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2021-03-28 23:27:42 +00:00
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2021-04-01 12:32:47 +00:00
(()=>{var e={113:(e,n,t)=>{"use strict";t.d(n,{Z:()=>a});var r=t(645),o=t.n(r)()((function(e){return e[1]}));o.push([,"/*! tailwindcss v2.0.4 | MIT License | */\n\n/*! modern-normalize v1.0.0 | MIT License | */\n\n/*\nDocument\n========\n*/\n\n/**\nUse a better box model (opinionated).\n*/\n\n*,\n*::before,\n*::after {\n box-sizing: border-box;\n}\n\n/**\nUse a more readable tab size (opinionated).\n*/\n\n:root {\n -moz-tab-size: 4;\n tab-size: 4;\n}\n\n/**\n1. Correct the line height in all browsers.\n2. Prevent adjustments of font size after orientation changes in iOS.\n*/\n\nhtml {\n line-height: 1.15; /* 1 */\n -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/*\nSections\n========\n*/\n\n/**\nRemove the margin in all browsers.\n*/\n\nbody {\n margin: 0;\n}\n\n/**\nImprove consistency of default fonts in all browsers. (\n*/\n\nbody {\n font-family:\n\t\tsystem-ui,\n\t\t-apple-system, /* Firefox supports this but not yet `system-ui` */\n\t\t'Segoe UI',\n\t\tRoboto,\n\t\tHelvetica,\n\t\tArial,\n\t\tsans-serif,\n\t\t'Apple Color Emoji',\n\t\t'Segoe UI Emoji';\n}\n\n/*\nGrouping content\n================\n*/\n\n/**\n1. Add the correct height in Firefox.\n2. Correct the inheritance of border color in Firefox. (\n*/\n\nhr {\n height: 0; /* 1 */\n color: inherit; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/*\nText-level semantics\n====================\n*/\n\n/**\nAdd the correct text decoration in Chrome, Edge, and Safari.\n*/\n\nabbr[title] {\n text-decoration: underline dotted;\n}\n\n/**\nAdd the correct font weight in Edge and Safari.\n*/\n\nb,\nstrong {\n font-weight: bolder;\n}\n\n/**\n1. Improve consistency of default fonts in all browsers. (\n2. Correct the odd 'em' font sizing in all browsers.\n*/\n\ncode,\nkbd,\nsamp,\npre {\n font-family:\n\t\tui-monospace,\n\t\tSFMono-Regular,\n\t\tConsolas,\n\t\t'Liberation Mono',\n\t\tMenlo,\n\t\tmonospace; /* 1 */\n font-size: 1em; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\nAdd the correct font size in all browsers.\n*/\n\nsmall {\n font-size: 80%;\n}\n\n/**\nPrevent 'sub' and 'sup' elements from affecting the line height in all browsers.\n*/\n\nsub,\nsup {\n font-size: 75%;\n line-height: 0;\n position: relative;\n vertical-align: baseline;\n}\n\nsub {\n bottom: -0.25em;\n}\n\nsup {\n top: -0.5em;\n}\n\n/*\nTabular data\n============\n*/\n\n/**\n1. Remove text indentation from table contents in Chrome and Safari. (,\n2. Correct table border color inheritance in all Chrome and Safari. (,\n*/\n\ntable {\n text-indent: 0; /* 1 */\n border-color: inherit; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/*\nForms\n=====\n*/\n\n/**\n1. Change the font styles in all browsers.\n2. Remove the margin in Firefox and Safari.\n*/\n\nbutton,\ninput,\noptgroup,\nselect,\ntextarea {\n font-family: inherit; /* 1 */\n font-size: 100%; /* 1 */\n line-height: 1.15; /* 1 */\n margin: 0; /* 2 */\n}\n\n/**\nRemove the inheritance of text transform in Edge and Firefox.\n1. Remove the inheritance of text transform in Firefox.\n*/\n\nbutton,\nselect { /* 1 */\n text-transform: none;\n}\n\n/**\nCorrect the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.\n*/\n\nbutton {\n -webkit-appearance: button;\n}\n\n/**\nRemove the inner border and padding in Firefox.\n*/\n\n/**\nRestore the focus styles unset by the previous rule.\n*/\n\n/**\nRemove the additional ':invalid' styles in Firefox.\nSee:\n*/\n\n/**\nRemove the padding so developers are not caught out when they zero out 'fieldset' elements in all browsers.\n*/\n\nlegend {\n padding: 0;\n}\n\n/**\nAdd the correct vertical alignment in C