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* Tools for undo.
* @module undo
* @license MIT
* @copyright 2011 Jeff Schiller
import * as draw from './draw.js'
import * as hstry from './history.js'
import {
getRotationAngle, getBBox as utilsGetBBox, setHref, getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible
} from './utilities.js'
import {
} from '../../src/common/browser.js'
import {
transformPoint, transformListToTransform
} from './math.js'
const {
UndoManager, HistoryEventTypes
} = hstry
let svgCanvas = null
* @function module:undo.init
* @param {module:undo.undoContext} undoContext
* @returns {void}
export const init = (canvas) => {
svgCanvas = canvas
canvas.undoMgr = getUndoManager()
export const getUndoManager = () => {
return new UndoManager({
* @param {string} eventType One of the HistoryEvent types
* @param {module:history.HistoryCommand} cmd Fulfills the HistoryCommand interface
* @fires module:undo.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {void}
handleHistoryEvent (eventType, cmd) {
const EventTypes = HistoryEventTypes
// TODO: handle setBlurOffsets.
if (eventType === EventTypes.BEFORE_UNAPPLY || eventType === EventTypes.BEFORE_APPLY) {
} else if (eventType === EventTypes.AFTER_APPLY || eventType === EventTypes.AFTER_UNAPPLY) {
const elems = cmd.elements()
svgCanvas.pathActions.clear()'changed', elems)
const cmdType = cmd.type()
const isApply = (eventType === EventTypes.AFTER_APPLY)
if (cmdType === 'MoveElementCommand') {
const parent = isApply ? cmd.newParent : cmd.oldParent
if (parent === svgCanvas.getSvgContent()) {
} else if (cmdType === 'InsertElementCommand' || cmdType === 'RemoveElementCommand') {
if (cmd.parent === svgCanvas.getSvgContent()) {
if (cmdType === 'InsertElementCommand') {
if (isApply) {
} else if (!isApply) {
if (cmd.elem?.tagName === 'use') {
} else if (cmdType === 'ChangeElementCommand') {
// if we are changing layer names, re-identify all layers
if (cmd.elem.tagName === 'title' &&
cmd.elem.parentNode.parentNode === svgCanvas.getSvgContent()
) {
const values = isApply ? cmd.newValues : cmd.oldValues
// If stdDeviation was changed, update the blur.
if (values.stdDeviation) {
svgCanvas.setBlurOffsets(cmd.elem.parentNode, values.stdDeviation)
if (cmd.elem.tagName === 'text') {
const [dx, dy] = [cmd.newValues.x - cmd.oldValues.x,
cmd.newValues.y - cmd.oldValues.y]
const tspans = cmd.elem.children
for (let i = 0; i < tspans.length; i++) {
let x = Number(tspans[i].getAttribute('x'))
let y = Number(tspans[i].getAttribute('y'))
const unapply = (eventType === EventTypes.AFTER_UNAPPLY)
x = unapply ? x - dx : x + dx
y = unapply ? y - dy : y + dy
tspans[i].setAttribute('x', x)
tspans[i].setAttribute('y', y)
* Hack for Firefox bugs where text element features aren't updated or get
* messed up. See issue 136 and issue 137.
* This function clones the element and re-selects it.
* @function module:svgcanvas~ffClone
* @todo Test for this bug on load and add it to "support" object instead of
* browser sniffing
* @param {Element} elem - The (text) DOM element to clone
* @returns {Element} Cloned element
export const ffClone = function (elem) {
if (!isGecko()) { return elem }
const clone = elem.cloneNode(true)
svgCanvas.setSelectedElements(0, clone)
return clone
* This function makes the changes to the elements. It does not add the change
* to the history stack.
* @param {string} attr - Attribute name
* @param {string|Float} newValue - String or number with the new attribute value
* @param {Element[]} elems - The DOM elements to apply the change to
* @returns {void}
export const changeSelectedAttributeNoUndoMethod = (attr, newValue, elems) => {
if (attr === 'id') {
// if the user is changing the id, then de-select the element first
// change the ID, then re-select it with the new ID
// as this change can impact other extensions, a 'renamedElement' event is thrown
const elem = elems[0]
const oldId =
if (oldId !== newValue) {
svgCanvas.clearSelection() = newValue
svgCanvas.addToSelection([elem], true)'elementRenamed', { elem, oldId, newId: newValue })
const selectedElements = svgCanvas.getSelectedElements()
const zoom = svgCanvas.getZoom()
if (svgCanvas.getCurrentMode() === 'pathedit') {
// Editing node
svgCanvas.pathActions.moveNode(attr, newValue)
elems = elems ?? selectedElements
let i = elems.length
const noXYElems = ['g', 'polyline', 'path']
while (i--) {
let elem = elems[i]
if (!elem) { continue }
// Set x,y vals on elements that don't have them
if ((attr === 'x' || attr === 'y') && noXYElems.includes(elem.tagName)) {
const bbox = getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible([elem])
const diffX = attr === 'x' ? newValue - bbox.x : 0
const diffY = attr === 'y' ? newValue - bbox.y : 0
svgCanvas.moveSelectedElements(diffX * zoom, diffY * zoom, true)
let oldval = attr === '#text' ? elem.textContent : elem.getAttribute(attr)
if (!oldval) { oldval = '' }
if (oldval !== String(newValue)) {
if (attr === '#text') {
// const oldW = utilsGetBBox(elem).width;
elem.textContent = newValue
// FF bug occurs on on rotated elements
if ((/rotate/).test(elem.getAttribute('transform'))) {
elem = ffClone(elem)
// Hoped to solve the issue of moving text with text-anchor="start",
// but this doesn't actually fix it. Hopefully on the right track, though. -Fyrd
} else if (attr === '#href') {
setHref(elem, newValue)
} else if (newValue) {
elem.setAttribute(attr, newValue)
} else if (typeof newValue === 'number') {
elem.setAttribute(attr, newValue)
} else {
// Go into "select" mode for text changes
// NOTE: Important that this happens AFTER elem.setAttribute() or else attributes like
// font-size can get reset to their old value, ultimately by svgEditor.updateContextPanel(),
// after calling textActions.toSelectMode() below
if (svgCanvas.getCurrentMode() === 'textedit' && attr !== '#text' && elem.textContent.length) {
// Use the Firefox ffClone hack for text elements with gradients or
// where other text attributes are changed.
if (isGecko() &&
elem.nodeName === 'text' &&
(/rotate/).test(elem.getAttribute('transform')) &&
(String(newValue).startsWith('url') || (['font-size', 'font-family', 'x', 'y'].includes(attr) && elem.textContent))) {
elem = ffClone(elem)
// Timeout needed for Opera & Firefox
// codedread: it is now possible for this function to be called with elements
// that are not in the selectedElements array, we need to only request a
// selector if the element is in that array
if (selectedElements.includes(elem)) {
setTimeout(function () {
// Due to element replacement, this element may no longer
// be part of the DOM
if (!elem.parentNode) { return }
}, 0)
// if this element was rotated, and we changed the position of this element
// we need to update the rotational transform attribute
const angle = getRotationAngle(elem)
if (angle !== 0 && attr !== 'transform') {
const tlist = elem.transform?.baseVal
let n = tlist.numberOfItems
while (n--) {
const xform = tlist.getItem(n)
if (xform.type === 4) {
// remove old rotate
const box = utilsGetBBox(elem)
const center = transformPoint(
box.x + box.width / 2, box.y + box.height / 2, transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix
const cx = center.x
const cy = center.y
const newrot = svgCanvas.getSvgRoot().createSVGTransform()
newrot.setRotate(angle, cx, cy)
tlist.insertItemBefore(newrot, n)
} // if oldValue != newValue
} // for each elem
* Change the given/selected element and add the original value to the history stack.
* If you want to change all `selectedElements`, ignore the `elems` argument.
* If you want to change only a subset of `selectedElements`, then send the
* subset to this function in the `elems` argument.
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#changeSelectedAttribute
* @param {string} attr - String with the attribute name
* @param {string|Float} val - String or number with the new attribute value
* @param {Element[]} elems - The DOM elements to apply the change to
* @returns {void}
export const changeSelectedAttributeMethod = function (attr, val, elems) {
const selectedElements = svgCanvas.getSelectedElements()
elems = elems || selectedElements
svgCanvas.undoMgr.beginUndoableChange(attr, elems)
changeSelectedAttributeNoUndoMethod(attr, val, elems)
const batchCmd = svgCanvas.undoMgr.finishUndoableChange()
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
// svgCanvas.addCommandToHistory(batchCmd);