
173 lines
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/* eslint-disable jsdoc/require-file-overview */
* Adapted from {@link}.
* @module importModule
* @license MIT
* Converts a possible relative URL into an absolute one.
* @param {string} url
* @returns {string}
function toAbsoluteURL (url) {
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.setAttribute('href', url); // <a href="hoge.html">
return a.cloneNode(false).href; // -> ""
* Add any of the whitelisted attributes to the script tag.
* @param {HTMLScriptElement} script
* @param {PlainObject<string, string>} atts
* @returns {void}
function addScriptAtts (script, atts) {
['id', 'class', 'type'].forEach((prop) => {
if (prop in atts) {
script[prop] = atts[prop];
// Additions by Brett
* @typedef {PlainObject} module:importModule.ImportConfig
* @property {string} global The variable name to set on `window` (when not using the modular version)
* @property {boolean} [returnDefault=false]
* @function module:importModule.importSetGlobalDefault
* @param {string|GenericArray<any>} url
* @param {module:importModule.ImportConfig} config
* @returns {Promise<any>} The value to which it resolves depends on the export of the targeted module.
export function importSetGlobalDefault (url, config) {
return importSetGlobal(url, {...config, returnDefault: true});
* @function module:importModule.importSetGlobal
* @param {string|string[]} url
* @param {module:importModule.ImportConfig} config
* @returns {Promise<ArbitraryModule>} The promise resolves to either an `ArbitraryModule` or
* any other value depends on the export of the targeted module.
export async function importSetGlobal (url, {global: glob, returnDefault}) {
// Todo: Replace calls to this function with `import()` when supported
const modularVersion = !('svgEditor' in window) ||
!window.svgEditor ||
window.svgEditor.modules !== false;
if (modularVersion) {
return importModule(url, undefined, {returnDefault});
await importScript(url);
return window[glob];
* @author Brett Zamir (other items are from `dynamic-import-polyfill`)
* @param {string|string[]} url
* @param {PlainObject} [atts={}]
* @returns {Promise<void|Error>} Resolves to `undefined` or rejects with an `Error` upon a
* script loading error
export function importScript (url, atts = {}) {
if (Array.isArray(url)) {
return Promise.all( => {
return importScript(u, atts);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // eslint-disable-line promise/avoid-new
const script = document.createElement('script');
* @returns {void}
function scriptOnError () {
reject(new Error(`Failed to import: ${url}`));
* @returns {void}
function scriptOnLoad () {
const destructor = () => {
script.removeEventListener('error', scriptOnError);
script.removeEventListener('load', scriptOnLoad);
script.src = '';
script.defer = 'defer';
addScriptAtts(script, atts);
script.addEventListener('error', scriptOnError);
script.addEventListener('load', scriptOnLoad);
script.src = url;
* @param {string|string[]} url
* @param {PlainObject} [atts={}]
* @param {PlainObject} opts
* @param {boolean} [opts.returnDefault=false} = {}]
* @returns {Promise<any>} Resolves to value of loading module or rejects with
* `Error` upon a script loading error.
export function importModule (url, atts = {}, {returnDefault = false} = {}) {
if (Array.isArray(url)) {
return Promise.all( => {
return importModule(u, atts);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // eslint-disable-line promise/avoid-new
const vector = '$importModule$' + Math.random().toString(32).slice(2);
const script = document.createElement('script');
* @returns {void}
function scriptOnError () {
reject(new Error(`Failed to import: ${url}`));
* @returns {void}
function scriptOnLoad () {
const destructor = () => {
delete window[vector];
script.removeEventListener('error', scriptOnError);
script.removeEventListener('load', scriptOnLoad);
script.src = '';
addScriptAtts(script, atts);
script.defer = 'defer';
script.type = 'module';
script.addEventListener('error', scriptOnError);
script.addEventListener('load', scriptOnLoad);
const absURL = toAbsoluteURL(url);
const loader = `import * as m from '${absURL.replace(/'/g, "\\'")}'; window.${vector} = ${returnDefault ? 'm.default || ' : ''}m;`; // export Module
const blob = new Blob([loader], {type: 'text/javascript'});
script.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
export default importModule;