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NOTE: This page is obsolete now - the name is fixed at SVG-edit now. Possible Names

Put all name ideas here:

Savage Editor
Carve: from an [earlier project]( by codedread
SViGgy (the friendly SVG editor)

    (alternative spellings are possible, such as SViiGy, SViiGgy, SViiGee, etc.)

Wizzy the Vector Wizzard (or Vizzy)
VectAble VectorAble
AniVector NodeSVG
Resizable Graphics
AllSize Move & Graphic

Possible Re-versioning

It was also brought up that the current version numbering (2.3) does not really match with what people consider version 1.0 software (there are several things missing from what one would expect of a basic vector graphics editor). If we rename the project it is an opportunity to also rectify this.

What version number would you assign to SVG-edit 2.3 ? Put your thoughts below:

codedread: I would give SVG-edit 2.3 a version number of 0.8, with the next release (currently 2.4) as 0.9. I think 1.0 would be for when the editor can support a good percentage of SVG found throughout the web and supports all basic manipulation.