from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function import unittest from svgpathtools import * from io import StringIO from io import open # overrides build-in open for compatibility with python2 from os.path import join, dirname from svgpathtools.svg_to_paths import rect2pathd class TestSVG2Paths(unittest.TestCase): def test_svg2paths_polygons(self): paths, _ = svg2paths(join(dirname(__file__), 'polygons.svg')) # triangular polygon test path = paths[0] path_correct = Path(Line(55.5+0j, 55.5+50j), Line(55.5+50j, 105.5+50j), Line(105.5+50j, 55.5+0j) ) self.assertTrue(path.isclosed()) self.assertTrue(len(path)==3) self.assertTrue(path==path_correct) # triangular quadrilateral (with a redundant 4th "closure" point) path = paths[1] path_correct = Path(Line(0+0j, 0-100j), Line(0-100j, 0.1-100j), Line(0.1-100j, 0+0j), Line(0+0j, 0+0j) # result of redundant point ) self.assertTrue(path.isclosed()) self.assertTrue(len(path)==4) self.assertTrue(path==path_correct) def test_svg2paths_ellipses(self): paths, _ = svg2paths(join(dirname(__file__), 'ellipse.svg')) # ellipse tests path_ellipse = paths[0] path_ellipse_correct = Path(Arc(50+100j, 50+50j, 0.0, True, False, 150+100j), Arc(150+100j, 50+50j, 0.0, True, False, 50+100j)) self.assertTrue(len(path_ellipse)==2) self.assertTrue(path_ellipse==path_ellipse_correct) self.assertTrue(path_ellipse.isclosed()) # circle tests paths, _ = svg2paths(join(dirname(__file__), 'circle.svg')) path_circle = paths[0] path_circle_correct = Path(Arc(50+100j, 50+50j, 0.0, True, False, 150+100j), Arc(150+100j, 50+50j, 0.0, True, False, 50+100j)) self.assertTrue(len(path_circle)==2) self.assertTrue(path_circle==path_circle_correct) self.assertTrue(path_circle.isclosed()) def test_rect2pathd(self): non_rounded = {"x":"10", "y":"10", "width":"100","height":"100"} self.assertEqual(rect2pathd(non_rounded), 'M10.0 10.0 L 110.0 10.0 L 110.0 110.0 L 10.0 110.0 z') rounded = {"x":"10", "y":"10", "width":"100","height":"100", "rx":"15", "ry": "12"} self.assertEqual(rect2pathd(rounded), "M 25.0 10.0 L 95.0 10.0 A 15.0 12.0 0 0 1 110.0 22.0 L 110.0 98.0 A 15.0 12.0 0 0 1 95.0 110.0 L 25.0 110.0 A 15.0 12.0 0 0 1 10.0 98.0 L 10.0 22.0 A 15.0 12.0 0 0 1 25.0 10.0 z") def test_from_file_path(self): """ Test reading svg from file provided as path """ paths, _ = svg2paths(join(dirname(__file__), 'polygons.svg')) self.assertEqual(len(paths), 2) def test_from_file_object(self): """ Test reading svg from file object that has already been opened """ with open(join(dirname(__file__), 'polygons.svg'), 'r') as file: paths, _ = svg2paths(file) self.assertEqual(len(paths), 2) def test_from_stringio(self): """ Test reading svg object contained in a StringIO object """ with open(join(dirname(__file__), 'polygons.svg'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: # read entire file into string file_content = # prepare stringio object file_as_stringio = StringIO() # paste file content into it file_as_stringio.write(file_content) # reset curser to its beginning paths, _ = svg2paths(file_as_stringio) self.assertEqual(len(paths), 2) def test_from_string_without_svg_attrs(self): """ Test reading svg object contained in a string without svg attributes""" with open(join(dirname(__file__), 'polygons.svg'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: # read entire file into string file_content = paths, _ = svg_string2paths(file_content) self.assertEqual(len(paths), 2) def test_from_string_with_svg_attrs(self): """ Test reading svg object contained in a string with svg attributes""" with open(join(dirname(__file__), 'polygons.svg'), 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: # read entire file into string file_content = paths, _, _ = svg_string2paths2(file_content) self.assertEqual(len(paths), 2)