
7202 lines
217 KiB

/* eslint-disable indent */
/* globals jQuery, jsPDF */
* Numerous tools for working with the editor's "canvas"
* @module svgcanvas
* @license MIT
* @copyright 2010 Alexis Deveria, 2010 Pavol Rusnak, 2010 Jeff Schiller
/* Dependencies:
1. Also expects jQuery UI for `svgCanvasToString` and
`convertToGroup` use of `:data()` selector
// Todo: Obtain/adapt latest jsPDF to utilize ES Module for `jsPDF`/avoid global
import './svgpathseg.js';
import jqPluginSVG from './jQuery.attr.js'; // Needed for SVG attribute setting and array form with `attr`
import * as draw from './draw.js';
import * as pathModule from './path.js';
import {sanitizeSvg} from './sanitize.js';
import {getReverseNS, NS} from './namespaces.js';
import {importSetGlobal, importScript} from './external/dynamic-import-polyfill/importModule.js';
import {
text2xml, assignAttributes, cleanupElement, getElem, getUrlFromAttr,
findDefs, getHref, setHref, getRefElem, getRotationAngle, getPathBBox,
preventClickDefault, snapToGrid, walkTree, walkTreePost,
getBBoxOfElementAsPath, convertToPath, toXml, encode64, decode64,
dataURLToObjectURL, createObjectURL,
init as utilsInit, getBBox as utilsGetBBox, getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible
} from './utilities.js';
import * as history from './history.js';
import {
transformPoint, matrixMultiply, hasMatrixTransform, transformListToTransform,
getMatrix, snapToAngle, isIdentity, rectsIntersect, transformBox
} from './math.js';
import {
convertToNum, convertAttrs, convertUnit, shortFloat, getTypeMap,
init as unitsInit
} from './units.js';
import {
isGecko, isChrome, isIE, isWebkit, supportsNonScalingStroke, supportsGoodTextCharPos
} from './browser.js'; // , supportsEditableText
import {
getTransformList, resetListMap,
SVGTransformList as SVGEditTransformList
} from './svgtransformlist.js';
import {
init as coordsInit
} from './coords.js';
import {
init as recalculateInit
} from './recalculate.js';
import {
init as selectInit
} from './select.js';
const $ = jqPluginSVG(jQuery);
const {
MoveElementCommand, InsertElementCommand, RemoveElementCommand,
ChangeElementCommand, BatchCommand, UndoManager, HistoryEventTypes
} = history;
if (!window.console) {
window.console = {};
window.console.log = function (str) {};
window.console.dir = function (str) {};
if (window.opera) {
window.console.log = function (str) { window.opera.postError(str); };
window.console.dir = function (str) {};
* The main SvgCanvas class that manages all SVG-related functions
* @memberof module:svgcanvas
* @borrows module:coords.remapElement as #remapElement
* @borrows module:recalculate.recalculateDimensions as #recalculateDimensions
* @borrows module:utilities.cleanupElement as #cleanupElement
* @borrows module:utilities.getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible as #getStrokedBBox
* @borrows module:utilities.getVisibleElements as #getVisibleElements
* @borrows module:utilities.findDefs as #findDefs
* @borrows module:utilities.getUrlFromAttr as #getUrlFromAttr
* @borrows module:utilities.getHref as #getHref
* @borrows module:utilities.setHref as #setHref
* @borrows module:utilities.getRotationAngle as #getRotationAngle
* @borrows module:utilities.getBBox as #getBBox
* @borrows module:utilities.getElem as #getElem
* @borrows module:utilities.getRefElem as #getRefElem
* @borrows module:utilities.assignAttributes as #assignAttributes
* @borrows module:SVGTransformList.getTransformList as #getTransformList
* @borrows module:math.matrixMultiply as #matrixMultiply
* @borrows module:math.hasMatrixTransform as #hasMatrixTransform
* @borrows module:math.transformListToTransform as #transformListToTransform
* @borrows module:units.convertToNum as #convertToNum
* @borrows module:sanitize.sanitizeSvg as #sanitizeSvg
* @borrows module:path.pathActions.linkControlPoints as #linkControlPoints
class SvgCanvas {
* @param {HTMLElement} container - The container HTML element that should hold the SVG root element
* @param {module:SVGEditor.curConfig} config - An object that contains configuration data
constructor (container, config) {
// Alias Namespace constants
// Default configuration options
const curConfig = {
show_outside_canvas: true,
selectNew: true,
dimensions: [640, 480]
// Update config with new one if given
if (config) {
$.extend(curConfig, config);
// Array with width/height of canvas
const {dimensions} = curConfig;
const canvas = this;
// "document" element associated with the container (same as window.document using default svg-editor.js)
// NOTE: This is not actually a SVG document, but an HTML document.
const svgdoc = container.ownerDocument;
// This is a container for the document being edited, not the document itself.
* @name module:svgcanvas~svgroot
* @type {SVGSVGElement}
const svgroot = svgdoc.importNode(
'<svg id="svgroot" xmlns="' + NS.SVG + '" xlinkns="' + NS.XLINK + '" ' +
'width="' + dimensions[0] + '" height="' + dimensions[1] + '" x="' + dimensions[0] + '" y="' + dimensions[1] + '" overflow="visible">' +
'<defs>' +
'<filter id="canvashadow" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox">' +
'<feGaussianBlur in="SourceAlpha" stdDeviation="4" result="blur"/>' +
'<feOffset in="blur" dx="5" dy="5" result="offsetBlur"/>' +
'<feMerge>' +
'<feMergeNode in="offsetBlur"/>' +
'<feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"/>' +
'</feMerge>' +
'</filter>' +
'</defs>' +
* The actual element that represents the final output SVG element
* @name module:svgcanvas~svgcontent
* @type {SVGSVGElement}
let svgcontent = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'svg');
* This function resets the svgcontent element while keeping it in the DOM.
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#clearSvgContentElement
* @returns {undefined}
const clearSvgContentElement = canvas.clearSvgContentElement = function () {
// TODO: Clear out all other attributes first?
id: 'svgcontent',
width: dimensions[0],
height: dimensions[1],
x: dimensions[0],
y: dimensions[1],
overflow: curConfig.show_outside_canvas ? 'visible' : 'hidden',
xmlns: NS.SVG,
'xmlns:se': NS.SE,
'xmlns:xlink': NS.XLINK
// TODO: make this string optional and set by the client
const comment = svgdoc.createComment(' Created with SVG-edit -');
// Prefix string for element IDs
let idprefix = 'svg_';
* Changes the ID prefix to the given value
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setIdPrefix
* @param {string} p - String with the new prefix
* @returns {undefined}
canvas.setIdPrefix = function (p) {
idprefix = p;
* Current draw.Drawing object
* @type {module:draw.Drawing}
* @name module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#current_drawing_
canvas.current_drawing_ = new draw.Drawing(svgcontent, idprefix);
* Returns the current Drawing.
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getCurrentDrawing
* @implements {module:draw.DrawCanvasInit#getCurrentDrawing}
const getCurrentDrawing = canvas.getCurrentDrawing = function () {
return canvas.current_drawing_;
* Float displaying the current zoom level (1 = 100%, .5 = 50%, etc)
* @type {Float}
let currentZoom = 1;
// pointer to current group (for in-group editing)
let currentGroup = null;
// Object containing data for the currently selected styles
const allProperties = {
shape: {
fill: (curConfig.initFill.color === 'none' ? '' : '#') + curConfig.initFill.color,
fill_paint: null,
fill_opacity: curConfig.initFill.opacity,
stroke: '#' + curConfig.initStroke.color,
stroke_paint: null,
stroke_opacity: curConfig.initStroke.opacity,
stroke_width: curConfig.initStroke.width,
stroke_dasharray: 'none',
stroke_linejoin: 'miter',
stroke_linecap: 'butt',
opacity: curConfig.initOpacity
allProperties.text = $.extend(true, {}, allProperties.shape);
$.extend(allProperties.text, {
fill: '#000000',
stroke_width: curConfig.text && curConfig.text.stroke_width,
font_size: curConfig.text && curConfig.text.font_size,
font_family: curConfig.text && curConfig.text.font_family
// Current shape style properties
const curShape = allProperties.shape;
// Array with all the currently selected elements
// default size of 1 until it needs to grow bigger
let selectedElements = [];
* @typedef {PlainObject} module:svgcanvas.SVGAsJSON
* @property {string} element
* @property {PlainObject.<string, string>} attr
* @property {module:svgcanvas.SVGAsJSON[]} children
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getContentElem
* @param {Text|Element} data
* @returns {module:svgcanvas.SVGAsJSON}
const getJsonFromSvgElement = this.getJsonFromSvgElement = function (data) {
// Text node
if (data.nodeType === 3) return data.nodeValue;
const retval = {
element: data.tagName,
// namespace: nsMap[data.namespaceURI],
attr: {},
children: []
// Iterate attributes
for (let i = 0, attr; (attr = data.attributes[i]); i++) {
retval.attr[] = attr.value;
// Iterate children
for (let i = 0, node; (node = data.childNodes[i]); i++) {
retval.children[i] = getJsonFromSvgElement(node);
return retval;
* This should really be an intersection implementing all rather than a union
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#addSVGElementFromJson
* @implements {module:utilities.EditorContext#addSVGElementFromJson|module:path.EditorContext#addSVGElementFromJson}
const addSVGElementFromJson = this.addSVGElementFromJson = function (data) {
if (typeof data === 'string') return svgdoc.createTextNode(data);
let shape = getElem(;
// if shape is a path but we need to create a rect/ellipse, then remove the path
const currentLayer = getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer();
if (shape && data.element !== shape.tagName) {
shape = null;
if (!shape) {
const ns = data.namespace || NS.SVG;
shape = svgdoc.createElementNS(ns, data.element);
if (currentLayer) {
(currentGroup || currentLayer).append(shape);
if (data.curStyles) {
assignAttributes(shape, {
fill: curShape.fill,
stroke: curShape.stroke,
'stroke-width': curShape.stroke_width,
'stroke-dasharray': curShape.stroke_dasharray,
'stroke-linejoin': curShape.stroke_linejoin,
'stroke-linecap': curShape.stroke_linecap,
'stroke-opacity': curShape.stroke_opacity,
'fill-opacity': curShape.fill_opacity,
opacity: curShape.opacity / 2,
style: 'pointer-events:inherit'
}, 100);
assignAttributes(shape, data.attr, 100);
// Children
if (data.children) {
data.children.forEach((child) => {
return shape;
canvas.getTransformList = getTransformList;
canvas.matrixMultiply = matrixMultiply;
canvas.hasMatrixTransform = hasMatrixTransform;
canvas.transformListToTransform = transformListToTransform;
* @implements {module:utilities.EditorContext#getBaseUnit}
const getBaseUnit = () => { return curConfig.baseUnit; };
* initialize from units.js.
* Send in an object implementing the ElementContainer interface (see units.js)
* @implements {module:units.ElementContainer}
getElement: getElem,
getHeight () { return svgcontent.getAttribute('height') / currentZoom; },
getWidth () { return svgcontent.getAttribute('width') / currentZoom; },
getRoundDigits () { return saveOptions.round_digits; }
canvas.convertToNum = convertToNum;
* This should really be an intersection implementing all rather than a union
* @implements {module:draw.DrawCanvasInit#getSVGContent|module:utilities.EditorContext#getSVGContent}
const getSVGContent = () => { return svgcontent; };
* Should really be an intersection with all needing to apply rather than a union
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getSelectedElements
* @implements {module:utilities.EditorContext#getSelectedElements|module:draw.DrawCanvasInit#getSelectedElements|module:path.EditorContext#getSelectedElements}
const getSelectedElements = this.getSelectedElems = function () {
return selectedElements;
const pathActions = pathModule.pathActions;
* This should actually be an intersection as all interfaces should be met
* @implements {module:utilities.EditorContext#getSVGRoot|module:recalculate.EditorContext#getSVGRoot|module:coords.EditorContext#getSVGRoot|module:path.EditorContext#getSVGRoot}
const getSVGRoot = () => svgroot;
* @implements {module:utilities.EditorContext}
pathActions, // Ok since not modifying
getDOMDocument () { return svgdoc; },
getDOMContainer () { return container; },
// TODO: replace this mostly with a way to get the current drawing.
getSnappingStep () { return curConfig.snappingStep; }
canvas.findDefs = findDefs;
canvas.getUrlFromAttr = getUrlFromAttr;
canvas.getHref = getHref;
canvas.setHref = setHref;
/* const getBBox = */ canvas.getBBox = utilsGetBBox;
canvas.getRotationAngle = getRotationAngle;
canvas.getElem = getElem;
canvas.getRefElem = getRefElem;
canvas.assignAttributes = assignAttributes;
this.cleanupElement = cleanupElement;
* This should actually be an intersection not a union as all should apply
* @implements {module:coords.EditorContext|module:path.EditorContext}
const getGridSnapping = () => { return curConfig.gridSnapping; };
* @implements {module:coords.EditorContext}
getDrawing () { return getCurrentDrawing(); },
this.remapElement = remapElement;
* @implements {module:recalculate.EditorContext}
getStartTransform () { return startTransform; },
setStartTransform (transform) { startTransform = transform; }
this.recalculateDimensions = recalculateDimensions;
// import from sanitize.js
const nsMap = getReverseNS();
canvas.sanitizeSvg = sanitizeSvg;
* @name undoMgr
* @memberof module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#
* @type {module:history.HistoryEventHandler}
const undoMgr = canvas.undoMgr = new UndoManager({
* @param {string} eventType One of the HistoryEvent types
* @param {module:history.HistoryCommand} cmd Fulfills the HistoryCommand interface
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {undefined}
handleHistoryEvent (eventType, cmd) {
const EventTypes = HistoryEventTypes;
// TODO: handle setBlurOffsets.
if (eventType === EventTypes.BEFORE_UNAPPLY || eventType === EventTypes.BEFORE_APPLY) {
} else if (eventType === EventTypes.AFTER_APPLY || eventType === EventTypes.AFTER_UNAPPLY) {
const elems = cmd.elements();
call('changed', elems);
const cmdType = cmd.type();
const isApply = (eventType === EventTypes.AFTER_APPLY);
if (cmdType === MoveElementCommand.type()) {
const parent = isApply ? cmd.newParent : cmd.oldParent;
if (parent === svgcontent) {
} else if (cmdType === InsertElementCommand.type() ||
cmdType === RemoveElementCommand.type()) {
if (cmd.parent === svgcontent) {
if (cmdType === InsertElementCommand.type()) {
if (isApply) { restoreRefElems(cmd.elem); }
} else {
if (!isApply) { restoreRefElems(cmd.elem); }
if (cmd.elem.tagName === 'use') {
} else if (cmdType === ChangeElementCommand.type()) {
// if we are changing layer names, re-identify all layers
if (cmd.elem.tagName === 'title' &&
cmd.elem.parentNode.parentNode === svgcontent
) {
const values = isApply ? cmd.newValues : cmd.oldValues;
// If stdDeviation was changed, update the blur.
if (values.stdDeviation) {
canvas.setBlurOffsets(cmd.elem.parentNode, values.stdDeviation);
// This is resolved in later versions of webkit, perhaps we should
// have a featured detection for correct 'use' behavior?
// ——————————
// Remove & Re-add hack for Webkit (issue 775)
// if (cmd.elem.tagName === 'use' && isWebkit()) {
// const {elem} = cmd;
// if (!elem.getAttribute('x') && !elem.getAttribute('y')) {
// const parent = elem.parentNode;
// const sib = elem.nextSibling;
// elem.remove();
// parent.insertBefore(elem, sib);
// // Ok to replace above with this? `sib.before(elem);`
// }
// }
* This should really be an intersection applying to all types rather than a union
* @function module:svgcanvas~addCommandToHistory
* @implements {module:path.EditorContext#addCommandToHistory|module:draw.DrawCanvasInit#addCommandToHistory}
const addCommandToHistory = function (cmd) {
* This should really be an intersection applying to all types rather than a union
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getZoom
* @implements {module:path.EditorContext#getCurrentZoom|module:select.SVGFactory#getCurrentZoom}
const getCurrentZoom = this.getZoom = function () { return currentZoom; };
* This method rounds the incoming value to the nearest value based on the `currentZoom`
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#round
* @implements {module:path.EditorContext#round}
const round = this.round = function (val) {
return parseInt(val * currentZoom, 10) / currentZoom;
* Export to select.js
* @implements {module:select.SVGFactory}
createSVGElement (jsonMap) { return canvas.addSVGElementFromJson(jsonMap); },
svgRoot () { return svgroot; },
svgContent () { return svgcontent; },
* This object manages selectors for us
* @name module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#selectorManager
* @type {module:select.SelectorManager}
const selectorManager = this.selectorManager = getSelectorManager();
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getNextId
* @implements {module:path.EditorContext#getNextId}
const getNextId = canvas.getNextId = function () {
return getCurrentDrawing().getNextId();
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getId
* @implements {module:path.EditorContext#getId}
const getId = canvas.getId = function () {
return getCurrentDrawing().getId();
* The "implements" should really be an intersection applying to all types rather than a union
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#call
* @implements {module:draw.DrawCanvasInit#call|module:path.EditorContext#call}
* @param {"selected"|"changed"|"contextset"|"pointsAdded"|"extension_added"|"extensions_added"|"message"|"transition"|"zoomed"|"updateCanvas"|"zoomDone"|"saved"|"exported"|"exportedPDF"|"setnonce"|"unsetnonce"|"cleared"} ev - String with the event name
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:GenericCanvasEvent} arg - Argument to pass through to the callback function.
* @returns {undefined}
const call = function (ev, arg) {
if (events[ev]) {
return events[ev](window, arg);
* Clears the selection. The 'selected' handler is then optionally called.
* This should really be an intersection applying to all types rather than a union
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#clearSelection
* @implements {module:draw.DrawCanvasInit#clearSelection|module:path.EditorContext#clearSelection}
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:selected
const clearSelection = this.clearSelection = function (noCall) {
selectedElements.forEach((elem) => {
if (elem == null) {
selectedElements = [];
if (!noCall) { call('selected', selectedElements); }
* Adds a list of elements to the selection. The 'selected' handler is then called.
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#addToSelection
* @implements {module:path.EditorContext#addToSelection}
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:selected
const addToSelection = this.addToSelection = function (elemsToAdd, showGrips) {
if (!elemsToAdd.length) { return; }
// find the first null in our selectedElements array
let j = 0;
while (j < selectedElements.length) {
if (selectedElements[j] == null) {
// now add each element consecutively
let i = elemsToAdd.length;
while (i--) {
let elem = elemsToAdd[i];
if (!elem) { continue; }
const bbox = utilsGetBBox(elem);
if (!bbox) { continue; }
if (elem.tagName === 'a' && elem.childNodes.length === 1) {
// Make "a" element's child be the selected element
elem = elem.firstChild;
// if it's not already there, add it
if (!selectedElements.includes(elem)) {
selectedElements[j] = elem;
// only the first selectedBBoxes element is ever used in the codebase these days
// if (j === 0) selectedBBoxes[0] = utilsGetBBox(elem);
const sel = selectorManager.requestSelector(elem, bbox);
if (selectedElements.length > 1) {
call('selected', selectedElements);
if (showGrips || selectedElements.length === 1) {
} else {
// make sure the elements are in the correct order
// See:
selectedElements.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a && b && a.compareDocumentPosition) {
return 3 - (b.compareDocumentPosition(a) & 6);
if (a == null) {
return 1;
// Make sure first elements are not null
while (selectedElements[0] == null) {
* @implements {module:path.EditorContext#getOpacity}
const getOpacity = function () {
return curShape.opacity;
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getMouseTarget
* @implements {module:path.EditorContext#getMouseTarget}
const getMouseTarget = this.getMouseTarget = function (evt) {
if (evt == null) {
return null;
let mouseTarget =;
// if it was a <use>, Opera and WebKit return the SVGElementInstance
if (mouseTarget.correspondingUseElement) { mouseTarget = mouseTarget.correspondingUseElement; }
// for foreign content, go up until we find the foreignObject
// WebKit browsers set the mouse target to the svgcanvas div
if ([NS.MATH, NS.HTML].includes(mouseTarget.namespaceURI) && !== 'svgcanvas'
) {
while (mouseTarget.nodeName !== 'foreignObject') {
mouseTarget = mouseTarget.parentNode;
if (!mouseTarget) { return svgroot; }
// Get the desired mouseTarget with jQuery selector-fu
// If it's root-like, select the root
const currentLayer = getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer();
if ([svgroot, container, svgcontent, currentLayer].includes(mouseTarget)) {
return svgroot;
const $target = $(mouseTarget);
// If it's a selection grip, return the grip parent
if ($target.closest('#selectorParentGroup').length) {
// While we could instead have just returned mouseTarget,
// this makes it easier to indentify as being a selector grip
return selectorManager.selectorParentGroup;
while (mouseTarget.parentNode !== (currentGroup || currentLayer)) {
mouseTarget = mouseTarget.parentNode;
// // go up until we hit a child of a layer
// while (mouseTarget.parentNode.parentNode.tagName == 'g') {
// mouseTarget = mouseTarget.parentNode;
// }
// Webkit bubbles the mouse event all the way up to the div, so we
// set the mouseTarget to the svgroot like the other browsers
// if (mouseTarget.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'div') {
// mouseTarget = svgroot;
// }
return mouseTarget;
* @namespace {module:path.pathActions} pathActions
* @memberof module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#
* @see module:path.pathActions
canvas.pathActions = pathActions;
* @implements {module:path.EditorContext#resetD}
function resetD (p) {
p.setAttribute('d', pathActions.convertPath(p));
* @implements {module:path.EditorContext}
selectorManager, // Ok since not changing
canvas, // Ok since not changing
getContainer () {
return container;
setStarted (s) {
started = s;
getRubberBox () {
return rubberBox;
setRubberBox (rb) {
rubberBox = rb;
return rubberBox;
* @param {boolean} closedSubpath
* @param {SVGCircleElement[]} grips
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:pointsAdded
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:selected
addPtsToSelection ({closedSubpath, grips}) {
// TODO: Correct this:
pathActions.canDeleteNodes = true;
pathActions.closed_subpath = closedSubpath;
call('pointsAdded', {closedSubpath, grips});
call('selected', grips);
* @param {ChangeElementCommand} cmd
* @param {SVGPathElement} elem
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {undefined}
endChanges ({cmd, elem}) {
call('changed', [elem]);
getCurrentMode () {
return currentMode;
setCurrentMode (cm) {
currentMode = cm;
return currentMode;
getDrawnPath () {
return drawnPath;
setDrawnPath (dp) {
drawnPath = dp;
return drawnPath;
// Interface strings, usually for title elements
const uiStrings = {};
const visElems = 'a,circle,ellipse,foreignObject,g,image,line,path,polygon,polyline,rect,svg,text,tspan,use';
const refAttrs = ['clip-path', 'fill', 'filter', 'marker-end', 'marker-mid', 'marker-start', 'mask', 'stroke'];
const elData = $.data;
// Animation element to change the opacity of any newly created element
const opacAni = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'animate');
attributeName: 'opacity',
begin: 'indefinite',
dur: 1,
fill: 'freeze'
const restoreRefElems = function (elem) {
// Look for missing reference elements, restore any found
const attrs = $(elem).attr(refAttrs);
for (const o in attrs) {
const val = attrs[o];
if (val && val.startsWith('url(')) {
const id = getUrlFromAttr(val).substr(1);
const ref = getElem(id);
if (!ref) {
delete removedElements[id];
const childs = elem.getElementsByTagName('*');
if (childs.length) {
for (let i = 0, l = childs.length; i < l; i++) {
// (function () {
// TODO For Issue 208: this is a start on a thumbnail
// const svgthumb = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'use');
// svgthumb.setAttribute('width', '100');
// svgthumb.setAttribute('height', '100');
// setHref(svgthumb, '#svgcontent');
// svgroot.append(svgthumb);
// }());
* @typedef {PlainObject} module:svgcanvas.SaveOptions
* @property {boolean} apply
* @property {"embed"} [image]
* @property {Integer} round_digits
// Object to contain image data for raster images that were found encodable
const encodableImages = {},
// Object with save options
* @type {module:svgcanvas.SaveOptions}
saveOptions = {round_digits: 5},
// Object with IDs for imported files, to see if one was already added
importIds = {},
// Current text style properties
curText = allProperties.text,
// Object to contain all included extensions
extensions = {},
// Map of deleted reference elements
removedElements = {};
// String with image URL of last loadable image
lastGoodImgUrl = curConfig.imgPath + 'logo.png',
// Boolean indicating whether or not a draw action has been started
started = false,
// String with an element's initial transform attribute value
startTransform = null,
// String indicating the current editor mode
currentMode = 'select',
// String with the current direction in which an element is being resized
currentResizeMode = 'none',
// Current general properties
curProperties = curShape,
// Array with selected elements' Bounding box object
// selectedBBoxes = new Array(1),
// The DOM element that was just selected
justSelected = null,
// DOM element for selection rectangle drawn by the user
rubberBox = null,
// Array of current BBoxes, used in getIntersectionList().
curBBoxes = [],
// Canvas point for the most recent right click
lastClickPoint = null;
* @typedef {module:svgcanvas.ExtensionMouseDownStatus|module:svgcanvas.ExtensionMouseUpStatus|module:svgcanvas.ExtensionIDsUpdatedStatus|module:locale.ExtensionLocaleData[]|undefined} module:svgcanvas.ExtensionStatus
* @tutorial ExtensionDocs
* @callback module:svgcanvas.ExtensionVarBuilder
* @param {string} name The name of the extension
* @todo Consider: Should this return an array by default, so extension results aren't overwritten?
* @todo Would be easier to document if passing in object with key of action and vars as value; could then define an interface which tied both together
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#runExtensions
* @param {"mouseDown"|"mouseMove"|"mouseUp"|"zoomChanged"|"IDsUpdated"|"canvasUpdated"|"toolButtonStateUpdate"|"selectedChanged"|"elementTransition"|"elementChanged"|"langReady"|"langChanged"|"addLangData"|"onNewDocument"|"workareaResized"} action
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-mouseDown|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-mouseMove|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-mouseUp|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-zoomChanged|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-IDsUpdated|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-canvasUpdated|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-toolButtonStateUpdate|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-selectedChanged|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-elementTransition|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-elementChanged|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-langReady|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-langChanged|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-addLangData|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-onNewDocument|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-workareaResized|module:svgcanvas.ExtensionVarBuilder} [vars]
* @param {boolean} [returnArray]
* @returns {GenericArray.<module:svgcanvas.ExtensionStatus>|module:svgcanvas.ExtensionStatus|false} See {@tutorial ExtensionDocs} on the ExtensionStatus.
const runExtensions = this.runExtensions = function (action, vars, returnArray) {
let result = returnArray ? [] : false;
$.each(extensions, function (name, ext) {
if (ext && action in ext) {
if (typeof vars === 'function') {
vars = vars(name); // ext, action
if (returnArray) {
} else {
result = ext[action](vars);
return result;
* @typedef {PlainObject} module:svgcanvas.ExtensionMouseDownStatus
* @property {boolean} started Indicates that creating/editing has started
* @typedef {PlainObject} module:svgcanvas.ExtensionMouseUpStatus
* @property {boolean} keep Indicates if the current element should be kept
* @property {boolean} started Indicates if editing should still be considered as "started"
* @property {Element} element The element being affected
* @typedef {PlainObject} module:svgcanvas.ExtensionIDsUpdatedStatus
* @property {string[]} remove Contains string IDs (used by `ext-connector.js`)
* @interface module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse
* @property {module:SVGEditor.ContextTool[]|PlainObject.<string, module:SVGEditor.ContextTool>} [context_tools]
* @property {module:SVGEditor.Button[]|PlainObject.<Integer, module:SVGEditor.Button>} [buttons]
* @property {string} [svgicons] The location of a local SVG or SVGz file
* @function module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse#mouseDown
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-mouseDown} arg
* @returns {undefined|module:svgcanvas.ExtensionMouseDownStatus}
* @function module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse#mouseMove
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-mouseMove} arg
* @returns {undefined}
* @function module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse#mouseUp
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-mouseUp} arg
* @returns {module:svgcanvas.ExtensionMouseUpStatus}
* @function module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse#zoomChanged
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-zoomChanged} arg
* @returns {undefined}
* @function module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse#IDsUpdated
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-IDsUpdated} arg
* @returns {module:svgcanvas.ExtensionIDsUpdatedStatus}
* @function module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse#canvasUpdated
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-canvasUpdated} arg
* @returns {undefined}
* @function module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse#toolButtonStateUpdate
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-toolButtonStateUpdate} arg
* @returns {undefined}
* @function module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse#selectedChanged
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-selectedChanged} arg
* @returns {undefined}
* @function module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse#elementTransition
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-elementTransition} arg
* @returns {undefined}
* @function module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse#elementChanged
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-elementChanged} arg
* @returns {undefined}
* @function module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse#langReady
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-langReady} arg
* @returns {undefined}
* @function module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse#langChanged
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-langChanged} arg
* @returns {undefined}
* @function module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse#addLangData
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-addLangData} arg
* @returns {Promise} Resolves to {@link module:locale.ExtensionLocaleData}
* @function module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse#onNewDocument
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-onNewDocument} arg
* @returns {undefined}
* @function module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse#workareaResized
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-workareaResized} arg
* @returns {undefined}
* @function module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse#callback
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-callback} arg
* @returns {undefined}
* @callback module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitCallback
* @this module:SVGEditor
* @param {module:svgcanvas.ExtensionArgumentObject} arg
* @returns {Promise} Resolves to [ExtensionInitResponse]{@link module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse} or `undefined`
* Add an extension to the editor
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#addExtension
* @param {string} name - String with the ID of the extension. Used internally; no need for i18n.
* @param {module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitCallback} [extInitFunc] - Function supplied by the extension with its data
* @param {module:SVGEditor~ImportLocale} importLocale
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:extension_added
* @throws {TypeError} If `extInitFunc` is not a function
* @returns {Promise} Resolves to `undefined`
this.addExtension = async function (name, extInitFunc, importLocale) {
if (typeof extInitFunc !== 'function') {
throw new TypeError('Function argument expected for `svgcanvas.addExtension`');
let extObj = {};
if (!(name in extensions)) {
// Provide private vars/funcs here. Is there a better way to do this?
* @typedef {module:svgcanvas.PrivateMethods} module:svgcanvas.ExtensionArgumentObject
* @property {SVGSVGElement} svgroot See {@link module:svgcanvas~svgroot}
* @property {SVGSVGElement} svgcontent See {@link module:svgcanvas~svgcontent}
* @property {!(string|Integer)} nonce See {@link module:draw.Drawing#getNonce}
* @property {module:select.SelectorManager} selectorManager
* @property {module:SVGEditor~ImportLocale} importLocale
* @type {module:svgcanvas.ExtensionArgumentObject}
* @see {@link module:svgcanvas.PrivateMethods} source for the other methods/properties
const argObj = $.extend(canvas.getPrivateMethods(), {
nonce: getCurrentDrawing().getNonce(),
if (extInitFunc) {
extObj = await extInitFunc(argObj);
if (extObj) { = name;
extensions[name] = extObj;
return call('extension_added', extObj);
} else {
console.log('Cannot add extension "' + name + '", an extension by that name already exists.');
* This method sends back an array or a NodeList full of elements that
* intersect the multi-select rubber-band-box on the currentLayer only.
* We brute-force `getIntersectionList` for browsers that do not support it (Firefox).
* Reference:
* Firefox does not implement `getIntersectionList()`, see {@link}
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getIntersectionList
* @param {SVGRect} rect
* @returns {Element[]|NodeList} Bbox elements
const getIntersectionList = this.getIntersectionList = function (rect) {
if (rubberBox == null) { return null; }
const parent = currentGroup || getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer();
let rubberBBox;
if (!rect) {
rubberBBox = rubberBox.getBBox();
const bb = svgcontent.createSVGRect();
for (const o in rubberBBox) {
bb[o] = rubberBBox[o] / currentZoom;
rubberBBox = bb;
} else {
rubberBBox = svgcontent.createSVGRect();
rubberBBox.x = rect.x;
rubberBBox.y = rect.y;
rubberBBox.width = rect.width;
rubberBBox.height = rect.height;
let resultList = null;
if (!isIE) {
if (typeof svgroot.getIntersectionList === 'function') {
// Offset the bbox of the rubber box by the offset of the svgcontent element.
rubberBBox.x += parseInt(svgcontent.getAttribute('x'), 10);
rubberBBox.y += parseInt(svgcontent.getAttribute('y'), 10);
resultList = svgroot.getIntersectionList(rubberBBox, parent);
if (resultList == null || typeof resultList.item !== 'function') {
resultList = [];
if (!curBBoxes.length) {
// Cache all bboxes
curBBoxes = getVisibleElementsAndBBoxes(parent);
let i = curBBoxes.length;
while (i--) {
if (!rubberBBox.width) { continue; }
if (rectsIntersect(rubberBBox, curBBoxes[i].bbox)) {
// addToSelection expects an array, but it's ok to pass a NodeList
// because using square-bracket notation is allowed:
return resultList;
this.getStrokedBBox = getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible;
this.getVisibleElements = getVisibleElements;
* @typedef {PlainObject} ElementAndBBox
* @property {Element} elem - The element
* @property {module:utilities.BBoxObject} bbox - The element's BBox as retrieved from `getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible`
* Get all elements that have a BBox (excludes `<defs>`, `<title>`, etc).
* Note that 0-opacity, off-screen etc elements are still considered "visible"
* for this function
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getVisibleElementsAndBBoxes
* @param {Element} parent - The parent DOM element to search within
* @returns {ElementAndBBox[]} An array with objects that include:
const getVisibleElementsAndBBoxes = this.getVisibleElementsAndBBoxes = function (parent) {
if (!parent) {
parent = $(svgcontent).children(); // Prevent layers from being included
const contentElems = [];
$(parent).children().each(function (i, elem) {
if (elem.getBBox) {
contentElems.push({elem, bbox: getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible([elem])});
return contentElems.reverse();
* Wrap an SVG element into a group element, mark the group as 'gsvg'
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#groupSvgElem
* @param {Element} elem - SVG element to wrap
* @returns {undefined}
const groupSvgElem = this.groupSvgElem = function (elem) {
const g = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'g');
$(g).append(elem).data('gsvg', elem)[0].id = getNextId();
// Set scope for these functions
// Object to contain editor event names and callback functions
const events = {}; = call;
* Array of what was changed (elements, layers)
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @type {Element[]}
* Array of selected elements
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:selected
* @type {Element[]}
* Array of selected elements
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:transition
* @type {Element[]}
* The Element is always `SVGGElement`?
* If not `null`, will be the set current group element
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:contextset
* @type {null|Element}
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:pointsAdded
* @type {PlainObject}
* @property {boolean} closedSubpath
* @property {SVGCircleElement[]} grips Grips elements
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:zoomed
* @type {PlainObject}
* @property {Float} x
* @property {Float} y
* @property {Float} width
* @property {Float} height
* @property {0.5|2} factor
* @see module:SVGEditor.BBoxObjectWithFactor
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:updateCanvas
* @type {PlainObject}
* @property {false} center
* @property {module:math.XYObject} newCtr
* @typedef {PlainObject} module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponsePlusName
* @implements {module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponse}
* @property {string} name The extension's resolved ID (whether explicit or based on file name)
* Generalized extension object response of
* [`init()`]{@link module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitCallback}
* along with the name of the extension.
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:extension_added
* @type {module:svgcanvas.ExtensionInitResponsePlusName|undefined}
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:extensions_added
* @type {undefined}
* @typedef {PlainObject} module:svgcanvas.Message
* @property {Any} data The data
* @property {string} origin The origin
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:message
* @type {module:svgcanvas.Message}
* SVG canvas converted to string
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:saved
* @type {string}
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:setnonce
* @type {!(string|Integer)}
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:unsetnonce
* @type {undefined}
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:zoomDone
* @type {undefined}
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:cleared
* @type {undefined}
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:exported
* @type {module:svgcanvas.ImageExportedResults}
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:exportedPDF
* @type {module:svgcanvas.PDFExportedResults}
* Creating a cover-all class until {@link} may be supported.
* `undefined` may be returned by {@link module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:extension_added} if the extension's `init` returns `undefined` It is also the type for the following events "zoomDone", "unsetnonce", "cleared", and "extensions_added".
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:GenericCanvasEvent
* @type {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:selected|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:contextset|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:pointsAdded|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:extension_added|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:extensions_added|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:message|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:transition|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:zoomed|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:updateCanvas|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:saved|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:exported|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:exportedPDF|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:setnonce|module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:unsetnonce|undefined}
* @callback module:svgcanvas.EventHandler
* @param {external:Window} win
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:GenericCanvasEvent} arg
* @listens module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:GenericCanvasEvent
* Attaches a callback function to an event
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#bind
* @param {"changed"|"contextset"|"selected"|"pointsAdded"|"extension_added"|"extensions_added"|"message"|"transition"|"zoomed"|"updateCanvas"|"zoomDone"|"saved"|"exported"|"exportedPDF"|"setnonce"|"unsetnonce"|"cleared"} ev - String indicating the name of the event
* @param {module:svgcanvas.EventHandler} f - The callback function to bind to the event
* @returns {module:svgcanvas.EventHandler} The previous event
canvas.bind = function (ev, f) {
const old = events[ev];
events[ev] = f;
return old;
* Runs the SVG Document through the sanitizer and then updates its paths.
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#prepareSvg
* @param {XMLDocument} newDoc - The SVG DOM document
* @returns {undefined}
this.prepareSvg = function (newDoc) {
// convert paths into absolute commands
const paths = [...newDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS(NS.SVG, 'path')];
paths.forEach((path) => {
path.setAttribute('d', pathActions.convertPath(path));
* Hack for Firefox bugs where text element features aren't updated or get
* messed up. See issue 136 and issue 137.
* This function clones the element and re-selects it.
* @function module:svgcanvas~ffClone
* @todo Test for this bug on load and add it to "support" object instead of
* browser sniffing
* @param {Element} elem - The (text) DOM element to clone
* @returns {Element} Cloned element
const ffClone = function (elem) {
if (!isGecko()) { return elem; }
const clone = elem.cloneNode(true);
selectedElements[0] = clone;
return clone;
// `this.each` is deprecated, if any extension used this it can be recreated by doing this:
// * @example $(canvas.getRootElem()).children().each(...)
// * @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#each
// this.each = function (cb) {
// $(svgroot).children().each(cb);
// };
* Removes any old rotations if present, prepends a new rotation at the
* transformed center
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setRotationAngle
* @param {string|Float} val - The new rotation angle in degrees
* @param {boolean} preventUndo - Indicates whether the action should be undoable or not
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {undefined}
this.setRotationAngle = function (val, preventUndo) {
// ensure val is the proper type
val = parseFloat(val);
const elem = selectedElements[0];
const oldTransform = elem.getAttribute('transform');
const bbox = utilsGetBBox(elem);
const cx = bbox.x + bbox.width / 2, cy = bbox.y + bbox.height / 2;
const tlist = getTransformList(elem);
// only remove the real rotational transform if present (i.e. at index=0)
if (tlist.numberOfItems > 0) {
const xform = tlist.getItem(0);
if (xform.type === 4) {
// find Rnc and insert it
if (val !== 0) {
const center = transformPoint(cx, cy, transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix);
const Rnc = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
Rnc.setRotate(val, center.x, center.y);
if (tlist.numberOfItems) {
tlist.insertItemBefore(Rnc, 0);
} else {
} else if (tlist.numberOfItems === 0) {
if (!preventUndo) {
// we need to undo it, then redo it so it can be undo-able! :)
// TODO: figure out how to make changes to transform list undo-able cross-browser?
const newTransform = elem.getAttribute('transform');
elem.setAttribute('transform', oldTransform);
changeSelectedAttribute('transform', newTransform, selectedElements);
call('changed', selectedElements);
// const pointGripContainer = getElem('pathpointgrip_container');
// if (elem.nodeName === 'path' && pointGripContainer) {
// pathActions.setPointContainerTransform(elem.getAttribute('transform'));
// }
const selector = selectorManager.requestSelector(selectedElements[0]);
* Runs `recalculateDimensions` on the selected elements,
* adding the changes to a single batch command
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#recalculateAllSelectedDimensions
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {undefined}
const recalculateAllSelectedDimensions = this.recalculateAllSelectedDimensions = function () {
const text = (currentResizeMode === 'none' ? 'position' : 'size');
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand(text);
let i = selectedElements.length;
while (i--) {
const elem = selectedElements[i];
// if (getRotationAngle(elem) && !hasMatrixTransform(getTransformList(elem))) { continue; }
const cmd = recalculateDimensions(elem);
if (cmd) {
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
call('changed', selectedElements);
* Debug tool to easily see the current matrix in the browser's console
* @function module:svgcanvas~logMatrix
* @param {SVGMatrix} m The matrix
* @returns {undefined}
const logMatrix = function (m) {
console.log([m.a, m.b, m.c, m.d, m.e, m.f]);
// Root Current Transformation Matrix in user units
let rootSctm = null;
* Group: Selection
// TODO: do we need to worry about selectedBBoxes here?
* Selects only the given elements, shortcut for clearSelection(); addToSelection()
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#selectOnly
* @param {Element[]} elems - an array of DOM elements to be selected
* @param {boolean} showGrips - Indicates whether the resize grips should be shown
* @returns {undefined}
const selectOnly = this.selectOnly = function (elems, showGrips) {
addToSelection(elems, showGrips);
// TODO: could use slice here to make this faster?
// TODO: should the 'selected' handler
* Removes elements from the selection.
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#removeFromSelection
* @param {Element[]} elemsToRemove - An array of elements to remove from selection
* @returns {undefined}
/* const removeFromSelection = */ this.removeFromSelection = function (elemsToRemove) {
if (selectedElements[0] == null) { return; }
if (!elemsToRemove.length) { return; }
// find every element and remove it from our array copy
const newSelectedItems = [],
len = selectedElements.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
const elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem) {
// keep the item
if (!elemsToRemove.includes(elem)) {
} else { // remove the item and its selector
// the copy becomes the master now
selectedElements = newSelectedItems;
* Clears the selection, then adds all elements in the current layer to the selection.
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#selectAllInCurrentLayer
* @returns {undefined}
this.selectAllInCurrentLayer = function () {
const currentLayer = getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer();
if (currentLayer) {
currentMode = 'select';
selectOnly($(currentGroup || currentLayer).children());
let drawnPath = null;
// Mouse events
(function () {
const freehand = {
minx: null,
miny: null,
maxx: null,
maxy: null
const THRESHOLD_DIST = 0.8,
let dAttr = null,
startX = null,
startY = null,
rStartX = null,
rStartY = null,
initBbox = {},
sumDistance = 0,
controllPoint2 = {x: 0, y: 0},
controllPoint1 = {x: 0, y: 0},
start = {x: 0, y: 0},
end = {x: 0, y: 0},
bSpline = {x: 0, y: 0},
nextPos = {x: 0, y: 0},
const getBsplinePoint = function (t) {
const spline = {x: 0, y: 0},
p0 = controllPoint2,
p1 = controllPoint1,
p2 = start,
p3 = end,
S = 1.0 / 6.0,
t2 = t * t,
t3 = t2 * t;
const m = [
[-1, 3, -3, 1],
[3, -6, 3, 0],
[-3, 0, 3, 0],
[1, 4, 1, 0]
spline.x = S * (
(p0.x * m[0][0] + p1.x * m[0][1] + p2.x * m[0][2] + p3.x * m[0][3]) * t3 +
(p0.x * m[1][0] + p1.x * m[1][1] + p2.x * m[1][2] + p3.x * m[1][3]) * t2 +
(p0.x * m[2][0] + p1.x * m[2][1] + p2.x * m[2][2] + p3.x * m[2][3]) * t +
(p0.x * m[3][0] + p1.x * m[3][1] + p2.x * m[3][2] + p3.x * m[3][3])
spline.y = S * (
(p0.y * m[0][0] + p1.y * m[0][1] + p2.y * m[0][2] + p3.y * m[0][3]) * t3 +
(p0.y * m[1][0] + p1.y * m[1][1] + p2.y * m[1][2] + p3.y * m[1][3]) * t2 +
(p0.y * m[2][0] + p1.y * m[2][1] + p2.y * m[2][2] + p3.y * m[2][3]) * t +
(p0.y * m[3][0] + p1.y * m[3][1] + p2.y * m[3][2] + p3.y * m[3][3])
return {
x: spline.x,
y: spline.y
* - When we are in a create mode, the element is added to the canvas but the
* action is not recorded until mousing up.
* - When we are in select mode, select the element, remember the position
* and do nothing else
* @param {MouseEvent} evt
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-mouseDown
* @returns {undefined}
const mouseDown = function (evt) {
if (canvas.spaceKey || evt.button === 1) { return; }
const rightClick = evt.button === 2;
if (evt.altKey) { // duplicate when dragging
canvas.cloneSelectedElements(0, 0);
rootSctm = $('#svgcontent g')[0].getScreenCTM().inverse();
const pt = transformPoint(evt.pageX, evt.pageY, rootSctm),
mouseX = pt.x * currentZoom,
mouseY = pt.y * currentZoom;
if (rightClick) {
currentMode = 'select';
lastClickPoint = pt;
// This would seem to be unnecessary...
// if (!['select', 'resize'].includes(currentMode)) {
// setGradient();
// }
let x = mouseX / currentZoom,
y = mouseY / currentZoom;
let mouseTarget = getMouseTarget(evt);
if (mouseTarget.tagName === 'a' && mouseTarget.childNodes.length === 1) {
mouseTarget = mouseTarget.firstChild;
// realX/y ignores grid-snap value
const realX = x;
rStartX = startX = x;
const realY = y;
rStartY = startY = y;
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
x = snapToGrid(x);
y = snapToGrid(y);
startX = snapToGrid(startX);
startY = snapToGrid(startY);
// if it is a selector grip, then it must be a single element selected,
// set the mouseTarget to that and update the mode to rotate/resize
if (mouseTarget === selectorManager.selectorParentGroup && selectedElements[0] != null) {
const grip =;
const griptype = elData(grip, 'type');
// rotating
if (griptype === 'rotate') {
currentMode = 'rotate';
// resizing
} else if (griptype === 'resize') {
currentMode = 'resize';
currentResizeMode = elData(grip, 'dir');
mouseTarget = selectedElements[0];
startTransform = mouseTarget.getAttribute('transform');
let i, strokeW;
const tlist = getTransformList(mouseTarget);
switch (currentMode) {
case 'select':
started = true;
currentResizeMode = 'none';
if (rightClick) { started = false; }
if (mouseTarget !== svgroot) {
// if this element is not yet selected, clear selection and select it
if (!selectedElements.includes(mouseTarget)) {
// only clear selection if shift is not pressed (otherwise, add
// element to selection)
if (!evt.shiftKey) {
// No need to do the call here as it will be done on addToSelection
justSelected = mouseTarget;
// else if it's a path, go into pathedit mode in mouseup
if (!rightClick) {
// insert a dummy transform so if the element(s) are moved it will have
// a transform to use for its translate
for (i = 0; i < selectedElements.length; ++i) {
if (selectedElements[i] == null) { continue; }
const slist = getTransformList(selectedElements[i]);
if (slist.numberOfItems) {
slist.insertItemBefore(svgroot.createSVGTransform(), 0);
} else {
} else if (!rightClick) {
currentMode = 'multiselect';
if (rubberBox == null) {
rubberBox = selectorManager.getRubberBandBox();
rStartX *= currentZoom;
rStartY *= currentZoom;
// console.log('p',[evt.pageX, evt.pageY]);
// console.log('c',[evt.clientX, evt.clientY]);
// console.log('o',[evt.offsetX, evt.offsetY]);
// console.log('s',[startX, startY]);
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
x: rStartX,
y: rStartY,
width: 0,
height: 0,
display: 'inline'
}, 100);
case 'zoom':
started = true;
if (rubberBox == null) {
rubberBox = selectorManager.getRubberBandBox();
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
x: realX * currentZoom,
y: realX * currentZoom,
width: 0,
height: 0,
display: 'inline'
}, 100);
case 'resize':
started = true;
startX = x;
startY = y;
// Getting the BBox from the selection box, since we know we
// want to orient around it
initBbox = utilsGetBBox($('#selectedBox0')[0]);
const bb = {};
$.each(initBbox, function (key, val) {
bb[key] = val / currentZoom;
initBbox = bb;
// append three dummy transforms to the tlist so that
// we can translate,scale,translate in mousemove
const pos = getRotationAngle(mouseTarget) ? 1 : 0;
if (hasMatrixTransform(tlist)) {
tlist.insertItemBefore(svgroot.createSVGTransform(), pos);
tlist.insertItemBefore(svgroot.createSVGTransform(), pos);
tlist.insertItemBefore(svgroot.createSVGTransform(), pos);
} else {
if (supportsNonScalingStroke()) {
// Handle crash for newer Chrome and Safari 6 (Mobile and Desktop):
// Chromium issue:
// TODO: Remove this workaround once vendor fixes the issue
const iswebkit = isWebkit();
let delayedStroke;
if (iswebkit) {
delayedStroke = function (ele) {
const _stroke = ele.getAttributeNS(null, 'stroke');
ele.removeAttributeNS(null, 'stroke');
// Re-apply stroke after delay. Anything higher than 1 seems to cause flicker
if (_stroke !== null) setTimeout(function () { ele.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke', _stroke); }, 0);
} = 'non-scaling-stroke';
if (iswebkit) { delayedStroke(mouseTarget); }
const all = mouseTarget.getElementsByTagName('*'),
len = all.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (!all[i].style) { // mathML
all[i].style.vectorEffect = 'non-scaling-stroke';
if (iswebkit) { delayedStroke(all[i]); }
case 'fhellipse':
case 'fhrect':
case 'fhpath':
start.x = realX;
start.y = realY;
started = true;
dAttr = realX + ',' + realY + ' ';
strokeW = parseFloat(curShape.stroke_width) === 0 ? 1 : curShape.stroke_width;
element: 'polyline',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
points: dAttr,
id: getNextId(),
fill: 'none',
opacity: curShape.opacity / 2,
'stroke-linecap': 'round',
style: 'pointer-events:none'
freehand.minx = realX;
freehand.maxx = realX;
freehand.miny = realY;
freehand.maxy = realY;
case 'image':
started = true;
const newImage = addSVGElementFromJson({
element: 'image',
attr: {
width: 0,
height: 0,
id: getNextId(),
opacity: curShape.opacity / 2,
style: 'pointer-events:inherit'
setHref(newImage, lastGoodImgUrl);
case 'square':
// FIXME: once we create the rect, we lose information that this was a square
// (for resizing purposes this could be important)
// Fallthrough
case 'rect':
started = true;
startX = x;
startY = y;
element: 'rect',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
width: 0,
height: 0,
id: getNextId(),
opacity: curShape.opacity / 2
case 'line':
started = true;
strokeW = Number(curShape.stroke_width) === 0 ? 1 : curShape.stroke_width;
element: 'line',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
x1: x,
y1: y,
x2: x,
y2: y,
id: getNextId(),
stroke: curShape.stroke,
'stroke-width': strokeW,
'stroke-dasharray': curShape.stroke_dasharray,
'stroke-linejoin': curShape.stroke_linejoin,
'stroke-linecap': curShape.stroke_linecap,
'stroke-opacity': curShape.stroke_opacity,
fill: 'none',
opacity: curShape.opacity / 2,
style: 'pointer-events:none'
case 'circle':
started = true;
element: 'circle',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
cx: x,
cy: y,
r: 0,
id: getNextId(),
opacity: curShape.opacity / 2
case 'ellipse':
started = true;
element: 'ellipse',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
cx: x,
cy: y,
rx: 0,
ry: 0,
id: getNextId(),
opacity: curShape.opacity / 2
case 'text':
started = true;
/* const newText = */ addSVGElementFromJson({
element: 'text',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
id: getNextId(),
fill: curText.fill,
'stroke-width': curText.stroke_width,
'font-size': curText.font_size,
'font-family': curText.font_family,
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'xml:space': 'preserve',
opacity: curShape.opacity
// newText.textContent = 'text';
case 'path':
// Fall through
case 'pathedit':
startX *= currentZoom;
startY *= currentZoom;
pathActions.mouseDown(evt, mouseTarget, startX, startY);
started = true;
case 'textedit':
startX *= currentZoom;
startY *= currentZoom;
textActions.mouseDown(evt, mouseTarget, startX, startY);
started = true;
case 'rotate':
started = true;
// we are starting an undoable change (a drag-rotation)
canvas.undoMgr.beginUndoableChange('transform', selectedElements);
// This could occur in an extension
* The main (left) mouse button is held down on the canvas area
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-mouseDown
* @type {PlainObject}
* @property {MouseEvent} event The event object
* @property {Float} start_x x coordinate on canvas
* @property {Float} start_y y coordinate on canvas
* @property {Element[]} selectedElements An array of the selected Elements
const extResult = runExtensions('mouseDown', /** @type {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-mouseDown} */ {
event: evt,
start_x: startX,
start_y: startY,
}, true);
$.each(extResult, function (i, r) {
if (r && r.started) {
started = true;
// in this function we do not record any state changes yet (but we do update
// any elements that are still being created, moved or resized on the canvas)
* @param {MouseEvent} evt
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:transition
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-mouseMove
* @returns {undefined}
const mouseMove = function (evt) {
if (!started) { return; }
if (evt.button === 1 || canvas.spaceKey) { return; }
let i, xya, c, cx, cy, dx, dy, len, angle, box,
selected = selectedElements[0];
pt = transformPoint(evt.pageX, evt.pageY, rootSctm),
mouseX = pt.x * currentZoom,
mouseY = pt.y * currentZoom,
shape = getElem(getId());
let realX = mouseX / currentZoom;
let x = realX;
let realY = mouseY / currentZoom;
let y = realY;
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
x = snapToGrid(x);
y = snapToGrid(y);
let tlist;
switch (currentMode) {
case 'select': {
// we temporarily use a translate on the element(s) being dragged
// this transform is removed upon mousing up and the element is
// relocated to the new location
if (selectedElements[0] !== null) {
dx = x - startX;
dy = y - startY;
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
dx = snapToGrid(dx);
dy = snapToGrid(dy);
if (evt.shiftKey) {
xya = snapToAngle(startX, startY, x, y);
({x, y} = xya);
if (dx !== 0 || dy !== 0) {
len = selectedElements.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
selected = selectedElements[i];
if (selected == null) { break; }
// if (i === 0) {
// const box = utilsGetBBox(selected);
// selectedBBoxes[i].x = box.x + dx;
// selectedBBoxes[i].y = box.y + dy;
// }
// update the dummy transform in our transform list
// to be a translate
const xform = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
tlist = getTransformList(selected);
// Note that if Webkit and there's no ID for this
// element, the dummy transform may have gotten lost.
// This results in unexpected behaviour
xform.setTranslate(dx, dy);
if (tlist.numberOfItems) {
tlist.replaceItem(xform, 0);
} else {
// update our internal bbox that we're tracking while dragging
call('transition', selectedElements);
} case 'multiselect': {
realX *= currentZoom;
realY *= currentZoom;
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
x: Math.min(rStartX, realX),
y: Math.min(rStartY, realY),
width: Math.abs(realX - rStartX),
height: Math.abs(realY - rStartY)
}, 100);
// for each selected:
// - if newList contains selected, do nothing
// - if newList doesn't contain selected, remove it from selected
// - for any newList that was not in selectedElements, add it to selected
const elemsToRemove = selectedElements.slice(), elemsToAdd = [],
newList = getIntersectionList();
// For every element in the intersection, add if not present in selectedElements.
len = newList.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
const intElem = newList[i];
// Found an element that was not selected before, so we should add it.
if (!selectedElements.includes(intElem)) {
// Found an element that was already selected, so we shouldn't remove it.
const foundInd = elemsToRemove.indexOf(intElem);
if (foundInd !== -1) {
elemsToRemove.splice(foundInd, 1);
if (elemsToRemove.length > 0) {
if (elemsToAdd.length > 0) {
} case 'resize': {
// we track the resize bounding box and translate/scale the selected element
// while the mouse is down, when mouse goes up, we use this to recalculate
// the shape's coordinates
tlist = getTransformList(selected);
const hasMatrix = hasMatrixTransform(tlist);
box = hasMatrix ? initBbox : utilsGetBBox(selected);
let left = box.x,
top = box.y,
{width, height} = box;
dx = (x - startX);
dy = (y - startY);
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
dx = snapToGrid(dx);
dy = snapToGrid(dy);
height = snapToGrid(height);
width = snapToGrid(width);
// if rotated, adjust the dx,dy values
angle = getRotationAngle(selected);
if (angle) {
const r = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy),
theta = Math.atan2(dy, dx) - angle * Math.PI / 180.0;
dx = r * Math.cos(theta);
dy = r * Math.sin(theta);
// if not stretching in y direction, set dy to 0
// if not stretching in x direction, set dx to 0
if (!currentResizeMode.includes('n') && !currentResizeMode.includes('s')) {
dy = 0;
if (!currentResizeMode.includes('e') && !currentResizeMode.includes('w')) {
dx = 0;
let // ts = null,
tx = 0, ty = 0,
sy = height ? (height + dy) / height : 1,
sx = width ? (width + dx) / width : 1;
// if we are dragging on the north side, then adjust the scale factor and ty
if (currentResizeMode.includes('n')) {
sy = height ? (height - dy) / height : 1;
ty = height;
// if we dragging on the east side, then adjust the scale factor and tx
if (currentResizeMode.includes('w')) {
sx = width ? (width - dx) / width : 1;
tx = width;
// update the transform list with translate,scale,translate
const translateOrigin = svgroot.createSVGTransform(),
scale = svgroot.createSVGTransform(),
translateBack = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
left = snapToGrid(left);
tx = snapToGrid(tx);
top = snapToGrid(top);
ty = snapToGrid(ty);
translateOrigin.setTranslate(-(left + tx), -(top + ty));
if (evt.shiftKey) {
if (sx === 1) {
sx = sy;
} else { sy = sx; }
scale.setScale(sx, sy);
translateBack.setTranslate(left + tx, top + ty);
if (hasMatrix) {
const diff = angle ? 1 : 0;
tlist.replaceItem(translateOrigin, 2 + diff);
tlist.replaceItem(scale, 1 + diff);
tlist.replaceItem(translateBack, Number(diff));
} else {
const N = tlist.numberOfItems;
tlist.replaceItem(translateBack, N - 3);
tlist.replaceItem(scale, N - 2);
tlist.replaceItem(translateOrigin, N - 1);
call('transition', selectedElements);
} case 'zoom': {
realX *= currentZoom;
realY *= currentZoom;
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
x: Math.min(rStartX * currentZoom, realX),
y: Math.min(rStartY * currentZoom, realY),
width: Math.abs(realX - rStartX * currentZoom),
height: Math.abs(realY - rStartY * currentZoom)
}, 100);
} case 'text': {
assignAttributes(shape, {
}, 1000);
} case 'line': {
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
x = snapToGrid(x);
y = snapToGrid(y);
let x2 = x;
let y2 = y;
if (evt.shiftKey) {
xya = snapToAngle(startX, startY, x2, y2);
x2 = xya.x;
y2 = xya.y;
shape.setAttributeNS(null, 'x2', x2);
shape.setAttributeNS(null, 'y2', y2);
} case 'foreignObject':
// fall through
case 'square':
// fall through
case 'rect':
// fall through
case 'image': {
const square = (currentMode === 'square') || evt.shiftKey;
w = Math.abs(x - startX),
h = Math.abs(y - startY);
let newX, newY;
if (square) {
w = h = Math.max(w, h);
newX = startX < x ? startX : startX - w;
newY = startY < y ? startY : startY - h;
} else {
newX = Math.min(startX, x);
newY = Math.min(startY, y);
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
w = snapToGrid(w);
h = snapToGrid(h);
newX = snapToGrid(newX);
newY = snapToGrid(newY);
assignAttributes(shape, {
width: w,
height: h,
x: newX,
y: newY
}, 1000);
} case 'circle': {
c = $(shape).attr(['cx', 'cy']);
({cx, cy} = c);
let rad = Math.sqrt((x - cx) * (x - cx) + (y - cy) * (y - cy));
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
rad = snapToGrid(rad);
shape.setAttributeNS(null, 'r', rad);
} case 'ellipse': {
c = $(shape).attr(['cx', 'cy']);
({cx, cy} = c);
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
x = snapToGrid(x);
cx = snapToGrid(cx);
y = snapToGrid(y);
cy = snapToGrid(cy);
shape.setAttributeNS(null, 'rx', Math.abs(x - cx));
const ry = Math.abs(evt.shiftKey ? (x - cx) : (y - cy));
shape.setAttributeNS(null, 'ry', ry);
case 'fhellipse':
case 'fhrect': {
freehand.minx = Math.min(realX, freehand.minx);
freehand.maxx = Math.max(realX, freehand.maxx);
freehand.miny = Math.min(realY, freehand.miny);
freehand.maxy = Math.max(realY, freehand.maxy);
// Fallthrough
case 'fhpath': {
// dAttr += + realX + ',' + realY + ' ';
// shape.setAttributeNS(null, 'points', dAttr);
end.x = realX; end.y = realY;
if (controllPoint2.x && controllPoint2.y) {
for (i = 0; i < STEP_COUNT - 1; i++) {
parameter = i / STEP_COUNT;
nextParameter = (i + 1) / STEP_COUNT;
bSpline = getBsplinePoint(nextParameter);
nextPos = bSpline;
bSpline = getBsplinePoint(parameter);
sumDistance += Math.sqrt((nextPos.x - bSpline.x) * (nextPos.x - bSpline.x) + (nextPos.y - bSpline.y) * (nextPos.y - bSpline.y));
if (sumDistance > THRESHOLD_DIST) {
sumDistance -= THRESHOLD_DIST;
// Faster than completely re-writing the points attribute.
const point = svgcontent.createSVGPoint();
point.x = bSpline.x;
point.y = bSpline.y;
controllPoint2 = {x: controllPoint1.x, y: controllPoint1.y};
controllPoint1 = {x: start.x, y: start.y};
start = {x: end.x, y: end.y};
// update path stretch line coordinates
} case 'path': {
// fall through
case 'pathedit': {
x *= currentZoom;
y *= currentZoom;
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
x = snapToGrid(x);
y = snapToGrid(y);
startX = snapToGrid(startX);
startY = snapToGrid(startY);
if (evt.shiftKey) {
const {path} = pathModule;
let x1, y1;
if (path) {
x1 = path.dragging ? path.dragging[0] : startX;
y1 = path.dragging ? path.dragging[1] : startY;
} else {
x1 = startX;
y1 = startY;
xya = snapToAngle(x1, y1, x, y);
({x, y} = xya);
if (rubberBox && rubberBox.getAttribute('display') !== 'none') {
realX *= currentZoom;
realY *= currentZoom;
assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
x: Math.min(rStartX * currentZoom, realX),
y: Math.min(rStartY * currentZoom, realY),
width: Math.abs(realX - rStartX * currentZoom),
height: Math.abs(realY - rStartY * currentZoom)
}, 100);
pathActions.mouseMove(x, y);
} case 'textedit': {
x *= currentZoom;
y *= currentZoom;
// if (rubberBox && rubberBox.getAttribute('display') !== 'none') {
// assignAttributes(rubberBox, {
// x: Math.min(startX, x),
// y: Math.min(startY, y),
// width: Math.abs(x - startX),
// height: Math.abs(y - startY)
// }, 100);
// }
textActions.mouseMove(mouseX, mouseY);
} case 'rotate': {
box = utilsGetBBox(selected);
cx = box.x + box.width / 2;
cy = box.y + box.height / 2;
const m = getMatrix(selected),
center = transformPoint(cx, cy, m);
cx = center.x;
cy = center.y;
angle = ((Math.atan2(cy - y, cx - x) * (180 / Math.PI)) - 90) % 360;
if (curConfig.gridSnapping) {
angle = snapToGrid(angle);
if (evt.shiftKey) { // restrict rotations to nice angles (WRS)
const snap = 45;
angle = Math.round(angle / snap) * snap;
canvas.setRotationAngle(angle < -180 ? (360 + angle) : angle, true);
call('transition', selectedElements);
} default:
* The mouse has moved on the canvas area
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-mouseMove
* @type {PlainObject}
* @property {MouseEvent} event The event object
* @property {Float} mouse_x x coordinate on canvas
* @property {Float} mouse_y y coordinate on canvas
* @property {Element} selected Refers to the first selected element
runExtensions('mouseMove', /** @type {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-mouseMove} */ {
event: evt,
mouse_x: mouseX,
mouse_y: mouseY,
}; // mouseMove()
// - in create mode, the element's opacity is set properly, we create an InsertElementCommand
// and store it on the Undo stack
// - in move/resize mode, the element's attributes which were affected by the move/resize are
// identified, a ChangeElementCommand is created and stored on the stack for those attrs
// this is done in when we recalculate the selected dimensions()
* @param {MouseEvent} evt
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:zoomed
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-mouseUp
* @returns {undefined}
const mouseUp = function (evt) {
if (evt.button === 2) { return; }
const tempJustSelected = justSelected;
justSelected = null;
if (!started) { return; }
const pt = transformPoint(evt.pageX, evt.pageY, rootSctm),
mouseX = pt.x * currentZoom,
mouseY = pt.y * currentZoom,
x = mouseX / currentZoom,
y = mouseY / currentZoom;
let element = getElem(getId());
let keep = false;
const realX = x;
const realY = y;
// TODO: Make true when in multi-unit mode
const useUnit = false; // (curConfig.baseUnit !== 'px');
started = false;
let attrs, t;
switch (currentMode) {
// intentionally fall-through to select here
case 'resize':
case 'multiselect':
if (rubberBox != null) {
rubberBox.setAttribute('display', 'none');
curBBoxes = [];
currentMode = 'select';
// Fallthrough
case 'select':
if (selectedElements[0] != null) {
// if we only have one selected element
if (selectedElements[1] == null) {
// set our current stroke/fill properties to the element's
const selected = selectedElements[0];
switch (selected.tagName) {
case 'g':
case 'use':
case 'image':
case 'foreignObject':
curProperties.fill = selected.getAttribute('fill');
curProperties.fill_opacity = selected.getAttribute('fill-opacity');
curProperties.stroke = selected.getAttribute('stroke');
curProperties.stroke_opacity = selected.getAttribute('stroke-opacity');
curProperties.stroke_width = selected.getAttribute('stroke-width');
curProperties.stroke_dasharray = selected.getAttribute('stroke-dasharray');
curProperties.stroke_linejoin = selected.getAttribute('stroke-linejoin');
curProperties.stroke_linecap = selected.getAttribute('stroke-linecap');
if (selected.tagName === 'text') {
curText.font_size = selected.getAttribute('font-size');
curText.font_family = selected.getAttribute('font-family');
// This shouldn't be necessary as it was done on mouseDown...
// call('selected', [selected]);
// always recalculate dimensions to strip off stray identity transforms
// if it was being dragged/resized
if (realX !== rStartX || realY !== rStartY) {
const len = selectedElements.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (selectedElements[i] == null) { break; }
if (!selectedElements[i].firstChild) {
// Not needed for groups (incorrectly resizes elems), possibly not needed at all?
// no change in position/size, so maybe we should move to pathedit
} else {
t =;
if (selectedElements[0].nodeName === 'path' && selectedElements[1] == null) {[0]);
// if it was a path
// else, if it was selected and this is a shift-click, remove it from selection
} else if (evt.shiftKey) {
if (tempJustSelected !== t) {
} // no change in mouse position
// Remove non-scaling stroke
if (supportsNonScalingStroke()) {
const elem = selectedElements[0];
if (elem) {
walkTree(elem, function (elem) {
case 'zoom':
if (rubberBox != null) {
rubberBox.setAttribute('display', 'none');
const factor = evt.shiftKey ? 0.5 : 2;
call('zoomed', {
x: Math.min(rStartX, realX),
y: Math.min(rStartY, realY),
width: Math.abs(realX - rStartX),
height: Math.abs(realY - rStartY),
case 'fhpath':
// Check that the path contains at least 2 points; a degenerate one-point path
// causes problems.
// Webkit ignores how we set the points attribute with commas and uses space
// to separate all coordinates, see
sumDistance = 0;
controllPoint2 = {x: 0, y: 0};
controllPoint1 = {x: 0, y: 0};
start = {x: 0, y: 0};
end = {x: 0, y: 0};
const coords = element.getAttribute('points');
const commaIndex = coords.indexOf(',');
if (commaIndex >= 0) {
keep = coords.indexOf(',', commaIndex + 1) >= 0;
} else {
keep = coords.indexOf(' ', coords.indexOf(' ') + 1) >= 0;
if (keep) {
element = pathActions.smoothPolylineIntoPath(element);
case 'line':
attrs = $(element).attr(['x1', 'x2', 'y1', 'y2']);
keep = (attrs.x1 !== attrs.x2 || attrs.y1 !== attrs.y2);
case 'foreignObject':
case 'square':
case 'rect':
case 'image':
attrs = $(element).attr(['width', 'height']);
// Image should be kept regardless of size (use inherit dimensions later)
keep = (attrs.width || attrs.height) || currentMode === 'image';
case 'circle':
keep = (element.getAttribute('r') !== '0');
case 'ellipse':
attrs = $(element).attr(['rx', 'ry']);
keep = (attrs.rx || attrs.ry);
case 'fhellipse':
if ((freehand.maxx - freehand.minx) > 0 &&
(freehand.maxy - freehand.miny) > 0) {
element = addSVGElementFromJson({
element: 'ellipse',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
cx: (freehand.minx + freehand.maxx) / 2,
cy: (freehand.miny + freehand.maxy) / 2,
rx: (freehand.maxx - freehand.minx) / 2,
ry: (freehand.maxy - freehand.miny) / 2,
id: getId()
call('changed', [element]);
keep = true;
case 'fhrect':
if ((freehand.maxx - freehand.minx) > 0 &&
(freehand.maxy - freehand.miny) > 0) {
element = addSVGElementFromJson({
element: 'rect',
curStyles: true,
attr: {
x: freehand.minx,
y: freehand.miny,
width: (freehand.maxx - freehand.minx),
height: (freehand.maxy - freehand.miny),
id: getId()
call('changed', [element]);
keep = true;
case 'text':
keep = true;
case 'path':
// set element to null here so that it is not removed nor finalized
element = null;
// continue to be set to true so that mouseMove happens
started = true;
const res = pathActions.mouseUp(evt, element, mouseX, mouseY);
({element} = res);
({keep} = res);
case 'pathedit':
keep = true;
element = null;
case 'textedit':
keep = false;
element = null;
textActions.mouseUp(evt, mouseX, mouseY);
case 'rotate':
keep = true;
element = null;
currentMode = 'select';
const batchCmd = canvas.undoMgr.finishUndoableChange();
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
// perform recalculation to weed out any stray identity transforms that might get stuck
call('changed', selectedElements);
// This could occur in an extension
* The main (left) mouse button is released (anywhere)
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-mouseUp
* @type {PlainObject}
* @property {MouseEvent} event The event object
* @property {Float} mouse_x x coordinate on canvas
* @property {Float} mouse_y y coordinate on canvas
const extResult = runExtensions('mouseUp', /** @type {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-mouseUp} */ {
event: evt,
mouse_x: mouseX,
mouse_y: mouseY
}, true);
$.each(extResult, function (i, r) {
if (r) {
keep = r.keep || keep;
({element} = r);
started = r.started || started;
if (!keep && element != null) {
element = null;
t =;
// if this element is in a group, go up until we reach the top-level group
// just below the layer groups
// TODO: once we implement links, we also would have to check for <a> elements
while (t && t.parentNode && t.parentNode.parentNode && t.parentNode.parentNode.tagName === 'g') {
t = t.parentNode;
// if we are not in the middle of creating a path, and we've clicked on some shape,
// then go to Select mode.
// WebKit returns <div> when the canvas is clicked, Firefox/Opera return <svg>
if ((currentMode !== 'path' || !drawnPath) &&
t && t.parentNode && !== 'selectorParentGroup' && !== 'svgcanvas' && !== 'svgroot'
) {
// switch into "select" mode if we've clicked on an element
selectOnly([t], true);
} else if (element != null) {
* @name module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#addedNew
* @type {boolean}
canvas.addedNew = true;
if (useUnit) { convertAttrs(element); }
let aniDur = 0.2;
let cAni;
if (opacAni.beginElement && parseFloat(element.getAttribute('opacity')) !== curShape.opacity) {
cAni = $(opacAni).clone().attr({
to: curShape.opacity,
dur: aniDur
try {
// Fails in FF4 on foreignObject
} catch (e) {}
} else {
aniDur = 0;
// Ideally this would be done on the endEvent of the animation,
// but that doesn't seem to be supported in Webkit
setTimeout(function () {
if (cAni) { cAni.remove(); }
element.setAttribute('opacity', curShape.opacity);
element.setAttribute('style', 'pointer-events:inherit');
if (currentMode === 'path') {
} else if (curConfig.selectNew) {
selectOnly([element], true);
// we create the insert command that is stored on the stack
// undo means to call cmd.unapply(), redo means to call cmd.apply()
addCommandToHistory(new InsertElementCommand(element));
call('changed', [element]);
}, aniDur * 1000);
startTransform = null;
const dblClick = function (evt) {
const evtTarget =;
const parent = evtTarget.parentNode;
// Do nothing if already in current group
if (parent === currentGroup) { return; }
let mouseTarget = getMouseTarget(evt);
const {tagName} = mouseTarget;
if (tagName === 'text' && currentMode !== 'textedit') {
const pt = transformPoint(evt.pageX, evt.pageY, rootSctm);, pt.x, pt.y);
if ((tagName === 'g' || tagName === 'a') &&
) {
// TODO: Allow method of in-group editing without having to do
// this (similar to editing rotated paths)
// Ungroup and regroup
mouseTarget = selectedElements[0];
// Reset context
if (currentGroup) {
if ((parent.tagName !== 'g' && parent.tagName !== 'a') ||
parent === getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer() ||
mouseTarget === selectorManager.selectorParentGroup
) {
// Escape from in-group edit
// prevent links from being followed in the canvas
const handleLinkInCanvas = function (e) {
return false;
// Added mouseup to the container here.
// TODO(codedread): Figure out why after the Closure compiler, the window mouseup is ignored.
// $(window).mouseup(mouseUp);
// TODO(rafaelcastrocouto): User preference for shift key and zoom factor
'mousewheel DOMMouseScroll',
* @param {Event} e
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:updateCanvas
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:zoomDone
* @returns {undefined}
function (e) {
if (!e.shiftKey) { return; }
const evt = e.originalEvent;
rootSctm = $('#svgcontent g')[0].getScreenCTM().inverse();
const workarea = $('#workarea');
const scrbar = 15;
const rulerwidth = curConfig.showRulers ? 16 : 0;
// mouse relative to content area in content pixels
const pt = transformPoint(evt.pageX, evt.pageY, rootSctm);
// full work area width in screen pixels
const editorFullW = workarea.width();
const editorFullH = workarea.height();
// work area width minus scroll and ruler in screen pixels
const editorW = editorFullW - scrbar - rulerwidth;
const editorH = editorFullH - scrbar - rulerwidth;
// work area width in content pixels
const workareaViewW = editorW * rootSctm.a;
const workareaViewH = editorH * rootSctm.d;
// content offset from canvas in screen pixels
const wOffset = workarea.offset();
const wOffsetLeft = wOffset['left'] + rulerwidth;
const wOffsetTop = wOffset['top'] + rulerwidth;
const delta = (evt.wheelDelta) ? evt.wheelDelta : (evt.detail) ? -evt.detail : 0;
if (!delta) { return; }
let factor = Math.max(3 / 4, Math.min(4 / 3, (delta)));
let wZoom, hZoom;
if (factor > 1) {
wZoom = Math.ceil(editorW / workareaViewW * factor * 100) / 100;
hZoom = Math.ceil(editorH / workareaViewH * factor * 100) / 100;
} else {
wZoom = Math.floor(editorW / workareaViewW * factor * 100) / 100;
hZoom = Math.floor(editorH / workareaViewH * factor * 100) / 100;
let zoomlevel = Math.min(wZoom, hZoom);
zoomlevel = Math.min(10, Math.max(0.01, zoomlevel));
if (zoomlevel === currentZoom) {
factor = zoomlevel / currentZoom;
// top left of workarea in content pixels before zoom
const topLeftOld = transformPoint(wOffsetLeft, wOffsetTop, rootSctm);
// top left of workarea in content pixels after zoom
const topLeftNew = {
x: pt.x - (pt.x - topLeftOld.x) / factor,
y: pt.y - (pt.y - topLeftOld.y) / factor
// top left of workarea in canvas pixels relative to content after zoom
const topLeftNewCanvas = {
x: topLeftNew.x * zoomlevel,
y: topLeftNew.y * zoomlevel
// new center in canvas pixels
const newCtr = {
x: topLeftNewCanvas.x - rulerwidth + editorFullW / 2,
y: topLeftNewCanvas.y - rulerwidth + editorFullH / 2
$('#zoom').val((zoomlevel * 100).toFixed(1));
call('updateCanvas', {center: false, newCtr});
* Group: Text edit functions
* Functions relating to editing text elements
* @namespace {PlainObject} textActions
* @memberof module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#
const textActions = canvas.textActions = (function () {
let curtext;
let textinput;
let cursor;
let selblock;
let blinker;
let chardata = [];
let textbb; // , transbb;
let matrix;
let lastX, lastY;
let allowDbl;
function setCursor (index) {
const empty = (textinput.value === '');
if (!arguments.length) {
if (empty) {
index = 0;
} else {
if (textinput.selectionEnd !== textinput.selectionStart) { return; }
index = textinput.selectionEnd;
const charbb = chardata[index];
if (!empty) {
textinput.setSelectionRange(index, index);
cursor = getElem('text_cursor');
if (!cursor) {
cursor = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'line');
assignAttributes(cursor, {
id: 'text_cursor',
stroke: '#333',
'stroke-width': 1
cursor = getElem('selectorParentGroup').appendChild(cursor);
if (!blinker) {
blinker = setInterval(function () {
const show = (cursor.getAttribute('display') === 'none');
cursor.setAttribute('display', show ? 'inline' : 'none');
}, 600);
const startPt = ptToScreen(charbb.x, textbb.y);
const endPt = ptToScreen(charbb.x, (textbb.y + textbb.height));
assignAttributes(cursor, {
x1: startPt.x,
y1: startPt.y,
x2: endPt.x,
y2: endPt.y,
visibility: 'visible',
display: 'inline'
if (selblock) { selblock.setAttribute('d', ''); }
function setSelection (start, end, skipInput) {
if (start === end) {
if (!skipInput) {
textinput.setSelectionRange(start, end);
selblock = getElem('text_selectblock');
if (!selblock) {
selblock = document.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'path');
assignAttributes(selblock, {
id: 'text_selectblock',
fill: 'green',
opacity: 0.5,
style: 'pointer-events:none'
const startbb = chardata[start];
const endbb = chardata[end];
cursor.setAttribute('visibility', 'hidden');
const tl = ptToScreen(startbb.x, textbb.y),
tr = ptToScreen(startbb.x + (endbb.x - startbb.x), textbb.y),
bl = ptToScreen(startbb.x, textbb.y + textbb.height),
br = ptToScreen(startbb.x + (endbb.x - startbb.x), textbb.y + textbb.height);
const dstr = 'M' + tl.x + ',' + tl.y +
' L' + tr.x + ',' + tr.y +
' ' + br.x + ',' + br.y +
' ' + bl.x + ',' + bl.y + 'z';
assignAttributes(selblock, {
d: dstr,
display: 'inline'
function getIndexFromPoint (mouseX, mouseY) {
// Position cursor here
const pt = svgroot.createSVGPoint();
pt.x = mouseX;
pt.y = mouseY;
// No content, so return 0
if (chardata.length === 1) { return 0; }
// Determine if cursor should be on left or right of character
let charpos = curtext.getCharNumAtPosition(pt);
if (charpos < 0) {
// Out of text range, look at mouse coords
charpos = chardata.length - 2;
if (mouseX <= chardata[0].x) {
charpos = 0;
} else if (charpos >= chardata.length - 2) {
charpos = chardata.length - 2;
const charbb = chardata[charpos];
const mid = charbb.x + (charbb.width / 2);
if (mouseX > mid) {
return charpos;
function setCursorFromPoint (mouseX, mouseY) {
setCursor(getIndexFromPoint(mouseX, mouseY));
function setEndSelectionFromPoint (x, y, apply) {
const i1 = textinput.selectionStart;
const i2 = getIndexFromPoint(x, y);
const start = Math.min(i1, i2);
const end = Math.max(i1, i2);
setSelection(start, end, !apply);
function screenToPt (xIn, yIn) {
const out = {
x: xIn,
y: yIn
out.x /= currentZoom;
out.y /= currentZoom;
if (matrix) {
const pt = transformPoint(out.x, out.y, matrix.inverse());
out.x = pt.x;
out.y = pt.y;
return out;
function ptToScreen (xIn, yIn) {
const out = {
x: xIn,
y: yIn
if (matrix) {
const pt = transformPoint(out.x, out.y, matrix);
out.x = pt.x;
out.y = pt.y;
out.x *= currentZoom;
out.y *= currentZoom;
return out;
// Not currently in use
function hideCursor () {
if (cursor) {
cursor.setAttribute('visibility', 'hidden');
function selectAll (evt) {
setSelection(0, curtext.textContent.length);
function selectWord (evt) {
if (!allowDbl || !curtext) { return; }
const ept = transformPoint(evt.pageX, evt.pageY, rootSctm),
mouseX = ept.x * currentZoom,
mouseY = ept.y * currentZoom;
const pt = screenToPt(mouseX, mouseY);
const index = getIndexFromPoint(pt.x, pt.y);
const str = curtext.textContent;
const first = str.substr(0, index).replace(/[a-z0-9]+$/i, '').length;
const m = str.substr(index).match(/^[a-z0-9]+/i);
const last = (m ? m[0].length : 0) + index;
setSelection(first, last);
// Set tripleclick
setTimeout(function () {
$('click', selectAll);
}, 300);
return /** @lends module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#textActions */ {
* @param {Element} target
* @param {Float} x
* @param {Float} y
* @returns {undefined}
select (target, x, y) {
curtext = target;
textActions.toEditMode(x, y);
* @param {Element} elem
* @returns {undefined}
start (elem) {
curtext = elem;
* @param {external:MouseEvent} evt
* @param {Element} mouseTarget
* @param {Float} startX
* @param {Float} startY
* @returns {undefined}
mouseDown (evt, mouseTarget, startX, startY) {
const pt = screenToPt(startX, startY);
setCursorFromPoint(pt.x, pt.y);
lastX = startX;
lastY = startY;
// TODO: Find way to block native selection
* @param {Float} mouseX
* @param {Float} mouseY
* @returns {undefined}
mouseMove (mouseX, mouseY) {
const pt = screenToPt(mouseX, mouseY);
setEndSelectionFromPoint(pt.x, pt.y);
* @param {external:MouseEvent}
* @param {Float} mouseX
* @param {Float} mouseY
* @returns {undefined}
mouseUp (evt, mouseX, mouseY) {
const pt = screenToPt(mouseX, mouseY);
setEndSelectionFromPoint(pt.x, pt.y, true);
// TODO: Find a way to make this work: Use transformed BBox instead of
// if (lastX === mouseX && lastY === mouseY
// && !rectsIntersect(transbb, {x: pt.x, y: pt.y, width: 0, height: 0})) {
// textActions.toSelectMode(true);
// }
if ( !== curtext &&
mouseX < lastX + 2 &&
mouseX > lastX - 2 &&
mouseY < lastY + 2 &&
mouseY > lastY - 2
) {
* @function
* @param {Integer} index
* @returns {undefined}
* @param {Float} x
* @param {Float} y
* @returns {undefined}
toEditMode (x, y) {
allowDbl = false;
currentMode = 'textedit';
// Make selector group accept clicks
/* const selector = */ selectorManager.requestSelector(curtext); // Do we need this? Has side effect of setting lock, so keeping for now, but next line wasn't being used
// const sel = selector.selectorRect;
$(curtext).css('cursor', 'text');
// if (supportsEditableText()) {
// curtext.setAttribute('editable', 'simple');
// return;
// }
if (!arguments.length) {
} else {
const pt = screenToPt(x, y);
setCursorFromPoint(pt.x, pt.y);
setTimeout(function () {
allowDbl = true;
}, 300);
* @param {boolean|Element} selectElem
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:selected
* @returns {undefined}
toSelectMode (selectElem) {
currentMode = 'select';
blinker = null;
if (selblock) { $(selblock).attr('display', 'none'); }
if (cursor) { $(cursor).attr('visibility', 'hidden'); }
$(curtext).css('cursor', 'move');
if (selectElem) {
$(curtext).css('cursor', 'move');
call('selected', [curtext]);
addToSelection([curtext], true);
if (curtext && !curtext.textContent.length) {
// No content, so delete
curtext = false;
// if (supportsEditableText()) {
// curtext.removeAttribute('editable');
// }
* @param {Element} elem
* @returns {undefined}
setInputElem (elem) {
textinput = elem;
// $(textinput).blur(hideCursor);
* @returns {undefined}
clear () {
if (currentMode === 'textedit') {
* @param {Element} inputElem Not in use
* @returns {undefined}
init (inputElem) {
if (!curtext) { return; }
let i, end;
// if (supportsEditableText()) {
// return;
// }
if (!curtext.parentNode) {
// Result of the ffClone, need to get correct element
curtext = selectedElements[0];
const str = curtext.textContent;
const len = str.length;
const xform = curtext.getAttribute('transform');
textbb = utilsGetBBox(curtext);
matrix = xform ? getMatrix(curtext) : null;
chardata = [];
chardata.length = len;
$(curtext).unbind('dblclick', selectWord).dblclick(selectWord);
if (!len) {
end = {x: textbb.x + (textbb.width / 2), width: 0};
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const start = curtext.getStartPositionOfChar(i);
end = curtext.getEndPositionOfChar(i);
if (!supportsGoodTextCharPos()) {
const offset = canvas.contentW * currentZoom;
start.x -= offset;
end.x -= offset;
start.x /= currentZoom;
end.x /= currentZoom;
// Get a "bbox" equivalent for each character. Uses the
// bbox data of the actual text for y, height purposes
// TODO: Decide if y, width and height are actually necessary
chardata[i] = {
x: start.x,
y: textbb.y, // start.y?
width: end.x - start.x,
height: textbb.height
// Add a last bbox for cursor at end of text
x: end.x,
width: 0
setSelection(textinput.selectionStart, textinput.selectionEnd, true);
* Group: Serialization
* Looks at DOM elements inside the `<defs>` to see if they are referred to,
* removes them from the DOM if they are not.
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#removeUnusedDefElems
* @returns {Integer} The number of elements that were removed
const removeUnusedDefElems = this.removeUnusedDefElems = function () {
const defs = svgcontent.getElementsByTagNameNS(NS.SVG, 'defs');
if (!defs || !defs.length) { return 0; }
// if (!defs.firstChild) { return; }
const defelemUses = [];
let numRemoved = 0;
const attrs = ['fill', 'stroke', 'filter', 'marker-start', 'marker-mid', 'marker-end'];
const alen = attrs.length;
const allEls = svgcontent.getElementsByTagNameNS(NS.SVG, '*');
const allLen = allEls.length;
let i, j;
for (i = 0; i < allLen; i++) {
const el = allEls[i];
for (j = 0; j < alen; j++) {
const ref = getUrlFromAttr(el.getAttribute(attrs[j]));
if (ref) {
// gradients can refer to other gradients
const href = getHref(el);
if (href && href.startsWith('#')) {
const defelems = $(defs).find('linearGradient, radialGradient, filter, marker, svg, symbol');
i = defelems.length;
while (i--) {
const defelem = defelems[i];
const {id} = defelem;
if (!defelemUses.includes(id)) {
// Not found, so remove (but remember)
removedElements[id] = defelem;
return numRemoved;
* Main function to set up the SVG content for output
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#svgCanvasToString
* @returns {string} The SVG image for output
this.svgCanvasToString = function () {
// keep calling it until there are none to remove
while (removeUnusedDefElems() > 0) {}
// Keep SVG-Edit comment on top
$.each(svgcontent.childNodes, function (i, node) {
if (i && node.nodeType === 8 &&'Created with')) {
// Move out of in-group editing mode
if (currentGroup) {
const nakedSvgs = [];
// Unwrap gsvg if it has no special attributes (only id and style)
$(svgcontent).find('g:data(gsvg)').each(function () {
const attrs = this.attributes;
let len = attrs.length;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (attrs[i].nodeName === 'id' || attrs[i].nodeName === 'style') {
// No significant attributes, so ungroup
if (len <= 0) {
const svg = this.firstChild;
const output = this.svgToString(svgcontent, 0);
// Rewrap gsvg
if (nakedSvgs.length) {
$(nakedSvgs).each(function () {
return output;
* Sub function ran on each SVG element to convert it to a string as desired
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#svgToString
* @param {Element} elem - The SVG element to convert
* @param {Integer} indent - Number of spaces to indent this tag
* @returns {string} The given element as an SVG tag
this.svgToString = function (elem, indent) {
const out = [];
const unit = curConfig.baseUnit;
const unitRe = new RegExp('^-?[\\d\\.]+' + unit + '$');
if (elem) {
const attrs = Array.from(elem.attributes);
let i;
const childs = elem.childNodes;
attrs.sort((a, b) => > ? -1 : 1);
for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) { out.push(' '); }
out.push('<'); out.push(elem.nodeName);
if ( === 'svgcontent') {
// Process root element separately
const res = getResolution();
const vb = '';
// TODO: Allow this by dividing all values by current baseVal
// Note that this also means we should properly deal with this on import
// if (curConfig.baseUnit !== 'px') {
// const unit = curConfig.baseUnit;
// const unitM = getTypeMap()[unit];
// res.w = shortFloat(res.w / unitM);
// res.h = shortFloat(res.h / unitM);
// vb = ' viewBox="' + [0, 0, res.w, res.h].join(' ') + '"';
// res.w += unit;
// res.h += unit;
// }
if (unit !== 'px') {
res.w = convertUnit(res.w, unit) + unit;
res.h = convertUnit(res.h, unit) + unit;
out.push(' width="' + res.w + '" height="' + res.h + '"' + vb + ' xmlns="' + NS.SVG + '"');
const nsuris = {};
// Check elements for namespaces, add if found
$(elem).find('*').andSelf().each(function () {
// const el = this;
// for some elements have no attribute
const uri = this.namespaceURI;
if (uri && !nsuris[uri] && nsMap[uri] && nsMap[uri] !== 'xmlns' && nsMap[uri] !== 'xml') {
nsuris[uri] = true;
out.push(' xmlns:' + nsMap[uri] + '="' + uri + '"');
$.each(this.attributes, function (i, attr) {
const uri = attr.namespaceURI;
if (uri && !nsuris[uri] && nsMap[uri] !== 'xmlns' && nsMap[uri] !== 'xml') {
nsuris[uri] = true;
out.push(' xmlns:' + nsMap[uri] + '="' + uri + '"');
i = attrs.length;
const attrNames = ['width', 'height', 'xmlns', 'x', 'y', 'viewBox', 'id', 'overflow'];
while (i--) {
const attr = attrs[i];
const attrVal = toXml(attr.value);
// Namespaces have already been dealt with, so skip
if (attr.nodeName.startsWith('xmlns:')) { continue; }
// only serialize attributes we don't use internally
if (attrVal !== '' && !attrNames.includes(attr.localName)) {
if (!attr.namespaceURI || nsMap[attr.namespaceURI]) {
out.push(' ');
out.push(attr.nodeName); out.push('="');
out.push(attrVal); out.push('"');
} else {
// Skip empty defs
if (elem.nodeName === 'defs' && !elem.firstChild) { return; }
const mozAttrs = ['-moz-math-font-style', '_moz-math-font-style'];
for (i = attrs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const attr = attrs[i];
let attrVal = toXml(attr.value);
// remove bogus attributes added by Gecko
if (mozAttrs.includes(attr.localName)) { continue; }
if (attrVal !== '') {
if (attrVal.startsWith('pointer-events')) { continue; }
if (attr.localName === 'class' && attrVal.startsWith('se_')) { continue; }
out.push(' ');
if (attr.localName === 'd') { attrVal = pathActions.convertPath(elem, true); }
if (!isNaN(attrVal)) {
attrVal = shortFloat(attrVal);
} else if (unitRe.test(attrVal)) {
attrVal = shortFloat(attrVal) + unit;
// Embed images when saving
if (saveOptions.apply &&
elem.nodeName === 'image' &&
attr.localName === 'href' &&
saveOptions.images &&
saveOptions.images === 'embed'
) {
const img = encodableImages[attrVal];
if (img) { attrVal = img; }
// map various namespaces to our fixed namespace prefixes
// (the default xmlns attribute itself does not get a prefix)
if (!attr.namespaceURI || attr.namespaceURI === NS.SVG || nsMap[attr.namespaceURI]) {
out.push(attr.nodeName); out.push('="');
out.push(attrVal); out.push('"');
if (elem.hasChildNodes()) {
let bOneLine = false;
for (i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) {
const child = childs.item(i);
switch (child.nodeType) {
case 1: // element node
out.push(this.svgToString(childs.item(i), indent));
case 3: // text node
const str = child.nodeValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
if (str !== '') {
bOneLine = true;
case 4: // cdata node
out.push(new Array(indent + 1).join(' '));
case 8: // comment
out.push(new Array(indent + 1).join(' '));
} // switch on node type
if (!bOneLine) {
for (i = 0; i < indent; i++) { out.push(' '); }
out.push('</'); out.push(elem.nodeName); out.push('>');
} else {
return out.join('');
}; // end svgToString()
* Function to run when image data is found
* @callback module:svgcanvas.ImageEmbeddedCallback
* @param {string|false} result Data URL
* @returns {undefined}
* Converts a given image file to a data URL when possible, then runs a given callback
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#embedImage
* @param {string} src - The path/URL of the image
* @param {module:svgcanvas.ImageEmbeddedCallback} [callback] - Function to run when image data is found
* @returns {Promise} Resolves to Data URL (string|false)
this.embedImage = function (src, callback) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
// load in the image and once it's loaded, get the dimensions
$(new Image()).load(function (response, status, xhr) {
if (status === 'error') {
reject(new Error('Error loading image: ' + xhr.status + ' ' + xhr.statusText));
// create a canvas the same size as the raster image
const cvs = document.createElement('canvas');
cvs.width = this.width;
cvs.height = this.height;
// load the raster image into the canvas
cvs.getContext('2d').drawImage(this, 0, 0);
// retrieve the data: URL
try {
let urldata = ';svgedit_url=' + encodeURIComponent(src);
urldata = cvs.toDataURL().replace(';base64', urldata + ';base64');
encodableImages[src] = urldata;
} catch (e) {
encodableImages[src] = false;
lastGoodImgUrl = src;
if (callback) { callback(encodableImages[src]); }
}).attr('src', src);
* Sets a given URL to be a "last good image" URL
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setGoodImage
* @param {string} val
* @returns {undefined}
this.setGoodImage = function (val) {
lastGoodImgUrl = val;
* Does nothing by default, handled by optional widget/extension
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#open
* @returns {undefined}
*/ = function () {
* Serializes the current drawing into SVG XML text and passes it to the 'saved' handler.
* This function also includes the XML prolog. Clients of the `SvgCanvas` bind their save
* function to the 'saved' event.
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#save
* @param {module:svgcanvas.SaveOptions} opts
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:saved
* @returns {undefined}
*/ = function (opts) {
// remove the selected outline before serializing
// Update save options if provided
if (opts) { $.extend(saveOptions, opts); }
saveOptions.apply = true;
// no need for doctype, see
const str = this.svgCanvasToString();
call('saved', str);
* Codes only is useful for locale-independent detection
function getIssues () {
// remove the selected outline before serializing
// Check for known CanVG issues
const issues = [];
const issueCodes = [];
// Selector and notice
const issueList = {
feGaussianBlur: uiStrings.exportNoBlur,
foreignObject: uiStrings.exportNoforeignObject,
'[stroke-dasharray]': uiStrings.exportNoDashArray
const content = $(svgcontent);
// Add font/text check if Canvas Text API is not implemented
if (!('font' in $('<canvas>')[0].getContext('2d'))) {
issueList.text = uiStrings.exportNoText;
$.each(issueList, function (sel, descr) {
if (content.find(sel).length) {
return {issues, issueCodes};
let canvg;
* @typedef {"feGaussianBlur"|"foreignObject"|"[stroke-dasharray]"|"text"} module:svgcanvas.IssueCode
* @typedef {PlainObject} module:svgcanvas.ImageExportedResults
* @property {string} datauri Contents as a Data URL
* @property {string} bloburl May be the empty string
* @property {string} svg The SVG contents as a string
* @property {string[]} issues The localization messages of `issueCodes`
* @property {module:svgcanvas.IssueCode[]} issueCodes CanVG issues found with the SVG
* @property {"PNG"|"JPEG"|"BMP"|"WEBP"|"ICO"} type The chosen image type
* @property {"image/png"|"image/jpeg"|"image/bmp"|"image/webp"} mimeType The image MIME type
* @property {Float} quality A decimal between 0 and 1 (for use with JPEG or WEBP)
* @property {string} exportWindowName A convenience for passing along a `` to target a window on which the export could be added
* Function to run when image data is found
* @callback module:svgcanvas.ImageExportedCallback
* @param {module:svgcanvas.ImageExportedResults} obj
* @returns {undefined}
* Generates a PNG (or JPG, BMP, WEBP) Data URL based on the current image,
* then calls "exported" with an object including the string, image
* information, and any issues found
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#rasterExport
* @param {"PNG"|"JPEG"|"BMP"|"WEBP"|"ICO"} [imgType="PNG"]
* @param {Float} [quality] Between 0 and 1
* @param {string} [exportWindowName]
* @param {module:svgcanvas.ImageExportedCallback} [cb]
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:exported
* @todo Confirm/fix ICO type
* @returns {Promise} Resolves to {@link module:svgcanvas.ImageExportedResults}
this.rasterExport = function (imgType, quality, exportWindowName, cb) {
const type = imgType === 'ICO' ? 'BMP' : (imgType || 'PNG');
const mimeType = 'image/' + type.toLowerCase();
const {issues, issueCodes} = getIssues();
const svg = this.svgCanvasToString();
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
if (!canvg) {
({canvg} = await importSetGlobal(curConfig.canvgPath + 'canvg.js', {
global: 'canvg'
if (!$('#export_canvas').length) {
$('<canvas>', {id: 'export_canvas'}).hide().appendTo('body');
const c = $('#export_canvas')[0];
c.width = canvas.contentW;
c.height = canvas.contentH;
await canvg(c, svg);
const dataURLType = type.toLowerCase();
const datauri = quality
? c.toDataURL('image/' + dataURLType, quality)
: c.toDataURL('image/' + dataURLType);
let bloburl;
function done () {
const obj = {
datauri, bloburl, svg, issues, issueCodes, type: imgType,
mimeType, quality, exportWindowName
call('exported', obj);
if (cb) {
if (c.toBlob) {
c.toBlob((blob) => {
bloburl = createObjectURL(blob);
}, mimeType, quality);
bloburl = dataURLToObjectURL(datauri);
* @external jsPDF
* @typedef {undefined|"save"|"arraybuffer"|"blob"|"datauristring"|"dataurlstring"|"dataurlnewwindow"|"datauri"|"dataurl"} external:jsPDF.OutputType
* @todo Newer version to add also allows these `outputType` values "bloburi"|"bloburl" which return strings, so document here and for `outputType` of `module:svgcanvas.PDFExportedResults` below if added
* @typedef {PlainObject} module:svgcanvas.PDFExportedResults
* @property {string} svg The SVG PDF output
* @property {string|ArrayBuffer|Blob|window} output The output based on the `outputType`;
* if `undefined`, "datauristring", "dataurlstring", "datauri",
* or "dataurl", will be a string (`undefined` gives a document, while the others
* build as Data URLs; "datauri" and "dataurl" change the location of the current page); if
* "arraybuffer", will return `ArrayBuffer`; if "blob", returns a `Blob`;
* if "dataurlnewwindow", will change the current page's location and return a string
* if in Safari and no window object is found; otherwise opens in, and returns, a new `window`
* object; if "save", will have the same return as "dataurlnewwindow" if
* `navigator.getUserMedia` support is found without `URL.createObjectURL` support; otherwise
* returns `undefined` but attempts to save
* @property {external:jsPDF.OutputType} outputType
* @property {string[]} issues The human-readable localization messages of corresponding `issueCodes`
* @property {module:svgcanvas.IssueCode[]} issueCodes
* @property {string} exportWindowName
* Function to run when PDF data is found
* @callback module:svgcanvas.PDFExportedCallback
* @param {module:svgcanvas.PDFExportedResults} obj
* @returns {undefined}
* Generates a PDF based on the current image, then calls "exportedPDF" with
* an object including the string, the data URL, and any issues found
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#exportPDF
* @param {string} exportWindowName Will also be used for the download file name here
* @param {external:jsPDF.OutputType} [outputType="dataurlstring"]
* @param {module:svgcanvas.PDFExportedCallback} cb
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:exportedPDF
* @returns {Promise} Resolves to {@link module:svgcanvas.PDFExportedResults}
this.exportPDF = function (exportWindowName, outputType, cb) {
const that = this;
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
if (!window.jsPDF) {
// Todo: Switch to `import()` when widely supported and available (also allow customization of path)
await importScript([
// We do not currently have these paths configurable as they are
// currently global-only, so not Rolled-up
const modularVersion = !('svgEditor' in window) ||
!window.svgEditor ||
window.svgEditor.modules !== false;
// Todo: Switch to `import()` when widely supported and available (also allow customization of path)
await importScript(curConfig.jspdfPath + 'jspdf.plugin.svgToPdf.js', {
type: modularVersion
? 'module'
: 'text/javascript'
// await importModule('jspdf/jspdf.plugin.svgToPdf.js');
const res = getResolution();
const orientation = res.w > res.h ? 'landscape' : 'portrait';
const unit = 'pt'; // curConfig.baseUnit; // We could use baseUnit, but that is presumably not intended for export purposes
// Todo: Give options to use predefined jsPDF formats like "a4", etc. from pull-down (with option to keep customizable)
const doc = jsPDF({
format: [res.w, res.h]
// , compressPdf: true
const docTitle = getDocumentTitle();
title: docTitle /* ,
subject: '',
author: '',
keywords: '',
creator: '' */
const {issues, issueCodes} = getIssues();
const svg = that.svgCanvasToString();
doc.addSVG(svg, 0, 0);
// doc.output('save'); // Works to open in a new
// window; todo: configure this and other export
// options to optionally work in this manner as
// opposed to opening a new tab
outputType = outputType || 'dataurlstring';
const obj = {svg, issues, issueCodes, exportWindowName, outputType};
obj.output = doc.output(outputType, outputType === 'save' ? (exportWindowName || 'svg.pdf') : undefined);
if (cb) {
call('exportedPDF', obj);
* Returns the current drawing as raw SVG XML text.
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getSvgString
* @returns {string} The current drawing as raw SVG XML text.
this.getSvgString = function () {
saveOptions.apply = false;
return this.svgCanvasToString();
* This function determines whether to use a nonce in the prefix, when
* generating IDs for future documents in SVG-Edit.
* If you're controlling SVG-Edit externally, and want randomized IDs, call
* this BEFORE calling svgCanvas.setSvgString
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#randomizeIds
* @param {boolean} [enableRandomization] If true, adds a nonce to the prefix. Thus
* `svgCanvas.randomizeIds() <==> svgCanvas.randomizeIds(true)`
* @returns {undefined}
this.randomizeIds = function (enableRandomization) {
if (arguments.length > 0 && enableRandomization === false) {
draw.randomizeIds(false, getCurrentDrawing());
} else {
draw.randomizeIds(true, getCurrentDrawing());
* Ensure each element has a unique ID
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#uniquifyElems
* @param {Element} g - The parent element of the tree to give unique IDs
* @returns {undefined}
const uniquifyElems = this.uniquifyElems = function (g) {
const ids = {};
// TODO: Handle markers and connectors. These are not yet re-identified properly
// as their referring elements do not get remapped.
// <marker id='se_marker_end_svg_7'/>
// <polyline id='svg_7' se:connector='svg_1 svg_6' marker-end='url(#se_marker_end_svg_7)'/>
// Problem #1: if svg_1 gets renamed, we do not update the polyline's se:connector attribute
// Problem #2: if the polyline svg_7 gets renamed, we do not update the marker id nor the polyline's marker-end attribute
const refElems = ['filter', 'linearGradient', 'pattern', 'radialGradient', 'symbol', 'textPath', 'use'];
walkTree(g, function (n) {
// if it's an element node
if (n.nodeType === 1) {
// and the element has an ID
if ( {
// and we haven't tracked this ID yet
if (!( in ids)) {
// add this id to our map
ids[] = {elem: null, attrs: [], hrefs: []};
ids[].elem = n;
// now search for all attributes on this element that might refer
// to other elements
$.each(refAttrs, function (i, attr) {
const attrnode = n.getAttributeNode(attr);
if (attrnode) {
// the incoming file has been sanitized, so we should be able to safely just strip off the leading #
const url = getUrlFromAttr(attrnode.value),
refid = url ? url.substr(1) : null;
if (refid) {
if (!(refid in ids)) {
// add this id to our map
ids[refid] = {elem: null, attrs: [], hrefs: []};
// check xlink:href now
const href = getHref(n);
// TODO: what if an <image> or <a> element refers to an element internally?
if (href && refElems.includes(n.nodeName)) {
const refid = href.substr(1);
if (refid) {
if (!(refid in ids)) {
// add this id to our map
ids[refid] = {elem: null, attrs: [], hrefs: []};
// in ids, we now have a map of ids, elements and attributes, let's re-identify
for (const oldid in ids) {
if (!oldid) { continue; }
const {elem} = ids[oldid];
if (elem) {
const newid = getNextId();
// assign element its new id = newid;
// remap all url() attributes
const {attrs} = ids[oldid];
let j = attrs.length;
while (j--) {
const attr = attrs[j];
attr.ownerElement.setAttribute(, 'url(#' + newid + ')');
// remap all href attributes
const hreffers = ids[oldid].hrefs;
let k = hreffers.length;
while (k--) {
const hreffer = hreffers[k];
setHref(hreffer, '#' + newid);
* Assigns reference data for each use element
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setUseData
* @param {Element} parent
* @returns {undefined}
const setUseData = this.setUseData = function (parent) {
let elems = $(parent);
if (parent.tagName !== 'use') {
elems = elems.find('use');
elems.each(function () {
const id = getHref(this).substr(1);
const refElem = getElem(id);
if (!refElem) { return; }
$(this).data('ref', refElem);
if (refElem.tagName === 'symbol' || refElem.tagName === 'svg') {
$(this).data('symbol', refElem).data('ref', refElem);
* Converts gradients from userSpaceOnUse to objectBoundingBox
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#convertGradients
* @param {Element} elem
* @returns {undefined}
const convertGradients = this.convertGradients = function (elem) {
let elems = $(elem).find('linearGradient, radialGradient');
if (!elems.length && isWebkit()) {
// Bug in webkit prevents regular *Gradient selector search
elems = $(elem).find('*').filter(function () {
return (this.tagName.includes('Gradient'));
elems.each(function () {
const grad = this;
if ($(grad).attr('gradientUnits') === 'userSpaceOnUse') {
// TODO: Support more than one element with this ref by duplicating parent grad
const elems = $(svgcontent).find('[fill="url(#' + + ')"],[stroke="url(#' + + ')"]');
if (!elems.length) { return; }
// get object's bounding box
const bb = utilsGetBBox(elems[0]);
// This will occur if the element is inside a <defs> or a <symbol>,
// in which we shouldn't need to convert anyway.
if (!bb) { return; }
if (grad.tagName === 'linearGradient') {
const gCoords = $(grad).attr(['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2']);
// If has transform, convert
const tlist = grad.gradientTransform.baseVal;
if (tlist && tlist.numberOfItems > 0) {
const m = transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix;
const pt1 = transformPoint(gCoords.x1, gCoords.y1, m);
const pt2 = transformPoint(gCoords.x2, gCoords.y2, m);
gCoords.x1 = pt1.x;
gCoords.y1 = pt1.y;
gCoords.x2 = pt2.x;
gCoords.y2 = pt2.y;
x1: (gCoords.x1 - bb.x) / bb.width,
y1: (gCoords.y1 - bb.y) / bb.height,
x2: (gCoords.x2 - bb.x) / bb.width,
y2: (gCoords.y2 - bb.y) / bb.height
// else {
// Note: radialGradient elements cannot be easily converted
// because userSpaceOnUse will keep circular gradients, while
// objectBoundingBox will x/y scale the gradient according to
// its bbox.
// For now we'll do nothing, though we should probably have
// the gradient be updated as the element is moved, as
// inkscape/illustrator do.
// const gCoords = $(grad).attr(['cx', 'cy', 'r']);
// $(grad).attr({
// cx: ( - bb.x) / bb.width,
// cy: ( - bb.y) / bb.height,
// r: gCoords.r
// });
// grad.removeAttribute('gradientUnits');
// }
* Converts selected/given `<use>` or child SVG element to a group
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#convertToGroup
* @param {Element} elem
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:selected
* @returns {undefined}
const convertToGroup = this.convertToGroup = function (elem) {
if (!elem) {
elem = selectedElements[0];
const $elem = $(elem);
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand();
let ts;
if ($'gsvg')) {
// Use the gsvg as the new group
const svg = elem.firstChild;
const pt = $(svg).attr(['x', 'y']);
const tlist = getTransformList(elem);
const xform = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
xform.setTranslate(pt.x, pt.y);
call('selected', [elem]);
} else if ($'symbol')) {
elem = $'symbol');
ts = $elem.attr('transform');
const pos = $elem.attr(['x', 'y']);
const vb = elem.getAttribute('viewBox');
if (vb) {
const nums = vb.split(' ');
pos.x -= +nums[0];
pos.y -= +nums[1];
// Not ideal, but works
ts += ' translate(' + (pos.x || 0) + ',' + (pos.y || 0) + ')';
const prev = $elem.prev();
// Remove <use> element
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new RemoveElementCommand($elem[0], $elem[0].nextSibling, $elem[0].parentNode));
// See if other elements reference this symbol
const hasMore = $(svgcontent).find('use:data(symbol)').length;
const g = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'g');
const childs = elem.childNodes;
let i;
for (i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) {
// Duplicate the gradients for Gecko, since they weren't included in the <symbol>
if (isGecko()) {
const dupeGrads = $(findDefs()).children('linearGradient,radialGradient,pattern').clone();
if (ts) {
g.setAttribute('transform', ts);
const parent = elem.parentNode;
// Put the dupe gradients back into <defs> (after uniquifying them)
if (isGecko()) {
// now give the g itself a new id = getNextId();
if (parent) {
if (!hasMore) {
// remove symbol/svg element
const {nextSibling} = elem;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new RemoveElementCommand(elem, nextSibling, parent));
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new InsertElementCommand(g));
if (isGecko()) {
} else {
// recalculate dimensions on the top-level children so that unnecessary transforms
// are removed
walkTreePost(g, function (n) {
try {
} catch (e) {
// Give ID for any visible element missing one
$(g).find(visElems).each(function () {
if (! { = getNextId(); }
const cm = pushGroupProperties(g, true);
if (cm) {
} else {
console.log('Unexpected element to ungroup:', elem);
* This function sets the current drawing as the input SVG XML.
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setSvgString
* @param {string} xmlString - The SVG as XML text.
* @param {boolean} [preventUndo=false] - Indicates if we want to do the
* changes without adding them to the undo stack - e.g. for initializing a
* drawing on page load.
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:setnonce
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:unsetnonce
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {boolean} This function returns `false` if the set was
* unsuccessful, `true` otherwise.
this.setSvgString = function (xmlString, preventUndo) {
try {
// convert string into XML document
const newDoc = text2xml(xmlString);
if (newDoc.firstElementChild &&
newDoc.firstElementChild.namespaceURI !== NS.SVG) {
return false;
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand('Change Source');
// remove old svg document
const {nextSibling} = svgcontent;
const oldzoom = svgroot.removeChild(svgcontent);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new RemoveElementCommand(oldzoom, nextSibling, svgroot));
// set new svg document
// If DOM3 adoptNode() available, use it. Otherwise fall back to DOM2 importNode()
if (svgdoc.adoptNode) {
svgcontent = svgdoc.adoptNode(newDoc.documentElement);
} else {
svgcontent = svgdoc.importNode(newDoc.documentElement, true);
const content = $(svgcontent);
canvas.current_drawing_ = new draw.Drawing(svgcontent, idprefix);
// retrieve or set the nonce
const nonce = getCurrentDrawing().getNonce();
if (nonce) {
call('setnonce', nonce);
} else {
// change image href vals if possible
content.find('image').each(function () {
const image = this;
const val = getHref(this);
if (val) {
if (val.startsWith('data:')) {
// Check if an SVG-edit data URI
const m = val.match(/svgedit_url=(.*?);/);
if (m) {
const url = decodeURIComponent(m[1]);
$(new Image()).load(function () {
image.setAttributeNS(NS.XLINK, 'xlink:href', url);
}).attr('src', url);
// Add to encodableImages if it loads
// Wrap child SVGs in group elements
content.find('svg').each(function () {
// Skip if it's in a <defs>
if ($(this).closest('defs').length) { return; }
// Check if it already has a gsvg group
const pa = this.parentNode;
if (pa.childNodes.length === 1 && pa.nodeName === 'g') {
$(pa).data('gsvg', this); = || getNextId();
} else {
// For Firefox: Put all paint elems in defs
if (isGecko()) {
content.find('linearGradient, radialGradient, pattern').appendTo(findDefs());
// Set ref element for <use> elements
// TODO: This should also be done if the object is re-added through "redo"
const attrs = {
id: 'svgcontent',
overflow: curConfig.show_outside_canvas ? 'visible' : 'hidden'
let percs = false;
// determine proper size
if (content.attr('viewBox')) {
const vb = content.attr('viewBox').split(' ');
attrs.width = vb[2];
attrs.height = vb[3];
// handle content that doesn't have a viewBox
} else {
$.each(['width', 'height'], function (i, dim) {
// Set to 100 if not given
const val = content.attr(dim) || '100%';
if (String(val).substr(-1) === '%') {
// Use user units if percentage given
percs = true;
} else {
attrs[dim] = convertToNum(dim, val);
// identify layers
// Give ID for any visible layer children missing one
content.children().find(visElems).each(function () {
if (! { = getNextId(); }
// Percentage width/height, so let's base it on visible elements
if (percs) {
const bb = getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible();
attrs.width = bb.width + bb.x;
attrs.height = bb.height + bb.y;
// Just in case negative numbers are given or
// result from the percs calculation
if (attrs.width <= 0) { attrs.width = 100; }
if (attrs.height <= 0) { attrs.height = 100; }
this.contentW = attrs.width;
this.contentH = attrs.height;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new InsertElementCommand(svgcontent));
// update root to the correct size
const changes = content.attr(['width', 'height']);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(svgroot, changes));
// reset zoom
currentZoom = 1;
// reset transform lists
if (!preventUndo) addCommandToHistory(batchCmd);
call('changed', [svgcontent]);
} catch (e) {
return false;
return true;
* This function imports the input SVG XML as a `<symbol>` in the `<defs>`, then adds a
* `<use>` to the current layer.
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#importSvgString
* @param {string} xmlString - The SVG as XML text.
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {null|Element} This function returns null if the import was unsuccessful, or the element otherwise.
* @todo
* - properly handle if namespace is introduced by imported content (must add to svgcontent
* and update all prefixes in the imported node)
* - properly handle recalculating dimensions, `recalculateDimensions()` doesn't handle
* arbitrary transform lists, but makes some assumptions about how the transform list
* was obtained
this.importSvgString = function (xmlString) {
let j, ts, useEl;
try {
// Get unique ID
const uid = encode64(xmlString.length + xmlString).substr(0, 32);
let useExisting = false;
// Look for symbol and make sure symbol exists in image
if (importIds[uid]) {
if ($(importIds[uid].symbol).parents('#svgroot').length) {
useExisting = true;
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand('Import Image');
let symbol;
if (useExisting) {
({symbol} = importIds[uid]);
ts = importIds[uid].xform;
} else {
// convert string into XML document
const newDoc = text2xml(xmlString);
// import new svg document into our document
let svg;
// If DOM3 adoptNode() available, use it. Otherwise fall back to DOM2 importNode()
if (svgdoc.adoptNode) {
svg = svgdoc.adoptNode(newDoc.documentElement);
} else {
svg = svgdoc.importNode(newDoc.documentElement, true);
const innerw = convertToNum('width', svg.getAttribute('width')),
innerh = convertToNum('height', svg.getAttribute('height')),
innervb = svg.getAttribute('viewBox'),
// if no explicit viewbox, create one out of the width and height
vb = innervb ? innervb.split(' ') : [0, 0, innerw, innerh];
for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
vb[j] = +(vb[j]);
// TODO: properly handle preserveAspectRatio
const // canvasw = +svgcontent.getAttribute('width'),
canvash = +svgcontent.getAttribute('height');
// imported content should be 1/3 of the canvas on its largest dimension
if (innerh > innerw) {
ts = 'scale(' + (canvash / 3) / vb[3] + ')';
} else {
ts = 'scale(' + (canvash / 3) / vb[2] + ')';
// Hack to make recalculateDimensions understand how to scale
ts = 'translate(0) ' + ts + ' translate(0)';
symbol = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'symbol');
const defs = findDefs();
if (isGecko()) {
// Move all gradients into root for Firefox, workaround for this bug:
// TODO: Make this properly undo-able.
$(svg).find('linearGradient, radialGradient, pattern').appendTo(defs);
while (svg.firstChild) {
const first = svg.firstChild;
const attrs = svg.attributes;
for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
const attr = attrs[i];
symbol.setAttribute(attr.nodeName, attr.value);
} = getNextId();
// Store data
importIds[uid] = {
xform: ts
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new InsertElementCommand(symbol));
useEl = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'use'); = getNextId();
setHref(useEl, '#' +;
(currentGroup || getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer()).append(useEl);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new InsertElementCommand(useEl));
useEl.setAttribute('transform', ts);
$(useEl).data('symbol', symbol).data('ref', symbol);
// TODO: Find way to add this in a recalculateDimensions-parsable way
// if (vb[0] !== 0 || vb[1] !== 0) {
// ts = 'translate(' + (-vb[0]) + ',' + (-vb[1]) + ') ' + ts;
// }
call('changed', [svgcontent]);
} catch (e) {
return null;
// we want to return the element so we can automatically select it
return useEl;
// Could deprecate, but besides external uses, their usage makes clear that
// canvas is a dependency for all of these
'identifyLayers', 'createLayer', 'cloneLayer', 'deleteCurrentLayer',
'setCurrentLayer', 'renameCurrentLayer', 'setCurrentLayerPosition',
'setLayerVisibility', 'moveSelectedToLayer', 'mergeLayer', 'mergeAllLayers',
'leaveContext', 'setContext'
].forEach((prop) => {
canvas[prop] = draw[prop];
* @implements {module:draw.DrawCanvasInit}
getCurrentGroup () {
return currentGroup;
setCurrentGroup (cg) {
currentGroup = cg;
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {undefined}
changeSVGContent () {
call('changed', [svgcontent]);
* Group: Document functions
* Clears the current document. This is not an undoable action.
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#clear
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:cleared
* @returns {undefined}
this.clear = function () {
// clear the svgcontent node
// create new document
canvas.current_drawing_ = new draw.Drawing(svgcontent);
// create empty first layer
canvas.createLayer('Layer 1');
// clear the undo stack
// reset the selector manager
// reset the rubber band box
rubberBox = selectorManager.getRubberBandBox();
// Alias function
this.linkControlPoints = pathActions.linkControlPoints;
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getContentElem
* @returns {Element} The content DOM element
this.getContentElem = function () { return svgcontent; };
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getRootElem
* @returns {SVGSVGElement} The root DOM element
this.getRootElem = function () { return svgroot; };
* @typedef {PlainObject} DimensionsAndZoom
* @property {Float} w Width
* @property {Float} h Height
* @property {Float} zoom Zoom
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getResolution
* @returns {DimensionsAndZoom} The current dimensions and zoom level in an object
const getResolution = this.getResolution = function () {
// const vb = svgcontent.getAttribute('viewBox').split(' ');
// return {w:vb[2], h:vb[3], zoom: currentZoom};
const w = svgcontent.getAttribute('width') / currentZoom;
const h = svgcontent.getAttribute('height') / currentZoom;
return {
zoom: currentZoom
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getSnapToGrid
* @returns {boolean} The current snap to grid setting
this.getSnapToGrid = function () { return curConfig.gridSnapping; };
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getVersion
* @returns {string} A string which describes the revision number of SvgCanvas.
this.getVersion = function () {
return 'svgcanvas.js ($Rev$)';
* Update interface strings with given values
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setUiStrings
* @param {module:path.uiStrings} strs - Object with strings (see the [locales API]{@link module:locale.LocaleStrings} and the [tutorial]{@tutorial LocaleDocs})
* @returns {undefined}
this.setUiStrings = function (strs) {
Object.assign(uiStrings, strs.notification);
* Update configuration options with given values
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setConfig
* @param {module:SVGEditor.Config} opts - Object with options
* @returns {undefined}
this.setConfig = function (opts) {
Object.assign(curConfig, opts);
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getTitle
* @param {Element} elem
* @returns {string|undefined} the current group/SVG's title contents
this.getTitle = function (elem) {
elem = elem || selectedElements[0];
if (!elem) { return; }
elem = $(elem).data('gsvg') || $(elem).data('symbol') || elem;
const childs = elem.childNodes;
for (let i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) {
if (childs[i].nodeName === 'title') {
return childs[i].textContent;
return '';
* Sets the group/SVG's title content
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setGroupTitle
* @param {string} val
* @todo Combine this with `setDocumentTitle`
* @returns {undefined}
this.setGroupTitle = function (val) {
let elem = selectedElements[0];
elem = $(elem).data('gsvg') || elem;
const ts = $(elem).children('title');
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand('Set Label');
let title;
if (!val.length) {
// Remove title element
const tsNextSibling = ts.nextSibling;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new RemoveElementCommand(ts[0], tsNextSibling, elem));
} else if (ts.length) {
// Change title contents
title = ts[0];
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(title, {'#text': title.textContent}));
title.textContent = val;
} else {
// Add title element
title = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'title');
title.textContent = val;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new InsertElementCommand(title));
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getDocumentTitle
* @returns {string|undefined} The current document title or an empty string if not found
const getDocumentTitle = this.getDocumentTitle = function () {
return canvas.getTitle(svgcontent);
* Adds/updates a title element for the document with the given name.
* This is an undoable action
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setDocumentTitle
* @param {string} newTitle - String with the new title
* @returns {undefined}
this.setDocumentTitle = function (newTitle) {
const childs = svgcontent.childNodes;
let docTitle = false, oldTitle = '';
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand('Change Image Title');
for (let i = 0; i < childs.length; i++) {
if (childs[i].nodeName === 'title') {
docTitle = childs[i];
oldTitle = docTitle.textContent;
if (!docTitle) {
docTitle = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'title');
svgcontent.insertBefore(docTitle, svgcontent.firstChild);
// svgcontent.firstChild.before(docTitle); // Ok to replace above with this?
if (newTitle.length) {
docTitle.textContent = newTitle;
} else {
// No title given, so element is not necessary
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(docTitle, {'#text': oldTitle}));
* Returns the editor's namespace URL, optionally adding it to the root element
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getEditorNS
* @param {boolean} [add] - Indicates whether or not to add the namespace value
* @returns {string} The editor's namespace URL
this.getEditorNS = function (add) {
if (add) {
svgcontent.setAttribute('xmlns:se', NS.SE);
return NS.SE;
* Changes the document's dimensions to the given size
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setResolution
* @param {Float|"fit"} x - Number with the width of the new dimensions in user units.
* Can also be the string "fit" to indicate "fit to content"
* @param {Float} y - Number with the height of the new dimensions in user units.
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {boolean} Indicates if resolution change was successful.
* It will fail on "fit to content" option with no content to fit to.
this.setResolution = function (x, y) {
const res = getResolution();
const {w, h} = res;
let batchCmd;
if (x === 'fit') {
// Get bounding box
const bbox = getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible();
if (bbox) {
batchCmd = new BatchCommand('Fit Canvas to Content');
const visEls = getVisibleElements();
const dx = [], dy = [];
$.each(visEls, function (i, item) {
dx.push(bbox.x * -1);
dy.push(bbox.y * -1);
const cmd = canvas.moveSelectedElements(dx, dy, true);
x = Math.round(bbox.width);
y = Math.round(bbox.height);
} else {
return false;
if (x !== w || y !== h) {
if (!batchCmd) {
batchCmd = new BatchCommand('Change Image Dimensions');
x = convertToNum('width', x);
y = convertToNum('height', y);
svgcontent.setAttribute('width', x);
svgcontent.setAttribute('height', y);
this.contentW = x;
this.contentH = y;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(svgcontent, {width: w, height: h}));
svgcontent.setAttribute('viewBox', [0, 0, x / currentZoom, y / currentZoom].join(' '));
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(svgcontent, {viewBox: ['0 0', w, h].join(' ')}));
call('changed', [svgcontent]);
return true;
* @typedef {module:jQueryAttr.Attributes} module:svgcanvas.ElementPositionInCanvas
* @property {Float} x
* @property {Float} y
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getOffset
* @returns {module:svgcanvas.ElementPositionInCanvas} An object with `x`, `y` values indicating the svgcontent element's
* position in the editor's canvas.
this.getOffset = function () {
return $(svgcontent).attr(['x', 'y']);
* @typedef {PlainObject} module:svgcanvas.ZoomAndBBox
* @property {Float} zoom
* @property {module:utilities.BBoxObject} bbox
* Sets the zoom level on the canvas-side based on the given value
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setBBoxZoom
* @param {"selection"|"canvas"|"content"|"layer"|module:SVGEditor.BBoxObjectWithFactor} val - Bounding box object to zoom to or string indicating zoom option. Note: the object value type is defined in `svg-editor.js`
* @param {Integer} editorW - The editor's workarea box's width
* @param {Integer} editorH - The editor's workarea box's height
* @returns {module:svgcanvas.ZoomAndBBox|undefined}
this.setBBoxZoom = function (val, editorW, editorH) {
let spacer = 0.85;
let bb;
const calcZoom = function (bb) {
if (!bb) { return false; }
const wZoom = Math.round((editorW / bb.width) * 100 * spacer) / 100;
const hZoom = Math.round((editorH / bb.height) * 100 * spacer) / 100;
const zoom = Math.min(wZoom, hZoom);
return {zoom, bbox: bb};
if (typeof val === 'object') {
bb = val;
if (bb.width === 0 || bb.height === 0) {
const newzoom = bb.zoom ? bb.zoom : currentZoom * bb.factor;
return {zoom: currentZoom, bbox: bb};
return calcZoom(bb);
switch (val) {
case 'selection':
if (!selectedElements[0]) { return; }
const selectedElems = $.map(selectedElements, function (n) { if (n) { return n; } });
bb = getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible(selectedElems);
case 'canvas':
const res = getResolution();
spacer = 0.95;
bb = {width: res.w, height: res.h, x: 0, y: 0};
case 'content':
bb = getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible();
case 'layer':
bb = getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible(getVisibleElements(getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer()));
return calcZoom(bb);
* The zoom level has changed. Supplies the new zoom level as a number (not percentage).
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-zoomChanged
* @type {Float}
* The bottom panel was updated
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-toolButtonStateUpdate
* @type {PlainObject}
* @property {boolean} nofill Indicates fill is disabled
* @property {boolean} nostroke Indicates stroke is disabled
* The element selection has changed (elements were added/removed from selection)
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-selectedChanged
* @type {PlainObject}
* @property {Element[]} elems Array of the newly selected elements
* @property {Element|null} selectedElement The single selected element
* @property {boolean} multiselected Indicates whether one or more elements were selected
* Called when part of element is in process of changing, generally on
* mousemove actions like rotate, move, etc.
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-elementTransition
* @type {PlainObject}
* @property {Element[]} elems Array of transitioning elements
* One or more elements were changed
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-elementChanged
* @type {PlainObject}
* @property {Element[]} elems Array of the affected elements
* Invoked as soon as the locale is ready
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-langReady
* @type {PlainObject}
* @property {string} lang The two-letter language code
* @property {module:SVGEditor.uiStrings} uiStrings
* @property {module:SVGEditor~ImportLocale} importLocale
* The language was changed. Two-letter code of the new language.
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-langChanged
* @type {string}
* Means for an extension to add locale data. The two-letter language code.
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-addLangData
* @type {PlainObject}
* @property {string} lang
* @property {module:SVGEditor~ImportLocale} importLocale
* Called when new image is created
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-onNewDocument
* @type {undefined}
* Called when sidepanel is resized or toggled
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-workareaResized
* @type {undefined}
* Called upon addition of the extension, or, if svgicons are set,
* after the icons are ready when extension SVG icons have loaded.
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-callback
* @type {undefined}
* Sets the zoom to the given level
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setZoom
* @param {Float} zoomLevel - Float indicating the zoom level to change to
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-zoomChanged
* @returns {undefined}
this.setZoom = function (zoomLevel) {
const res = getResolution();
svgcontent.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 ' + res.w / zoomLevel + ' ' + res.h / zoomLevel);
currentZoom = zoomLevel;
$.each(selectedElements, function (i, elem) {
if (!elem) { return; }
runExtensions('zoomChanged', /** @type {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-zoomChanged} */ zoomLevel);
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getMode
* @returns {string} The current editor mode string
this.getMode = function () {
return currentMode;
* Sets the editor's mode to the given string
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setMode
* @param {string} name - String with the new mode to change to
* @returns {undefined}
this.setMode = function (name) {
curProperties = (selectedElements[0] && selectedElements[0].nodeName === 'text') ? curText : curShape;
currentMode = name;
* Group: Element Styling
* @typedef {PlainObject} module:svgcanvas.PaintOptions
* @property {"solidColor"} type
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getColor
* @param {string} type
* @returns {string|module:svgcanvas.PaintOptions|Float|module:jGraduate~Paint} The current fill/stroke option
this.getColor = function (type) {
return curProperties[type];
* Change the current stroke/fill color/gradient value
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setColor
* @param {string} type - String indicating fill or stroke
* @param {string} val - The value to set the stroke attribute to
* @param {boolean} preventUndo - Boolean indicating whether or not this should be an undoable option
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {undefined}
this.setColor = function (type, val, preventUndo) {
curShape[type] = val;
curProperties[type + '_paint'] = {type: 'solidColor'};
const elems = [];
function addNonG (e) {
if (e.nodeName !== 'g') {
let i = selectedElements.length;
while (i--) {
const elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem) {
if (elem.tagName === 'g') {
walkTree(elem, addNonG);
} else {
if (type === 'fill') {
if (elem.tagName !== 'polyline' && elem.tagName !== 'line') {
} else {
if (elems.length > 0) {
if (!preventUndo) {
changeSelectedAttribute(type, val, elems);
call('changed', elems);
} else {
changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo(type, val, elems);
* Apply the current gradient to selected element's fill or stroke
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setGradient
* @param {"fill"|"stroke"} type - String indicating "fill" or "stroke" to apply to an element
* @returns {undefined}
const setGradient = this.setGradient = function (type) {
if (!curProperties[type + '_paint'] || curProperties[type + '_paint'].type === 'solidColor') { return; }
let grad = canvas[type + 'Grad'];
// find out if there is a duplicate gradient already in the defs
const duplicateGrad = findDuplicateGradient(grad);
const defs = findDefs();
// no duplicate found, so import gradient into defs
if (!duplicateGrad) {
// const origGrad = grad;
grad = defs.appendChild(svgdoc.importNode(grad, true));
// get next id and set it on the grad = getNextId();
} else { // use existing gradient
grad = duplicateGrad;
canvas.setColor(type, 'url(#' + + ')');
* Check if exact gradient already exists
* @function module:svgcanvas~findDuplicateGradient
* @param {SVGGradientElement} grad - The gradient DOM element to compare to others
* @returns {SVGGradientElement} The existing gradient if found, `null` if not
const findDuplicateGradient = function (grad) {
const defs = findDefs();
const existingGrads = $(defs).find('linearGradient, radialGradient');
let i = existingGrads.length;
const radAttrs = ['r', 'cx', 'cy', 'fx', 'fy'];
while (i--) {
const og = existingGrads[i];
if (grad.tagName === 'linearGradient') {
if (grad.getAttribute('x1') !== og.getAttribute('x1') ||
grad.getAttribute('y1') !== og.getAttribute('y1') ||
grad.getAttribute('x2') !== og.getAttribute('x2') ||
grad.getAttribute('y2') !== og.getAttribute('y2')
) {
} else {
const gradAttrs = $(grad).attr(radAttrs);
const ogAttrs = $(og).attr(radAttrs);
let diff = false;
$.each(radAttrs, function (i, attr) {
if (gradAttrs[attr] !== ogAttrs[attr]) { diff = true; }
if (diff) { continue; }
// else could be a duplicate, iterate through stops
const stops = grad.getElementsByTagNameNS(NS.SVG, 'stop');
const ostops = og.getElementsByTagNameNS(NS.SVG, 'stop');
if (stops.length !== ostops.length) {
let j = stops.length;
while (j--) {
const stop = stops[j];
const ostop = ostops[j];
if (stop.getAttribute('offset') !== ostop.getAttribute('offset') ||
stop.getAttribute('stop-opacity') !== ostop.getAttribute('stop-opacity') ||
stop.getAttribute('stop-color') !== ostop.getAttribute('stop-color')) {
if (j === -1) {
return og;
} // for each gradient in defs
return null;
* Set a color/gradient to a fill/stroke
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setPaint
* @param {"fill"|"stroke"} type - String with "fill" or "stroke"
* @param {module:jGraduate.jGraduatePaintOptions} paint - The jGraduate paint object to apply
* @returns {undefined}
this.setPaint = function (type, paint) {
// make a copy
const p = new $.jGraduate.Paint(paint);
this.setPaintOpacity(type, p.alpha / 100, true);
// now set the current paint object
curProperties[type + '_paint'] = p;
switch (p.type) {
case 'solidColor':
this.setColor(type, p.solidColor !== 'none' ? '#' + p.solidColor : 'none');
case 'linearGradient':
case 'radialGradient':
canvas[type + 'Grad'] = p[p.type];
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setStrokePaint
* @param {module:jGraduate~Paint} paint
* @returns {undefined}
this.setStrokePaint = function (paint) {
this.setPaint('stroke', paint);
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setFillPaint
* @param {module:jGraduate~Paint} paint
* @returns {undefined}
this.setFillPaint = function (paint) {
this.setPaint('fill', paint);
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getStrokeWidth
* @returns {Float|string} The current stroke-width value
this.getStrokeWidth = function () {
return curProperties.stroke_width;
* Sets the stroke width for the current selected elements.
* When attempting to set a line's width to 0, this changes it to 1 instead
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setStrokeWidth
* @param {Float} val - A Float indicating the new stroke width value
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {undefined}
this.setStrokeWidth = function (val) {
if (val === 0 && ['line', 'path'].includes(currentMode)) {
curProperties.stroke_width = val;
const elems = [];
function addNonG (e) {
if (e.nodeName !== 'g') {
let i = selectedElements.length;
while (i--) {
const elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem) {
if (elem.tagName === 'g') {
walkTree(elem, addNonG);
} else {
if (elems.length > 0) {
changeSelectedAttribute('stroke-width', val, elems);
call('changed', selectedElements);
* Set the given stroke-related attribute the given value for selected elements
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setStrokeAttr
* @param {string} attr - String with the attribute name
* @param {string|Float} val - String or number with the attribute value
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {undefined}
this.setStrokeAttr = function (attr, val) {
curShape[attr.replace('-', '_')] = val;
const elems = [];
let i = selectedElements.length;
while (i--) {
const elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem) {
if (elem.tagName === 'g') {
walkTree(elem, function (e) { if (e.nodeName !== 'g') { elems.push(e); } });
} else {
if (elems.length > 0) {
changeSelectedAttribute(attr, val, elems);
call('changed', selectedElements);
* @typedef {PlainObject} module:svgcanvas.StyleOptions
* @property {string} fill
* @property {Float} fill_opacity
* @property {string} stroke
* @property {Float} stroke_width
* @property {string} stroke_dasharray
* @property {string} stroke_linejoin
* @property {string} stroke_linecap
* @property {Float} stroke_opacity
* @property {Float} opacity
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getStyle
* @returns {module:svgcanvas.StyleOptions} current style options
this.getStyle = function () {
return curShape;
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getOpacity
* @returns {Float} the current opacity
this.getOpacity = getOpacity;
* Sets the given opacity to the current selected elements
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setOpacity
* @param {string} val
* @returns {undefined}
this.setOpacity = function (val) {
curShape.opacity = val;
changeSelectedAttribute('opacity', val);
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getFillOpacity
* @returns {Float} the current fill opacity
this.getFillOpacity = function () {
return curShape.fill_opacity;
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getStrokeOpacity
* @returns {string} the current stroke opacity
this.getStrokeOpacity = function () {
return curShape.stroke_opacity;
* Sets the current fill/stroke opacity
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setPaintOpacity
* @param {string} type - String with "fill" or "stroke"
* @param {Float} val - Float with the new opacity value
* @param {boolean} preventUndo - Indicates whether or not this should be an undoable action
* @returns {undefined}
this.setPaintOpacity = function (type, val, preventUndo) {
curShape[type + '_opacity'] = val;
if (!preventUndo) {
changeSelectedAttribute(type + '-opacity', val);
} else {
changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo(type + '-opacity', val);
* Gets the current fill/stroke opacity
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getPaintOpacity
* @param {"fill"|"stroke"} type - String with "fill" or "stroke"
* @returns {Float} Fill/stroke opacity
this.getPaintOpacity = function (type) {
return type === 'fill' ? this.getFillOpacity() : this.getStrokeOpacity();
* Gets the `stdDeviation` blur value of the given element
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getBlur
* @param {Element} elem - The element to check the blur value for
* @returns {string} stdDeviation blur attribute value
this.getBlur = function (elem) {
let val = 0;
// const elem = selectedElements[0];
if (elem) {
const filterUrl = elem.getAttribute('filter');
if (filterUrl) {
const blur = getElem( + '_blur');
if (blur) {
val = blur.firstChild.getAttribute('stdDeviation');
return val;
(function () {
let curCommand = null;
let filter = null;
let filterHidden = false;
* Sets the `stdDeviation` blur value on the selected element without being undoable
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setBlurNoUndo
* @param {Float} val - The new `stdDeviation` value
* @returns {undefined}
canvas.setBlurNoUndo = function (val) {
if (!filter) {
if (val === 0) {
// Don't change the StdDev, as that will hide the element.
// Instead, just remove the value for "filter"
changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo('filter', '');
filterHidden = true;
} else {
const elem = selectedElements[0];
if (filterHidden) {
changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo('filter', 'url(#' + + '_blur)');
if (isWebkit()) {
console.log('e', elem);
elem.setAttribute('filter', 'url(#' + + '_blur)');
changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo('stdDeviation', val, [filter.firstChild]);
canvas.setBlurOffsets(filter, val);
function finishChange () {
const bCmd = canvas.undoMgr.finishUndoableChange();
curCommand = null;
filter = null;
* Sets the `x`, `y`, `width`, `height` values of the filter element in order to
* make the blur not be clipped. Removes them if not neeeded
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setBlurOffsets
* @param {Element} filter - The filter DOM element to update
* @param {Float} stdDev - The standard deviation value on which to base the offset size
* @returns {undefined}
canvas.setBlurOffsets = function (filter, stdDev) {
if (stdDev > 3) {
// TODO: Create algorithm here where size is based on expected blur
assignAttributes(filter, {
x: '-50%',
y: '-50%',
width: '200%',
height: '200%'
}, 100);
} else {
// Removing these attributes hides text in Chrome (see Issue 579)
if (!isWebkit()) {
* Adds/updates the blur filter to the selected element
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setBlur
* @param {Float} val - Float with the new `stdDeviation` blur value
* @param {boolean} complete - Whether or not the action should be completed (to add to the undo manager)
* @returns {undefined}
canvas.setBlur = function (val, complete) {
if (curCommand) {
// Looks for associated blur, creates one if not found
const elem = selectedElements[0];
const elemId =;
filter = getElem(elemId + '_blur');
val -= 0;
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand();
// Blur found!
if (filter) {
if (val === 0) {
filter = null;
} else {
// Not found, so create
const newblur = addSVGElementFromJson({element: 'feGaussianBlur',
attr: {
in: 'SourceGraphic',
stdDeviation: val
filter = addSVGElementFromJson({element: 'filter',
attr: {
id: elemId + '_blur'
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new InsertElementCommand(filter));
const changes = {filter: elem.getAttribute('filter')};
if (val === 0) {
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(elem, changes));
changeSelectedAttribute('filter', 'url(#' + elemId + '_blur)');
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(elem, changes));
canvas.setBlurOffsets(filter, val);
curCommand = batchCmd;
canvas.undoMgr.beginUndoableChange('stdDeviation', [filter ? filter.firstChild : null]);
if (complete) {
* Check whether selected element is bold or not
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getBold
* @returns {boolean} Indicates whether or not element is bold
this.getBold = function () {
// should only have one element selected
const selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null && selected.tagName === 'text' &&
selectedElements[1] == null) {
return (selected.getAttribute('font-weight') === 'bold');
return false;
* Make the selected element bold or normal
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setBold
* @param {boolean} b - Indicates bold (`true`) or normal (`false`)
* @returns {undefined}
this.setBold = function (b) {
const selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null && selected.tagName === 'text' &&
selectedElements[1] == null) {
changeSelectedAttribute('font-weight', b ? 'bold' : 'normal');
if (!selectedElements[0].textContent) {
* Check whether selected element is italic or not
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getItalic
* @returns {boolean} Indicates whether or not element is italic
this.getItalic = function () {
const selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null && selected.tagName === 'text' &&
selectedElements[1] == null) {
return (selected.getAttribute('font-style') === 'italic');
return false;
* Make the selected element italic or normal
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setItalic
* @param {boolean} b - Indicates italic (`true`) or normal (`false`)
* @returns {undefined}
this.setItalic = function (i) {
const selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null && selected.tagName === 'text' &&
selectedElements[1] == null) {
changeSelectedAttribute('font-style', i ? 'italic' : 'normal');
if (!selectedElements[0].textContent) {
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getFontFamily
* @returns {string} The current font family
this.getFontFamily = function () {
return curText.font_family;
* Set the new font family
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setFontFamily
* @param {string} val - String with the new font family
* @returns {undefined}
this.setFontFamily = function (val) {
curText.font_family = val;
changeSelectedAttribute('font-family', val);
if (selectedElements[0] && !selectedElements[0].textContent) {
* Set the new font color
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setFontColor
* @param {string} val - String with the new font color
* @returns {undefined}
this.setFontColor = function (val) {
curText.fill = val;
changeSelectedAttribute('fill', val);
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getFontColor
* @returns {string} The current font color
this.getFontColor = function () {
return curText.fill;
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getFontSize
* @returns {Float} The current font size
this.getFontSize = function () {
return curText.font_size;
* Applies the given font size to the selected element
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setFontSize
* @param {Float} val - Float with the new font size
* @returns {undefined}
this.setFontSize = function (val) {
curText.font_size = val;
changeSelectedAttribute('font-size', val);
if (!selectedElements[0].textContent) {
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getText
* @returns {string} The current text (`textContent`) of the selected element
this.getText = function () {
const selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected == null) { return ''; }
return selected.textContent;
* Updates the text element with the given string
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setTextContent
* @param {string} val - String with the new text
* @returns {undefined}
this.setTextContent = function (val) {
changeSelectedAttribute('#text', val);
* Sets the new image URL for the selected image element. Updates its size if
* a new URL is given
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setImageURL
* @param {string} val - String with the image URL/path
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {undefined}
this.setImageURL = function (val) {
const elem = selectedElements[0];
if (!elem) { return; }
const attrs = $(elem).attr(['width', 'height']);
let setsize = (!attrs.width || !attrs.height);
const curHref = getHref(elem);
// Do nothing if no URL change or size change
if (curHref !== val) {
setsize = true;
} else if (!setsize) { return; }
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand('Change Image URL');
setHref(elem, val);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(elem, {
'#href': curHref
if (setsize) {
$(new Image()).load(function () {
const changes = $(elem).attr(['width', 'height']);
width: this.width,
height: this.height
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(elem, changes));
call('changed', [elem]);
}).attr('src', val);
} else {
* Sets the new link URL for the selected anchor element.
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setLinkURL
* @param {string} val - String with the link URL/path
* @returns {undefined}
this.setLinkURL = function (val) {
let elem = selectedElements[0];
if (!elem) { return; }
if (elem.tagName !== 'a') {
// See if parent is an anchor
const parentsA = $(elem).parents('a');
if (parentsA.length) {
elem = parentsA[0];
} else {
const curHref = getHref(elem);
if (curHref === val) { return; }
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand('Change Link URL');
setHref(elem, val);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(elem, {
'#href': curHref
* Sets the `rx` and `ry` values to the selected `rect` element to change its corner radius
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setRectRadius
* @param {string|Float} val - The new radius
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {undefined}
this.setRectRadius = function (val) {
const selected = selectedElements[0];
if (selected != null && selected.tagName === 'rect') {
const r = selected.getAttribute('rx');
if (r !== String(val)) {
selected.setAttribute('rx', val);
selected.setAttribute('ry', val);
addCommandToHistory(new ChangeElementCommand(selected, {rx: r, ry: r}, 'Radius'));
call('changed', [selected]);
* Wraps the selected element(s) in an anchor element or converts group to one
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#makeHyperlink
* @param {string} url
* @returns {undefined}
this.makeHyperlink = function (url) {
canvas.groupSelectedElements('a', url);
// TODO: If element is a single "g", convert to "a"
// if (selectedElements.length > 1 && selectedElements[1]) {
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#removeHyperlink
* @returns {undefined}
this.removeHyperlink = function () {
* Group: Element manipulation
* Sets the new segment type to the selected segment(s).
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setSegType
* @param {Integer} newType - New segment type. See {@link} for list
* @returns {undefined}
this.setSegType = function (newType) {
* Convert selected element to a path, or get the BBox of an element-as-path
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#convertToPath
* @todo (codedread): Remove the getBBox argument and split this function into two.
* @param {Element} elem - The DOM element to be converted
* @param {boolean} getBBox - Boolean on whether or not to only return the path's BBox
* @returns {undefined|DOMRect|false|SVGPathElement|null} If the getBBox flag is true, the resulting path's bounding box object.
* Otherwise the resulting path element is returned.
this.convertToPath = function (elem, getBBox) {
if (elem == null) {
const elems = selectedElements;
$.each(elems, function (i, elem) {
if (elem) { canvas.convertToPath(elem); }
if (getBBox) {
return getBBoxOfElementAsPath(elem, addSVGElementFromJson, pathActions);
// TODO: Why is this applying attributes from curShape, then inside utilities.convertToPath it's pulling addition attributes from elem?
// TODO: If convertToPath is called with one elem, curShape and elem are probably the same; but calling with multiple is a bug or cool feature.
const attrs = {
fill: curShape.fill,
'fill-opacity': curShape.fill_opacity,
stroke: curShape.stroke,
'stroke-width': curShape.stroke_width,
'stroke-dasharray': curShape.stroke_dasharray,
'stroke-linejoin': curShape.stroke_linejoin,
'stroke-linecap': curShape.stroke_linecap,
'stroke-opacity': curShape.stroke_opacity,
opacity: curShape.opacity,
visibility: 'hidden'
return convertToPath(elem, attrs, addSVGElementFromJson, pathActions, clearSelection, addToSelection, history, addCommandToHistory);
* This function makes the changes to the elements. It does not add the change
* to the history stack.
* @param {string} attr - Attribute name
* @param {string|Float} newValue - String or number with the new attribute value
* @param {Element[]} elems - The DOM elements to apply the change to
* @returns {undefined}
const changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo = function (attr, newValue, elems) {
if (currentMode === 'pathedit') {
// Editing node
pathActions.moveNode(attr, newValue);
elems = elems || selectedElements;
let i = elems.length;
const noXYElems = ['g', 'polyline', 'path'];
const goodGAttrs = ['transform', 'opacity', 'filter'];
while (i--) {
let elem = elems[i];
if (elem == null) { continue; }
// Set x,y vals on elements that don't have them
if ((attr === 'x' || attr === 'y') && noXYElems.includes(elem.tagName)) {
const bbox = getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible([elem]);
const diffX = attr === 'x' ? newValue - bbox.x : 0;
const diffY = attr === 'y' ? newValue - bbox.y : 0;
canvas.moveSelectedElements(diffX * currentZoom, diffY * currentZoom, true);
// only allow the transform/opacity/filter attribute to change on <g> elements, slightly hacky
// TODO: FIXME: This doesn't seem right. Where's the body of this if statement?
if (elem.tagName === 'g' && goodGAttrs.includes(attr)) {}
let oldval = attr === '#text' ? elem.textContent : elem.getAttribute(attr);
if (oldval == null) { oldval = ''; }
if (oldval !== String(newValue)) {
if (attr === '#text') {
// const oldW = utilsGetBBox(elem).width;
elem.textContent = newValue;
// FF bug occurs on on rotated elements
if ((/rotate/).test(elem.getAttribute('transform'))) {
elem = ffClone(elem);
// Hoped to solve the issue of moving text with text-anchor="start",
// but this doesn't actually fix it. Hopefully on the right track, though. -Fyrd
// const box = getBBox(elem), left = box.x, top = box.y, {width, height} = box,
// dx = width - oldW, dy = 0;
// const angle = getRotationAngle(elem, true);
// if (angle) {
// const r = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
// const theta = Math.atan2(dy, dx) - angle;
// dx = r * Math.cos(theta);
// dy = r * Math.sin(theta);
// elem.setAttribute('x', elem.getAttribute('x') - dx);
// elem.setAttribute('y', elem.getAttribute('y') - dy);
// }
} else if (attr === '#href') {
setHref(elem, newValue);
} else { elem.setAttribute(attr, newValue); }
// Go into "select" mode for text changes
// NOTE: Important that this happens AFTER elem.setAttribute() or else attributes like
// font-size can get reset to their old value, ultimately by svgEditor.updateContextPanel(),
// after calling textActions.toSelectMode() below
if (currentMode === 'textedit' && attr !== '#text' && elem.textContent.length) {
// if (i === 0) {
// selectedBBoxes[0] = utilsGetBBox(elem);
// }
// Use the Firefox ffClone hack for text elements with gradients or
// where other text attributes are changed.
if (isGecko() && elem.nodeName === 'text' && (/rotate/).test(elem.getAttribute('transform'))) {
if (String(newValue).startsWith('url') || (['font-size', 'font-family', 'x', 'y'].includes(attr) && elem.textContent)) {
elem = ffClone(elem);
// Timeout needed for Opera & Firefox
// codedread: it is now possible for this function to be called with elements
// that are not in the selectedElements array, we need to only request a
// selector if the element is in that array
if (selectedElements.includes(elem)) {
setTimeout(function () {
// Due to element replacement, this element may no longer
// be part of the DOM
if (!elem.parentNode) { return; }
}, 0);
// if this element was rotated, and we changed the position of this element
// we need to update the rotational transform attribute
const angle = getRotationAngle(elem);
if (angle !== 0 && attr !== 'transform') {
const tlist = getTransformList(elem);
let n = tlist.numberOfItems;
while (n--) {
const xform = tlist.getItem(n);
if (xform.type === 4) {
// remove old rotate
const box = utilsGetBBox(elem);
const center = transformPoint(box.x + box.width / 2, box.y + box.height / 2, transformListToTransform(tlist).matrix);
const cx = center.x,
cy = center.y;
const newrot = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
newrot.setRotate(angle, cx, cy);
tlist.insertItemBefore(newrot, n);
} // if oldValue != newValue
} // for each elem
* Change the given/selected element and add the original value to the history stack.
* If you want to change all `selectedElements`, ignore the `elems` argument.
* If you want to change only a subset of `selectedElements`, then send the
* subset to this function in the `elems` argument.
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#changeSelectedAttribute
* @param {string} attr - String with the attribute name
* @param {string|Float} newValue - String or number with the new attribute value
* @param {Element[]} elems - The DOM elements to apply the change to
* @returns {undefined}
const changeSelectedAttribute = this.changeSelectedAttribute = function (attr, val, elems) {
elems = elems || selectedElements;
canvas.undoMgr.beginUndoableChange(attr, elems);
// const i = elems.length;
changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo(attr, val, elems);
const batchCmd = canvas.undoMgr.finishUndoableChange();
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
* Removes all selected elements from the DOM and adds the change to the
* history stack
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#deleteSelectedElements
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {undefined}
this.deleteSelectedElements = function () {
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand('Delete Elements');
const len = selectedElements.length;
const selectedCopy = []; // selectedElements is being deleted
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
const selected = selectedElements[i];
if (selected == null) { break; }
let parent = selected.parentNode;
let t = selected;
// this will unselect the element and remove the selectedOutline
// Remove the path if present.
// Get the parent if it's a single-child anchor
if (parent.tagName === 'a' && parent.childNodes.length === 1) {
t = parent;
parent = parent.parentNode;
const {nextSibling} = t;
const elem = parent.removeChild(t);
selectedCopy.push(selected); // for the copy
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new RemoveElementCommand(elem, nextSibling, parent));
selectedElements = [];
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) { addCommandToHistory(batchCmd); }
call('changed', selectedCopy);
* Removes all selected elements from the DOM and adds the change to the
* history stack. Remembers removed elements on the clipboard
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#cutSelectedElements
* @returns {undefined}
this.cutSelectedElements = function () {
* Remembers the current selected elements on the clipboard
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#copySelectedElements
* @returns {undefined}
this.copySelectedElements = function () {
localStorage.setItem('svgedit_clipboard', JSON.stringify( (x) { return getJsonFromSvgElement(x); })
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#pasteElements
* @param {"in_place"|"point"|undefined} type
* @param {Integer|undefined} x Expected if type is "point"
* @param {Integer|undefined} y Expected if type is "point"
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-IDsUpdated
* @returns {undefined}
this.pasteElements = function (type, x, y) {
let clipb = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('svgedit_clipboard'));
let len = clipb.length;
if (!len) { return; }
const pasted = [];
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand('Paste elements');
// const drawing = getCurrentDrawing();
* @typedef {PlainObject.<string, string>} module:svgcanvas.ChangedIDs
* @type {module:svgcanvas.ChangedIDs}
const changedIDs = {};
// Recursively replace IDs and record the changes
function checkIDs (elem) {
if (elem.attr && {
changedIDs[] = getNextId(); = changedIDs[];
if (elem.children) elem.children.forEach(checkIDs);
// Give extensions like the connector extension a chance to reflect new IDs and remove invalid elements
* Triggered when `pasteElements` is called from a paste action (context menu or key)
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-IDsUpdated
* @type {PlainObject}
* @property {module:svgcanvas.SVGAsJSON[]} elems
* @property {module:svgcanvas.ChangedIDs} changes Maps past ID (on attribute) to current ID
/** @type {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-IDsUpdated} */
{elems: clipb, changes: changedIDs},
).forEach(function (extChanges) {
if (!extChanges || !('remove' in extChanges)) return;
extChanges.remove.forEach(function (removeID) {
clipb = clipb.filter(function (clipBoardItem) {
return !== removeID;
// Move elements to lastClickPoint
while (len--) {
const elem = clipb[len];
if (!elem) { continue; }
const copy = addSVGElementFromJson(elem);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new InsertElementCommand(copy));
if (type !== 'in_place') {
let ctrX, ctrY;
if (!type) {
ctrX = lastClickPoint.x;
ctrY = lastClickPoint.y;
} else if (type === 'point') {
ctrX = x;
ctrY = y;
const bbox = getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible(pasted);
const cx = ctrX - (bbox.x + bbox.width / 2),
cy = ctrY - (bbox.y + bbox.height / 2),
dx = [],
dy = [];
$.each(pasted, function (i, item) {
const cmd = canvas.moveSelectedElements(dx, dy, false);
if (cmd) batchCmd.addSubCommand(cmd);
call('changed', pasted);
* Wraps all the selected elements in a group (`g`) element
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#groupSelectedElements
* @param {"a"|"g"} [type="g"] - type of element to group into, defaults to `<g>`
* @param {string} [urlArg]
* @returns {undefined}
this.groupSelectedElements = function (type, urlArg) {
if (!type) { type = 'g'; }
let cmdStr = '';
let url;
switch (type) {
case 'a': {
cmdStr = 'Make hyperlink';
url = urlArg || '';
} default: {
type = 'g';
cmdStr = 'Group Elements';
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand(cmdStr);
// create and insert the group element
const g = addSVGElementFromJson({
element: type,
attr: {
id: getNextId()
if (type === 'a') {
setHref(g, url);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new InsertElementCommand(g));
// now move all children into the group
let i = selectedElements.length;
while (i--) {
let elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem == null) { continue; }
if (elem.parentNode.tagName === 'a' && elem.parentNode.childNodes.length === 1) {
elem = elem.parentNode;
const oldNextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
const oldParent = elem.parentNode;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new MoveElementCommand(elem, oldNextSibling, oldParent));
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) { addCommandToHistory(batchCmd); }
// update selection
selectOnly([g], true);
* Pushes all appropriate parent group properties down to its children, then
* removes them from the group
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#pushGroupProperties
* @param {SVGAElement|SVGGElement} g
* @param {boolean} undoable
* @returns {undefined}
const pushGroupProperties = this.pushGroupProperties = function (g, undoable) {
const children = g.childNodes;
const len = children.length;
const xform = g.getAttribute('transform');
const glist = getTransformList(g);
const m = transformListToTransform(glist).matrix;
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand('Push group properties');
// TODO: get all fill/stroke properties from the group that we are about to destroy
// "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset",
// "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity",
// "stroke-width"
// and then for each child, if they do not have the attribute (or the value is 'inherit')
// then set the child's attribute
const gangle = getRotationAngle(g);
const gattrs = $(g).attr(['filter', 'opacity']);
let gfilter, gblur, changes;
const drawing = getCurrentDrawing();
for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
const elem = children[i];
if (elem.nodeType !== 1) { continue; }
if (gattrs.opacity !== null && gattrs.opacity !== 1) {
// const c_opac = elem.getAttribute('opacity') || 1;
const newOpac = Math.round((elem.getAttribute('opacity') || 1) * gattrs.opacity * 100) / 100;
changeSelectedAttribute('opacity', newOpac, [elem]);
if (gattrs.filter) {
let cblur = this.getBlur(elem);
const origCblur = cblur;
if (!gblur) { gblur = this.getBlur(g); }
if (cblur) {
// Is this formula correct?
cblur = Number(gblur) + Number(cblur);
} else if (cblur === 0) {
cblur = gblur;
// If child has no current filter, get group's filter or clone it.
if (!origCblur) {
// Set group's filter to use first child's ID
if (!gfilter) {
gfilter = getRefElem(gattrs.filter);
} else {
// Clone the group's filter
gfilter = drawing.copyElem(gfilter);
} else {
gfilter = getRefElem(elem.getAttribute('filter'));
// Change this in future for different filters
const suffix = (gfilter.firstChild.tagName === 'feGaussianBlur') ? 'blur' : 'filter'; = + '_' + suffix;
changeSelectedAttribute('filter', 'url(#' + + ')', [elem]);
// Update blur value
if (cblur) {
changeSelectedAttribute('stdDeviation', cblur, [gfilter.firstChild]);
canvas.setBlurOffsets(gfilter, cblur);
let chtlist = getTransformList(elem);
// Don't process gradient transforms
if (elem.tagName.includes('Gradient')) { chtlist = null; }
// Hopefully not a problem to add this. Necessary for elements like <desc/>
if (!chtlist) { continue; }
// Apparently <defs> can get get a transformlist, but we don't want it to have one!
if (elem.tagName === 'defs') { continue; }
if (glist.numberOfItems) {
// TODO: if the group's transform is just a rotate, we can always transfer the
// rotate() down to the children (collapsing consecutive rotates and factoring
// out any translates)
if (gangle && glist.numberOfItems === 1) {
// [Rg] [Rc] [Mc]
// we want [Tr] [Rc2] [Mc] where:
// - [Rc2] is at the child's current center but has the
// sum of the group and child's rotation angles
// - [Tr] is the equivalent translation that this child
// undergoes if the group wasn't there
// [Tr] = [Rg] [Rc] [Rc2_inv]
// get group's rotation matrix (Rg)
const rgm = glist.getItem(0).matrix;
// get child's rotation matrix (Rc)
let rcm = svgroot.createSVGMatrix();
const cangle = getRotationAngle(elem);
if (cangle) {
rcm = chtlist.getItem(0).matrix;
// get child's old center of rotation
const cbox = utilsGetBBox(elem);
const ceqm = transformListToTransform(chtlist).matrix;
const coldc = transformPoint(cbox.x + cbox.width / 2, cbox.y + cbox.height / 2, ceqm);
// sum group and child's angles
const sangle = gangle + cangle;
// get child's rotation at the old center (Rc2_inv)
const r2 = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
r2.setRotate(sangle, coldc.x, coldc.y);
// calculate equivalent translate
const trm = matrixMultiply(rgm, rcm, r2.matrix.inverse());
// set up tlist
if (cangle) {
if (sangle) {
if (chtlist.numberOfItems) {
chtlist.insertItemBefore(r2, 0);
} else {
if (trm.e || trm.f) {
const tr = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
tr.setTranslate(trm.e, trm.f);
if (chtlist.numberOfItems) {
chtlist.insertItemBefore(tr, 0);
} else {
} else { // more complicated than just a rotate
// transfer the group's transform down to each child and then
// call recalculateDimensions()
const oldxform = elem.getAttribute('transform');
changes = {};
changes.transform = oldxform || '';
const newxform = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
// [ gm ] [ chm ] = [ chm ] [ gm' ]
// [ gm' ] = [ chmInv ] [ gm ] [ chm ]
const chm = transformListToTransform(chtlist).matrix,
chmInv = chm.inverse();
const gm = matrixMultiply(chmInv, m, chm);
const cmd = recalculateDimensions(elem);
if (cmd) { batchCmd.addSubCommand(cmd); }
// remove transform and make it undo-able
if (xform) {
changes = {};
changes.transform = xform;
g.setAttribute('transform', '');
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new ChangeElementCommand(g, changes));
if (undoable && !batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
return batchCmd;
* Unwraps all the elements in a selected group (`g`) element. This requires
* significant recalculations to apply group's transforms, etc. to its children
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#ungroupSelectedElement
* @returns {undefined}
this.ungroupSelectedElement = function () {
let g = selectedElements[0];
if (!g) {
if ($(g).data('gsvg') || $(g).data('symbol')) {
// Is svg, so actually convert to group
if (g.tagName === 'use') {
// Somehow doesn't have data set, so retrieve
const symbol = getElem(getHref(g).substr(1));
$(g).data('symbol', symbol).data('ref', symbol);
const parentsA = $(g).parents('a');
if (parentsA.length) {
g = parentsA[0];
// Look for parent "a"
if (g.tagName === 'g' || g.tagName === 'a') {
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand('Ungroup Elements');
const cmd = pushGroupProperties(g, true);
if (cmd) { batchCmd.addSubCommand(cmd); }
const parent = g.parentNode;
const anchor = g.nextSibling;
const children = new Array(g.childNodes.length);
let i = 0;
while (g.firstChild) {
let elem = g.firstChild;
const oldNextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
const oldParent = elem.parentNode;
// Remove child title elements
if (elem.tagName === 'title') {
const {nextSibling} = elem;
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new RemoveElementCommand(elem, nextSibling, oldParent));
children[i++] = elem = parent.insertBefore(elem, anchor);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new MoveElementCommand(elem, oldNextSibling, oldParent));
// remove the group from the selection
// delete the group element (but make undo-able)
const gNextSibling = g.nextSibling;
g = parent.removeChild(g);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new RemoveElementCommand(g, gNextSibling, parent));
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) { addCommandToHistory(batchCmd); }
// update selection
* Repositions the selected element to the bottom in the DOM to appear on top of
* other elements
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#moveToTopSelectedElement
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {undefined}
this.moveToTopSelectedElement = function () {
const [selected] = selectedElements;
if (selected != null) {
let t = selected;
const oldParent = t.parentNode;
const oldNextSibling = t.nextSibling;
t = t.parentNode.appendChild(t);
// If the element actually moved position, add the command and fire the changed
// event handler.
if (oldNextSibling !== t.nextSibling) {
addCommandToHistory(new MoveElementCommand(t, oldNextSibling, oldParent, 'top'));
call('changed', [t]);
* Repositions the selected element to the top in the DOM to appear under
* other elements
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#moveToBottomSelectedElement
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {undefined}
this.moveToBottomSelectedElement = function () {
const [selected] = selectedElements;
if (selected != null) {
let t = selected;
const oldParent = t.parentNode;
const oldNextSibling = t.nextSibling;
let {firstChild} = t.parentNode;
if (firstChild.tagName === 'title') {
firstChild = firstChild.nextSibling;
// This can probably be removed, as the defs should not ever apppear
// inside a layer group
if (firstChild.tagName === 'defs') {
firstChild = firstChild.nextSibling;
t = t.parentNode.insertBefore(t, firstChild);
// If the element actually moved position, add the command and fire the changed
// event handler.
if (oldNextSibling !== t.nextSibling) {
addCommandToHistory(new MoveElementCommand(t, oldNextSibling, oldParent, 'bottom'));
call('changed', [t]);
* Moves the select element up or down the stack, based on the visibly
* intersecting elements
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#moveUpDownSelected
* @param {"Up"|"Down"} dir - String that's either 'Up' or 'Down'
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {undefined}
this.moveUpDownSelected = function (dir) {
const selected = selectedElements[0];
if (!selected) { return; }
curBBoxes = [];
let closest, foundCur;
// jQuery sorts this list
const list = $(getIntersectionList(getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible([selected]))).toArray();
if (dir === 'Down') { list.reverse(); }
$.each(list, function () {
if (!foundCur) {
if (this === selected) {
foundCur = true;
closest = this;
return false;
if (!closest) { return; }
const t = selected;
const oldParent = t.parentNode;
const oldNextSibling = t.nextSibling;
$(closest)[dir === 'Down' ? 'before' : 'after'](t);
// If the element actually moved position, add the command and fire the changed
// event handler.
if (oldNextSibling !== t.nextSibling) {
addCommandToHistory(new MoveElementCommand(t, oldNextSibling, oldParent, 'Move ' + dir));
call('changed', [t]);
* Moves selected elements on the X/Y axis
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#moveSelectedElements
* @param {Float} dx - Float with the distance to move on the x-axis
* @param {Float} dy - Float with the distance to move on the y-axis
* @param {boolean} undoable - Boolean indicating whether or not the action should be undoable
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:changed
* @returns {BatchCommand} Batch command for the move
this.moveSelectedElements = function (dx, dy, undoable) {
// if undoable is not sent, default to true
// if single values, scale them to the zoom
if (dx.constructor !== Array) {
dx /= currentZoom;
dy /= currentZoom;
undoable = undoable || true;
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand('position');
let i = selectedElements.length;
while (i--) {
const selected = selectedElements[i];
if (selected != null) {
// if (i === 0) {
// selectedBBoxes[0] = utilsGetBBox(selected);
// }
// const b = {};
// for (const j in selectedBBoxes[i]) b[j] = selectedBBoxes[i][j];
// selectedBBoxes[i] = b;
const xform = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
const tlist = getTransformList(selected);
// dx and dy could be arrays
if (dx.constructor === Array) {
// if (i === 0) {
// selectedBBoxes[0].x += dx[0];
// selectedBBoxes[0].y += dy[0];
// }
xform.setTranslate(dx[i], dy[i]);
} else {
// if (i === 0) {
// selectedBBoxes[0].x += dx;
// selectedBBoxes[0].y += dy;
// }
xform.setTranslate(dx, dy);
if (tlist.numberOfItems) {
tlist.insertItemBefore(xform, 0);
} else {
const cmd = recalculateDimensions(selected);
if (cmd) {
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
if (undoable) {
call('changed', selectedElements);
return batchCmd;
* Create deep DOM copies (clones) of all selected elements and move them slightly
* from their originals
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#cloneSelectedElements
* @param {Float} x Float with the distance to move on the x-axis
* @param {Float} y Float with the distance to move on the y-axis
* @returns {undefined}
this.cloneSelectedElements = function (x, y) {
let i, elem;
const batchCmd = new BatchCommand('Clone Elements');
// find all the elements selected (stop at first null)
const len = selectedElements.length;
function sortfunction (a, b) {
return ($(b).index() - $(a).index()); // causes an array to be sorted numerically and ascending
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
elem = selectedElements[i];
if (elem == null) { break; }
// use slice to quickly get the subset of elements we need
const copiedElements = selectedElements.slice(0, i);
// note that we loop in the reverse way because of the way elements are added
// to the selectedElements array (top-first)
const drawing = getCurrentDrawing();
i = copiedElements.length;
while (i--) {
// clone each element and replace it within copiedElements
elem = copiedElements[i] = drawing.copyElem(copiedElements[i]);
(currentGroup || drawing.getCurrentLayer()).append(elem);
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new InsertElementCommand(elem));
if (!batchCmd.isEmpty()) {
addToSelection(copiedElements.reverse()); // Need to reverse for correct selection-adding
this.moveSelectedElements(x, y, false);
* Aligns selected elements
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#alignSelectedElements
* @param {string} type - String with single character indicating the alignment type
* @param {"selected"|"largest"|"smallest"|"page"} relativeTo
* @returns {undefined}
this.alignSelectedElements = function (type, relativeTo) {
const bboxes = []; // angles = [];
const len = selectedElements.length;
if (!len) { return; }
let minx = Number.MAX_VALUE, maxx = Number.MIN_VALUE,
miny = Number.MAX_VALUE, maxy = Number.MIN_VALUE;
let curwidth = Number.MIN_VALUE, curheight = Number.MIN_VALUE;
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (selectedElements[i] == null) { break; }
const elem = selectedElements[i];
bboxes[i] = getStrokedBBoxDefaultVisible([elem]);
// now bbox is axis-aligned and handles rotation
switch (relativeTo) {
case 'smallest':
if (((type === 'l' || type === 'c' || type === 'r') &&
(curwidth === Number.MIN_VALUE || curwidth > bboxes[i].width)) ||
((type === 't' || type === 'm' || type === 'b') &&
(curheight === Number.MIN_VALUE || curheight > bboxes[i].height))
) {
minx = bboxes[i].x;
miny = bboxes[i].y;
maxx = bboxes[i].x + bboxes[i].width;
maxy = bboxes[i].y + bboxes[i].height;
curwidth = bboxes[i].width;
curheight = bboxes[i].height;
case 'largest':
if (((type === 'l' || type === 'c' || type === 'r') &&
(curwidth === Number.MIN_VALUE || curwidth < bboxes[i].width)) ||
((type === 't' || type === 'm' || type === 'b') &&
(curheight === Number.MIN_VALUE || curheight < bboxes[i].height))
) {
minx = bboxes[i].x;
miny = bboxes[i].y;
maxx = bboxes[i].x + bboxes[i].width;
maxy = bboxes[i].y + bboxes[i].height;
curwidth = bboxes[i].width;
curheight = bboxes[i].height;
default: // 'selected'
if (bboxes[i].x < minx) { minx = bboxes[i].x; }
if (bboxes[i].y < miny) { miny = bboxes[i].y; }
if (bboxes[i].x + bboxes[i].width > maxx) { maxx = bboxes[i].x + bboxes[i].width; }
if (bboxes[i].y + bboxes[i].height > maxy) { maxy = bboxes[i].y + bboxes[i].height; }
} // loop for each element to find the bbox and adjust min/max
if (relativeTo === 'page') {
minx = 0;
miny = 0;
maxx = canvas.contentW;
maxy = canvas.contentH;
const dx = new Array(len);
const dy = new Array(len);
for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (selectedElements[i] == null) { break; }
// const elem = selectedElements[i];
const bbox = bboxes[i];
dx[i] = 0;
dy[i] = 0;
switch (type) {
case 'l': // left (horizontal)
dx[i] = minx - bbox.x;
case 'c': // center (horizontal)
dx[i] = (minx + maxx) / 2 - (bbox.x + bbox.width / 2);
case 'r': // right (horizontal)
dx[i] = maxx - (bbox.x + bbox.width);
case 't': // top (vertical)
dy[i] = miny - bbox.y;
case 'm': // middle (vertical)
dy[i] = (miny + maxy) / 2 - (bbox.y + bbox.height / 2);
case 'b': // bottom (vertical)
dy[i] = maxy - (bbox.y + bbox.height);
this.moveSelectedElements(dx, dy);
* Group: Additional editor tools
* @name module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#contentW
* @type {Float}
this.contentW = getResolution().w;
* @name module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#contentH
* @type {Float}
this.contentH = getResolution().h;
* @typedef {PlainObject} module:svgcanvas.CanvasInfo
* @property {Float} x - The canvas' new x coordinate
* @property {Float} y - The canvas' new y coordinate
* @property {string} oldX - The canvas' old x coordinate
* @property {string} oldY - The canvas' old y coordinate
* @property {Float} d_x - The x position difference
* @property {Float} d_y - The y position difference
* Updates the editor canvas width/height/position after a zoom has occurred
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#updateCanvas
* @param {Float} w - Float with the new width
* @param {Float} h - Float with the new height
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-canvasUpdated
* @returns {module:svgcanvas.CanvasInfo}
this.updateCanvas = function (w, h) {
svgroot.setAttribute('width', w);
svgroot.setAttribute('height', h);
const bg = $('#canvasBackground')[0];
const oldX = svgcontent.getAttribute('x');
const oldY = svgcontent.getAttribute('y');
const x = (w / 2 - this.contentW * currentZoom / 2);
const y = (h / 2 - this.contentH * currentZoom / 2);
assignAttributes(svgcontent, {
width: this.contentW * currentZoom,
height: this.contentH * currentZoom,
viewBox: '0 0 ' + this.contentW + ' ' + this.contentH
assignAttributes(bg, {
width: svgcontent.getAttribute('width'),
height: svgcontent.getAttribute('height'),
const bgImg = getElem('background_image');
if (bgImg) {
assignAttributes(bgImg, {
width: '100%',
height: '100%'
selectorManager.selectorParentGroup.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ')');
* Invoked upon updates to the canvas.
* @event module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-canvasUpdated
* @type {PlainObject}
* @property {Integer} new_x
* @property {Integer} new_y
* @property {string} old_x (Of Integer)
* @property {string} old_y (Of Integer)
* @property {Integer} d_x
* @property {Integer} d_y
* @type {module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:ext-canvasUpdated}
{new_x: x, new_y: y, old_x: oldX, old_y: oldY, d_x: x - oldX, d_y: y - oldY}
return {x, y, old_x: oldX, old_y: oldY, d_x: x - oldX, d_y: y - oldY};
* Set the background of the editor (NOT the actual document)
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#setBackground
* @param {string} color - String with fill color to apply
* @param {string} url - URL or path to image to use
* @returns {undefined}
this.setBackground = function (color, url) {
const bg = getElem('canvasBackground');
const border = $(bg).find('rect')[0];
let bgImg = getElem('background_image');
border.setAttribute('fill', color);
if (url) {
if (!bgImg) {
bgImg = svgdoc.createElementNS(NS.SVG, 'image');
assignAttributes(bgImg, {
id: 'background_image',
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
preserveAspectRatio: 'xMinYMin',
style: 'pointer-events:none'
setHref(bgImg, url);
} else if (bgImg) {
* Select the next/previous element within the current layer
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#cycleElement
* @param {boolean} next - true = next and false = previous element
* @fires module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#event:selected
* @returns {undefined}
this.cycleElement = function (next) {
let num;
const curElem = selectedElements[0];
let elem = false;
const allElems = getVisibleElements(currentGroup || getCurrentDrawing().getCurrentLayer());
if (!allElems.length) { return; }
if (curElem == null) {
num = next ? allElems.length - 1 : 0;
elem = allElems[num];
} else {
let i = allElems.length;
while (i--) {
if (allElems[i] === curElem) {
num = next ? i - 1 : i + 1;
if (num >= allElems.length) {
num = 0;
} else if (num < 0) {
num = allElems.length - 1;
elem = allElems[num];
selectOnly([elem], true);
call('selected', selectedElements);
* @interface module:svgcanvas.PrivateMethods
* @type {PlainObject}
* @property {module:svgcanvas~addCommandToHistory} addCommandToHistory
* @property {module:history.HistoryCommand} BatchCommand
* @property {module:history.HistoryCommand} ChangeElementCommand
* @property {module:utilities.decode64} decode64
* @property {module:utilities.encode64} encode64
* @property {module:svgcanvas~ffClone} ffClone
* @property {module:svgcanvas~findDuplicateGradient} findDuplicateGradient
* @property {module:utilities.getPathBBox} getPathBBox
* @property {module:units.getTypeMap} getTypeMap
* @property {module:draw.identifyLayers} identifyLayers
* @property {module:history.HistoryCommand} InsertElementCommand
* @property {module:browser.isChrome} isChrome
* @property {module:math.isIdentity} isIdentity
* @property {module:browser.isIE} isIE
* @property {module:svgcanvas~logMatrix} logMatrix
* @property {module:history.HistoryCommand} MoveElementCommand
* @property {module:namespaces.NS} NS
* @property {module:utilities.preventClickDefault} preventClickDefault
* @property {module:history.HistoryCommand} RemoveElementCommand
* @property {module:SVGTransformList.SVGEditTransformList} SVGEditTransformList
* @property {module:utilities.text2xml} text2xml
* @property {module:math.transformBox} transformBox
* @property {module:math.transformPoint} transformPoint
* @property {module:utilities.walkTree} walkTree
* @deprecated getPrivateMethods
* Since all methods are/should be public somehow, this function should be removed;
* we might require `import` in place of this in the future once ES6 Modules
* widespread
* Being able to access private methods publicly seems wrong somehow,
* but currently appears to be the best way to allow testing and provide
* access to them to plugins.
* @function module:svgcanvas.SvgCanvas#getPrivateMethods
* @returns {module:svgcanvas.PrivateMethods}
this.getPrivateMethods = function () {
const obj = {
identifyLayers: draw.identifyLayers,
return obj;
} // End constructor
} // End class
export default SvgCanvas;