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Version 3.0.0

3.0.0 offers a number of changes since 2.8.1, including many refactoring ones meant to make the code more maintainable and leverage current standards for more readable and semantic code, as well as a good number of fixes and enhancements.

Please see the CHANGES file (or the Git history or Github tracker) for more detailed descriptions of individual changes than that provided by the below summaries.

Concomitant with switching to npm (semantic) versioning, future releases should be added for any changes on a more frequent schedule.

Breaking changes

There were also the following breaking changes. Not included among these are those handful of breaking changes which only applied to those adopting 3.0.0 pre-release versions and which are marked as "Breaking change (prerelease)" in CHANGES).

A number of changes were made to improve modularization.

Source code converted to ES6 Modules

If you were modifying source files directly, the module format has now changed to ES6 Modules. This allows us to specify, in a standard fashion, all of the external dependencies of a file, without any "magic" variables appearing in the code with no indication of their source (unless they are browser globals which should be well-known). Use of modules also avoids the need to keep track of dependencies non-contextually within the HTML and allows us to avoid polluting our HTML with additional script tags.

File names were also changed. See "Other breaking changes" for these.

Note that compilation no longer occurs with a Makefile but is handled by Rollup, a library for bundling ES6 Modules. Our Rollup routine also handles applying Babel and minification.

Note that while the number of script tags in the HTML has been reduced, certain polyfill files (dom-polyfill and @babel/polyfill) have now been added and are required for older browsers. They could be dropped in the future once browser support is available or if you are only targeting browser versions that have no need of them.

For ES6 Modules being available as a distribution option, see "Enhancements".

Design choices for applying modules (Technical)

The jQuery files have not been added in ES6 Modules format, however, because they do not have such a distribution and adding an import in source which converts them to ES6 Modules through plugin would require compilation whereas we'd prefer that at least the modular editor file be able to work without compilation for faster debugging (note, however, that rather than importing our external npm dependencies directly from node_modules, we have a copy-deps script for copying these files into our repository, so experimenting on these files should probably be done within the editor/external directory and such changes must not be committed unless the source packages are also updated and the copy-deps routine brings them in).

The file redirect-on-lacking-support.js has not been bundled with the main svgedit-config-es.js script so that browsers not supporting SVG are redirected faster (and, in the same vein as polyfills, it may be more logically consistent to add this external to the main code anyways).

The file redirect-on-no-module-support.js, which redirects when module support is not available, is not bundled for the same type of reason.

JavaScript config file breaking changes

Unlike version 2.8.1 which had a config-sample.js file which needed to be copied to config.js in the same editor directory, in version 3.0.0, things work out of the box by pointing to the pre-built config files (also an advantage for our use of Github-based project hosts like, but these config files have been moved out of the editor folder and are looked for in the parent directory (project root if using the editor within our repository).

These files also now have different names (svgedit-config-es.js for svg-editor-es.html and svgedit-config-iife.js for svg-editor.html) for a measure of namespacing.

This move is intended to allow config to be stored semi-independently of editor files.

Also note that while the config file was optional in 2.8.1, the config file in 3.* includes (or for, the ES version, imports) all of the main SVG-Edit code, so the file (or one like it) cannot be omitted. This has the advantage of avoiding an extra script tag and for the non-ES version, an extra HTTP request. But if you are working with the non-modular HTML and are not running the build routines to compile ES to non-modular JavaScript, you will be required to directly modify your config within the large non-modular, bundled JavaScript config file that includes most of the SVG codebase.

The build routines include npm run build-config (renamed in 5.0 to build-by-config) to convert the JavaScript config to non-modular form (including the main svgedit application code which the config files import), npm run rollup to convert the other source files to non-modular form, and npm run build-html to build the non-modular HTML out of the modular HTML (all of these are run during npm run test-prep, or if you want to run the tests, also as a part of npm test and npm run browser-test).

Stylesheet breaking changes

In version 2.8.1, one could place a custom.css file in the same directory as the editor and it would be used.

The default is now looked for in the parent directory of the editor HTML and is expected as svgedit-custom.css.

You may change the stylesheets which are loaded by changing the default JavaScript stylesheet config (see the "JavaScript config file breaking changes" section for the location of these files). The default behavior is equivalent to this:

  stylesheets: [ '@default', '../svgedit-custom.css' ]

...which indicates that all default stylesheets will be loaded and then one's custom file. You may omit either of these and/or add your own.

See "Other breaking changes -> HTML" for removal of the "scoped" attribute on a stylesheet within the HTML.

Base path breaking changes

With extensions and locales now also expressed as ES6 modules in source (see their respective breaking changes section below), the non-modular versions of these files have been compiled into the new dist directory, and in order to avoid path resolution problems, the config properties extPath and langPath now have different defaults, depending on whether a module environment is detected or not.

The non-modular versions will now default to ../dist/extensions/ and ../dist/locale/, respectively, whereas the modular version will use the old default paths (extensions/ and locale/).

Also, since we have not copying extension icons over to dist and the path resolution of extension icons would otherwise break, we have now added new a config property, extIconsPath, distinct from extPath, which points by default to extensions/ for both modular and non-modular environments.

And because our dependencies canvg and jspdf are now building from module and would break as a result of this move as well, we have added the config canvgPath and jspdfPath which default respectively to canvg/ and jspdf/ in modular loads and to ../dist/ for both path types within non-modular loads.

(imgPath and jGraduatePath remain unchanged since they, as with extIconsPath, are not looking for module-expressed files.)

Locale breaking changes

Locale files are now formatted as ES6 Module exports (rather than as calls to svgEditor.readLang).

In order for their value to be discovered when compiled and loaded in a non-modular context, in such contexts they will be auto-defined as global variables (as "svgEditorLang_" followed by the locale file name with any hyphens replaced as underscores).

In the spirit of modularization and only loading what is needed, locale strings pertaining solely to extensions were moved to editor/extensons/ext-locale/<extension name>/<language code>.js.

A new method, importLocale, is passed to extensions (see "Summary of enhancements -> APIs") which can load locale files within this hierarchy, requiring no arguments if relying on the detected locale.

The npm run rollup routine (also a part of npm run test-prep or the full test routines) will build any properly named and formatted ES6 Modules locale file into a non-modular file within dist/locale.

Extension breaking changes

Extension files are now formatted as ES6 Module exports (rather than as calls to svgEditor.addExtension). The latter may still be used, but support for passing an object (with a callback method as an init function) is not (callback may be present on the return object of extension init method, however).

In order for their value to be discovered when compiled and loaded in a non-modular context, in such contexts they will be auto-defined as global variables (as "svgEditorExtension_" followed by the extension file name with any hyphens replaced as underscores).

The name supplied as the first argument to addExtension should instead be expressed as a property on an object exported by the extension (or it can be omitted to default to a name derived from the file name; this is only used as a unique identifier).

Any init function previously supplied as second argument to addExtension should be expressed as an init method on the object exported by the extension, and it should return what the init function had been returning. Its this value will be set to the editor object.

For the object returned by init, invocation of any callback method will also be invoked with the this value set to the editor object.

The npm run rollup routine (also a part of npm run test-prep or the full test routines) will build any properly named and formatted ES6 Modules extension file into a non-modular file within dist/extensions.

See also "Locale breaking changes".

Other breaking changes

  • Usage - Avoid zoom with scroll unless shift key pressed; checkbox for persisting choice of initial use storage approval in storage extension dialog is now turned on by default for convenience of most users (must still hit "ok" and users can still turn off the checkbox)
  • Process changes:
    • Change PDF export to check exportWindowName for filename and change default from download to svg.pdf, distinguishing from other downloads
  • HTML changes: Remove now obsolete scoped attribute from style and move tag to head
  • File renames/removal - Files were renamed for greater clarity and consistency
    • Minified file renaming/removal
      • jquery.js to jquery.min.js
      • extensions/mathjax/MathJax.js to extensions/mathjax/MathJax.min.js
      • Remove minified jgraduate/spinbtn files (minified now within Rollup bundling)
    • Avoid "SVG" in file names except for main file, svg-editor.js, long-time core, svgcanvas.js, and polyfills with "SVG" in actual variable name ("pathseg.js" to "svgpathseg.js"); also make clear distinct file purpose ("svgedit.js" to "namespaces.js" and "svgutils.js" to "utilities.js")
    • Consistent jQuery-based-file naming (and reflect name of class): "jquery-svg.js" to "jQuery.attr.js" "jquery.contextMenu.js" to "jQuery.contextMenu.js", "jquery.jpicker.js" to "jQuery.jPicker.js", "JQuerySpinBtn.css" to "jQuery.SpinButton.css", "JQuerySpinBtn.js" to "jQuery.SpinButton.js", "jquery.svgicons.js" to "jQuery.svgIcons.js", "jquery.jgraduate.js" to "jQuery.jGraduate.js"
  • Method naming:
    • Switch where feasible to capitalized acronyms (addSvgElementFromJson() to addSVGElementFromJson, changeSvgContent() to changeSVGContent())
  • APIs
    • Modularity/removing globals
      • Remove window.svgCanvas and svgCanvas.ready (use svgEditor.canvas and svgEditor.ready instead)
      • Avoid passing canvg to extensions (have them import)
      • As part of possible deprecation of "private" methods separate from public methods of SvgCanvas or svgEditor, avoid adding the following methods already available on canvas to getPrivateMethods which is passed to extensions: assignAttributes, addSVGElementFromJson, call, copyElem, findDefs, getElem, getId, getIntersectionList, getMouseTarget, getNextId, getUrlFromAttr, hasMatrixTransform, matrixMultiply, recalculateAllSelectedDimensions, recalculateDimensions, remapElement, removeUnusedDefElems, round, runExtensions, sanitizeSvg, setGradient transformListToTransform (and mistaken toString export)
    • Other breaking API changes - To allow extensions to add images without select image dialog, only "image" mode will trigger dialog; require new with EmbeddedSVGEdit; for ext-imagelib, change to an object-based encoding for namespacing of messages (though will keep stringifying/parsing internally until we remove IE9 support); the WebAppFind extension was modified to use its new API; svgcanvas.setUiStrings must now be called if not using svg-editor.js in order to get strings (for sake of i18n) (and if using path.js alone, it must also have its setUiStrings called); RGBColor must accept new; readLang no longer calls setLang (locales need not call this anymore anyways; it will be imported); the dropping of XML internal subsets (as a security fix for entity expansion) might cause breakage with documents using entities (though browser support for entity declarations has been low); remove storagePromptClosed state boolean in favor of storagePromptState
  • Extensions
    • ext-arrows - Change name from Arrows to arrows for sake of consistency with file path (not localized anyways; only used for unique identification)
    • ext-overview-window - Avoid setting global overviewWindowGlobals

Deprecations and situational regressions

  • While string based messaging continues to work with ext-imagelib, the object-based messaging should be used instead (as also used now in the embedded editor API and ext-xdomain-messaging)
    • The IAN image library, for which access is built-in to svgedit, has already adjusted to deploy our new recommended object-based messaging format. After more of their users migrate to version 3.* of svgedit, we should then hopefully be able to avoid passing this site an argument, (svgedit=3) within their URL (a flag, if not present, which they are using to employ the old object messaging mode).
  • Situational regressions: Remove Openclipart as its site's now setting of X-Frame-Options to "sameorigin" makes it unusable on our end for our cross-origin uses (even with an attempt to use their API). We did make and keep a file openclipart-es.html (and auto-converted file, openclipart.html) within editor/extensions/imagelib for a convenient browser of their library, but the SVG files it finds cannot be accessed cross-origin to integrate into SVG-Edit; see also Summary of Fixes (Embedded Editor -> Cross-origin issues and Browser/device-specific fixes).

Summary of fixes

Since 2.8.1, there have been a number of fixes. Here is a summary (though we do not include regressions made during the 3.0.0 prereleases which have since been fixed; search CHANGES for "regression" for these):

  • Security fixes:
    • URL Config: 'extPath', 'imgPath', 'langPath' were not being prevented from URL setting
    • Imagelib extension: Avoid XSS, prevent billion laughs attack, only allow imgLibs config origins for messaging
    • xdomain HTML: Namespace this file to avoid it being used to modify non-domain storage on the same domain
    • Embedded API: Avoid arbitrary property setting for trusted domains
    • toXml: Ensure all apostrophes are escaped for toXml utility
  • Localization/i18n: French and German updates; adding simplified Chinese to pull-down; bad characters in Persian locale file; fix "lv" locale; clarify locale messages re: save as; fix lang and dir for locales (though not in use currently); allow language in settings to be properly set back to a different locale, ensure language changes are retained and available before settings dialog is closed; ensure langReady changes are available when dialog is closed and that its changes have occurred by extensions' first load to ensure extension loading complete and the updating of canvas at this time based on storagePromptState has seen langReady including the storage extension possibly having set a storagePromptState of "waiting"
  • Directly user-visible fixes: center canvas properly on load; imported images with rubberband box placement and unattached dragtool; hidden font-size setting; resizing nullifying the stroke; layers panel; zoom centered on cursor when scrolled, avoiding when shift key is pressed; Document Properties dialog positioning; ensure repeated selection of same file overwrites with that file's contents
    • Export fixes - Alert if exportWindow blocked; avoid error if URL is not defined; polygon/polyline in PDF export; see also "browser-specific"
  • Keyboard/Command: keypress double binding; text element not being triggered by input as well as keyup events; pasting lines with markers in certain cases; backspace key in Firefox navigating out of frame; ensure shift-key cycling through flyouts works with extension-added includeWith as well as toolbarbuttons; ensure line tool shows as selected when "L" key command is used
  • Processing fixes: browser feature detection (supportsPathInsertItemBefore and supportsPathReplaceItem); layer fixes; multiple selection; cloning of path segments during moving; convertPath with complex paths; preserving rx and ry on ellipses to allow disabling of rendering; proper handling in ext-connector of 2 connecting elements with same y-coordinate; removeFromSelection length issues; avoid errors for tspan passed to getGradient; avoid race condition in applying arrows revealing flyouts and ensure this icon is cloned so can be applied to more than one extension; avoid setting Math.precision pseudo-global in jPicker; precision argument had not been passed in previously to jPicker; for image import, avoid race condition and avoid 0 width/height import
  • API fixes: Trigger svgEditorReady when canvas is ready and via iframe; properly default rasterExport without imgType
  • Embedded editor:
    • Do not add parent URL to iframe src URL when query string is empty.
    • Cross-origin issues: Due to Chrome having applied more restrictions on cross-origin iframes, the embedded editor broke in some contexts. We now avoid errors for same-origin checking, and avoid or recover from exceptions with cross-origin localStorage or contentDocument access; apparently works with Access-Control-Allow-Origin header and locally set with allowedOrigins with * or the given origin(s) (such as in the xdomain editor); however, localStorage, as is needed for clipboard and saving in storage, does not work regardless; we should allow a listener in the parent frame (made configurable through the embedded API), so it can get and set its own storage in response to SVG-Edit events. We are also still throwing for some localStorage access (e.g., context menu cut).
  • Browser/device-specific fixes impacting Overview Panel performance; multiselect with zoom; multiple element selection; getInsectionList; pathseg; supportsNativeTransformLists detection; save/export; removing identity matrices; recover from tspan having no getBBox image export; supportsGoodTextCharPos; force PDF download in Chrome (dropped dataURI with window opening); map extension click events to "mousedown" so they can be received on touch devices
  • Extension fixes: ForeignObject editor dialog had not been opening; fix name for moinsave; error during resize with MathML; add images for fallback and referenced relative to new extIconsPath; extension includeWith flyout button conflicts; avoid erring if inradius is NaN in Star extension. A fix was added to allow mouseup triggering for extensions in "zoom" and "select" modes, but was reverted in 3.0.1.
  • Linting-discovered fixes: Inadvertent global assignments; bad variable scope declarations including within jquery.jgraduate.js
  • Minor fixes such as broken links and switching to https, adding of ignore files, etc.

Summary of enhancements

  • Directly user-visible changes: If adding a new image, delete that image upon dialog cancel
  • i18n: i18nize path.js strings and canvas notifications; more i18n of extensions; have general locales load first so extensions may use; placeholders for picking stroke and fill paint opacity and popupWindowBlocked; update saveFromBrowser
  • Configuration: Configure text font and stroke; add StackBlur to canvg by default; allow path config for canvg and jspdf (not needed for built-in)
  • Security: Link placeholder defaults to https
  • APIs: Current zoom level; addSvgElementFromJson capabilities; ability to set SVG drawings without adding to the undo stack; add to methods passed to extensions; allow addSvgElementFromJson to accept non-SVG namespaces as well with explicit namespace property; add extensions_added event; make setStrings public on editor for late setting; add message event to relay messages; return promise for rasterExport, exportPDF, and embedImage; add pointsAdded canvas event; supply importLocale to init, langReady and addLangData for extension locale loading; allow avoiding "name" in extension export
  • Optimizations: getBBox and loading time; remove unused scripts, compress images; for setSvgString, return false earlier if element content is not SVG; avoid rewriting points attribute for free-hand path
  • Error handling: Extension loading error logging and recovery
  • Keys/Commands: Clipboard works across tabs and windows, "Escape" to work with hotkeys within text boxes such as source textarea; allow 'a' also with meta key to select all; global escape key listener to clear the selection
  • Publishing options: npm,; and; for, add latest directory for hosting latest release
  • Cross-origin option: New and auto-generated xdomain-svg-editor-es.html and xdomain-svg-editor.html files are now available which possess default config which allows cross-origin use. It saves in a storage namespace distinct from the main editor so as to avoid potential data corruption or unauthorized retrieval of data created in the main editor by other domains.
  • Modular JavaScript: ES6 modules distribution format and module-based svg-editor-es.html HTML (for modern browsers only; otherwise, use one of the UMD distributions or svg-editor.html file) and also separate versions for xdomain-svg-editor-es.html; make SpinButton plugin independent of svgedit (though still currently bundled)
  • JavaScript-only distribution files - While SVG-Edit's JavaScript currently very much presumes a certain HTML structure, for anyone who wishes to copy and possibly modify that HTML file outside of the editor folder (bearing in mind that certain paths may need to be adjusted), they may reference the JavaScript builds within dist. There is an ES6 Module distribution (for modern browsers only) as well as a UMD distribution. In the package.json file, for the sake of minimizing config needed by any bundlers of SVG-Edit, the ES distribution is pointed to by the module property and the UMD distribution is pointed to by main.
  • Modular stylesheets - Add stylesheets config for indicating custom stylesheets to load in parallel with any built-in; use "@default" within this array of stylesheet paths to indicate inclusion of default stylesheets (or omit "@default" to exclude them).
  • Process improvements: Sort SVG attributes alphabetically


  • ES6 Modules: Use in source, including jQuery plugins, extensions, locales, tests; see "Breaking Changes"
  • Updates: QUnit and jQuery version within imagelib extension; include Mathjax local copy
  • Other code refactoring: HistoryRecordingService, Command base class, migration away from svgcanvas to separate files (e.g., layer.js); various clean-up, readability, simplification, and consistency changes; avoid inline listeners and styles; more ES5/ES6 usage (e.g., class, includes, destructuring, object shorthand, arrow functions), prefer const and then let and place closer to used block, add favicons; clearer and more camelCase variable names; throw error objects instead of strings; allow Promises; add polyfills for Babel and ChildNode/ParentNode; use new Event constructors
  • Linting: Move to ESLint, using a derivative of the "standard" convention; 80 char. lines; use LGTM
  • Testing: Add skeleton support for UI and accessibility testing with TestCafe (along with ESLint plugin/rules for it); add a draw test file; separate JavaScript files out of HTML; use static server; fix timing of all_tests.html for iframe size; comment out unused jQuery SVG test while adding test1 and svgutils_performance_test to all tests page; fix inadequate mocking in Path test

Non-code/meta changes

  • License: Indicate license types and rename files to reflect type; rename/add license file name for jgraduate and screencast to reflect type (Apache 2.0)
  • npm: SVG-Edit is now published on npm; add ESLint, uglify, start, and test scripts
  • Documentation: Moved to JSDocs (with Markdown plugin, a custom template to support overflow, and an script to check for overly generic types) and added documentation for public module methods as well as adding mutual linking between JSDocs tutorial docs; included online at (or for the latest release, use; update Release notes and add Contributing file, integrate Github wiki pages into docs, and copy over old docs. Begin "Editor" doc file to help general users
  • Demos: Add svgcanvas demo (in using svgcanvas.js without an editor)
  • i18n: Locales now use ES6 Modules and extension locales are now contained in separate files relative to the extensions directory (for the sake of true modularity); see "Breaking Changes"