first release

Signed-off-by: Blue Liang <>
Blue Liang 2019-12-04 08:47:19 +08:00
parent aa90d6dd38
commit ac995f0b01
232 changed files with 44740 additions and 106 deletions

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@ -1,52 +1,7 @@
# Prerequisites
# Object files
# Linker output
# Precompiled Headers
# Libraries
# Shared objects (inc. Windows DLLs)
# Executables
# Debug files
# Kernel Module Compile Results

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
@ -186,7 +187,7 @@
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Copyright Blue Liang,
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

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@ -1,36 +1,4 @@
# tinyriscv
# tinyriscv
#### Description
#### Software Architecture
Software architecture description
#### Installation
1. xxxx
2. xxxx
3. xxxx
#### Instructions
1. xxxx
2. xxxx
3. xxxx
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opensource RISC-V core

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

rtl/defines.v Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
Copyright 2019 Blue Liang,
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
`define RstEnable 1'b0
`define RstDisable 1'b1
`define ZeroWord 32'h00000000
`define WriteEnable 1'b1
`define WriteDisable 1'b0
`define ReadEnable 1'b1
`define ReadDisable 1'b0
`define InstValid 1'b1
`define InstInvalid 1'b0
`define True 1'b1
`define False 1'b0
`define ChipEnable 1'b1
`define ChipDisable 1'b0
`define JumpEnable 1'b1
`define JumpDisable 1'b0
// I type inst
`define INST_TYPE_I 7'b0010011
`define INST_ADDI 3'b000
`define INST_SLTI 3'b010
`define INST_SLTIU 3'b011
`define INST_XORI 3'b100
`define INST_ORI 3'b110
`define INST_ANDI 3'b111
`define INST_SLLI 3'b001
`define INST_SRI 3'b101
// L type inst
`define INST_TYPE_L 7'b0000011
`define INST_LB 3'b000
`define INST_LH 3'b001
`define INST_LW 3'b010
`define INST_LBU 3'b100
`define INST_LHU 3'b101
// S type inst
`define INST_TYPE_S 7'b0100011
`define INST_SB 3'b000
`define INST_SH 3'b001
`define INST_SW 3'b010
// R type inst
`define INST_TYPE_R 7'b0110011
`define INST_ADD_SUB 3'b000
`define INST_SLL 3'b001
`define INST_SLT 3'b010
`define INST_SLTU 3'b011
`define INST_XOR 3'b100
`define INST_SR 3'b101
`define INST_OR 3'b110
`define INST_AND 3'b111
// J type inst
`define INST_JAL 7'b1101111
`define INST_JALR 7'b1100111
`define INST_LUI 7'b0110111
`define INST_AUIPC 7'b0010111
`define INST_NOP 32'h00000001
`define INST_FENCE 7'b0001111
// J type inst
`define INST_TYPE_B 7'b1100011
`define INST_BEQ 3'b000
`define INST_BNE 3'b001
`define INST_BLT 3'b100
`define INST_BGE 3'b101
`define INST_BLTU 3'b110
`define INST_BGEU 3'b111
`define SramMemNum 2048 // memory depth(how many words)
`define SramBus 31:0
`define SramAddrBus 31:0
// common regs
`define RegAddrBus 4:0
`define RegBus 31:0
`define RegWidth 32
`define RegNum 32 // reg count
`define RegNumLog2 5

rtl/ex.v Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
Copyright 2019 Blue Liang,
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
`include "defines.v"
// excute and writeback module
module ex (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
// from id
input wire[`SramBus] inst_i, // inst content
input wire inst_valid_i,
input wire[`SramAddrBus] inst_addr_i, // inst addr
// from regs
input wire[`RegBus] reg1_rdata_i, // reg1 read data
input wire[`RegBus] reg2_rdata_i, // reg2 read data
// from sram
input wire[`SramBus] sram_rdata_i, // ram read data
// to sram
output reg[`SramBus] sram_wdata_o, // ram write data
output reg[`SramAddrBus] sram_raddr_o, // ram read addr
output reg[`SramAddrBus] sram_waddr_o, // ram write addr
// to regs
output reg[`RegBus] reg_wdata_o, // reg write data
// to pc_reg
output reg jump_flag_o, // if jump or not flag
output reg[`RegBus] jump_addr_o // jump dest addr
wire[31:0] sign_extend_tmp;
wire[4:0] shift_bits;
reg[1:0] sram_raddr_index;
reg[1:0] sram_waddr_index;
wire[6:0] opcode = inst_i[6:0];
wire[2:0] funct3 = inst_i[14:12];
assign sign_extend_tmp = {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]};
assign shift_bits = inst_i[24:20];
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (rst == `RstEnable) begin
sram_raddr_o <= `ZeroWord;
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
sram_raddr_index <= 2'b0;
sram_waddr_index <= 2'b0;
always @ (*) begin
if (inst_valid_i == `InstValid) begin
case (opcode)
`INST_TYPE_I: begin
case (funct3)
`INST_ADDI: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
reg_wdata_o <= reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]};
`INST_SLTI: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && sign_extend_tmp[31] == 1'b1) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i < sign_extend_tmp) begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000001;
end else begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000000;
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && sign_extend_tmp[31] == 1'b0) begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000001;
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && sign_extend_tmp[31] == 1'b1) begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000000;
end else begin
if (reg1_rdata_i < sign_extend_tmp) begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000001;
end else begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000000;
`INST_SLTIU: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && sign_extend_tmp[31] == 1'b1) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i < sign_extend_tmp) begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000001;
end else begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000000;
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && sign_extend_tmp[31] == 1'b0) begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000000;
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && sign_extend_tmp[31] == 1'b1) begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000001;
end else begin
if (reg1_rdata_i < sign_extend_tmp) begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000001;
end else begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000000;
`INST_XORI: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
reg_wdata_o <= reg1_rdata_i ^ {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]};
`INST_ORI: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
reg_wdata_o <= reg1_rdata_i | {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]};
`INST_ANDI: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
reg_wdata_o <= reg1_rdata_i & {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]};
`INST_SLLI: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
reg_wdata_o <= reg1_rdata_i << shift_bits;
`INST_SRI: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
if (inst_i[30] == 1'b1) begin
reg_wdata_o <= ({32{reg1_rdata_i[31]}} << (6'd32 - {1'b0, shift_bits})) | (reg1_rdata_i >> shift_bits);
end else begin
reg_wdata_o <= reg1_rdata_i >> shift_bits;
`INST_TYPE_R: begin
case (funct3)
`INST_ADD_SUB: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
if (inst_i[30] == 1'b0) begin
reg_wdata_o <= reg1_rdata_i + reg2_rdata_i;
end else begin
reg_wdata_o <= reg1_rdata_i - reg2_rdata_i;
`INST_SLL: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
reg_wdata_o <= reg1_rdata_i << reg2_rdata_i[4:0];
`INST_SLT: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i < reg2_rdata_i) begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000001;
end else begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000000;
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000001;
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000000;
end else begin
if (reg1_rdata_i < reg2_rdata_i) begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000001;
end else begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000000;
`INST_SLTU: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i < reg2_rdata_i) begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000001;
end else begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000000;
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000000;
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000001;
end else begin
if (reg1_rdata_i < reg2_rdata_i) begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000001;
end else begin
reg_wdata_o <= 32'h00000000;
`INST_XOR: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
reg_wdata_o <= reg1_rdata_i ^ reg2_rdata_i;
`INST_SR: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
if (inst_i[30] == 1'b1) begin
reg_wdata_o <= ({32{reg1_rdata_i[31]}} << (6'd32 - {1'b0, reg2_rdata_i[4:0]})) | (reg1_rdata_i >> reg2_rdata_i[4:0]);
end else begin
reg_wdata_o <= reg1_rdata_i >> reg2_rdata_i[4:0];
`INST_OR: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
reg_wdata_o <= reg1_rdata_i | reg2_rdata_i;
`INST_AND: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
reg_wdata_o <= reg1_rdata_i & reg2_rdata_i;
`INST_TYPE_L: begin
case (funct3)
`INST_LB: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
sram_raddr_o <= reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]};
sram_raddr_index <= ((reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]}) - ((reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]}) & 32'hfffffffc)) & 2'b11;
`INST_LH: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
sram_raddr_o <= reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]};
sram_raddr_index <= ((reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]}) - ((reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]}) & 32'hfffffffc)) & 2'b11;
`INST_LW: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
sram_raddr_o <= reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]};
sram_raddr_index <= ((reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]}) - ((reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]}) & 32'hfffffffc)) & 2'b11;
`INST_LBU: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
sram_raddr_o <= reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]};
sram_raddr_index <= ((reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]}) - ((reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]}) & 32'hfffffffc)) & 2'b11;
`INST_LHU: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
sram_raddr_o <= reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]};
sram_raddr_index <= ((reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]}) - ((reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]}) & 32'hfffffffc)) & 2'b11;
`INST_TYPE_S: begin
case (funct3)
`INST_SB: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
sram_waddr_o <= reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:25], inst_i[11:7]};
sram_raddr_o <= reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:25], inst_i[11:7]};
sram_waddr_index <= ((reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:25], inst_i[11:7]}) - (reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:25], inst_i[11:7]} & 32'hfffffffc)) & 2'b11;
`INST_SH: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
sram_waddr_o <= reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:25], inst_i[11:7]};
sram_raddr_o <= reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:25], inst_i[11:7]};
sram_waddr_index <= ((reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:25], inst_i[11:7]}) - (reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:25], inst_i[11:7]} & 32'hfffffffc)) & 2'b11;
`INST_SW: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
sram_waddr_o <= reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:25], inst_i[11:7]};
sram_wdata_o <= reg2_rdata_i;
`INST_TYPE_B: begin
case (funct3)
`INST_BEQ: begin
if (reg1_rdata_i == reg2_rdata_i) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
`INST_BNE: begin
if (reg1_rdata_i != reg2_rdata_i) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
`INST_BLT: begin
if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i >= reg2_rdata_i) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i >= reg2_rdata_i) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
`INST_BGE: begin
if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i < reg2_rdata_i) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i < reg2_rdata_i) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
`INST_BLTU: begin
if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i >= reg2_rdata_i) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i >= reg2_rdata_i) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
`INST_BGEU: begin
if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b1) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i < reg2_rdata_i) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else if (reg1_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0 && reg2_rdata_i[31] == 1'b0) begin
if (reg1_rdata_i < reg2_rdata_i) begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
end else begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[7], inst_i[30:25], inst_i[11:8], 1'b0};
`INST_JAL: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + {{12{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[19:12], inst_i[20], inst_i[30:21], 1'b0};
reg_wdata_o <= inst_addr_i + 4'h4;
`INST_JALR: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= (reg1_rdata_i + {{20{inst_i[31]}}, inst_i[31:20]}) & (32'hfffffffe);
reg_wdata_o <= inst_addr_i + 4'h4;
`INST_LUI: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
reg_wdata_o <= {inst_i[31:12], 12'b0};
`INST_AUIPC: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
reg_wdata_o <= {inst_i[31:12], 12'b0} + inst_addr_i;
`INST_NOP: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpDisable;
`INST_FENCE: begin
jump_flag_o <= `JumpEnable;
jump_addr_o <= inst_addr_i + 4'h4;
default: begin
always @ (*) begin
if (inst_valid_i == `InstValid) begin
case (opcode)
`INST_TYPE_L: begin
case (funct3)
`INST_LB: begin
if (sram_raddr_index == 2'b0)
reg_wdata_o <= {{24{sram_rdata_i[7]}}, sram_rdata_i[7:0]};
else if (sram_raddr_index == 2'b01)
reg_wdata_o <= {{24{sram_rdata_i[15]}}, sram_rdata_i[15:8]};
else if (sram_raddr_index == 2'b10)
reg_wdata_o <= {{24{sram_rdata_i[23]}}, sram_rdata_i[23:16]};
reg_wdata_o <= {{24{sram_rdata_i[31]}}, sram_rdata_i[31:24]};
`INST_LH: begin
if (sram_raddr_index == 2'b0)
reg_wdata_o <= {{16{sram_rdata_i[15]}}, sram_rdata_i[15:0]};
reg_wdata_o <= {{16{sram_rdata_i[31]}}, sram_rdata_i[31:16]};
`INST_LW: begin
reg_wdata_o <= sram_rdata_i;
`INST_LBU: begin
if (sram_raddr_index == 2'b0)
reg_wdata_o <= {24'h0, sram_rdata_i[7:0]};
else if (sram_raddr_index == 2'b01)
reg_wdata_o <= {24'h0, sram_rdata_i[15:8]};
else if (sram_raddr_index == 2'b10)
reg_wdata_o <= {24'h0, sram_rdata_i[23:16]};
reg_wdata_o <= {24'h0, sram_rdata_i[31:24]};
`INST_LHU: begin
if (sram_raddr_index == 2'b0)
reg_wdata_o <= {16'h0, sram_rdata_i[15:0]};
reg_wdata_o <= {16'h0, sram_rdata_i[31:16]};
`INST_TYPE_S: begin
case (funct3)
`INST_SB: begin
if (sram_waddr_index == 2'b00)
sram_wdata_o <= {sram_rdata_i[31:8], reg2_rdata_i[7:0]};
else if (sram_waddr_index == 2'b01)
sram_wdata_o <= {sram_rdata_i[31:16], reg2_rdata_i[7:0], sram_rdata_i[7:0]};
else if (sram_waddr_index == 2'b10)
sram_wdata_o <= {sram_rdata_i[31:24], reg2_rdata_i[7:0], sram_rdata_i[15:0]};
sram_wdata_o <= {reg2_rdata_i[7:0], sram_rdata_i[23:0]};
`INST_SH: begin
if (sram_waddr_index == 2'b00)
sram_wdata_o <= {sram_rdata_i[31:16], reg2_rdata_i[15:0]};
sram_wdata_o <= {reg2_rdata_i[15:0], sram_rdata_i[15:0]};

rtl/id.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
Copyright 2019 Blue Liang,
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
`include "defines.v"
// identify module
module id (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire[`SramBus] inst_i, // inst content
input wire[`SramAddrBus] inst_addr_i, // inst addr
input wire jump_flag_ex_i,
// to regs
output reg reg1_re_o, // reg1 read enable
output reg[`RegAddrBus] reg1_raddr_o, // reg1 read addr
output reg reg2_re_o, // reg2 read enable
output reg[`RegAddrBus] reg2_raddr_o, // reg2 read addr
output reg reg_we_o, // reg write enable
output reg[`RegAddrBus] reg_waddr_o, // reg write addr
// to ex
output reg[`SramBus] inst_o,
output reg inst_valid_o, // inst is valid flag
output reg[`SramAddrBus] inst_addr_o,
// to sram
output reg sram_re_o, // ram read enable
output reg sram_we_o // ram write enable
wire[6:0] opcode = inst_i[6:0];
wire[2:0] funct3 = inst_i[14:12];
wire[4:0] rd = inst_i[11:7];
wire[4:0] rs1 = inst_i[19:15];
wire[4:0] rs2 = inst_i[24:20];
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (rst == `RstEnable) begin
inst_o <= `ZeroWord;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadDisable;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadDisable;
sram_re_o <= `ReadDisable;
inst_valid_o <= `InstInvalid;
end else if (jump_flag_ex_i == `JumpEnable && inst_i != `INST_NOP) begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
inst_o <= `INST_NOP;
end else begin
inst_o <= inst_i;
inst_addr_o <= inst_addr_i;
case (opcode)
`INST_TYPE_I: begin
case (funct3)
`INST_ADDI: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_SLTI: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_SLTIU: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_XORI: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_ORI: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_ANDI: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_SLLI: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_SRI: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
default: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstInvalid;
`INST_TYPE_R: begin
case (funct3)
`INST_ADD_SUB: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_SLL: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_SLT: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_SLTU: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_XOR: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_SR: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_OR: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_AND: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
default: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstInvalid;
`INST_TYPE_L: begin
case (funct3)
`INST_LB: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
sram_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_LH: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
sram_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_LW: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
sram_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_LBU: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
sram_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_LHU: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
sram_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
default: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstInvalid;
`INST_TYPE_S: begin
case (funct3)
`INST_SB: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
sram_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_SH: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
sram_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_SW: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
default: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstInvalid;
`INST_TYPE_B: begin
case (funct3)
`INST_BEQ: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_BNE: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_BLT: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_BGE: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_BLTU: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_BGEU: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg2_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg2_raddr_o <= rs2;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
default: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstInvalid;
`INST_JAL: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
`INST_JALR: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg1_re_o <= `ReadEnable;
reg1_raddr_o <= rs1;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
`INST_LUI: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
`INST_AUIPC: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteEnable;
reg_waddr_o <= rd;
`INST_NOP: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
`INST_FENCE: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstValid;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
default: begin
inst_valid_o <= `InstInvalid;
sram_we_o <= `WriteDisable;
reg_we_o <= `WriteDisable;

rtl/if_id.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
Copyright 2019 Blue Liang,
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
`include "defines.v"
// inst fetch module
module if_id (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire[`SramBus] inst_i, // inst content
input wire[`SramAddrBus] inst_addr_i, // inst addr
input wire jump_flag_ex_i,
output reg[`SramBus] inst_o,
output reg[`SramAddrBus] inst_addr_o
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (rst == `RstEnable) begin
inst_o <= `ZeroWord;
inst_addr_o <= `ZeroWord;
end else if (jump_flag_ex_i == `JumpEnable) begin
inst_o <= `INST_NOP;
inst_addr_o <= `ZeroWord;
end else begin
inst_o <= inst_i;
inst_addr_o <= inst_addr_i;

rtl/openriscv_core.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
Copyright 2019 Blue Liang,
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
`include "defines.v"
// CPU core module
module openriscv_core (
input wire clk,
input wire rst
// pc_reg
wire[`SramAddrBus] pc_pc_o;
wire pc_re_o;
// if_id
wire[`SramBus] if_inst_o;
wire[`SramAddrBus] if_inst_addr_o;
// id
wire id_reg1_re_o;
wire[`RegAddrBus] id_reg1_raddr_o;
wire id_reg2_re_o;
wire[`RegAddrBus] id_reg2_raddr_o;
wire[`SramBus] id_inst_o;
wire id_inst_valid_o;
wire id_reg_we_o;
wire[`RegAddrBus] id_reg_waddr_o;
wire id_sram_re_o;
wire id_sram_we_o;
wire[`SramAddrBus] id_pc_o;
wire[`SramAddrBus] id_inst_addr_o;
// ex
wire[`RegBus] ex_reg_wdata_o;
wire[`SramBus] ex_sram_wdata_o;
wire[`SramAddrBus] ex_sram_raddr_o;
wire[`SramAddrBus] ex_sram_waddr_o;
wire ex_jump_flag_o;
wire[`RegBus] ex_jump_addr_o;
// regs
wire[`RegBus] regs_rdata1_o;
wire[`RegBus] regs_rdata2_o;
// sim_ram
wire[`SramBus] ram_pc_rdata_o;
wire[`SramBus] ram_ex_rdata_o;
sim_ram u_sim_ram(
pc_reg u_pc_reg(
regs u_regs(
if_id u_if_id(
id u_id(
ex u_ex(

rtl/pc_reg.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
Copyright 2019 Blue Liang,
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
`include "defines.v"
// pc reg module
module pc_reg (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire jump_flag_ex_i,
input wire[`RegBus] jump_addr_ex_i,
output reg[`SramAddrBus] pc_o,
output reg re_o
reg[`SramAddrBus] offset;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (rst == `RstEnable) begin
pc_o <= `ZeroWord;
offset <= `ZeroWord;
end else if (jump_flag_ex_i == `JumpEnable) begin
pc_o <= jump_addr_ex_i;
offset <= jump_addr_ex_i + 4'h4;
end else begin
pc_o <= offset;
offset <= offset + 4'h4;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (rst == `RstEnable) begin
re_o <= `ReadDisable;
end else begin
re_o <= `ReadEnable;

rtl/regs.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
Copyright 2019 Blue Liang,
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
`include "defines.v"
// common reg module
module regs (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire we, // reg write enable
input wire[`RegAddrBus] waddr, // reg write addr
input wire[`RegBus] wdata, // reg write data
input wire re1, // reg1 read enable
input wire[`RegAddrBus] raddr1, // reg1 read addr
output reg[`RegBus] rdata1, // reg1 read data
input wire re2, // reg2 read enable
input wire[`RegAddrBus] raddr2, // reg2 read addr
output reg[`RegBus] rdata2 // reg2 read data
reg[`RegBus] regs[0:`RegNum - 1];
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (rst == `RstDisable) begin
if((we == `WriteEnable) && (waddr != `RegNumLog2'h0)) begin
regs[waddr] <= wdata;
always @ (*) begin
if(rst == `RstEnable) begin
rdata1 <= `ZeroWord;
end else if(raddr1 == `RegNumLog2'h0) begin
rdata1 <= `ZeroWord;
end else if(re1 == `ReadEnable) begin
rdata1 <= regs[raddr1];
end else begin
rdata1 <= `ZeroWord;
always @ (*) begin
if(rst == `RstEnable) begin
rdata2 <= `ZeroWord;
end else if(raddr2 == `RegNumLog2'h0) begin
rdata2 <= `ZeroWord;
end else if(re2 == `ReadEnable) begin
rdata2 <= regs[raddr2];
end else begin
rdata2 <= `ZeroWord;

rtl/sim_ram.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
Copyright 2019 Blue Liang,
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
`include "defines.v"
// simulation ram module
module sim_ram (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire we_i, // write enable
input wire[`SramAddrBus] waddr_i, // write addr
input wire[`SramBus] wdata_i, // write data
input wire pc_re_i, // pc read enable
input wire[`SramAddrBus] pc_raddr_i, // pc read addr
output reg[`SramBus] pc_rdata_o, // pc read data
input wire ex_re_i, // ex read enable
input wire[`SramAddrBus] ex_raddr_i, // ex read addr
output reg[`SramBus] ex_rdata_o // ex read data
reg[`SramBus] ram[0:`SramMemNum - 1];
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (rst == `RstDisable) begin
if(we_i == `WriteEnable) begin
ram[waddr_i[13:2]] <= wdata_i;
always @ (*) begin
if(rst == `RstEnable) begin
pc_rdata_o <= `ZeroWord;
end else if((pc_raddr_i == waddr_i) && (pc_re_i == `ReadEnable)) begin
pc_rdata_o <= wdata_i;
end else if(pc_re_i == `ReadEnable) begin
pc_rdata_o <= ram[pc_raddr_i >> 2];
end else begin
pc_rdata_o <= `ZeroWord;
always @ (*) begin
if(rst == `RstEnable) begin
ex_rdata_o <= `ZeroWord;
end else if(ex_re_i == `ReadEnable) begin
ex_rdata_o <= ram[ex_raddr_i[13:2]];
end else begin
ex_rdata_o <= `ZeroWord;

sim/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,354 @@

sim/openriscv_core_tb.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps
`include "defines.v"
// top module
module openriscv_core_tb;
reg clk;
reg rst;
always #10 clk = ~clk; // 50MHz
wire[`RegBus] x3 = u_openriscv_core.u_regs.regs[3];
wire[`RegBus] x26 = u_openriscv_core.u_regs.regs[26];
wire[`RegBus] x27 = u_openriscv_core.u_regs.regs[27];
integer r;
initial begin
clk = 0;
rst = `RstEnable;
$display("test running...");
rst = `RstDisable;
wait(x26 == 32'b1) // wait sim end, when x26 == 1
if (x27 == 32'b1) begin
$display("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TEST_PASS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
$display("~~~~~~~~~ ##### ## #### #### ~~~~~~~~~");
$display("~~~~~~~~~ # # # # # # ~~~~~~~~~");
$display("~~~~~~~~~ # # # # #### #### ~~~~~~~~~");
$display("~~~~~~~~~ ##### ###### # #~~~~~~~~~");
$display("~~~~~~~~~ # # # # # # #~~~~~~~~~");
$display("~~~~~~~~~ # # # #### #### ~~~~~~~~~");
end else begin
$display("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TEST_FAIL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
$display("~~~~~~~~~~###### ## # # ~~~~~~~~~~");
$display("~~~~~~~~~~# # # # # ~~~~~~~~~~");
$display("~~~~~~~~~~##### # # # # ~~~~~~~~~~");
$display("~~~~~~~~~~# ###### # # ~~~~~~~~~~");
$display("~~~~~~~~~~# # # # # ~~~~~~~~~~");
$display("~~~~~~~~~~# # # # ######~~~~~~~~~~");
$display("fail testnum = %2d", x3);
for (r = 0; r < 32; r++)
$display("x%2d = 0x%x", r, u_openriscv_core.u_regs.regs[r]);
// sim timeout
initial begin
$display("Time Out.");
// read mem data
initial begin
$readmemh ("", u_openriscv_core.u_sim_ram.ram);
// generate wave file, use by gtkwave
initial begin
$dumpvars(0, openriscv_core_tb);
openriscv_core u_openriscv_core(

sim/openriscv_core_tb.vcd Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

sim/out.vvp Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
iverilog -s openriscv_core_tb -o out.vvp -I ..\rtl openriscv_core_tb.v ..\rtl\defines.v ..\rtl\ex.v ..\rtl\id.v ..\rtl\openriscv_core.v ..\rtl\pc_reg.v ..\rtl\regs.v ..\rtl\sim_ram.v ..\rtl\if_id.v
vvp out.vvp

sim/sim_new_nowave.bat Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
..\tools\BinToMem_CLI.exe %1 %2
iverilog -s openriscv_core_tb -o out.vvp -I ..\rtl openriscv_core_tb.v ..\rtl\defines.v ..\rtl\ex.v ..\rtl\id.v ..\rtl\openriscv_core.v ..\rtl\pc_reg.v ..\rtl\regs.v ..\rtl\sim_ram.v ..\rtl\if_id.v
vvp out.vvp

tests/example/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
RISCV_ARCH := rv32i
RISCV_ABI := ilp32
RISCV_PATH := ../../tools/gnu-mcu-eclipse-riscv-none-gcc-8.2.0-2.2-20190521-0004-win64/
CFLAGS += -march=$(RISCV_ARCH)
CFLAGS += -mabi=$(RISCV_ABI)
CFLAGS += -static -mcmodel=medany -fvisibility=hidden -nostdlib -nostartfiles
RISCV_GCC := $(abspath $(RISCV_PATH)/bin/riscv-none-embed-gcc)
RISCV_AS := $(abspath $(RISCV_PATH)/bin/riscv-none-embed-as)
RISCV_GXX := $(abspath $(RISCV_PATH)/bin/riscv-none-embed-g++)
RISCV_OBJDUMP := $(abspath $(RISCV_PATH)/bin/riscv-none-embed-objdump)
RISCV_GDB := $(abspath $(RISCV_PATH)/bin/riscv-none-embed-gdb)
RISCV_AR := $(abspath $(RISCV_PATH)/bin/riscv-none-embed-ar)
RISCV_OBJCOPY := $(abspath $(RISCV_PATH)/bin/riscv-none-embed-objcopy)
RISCV_READELF := $(abspath $(RISCV_PATH)/bin/riscv-none-embed-readelf)
.PHONY: all
$(RISCV_GCC) $(CFLAGS) reset.S main.c -Tlink.ld -o example
$(RISCV_OBJCOPY) -O binary example example.bin
$(RISCV_OBJDUMP) --disassemble-all example > example.dump

tests/example/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
a simple c program which can run on tinyriscv.

tests/example/example Normal file

Binary file not shown.

tests/example/example.bin Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
example: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <_reset>:
0: 10000113 li sp,256
4: 00000d13 li s10,0
8: 00000d93 li s11,0
c: 04c000ef jal ra,58 <main>
10: 00100d13 li s10,1
00000014 <loop>:
14: 0000006f j 14 <loop>
00000018 <set_test_pass>:
18: ff010113 addi sp,sp,-16
1c: 00812623 sw s0,12(sp)
20: 01010413 addi s0,sp,16
24: 00100d93 li s11,1
28: 00000013 nop
2c: 00c12403 lw s0,12(sp)
30: 01010113 addi sp,sp,16
34: 00008067 ret
00000038 <set_test_fail>:
38: ff010113 addi sp,sp,-16
3c: 00812623 sw s0,12(sp)
40: 01010413 addi s0,sp,16
44: 00000d93 li s11,0
48: 00000013 nop
4c: 00c12403 lw s0,12(sp)
50: 01010113 addi sp,sp,16
54: 00008067 ret
00000058 <main>:
58: fe010113 addi sp,sp,-32
5c: 00112e23 sw ra,28(sp)
60: 00812c23 sw s0,24(sp)
64: 02010413 addi s0,sp,32
68: fe042423 sw zero,-24(s0)
6c: fe042623 sw zero,-20(s0)
70: 0200006f j 90 <main+0x38>
74: fe842703 lw a4,-24(s0)
78: fec42783 lw a5,-20(s0)
7c: 00f707b3 add a5,a4,a5
80: fef42423 sw a5,-24(s0)
84: fec42783 lw a5,-20(s0)
88: 00178793 addi a5,a5,1
8c: fef42623 sw a5,-20(s0)
90: fec42703 lw a4,-20(s0)
94: 06400793 li a5,100
98: fce7dee3 bge a5,a4,74 <main+0x1c>
9c: fe842703 lw a4,-24(s0)
a0: 000017b7 lui a5,0x1
a4: 3ba78793 addi a5,a5,954 # 13ba <_end+0x12ba>
a8: 00f71663 bne a4,a5,b4 <main+0x5c>
ac: f6dff0ef jal ra,18 <set_test_pass>
b0: 0080006f j b8 <main+0x60>
b4: f85ff0ef jal ra,38 <set_test_fail>
b8: 00000793 li a5,0
bc: 00078513 mv a0,a5
c0: 01c12083 lw ra,28(sp)
c4: 01812403 lw s0,24(sp)
c8: 02010113 addi sp,sp,32
cc: 00008067 ret
Disassembly of section .comment:
00000000 <.comment>:
0: 3a434347 fmsub.d ft6,ft6,ft4,ft7,rmm
4: 2820 fld fs0,80(s0)
6: 20554e47 fmsub.s ft8,fa0,ft5,ft4,rmm
a: 434d li t1,19
c: 2055 jal b0 <main+0x58>
e: 6345 lui t1,0x11
10: 696c flw fa1,84(a0)
12: 7370 flw fa2,100(a4)
14: 2065 jal bc <main+0x64>
16: 4952 lw s2,20(sp)
18: 562d4353 0x562d4353
1c: 4520 lw s0,72(a0)
1e: 626d lui tp,0x1b
20: 6465 lui s0,0x19
22: 6564 flw fs1,76(a0)
24: 2064 fld fs1,192(s0)
26: 2c434347 0x2c434347
2a: 3620 fld fs0,104(a2)
2c: 2d34 fld fa3,88(a0)
2e: 6962 flw fs2,24(sp)
30: 2974 fld fa3,208(a0)
32: 3820 fld fs0,112(s0)
34: 322e fld ft4,232(sp)
36: 302e fld ft0,232(sp)

tests/example/link.ld Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
OUTPUT_ARCH( "riscv" )
__stack_size = 0x100;
. = 0x00000000;
.text : { *(.text) }
PROVIDE( _data_start = . );
.data ALIGN(0x1000) : { *(.data) }
. = ALIGN(4);
PROVIDE( _data_end = . );
PROVIDE( _bss_start = . );
.bss : { *(.bss) }
PROVIDE( _bss_end = . );
PROVIDE(_stack_begin = .);
. = __stack_size;
PROVIDE( _sp = . );
PROVIDE(_stack_end = .);
_end = .;

tests/example/main.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
static void set_test_pass()
asm("li x27, 0x01");
static void set_test_fail()
asm("li x27, 0x00");
// add 1 to 100
int main()
int i;
int sum;
sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
sum += i;
if (sum == 5050)
return 0;

tests/example/reset.S Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
.section .text;
.align 2;
.globl _reset;
la sp, _sp
li x26, 0x00
li x27, 0x00
call main
li x26, 0x01
j loop

tests/isa/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
# Makefile for riscv-tests/isa
XLEN := 32
src_dir := .
include $(src_dir)/rv32ui/Makefrag
default: all
# Build rules
RISCV_PREFIX ?= ../../tools/gnu-mcu-eclipse-riscv-none-gcc-8.2.0-2.2-20190521-0004-win64/bin/riscv-none-embed-
RISCV_GCC_OPTS ?= -static -mcmodel=medany -fvisibility=hidden -nostdlib -nostartfiles
RISCV_OBJDUMP ?= $(RISCV_PREFIX)objdump --disassemble-all
vpath %.S $(src_dir)
# Build assembly tests
%.dump: %
$(RISCV_OBJDUMP) generated/$< > generated/$@
$(RISCV_OBJCOPY) -O verilog generated/$< generated/$<.verilog
$(RISCV_OBJCOPY) -O binary generated/$< generated/$<.bin
define compile_template
$$($(1)_p_tests): $(1)-p-%: $(1)/%.S
$$(RISCV_GCC) $(2) $$(RISCV_GCC_OPTS) -I$(src_dir) -T$(src_dir)/link.ld $$< -o generated/$$@
$(1)_tests += $$($(1)_p_tests)
$(1)_tests_dump = $$(addsuffix .dump, $$($(1)_tests))
$(1): $$($(1)_tests_dump)
.PHONY: $(1)
tests += $$($(1)_tests)
$(eval $(call compile_template,rv32ui,-march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32))
tests_verilog = $(addsuffix .verilog, $(tests))
tests_dump = $(addsuffix .dump, $(tests))
# Default
all: $(tests_dump)
rm -rf generated/*

tests/isa/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
RV32I instruction source code which copy from riscv(github).
I have modified it so can run on tinyriscv.
compile: type make under the cmd windows
recompile: type make after make clean under the cmd windows

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-add: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 00000093 li ra,0
c: 00000113 li sp,0
10: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
14: 00000e93 li t4,0
18: 00200193 li gp,2
1c: 4ddf1663 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000020 <test_3>:
20: 00100093 li ra,1
24: 00100113 li sp,1
28: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
2c: 00200e93 li t4,2
30: 00300193 li gp,3
34: 4bdf1a63 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000038 <test_4>:
38: 00300093 li ra,3
3c: 00700113 li sp,7
40: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
44: 00a00e93 li t4,10
48: 00400193 li gp,4
4c: 49df1e63 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000050 <test_5>:
50: 00000093 li ra,0
54: ffff8137 lui sp,0xffff8
58: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
5c: ffff8eb7 lui t4,0xffff8
60: 00500193 li gp,5
64: 49df1263 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000068 <test_6>:
68: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
6c: 00000113 li sp,0
70: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
74: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000
78: 00600193 li gp,6
7c: 47df1663 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000080 <test_7>:
80: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
84: ffff8137 lui sp,0xffff8
88: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
8c: 7fff8eb7 lui t4,0x7fff8
90: 00700193 li gp,7
94: 45df1a63 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000098 <test_8>:
98: 00000093 li ra,0
9c: 00008137 lui sp,0x8
a0: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # 7fff <begin_signature+0x6fff>
a4: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
a8: 00008eb7 lui t4,0x8
ac: fffe8e93 addi t4,t4,-1 # 7fff <begin_signature+0x6fff>
b0: 00800193 li gp,8
b4: 43df1a63 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
000000b8 <test_9>:
b8: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
bc: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # 7fffffff <begin_signature+0x7fffefff>
c0: 00000113 li sp,0
c4: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
c8: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000
cc: fffe8e93 addi t4,t4,-1 # 7fffffff <begin_signature+0x7fffefff>
d0: 00900193 li gp,9
d4: 41df1a63 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
000000d8 <test_10>:
d8: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
dc: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # 7fffffff <begin_signature+0x7fffefff>
e0: 00008137 lui sp,0x8
e4: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # 7fff <begin_signature+0x6fff>
e8: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
ec: 80008eb7 lui t4,0x80008
f0: ffee8e93 addi t4,t4,-2 # 80007ffe <begin_signature+0x80006ffe>
f4: 00a00193 li gp,10
f8: 3fdf1863 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
000000fc <test_11>:
fc: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
100: 00008137 lui sp,0x8
104: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # 7fff <begin_signature+0x6fff>
108: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
10c: 80008eb7 lui t4,0x80008
110: fffe8e93 addi t4,t4,-1 # 80007fff <begin_signature+0x80006fff>
114: 00b00193 li gp,11
118: 3ddf1863 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
0000011c <test_12>:
11c: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
120: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # 7fffffff <begin_signature+0x7fffefff>
124: ffff8137 lui sp,0xffff8
128: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
12c: 7fff8eb7 lui t4,0x7fff8
130: fffe8e93 addi t4,t4,-1 # 7fff7fff <begin_signature+0x7fff6fff>
134: 00c00193 li gp,12
138: 3bdf1863 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
0000013c <test_13>:
13c: 00000093 li ra,0
140: fff00113 li sp,-1
144: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
148: fff00e93 li t4,-1
14c: 00d00193 li gp,13
150: 39df1c63 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000154 <test_14>:
154: fff00093 li ra,-1
158: 00100113 li sp,1
15c: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
160: 00000e93 li t4,0
164: 00e00193 li gp,14
168: 39df1063 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
0000016c <test_15>:
16c: fff00093 li ra,-1
170: fff00113 li sp,-1
174: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
178: ffe00e93 li t4,-2
17c: 00f00193 li gp,15
180: 37df1463 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000184 <test_16>:
184: 00100093 li ra,1
188: 80000137 lui sp,0x80000
18c: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # 7fffffff <begin_signature+0x7fffefff>
190: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
194: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000
198: 01000193 li gp,16
19c: 35df1663 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
000001a0 <test_17>:
1a0: 00d00093 li ra,13
1a4: 00b00113 li sp,11
1a8: 002080b3 add ra,ra,sp
1ac: 01800e93 li t4,24
1b0: 01100193 li gp,17
1b4: 33d09a63 bne ra,t4,4e8 <fail>
000001b8 <test_18>:
1b8: 00e00093 li ra,14
1bc: 00b00113 li sp,11
1c0: 00208133 add sp,ra,sp
1c4: 01900e93 li t4,25
1c8: 01200193 li gp,18
1cc: 31d11e63 bne sp,t4,4e8 <fail>
000001d0 <test_19>:
1d0: 00d00093 li ra,13
1d4: 001080b3 add ra,ra,ra
1d8: 01a00e93 li t4,26
1dc: 01300193 li gp,19
1e0: 31d09463 bne ra,t4,4e8 <fail>
000001e4 <test_20>:
1e4: 00000213 li tp,0
1e8: 00d00093 li ra,13
1ec: 00b00113 li sp,11
1f0: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
1f4: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
1f8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1fc: 00200293 li t0,2
200: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,1e8 <test_20+0x4>
204: 01800e93 li t4,24
208: 01400193 li gp,20
20c: 2dd31e63 bne t1,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000210 <test_21>:
210: 00000213 li tp,0
214: 00e00093 li ra,14
218: 00b00113 li sp,11
21c: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
220: 00000013 nop
224: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
228: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
22c: 00200293 li t0,2
230: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,214 <test_21+0x4>
234: 01900e93 li t4,25
238: 01500193 li gp,21
23c: 2bd31663 bne t1,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000240 <test_22>:
240: 00000213 li tp,0
244: 00f00093 li ra,15
248: 00b00113 li sp,11
24c: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
250: 00000013 nop
254: 00000013 nop
258: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
25c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
260: 00200293 li t0,2
264: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,244 <test_22+0x4>
268: 01a00e93 li t4,26
26c: 01600193 li gp,22
270: 27d31c63 bne t1,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000274 <test_23>:
274: 00000213 li tp,0
278: 00d00093 li ra,13
27c: 00b00113 li sp,11
280: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
284: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
288: 00200293 li t0,2
28c: fe5216e3 bne tp,t0,278 <test_23+0x4>
290: 01800e93 li t4,24
294: 01700193 li gp,23
298: 25df1863 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
0000029c <test_24>:
29c: 00000213 li tp,0
2a0: 00e00093 li ra,14
2a4: 00b00113 li sp,11
2a8: 00000013 nop
2ac: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
2b0: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
2b4: 00200293 li t0,2
2b8: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,2a0 <test_24+0x4>
2bc: 01900e93 li t4,25
2c0: 01800193 li gp,24
2c4: 23df1263 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
000002c8 <test_25>:
2c8: 00000213 li tp,0
2cc: 00f00093 li ra,15
2d0: 00b00113 li sp,11
2d4: 00000013 nop
2d8: 00000013 nop
2dc: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
2e0: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
2e4: 00200293 li t0,2
2e8: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,2cc <test_25+0x4>
2ec: 01a00e93 li t4,26
2f0: 01900193 li gp,25
2f4: 1fdf1a63 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
000002f8 <test_26>:
2f8: 00000213 li tp,0
2fc: 00d00093 li ra,13
300: 00000013 nop
304: 00b00113 li sp,11
308: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
30c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
310: 00200293 li t0,2
314: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,2fc <test_26+0x4>
318: 01800e93 li t4,24
31c: 01a00193 li gp,26
320: 1ddf1463 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000324 <test_27>:
324: 00000213 li tp,0
328: 00e00093 li ra,14
32c: 00000013 nop
330: 00b00113 li sp,11
334: 00000013 nop
338: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
33c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
340: 00200293 li t0,2
344: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,328 <test_27+0x4>
348: 01900e93 li t4,25
34c: 01b00193 li gp,27
350: 19df1c63 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000354 <test_28>:
354: 00000213 li tp,0
358: 00f00093 li ra,15
35c: 00000013 nop
360: 00000013 nop
364: 00b00113 li sp,11
368: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
36c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
370: 00200293 li t0,2
374: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,358 <test_28+0x4>
378: 01a00e93 li t4,26
37c: 01c00193 li gp,28
380: 17df1463 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000384 <test_29>:
384: 00000213 li tp,0
388: 00b00113 li sp,11
38c: 00d00093 li ra,13
390: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
394: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
398: 00200293 li t0,2
39c: fe5216e3 bne tp,t0,388 <test_29+0x4>
3a0: 01800e93 li t4,24
3a4: 01d00193 li gp,29
3a8: 15df1063 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
000003ac <test_30>:
3ac: 00000213 li tp,0
3b0: 00b00113 li sp,11
3b4: 00e00093 li ra,14
3b8: 00000013 nop
3bc: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
3c0: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
3c4: 00200293 li t0,2
3c8: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,3b0 <test_30+0x4>
3cc: 01900e93 li t4,25
3d0: 01e00193 li gp,30
3d4: 11df1a63 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
000003d8 <test_31>:
3d8: 00000213 li tp,0
3dc: 00b00113 li sp,11
3e0: 00f00093 li ra,15
3e4: 00000013 nop
3e8: 00000013 nop
3ec: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
3f0: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
3f4: 00200293 li t0,2
3f8: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,3dc <test_31+0x4>
3fc: 01a00e93 li t4,26
400: 01f00193 li gp,31
404: 0fdf1263 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000408 <test_32>:
408: 00000213 li tp,0
40c: 00b00113 li sp,11
410: 00000013 nop
414: 00d00093 li ra,13
418: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
41c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
420: 00200293 li t0,2
424: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,40c <test_32+0x4>
428: 01800e93 li t4,24
42c: 02000193 li gp,32
430: 0bdf1c63 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000434 <test_33>:
434: 00000213 li tp,0
438: 00b00113 li sp,11
43c: 00000013 nop
440: 00e00093 li ra,14
444: 00000013 nop
448: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
44c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
450: 00200293 li t0,2
454: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,438 <test_33+0x4>
458: 01900e93 li t4,25
45c: 02100193 li gp,33
460: 09df1463 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000464 <test_34>:
464: 00000213 li tp,0
468: 00b00113 li sp,11
46c: 00000013 nop
470: 00000013 nop
474: 00f00093 li ra,15
478: 00208f33 add t5,ra,sp
47c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
480: 00200293 li t0,2
484: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,468 <test_34+0x4>
488: 01a00e93 li t4,26
48c: 02200193 li gp,34
490: 05df1c63 bne t5,t4,4e8 <fail>
00000494 <test_35>:
494: 00f00093 li ra,15
498: 00100133 add sp,zero,ra
49c: 00f00e93 li t4,15
4a0: 02300193 li gp,35
4a4: 05d11263 bne sp,t4,4e8 <fail>
000004a8 <test_36>:
4a8: 02000093 li ra,32
4ac: 00008133 add sp,ra,zero
4b0: 02000e93 li t4,32
4b4: 02400193 li gp,36
4b8: 03d11863 bne sp,t4,4e8 <fail>
000004bc <test_37>:
4bc: 000000b3 add ra,zero,zero
4c0: 00000e93 li t4,0
4c4: 02500193 li gp,37
4c8: 03d09063 bne ra,t4,4e8 <fail>
000004cc <test_38>:
4cc: 01000093 li ra,16
4d0: 01e00113 li sp,30
4d4: 00208033 add zero,ra,sp
4d8: 00000e93 li t4,0
4dc: 02600193 li gp,38
4e0: 01d01463 bne zero,t4,4e8 <fail>
4e4: 00301863 bne zero,gp,4f4 <pass>
000004e8 <fail>:
4e8: 00100d13 li s10,1
4ec: 00000d93 li s11,0
000004f0 <loop_fail>:
4f0: 0000006f j 4f0 <loop_fail>
000004f4 <pass>:
4f4: 00100d13 li s10,1
4f8: 00100d93 li s11,1
000004fc <loop_pass>:
4fc: 0000006f j 4fc <loop_pass>
500: 0000 unimp
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000540 <tohost>:
00000580 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 01 00 00
33 8F 20 00 93 0E 00 00 93 01 20 00 63 16 DF 4D
93 00 10 00 13 01 10 00 33 8F 20 00 93 0E 20 00
93 01 30 00 63 1A DF 4B 93 00 30 00 13 01 70 00
33 8F 20 00 93 0E A0 00 93 01 40 00 63 1E DF 49
93 00 00 00 37 81 FF FF 33 8F 20 00 B7 8E FF FF
93 01 50 00 63 12 DF 49 B7 00 00 80 13 01 00 00
33 8F 20 00 B7 0E 00 80 93 01 60 00 63 16 DF 47
B7 00 00 80 37 81 FF FF 33 8F 20 00 B7 8E FF 7F
93 01 70 00 63 1A DF 45 93 00 00 00 37 81 00 00
13 01 F1 FF 33 8F 20 00 B7 8E 00 00 93 8E FE FF
93 01 80 00 63 1A DF 43 B7 00 00 80 93 80 F0 FF
13 01 00 00 33 8F 20 00 B7 0E 00 80 93 8E FE FF
93 01 90 00 63 1A DF 41 B7 00 00 80 93 80 F0 FF
37 81 00 00 13 01 F1 FF 33 8F 20 00 B7 8E 00 80
93 8E EE FF 93 01 A0 00 63 18 DF 3F B7 00 00 80
37 81 00 00 13 01 F1 FF 33 8F 20 00 B7 8E 00 80
93 8E FE FF 93 01 B0 00 63 18 DF 3D B7 00 00 80
93 80 F0 FF 37 81 FF FF 33 8F 20 00 B7 8E FF 7F
93 8E FE FF 93 01 C0 00 63 18 DF 3B 93 00 00 00
13 01 F0 FF 33 8F 20 00 93 0E F0 FF 93 01 D0 00
63 1C DF 39 93 00 F0 FF 13 01 10 00 33 8F 20 00
93 0E 00 00 93 01 E0 00 63 10 DF 39 93 00 F0 FF
13 01 F0 FF 33 8F 20 00 93 0E E0 FF 93 01 F0 00
63 14 DF 37 93 00 10 00 37 01 00 80 13 01 F1 FF
33 8F 20 00 B7 0E 00 80 93 01 00 01 63 16 DF 35
93 00 D0 00 13 01 B0 00 B3 80 20 00 93 0E 80 01
93 01 10 01 63 9A D0 33 93 00 E0 00 13 01 B0 00
33 81 20 00 93 0E 90 01 93 01 20 01 63 1E D1 31
93 00 D0 00 B3 80 10 00 93 0E A0 01 93 01 30 01
63 94 D0 31 13 02 00 00 93 00 D0 00 13 01 B0 00
33 8F 20 00 13 03 0F 00 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 14 52 FE 93 0E 80 01 93 01 40 01 63 1E D3 2D
13 02 00 00 93 00 E0 00 13 01 B0 00 33 8F 20 00
13 00 00 00 13 03 0F 00 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 12 52 FE 93 0E 90 01 93 01 50 01 63 16 D3 2B
13 02 00 00 93 00 F0 00 13 01 B0 00 33 8F 20 00
13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 03 0F 00 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 10 52 FE 93 0E A0 01 93 01 60 01
63 1C D3 27 13 02 00 00 93 00 D0 00 13 01 B0 00
33 8F 20 00 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 16 52 FE
93 0E 80 01 93 01 70 01 63 18 DF 25 13 02 00 00
93 00 E0 00 13 01 B0 00 13 00 00 00 33 8F 20 00
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 0E 90 01
93 01 80 01 63 12 DF 23 13 02 00 00 93 00 F0 00
13 01 B0 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 33 8F 20 00
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 0E A0 01
93 01 90 01 63 1A DF 1F 13 02 00 00 93 00 D0 00
13 00 00 00 13 01 B0 00 33 8F 20 00 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 0E 80 01 93 01 A0 01
63 14 DF 1D 13 02 00 00 93 00 E0 00 13 00 00 00
13 01 B0 00 13 00 00 00 33 8F 20 00 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 0E 90 01 93 01 B0 01
63 1C DF 19 13 02 00 00 93 00 F0 00 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 01 B0 00 33 8F 20 00 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 0E A0 01 93 01 C0 01
63 14 DF 17 13 02 00 00 13 01 B0 00 93 00 D0 00
33 8F 20 00 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 16 52 FE
93 0E 80 01 93 01 D0 01 63 10 DF 15 13 02 00 00
13 01 B0 00 93 00 E0 00 13 00 00 00 33 8F 20 00
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 0E 90 01
93 01 E0 01 63 1A DF 11 13 02 00 00 13 01 B0 00
93 00 F0 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 33 8F 20 00
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 0E A0 01
93 01 F0 01 63 12 DF 0F 13 02 00 00 13 01 B0 00
13 00 00 00 93 00 D0 00 33 8F 20 00 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 0E 80 01 93 01 00 02
63 1C DF 0B 13 02 00 00 13 01 B0 00 13 00 00 00
93 00 E0 00 13 00 00 00 33 8F 20 00 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 0E 90 01 93 01 10 02
63 14 DF 09 13 02 00 00 13 01 B0 00 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 93 00 F0 00 33 8F 20 00 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 0E A0 01 93 01 20 02
63 1C DF 05 93 00 F0 00 33 01 10 00 93 0E F0 00
93 01 30 02 63 12 D1 05 93 00 00 02 33 81 00 00
93 0E 00 02 93 01 40 02 63 18 D1 03 B3 00 00 00
93 0E 00 00 93 01 50 02 63 90 D0 03 93 00 00 01
13 01 E0 01 33 80 20 00 93 0E 00 00 93 01 60 02
63 14 D0 01 63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 00 00
6F 00 00 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00 6F 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-addi: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 00000093 li ra,0
c: 00008f13 mv t5,ra
10: 00000e93 li t4,0
14: 00200193 li gp,2
18: 27df1c63 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
0000001c <test_3>:
1c: 00100093 li ra,1
20: 00108f13 addi t5,ra,1
24: 00200e93 li t4,2
28: 00300193 li gp,3
2c: 27df1263 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
00000030 <test_4>:
30: 00300093 li ra,3
34: 00708f13 addi t5,ra,7
38: 00a00e93 li t4,10
3c: 00400193 li gp,4
40: 25df1863 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
00000044 <test_5>:
44: 00000093 li ra,0
48: 80008f13 addi t5,ra,-2048
4c: 80000e93 li t4,-2048
50: 00500193 li gp,5
54: 23df1e63 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
00000058 <test_6>:
58: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
5c: 00008f13 mv t5,ra
60: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000
64: 00600193 li gp,6
68: 23df1463 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
0000006c <test_7>:
6c: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
70: 80008f13 addi t5,ra,-2048 # 7ffff800 <begin_signature+0x7fffe800>
74: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000
78: 800e8e93 addi t4,t4,-2048 # 7ffff800 <begin_signature+0x7fffe800>
7c: 00700193 li gp,7
80: 21df1863 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
00000084 <test_8>:
84: 00000093 li ra,0
88: 7ff08f13 addi t5,ra,2047
8c: 7ff00e93 li t4,2047
90: 00800193 li gp,8
94: 1fdf1e63 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
00000098 <test_9>:
98: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
9c: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # 7fffffff <begin_signature+0x7fffefff>
a0: 00008f13 mv t5,ra
a4: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000
a8: fffe8e93 addi t4,t4,-1 # 7fffffff <begin_signature+0x7fffefff>
ac: 00900193 li gp,9
b0: 1fdf1063 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
000000b4 <test_10>:
b4: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
b8: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # 7fffffff <begin_signature+0x7fffefff>
bc: 7ff08f13 addi t5,ra,2047
c0: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000
c4: 7fee8e93 addi t4,t4,2046 # 800007fe <begin_signature+0x7ffff7fe>
c8: 00a00193 li gp,10
cc: 1ddf1263 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
000000d0 <test_11>:
d0: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
d4: 7ff08f13 addi t5,ra,2047 # 800007ff <begin_signature+0x7ffff7ff>
d8: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000
dc: 7ffe8e93 addi t4,t4,2047 # 800007ff <begin_signature+0x7ffff7ff>
e0: 00b00193 li gp,11
e4: 1bdf1663 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
000000e8 <test_12>:
e8: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
ec: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # 7fffffff <begin_signature+0x7fffefff>
f0: 80008f13 addi t5,ra,-2048
f4: 7ffffeb7 lui t4,0x7ffff
f8: 7ffe8e93 addi t4,t4,2047 # 7ffff7ff <begin_signature+0x7fffe7ff>
fc: 00c00193 li gp,12
100: 19df1863 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
00000104 <test_13>:
104: 00000093 li ra,0
108: fff08f13 addi t5,ra,-1
10c: fff00e93 li t4,-1
110: 00d00193 li gp,13
114: 17df1e63 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
00000118 <test_14>:
118: fff00093 li ra,-1
11c: 00108f13 addi t5,ra,1
120: 00000e93 li t4,0
124: 00e00193 li gp,14
128: 17df1463 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
0000012c <test_15>:
12c: fff00093 li ra,-1
130: fff08f13 addi t5,ra,-1
134: ffe00e93 li t4,-2
138: 00f00193 li gp,15
13c: 15df1a63 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
00000140 <test_16>:
140: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
144: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # 7fffffff <begin_signature+0x7fffefff>
148: 00108f13 addi t5,ra,1
14c: 80000eb7 lui t4,0x80000
150: 01000193 li gp,16
154: 13df1e63 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
00000158 <test_17>:
158: 00d00093 li ra,13
15c: 00b08093 addi ra,ra,11
160: 01800e93 li t4,24
164: 01100193 li gp,17
168: 13d09463 bne ra,t4,290 <fail>
0000016c <test_18>:
16c: 00000213 li tp,0
170: 00d00093 li ra,13
174: 00b08f13 addi t5,ra,11
178: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
17c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
180: 00200293 li t0,2
184: fe5216e3 bne tp,t0,170 <test_18+0x4>
188: 01800e93 li t4,24
18c: 01200193 li gp,18
190: 11d31063 bne t1,t4,290 <fail>
00000194 <test_19>:
194: 00000213 li tp,0
198: 00d00093 li ra,13
19c: 00a08f13 addi t5,ra,10
1a0: 00000013 nop
1a4: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
1a8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1ac: 00200293 li t0,2
1b0: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,198 <test_19+0x4>
1b4: 01700e93 li t4,23
1b8: 01300193 li gp,19
1bc: 0dd31a63 bne t1,t4,290 <fail>
000001c0 <test_20>:
1c0: 00000213 li tp,0
1c4: 00d00093 li ra,13
1c8: 00908f13 addi t5,ra,9
1cc: 00000013 nop
1d0: 00000013 nop
1d4: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
1d8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1dc: 00200293 li t0,2
1e0: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,1c4 <test_20+0x4>
1e4: 01600e93 li t4,22
1e8: 01400193 li gp,20
1ec: 0bd31263 bne t1,t4,290 <fail>
000001f0 <test_21>:
1f0: 00000213 li tp,0
1f4: 00d00093 li ra,13
1f8: 00b08f13 addi t5,ra,11
1fc: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
200: 00200293 li t0,2
204: fe5218e3 bne tp,t0,1f4 <test_21+0x4>
208: 01800e93 li t4,24
20c: 01500193 li gp,21
210: 09df1063 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
00000214 <test_22>:
214: 00000213 li tp,0
218: 00d00093 li ra,13
21c: 00000013 nop
220: 00a08f13 addi t5,ra,10
224: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
228: 00200293 li t0,2
22c: fe5216e3 bne tp,t0,218 <test_22+0x4>
230: 01700e93 li t4,23
234: 01600193 li gp,22
238: 05df1c63 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
0000023c <test_23>:
23c: 00000213 li tp,0
240: 00d00093 li ra,13
244: 00000013 nop
248: 00000013 nop
24c: 00908f13 addi t5,ra,9
250: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
254: 00200293 li t0,2
258: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,240 <test_23+0x4>
25c: 01600e93 li t4,22
260: 01700193 li gp,23
264: 03df1663 bne t5,t4,290 <fail>
00000268 <test_24>:
268: 02000093 li ra,32
26c: 02000e93 li t4,32
270: 01800193 li gp,24
274: 01d09e63 bne ra,t4,290 <fail>
00000278 <test_25>:
278: 02100093 li ra,33
27c: 03208013 addi zero,ra,50
280: 00000e93 li t4,0
284: 01900193 li gp,25
288: 01d01463 bne zero,t4,290 <fail>
28c: 00301863 bne zero,gp,29c <pass>
00000290 <fail>:
290: 00100d13 li s10,1
294: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000298 <loop_fail>:
298: 0000006f j 298 <loop_fail>
0000029c <pass>:
29c: 00100d13 li s10,1
2a0: 00100d93 li s11,1
000002a4 <loop_pass>:
2a4: 0000006f j 2a4 <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000300 <tohost>:
00000340 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 8F 00 00
93 0E 00 00 93 01 20 00 63 1C DF 27 93 00 10 00
13 8F 10 00 93 0E 20 00 93 01 30 00 63 12 DF 27
93 00 30 00 13 8F 70 00 93 0E A0 00 93 01 40 00
63 18 DF 25 93 00 00 00 13 8F 00 80 93 0E 00 80
93 01 50 00 63 1E DF 23 B7 00 00 80 13 8F 00 00
B7 0E 00 80 93 01 60 00 63 14 DF 23 B7 00 00 80
13 8F 00 80 B7 0E 00 80 93 8E 0E 80 93 01 70 00
63 18 DF 21 93 00 00 00 13 8F F0 7F 93 0E F0 7F
93 01 80 00 63 1E DF 1F B7 00 00 80 93 80 F0 FF
13 8F 00 00 B7 0E 00 80 93 8E FE FF 93 01 90 00
63 10 DF 1F B7 00 00 80 93 80 F0 FF 13 8F F0 7F
B7 0E 00 80 93 8E EE 7F 93 01 A0 00 63 12 DF 1D
B7 00 00 80 13 8F F0 7F B7 0E 00 80 93 8E FE 7F
93 01 B0 00 63 16 DF 1B B7 00 00 80 93 80 F0 FF
13 8F 00 80 B7 FE FF 7F 93 8E FE 7F 93 01 C0 00
63 18 DF 19 93 00 00 00 13 8F F0 FF 93 0E F0 FF
93 01 D0 00 63 1E DF 17 93 00 F0 FF 13 8F 10 00
93 0E 00 00 93 01 E0 00 63 14 DF 17 93 00 F0 FF
13 8F F0 FF 93 0E E0 FF 93 01 F0 00 63 1A DF 15
B7 00 00 80 93 80 F0 FF 13 8F 10 00 B7 0E 00 80
93 01 00 01 63 1E DF 13 93 00 D0 00 93 80 B0 00
93 0E 80 01 93 01 10 01 63 94 D0 13 13 02 00 00
93 00 D0 00 13 8F B0 00 13 03 0F 00 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 16 52 FE 93 0E 80 01 93 01 20 01
63 10 D3 11 13 02 00 00 93 00 D0 00 13 8F A0 00
13 00 00 00 13 03 0F 00 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 14 52 FE 93 0E 70 01 93 01 30 01 63 1A D3 0D
13 02 00 00 93 00 D0 00 13 8F 90 00 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 03 0F 00 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 12 52 FE 93 0E 60 01 93 01 40 01 63 12 D3 0B
13 02 00 00 93 00 D0 00 13 8F B0 00 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 18 52 FE 93 0E 80 01 93 01 50 01
63 10 DF 09 13 02 00 00 93 00 D0 00 13 00 00 00
13 8F A0 00 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 16 52 FE
93 0E 70 01 93 01 60 01 63 1C DF 05 13 02 00 00
93 00 D0 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 8F 90 00
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 0E 60 01
93 01 70 01 63 16 DF 03 93 00 00 02 93 0E 00 02
93 01 80 01 63 9E D0 01 93 00 10 02 13 80 20 03
93 0E 00 00 93 01 90 01 63 14 D0 01 63 18 30 00
13 0D 10 00 93 0D 00 00 6F 00 00 00 13 0D 10 00
93 0D 10 00 6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

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View File

@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-and: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: ff0100b7 lui ra,0xff010
c: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00ff00 <begin_signature+0xff00ef00>
10: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
14: f0f10113 addi sp,sp,-241 # f0f0f0f <begin_signature+0xf0eff0f>
18: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
1c: 0f001eb7 lui t4,0xf001
20: f00e8e93 addi t4,t4,-256 # f000f00 <begin_signature+0xeffff00>
24: 00200193 li gp,2
28: 49df1c63 bne t5,t4,4c0 <fail>
0000002c <test_3>:
2c: 0ff010b7 lui ra,0xff01
30: ff008093 addi ra,ra,-16 # ff00ff0 <begin_signature+0xfeffff0>
34: f0f0f137 lui sp,0xf0f0f
38: 0f010113 addi sp,sp,240 # f0f0f0f0 <begin_signature+0xf0f0e0f0>
3c: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
40: 00f00eb7 lui t4,0xf00
44: 0f0e8e93 addi t4,t4,240 # f000f0 <begin_signature+0xeff0f0>
48: 00300193 li gp,3
4c: 47df1a63 bne t5,t4,4c0 <fail>
00000050 <test_4>:
50: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
54: 0ff08093 addi ra,ra,255 # ff00ff <begin_signature+0xfef0ff>
58: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
5c: f0f10113 addi sp,sp,-241 # f0f0f0f <begin_signature+0xf0eff0f>
60: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
64: 000f0eb7 lui t4,0xf0
68: 00fe8e93 addi t4,t4,15 # f000f <begin_signature+0xef00f>
6c: 00400193 li gp,4
70: 45df1863 bne t5,t4,4c0 <fail>
00000074 <test_5>:
74: f00ff0b7 lui ra,0xf00ff
78: 00f08093 addi ra,ra,15 # f00ff00f <begin_signature+0xf00fe00f>
7c: f0f0f137 lui sp,0xf0f0f
80: 0f010113 addi sp,sp,240 # f0f0f0f0 <begin_signature+0xf0f0e0f0>
84: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
88: f000feb7 lui t4,0xf000f
8c: 00500193 li gp,5
90: 43df1863 bne t5,t4,4c0 <fail>
00000094 <test_6>:
94: ff0100b7 lui ra,0xff010
98: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00ff00 <begin_signature+0xff00ef00>
9c: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
a0: f0f10113 addi sp,sp,-241 # f0f0f0f <begin_signature+0xf0eff0f>
a4: 0020f0b3 and ra,ra,sp
a8: 0f001eb7 lui t4,0xf001
ac: f00e8e93 addi t4,t4,-256 # f000f00 <begin_signature+0xeffff00>
b0: 00600193 li gp,6
b4: 41d09663 bne ra,t4,4c0 <fail>
000000b8 <test_7>:
b8: 0ff010b7 lui ra,0xff01
bc: ff008093 addi ra,ra,-16 # ff00ff0 <begin_signature+0xfeffff0>
c0: f0f0f137 lui sp,0xf0f0f
c4: 0f010113 addi sp,sp,240 # f0f0f0f0 <begin_signature+0xf0f0e0f0>
c8: 0020f133 and sp,ra,sp
cc: 00f00eb7 lui t4,0xf00
d0: 0f0e8e93 addi t4,t4,240 # f000f0 <begin_signature+0xeff0f0>
d4: 00700193 li gp,7
d8: 3fd11463 bne sp,t4,4c0 <fail>
000000dc <test_8>:
dc: ff0100b7 lui ra,0xff010
e0: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00ff00 <begin_signature+0xff00ef00>
e4: 0010f0b3 and ra,ra,ra
e8: ff010eb7 lui t4,0xff010
ec: f00e8e93 addi t4,t4,-256 # ff00ff00 <begin_signature+0xff00ef00>
f0: 00800193 li gp,8
f4: 3dd09663 bne ra,t4,4c0 <fail>
000000f8 <test_9>:
f8: 00000213 li tp,0
fc: ff0100b7 lui ra,0xff010
100: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00ff00 <begin_signature+0xff00ef00>
104: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
108: f0f10113 addi sp,sp,-241 # f0f0f0f <begin_signature+0xf0eff0f>
10c: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
110: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
114: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
118: 00200293 li t0,2
11c: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,fc <test_9+0x4>
120: 0f001eb7 lui t4,0xf001
124: f00e8e93 addi t4,t4,-256 # f000f00 <begin_signature+0xeffff00>
128: 00900193 li gp,9
12c: 39d31a63 bne t1,t4,4c0 <fail>
00000130 <test_10>:
130: 00000213 li tp,0
134: 0ff010b7 lui ra,0xff01
138: ff008093 addi ra,ra,-16 # ff00ff0 <begin_signature+0xfeffff0>
13c: f0f0f137 lui sp,0xf0f0f
140: 0f010113 addi sp,sp,240 # f0f0f0f0 <begin_signature+0xf0f0e0f0>
144: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
148: 00000013 nop
14c: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
150: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
154: 00200293 li t0,2
158: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,134 <test_10+0x4>
15c: 00f00eb7 lui t4,0xf00
160: 0f0e8e93 addi t4,t4,240 # f000f0 <begin_signature+0xeff0f0>
164: 00a00193 li gp,10
168: 35d31c63 bne t1,t4,4c0 <fail>
0000016c <test_11>:
16c: 00000213 li tp,0
170: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
174: 0ff08093 addi ra,ra,255 # ff00ff <begin_signature+0xfef0ff>
178: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
17c: f0f10113 addi sp,sp,-241 # f0f0f0f <begin_signature+0xf0eff0f>
180: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
184: 00000013 nop
188: 00000013 nop
18c: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
190: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
194: 00200293 li t0,2
198: fc521ce3 bne tp,t0,170 <test_11+0x4>
19c: 000f0eb7 lui t4,0xf0
1a0: 00fe8e93 addi t4,t4,15 # f000f <begin_signature+0xef00f>
1a4: 00b00193 li gp,11
1a8: 31d31c63 bne t1,t4,4c0 <fail>
000001ac <test_12>:
1ac: 00000213 li tp,0
1b0: ff0100b7 lui ra,0xff010
1b4: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00ff00 <begin_signature+0xff00ef00>
1b8: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
1bc: f0f10113 addi sp,sp,-241 # f0f0f0f <begin_signature+0xf0eff0f>
1c0: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
1c4: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1c8: 00200293 li t0,2
1cc: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,1b0 <test_12+0x4>
1d0: 0f001eb7 lui t4,0xf001
1d4: f00e8e93 addi t4,t4,-256 # f000f00 <begin_signature+0xeffff00>
1d8: 00c00193 li gp,12
1dc: 2fdf1263 bne t5,t4,4c0 <fail>
000001e0 <test_13>:
1e0: 00000213 li tp,0
1e4: 0ff010b7 lui ra,0xff01
1e8: ff008093 addi ra,ra,-16 # ff00ff0 <begin_signature+0xfeffff0>
1ec: f0f0f137 lui sp,0xf0f0f
1f0: 0f010113 addi sp,sp,240 # f0f0f0f0 <begin_signature+0xf0f0e0f0>
1f4: 00000013 nop
1f8: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
1fc: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
200: 00200293 li t0,2
204: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,1e4 <test_13+0x4>
208: 00f00eb7 lui t4,0xf00
20c: 0f0e8e93 addi t4,t4,240 # f000f0 <begin_signature+0xeff0f0>
210: 00d00193 li gp,13
214: 2bdf1663 bne t5,t4,4c0 <fail>
00000218 <test_14>:
218: 00000213 li tp,0
21c: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
220: 0ff08093 addi ra,ra,255 # ff00ff <begin_signature+0xfef0ff>
224: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
228: f0f10113 addi sp,sp,-241 # f0f0f0f <begin_signature+0xf0eff0f>
22c: 00000013 nop
230: 00000013 nop
234: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
238: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
23c: 00200293 li t0,2
240: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,21c <test_14+0x4>
244: 000f0eb7 lui t4,0xf0
248: 00fe8e93 addi t4,t4,15 # f000f <begin_signature+0xef00f>
24c: 00e00193 li gp,14
250: 27df1863 bne t5,t4,4c0 <fail>
00000254 <test_15>:
254: 00000213 li tp,0
258: ff0100b7 lui ra,0xff010
25c: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00ff00 <begin_signature+0xff00ef00>
260: 00000013 nop
264: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
268: f0f10113 addi sp,sp,-241 # f0f0f0f <begin_signature+0xf0eff0f>
26c: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
270: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
274: 00200293 li t0,2
278: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,258 <test_15+0x4>
27c: 0f001eb7 lui t4,0xf001
280: f00e8e93 addi t4,t4,-256 # f000f00 <begin_signature+0xeffff00>
284: 00f00193 li gp,15
288: 23df1c63 bne t5,t4,4c0 <fail>
0000028c <test_16>:
28c: 00000213 li tp,0
290: 0ff010b7 lui ra,0xff01
294: ff008093 addi ra,ra,-16 # ff00ff0 <begin_signature+0xfeffff0>
298: 00000013 nop
29c: f0f0f137 lui sp,0xf0f0f
2a0: 0f010113 addi sp,sp,240 # f0f0f0f0 <begin_signature+0xf0f0e0f0>
2a4: 00000013 nop
2a8: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
2ac: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
2b0: 00200293 li t0,2
2b4: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,290 <test_16+0x4>
2b8: 00f00eb7 lui t4,0xf00
2bc: 0f0e8e93 addi t4,t4,240 # f000f0 <begin_signature+0xeff0f0>
2c0: 01000193 li gp,16
2c4: 1fdf1e63 bne t5,t4,4c0 <fail>
000002c8 <test_17>:
2c8: 00000213 li tp,0
2cc: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
2d0: 0ff08093 addi ra,ra,255 # ff00ff <begin_signature+0xfef0ff>
2d4: 00000013 nop
2d8: 00000013 nop
2dc: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
2e0: f0f10113 addi sp,sp,-241 # f0f0f0f <begin_signature+0xf0eff0f>
2e4: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
2e8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
2ec: 00200293 li t0,2
2f0: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,2cc <test_17+0x4>
2f4: 000f0eb7 lui t4,0xf0
2f8: 00fe8e93 addi t4,t4,15 # f000f <begin_signature+0xef00f>
2fc: 01100193 li gp,17
300: 1ddf1063 bne t5,t4,4c0 <fail>
00000304 <test_18>:
304: 00000213 li tp,0
308: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
30c: f0f10113 addi sp,sp,-241 # f0f0f0f <begin_signature+0xf0eff0f>
310: ff0100b7 lui ra,0xff010
314: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00ff00 <begin_signature+0xff00ef00>
318: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
31c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
320: 00200293 li t0,2
324: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,308 <test_18+0x4>
328: 0f001eb7 lui t4,0xf001
32c: f00e8e93 addi t4,t4,-256 # f000f00 <begin_signature+0xeffff00>
330: 01200193 li gp,18
334: 19df1663 bne t5,t4,4c0 <fail>
00000338 <test_19>:
338: 00000213 li tp,0
33c: f0f0f137 lui sp,0xf0f0f
340: 0f010113 addi sp,sp,240 # f0f0f0f0 <begin_signature+0xf0f0e0f0>
344: 0ff010b7 lui ra,0xff01
348: ff008093 addi ra,ra,-16 # ff00ff0 <begin_signature+0xfeffff0>
34c: 00000013 nop
350: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
354: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
358: 00200293 li t0,2
35c: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,33c <test_19+0x4>
360: 00f00eb7 lui t4,0xf00
364: 0f0e8e93 addi t4,t4,240 # f000f0 <begin_signature+0xeff0f0>
368: 01300193 li gp,19
36c: 15df1a63 bne t5,t4,4c0 <fail>
00000370 <test_20>:
370: 00000213 li tp,0
374: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
378: f0f10113 addi sp,sp,-241 # f0f0f0f <begin_signature+0xf0eff0f>
37c: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
380: 0ff08093 addi ra,ra,255 # ff00ff <begin_signature+0xfef0ff>
384: 00000013 nop
388: 00000013 nop
38c: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
390: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
394: 00200293 li t0,2
398: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,374 <test_20+0x4>
39c: 000f0eb7 lui t4,0xf0
3a0: 00fe8e93 addi t4,t4,15 # f000f <begin_signature+0xef00f>
3a4: 01400193 li gp,20
3a8: 11df1c63 bne t5,t4,4c0 <fail>
000003ac <test_21>:
3ac: 00000213 li tp,0
3b0: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
3b4: f0f10113 addi sp,sp,-241 # f0f0f0f <begin_signature+0xf0eff0f>
3b8: 00000013 nop
3bc: ff0100b7 lui ra,0xff010
3c0: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00ff00 <begin_signature+0xff00ef00>
3c4: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
3c8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
3cc: 00200293 li t0,2
3d0: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,3b0 <test_21+0x4>
3d4: 0f001eb7 lui t4,0xf001
3d8: f00e8e93 addi t4,t4,-256 # f000f00 <begin_signature+0xeffff00>
3dc: 01500193 li gp,21
3e0: 0fdf1063 bne t5,t4,4c0 <fail>
000003e4 <test_22>:
3e4: 00000213 li tp,0
3e8: f0f0f137 lui sp,0xf0f0f
3ec: 0f010113 addi sp,sp,240 # f0f0f0f0 <begin_signature+0xf0f0e0f0>
3f0: 00000013 nop
3f4: 0ff010b7 lui ra,0xff01
3f8: ff008093 addi ra,ra,-16 # ff00ff0 <begin_signature+0xfeffff0>
3fc: 00000013 nop
400: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
404: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
408: 00200293 li t0,2
40c: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,3e8 <test_22+0x4>
410: 00f00eb7 lui t4,0xf00
414: 0f0e8e93 addi t4,t4,240 # f000f0 <begin_signature+0xeff0f0>
418: 01600193 li gp,22
41c: 0bdf1263 bne t5,t4,4c0 <fail>
00000420 <test_23>:
420: 00000213 li tp,0
424: 0f0f1137 lui sp,0xf0f1
428: f0f10113 addi sp,sp,-241 # f0f0f0f <begin_signature+0xf0eff0f>
42c: 00000013 nop
430: 00000013 nop
434: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
438: 0ff08093 addi ra,ra,255 # ff00ff <begin_signature+0xfef0ff>
43c: 0020ff33 and t5,ra,sp
440: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
444: 00200293 li t0,2
448: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,424 <test_23+0x4>
44c: 000f0eb7 lui t4,0xf0
450: 00fe8e93 addi t4,t4,15 # f000f <begin_signature+0xef00f>
454: 01700193 li gp,23
458: 07df1463 bne t5,t4,4c0 <fail>
0000045c <test_24>:
45c: ff0100b7 lui ra,0xff010
460: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00ff00 <begin_signature+0xff00ef00>
464: 00107133 and sp,zero,ra
468: 00000e93 li t4,0
46c: 01800193 li gp,24
470: 05d11863 bne sp,t4,4c0 <fail>
00000474 <test_25>:
474: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
478: 0ff08093 addi ra,ra,255 # ff00ff <begin_signature+0xfef0ff>
47c: 0000f133 and sp,ra,zero
480: 00000e93 li t4,0
484: 01900193 li gp,25
488: 03d11c63 bne sp,t4,4c0 <fail>
0000048c <test_26>:
48c: 000070b3 and ra,zero,zero
490: 00000e93 li t4,0
494: 01a00193 li gp,26
498: 03d09463 bne ra,t4,4c0 <fail>
0000049c <test_27>:
49c: 111110b7 lui ra,0x11111
4a0: 11108093 addi ra,ra,273 # 11111111 <begin_signature+0x11110111>
4a4: 22222137 lui sp,0x22222
4a8: 22210113 addi sp,sp,546 # 22222222 <begin_signature+0x22221222>
4ac: 0020f033 and zero,ra,sp
4b0: 00000e93 li t4,0
4b4: 01b00193 li gp,27
4b8: 01d01463 bne zero,t4,4c0 <fail>
4bc: 00301863 bne zero,gp,4cc <pass>
000004c0 <fail>:
4c0: 00100d13 li s10,1
4c4: 00000d93 li s11,0
000004c8 <loop_fail>:
4c8: 0000006f j 4c8 <loop_fail>
000004cc <pass>:
4cc: 00100d13 li s10,1
4d0: 00100d93 li s11,1
000004d4 <loop_pass>:
4d4: 0000006f j 4d4 <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000540 <tohost>:
00000580 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 B7 00 01 FF 93 80 00 F0
37 11 0F 0F 13 01 F1 F0 33 FF 20 00 B7 1E 00 0F
93 8E 0E F0 93 01 20 00 63 1C DF 49 B7 10 F0 0F
93 80 00 FF 37 F1 F0 F0 13 01 01 0F 33 FF 20 00
B7 0E F0 00 93 8E 0E 0F 93 01 30 00 63 1A DF 47
B7 00 FF 00 93 80 F0 0F 37 11 0F 0F 13 01 F1 F0
33 FF 20 00 B7 0E 0F 00 93 8E FE 00 93 01 40 00
63 18 DF 45 B7 F0 0F F0 93 80 F0 00 37 F1 F0 F0
13 01 01 0F 33 FF 20 00 B7 FE 00 F0 93 01 50 00
63 18 DF 43 B7 00 01 FF 93 80 00 F0 37 11 0F 0F
13 01 F1 F0 B3 F0 20 00 B7 1E 00 0F 93 8E 0E F0
93 01 60 00 63 96 D0 41 B7 10 F0 0F 93 80 00 FF
37 F1 F0 F0 13 01 01 0F 33 F1 20 00 B7 0E F0 00
93 8E 0E 0F 93 01 70 00 63 14 D1 3F B7 00 01 FF
93 80 00 F0 B3 F0 10 00 B7 0E 01 FF 93 8E 0E F0
93 01 80 00 63 96 D0 3D 13 02 00 00 B7 00 01 FF
93 80 00 F0 37 11 0F 0F 13 01 F1 F0 33 FF 20 00
13 03 0F 00 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 10 52 FE
B7 1E 00 0F 93 8E 0E F0 93 01 90 00 63 1A D3 39
13 02 00 00 B7 10 F0 0F 93 80 00 FF 37 F1 F0 F0
13 01 01 0F 33 FF 20 00 13 00 00 00 13 03 0F 00
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 1E 52 FC B7 0E F0 00
93 8E 0E 0F 93 01 A0 00 63 1C D3 35 13 02 00 00
B7 00 FF 00 93 80 F0 0F 37 11 0F 0F 13 01 F1 F0
33 FF 20 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 03 0F 00
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 1C 52 FC B7 0E 0F 00
93 8E FE 00 93 01 B0 00 63 1C D3 31 13 02 00 00
B7 00 01 FF 93 80 00 F0 37 11 0F 0F 13 01 F1 F0
33 FF 20 00 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE
B7 1E 00 0F 93 8E 0E F0 93 01 C0 00 63 12 DF 2F
13 02 00 00 B7 10 F0 0F 93 80 00 FF 37 F1 F0 F0
13 01 01 0F 13 00 00 00 33 FF 20 00 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 10 52 FE B7 0E F0 00 93 8E 0E 0F
93 01 D0 00 63 16 DF 2B 13 02 00 00 B7 00 FF 00
93 80 F0 0F 37 11 0F 0F 13 01 F1 F0 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 33 FF 20 00 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 1E 52 FC B7 0E 0F 00 93 8E FE 00 93 01 E0 00
63 18 DF 27 13 02 00 00 B7 00 01 FF 93 80 00 F0
13 00 00 00 37 11 0F 0F 13 01 F1 F0 33 FF 20 00
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 10 52 FE B7 1E 00 0F
93 8E 0E F0 93 01 F0 00 63 1C DF 23 13 02 00 00
B7 10 F0 0F 93 80 00 FF 13 00 00 00 37 F1 F0 F0
13 01 01 0F 13 00 00 00 33 FF 20 00 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 1E 52 FC B7 0E F0 00 93 8E 0E 0F
93 01 00 01 63 1E DF 1F 13 02 00 00 B7 00 FF 00
93 80 F0 0F 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 37 11 0F 0F
13 01 F1 F0 33 FF 20 00 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 1E 52 FC B7 0E 0F 00 93 8E FE 00 93 01 10 01
63 10 DF 1D 13 02 00 00 37 11 0F 0F 13 01 F1 F0
B7 00 01 FF 93 80 00 F0 33 FF 20 00 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE B7 1E 00 0F 93 8E 0E F0
93 01 20 01 63 16 DF 19 13 02 00 00 37 F1 F0 F0
13 01 01 0F B7 10 F0 0F 93 80 00 FF 13 00 00 00
33 FF 20 00 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 10 52 FE
B7 0E F0 00 93 8E 0E 0F 93 01 30 01 63 1A DF 15
13 02 00 00 37 11 0F 0F 13 01 F1 F0 B7 00 FF 00
93 80 F0 0F 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 33 FF 20 00
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 1E 52 FC B7 0E 0F 00
93 8E FE 00 93 01 40 01 63 1C DF 11 13 02 00 00
37 11 0F 0F 13 01 F1 F0 13 00 00 00 B7 00 01 FF
93 80 00 F0 33 FF 20 00 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 10 52 FE B7 1E 00 0F 93 8E 0E F0 93 01 50 01
63 10 DF 0F 13 02 00 00 37 F1 F0 F0 13 01 01 0F
13 00 00 00 B7 10 F0 0F 93 80 00 FF 13 00 00 00
33 FF 20 00 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 1E 52 FC
B7 0E F0 00 93 8E 0E 0F 93 01 60 01 63 12 DF 0B
13 02 00 00 37 11 0F 0F 13 01 F1 F0 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 B7 00 FF 00 93 80 F0 0F 33 FF 20 00
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 1E 52 FC B7 0E 0F 00
93 8E FE 00 93 01 70 01 63 14 DF 07 B7 00 01 FF
93 80 00 F0 33 71 10 00 93 0E 00 00 93 01 80 01
63 18 D1 05 B7 00 FF 00 93 80 F0 0F 33 F1 00 00
93 0E 00 00 93 01 90 01 63 1C D1 03 B3 70 00 00
93 0E 00 00 93 01 A0 01 63 94 D0 03 B7 10 11 11
93 80 10 11 37 21 22 22 13 01 21 22 33 F0 20 00
93 0E 00 00 93 01 B0 01 63 14 D0 01 63 18 30 00
13 0D 10 00 93 0D 00 00 6F 00 00 00 13 0D 10 00
93 0D 10 00 6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-andi: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: ff0100b7 lui ra,0xff010
c: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00ff00 <begin_signature+0xff00ef00>
10: f0f0ff13 andi t5,ra,-241
14: ff010eb7 lui t4,0xff010
18: f00e8e93 addi t4,t4,-256 # ff00ff00 <begin_signature+0xff00ef00>
1c: 00200193 li gp,2
20: 1bdf1463 bne t5,t4,1c8 <fail>
00000024 <test_3>:
24: 0ff010b7 lui ra,0xff01
28: ff008093 addi ra,ra,-16 # ff00ff0 <begin_signature+0xfeffff0>
2c: 0f00ff13 andi t5,ra,240
30: 0f000e93 li t4,240
34: 00300193 li gp,3
38: 19df1863 bne t5,t4,1c8 <fail>
0000003c <test_4>:
3c: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
40: 0ff08093 addi ra,ra,255 # ff00ff <begin_signature+0xfef0ff>
44: 70f0ff13 andi t5,ra,1807
48: 00f00e93 li t4,15
4c: 00400193 li gp,4
50: 17df1c63 bne t5,t4,1c8 <fail>
00000054 <test_5>:
54: f00ff0b7 lui ra,0xf00ff
58: 00f08093 addi ra,ra,15 # f00ff00f <begin_signature+0xf00fe00f>
5c: 0f00ff13 andi t5,ra,240
60: 00000e93 li t4,0
64: 00500193 li gp,5
68: 17df1063 bne t5,t4,1c8 <fail>
0000006c <test_6>:
6c: ff0100b7 lui ra,0xff010
70: f0008093 addi ra,ra,-256 # ff00ff00 <begin_signature+0xff00ef00>
74: 0f00f093 andi ra,ra,240
78: 00000e93 li t4,0
7c: 00600193 li gp,6
80: 15d09463 bne ra,t4,1c8 <fail>
00000084 <test_7>:
84: 00000213 li tp,0
88: 0ff010b7 lui ra,0xff01
8c: ff008093 addi ra,ra,-16 # ff00ff0 <begin_signature+0xfeffff0>
90: 70f0ff13 andi t5,ra,1807
94: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
98: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
9c: 00200293 li t0,2
a0: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,88 <test_7+0x4>
a4: 70000e93 li t4,1792
a8: 00700193 li gp,7
ac: 11d31e63 bne t1,t4,1c8 <fail>
000000b0 <test_8>:
b0: 00000213 li tp,0
b4: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
b8: 0ff08093 addi ra,ra,255 # ff00ff <begin_signature+0xfef0ff>
bc: 0f00ff13 andi t5,ra,240
c0: 00000013 nop
c4: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
c8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
cc: 00200293 li t0,2
d0: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,b4 <test_8+0x4>
d4: 0f000e93 li t4,240
d8: 00800193 li gp,8
dc: 0fd31663 bne t1,t4,1c8 <fail>
000000e0 <test_9>:
e0: 00000213 li tp,0
e4: f00ff0b7 lui ra,0xf00ff
e8: 00f08093 addi ra,ra,15 # f00ff00f <begin_signature+0xf00fe00f>
ec: f0f0ff13 andi t5,ra,-241
f0: 00000013 nop
f4: 00000013 nop
f8: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
fc: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
100: 00200293 li t0,2
104: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,e4 <test_9+0x4>
108: f00ffeb7 lui t4,0xf00ff
10c: 00fe8e93 addi t4,t4,15 # f00ff00f <begin_signature+0xf00fe00f>
110: 00900193 li gp,9
114: 0bd31a63 bne t1,t4,1c8 <fail>
00000118 <test_10>:
118: 00000213 li tp,0
11c: 0ff010b7 lui ra,0xff01
120: ff008093 addi ra,ra,-16 # ff00ff0 <begin_signature+0xfeffff0>
124: 70f0ff13 andi t5,ra,1807
128: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
12c: 00200293 li t0,2
130: fe5216e3 bne tp,t0,11c <test_10+0x4>
134: 70000e93 li t4,1792
138: 00a00193 li gp,10
13c: 09df1663 bne t5,t4,1c8 <fail>
00000140 <test_11>:
140: 00000213 li tp,0
144: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
148: 0ff08093 addi ra,ra,255 # ff00ff <begin_signature+0xfef0ff>
14c: 00000013 nop
150: 0f00ff13 andi t5,ra,240
154: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
158: 00200293 li t0,2
15c: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,144 <test_11+0x4>
160: 0f000e93 li t4,240
164: 00b00193 li gp,11
168: 07df1063 bne t5,t4,1c8 <fail>
0000016c <test_12>:
16c: 00000213 li tp,0
170: f00ff0b7 lui ra,0xf00ff
174: 00f08093 addi ra,ra,15 # f00ff00f <begin_signature+0xf00fe00f>
178: 00000013 nop
17c: 00000013 nop
180: 70f0ff13 andi t5,ra,1807
184: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
188: 00200293 li t0,2
18c: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,170 <test_12+0x4>
190: 00f00e93 li t4,15
194: 00c00193 li gp,12
198: 03df1863 bne t5,t4,1c8 <fail>
0000019c <test_13>:
19c: 0f007093 andi ra,zero,240
1a0: 00000e93 li t4,0
1a4: 00d00193 li gp,13
1a8: 03d09063 bne ra,t4,1c8 <fail>
000001ac <test_14>:
1ac: 00ff00b7 lui ra,0xff0
1b0: 0ff08093 addi ra,ra,255 # ff00ff <begin_signature+0xfef0ff>
1b4: 70f0f013 andi zero,ra,1807
1b8: 00000e93 li t4,0
1bc: 00e00193 li gp,14
1c0: 01d01463 bne zero,t4,1c8 <fail>
1c4: 00301863 bne zero,gp,1d4 <pass>
000001c8 <fail>:
1c8: 00100d13 li s10,1
1cc: 00000d93 li s11,0
000001d0 <loop_fail>:
1d0: 0000006f j 1d0 <loop_fail>
000001d4 <pass>:
1d4: 00100d13 li s10,1
1d8: 00100d93 li s11,1
000001dc <loop_pass>:
1dc: 0000006f j 1dc <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000240 <tohost>:
00000280 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 B7 00 01 FF 93 80 00 F0
13 FF F0 F0 B7 0E 01 FF 93 8E 0E F0 93 01 20 00
63 14 DF 1B B7 10 F0 0F 93 80 00 FF 13 FF 00 0F
93 0E 00 0F 93 01 30 00 63 18 DF 19 B7 00 FF 00
93 80 F0 0F 13 FF F0 70 93 0E F0 00 93 01 40 00
63 1C DF 17 B7 F0 0F F0 93 80 F0 00 13 FF 00 0F
93 0E 00 00 93 01 50 00 63 10 DF 17 B7 00 01 FF
93 80 00 F0 93 F0 00 0F 93 0E 00 00 93 01 60 00
63 94 D0 15 13 02 00 00 B7 10 F0 0F 93 80 00 FF
13 FF F0 70 13 03 0F 00 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 14 52 FE 93 0E 00 70 93 01 70 00 63 1E D3 11
13 02 00 00 B7 00 FF 00 93 80 F0 0F 13 FF 00 0F
13 00 00 00 13 03 0F 00 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 12 52 FE 93 0E 00 0F 93 01 80 00 63 16 D3 0F
13 02 00 00 B7 F0 0F F0 93 80 F0 00 13 FF F0 F0
13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 03 0F 00 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 10 52 FE B7 FE 0F F0 93 8E FE 00
93 01 90 00 63 1A D3 0B 13 02 00 00 B7 10 F0 0F
93 80 00 FF 13 FF F0 70 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 16 52 FE 93 0E 00 70 93 01 A0 00 63 16 DF 09
13 02 00 00 B7 00 FF 00 93 80 F0 0F 13 00 00 00
13 FF 00 0F 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE
93 0E 00 0F 93 01 B0 00 63 10 DF 07 13 02 00 00
B7 F0 0F F0 93 80 F0 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
13 FF F0 70 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE
93 0E F0 00 93 01 C0 00 63 18 DF 03 93 70 00 0F
93 0E 00 00 93 01 D0 00 63 90 D0 03 B7 00 FF 00
93 80 F0 0F 13 F0 F0 70 93 0E 00 00 93 01 E0 00
63 14 D0 01 63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 00 00
6F 00 00 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00 6F 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-auipc: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 00002517 auipc a0,0x2
c: 71c50513 addi a0,a0,1820 # 2724 <begin_signature+0x1724>
10: 004005ef jal a1,14 <test_2+0xc>
14: 40b50533 sub a0,a0,a1
18: 00002eb7 lui t4,0x2
1c: 710e8e93 addi t4,t4,1808 # 2710 <begin_signature+0x1710>
20: 00200193 li gp,2
24: 03d51463 bne a0,t4,4c <fail>
00000028 <test_3>:
28: ffffe517 auipc a0,0xffffe
2c: 8fc50513 addi a0,a0,-1796 # ffffd924 <begin_signature+0xffffc924>
30: 004005ef jal a1,34 <test_3+0xc>
34: 40b50533 sub a0,a0,a1
38: ffffeeb7 lui t4,0xffffe
3c: 8f0e8e93 addi t4,t4,-1808 # ffffd8f0 <begin_signature+0xffffc8f0>
40: 00300193 li gp,3
44: 01d51463 bne a0,t4,4c <fail>
48: 00301863 bne zero,gp,58 <pass>
0000004c <fail>:
4c: 00100d13 li s10,1
50: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000054 <loop_fail>:
54: 0000006f j 54 <loop_fail>
00000058 <pass>:
58: 00100d13 li s10,1
5c: 00100d93 li s11,1
00000060 <loop_pass>:
60: 0000006f j 60 <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000080 <tohost>:
000000c0 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 17 25 00 00 13 05 C5 71
EF 05 40 00 33 05 B5 40 B7 2E 00 00 93 8E 0E 71
93 01 20 00 63 14 D5 03 17 E5 FF FF 13 05 C5 8F
EF 05 40 00 33 05 B5 40 B7 EE FF FF 93 8E 0E 8F
93 01 30 00 63 14 D5 01 63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00
93 0D 00 00 6F 00 00 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00
6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-beq: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 00200193 li gp,2
c: 00000093 li ra,0
10: 00000113 li sp,0
14: 00208663 beq ra,sp,20 <test_2+0x18>
18: 2a301863 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
1c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,28 <test_3>
20: fe208ee3 beq ra,sp,1c <test_2+0x14>
24: 2a301263 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
00000028 <test_3>:
28: 00300193 li gp,3
2c: 00100093 li ra,1
30: 00100113 li sp,1
34: 00208663 beq ra,sp,40 <test_3+0x18>
38: 28301863 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
3c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,48 <test_4>
40: fe208ee3 beq ra,sp,3c <test_3+0x14>
44: 28301263 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
00000048 <test_4>:
48: 00400193 li gp,4
4c: fff00093 li ra,-1
50: fff00113 li sp,-1
54: 00208663 beq ra,sp,60 <test_4+0x18>
58: 26301863 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
5c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,68 <test_5>
60: fe208ee3 beq ra,sp,5c <test_4+0x14>
64: 26301263 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
00000068 <test_5>:
68: 00500193 li gp,5
6c: 00000093 li ra,0
70: 00100113 li sp,1
74: 00208463 beq ra,sp,7c <test_5+0x14>
78: 00301463 bne zero,gp,80 <test_5+0x18>
7c: 24301663 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
80: fe208ee3 beq ra,sp,7c <test_5+0x14>
00000084 <test_6>:
84: 00600193 li gp,6
88: 00100093 li ra,1
8c: 00000113 li sp,0
90: 00208463 beq ra,sp,98 <test_6+0x14>
94: 00301463 bne zero,gp,9c <test_6+0x18>
98: 22301863 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
9c: fe208ee3 beq ra,sp,98 <test_6+0x14>
000000a0 <test_7>:
a0: 00700193 li gp,7
a4: fff00093 li ra,-1
a8: 00100113 li sp,1
ac: 00208463 beq ra,sp,b4 <test_7+0x14>
b0: 00301463 bne zero,gp,b8 <test_7+0x18>
b4: 20301a63 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
b8: fe208ee3 beq ra,sp,b4 <test_7+0x14>
000000bc <test_8>:
bc: 00800193 li gp,8
c0: 00100093 li ra,1
c4: fff00113 li sp,-1
c8: 00208463 beq ra,sp,d0 <test_8+0x14>
cc: 00301463 bne zero,gp,d4 <test_8+0x18>
d0: 1e301c63 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
d4: fe208ee3 beq ra,sp,d0 <test_8+0x14>
000000d8 <test_9>:
d8: 00900193 li gp,9
dc: 00000213 li tp,0
e0: 00000093 li ra,0
e4: fff00113 li sp,-1
e8: 1e208063 beq ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
ec: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
f0: 00200293 li t0,2
f4: fe5216e3 bne tp,t0,e0 <test_9+0x8>
000000f8 <test_10>:
f8: 00a00193 li gp,10
fc: 00000213 li tp,0
100: 00000093 li ra,0
104: fff00113 li sp,-1
108: 00000013 nop
10c: 1a208e63 beq ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
110: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
114: 00200293 li t0,2
118: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,100 <test_10+0x8>
0000011c <test_11>:
11c: 00b00193 li gp,11
120: 00000213 li tp,0
124: 00000093 li ra,0
128: fff00113 li sp,-1
12c: 00000013 nop
130: 00000013 nop
134: 18208a63 beq ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
138: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
13c: 00200293 li t0,2
140: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,124 <test_11+0x8>
00000144 <test_12>:
144: 00c00193 li gp,12
148: 00000213 li tp,0
14c: 00000093 li ra,0
150: 00000013 nop
154: fff00113 li sp,-1
158: 16208863 beq ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
15c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
160: 00200293 li t0,2
164: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,14c <test_12+0x8>
00000168 <test_13>:
168: 00d00193 li gp,13
16c: 00000213 li tp,0
170: 00000093 li ra,0
174: 00000013 nop
178: fff00113 li sp,-1
17c: 00000013 nop
180: 14208463 beq ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
184: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
188: 00200293 li t0,2
18c: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,170 <test_13+0x8>
00000190 <test_14>:
190: 00e00193 li gp,14
194: 00000213 li tp,0
198: 00000093 li ra,0
19c: 00000013 nop
1a0: 00000013 nop
1a4: fff00113 li sp,-1
1a8: 12208063 beq ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
1ac: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1b0: 00200293 li t0,2
1b4: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,198 <test_14+0x8>
000001b8 <test_15>:
1b8: 00f00193 li gp,15
1bc: 00000213 li tp,0
1c0: 00000093 li ra,0
1c4: fff00113 li sp,-1
1c8: 10208063 beq ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
1cc: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1d0: 00200293 li t0,2
1d4: fe5216e3 bne tp,t0,1c0 <test_15+0x8>
000001d8 <test_16>:
1d8: 01000193 li gp,16
1dc: 00000213 li tp,0
1e0: 00000093 li ra,0
1e4: fff00113 li sp,-1
1e8: 00000013 nop
1ec: 0c208e63 beq ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
1f0: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1f4: 00200293 li t0,2
1f8: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,1e0 <test_16+0x8>
000001fc <test_17>:
1fc: 01100193 li gp,17
200: 00000213 li tp,0
204: 00000093 li ra,0
208: fff00113 li sp,-1
20c: 00000013 nop
210: 00000013 nop
214: 0a208a63 beq ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
218: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
21c: 00200293 li t0,2
220: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,204 <test_17+0x8>
00000224 <test_18>:
224: 01200193 li gp,18
228: 00000213 li tp,0
22c: 00000093 li ra,0
230: 00000013 nop
234: fff00113 li sp,-1
238: 08208863 beq ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
23c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
240: 00200293 li t0,2
244: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,22c <test_18+0x8>
00000248 <test_19>:
248: 01300193 li gp,19
24c: 00000213 li tp,0
250: 00000093 li ra,0
254: 00000013 nop
258: fff00113 li sp,-1
25c: 00000013 nop
260: 06208463 beq ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
264: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
268: 00200293 li t0,2
26c: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,250 <test_19+0x8>
00000270 <test_20>:
270: 01400193 li gp,20
274: 00000213 li tp,0
278: 00000093 li ra,0
27c: 00000013 nop
280: 00000013 nop
284: fff00113 li sp,-1
288: 04208063 beq ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
28c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
290: 00200293 li t0,2
294: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,278 <test_20+0x8>
00000298 <test_21>:
298: 00100093 li ra,1
29c: 00000a63 beqz zero,2b0 <test_21+0x18>
2a0: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2a4: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2a8: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2ac: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2b0: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2b4: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2b8: 00300e93 li t4,3
2bc: 01500193 li gp,21
2c0: 01d09463 bne ra,t4,2c8 <fail>
2c4: 00301863 bne zero,gp,2d4 <pass>
000002c8 <fail>:
2c8: 00100d13 li s10,1
2cc: 00000d93 li s11,0
000002d0 <loop_fail>:
2d0: 0000006f j 2d0 <loop_fail>
000002d4 <pass>:
2d4: 00100d13 li s10,1
2d8: 00100d93 li s11,1
000002dc <loop_pass>:
2dc: 0000006f j 2dc <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000340 <tohost>:
00000380 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 93 01 20 00 93 00 00 00
13 01 00 00 63 86 20 00 63 18 30 2A 63 16 30 00
E3 8E 20 FE 63 12 30 2A 93 01 30 00 93 00 10 00
13 01 10 00 63 86 20 00 63 18 30 28 63 16 30 00
E3 8E 20 FE 63 12 30 28 93 01 40 00 93 00 F0 FF
13 01 F0 FF 63 86 20 00 63 18 30 26 63 16 30 00
E3 8E 20 FE 63 12 30 26 93 01 50 00 93 00 00 00
13 01 10 00 63 84 20 00 63 14 30 00 63 16 30 24
E3 8E 20 FE 93 01 60 00 93 00 10 00 13 01 00 00
63 84 20 00 63 14 30 00 63 18 30 22 E3 8E 20 FE
93 01 70 00 93 00 F0 FF 13 01 10 00 63 84 20 00
63 14 30 00 63 1A 30 20 E3 8E 20 FE 93 01 80 00
93 00 10 00 13 01 F0 FF 63 84 20 00 63 14 30 00
63 1C 30 1E E3 8E 20 FE 93 01 90 00 13 02 00 00
93 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 63 80 20 1E 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 16 52 FE 93 01 A0 00 13 02 00 00
93 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 13 00 00 00 63 8E 20 1A
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 01 B0 00
13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 63 8A 20 18 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 12 52 FE 93 01 C0 00 13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 63 88 20 16 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 01 D0 00 13 02 00 00
93 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 13 00 00 00
63 84 20 14 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE
93 01 E0 00 13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 63 80 20 12 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 01 F0 00 13 02 00 00
93 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 63 80 20 10 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 16 52 FE 93 01 00 01 13 02 00 00
93 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 13 00 00 00 63 8E 20 0C
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 01 10 01
13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 63 8A 20 0A 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 12 52 FE 93 01 20 01 13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 63 88 20 08 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 01 30 01 13 02 00 00
93 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 13 00 00 00
63 84 20 06 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE
93 01 40 01 13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 63 80 20 04 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 00 10 00 63 0A 00 00
93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00
93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 0E 30 00 93 01 50 01
63 94 D0 01 63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 00 00
6F 00 00 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00 6F 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-bge: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 00200193 li gp,2
c: 00000093 li ra,0
10: 00000113 li sp,0
14: 0020d663 bge ra,sp,20 <test_2+0x18>
18: 30301863 bne zero,gp,328 <fail>
1c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,28 <test_3>
20: fe20dee3 bge ra,sp,1c <test_2+0x14>
24: 30301263 bne zero,gp,328 <fail>
00000028 <test_3>:
28: 00300193 li gp,3
2c: 00100093 li ra,1
30: 00100113 li sp,1
34: 0020d663 bge ra,sp,40 <test_3+0x18>
38: 2e301863 bne zero,gp,328 <fail>
3c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,48 <test_4>
40: fe20dee3 bge ra,sp,3c <test_3+0x14>
44: 2e301263 bne zero,gp,328 <fail>
00000048 <test_4>:
48: 00400193 li gp,4
4c: fff00093 li ra,-1
50: fff00113 li sp,-1
54: 0020d663 bge ra,sp,60 <test_4+0x18>
58: 2c301863 bne zero,gp,328 <fail>
5c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,68 <test_5>
60: fe20dee3 bge ra,sp,5c <test_4+0x14>
64: 2c301263 bne zero,gp,328 <fail>
00000068 <test_5>:
68: 00500193 li gp,5
6c: 00100093 li ra,1
70: 00000113 li sp,0
74: 0020d663 bge ra,sp,80 <test_5+0x18>
78: 2a301863 bne zero,gp,328 <fail>
7c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,88 <test_6>
80: fe20dee3 bge ra,sp,7c <test_5+0x14>
84: 2a301263 bne zero,gp,328 <fail>
00000088 <test_6>:
88: 00600193 li gp,6
8c: 00100093 li ra,1
90: fff00113 li sp,-1
94: 0020d663 bge ra,sp,a0 <test_6+0x18>
98: 28301863 bne zero,gp,328 <fail>
9c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,a8 <test_7>
a0: fe20dee3 bge ra,sp,9c <test_6+0x14>
a4: 28301263 bne zero,gp,328 <fail>
000000a8 <test_7>:
a8: 00700193 li gp,7
ac: fff00093 li ra,-1
b0: ffe00113 li sp,-2
b4: 0020d663 bge ra,sp,c0 <test_7+0x18>
b8: 26301863 bne zero,gp,328 <fail>
bc: 00301663 bne zero,gp,c8 <test_8>
c0: fe20dee3 bge ra,sp,bc <test_7+0x14>
c4: 26301263 bne zero,gp,328 <fail>
000000c8 <test_8>:
c8: 00800193 li gp,8
cc: 00000093 li ra,0
d0: 00100113 li sp,1
d4: 0020d463 bge ra,sp,dc <test_8+0x14>
d8: 00301463 bne zero,gp,e0 <test_8+0x18>
dc: 24301663 bne zero,gp,328 <fail>
e0: fe20dee3 bge ra,sp,dc <test_8+0x14>
000000e4 <test_9>:
e4: 00900193 li gp,9
e8: fff00093 li ra,-1
ec: 00100113 li sp,1
f0: 0020d463 bge ra,sp,f8 <test_9+0x14>
f4: 00301463 bne zero,gp,fc <test_9+0x18>
f8: 22301863 bne zero,gp,328 <fail>
fc: fe20dee3 bge ra,sp,f8 <test_9+0x14>
00000100 <test_10>:
100: 00a00193 li gp,10
104: ffe00093 li ra,-2
108: fff00113 li sp,-1
10c: 0020d463 bge ra,sp,114 <test_10+0x14>
110: 00301463 bne zero,gp,118 <test_10+0x18>
114: 20301a63 bne zero,gp,328 <fail>
118: fe20dee3 bge ra,sp,114 <test_10+0x14>
0000011c <test_11>:
11c: 00b00193 li gp,11
120: ffe00093 li ra,-2
124: 00100113 li sp,1
128: 0020d463 bge ra,sp,130 <test_11+0x14>
12c: 00301463 bne zero,gp,134 <test_11+0x18>
130: 1e301c63 bne zero,gp,328 <fail>
134: fe20dee3 bge ra,sp,130 <test_11+0x14>
00000138 <test_12>:
138: 00c00193 li gp,12
13c: 00000213 li tp,0
140: fff00093 li ra,-1
144: 00000113 li sp,0
148: 1e20d063 bge ra,sp,328 <fail>
14c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
150: 00200293 li t0,2
154: fe5216e3 bne tp,t0,140 <test_12+0x8>
00000158 <test_13>:
158: 00d00193 li gp,13
15c: 00000213 li tp,0
160: fff00093 li ra,-1
164: 00000113 li sp,0
168: 00000013 nop
16c: 1a20de63 bge ra,sp,328 <fail>
170: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
174: 00200293 li t0,2
178: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,160 <test_13+0x8>
0000017c <test_14>:
17c: 00e00193 li gp,14
180: 00000213 li tp,0
184: fff00093 li ra,-1
188: 00000113 li sp,0
18c: 00000013 nop
190: 00000013 nop
194: 1820da63 bge ra,sp,328 <fail>
198: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
19c: 00200293 li t0,2
1a0: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,184 <test_14+0x8>
000001a4 <test_15>:
1a4: 00f00193 li gp,15
1a8: 00000213 li tp,0
1ac: fff00093 li ra,-1
1b0: 00000013 nop
1b4: 00000113 li sp,0
1b8: 1620d863 bge ra,sp,328 <fail>
1bc: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1c0: 00200293 li t0,2
1c4: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,1ac <test_15+0x8>
000001c8 <test_16>:
1c8: 01000193 li gp,16
1cc: 00000213 li tp,0
1d0: fff00093 li ra,-1
1d4: 00000013 nop
1d8: 00000113 li sp,0
1dc: 00000013 nop
1e0: 1420d463 bge ra,sp,328 <fail>
1e4: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1e8: 00200293 li t0,2
1ec: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,1d0 <test_16+0x8>
000001f0 <test_17>:
1f0: 01100193 li gp,17
1f4: 00000213 li tp,0
1f8: fff00093 li ra,-1
1fc: 00000013 nop
200: 00000013 nop
204: 00000113 li sp,0
208: 1220d063 bge ra,sp,328 <fail>
20c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
210: 00200293 li t0,2
214: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,1f8 <test_17+0x8>
00000218 <test_18>:
218: 01200193 li gp,18
21c: 00000213 li tp,0
220: fff00093 li ra,-1
224: 00000113 li sp,0
228: 1020d063 bge ra,sp,328 <fail>
22c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
230: 00200293 li t0,2
234: fe5216e3 bne tp,t0,220 <test_18+0x8>
00000238 <test_19>:
238: 01300193 li gp,19
23c: 00000213 li tp,0
240: fff00093 li ra,-1
244: 00000113 li sp,0
248: 00000013 nop
24c: 0c20de63 bge ra,sp,328 <fail>
250: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
254: 00200293 li t0,2
258: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,240 <test_19+0x8>
0000025c <test_20>:
25c: 01400193 li gp,20
260: 00000213 li tp,0
264: fff00093 li ra,-1
268: 00000113 li sp,0
26c: 00000013 nop
270: 00000013 nop
274: 0a20da63 bge ra,sp,328 <fail>
278: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
27c: 00200293 li t0,2
280: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,264 <test_20+0x8>
00000284 <test_21>:
284: 01500193 li gp,21
288: 00000213 li tp,0
28c: fff00093 li ra,-1
290: 00000013 nop
294: 00000113 li sp,0
298: 0820d863 bge ra,sp,328 <fail>
29c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
2a0: 00200293 li t0,2
2a4: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,28c <test_21+0x8>
000002a8 <test_22>:
2a8: 01600193 li gp,22
2ac: 00000213 li tp,0
2b0: fff00093 li ra,-1
2b4: 00000013 nop
2b8: 00000113 li sp,0
2bc: 00000013 nop
2c0: 0620d463 bge ra,sp,328 <fail>
2c4: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
2c8: 00200293 li t0,2
2cc: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,2b0 <test_22+0x8>
000002d0 <test_23>:
2d0: 01700193 li gp,23
2d4: 00000213 li tp,0
2d8: fff00093 li ra,-1
2dc: 00000013 nop
2e0: 00000013 nop
2e4: 00000113 li sp,0
2e8: 0420d063 bge ra,sp,328 <fail>
2ec: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
2f0: 00200293 li t0,2
2f4: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,2d8 <test_23+0x8>
000002f8 <test_24>:
2f8: 00100093 li ra,1
2fc: 0000da63 bgez ra,310 <test_24+0x18>
300: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
304: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
308: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
30c: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
310: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
314: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
318: 00300e93 li t4,3
31c: 01800193 li gp,24
320: 01d09463 bne ra,t4,328 <fail>
324: 00301863 bne zero,gp,334 <pass>
00000328 <fail>:
328: 00100d13 li s10,1
32c: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000330 <loop_fail>:
330: 0000006f j 330 <loop_fail>
00000334 <pass>:
334: 00100d13 li s10,1
338: 00100d93 li s11,1
0000033c <loop_pass>:
33c: 0000006f j 33c <loop_pass>
340: 0000 unimp
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000380 <tohost>:
000003c0 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 93 01 20 00 93 00 00 00
13 01 00 00 63 D6 20 00 63 18 30 30 63 16 30 00
E3 DE 20 FE 63 12 30 30 93 01 30 00 93 00 10 00
13 01 10 00 63 D6 20 00 63 18 30 2E 63 16 30 00
E3 DE 20 FE 63 12 30 2E 93 01 40 00 93 00 F0 FF
13 01 F0 FF 63 D6 20 00 63 18 30 2C 63 16 30 00
E3 DE 20 FE 63 12 30 2C 93 01 50 00 93 00 10 00
13 01 00 00 63 D6 20 00 63 18 30 2A 63 16 30 00
E3 DE 20 FE 63 12 30 2A 93 01 60 00 93 00 10 00
13 01 F0 FF 63 D6 20 00 63 18 30 28 63 16 30 00
E3 DE 20 FE 63 12 30 28 93 01 70 00 93 00 F0 FF
13 01 E0 FF 63 D6 20 00 63 18 30 26 63 16 30 00
E3 DE 20 FE 63 12 30 26 93 01 80 00 93 00 00 00
13 01 10 00 63 D4 20 00 63 14 30 00 63 16 30 24
E3 DE 20 FE 93 01 90 00 93 00 F0 FF 13 01 10 00
63 D4 20 00 63 14 30 00 63 18 30 22 E3 DE 20 FE
93 01 A0 00 93 00 E0 FF 13 01 F0 FF 63 D4 20 00
63 14 30 00 63 1A 30 20 E3 DE 20 FE 93 01 B0 00
93 00 E0 FF 13 01 10 00 63 D4 20 00 63 14 30 00
63 1C 30 1E E3 DE 20 FE 93 01 C0 00 13 02 00 00
93 00 F0 FF 13 01 00 00 63 D0 20 1E 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 16 52 FE 93 01 D0 00 13 02 00 00
93 00 F0 FF 13 01 00 00 13 00 00 00 63 DE 20 1A
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 01 E0 00
13 02 00 00 93 00 F0 FF 13 01 00 00 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 63 DA 20 18 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 12 52 FE 93 01 F0 00 13 02 00 00 93 00 F0 FF
13 00 00 00 13 01 00 00 63 D8 20 16 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 01 00 01 13 02 00 00
93 00 F0 FF 13 00 00 00 13 01 00 00 13 00 00 00
63 D4 20 14 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE
93 01 10 01 13 02 00 00 93 00 F0 FF 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 01 00 00 63 D0 20 12 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 01 20 01 13 02 00 00
93 00 F0 FF 13 01 00 00 63 D0 20 10 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 16 52 FE 93 01 30 01 13 02 00 00
93 00 F0 FF 13 01 00 00 13 00 00 00 63 DE 20 0C
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 01 40 01
13 02 00 00 93 00 F0 FF 13 01 00 00 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 63 DA 20 0A 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 12 52 FE 93 01 50 01 13 02 00 00 93 00 F0 FF
13 00 00 00 13 01 00 00 63 D8 20 08 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 01 60 01 13 02 00 00
93 00 F0 FF 13 00 00 00 13 01 00 00 13 00 00 00
63 D4 20 06 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE
93 01 70 01 13 02 00 00 93 00 F0 FF 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 01 00 00 63 D0 20 04 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 00 10 00 63 DA 00 00
93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00
93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 0E 30 00 93 01 80 01
63 94 D0 01 63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 00 00
6F 00 00 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00 6F 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-bgeu: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 00200193 li gp,2
c: 00000093 li ra,0
10: 00000113 li sp,0
14: 0020f663 bgeu ra,sp,20 <test_2+0x18>
18: 34301263 bne zero,gp,35c <fail>
1c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,28 <test_3>
20: fe20fee3 bgeu ra,sp,1c <test_2+0x14>
24: 32301c63 bne zero,gp,35c <fail>
00000028 <test_3>:
28: 00300193 li gp,3
2c: 00100093 li ra,1
30: 00100113 li sp,1
34: 0020f663 bgeu ra,sp,40 <test_3+0x18>
38: 32301263 bne zero,gp,35c <fail>
3c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,48 <test_4>
40: fe20fee3 bgeu ra,sp,3c <test_3+0x14>
44: 30301c63 bne zero,gp,35c <fail>
00000048 <test_4>:
48: 00400193 li gp,4
4c: fff00093 li ra,-1
50: fff00113 li sp,-1
54: 0020f663 bgeu ra,sp,60 <test_4+0x18>
58: 30301263 bne zero,gp,35c <fail>
5c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,68 <test_5>
60: fe20fee3 bgeu ra,sp,5c <test_4+0x14>
64: 2e301c63 bne zero,gp,35c <fail>
00000068 <test_5>:
68: 00500193 li gp,5
6c: 00100093 li ra,1
70: 00000113 li sp,0
74: 0020f663 bgeu ra,sp,80 <test_5+0x18>
78: 2e301263 bne zero,gp,35c <fail>
7c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,88 <test_6>
80: fe20fee3 bgeu ra,sp,7c <test_5+0x14>
84: 2c301c63 bne zero,gp,35c <fail>
00000088 <test_6>:
88: 00600193 li gp,6
8c: fff00093 li ra,-1
90: ffe00113 li sp,-2
94: 0020f663 bgeu ra,sp,a0 <test_6+0x18>
98: 2c301263 bne zero,gp,35c <fail>
9c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,a8 <test_7>
a0: fe20fee3 bgeu ra,sp,9c <test_6+0x14>
a4: 2a301c63 bne zero,gp,35c <fail>
000000a8 <test_7>:
a8: 00700193 li gp,7
ac: fff00093 li ra,-1
b0: 00000113 li sp,0
b4: 0020f663 bgeu ra,sp,c0 <test_7+0x18>
b8: 2a301263 bne zero,gp,35c <fail>
bc: 00301663 bne zero,gp,c8 <test_8>
c0: fe20fee3 bgeu ra,sp,bc <test_7+0x14>
c4: 28301c63 bne zero,gp,35c <fail>
000000c8 <test_8>:
c8: 00800193 li gp,8
cc: 00000093 li ra,0
d0: 00100113 li sp,1
d4: 0020f463 bgeu ra,sp,dc <test_8+0x14>
d8: 00301463 bne zero,gp,e0 <test_8+0x18>
dc: 28301063 bne zero,gp,35c <fail>
e0: fe20fee3 bgeu ra,sp,dc <test_8+0x14>
000000e4 <test_9>:
e4: 00900193 li gp,9
e8: ffe00093 li ra,-2
ec: fff00113 li sp,-1
f0: 0020f463 bgeu ra,sp,f8 <test_9+0x14>
f4: 00301463 bne zero,gp,fc <test_9+0x18>
f8: 26301263 bne zero,gp,35c <fail>
fc: fe20fee3 bgeu ra,sp,f8 <test_9+0x14>
00000100 <test_10>:
100: 00a00193 li gp,10
104: 00000093 li ra,0
108: fff00113 li sp,-1
10c: 0020f463 bgeu ra,sp,114 <test_10+0x14>
110: 00301463 bne zero,gp,118 <test_10+0x18>
114: 24301463 bne zero,gp,35c <fail>
118: fe20fee3 bgeu ra,sp,114 <test_10+0x14>
0000011c <test_11>:
11c: 00b00193 li gp,11
120: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
124: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # 7fffffff <begin_signature+0x7fffefff>
128: 80000137 lui sp,0x80000
12c: 0020f463 bgeu ra,sp,134 <test_11+0x18>
130: 00301463 bne zero,gp,138 <test_11+0x1c>
134: 22301463 bne zero,gp,35c <fail>
138: fe20fee3 bgeu ra,sp,134 <test_11+0x18>
0000013c <test_12>:
13c: 00c00193 li gp,12
140: 00000213 li tp,0
144: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
148: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
14c: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
150: 2020f663 bgeu ra,sp,35c <fail>
154: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
158: 00200293 li t0,2
15c: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,144 <test_12+0x8>
00000160 <test_13>:
160: 00d00193 li gp,13
164: 00000213 li tp,0
168: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
16c: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
170: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
174: 00000013 nop
178: 1e20f263 bgeu ra,sp,35c <fail>
17c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
180: 00200293 li t0,2
184: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,168 <test_13+0x8>
00000188 <test_14>:
188: 00e00193 li gp,14
18c: 00000213 li tp,0
190: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
194: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
198: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
19c: 00000013 nop
1a0: 00000013 nop
1a4: 1a20fc63 bgeu ra,sp,35c <fail>
1a8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1ac: 00200293 li t0,2
1b0: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,190 <test_14+0x8>
000001b4 <test_15>:
1b4: 00f00193 li gp,15
1b8: 00000213 li tp,0
1bc: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
1c0: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
1c4: 00000013 nop
1c8: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
1cc: 1820f863 bgeu ra,sp,35c <fail>
1d0: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1d4: 00200293 li t0,2
1d8: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,1bc <test_15+0x8>
000001dc <test_16>:
1dc: 01000193 li gp,16
1e0: 00000213 li tp,0
1e4: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
1e8: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
1ec: 00000013 nop
1f0: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
1f4: 00000013 nop
1f8: 1620f263 bgeu ra,sp,35c <fail>
1fc: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
200: 00200293 li t0,2
204: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,1e4 <test_16+0x8>
00000208 <test_17>:
208: 01100193 li gp,17
20c: 00000213 li tp,0
210: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
214: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
218: 00000013 nop
21c: 00000013 nop
220: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
224: 1220fc63 bgeu ra,sp,35c <fail>
228: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
22c: 00200293 li t0,2
230: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,210 <test_17+0x8>
00000234 <test_18>:
234: 01200193 li gp,18
238: 00000213 li tp,0
23c: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
240: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
244: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
248: 1020fa63 bgeu ra,sp,35c <fail>
24c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
250: 00200293 li t0,2
254: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,23c <test_18+0x8>
00000258 <test_19>:
258: 01300193 li gp,19
25c: 00000213 li tp,0
260: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
264: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
268: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
26c: 00000013 nop
270: 0e20f663 bgeu ra,sp,35c <fail>
274: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
278: 00200293 li t0,2
27c: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,260 <test_19+0x8>
00000280 <test_20>:
280: 01400193 li gp,20
284: 00000213 li tp,0
288: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
28c: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
290: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
294: 00000013 nop
298: 00000013 nop
29c: 0c20f063 bgeu ra,sp,35c <fail>
2a0: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
2a4: 00200293 li t0,2
2a8: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,288 <test_20+0x8>
000002ac <test_21>:
2ac: 01500193 li gp,21
2b0: 00000213 li tp,0
2b4: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
2b8: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
2bc: 00000013 nop
2c0: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
2c4: 0820fc63 bgeu ra,sp,35c <fail>
2c8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
2cc: 00200293 li t0,2
2d0: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,2b4 <test_21+0x8>
000002d4 <test_22>:
2d4: 01600193 li gp,22
2d8: 00000213 li tp,0
2dc: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
2e0: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
2e4: 00000013 nop
2e8: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
2ec: 00000013 nop
2f0: 0620f663 bgeu ra,sp,35c <fail>
2f4: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
2f8: 00200293 li t0,2
2fc: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,2dc <test_22+0x8>
00000300 <test_23>:
300: 01700193 li gp,23
304: 00000213 li tp,0
308: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
30c: fff08093 addi ra,ra,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
310: 00000013 nop
314: 00000013 nop
318: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
31c: 0420f063 bgeu ra,sp,35c <fail>
320: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
324: 00200293 li t0,2
328: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,308 <test_23+0x8>
0000032c <test_24>:
32c: 00100093 li ra,1
330: 0000fa63 bgeu ra,zero,344 <test_24+0x18>
334: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
338: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
33c: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
340: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
344: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
348: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
34c: 00300e93 li t4,3
350: 01800193 li gp,24
354: 01d09463 bne ra,t4,35c <fail>
358: 00301863 bne zero,gp,368 <pass>
0000035c <fail>:
35c: 00100d13 li s10,1
360: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000364 <loop_fail>:
364: 0000006f j 364 <loop_fail>
00000368 <pass>:
368: 00100d13 li s10,1
36c: 00100d93 li s11,1
00000370 <loop_pass>:
370: 0000006f j 370 <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .tohost:
000003c0 <tohost>:
00000400 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 93 01 20 00 93 00 00 00
13 01 00 00 63 F6 20 00 63 12 30 34 63 16 30 00
E3 FE 20 FE 63 1C 30 32 93 01 30 00 93 00 10 00
13 01 10 00 63 F6 20 00 63 12 30 32 63 16 30 00
E3 FE 20 FE 63 1C 30 30 93 01 40 00 93 00 F0 FF
13 01 F0 FF 63 F6 20 00 63 12 30 30 63 16 30 00
E3 FE 20 FE 63 1C 30 2E 93 01 50 00 93 00 10 00
13 01 00 00 63 F6 20 00 63 12 30 2E 63 16 30 00
E3 FE 20 FE 63 1C 30 2C 93 01 60 00 93 00 F0 FF
13 01 E0 FF 63 F6 20 00 63 12 30 2C 63 16 30 00
E3 FE 20 FE 63 1C 30 2A 93 01 70 00 93 00 F0 FF
13 01 00 00 63 F6 20 00 63 12 30 2A 63 16 30 00
E3 FE 20 FE 63 1C 30 28 93 01 80 00 93 00 00 00
13 01 10 00 63 F4 20 00 63 14 30 00 63 10 30 28
E3 FE 20 FE 93 01 90 00 93 00 E0 FF 13 01 F0 FF
63 F4 20 00 63 14 30 00 63 12 30 26 E3 FE 20 FE
93 01 A0 00 93 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 63 F4 20 00
63 14 30 00 63 14 30 24 E3 FE 20 FE 93 01 B0 00
B7 00 00 80 93 80 F0 FF 37 01 00 80 63 F4 20 00
63 14 30 00 63 14 30 22 E3 FE 20 FE 93 01 C0 00
13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0 93 80 F0 FF 37 01 00 F0
63 F6 20 20 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE
93 01 D0 00 13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0 93 80 F0 FF
37 01 00 F0 13 00 00 00 63 F2 20 1E 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 01 E0 00 13 02 00 00
B7 00 00 F0 93 80 F0 FF 37 01 00 F0 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 63 FC 20 1A 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 10 52 FE 93 01 F0 00 13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0
93 80 F0 FF 13 00 00 00 37 01 00 F0 63 F8 20 18
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 01 00 01
13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0 93 80 F0 FF 13 00 00 00
37 01 00 F0 13 00 00 00 63 F2 20 16 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 10 52 FE 93 01 10 01 13 02 00 00
B7 00 00 F0 93 80 F0 FF 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
37 01 00 F0 63 FC 20 12 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 10 52 FE 93 01 20 01 13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0
93 80 F0 FF 37 01 00 F0 63 FA 20 10 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 01 30 01 13 02 00 00
B7 00 00 F0 93 80 F0 FF 37 01 00 F0 13 00 00 00
63 F6 20 0E 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE
93 01 40 01 13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0 93 80 F0 FF
37 01 00 F0 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 63 F0 20 0C
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 10 52 FE 93 01 50 01
13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0 93 80 F0 FF 13 00 00 00
37 01 00 F0 63 FC 20 08 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 12 52 FE 93 01 60 01 13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0
93 80 F0 FF 13 00 00 00 37 01 00 F0 13 00 00 00
63 F6 20 06 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 10 52 FE
93 01 70 01 13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0 93 80 F0 FF
13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 37 01 00 F0 63 F0 20 04
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 10 52 FE 93 00 10 00
63 FA 00 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00
93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 0E 30 00
93 01 80 01 63 94 D0 01 63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00
93 0D 00 00 6F 00 00 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00
6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-blt: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 00200193 li gp,2
c: 00000093 li ra,0
10: 00100113 li sp,1
14: 0020c663 blt ra,sp,20 <test_2+0x18>
18: 2a301863 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
1c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,28 <test_3>
20: fe20cee3 blt ra,sp,1c <test_2+0x14>
24: 2a301263 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
00000028 <test_3>:
28: 00300193 li gp,3
2c: fff00093 li ra,-1
30: 00100113 li sp,1
34: 0020c663 blt ra,sp,40 <test_3+0x18>
38: 28301863 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
3c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,48 <test_4>
40: fe20cee3 blt ra,sp,3c <test_3+0x14>
44: 28301263 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
00000048 <test_4>:
48: 00400193 li gp,4
4c: ffe00093 li ra,-2
50: fff00113 li sp,-1
54: 0020c663 blt ra,sp,60 <test_4+0x18>
58: 26301863 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
5c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,68 <test_5>
60: fe20cee3 blt ra,sp,5c <test_4+0x14>
64: 26301263 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
00000068 <test_5>:
68: 00500193 li gp,5
6c: 00100093 li ra,1
70: 00000113 li sp,0
74: 0020c463 blt ra,sp,7c <test_5+0x14>
78: 00301463 bne zero,gp,80 <test_5+0x18>
7c: 24301663 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
80: fe20cee3 blt ra,sp,7c <test_5+0x14>
00000084 <test_6>:
84: 00600193 li gp,6
88: 00100093 li ra,1
8c: fff00113 li sp,-1
90: 0020c463 blt ra,sp,98 <test_6+0x14>
94: 00301463 bne zero,gp,9c <test_6+0x18>
98: 22301863 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
9c: fe20cee3 blt ra,sp,98 <test_6+0x14>
000000a0 <test_7>:
a0: 00700193 li gp,7
a4: fff00093 li ra,-1
a8: ffe00113 li sp,-2
ac: 0020c463 blt ra,sp,b4 <test_7+0x14>
b0: 00301463 bne zero,gp,b8 <test_7+0x18>
b4: 20301a63 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
b8: fe20cee3 blt ra,sp,b4 <test_7+0x14>
000000bc <test_8>:
bc: 00800193 li gp,8
c0: 00100093 li ra,1
c4: ffe00113 li sp,-2
c8: 0020c463 blt ra,sp,d0 <test_8+0x14>
cc: 00301463 bne zero,gp,d4 <test_8+0x18>
d0: 1e301c63 bne zero,gp,2c8 <fail>
d4: fe20cee3 blt ra,sp,d0 <test_8+0x14>
000000d8 <test_9>:
d8: 00900193 li gp,9
dc: 00000213 li tp,0
e0: 00000093 li ra,0
e4: fff00113 li sp,-1
e8: 1e20c063 blt ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
ec: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
f0: 00200293 li t0,2
f4: fe5216e3 bne tp,t0,e0 <test_9+0x8>
000000f8 <test_10>:
f8: 00a00193 li gp,10
fc: 00000213 li tp,0
100: 00000093 li ra,0
104: fff00113 li sp,-1
108: 00000013 nop
10c: 1a20ce63 blt ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
110: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
114: 00200293 li t0,2
118: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,100 <test_10+0x8>
0000011c <test_11>:
11c: 00b00193 li gp,11
120: 00000213 li tp,0
124: 00000093 li ra,0
128: fff00113 li sp,-1
12c: 00000013 nop
130: 00000013 nop
134: 1820ca63 blt ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
138: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
13c: 00200293 li t0,2
140: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,124 <test_11+0x8>
00000144 <test_12>:
144: 00c00193 li gp,12
148: 00000213 li tp,0
14c: 00000093 li ra,0
150: 00000013 nop
154: fff00113 li sp,-1
158: 1620c863 blt ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
15c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
160: 00200293 li t0,2
164: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,14c <test_12+0x8>
00000168 <test_13>:
168: 00d00193 li gp,13
16c: 00000213 li tp,0
170: 00000093 li ra,0
174: 00000013 nop
178: fff00113 li sp,-1
17c: 00000013 nop
180: 1420c463 blt ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
184: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
188: 00200293 li t0,2
18c: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,170 <test_13+0x8>
00000190 <test_14>:
190: 00e00193 li gp,14
194: 00000213 li tp,0
198: 00000093 li ra,0
19c: 00000013 nop
1a0: 00000013 nop
1a4: fff00113 li sp,-1
1a8: 1220c063 blt ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
1ac: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1b0: 00200293 li t0,2
1b4: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,198 <test_14+0x8>
000001b8 <test_15>:
1b8: 00f00193 li gp,15
1bc: 00000213 li tp,0
1c0: 00000093 li ra,0
1c4: fff00113 li sp,-1
1c8: 1020c063 blt ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
1cc: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1d0: 00200293 li t0,2
1d4: fe5216e3 bne tp,t0,1c0 <test_15+0x8>
000001d8 <test_16>:
1d8: 01000193 li gp,16
1dc: 00000213 li tp,0
1e0: 00000093 li ra,0
1e4: fff00113 li sp,-1
1e8: 00000013 nop
1ec: 0c20ce63 blt ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
1f0: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1f4: 00200293 li t0,2
1f8: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,1e0 <test_16+0x8>
000001fc <test_17>:
1fc: 01100193 li gp,17
200: 00000213 li tp,0
204: 00000093 li ra,0
208: fff00113 li sp,-1
20c: 00000013 nop
210: 00000013 nop
214: 0a20ca63 blt ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
218: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
21c: 00200293 li t0,2
220: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,204 <test_17+0x8>
00000224 <test_18>:
224: 01200193 li gp,18
228: 00000213 li tp,0
22c: 00000093 li ra,0
230: 00000013 nop
234: fff00113 li sp,-1
238: 0820c863 blt ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
23c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
240: 00200293 li t0,2
244: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,22c <test_18+0x8>
00000248 <test_19>:
248: 01300193 li gp,19
24c: 00000213 li tp,0
250: 00000093 li ra,0
254: 00000013 nop
258: fff00113 li sp,-1
25c: 00000013 nop
260: 0620c463 blt ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
264: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
268: 00200293 li t0,2
26c: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,250 <test_19+0x8>
00000270 <test_20>:
270: 01400193 li gp,20
274: 00000213 li tp,0
278: 00000093 li ra,0
27c: 00000013 nop
280: 00000013 nop
284: fff00113 li sp,-1
288: 0420c063 blt ra,sp,2c8 <fail>
28c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
290: 00200293 li t0,2
294: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,278 <test_20+0x8>
00000298 <test_21>:
298: 00100093 li ra,1
29c: 00104a63 bgtz ra,2b0 <test_21+0x18>
2a0: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2a4: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2a8: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2ac: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2b0: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2b4: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2b8: 00300e93 li t4,3
2bc: 01500193 li gp,21
2c0: 01d09463 bne ra,t4,2c8 <fail>
2c4: 00301863 bne zero,gp,2d4 <pass>
000002c8 <fail>:
2c8: 00100d13 li s10,1
2cc: 00000d93 li s11,0
000002d0 <loop_fail>:
2d0: 0000006f j 2d0 <loop_fail>
000002d4 <pass>:
2d4: 00100d13 li s10,1
2d8: 00100d93 li s11,1
000002dc <loop_pass>:
2dc: 0000006f j 2dc <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000340 <tohost>:
00000380 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 93 01 20 00 93 00 00 00
13 01 10 00 63 C6 20 00 63 18 30 2A 63 16 30 00
E3 CE 20 FE 63 12 30 2A 93 01 30 00 93 00 F0 FF
13 01 10 00 63 C6 20 00 63 18 30 28 63 16 30 00
E3 CE 20 FE 63 12 30 28 93 01 40 00 93 00 E0 FF
13 01 F0 FF 63 C6 20 00 63 18 30 26 63 16 30 00
E3 CE 20 FE 63 12 30 26 93 01 50 00 93 00 10 00
13 01 00 00 63 C4 20 00 63 14 30 00 63 16 30 24
E3 CE 20 FE 93 01 60 00 93 00 10 00 13 01 F0 FF
63 C4 20 00 63 14 30 00 63 18 30 22 E3 CE 20 FE
93 01 70 00 93 00 F0 FF 13 01 E0 FF 63 C4 20 00
63 14 30 00 63 1A 30 20 E3 CE 20 FE 93 01 80 00
93 00 10 00 13 01 E0 FF 63 C4 20 00 63 14 30 00
63 1C 30 1E E3 CE 20 FE 93 01 90 00 13 02 00 00
93 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 63 C0 20 1E 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 16 52 FE 93 01 A0 00 13 02 00 00
93 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 13 00 00 00 63 CE 20 1A
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 01 B0 00
13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 63 CA 20 18 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 12 52 FE 93 01 C0 00 13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 63 C8 20 16 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 01 D0 00 13 02 00 00
93 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 13 00 00 00
63 C4 20 14 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE
93 01 E0 00 13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 63 C0 20 12 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 01 F0 00 13 02 00 00
93 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 63 C0 20 10 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 16 52 FE 93 01 00 01 13 02 00 00
93 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 13 00 00 00 63 CE 20 0C
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 01 10 01
13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 63 CA 20 0A 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 12 52 FE 93 01 20 01 13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 63 C8 20 08 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 01 30 01 13 02 00 00
93 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 13 00 00 00
63 C4 20 06 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE
93 01 40 01 13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 01 F0 FF 63 C0 20 04 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 00 10 00 63 4A 10 00
93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00
93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 0E 30 00 93 01 50 01
63 94 D0 01 63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 00 00
6F 00 00 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00 6F 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-bltu: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 00200193 li gp,2
c: 00000093 li ra,0
10: 00100113 li sp,1
14: 0020e663 bltu ra,sp,20 <test_2+0x18>
18: 2e301263 bne zero,gp,2fc <fail>
1c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,28 <test_3>
20: fe20eee3 bltu ra,sp,1c <test_2+0x14>
24: 2c301c63 bne zero,gp,2fc <fail>
00000028 <test_3>:
28: 00300193 li gp,3
2c: ffe00093 li ra,-2
30: fff00113 li sp,-1
34: 0020e663 bltu ra,sp,40 <test_3+0x18>
38: 2c301263 bne zero,gp,2fc <fail>
3c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,48 <test_4>
40: fe20eee3 bltu ra,sp,3c <test_3+0x14>
44: 2a301c63 bne zero,gp,2fc <fail>
00000048 <test_4>:
48: 00400193 li gp,4
4c: 00000093 li ra,0
50: fff00113 li sp,-1
54: 0020e663 bltu ra,sp,60 <test_4+0x18>
58: 2a301263 bne zero,gp,2fc <fail>
5c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,68 <test_5>
60: fe20eee3 bltu ra,sp,5c <test_4+0x14>
64: 28301c63 bne zero,gp,2fc <fail>
00000068 <test_5>:
68: 00500193 li gp,5
6c: 00100093 li ra,1
70: 00000113 li sp,0
74: 0020e463 bltu ra,sp,7c <test_5+0x14>
78: 00301463 bne zero,gp,80 <test_5+0x18>
7c: 28301063 bne zero,gp,2fc <fail>
80: fe20eee3 bltu ra,sp,7c <test_5+0x14>
00000084 <test_6>:
84: 00600193 li gp,6
88: fff00093 li ra,-1
8c: ffe00113 li sp,-2
90: 0020e463 bltu ra,sp,98 <test_6+0x14>
94: 00301463 bne zero,gp,9c <test_6+0x18>
98: 26301263 bne zero,gp,2fc <fail>
9c: fe20eee3 bltu ra,sp,98 <test_6+0x14>
000000a0 <test_7>:
a0: 00700193 li gp,7
a4: fff00093 li ra,-1
a8: 00000113 li sp,0
ac: 0020e463 bltu ra,sp,b4 <test_7+0x14>
b0: 00301463 bne zero,gp,b8 <test_7+0x18>
b4: 24301463 bne zero,gp,2fc <fail>
b8: fe20eee3 bltu ra,sp,b4 <test_7+0x14>
000000bc <test_8>:
bc: 00800193 li gp,8
c0: 800000b7 lui ra,0x80000
c4: 80000137 lui sp,0x80000
c8: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # 7fffffff <begin_signature+0x7fffefff>
cc: 0020e463 bltu ra,sp,d4 <test_8+0x18>
d0: 00301463 bne zero,gp,d8 <test_8+0x1c>
d4: 22301463 bne zero,gp,2fc <fail>
d8: fe20eee3 bltu ra,sp,d4 <test_8+0x18>
000000dc <test_9>:
dc: 00900193 li gp,9
e0: 00000213 li tp,0
e4: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
e8: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
ec: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
f0: 2020e663 bltu ra,sp,2fc <fail>
f4: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
f8: 00200293 li t0,2
fc: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,e4 <test_9+0x8>
00000100 <test_10>:
100: 00a00193 li gp,10
104: 00000213 li tp,0
108: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
10c: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
110: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
114: 00000013 nop
118: 1e20e263 bltu ra,sp,2fc <fail>
11c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
120: 00200293 li t0,2
124: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,108 <test_10+0x8>
00000128 <test_11>:
128: 00b00193 li gp,11
12c: 00000213 li tp,0
130: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
134: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
138: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
13c: 00000013 nop
140: 00000013 nop
144: 1a20ec63 bltu ra,sp,2fc <fail>
148: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
14c: 00200293 li t0,2
150: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,130 <test_11+0x8>
00000154 <test_12>:
154: 00c00193 li gp,12
158: 00000213 li tp,0
15c: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
160: 00000013 nop
164: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
168: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
16c: 1820e863 bltu ra,sp,2fc <fail>
170: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
174: 00200293 li t0,2
178: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,15c <test_12+0x8>
0000017c <test_13>:
17c: 00d00193 li gp,13
180: 00000213 li tp,0
184: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
188: 00000013 nop
18c: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
190: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
194: 00000013 nop
198: 1620e263 bltu ra,sp,2fc <fail>
19c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1a0: 00200293 li t0,2
1a4: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,184 <test_13+0x8>
000001a8 <test_14>:
1a8: 00e00193 li gp,14
1ac: 00000213 li tp,0
1b0: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
1b4: 00000013 nop
1b8: 00000013 nop
1bc: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
1c0: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
1c4: 1220ec63 bltu ra,sp,2fc <fail>
1c8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1cc: 00200293 li t0,2
1d0: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,1b0 <test_14+0x8>
000001d4 <test_15>:
1d4: 00f00193 li gp,15
1d8: 00000213 li tp,0
1dc: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
1e0: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
1e4: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
1e8: 1020ea63 bltu ra,sp,2fc <fail>
1ec: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1f0: 00200293 li t0,2
1f4: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,1dc <test_15+0x8>
000001f8 <test_16>:
1f8: 01000193 li gp,16
1fc: 00000213 li tp,0
200: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
204: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
208: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
20c: 00000013 nop
210: 0e20e663 bltu ra,sp,2fc <fail>
214: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
218: 00200293 li t0,2
21c: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,200 <test_16+0x8>
00000220 <test_17>:
220: 01100193 li gp,17
224: 00000213 li tp,0
228: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
22c: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
230: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
234: 00000013 nop
238: 00000013 nop
23c: 0c20e063 bltu ra,sp,2fc <fail>
240: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
244: 00200293 li t0,2
248: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,228 <test_17+0x8>
0000024c <test_18>:
24c: 01200193 li gp,18
250: 00000213 li tp,0
254: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
258: 00000013 nop
25c: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
260: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
264: 0820ec63 bltu ra,sp,2fc <fail>
268: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
26c: 00200293 li t0,2
270: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,254 <test_18+0x8>
00000274 <test_19>:
274: 01300193 li gp,19
278: 00000213 li tp,0
27c: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
280: 00000013 nop
284: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
288: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
28c: 00000013 nop
290: 0620e663 bltu ra,sp,2fc <fail>
294: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
298: 00200293 li t0,2
29c: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,27c <test_19+0x8>
000002a0 <test_20>:
2a0: 01400193 li gp,20
2a4: 00000213 li tp,0
2a8: f00000b7 lui ra,0xf0000
2ac: 00000013 nop
2b0: 00000013 nop
2b4: f0000137 lui sp,0xf0000
2b8: fff10113 addi sp,sp,-1 # efffffff <begin_signature+0xefffefff>
2bc: 0420e063 bltu ra,sp,2fc <fail>
2c0: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
2c4: 00200293 li t0,2
2c8: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,2a8 <test_20+0x8>
000002cc <test_21>:
2cc: 00100093 li ra,1
2d0: 00106a63 bltu zero,ra,2e4 <test_21+0x18>
2d4: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1 # f0000001 <begin_signature+0xeffff001>
2d8: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2dc: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2e0: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2e4: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2e8: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2ec: 00300e93 li t4,3
2f0: 01500193 li gp,21
2f4: 01d09463 bne ra,t4,2fc <fail>
2f8: 00301863 bne zero,gp,308 <pass>
000002fc <fail>:
2fc: 00100d13 li s10,1
300: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000304 <loop_fail>:
304: 0000006f j 304 <loop_fail>
00000308 <pass>:
308: 00100d13 li s10,1
30c: 00100d93 li s11,1
00000310 <loop_pass>:
310: 0000006f j 310 <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000380 <tohost>:
000003c0 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 93 01 20 00 93 00 00 00
13 01 10 00 63 E6 20 00 63 12 30 2E 63 16 30 00
E3 EE 20 FE 63 1C 30 2C 93 01 30 00 93 00 E0 FF
13 01 F0 FF 63 E6 20 00 63 12 30 2C 63 16 30 00
E3 EE 20 FE 63 1C 30 2A 93 01 40 00 93 00 00 00
13 01 F0 FF 63 E6 20 00 63 12 30 2A 63 16 30 00
E3 EE 20 FE 63 1C 30 28 93 01 50 00 93 00 10 00
13 01 00 00 63 E4 20 00 63 14 30 00 63 10 30 28
E3 EE 20 FE 93 01 60 00 93 00 F0 FF 13 01 E0 FF
63 E4 20 00 63 14 30 00 63 12 30 26 E3 EE 20 FE
93 01 70 00 93 00 F0 FF 13 01 00 00 63 E4 20 00
63 14 30 00 63 14 30 24 E3 EE 20 FE 93 01 80 00
B7 00 00 80 37 01 00 80 13 01 F1 FF 63 E4 20 00
63 14 30 00 63 14 30 22 E3 EE 20 FE 93 01 90 00
13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0 37 01 00 F0 13 01 F1 FF
63 E6 20 20 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE
93 01 A0 00 13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0 37 01 00 F0
13 01 F1 FF 13 00 00 00 63 E2 20 1E 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 01 B0 00 13 02 00 00
B7 00 00 F0 37 01 00 F0 13 01 F1 FF 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 63 EC 20 1A 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 10 52 FE 93 01 C0 00 13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0
13 00 00 00 37 01 00 F0 13 01 F1 FF 63 E8 20 18
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 01 D0 00
13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0 13 00 00 00 37 01 00 F0
13 01 F1 FF 13 00 00 00 63 E2 20 16 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 10 52 FE 93 01 E0 00 13 02 00 00
B7 00 00 F0 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 37 01 00 F0
13 01 F1 FF 63 EC 20 12 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 10 52 FE 93 01 F0 00 13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0
37 01 00 F0 13 01 F1 FF 63 EA 20 10 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 01 00 01 13 02 00 00
B7 00 00 F0 37 01 00 F0 13 01 F1 FF 13 00 00 00
63 E6 20 0E 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE
93 01 10 01 13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0 37 01 00 F0
13 01 F1 FF 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 63 E0 20 0C
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 10 52 FE 93 01 20 01
13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0 13 00 00 00 37 01 00 F0
13 01 F1 FF 63 EC 20 08 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 12 52 FE 93 01 30 01 13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0
13 00 00 00 37 01 00 F0 13 01 F1 FF 13 00 00 00
63 E6 20 06 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 10 52 FE
93 01 40 01 13 02 00 00 B7 00 00 F0 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 37 01 00 F0 13 01 F1 FF 63 E0 20 04
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 10 52 FE 93 00 10 00
63 6A 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00
93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 0E 30 00
93 01 50 01 63 94 D0 01 63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00
93 0D 00 00 6F 00 00 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00
6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-bne: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 00200193 li gp,2
c: 00000093 li ra,0
10: 00100113 li sp,1
14: 00209663 bne ra,sp,20 <test_2+0x18>
18: 2a301a63 bne zero,gp,2cc <fail>
1c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,28 <test_3>
20: fe209ee3 bne ra,sp,1c <test_2+0x14>
24: 2a301463 bne zero,gp,2cc <fail>
00000028 <test_3>:
28: 00300193 li gp,3
2c: 00100093 li ra,1
30: 00000113 li sp,0
34: 00209663 bne ra,sp,40 <test_3+0x18>
38: 28301a63 bne zero,gp,2cc <fail>
3c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,48 <test_4>
40: fe209ee3 bne ra,sp,3c <test_3+0x14>
44: 28301463 bne zero,gp,2cc <fail>
00000048 <test_4>:
48: 00400193 li gp,4
4c: fff00093 li ra,-1
50: 00100113 li sp,1
54: 00209663 bne ra,sp,60 <test_4+0x18>
58: 26301a63 bne zero,gp,2cc <fail>
5c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,68 <test_5>
60: fe209ee3 bne ra,sp,5c <test_4+0x14>
64: 26301463 bne zero,gp,2cc <fail>
00000068 <test_5>:
68: 00500193 li gp,5
6c: 00100093 li ra,1
70: fff00113 li sp,-1
74: 00209663 bne ra,sp,80 <test_5+0x18>
78: 24301a63 bne zero,gp,2cc <fail>
7c: 00301663 bne zero,gp,88 <test_6>
80: fe209ee3 bne ra,sp,7c <test_5+0x14>
84: 24301463 bne zero,gp,2cc <fail>
00000088 <test_6>:
88: 00600193 li gp,6
8c: 00000093 li ra,0
90: 00000113 li sp,0
94: 00209463 bne ra,sp,9c <test_6+0x14>
98: 00301463 bne zero,gp,a0 <test_6+0x18>
9c: 22301863 bne zero,gp,2cc <fail>
a0: fe209ee3 bne ra,sp,9c <test_6+0x14>
000000a4 <test_7>:
a4: 00700193 li gp,7
a8: 00100093 li ra,1
ac: 00100113 li sp,1
b0: 00209463 bne ra,sp,b8 <test_7+0x14>
b4: 00301463 bne zero,gp,bc <test_7+0x18>
b8: 20301a63 bne zero,gp,2cc <fail>
bc: fe209ee3 bne ra,sp,b8 <test_7+0x14>
000000c0 <test_8>:
c0: 00800193 li gp,8
c4: fff00093 li ra,-1
c8: fff00113 li sp,-1
cc: 00209463 bne ra,sp,d4 <test_8+0x14>
d0: 00301463 bne zero,gp,d8 <test_8+0x18>
d4: 1e301c63 bne zero,gp,2cc <fail>
d8: fe209ee3 bne ra,sp,d4 <test_8+0x14>
000000dc <test_9>:
dc: 00900193 li gp,9
e0: 00000213 li tp,0
e4: 00000093 li ra,0
e8: 00000113 li sp,0
ec: 1e209063 bne ra,sp,2cc <fail>
f0: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
f4: 00200293 li t0,2
f8: fe5216e3 bne tp,t0,e4 <test_9+0x8>
000000fc <test_10>:
fc: 00a00193 li gp,10
100: 00000213 li tp,0
104: 00000093 li ra,0
108: 00000113 li sp,0
10c: 00000013 nop
110: 1a209e63 bne ra,sp,2cc <fail>
114: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
118: 00200293 li t0,2
11c: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,104 <test_10+0x8>
00000120 <test_11>:
120: 00b00193 li gp,11
124: 00000213 li tp,0
128: 00000093 li ra,0
12c: 00000113 li sp,0
130: 00000013 nop
134: 00000013 nop
138: 18209a63 bne ra,sp,2cc <fail>
13c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
140: 00200293 li t0,2
144: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,128 <test_11+0x8>
00000148 <test_12>:
148: 00c00193 li gp,12
14c: 00000213 li tp,0
150: 00000093 li ra,0
154: 00000013 nop
158: 00000113 li sp,0
15c: 16209863 bne ra,sp,2cc <fail>
160: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
164: 00200293 li t0,2
168: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,150 <test_12+0x8>
0000016c <test_13>:
16c: 00d00193 li gp,13
170: 00000213 li tp,0
174: 00000093 li ra,0
178: 00000013 nop
17c: 00000113 li sp,0
180: 00000013 nop
184: 14209463 bne ra,sp,2cc <fail>
188: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
18c: 00200293 li t0,2
190: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,174 <test_13+0x8>
00000194 <test_14>:
194: 00e00193 li gp,14
198: 00000213 li tp,0
19c: 00000093 li ra,0
1a0: 00000013 nop
1a4: 00000013 nop
1a8: 00000113 li sp,0
1ac: 12209063 bne ra,sp,2cc <fail>
1b0: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1b4: 00200293 li t0,2
1b8: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,19c <test_14+0x8>
000001bc <test_15>:
1bc: 00f00193 li gp,15
1c0: 00000213 li tp,0
1c4: 00000093 li ra,0
1c8: 00000113 li sp,0
1cc: 10209063 bne ra,sp,2cc <fail>
1d0: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1d4: 00200293 li t0,2
1d8: fe5216e3 bne tp,t0,1c4 <test_15+0x8>
000001dc <test_16>:
1dc: 01000193 li gp,16
1e0: 00000213 li tp,0
1e4: 00000093 li ra,0
1e8: 00000113 li sp,0
1ec: 00000013 nop
1f0: 0c209e63 bne ra,sp,2cc <fail>
1f4: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1f8: 00200293 li t0,2
1fc: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,1e4 <test_16+0x8>
00000200 <test_17>:
200: 01100193 li gp,17
204: 00000213 li tp,0
208: 00000093 li ra,0
20c: 00000113 li sp,0
210: 00000013 nop
214: 00000013 nop
218: 0a209a63 bne ra,sp,2cc <fail>
21c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
220: 00200293 li t0,2
224: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,208 <test_17+0x8>
00000228 <test_18>:
228: 01200193 li gp,18
22c: 00000213 li tp,0
230: 00000093 li ra,0
234: 00000013 nop
238: 00000113 li sp,0
23c: 08209863 bne ra,sp,2cc <fail>
240: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
244: 00200293 li t0,2
248: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,230 <test_18+0x8>
0000024c <test_19>:
24c: 01300193 li gp,19
250: 00000213 li tp,0
254: 00000093 li ra,0
258: 00000013 nop
25c: 00000113 li sp,0
260: 00000013 nop
264: 06209463 bne ra,sp,2cc <fail>
268: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
26c: 00200293 li t0,2
270: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,254 <test_19+0x8>
00000274 <test_20>:
274: 01400193 li gp,20
278: 00000213 li tp,0
27c: 00000093 li ra,0
280: 00000013 nop
284: 00000013 nop
288: 00000113 li sp,0
28c: 04209063 bne ra,sp,2cc <fail>
290: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
294: 00200293 li t0,2
298: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,27c <test_20+0x8>
0000029c <test_21>:
29c: 00100093 li ra,1
2a0: 00009a63 bnez ra,2b4 <test_21+0x18>
2a4: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2a8: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2ac: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2b0: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2b4: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2b8: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
2bc: 00300e93 li t4,3
2c0: 01500193 li gp,21
2c4: 01d09463 bne ra,t4,2cc <fail>
2c8: 00301863 bne zero,gp,2d8 <pass>
000002cc <fail>:
2cc: 00100d13 li s10,1
2d0: 00000d93 li s11,0
000002d4 <loop_fail>:
2d4: 0000006f j 2d4 <loop_fail>
000002d8 <pass>:
2d8: 00100d13 li s10,1
2dc: 00100d93 li s11,1
000002e0 <loop_pass>:
2e0: 0000006f j 2e0 <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000340 <tohost>:
00000380 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 93 01 20 00 93 00 00 00
13 01 10 00 63 96 20 00 63 1A 30 2A 63 16 30 00
E3 9E 20 FE 63 14 30 2A 93 01 30 00 93 00 10 00
13 01 00 00 63 96 20 00 63 1A 30 28 63 16 30 00
E3 9E 20 FE 63 14 30 28 93 01 40 00 93 00 F0 FF
13 01 10 00 63 96 20 00 63 1A 30 26 63 16 30 00
E3 9E 20 FE 63 14 30 26 93 01 50 00 93 00 10 00
13 01 F0 FF 63 96 20 00 63 1A 30 24 63 16 30 00
E3 9E 20 FE 63 14 30 24 93 01 60 00 93 00 00 00
13 01 00 00 63 94 20 00 63 14 30 00 63 18 30 22
E3 9E 20 FE 93 01 70 00 93 00 10 00 13 01 10 00
63 94 20 00 63 14 30 00 63 1A 30 20 E3 9E 20 FE
93 01 80 00 93 00 F0 FF 13 01 F0 FF 63 94 20 00
63 14 30 00 63 1C 30 1E E3 9E 20 FE 93 01 90 00
13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 01 00 00 63 90 20 1E
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 16 52 FE 93 01 A0 00
13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 01 00 00 13 00 00 00
63 9E 20 1A 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE
93 01 B0 00 13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 01 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 63 9A 20 18 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 01 C0 00 13 02 00 00
93 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 01 00 00 63 98 20 16
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 01 D0 00
13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 01 00 00
13 00 00 00 63 94 20 14 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 12 52 FE 93 01 E0 00 13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 01 00 00 63 90 20 12
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 01 F0 00
13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 01 00 00 63 90 20 10
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 16 52 FE 93 01 00 01
13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 01 00 00 13 00 00 00
63 9E 20 0C 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE
93 01 10 01 13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 01 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 63 9A 20 0A 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 01 20 01 13 02 00 00
93 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 01 00 00 63 98 20 08
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE 93 01 30 01
13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 01 00 00
13 00 00 00 63 94 20 06 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 12 52 FE 93 01 40 01 13 02 00 00 93 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 01 00 00 63 90 20 04
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 00 10 00
63 9A 00 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00
93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 0E 30 00
93 01 50 01 63 94 D0 01 63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00
93 0D 00 00 6F 00 00 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00
6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-fence_i: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
8: 06f00693 li a3,111
c: 00001517 auipc a0,0x1
10: ff451503 lh a0,-12(a0) # 1000 <begin_signature>
14: 00001597 auipc a1,0x1
18: fee59583 lh a1,-18(a1) # 1002 <begin_signature+0x2>
1c: 00000013 nop
20: 00000013 nop
24: 00000013 nop
28: 00000013 nop
2c: 00000013 nop
30: 00000013 nop
34: 00000013 nop
38: 00000013 nop
3c: 00000013 nop
40: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0
44: 00a29a23 sh a0,20(t0) # 54 <_start+0x54>
48: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0
4c: 00b29723 sh a1,14(t0) # 56 <_start+0x56>
50: 0000100f fence.i
54: 0de68693 addi a3,a3,222
00000058 <test_2>:
58: 00000013 nop
5c: 1bc00e93 li t4,444
60: 00200193 li gp,2
64: 07d69a63 bne a3,t4,d8 <fail>
68: 06400713 li a4,100
6c: fff70713 addi a4,a4,-1
70: fe071ee3 bnez a4,6c <test_2+0x14>
74: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0
78: 04a29623 sh a0,76(t0) # c0 <test_2+0x68>
7c: 00000297 auipc t0,0x0
80: 04b29323 sh a1,70(t0) # c2 <test_2+0x6a>
84: 0000100f fence.i
88: 00000013 nop
8c: 00000013 nop
90: 00000013 nop
94: 00000013 nop
98: 00000013 nop
9c: 00000013 nop
a0: 00000013 nop
a4: 00000013 nop
a8: 00000013 nop
ac: 00000013 nop
b0: 00000013 nop
b4: 00000013 nop
b8: 00000013 nop
bc: 00000013 nop
c0: 22b68693 addi a3,a3,555
000000c4 <test_3>:
c4: 00000013 nop
c8: 30900e93 li t4,777
cc: 00300193 li gp,3
d0: 01d69463 bne a3,t4,d8 <fail>
d4: 00301863 bne zero,gp,e4 <pass>
000000d8 <fail>:
d8: 00100d13 li s10,1
dc: 00000d93 li s11,0
000000e0 <loop_fail>:
e0: 0000006f j e0 <loop_fail>
000000e4 <pass>:
e4: 00100d13 li s10,1
e8: 00100d93 li s11,1
000000ec <loop_pass>:
ec: 0000006f j ec <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .data:
00001000 <begin_signature>:
1000: 14d68693 addi a3,a3,333
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00001040 <tohost>:
00001080 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 93 06 F0 06 17 15 00 00
03 15 45 FF 97 15 00 00 83 95 E5 FE 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
97 02 00 00 23 9A A2 00 97 02 00 00 23 97 B2 00
0F 10 00 00 93 86 E6 0D 13 00 00 00 93 0E C0 1B
93 01 20 00 63 9A D6 07 13 07 40 06 13 07 F7 FF
E3 1E 07 FE 97 02 00 00 23 96 A2 04 97 02 00 00
23 93 B2 04 0F 10 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
93 86 B6 22 13 00 00 00 93 0E 90 30 93 01 30 00
63 94 D6 01 63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 00 00
6F 00 00 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00 6F 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
93 86 D6 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-jal: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 00200193 li gp,2
c: 00000093 li ra,0
10: 0100026f jal tp,20 <target_2>
00000014 <linkaddr_2>:
14: 00000013 nop
18: 00000013 nop
1c: 0400006f j 5c <fail>
00000020 <target_2>:
20: 00000117 auipc sp,0x0
24: ff410113 addi sp,sp,-12 # 14 <linkaddr_2>
28: 02411a63 bne sp,tp,5c <fail>
0000002c <test_3>:
2c: 00100093 li ra,1
30: 0140006f j 44 <test_3+0x18>
34: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
38: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
3c: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
40: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
44: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
48: 00108093 addi ra,ra,1
4c: 00300e93 li t4,3
50: 00300193 li gp,3
54: 01d09463 bne ra,t4,5c <fail>
58: 00301863 bne zero,gp,68 <pass>
0000005c <fail>:
5c: 00100d13 li s10,1
60: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000064 <loop_fail>:
64: 0000006f j 64 <loop_fail>
00000068 <pass>:
68: 00100d13 li s10,1
6c: 00100d93 li s11,1
00000070 <loop_pass>:
70: 0000006f j 70 <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .tohost:
000000c0 <tohost>:
00000100 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 93 01 20 00 93 00 00 00
6F 02 00 01 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 6F 00 00 04
17 01 00 00 13 01 41 FF 63 1A 41 02 93 00 10 00
6F 00 40 01 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00
93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 80 10 00 93 0E 30 00
93 01 30 00 63 94 D0 01 63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00
93 0D 00 00 6F 00 00 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00
6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-jalr: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 00200193 li gp,2
c: 00000293 li t0,0
10: 00000317 auipc t1,0x0
14: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 20 <target_2>
18: 000302e7 jalr t0,t1
0000001c <linkaddr_2>:
1c: 0c00006f j dc <fail>
00000020 <target_2>:
20: 00000317 auipc t1,0x0
24: ffc30313 addi t1,t1,-4 # 1c <linkaddr_2>
28: 0a629a63 bne t0,t1,dc <fail>
0000002c <test_4>:
2c: 00400193 li gp,4
30: 00000213 li tp,0
34: 00000317 auipc t1,0x0
38: 01030313 addi t1,t1,16 # 44 <test_4+0x18>
3c: 000309e7 jalr s3,t1
40: 08301e63 bne zero,gp,dc <fail>
44: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
48: 00200293 li t0,2
4c: fe5214e3 bne tp,t0,34 <test_4+0x8>
00000050 <test_5>:
50: 00500193 li gp,5
54: 00000213 li tp,0
58: 00000317 auipc t1,0x0
5c: 01430313 addi t1,t1,20 # 6c <test_5+0x1c>
60: 00000013 nop
64: 000309e7 jalr s3,t1
68: 06301a63 bne zero,gp,dc <fail>
6c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
70: 00200293 li t0,2
74: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,58 <test_5+0x8>
00000078 <test_6>:
78: 00600193 li gp,6
7c: 00000213 li tp,0
80: 00000317 auipc t1,0x0
84: 01830313 addi t1,t1,24 # 98 <test_6+0x20>
88: 00000013 nop
8c: 00000013 nop
90: 000309e7 jalr s3,t1
94: 04301463 bne zero,gp,dc <fail>
98: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
9c: 00200293 li t0,2
a0: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,80 <test_6+0x8>
000000a4 <test_7>:
a4: 00100293 li t0,1
a8: 00000317 auipc t1,0x0
ac: 01c30313 addi t1,t1,28 # c4 <test_7+0x20>
b0: ffc30067 jr -4(t1)
b4: 00128293 addi t0,t0,1
b8: 00128293 addi t0,t0,1
bc: 00128293 addi t0,t0,1
c0: 00128293 addi t0,t0,1
c4: 00128293 addi t0,t0,1
c8: 00128293 addi t0,t0,1
cc: 00400e93 li t4,4
d0: 00700193 li gp,7
d4: 01d29463 bne t0,t4,dc <fail>
d8: 00301863 bne zero,gp,e8 <pass>
000000dc <fail>:
dc: 00100d13 li s10,1
e0: 00000d93 li s11,0
000000e4 <loop_fail>:
e4: 0000006f j e4 <loop_fail>
000000e8 <pass>:
e8: 00100d13 li s10,1
ec: 00100d93 li s11,1
000000f0 <loop_pass>:
f0: 0000006f j f0 <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00000140 <tohost>:
00000180 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 93 01 20 00 93 02 00 00
17 03 00 00 13 03 03 01 E7 02 03 00 6F 00 00 0C
17 03 00 00 13 03 C3 FF 63 9A 62 0A 93 01 40 00
13 02 00 00 17 03 00 00 13 03 03 01 E7 09 03 00
63 1E 30 08 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 14 52 FE
93 01 50 00 13 02 00 00 17 03 00 00 13 03 43 01
13 00 00 00 E7 09 03 00 63 1A 30 06 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 01 60 00 13 02 00 00
17 03 00 00 13 03 83 01 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
E7 09 03 00 63 14 30 04 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 10 52 FE 93 02 10 00 17 03 00 00 13 03 C3 01
67 00 C3 FF 93 82 12 00 93 82 12 00 93 82 12 00
93 82 12 00 93 82 12 00 93 82 12 00 93 0E 40 00
93 01 70 00 63 94 D2 01 63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00
93 0D 00 00 6F 00 00 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00
6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-lb: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
c: ff808093 addi ra,ra,-8 # 1000 <begin_signature>
10: 00008f03 lb t5,0(ra)
14: fff00e93 li t4,-1
18: 00200193 li gp,2
1c: 23df1c63 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
00000020 <test_3>:
20: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
24: fe008093 addi ra,ra,-32 # 1000 <begin_signature>
28: 00108f03 lb t5,1(ra)
2c: 00000e93 li t4,0
30: 00300193 li gp,3
34: 23df1063 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
00000038 <test_4>:
38: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
3c: fc808093 addi ra,ra,-56 # 1000 <begin_signature>
40: 00208f03 lb t5,2(ra)
44: ff000e93 li t4,-16
48: 00400193 li gp,4
4c: 21df1463 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
00000050 <test_5>:
50: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
54: fb008093 addi ra,ra,-80 # 1000 <begin_signature>
58: 00308f03 lb t5,3(ra)
5c: 00f00e93 li t4,15
60: 00500193 li gp,5
64: 1fdf1863 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
00000068 <test_6>:
68: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
6c: f9b08093 addi ra,ra,-101 # 1003 <tdat4>
70: ffd08f03 lb t5,-3(ra)
74: fff00e93 li t4,-1
78: 00600193 li gp,6
7c: 1ddf1c63 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
00000080 <test_7>:
80: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
84: f8308093 addi ra,ra,-125 # 1003 <tdat4>
88: ffe08f03 lb t5,-2(ra)
8c: 00000e93 li t4,0
90: 00700193 li gp,7
94: 1ddf1063 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
00000098 <test_8>:
98: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
9c: f6b08093 addi ra,ra,-149 # 1003 <tdat4>
a0: fff08f03 lb t5,-1(ra)
a4: ff000e93 li t4,-16
a8: 00800193 li gp,8
ac: 1bdf1463 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
000000b0 <test_9>:
b0: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
b4: f5308093 addi ra,ra,-173 # 1003 <tdat4>
b8: 00008f03 lb t5,0(ra)
bc: 00f00e93 li t4,15
c0: 00900193 li gp,9
c4: 19df1863 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
000000c8 <test_10>:
c8: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
cc: f3808093 addi ra,ra,-200 # 1000 <begin_signature>
d0: fe008093 addi ra,ra,-32
d4: 02008283 lb t0,32(ra)
d8: fff00e93 li t4,-1
dc: 00a00193 li gp,10
e0: 17d29a63 bne t0,t4,254 <fail>
000000e4 <test_11>:
e4: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
e8: f1c08093 addi ra,ra,-228 # 1000 <begin_signature>
ec: ffa08093 addi ra,ra,-6
f0: 00708283 lb t0,7(ra)
f4: 00000e93 li t4,0
f8: 00b00193 li gp,11
fc: 15d29c63 bne t0,t4,254 <fail>
00000100 <test_12>:
100: 00c00193 li gp,12
104: 00000213 li tp,0
108: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
10c: ef908093 addi ra,ra,-263 # 1001 <tdat2>
110: 00108f03 lb t5,1(ra)
114: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
118: ff000e93 li t4,-16
11c: 13d31c63 bne t1,t4,254 <fail>
120: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
124: 00200293 li t0,2
128: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,108 <test_12+0x8>
0000012c <test_13>:
12c: 00d00193 li gp,13
130: 00000213 li tp,0
134: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
138: ece08093 addi ra,ra,-306 # 1002 <tdat3>
13c: 00108f03 lb t5,1(ra)
140: 00000013 nop
144: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
148: 00f00e93 li t4,15
14c: 11d31463 bne t1,t4,254 <fail>
150: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
154: 00200293 li t0,2
158: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,134 <test_13+0x8>
0000015c <test_14>:
15c: 00e00193 li gp,14
160: 00000213 li tp,0
164: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
168: e9c08093 addi ra,ra,-356 # 1000 <begin_signature>
16c: 00108f03 lb t5,1(ra)
170: 00000013 nop
174: 00000013 nop
178: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
17c: 00000e93 li t4,0
180: 0dd31a63 bne t1,t4,254 <fail>
184: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
188: 00200293 li t0,2
18c: fc521ce3 bne tp,t0,164 <test_14+0x8>
00000190 <test_15>:
190: 00f00193 li gp,15
194: 00000213 li tp,0
198: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
19c: e6908093 addi ra,ra,-407 # 1001 <tdat2>
1a0: 00108f03 lb t5,1(ra)
1a4: ff000e93 li t4,-16
1a8: 0bdf1663 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
1ac: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1b0: 00200293 li t0,2
1b4: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,198 <test_15+0x8>
000001b8 <test_16>:
1b8: 01000193 li gp,16
1bc: 00000213 li tp,0
1c0: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
1c4: e4208093 addi ra,ra,-446 # 1002 <tdat3>
1c8: 00000013 nop
1cc: 00108f03 lb t5,1(ra)
1d0: 00f00e93 li t4,15
1d4: 09df1063 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
1d8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1dc: 00200293 li t0,2
1e0: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,1c0 <test_16+0x8>
000001e4 <test_17>:
1e4: 01100193 li gp,17
1e8: 00000213 li tp,0
1ec: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
1f0: e1408093 addi ra,ra,-492 # 1000 <begin_signature>
1f4: 00000013 nop
1f8: 00000013 nop
1fc: 00108f03 lb t5,1(ra)
200: 00000e93 li t4,0
204: 05df1863 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
208: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
20c: 00200293 li t0,2
210: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,1ec <test_17+0x8>
00000214 <test_18>:
214: 00001297 auipc t0,0x1
218: dec28293 addi t0,t0,-532 # 1000 <begin_signature>
21c: 00028103 lb sp,0(t0)
220: 00200113 li sp,2
224: 00200e93 li t4,2
228: 01200193 li gp,18
22c: 03d11463 bne sp,t4,254 <fail>
00000230 <test_19>:
230: 00001297 auipc t0,0x1
234: dd028293 addi t0,t0,-560 # 1000 <begin_signature>
238: 00028103 lb sp,0(t0)
23c: 00000013 nop
240: 00200113 li sp,2
244: 00200e93 li t4,2
248: 01300193 li gp,19
24c: 01d11463 bne sp,t4,254 <fail>
250: 00301863 bne zero,gp,260 <pass>
00000254 <fail>:
254: 00100d13 li s10,1
258: 00000d93 li s11,0
0000025c <loop_fail>:
25c: 0000006f j 25c <loop_fail>
00000260 <pass>:
260: 00100d13 li s10,1
264: 00100d93 li s11,1
00000268 <loop_pass>:
268: 0000006f j 268 <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .data:
00001000 <begin_signature>:
1000: 0xff
00001001 <tdat2>:
00001002 <tdat3>:
1002: addi a2,sp,988
00001003 <tdat4>:
1003: 0000000f fence unknown,unknown
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00001040 <tohost>:
00001080 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 80 FF
03 8F 00 00 93 0E F0 FF 93 01 20 00 63 1C DF 23
97 10 00 00 93 80 00 FE 03 8F 10 00 93 0E 00 00
93 01 30 00 63 10 DF 23 97 10 00 00 93 80 80 FC
03 8F 20 00 93 0E 00 FF 93 01 40 00 63 14 DF 21
97 10 00 00 93 80 00 FB 03 8F 30 00 93 0E F0 00
93 01 50 00 63 18 DF 1F 97 10 00 00 93 80 B0 F9
03 8F D0 FF 93 0E F0 FF 93 01 60 00 63 1C DF 1D
97 10 00 00 93 80 30 F8 03 8F E0 FF 93 0E 00 00
93 01 70 00 63 10 DF 1D 97 10 00 00 93 80 B0 F6
03 8F F0 FF 93 0E 00 FF 93 01 80 00 63 14 DF 1B
97 10 00 00 93 80 30 F5 03 8F 00 00 93 0E F0 00
93 01 90 00 63 18 DF 19 97 10 00 00 93 80 80 F3
93 80 00 FE 83 82 00 02 93 0E F0 FF 93 01 A0 00
63 9A D2 17 97 10 00 00 93 80 C0 F1 93 80 A0 FF
83 82 70 00 93 0E 00 00 93 01 B0 00 63 9C D2 15
93 01 C0 00 13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 90 EF
03 8F 10 00 13 03 0F 00 93 0E 00 FF 63 1C D3 13
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 10 52 FE 93 01 D0 00
13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 E0 EC 03 8F 10 00
13 00 00 00 13 03 0F 00 93 0E F0 00 63 14 D3 11
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 1E 52 FC 93 01 E0 00
13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 C0 E9 03 8F 10 00
13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 03 0F 00 93 0E 00 00
63 1A D3 0D 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 1C 52 FC
93 01 F0 00 13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 90 E6
03 8F 10 00 93 0E 00 FF 63 16 DF 0B 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 01 00 01 13 02 00 00
97 10 00 00 93 80 20 E4 13 00 00 00 03 8F 10 00
93 0E F0 00 63 10 DF 09 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 10 52 FE 93 01 10 01 13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00
93 80 40 E1 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 03 8F 10 00
93 0E 00 00 63 18 DF 05 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 1E 52 FC 97 12 00 00 93 82 C2 DE 03 81 02 00
13 01 20 00 93 0E 20 00 93 01 20 01 63 14 D1 03
97 12 00 00 93 82 02 DD 03 81 02 00 13 00 00 00
13 01 20 00 93 0E 20 00 93 01 30 01 63 14 D1 01
63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 00 00 6F 00 00 00
13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00 6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
FF 00 F0 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-lbu: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
c: ff808093 addi ra,ra,-8 # 1000 <begin_signature>
10: 0000cf03 lbu t5,0(ra)
14: 0ff00e93 li t4,255
18: 00200193 li gp,2
1c: 23df1c63 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
00000020 <test_3>:
20: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
24: fe008093 addi ra,ra,-32 # 1000 <begin_signature>
28: 0010cf03 lbu t5,1(ra)
2c: 00000e93 li t4,0
30: 00300193 li gp,3
34: 23df1063 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
00000038 <test_4>:
38: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
3c: fc808093 addi ra,ra,-56 # 1000 <begin_signature>
40: 0020cf03 lbu t5,2(ra)
44: 0f000e93 li t4,240
48: 00400193 li gp,4
4c: 21df1463 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
00000050 <test_5>:
50: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
54: fb008093 addi ra,ra,-80 # 1000 <begin_signature>
58: 0030cf03 lbu t5,3(ra)
5c: 00f00e93 li t4,15
60: 00500193 li gp,5
64: 1fdf1863 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
00000068 <test_6>:
68: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
6c: f9b08093 addi ra,ra,-101 # 1003 <tdat4>
70: ffd0cf03 lbu t5,-3(ra)
74: 0ff00e93 li t4,255
78: 00600193 li gp,6
7c: 1ddf1c63 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
00000080 <test_7>:
80: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
84: f8308093 addi ra,ra,-125 # 1003 <tdat4>
88: ffe0cf03 lbu t5,-2(ra)
8c: 00000e93 li t4,0
90: 00700193 li gp,7
94: 1ddf1063 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
00000098 <test_8>:
98: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
9c: f6b08093 addi ra,ra,-149 # 1003 <tdat4>
a0: fff0cf03 lbu t5,-1(ra)
a4: 0f000e93 li t4,240
a8: 00800193 li gp,8
ac: 1bdf1463 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
000000b0 <test_9>:
b0: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
b4: f5308093 addi ra,ra,-173 # 1003 <tdat4>
b8: 0000cf03 lbu t5,0(ra)
bc: 00f00e93 li t4,15
c0: 00900193 li gp,9
c4: 19df1863 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
000000c8 <test_10>:
c8: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
cc: f3808093 addi ra,ra,-200 # 1000 <begin_signature>
d0: fe008093 addi ra,ra,-32
d4: 0200c283 lbu t0,32(ra)
d8: 0ff00e93 li t4,255
dc: 00a00193 li gp,10
e0: 17d29a63 bne t0,t4,254 <fail>
000000e4 <test_11>:
e4: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
e8: f1c08093 addi ra,ra,-228 # 1000 <begin_signature>
ec: ffa08093 addi ra,ra,-6
f0: 0070c283 lbu t0,7(ra)
f4: 00000e93 li t4,0
f8: 00b00193 li gp,11
fc: 15d29c63 bne t0,t4,254 <fail>
00000100 <test_12>:
100: 00c00193 li gp,12
104: 00000213 li tp,0
108: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
10c: ef908093 addi ra,ra,-263 # 1001 <tdat2>
110: 0010cf03 lbu t5,1(ra)
114: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
118: 0f000e93 li t4,240
11c: 13d31c63 bne t1,t4,254 <fail>
120: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
124: 00200293 li t0,2
128: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,108 <test_12+0x8>
0000012c <test_13>:
12c: 00d00193 li gp,13
130: 00000213 li tp,0
134: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
138: ece08093 addi ra,ra,-306 # 1002 <tdat3>
13c: 0010cf03 lbu t5,1(ra)
140: 00000013 nop
144: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
148: 00f00e93 li t4,15
14c: 11d31463 bne t1,t4,254 <fail>
150: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
154: 00200293 li t0,2
158: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,134 <test_13+0x8>
0000015c <test_14>:
15c: 00e00193 li gp,14
160: 00000213 li tp,0
164: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
168: e9c08093 addi ra,ra,-356 # 1000 <begin_signature>
16c: 0010cf03 lbu t5,1(ra)
170: 00000013 nop
174: 00000013 nop
178: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
17c: 00000e93 li t4,0
180: 0dd31a63 bne t1,t4,254 <fail>
184: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
188: 00200293 li t0,2
18c: fc521ce3 bne tp,t0,164 <test_14+0x8>
00000190 <test_15>:
190: 00f00193 li gp,15
194: 00000213 li tp,0
198: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
19c: e6908093 addi ra,ra,-407 # 1001 <tdat2>
1a0: 0010cf03 lbu t5,1(ra)
1a4: 0f000e93 li t4,240
1a8: 0bdf1663 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
1ac: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1b0: 00200293 li t0,2
1b4: fe5212e3 bne tp,t0,198 <test_15+0x8>
000001b8 <test_16>:
1b8: 01000193 li gp,16
1bc: 00000213 li tp,0
1c0: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
1c4: e4208093 addi ra,ra,-446 # 1002 <tdat3>
1c8: 00000013 nop
1cc: 0010cf03 lbu t5,1(ra)
1d0: 00f00e93 li t4,15
1d4: 09df1063 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
1d8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1dc: 00200293 li t0,2
1e0: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,1c0 <test_16+0x8>
000001e4 <test_17>:
1e4: 01100193 li gp,17
1e8: 00000213 li tp,0
1ec: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
1f0: e1408093 addi ra,ra,-492 # 1000 <begin_signature>
1f4: 00000013 nop
1f8: 00000013 nop
1fc: 0010cf03 lbu t5,1(ra)
200: 00000e93 li t4,0
204: 05df1863 bne t5,t4,254 <fail>
208: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
20c: 00200293 li t0,2
210: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,1ec <test_17+0x8>
00000214 <test_18>:
214: 00001297 auipc t0,0x1
218: dec28293 addi t0,t0,-532 # 1000 <begin_signature>
21c: 0002c103 lbu sp,0(t0)
220: 00200113 li sp,2
224: 00200e93 li t4,2
228: 01200193 li gp,18
22c: 03d11463 bne sp,t4,254 <fail>
00000230 <test_19>:
230: 00001297 auipc t0,0x1
234: dd028293 addi t0,t0,-560 # 1000 <begin_signature>
238: 0002c103 lbu sp,0(t0)
23c: 00000013 nop
240: 00200113 li sp,2
244: 00200e93 li t4,2
248: 01300193 li gp,19
24c: 01d11463 bne sp,t4,254 <fail>
250: 00301863 bne zero,gp,260 <pass>
00000254 <fail>:
254: 00100d13 li s10,1
258: 00000d93 li s11,0
0000025c <loop_fail>:
25c: 0000006f j 25c <loop_fail>
00000260 <pass>:
260: 00100d13 li s10,1
264: 00100d93 li s11,1
00000268 <loop_pass>:
268: 0000006f j 268 <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .data:
00001000 <begin_signature>:
1000: 0xff
00001001 <tdat2>:
00001002 <tdat3>:
1002: addi a2,sp,988
00001003 <tdat4>:
1003: 0000000f fence unknown,unknown
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00001040 <tohost>:
00001080 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 80 FF
03 CF 00 00 93 0E F0 0F 93 01 20 00 63 1C DF 23
97 10 00 00 93 80 00 FE 03 CF 10 00 93 0E 00 00
93 01 30 00 63 10 DF 23 97 10 00 00 93 80 80 FC
03 CF 20 00 93 0E 00 0F 93 01 40 00 63 14 DF 21
97 10 00 00 93 80 00 FB 03 CF 30 00 93 0E F0 00
93 01 50 00 63 18 DF 1F 97 10 00 00 93 80 B0 F9
03 CF D0 FF 93 0E F0 0F 93 01 60 00 63 1C DF 1D
97 10 00 00 93 80 30 F8 03 CF E0 FF 93 0E 00 00
93 01 70 00 63 10 DF 1D 97 10 00 00 93 80 B0 F6
03 CF F0 FF 93 0E 00 0F 93 01 80 00 63 14 DF 1B
97 10 00 00 93 80 30 F5 03 CF 00 00 93 0E F0 00
93 01 90 00 63 18 DF 19 97 10 00 00 93 80 80 F3
93 80 00 FE 83 C2 00 02 93 0E F0 0F 93 01 A0 00
63 9A D2 17 97 10 00 00 93 80 C0 F1 93 80 A0 FF
83 C2 70 00 93 0E 00 00 93 01 B0 00 63 9C D2 15
93 01 C0 00 13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 90 EF
03 CF 10 00 13 03 0F 00 93 0E 00 0F 63 1C D3 13
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 10 52 FE 93 01 D0 00
13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 E0 EC 03 CF 10 00
13 00 00 00 13 03 0F 00 93 0E F0 00 63 14 D3 11
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 1E 52 FC 93 01 E0 00
13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 C0 E9 03 CF 10 00
13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 03 0F 00 93 0E 00 00
63 1A D3 0D 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 1C 52 FC
93 01 F0 00 13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 90 E6
03 CF 10 00 93 0E 00 0F 63 16 DF 0B 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 12 52 FE 93 01 00 01 13 02 00 00
97 10 00 00 93 80 20 E4 13 00 00 00 03 CF 10 00
93 0E F0 00 63 10 DF 09 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 10 52 FE 93 01 10 01 13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00
93 80 40 E1 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 03 CF 10 00
93 0E 00 00 63 18 DF 05 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 1E 52 FC 97 12 00 00 93 82 C2 DE 03 C1 02 00
13 01 20 00 93 0E 20 00 93 01 20 01 63 14 D1 03
97 12 00 00 93 82 02 DD 03 C1 02 00 13 00 00 00
13 01 20 00 93 0E 20 00 93 01 30 01 63 14 D1 01
63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 00 00 6F 00 00 00
13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00 6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
FF 00 F0 0F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-lh: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
c: ff808093 addi ra,ra,-8 # 1000 <begin_signature>
10: 00009f03 lh t5,0(ra)
14: 0ff00e93 li t4,255
18: 00200193 li gp,2
1c: 25df1c63 bne t5,t4,274 <fail>
00000020 <test_3>:
20: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
24: fe008093 addi ra,ra,-32 # 1000 <begin_signature>
28: 00209f03 lh t5,2(ra)
2c: f0000e93 li t4,-256
30: 00300193 li gp,3
34: 25df1063 bne t5,t4,274 <fail>
00000038 <test_4>:
38: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
3c: fc808093 addi ra,ra,-56 # 1000 <begin_signature>
40: 00409f03 lh t5,4(ra)
44: 00001eb7 lui t4,0x1
48: ff0e8e93 addi t4,t4,-16 # ff0 <loop_pass+0xd68>
4c: 00400193 li gp,4
50: 23df1263 bne t5,t4,274 <fail>
00000054 <test_5>:
54: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
58: fac08093 addi ra,ra,-84 # 1000 <begin_signature>
5c: 00609f03 lh t5,6(ra)
60: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff
64: 00fe8e93 addi t4,t4,15 # fffff00f <_end+0xffffdf87>
68: 00500193 li gp,5
6c: 21df1463 bne t5,t4,274 <fail>
00000070 <test_6>:
70: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
74: f9608093 addi ra,ra,-106 # 1006 <tdat4>
78: ffa09f03 lh t5,-6(ra)
7c: 0ff00e93 li t4,255
80: 00600193 li gp,6
84: 1fdf1863 bne t5,t4,274 <fail>
00000088 <test_7>:
88: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
8c: f7e08093 addi ra,ra,-130 # 1006 <tdat4>
90: ffc09f03 lh t5,-4(ra)
94: f0000e93 li t4,-256
98: 00700193 li gp,7
9c: 1ddf1c63 bne t5,t4,274 <fail>
000000a0 <test_8>:
a0: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
a4: f6608093 addi ra,ra,-154 # 1006 <tdat4>
a8: ffe09f03 lh t5,-2(ra)
ac: 00001eb7 lui t4,0x1
b0: ff0e8e93 addi t4,t4,-16 # ff0 <loop_pass+0xd68>
b4: 00800193 li gp,8
b8: 1bdf1e63 bne t5,t4,274 <fail>
000000bc <test_9>:
bc: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
c0: f4a08093 addi ra,ra,-182 # 1006 <tdat4>
c4: 00009f03 lh t5,0(ra)
c8: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff
cc: 00fe8e93 addi t4,t4,15 # fffff00f <_end+0xffffdf87>
d0: 00900193 li gp,9
d4: 1bdf1063 bne t5,t4,274 <fail>
000000d8 <test_10>:
d8: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
dc: f2808093 addi ra,ra,-216 # 1000 <begin_signature>
e0: fe008093 addi ra,ra,-32
e4: 02009283 lh t0,32(ra)
e8: 0ff00e93 li t4,255
ec: 00a00193 li gp,10
f0: 19d29263 bne t0,t4,274 <fail>
000000f4 <test_11>:
f4: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
f8: f0c08093 addi ra,ra,-244 # 1000 <begin_signature>
fc: ffb08093 addi ra,ra,-5
100: 00709283 lh t0,7(ra)
104: f0000e93 li t4,-256
108: 00b00193 li gp,11
10c: 17d29463 bne t0,t4,274 <fail>
00000110 <test_12>:
110: 00c00193 li gp,12
114: 00000213 li tp,0
118: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
11c: eea08093 addi ra,ra,-278 # 1002 <tdat2>
120: 00209f03 lh t5,2(ra)
124: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
128: 00001eb7 lui t4,0x1
12c: ff0e8e93 addi t4,t4,-16 # ff0 <loop_pass+0xd68>
130: 15d31263 bne t1,t4,274 <fail>
134: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
138: 00200293 li t0,2
13c: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,118 <test_12+0x8>
00000140 <test_13>:
140: 00d00193 li gp,13
144: 00000213 li tp,0
148: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
14c: ebc08093 addi ra,ra,-324 # 1004 <tdat3>
150: 00209f03 lh t5,2(ra)
154: 00000013 nop
158: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
15c: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff
160: 00fe8e93 addi t4,t4,15 # fffff00f <_end+0xffffdf87>
164: 11d31863 bne t1,t4,274 <fail>
168: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
16c: 00200293 li t0,2
170: fc521ce3 bne tp,t0,148 <test_13+0x8>
00000174 <test_14>:
174: 00e00193 li gp,14
178: 00000213 li tp,0
17c: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
180: e8408093 addi ra,ra,-380 # 1000 <begin_signature>
184: 00209f03 lh t5,2(ra)
188: 00000013 nop
18c: 00000013 nop
190: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
194: f0000e93 li t4,-256
198: 0dd31e63 bne t1,t4,274 <fail>
19c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1a0: 00200293 li t0,2
1a4: fc521ce3 bne tp,t0,17c <test_14+0x8>
000001a8 <test_15>:
1a8: 00f00193 li gp,15
1ac: 00000213 li tp,0
1b0: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
1b4: e5208093 addi ra,ra,-430 # 1002 <tdat2>
1b8: 00209f03 lh t5,2(ra)
1bc: 00001eb7 lui t4,0x1
1c0: ff0e8e93 addi t4,t4,-16 # ff0 <loop_pass+0xd68>
1c4: 0bdf1863 bne t5,t4,274 <fail>
1c8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1cc: 00200293 li t0,2
1d0: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,1b0 <test_15+0x8>
000001d4 <test_16>:
1d4: 01000193 li gp,16
1d8: 00000213 li tp,0
1dc: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
1e0: e2808093 addi ra,ra,-472 # 1004 <tdat3>
1e4: 00000013 nop
1e8: 00209f03 lh t5,2(ra)
1ec: fffffeb7 lui t4,0xfffff
1f0: 00fe8e93 addi t4,t4,15 # fffff00f <_end+0xffffdf87>
1f4: 09df1063 bne t5,t4,274 <fail>
1f8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1fc: 00200293 li t0,2
200: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,1dc <test_16+0x8>
00000204 <test_17>:
204: 01100193 li gp,17
208: 00000213 li tp,0
20c: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
210: df408093 addi ra,ra,-524 # 1000 <begin_signature>
214: 00000013 nop
218: 00000013 nop
21c: 00209f03 lh t5,2(ra)
220: f0000e93 li t4,-256
224: 05df1863 bne t5,t4,274 <fail>
228: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
22c: 00200293 li t0,2
230: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,20c <test_17+0x8>
00000234 <test_18>:
234: 00001297 auipc t0,0x1
238: dcc28293 addi t0,t0,-564 # 1000 <begin_signature>
23c: 00029103 lh sp,0(t0)
240: 00200113 li sp,2
244: 00200e93 li t4,2
248: 01200193 li gp,18
24c: 03d11463 bne sp,t4,274 <fail>
00000250 <test_19>:
250: 00001297 auipc t0,0x1
254: db028293 addi t0,t0,-592 # 1000 <begin_signature>
258: 00029103 lh sp,0(t0)
25c: 00000013 nop
260: 00200113 li sp,2
264: 00200e93 li t4,2
268: 01300193 li gp,19
26c: 01d11463 bne sp,t4,274 <fail>
270: 00301863 bne zero,gp,280 <pass>
00000274 <fail>:
274: 00100d13 li s10,1
278: 00000d93 li s11,0
0000027c <loop_fail>:
27c: 0000006f j 27c <loop_fail>
00000280 <pass>:
280: 00100d13 li s10,1
284: 00100d93 li s11,1
00000288 <loop_pass>:
288: 0000006f j 288 <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .data:
00001000 <begin_signature>:
1000: 00ff 0xff
00001002 <tdat2>:
1002: ff00 fsw fs0,56(a4)
00001004 <tdat3>:
1004: 0ff0 addi a2,sp,988
00001006 <tdat4>:
1006: 0000f00f 0xf00f
100a: 0000 unimp
100c: 0000 unimp
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00001040 <tohost>:
00001080 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 80 FF
03 9F 00 00 93 0E F0 0F 93 01 20 00 63 1C DF 25
97 10 00 00 93 80 00 FE 03 9F 20 00 93 0E 00 F0
93 01 30 00 63 10 DF 25 97 10 00 00 93 80 80 FC
03 9F 40 00 B7 1E 00 00 93 8E 0E FF 93 01 40 00
63 12 DF 23 97 10 00 00 93 80 C0 FA 03 9F 60 00
B7 FE FF FF 93 8E FE 00 93 01 50 00 63 14 DF 21
97 10 00 00 93 80 60 F9 03 9F A0 FF 93 0E F0 0F
93 01 60 00 63 18 DF 1F 97 10 00 00 93 80 E0 F7
03 9F C0 FF 93 0E 00 F0 93 01 70 00 63 1C DF 1D
97 10 00 00 93 80 60 F6 03 9F E0 FF B7 1E 00 00
93 8E 0E FF 93 01 80 00 63 1E DF 1B 97 10 00 00
93 80 A0 F4 03 9F 00 00 B7 FE FF FF 93 8E FE 00
93 01 90 00 63 10 DF 1B 97 10 00 00 93 80 80 F2
93 80 00 FE 83 92 00 02 93 0E F0 0F 93 01 A0 00
63 92 D2 19 97 10 00 00 93 80 C0 F0 93 80 B0 FF
83 92 70 00 93 0E 00 F0 93 01 B0 00 63 94 D2 17
93 01 C0 00 13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 A0 EE
03 9F 20 00 13 03 0F 00 B7 1E 00 00 93 8E 0E FF
63 12 D3 15 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 1E 52 FC
93 01 D0 00 13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 C0 EB
03 9F 20 00 13 00 00 00 13 03 0F 00 B7 FE FF FF
93 8E FE 00 63 18 D3 11 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 1C 52 FC 93 01 E0 00 13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00
93 80 40 E8 03 9F 20 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00
13 03 0F 00 93 0E 00 F0 63 1E D3 0D 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 1C 52 FC 93 01 F0 00 13 02 00 00
97 10 00 00 93 80 20 E5 03 9F 20 00 B7 1E 00 00
93 8E 0E FF 63 18 DF 0B 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 10 52 FE 93 01 00 01 13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00
93 80 80 E2 13 00 00 00 03 9F 20 00 B7 FE FF FF
93 8E FE 00 63 10 DF 09 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 1E 52 FC 93 01 10 01 13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00
93 80 40 DF 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 03 9F 20 00
93 0E 00 F0 63 18 DF 05 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 1E 52 FC 97 12 00 00 93 82 C2 DC 03 91 02 00
13 01 20 00 93 0E 20 00 93 01 20 01 63 14 D1 03
97 12 00 00 93 82 02 DB 03 91 02 00 13 00 00 00
13 01 20 00 93 0E 20 00 93 01 30 01 63 14 D1 01
63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 00 00 6F 00 00 00
13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00 6F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
FF 00 00 FF F0 0F 0F F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
generated/rv32ui-p-lhu: file format elf32-littleriscv
Disassembly of section .text.init:
00000000 <_start>:
0: 00000d13 li s10,0
4: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000008 <test_2>:
8: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
c: ff808093 addi ra,ra,-8 # 1000 <begin_signature>
10: 0000df03 lhu t5,0(ra)
14: 0ff00e93 li t4,255
18: 00200193 li gp,2
1c: 27df1663 bne t5,t4,288 <fail>
00000020 <test_3>:
20: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
24: fe008093 addi ra,ra,-32 # 1000 <begin_signature>
28: 0020df03 lhu t5,2(ra)
2c: 00010eb7 lui t4,0x10
30: f00e8e93 addi t4,t4,-256 # ff00 <_end+0xee78>
34: 00300193 li gp,3
38: 25df1863 bne t5,t4,288 <fail>
0000003c <test_4>:
3c: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
40: fc408093 addi ra,ra,-60 # 1000 <begin_signature>
44: 0040df03 lhu t5,4(ra)
48: 00001eb7 lui t4,0x1
4c: ff0e8e93 addi t4,t4,-16 # ff0 <loop_pass+0xd54>
50: 00400193 li gp,4
54: 23df1a63 bne t5,t4,288 <fail>
00000058 <test_5>:
58: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
5c: fa808093 addi ra,ra,-88 # 1000 <begin_signature>
60: 0060df03 lhu t5,6(ra)
64: 0000feb7 lui t4,0xf
68: 00fe8e93 addi t4,t4,15 # f00f <_end+0xdf87>
6c: 00500193 li gp,5
70: 21df1c63 bne t5,t4,288 <fail>
00000074 <test_6>:
74: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
78: f9208093 addi ra,ra,-110 # 1006 <tdat4>
7c: ffa0df03 lhu t5,-6(ra)
80: 0ff00e93 li t4,255
84: 00600193 li gp,6
88: 21df1063 bne t5,t4,288 <fail>
0000008c <test_7>:
8c: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
90: f7a08093 addi ra,ra,-134 # 1006 <tdat4>
94: ffc0df03 lhu t5,-4(ra)
98: 00010eb7 lui t4,0x10
9c: f00e8e93 addi t4,t4,-256 # ff00 <_end+0xee78>
a0: 00700193 li gp,7
a4: 1fdf1263 bne t5,t4,288 <fail>
000000a8 <test_8>:
a8: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
ac: f5e08093 addi ra,ra,-162 # 1006 <tdat4>
b0: ffe0df03 lhu t5,-2(ra)
b4: 00001eb7 lui t4,0x1
b8: ff0e8e93 addi t4,t4,-16 # ff0 <loop_pass+0xd54>
bc: 00800193 li gp,8
c0: 1ddf1463 bne t5,t4,288 <fail>
000000c4 <test_9>:
c4: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
c8: f4208093 addi ra,ra,-190 # 1006 <tdat4>
cc: 0000df03 lhu t5,0(ra)
d0: 0000feb7 lui t4,0xf
d4: 00fe8e93 addi t4,t4,15 # f00f <_end+0xdf87>
d8: 00900193 li gp,9
dc: 1bdf1663 bne t5,t4,288 <fail>
000000e0 <test_10>:
e0: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
e4: f2008093 addi ra,ra,-224 # 1000 <begin_signature>
e8: fe008093 addi ra,ra,-32
ec: 0200d283 lhu t0,32(ra)
f0: 0ff00e93 li t4,255
f4: 00a00193 li gp,10
f8: 19d29863 bne t0,t4,288 <fail>
000000fc <test_11>:
fc: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
100: f0408093 addi ra,ra,-252 # 1000 <begin_signature>
104: ffb08093 addi ra,ra,-5
108: 0070d283 lhu t0,7(ra)
10c: 00010eb7 lui t4,0x10
110: f00e8e93 addi t4,t4,-256 # ff00 <_end+0xee78>
114: 00b00193 li gp,11
118: 17d29863 bne t0,t4,288 <fail>
0000011c <test_12>:
11c: 00c00193 li gp,12
120: 00000213 li tp,0
124: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
128: ede08093 addi ra,ra,-290 # 1002 <tdat2>
12c: 0020df03 lhu t5,2(ra)
130: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
134: 00001eb7 lui t4,0x1
138: ff0e8e93 addi t4,t4,-16 # ff0 <loop_pass+0xd54>
13c: 15d31663 bne t1,t4,288 <fail>
140: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
144: 00200293 li t0,2
148: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,124 <test_12+0x8>
0000014c <test_13>:
14c: 00d00193 li gp,13
150: 00000213 li tp,0
154: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
158: eb008093 addi ra,ra,-336 # 1004 <tdat3>
15c: 0020df03 lhu t5,2(ra)
160: 00000013 nop
164: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
168: 0000feb7 lui t4,0xf
16c: 00fe8e93 addi t4,t4,15 # f00f <_end+0xdf87>
170: 11d31c63 bne t1,t4,288 <fail>
174: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
178: 00200293 li t0,2
17c: fc521ce3 bne tp,t0,154 <test_13+0x8>
00000180 <test_14>:
180: 00e00193 li gp,14
184: 00000213 li tp,0
188: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
18c: e7808093 addi ra,ra,-392 # 1000 <begin_signature>
190: 0020df03 lhu t5,2(ra)
194: 00000013 nop
198: 00000013 nop
19c: 000f0313 mv t1,t5
1a0: 00010eb7 lui t4,0x10
1a4: f00e8e93 addi t4,t4,-256 # ff00 <_end+0xee78>
1a8: 0fd31063 bne t1,t4,288 <fail>
1ac: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1b0: 00200293 li t0,2
1b4: fc521ae3 bne tp,t0,188 <test_14+0x8>
000001b8 <test_15>:
1b8: 00f00193 li gp,15
1bc: 00000213 li tp,0
1c0: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
1c4: e4208093 addi ra,ra,-446 # 1002 <tdat2>
1c8: 0020df03 lhu t5,2(ra)
1cc: 00001eb7 lui t4,0x1
1d0: ff0e8e93 addi t4,t4,-16 # ff0 <loop_pass+0xd54>
1d4: 0bdf1a63 bne t5,t4,288 <fail>
1d8: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
1dc: 00200293 li t0,2
1e0: fe5210e3 bne tp,t0,1c0 <test_15+0x8>
000001e4 <test_16>:
1e4: 01000193 li gp,16
1e8: 00000213 li tp,0
1ec: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
1f0: e1808093 addi ra,ra,-488 # 1004 <tdat3>
1f4: 00000013 nop
1f8: 0020df03 lhu t5,2(ra)
1fc: 0000feb7 lui t4,0xf
200: 00fe8e93 addi t4,t4,15 # f00f <_end+0xdf87>
204: 09df1263 bne t5,t4,288 <fail>
208: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
20c: 00200293 li t0,2
210: fc521ee3 bne tp,t0,1ec <test_16+0x8>
00000214 <test_17>:
214: 01100193 li gp,17
218: 00000213 li tp,0
21c: 00001097 auipc ra,0x1
220: de408093 addi ra,ra,-540 # 1000 <begin_signature>
224: 00000013 nop
228: 00000013 nop
22c: 0020df03 lhu t5,2(ra)
230: 00010eb7 lui t4,0x10
234: f00e8e93 addi t4,t4,-256 # ff00 <_end+0xee78>
238: 05df1863 bne t5,t4,288 <fail>
23c: 00120213 addi tp,tp,1 # 1 <_start+0x1>
240: 00200293 li t0,2
244: fc521ce3 bne tp,t0,21c <test_17+0x8>
00000248 <test_18>:
248: 00001297 auipc t0,0x1
24c: db828293 addi t0,t0,-584 # 1000 <begin_signature>
250: 0002d103 lhu sp,0(t0)
254: 00200113 li sp,2
258: 00200e93 li t4,2
25c: 01200193 li gp,18
260: 03d11463 bne sp,t4,288 <fail>
00000264 <test_19>:
264: 00001297 auipc t0,0x1
268: d9c28293 addi t0,t0,-612 # 1000 <begin_signature>
26c: 0002d103 lhu sp,0(t0)
270: 00000013 nop
274: 00200113 li sp,2
278: 00200e93 li t4,2
27c: 01300193 li gp,19
280: 01d11463 bne sp,t4,288 <fail>
284: 00301863 bne zero,gp,294 <pass>
00000288 <fail>:
288: 00100d13 li s10,1
28c: 00000d93 li s11,0
00000290 <loop_fail>:
290: 0000006f j 290 <loop_fail>
00000294 <pass>:
294: 00100d13 li s10,1
298: 00100d93 li s11,1
0000029c <loop_pass>:
29c: 0000006f j 29c <loop_pass>
Disassembly of section .data:
00001000 <begin_signature>:
1000: 00ff 0xff
00001002 <tdat2>:
1002: ff00 fsw fs0,56(a4)
00001004 <tdat3>:
1004: 0ff0 addi a2,sp,988
00001006 <tdat4>:
1006: 0000f00f 0xf00f
100a: 0000 unimp
100c: 0000 unimp
Disassembly of section .tohost:
00001040 <tohost>:
00001080 <fromhost>:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
13 0D 00 00 93 0D 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 80 FF
03 DF 00 00 93 0E F0 0F 93 01 20 00 63 16 DF 27
97 10 00 00 93 80 00 FE 03 DF 20 00 B7 0E 01 00
93 8E 0E F0 93 01 30 00 63 18 DF 25 97 10 00 00
93 80 40 FC 03 DF 40 00 B7 1E 00 00 93 8E 0E FF
93 01 40 00 63 1A DF 23 97 10 00 00 93 80 80 FA
03 DF 60 00 B7 FE 00 00 93 8E FE 00 93 01 50 00
63 1C DF 21 97 10 00 00 93 80 20 F9 03 DF A0 FF
93 0E F0 0F 93 01 60 00 63 10 DF 21 97 10 00 00
93 80 A0 F7 03 DF C0 FF B7 0E 01 00 93 8E 0E F0
93 01 70 00 63 12 DF 1F 97 10 00 00 93 80 E0 F5
03 DF E0 FF B7 1E 00 00 93 8E 0E FF 93 01 80 00
63 14 DF 1D 97 10 00 00 93 80 20 F4 03 DF 00 00
B7 FE 00 00 93 8E FE 00 93 01 90 00 63 16 DF 1B
97 10 00 00 93 80 00 F2 93 80 00 FE 83 D2 00 02
93 0E F0 0F 93 01 A0 00 63 98 D2 19 97 10 00 00
93 80 40 F0 93 80 B0 FF 83 D2 70 00 B7 0E 01 00
93 8E 0E F0 93 01 B0 00 63 98 D2 17 93 01 C0 00
13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 E0 ED 03 DF 20 00
13 03 0F 00 B7 1E 00 00 93 8E 0E FF 63 16 D3 15
13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 1E 52 FC 93 01 D0 00
13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 00 EB 03 DF 20 00
13 00 00 00 13 03 0F 00 B7 FE 00 00 93 8E FE 00
63 1C D3 11 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00 E3 1C 52 FC
93 01 E0 00 13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00 93 80 80 E7
03 DF 20 00 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 13 03 0F 00
B7 0E 01 00 93 8E 0E F0 63 10 D3 0F 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 1A 52 FC 93 01 F0 00 13 02 00 00
97 10 00 00 93 80 20 E4 03 DF 20 00 B7 1E 00 00
93 8E 0E FF 63 1A DF 0B 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 10 52 FE 93 01 00 01 13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00
93 80 80 E1 13 00 00 00 03 DF 20 00 B7 FE 00 00
93 8E FE 00 63 12 DF 09 13 02 12 00 93 02 20 00
E3 1E 52 FC 93 01 10 01 13 02 00 00 97 10 00 00
93 80 40 DE 13 00 00 00 13 00 00 00 03 DF 20 00
B7 0E 01 00 93 8E 0E F0 63 18 DF 05 13 02 12 00
93 02 20 00 E3 1C 52 FC 97 12 00 00 93 82 82 DB
03 D1 02 00 13 01 20 00 93 0E 20 00 93 01 20 01
63 14 D1 03 97 12 00 00 93 82 C2 D9 03 D1 02 00
13 00 00 00 13 01 20 00 93 0E 20 00 93 01 30 01
63 14 D1 01 63 18 30 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 00 00
6F 00 00 00 13 0D 10 00 93 0D 10 00 6F 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00
FF 00 00 FF F0 0F 0F F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

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