
250 lines
11 KiB

# Note: This file was taken mostly as is from the svg.path module (v 2.0)
from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
import unittest
from svgpathtools import *
import svgpathtools
import numpy as np
def construct_rotation_tf(a, x, y):
a = a * np.pi / 180.0
tf_offset = np.identity(3)
tf_offset[0:2, 2:3] = np.array([[x], [y]])
tf_rotate = np.identity(3)
tf_rotate[0:2, 0:2] = np.array([[np.cos(a), -np.sin(a)],
[np.sin(a), np.cos(a)]])
tf_offset_neg = np.identity(3)
tf_offset_neg[0:2, 2:3] = np.array([[-x], [-y]])
class TestParser(unittest.TestCase):
def test_svg_examples(self):
"""Examples from the SVG spec"""
path1 = parse_path('M 100 100 L 300 100 L 200 300 z')
self.assertEqual(path1, Path(Line(100 + 100j, 300 + 100j),
Line(300 + 100j, 200 + 300j),
Line(200 + 300j, 100 + 100j)))
# for Z command behavior when there is multiple subpaths
path1 = parse_path('M 0 0 L 50 20 M 100 100 L 300 100 L 200 300 z')
self.assertEqual(path1, Path(Line(0 + 0j, 50 + 20j),
Line(100 + 100j, 300 + 100j),
Line(300 + 100j, 200 + 300j),
Line(200 + 300j, 100 + 100j)))
path1 = parse_path('M 100 100 L 200 200')
path2 = parse_path('M100 100L200 200')
self.assertEqual(path1, path2)
path1 = parse_path('M 100 200 L 200 100 L -100 -200')
path2 = parse_path('M 100 200 L 200 100 -100 -200')
self.assertEqual(path1, path2)
path1 = parse_path("""M100,200 C100,100 250,100 250,200
S400,300 400,200""")
self.assertEqual(path1, Path(CubicBezier(100 + 200j,
100 + 100j,
250 + 100j,
250 + 200j),
CubicBezier(250 + 200j,
250 + 300j,
400 + 300j,
400 + 200j)))
path1 = parse_path('M100,200 C100,100 400,100 400,200')
self.assertEqual(path1, Path(CubicBezier(100 + 200j,
100 + 100j,
400 + 100j,
400 + 200j)))
path1 = parse_path('M100,500 C25,400 475,400 400,500')
self.assertEqual(path1, Path(CubicBezier(100 + 500j,
25 + 400j,
475 + 400j,
400 + 500j)))
path1 = parse_path('M100,800 C175,700 325,700 400,800')
self.assertEqual(path1, Path(CubicBezier(100 + 800j,
175 + 700j,
325 + 700j,
400 + 800j)))
path1 = parse_path('M600,200 C675,100 975,100 900,200')
self.assertEqual(path1, Path(CubicBezier(600 + 200j,
675 + 100j,
975 + 100j,
900 + 200j)))
path1 = parse_path('M600,500 C600,350 900,650 900,500')
self.assertEqual(path1, Path(CubicBezier(600 + 500j,
600 + 350j,
900 + 650j,
900 + 500j)))
path1 = parse_path("""M600,800 C625,700 725,700 750,800
S875,900 900,800""")
self.assertEqual(path1, Path(CubicBezier(600 + 800j,
625 + 700j,
725 + 700j,
750 + 800j),
CubicBezier(750 + 800j,
775 + 900j,
875 + 900j,
900 + 800j)))
path1 = parse_path('M200,300 Q400,50 600,300 T1000,300')
self.assertEqual(path1, Path(QuadraticBezier(200 + 300j,
400 + 50j,
600 + 300j),
QuadraticBezier(600 + 300j,
800 + 550j,
1000 + 300j)))
path1 = parse_path('M300,200 h-150 a150,150 0 1,0 150,-150 z')
self.assertEqual(path1, Path(Line(300 + 200j, 150 + 200j),
Arc(150 + 200j, 150 + 150j, 0, 1, 0, 300 + 50j),
Line(300 + 50j, 300 + 200j)))
path1 = parse_path('M275,175 v-150 a150,150 0 0,0 -150,150 z')
Path(Line(275 + 175j, 275 + 25j),
Arc(275 + 25j, 150 + 150j, 0, 0, 0, 125 + 175j),
Line(125 + 175j, 275 + 175j)))
path1 = parse_path("""M600,350 l 50,-25
a25,25 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25
a25,50 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25
a25,75 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25
a25,100 -30 0,1 50,-25 l 50,-25""")
Path(Line(600 + 350j, 650 + 325j),
Arc(650 + 325j, 25 + 25j, -30, 0, 1, 700 + 300j),
Line(700 + 300j, 750 + 275j),
Arc(750 + 275j, 25 + 50j, -30, 0, 1, 800 + 250j),
Line(800 + 250j, 850 + 225j),
Arc(850 + 225j, 25 + 75j, -30, 0, 1, 900 + 200j),
Line(900 + 200j, 950 + 175j),
Arc(950 + 175j, 25 + 100j, -30, 0, 1, 1000 + 150j),
Line(1000 + 150j, 1050 + 125j)))
def test_others(self):
# Other paths that need testing:
# Relative moveto:
path1 = parse_path('M 0 0 L 50 20 m 50 80 L 300 100 L 200 300 z')
self.assertEqual(path1, Path(Line(0 + 0j, 50 + 20j),
Line(100 + 100j, 300 + 100j),
Line(300 + 100j, 200 + 300j),
Line(200 + 300j, 100 + 100j)))
# Initial smooth and relative CubicBezier
path1 = parse_path("""M100,200 s 150,-100 150,0""")
Path(CubicBezier(100 + 200j,
100 + 200j,
250 + 100j,
250 + 200j)))
# Initial smooth and relative QuadraticBezier
path1 = parse_path("""M100,200 t 150,0""")
Path(QuadraticBezier(100 + 200j,
100 + 200j,
250 + 200j)))
# Relative QuadraticBezier
path1 = parse_path("""M100,200 q 0,0 150,0""")
Path(QuadraticBezier(100 + 200j,
100 + 200j,
250 + 200j)))
def test_negative(self):
"""You don't need spaces before a minus-sign"""
path1 = parse_path('M100,200c10-5,20-10,30-20')
path2 = parse_path('M 100 200 c 10 -5 20 -10 30 -20')
self.assertEqual(path1, path2)
def test_numbers(self):
"""Exponents and other number format cases"""
# It can be e or E, the plus is optional, and a minimum of
# +/-3.4e38 must be supported.
path1 = parse_path('M-3.4e38 3.4E+38L-3.4E-38,3.4e-38')
path2 = Path(Line(-3.4e+38 + 3.4e+38j, -3.4e-38 + 3.4e-38j))
self.assertEqual(path1, path2)
def test_errors(self):
self.assertRaises(ValueError, parse_path,
'M 100 100 L 200 200 Z 100 200')
def test_transform(self):
tf_matrix = svgpathtools.parser.parse_transform(
'matrix(1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0)')
expected_tf_matrix = np.identity(3)
expected_tf_matrix[0:2, 0:3] = np.array([[1.0, 3.0, 5.0],
[2.0, 4.0, 6.0]])
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(expected_tf_matrix, tf_matrix))
# Try a test with no y specified
expected_tf_translate = np.identity(3)
expected_tf_translate[0, 2] = -36
# Now specify y
expected_tf_translate[1, 2] = 45.5
tf_translate = svgpathtools.parser.parse_transform(
'translate(-36 45.5)')
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(expected_tf_translate, tf_translate))
# Try a test with no y specified
expected_tf_scale = np.identity(3)
expected_tf_scale[0, 0] = 10
expected_tf_scale[1, 1] = 10
# Now specify y
expected_tf_scale[1, 1] = 0.5
tf_scale = svgpathtools.parser.parse_transform('scale(10 0.5)')
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(expected_tf_scale, tf_scale))
tf_rotation = svgpathtools.parser.parse_transform('rotate(-10 50 100)')
expected_tf_rotation = construct_rotation_tf(-10, 50, 100)
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(expected_tf_rotation, tf_rotation))
# Try a test with no offset specified
construct_rotation_tf(50, 0, 0),
expected_tf_skewx = np.identity(3)
expected_tf_skewx[0, 1] = np.tan(40.0 * np.pi/180.0)
tf_skewx = svgpathtools.parser.parse_transform('skewX(40)')
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(expected_tf_skewx, tf_skewx))
expected_tf_skewy = np.identity(3)
expected_tf_skewy[1, 0] = np.tan(30.0 * np.pi / 180.0)
tf_skewy = svgpathtools.parser.parse_transform('skewY(30)')
self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(expected_tf_skewy, tf_skewy))
"""rotate(-10 50 100)
translate(-36 45.5)
scale(10 0.5)""")