
107 lines
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const basicWorkflowTS = [
10, 'Sketching on a plane',
10, 'Extruding a sketch to a solid',
10, 'Sketch on a face of a solid',
10, 'Peforming boolean operation between solids',
const editWorkflowTS = [
10, 'opening a file from disk',
10, 'editing an existing sketch',
10, 'accepting the edit and exiting',
const exportTS = [
10, 'selecting a body for export',
10, 'initiate export',
10, 'loading exported stl into 3dprint slicer',
10, 'result',
Turn the shapes you drew into 3D solids
Combine multiple solids to form more complex solids
uplaod your design to a 3d printer
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General Workflow for part creation
Specify a sketch plane
Draw a closed loop shape
Extrude 2D sketch
the program consists of 4 major areas labelled below
Dialog Box
Normally hidden. This box appears when the user is adding or editting a sketch or extrusion
input area: This specifies the extrusion amount
flip icon: This flips the extrusion direction
green check: When clicked the program will proceed with adding or editting a sketch/extrusion
red x: allows the user to bail out of adding or editting a sketch/extrusion
sketch: Initiates a new sketch, before clicking this button, the user must first select a plane, or three points on existing extrusions to define a sketch plane.
extrude: Intiates new extrusion dialog. before clickin gthis button. The user must firs select a sketch to extrude from
boolean add: Creates a new solid that is a boolean union or two selected solids.
boolean subtract: Creates a new solid that is a boolean subtraction of the second selected solid from the first selected solid.
boolean add: Creates a new solid that is a boolean intersection or two selected solids.
new document: Wipes the current workspace and starts a fresh document
save: saves current document. on the inital save the user can specify save location and file name
open: loads an existing document from the local disk.
STL: Exports selected solid to 3d print friendly stl format
extrude: creates a new extrusion from the current sketch.
line: initiates line sketch mode. Subsequent clicks on the canvas define the vertices of the line segment chain.
arc: initiates arc sketch mode. Subsequently, a three click sequence on the canvas spefies the arc shape. The first sets the start point, the seconds the endpoint, and the third the radius.
dimension: allows hte user to add distance or angle constraints to the sketch. When 2 points, or 1 point and 1 line are selected, a distance contraint is added. When two lines are selected, an angle constraint is added
coincident: Adds a coincident contraint between two points, or a line and a point
vertical: adds a vertical constraint the the selected line, or two selected points
horizontal: adds a horizontal constraint the the selected line, or two selected points
tangent: adds a tangent constraint between selected two arcs, or a line and a arc. The selected entities must first between connected by a coicident contraint on their endpoints
User can click this again or escape to exit this mode
Design Tree