
1238 lines
36 KiB

* Path functionality.
* @module path
* @license MIT
* @copyright 2011 Alexis Deveria, 2011 Jeff Schiller
import { NS } from './namespaces.js'
import { shortFloat } from './units.js'
import { ChangeElementCommand, BatchCommand } from './history.js'
import {
transformPoint, snapToAngle, rectsIntersect,
} from './math.js'
import {
assignAttributes, getElement, getRotationAngle, snapToGrid,
} from './utilities.js'
let svgCanvas = null
let path = null
* @function module:path-actions.init
* @param {module:path-actions.svgCanvas} pathActionsContext
* @returns {void}
export const init = (canvas) => {
svgCanvas = canvas
* Convert a path to one with only absolute or relative values.
* @todo move to pathActions.js
* @function module:path.convertPath
* @param {SVGPathElement} pth - the path to convert
* @param {boolean} toRel - true of convert to relative
* @returns {string}
export const convertPath = function (pth, toRel) {
const { pathSegList } = pth
const len = pathSegList.numberOfItems
let curx = 0; let cury = 0
let d = ''
let lastM = null
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
const seg = pathSegList.getItem(i)
// if these properties are not in the segment, set them to zero
let x = seg.x || 0
let y = seg.y || 0
let x1 = seg.x1 || 0
let y1 = seg.y1 || 0
let x2 = seg.x2 || 0
let y2 = seg.y2 || 0
// const type = seg.pathSegType;
// const pathMap = svgCanvas.getPathMap();
// let letter = pathMap[type][toRel ? 'toLowerCase' : 'toUpperCase']();
let letter = seg.pathSegTypeAsLetter
switch (letter) {
case 'z': // z,Z closepath (Z/z)
case 'Z':
d += 'z'
if (lastM && !toRel) {
curx = lastM[0]
cury = lastM[1]
case 'H': // absolute horizontal line (H)
x -= curx
// Fallthrough
case 'h': // relative horizontal line (h)
if (toRel) {
y = 0
curx += x
letter = 'l'
} else {
y = cury
x += curx
curx = x
letter = 'L'
// Convert to "line" for easier editing
d += pathDSegment(letter, [[x, y]])
case 'V': // absolute vertical line (V)
y -= cury
// Fallthrough
case 'v': // relative vertical line (v)
if (toRel) {
x = 0
cury += y
letter = 'l'
} else {
x = curx
y += cury
cury = y
letter = 'L'
// Convert to "line" for easier editing
d += pathDSegment(letter, [[x, y]])
case 'M': // absolute move (M)
case 'L': // absolute line (L)
case 'T': // absolute smooth quad (T)
x -= curx
y -= cury
// Fallthrough
case 'l': // relative line (l)
case 'm': // relative move (m)
case 't': // relative smooth quad (t)
if (toRel) {
curx += x
cury += y
letter = letter.toLowerCase()
} else {
x += curx
y += cury
curx = x
cury = y
letter = letter.toUpperCase()
if (letter === 'm' || letter === 'M') { lastM = [curx, cury] }
d += pathDSegment(letter, [[x, y]])
case 'C': // absolute cubic (C)
x -= curx; x1 -= curx; x2 -= curx
y -= cury; y1 -= cury; y2 -= cury
// Fallthrough
case 'c': // relative cubic (c)
if (toRel) {
curx += x
cury += y
letter = 'c'
} else {
x += curx; x1 += curx; x2 += curx
y += cury; y1 += cury; y2 += cury
curx = x
cury = y
letter = 'C'
d += pathDSegment(letter, [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x, y]])
case 'Q': // absolute quad (Q)
x -= curx; x1 -= curx
y -= cury; y1 -= cury
// Fallthrough
case 'q': // relative quad (q)
if (toRel) {
curx += x
cury += y
letter = 'q'
} else {
x += curx; x1 += curx
y += cury; y1 += cury
curx = x
cury = y
letter = 'Q'
d += pathDSegment(letter, [[x1, y1], [x, y]])
case 'A':
x -= curx
y -= cury
// fallthrough
case 'a': // relative elliptical arc (a)
if (toRel) {
curx += x
cury += y
letter = 'a'
} else {
x += curx
y += cury
curx = x
cury = y
letter = 'A'
d += pathDSegment(letter, [[seg.r1, seg.r2]], [
(seg.largeArcFlag ? 1 : 0),
(seg.sweepFlag ? 1 : 0)
], [x, y])
case 'S': // absolute smooth cubic (S)
x -= curx; x2 -= curx
y -= cury; y2 -= cury
// Fallthrough
case 's': // relative smooth cubic (s)
if (toRel) {
curx += x
cury += y
letter = 's'
} else {
x += curx; x2 += curx
y += cury; y2 += cury
curx = x
cury = y
letter = 'S'
d += pathDSegment(letter, [[x2, y2], [x, y]])
} // switch on path segment type
} // for each segment
return d
* TODO: refactor callers in `convertPath` to use `getPathDFromSegments` instead of this function.
* Legacy code refactored from `svgcanvas.pathActions.convertPath`.
* @param {string} letter - path segment command (letter in potentially either case from {@link module:path.pathMap}; see [SVGPathSeg#pathSegTypeAsLetter]{@link})
* @param {GenericArray<GenericArray<Integer>>} points - x,y points
* @param {GenericArray<GenericArray<Integer>>} [morePoints] - x,y points
* @param {Integer[]} [lastPoint] - x,y point
* @returns {string}
function pathDSegment (letter, points, morePoints, lastPoint) {
points.forEach(function (pnt, i) {
points[i] = shortFloat(pnt)
let segment = letter + points.join(' ')
if (morePoints) {
segment += ' ' + morePoints.join(' ')
if (lastPoint) {
segment += ' ' + shortFloat(lastPoint)
return segment
* Group: Path edit functions.
* Functions relating to editing path elements.
* @namespace {PlainObject} pathActions
* @memberof module:path
export const pathActionsMethod = (function () {
let subpath = false
let newPoint; let firstCtrl
let currentPath = null
let hasMoved = false
// No `svgCanvas` yet but should be ok as is `null` by default
// svgCanvas.setDrawnPath(null);
* This function converts a polyline (created by the fh_path tool) into
* a path element and coverts every three line segments into a single bezier
* curve in an attempt to smooth out the free-hand.
* @function smoothPolylineIntoPath
* @param {Element} element
* @returns {Element}
const smoothPolylineIntoPath = function (element) {
let i
const { points } = element
const N = points.numberOfItems
if (N >= 4) {
// loop through every 3 points and convert to a cubic bezier curve segment
// NOTE: this is cheating, it means that every 3 points has the potential to
// be a corner instead of treating each point in an equal manner. In general,
// this technique does not look that good.
// I am open to better ideas!
// Reading:
// -
// -
// -
// -
let curpos = points.getItem(0); let prevCtlPt = null
let d = []
d.push(['M', curpos.x, ',', curpos.y, ' C'].join(''))
for (i = 1; i <= (N - 4); i += 3) {
let ct1 = points.getItem(i)
const ct2 = points.getItem(i + 1)
const end = points.getItem(i + 2)
// if the previous segment had a control point, we want to smooth out
// the control points on both sides
if (prevCtlPt) {
const newpts = svgCanvas.smoothControlPoints(prevCtlPt, ct1, curpos)
if (newpts?.length === 2) {
const prevArr = d[d.length - 1].split(',')
prevArr[2] = newpts[0].x
prevArr[3] = newpts[0].y
d[d.length - 1] = prevArr.join(',')
ct1 = newpts[1]
d.push([ct1.x, ct1.y, ct2.x, ct2.y, end.x, end.y].join(','))
curpos = end
prevCtlPt = ct2
// handle remaining line segments
while (i < N) {
const pt = points.getItem(i)
d.push([pt.x, pt.y].join(','))
d = d.join(' ')
element = svgCanvas.addSVGElementsFromJson({
element: 'path',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
id: svgCanvas.getId(),
fill: 'none'
// No need to call "changed", as this is already done under mouseUp
return element
return (/** @lends module:path.pathActions */ {
* @param {MouseEvent} evt
* @param {Element} mouseTarget
* @param {Float} startX
* @param {Float} startY
* @returns {boolean|void}
mouseDown (evt, mouseTarget, startX, startY) {
let id
if (svgCanvas.getCurrentMode() === 'path') {
let mouseX = startX // Was this meant to work with the other `mouseX`? (was defined globally so adding `let` to at least avoid a global)
let mouseY = startY // Was this meant to work with the other `mouseY`? (was defined globally so adding `let` to at least avoid a global)
const zoom = svgCanvas.getZoom()
let x = mouseX / zoom
let y = mouseY / zoom
let stretchy = getElement('path_stretch_line')
newPoint = [x, y]
if (svgCanvas.getGridSnapping()) {
x = snapToGrid(x)
y = snapToGrid(y)
mouseX = snapToGrid(mouseX)
mouseY = snapToGrid(mouseY)
if (!stretchy) {
stretchy = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'path')
assignAttributes(stretchy, {
id: 'path_stretch_line',
stroke: '#22C',
'stroke-width': '0.5',
fill: 'none'
stretchy.setAttribute('display', 'inline')
let keep = null
let index
// if pts array is empty, create path element with M at current point
const drawnPath = svgCanvas.getDrawnPath()
if (!drawnPath) {
const dAttr = 'M' + x + ',' + y + ' ' // Was this meant to work with the other `dAttr`? (was defined globally so adding `var` to at least avoid a global)
/* drawnPath = */ svgCanvas.setDrawnPath(svgCanvas.addSVGElementsFromJson({
element: 'path',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
d: dAttr,
id: svgCanvas.getNextId(),
opacity: svgCanvas.getOpacity() / 2
// set stretchy line to first point
stretchy.setAttribute('d', ['M', mouseX, mouseY, mouseX, mouseY].join(' '))
index = subpath ? path.segs.length : 0
svgCanvas.addPointGrip(index, mouseX, mouseY)
} else {
// determine if we clicked on an existing point
const seglist = drawnPath.pathSegList
let i = seglist.numberOfItems
const FUZZ = 6 / zoom
let clickOnPoint = false
while (i) {
const item = seglist.getItem(i)
const px = item.x; const py = item.y
// found a matching point
if (x >= (px - FUZZ) && x <= (px + FUZZ) &&
y >= (py - FUZZ) && y <= (py + FUZZ)
) {
clickOnPoint = true
// get path element that we are in the process of creating
id = svgCanvas.getId()
// Remove previous path object if previously created
const newpath = getElement(id)
let newseg
let sSeg
const len = seglist.numberOfItems
// if we clicked on an existing point, then we are done this path, commit it
// (i, i+1) are the x,y that were clicked on
if (clickOnPoint) {
// if clicked on any other point but the first OR
// the first point was clicked on and there are less than 3 points
// then leave the path open
// otherwise, close the path
if (i <= 1 && len >= 2) {
// Create end segment
const absX = seglist.getItem(0).x
const absY = seglist.getItem(0).y
sSeg = stretchy.pathSegList.getItem(1)
newseg = sSeg.pathSegType === 4
? drawnPath.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(absX, absY)
: drawnPath.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(absX, absY, sSeg.x1 / zoom, sSeg.y1 / zoom, absX, absY)
const endseg = drawnPath.createSVGPathSegClosePath()
} else if (len < 3) {
keep = false
return keep
// This will signal to commit the path
// const element = newpath; // Other event handlers define own `element`, so this was probably not meant to interact with them or one which shares state (as there were none); I therefore adding a missing `var` to avoid a global
/* drawnPath = */ svgCanvas.setDrawnPath(null)
if (subpath) {
if (path.matrix) {
svgCanvas.remapElement(newpath, {}, path.matrix.inverse())
const newD = newpath.getAttribute('d')
const origD = path.elem.getAttribute('d')
path.elem.setAttribute('d', origD + newD)
if (path.matrix) {
return false
// else, create a new point, update path element
} else {
// Checks if current target or parents are #svgcontent
if (!(svgCanvas.getContainer() !== svgCanvas.getMouseTarget(evt) && svgCanvas.getContainer().contains(
))) {
// Clicked outside canvas, so don't make point
return false
const num = drawnPath.pathSegList.numberOfItems
const last = drawnPath.pathSegList.getItem(num - 1)
const lastx = last.x; const lasty = last.y
if (evt.shiftKey) {
const xya = snapToAngle(lastx, lasty, x, y);
({ x, y } = xya)
// Use the segment defined by stretchy
sSeg = stretchy.pathSegList.getItem(1)
newseg = sSeg.pathSegType === 4
? drawnPath.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(svgCanvas.round(x), svgCanvas.round(y))
: drawnPath.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs(
sSeg.x1 / zoom,
sSeg.y1 / zoom,
sSeg.x2 / zoom,
sSeg.y2 / zoom
x *= zoom
y *= zoom
// set stretchy line to latest point
stretchy.setAttribute('d', ['M', x, y, x, y].join(' '))
index = num
if (subpath) { index += path.segs.length }
svgCanvas.addPointGrip(index, x, y)
// keep = true;
return undefined
// TODO: Make sure currentPath isn't null at this point
if (!path) { return undefined }
({ id } =
let curPt
if (id.substr(0, 14) === 'pathpointgrip_') {
// Select this point
curPt = path.cur_pt = Number.parseInt(id.substr(14))
path.dragging = [startX, startY]
const seg = path.segs[curPt]
// only clear selection if shift is not pressed (otherwise, add
// node to selection)
if (!evt.shiftKey) {
if (path.selected_pts.length <= 1 || !seg.selected) {
} else if (seg.selected) {
} else {
} else if (id.startsWith('ctrlpointgrip_')) {
path.dragging = [startX, startY]
const parts = id.split('_')[1].split('c')
curPt = Number(parts[0])
const ctrlNum = Number(parts[1])
path.selectPt(curPt, ctrlNum)
// Start selection box
if (!path.dragging) {
let rubberBox = svgCanvas.getRubberBox()
if (!rubberBox) {
rubberBox = svgCanvas.setRubberBox(
const zoom = svgCanvas.getZoom()
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
x: startX * zoom,
y: startY * zoom,
width: 0,
height: 0,
display: 'inline'
}, 100)
return undefined
* @param {Float} mouseX
* @param {Float} mouseY
* @returns {void}
mouseMove (mouseX, mouseY) {
const zoom = svgCanvas.getZoom()
hasMoved = true
const drawnPath = svgCanvas.getDrawnPath()
if (svgCanvas.getCurrentMode() === 'path') {
if (!drawnPath) { return }
const seglist = drawnPath.pathSegList
const index = seglist.numberOfItems - 1
if (newPoint) {
// First point
// if (!index) { return; }
// Set control points
const pointGrip1 = svgCanvas.addCtrlGrip('1c1')
const pointGrip2 = svgCanvas.addCtrlGrip('0c2')
// dragging pointGrip1
pointGrip1.setAttribute('cx', mouseX)
pointGrip1.setAttribute('cy', mouseY)
pointGrip1.setAttribute('display', 'inline')
const ptX = newPoint[0]
const ptY = newPoint[1]
// set curve
// const seg = seglist.getItem(index);
const curX = mouseX / zoom
const curY = mouseY / zoom
const altX = (ptX + (ptX - curX))
const altY = (ptY + (ptY - curY))
pointGrip2.setAttribute('cx', altX * zoom)
pointGrip2.setAttribute('cy', altY * zoom)
pointGrip2.setAttribute('display', 'inline')
const ctrlLine = svgCanvas.getCtrlLine(1)
assignAttributes(ctrlLine, {
x1: mouseX,
y1: mouseY,
x2: altX * zoom,
y2: altY * zoom,
display: 'inline'
if (index === 0) {
firstCtrl = [mouseX, mouseY]
} else {
const last = seglist.getItem(index - 1)
let lastX = last.x
let lastY = last.y
if (last.pathSegType === 6) {
lastX += (lastX - last.x2)
lastY += (lastY - last.y2)
} else if (firstCtrl) {
lastX = firstCtrl[0] / zoom
lastY = firstCtrl[1] / zoom
svgCanvas.replacePathSeg(6, index, [ptX, ptY, lastX, lastY, altX, altY], drawnPath)
} else {
const stretchy = getElement('path_stretch_line')
if (stretchy) {
const prev = seglist.getItem(index)
if (prev.pathSegType === 6) {
const prevX = prev.x + (prev.x - prev.x2)
const prevY = prev.y + (prev.y - prev.y2)
[mouseX, mouseY, prevX * zoom, prevY * zoom, mouseX, mouseY],
} else if (firstCtrl) {
svgCanvas.replacePathSeg(6, 1, [mouseX, mouseY, firstCtrl[0], firstCtrl[1], mouseX, mouseY], stretchy)
} else {
svgCanvas.replacePathSeg(4, 1, [mouseX, mouseY], stretchy)
// if we are dragging a point, let's move it
if (path.dragging) {
const pt = svgCanvas.getPointFromGrip({
x: path.dragging[0],
y: path.dragging[1]
}, path)
const mpt = svgCanvas.getPointFromGrip({
x: mouseX,
y: mouseY
}, path)
const diffX = mpt.x - pt.x
const diffY = mpt.y - pt.y
path.dragging = [mouseX, mouseY]
if (path.dragctrl) {
path.moveCtrl(diffX, diffY)
} else {
path.movePts(diffX, diffY)
} else {
path.selected_pts = []
path.eachSeg(function (_i) {
const seg = this
if (! && !seg.prev) { return }
// const {item} = seg;
const rubberBox = svgCanvas.getRubberBox()
const rbb = getBBox(rubberBox)
const pt = svgCanvas.getGripPt(seg)
const ptBb = {
x: pt.x,
y: pt.y,
width: 0,
height: 0
const sel = rectsIntersect(rbb, ptBb)
// Note that addPtsToSelection is not being run
if (sel) { path.selected_pts.push(seg.index) }
* @typedef module:path.keepElement
* @type {PlainObject}
* @property {boolean} keep
* @property {Element} element
* @param {Event} evt
* @param {Element} element
* @param {Float} _mouseX
* @param {Float} _mouseY
* @returns {module:path.keepElement|void}
mouseUp (evt, element, _mouseX, _mouseY) {
const drawnPath = svgCanvas.getDrawnPath()
// Create mode
if (svgCanvas.getCurrentMode() === 'path') {
newPoint = null
if (!drawnPath) {
element = getElement(svgCanvas.getId())
firstCtrl = null
return {
keep: true,
// Edit mode
const rubberBox = svgCanvas.getRubberBox()
if (path.dragging) {
const lastPt = path.cur_pt
path.dragging = false
path.dragctrl = false
if (hasMoved) {
path.endChanges('Move path point(s)')
if (!evt.shiftKey && !hasMoved) {
} else if (rubberBox?.getAttribute('display') !== 'none') {
// Done with multi-node-select
rubberBox.setAttribute('display', 'none')
if (rubberBox.getAttribute('width') <= 2 && rubberBox.getAttribute('height') <= 2) {
// else, move back to select mode
} else {
hasMoved = false
return undefined
* @param {Element} element
* @returns {void}
toEditMode (element) {
path = svgCanvas.getPath_(element)
path.oldbbox = getBBox(path.elem)
subpath = false
* @param {Element} elem
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:selected
* @returns {void}
toSelectMode (elem) {
const selPath = (elem === path.elem)
currentPath = false
if (path.matrix) {
// Rotated, so may need to re-calculate the center
if (selPath) {'selected', [elem])
svgCanvas.addToSelection([elem], true)
* @param {boolean} on
* @returns {void}
addSubPath (on) {
if (on) {
// Internally we go into "path" mode, but in the UI it will
// still appear as if in "pathedit" mode.
subpath = true
} else {
* @param {Element} target
* @returns {void}
select (target) {
if (currentPath === target) {
// going into pathedit mode
} else {
currentPath = target
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {void}
reorient () {
const elem = svgCanvas.getSelectedElements()[0]
if (!elem) { return }
const angl = getRotationAngle(elem)
if (angl === 0) { return }
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand('Reorient path')
const changes = {
d: elem.getAttribute('d'),
transform: elem.getAttribute('transform')
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(elem, changes))
// Set matrix to null
svgCanvas.getPath_(elem).show(false).matrix = null
svgCanvas.addToSelection([elem], true)'changed', svgCanvas.getSelectedElements())
* @param {boolean} remove Not in use
* @returns {void}
clear () {
const drawnPath = svgCanvas.getDrawnPath()
currentPath = null
if (drawnPath) {
const elem = getElement(svgCanvas.getId())
const psl = getElement('path_stretch_line')
const pathpointgripContainer = getElement('pathpointgrip_container')
const elements = pathpointgripContainer.querySelectorAll('*'), function (el) {
el.setAttribute('display', 'none')
firstCtrl = null
} else if (svgCanvas.getCurrentMode() === 'pathedit') {
if (path) { path.init().show(false) }
* @param {?(Element|SVGPathElement)} pth
* @returns {false|void}
resetOrientation (pth) {
if (pth?.nodeName !== 'path') { return false }
const tlist = pth.transform.baseVal
const m = transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix
const segList = pth.pathSegList
// Opera/win/non-EN throws an error here.
// TODO: Find out why!
// Presumed fixed in Opera 10.5, so commented out for now
// try {
const len = segList.numberOfItems
// } catch(err) {
// const fixed_d = pathActions.convertPath(pth);
// pth.setAttribute('d', fixed_d);
// segList = pth.pathSegList;
// const len = segList.numberOfItems;
// }
// let lastX, lastY;
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
const seg = segList.getItem(i)
const type = seg.pathSegType
if (type === 1) { continue }
const pts = [];
['', 1, 2].forEach(function (n) {
const x = seg['x' + n]; const y = seg['y' + n]
if (x !== undefined && y !== undefined) {
const pt = transformPoint(x, y, m)
pts.splice(pts.length, 0, pt.x, pt.y)
svgCanvas.replacePathSeg(type, i, pts, pth)
svgCanvas.reorientGrads(pth, m)
return undefined
* @returns {void}
zoomChange () {
if (svgCanvas.getCurrentMode() === 'pathedit') {
* @typedef {PlainObject} module:path.NodePoint
* @property {Float} x
* @property {Float} y
* @property {Integer} type
* @returns {module:path.NodePoint}
getNodePoint () {
const selPt = path.selected_pts.length ? path.selected_pts[0] : 1
const seg = path.segs[selPt]
return {
x: seg.item.x,
y: seg.item.y,
type: seg.type
* @param {boolean} linkPoints
* @returns {void}
linkControlPoints (linkPoints) {
* @returns {void}
clonePathNode () {
const selPts = path.selected_pts
// const {segs} = path;
let i = selPts.length
const nums = []
while (i--) {
const pt = selPts[i]
nums.push(pt + i)
nums.push(pt + i + 1)
path.endChanges('Clone path node(s)')
* @returns {void}
opencloseSubPath () {
const selPts = path.selected_pts
// Only allow one selected node for now
if (selPts.length !== 1) { return }
const { elem } = path
const list = elem.pathSegList
// const len = list.numberOfItems;
const index = selPts[0]
let openPt = null
let startItem = null
// Check if subpath is already open
path.eachSeg(function (i) {
if (this.type === 2 && i <= index) {
startItem = this.item
if (i <= index) { return true }
if (this.type === 2) {
// Found M first, so open
openPt = i
return false
if (this.type === 1) {
// Found Z first, so closed
openPt = false
return false
return true
if (!openPt) {
// Single path, so close last seg
openPt = path.segs.length - 1
if (openPt !== false) {
// Close this path
// Create a line going to the previous "M"
const newseg = elem.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(startItem.x, startItem.y)
const closer = elem.createSVGPathSegClosePath()
if (openPt === path.segs.length - 1) {
} else {
list.insertItemBefore(closer, openPt)
list.insertItemBefore(newseg, openPt)
path.init().selectPt(openPt + 1)
// M 1,1 L 2,2 L 3,3 L 1,1 z // open at 2,2
// M 2,2 L 3,3 L 1,1
// M 1,1 L 2,2 L 1,1 z M 4,4 L 5,5 L6,6 L 5,5 z
// M 1,1 L 2,2 L 1,1 z [M 4,4] L 5,5 L(M)6,6 L 5,5 z
const seg = path.segs[index]
if (seg.mate) {
list.removeItem(index) // Removes last "L"
list.removeItem(index) // Removes the "Z"
path.init().selectPt(index - 1)
let lastM; let zSeg
// Find this sub-path's closing point and remove
for (let i = 0; i < list.numberOfItems; i++) {
const item = list.getItem(i)
if (item.pathSegType === 2) {
// Find the preceding M
lastM = i
} else if (i === index) {
// Remove it
// index--;
} else if (item.pathSegType === 1 && index < i) {
// Remove the closing seg of this subpath
zSeg = i - 1
let num = (index - lastM) - 1
while (num--) {
list.insertItemBefore(list.getItem(lastM), zSeg)
const pt = list.getItem(lastM)
// Make this point the new "M"
svgCanvas.replacePathSeg(2, lastM, [pt.x, pt.y])
// i = index; // i is local here, so has no effect; what was the intent for this?
* @returns {void}
deletePathNode () {
if (!pathActionsMethod.canDeleteNodes) { return }
const selPts = path.selected_pts
let i = selPts.length
while (i--) {
const pt = selPts[i]
// Cleanup
const cleanup = function () {
const segList = path.elem.pathSegList
let len = segList.numberOfItems
const remItems = function (pos, count) {
while (count--) {
if (len <= 1) { return true }
while (len--) {
const item = segList.getItem(len)
if (item.pathSegType === 1) {
const prev = segList.getItem(len - 1)
const nprev = segList.getItem(len - 2)
if (prev.pathSegType === 2) {
remItems(len - 1, 2)
} else if (nprev.pathSegType === 2) {
remItems(len - 2, 3)
} else if (item.pathSegType === 2 && len > 0) {
const prevType = segList.getItem(len - 1).pathSegType
// Path has M M
if (prevType === 2) {
remItems(len - 1, 1)
// Entire path ends with Z M
} else if (prevType === 1 && segList.numberOfItems - 1 === len) {
remItems(len, 1)
return false
// Completely delete a path with 1 or 0 segments
if (path.elem.pathSegList.numberOfItems <= 1) {
// TODO: Find right way to select point now
// path.selectPt(selPt);
if (window.opera) { // Opera repaints incorrectly
path.elem.setAttribute('d', path.elem.getAttribute('d'))
path.endChanges('Delete path node(s)')
// Can't seem to use `@borrows` here, so using `@see`
* Smooth polyline into path.
* @function module:path.pathActions.smoothPolylineIntoPath
* @see module:path~smoothPolylineIntoPath
/* eslint-enable */
* @param {?Integer} v See {@link}
* @returns {void}
setSegType (v) {
* @param {string} attr
* @param {Float} newValue
* @returns {void}
moveNode (attr, newValue) {
const selPts = path.selected_pts
if (!selPts.length) { return }
// Get first selected point
const seg = path.segs[selPts[0]]
const diff = { x: 0, y: 0 }
diff[attr] = newValue - seg.item[attr]
seg.move(diff.x, diff.y)
path.endChanges('Move path point')
* @param {Element} elem
* @returns {void}
fixEnd (elem) {
// Adds an extra segment if the last seg before a Z doesn't end
// at its M point
// M0,0 L0,100 L100,100 z
const segList = elem.pathSegList
const len = segList.numberOfItems
let lastM
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
const item = segList.getItem(i)
if (item.pathSegType === 2) { // 2 => M segment type (move to)
lastM = item
if (item.pathSegType === 1) { // 1 => Z segment type (close path)
const prev = segList.getItem(i - 1)
if (prev.x !== lastM.x || prev.y !== lastM.y) {
// Add an L segment here
const newseg = elem.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(lastM.x, lastM.y)
segList.insertItemBefore(newseg, i)
// Can this be done better?
// Can't seem to use `@borrows` here, so using `@see`
* Convert a path to one with only absolute or relative values.
* @function module:path.pathActions.convertPath
* @see module:path.convertPath
// end pathActions