
314 lines
9.4 KiB

/* globals jQuery */
* Localizing script for SVG-edit UI
* Licensed under the MIT License
* Copyright(c) 2010 Narendra Sisodya
* Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
const $ = jQuery;
let langParam;
function setStrings (type, obj, ids) {
// Root element to look for element from
const parent = $('#svg_editor').parent();
for (let sel in obj) {
const val = obj[sel];
if (!val) { console.log(sel); }
if (ids) { sel = '#' + sel; }
const $elem = parent.find(sel);
if ($elem.length) {
const elem = parent.find(sel)[0];
switch (type) {
case 'content':
for (let i = 0, node; (node = elem.childNodes[i]); i++) {
if (node.nodeType === 3 && node.textContent.trim()) {
node.textContent = val;
case 'title':
elem.title = val;
} else {
console.log('Missing: ' + sel);
let editor_;
export const init = (editor) => {
editor_ = editor;
export const readLang = function (langData) {
const more = editor_.addLangData(langParam);
$.each(more, function (i, m) {
if ( {
langData = $.merge(langData,;
// Old locale file, do nothing for now.
if (! { return; }
const {
// misc,
properties, config, layers, common, ui
} = langData;
setStrings('content', {
// copyrightLabel: misc.powered_by, // Currently commented out in svg-editor.html
curve_segments: properties.curve_segments,
fitToContent: tools.fitToContent,
fit_to_all: tools.fit_to_all,
fit_to_canvas: tools.fit_to_canvas,
fit_to_layer_content: tools.fit_to_layer_content,
fit_to_sel: tools.fit_to_sel,
icon_large: config.icon_large,
icon_medium: config.icon_medium,
icon_small: config.icon_small,
icon_xlarge: config.icon_xlarge,
image_opt_embed: config.image_opt_embed,
image_opt_ref: config.image_opt_ref,
includedImages: config.included_images,
largest_object: tools.largest_object,
layersLabel: layers.layers,
relativeToLabel: tools.relativeTo,
selLayerLabel: layers.move_elems_to,
selectedPredefined: config.select_predefined,
selected_objects: tools.selected_objects,
smallest_object: tools.smallest_object,
straight_segments: properties.straight_segments,
svginfo_bg_url: config.editor_img_url + ':',
svginfo_bg_note: config.editor_bg_note,
svginfo_change_background: config.background,
svginfo_dim: config.doc_dims,
svginfo_editor_prefs: config.editor_prefs,
svginfo_height: common.height,
svginfo_icons: config.icon_size,
svginfo_image_props: config.image_props,
svginfo_lang: config.language,
svginfo_title: config.doc_title,
svginfo_width: common.width,
tool_docprops_cancel: common.cancel,
tool_docprops_save: common.ok,
tool_source_cancel: common.cancel,
tool_source_save: common.ok,
tool_prefs_cancel: common.cancel,
tool_prefs_save: common.ok,
sidepanel_handle: layers.layers.split('').join(' '),
tool_clear: tools.new_doc,
tool_docprops: tools.docprops,
tool_export: tools.export_img,
tool_import: tools.import_doc,
tool_imagelib: tools.imagelib,
tool_open: tools.open_doc,
tool_save: tools.save_doc,
svginfo_units_rulers: config.units_and_rulers,
svginfo_rulers_onoff: config.show_rulers,
svginfo_unit: config.base_unit,
svginfo_grid_settings: config.grid,
svginfo_snap_onoff: config.snapping_onoff,
svginfo_snap_step: config.snapping_stepsize,
svginfo_grid_color: config.grid_color
}, true);
// Shape categories
const cats = {};
for (const o in langData.shape_cats) {
cats['#shape_cats [data-cat="' + o + '"]'] = langData.shape_cats[o];
// TODO: Find way to make this run after shapelib ext has loaded
setTimeout(function () {
setStrings('content', cats);
}, 2000);
// Context menus
const opts = {};
$.each(['cut', 'copy', 'paste', 'paste_in_place', 'delete', 'group', 'ungroup', 'move_front', 'move_up', 'move_down', 'move_back'], function () {
opts['#cmenu_canvas a[href="#' + this + '"]'] = tools[this];
$.each(['dupe', 'merge_down', 'merge_all'], function () {
opts['#cmenu_layers a[href="#' + this + '"]'] = layers[this];
opts['#cmenu_layers a[href="#delete"]'] = layers.del;
setStrings('content', opts);
setStrings('title', {
align_relative_to: tools.align_relative_to,
circle_cx: properties.circle_cx,
circle_cy: properties.circle_cy,
circle_r: properties.circle_r,
cornerRadiusLabel: properties.corner_radius,
ellipse_cx: properties.ellipse_cx,
ellipse_cy: properties.ellipse_cy,
ellipse_rx: properties.ellipse_rx,
ellipse_ry: properties.ellipse_ry,
fill_color: properties.fill_color,
font_family: properties.font_family,
image_height: properties.image_height,
image_url: properties.image_url,
image_width: properties.image_width,
layer_delete: layers.del,
layer_down: layers.move_down,
layer_new: layers['new'],
layer_rename: layers.rename,
layer_moreopts: common.more_opts,
layer_up: layers.move_up,
line_x1: properties.line_x1,
line_x2: properties.line_x2,
line_y1: properties.line_y1,
line_y2: properties.line_y2,
linecap_butt: properties.linecap_butt,
linecap_round: properties.linecap_round,
linecap_square: properties.linecap_square,
linejoin_bevel: properties.linejoin_bevel,
linejoin_miter: properties.linejoin_miter,
linejoin_round: properties.linejoin_round,
main_icon: tools.main_menu,
mode_connect: tools.mode_connect,
tools_shapelib_show: tools.mode_shapelib,
palette: ui.palette_info,
zoom_panel: ui.zoom_level,
path_node_x: properties.node_x,
path_node_y: properties.node_y,
rect_height_tool: properties.rect_height,
rect_width_tool: properties.rect_width,
seg_type: properties.seg_type,
selLayerNames: layers.move_selected,
selected_x: properties.pos_x,
selected_y: properties.pos_y,
stroke_color: properties.stroke_color,
stroke_style: properties.stroke_style,
stroke_width: properties.stroke_width,
svginfo_title: config.doc_title,
text: properties.text_contents,
toggle_stroke_tools: ui.toggle_stroke_tools,
tool_add_subpath: tools.add_subpath,
tool_alignbottom: tools.align_bottom,
tool_aligncenter: tools.align_center,
tool_alignleft: tools.align_left,
tool_alignmiddle: tools.align_middle,
tool_alignright: tools.align_right,
tool_aligntop: tools.align_top,
tool_angle: properties.angle,
tool_blur: properties.blur,
tool_bold: properties.bold,
tool_circle: tools.mode_circle,
tool_clone: tools.clone,
tool_clone_multi: tools.clone,
tool_delete: tools.del,
tool_delete_multi: tools.del,
tool_ellipse: tools.mode_ellipse,
tool_eyedropper: tools.mode_eyedropper,
tool_fhellipse: tools.mode_fhellipse,
tool_fhpath: tools.mode_fhpath,
tool_fhrect: tools.mode_fhrect,
tool_font_size: properties.font_size,
tool_group_elements: tools.group_elements,
tool_make_link: tools.make_link,
tool_link_url: tools.set_link_url,
tool_image: tools.mode_image,
tool_italic: properties.italic,
tool_line: tools.mode_line,
tool_move_bottom: tools.move_bottom,
tool_move_top: tools.move_top,
tool_node_clone: tools.node_clone,
tool_node_delete: tools.node_delete,
tool_node_link: tools.node_link,
tool_opacity: properties.opacity,
tool_openclose_path: tools.openclose_path,
tool_path: tools.mode_path,
tool_position: tools.align_to_page,
tool_rect: tools.mode_rect,
tool_redo: tools.redo,
tool_reorient: tools.reorient_path,
tool_select: tools.mode_select,
tool_source: tools.source_save,
tool_square: tools.mode_square,
tool_text: tools.mode_text,
tool_topath: tools.to_path,
tool_undo: tools.undo,
tool_ungroup: tools.ungroup,
tool_wireframe: tools.wireframe_mode,
view_grid: tools.toggle_grid,
tool_zoom: tools.mode_zoom,
url_notice: tools.no_embed
}, true);
editor_.setLang(langParam, langData);
export const putLocale = function (givenParam, goodLangs, conf) {
if (givenParam) {
langParam = givenParam;
} else {
langParam = $.pref('lang');
if (!langParam) {
if (navigator.userLanguage) { // Explorer
langParam = navigator.userLanguage;
} else if (navigator.language) { // FF, Opera, ...
langParam = navigator.language;
console.log('Lang: ' + langParam);
// Set to English if language is not in list of good langs
if (!goodLangs.includes(langParam) && langParam !== 'test') {
langParam = 'en';
// don't bother on first run if language is English
// The following line prevents setLang from running
// extensions which depend on updated uiStrings,
// so commenting it out.
// if (langParam.startsWith('en')) {return;}
// $.getScript(url, function (d) {
// Fails locally in Chrome 5+
// if (!d) {
const s = document.createElement('script');
const modularVersion = !('svgEditor' in window) ||
!window.svgEditor ||
window.svgEditor.modules !== false;
const url = conf.langPath + 'lang.' + langParam + '.js';
if (modularVersion) {
s.type = 'module'; // Make this the default when widely supported
s.src = url;
// }
// });