Changed other files back to mathandys master release.

alphanoob1337 2017-07-12 19:00:38 +02:00
parent fd3c0091b8
commit a4b0c7e229
4 changed files with 712 additions and 800 deletions

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@ -5,21 +5,23 @@ The main tool being the svg2paths() function."""
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
from os import path as os_path, getcwd
import numpy as np
from shutil import copyfile
# Internal dependencies
from .parser import parse_path
from .path import Path, bpoints2bezier
def polyline2pathd(polyline_d):
"""converts the string from a polyline points-attribute to a string for a
Path object d-attribute"""
"""converts the string from a polyline d-attribute to a string for a Path
object d-attribute"""
points = polyline_d.replace(', ', ',')
points = points.replace(' ,', ',')
points = points.split()
closed = points[0] == points[-1]
if points[0] == points[-1]:
closed = True
closed = False
d = 'M' + points.pop(0).replace(',', ' ')
for p in points:
@ -29,30 +31,6 @@ def polyline2pathd(polyline_d):
return d
def polygon2pathd(polyline_d):
"""converts the string from a polygon points-attribute to a string for a
Path object d-attribute.
Note: For a polygon made from n points, the resulting path will be
composed of n lines (even if some of these lines have length zero)."""
points = polyline_d.replace(', ', ',')
points = points.replace(' ,', ',')
points = points.split()
reduntantly_closed = points[0] == points[-1]
d = 'M' + points[0].replace(',', ' ')
for p in points[1:]:
d += 'L' + p.replace(',', ' ')
# The `parse_path` call ignores redundant 'z' (closure) commands
# e.g. `parse_path('M0 0L100 100Z') == parse_path('M0 0L100 100L0 0Z')`
# This check ensures that an n-point polygon is converted to an n-Line path.
if reduntantly_closed:
d += 'L' + points[0].replace(',', ' ')
return d + 'z'
def svg2paths(svg_file_location,
@ -84,126 +62,52 @@ def svg2paths(svg_file_location,
# else:
doc = parse(svg_file_location)
# Parse a list of paths
def dom2dict(element):
"""Converts DOM elements to dictionaries of attributes."""
keys = list(element.attributes.keys())
values = [val.value for val in list(element.attributes.values())]
return dict(list(zip(keys, values)))
def parse_trafo(trafo_str):
"""Returns six matrix elements for a matrix transformation for any valid SVG transformation string."""
trafos = trafo_str.split(')')[:-1]
trafo_matrix = np.array([1., 0., 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.]).reshape((3, 3)) # Start with neutral matrix
# Use minidom to extract path strings from input SVG
paths = [dom2dict(el) for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('path')]
d_strings = [el['d'] for el in paths]
attribute_dictionary_list = paths
# if pathless_svg:
# for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('path'):
# el.parentNode.removeChild(el)
for trafo_sub_str in trafos:
trafo_sub_str = trafo_sub_str.lstrip(', ')
value_str = trafo_sub_str.split('(')[1]
values = list(map(float, value_str.split(',')))
if 'translate' in trafo_sub_str:
x = values[0]
y = values[1] if (len(values) > 1) else 0.
trafo_matrix =,
np.array([1., 0., x, 0., 1., y, 0., 0., 1.]).reshape((3, 3)))
elif 'scale' in trafo_sub_str:
x = values[0]
y = values[1] if (len(values) > 1) else 0.
trafo_matrix =,
np.array([x, 0., 0., 0., y, 0., 0., 0., 1.]).reshape((3, 3)))
elif 'rotate' in trafo_sub_str:
a = values[0]*np.pi/180.
x = values[1] if (len(values) > 1) else 0.
y = values[2] if (len(values) > 2) else 0.
am =[np.cos(a), -np.sin(a), 0., np.sin(a), np.cos(a), 0., 0., 0., 1.]).reshape((3, 3)),
np.array([1., 0., -x, 0., 1., -y, 0., 0., 1.]).reshape((3, 3)))
am =[1., 0., x, 0., 1., y, 0., 0., 1.]).reshape((3, 3)), am)
trafo_matrix =, am)
elif 'skewX' in trafo_sub_str:
a = values[0]*np.pi/180.
trafo_matrix =,
np.array([1., np.tan(a), 0., 0., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.]).reshape((3, 3)))
elif 'skewY' in trafo_sub_str:
a = values[0]*np.pi/180.
trafo_matrix =,
np.array([1., 0., 0., np.tan(a), 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.]).reshape((3, 3)))
else: # Assume matrix transformation
while len(values) < 6:
values += [0.]
trafo_matrix =,
np.array([values[::2], values[1::2], [0., 0., 1.]]))
# Use minidom to extract polyline strings from input SVG, convert to
# path strings, add to list
if convert_polylines_to_paths:
plins = [dom2dict(el) for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('polyline')]
d_strings += [polyline2pathd(pl['points']) for pl in plins]
attribute_dictionary_list += plins
trafo_list = list(trafo_matrix.reshape((9,))[:6])
return trafo_list[::3]+trafo_list[1::3]+trafo_list[2::3]
# Use minidom to extract polygon strings from input SVG, convert to
# path strings, add to list
if convert_polygons_to_paths:
pgons = [dom2dict(el) for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('polygon')]
d_strings += [polyline2pathd(pg['points']) + 'z' for pg in pgons]
attribute_dictionary_list += pgons
def parse_node(node):
"""Recursively iterate over nodes. Parse the groups individually to apply group transformations."""
# Get everything in this tag
data = [parse_node(child) for child in node.childNodes]
if len(data) == 0:
ret_list = []
attribute_dictionary_list_int = []
# Flatten the lists
ret_list = []
attribute_dictionary_list_int = []
for item in data:
if type(item) == tuple:
if len(item[0]) > 0:
ret_list += item[0]
attribute_dictionary_list_int += item[1]
if convert_lines_to_paths:
lines = [dom2dict(el) for el in doc.getElementsByTagName('line')]
d_strings += [('M' + l['x1'] + ' ' + l['y1'] +
'L' + l['x2'] + ' ' + l['y2']) for l in lines]
attribute_dictionary_list += lines
if node.nodeName == 'g':
# Group found
# Analyse group properties
group = dom2dict(node)
if 'transform' in group.keys():
trafo = group['transform']
# if pathless_svg:
# with open(pathless_svg, "wb") as f:
# doc.writexml(f)
# Convert all transformations into a matrix operation
am = parse_trafo(trafo)
am = np.array([am[::2], am[1::2], [0., 0., 1.]])
# Apply transformation to all elements of the paths
def xy(p):
return np.array([p.real, p.imag, 1.])
def z(coords):
return coords[0] + 1j*coords[1]
ret_list = [Path(*[bpoints2bezier([z(, xy(pt)))
for pt in seg.bpoints()])
for seg in path])
for path in ret_list]
return ret_list, attribute_dictionary_list_int
elif node.nodeName == 'path':
# Path found; parsing it
path = dom2dict(node)
d_string = path['d']
return [parse_path(d_string)]+ret_list, [path]+attribute_dictionary_list_int
elif convert_polylines_to_paths and node.nodeName == 'polyline':
attrs = dom2dict(node)
path = parse_path(polyline2pathd(node['points']))
return [path]+ret_list, [attrs]+attribute_dictionary_list_int
elif convert_polygons_to_paths and node.nodeName == 'polygon':
attrs = dom2dict(node)
path = parse_path(polygon2pathd(attrs['points']))
return [path]+ret_list, [attrs]+attribute_dictionary_list_int
elif convert_lines_to_paths and node.nodeName == 'line':
line = dom2dict(node)
d_string = ('M' + line['x1'] + ' ' + line['y1'] +
'L' + line['x2'] + ' ' + line['y2'])
path = parse_path(d_string)
return [path]+ret_list, [line]+attribute_dictionary_list_int
return ret_list, attribute_dictionary_list_int
path_list, attribute_dictionary_list = parse_node(doc)
if return_svg_attributes:
svg_attributes = dom2dict(doc.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0])
path_list = [parse_path(d) for d in d_strings]
return path_list, attribute_dictionary_list, svg_attributes
path_list = [parse_path(d) for d in d_strings]
return path_list, attribute_dictionary_list

View File

@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: svgpathtools
Version: 1.3.2b0
Version: 1.3.1
Summary: A collection of tools for manipulating and analyzing SVG Path objects and Bezier curves.
Author: Andy Port
License: MIT
Description: svgpathtools
svgpathtools is a collection of tools for manipulating and analyzing SVG
@ -47,6 +46,11 @@ Description:
- compute **inverse arc length**
- convert RGB color tuples to hexadecimal color strings and back
Note on Python 3
While I am hopeful that this package entirely works with Python 3, it was born from a larger project coded in Python 2 and has not been thoroughly tested in
Python 3. Please let me know if you find any incompatibilities.
@ -90,6 +94,8 @@ Description:
module <>`__. Interested svg.path
users should see the compatibility notes at bottom of this readme.
Also, a big thanks to the author(s) of `A Primer on Bézier Curves <>`_, an outstanding resource for learning about Bézier curves and Bézier curve-related algorithms.
Basic Usage
@ -120,11 +126,11 @@ Description:
on discontinuous Path objects. A simple workaround is provided, however,
by the ``Path.continuous_subpaths()`` method. `↩ <#a1>`__
.. code:: ipython2
.. code:: python
from __future__ import division, print_function
.. code:: ipython2
.. code:: python
# Coordinates are given as points in the complex plane
from svgpathtools import Path, Line, QuadraticBezier, CubicBezier, Arc
@ -161,7 +167,7 @@ Description:
list. So segments can **append**\ ed, **insert**\ ed, set by index,
**del**\ eted, **enumerate**\ d, **slice**\ d out, etc.
.. code:: ipython2
.. code:: python
# Let's append another to the end of it
path.append(CubicBezier(250+350j, 275+350j, 250+225j, 200+100j))
@ -228,7 +234,7 @@ Description:
| Note: Line, Polyline, Polygon, and Path SVG elements can all be
converted to Path objects using this function.
.. code:: ipython2
.. code:: python
# Read SVG into a list of path objects and list of dictionaries of attributes
from svgpathtools import svg2paths, wsvg
@ -265,7 +271,7 @@ Description:
automatically attempt to open the created svg file in your default SVG
.. code:: ipython2
.. code:: python
# Let's make a new SVG that's identical to the first
wsvg(paths, attributes=attributes, svg_attributes=svg_attributes, filename='output1.svg')
@ -297,7 +303,7 @@ Description:
that ``path.point(T)=path[k].point(t)``.
| There is also a ``Path.t2T()`` method to solve the inverse problem.
.. code:: ipython2
.. code:: python
# Example:
@ -327,11 +333,11 @@ Description:
Bezier curves as NumPy polynomial objects
Tangent vectors and Bezier curves as numpy polynomial objects
| Another great way to work with the parameterizations for ``Line``,
``QuadraticBezier``, and ``CubicBezier`` objects is to convert them to
| Another great way to work with the parameterizations for Line,
QuadraticBezier, and CubicBezier objects is to convert them to
``numpy.poly1d`` objects. This is done easily using the
``Line.poly()``, ``QuadraticBezier.poly()`` and ``CubicBezier.poly()``
@ -363,10 +369,9 @@ Description:
``QuadraticBezier.poly()`` and ``Line.poly()`` are `defined
similarly <>`__.
QuadraticBezier.poly() and Line.poly() are defined similarly.
.. code:: ipython2
.. code:: python
# Example:
b = CubicBezier(300+100j, 100+100j, 200+200j, 200+300j)
@ -396,25 +401,15 @@ Description:
(-400 + -100j) t + (900 + 300j) t - 600 t + (300 + 100j)
The ability to convert between Bezier objects to NumPy polynomial
objects is very useful. For starters, we can take turn a list of Bézier
segments into a NumPy array
To illustrate the awesomeness of being able to convert our Bezier curve
objects to numpy.poly1d objects and back, lets compute the unit tangent
vector of the above CubicBezier object, b, at t=0.5 in four different
Numpy Array operations on Bézier path segments
Tangent vectors (and more on polynomials)
`Example available
here <>`__
To further illustrate the power of being able to convert our Bezier
curve objects to numpy.poly1d objects and back, lets compute the unit
tangent vector of the above CubicBezier object, b, at t=0.5 in four
different ways.
Tangent vectors (and more on NumPy polynomials)
.. code:: ipython2
.. code:: python
t = 0.5
### Method 1: the easy way
@ -456,7 +451,7 @@ Description:
Translations (shifts), reversing orientation, and normal vectors
.. code:: ipython2
.. code:: python
# Speaking of tangents, let's add a normal vector to the picture
n = b.normal(t)
@ -486,7 +481,7 @@ Description:
Rotations and Translations
.. code:: ipython2
.. code:: python
# Let's take a Line and an Arc and make some pictures
top_half = Arc(start=-1, radius=1+2j, rotation=0, large_arc=1, sweep=1, end=1)
@ -519,7 +514,7 @@ Description:
``CubicBezier.length()``, and ``Arc.length()`` methods, as well as the
related inverse arc length methods ``.ilength()`` function to do this.
.. code:: ipython2
.. code:: python
# First we'll load the path data from the file test.svg
paths, attributes = svg2paths('test.svg')
@ -561,7 +556,7 @@ Description:
Intersections between Bezier curves
.. code:: ipython2
.. code:: python
# Let's find all intersections between redpath and the other
redpath = paths[0]
@ -585,7 +580,7 @@ Description:
Here we'll find the `offset
curve <>`__ for a few paths.
.. code:: ipython2
.. code:: python
from svgpathtools import parse_path, Line, Path, wsvg
def offset_curve(path, offset_distance, steps=1000):
@ -643,7 +638,6 @@ Description:
This module is under a MIT License.
Keywords: svg,svg path,svg.path,bezier,parse svg path,display svg
Platform: OS Independent
Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta

View File

@ -15,10 +15,12 @@ test.svg
@ -26,13 +28,10 @@ svgpathtools.egg-info/PKG-INFO

View File

@ -97,6 +97,21 @@ def bbox2path(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax):
return Path(b, r, t.reversed(), l.reversed())
def polyline(*points):
"""Converts a list of points to a Path composed of lines connecting those
points (i.e. a linear spline or polyline). See also `polygon()`."""
return Path(*[Line(points[i], points[i+1])
for i in range(len(points) - 1)])
def polygon(*points):
"""Converts a list of points to a Path composed of lines connecting those
points, then closes the path by connecting the last point to the first.
See also `polyline()`."""
return Path(*[Line(points[i], points[(i + 1) % len(points)])
for i in range(len(points))])
# Conversion###################################################################
def bpoints2bezier(bpoints):