
741 B


  1. Prefix every change in the commit (and change log) with one of the following types (and sort in both places into this order):
  • Security fix:
  • Known regression:
  • Breaking change:
  • Compatibility fix:
  • Fix:
  • Fix (<component>): - Component may be an extension, locale, etc.
  • Forward compatibility enhancement:
  • Enhancement:
  • Optimization: - Performance enhancements
  • Localization:
  • Update: - e.g., if updating a bundled library or updating code per a dependency's updated new API
  • Refactoring:
  • Linting (<type>): - Linting by type, e.g., "ESLint"
  • Testing:
  • Docs:
  • Build:
  • npm - Updates to dependencies, npm version, etc.