch (err) {
// Should only occur in FF which formats points attr as "n,n n,n", so just split
const ptArr = elem.getAttribute('points').split(' ');
for (let i = 0; i < ptArr.length; i++) {
if (i === pos) {
ptArr[i] = x + ',' + y;
elem.setAttribute('points', ptArr.join(' '));
if (setMid) {
// Add center point
const ptStart = pts.getItem(0);
const ptEnd = pts.getItem(pts.numberOfItems - 1);
setPoint(elem, 1, (ptEnd.x + ptStart.x) / 2, (ptEnd.y + ptStart.y) / 2);
* @param {Float} diffX
* @param {Float} diffY
* @returns {undefined}
function updateLine (diffX, diffY) {
// Update line with element
let i = connections.length;
while (i--) {
const conn = connections[i];
const line = conn.connector;
// const {elem} = conn;
const pre = conn.is_start ? 'start' : 'end';
// const sw = line.getAttribute('stroke-width') * 5;
// Update bbox for this element
const bb = elData(line, pre + '_bb');
bb.x = conn.start_x + diffX;
bb.y = conn.start_y + diffY;
elData(line, pre + '_bb', bb);
const altPre = conn.is_start ? 'end' : 'start';
// Get center pt of connected element
const bb2 = elData(line, altPre + '_bb');
const srcX = bb2.x + bb2.width / 2;
const srcY = bb2.y + bb2.height / 2;
// Set point of element being moved
const pt = getBBintersect(srcX, srcY, bb, getOffset(pre, line)); // $(line).data(pre+'_off')?sw:0
setPoint(line, conn.is_start ? 0 : 'end', pt.x, pt.y, true);
// Set point of connected element
const pt2 = getBBintersect(pt.x, pt.y, elData(line, altPre + '_bb'), getOffset(altPre, line));
setPoint(line, conn.is_start ? 'end' : 0, pt2.x, pt2.y, true);
* @param {Element[]} [elems=selElems] Array of elements
* @returns {undefined}
function findConnectors (elems = selElems) {
const connectors = $(svgcontent).find(connSel);
connections = [];
// Loop through connectors to see if one is connected to the element
connectors.each(function () {
let addThis;
* @returns {undefined}
function add () {
if (elems.includes(this)) {
// Pretend this element is selected
addThis = true;
// Grab the ends
const parts = [];
['start', 'end'].forEach(function (pos, i) {
const key = 'c_' + pos;
let part = elData(this, key);
if (part === null || part === undefined) { // Does this ever return nullish values?
part = document.getElementById(
this.attributes['se:connector'].value.split(' ')[i]
elData(this, 'c_' + pos,;
elData(this, pos + '_bb', svgCanvas.getStrokedBBox([part]));
} else part = document.getElementById(part);
}, this);
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
const cElem = parts[i];
addThis = false;
// The connected element might be part of a selected group
if (!cElem || !cElem.parentNode) {
if (elems.includes(cElem) || addThis) {
const bb = svgCanvas.getStrokedBBox([cElem]);
elem: cElem,
connector: this,
is_start: (i === 0),
start_x: bb.x,
start_y: bb.y
* @param {Element[]} [elems=selElems]
* @returns {undefined}
function updateConnectors (elems) {
// Updates connector lines based on selected elements
// Is not used on mousemove, as it runs getStrokedBBox every time,
// which isn't necessary there.
if (connections.length) {
// Update line with element
let i = connections.length;
while (i--) {
const conn = connections[i];
const line = conn.connector;
const {elem} = conn;
// const sw = line.getAttribute('stroke-width') * 5;
const pre = conn.is_start ? 'start' : 'end';
// Update bbox for this element
const bb = svgCanvas.getStrokedBBox([elem]);
bb.x = conn.start_x;
bb.y = conn.start_y;
elData(line, pre + '_bb', bb);
/* const addOffset = */ elData(line, pre + '_off');
const altPre = conn.is_start ? 'end' : 'start';
// Get center pt of connected element
const bb2 = elData(line, altPre + '_bb');
const srcX = bb2.x + bb2.width / 2;
const srcY = bb2.y + bb2.height / 2;
// Set point of element being moved
let pt = getBBintersect(srcX, srcY, bb, getOffset(pre, line));
setPoint(line, conn.is_start ? 0 : 'end', pt.x, pt.y, true);
// Set point of connected element
const pt2 = getBBintersect(pt.x, pt.y, elData(line, altPre + '_bb'), getOffset(altPre, line));
setPoint(line, conn.is_start ? 'end' : 0, pt2.x, pt2.y, true);
// Update points attribute manually for webkit
if (navigator.userAgent.includes('AppleWebKit')) {
const pts = line.points;
const len = pts.numberOfItems;
const ptArr = [];
for (let j = 0; j < len; j++) {
pt = pts.getItem(j);
ptArr[j] = pt.x + ',' + pt.y;
line.setAttribute('points', ptArr.join(' '));
// Do once
(function () {
const gse = svgCanvas.groupSelectedElements;
svgCanvas.groupSelectedElements = function (...args) {
return gse.apply(this, args);
const mse = svgCanvas.moveSelectedElements;
svgCanvas.moveSelectedElements = function (...args) {
const cmd = mse.apply(this, args);
return cmd;
seNs = svgCanvas.getEditorNS();
* Do on reset.
* @returns {undefined}
function init () {
// Make sure all connectors have data set
$(svgcontent).find('*').each(function () {
const conn = this.getAttributeNS(seNs, 'connector');
if (conn) {
this.setAttribute('class', connSel.substr(1));
const connData = conn.split(' ');
const sbb = svgCanvas.getStrokedBBox([getElem(connData[0])]);
const ebb = svgCanvas.getStrokedBBox([getElem(connData[1])]);
$(this).data('c_start', connData[0])
.data('c_end', connData[1])
.data('start_bb', sbb)
.data('end_bb', ebb);
// updateConnectors();
// $(svgroot).parent().mousemove(function (e) {
// // if (started
// // || svgCanvas.getMode() !== 'connector'
// // || !== svgcontent) return;
// console.log('y')
// // if ( === svgcontent) {
// //
// // }
// });
const buttons = [{
id: 'mode_connect',
type: 'mode',
icon: svgEditor.curConfig.imgPath + 'cut.png',
includeWith: {
button: '#tool_line',
isDefault: false,
position: 1
events: {
click () {
return {
svgicons: svgEditor.curConfig.imgPath + 'conn.svg',
buttons:, i) => {
return Object.assign(buttons[i], button);
/* async */ addLangData ({lang}) { // , importLocale: importLoc
return {
data: strings.langList
mouseDown (opts) {
const e = opts.event;
startX = opts.start_x;
startY = opts.start_y;
const mode = svgCanvas.getMode();
const {curConfig: {initStroke}} = svgEditor;
if (mode === 'connector') {
if (started) { return undefined; }
const mouseTarget =;
const parents = $(mouseTarget).parents();
if ($.inArray(svgcontent, parents) !== -1) {
// Connectable element
// If child of foreignObject, use parent
const fo = $(mouseTarget).closest('foreignObject');
startElem = fo.length ? fo[0] : mouseTarget;
// Get center of source element
const bb = svgCanvas.getStrokedBBox([startElem]);
const x = bb.x + bb.width / 2;
const y = bb.y + bb.height / 2;
started = true;
curLine = addElem({
element: 'polyline',
attr: {
id: svgCanvas.getNextId(),
points: (x + ',' + y + ' ' + x + ',' + y + ' ' + startX + ',' + startY),
stroke: '#' + initStroke.color,
'stroke-width': (!startElem.stroke_width || startElem.stroke_width === 0)
? initStroke.width
: startElem.stroke_width,
fill: 'none',
opacity: initStroke.opacity,
style: 'pointer-events:none'
elData(curLine, 'start_bb', bb);
return {
started: true
if (mode === 'select') {
return undefined;
mouseMove (opts) {
const zoom = svgCanvas.getZoom();
// const e = opts.event;
const x = opts.mouse_x / zoom;
const y = opts.mouse_y / zoom;
const diffX = x - startX,
diffY = y - startY;
const mode = svgCanvas.getMode();
if (mode === 'connector' && started) {
// const sw = curLine.getAttribute('stroke-width') * 3;
// Set start point (adjusts based on bb)
const pt = getBBintersect(x, y, elData(curLine, 'start_bb'), getOffset('start', curLine));
startX = pt.x;
startY = pt.y;
setPoint(curLine, 0, pt.x, pt.y, true);
// Set end point
setPoint(curLine, 'end', x, y, true);
} else if (mode === 'select') {
let slen = selElems.length;
while (slen--) {
const elem = selElems[slen];
// Look for selected connector elements
if (elem && elData(elem, 'c_start')) {
// Remove the "translate" transform given to move
if (connections.length) {
updateLine(diffX, diffY);
mouseUp (opts) {
// const zoom = svgCanvas.getZoom();
const e = opts.event;
// , x = opts.mouse_x / zoom,
// , y = opts.mouse_y / zoom,
let mouseTarget =;
if (svgCanvas.getMode() !== 'connector') {
return undefined;
const fo = $(mouseTarget).closest('foreignObject');
if (fo.length) { mouseTarget = fo[0]; }
const parents = $(mouseTarget).parents();
if (mouseTarget === startElem) {
// Start line through click
started = true;
return {
keep: true,
element: null,
if ($.inArray(svgcontent, parents) === -1) {
// Not a valid target element, so remove line
started = false;
return {
keep: false,
element: null,
// Valid end element
endElem = mouseTarget;
const startId =, endId =;
const connStr = startId + ' ' + endId;
const altStr = endId + ' ' + startId;
// Don't create connector if one already exists
const dupe = $(svgcontent).find(connSel).filter(function () {
const conn = this.getAttributeNS(seNs, 'connector');
if (conn === connStr || conn === altStr) { return true; }
return false;
if (dupe.length) {
return {
keep: false,
element: null,
started: false
const bb = svgCanvas.getStrokedBBox([endElem]);
const pt = getBBintersect(startX, startY, bb, getOffset('start', curLine));
setPoint(curLine, 'end', pt.x, pt.y, true);
.data('c_start', startId)
.data('c_end', endId)
.data('end_bb', bb);
seNs = svgCanvas.getEditorNS(true);
curLine.setAttributeNS(seNs, 'se:connector', connStr);
curLine.setAttribute('class', connSel.substr(1));
curLine.setAttribute('opacity', 1);
started = false;
return {
keep: true,
element: curLine,
selectedChanged (opts) {
// TODO: Find better way to skip operations if no connectors are in use
if (!$(svgcontent).find(connSel).length) { return; }
if (svgCanvas.getMode() === 'connector') {
// Use this to update the current selected elements
selElems = opts.elems;
let i = selElems.length;
while (i--) {
const elem = selElems[i];
if (elem && elData(elem, 'c_start')) {
if (opts.selectedElement && !opts.multiselected) {
// TODO: Set up context tools and hide most regular line tools
} else {
} else {
elementChanged (opts) {
let elem = opts.elems[0];
if (elem && elem.tagName === 'svg' && === 'svgcontent') {
// Update svgcontent (can change on import)
svgcontent = elem;
// Has marker, so change offset
if (elem && (
elem.getAttribute('marker-start') ||
elem.getAttribute('marker-mid') ||
)) {
const start = elem.getAttribute('marker-start');
const mid = elem.getAttribute('marker-mid');
const end = elem.getAttribute('marker-end');
curLine = elem;
.data('start_off', Boolean(start))
.data('end_off', Boolean(end));
if (elem.tagName === 'line' && mid) {
// Convert to polyline to accept mid-arrow
const x1 = Number(elem.getAttribute('x1'));
const x2 = Number(elem.getAttribute('x2'));
const y1 = Number(elem.getAttribute('y1'));
const y2 = Number(elem.getAttribute('y2'));
const {id} = elem;
const midPt = (' ' + ((x1 + x2) / 2) + ',' + ((y1 + y2) / 2) + ' ');
const pline = addElem({
element: 'polyline',
attr: {
points: (x1 + ',' + y1 + midPt + x2 + ',' + y2),
stroke: elem.getAttribute('stroke'),
'stroke-width': elem.getAttribute('stroke-width'),
'marker-mid': mid,
fill: 'none',
opacity: elem.getAttribute('opacity') || 1
svgCanvas.clearSelection(); = id;
elem = pline;
// Update line if it's a connector
if (elem.getAttribute('class') === connSel.substr(1)) {
const start = getElem(elData(elem, 'c_start'));
} else {
IDsUpdated (input) {
const remove = [];
input.elems.forEach(function (elem) {
if ('se:connector' in elem.attr) {
elem.attr['se:connector'] = elem.attr['se:connector'].split(' ')
.map(function (oldID) { return input.changes[oldID]; }).join(' ');
// Check validity - the field would be something like 'svg_21 svg_22', but
// if one end is missing, it would be 'svg_21' and therefore fail this test
if (!(/. ./).test(elem.attr['se:connector'])) {
return {remove};
toolButtonStateUpdate (opts) {
if (opts.nostroke) {
if ($('#mode_connect').hasClass('tool_button_current')) {
.toggleClass('disabled', opts.nostroke);