got rid of svg2path changes (reverted to master)

Andy Port 2018-05-28 20:14:45 -07:00
parent f966999bc5
commit 609cbc776a
1 changed files with 100 additions and 80 deletions

View File

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
"""A submodule of tools for creating path objects from SVG files.
"""This submodule contains tools for creating path objects from SVG files.
The main tool being the svg2paths() function."""
# External dependencies
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
import os
import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
from os import path as os_path, getcwd
import re
# Internal dependencies
from .parser import parse_path
@ -18,8 +19,8 @@ COORD_PAIR_TMPLT = re.compile(
def ellipse2pathd(ellipse):
"""converts the parameters from an ellipse or a circle to a string
for a Path object d-attribute"""
"""converts the parameters from an ellipse or a circle to a string for a
Path object d-attribute"""
cx = ellipse.get('cx', None)
cy = ellipse.get('cy', None)
@ -45,8 +46,8 @@ def ellipse2pathd(ellipse):
def polyline2pathd(polyline_d, is_polygon=False):
"""converts the string from a polyline points-attribute to a string
for a Path object d-attribute"""
"""converts the string from a polyline points-attribute to a string for a
Path object d-attribute"""
points = COORD_PAIR_TMPLT.findall(polyline_d)
closed = (float(points[0][0]) == float(points[-1][0]) and
float(points[0][1]) == float(points[-1][1]))
@ -88,21 +89,15 @@ def rect2pathd(rect):
return d
def line2pathd(l):
return 'M' + l['x1'] + ' ' + l['y1'] + 'L' + l['x2'] + ' ' + l['y2']
CONVERSIONS = {'circle': ellipse2pathd,
'ellipse': ellipse2pathd,
'line': line2pathd,
'polyline': polyline2pathd,
'polygon': polygon2pathd,
'rect': rect2pathd}
def svg2paths(svg_file_location, return_svg_attributes=False,
conversions=CONVERSIONS, return_tree=False):
"""Converts SVG to list of Path objects and attribute dictionaries.
def svg2paths(svg_file_location,
"""Converts an SVG into a list of Path objects and attribute dictionaries.
Converts an SVG file into a list of Path objects and a list of
dictionaries containing their attributes. This currently supports
@ -111,81 +106,106 @@ def svg2paths(svg_file_location, return_svg_attributes=False,
svg_file_location (string): the location of the svg file
return_svg_attributes (bool): Set to True and a dictionary of
svg-attributes will be extracted and returned. See also
the `svg2paths2()` function.
svg-attributes will be extracted and returned. See also the
`svg2paths2()` function.
convert_circles_to_paths: Set to False to exclude SVG-Circle
elements (converted to Paths). By default circles are
included as paths of two `Arc` objects.
convert_ellipses_to_paths (bool): Set to False to exclude
SVG-Ellipse elements (converted to Paths). By default
ellipses are included as paths of two `Arc` objects.
convert_lines_to_paths (bool): Set to False to exclude SVG-Line
elements (converted to Paths). By default circles are included as
paths of two `Arc` objects.
convert_ellipses_to_paths (bool): Set to False to exclude SVG-Ellipse
elements (converted to Paths). By default ellipses are included as
paths of two `Arc` objects.
convert_lines_to_paths (bool): Set to False to exclude SVG-Line elements
(converted to Paths)
convert_polylines_to_paths (bool): Set to False to exclude SVG-Polyline
elements (converted to Paths)
convert_polylines_to_paths (bool): Set to False to exclude
SVG-Polyline elements (converted to Paths)
convert_polygons_to_paths (bool): Set to False to exclude
SVG-Polygon elements (converted to Paths)
convert_rectangles_to_paths (bool): Set to False to exclude
SVG-Rect elements (converted to Paths).
convert_polygons_to_paths (bool): Set to False to exclude SVG-Polygon
elements (converted to Paths)
convert_rectangles_to_paths (bool): Set to False to exclude SVG-Rect
elements (converted to Paths).
list: The list of Path objects.
list: The list of corresponding path attribute dictionaries.
dict (optional): A dictionary of svg-attributes (see `
dict (optional): A dictionary of svg-attributes (see `svg2paths2()`).
if os.path.dirname(svg_file_location) == '':
svg_file_location = os.path.join(getcwd(), svg_file_location)
if os_path.dirname(svg_file_location) == '':
svg_file_location = os_path.join(getcwd(), svg_file_location)
tree = etree.parse(svg_file_location)
doc = parse(svg_file_location)
# get URI namespace
root_tag = tree.getroot().tag
if root_tag[0] == "{":
prefix = root_tag[:root_tag.find('}') + 1]
prefix = ''
# etree.register_namespace('', prefix)
def dom2dict(element):
"""Converts DOM elements to dictionaries of attributes."""
keys = list(element.attributes.keys())
values = [val.value for val in list(element.attributes.values())]
return dict(list(zip(keys, values)))
def getElementsByTagName(tag):
return tree.iter(tag=prefix+tag)
# Get d-strings for Path elements
paths = [el.attrib for el in getElementsByTagName('path')]
# Use minidom to extract path strings from input SVG
paths = [dom2dict(el) for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('path')]
d_strings = [el['d'] for el in paths]
attribute_dictionary_list = paths
# Get d-strings for Path-like elements (using `conversions` dict)
for tag, fcn in conversions.items():
attributes = [el.attrib for el in getElementsByTagName(tag)]
d_strings += [fcn(d) for d in attributes]
# Use minidom to extract polyline strings from input SVG, convert to
# path strings, add to list
if convert_polylines_to_paths:
plins = [dom2dict(el) for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('polyline')]
d_strings += [polyline2pathd(pl['points']) for pl in plins]
attribute_dictionary_list += plins
# Use minidom to extract polygon strings from input SVG, convert to
# path strings, add to list
if convert_polygons_to_paths:
pgons = [dom2dict(el) for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('polygon')]
d_strings += [polygon2pathd(pg['points']) for pg in pgons]
attribute_dictionary_list += pgons
if convert_lines_to_paths:
lines = [dom2dict(el) for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('line')]
d_strings += [('M' + l['x1'] + ' ' + l['y1'] +
'L' + l['x2'] + ' ' + l['y2']) for l in lines]
attribute_dictionary_list += lines
if convert_ellipses_to_paths:
ellipses = [dom2dict(el) for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('ellipse')]
d_strings += [ellipse2pathd(e) for e in ellipses]
attribute_dictionary_list += ellipses
if convert_circles_to_paths:
circles = [dom2dict(el) for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('circle')]
d_strings += [ellipse2pathd(c) for c in circles]
attribute_dictionary_list += circles
if convert_rectangles_to_paths:
rectangles = [dom2dict(el) for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('rect')]
d_strings += [rect2pathd(r) for r in rectangles]
attribute_dictionary_list += rectangles
if return_svg_attributes:
svg_attributes = dom2dict(doc.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0])
path_list = [parse_path(d) for d in d_strings]
if return_tree: # svg2paths3 default behavior
return path_list, tree
elif return_svg_attributes: # svg2paths2 default behavior
svg_attributes = getElementsByTagName('svg')[0].attrib
return path_list, attribute_dictionary_list, svg_attributes
else: # svg2paths default behavior
path_list = [parse_path(d) for d in d_strings]
return path_list, attribute_dictionary_list
def svg2paths2(svg_file_location, return_svg_attributes=True,
conversions=CONVERSIONS, return_tree=False):
def svg2paths2(svg_file_location,
"""Convenience function; identical to svg2paths() except that
return_svg_attributes=True by default. See svg2paths() docstring
for more info."""
return_svg_attributes=True by default. See svg2paths() docstring for more
return svg2paths(svg_file_location=svg_file_location,
conversions=conversions, return_tree=return_tree)
def svg2paths3(svg_file_location, return_svg_attributes=True,
conversions=CONVERSIONS, return_tree=True):
"""Convenience function; identical to svg2paths() except that
return_tree=True. See svg2paths() docstring for more info."""
return svg2paths(svg_file_location=svg_file_location,
conversions=conversions, return_tree=return_tree)