tools: add regtool

Signed-off-by: liangkangnan <>
liangkangnan 2021-08-07 15:07:44 +08:00
parent 72b982d133
commit c178a8fbb2
65 changed files with 14336 additions and 0 deletions

tools/regtool/reggen/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
.PHONY: all
all: lint
# We need a directory to build stuff and use the "util/reggen" namespace
# in the top-level build-bin directory.
repo-top := ../../../..
build-dir := $(repo-top)/build-bin/util/reggen
mkdir -p $@
# Reggen code that doesn't yet have typing annotations
mypy-excls :=
py-files := $(filter-out $(mypy-excls),$(wildcard *.py))
$(build-dir)/mypy.stamp: $(py-files) | $(build-dir)
mypy --strict $^
touch $@
.PHONY: lint
lint: $(build-dir)/mypy.stamp

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@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
# Register generator `reggen` and `regtool`
The utility script `` and collateral under `reggen` are Python
tools to read register descriptions in Hjson and generate various output
formats. The tool can output HTML documentation, standard JSON, compact
standard JSON (whitespace removed) and Hjson. The example commands assume
`$REPO_TOP` is set to the toplevel directory of the repository.
### Setup
If packages have not previously been installed you will need to set a
few things up. First use `pip3` to install some required packages:
$ pip3 install --user hjson
$ pip3 install --user mistletoe
$ pip3 install --user mako
### Register JSON Format
For details on the register JSON format, see the
[register tool documentation]({{< relref "doc/rm/register_tool/" >}}).
To ensure things stay up to date, the register JSON format information
is documented by the tool itself.
The documentation can be generated by running the following commands:
$ cd $REPO_TOP/util
$ ./
Under the hood, the `` tool will automatically use the `reggen`
tool to produce Markdown and processing that into HTML.
### Examples using standalone regtool
Normally for documentation the `` tool will automatically
use `reggen`. The script `` provides a standalone way to run
`reggen`. See the
[register tool documentation]({{< relref "doc/rm/register_tool/" >}})
for details about how to invoke the tool.
The following shows an example of how to generate RTL from a register
$ cd $REPO_TOP/util
$ mkdir /tmp/rtl
$ ./ -r -t /tmp/rtl ../hw/ip/uart/data/uart.hjson
$ ls /tmp/rtl
The following shows an example of how to generate a DV UVM class from
a register description:
$ cd $REPO_TOP/util
$ mkdir /tmp/dv
$ ./ -s -t /tmp/dv ../hw/ip/uart/data/uart.hjson
$ ls /tmp/dv
By default, the generated block, register and field models are derived from
`dv_base_reg` classes provided at `hw/dv/sv/dv_base_reg`. If required, the user
can supply the `--dv-base-prefix my_base` switch to have the models derive from
a custom, user-defined RAL classes instead:
$ cd $REPO_TOP/util
$ mkdir /tmp/dv
$ ./ -s -t /tmp/dv ../hw/ip/uart/data/uart.hjson \
--dv-base-prefix my_base
$ ls /tmp/dv
This makes the following assumptions:
- A FuseSoC core file aggregating the `my_base` RAL classes with the VLNV
name `lowrisc:dv:my_base_reg` is provided in the cores search path.
- These custom classes are derived from the corresponding `dv_base_reg` classes
and have the following names:
- ``: The RAL package that includes the below sources
- ``: The register block abstraction
- ``: The register abstraction
- ``: The register field abstraction
- ``: The memory abstraction
- If any of the above class specializations is not needed, it can be
`typedef`'ed in `my_base_reg_pkg`:
package my_base_reg_pkg;
import dv_base_reg_pkg::*;
typedef dv_base_reg_field my_base_reg_field;
typedef dv_base_mem my_base_mem;
`include ""
`include ""
The following shows an example of how to generate a FPV csr read write assertion
module from a register description:
$ cd $REPO_TOP/util
$ mkdir /tmp/fpv/vip
$ ./ -f -t /tmp/fpv/vip ../hw/ip/uart/data/uart.hjson
$ ls /tmp/fpv
If the target directory is not specified, the tool creates the DV file
under the `hw/ip/{module}/dv/` directory.

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@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Enumerated types for fields
Generated by validation, used by backends
from enum import Enum
from .lib import check_str
class JsonEnum(Enum):
def for_json(x) -> str:
return str(x)
class SwWrAccess(JsonEnum):
WR = 1
NONE = 2
class SwRdAccess(JsonEnum):
RD = 1
RC = 2 # Special handling for port
NONE = 3
class SwAccess(JsonEnum):
RO = 1
RW = 2
WO = 3
W1C = 4
W1S = 5
W0C = 6
RC = 7
R0W1C = 8
NONE = 9
class HwAccess(JsonEnum):
HRO = 1
HRW = 2
HWO = 3
NONE = 4 # No access allowed
# swaccess permitted values
# text description, access enum, wr access enum, rd access enum, ok in window
'none': ("No access", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.NONE, SwWrAccess.NONE, SwRdAccess.NONE, False), # noqa: E241
'ro': ("Read Only", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.RO, SwWrAccess.NONE, SwRdAccess.RD, True), # noqa: E241
'rc': ("Read Only, reading clears", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.RC, SwWrAccess.WR, SwRdAccess.RC, False), # noqa: E241
'rw': ("Read/Write", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.RW, SwWrAccess.WR, SwRdAccess.RD, True), # noqa: E241
'r0w1c': ("Read zero, Write with 1 clears", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.W1C, SwWrAccess.WR, SwRdAccess.NONE, False), # noqa: E241
'rw1s': ("Read, Write with 1 sets", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.W1S, SwWrAccess.WR, SwRdAccess.RD, False), # noqa: E241
'rw1c': ("Read, Write with 1 clears", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.W1C, SwWrAccess.WR, SwRdAccess.RD, False), # noqa: E241
'rw0c': ("Read, Write with 0 clears", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.W0C, SwWrAccess.WR, SwRdAccess.RD, False), # noqa: E241
'wo': ("Write Only", # noqa: E241
SwAccess.WO, SwWrAccess.WR, SwRdAccess.NONE, True) # noqa: E241
# hwaccess permitted values
'hro': ("Read Only", HwAccess.HRO),
'hrw': ("Read/Write", HwAccess.HRW),
'hwo': ("Write Only", HwAccess.HWO),
'none': ("No Access Needed", HwAccess.NONE)
class SWAccess:
def __init__(self, where: str, raw: object):
self.key = check_str(raw, 'swaccess for {}'.format(where))
self.value = SWACCESS_PERMITTED[self.key]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('Unknown swaccess key, {}, for {}.'
.format(self.key, where)) from None
def dv_rights(self) -> str:
'''Return a UVM access string as used by uvm_field::set_access().'''
if self.key == 'r0w1c':
return 'W1C'
return self.value[1].name
def swrd(self) -> SwRdAccess:
return self.value[3]
def allows_read(self) -> bool:
return self.value[3] != SwRdAccess.NONE
def allows_write(self) -> bool:
return self.value[2] == SwWrAccess.WR
def needs_we(self) -> bool:
'''Should the register for this field have a write-enable signal?
This is almost the same as allows_write(), but doesn't return true for
RC registers, which should use a read-enable signal (connected to their
prim_subreg's we port).
return self.value[1] != SwAccess.RC and self.allows_write()
class HWAccess:
def __init__(self, where: str, raw: object):
self.key = check_str(raw, 'hwaccess for {}'.format(where))
self.value = HWACCESS_PERMITTED[self.key]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('Unknown hwaccess key, {}, for {}.'
.format(self.key, where)) from None
def allows_read(self) -> bool:
return self.key in ['hro', 'hrw']
def allows_write(self) -> bool:
return self.key in ['hrw', 'hwo']

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import Dict, List
from .bits import Bits
from .signal import Signal
from .lib import check_keys, check_name, check_str, check_list
class Alert(Signal):
def __init__(self, name: str, desc: str, bit: int, fatal: bool):
super().__init__(name, desc, Bits(bit, bit))
self.bit = bit
self.fatal = fatal
def from_raw(what: str,
lsb: int,
raw: object) -> 'Alert':
rd = check_keys(raw, what, ['name', 'desc'], [])
name = check_name(rd['name'], 'name field of ' + what)
desc = check_str(rd['desc'], 'desc field of ' + what)
# Make sense of the alert name, which should be prefixed with recov_ or
# fatal_.
pfx = name.split('_')[0]
if pfx == 'recov':
fatal = False
elif pfx == 'fatal':
fatal = True
raise ValueError('Invalid name field of {}: alert names must be '
'prefixed with "recov_" or "fatal_". Saw {!r}.'
.format(what, name))
return Alert(name, desc, lsb, fatal)
def from_raw_list(what: str, raw: object) -> List['Alert']:
ret = []
for idx, entry in enumerate(check_list(raw, what)):
entry_what = 'entry {} of {}'.format(idx, what)
alert = Alert.from_raw(entry_what, idx, entry)
return ret
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
return {
'desc': self.desc,

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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'''Support code for bit ranges in reggen'''
from typing import Tuple
from .lib import check_str
from .params import ReggenParams
class Bits:
def __init__(self, msb: int, lsb: int):
assert 0 <= lsb <= msb
self.msb = msb
self.lsb = lsb
def bitmask(self) -> int:
return (1 << (self.msb + 1)) - (1 << self.lsb)
def width(self) -> int:
return 1 + self.msb - self.lsb
def max_value(self) -> int:
return (1 << self.width()) - 1
def extract_field(self, reg_val: int) -> int:
return (reg_val & self.bitmask()) >> self.lsb
def from_raw(where: str,
reg_width: int,
params: ReggenParams,
raw: object) -> 'Bits':
# Bits should be specified as msb:lsb or as just a single bit index.
if isinstance(raw, int):
msb = raw
lsb = raw
str_val = check_str(raw, 'bits field for {}'.format(where))
msb, lsb = Bits._parse_str(where, params, str_val)
# Check that the bit indices look sensible
if msb < lsb:
raise ValueError('msb for {} is {}: less than {}, the msb.'
.format(where, msb, lsb))
if lsb < 0:
raise ValueError('lsb for {} is {}, which is negative.'
.format(where, lsb))
if msb >= reg_width:
raise ValueError("msb for {} is {}, which doesn't fit in {} bits."
.format(where, msb, reg_width))
return Bits(msb, lsb)
def _parse_str(where: str,
params: ReggenParams,
str_val: str) -> Tuple[int, int]:
idx = int(str_val)
return (idx, idx)
except ValueError:
# Doesn't look like an integer. Never mind: try msb:lsb
parts = str_val.split(':')
if len(parts) != 2:
raise ValueError('bits field for {} is not an '
'integer or of the form msb:lsb. Saw {!r}.'
.format(where, str_val))
return (params.expand(parts[0],
'msb of bits field for {}'.format(where)),
'lsb of bits field for {}'.format(where)))
def make_translated(self, bit_offset: int) -> 'Bits':
assert 0 <= bit_offset
return Bits(self.msb + bit_offset, self.lsb + bit_offset)
def as_str(self) -> str:
if self.lsb == self.msb:
return str(self.lsb)
assert self.lsb < self.msb
return '{}:{}'.format(self.msb, self.lsb)

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@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'''Code representing a list of bus interfaces for a block'''
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from .inter_signal import InterSignal
from .lib import check_list, check_keys, check_str, check_optional_str
class BusInterfaces:
def __init__(self,
has_unnamed_host: bool,
named_hosts: List[str],
has_unnamed_device: bool,
named_devices: List[str]):
assert has_unnamed_device or named_devices
assert len(named_hosts) == len(set(named_hosts))
assert len(named_devices) == len(set(named_devices))
self.has_unnamed_host = has_unnamed_host
self.named_hosts = named_hosts
self.has_unnamed_device = has_unnamed_device
self.named_devices = named_devices
def from_raw(raw: object, where: str) -> 'BusInterfaces':
has_unnamed_host = False
named_hosts = []
has_unnamed_device = False
named_devices = []
for idx, raw_entry in enumerate(check_list(raw, where)):
entry_what = 'entry {} of {}'.format(idx + 1, where)
ed = check_keys(raw_entry, entry_what,
['protocol', 'direction'],
protocol = check_str(ed['protocol'],
'protocol field of ' + entry_what)
if protocol != 'tlul':
raise ValueError('Unknown protocol {!r} at {}'
.format(protocol, entry_what))
direction = check_str(ed['direction'],
'direction field of ' + entry_what)
if direction not in ['device', 'host']:
raise ValueError('Unknown interface direction {!r} at {}'
.format(direction, entry_what))
name = check_optional_str(ed.get('name'),
'name field of ' + entry_what)
if direction == 'host':
if name is None:
if has_unnamed_host:
raise ValueError('Multiple un-named host '
'interfaces at {}'
has_unnamed_host = True
if name in named_hosts:
raise ValueError('Duplicate host interface '
'with name {!r} at {}'
.format(name, where))
if name is None:
if has_unnamed_device:
raise ValueError('Multiple un-named device '
'interfaces at {}'
has_unnamed_device = True
if name in named_devices:
raise ValueError('Duplicate device interface '
'with name {!r} at {}'
.format(name, where))
if not (has_unnamed_device or named_devices):
raise ValueError('No device interface at ' + where)
return BusInterfaces(has_unnamed_host, named_hosts,
has_unnamed_device, named_devices)
def has_host(self) -> bool:
return bool(self.has_unnamed_host or self.named_hosts)
def _interfaces(self) -> List[Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]]:
ret = [] # type: List[Tuple[bool, Optional[str]]]
if self.has_unnamed_host:
ret.append((True, None))
for name in self.named_hosts:
ret.append((True, name))
if self.has_unnamed_device:
ret.append((False, None))
for name in self.named_devices:
ret.append((False, name))
return ret
def _if_dict(is_host: bool, name: Optional[str]) -> Dict[str, object]:
ret = {
'protocol': 'tlul',
'direction': 'host' if is_host else 'device'
} # type: Dict[str, object]
if name is not None:
ret['name'] = name
return ret
def as_dicts(self) -> List[Dict[str, object]]:
return [BusInterfaces._if_dict(is_host, name)
for is_host, name in self._interfaces()]
def get_port_name(self, is_host: bool, name: Optional[str]) -> str:
if is_host:
tl_suffix = 'tl_h'
tl_suffix = 'tl_d' if self.has_host() else 'tl'
return (tl_suffix if name is None
else '{}_{}'.format(name, tl_suffix))
def get_port_names(self, inc_hosts: bool, inc_devices: bool) -> List[str]:
ret = []
for is_host, name in self._interfaces():
if not (inc_hosts if is_host else inc_devices):
ret.append(self.get_port_name(is_host, name))
return ret
def _if_inter_signal(self,
is_host: bool,
name: Optional[str]) -> InterSignal:
act = 'req' if is_host else 'rsp'
return InterSignal(self.get_port_name(is_host, name),
None, 'tl', 'tlul_pkg', 'req_rsp', act, 1, None)
def inter_signals(self) -> List[InterSignal]:
return [self._if_inter_signal(is_host, name)
for is_host, name in self._interfaces()]
def has_interface(self, is_host: bool, name: Optional[str]) -> bool:
if is_host:
if name is None:
return self.has_unnamed_host
return name in self.named_hosts
if name is None:
return self.has_unnamed_device
return name in self.named_devices
def find_port_name(self, is_host: bool, name: Optional[str]) -> str:
'''Look up the given host/name pair and return its port name.
Raises a KeyError if there is no match.
if not self.has_interface(is_host, name):
called = ('with no name'
if name is None else 'called {!r}'.format(name))
raise KeyError('There is no {} bus interface {}.'
.format('host' if is_host else 'device',
return self.get_port_name(is_host, name)

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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'''Code representing clocking or resets for an IP block'''
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
from .lib import check_keys, check_list, check_bool, check_optional_name
class ClockingItem:
def __init__(self, clock: Optional[str], reset: Optional[str], primary: bool):
if primary:
assert clock is not None
assert reset is not None
self.clock = clock
self.reset = reset
self.primary = primary
def from_raw(raw: object, only_item: bool, where: str) -> 'ClockingItem':
what = f'clocking item at {where}'
rd = check_keys(raw, what, [], ['clock', 'reset', 'primary'])
clock = check_optional_name(rd.get('clock'), 'clock field of ' + what)
reset = check_optional_name(rd.get('reset'), 'reset field of ' + what)
primary = check_bool(rd.get('primary', only_item),
'primary field of ' + what)
if primary:
if clock is None:
raise ValueError('No clock signal for primary '
f'clocking item at {what}.')
if reset is None:
raise ValueError('No reset signal for primary '
f'clocking item at {what}.')
return ClockingItem(clock, reset, primary)
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
ret = {} # type: Dict[str, object]
if self.clock is not None:
ret['clock'] = self.clock,
if self.reset is not None:
ret['reset'] = self.reset
ret['primary'] = self.primary
return ret
class Clocking:
def __init__(self, items: List[ClockingItem], primary: ClockingItem):
assert items
self.items = items
self.primary = primary
def from_raw(raw: object, where: str) -> 'Clocking':
what = f'clocking items at {where}'
raw_items = check_list(raw, what)
if not raw_items:
raise ValueError(f'Empty list of clocking items at {where}.')
just_one_item = len(raw_items) == 1
items = []
primaries = []
for idx, raw_item in enumerate(raw_items):
item_where = f'entry {idx} of {what}'
item = ClockingItem.from_raw(raw_item, just_one_item, item_where)
if item.primary:
if len(primaries) != 1:
raise ValueError('There should be exactly one primary clocking '
f'item at {where}, but we saw {len(primaries)}.')
return Clocking(items, primaries[0])
def other_clocks(self) -> List[str]:
ret = []
for item in self.items:
if not item.primary and item.clock is not None:
return ret
def clock_signals(self) -> List[str]:
return [item.clock for item in self.items if item.clock is not None]
def reset_signals(self) -> List[str]:
return [item.reset for item in self.items if item.reset is not None]

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import Dict
from .lib import check_keys, check_str, check_int
'name': ['s', "name of the member of the enum"],
'desc': ['t', "description when field has this value"],
'value': ['d', "value of this member of the enum"]
class EnumEntry:
def __init__(self, where: str, max_val: int, raw: object):
rd = check_keys(raw, where,
[]) = check_str(rd['name'], 'name field of {}'.format(where))
self.desc = check_str(rd['desc'], 'desc field of {}'.format(where))
self.value = check_int(rd['value'], 'value field of {}'.format(where))
if not (0 <= self.value <= max_val):
raise ValueError("value for {} is {}, which isn't representable "
"in the field (representable range: 0 .. {})."
.format(where, self.value, max_val))
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
return {
'desc': self.desc,
'value': str(self.value)

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@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
from .access import SWAccess, HWAccess
from .bits import Bits
from .enum_entry import EnumEntry
from .lib import (check_keys, check_str, check_name,
check_list, check_str_list, check_xint)
from .params import ReggenParams
'bits': ['b', "bit or bit range (msb:lsb)"]
'name': ['s', "name of the field"],
'desc': ['t', "description of field (required if the field has a name)"],
'swaccess': [
's', "software access permission, copied from "
"register if not provided in field. "
"(Tool adds if not provided.)"
'hwaccess': [
's', "hardware access permission, copied from "
"register if not prvided in field. "
"(Tool adds if not provided.)"
'resval': [
'x', "reset value, comes from register resval "
"if not provided in field. Zero if neither "
"are provided and the field is readable, "
"x if neither are provided and the field "
"is wo. Must match if both are provided."
'enum': ['l', "list of permitted enumeration groups"],
'tags': [
"tags for the field, followed by the format 'tag_name:item1:item2...'"
class Field:
def __init__(self,
name: str,
desc: Optional[str],
tags: List[str],
swaccess: SWAccess,
hwaccess: HWAccess,
bits: Bits,
resval: Optional[int],
enum: Optional[List[EnumEntry]]): = name
self.desc = desc
self.tags = tags
self.swaccess = swaccess
self.hwaccess = hwaccess
self.bits = bits
self.resval = resval
self.enum = enum
def from_raw(reg_name: str,
field_idx: int,
num_fields: int,
default_swaccess: SWAccess,
default_hwaccess: HWAccess,
reg_resval: Optional[int],
reg_width: int,
params: ReggenParams,
raw: object) -> 'Field':
where = 'field {} of {} register'.format(field_idx, reg_name)
rd = check_keys(raw, where,
raw_name = rd.get('name')
if raw_name is None:
name = ('field{}'.format(field_idx + 1)
if num_fields > 1 else reg_name)
name = check_name(raw_name, 'name of {}'.format(where))
raw_desc = rd.get('desc')
if raw_desc is None and raw_name is not None:
raise ValueError('Missing desc field for {}'
if raw_desc is None:
desc = None
desc = check_str(raw_desc, 'desc field for {}'.format(where))
tags = check_str_list(rd.get('tags', []),
'tags for {}'.format(where))
raw_swaccess = rd.get('swaccess')
if raw_swaccess is not None:
swaccess = SWAccess(where, raw_swaccess)
swaccess = default_swaccess
raw_hwaccess = rd.get('hwaccess')
if raw_hwaccess is not None:
hwaccess = HWAccess(where, raw_hwaccess)
hwaccess = default_hwaccess
bits = Bits.from_raw(where, reg_width, params, rd['bits'])
raw_resval = rd.get('resval')
if raw_resval is None:
# The field doesn't define a reset value. Use bits from reg_resval
# if it's defined, otherwise None (which means "x").
if reg_resval is None:
resval = None
resval = bits.extract_field(reg_resval)
# The field does define a reset value. It should be an integer or
# 'x'. In the latter case, we set resval to None (as above).
resval = check_xint(raw_resval, 'resval field for {}'.format(where))
if resval is None:
# We don't allow a field to be explicitly 'x' on reset but for
# the containing register to have a reset value.
if reg_resval is not None:
raise ValueError('resval field for {} is "x", but the '
'register defines a resval as well.'
# Check that the reset value is representable with bits
if not (0 <= resval <= bits.max_value()):
raise ValueError("resval field for {} is {}, which "
"isn't representable as an unsigned "
"{}-bit integer."
.format(where, resval, bits.width()))
# If the register had a resval, check this value matches it.
if reg_resval is not None:
resval_from_reg = bits.extract_field(reg_resval)
if resval != resval_from_reg:
raise ValueError('resval field for {} is {}, but the '
'register defines a resval as well, '
'where bits {}:{} would give {}.'
.format(where, resval,
bits.msb, bits.lsb,
raw_enum = rd.get('enum')
if raw_enum is None:
enum = None
enum = []
raw_entries = check_list(raw_enum,
'enum field for {}'.format(where))
enum_val_to_name = {} # type: Dict[int, str]
for idx, raw_entry in enumerate(raw_entries):
entry = EnumEntry('entry {} in enum list for {}'
.format(idx + 1, where),
if entry.value in enum_val_to_name:
raise ValueError('In {}, duplicate enum entries for '
'value {} ({} and {}).'
enum_val_to_name[entry.value] =
return Field(name, desc, tags, swaccess, hwaccess, bits, resval, enum)
def has_incomplete_enum(self) -> bool:
return (self.enum is not None and
len(self.enum) != 1 + self.bits.max_value())
def get_n_bits(self, hwext: bool, hwqe: bool, hwre: bool, bittype: List[str]) -> int:
'''Get the size of this field in bits
bittype should be a list of the types of signals to count. The elements
should come from the following list:
- 'q': A signal for the value of the field. Only needed if HW can read
its contents.
- 'd': A signal for the next value of the field. Only needed if HW can
write its contents.
- 'de': A write enable signal for hardware accesses. Only needed if HW
can write the field's contents and the register data is stored in the
register block (true if the hwext flag is false).
n_bits = 0
if "q" in bittype and self.hwaccess.allows_read():
n_bits += self.bits.width()
if "d" in bittype and self.hwaccess.allows_write():
n_bits += self.bits.width()
if "qe" in bittype and self.hwaccess.allows_read():
n_bits += int(hwqe)
if "re" in bittype and self.hwaccess.allows_read():
n_bits += int(hwre)
if "de" in bittype and self.hwaccess.allows_write():
n_bits += int(not hwext)
return n_bits
def make_multi(self,
reg_width: int,
min_reg_idx: int,
max_reg_idx: int,
cname: str,
creg_idx: int,
stripped: bool) -> List['Field']:
assert 0 <= min_reg_idx <= max_reg_idx
# Check that we won't overflow reg_width. We assume that the LSB should
# be preserved: if msb=5, lsb=2 then the replicated copies will be
# [5:2], [11:8] etc.
num_copies = 1 + max_reg_idx - min_reg_idx
field_width = self.bits.msb + 1
if field_width * num_copies > reg_width:
raise ValueError('Cannot replicate field {} {} times: the '
'resulting width would be {}, but the register '
'width is just {}.'
.format(, num_copies,
field_width * num_copies, reg_width))
desc = ('For {}{}'.format(cname, creg_idx)
if stripped else self.desc)
enum = None if stripped else self.enum
ret = []
for reg_idx in range(min_reg_idx, max_reg_idx + 1):
name = '{}_{}'.format(, reg_idx)
bit_offset = field_width * (reg_idx - min_reg_idx)
bits = (self.bits
if bit_offset == 0
else self.bits.make_translated(bit_offset))
ret.append(Field(name, desc,
self.tags, self.swaccess, self.hwaccess,
bits, self.resval, enum))
return ret
def make_suffixed(self, suffix: str,
cname: str,
creg_idx: int,
stripped: bool) -> 'Field':
desc = ('For {}{}'.format(cname, creg_idx)
if stripped else self.desc)
enum = None if stripped else self.enum
return Field( + suffix,
desc, self.tags, self.swaccess, self.hwaccess,
self.bits, self.resval, enum)
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
rd = {
'bits': self.bits.as_str(),
'swaccess': self.swaccess.key,
'hwaccess': self.hwaccess.key,
'resval': 'x' if self.resval is None else str(self.resval),
'tags': self.tags
} # type: Dict[str, object]
if self.desc is not None:
rd['desc'] = self.desc
if self.enum is not None:
rd['enum'] = self.enum
return rd
def sw_readable(self) -> bool:
return self.swaccess.key not in ['wo', 'r0w1c']
def sw_writable(self) -> bool:
return self.swaccess.key != 'ro'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// FPV CSR read and write assertions auto-generated by `reggen` containing data structure
// Do Not Edit directly
// TODO: This automation currently only support register without HW write access
from reggen import (gen_fpv)
from reggen.register import Register
from topgen import lib
lblock =
# This template shouldn't be instantiated if the device interface
# doesn't actually have any registers.
assert rb.flat_regs
<%def name="construct_classes(block)">\
`include ""
`ifdef UVM
import uvm_pkg::*;
// Block: ${lblock}
module ${mod_base}_csr_assert_fpv import tlul_pkg::*;
import top_pkg::*;(
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
// tile link ports
input tl_h2d_t h2d,
input tl_d2h_t d2h
addr_width = rb.get_addr_width()
addr_msb = addr_width - 1
hro_regs_list = [r for r in rb.flat_regs if not r.is_hw_writable()]
num_hro_regs = len(hro_regs_list)
hro_map = {r.offset: (idx, r) for idx, r in enumerate(hro_regs_list)}
// Currently FPV csr assertion only support HRO registers.
% if num_hro_regs > 0:
parameter bit[3:0] MAX_A_SOURCE = 10; // used for FPV only to reduce runtime
typedef struct packed {
logic [TL_DW-1:0] wr_data;
logic [TL_AW-1:0] addr;
logic wr_pending;
logic rd_pending;
} pend_item_t;
bit disable_sva;
// mask register to convert byte to bit
logic [TL_DW-1:0] a_mask_bit;
assign a_mask_bit[7:0] = h2d.a_mask[0] ? '1 : '0;
assign a_mask_bit[15:8] = h2d.a_mask[1] ? '1 : '0;
assign a_mask_bit[23:16] = h2d.a_mask[2] ? '1 : '0;
assign a_mask_bit[31:24] = h2d.a_mask[3] ? '1 : '0;
bit [${addr_msb}-2:0] hro_idx; // index for exp_vals
bit [${addr_msb}:0] normalized_addr;
// Map register address with hro_idx in exp_vals array.
always_comb begin: decode_hro_addr_to_idx
unique case (pend_trans[d2h.d_source].addr)
% for idx, r in hro_map.values():
${r.offset}: hro_idx <= ${idx};
% endfor
// If the register is not a HRO register, the write data will all update to this default idx.
default: hro_idx <= ${num_hro_regs};
// store internal expected values for HW ReadOnly registers
logic [TL_DW-1:0] exp_vals[${num_hro_regs + 1}];
`ifdef FPV_ON
pend_item_t [MAX_A_SOURCE:0] pend_trans;
pend_item_t [2**TL_AIW-1:0] pend_trans;
// normalized address only take the [${addr_msb}:2] address from the TLUL a_address
assign normalized_addr = {h2d.a_address[${addr_msb}:2], 2'b0};
% if num_hro_regs > 0:
// for write HRO registers, store the write data into exp_vals
always_ff @(negedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
pend_trans <= '0;
% for hro_reg in hro_regs_list:
exp_vals[${hro_map.get(hro_reg.offset)[0]}] <= ${hro_reg.resval};
% endfor
end else begin
if (h2d.a_valid && d2h.a_ready) begin
pend_trans[h2d.a_source].addr <= normalized_addr;
if (h2d.a_opcode inside {PutFullData, PutPartialData}) begin
pend_trans[h2d.a_source].wr_data <= h2d.a_data & a_mask_bit;
pend_trans[h2d.a_source].wr_pending <= 1'b1;
end else if (h2d.a_opcode == Get) begin
pend_trans[h2d.a_source].rd_pending <= 1'b1;
if (d2h.d_valid) begin
if (pend_trans[d2h.d_source].wr_pending == 1) begin
if (!d2h.d_error) begin
exp_vals[hro_idx] <= pend_trans[d2h.d_source].wr_data;
pend_trans[d2h.d_source].wr_pending <= 1'b0;
if (h2d.d_ready && pend_trans[d2h.d_source].rd_pending == 1) begin
pend_trans[d2h.d_source].rd_pending <= 1'b0;
// for read HRO registers, assert read out values by access policy and exp_vals
% for hro_reg in hro_regs_list:
r_name =
reg_addr = hro_reg.offset
reg_addr_hex = format(reg_addr, 'x')
regwen = hro_reg.regwen
reg_mask = 0
for f in hro_reg.get_field_list():
f_access = f.swaccess.key.lower()
if f_access == "rw" and regwen == None:
reg_mask = reg_mask | f.bits.bitmask()
% if reg_mask != 0:
<% reg_mask_hex = format(reg_mask, 'x') %>\
`ASSERT(${r_name}_rd_A, d2h.d_valid && pend_trans[d2h.d_source].rd_pending &&
pend_trans[d2h.d_source].addr == ${addr_width}'h${reg_addr_hex} |->
d2h.d_error ||
(d2h.d_data & 'h${reg_mask_hex}) == (exp_vals[${hro_map.get(reg_addr)[0]}] & 'h${reg_mask_hex}))
% endif
% endfor
% endif
// This FPV only assumption is to reduce the FPV runtime.
`ASSUME_FPV(TlulSource_M, h2d.a_source >= 0 && h2d.a_source <= MAX_A_SOURCE, clk_i, !rst_ni)
`ifdef UVM
initial forever begin
bit csr_assert_en;
uvm_config_db#(bit)::wait_modified(null, "%m", "csr_assert_en");
if (!uvm_config_db#(bit)::get(null, "%m", "csr_assert_en", csr_assert_en)) begin
`uvm_fatal("csr_assert", "Can't find csr_assert_en")
disable_sva = !csr_assert_en;
% endif

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Generate HTML documentation from Block
from typing import TextIO
from .ip_block import IpBlock
from .html_helpers import render_td
from .signal import Signal
def genout(outfile: TextIO, msg: str) -> None:
def name_width(x: Signal) -> str:
if x.bits.width() == 1:
return '{}[{}:0]'.format(, x.bits.msb)
def gen_kv(outfile: TextIO, key: str, value: str) -> None:
'<p><i>{}:</i> {}</p>\n'.format(key, value))
def gen_cfg_html(cfgs: IpBlock, outfile: TextIO) -> None:
rnames = cfgs.get_rnames()
ot_server = ''
comport_url = ot_server + '/doc/rm/comportability_specification'
'<p>Referring to the <a href="{url}">Comportable guideline for '
'peripheral device functionality</a>, the module '
'<b><code>{mod_name}</code></b> has the following hardware '
'interfaces defined.</p>\n'
# clocks
'Primary Clock',
other_clocks = cfgs.clocking.other_clocks()
if other_clocks:
other_clocks_str = ['<b><code>{}</code></b>'.format(clk)
for clk in other_clocks]
gen_kv(outfile, 'Other Clocks', ', '.join(other_clocks_str))
gen_kv(outfile, 'Other Clocks', '<i>none</i>')
# bus interfaces
dev_ports = ['<b><code>{}</code></b>'.format(port)
for port in cfgs.bus_interfaces.get_port_names(False, True)]
assert dev_ports
gen_kv(outfile, 'Bus Device Interfaces (TL-UL)', ', '.join(dev_ports))
host_ports = ['<b><code>{}</code></b>'.format(port)
for port in cfgs.bus_interfaces.get_port_names(True, False)]
if host_ports:
gen_kv(outfile, 'Bus Host Interfaces (TL-UL)', ', '.join(host_ports))
gen_kv(outfile, 'Bus Host Interfaces (TL-UL)', '<i>none</i>')
# IO
ios = ([('input', x) for x in cfgs.xputs[1]] +
[('output', x) for x in cfgs.xputs[2]] +
[('inout', x) for x in cfgs.xputs[0]])
if ios:
genout(outfile, "<p><i>Peripheral Pins for Chip IO:</i></p>\n")
outfile, "<table class=\"cfgtable\"><tr>" +
"<th>Pin name</th><th>direction</th>" +
for direction, x in ios:
render_td(x.desc, rnames, None)))
genout(outfile, "</table>\n")
genout(outfile, "<p><i>Peripheral Pins for Chip IO: none</i></p>\n")
if not cfgs.interrupts:
genout(outfile, "<p><i>Interrupts: none</i></p>\n")
genout(outfile, "<p><i>Interrupts:</i></p>\n")
outfile, "<table class=\"cfgtable\"><tr><th>Interrupt Name</th>" +
for x in cfgs.interrupts:
render_td(x.desc, rnames, None)))
genout(outfile, "</table>\n")
if not cfgs.alerts:
genout(outfile, "<p><i>Security Alerts: none</i></p>\n")
genout(outfile, "<p><i>Security Alerts:</i></p>\n")
outfile, "<table class=\"cfgtable\"><tr><th>Alert Name</th>" +
for x in cfgs.alerts:
render_td(x.desc, rnames, None)))
genout(outfile, "</table>\n")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Generate C header from validated register JSON tree
import io
import logging as log
import sys
import textwrap
import warnings
from typing import List, Optional, Set, TextIO
from .field import Field
from .ip_block import IpBlock
from .params import LocalParam
from .register import Register
from .multi_register import MultiRegister
from .signal import Signal
from .window import Window
def genout(outfile: TextIO, msg: str) -> None:
def to_snake_case(s: str) -> str:
val = []
for i, ch in enumerate(s):
if i > 0 and ch.isupper():
return ''.join(val)
def as_define(s: str) -> str:
s = s.upper()
r = ''
for i in range(0, len(s)):
r += s[i] if s[i].isalnum() else '_'
return r
def first_line(s: str) -> str:
"""Returns the first line of a multi-line string"""
return s.splitlines()[0]
def format_comment(s: str) -> str:
"""Formats a string to comment wrapped to an 80 character line width
Returns wrapped string including newline and // comment characters.
return '\n'.join(
s, width=77, initial_indent='// ', subsequent_indent='// ')) + '\n'
def gen_define(name: str,
args: List[str],
body: str,
existing_defines: Set[str],
indent: str = ' ') -> str:
r"""Produces a #define string, will split into two lines if a single line
has a width greater than 80 characters. Result includes newline.
name - Name of the #define
args - List of arguments for the define, provide an empty list if there are
body - Body of the #define
existing_defines - set of already generated define names.
Error if `name` is in `existing_defines`.
indent - Gives string to prepend on any new lines produced by
wrapping (default ' ')
Example result:
name = 'A_MACRO'
args = ['arg1', 'arg2'],
body = 'arg1 + arg2 + 10'
#define A_MACRO(arg1, arg2) arg1 + arg2 + 10
When the macro is wrapped the break happens after the argument list (or
macro name if there is no argument list
#define A_MACRO(arg1, arg2) \
arg1 + arg2 + 10
if name in existing_defines:
log.error("Duplicate #define for " + name)
if len(args) != 0:
define_declare = '#define ' + name + '(' + ', '.join(args) + ')'
define_declare = '#define ' + name
oneline_define = define_declare + ' ' + body
if len(oneline_define) <= 80:
return oneline_define + '\n'
return define_declare + ' \\\n' + indent + body + '\n'
def gen_cdefine_register(outstr: TextIO,
reg: Register,
comp: str,
width: int,
rnames: Set[str],
existing_defines: Set[str]) -> None:
rname =
offset = reg.offset
genout(outstr, format_comment(first_line(reg.desc)))
defname = as_define(comp + '_' + rname)
gen_define(defname + '_REG_OFFSET', [], hex(offset), existing_defines))
gen_define(defname + '_REG_RESVAL', [],
hex(reg.resval), existing_defines))
for field in reg.fields:
dname = defname + '_' + as_define(
field_width = field.bits.width()
if field_width == 1:
# single bit
gen_define(dname + '_BIT', [], str(field.bits.lsb),
# multiple bits (unless it is the whole register)
if field_width != width:
mask = field.bits.bitmask() >> field.bits.lsb
gen_define(dname + '_MASK', [], hex(mask),
gen_define(dname + '_OFFSET', [], str(field.bits.lsb),
dname + '_FIELD', [],
'((bitfield_field32_t) {{ .mask = {dname}_MASK, .index = {dname}_OFFSET }})'
.format(dname=dname), existing_defines))
if field.enum is not None:
for enum in field.enum:
ename = as_define(
value = hex(enum.value)
defname + '_' + as_define( +
'_VALUE_' + ename, [], value, existing_defines))
genout(outstr, '\n')
def gen_cdefine_window(outstr: TextIO,
win: Window,
comp: str,
regwidth: int,
rnames: Set[str],
existing_defines: Set[str]) -> None:
offset = win.offset
genout(outstr, format_comment('Memory area: ' + first_line(win.desc)))
defname = as_define(comp + '_' +
gen_define(defname + '_REG_OFFSET', [], hex(offset), existing_defines))
items = win.items
gen_define(defname + '_SIZE_WORDS', [], str(items), existing_defines))
items = items * (regwidth // 8)
gen_define(defname + '_SIZE_BYTES', [], str(items), existing_defines))
wid = win.validbits
if (wid != regwidth):
mask = (1 << wid) - 1
gen_define(defname + '_MASK ', [], hex(mask), existing_defines))
def gen_cdefines_module_param(outstr: TextIO,
param: LocalParam,
module_name: str,
existing_defines: Set[str]) -> None:
# Presently there is only one type (int), however if the new types are
# added, they potentially need to be handled differently.
known_types = ["int"]
if param.param_type not in known_types:
warnings.warn("Cannot generate a module define of type {}"
if param.desc is not None:
genout(outstr, format_comment(first_line(param.desc)))
# Heuristic: if the name already has underscores, it's already snake_case,
# otherwise, assume StudlyCaps and covert it to snake_case.
param_name = if '_' in else to_snake_case(
define_name = as_define(module_name + '_PARAM_' + param_name)
if param.param_type == "int":
define = gen_define(define_name, [], param.value,
genout(outstr, define)
genout(outstr, '\n')
def gen_cdefines_module_params(outstr: TextIO,
module_data: IpBlock,
module_name: str,
register_width: int,
existing_defines: Set[str]) -> None:
module_params = module_data.params
for param in module_params.get_localparams():
gen_cdefines_module_param(outstr, param, module_name, existing_defines)
genout(outstr, format_comment(first_line("Register width")))
define_name = as_define(module_name + '_PARAM_REG_WIDTH')
define = gen_define(define_name, [], str(register_width), existing_defines)
genout(outstr, define)
genout(outstr, '\n')
def gen_multireg_field_defines(outstr: TextIO,
regname: str,
field: Field,
subreg_num: int,
regwidth: int,
existing_defines: Set[str]) -> None:
field_width = field.bits.width()
fields_per_reg = regwidth // field_width
define_name = regname + '_' + as_define( + "_FIELD_WIDTH")
define = gen_define(define_name, [], str(field_width), existing_defines)
genout(outstr, define)
define_name = regname + '_' + as_define( + "_FIELDS_PER_REG")
define = gen_define(define_name, [], str(fields_per_reg), existing_defines)
genout(outstr, define)
define_name = regname + "_MULTIREG_COUNT"
define = gen_define(define_name, [], str(subreg_num), existing_defines)
genout(outstr, define)
genout(outstr, '\n')
def gen_cdefine_multireg(outstr: TextIO,
multireg: MultiRegister,
component: str,
regwidth: int,
rnames: Set[str],
existing_defines: Set[str]) -> None:
comment = multireg.reg.desc + " (common parameters)"
genout(outstr, format_comment(first_line(comment)))
if len(multireg.reg.fields) == 1:
regname = as_define(component + '_' +
gen_multireg_field_defines(outstr, regname, multireg.reg.fields[0],
len(multireg.regs), regwidth, existing_defines)
log.warn("Non-homogeneous multireg " + +
" skip multireg specific data generation.")
for subreg in multireg.regs:
gen_cdefine_register(outstr, subreg, component, regwidth, rnames,
def gen_cdefines_interrupt_field(outstr: TextIO,
interrupt: Signal,
component: str,
regwidth: int,
existing_defines: Set[str]) -> None:
fieldlsb = interrupt.bits.lsb
iname =
defname = as_define(component + '_INTR_COMMON_' + iname)
if interrupt.bits.width() == 1:
# single bit
gen_define(defname + '_BIT', [], str(fieldlsb), existing_defines))
# multiple bits (unless it is the whole register)
if interrupt.bits.width() != regwidth:
mask = interrupt.bits.msb >> fieldlsb
gen_define(defname + '_MASK', [], hex(mask), existing_defines))
gen_define(defname + '_OFFSET', [], str(fieldlsb),
defname + '_FIELD', [],
'((bitfield_field32_t) {{ .mask = {dname}_MASK, .index = {dname}_OFFSET }})'
.format(dname=defname), existing_defines))
def gen_cdefines_interrupts(outstr: TextIO,
block: IpBlock,
component: str,
regwidth: int,
existing_defines: Set[str]) -> None:
# If no_auto_intr_regs is true, then we do not generate common defines,
# because the bit offsets for a particular interrupt may differ between
# the interrupt enable/state/test registers.
if block.no_auto_intr:
genout(outstr, format_comment(first_line("Common Interrupt Offsets")))
for intr in block.interrupts:
gen_cdefines_interrupt_field(outstr, intr, component, regwidth,
genout(outstr, '\n')
def gen_cdefines(block: IpBlock,
outfile: TextIO,
src_lic: Optional[str],
src_copy: str) -> int:
rnames = block.get_rnames()
outstr = io.StringIO()
# This tracks the defines that have been generated so far, so we
# can error if we attempt to duplicate a definition
existing_defines = set() # type: Set[str]
gen_cdefines_module_params(outstr, block,, block.regwidth,
gen_cdefines_interrupts(outstr, block,, block.regwidth,
for rb in block.reg_blocks.values():
for x in rb.entries:
if isinstance(x, Register):
gen_cdefine_register(outstr, x,, block.regwidth, rnames,
if isinstance(x, MultiRegister):
gen_cdefine_multireg(outstr, x,, block.regwidth, rnames,
if isinstance(x, Window):
gen_cdefine_window(outstr, x,, block.regwidth,
rnames, existing_defines)
generated = outstr.getvalue()
genout(outfile, '// Generated register defines for ' + + '\n\n')
if src_copy != '':
genout(outfile, '// Copyright information found in source file:\n')
genout(outfile, '// ' + src_copy + '\n\n')
if src_lic is not None:
genout(outfile, '// Licensing information found in source file:\n')
for line in src_lic.splitlines():
genout(outfile, '// ' + line + '\n')
genout(outfile, '\n')
# Header Include Guard
genout(outfile, '#ifndef _' + as_define( + '_REG_DEFS_\n')
genout(outfile, '#define _' + as_define( + '_REG_DEFS_\n\n')
# Header Extern Guard (so header can be used from C and C++)
genout(outfile, '#ifdef __cplusplus\n')
genout(outfile, 'extern "C" {\n')
genout(outfile, '#endif\n')
genout(outfile, generated)
# Header Extern Guard
genout(outfile, '#ifdef __cplusplus\n')
genout(outfile, '} // extern "C"\n')
genout(outfile, '#endif\n')
# Header Include Guard
genout(outfile, '#endif // _' + as_define( + '_REG_DEFS_\n')
genout(outfile, '// End generated register defines for ' +
return 0
def test_gen_define() -> None:
basic_oneline = '#define MACRO_NAME body\n'
assert gen_define('MACRO_NAME', [], 'body', set()) == basic_oneline
basic_oneline_with_args = '#define MACRO_NAME(arg1, arg2) arg1 + arg2\n'
assert (gen_define('MACRO_NAME', ['arg1', 'arg2'], 'arg1 + arg2',
set()) == basic_oneline_with_args)
multiline = ('#define ' + long_macro_name + ' \\\n' +
' a_fairly_long_body + something_else + 10\n')
assert (gen_define(long_macro_name, [],
'a_fairly_long_body + something_else + 10',
set()) == multiline)
multiline_with_args = ('#define ' + long_macro_name +
'(arg1, arg2, arg3) \\\n' +
' a_fairly_long_body + arg1 + arg2 + arg3\n')
assert (gen_define(long_macro_name, ['arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3'],
'a_fairly_long_body + arg1 + arg2 + arg3',
set()) == multiline_with_args)
multiline_with_args_big_indent = (
'#define ' + long_macro_name + '(arg1, arg2, arg3) \\\n' +
' a_fairly_long_body + arg1 + arg2 + arg3\n')
assert (gen_define(long_macro_name, ['arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3'],
'a_fairly_long_body + arg1 + arg2 + arg3',
indent=' ') == multiline_with_args_big_indent)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'''Generate DV code for an IP block'''
import logging as log
import os
from typing import List, Union
import yaml
from mako import exceptions # type: ignore
from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup # type: ignore
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from .ip_block import IpBlock
from .multi_register import MultiRegister
from .register import Register
from .window import Window
def bcname(esc_if_name: str) -> str:
'''Get the name of the dv_base_reg_block subclass for this device interface'''
return esc_if_name + "_reg_block"
def rcname(esc_if_name: str, r: Union[Register, MultiRegister]) -> str:
'''Get the name of the dv_base_reg subclass for this register'''
return '{}_reg_{}'.format(esc_if_name,
def mcname(esc_if_name: str, m: Window) -> str:
'''Get the name of the dv_base_mem subclass for this memory'''
return '{}_mem_{}'.format(esc_if_name,
def miname(m: Window) -> str:
'''Get the lower-case name of a memory block'''
def gen_core_file(outdir: str,
lblock: str,
dv_base_prefix: str,
paths: List[str]) -> None:
depends = ["lowrisc:dv:dv_base_reg"]
if dv_base_prefix and dv_base_prefix != "dv_base":
# Generate a fusesoc core file that points at the files we've just
# generated.
core_data = {
'name': "lowrisc:dv:{}_ral_pkg".format(lblock),
'filesets': {
'files_dv': {
'depend': depends,
'files': paths,
'file_type': 'systemVerilogSource'
'targets': {
'default': {
'filesets': [
core_file_path = os.path.join(outdir, lblock + '_ral_pkg.core')
with open(core_file_path, 'w') as core_file:
yaml.dump(core_data, core_file, encoding='utf-8')
def gen_dv(block: IpBlock, dv_base_prefix: str, outdir: str) -> int:
'''Generate DV files for an IpBlock'''
lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[resource_filename('reggen', '.')])
uvm_reg_tpl = lookup.get_template('')
# Generate the RAL package(s). For a device interface with no name we
# generate the package "<block>_ral_pkg" (writing to <block>
# In any other case, we also need the interface name, giving
# <block>_<ifname>_ral_pkg.
generated = []
lblock =
for if_name, rb in block.reg_blocks.items():
hier_path = '' if block.hier_path is None else block.hier_path + '.'
if_suffix = '' if if_name is None else '_' + if_name.lower()
mod_base = lblock + if_suffix
reg_block_path = hier_path + 'u_reg' + if_suffix
file_name = mod_base + ''
reg_top_path = os.path.join(outdir, file_name)
with open(reg_top_path, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as fout:
except: # noqa F722 for template Exception handling
return 1
gen_core_file(outdir, lblock, dv_base_prefix, generated)
return 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# # Lint as: python3
"""Generate FPV CSR read and write assertions from IpBlock
import logging as log
import os.path
import yaml
from mako import exceptions # type: ignore
from mako.template import Template # type: ignore
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from .ip_block import IpBlock
def gen_fpv(block: IpBlock, outdir: str) -> int:
# Read Register templates
fpv_csr_tpl = Template(
filename=resource_filename('reggen', ''))
# Generate a module with CSR assertions for each device interface. For a
# device interface with no name, we generate <block>_csr_assert_fpv. For a
# named interface, we generate <block>_<ifname>_csr_assert_fpv.
lblock =
generated = []
for if_name, rb in block.reg_blocks.items():
if not rb.flat_regs:
# No registers to check!
if if_name is None:
mod_base = lblock
mod_base = lblock + '_' + if_name.lower()
mod_name = mod_base + '_csr_assert_fpv'
filename = mod_name + '.sv'
reg_top_path = os.path.join(outdir, filename)
with open(reg_top_path, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as fout:
except: # noqa F722 for template Exception handling
return 1
# Generate a fusesoc core file that points at the files we've just
# generated.
core_data = {
'name': "lowrisc:fpv:{}_csr_assert".format(lblock),
'filesets': {
'files_dv': {
'depend': [
'files': generated,
'file_type': 'systemVerilogSource'
'targets': {
'default': {
'filesets': [
core_file_path = os.path.join(outdir, lblock + '_csr_assert_fpv.core')
with open(core_file_path, 'w') as core_file:
yaml.dump(core_data, core_file, encoding='utf-8')
return 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Generate HTML documentation from IpBlock
from typing import Set, TextIO
from .ip_block import IpBlock
from .html_helpers import expand_paras, render_td
from .multi_register import MultiRegister
from .reg_block import RegBlock
from .register import Register
from .window import Window
def genout(outfile: TextIO, msg: str) -> None:
# Generation of HTML table with register bit-field summary picture
# Max 16-bit wide on one line
def gen_tbl_row(outfile: TextIO, msb: int, width: int, close: bool) -> None:
if (close):
genout(outfile, "</tr>\n")
genout(outfile, "<tr>")
for x in range(msb, msb - width, -1):
genout(outfile, "<td class=\"bitnum\">" + str(x) + "</td>")
genout(outfile, "</tr><tr>")
def gen_html_reg_pic(outfile: TextIO, reg: Register, width: int) -> None:
if (width > 32):
bsize = 3
nextbit = 63
hdrbits = 16
nextline = 48
elif (width > 16):
bsize = 3
nextbit = 31
hdrbits = 16
nextline = 16
elif (width > 8):
bsize = 3
nextbit = 15
nextline = 0
hdrbits = 16
bsize = 12
nextbit = 7
nextline = 0
hdrbits = 8
genout(outfile, "<table class=\"regpic\">")
gen_tbl_row(outfile, nextbit, hdrbits, False)
for field in reversed(reg.fields):
fieldlsb = field.bits.lsb
fieldwidth = field.bits.width()
fieldmsb = field.bits.msb
fname =
while nextbit > fieldmsb:
if (nextbit >= nextline) and (fieldmsb < nextline):
spans = nextbit - (nextline - 1)
spans = nextbit - fieldmsb
outfile, "<td class=\"unused\" colspan=" + str(spans) +
if (nextbit >= nextline) and (fieldmsb < nextline):
nextbit = nextline - 1
gen_tbl_row(outfile, nextbit, hdrbits, True)
nextline = nextline - 16
nextbit = fieldmsb
while (fieldmsb >= nextline) and (fieldlsb < nextline):
spans = fieldmsb - (nextline - 1)
outfile, "<td class=\"fname\" colspan=" + str(spans) + ">" +
fname + "...</td>\n")
fname = "..." +
fieldwidth = fieldwidth - spans
fieldmsb = nextline - 1
nextline = nextline - 16
gen_tbl_row(outfile, fieldmsb, hdrbits, True)
namelen = len(fname)
if namelen == 0 or fname == ' ':
fname = "&nbsp;"
if (namelen > bsize * fieldwidth):
usestyle = (" style=\"font-size:" + str(
(bsize * 100 * fieldwidth) / namelen) + "%\"")
usestyle = ""
outfile, "<td class=\"fname\" colspan=" + str(fieldwidth) +
usestyle + ">" + fname + "</td>\n")
if (fieldlsb == nextline) and nextline > 0:
gen_tbl_row(outfile, nextline - 1, hdrbits, True)
nextline = nextline - 16
nextbit = fieldlsb - 1
while (nextbit > 0):
spans = nextbit - (nextline - 1)
"<td class=\"unused\" colspan=" + str(spans) + ">&nbsp;</td>\n")
nextbit = nextline - 1
if (nextline > 0):
gen_tbl_row(outfile, nextline - 1, hdrbits, True)
nextline = nextline - 16
genout(outfile, "</tr></table>")
# Generation of HTML table with header, register picture and details
def gen_html_register(outfile: TextIO,
reg: Register,
comp: str,
width: int,
rnames: Set[str]) -> None:
rname =
offset = reg.offset
regwen_div = ''
if reg.regwen is not None:
regwen_div = (' <div>Register enable = {}</div>\n'
desc_paras = expand_paras(reg.desc, rnames)
desc_head = desc_paras[0]
desc_body = desc_paras[1:]
'<table class="regdef" id="Reg_{lrname}">\n'
' <tr>\n'
' <th class="regdef" colspan=5>\n'
' <div>{comp}.{rname} @ {off:#x}</div>\n'
' <div>{desc}</div>\n'
' <div>Reset default = {resval:#x}, mask {mask:#x}</div>\n'
' </th>\n'
' </tr>\n'
if desc_body:
'<tr><td colspan=5>{}</td></tr>'
genout(outfile, "<tr><td colspan=5>")
gen_html_reg_pic(outfile, reg, width)
genout(outfile, "</td></tr>\n")
genout(outfile, "<tr><th width=5%>Bits</th>")
genout(outfile, "<th width=5%>Type</th>")
genout(outfile, "<th width=5%>Reset</th>")
genout(outfile, "<th>Name</th>")
genout(outfile, "<th>Description</th></tr>")
nextbit = 0
fcount = 0
for field in reg.fields:
fcount += 1
fname =
fieldlsb = field.bits.lsb
if fieldlsb > nextbit:
genout(outfile, "<tr><td class=\"regbits\">")
if (nextbit == (fieldlsb - 1)):
genout(outfile, str(nextbit))
genout(outfile, str(fieldlsb - 1) + ":" + str(nextbit))
genout(outfile, "<tr><td class=\"regbits\">" + field.bits.as_str() + "</td>")
genout(outfile, "<td class=\"regperm\">" + field.swaccess.key + "</td>")
outfile, "<td class=\"regrv\">" +
('x' if field.resval is None else hex(field.resval)) +
genout(outfile, "<td class=\"regfn\">" + fname + "</td>")
# Collect up any description and enum table
desc_parts = []
if field.desc is not None:
desc_parts += expand_paras(field.desc, rnames)
if field.enum is not None:
for enum in field.enum:
enum_desc_paras = expand_paras(enum.desc, rnames)
if field.has_incomplete_enum():
desc_parts.append("<p>Other values are reserved.</p>")
'<td class="regde">{}</td>'.format(''.join(desc_parts)))
nextbit = fieldlsb + field.bits.width()
genout(outfile, "</table>\n<br>\n")
def gen_html_window(outfile: TextIO,
win: Window,
comp: str,
regwidth: int,
rnames: Set[str]) -> None:
wname = or '(unnamed window)'
offset = win.offset
'<table class="regdef" id="Reg_{lwname}">\n'
' <tr>\n'
' <th class="regdef">\n'
' <div>{comp}.{wname} @ + {off:#x}</div>\n'
' <div>{items} item {swaccess} window</div>\n'
' <div>Byte writes are {byte_writes}supported</div>\n'
' </th>\n'
' </tr>\n'
byte_writes=('' if win.byte_write else '<i>not</i> ')))
genout(outfile, '<tr><td><table class="regpic">')
genout(outfile, '<tr><td width="10%"></td>')
wid = win.validbits
for x in range(regwidth - 1, -1, -1):
if x == regwidth - 1 or x == wid - 1 or x == 0:
genout(outfile, '<td class="bitnum">' + str(x) + '</td>')
genout(outfile, '<td class="bitnum"></td>')
genout(outfile, '</tr>')
tblmax = win.items - 1
for x in [0, 1, 2, tblmax - 1, tblmax]:
if x == 2:
outfile, '<tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td align=center colspan=' +
str(regwidth) + '>...</td></tr>')
outfile, '<tr><td class="regbits">+' +
hex(offset + x * (regwidth // 8)) + '</td>')
if wid < regwidth:
outfile, '<td class="unused" colspan=' +
str(regwidth - wid) + '>&nbsp;</td>\n')
'<td class="fname" colspan=' + str(wid) + '>&nbsp;</td>\n')
outfile, '<td class="fname" colspan=' + str(regwidth) +
genout(outfile, '</tr>')
genout(outfile, '</td></tr></table>')
'<tr>{}</tr>'.format(render_td(win.desc, rnames, 'regde')))
genout(outfile, "</table>\n<br>\n")
def gen_html_reg_block(outfile: TextIO,
rb: RegBlock,
comp: str,
width: int,
rnames: Set[str]) -> None:
for x in rb.entries:
if isinstance(x, Register):
gen_html_register(outfile, x, comp, width, rnames)
elif isinstance(x, MultiRegister):
for reg in x.regs:
gen_html_register(outfile, reg, comp, width, rnames)
assert isinstance(x, Window)
gen_html_window(outfile, x, comp, width, rnames)
def gen_html(block: IpBlock, outfile: TextIO) -> int:
rnames = block.get_rnames()
assert block.reg_blocks
# Handle the case where there's just one interface
if len(block.reg_blocks) == 1:
rb = list(block.reg_blocks.values())[0]
gen_html_reg_block(outfile, rb,, block.regwidth, rnames)
return 0
# Handle the case where there is more than one device interface and,
# correspondingly, more than one reg block.
for iface_name, rb in block.reg_blocks.items():
iface_desc = ('device interface <code>{}</code>'.format(iface_name)
if iface_name is not None
else 'the unnamed device interface')
'<h3>Registers visible under {}</h3>'.format(iface_desc))
gen_html_reg_block(outfile, rb,, block.regwidth, rnames)
return 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Generate JSON/compact JSON/Hjson from register JSON tree
import hjson
def gen_json(obj, outfile, format):
if format == 'json':
indent=' ',
elif format == 'compact':
separators=(',', ':'))
elif format == 'hjson':
raise ValueError('Invalid JSON format ' + format)
return 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""Generate SystemVerilog designs from IpBlock object"""
import logging as log
import os
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple
from mako import exceptions # type: ignore
from mako.template import Template # type: ignore
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from .ip_block import IpBlock
from .multi_register import MultiRegister
from .reg_base import RegBase
from .register import Register
def escape_name(name: str) -> str:
return name.lower().replace(' ', '_')
def make_box_quote(msg: str, indent: str = ' ') -> str:
hr = indent + ('/' * (len(msg) + 6))
middle = indent + '// ' + msg + ' //'
return '\n'.join([hr, middle, hr])
def _get_awparam_name(iface_name: Optional[str]) -> str:
return (iface_name or 'Iface').capitalize() + 'Aw'
def get_addr_widths(block: IpBlock) -> Dict[Optional[str], Tuple[str, int]]:
'''Return the address widths for the device interfaces
Returns a dictionary keyed by interface name whose values are pairs:
(paramname, width) where paramname is IfaceAw for an unnamed interface and
FooAw for an interface called foo. This is constructed in the same order as
If there is a single device interface and that interface is unnamed, use
the more general parameter name "BlockAw".
assert block.reg_blocks
if len(block.reg_blocks) == 1 and None in block.reg_blocks:
return {None: ('BlockAw', block.reg_blocks[None].get_addr_width())}
return {name: (_get_awparam_name(name), rb.get_addr_width())
for name, rb in block.reg_blocks.items()}
def get_type_name_pfx(block: IpBlock, iface_name: Optional[str]) -> str:
return + ('' if iface_name is None
else '_{}'.format(iface_name.lower()))
def get_r0(reg: RegBase) -> Register:
'''Get a Register representing an entry in the RegBase'''
if isinstance(reg, Register):
return reg
assert isinstance(reg, MultiRegister)
return reg.reg
def get_iface_tx_type(block: IpBlock,
iface_name: Optional[str],
hw2reg: bool) -> str:
x2x = 'hw2reg' if hw2reg else 'reg2hw'
pfx = get_type_name_pfx(block, iface_name)
return '_'.join([pfx, x2x, 't'])
def get_reg_tx_type(block: IpBlock, reg: RegBase, hw2reg: bool) -> str:
'''Get the name of the hw2reg or reg2hw type for reg'''
if isinstance(reg, Register):
r0 = reg
type_suff = 'reg_t'
assert isinstance(reg, MultiRegister)
r0 = reg.reg
type_suff = 'mreg_t'
x2x = 'hw2reg' if hw2reg else 'reg2hw'
return '_'.join([,
def gen_rtl(block: IpBlock, outdir: str) -> int:
# Read Register templates
reg_top_tpl = Template(
filename=resource_filename('reggen', ''))
reg_pkg_tpl = Template(
filename=resource_filename('reggen', ''))
# Generate <block>
# This defines the various types used to interface between the *_reg_top
# module(s) and the block itself.
reg_pkg_path = os.path.join(outdir, + "")
with open(reg_pkg_path, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as fout:
except: # noqa F722 for template Exception handling
return 1
# Generate the register block implementation(s). For a device interface
# with no name we generate the register module "<block>_reg_top" (writing
# to <block> In any other case, we also need the interface
# name, giving <block>_<ifname>_reg_top.
lblock =
for if_name, rb in block.reg_blocks.items():
if if_name is None:
mod_base = lblock
mod_base = lblock + '_' + if_name.lower()
mod_name = mod_base + '_reg_top'
reg_top_path = os.path.join(outdir, mod_name + '.sv')
with open(reg_top_path, 'w', encoding='UTF-8') as fout:
except: # noqa F722 for template Exception handling
return 1
return 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Generates the documentation for the register tool
from reggen import (validate,
ip_block, enum_entry, field,
register, multi_register, window)
def genout(outfile, msg):
doc_intro = """
<!-- Start of output generated by ` --doc` -->
The tables describe each key and the type of the value. The following
types are used:
Type | Description
---- | -----------
swaccess_intro = """
Register fields are tagged using the swaccess key to describe the
permitted access and side-effects. This key must have one of these
hwaccess_intro = """
Register fields are tagged using the hwaccess key to describe the
permitted access from hardware logic and side-effects. This key must
have one of these values:
top_example = """
The basic structure of a register definition file is thus:
name: "GP",
regwidth: "32",
registers: [
// register definitions...
register_example = """
The basic register definition group will follow this pattern:
{ name: "REGA",
desc: "Description of register",
swaccess: "rw",
resval: "42",
fields: [
// bit field definitions...
The name and brief description are required. If the swaccess key is
provided it describes the access pattern that will be used by all
bitfields in the register that do not override with their own swaccess
key. This is a useful shortcut because in most cases a register will
have the same access restrictions for all fields. The reset value of
the register may also be provided here or in the individual fields. If
it is provided in both places then they must match, if it is provided
in neither place then the reset value defaults to zero for all except
write-only fields when it defaults to x.
field_example = """
Field names should be relatively short because they will be used
frequently (and need to fit in the register layout picture!) The field
description is expected to be longer and will most likely make use of
the Hjson ability to include multi-line strings. An example with three
fields: [
{ bits: "15:0",
name: "RXS",
desc: '''
Last 16 oversampled values of RX. These are captured at 16x the baud
rate clock. This is a shift register with the most recent bit in
bit 0 and the oldest in bit 15. Only valid when ENRXS is set.
{ bits: "16",
name: "ENRXS",
desc: '''
If this bit is set the receive oversampled data is collected
in the RXS field.
{bits: "20:19", name: "TXILVL",
desc: "Trigger level for TX interrupts",
resval: "2",
enum: [
{ value: "0", name: "txlvl1", desc: "1 character" },
{ value: "1", name: "txlvl4", desc: "4 characters" },
{ value: "2", name: "txlvl8", desc: "8 characters" },
{ value: "3", name: "txlvl16", desc: "16 characters" }
In all of these the swaccess parameter is inherited from the register
level, and will be added so this key is always available to the
backend. The RXS and ENRXS will default to zero reset value (unless
something different is provided for the register) and will have the
key added, but TXILVL expicitly sets its reset value as 2.
The missing bits 17 and 18 will be treated as reserved by the tool, as
will any bits between 21 and the maximum in the register.
The TXILVL is an example using an enumeration to specify all valid
values for the field. In this case all possible values are described,
if the list is incomplete then the field is marked with the rsvdenum
key so the backend can take appropriate action. (If the enum field is
more than 7 bits then the checking is not done.)
offset_intro = """
multi_intro = """
The multireg expands on the register required fields and will generate
a list of the generated registers (that contain all required and
generated keys for an actual register).
window_intro = """
A window defines an open region of the register space that can be used
for things that are not registers (for example access to a buffer ram).
regwen_intro = """
Registers can protect themselves from software writes by using the
register attribute regwen. When not an emptry string (the default
value), regwen indicates that another register must be true in order
to allow writes to this register. This is useful for the prevention
of software modification. The register-enable register (call it
REGWEN) must be one bit in width, and should default to 1 and be rw1c
for preferred security control. This allows all writes to proceed
until at some point software disables future modifications by clearing
REGWEN. An error is reported if REGWEN does not exist, contains more
than one bit, is not `rw1c` or does not default to 1. One REGWEN can
protect multiple registers. The REGWEN register must precede those
registers that refer to it in the .hjson register list. An example:
{ name: "REGWEN",
desc: "Register write enable for a bank of registers",
swaccess: "rw1c",
fields: [ { bits: "0", resval: "1" } ]
{ name: "REGA",
swaccess: "rw",
regwen: "REGWEN",
{ name: "REGB",
swaccess: "rw",
regwen: "REGWEN",
doc_tail = """
(end of output generated by ` --doc`)
def doc_tbl_head(outfile, use):
if use is not None:
genout(outfile, "\nKey | Kind | Type | Description of Value\n")
genout(outfile, "--- | ---- | ---- | --------------------\n")
genout(outfile, "\nKey | Description\n")
genout(outfile, "--- | -----------\n")
def doc_tbl_line(outfile, key, use, desc):
if use is not None:
desc_key, desc_txt = desc
val_type = (validate.val_types[desc_key][0]
if desc_key is not None else None)
assert isinstance(desc, str)
val_type = None
desc_txt = desc
if val_type is not None:
outfile, '{} | {} | {} | {}\n'.format(key, validate.key_use[use],
val_type, desc_txt))
genout(outfile, key + " | " + desc_txt + "\n")
def document(outfile):
genout(outfile, doc_intro)
for x in validate.val_types:
validate.val_types[x][0] + " | " + validate.val_types[x][1] + "\n")
genout(outfile, swaccess_intro)
doc_tbl_head(outfile, None)
for key, value in SWACCESS_PERMITTED.items():
doc_tbl_line(outfile, key, None, value[0])
genout(outfile, hwaccess_intro)
doc_tbl_head(outfile, None)
for key, value in HWACCESS_PERMITTED.items():
doc_tbl_line(outfile, key, None, value[0])
outfile, "\n\nThe top level of the JSON is a group containing "
"the following keys:\n")
doc_tbl_head(outfile, 1)
for k, v in ip_block.REQUIRED_FIELDS.items():
doc_tbl_line(outfile, k, 'r', v)
for k, v in ip_block.OPTIONAL_FIELDS.items():
doc_tbl_line(outfile, k, 'o', v)
genout(outfile, top_example)
outfile, "\n\nThe list of registers includes register definition "
"groups containing the following keys:\n")
doc_tbl_head(outfile, 1)
for k, v in register.REQUIRED_FIELDS.items():
doc_tbl_line(outfile, k, 'r', v)
for k, v in register.OPTIONAL_FIELDS.items():
doc_tbl_line(outfile, k, 'o', v)
genout(outfile, register_example)
outfile, "\n\nIn the fields list each field definition is a group "
"itself containing the following keys:\n")
doc_tbl_head(outfile, 1)
for k, v in field.REQUIRED_FIELDS.items():
doc_tbl_line(outfile, k, 'r', v)
for k, v in field.OPTIONAL_FIELDS.items():
doc_tbl_line(outfile, k, 'o', v)
genout(outfile, field_example)
genout(outfile, "\n\nDefinitions in an enumeration group contain:\n")
doc_tbl_head(outfile, 1)
for k, v in enum_entry.REQUIRED_FIELDS.items():
doc_tbl_line(outfile, k, 'r', v)
outfile, "\n\nThe list of registers may include single entry groups "
"to control the offset, open a window or generate registers:\n")
doc_tbl_head(outfile, 1)
for x in validate.list_optone:
doc_tbl_line(outfile, x, 'o', validate.list_optone[x])
genout(outfile, offset_intro)
genout(outfile, regwen_intro)
genout(outfile, window_intro)
doc_tbl_head(outfile, 1)
for k, v in window.REQUIRED_FIELDS.items():
doc_tbl_line(outfile, k, 'r', v)
for k, v in window.OPTIONAL_FIELDS.items():
doc_tbl_line(outfile, k, 'o', v)
genout(outfile, multi_intro)
doc_tbl_head(outfile, 1)
for k, v in multi_register.REQUIRED_FIELDS.items():
doc_tbl_line(outfile, k, 'r', v)
for k, v in multi_register.OPTIONAL_FIELDS.items():
doc_tbl_line(outfile, k, 'o', v)
genout(outfile, doc_tail)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import logging as log
import re
from typing import List, Match, Optional, Set
def expand_paras(s: str, rnames: Set[str]) -> List[str]:
'''Expand a description field to HTML.
This supports a sort of simple pseudo-markdown. Supported Markdown
- Separate paragraphs on a blank line
- **bold** and *italicised* text
- Back-ticks for pre-formatted text
We also generate links to registers when a name is prefixed with a double
exclamation mark. For example, if there is a register FOO then !!FOO or
!!FOO.field will generate a link to that register.
Returns a list of rendered paragraphs
# Start by splitting into paragraphs. The regex matches a newline followed
# by one or more lines that just contain whitespace. Then render each
# paragraph with the _expand_paragraph worker function.
paras = [_expand_paragraph(paragraph.strip(), rnames)
for paragraph in re.split(r'\n(?:\s*\n)+', s)]
# There will always be at least one paragraph (splitting an empty string
# gives [''])
assert paras
return paras
def _expand_paragraph(s: str, rnames: Set[str]) -> str:
'''Expand a single paragraph, as described in _get_desc_paras'''
def fieldsub(match: Match[str]) -> str:
base ='.')[0].lower()
if base in rnames:
if[-1] == ".":
return ('<a href="#Reg_' + base + '"><code class=\"reg\">' +[:-1] + '</code></a>.')
return ('<a href="#Reg_' + base + '"><code class=\"reg\">' + + '</code></a>')
log.warn('!!' +'.')[0] +
' not found in register list.')
# Split out pre-formatted text. Because the call to re.split has a capture
# group in the regex, we get an odd number of results. Elements with even
# indices are "normal text". Those with odd indices are the captured text
# between the back-ticks.
code_split = re.split(r'`([^`]+)`', s)
expanded_parts = []
for idx, part in enumerate(code_split):
if idx & 1:
# Text contained in back ticks
part = re.sub(r"!!([A-Za-z0-9_.]+)", fieldsub, part)
part = re.sub(r"(?s)\*\*(.+?)\*\*", r'<B>\1</B>', part)
part = re.sub(r"\*([^*]+?)\*", r'<I>\1</I>', part)
return '<p>{}</p>'.format(''.join(expanded_parts))
def render_td(s: str, rnames: Set[str], td_class: Optional[str]) -> str:
'''Expand a description field and put it in a <td>.
Returns a string. See _get_desc_paras for the format that gets expanded.
desc_paras = expand_paras(s, rnames)
class_attr = '' if td_class is None else ' class="{}"'.format(td_class)
return '<td{}>{}</td>'.format(class_attr, ''.join(desc_paras))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import Dict, Optional
from .lib import (check_keys, check_name,
check_str, check_optional_str, check_int)
class InterSignal:
def __init__(self,
name: str,
desc: Optional[str],
struct: str,
package: Optional[str],
signal_type: str,
act: str,
width: int,
default: Optional[str]):
assert 0 < width = name
self.desc = desc
self.struct = struct
self.package = package
self.signal_type = signal_type
self.act = act
self.width = width
self.default = default
def from_raw(what: str, raw: object) -> 'InterSignal':
rd = check_keys(raw, what,
['name', 'struct', 'type', 'act'],
['desc', 'package', 'width', 'default'])
name = check_name(rd['name'], 'name field of ' + what)
r_desc = rd.get('desc')
if r_desc is None:
desc = None
desc = check_str(r_desc, 'desc field of ' + what)
struct = check_str(rd['struct'], 'struct field of ' + what)
r_package = rd.get('package')
if r_package is None or r_package == '':
package = None
package = check_name(r_package, 'package field of ' + what)
signal_type = check_name(rd['type'], 'type field of ' + what)
act = check_name(rd['act'], 'act field of ' + what)
width = check_int(rd.get('width', 1), 'width field of ' + what)
if width <= 0:
raise ValueError('width field of {} is not positive.'.format(what))
default = check_optional_str(rd.get('default'),
'default field of ' + what)
return InterSignal(name, desc, struct, package,
signal_type, act, width, default)
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
ret = {'name':} # type: Dict[str, object]
if self.desc is not None:
ret['desc'] = self.desc
ret['struct'] = self.struct
if self.package is not None:
ret['package'] = self.package
ret['type'] = self.signal_type
ret['act'] = self.act
ret['width'] = self.width
if self.default is not None:
ret['default'] = self.default
return ret
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
return self._asdict()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'''Code representing an IP block for reggen'''
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple
import hjson # type: ignore
from .alert import Alert
from .bus_interfaces import BusInterfaces
from .clocking import Clocking, ClockingItem
from .inter_signal import InterSignal
from .lib import (check_keys, check_name, check_int, check_bool,
check_list, check_optional_str)
from .params import ReggenParams, LocalParam
from .reg_block import RegBlock
from .signal import Signal
'name': ['s', "name of the component"],
'clocking': ['l', "clocking for the device"],
'bus_interfaces': ['l', "bus interfaces for the device"],
'registers': [
"list of register definition groups and "
"offset control groups"
'alert_list': ['lnw', "list of peripheral alerts"],
'available_inout_list': ['lnw', "list of available peripheral inouts"],
'available_input_list': ['lnw', "list of available peripheral inputs"],
'available_output_list': ['lnw', "list of available peripheral outputs"],
'expose_reg_if': ['pb', 'if set, expose reg interface in reg2hw signal'],
'hier_path': [
'additional hierarchy path before the reg block instance'
'interrupt_list': ['lnw', "list of peripheral interrupts"],
'inter_signal_list': ['l', "list of inter-module signals"],
'no_auto_alert_regs': [
's', "Set to true to suppress automatic "
"generation of alert test registers. "
"Defaults to true if no alert_list is present. "
"Otherwise this defaults to false. "
'no_auto_intr_regs': [
's', "Set to true to suppress automatic "
"generation of interrupt registers. "
"Defaults to true if no interrupt_list is present. "
"Otherwise this defaults to false. "
'param_list': ['lp', "list of parameters of the IP"],
'regwidth': ['d', "width of registers in bits (default 32)"],
'reset_request_list': ['l', 'list of signals requesting reset'],
'scan': ['pb', 'Indicates the module have `scanmode_i`'],
'scan_reset': ['pb', 'Indicates the module have `scan_rst_ni`'],
'scan_en': ['pb', 'Indicates the module has `scan_en_i`'],
'SPDX-License-Identifier': [
's', "License ientifier (if using pure json) "
"Only use this if unable to put this "
"information in a comment at the top of the "
'wakeup_list': ['lnw', "list of peripheral wakeups"]
class IpBlock:
def __init__(self,
name: str,
regwidth: int,
params: ReggenParams,
reg_blocks: Dict[Optional[str], RegBlock],
interrupts: Sequence[Signal],
no_auto_intr: bool,
alerts: List[Alert],
no_auto_alert: bool,
scan: bool,
inter_signals: List[InterSignal],
bus_interfaces: BusInterfaces,
hier_path: Optional[str],
clocking: Clocking,
xputs: Tuple[Sequence[Signal],
wakeups: Sequence[Signal],
reset_requests: Sequence[Signal],
expose_reg_if: bool,
scan_reset: bool,
scan_en: bool):
assert reg_blocks
# Check that register blocks are in bijection with device interfaces
reg_block_names = reg_blocks.keys()
dev_if_names = [] # type: List[Optional[str]]
dev_if_names += bus_interfaces.named_devices
if bus_interfaces.has_unnamed_device:
assert set(reg_block_names) == set(dev_if_names) = name
self.regwidth = regwidth
self.reg_blocks = reg_blocks
self.params = params
self.interrupts = interrupts
self.no_auto_intr = no_auto_intr
self.alerts = alerts
self.no_auto_alert = no_auto_alert
self.scan = scan
self.inter_signals = inter_signals
self.bus_interfaces = bus_interfaces
self.hier_path = hier_path
self.clocking = clocking
self.xputs = xputs
self.wakeups = wakeups
self.reset_requests = reset_requests
self.expose_reg_if = expose_reg_if
self.scan_reset = scan_reset
self.scan_en = scan_en
def from_raw(param_defaults: List[Tuple[str, str]],
raw: object,
where: str) -> 'IpBlock':
rd = check_keys(raw, 'block at ' + where,
name = check_name(rd['name'], 'name of block at ' + where)
what = '{} block at {}'.format(name, where)
r_regwidth = rd.get('regwidth')
if r_regwidth is None:
regwidth = 32
regwidth = check_int(r_regwidth, 'regwidth field of ' + what)
if regwidth <= 0:
raise ValueError('Invalid regwidth field for {}: '
'{} is not positive.'
.format(what, regwidth))
params = ReggenParams.from_raw('parameter list for ' + what,
rd.get('param_list', []))
except (ValueError, KeyError) as err:
raise ValueError('Failed to apply defaults to params: {}'
.format(err)) from None
init_block = RegBlock(regwidth, params)
interrupts = Signal.from_raw_list('interrupt_list for block {}'
rd.get('interrupt_list', []))
alerts = Alert.from_raw_list('alert_list for block {}'
rd.get('alert_list', []))
no_auto_intr = check_bool(rd.get('no_auto_intr_regs', not interrupts),
'no_auto_intr_regs field of ' + what)
no_auto_alert = check_bool(rd.get('no_auto_alert_regs', not alerts),
'no_auto_alert_regs field of ' + what)
if interrupts and not no_auto_intr:
if interrupts[-1].bits.msb >= regwidth:
raise ValueError("Interrupt list for {} is too wide: "
"msb is {}, which doesn't fit with a "
"regwidth of {}."
interrupts[-1].bits.msb, regwidth))
if alerts:
if not no_auto_alert:
if len(alerts) > regwidth:
raise ValueError("Interrupt list for {} is too wide: "
"{} alerts don't fit with a regwidth of {}."
.format(what, len(alerts), regwidth))
# Generate a NumAlerts parameter
existing_param = params.get('NumAlerts')
if existing_param is not None:
if ((not isinstance(existing_param, LocalParam) or
existing_param.param_type != 'int' or
existing_param.value != str(len(alerts)))):
raise ValueError('Conflicting definition of NumAlerts '
desc='Number of alerts',
scan = check_bool(rd.get('scan', False), 'scan field of ' + what)
reg_blocks = RegBlock.build_blocks(init_block, rd['registers'])
r_inter_signals = check_list(rd.get('inter_signal_list', []),
'inter_signal_list field')
inter_signals = [
InterSignal.from_raw('entry {} of the inter_signal_list field'
.format(idx + 1),
for idx, entry in enumerate(r_inter_signals)
bus_interfaces = (BusInterfaces.
'bus_interfaces field of ' + where))
inter_signals += bus_interfaces.inter_signals()
hier_path = check_optional_str(rd.get('hier_path', None),
'hier_path field of ' + what)
clocking = Clocking.from_raw(rd['clocking'],
'clocking field of ' + what)
xputs = (
Signal.from_raw_list('available_inout_list for block ' + name,
rd.get('available_inout_list', [])),
Signal.from_raw_list('available_input_list for block ' + name,
rd.get('available_input_list', [])),
Signal.from_raw_list('available_output_list for block ' + name,
rd.get('available_output_list', []))
wakeups = Signal.from_raw_list('wakeup_list for block ' + name,
rd.get('wakeup_list', []))
rst_reqs = Signal.from_raw_list('reset_request_list for block ' + name,
rd.get('reset_request_list', []))
expose_reg_if = check_bool(rd.get('expose_reg_if', False),
'expose_reg_if field of ' + what)
scan_reset = check_bool(rd.get('scan_reset', False),
'scan_reset field of ' + what)
scan_en = check_bool(rd.get('scan_en', False),
'scan_en field of ' + what)
# Check that register blocks are in bijection with device interfaces
reg_block_names = reg_blocks.keys()
dev_if_names = [] # type: List[Optional[str]]
dev_if_names += bus_interfaces.named_devices
if bus_interfaces.has_unnamed_device:
if set(reg_block_names) != set(dev_if_names):
raise ValueError("IP block {} defines device interfaces, named {} "
"but its registers don't match (they are keyed "
"by {})."
.format(name, dev_if_names,
return IpBlock(name, regwidth, params, reg_blocks,
interrupts, no_auto_intr, alerts, no_auto_alert,
scan, inter_signals, bus_interfaces,
hier_path, clocking, xputs,
wakeups, rst_reqs, expose_reg_if, scan_reset, scan_en)
def from_text(txt: str,
param_defaults: List[Tuple[str, str]],
where: str) -> 'IpBlock':
'''Load an IpBlock from an hjson description in txt'''
return IpBlock.from_raw(param_defaults,
hjson.loads(txt, use_decimal=True),
def from_path(path: str,
param_defaults: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> 'IpBlock':
'''Load an IpBlock from an hjson description in a file at path'''
with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as handle:
return IpBlock.from_text(, param_defaults,
'file at {!r}'.format(path))
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
ret = {
'regwidth': self.regwidth
if len(self.reg_blocks) == 1 and None in self.reg_blocks:
ret['registers'] = self.reg_blocks[None].as_dicts()
ret['registers'] = {k: v.as_dicts()
for k, v in self.reg_blocks.items()}
ret['param_list'] = self.params.as_dicts()
ret['interrupt_list'] = self.interrupts
ret['no_auto_intr_regs'] = self.no_auto_intr
ret['alert_list'] = self.alerts
ret['no_auto_alert_regs'] = self.no_auto_alert
ret['scan'] = self.scan
ret['inter_signal_list'] = self.inter_signals
ret['bus_interfaces'] = self.bus_interfaces.as_dicts()
if self.hier_path is not None:
ret['hier_path'] = self.hier_path
ret['clocking'] = self.clocking.items
inouts, inputs, outputs = self.xputs
if inouts:
ret['available_inout_list'] = inouts
if inputs:
ret['available_input_list'] = inputs
if outputs:
ret['available_output_list'] = outputs
if self.wakeups:
ret['wakeup_list'] = self.wakeups
if self.reset_requests:
ret['reset_request_list'] = self.reset_requests
ret['scan_reset'] = self.scan_reset
ret['scan_en'] = self.scan_en
return ret
def get_rnames(self) -> Set[str]:
ret = set() # type: Set[str]
for rb in self.reg_blocks.values():
ret = ret.union(set(rb.name_to_offset.keys()))
return ret
def get_signals_as_list_of_dicts(self) -> List[Dict[str, object]]:
'''Look up and return signal by name'''
result = []
for iodir, xput in zip(('inout', 'input', 'output'), self.xputs):
for sig in xput:
return result
def get_signal_by_name_as_dict(self, name: str) -> Dict[str, object]:
'''Look up and return signal by name'''
sig_list = self.get_signals_as_list_of_dicts()
for sig in sig_list:
if sig['name'] == name:
return sig
raise ValueError("Signal {} does not exist in IP block {}"
def has_shadowed_reg(self) -> bool:
'''Return boolean indication whether reg block contains shadowed registers'''
for rb in self.reg_blocks.values():
if rb.has_shadowed_reg():
return True
# if we are here, then no one has has a shadowed register
return False
def get_primary_clock(self) -> ClockingItem:
'''Return primary clock of an block'''
return self.clocking.primary

tools/regtool/reggen/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'''Parsing support code for reggen'''
import re
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, cast
# Names that are prohibited (used as reserved keywords in systemverilog)
'alias', 'always', 'always_comb', 'always_ff', 'always_latch', 'and',
'assert', 'assign', 'assume', 'automatic', 'before', 'begin', 'bind',
'bins', 'binsof', 'bit', 'break', 'buf', 'bufif0', 'bufif1', 'byte',
'case', 'casex', 'casez', 'cell', 'chandle', 'class', 'clocking', 'cmos',
'config', 'const', 'constraint', 'context', 'continue', 'cover',
'covergroup', 'coverpoint', 'cross', 'deassign', 'default', 'defparam',
'design', 'disable', 'dist', 'do', 'edge', 'else', 'end', 'endcase',
'endclass', 'endclocking', 'endconfig', 'endfunction', 'endgenerate',
'endgroup', 'endinterface', 'endmodule', 'endpackage', 'endprimitive',
'endprogram', 'endproperty', 'endspecify', 'endsequence', 'endtable',
'endtask', 'enum', 'event', 'expect', 'export', 'extends', 'extern',
'final', 'first_match', 'for', 'force', 'foreach', 'forever', 'fork',
'forkjoin', 'function', 'generate', 'genvar', 'highz0', 'highz1', 'if',
'iff', 'ifnone', 'ignore_bins', 'illegal_bins', 'import', 'incdir',
'include', 'initial', 'inout', 'input', 'inside', 'instance', 'int',
'integer', 'interface', 'intersect', 'join', 'join_any', 'join_none',
'large', 'liblist', 'library', 'local', 'localparam', 'logic', 'longint',
'macromodule', 'matches', 'medium', 'modport', 'module', 'nand', 'negedge',
'new', 'nmos', 'nor', 'noshowcancelled', 'not', 'notif0', 'notif1', 'null',
'or', 'output', 'package', 'packed', 'parameter', 'pmos', 'posedge',
'primitive', 'priority', 'program', 'property', 'protected', 'pull0',
'pull1', 'pulldown', 'pullup', 'pulsestyle_onevent', 'pulsestyle_ondetect',
'pure', 'rand', 'randc', 'randcase', 'randsequence', 'rcmos', 'real',
'realtime', 'ref', 'reg', 'release', 'repeat', 'return', 'rnmos', 'rpmos',
'rtran', 'rtranif0', 'rtranif1', 'scalared', 'sequence', 'shortint',
'shortreal', 'showcancelled', 'signed', 'small', 'solve', 'specify',
'specparam', 'static', 'string', 'strong0', 'strong1', 'struct', 'super',
'supply0', 'supply1', 'table', 'tagged', 'task', 'this', 'throughout',
'time', 'timeprecision', 'timeunit', 'tran', 'tranif0', 'tranif1', 'tri',
'tri0', 'tri1', 'triand', 'trior', 'trireg', 'type', 'typedef', 'union',
'unique', 'unsigned', 'use', 'uwire', 'var', 'vectored', 'virtual', 'void',
'wait', 'wait_order', 'wand', 'weak0', 'weak1', 'while', 'wildcard',
'wire', 'with', 'within', 'wor', 'xnor', 'xor'
def check_str_dict(obj: object, what: str) -> Dict[str, object]:
if not isinstance(obj, dict):
raise ValueError("{} is expected to be a dict, but was actually a {}."
.format(what, type(obj).__name__))
for key in obj:
if not isinstance(key, str):
raise ValueError('{} has a key {!r}, which is not a string.'
.format(what, key))
return cast(Dict[str, object], obj)
def check_keys(obj: object,
what: str,
required_keys: List[str],
optional_keys: List[str]) -> Dict[str, object]:
'''Check that obj is a dict object with the expected keys
If not, raise a ValueError; the what argument names the object.
od = check_str_dict(obj, what)
allowed = set()
missing = []
for key in required_keys:
assert key not in allowed
if key not in od:
for key in optional_keys:
assert key not in allowed
unexpected = []
for key in od:
if key not in allowed:
if missing or unexpected:
mstr = ('The following required fields were missing: {}.'
.format(', '.join(missing)) if missing else '')
ustr = ('The following unexpected fields were found: {}.'
.format(', '.join(unexpected)) if unexpected else '')
raise ValueError("{} doesn't have the right keys. {}{}{}"
' ' if mstr and ustr else '',
return od
def check_str(obj: object, what: str) -> str:
'''Check that the given object is a string
If not, raise a ValueError; the what argument names the object.
if not isinstance(obj, str):
raise ValueError('{} is of type {}, not a string.'
.format(what, type(obj).__name__))
return obj
def check_name(obj: object, what: str) -> str:
'''Check that obj is a string that's a valid name.
If not, raise a ValueError; the what argument names the object.
as_str = check_str(obj, what)
# Allow the usual symbol constituents (alphanumeric plus underscore; no
# leading numbers)
if not re.match(r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$', as_str):
raise ValueError("{} is {!r}, which isn't a valid symbol in "
"C / Verilog, so isn't allowed as a name."
.format(what, as_str))
# Also check that this isn't a reserved word.
if as_str in _VERILOG_KEYWORDS:
raise ValueError("{} is {!r}, which is a reserved word in "
"SystemVerilog, so isn't allowed as a name."
.format(what, as_str))
return as_str
def check_bool(obj: object, what: str) -> bool:
'''Check that obj is a bool or a string that parses to a bool.
If not, raise a ValueError; the what argument names the object.
if isinstance(obj, str):
as_bool = {
'true': True,
'false': False,
'1': True,
'0': False
if as_bool is None:
raise ValueError('{} is {!r}, which cannot be parsed as a bool.'
.format(what, obj))
return as_bool
if obj is True or obj is False:
return obj
raise ValueError('{} is of type {}, not a bool.'
.format(what, type(obj).__name__))
def check_list(obj: object, what: str) -> List[object]:
'''Check that the given object is a list
If not, raise a ValueError; the what argument names the object.
if not isinstance(obj, list):
raise ValueError('{} is of type {}, not a list.'
.format(what, type(obj).__name__))
return obj
def check_str_list(obj: object, what: str) -> List[str]:
'''Check that the given object is a list of strings
If not, raise a ValueError; the what argument names the object.
lst = check_list(obj, what)
for idx, elt in enumerate(lst):
if not isinstance(elt, str):
raise ValueError('Element {} of {} is of type {}, '
'not a string.'
.format(idx, what, type(elt).__name__))
return cast(List[str], lst)
def check_int(obj: object, what: str) -> int:
'''Check that obj is an integer or a string that parses to an integer.
If not, raise a ValueError; the what argument names the object.
if isinstance(obj, int):
return obj
if isinstance(obj, str):
return int(obj, 0)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('{} is {!r}, which cannot be parsed as an int.'
.format(what, obj)) from None
raise ValueError('{} is of type {}, not an integer.'
.format(what, type(obj).__name__))
def check_xint(obj: object, what: str) -> Optional[int]:
'''Check that obj is an integer, a string that parses to an integer or "x".
On success, return an integer value if there is one or None if the value
was 'x'. On failure, raise a ValueError; the what argument names the
if isinstance(obj, int):
return obj
if isinstance(obj, str):
if obj == 'x':
return None
return int(obj, 0)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('{} is {!r}, which is not "x", '
'nor can it be parsed as an int.'
.format(what, obj)) from None
raise ValueError('{} is of type {}, not an integer.'
.format(what, type(obj).__name__))
def check_optional_str(obj: object, what: str) -> Optional[str]:
'''Check that obj is a string or None'''
return None if obj is None else check_str(obj, what)
def check_optional_name(obj: object, what: str) -> Optional[str]:
'''Check that obj is a valid name or None'''
return None if obj is None else check_name(obj, what)
def get_basename(name: str) -> str:
'''Strip trailing _number (used as multireg suffix) from name'''
# TODO: This is a workaround, should solve this as part of parsing a
# multi-reg.
match ='_[0-9]+$', name)
assert match
assert match.start() > 0
return name[0:match.start()]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import Dict, List
from reggen import register
from .field import Field
from .lib import check_keys, check_str, check_name, check_bool
from .params import ReggenParams
from .reg_base import RegBase
from .register import Register
'name': ['s', "base name of the registers"],
'desc': ['t', "description of the registers"],
'count': [
's', "number of instances to generate."
" This field can be integer or string matching"
" from param_list."
'cname': [
's', "base name for each instance, mostly"
" useful for referring to instance in messages."
'fields': [
'l', "list of register field description"
" groups. Describes bit positions used for"
" base instance."
'regwen_multi': [
'pb', "If true, regwen term increments"
" along with current multireg count."
'compact': [
'pb', "If true, allow multireg compacting."
"If false, do not compact."
class MultiRegister(RegBase):
def __init__(self,
offset: int,
addrsep: int,
reg_width: int,
params: ReggenParams,
raw: object):
rd = check_keys(raw, 'multireg',
# Now that we've checked the schema of rd, we make a "reg" version of
# it that removes any fields that are allowed by MultiRegister but
# aren't allowed by Register. We'll pass that to the register factory
# method.
reg_allowed_keys = (set(register.REQUIRED_FIELDS.keys()) |
reg_rd = {key: value
for key, value in rd.items()
if key in reg_allowed_keys}
self.reg = Register.from_raw(reg_width, offset, params, reg_rd)
self.cname = check_name(rd['cname'],
'cname field of multireg {}'
.format( =
self.regwen_multi = check_bool(rd.get('regwen_multi', False),
'regwen_multi field of multireg {}'
default_compact = True if len(self.reg.fields) == 1 else False
self.compact = check_bool(rd.get('compact', default_compact),
'compact field of multireg {}'
if self.compact and len(self.reg.fields) > 1:
raise ValueError('Multireg {} sets the compact flag '
'but has multiple fields.'
count_str = check_str(rd['count'],
'count field of multireg {}'
self.count = params.expand(count_str,
'count field of multireg ' +
if self.count <= 0:
raise ValueError("Multireg {} has a count of {}, "
"which isn't positive."
.format(, self.count))
# Generate the registers that this multireg expands into. Here, a
# "creg" is a "compacted register", which might contain multiple actual
# registers.
if self.compact:
assert len(self.reg.fields) == 1
width_per_reg = self.reg.fields[0].bits.msb + 1
assert width_per_reg <= reg_width
regs_per_creg = reg_width // width_per_reg
regs_per_creg = 1
self.regs = []
creg_count = (self.count + regs_per_creg - 1) // regs_per_creg
for creg_idx in range(creg_count):
min_reg_idx = regs_per_creg * creg_idx
max_reg_idx = min(min_reg_idx + regs_per_creg, self.count) - 1
creg_offset = offset + creg_idx * addrsep
reg = self.reg.make_multi(reg_width,
creg_offset, creg_idx, creg_count,
self.regwen_multi, self.compact,
min_reg_idx, max_reg_idx, self.cname)
# dv_compact is true if the multireg can be equally divided, and we can
# pack them as an array
if self.count < regs_per_creg or (self.count % regs_per_creg) == 0:
self.dv_compact = True
self.dv_compact = False
def next_offset(self, addrsep: int) -> int:
return self.offset + len(self.regs) * addrsep
def get_n_bits(self, bittype: List[str] = ["q"]) -> int:
return sum(reg.get_n_bits(bittype) for reg in self.regs)
def get_field_list(self) -> List[Field]:
ret = []
for reg in self.regs:
ret += reg.get_field_list()
return ret
def is_homogeneous(self) -> bool:
return self.reg.is_homogeneous()
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
rd = self.reg._asdict()
rd['count'] = str(self.count)
rd['cname'] = self.cname
rd['regwen_multi'] = str(self.regwen_multi)
rd['compact'] = str(self.compact)
return {'multireg': rd}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import re
from import MutableMapping
from typing import Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple
from .lib import check_keys, check_str, check_int, check_bool, check_list
'name': ['s', "name of the item"],
'desc': ['s', "description of the item"],
'type': ['s', "item type. int by default"],
'default': ['s', "item default value"],
'local': ['pb', "to be localparam"],
'expose': ['pb', "to be exposed to top"],
'randcount': [
's', "number of bits to randomize in the parameter. 0 by default."
'randtype': ['s', "type of randomization to perform. none by default"],
class BaseParam:
def __init__(self, name: str, desc: Optional[str], param_type: str): = name
self.desc = desc
self.param_type = param_type
def apply_default(self, value: str) -> None:
if self.param_type[:3] == 'int':
'default value for parameter {} '
'(which has type {})'
.format(, self.param_type))
self.default = value
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
rd = {} # type: Dict[str, object]
rd['name'] =
if self.desc is not None:
rd['desc'] = self.desc
rd['type'] = self.param_type
return rd
class LocalParam(BaseParam):
def __init__(self,
name: str,
desc: Optional[str],
param_type: str,
value: str):
super().__init__(name, desc, param_type)
self.value = value
def expand_value(self, when: str) -> int:
return int(self.value, 0)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("When {}, the {} value expanded as "
"{}, which doesn't parse as an integer."
.format(when,, self.value)) from None
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
rd = super().as_dict()
rd['local'] = True
rd['default'] = self.value
return rd
class Parameter(BaseParam):
def __init__(self,
name: str,
desc: Optional[str],
param_type: str,
default: str,
expose: bool):
super().__init__(name, desc, param_type)
self.default = default
self.expose = expose
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
rd = super().as_dict()
rd['default'] = self.default
rd['expose'] = 'true' if self.expose else 'false'
return rd
class RandParameter(BaseParam):
def __init__(self,
name: str,
desc: Optional[str],
param_type: str,
randcount: int,
randtype: str):
assert randcount > 0
assert randtype in ['perm', 'data']
super().__init__(name, desc, param_type)
self.randcount = randcount
self.randtype = randtype
def apply_default(self, value: str) -> None:
raise ValueError('Cannot apply a default value of {!r} to '
'parameter {}: it is a random netlist constant.'
.format(, value))
def as_dict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
rd = super().as_dict()
rd['randcount'] = self.randcount
rd['randtype'] = self.randtype
return rd
class MemSizeParameter(BaseParam):
def __init__(self,
name: str,
desc: Optional[str],
param_type: str):
super().__init__(name, desc, param_type)
def _parse_parameter(where: str, raw: object) -> BaseParam:
rd = check_keys(raw, where,
# TODO: Check if PascalCase or ALL_CAPS
name = check_str(rd['name'], 'name field of ' + where)
r_desc = rd.get('desc')
if r_desc is None:
desc = None
desc = check_str(r_desc, 'desc field of ' + where)
# TODO: We should probably check that any register called RndCnstFoo has
# randtype and randcount.
if name.lower().startswith('rndcnst') and 'randtype' in rd:
# This is a random netlist constant and should be parsed as a
# RandParameter.
randtype = check_str(rd.get('randtype', 'none'),
'randtype field of ' + where)
if randtype not in ['perm', 'data']:
raise ValueError('At {}, parameter {} has a name that implies it '
'is a random netlist constant, which means it '
'must specify a randtype of "perm" or "data", '
'rather than {!r}.'
.format(where, name, randtype))
r_randcount = rd.get('randcount')
if r_randcount is None:
raise ValueError('At {}, the random netlist constant {} has no '
'randcount field.'
.format(where, name))
randcount = check_int(r_randcount, 'randcount field of ' + where)
if randcount <= 0:
raise ValueError('At {}, the random netlist constant {} has a '
'randcount of {}, which is not positive.'
.format(where, name, randcount))
r_type = rd.get('type')
if r_type is None:
raise ValueError('At {}, parameter {} has no type field (which is '
'required for random netlist constants).'
.format(where, name))
param_type = check_str(r_type, 'type field of ' + where)
local = check_bool(rd.get('local', 'false'), 'local field of ' + where)
if local:
raise ValueError('At {}, the parameter {} specifies local = true, '
'meaning that it is a localparam. This is '
'incompatible with being a random netlist '
'constant (how would it be set?)'
.format(where, name))
r_default = rd.get('default')
if r_default is not None:
raise ValueError('At {}, the parameter {} specifies a value for '
'the "default" field. This is incompatible with '
'being a random netlist constant: the value will '
'be set by the random generator.'
.format(where, name))
expose = check_bool(rd.get('expose', 'false'),
'expose field of ' + where)
if expose:
raise ValueError('At {}, the parameter {} specifies expose = '
'true, meaning that the parameter is exposed to '
'the top-level. This is incompatible with being '
'a random netlist constant.'
.format(where, name))
return RandParameter(name, desc, param_type, randcount, randtype)
# This doesn't have a name like a random netlist constant. Check that it
# doesn't define randcount or randtype.
for fld in ['randcount', 'randtype']:
if fld in rd:
raise ValueError("At {where}, the parameter {name} specifies "
"{fld} but the name doesn't look like a random "
"netlist constant. To use {fld}, prefix the name "
"with RndCnst."
.format(where=where, name=name, fld=fld))
if name.lower().startswith('memsize'):
r_type = rd.get('type')
if r_type is None:
raise ValueError('At {}, parameter {} has no type field (which is '
'required for memory size parameters).'
.format(where, name))
param_type = check_str(r_type, 'type field of ' + where)
if rd.get('type') != "int":
raise ValueError('At {}, memory size parameter {} must be of type integer.'
.format(where, name))
local = check_bool(rd.get('local', 'false'), 'local field of ' + where)
if local:
raise ValueError('At {}, the parameter {} specifies local = true, '
'meaning that it is a localparam. This is '
'incompatible with being a memory size parameter.'
.format(where, name))
expose = check_bool(rd.get('expose', 'false'),
'expose field of ' + where)
if expose:
raise ValueError('At {}, the parameter {} specifies expose = '
'true, meaning that the parameter is exposed to '
'the top-level. This is incompatible with '
'being a memory size parameter.'
.format(where, name))
return MemSizeParameter(name, desc, param_type)
r_type = rd.get('type')
if r_type is None:
param_type = 'int'
param_type = check_str(r_type, 'type field of ' + where)
local = check_bool(rd.get('local', 'true'), 'local field of ' + where)
expose = check_bool(rd.get('expose', 'false'), 'expose field of ' + where)
r_default = rd.get('default')
if r_default is None:
raise ValueError('At {}, the {} param has no default field.'
.format(where, name))
default = check_str(r_default, 'default field of ' + where)
if param_type[:3] == 'int':
'default field of {}, (an integer parameter)'
if local:
if expose:
raise ValueError('At {}, the localparam {} cannot be exposed to '
'the top-level.'
.format(where, name))
return LocalParam(name, desc, param_type, value=default)
return Parameter(name, desc, param_type, default, expose)
# Note: With a modern enough Python, we'd like this to derive from
# "MutableMapping[str, BaseParam]". Unfortunately, this doesn't work with
# Python 3.6 (where isn't subscriptable).
# So we derive from just "MutableMapping" and tell mypy not to worry
# about it.
class Params(MutableMapping): # type: ignore
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.by_name = {} # type: Dict[str, BaseParam]
def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> BaseParam:
return self.by_name[key]
def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
del self.by_name[key]
def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: BaseParam) -> None:
self.by_name[key] = value
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
return iter(self.by_name)
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.by_name)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.by_name})"
def add(self, param: BaseParam) -> None:
assert not in self.by_name
self.by_name[] = param
def apply_defaults(self, defaults: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> None:
for idx, (key, value) in enumerate(defaults):
param = self.by_name[key]
if param is None:
raise KeyError('Cannot find parameter '
'{} to set default value.'
def _expand_one(self, value: str, when: str) -> int:
# Check whether value is already an integer: if so, return that.
return int(value, 0)
except ValueError:
param = self.by_name.get(value)
if param is None:
raise ValueError('Cannot find a parameter called {} when {}. '
'Known parameters: {}.'
', '.join(self.by_name.keys())))
# Only allow localparams in the expansion (because otherwise we're at
# the mercy of whatever instantiates the block).
if not isinstance(param, LocalParam):
raise ValueError("When {}, {} is a not a local parameter."
.format(when, value))
return param.expand_value(when)
def expand(self, value: str, where: str) -> int:
# Here, we want to support arithmetic expressions with + and -. We
# don't support other operators, or parentheses (so can parse with just
# a regex).
# Use re.split, capturing the operators. This turns e.g. "a + b-c" into
# ['a ', '+', ' b', '-', 'c']. If there's a leading operator ("+a"),
# the first element of the results is an empty string. This means
# elements with odd positions are always operators and elements with
# even positions are values.
acc = 0
is_neg = False
for idx, tok in enumerate(re.split(r'([+-])', value)):
if idx == 0 and not tok:
if idx % 2:
is_neg = (tok == '-')
term = self._expand_one(tok.strip(),
'expanding term {} of {}'
.format(idx // 2, where))
acc += -term if is_neg else term
return acc
def as_dicts(self) -> List[Dict[str, object]]:
return [p.as_dict() for p in self.by_name.values()]
class ReggenParams(Params):
def from_raw(where: str, raw: object) -> 'ReggenParams':
ret = ReggenParams()
rl = check_list(raw, where)
for idx, r_param in enumerate(rl):
entry_where = 'entry {} in {}'.format(idx + 1, where)
param = _parse_parameter(entry_where, r_param)
if in ret:
raise ValueError('At {}, found a duplicate parameter with '
'name {}.'
return ret
def get_localparams(self) -> List[LocalParam]:
ret = []
for param in self.by_name.values():
if isinstance(param, LocalParam):
return ret

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import List
from .field import Field
class RegBase:
'''An abstract class inherited by Register and MultiRegister
This represents a block of one or more registers with a base address.
def __init__(self, offset: int):
self.offset = offset
def get_n_bits(self, bittype: List[str]) -> int:
'''Get the size of this register / these registers in bits
See Field.get_n_bits() for the precise meaning of bittype.
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_field_list(self) -> List[Field]:
'''Get an ordered list of the fields in the register(s)
Registers are ordered from low to high address. Within a register,
fields are ordered as Register.fields: from LSB to MSB.
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_homogeneous(self) -> bool:
'''True if every field in the block is identical
For a single register, this is true if it only has one field. For a
multireg, it is true if the generating register has just one field.
Note that if the compact flag is set, the generated registers might
have multiple (replicated) fields.
raise NotImplementedError()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'''Code representing the registers, windows etc. for a block'''
import re
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Union
from .alert import Alert
from .access import SWAccess, HWAccess
from .field import Field
from .signal import Signal
from .lib import check_int, check_list, check_str_dict, check_str
from .multi_register import MultiRegister
from .params import ReggenParams
from .register import Register
from .window import Window
class RegBlock:
def __init__(self, reg_width: int, params: ReggenParams):
self._addrsep = (reg_width + 7) // 8
self._reg_width = reg_width
self._params = params
self.offset = 0
self.multiregs = [] # type: List[MultiRegister]
self.registers = [] # type: List[Register] = [] # type: List[Window]
# Boolean indication whether ANY window in regblock has data integrity passthrough
self.has_data_intg_passthru = False
# A list of all registers, expanding multiregs, ordered by offset
self.flat_regs = [] # type: List[Register]
# A list of registers and multiregisters (unexpanded)
self.all_regs = [] # type: List[Union[Register, MultiRegister]]
# A list of all the underlying register types used in the block. This
# has one entry for each actual Register, plus a single entry giving
# the underlying register for each MultiRegister.
self.type_regs = [] # type: List[Register]
# A list with everything in order
self.entries = [] # type: List[object]
# A dict of named entries, mapping name to offset
self.name_to_offset = {} # type: Dict[str, int]
# A dict of all registers (expanding multiregs), mapping name to the
# register object
self.name_to_flat_reg = {} # type: Dict[str, Register]
# A list of all write enable names
self.wennames = [] # type: List[str]
def build_blocks(block: 'RegBlock',
raw: object) -> Dict[Optional[str], 'RegBlock']:
'''Build a dictionary of blocks for a 'registers' field in the hjson
There are two different syntaxes we might see here. The simple syntax
just consists of a list of entries (register, multireg, window,
skipto). If we see that, each entry gets added to init_block and then
we return {None: init_block}.
The more complicated syntax is a dictionary. This parses from hjson as
an OrderedDict which we walk in document order. Entries from the first
key/value pair in the dictionary will be added to init_block. Later
key/value pairs start empty RegBlocks. The return value is a dictionary
mapping the keys we saw to their respective RegBlocks.
if isinstance(raw, list):
# This is the simple syntax
block.add_raw_registers(raw, 'registers field at top-level')
return {None: block}
# This is the more complicated syntax
if not isinstance(raw, dict):
raise ValueError('registers field at top-level is '
'neither a list or a dictionary.')
ret = {} # type: Dict[Optional[str], RegBlock]
for idx, (r_key, r_val) in enumerate(raw.items()):
if idx > 0:
block = RegBlock(block._reg_width, block._params)
rb_key = check_str(r_key,
'the key for item {} of '
'the registers dictionary at top-level'
.format(idx + 1))
rb_val = check_list(r_val,
'the value for item {} of '
'the registers dictionary at top-level'
.format(idx + 1))
'item {} of the registers '
'dictionary at top-level'
.format(idx + 1))
assert rb_key not in ret
ret[rb_key] = block
return ret
def add_raw_registers(self, raw: object, what: str) -> None:
rl = check_list(raw, 'registers field at top-level')
for entry_idx, entry_raw in enumerate(rl):
where = ('entry {} of the top-level registers field'
.format(entry_idx + 1))
self.add_raw(where, entry_raw)
def add_raw(self, where: str, raw: object) -> None:
entry = check_str_dict(raw, where)
handlers = {
'register': self._handle_register,
'reserved': self._handle_reserved,
'skipto': self._handle_skipto,
'window': self._handle_window,
'multireg': self._handle_multireg
entry_type = 'register'
entry_body = entry # type: object
for t in ['reserved', 'skipto', 'window', 'multireg']:
t_body = entry.get(t)
if t_body is not None:
# Special entries look like { window: { ... } }, so if we
# get a hit, this should be the only key in entry. Note
# that this also checks that nothing has more than one
# entry type.
if len(entry) != 1:
other_keys = [k for k in entry if k != t]
assert other_keys
raise ValueError('At offset {:#x}, {} has key {}, which '
'should give its type. But it also has '
'other keys too: {}.'
where, t, ', '.join(other_keys)))
entry_type = t
entry_body = t_body
entry_where = ('At offset {:#x}, {}, type {!r}'
.format(self.offset, where, entry_type))
handlers[entry_type](entry_where, entry_body)
def _handle_register(self, where: str, body: object) -> None:
reg = Register.from_raw(self._reg_width,
self.offset, self._params, body)
def _handle_reserved(self, where: str, body: object) -> None:
nreserved = check_int(body, 'body of ' + where)
if nreserved <= 0:
raise ValueError('Reserved count in {} is {}, '
'which is not positive.'
.format(where, nreserved))
self.offset += self._addrsep * nreserved
def _handle_skipto(self, where: str, body: object) -> None:
skipto = check_int(body, 'body of ' + where)
if skipto < self.offset:
raise ValueError('Destination of skipto in {} is {:#x}, '
'is less than the current offset, {:#x}.'
.format(where, skipto, self.offset))
if skipto % self._addrsep:
raise ValueError('Destination of skipto in {} is {:#x}, '
'not a multiple of addrsep, {:#x}.'
.format(where, skipto, self._addrsep))
self.offset = skipto
def _handle_window(self, where: str, body: object) -> None:
window = Window.from_raw(self.offset,
self._reg_width, self._params, body)
if is not None:
lname =
if lname in self.name_to_offset:
raise ValueError('Window {} (at offset {:#x}) has the '
'same name as something at offset {:#x}.'
.format(, window.offset,
def _handle_multireg(self, where: str, body: object) -> None:
mr = MultiRegister(self.offset,
self._addrsep, self._reg_width, self._params, body)
for reg in mr.regs:
lname =
if lname in self.name_to_offset:
raise ValueError('Multiregister {} (at offset {:#x}) expands '
'to a register with name {} (at offset '
'{:#x}), but this already names something at '
'offset {:#x}.'
.format(, mr.reg.offset,, reg.offset,
if mr.dv_compact is False:
self.name_to_offset[lname] = reg.offset
if mr.dv_compact is True:
self.offset = mr.next_offset(self._addrsep)
def add_register(self, reg: Register) -> None:
assert reg.offset == self.offset
lname =
if lname in self.name_to_offset:
raise ValueError('Register {} (at offset {:#x}) has the same '
'name as something at offset {:#x}.'
.format(, reg.offset,
self.name_to_offset[lname] = reg.offset
self.offset = reg.next_offset(self._addrsep)
if reg.regwen is not None and reg.regwen not in self.wennames:
def _add_flat_reg(self, reg: Register) -> None:
# The first assertion is checked at the call site (where we can print
# out a nicer message for multiregs). The second assertion should be
# implied by the first.
assert not in self.name_to_offset
assert not in self.name_to_flat_reg
self.name_to_flat_reg[] = reg
def add_window(self, window: Window) -> None:
if is not None:
lname =
assert lname not in self.name_to_offset
self.name_to_offset[lname] = window.offset
assert self.offset <= window.offset
self.offset = window.next_offset(self._addrsep)
self.has_data_intg_passthru |= window.data_intg_passthru
def validate(self) -> None:
'''Run this to check consistency after all registers have been added'''
# Check that every write-enable register has a good name, a valid reset
# value, and valid access permissions.
for wenname in self.wennames:
# check the REGWEN naming convention
if re.fullmatch(r'(.+_)*REGWEN(_[0-9]+)?', wenname) is None:
raise ValueError("Regwen name {} must have the suffix '_REGWEN'"
wen_reg = self.name_to_flat_reg.get(wenname.lower())
if wen_reg is None:
raise ValueError('One or more registers use {} as a '
'write-enable, but there is no such register.'
def get_n_bits(self, bittype: List[str] = ["q"]) -> int:
'''Returns number of bits in registers in this block.
This includes those expanded from multiregs. See Field.get_n_bits for a
description of the bittype argument.
return sum(reg.get_n_bits(bittype) for reg in self.flat_regs)
def as_dicts(self) -> List[object]:
entries = [] # type: List[object]
offset = 0
for entry in self.entries:
assert (isinstance(entry, Register) or
isinstance(entry, MultiRegister) or
isinstance(entry, Window))
next_off = entry.offset
assert offset <= next_off
res_bytes = next_off - offset
if res_bytes:
assert res_bytes % self._addrsep == 0
entries.append({'reserved': res_bytes // self._addrsep})
offset = entry.next_offset(self._addrsep)
return entries
_FieldFormatter = Callable[[bool, str], str]
def _add_intr_alert_reg(self,
signals: Sequence[Signal],
reg_name: str,
reg_desc: str,
field_desc_fmt: Optional[Union[str, _FieldFormatter]],
swaccess: str,
hwaccess: str,
is_testreg: bool,
reg_tags: List[str]) -> None:
swaccess_obj = SWAccess('RegBlock._make_intr_alert_reg()', swaccess)
hwaccess_obj = HWAccess('RegBlock._make_intr_alert_reg()', hwaccess)
fields = []
for signal in signals:
if field_desc_fmt is None:
field_desc = signal.desc
elif isinstance(field_desc_fmt, str):
field_desc = field_desc_fmt
width = signal.bits.width()
field_desc = field_desc_fmt(width > 1,
field_desc or signal.desc,
reg = Register(self.offset,
def make_intr_regs(self, interrupts: Sequence[Signal]) -> None:
assert interrupts
assert interrupts[-1].bits.msb < self._reg_width
'Interrupt State Register',
# Some POR routines have the potential to
# unpredictably set some `intr_state` fields
# for various IPs, so we exclude all
# `intr_state` accesses from CSR checks to
# prevent this from occurring.
# An example of an `intr_state` mismatch error
# occurring due to a POR routine can be seen in
# issue #6888.
'Interrupt Enable Register',
lambda w, n: ('Enable interrupt when '
'{}!!INTR_STATE.{} is set.'
.format('corresponding bit in '
if w else '',
'Interrupt Test Register',
lambda w, n: ('Write 1 to force '
'{}!!INTR_STATE.{} to 1.'
.format('corresponding bit in '
if w else '',
# intr_test csr is WO so reads back 0s
def make_alert_regs(self, alerts: List[Alert]) -> None:
assert alerts
assert len(alerts) < self._reg_width
'Alert Test Register',
('Write 1 to trigger '
'one alert event of this kind.'),
def get_addr_width(self) -> int:
'''Calculate the number of bits to address every byte of the block'''
return (self.offset - 1).bit_length()
def has_shadowed_reg(self) -> bool:
'''Return boolean indication whether reg block contains shadowed reigsters'''
for r in self.flat_regs:
if r.shadowed:
return True
return False

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
/* Stylesheet for reggen HTML register output */
/* Copyright lowRISC contributors. */
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
table.regpic {
width: 95%;
border-collapse: collapse;
table.regdef {
border: 1px solid black;
width: 80%;
border-collapse: collapse;
table.regdef th {
border: 1px solid black;
font-family: sans-serif;
td.bitnum {
font-size: 60%;
text-align: center;
td.unused {
border: 1px solid black;
background-color: gray;
td.fname {
border: 1px solid black;
text-align: center;
font-family: sans-serif;
td.regbits, td.regperm, td.regrv {
border: 1px solid black;
text-align: center;
font-family: sans-serif;
td.regde, td.regfn {
border: 1px solid black;
table.cfgtable {
border: 1px solid black;
width: 80%;
border-collapse: collapse;
table.cfgtable th {
border: 1px solid black;
font-family: sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
table.cfgtable td {
border: 1px solid black;
font-family: sans-serif;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Register Package auto-generated by `reggen` containing data structure
from topgen import lib # TODO: Split lib to common lib module
from reggen.access import HwAccess, SwRdAccess, SwWrAccess
from reggen.register import Register
from reggen.multi_register import MultiRegister
from reggen import gen_rtl
localparams = block.params.get_localparams()
addr_widths = gen_rtl.get_addr_widths(block)
lblock =
ublock = lblock.upper()
def reg_pfx(reg):
return '{}_{}'.format(ublock,
def reg_resname(reg):
return '{}_RESVAL'.format(reg_pfx(reg))
def field_resname(reg, field):
return '{}_{}_RESVAL'.format(reg_pfx(reg),
<%def name="typedefs_for_iface(iface_name, iface_desc, for_iface, rb)">\
hdr = gen_rtl.make_box_quote('Typedefs for registers' + for_iface)
% for r in rb.all_regs:
% if r.get_n_bits(["q"]):
% if hdr:
% endif
r0 = gen_rtl.get_r0(r)
hdr = None
typedef struct packed {
% if r.is_homogeneous():
## If we have a homogeneous register or multireg, there is just one field
## (possibly replicated many times). The typedef is for one copy of that
## field.
field = r.get_field_list()[0]
field_q_width = field.get_n_bits(r0.hwext, r0.hwqe, r0.hwre, ['q'])
field_q_bits = lib.bitarray(field_q_width, 2)
logic ${field_q_bits} q;
% if r0.hwqe:
logic qe;
% endif
% if r0.hwre or (r0.shadowed and r0.hwext):
logic re;
% endif
% if r0.shadowed and not r0.hwext:
logic err_update;
logic err_storage;
% endif
% else:
## We are inhomogeneous, which means there is more than one different
## field. Generate a reg2hw typedef that packs together all the fields of
## the register.
% for f in r0.fields:
field_q_width = f.get_n_bits(r0.hwext, r0.hwqe, r0.hwre, ["q"])
% if field_q_width:
field_q_bits = lib.bitarray(field_q_width, 2)
struct_name =
struct packed {
logic ${field_q_bits} q;
% if r0.hwqe:
logic qe;
% endif
% if r0.hwre or (r0.shadowed and r0.hwext):
logic re;
% endif
% if r0.shadowed and not r0.hwext:
logic err_update;
logic err_storage;
% endif
} ${struct_name};
} ${gen_rtl.get_reg_tx_type(block, r, False)};
% endfor
% for r in rb.all_regs:
% if r.get_n_bits(["d"]):
% if hdr:
% endif
r0 = gen_rtl.get_r0(r)
hdr = None
typedef struct packed {
% if r.is_homogeneous():
## If we have a homogeneous register or multireg, there is just one field
## (possibly replicated many times). The typedef is for one copy of that
## field.
field = r.get_field_list()[0]
field_d_width = field.get_n_bits(r0.hwext, r0.hwqe, r0.hwre, ['d'])
field_d_bits = lib.bitarray(field_d_width, 2)
logic ${field_d_bits} d;
% if not r0.hwext:
logic de;
% endif
% else:
## We are inhomogeneous, which means there is more than one different
## field. Generate a hw2reg typedef that packs together all the fields of
## the register.
% for f in r0.fields:
field_d_width = f.get_n_bits(r0.hwext, r0.hwqe, r0.hwre, ["d"])
% if field_d_width:
field_d_bits = lib.bitarray(field_d_width, 2)
struct_name =
struct packed {
logic ${field_d_bits} d;
% if not r0.hwext:
logic de;
% endif
} ${struct_name};
} ${gen_rtl.get_reg_tx_type(block, r, True)};
% endif
% endfor
% if block.expose_reg_if:
lpfx = gen_rtl.get_type_name_pfx(block, iface_name)
addr_width = rb.get_addr_width()
data_width = block.regwidth
data_byte_width = data_width // 8
# This will produce strings like "[0:0] " to let us keep
# everything lined up whether there's 1 or 2 digits in the MSB.
aw_bits = f'[{addr_width-1}:0]'.ljust(6)
dw_bits = f'[{data_width-1}:0]'.ljust(6)
dbw_bits = f'[{data_byte_width-1}:0]'.ljust(6)
typedef struct packed {
logic reg_we;
logic reg_re;
logic ${aw_bits} reg_addr;
logic ${dw_bits} reg_wdata;
logic ${dbw_bits} reg_be;
} ${lpfx}_reg2hw_reg_if_t;
% endif
<%def name="reg2hw_for_iface(iface_name, iface_desc, for_iface, rb)">\
lpfx = gen_rtl.get_type_name_pfx(block, iface_name)
nbits = rb.get_n_bits(["q", "qe", "re"])
packbit = 0
addr_width = rb.get_addr_width()
data_width = block.regwidth
data_byte_width = data_width // 8
reg_if_width = 2 + addr_width + data_width + data_byte_width
% if nbits > 0:
// Register -> HW type${for_iface}
typedef struct packed {
% if block.expose_reg_if:
${lpfx}_reg2hw_reg_if_t reg_if; // [${reg_if_width + nbits - 1}:${nbits}]
% endif
% for r in rb.all_regs:
% if r.get_n_bits(["q"]):
r0 = gen_rtl.get_r0(r)
struct_type = gen_rtl.get_reg_tx_type(block, r, False)
struct_width = r0.get_n_bits(['q', 'qe', 're'])
if isinstance(r, MultiRegister):
struct_type += " [{}:0]".format(r.count - 1)
struct_width *= r.count
msb = nbits - packbit - 1
lsb = msb - struct_width + 1
packbit += struct_width
name_and_comment = f'{}; // [{msb}:{lsb}]'
% if 4 + len(struct_type) + 1 + len(name_and_comment) <= 100:
${struct_type} ${name_and_comment}
% else:
% endif
% endif
% endfor
} ${gen_rtl.get_iface_tx_type(block, iface_name, False)};
% endif
<%def name="hw2reg_for_iface(iface_name, iface_desc, for_iface, rb)">\
nbits = rb.get_n_bits(["d", "de"])
packbit = 0
% if nbits > 0:
// HW -> register type${for_iface}
typedef struct packed {
% for r in rb.all_regs:
% if r.get_n_bits(["d"]):
r0 = gen_rtl.get_r0(r)
struct_type = gen_rtl.get_reg_tx_type(block, r, True)
struct_width = r0.get_n_bits(['d', 'de'])
if isinstance(r, MultiRegister):
struct_type += " [{}:0]".format(r.count - 1)
struct_width *= r.count
msb = nbits - packbit - 1
lsb = msb - struct_width + 1
packbit += struct_width
name_and_comment = f'{}; // [{msb}:{lsb}]'
% if 4 + len(struct_type) + 1 + len(name_and_comment) <= 100:
${struct_type} ${name_and_comment}
% else:
% endif
% endif
% endfor
} ${gen_rtl.get_iface_tx_type(block, iface_name, True)};
% endif
<%def name="offsets_for_iface(iface_name, iface_desc, for_iface, rb)">\
% if not rb.flat_regs:
<% return STOP_RENDERING %>
% endif
// Register offsets${for_iface}
aw_name, aw = addr_widths[iface_name]
% for r in rb.flat_regs:
value = "{}'h{:x}".format(aw, r.offset)
parameter logic [${aw_name}-1:0] ${reg_pfx(r)}_OFFSET = ${value};
% endfor
<%def name="hwext_resvals_for_iface(iface_name, iface_desc, for_iface, rb)">\
hwext_regs = [r for r in rb.flat_regs if r.hwext]
% if hwext_regs:
// Reset values for hwext registers and their fields${for_iface}
% for reg in hwext_regs:
reg_width = reg.get_width()
reg_msb = reg_width - 1
reg_resval = "{}'h{:x}".format(reg_width, reg.resval)
parameter logic [${reg_msb}:0] ${reg_resname(reg)} = ${reg_resval};
% for field in reg.fields:
% if field.resval is not None:
field_width = field.bits.width()
field_msb = field_width - 1
field_resval = "{}'h{:x}".format(field_width, field.resval)
parameter logic [${field_msb}:0] ${field_resname(reg, field)} = ${field_resval};
% endif
% endfor
% endfor
% endif
<%def name="windows_for_iface(iface_name, iface_desc, for_iface, rb)">\
% if
aw_name, aw = addr_widths[iface_name]
// Window parameters${for_iface}
% for i,w in enumerate(
win_pfx = '{}_{}'.format(ublock,
base_txt_val = "{}'h {:x}".format(aw, w.offset)
size_txt_val = "'h {:x}".format(w.size_in_bytes)
offset_type = 'logic [{}-1:0]'.format(aw_name)
size_type = 'int unsigned'
max_type_len = max(len(offset_type), len(size_type))
offset_type += ' ' * (max_type_len - len(offset_type))
size_type += ' ' * (max_type_len - len(size_type))
parameter ${offset_type} ${win_pfx}_OFFSET = ${base_txt_val};
parameter ${size_type} ${win_pfx}_SIZE = ${size_txt_val};
% endfor
% endif
<%def name="reg_data_for_iface(iface_name, iface_desc, for_iface, rb)">\
% if rb.flat_regs:
lpfx = gen_rtl.get_type_name_pfx(block, iface_name)
upfx = lpfx.upper()
idx_len = len("{}".format(len(rb.flat_regs) - 1))
// Register index${for_iface}
typedef enum int {
% for r in rb.flat_regs:
${ublock}_${}${"" if loop.last else ","}
% endfor
} ${lpfx}_id_e;
// Register width information to check illegal writes${for_iface}
parameter logic [3:0] ${upfx}_PERMIT [${len(rb.flat_regs)}] = '{
% for i, r in enumerate(rb.flat_regs):
index_str = "{}".format(i).rjust(idx_len)
width = r.get_width()
if width > 24:
mask = '1111'
elif width > 16:
mask = '0111'
elif width > 8:
mask = '0011'
mask = '0001'
comma = ',' if i < len(rb.flat_regs) - 1 else ' '
4'b${mask}${comma} // index[${index_str}] ${ublock}_${}
% endfor
% endif
package ${lblock}_reg_pkg;
% if localparams:
// Param list
% for param in localparams:
parameter ${param.param_type} ${} = ${param.value};
% endfor
% endif
// Address widths within the block
% for param_name, width in addr_widths.values():
parameter int ${param_name} = ${width};
% endfor
just_default = len(block.reg_blocks) == 1 and None in block.reg_blocks
% for iface_name, rb in block.reg_blocks.items():
iface_desc = iface_name or 'default'
for_iface = '' if just_default else ' for {} interface'.format(iface_desc)
${typedefs_for_iface(iface_name, iface_desc, for_iface, rb)}\
${reg2hw_for_iface(iface_name, iface_desc, for_iface, rb)}\
${hw2reg_for_iface(iface_name, iface_desc, for_iface, rb)}\
${offsets_for_iface(iface_name, iface_desc, for_iface, rb)}\
${hwext_resvals_for_iface(iface_name, iface_desc, for_iface, rb)}\
${windows_for_iface(iface_name, iface_desc, for_iface, rb)}\
${reg_data_for_iface(iface_name, iface_desc, for_iface, rb)}\
% endfor

View File

@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Register Top module auto-generated by `reggen`
from reggen import gen_rtl
from reggen.access import HwAccess, SwRdAccess, SwWrAccess
from reggen.lib import get_basename
from reggen.register import Register
from reggen.multi_register import MultiRegister
num_wins = len(
num_wins_width = ((num_wins+1).bit_length()) - 1
num_reg_dsp = 1 if rb.all_regs else 0
num_dsp = num_wins + num_reg_dsp
regs_flat = rb.flat_regs
max_regs_char = len("{}".format(len(regs_flat) - 1))
addr_width = rb.get_addr_width()
lblock =
ublock = lblock.upper()
u_mod_base = mod_base.upper()
reg2hw_t = gen_rtl.get_iface_tx_type(block, if_name, False)
hw2reg_t = gen_rtl.get_iface_tx_type(block, if_name, True)
win_array_decl = f' [{num_wins}]' if num_wins > 1 else ''
# Calculate whether we're going to need an AW parameter. We use it if there
# are any registers (obviously). We also use it if there are any windows that
# don't start at zero and end at 1 << addr_width (see the "addr_checks"
# calculation below for where that comes from).
needs_aw = (bool(regs_flat) or
num_wins > 1 or and ([0].offset != 0 or[0].size_in_bytes != (1 << addr_width)))
common_data_intg_gen = 0 if rb.has_data_intg_passthru else 1
adapt_data_intg_gen = 1 if rb.has_data_intg_passthru else 0
assert common_data_intg_gen != adapt_data_intg_gen
module ${mod_name} (
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_ni,
// To HW
% if rb.get_n_bits(["q","qe","re"]):
output ${lblock}_reg_pkg::${reg2hw_t} reg2hw, // Write
% endif
% if rb.get_n_bits(["d","de"]):
input ${lblock}_reg_pkg::${hw2reg_t} hw2reg, // Read
% endif
input logic reg_we,
input logic reg_re,
input logic [31:0] reg_wdata,
input logic [ 3:0] reg_be,
input logic [31:0] reg_addr,
output logic [31:0] reg_rdata
import ${lblock}_reg_pkg::* ;
% if needs_aw:
localparam int AW = ${addr_width};
% endif
% if rb.all_regs:
localparam int DW = ${block.regwidth};
localparam int DBW = DW/8; // Byte Width
logic reg_error;
logic addrmiss, wr_err;
logic [DW-1:0] reg_rdata_next;
% endif
% if rb.all_regs:
assign reg_rdata = reg_rdata_next;
assign reg_error = wr_err;
// Define SW related signals
// Format: <reg>_<field>_{wd|we|qs}
// or <reg>_{wd|we|qs} if field == 1 or 0
% for r in regs_flat:
% for f in r.fields:
fld_suff = '_' + if len(r.fields) > 1 else ''
sig_name = + fld_suff
${field_sig_decl(f, sig_name, r.hwext, r.shadowed)}\
% endfor
% endfor
// Register instances
% for r in rb.all_regs:
######################## multiregister ###########################
% if isinstance(r, MultiRegister):
k = 0
% for sr in r.regs:
// Subregister ${k} of Multireg ${}
// R[${}]: V(${str(sr.hwext)})
% if len(sr.fields) == 1:
f = sr.fields[0]
finst_name =
fsig_name = + "[%d]" % k
k = k + 1
${finst_gen(sr, f, finst_name, fsig_name)}
% else:
% for f in sr.fields:
finst_name = + "_" +
if r.is_homogeneous():
fsig_name = + "[%d]" % k
k = k + 1
fsig_name = + "[%d]" % k + "." + get_basename(
// F[${}]: ${f.bits.msb}:${f.bits.lsb}
${finst_gen(sr, f, finst_name, fsig_name)}
% endfor
if not r.is_homogeneous():
k += 1
% endif
## for: mreg_flat
% endfor
######################## register with single field ###########################
% elif len(r.fields) == 1:
// R[${}]: V(${str(r.hwext)})
f = r.fields[0]
finst_name =
fsig_name =
${finst_gen(r, f, finst_name, fsig_name)}
######################## register with multiple fields ###########################
% else:
// R[${}]: V(${str(r.hwext)})
% for f in r.fields:
finst_name = + "_" +
fsig_name = + "." +
// F[${}]: ${f.bits.msb}:${f.bits.lsb}
${finst_gen(r, f, finst_name, fsig_name)}
% endfor
% endif
## for: rb.all_regs
% endfor
logic [${len(regs_flat)-1}:0] addr_hit;
always_comb begin
addr_hit = '0;
% for i,r in enumerate(regs_flat):
addr_hit[${"{}".format(i).rjust(max_regs_char)}] = (reg_addr == ${ublock}_${}_OFFSET);
% endfor
assign addrmiss = (reg_re || reg_we) ? ~|addr_hit : 1'b0 ;
% if regs_flat:
# We want to signal wr_err if reg_be (the byte enable signal) is true for
# any bytes that aren't supported by a register. That's true if a
# addr_hit[i] and a bit is set in reg_be but not in *_PERMIT[i].
wr_err_terms = ['(addr_hit[{idx}] & (|({mod}_PERMIT[{idx}] & ~reg_be)))'
for i in range(len(regs_flat))]
wr_err_expr = (' |\n' + (' ' * 15)).join(wr_err_terms)
// Check sub-word write is permitted
always_comb begin
wr_err = (reg_we &
% else:
assign wr_error = 1'b0;
% endif\
% for i, r in enumerate(regs_flat):
${reg_enable_gen(r, i)}\
% if len(r.fields) == 1:
${field_wd_gen(r.fields[0],, r.hwext, r.shadowed, i)}\
% else:
% for f in r.fields:
${field_wd_gen(f, + "_" +, r.hwext, r.shadowed, i)}\
% endfor
% endif
% endfor
// Read data return
always_comb begin
reg_rdata_next = '0;
unique case (1'b1)
% for i, r in enumerate(regs_flat):
% if len(r.fields) == 1:
addr_hit[${i}]: begin
% else:
addr_hit[${i}]: begin
% for f in r.fields:
${rdata_gen(f, + "_" +}\
% endfor
% endif
% endfor
default: begin
reg_rdata_next = '1;
% endif
// Unused signal tieoff
% if rb.all_regs:
// wdata / byte enable are not always fully used
// add a blanket unused statement to handle lint waivers
logic unused_wdata;
logic unused_be;
assign unused_wdata = ^reg_wdata;
assign unused_be = ^reg_be;
% else:
// devmode_i is not used if there are no registers
logic unused_devmode;
assign unused_devmode = ^devmode_i;
% endif
% if rb.all_regs:
% endif
<%def name="str_bits_sv(bits)">\
% if bits.msb != bits.lsb:
% else:
% endif
<%def name="str_arr_sv(bits)">\
% if bits.msb != bits.lsb:
[${bits.msb-bits.lsb}:0] \
% endif
<%def name="reg_sig_decl(reg)">\
% if reg.needs_re():
logic ${}_re;
% endif
% if reg.needs_we():
logic ${}_we;
% endif
<%def name="field_sig_decl(field, sig_name, hwext, shadowed)">\
% if field.swaccess.allows_read():
logic ${str_arr_sv(field.bits)}${sig_name}_qs;
% endif
% if field.swaccess.allows_write():
logic ${str_arr_sv(field.bits)}${sig_name}_wd;
% endif
<%def name="finst_gen(reg, field, finst_name, fsig_name)">\
re_expr = f'{}_re' if field.swaccess.allows_read() else "1'b0"
if field.swaccess.allows_write():
# We usually use the REG_we signal, but use REG_re for RC fields
# (which get updated on a read, not a write)
we_suffix = 're' if field.swaccess.swrd() == SwRdAccess.RC else 'we'
we_signal = f'{}_{we_suffix}'
if reg.regwen:
we_expr = f'{we_signal} & {reg.regwen.lower()}_qs'
we_expr = we_signal
wd_expr = f'{finst_name}_wd'
we_expr = "1'b0"
wd_expr = "'0"
if field.hwaccess.allows_write():
de_expr = f'hw2reg.{fsig_name}.de'
d_expr = f'hw2reg.{fsig_name}.d'
de_expr = "1'b0"
d_expr = "'0"
qre_expr = f'reg2hw.{fsig_name}.re' if reg.hwre or reg.shadowed else ""
if field.hwaccess.allows_read():
qe_expr = f'reg2hw.{fsig_name}.qe' if reg.hwqe else ''
q_expr = f'reg2hw.{fsig_name}.q'
qe_expr = ''
q_expr = ''
qs_expr = f'{finst_name}_qs' if field.swaccess.allows_read() else ''
% if reg.hwext: ## if hwext, instantiate prim_subreg_ext
prim_subreg_ext #(
.DW (${field.bits.width()})
) u_${finst_name} (
.re (${re_expr}),
.we (${we_expr}),
.wd (${wd_expr}),
.d (${d_expr}),
.qre (${qre_expr}),
.qe (${qe_expr}),
.q (${q_expr}),
.qs (${qs_expr})
% else:
# This isn't a field in a hwext register. Instantiate prim_subreg,
# prim_subreg_shadow or constant assign.
resval_expr = f"{field.bits.width()}'h{field.resval or 0:x}"
is_const_reg = not (field.hwaccess.allows_read() or
field.hwaccess.allows_write() or
field.swaccess.allows_write() or
field.swaccess.swrd() != SwRdAccess.RD)
subreg_block = 'prim_subreg' + ('_shadowed' if reg.shadowed else '')
% if is_const_reg:
// constant-only read
assign ${finst_name}_qs = ${resval_expr};
% else:
${subreg_block} #(
.DW (${field.bits.width()}),
.RESVAL (${resval_expr})
) u_${finst_name} (
.clk_i (clk_i),
.rst_ni (rst_ni),
// from register interface
% if reg.shadowed:
.re (${re_expr}),
% endif
.we (${we_expr}),
.wd (${wd_expr}),
// from internal hardware
.de (${de_expr}),
.d (${d_expr}),
// to internal hardware
.qe (${qe_expr}),
.q (${q_expr}),
// to register interface (read)
% if not reg.shadowed:
.qs (${qs_expr})
% else:
.qs (${qs_expr}),
// Shadow register error conditions
.err_update (reg2hw.${fsig_name}.err_update),
.err_storage (reg2hw.${fsig_name}.err_storage)
% endif
% endif ## end non-constant prim_subreg
% endif
<%def name="reg_enable_gen(reg, idx)">\
% if reg.needs_re():
assign ${}_re = addr_hit[${idx}] & reg_re & !reg_error;
% endif
% if reg.needs_we():
assign ${}_we = addr_hit[${idx}] & reg_we & !reg_error;
% endif
<%def name="field_wd_gen(field, sig_name, hwext, shadowed, idx)">\
needs_wd = field.swaccess.allows_write()
space = '\n' if needs_wd or needs_re else ''
% if needs_wd:
% if field.swaccess.swrd() == SwRdAccess.RC:
assign ${sig_name}_wd = '1;
% else:
assign ${sig_name}_wd = reg_wdata[${str_bits_sv(field.bits)}];
% endif
% endif
<%def name="rdata_gen(field, sig_name)">\
% if field.swaccess.allows_read():
reg_rdata_next[${str_bits_sv(field.bits)}] = ${sig_name}_qs;
% else:
reg_rdata_next[${str_bits_sv(field.bits)}] = '0;
% endif

View File

@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
from .access import SWAccess, HWAccess
from .field import Field
from .lib import (check_keys, check_str, check_name, check_bool,
check_list, check_str_list, check_int)
from .params import ReggenParams
from .reg_base import RegBase
import re
'name': ['s', "name of the register"],
'desc': ['t', "description of the register"],
'fields': ['l', "list of register field description groups"]
'swaccess': [
"software access permission to use for "
"fields that don't specify swaccess"
'hwaccess': [
"hardware access permission to use for "
"fields that don't specify hwaccess"
'hwext': [
"'true' if the register is stored outside "
"of the register module"
'hwqe': [
"'true' if hardware uses 'q' enable signal, "
"which is latched signal of software write pulse."
'hwre': [
"'true' if hardware uses 're' signal, "
"which is latched signal of software read pulse."
'regwen': [
"if register is write-protected by another register, that "
"register name should be given here. empty-string for no register "
"write protection"
'resval': [
"reset value of full register (default 0)"
'tags': [
"tags for the register, following the format 'tag_name:item1:item2...'"
'shadowed': [
"'true' if the register is shadowed"
'update_err_alert': [
"alert that will be triggered if "
"this shadowed register has update error"
'storage_err_alert': [
"alert that will be triggered if "
"this shadowed register has storage error"
class Register(RegBase):
'''Code representing a register for reggen'''
def __init__(self,
offset: int,
name: str,
desc: str,
hwext: bool,
hwqe: bool,
hwre: bool,
regwen: Optional[str],
tags: List[str],
resval: Optional[int],
shadowed: bool,
fields: List[Field],
update_err_alert: Optional[str],
storage_err_alert: Optional[str]):
super().__init__(offset) = name
self.desc = desc
self.hwext = hwext
self.hwqe = hwqe
self.hwre = hwre
if self.hwre and not self.hwext:
raise ValueError('The {} register specifies hwre but not hwext.'
self.regwen = regwen
self.tags = tags
self.shadowed = shadowed
pattern = r'^[a-z0-9_]+_shadowed(?:_[0-9]+)?'
sounds_shadowy = re.match(pattern,
if self.shadowed and not sounds_shadowy:
raise ValueError("Register {} has the shadowed flag but its name "
"doesn't end with the _shadowed suffix."
elif sounds_shadowy and not self.shadowed:
raise ValueError("Register {} has a name ending in _shadowed, but "
"the shadowed flag is not set."
# Take a copy of fields and then sort by bit index
assert fields
self.fields = fields.copy()
self.fields.sort(key=lambda field: field.bits.lsb)
# Index fields by name and check for duplicates
self.name_to_field = {} # type: Dict[str, Field]
for field in self.fields:
if in self.name_to_field:
raise ValueError('Register {} has duplicate fields called {}.'
self.name_to_field[] = field
# Check that fields have compatible access types if we are hwext
if self.hwext:
for field in self.fields:
if field.hwaccess.key == 'hro' and field.sw_readable():
raise ValueError('The {} register has hwext set, but '
'field {} has hro hwaccess and the '
'field value is readable by software '
'mode ({}).'
if not self.hwqe and field.sw_writable():
raise ValueError('The {} register has hwext set and field '
'{} is writable by software (mode {}), '
'so the register must also enable hwqe.'
# Check that field bits are disjoint
bits_used = 0
for field in self.fields:
field_mask = field.bits.bitmask()
if bits_used & field_mask:
raise ValueError('Register {} has non-disjoint fields: '
'{} uses bits {:#x} used by other fields.'
bits_used & field_mask))
# Compute a reset value and mask from our constituent fields.
self.resval = 0
self.resmask = 0
for field in self.fields:
self.resval |= (field.resval or 0) << field.bits.lsb
self.resmask |= field.bits.bitmask()
# If the register defined a reset value, make sure it matches. We've
# already checked that each field matches, but we still need to make
# sure there weren't any bits unaccounted for.
if resval is not None and self.resval != resval:
raise ValueError('Register {} specifies a reset value of {:#x} but '
'collecting reset values across its fields yields '
.format(, resval, self.resval))
self.update_err_alert = update_err_alert
self.storage_err_alert = storage_err_alert
def from_raw(reg_width: int,
offset: int,
params: ReggenParams,
raw: object) -> 'Register':
rd = check_keys(raw, 'register',
name = check_name(rd['name'], 'name of register')
desc = check_str(rd['desc'], 'desc for {} register'.format(name))
swaccess = SWAccess('{} register'.format(name),
rd.get('swaccess', 'none'))
hwaccess = HWAccess('{} register'.format(name),
rd.get('hwaccess', 'hro'))
hwext = check_bool(rd.get('hwext', False),
'hwext flag for {} register'.format(name))
hwqe = check_bool(rd.get('hwqe', False),
'hwqe flag for {} register'.format(name))
hwre = check_bool(rd.get('hwre', False),
'hwre flag for {} register'.format(name))
raw_regwen = rd.get('regwen', '')
if not raw_regwen:
regwen = None
regwen = check_name(raw_regwen,
'regwen for {} register'.format(name))
tags = check_str_list(rd.get('tags', []),
'tags for {} register'.format(name))
raw_resval = rd.get('resval')
if raw_resval is None:
resval = None
resval = check_int(raw_resval,
'resval for {} register'.format(name))
if not 0 <= resval < (1 << reg_width):
raise ValueError('resval for {} register is {}, '
'not an unsigned {}-bit number.'
.format(name, resval, reg_width))
shadowed = check_bool(rd.get('shadowed', False),
'shadowed flag for {} register'
raw_fields = check_list(rd['fields'],
'fields for {} register'.format(name))
if not raw_fields:
raise ValueError('Register {} has no fields.'.format(name))
fields = [Field.from_raw(name,
for idx, rf in enumerate(raw_fields)]
raw_uea = rd.get('update_err_alert')
if raw_uea is None:
update_err_alert = None
update_err_alert = check_name(raw_uea,
'update_err_alert for {} register'
raw_sea = rd.get('storage_err_alert')
if raw_sea is None:
storage_err_alert = None
storage_err_alert = check_name(raw_sea,
'storage_err_alert for {} register'
return Register(offset, name, desc,
hwext, hwqe, hwre, regwen,
tags, resval, shadowed, fields,
update_err_alert, storage_err_alert)
def next_offset(self, addrsep: int) -> int:
return self.offset + addrsep
def get_n_bits(self, bittype: List[str]) -> int:
return sum(field.get_n_bits(self.hwext, self.hwqe, self.hwre, bittype)
for field in self.fields)
def get_field_list(self) -> List[Field]:
return self.fields
def is_homogeneous(self) -> bool:
return len(self.fields) == 1
def is_hw_writable(self) -> bool:
'''Returns true if any field in this register can be modified by HW'''
for fld in self.fields:
if fld.hwaccess.allows_write():
return True
return False
def get_width(self) -> int:
'''Get the width of the fields in the register in bits
This counts dead space between and below fields, so it's calculated as
one more than the highest msb.
# self.fields is ordered by (increasing) LSB, so we can find the MSB of
# the register by taking the MSB of the last field.
return 1 + self.fields[-1].bits.msb
def needs_we(self) -> bool:
'''Return true if at least one field needs a write-enable'''
for fld in self.fields:
if fld.swaccess.needs_we():
return True
return False
def needs_re(self) -> bool:
'''Return true if at least one field needs a read-enable
This is true if any of the following are true:
- The register is shadowed (because shadow registers need to know
about reads)
- There's an RC field (where we'll attach the read-enable signal to
the subreg's we port)
- The register is hwext and allows reads (in which case the hardware
side might need the re signal)
if self.shadowed:
return True
for fld in self.fields:
if fld.swaccess.key == 'rc':
return True
if self.hwext and fld.swaccess.allows_read():
return True
return False
def make_multi(self,
reg_width: int,
offset: int,
creg_idx: int,
creg_count: int,
regwen_multi: bool,
compact: bool,
min_reg_idx: int,
max_reg_idx: int,
cname: str) -> 'Register':
'''Generate a numbered, packed version of the register'''
assert 0 <= creg_idx < creg_count
assert 0 <= min_reg_idx <= max_reg_idx
assert compact or (min_reg_idx == max_reg_idx)
new_name = ('{}_{}'.format(, creg_idx)
if creg_count > 1
if self.regwen is None or not regwen_multi or creg_count == 1:
new_regwen = self.regwen
new_regwen = '{}_{}'.format(self.regwen, creg_idx)
strip_field = creg_idx > 0
if compact:
# Compacting multiple registers into a single "compacted" register.
# This is only supported if we have exactly one field (checked at
# the call-site)
assert len(self.fields) == 1
new_fields = self.fields[0].make_multi(reg_width,
min_reg_idx, max_reg_idx,
cname, creg_idx,
# No compacting going on, but we still choose to rename the fields
# to match the registers
assert creg_idx == min_reg_idx
new_fields = [field.make_suffixed('_{}'.format(creg_idx),
cname, creg_idx, strip_field)
for field in self.fields]
# Don't specify a reset value for the new register. Any reset value
# defined for the original register will have propagated to its fields,
# so when we combine them here, the Register constructor can compute a
# reset value for us (which might well be different from self.resval if
# we've replicated fields).
new_resval = None
return Register(offset, new_name, self.desc,
self.hwext, self.hwqe, self.hwre, new_regwen,
self.tags, new_resval, self.shadowed, new_fields,
self.update_err_alert, self.storage_err_alert)
def check_valid_regwen(self) -> None:
'''Check that this register is valid for use as a REGWEN'''
# A REGWEN register should have a single field that's just bit zero.
if len(self.fields) != 1:
raise ValueError('One or more registers use {} as a '
'write-enable so it should have exactly one '
'field. It actually has {}.'
.format(, len(self.fields)))
wen_fld = self.fields[0]
if wen_fld.bits.width() != 1:
raise ValueError('One or more registers use {} as a '
'write-enable so its field should be 1 bit wide, '
'not {}.'
.format(, wen_fld.bits.width()))
if wen_fld.bits.lsb != 0:
raise ValueError('One or more registers use {} as a '
'write-enable so its field should have LSB 0, '
'not {}.'
.format(, wen_fld.bits.lsb))
# If the REGWEN bit is SW controlled, check that the register
# defaults to enabled. If this bit is read-only by SW and hence
# hardware controlled, we do not enforce this requirement.
if wen_fld.swaccess.key != "ro" and not self.resval:
raise ValueError('One or more registers use {} as a '
'write-enable. Since it is SW-controlled '
'it should have a nonzero reset value.'
if wen_fld.swaccess.key == "rw0c":
# The register is software managed: all good!
if wen_fld.swaccess.key == "ro" and wen_fld.hwaccess.key == "hwo":
# The register is hardware managed: that's fine too.
raise ValueError('One or more registers use {} as a write-enable. '
'However, its field has invalid access permissions '
'({} / {}). It should either have swaccess=RW0C '
'or have swaccess=RO and hwaccess=HWO.'
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
rd = {
'desc': self.desc,
'fields': self.fields,
'hwext': str(self.hwext),
'hwqe': str(self.hwqe),
'hwre': str(self.hwre),
'tags': self.tags,
'shadowed': str(self.shadowed),
if self.regwen is not None:
rd['regwen'] = self.regwen
if self.update_err_alert is not None:
rd['update_err_alert'] = self.update_err_alert
if self.storage_err_alert is not None:
rd['storage_err_alert'] = self.storage_err_alert
return rd

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import Dict, Sequence
from .bits import Bits
from .lib import check_keys, check_name, check_str, check_int, check_list
class Signal:
def __init__(self, name: str, desc: str, bits: Bits): = name
self.desc = desc
self.bits = bits
def from_raw(what: str, lsb: int, raw: object) -> 'Signal':
rd = check_keys(raw, what,
['name', 'desc'],
name = check_name(rd['name'], 'name field of ' + what)
desc = check_str(rd['desc'], 'desc field of ' + what)
width = check_int(rd.get('width', 1), 'width field of ' + what)
if width <= 0:
raise ValueError('The width field of signal {} ({}) '
'has value {}, but should be positive.'
.format(name, what, width))
bits = Bits(lsb + width - 1, lsb)
return Signal(name, desc, bits)
def from_raw_list(what: str, raw: object) -> Sequence['Signal']:
lsb = 0
ret = []
for idx, entry in enumerate(check_list(raw, what)):
entry_what = 'entry {} of {}'.format(idx, what)
interrupt = Signal.from_raw(entry_what, lsb, entry)
lsb += interrupt.bits.width()
return ret
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
return {
'desc': self.desc,
'width': str(self.bits.width())
def as_nwt_dict(self, type_field: str) -> Dict[str, object]:
'''Return a view of the signal as a dictionary
The dictionary has fields "name", "width" and "type", the last
of which comes from the type_field argument. Used for topgen
return {'name':,
'width': self.bits.width(),
'type': type_field}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// UVM Registers auto-generated by `reggen` containing data structure
## We use functions from to define
## per-device-interface code.
<%namespace file="" import="*"/>\
${make_ral_pkg(dv_base_prefix, block.regwidth, reg_block_path, rb, esc_if_name)}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from reggen import gen_dv
from reggen.access import HwAccess, SwRdAccess, SwWrAccess
from reggen.multi_register import MultiRegister
from reggen.register import Register
from typing import Dict
# Get a list reg and its instance name
# For single reg, return Dict[reg_inst:reg]
# For multireg, if it's dv_compact, return Dict[[idx]:mr.reg],
# if not, return all the mr.regs with their name
def get_inst_to_reg_dict(r) -> Dict:
inst_regs = {} # type: Dict[inst_name:Register]
if isinstance(r, MultiRegister):
if r.dv_compact:
inst_base =
for idx, reg in enumerate(r.regs):
inst_name = f'{inst_base}[{idx}]' if len(r.regs) > 1 else inst_base
inst_regs[inst_name] = reg
for r0 in r.regs:
inst_regs[] = r0
inst_regs[] = r
return inst_regs
## make_ral_pkg
## ============
## Generate the RAL package for a device interface.
## dv_base_prefix a string naming the base register type. If it is FOO,
## then we will inherit from FOO_reg (assumed to
## be a subclass of uvm_reg).
## reg_width an integer giving the width of registers in bits
## reg_block_path the hierarchical path to the relevant register block in the
## design
## rb a RegBlock object
## esc_if_name a string giving the full, escaped, interface name. For
## a device interface called FOO on block BAR,
## this will be bar__foo. For an unnamed interface
## on block BAR, this will be just bar.
<%def name="make_ral_pkg(dv_base_prefix, reg_width, reg_block_path, rb, esc_if_name)">\
package ${esc_if_name}_ral_pkg;
${make_ral_pkg_hdr(dv_base_prefix, [])}
${make_ral_pkg_fwd_decls(esc_if_name, rb.type_regs,}
% for r in rb.all_regs:
if isinstance(r, MultiRegister):
reg = r.reg
if r.dv_compact:
reg.fields = r.regs[0].fields
regs = [reg]
regs = r.regs
regs = [r]
% for reg in regs:
${make_ral_pkg_reg_class(dv_base_prefix, reg_width, esc_if_name, reg_block_path, reg)}
% endfor
% endfor
% for window in
${make_ral_pkg_window_class(dv_base_prefix, esc_if_name, window)}
% endfor
reg_block_name = gen_dv.bcname(esc_if_name)
class ${reg_block_name} extends ${dv_base_prefix}_reg_block;
% if rb.flat_regs:
// registers
% for r in rb.all_regs:
if isinstance(r, MultiRegister):
if r.dv_compact:
regs = [r.reg]
count = len(r.regs)
regs = r.regs
count = 1
regs = [r]
count = 1
% for r0 in regs:
reg_type = gen_dv.rcname(esc_if_name, r0)
inst_name =
inst_decl = f'{inst_name}[{count}]' if count > 1 else inst_name
rand ${reg_type} ${inst_decl};
% endfor
% endfor
% endif
% if
// memories
% for window in
rand ${gen_dv.mcname(esc_if_name, window)} ${gen_dv.miname(window)};
% endfor
% endif
function new(string name = "${reg_block_name}",
int has_coverage = UVM_NO_COVERAGE);, has_coverage);
endfunction : new
virtual function void build(uvm_reg_addr_t base_addr,
csr_excl_item csr_excl = null);
// create default map
this.default_map = create_map(.name("default_map"),
if (csr_excl == null) begin
csr_excl = csr_excl_item::type_id::create("csr_excl");
this.csr_excl = csr_excl;
% if rb.flat_regs:
set_hdl_path_root("tb.dut", "BkdrRegPathRtl");
set_hdl_path_root("tb.dut", "BkdrRegPathRtlCommitted");
set_hdl_path_root("tb.dut", "BkdrRegPathRtlShadow");
// create registers
% for r in rb.all_regs:
r0 = r.reg if isinstance(r, MultiRegister) else r
reg_type = gen_dv.rcname(esc_if_name, r0)
% if isinstance(r, MultiRegister):
% for idx, reg in enumerate(r.regs):
if r.dv_compact:
inst_base =
inst_name = f'{inst_base}[{idx}]' if len(r.regs) > 1 else inst_base
inst_name =
reg_type = gen_dv.rcname(esc_if_name, reg)
${instantiate_register(reg_width, reg_block_path, reg, reg_type, inst_name)}\
% endfor
% else:
${instantiate_register(reg_width, reg_block_path, r, reg_type,}\
% endif
% endfor
any_regwen = False
for r in rb.flat_regs:
if r.regwen:
any_regwen = True
% if any_regwen:
// assign locked reg to its regwen reg
% for r in rb.all_regs:
% for inst, reg in get_inst_to_reg_dict(r).items():
${apply_regwen(rb, reg, inst)}\
% endfor
% endfor
% endif
% endif
${make_ral_pkg_window_instances(reg_width, esc_if_name, rb)}
endfunction : build
endclass : ${reg_block_name}
## make_ral_pkg_hdr
## ================
## Generate the header for a RAL package
## dv_base_prefix as for make_ral_pkg
## deps a list of names for packages that should be explicitly
## imported
<%def name="make_ral_pkg_hdr(dv_base_prefix, deps)">\
// dep packages
import uvm_pkg::*;
import dv_base_reg_pkg::*;
% if dv_base_prefix != "dv_base":
import ${dv_base_prefix}_reg_pkg::*;
% endif
% for dep in deps:
import ${dep}::*;
% endfor
// macro includes
`include "uvm_macros.svh"\
## make_ral_pkg_fwd_decls
## ======================
## Generate the forward declarations for a RAL package
## esc_if_name as for make_ral_pkg
## type_regs a list of Register objects, one for each type that
## should be defined. Each MultiRegister will contribute
## just one register to the list.
## windows a list of Window objects
<%def name="make_ral_pkg_fwd_decls(esc_if_name, type_regs, windows)">\
// Forward declare all register/memory/block classes
% for r in type_regs:
typedef class ${gen_dv.rcname(esc_if_name, r)};
% endfor
% for w in windows:
typedef class ${gen_dv.mcname(esc_if_name, w)};
% endfor
typedef class ${gen_dv.bcname(esc_if_name)};\
## make_ral_pkg_reg_class
## ======================
## Generate the classes for a register inside a RAL package
## dv_base_prefix as for make_ral_pkg
## reg_width as for make_ral_pkg
## esc_if_name as for make_ral_pkg
## reg_block_path as for make_ral_pkg
## reg a Register or MultiRegister object
<%def name="make_ral_pkg_reg_class(dv_base_prefix, reg_width, esc_if_name, reg_block_path, reg)">\
reg_name =
is_ext = reg.hwext
for field in reg.fields:
if (field.hwaccess.value[1] == HwAccess.NONE and
field.swaccess.swrd() == SwRdAccess.RD and
not field.swaccess.allows_write()):
is_ext = 1
class_name = gen_dv.rcname(esc_if_name, reg)
class ${class_name} extends ${dv_base_prefix}_reg;
// fields
% for f in reg.fields:
rand ${dv_base_prefix}_reg_field ${};
% endfor
function new(string name = "${class_name}",
int unsigned n_bits = ${reg_width},
int has_coverage = UVM_NO_COVERAGE);, n_bits, has_coverage);
endfunction : new
virtual function void build(csr_excl_item csr_excl = null);
// create fields
% for field in reg.fields:
if len(reg.fields) == 1:
reg_field_name = reg_name
reg_field_name = reg_name + "_" +
${_create_reg_field(dv_base_prefix, reg_width, reg_block_path, reg.shadowed, reg.hwext, reg_field_name, field)}
% endfor
% if is_ext:
% endif
endfunction : build
endclass : ${class_name}\
## _create_reg_field
## =================
## Generate the code that creates a uvm_reg_field object for a field
## in a register.
## dv_base_prefix as for make_ral_pkg
## reg_width as for make_ral_pkg
## reg_block_path as for make_ral_pkg
## shadowed true if the field's register is shadowed
## hwext true if the field's register is hwext
## reg_field_name a string with the name to give the field in the HDL
## field a Field object
<%def name="_create_reg_field(dv_base_prefix, reg_width, reg_block_path, shadowed, hwext, reg_field_name, field)">\
field_size = field.bits.width()
field_access = field.swaccess.dv_rights()
if not field.hwaccess.allows_write():
field_volatile = 0
field_volatile = 1
field_tags = field.tags
fname =
type_id_indent = ' ' * (len(fname) + 4)
${fname} = (${dv_base_prefix}_reg_field::
.reset(${reg_width}'h${format(field.resval or 0, 'x')}),
% if field_tags:
// create field tags
% for field_tag in field_tags:
tag = field_tag.split(":")
% if tag[0] == "excl":
csr_excl.add_excl(${}.get_full_name(), ${tag[2]}, ${tag[1]});
% endif
% endfor
% endif
## make_ral_pkg_window_class
## =========================
## Generate the classes for a window inside a RAL package
## dv_base_prefix as for make_ral_pkg
## esc_if_name as for make_ral_pkg
## window a Window object
<%def name="make_ral_pkg_window_class(dv_base_prefix, esc_if_name, window)">\
mem_name =
mem_right = window.swaccess.dv_rights()
mem_n_bits = window.validbits
mem_size = window.items
class_name = gen_dv.mcname(esc_if_name, window)
class ${class_name} extends ${dv_base_prefix}_mem;
function new(string name = "${class_name}",
longint unsigned size = ${mem_size},
int unsigned n_bits = ${mem_n_bits},
string access = "${mem_right}",
int has_coverage = UVM_NO_COVERAGE);, size, n_bits, access, has_coverage);
% if window.byte_write:
% endif
endfunction : new
endclass : ${class_name}
## make_ral_pkg_window_instances
## =============================
## Generate the classes for a window inside a RAL package
## reg_width as for make_ral_pkg
## esc_if_name as for make_ral_pkg
## rb a RegBlock object
<%def name="make_ral_pkg_window_instances(reg_width, esc_if_name, rb)">\
% if
// create memories
% for w in
mem_name =
mem_right = w.swaccess.dv_rights()
mem_offset = "{}'h{:x}".format(reg_width, w.offset)
mem_n_bits = w.validbits
mem_size = w.items
${mem_name} = ${gen_dv.mcname(esc_if_name, w)}::type_id::create("${mem_name}");
% endfor
% endif
## instantiate_register
## ====================
## Actually instantiate a register in a register block
## reg_width an integer giving the width of registers in bits
## reg_block_path as for make_ral_pkg
## reg the Register to instantiate
## reg_type a string giving the type name (a subclass of
## uvm_register) to instantiate.
## reg_inst a string giving the field of the uvm_reg_block that
## should be set to this new register. For single
## registers, this will just be the register name. For
## elements of multi-registers, it will be the name of an
## array item.
<%def name="instantiate_register(reg_width, reg_block_path, reg, reg_type, reg_inst)">\
reg_name =
reg_offset = "{}'h{:x}".format(reg_width, reg.offset)
inst_id_indent = ' ' * (len(reg_inst) + 4)
${reg_inst} = (${reg_type}::
% if reg.shadowed and reg.hwext:
shadowed_reg_path = ''
for tag in reg.tags:
parts = tag.split(':')
if parts[0] == 'shadowed_reg_path':
shadowed_reg_path = parts[1]
if not shadowed_reg_path:
print("ERROR: ext shadow_reg does not have tags for shadowed_reg_path!")
assert 0
bit_idx = reg.fields[-1].bits.msb + 1
0, ${bit_idx}, 0, "BkdrRegPathRtlCommitted");
0, ${bit_idx}, 0, "BkdrRegPathRtlShadow");
% endif
% for field in reg.fields:
field_size = field.bits.width()
if len(reg.fields) == 1:
reg_field_name = reg_name
reg_field_name = reg_name + "_" +
% if ((field.hwaccess.value[1] == HwAccess.NONE and\
field.swaccess.swrd() == SwRdAccess.RD and\
not field.swaccess.allows_write())):
// constant reg
${field.bits.lsb}, ${field_size}, 0, "BkdrRegPathRtl");
% else:
"${reg_block_path}.u_${reg_field_name}.q${"s" if reg.hwext else ""}",
${field.bits.lsb}, ${field_size}, 0, "BkdrRegPathRtl");
% endif
% if shadowed and not hwext:
${field.bits.lsb}, ${field_size}, 0, "BkdrRegPathRtlCommitted");
${field.bits.lsb}, ${field_size}, 0, "BkdrRegPathRtlShadow");
% endif
% endfor
% if reg.shadowed:
% endif
% if reg.tags:
// create register tags
% for reg_tag in reg.tags:
tag = reg_tag.split(":")
% if tag[0] == "excl":
csr_excl.add_excl(${reg_inst}.get_full_name(), ${tag[2]}, ${tag[1]});
% endif
% endfor
% endif
## apply_regwen
## ============
## Apply a regwen to a register
## rb the register block
## reg the Register that needs apply regwens
## reg_inst a string giving the field of the uvm_reg_block that
## should be updated. For single registers, this will just
## be the register name. For elements of multi-registers,
## it will be the name of an array item.
<%def name="apply_regwen(rb, reg, reg_inst)">\
% if reg.regwen is None:
<% return "" %>\
% endif
% for wen in rb.all_regs:
% for wen_inst, wen_reg in get_inst_to_reg_dict(wen).items():
% if reg.regwen.lower() ==
<% return "" %>\
% elif in reg.regwen.lower():
% for field in wen_reg.get_field_list():
% if reg.regwen.lower() == ( + "_" +
<% return "" %>\
% endif
% endfor
% endif
% endfor
% endfor

View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Register JSON validation
import logging as log
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union
# validating version of int(x, 0)
# returns int value, error flag
# if error flag is True value will be zero
def check_int(x: Union[int, str],
err_prefix: str,
suppress_err_msg: bool = False) -> Tuple[int, bool]:
if isinstance(x, int):
return x, False
if x[0] == '0' and len(x) > 2:
if x[1] in 'bB':
validch = '01'
elif x[1] in 'oO':
validch = '01234567'
elif x[1] in 'xX':
validch = '0123456789abcdefABCDEF'
if not suppress_err_msg:
log.error(err_prefix +
": int must start digit, 0b, 0B, 0o, 0O, 0x or 0X")
return 0, True
for c in x[2:]:
if c not in validch:
if not suppress_err_msg:
log.error(err_prefix + ": Bad character " + c + " in " + x)
return 0, True
if not x.isdecimal():
if not suppress_err_msg:
log.error(err_prefix + ": Number not valid int " + x)
return 0, True
return int(x, 0), False
def check_bool(x: Union[bool, str], err_prefix: str) -> Tuple[bool, bool]:
"""check_bool checks if input 'x' is one of the list:
"true", "false"
It returns value as Bool type and Error condition.
if isinstance(x, bool):
# if Bool returns as it is
return x, False
if not x.lower() in ["true", "false"]:
log.error(err_prefix + ": Bad field value " + x)
return False, True
return (x.lower() == "true"), False
def check_ln(obj: Dict[str, object],
x: str,
withwidth: bool,
err_prefix: str) -> int:
error = 0
entry = obj[x]
if not isinstance(entry, list):
log.error(err_prefix + ' element ' + x + ' not a list')
return 1
for y in entry:
error += check_keys(y, ln_required, ln_optional if withwidth else {},
{}, err_prefix + ' element ' + x)
if withwidth:
if 'width' in y:
w, err = check_int(y['width'], err_prefix + ' width in ' + x)
if err:
error += 1
w = 1
w = 1
y['width'] = str(w)
return error
def check_keys(obj: Dict[str, object],
required_keys: Dict[str, List[str]],
optional_keys: Dict[str, List[str]],
added_keys: Dict[str, List[str]],
err_prefix: str) -> int:
error = 0
for x in required_keys:
if x not in obj:
error += 1
log.error(err_prefix + " missing required key " + x)
for x in obj:
type = None
if x in required_keys:
type = required_keys[x][0]
elif x in optional_keys:
type = optional_keys[x][0]
elif x not in added_keys:
log.warning(err_prefix + " contains extra key " + x)
if type is not None:
if type[:2] == 'ln':
error += check_ln(obj, x, type == 'lnw', err_prefix)
return error
val_types = {
'd': ["int", "integer (binary 0b, octal 0o, decimal, hex 0x)"],
'x': ["xint", "x for undefined otherwise int"],
'b': [
"bitrange", "bit number as decimal integer, "
"or bit-range as decimal integers msb:lsb"
'l': ["list", "comma separated list enclosed in `[]`"],
'ln': [
"name list", 'comma separated list enclosed in `[]` of '
'one or more groups that have just name and dscr keys.'
' e.g. `{ name: "name", desc: "description"}`'
'lnw': ["name list+", 'name list that optionally contains a width'],
'lp': ["parameter list", 'parameter list having default value optionally'],
'g': ["group", "comma separated group of key:value enclosed in `{}`"],
'lg': [
"list of group", "comma separated group of key:value enclosed in `{}`"
" the second entry of the list is the sub group format"
's': ["string", "string, typically short"],
't': [
"text", "string, may be multi-line enclosed in `'''` "
"may use `**bold**`, `*italic*` or `!!Reg` markup"
'T': ["tuple", "tuple enclosed in ()"],
'pi': ["python int", "Native Python type int (generated)"],
'pb': ["python Bool", "Native Python type Bool (generated)"],
'pl': ["python list", "Native Python type list (generated)"],
'pe': ["python enum", "Native Python type enum (generated)"]
# ln type has list of groups with only name and description
# (was called "subunit" in cfg_validate)
ln_required = {
'name': ['s', "name of the item"],
'desc': ['s', "description of the item"],
ln_optional = {
'width': ['d', "bit width of the item (if not 1)"],
# Registers list may have embedded keys
list_optone = {
'reserved': ['d', "number of registers to reserve space for"],
'skipto': ['d', "set next register offset to value"],
'window': [
'g', "group defining an address range "
"for something other than standard registers"
['g', "group defining registers generated "
"from a base instance."]
key_use = {'r': "required", 'o': "optional", 'a': "added by tool"}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
r"""Standard version printing
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from typing import List
import pkg_resources # part of setuptools
def show_and_exit(clitool: str, packages: List[str]) -> None:
util_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(clitool))
ver =
["git", "describe", "--always", "--dirty", "--broken"],
if (ver == ''):
ver = 'not found (not in Git repository?)'
sys.stderr.write(clitool + " Git version " + ver + '\n')
for p in packages:
sys.stderr.write(p + ' ' + pkg_resources.require(p)[0].version + '\n')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import Dict
from .access import SWAccess
from .lib import check_keys, check_str, check_bool, check_int
from .params import ReggenParams
'name': ['s', "name of the window"],
'desc': ['t', "description of the window"],
'items': ['d', "size in fieldaccess width words of the window"],
'swaccess': ['s', "software access permitted"],
# TODO potential for additional optional to give more type info?
# eg sram-hw-port: "none", "sync", "async"
'data-intg-passthru': [
's', "True if the window has data integrity pass through. "
"Defaults to false if not present."
'byte-write': [
's', "True if byte writes are supported. "
"Defaults to false if not present."
'validbits': [
'd', "Number of valid data bits within "
"regwidth sized word. "
"Defaults to regwidth. If "
"smaller than the regwidth then in each "
"word of the window bits "
"[regwidth-1:validbits] are unused and "
"bits [validbits-1:0] are valid."
'unusual': [
's', "True if window has unusual parameters "
"(set to prevent Unusual: errors)."
"Defaults to false if not present."
class Window:
'''A class representing a memory window'''
def __init__(self,
name: str,
desc: str,
unusual: bool,
byte_write: bool,
data_intg_passthru: bool,
validbits: int,
items: int,
size_in_bytes: int,
offset: int,
swaccess: SWAccess):
assert 0 < validbits
assert 0 < items <= size_in_bytes = name
self.desc = desc
self.unusual = unusual
self.byte_write = byte_write
self.data_intg_passthru = data_intg_passthru
self.validbits = validbits
self.items = items
self.size_in_bytes = size_in_bytes
self.offset = offset
self.swaccess = swaccess
# Check that offset has been adjusted so that the first item in the
# window has all zeros in the low bits.
po2_size = 1 << (self.size_in_bytes - 1).bit_length()
assert not (offset & (po2_size - 1))
def from_raw(offset: int,
reg_width: int,
params: ReggenParams,
raw: object) -> 'Window':
rd = check_keys(raw, 'window',
wind_desc = 'window at offset {:#x}'.format(offset)
name = check_str(rd['name'], wind_desc)
wind_desc = '{!r} {}'.format(name, wind_desc)
desc = check_str(rd['desc'], 'desc field for ' + wind_desc)
unusual = check_bool(rd.get('unusual', False),
'unusual field for ' + wind_desc)
byte_write = check_bool(rd.get('byte-write', False),
'byte-write field for ' + wind_desc)
data_intg_passthru = check_bool(rd.get('data-intg-passthru', False),
'data-intg-passthru field for ' + wind_desc)
validbits = check_int(rd.get('validbits', reg_width),
'validbits field for ' + wind_desc)
if validbits <= 0:
raise ValueError('validbits field for {} is not positive.'
if validbits > reg_width:
raise ValueError('validbits field for {} is {}, '
'which is greater than {}, the register width.'
.format(wind_desc, validbits, reg_width))
r_items = check_str(rd['items'], 'items field for ' + wind_desc)
items = params.expand(r_items, 'items field for ' + wind_desc)
if items <= 0:
raise ValueError("Items field for {} is {}, "
"which isn't positive."
.format(wind_desc, items))
assert reg_width % 8 == 0
size_in_bytes = items * (reg_width // 8)
# Round size_in_bytes up to the next power of 2. The calculation is
# like clog2 calculations in SystemVerilog, where we start with the
# last index, rather than the number of elements.
assert size_in_bytes > 0
po2_size = 1 << (size_in_bytes - 1).bit_length()
# A size that isn't a power of 2 is not allowed unless the unusual flag
# is set.
if po2_size != size_in_bytes and not unusual:
raise ValueError('Items field for {} is {}, which gives a size of '
'{} bytes. This is not a power of 2 (next power '
'of 2 is {}). If you want to do this even so, '
'set the "unusual" flag.'
.format(wind_desc, items,
size_in_bytes, po2_size))
# Adjust offset if necessary to make sure the base address of the first
# item in the window has all zeros in the low bits.
addr_mask = po2_size - 1
if offset & addr_mask:
offset = (offset | addr_mask) + 1
offset = offset
swaccess = SWAccess(wind_desc, rd['swaccess'])
if not (swaccess.value[4] or unusual):
raise ValueError('swaccess field for {} is {}, which is an '
'unusual access type for a window. If you want '
'to do this, set the "unusual" flag.'
.format(wind_desc, swaccess.key))
return Window(name, desc, unusual, byte_write, data_intg_passthru,
validbits, items, size_in_bytes, offset, swaccess)
def next_offset(self, addrsep: int) -> int:
return self.offset + self.size_in_bytes
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
rd = {
'desc': self.desc,
'items': self.items,
'swaccess': self.swaccess.key,
'byte-write': self.byte_write,
'validbits': self.validbits,
'unusual': self.unusual
if is not None:
rd['name'] =
return {'window': rd}

tools/regtool/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
r"""Command-line tool to validate and convert register hjson
import argparse
import logging as log
import re
import sys
from pathlib import PurePath
from reggen import (gen_cheader, gen_dv, gen_fpv, gen_html,
gen_json, gen_rtl, gen_selfdoc, version)
from reggen.ip_block import IpBlock
DESC = """regtool, generate register info from Hjson source"""
USAGE = '''
regtool [options]
regtool [options] <input>
regtool (-h | --help)
regtool (-V | --version)
def main():
verbose = 0
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
help='input file in Hjson type')
help='Output register documentation (html)')
help='Output C defines header')
help='Output source file documentation (gfm)')
help='Output as formatted JSON')
parser.add_argument('-c', action='store_true', help='Output as JSON')
help='Output as SystemVerilog RTL')
help='Output as UVM Register class')
help='Output as FPV CSR rw assertion module')
help='Target directory for generated RTL; '
'tool uses ../rtl if blank.')
help='Prefix for the DV register classes from which '
'the register models are derived.')
help='Target filename for json, html, gfm.')
help='Verbose and run validate twice')
help='''Change the Parameter values.
Only integer value is supported.
You can add multiple param arguments.
Format: ParamA=ValA;ParamB=ValB
help='Show version')
help='Skip validate, just output json')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.version:
version.show_and_exit(__file__, ["Hjson", "Mako"])
verbose = args.verbose
if (verbose):
log.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s", level=log.DEBUG)
log.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
# Entries are triples of the form (arg, (format, dirspec)).
# arg is the name of the argument that selects the format. format is the
# name of the format. dirspec is None if the output is a single file; if
# the output needs a directory, it is a default path relative to the source
# file (used when --outdir is not given).
arg_to_format = [('j', ('json', None)), ('c', ('compact', None)),
('d', ('html', None)), ('doc', ('doc', None)),
('r', ('rtl', 'rtl')), ('s', ('dv', 'dv')),
('f', ('fpv', 'fpv/vip')), ('cdefines', ('cdh', None))]
format = None
dirspec = None
for arg_name, spec in arg_to_format:
if getattr(args, arg_name):
if format is not None:
log.error('Multiple output formats specified on '
'command line ({} and {}).'.format(format, spec[0]))
format, dirspec = spec
if format is None:
format = 'hjson'
infile = args.input
# Split parameters into key=value pairs.
raw_params = args.param.split(';') if args.param else []
params = []
for idx, raw_param in enumerate(raw_params):
tokens = raw_param.split('=')
if len(tokens) != 2:
raise ValueError('Entry {} in list of parameter defaults to '
'apply is {!r}, which is not of the form '
.format(idx, raw_param))
params.append((tokens[0], tokens[1]))
# Define either outfile or outdir (but not both), depending on the output
# format.
outfile = None
outdir = None
if dirspec is None:
if args.outdir is not None:
log.error('The {} format expects an output file, '
'not an output directory.'.format(format))
outfile = args.outfile
if args.outfile is not sys.stdout:
log.error('The {} format expects an output directory, '
'not an output file.'.format(format))
if args.outdir is not None:
outdir = args.outdir
elif infile is not sys.stdin:
outdir = str(PurePath([1].joinpath(dirspec))
# We're using sys.stdin, so can't infer an output directory name
'The {} format writes to an output directory, which '
'cannot be inferred automatically if the input comes '
'from stdin. Use --outdir to specify it manually.'.format(
if format == 'doc':
with outfile:
srcfull =
obj = IpBlock.from_text(srcfull, params,
except ValueError as err:
if args.novalidate:
with outfile:
gen_json.gen_json(obj, outfile, format)
if format == 'rtl':
return gen_rtl.gen_rtl(obj, outdir)
if format == 'dv':
return gen_dv.gen_dv(obj, args.dv_base_prefix, outdir)
if format == 'fpv':
return gen_fpv.gen_fpv(obj, outdir)
src_lic = None
src_copy = ''
found_spdx = None
found_lunder = None
copy = re.compile(r'.*(copyright.*)|(.*\(c\).*)', re.IGNORECASE)
spdx = re.compile(r'.*(SPDX-License-Identifier:.+)')
lunder = re.compile(r'.*(Licensed under.+)', re.IGNORECASE)
for line in srcfull.splitlines():
mat = copy.match(line)
if mat is not None:
src_copy +=
mat = spdx.match(line)
if mat is not None:
found_spdx =
mat = lunder.match(line)
if mat is not None:
found_lunder =
if found_lunder:
src_lic = found_lunder
if found_spdx:
src_lic += '\n' + found_spdx
with outfile:
if format == 'html':
return gen_html.gen_html(obj, outfile)
elif format == 'cdh':
return gen_cheader.gen_cdefines(obj, outfile, src_lic, src_copy)
return gen_json.gen_json(obj, outfile, format)
if __name__ == '__main__':

tools/regtool/topgen/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from .lib import get_hjsonobj_xbars, search_ips # noqa: F401
# noqa: F401 These functions are used in
from .merge import amend_clocks, merge_top # noqa: F401
from .validate import validate_top, check_flash # noqa: F401

tools/regtool/topgen/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,452 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""This contains a class which is used to help generate `top_{name}.h` and
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from mako.template import Template
from .lib import get_base_and_size, Name
from reggen.ip_block import IpBlock
class MemoryRegion(object):
def __init__(self, name: Name, base_addr: int, size_bytes: int):
assert isinstance(base_addr, int) = name
self.base_addr = base_addr
self.size_bytes = size_bytes
self.size_words = (size_bytes + 3) // 4
def base_addr_name(self):
return + Name(["base", "addr"])
def offset_name(self):
return + Name(["offset"])
def size_bytes_name(self):
return + Name(["size", "bytes"])
def size_words_name(self):
return + Name(["size", "words"])
class CEnum(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.enum_counter = 0
self.finalized = False
self.constants = []
def add_constant(self, constant_name, docstring=""):
assert not self.finalized
full_name = + constant_name
value = self.enum_counter
self.enum_counter += 1
self.constants.append((full_name, value, docstring))
return full_name
def add_last_constant(self, docstring=""):
assert not self.finalized
full_name = + Name(["last"])
_, last_val, _ = self.constants[-1]
self.constants.append((full_name, last_val, r"\internal " + docstring))
self.finalized = True
def render(self):
template = ("typedef enum ${} {\n"
"% for name, value, docstring in enum.constants:\n"
" ${name.as_c_enum()} = ${value}, /**< ${docstring} */\n"
"% endfor\n"
"} ${};")
return Template(template).render(enum=self)
class CArrayMapping(object):
def __init__(self, name, output_type_name): = name
self.output_type_name = output_type_name
self.mapping = OrderedDict()
def add_entry(self, in_name, out_name):
self.mapping[in_name] = out_name
def render_declaration(self):
template = (
"extern const ${mapping.output_type_name.as_c_type()}\n"
" ${}[${len(mapping.mapping)}];")
return Template(template).render(mapping=self)
def render_definition(self):
template = (
"const ${mapping.output_type_name.as_c_type()}\n"
" ${}[${len(mapping.mapping)}] = {\n"
"% for in_name, out_name in mapping.mapping.items():\n"
" [${in_name.as_c_enum()}] = ${out_name.as_c_enum()},\n"
"% endfor\n"
return Template(template).render(mapping=self)
class TopGenC:
def __init__(self, top_info, name_to_block: Dict[str, IpBlock]): = top_info
self._top_name = Name(["top"]) + Name.from_snake_case(top_info["name"])
self._name_to_block = name_to_block
# The .c file needs the .h file's relative path, store it here
self.header_path = None
def devices(self) -> List[Tuple[Tuple[str, Optional[str]], MemoryRegion]]:
'''Return a list of MemoryRegion objects for devices on the bus
The list returned is pairs (full_if, region) where full_if is itself a
pair (inst_name, if_name). inst_name is the name of some IP block
instantiation. if_name is the name of the interface (may be None).
region is a MemoryRegion object representing the device.
ret = [] # type: List[Tuple[Tuple[str, Optional[str]], MemoryRegion]]
for inst in['module']:
block = self._name_to_block[inst['type']]
for if_name, rb in block.reg_blocks.items():
full_if = (inst['name'], if_name)
full_if_name = Name.from_snake_case(full_if[0])
if if_name is not None:
full_if_name += Name.from_snake_case(if_name)
name = self._top_name + full_if_name
base, size = get_base_and_size(self._name_to_block,
inst, if_name)
region = MemoryRegion(name, base, size)
ret.append((full_if, region))
return ret
def memories(self):
ret = []
for m in["memory"]:
MemoryRegion(self._top_name +
int(m["base_addr"], 0),
int(m["size"], 0))))
for inst in['module']:
if "memory" in inst:
for if_name, val in inst["memory"].items():
base, size = get_base_and_size(self._name_to_block,
inst, if_name)
name = self._top_name + Name.from_snake_case(val["label"])
region = MemoryRegion(name, base, size)
ret.append((val["label"], region))
return ret
def _init_plic_targets(self):
enum = CEnum(self._top_name + Name(["plic", "target"]))
for core_id in range(int(["num_cores"])):
enum.add_constant(Name(["ibex", str(core_id)]),
docstring="Ibex Core {}".format(core_id))
enum.add_last_constant("Final PLIC target")
self.plic_targets = enum
def _init_plic_mapping(self):
"""We eventually want to generate a mapping from interrupt id to the
source peripheral.
In order to do so, we generate two enums (one for interrupts, one for
sources), and store the generated names in a dictionary that represents
the mapping.
PLIC Interrupt ID 0 corresponds to no interrupt, and so no peripheral,
so we encode that in the enum as "unknown".
The interrupts have to be added in order, with "none" first, to ensure
that they get the correct mapping to their PLIC id, which is used for
addressing the right registers and bits.
sources = CEnum(self._top_name + Name(["plic", "peripheral"]))
interrupts = CEnum(self._top_name + Name(["plic", "irq", "id"]))
plic_mapping = CArrayMapping(
self._top_name + Name(["plic", "interrupt", "for", "peripheral"]),
unknown_source = sources.add_constant(Name(["unknown"]),
docstring="Unknown Peripheral")
none_irq_id = interrupts.add_constant(Name(["none"]),
docstring="No Interrupt")
plic_mapping.add_entry(none_irq_id, unknown_source)
# When we generate the `interrupts` enum, the only info we have about
# the source is the module name. We'll use `source_name_map` to map a
# short module name to the full name object used for the enum constant.
source_name_map = {}
for name in["interrupt_module"]:
source_name = sources.add_constant(Name.from_snake_case(name),
source_name_map[name] = source_name
sources.add_last_constant("Final PLIC peripheral")
for intr in["interrupt"]:
# Some interrupts are multiple bits wide. Here we deal with that by
# adding a bit-index suffix
if "width" in intr and int(intr["width"]) != 1:
for i in range(int(intr["width"])):
name = Name.from_snake_case(intr["name"]) + Name([str(i)])
irq_id = interrupts.add_constant(name,
docstring="{} {}".format(
intr["name"], i))
source_name = source_name_map[intr["module_name"]]
plic_mapping.add_entry(irq_id, source_name)
name = Name.from_snake_case(intr["name"])
irq_id = interrupts.add_constant(name, docstring=intr["name"])
source_name = source_name_map[intr["module_name"]]
plic_mapping.add_entry(irq_id, source_name)
interrupts.add_last_constant("The Last Valid Interrupt ID.")
self.plic_sources = sources
self.plic_interrupts = interrupts
self.plic_mapping = plic_mapping
def _init_alert_mapping(self):
"""We eventually want to generate a mapping from alert id to the source
In order to do so, we generate two enums (one for alerts, one for
sources), and store the generated names in a dictionary that represents
the mapping.
Alert Handler has no concept of "no alert", unlike the PLIC.
The alerts have to be added in order, to ensure that they get the
correct mapping to their alert id, which is used for addressing the
right registers and bits.
sources = CEnum(self._top_name + Name(["alert", "peripheral"]))
alerts = CEnum(self._top_name + Name(["alert", "id"]))
alert_mapping = CArrayMapping(
self._top_name + Name(["alert", "for", "peripheral"]),
# When we generate the `alerts` enum, the only info we have about the
# source is the module name. We'll use `source_name_map` to map a short
# module name to the full name object used for the enum constant.
source_name_map = {}
for name in["alert_module"]:
source_name = sources.add_constant(Name.from_snake_case(name),
source_name_map[name] = source_name
sources.add_last_constant("Final Alert peripheral")
for alert in["alert"]:
if "width" in alert and int(alert["width"]) != 1:
for i in range(int(alert["width"])):
name = Name.from_snake_case(alert["name"]) + Name([str(i)])
irq_id = alerts.add_constant(name,
docstring="{} {}".format(
alert["name"], i))
source_name = source_name_map[alert["module_name"]]
alert_mapping.add_entry(irq_id, source_name)
name = Name.from_snake_case(alert["name"])
alert_id = alerts.add_constant(name, docstring=alert["name"])
source_name = source_name_map[alert["module_name"]]
alert_mapping.add_entry(alert_id, source_name)
alerts.add_last_constant("The Last Valid Alert ID.")
self.alert_sources = sources
self.alert_alerts = alerts
self.alert_mapping = alert_mapping
def _init_pinmux_mapping(self):
"""Generate C enums for addressing pinmux registers and in/out selects.
Inputs/outputs are connected in the order the modules are listed in
the hjson under the "mio_modules" key. For each module, the corresponding
inouts are connected first, followed by either the inputs or the outputs.
- Peripheral chooses register field (pinmux_peripheral_in)
- Insel chooses MIO input (pinmux_insel)
- MIO chooses register field (pinmux_mio_out)
- Outsel chooses peripheral output (pinmux_outsel)
Insel and outsel have some special values which are captured here too.
pinmux_info =['pinmux']
pinout_info =['pinout']
# Peripheral Inputs
peripheral_in = CEnum(self._top_name +
Name(['pinmux', 'peripheral', 'in']))
i = 0
for sig in pinmux_info['ios']:
if sig['connection'] == 'muxed' and sig['type'] in ['inout', 'input']:
index = Name([str(sig['idx'])]) if sig['idx'] != -1 else Name([])
name = Name.from_snake_case(sig['name']) + index
peripheral_in.add_constant(name, docstring='Peripheral Input {}'.format(i))
i += 1
peripheral_in.add_last_constant('Last valid peripheral input')
# Pinmux Input Selects
insel = CEnum(self._top_name + Name(['pinmux', 'insel']))
insel.add_constant(Name(['constant', 'zero']),
docstring='Tie constantly to zero')
insel.add_constant(Name(['constant', 'one']),
docstring='Tie constantly to one')
i = 0
for pad in pinout_info['pads']:
if pad['connection'] == 'muxed':
docstring='MIO Pad {}'.format(i))
i += 1
insel.add_last_constant('Last valid insel value')
# MIO Outputs
mio_out = CEnum(self._top_name + Name(['pinmux', 'mio', 'out']))
i = 0
for pad in pinout_info['pads']:
if pad['connection'] == 'muxed':
docstring='MIO Pad {}'.format(i))
i += 1
mio_out.add_last_constant('Last valid mio output')
# Pinmux Output Selects
outsel = CEnum(self._top_name + Name(['pinmux', 'outsel']))
outsel.add_constant(Name(['constant', 'zero']),
docstring='Tie constantly to zero')
outsel.add_constant(Name(['constant', 'one']),
docstring='Tie constantly to one')
outsel.add_constant(Name(['constant', 'high', 'z']),
docstring='Tie constantly to high-Z')
i = 0
for sig in pinmux_info['ios']:
if sig['connection'] == 'muxed' and sig['type'] in ['inout', 'output']:
index = Name([str(sig['idx'])]) if sig['idx'] != -1 else Name([])
name = Name.from_snake_case(sig['name']) + index
outsel.add_constant(name, docstring='Peripheral Output {}'.format(i))
i += 1
outsel.add_last_constant('Last valid outsel value')
self.pinmux_peripheral_in = peripheral_in
self.pinmux_insel = insel
self.pinmux_mio_out = mio_out
self.pinmux_outsel = outsel
def _init_pwrmgr_wakeups(self):
enum = CEnum(self._top_name +
Name(["power", "manager", "wake", "ups"]))
for signal in["wakeups"]:
Name.from_snake_case(signal["module"]) +
enum.add_last_constant("Last valid pwrmgr wakeup signal")
self.pwrmgr_wakeups = enum
# Enumerates the positions of all software controllable resets
def _init_rstmgr_sw_rsts(self):
sw_rsts =['resets'].get_sw_resets()
enum = CEnum(self._top_name +
Name(["reset", "manager", "sw", "resets"]))
for rst in sw_rsts:
enum.add_last_constant("Last valid rstmgr software reset request")
self.rstmgr_sw_rsts = enum
def _init_pwrmgr_reset_requests(self):
enum = CEnum(self._top_name +
Name(["power", "manager", "reset", "requests"]))
for signal in["reset_requests"]:
Name.from_snake_case(signal["module"]) +
enum.add_last_constant("Last valid pwrmgr reset_request signal")
self.pwrmgr_reset_requests = enum
def _init_clkmgr_clocks(self):
Creates CEnums for accessing the software-controlled clocks in the
The logic here matches the logic in in how it instantiates the
clock manager with the described clocks.
We differentiate "gateable" clocks and "hintable" clocks because the
clock manager has separate register interfaces for each group.
clocks =['clocks']
aon_clocks = set(
for src in clocks.all_srcs.values() if src.aon)
gateable_clocks = CEnum(self._top_name + Name(["gateable", "clocks"]))
hintable_clocks = CEnum(self._top_name + Name(["hintable", "clocks"]))
# This replicates the behaviour in `` in deriving `hints` and
# `sw_clocks`.
for group in clocks.groups.values():
for name, source in group.clocks.items():
if not in aon_clocks:
# All these clocks start with `clk_` which is redundant.
clock_name = Name.from_snake_case(name).remove_part("clk")
docstring = "Clock {} in group {}".format(name,
if group.sw_cg == "yes":
gateable_clocks.add_constant(clock_name, docstring)
elif group.sw_cg == "hint":
hintable_clocks.add_constant(clock_name, docstring)
gateable_clocks.add_last_constant("Last Valid Gateable Clock")
hintable_clocks.add_last_constant("Last Valid Hintable Clock")
self.clkmgr_gateable_clocks = gateable_clocks
self.clkmgr_hintable_clocks = hintable_clocks

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@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import Dict, List
def _yn_to_bool(yn: object) -> bool:
yn_str = str(yn)
if yn_str.lower() == 'yes':
return True
if yn_str.lower() == 'no':
return False
raise ValueError('Unknown yes/no value: {!r}.'.format(yn))
def _bool_to_yn(val: bool) -> str:
return 'yes' if val else 'no'
def _to_int(val: object) -> int:
if isinstance(val, int):
return val
return int(str(val))
def _check_choices(val: str, what: str, choices: List[str]) -> str:
if val in choices:
return val
raise ValueError('{} is {!r}, which is not one of the expected values: {}.'
.format(what, val, choices))
class SourceClock:
'''A clock source (input to the top-level)'''
def __init__(self, raw: Dict[str, object]): = str(raw['name'])
self.aon = _yn_to_bool(raw['aon'])
self.freq = _to_int(raw['freq'])
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
return {
'aon': _bool_to_yn(self.aon),
'freq': str(self.freq)
class DerivedSourceClock(SourceClock):
'''A derived source clock (divided down from some other clock)'''
def __init__(self,
raw: Dict[str, object],
sources: Dict[str, SourceClock]):
self.div = _to_int(raw['div'])
self.src = sources[str(raw['src'])]
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
ret = super()._asdict()
ret['div'] = str(self.div)
ret['src'] =
return ret
class Group:
def __init__(self,
raw: Dict[str, object],
sources: Dict[str, SourceClock],
what: str): = str(raw['name'])
self.src = str(raw['src'])
self.sw_cg = _check_choices(str(raw['sw_cg']), 'sw_cg for ' + what,
['yes', 'no', 'hint'])
if self.src == 'yes' and self.sw_cg != 'no':
raise ValueError(f'Clock group {} has an invalid '
f'combination of src and sw_cg: {self.src} and '
f'{self.sw_cg}, respectively.')
self.unique = _yn_to_bool(raw.get('unique', 'no'))
if self.sw_cg == 'no' and self.unique:
raise ValueError(f'Clock group {} has an invalid '
f'combination with sw_cg of {self.sw_cg} and '
f'unique set.')
self.clocks = {} # type: Dict[str, SourceClock]
raw_clocks = raw.get('clocks', {})
if not isinstance(raw_clocks, dict):
raise ValueError(f'clocks for {what} is not a dictionary')
for clk_name, src_name in raw_clocks.items():
src = sources.get(src_name)
if src is None:
raise ValueError(f'The {clk_name} entry of clocks for {what} '
f'has source {src_name}, which is not a '
f'known clock source.')
self.clocks[clk_name] = src
def add_clock(self, clk_name: str, src: SourceClock):
# Duplicates are ok, so long as they have the same source.
existing_src = self.clocks.get(clk_name)
if existing_src is not None:
if existing_src is not src:
raise ValueError(f'Cannot add clock {clk_name} to group '
f'{} with source {}: the '
f'clock is there already with source '
self.clocks[clk_name] = src
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
return {
'src': self.src,
'sw_cg': self.sw_cg,
'unique': _bool_to_yn(self.unique),
'clocks': {name: for name, src in self.clocks.items()}
class Clocks:
'''Clock connections for the chip'''
def __init__(self, raw: Dict[str, object]):
self.hier_paths = {}
assert isinstance(raw['hier_paths'], dict)
for grp_src, path in raw['hier_paths'].items():
self.hier_paths[str(grp_src)] = str(path)
assert isinstance(raw['srcs'], list)
self.srcs = {}
for r in raw['srcs']:
clk = SourceClock(r)
self.srcs[] = clk
self.derived_srcs = {}
for r in raw['derived_srcs']:
clk = DerivedSourceClock(r, self.srcs)
self.derived_srcs[] = clk
self.all_srcs = self.srcs.copy()
self.groups = {}
assert isinstance(raw['groups'], list)
for idx, raw_grp in enumerate(raw['groups']):
assert isinstance(raw_grp, dict)
grp = Group(raw_grp, self.srcs, f'clocks.groups[{idx}]')
self.groups[] = grp
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
return {
'hier_paths': self.hier_paths,
'srcs': list(self.srcs.values()),
'derived_srcs': list(self.derived_srcs.values()),
'groups': list(self.groups.values())
def add_clock_to_group(self, grp: Group, clk_name: str, src_name: str):
src = self.all_srcs.get(src_name)
if src is None:
raise ValueError(f'Cannot add clock {clk_name} to group '
f'{}: the given source name is '
f'{src_name}, which is unknown.')
grp.add_clock(clk_name, src)
def get_clock_by_name(self, name: str) -> object:
ret = self.all_srcs.get(name)
if ret is None:
raise ValueError(f'{name} is not a valid clock')
return ret

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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import logging as log
from typing import Optional, Tuple
from mako import exceptions # type: ignore
from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup # type: ignore
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from reggen.gen_dv import gen_core_file
from .top import Top
def sv_base_addr(top: Top, if_name: Tuple[str, Optional[str]]) -> str:
'''Get the base address of a device interface in SV syntax'''
return "{}'h{:x}".format(top.regwidth, top.if_addrs[if_name])
def gen_dv(top: Top,
dv_base_prefix: str,
outdir: str) -> int:
'''Generate DV RAL model for a Top'''
# Read template
lookup = TemplateLookup(directories=[resource_filename('topgen', '.'),
resource_filename('reggen', '.')])
uvm_reg_tpl = lookup.get_template('')
# Expand template
to_write = uvm_reg_tpl.render(top=top,
except: # noqa: E722
return 1
# Dump to output file
dest_path = '{}/'.format(outdir)
with open(dest_path, 'w') as fout:
gen_core_file(outdir, 'chip', dv_base_prefix, [''])
return 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

tools/regtool/topgen/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import logging as log
import re
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
import hjson
from reggen.ip_block import IpBlock
# Ignore flake8 warning as the function is used in the template
# disable isort formating, as conflicting with flake8
from .intermodule import find_otherside_modules # noqa : F401 # isort:skip
from .intermodule import im_portname, im_defname, im_netname # noqa : F401 # isort:skip
from .intermodule import get_dangling_im_def # noqa : F401 # isort:skip
class Name:
We often need to format names in specific ways; this class does so.
To simplify parsing and reassembling of name strings, this class
stores the name parts as a canonical list of strings internally
The "from_*" functions parse and split a name string into the canonical
list, whereas the "as_*" functions reassemble the canonical list in the
format specified.
For example, ex = Name.from_snake_case("example_name") gets split into
["example", "name"] internally, and ex.as_camel_case() reassembles this
internal representation into "ExampleName".
def __add__(self, other):
return Name( +
def from_snake_case(input: str) -> 'Name':
return Name(input.split("_"))
def __init__(self, parts: List[str]): = parts
for p in parts:
assert len(p) > 0, "cannot add zero-length name piece"
def as_snake_case(self) -> str:
return "_".join([p.lower() for p in])
def as_camel_case(self) -> str:
out = ""
for p in
# If we're about to join two parts which would introduce adjacent
# numbers, put an underscore between them.
if out[-1:].isnumeric() and p[:1].isnumeric():
out += "_" + p
out += p.capitalize()
return out
def as_c_define(self) -> str:
return "_".join([p.upper() for p in])
def as_c_enum(self) -> str:
return "k" + self.as_camel_case()
def as_c_type(self) -> str:
return self.as_snake_case() + "_t"
def remove_part(self, part_to_remove: str) -> "Name":
return Name([p for p in if p != part_to_remove])
def is_ipcfg(ip: Path) -> bool: # return bool"IP Path: %s" % repr(ip))
ip_name = ip.parents[1].name
hjson_name ="IP Name(%s) and HJSON name (%s)" % (ip_name, hjson_name))
if ip_name + ".hjson" == hjson_name or ip_name + "_reg.hjson" == hjson_name:
return True
return False
def search_ips(ip_path): # return list of config files
# list the every Hjson file
p = ip_path.glob('*/data/*.hjson')
# filter only ip_name/data/ip_name{_reg|''}.hjson
ips = [x for x in p if is_ipcfg(x)]"Filtered-in IP files: %s" % repr(ips))
return ips
def is_xbarcfg(xbar_obj):
if "type" in xbar_obj and xbar_obj["type"] == "xbar":
return True
return False
def get_hjsonobj_xbars(xbar_path):
""" Search crossbars Hjson files from given path.
Search every Hjson in the directory and check Hjson type.
It could be type: "top" or type: "xbar"
returns [(name, obj), ... ]
p = xbar_path.glob('*.hjson')
xbar_objs = [
object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) for x in p
except ValueError:
raise SystemExit(sys.exc_info()[1])
xbar_objs = [x for x in xbar_objs if is_xbarcfg(x)]
return xbar_objs
def get_module_by_name(top, name):
"""Search in top["module"] by name
module = None
for m in top["module"]:
if m["name"] == name:
module = m
return module
def intersignal_to_signalname(top, m_name, s_name) -> str:
# TODO: Find the signal in the `inter_module_list` and get the correct signal name
return "{m_name}_{s_name}".format(m_name=m_name, s_name=s_name)
def get_package_name_by_intermodule_signal(top, struct) -> str:
"""Search inter-module signal package with the struct name
For instance, if `flash_ctrl` has inter-module signal package,
this function returns the package name
instances = top["module"] + top["memory"]
intermodule_instances = [
x["inter_signal_list"] for x in instances if "inter_signal_list" in x
for m in intermodule_instances:
if m["name"] == struct and "package" in m:
return m["package"]
return ""
def get_signal_by_name(module, name):
"""Return the signal struct with the type input/output/inout
result = None
for s in module["available_input_list"] + module[
"available_output_list"] + module["available_inout_list"]:
if s["name"] == name:
result = s
return result
def add_module_prefix_to_signal(signal, module):
"""Add module prefix to module signal format { name: "sig_name", width: NN }
result = deepcopy(signal)
if "name" not in signal:
raise SystemExit("signal {} doesn't have name field".format(signal))
result["name"] = module + "_" + signal["name"]
result["module_name"] = module
return result
def get_ms_name(name):
"""Split module_name.signal_name to module_name , signal_name
tokens = name.split('.')
if len(tokens) == 0:
raise SystemExit("This to be catched in")
module = tokens[0]
signal = None
if len(tokens) == 2:
signal = tokens[1]
return module, signal
def parse_pad_field(padstr):
"""Parse PadName[NN...NN] or PadName[NN] or just PadName
match = re.match(r'^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)(\[([0-9]+)(\.\.([0-9]+))?\]|)', padstr)
def get_pad_list(padstr):
pads = []
pad, first, last = parse_pad_field(padstr)
if first is None:
first = 0
last = 0
elif last is None:
last = first
first = int(first, 0)
last = int(last, 0)
# width = first - last + 1
for p in range(first, last + 1):
pads.append(OrderedDict([("name", pad), ("index", p)]))
return pads
# Template functions
def ljust(x, width):
return "{:<{width}}".format(x, width=width)
def bitarray(d, width):
"""Print Systemverilog bit array
@param d the bit width of the signal
@param width max character width of the signal group
For instance, if width is 4, the max d value in the signal group could be
9999. If d is 2, then this function pads 3 spaces at the end of the bit
"[1:0] " <- d:=2, width=4
"[9999:0]" <- max d-1 value
If d is 1, it means array slice isn't necessary. So it returns empty spaces
if d <= 0:
log.error("lib.bitarray: Given value {} is smaller than 1".format(d))
raise ValueError
if d == 1:
return " " * (width + 4) # [x:0] needs 4 more space than char_width
out = "[{}:0]".format(d - 1)
return out + (" " * (width - len(str(d))))
def parameterize(text):
"""Return the value wrapping with quote if not integer nor bits
if re.match(r'(\d+\'[hdb]\s*[0-9a-f_A-F]+|[0-9]+)', text) is None:
return "\"{}\"".format(text)
return text
def index(i: int) -> str:
"""Return index if it is not -1
return "[{}]".format(i) if i != -1 else ""
def get_clk_name(clk):
"""Return the appropriate clk name
if clk == 'main':
return 'clk_i'
return "clk_{}_i".format(clk)
def get_reset_path(reset, domain, top):
"""Return the appropriate reset path given name
return top['resets'].get_path(reset, domain)
def get_unused_resets(top):
"""Return dict of unused resets and associated domain
return top['resets'].get_unused_resets(top['power']['domains'])
def is_templated(module):
"""Returns an indication where a particular module is templated
if "attr" not in module:
return False
elif module["attr"] in ["templated"]:
return True
return False
def is_top_reggen(module):
"""Returns an indication where a particular module is NOT templated
and requires top level specific reggen
if "attr" not in module:
return False
elif module["attr"] in ["reggen_top", "reggen_only"]:
return True
return False
def is_inst(module):
"""Returns an indication where a particular module should be instantiated
in the top level
top_level_module = False
top_level_mem = False
if "attr" not in module:
top_level_module = True
elif module["attr"] in ["normal", "templated", "reggen_top"]:
top_level_module = True
elif module["attr"] in ["reggen_only"]:
top_level_module = False
raise ValueError('Attribute {} in {} is not valid'
.format(module['attr'], module['name']))
if module['type'] in ['rom', 'ram_1p_scr', 'eflash']:
top_level_mem = True
return top_level_mem or top_level_module
def get_base_and_size(name_to_block: Dict[str, IpBlock],
inst: Dict[str, object],
ifname: Optional[str]) -> Tuple[int, int]:
min_device_spacing = 0x1000
block = name_to_block.get(inst['type'])
if block is None:
# If inst isn't the instantiation of a block, it came from some memory.
# Memories have their sizes defined, so we can just look it up there.
bytes_used = int(inst['size'], 0)
# Memories don't have multiple or named interfaces, so this will only
# work if ifname is None.
assert ifname is None
base_addr = inst['base_addr']
# If inst is the instantiation of some block, find the register block
# that corresponds to ifname
rb = block.reg_blocks.get(ifname)
if rb is None:
raise RuntimeError(
'Cannot connect to non-existent {} device interface '
'on {!r} (an instance of the {!r} block).'
.format('default' if ifname is None else repr(ifname),
bytes_used = 1 << rb.get_addr_width()
base_addr = inst['base_addrs'][ifname]
# If an instance has a nonempty "memory" field, take the memory
# size configuration from there.
if "memory" in inst:
if ifname in inst["memory"]:
memory_size = int(inst["memory"][ifname]["size"], 0)
if bytes_used > memory_size:
raise RuntimeError(
'Memory region on {} device interface '
'on {!r} (an instance of the {!r} block) '
'is smaller than the corresponding register block.'
.format('default' if ifname is None else repr(ifname),
bytes_used = memory_size
# Round up to min_device_spacing if necessary
size_byte = max(bytes_used, min_device_spacing)
if isinstance(base_addr, str):
base_addr = int(base_addr, 0)
assert isinstance(base_addr, int)
return (base_addr, size_byte)
def get_io_enum_literal(sig: Dict, prefix: str) -> str:
"""Returns the DIO pin enum literal with value assignment"""
name = Name.from_snake_case(prefix) + Name.from_snake_case(sig["name"])
# In this case, the signal is a multibit signal, and hence
# we have to make the signal index part of the parameter
# name to uniquify it.
if sig['width'] > 1:
name += Name([str(sig['idx'])])
return name.as_camel_case()
def make_bit_concatenation(sig_name: str,
indices: List[int],
end_indent: int) -> str:
'''Return SV code for concatenating certain indices from a signal
sig_name is the name of the signal and indices is a non-empty list of the
indices to use, MSB first. So
make_bit_concatenation("foo", [0, 100, 20])
should give
{foo[0], foo[100], foo[20]}
Adjacent bits turn into a range select. For example:
make_bit_concatenation("foo", [0, 1, 2])
should give
If there are multiple ranges, they are printed one to a line. end_indent
gives the indentation of the closing brace and the range selects in between
get indented to end_indent + 2.
assert 0 <= end_indent
ranges = []
cur_range_start = indices[0]
cur_range_end = indices[0]
for idx in indices[1:]:
if idx == cur_range_end + 1 and cur_range_start <= cur_range_end:
cur_range_end += 1
if idx == cur_range_end - 1 and cur_range_start >= cur_range_end:
cur_range_end -= 1
ranges.append((cur_range_start, cur_range_end))
cur_range_start = idx
cur_range_end = idx
ranges.append((cur_range_start, cur_range_end))
items = []
for range_start, range_end in ranges:
if range_start == range_end:
select = str(range_start)
select = '{}:{}'.format(range_start, range_end)
items.append('{}[{}]'.format(sig_name, select))
if len(items) == 1:
return items[0]
item_indent = '\n' + (' ' * (end_indent + 2))
acc = ['{', item_indent, items[0]]
for item in items[1:]:
acc += [',', item_indent, item]
acc += ['\n', ' ' * end_indent, '}']
return ''.join(acc)
def is_rom_ctrl(modules):
'''Return true if rom_ctrl (and thus boot-up rom integrity checking)
exists in the design
for m in modules:
if m['type'] == 'rom_ctrl':
return True
return False

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import Dict, Optional
from .clocks import Clocks
class ResetItem:
'''Individual resets'''
def __init__(self, hier: Dict[str, str], raw: Dict[str, object], clocks: Clocks):
if not raw['name']:
raise ValueError('Reset has no name') = raw['name']
self.gen = raw.get('gen', True)
self.rst_type = raw.get('type', 'top')
self.path = ""
if self.rst_type == 'top':
self.path = f"{hier['top']}rst_{}_n"
elif self.rst_type == 'ext':
self.path = f"{hier['ext']}{}"
# to be constructed later = []
self.shadowed = False
self.parent = raw.get('parent', "")
# This can be a source clock or a derived source
if self.rst_type != 'ext':
self.clock = clocks.get_clock_by_name(raw['clk'])
self.clock = None
self.sw = bool(raw.get('sw', 0))
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
ret = {
'gen': self.gen,
'type': self.rst_type,
'shadowed': self.shadowed,
'sw': self.sw,
'path': self.path
if self.parent:
ret['parent'] = self.parent
if self.clock:
ret['clock'] =
return ret
class Resets:
'''Resets for the chip'''
def __init__(self, raw: Dict[str, object], clocks: Clocks):
self.hier_paths = {}
assert isinstance(raw['hier_paths'], dict)
for rst_src, path in raw['hier_paths'].items():
self.hier_paths[str(rst_src)] = str(path)
assert isinstance(raw['nodes'], list)
self.nodes = {}
for node in raw['nodes']:
assert isinstance(node, dict)
reset = ResetItem(self.hier_paths, node, clocks)
self.nodes[] = reset
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
ret = {
'hier_paths': self.hier_paths,
'nodes': list(self.nodes.values())
return ret
def get_reset_by_name(self, name: str) -> ResetItem:
ret = self.nodes.get(name, None)
if ret:
return ret
raise ValueError(f'{name} is not a defined reset')
def mark_reset_shadowed(self, name: str):
'''Mark particular reset as requiring shadow'''
reset = self.get_reset_by_name(name)
reset.shadowed = True
def get_reset_domains(self, name: str):
'''Get available domains for a reset'''
return self.get_reset_by_name(name).domains
def get_clocks(self) -> list:
'''Get associated clocks'''
clocks = {}
for reset in self.nodes.values():
if reset.rst_type != 'ext':
clocks[] = 1
return clocks.keys()
def get_generated_resets(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
'''Get generated resets and return dict with
with related clock
ret = []
for reset in self.nodes.values():
if reset.gen:
entry = {}
entry['name'] =
entry['clk'] =
entry['parent'] = reset.parent
entry['sw'] = reset.sw
return ret
def get_top_resets(self) -> list:
'''Get resets pushed to the top level'''
return [
for reset in self.nodes.values()
if reset.rst_type == 'top']
def get_sw_resets(self) -> list:
'''Get software controlled resets'''
return [
for reset in self.nodes.values()
if reset.sw]
def get_path(self, name: str, domain: Optional[str]) -> str:
'''Get path to reset'''
reset = self.get_reset_by_name(name)
if reset.rst_type == 'int':
raise ValueError(f'Reset {name} is not a reset exported from rstmgr')
if reset.rst_type == 'ext':
return reset.path
# if a generated reset
if domain:
return f'{reset.path}[rstmgr_pkg::Domain{domain}Sel]'
return reset.path
def get_unused_resets(self, domains: list) -> Dict[str, str]:
'''Get unused resets'''
top_resets = [reset
for reset in self.nodes.values()
if reset.rst_type == 'top']
ret = {}
for reset in top_resets:
for dom in domains:
if dom not in
ret[] = dom
return ret
def add_reset_domain(self, name: str, domain: str):
'''Mark particular reset as requiring shadow'''
reset = self.get_reset_by_name(name)
# Other reset types of hardwired domains
if reset.rst_type == 'top':
if domain not in

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# OpenTitan topgen templates
This directory contains templates used by topgen to assembly a chip toplevel.

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Generated by
parameter string LIST_OF_ALERTS[] = {
% for alert in top["alert"]:
% if loop.last:
% else:
% endif
% endfor
parameter uint NUM_ALERTS = ${len(top["alert"])};

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# This disables clang-format on all files in the sw/autogen directory.
# This is needed so that git-clang-format and similar scripts work.
DisableFormat: true
SortIncludes: false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// is auto-generated by `` tool
index = 0
module_name = ""
% for alert in top["alert"]:
% if alert["module_name"] == module_name:
<% index = index + 1 %>\
% else:
module_name = alert["module_name"]
index = 0
% endif
assign alert_if[${loop.index}].alert_tx = `CHIP_HIER.u_${module_name}.alert_tx_o[${index}];
% endfor

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// tb__xbar_connect generated by `` tool
from collections import OrderedDict
import topgen.lib as lib
top_hier = 'tb.dut.top_' + top["name"] + '.'
clk_hier = top_hier + top["clocks"].hier_paths["top"]
clk_src = OrderedDict()
for xbar in top["xbar"]:
for clk, src in xbar["clock_srcs"].items():
clk_src[clk] = src
clk_freq = OrderedDict()
for clock in top["clocks"].all_srcs.values():
if in clk_src.values():
clk_freq[] = clock.freq
hosts = OrderedDict()
devices = OrderedDict()
for xbar in top["xbar"]:
for node in xbar["nodes"]:
if node["type"] == "host" and not node["xbar"]:
hosts[node["name"]] = "clk_" + clk_src[node["clock"]]
elif node["type"] == "device" and not node["xbar"]:
devices[node["name"]] = "clk_" + clk_src[node["clock"]]
def escape_if_name(qual_if_name):
return qual_if_name.replace('.', '__')
`define DRIVE_CHIP_TL_HOST_IF(tl_name, inst_name, sig_name) \
force ``tl_name``_tl_if.d2h = dut.top_earlgrey.u_``inst_name``.``sig_name``_i; \
force dut.top_earlgrey.u_``inst_name``.``sig_name``_o = ``tl_name``_tl_if.h2d; \
force dut.top_earlgrey.u_``inst_name``.clk_i = 0; \
uvm_config_db#(virtual tl_if)::set(null, $sformatf("*env.%0s_agent", `"tl_name`"), "vif", \
`define DRIVE_CHIP_TL_DEVICE_IF(tl_name, inst_name, sig_name) \
force ``tl_name``_tl_if.h2d = dut.top_earlgrey.u_``inst_name``.``sig_name``_i; \
force dut.top_earlgrey.u_``inst_name``.``sig_name``_o = ``tl_name``_tl_if.d2h; \
force dut.top_earlgrey.u_``inst_name``.clk_i = 0; \
uvm_config_db#(virtual tl_if)::set(null, $sformatf("*env.%0s_agent", `"tl_name`"), "vif", \
`define DRIVE_CHIP_TL_EXT_DEVICE_IF(tl_name, port_name) \
force ``tl_name``_tl_if.h2d = dut.top_earlgrey.``port_name``_req_o; \
force dut.top_earlgrey.``port_name``_rsp_i = ``tl_name``_tl_if.d2h; \
uvm_config_db#(virtual tl_if)::set(null, $sformatf("*env.%0s_agent", `"tl_name`"), "vif", \
% for c in clk_freq.keys():
wire clk_${c};
clk_rst_if clk_rst_if_${c}(.clk(clk_${c}), .rst_n(rst_n));
% endfor
% for i, clk in hosts.items():
tl_if ${escape_if_name(i)}_tl_if(${clk}, rst_n);
% endfor
% for i, clk in devices.items():
tl_if ${escape_if_name(i)}_tl_if(${clk}, rst_n);
% endfor
initial begin
bit xbar_mode;
void'($value$plusargs("xbar_mode=%0b", xbar_mode));
if (xbar_mode) begin
// only enable assertions in xbar as many pins are unconnected
$assertoff(0, tb);
% for xbar in top["xbar"]:
$asserton(0, tb.dut.top_${top["name"]}.u_xbar_${xbar["name"]});
% endfor
% for c in clk_freq.keys():
clk_rst_if_${c}.set_freq_khz(${clk_freq[c]} / 1000);
% endfor
// bypass clkmgr, force clocks directly
% for xbar in top["xbar"]:
% for clk, src in xbar["clock_srcs"].items():
force ${top_hier}u_xbar_${xbar["name"]}.${clk} = clk_${src};
% endfor
% endfor
// bypass rstmgr, force resets directly
% for xbar in top["xbar"]:
% for rst in xbar["reset_connections"]:
force ${top_hier}u_xbar_${xbar["name"]}.${rst} = rst_n;
% endfor
% endfor
% for xbar in top["xbar"]:
% for node in xbar["nodes"]:
clk = 'clk_' + clk_src[node["clock"]]
esc_name = node['name'].replace('.', '__')
inst_sig_list = lib.find_otherside_modules(top, xbar["name"], 'tl_' + esc_name)
inst_name = inst_sig_list[0][1]
sig_name = inst_sig_list[0][2]
% if node["type"] == "host" and not node["xbar"]:
`DRIVE_CHIP_TL_HOST_IF(${esc_name}, ${inst_name}, ${sig_name})
% elif node["type"] == "device" and not node["xbar"] and node["stub"]:
`DRIVE_CHIP_TL_EXT_DEVICE_IF(${esc_name}, ${inst_name}_${sig_name})
% elif node["type"] == "device" and not node["xbar"]:
`DRIVE_CHIP_TL_DEVICE_IF(${esc_name}, ${inst_name}, ${sig_name})
% endif
% endfor
% endfor

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "${helper.header_path}"
* PLIC Interrupt Source to Peripheral Map
* This array is a mapping from `${}` to
* `${}`.
* Alert Handler Alert Source to Peripheral Map
* This array is a mapping from `${}` to
* `${}`.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#ifndef _TOP_${top["name"].upper()}_H_
#define _TOP_${top["name"].upper()}_H_
* @file
* @brief Top-specific Definitions
* This file contains preprocessor and type definitions for use within the
* device C/C++ codebase.
* These definitions are for information that depends on the top-specific chip
* configuration, which includes:
* - Device Memory Information (for Peripherals and Memory)
* - PLIC Interrupt ID Names and Source Mappings
* - Alert ID Names and Source Mappings
* - Pinmux Pin/Select Names
* - Power Manager Wakeups
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
% for (inst_name, if_name), region in helper.devices():
if_desc = inst_name if if_name is None else '{} device on {}'.format(if_name, inst_name)
hex_base_addr = "0x{:X}u".format(region.base_addr)
hex_size_bytes = "0x{:X}u".format(region.size_bytes)
base_addr_name = region.base_addr_name().as_c_define()
size_bytes_name = region.size_bytes_name().as_c_define()
* Peripheral base address for ${if_desc} in top ${top["name"]}.
* This should be used with #mmio_region_from_addr to access the memory-mapped
* registers associated with the peripheral (usually via a DIF).
#define ${base_addr_name} ${hex_base_addr}
* Peripheral size for ${if_desc} in top ${top["name"]}.
* This is the size (in bytes) of the peripheral's reserved memory area. All
* memory-mapped registers associated with this peripheral should have an
* address between #${base_addr_name} and
* `${base_addr_name} + ${size_bytes_name}`.
#define ${size_bytes_name} ${hex_size_bytes}
% endfor
% for name, region in helper.memories():
hex_base_addr = "0x{:X}u".format(region.base_addr)
hex_size_bytes = "0x{:X}u".format(region.size_bytes)
base_addr_name = region.base_addr_name().as_c_define()
size_bytes_name = region.size_bytes_name().as_c_define()
* Memory base address for ${name} in top ${top["name"]}.
#define ${base_addr_name} ${hex_base_addr}
* Memory size for ${name} in top ${top["name"]}.
#define ${size_bytes_name} ${hex_size_bytes}
% endfor
* PLIC Interrupt Source Peripheral.
* Enumeration used to determine which peripheral asserted the corresponding
* interrupt.
* PLIC Interrupt Source.
* Enumeration of all PLIC interrupt sources. The interrupt sources belonging to
* the same peripheral are guaranteed to be consecutive.
* PLIC Interrupt Source to Peripheral Map
* This array is a mapping from `${}` to
* `${}`.
* PLIC Interrupt Target.
* Enumeration used to determine which set of IE, CC, threshold registers to
* access for a given interrupt target.
* Alert Handler Source Peripheral.
* Enumeration used to determine which peripheral asserted the corresponding
* alert.
* Alert Handler Alert Source.
* Enumeration of all Alert Handler Alert Sources. The alert sources belonging to
* the same peripheral are guaranteed to be consecutive.
* Alert Handler Alert Source to Peripheral Map
* This array is a mapping from `${}` to
* `${}`.
// PERIPH_INSEL ranges from 0 to NUM_MIO_PADS + 2 -1}
// 0 and 1 are tied to value 0 and 1
#define NUM_MIO_PADS ${top["pinmux"]["io_counts"]["muxed"]["pads"]}
#define NUM_DIO_PADS ${top["pinmux"]["io_counts"]["dedicated"]["inouts"] + \
top["pinmux"]["io_counts"]["dedicated"]["inputs"] + \
top["pinmux"]["io_counts"]["dedicated"]["outputs"] }
* Pinmux Peripheral Input.
* Pinmux MIO Input Selector.
* Pinmux MIO Output.
* Pinmux Peripheral Output Selector.
* Power Manager Wakeup Signals
* Reset Manager Software Controlled Resets
* Power Manager Reset Request Signals
* Clock Manager Software-Controlled ("Gated") Clocks.
* The Software has full control over these clocks.
* Clock Manager Software-Hinted Clocks.
* The Software has partial control over these clocks. It can ask them to stop,
* but the clock manager is in control of whether the clock actually is stopped.
// Header Extern Guard
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // _TOP_${top["name"].upper()}_H_

View File

@ -0,0 +1,774 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import re
import topgen.lib as lib
num_mio_inputs = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['muxed']['inouts'] + \
num_mio_outputs = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['muxed']['inouts'] + \
num_mio_pads = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['muxed']['pads']
num_dio_inputs = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['dedicated']['inouts'] + \
num_dio_outputs = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['dedicated']['inouts'] + \
num_dio_total = top['pinmux']['io_counts']['dedicated']['inouts'] + \
top['pinmux']['io_counts']['dedicated']['inputs'] + \
num_im = sum([x["width"] if "width" in x else 1 for x in top["inter_signal"]["external"]])
max_sigwidth = max([x["width"] if "width" in x else 1 for x in top["pinmux"]["ios"]])
max_sigwidth = len("{}".format(max_sigwidth))
cpu_clk = top['clocks'].hier_paths['top'] + "clk_proc_main"
unused_resets = lib.get_unused_resets(top)
unused_im_defs, undriven_im_defs = lib.get_dangling_im_def(top["inter_signal"]["definitions"])
has_toplevel_rom = False
for m in top['memory']:
if m['type'] == 'rom':
has_toplevel_rom = True
module top_${top["name"]} #(
// Manually defined parameters
% if not lib.is_rom_ctrl(top["module"]):
parameter BootRomInitFile = "",
% endif
// Auto-inferred parameters
% for m in top["module"]:
% if not lib.is_inst(m):
<% continue %>
% endif
// parameters for ${m['name']}
% for p_exp in [p for p in m["param_list"] if p.get("expose") == "true" ]:
p_type = p_exp.get('type')
p_type_word = p_type + ' ' if p_type else ''
p_lhs = f'{p_type_word}{p_exp["name_top"]}'
p_rhs = p_exp['default']
% if 12 + len(p_lhs) + 3 + len(p_rhs) + 1 < 100:
parameter ${p_lhs} = ${p_rhs}${"" if loop.parent.last & loop.last else ","}
% else:
parameter ${p_lhs} =
${p_rhs}${"" if loop.parent.last & loop.last else ","}
% endif
% endfor
% endfor
) (
// Reset, clocks defined as part of intermodule
input rst_ni,
% if num_mio_pads != 0:
// Multiplexed I/O
input ${lib.bitarray(num_mio_pads, max_sigwidth)} mio_in_i,
output logic ${lib.bitarray(num_mio_pads, max_sigwidth)} mio_out_o,
output logic ${lib.bitarray(num_mio_pads, max_sigwidth)} mio_oe_o,
% endif
% if num_dio_total != 0:
// Dedicated I/O
input ${lib.bitarray(num_dio_total, max_sigwidth)} dio_in_i,
output logic ${lib.bitarray(num_dio_total, max_sigwidth)} dio_out_o,
output logic ${lib.bitarray(num_dio_total, max_sigwidth)} dio_oe_o,
% endif
% if "pinmux" in top:
// pad attributes to padring
output prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::pad_attr_t [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_attr_o,
output prim_pad_wrapper_pkg::pad_attr_t [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_attr_o,
% endif
% if num_im != 0:
// Inter-module Signal External type
% for sig in top["inter_signal"]["external"]:
${"input " if sig["direction"] == "in" else "output"} ${lib.im_defname(sig)} ${lib.bitarray(sig["width"],1)} ${sig["signame"]},
% endfor
// Flash specific voltages
inout [1:0] flash_test_mode_a_io,
inout flash_test_voltage_h_io,
// OTP specific voltages
inout otp_ext_voltage_h_io,
% endif
input scan_rst_ni, // reset used for test mode
input scan_en_i,
input lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t scanmode_i // lc_ctrl_pkg::On for Scan
// JTAG IDCODE for development versions of this code.
// Manufacturers of OpenTitan chips must replace this code with one of their
// own IDs.
// Field structure as defined in the IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) specification,
// section 12.1.1.
localparam logic [31:0] JTAG_IDCODE = {
4'h0, // Version
16'h4F54, // Part Number: "OT"
11'h426, // Manufacturer Identity: Google
1'b1 // (fixed)
import tlul_pkg::*;
import top_pkg::*;
import tl_main_pkg::*;
import top_${top["name"]}_pkg::*;
// Compile-time random constants
import top_${top["name"]}_rnd_cnst_pkg::*;
// Signals
logic [${num_mio_inputs - 1}:0] mio_p2d;
logic [${num_mio_outputs - 1}:0] mio_d2p;
logic [${num_mio_outputs - 1}:0] mio_en_d2p;
logic [${num_dio_total - 1}:0] dio_p2d;
logic [${num_dio_total - 1}:0] dio_d2p;
logic [${num_dio_total - 1}:0] dio_en_d2p;
% for m in top["module"]:
% if not lib.is_inst(m):
<% continue %>
% endif
block = name_to_block[m['type']]
inouts, inputs, outputs = block.xputs
// ${m["name"]}
% for p_in in inputs + inouts:
logic ${lib.bitarray(p_in.bits.width(), max_sigwidth)} cio_${m["name"]}_${}_p2d;
% endfor
% for p_out in outputs + inouts:
logic ${lib.bitarray(p_out.bits.width(), max_sigwidth)} cio_${m["name"]}_${}_d2p;
logic ${lib.bitarray(p_out.bits.width(), max_sigwidth)} cio_${m["name"]}_${}_en_d2p;
% endfor
% endfor
# Interrupt source 0 is tied to 0 to conform RISC-V PLIC spec.
# So, total number of interrupts are the number of entries in the list + 1
interrupt_num = sum([x["width"] if "width" in x else 1 for x in top["interrupt"]]) + 1
logic [${interrupt_num-1}:0] intr_vector;
// Interrupt source list
% for m in top["module"]:
block = name_to_block[m['type']]
% if not lib.is_inst(m):
<% continue %>
% endif
% for intr in block.interrupts:
% if intr.bits.width() != 1:
logic [${intr.bits.width()-1}:0] intr_${m["name"]}_${};
% else:
logic intr_${m["name"]}_${};
% endif
% endfor
% endfor
// Alert list
prim_alert_pkg::alert_tx_t [alert_pkg::NAlerts-1:0] alert_tx;
prim_alert_pkg::alert_rx_t [alert_pkg::NAlerts-1:0] alert_rx;
% if not top["alert"]:
for (genvar k = 0; k < alert_pkg::NAlerts; k++) begin : gen_alert_tie_off
// tie off if no alerts present in the system
assign alert_tx[k].alert_p = 1'b0;
assign alert_tx[k].alert_n = 1'b1;
% endif
## Inter-module Definitions
% if len(top["inter_signal"]["definitions"]) >= 1:
// define inter-module signals
% endif
% for sig in top["inter_signal"]["definitions"]:
${lib.im_defname(sig)} ${lib.bitarray(sig["width"],1)} ${sig["signame"]};
% endfor
## Mixed connection to port
## Index greater than 0 means a port is assigned to an inter-module array
## whereas an index of 0 means a port is directly driven by a module
// define mixed connection to port
% for port in top['inter_signal']['external']:
% if port['conn_type'] and port['index'] > 0:
% if port['direction'] == 'in':
assign ${port['netname']}[${port['index']}] = ${port['signame']};
% else:
assign ${port['signame']} = ${port['netname']}[${port['index']}];
% endif
% elif port['conn_type']:
% if port['direction'] == 'in':
assign ${port['netname']} = ${port['signame']};
% else:
assign ${port['signame']} = ${port['netname']};
% endif
% endif
% endfor
## Partial inter-module definition tie-off
// define partial inter-module tie-off
% for sig in unused_im_defs:
% for idx in range(sig['end_idx'], sig['width']):
${lib.im_defname(sig)} unused_${sig["signame"]}${idx};
% endfor
% endfor
// assign partial inter-module tie-off
% for sig in unused_im_defs:
% for idx in range(sig['end_idx'], sig['width']):
assign unused_${sig["signame"]}${idx} = ${sig["signame"]}[${idx}];
% endfor
% endfor
% for sig in undriven_im_defs:
% for idx in range(sig['end_idx'], sig['width']):
assign ${sig["signame"]}[${idx}] = ${sig["default"]};
% endfor
% endfor
## Inter-module signal collection
% for m in top["module"]:
% if m["type"] == "otp_ctrl":
// OTP HW_CFG Broadcast signals.
// TODO(#6713): The actual struct breakout and mapping currently needs to
// be performed by hand.
assign csrng_otp_en_csrng_sw_app_read =;
assign entropy_src_otp_en_entropy_src_fw_read =;
assign entropy_src_otp_en_entropy_src_fw_over =;
assign sram_ctrl_main_otp_en_sram_ifetch =;
assign sram_ctrl_ret_aon_otp_en_sram_ifetch =;
assign lc_ctrl_otp_device_id =;
assign lc_ctrl_otp_manuf_state =;
assign keymgr_otp_device_id =;
logic unused_otp_hw_cfg_bits;
assign unused_otp_hw_cfg_bits = ^{
% endif
% endfor
// Unused reset signals
% for k, v in unused_resets.items():
logic unused_d${v.lower()}_rst_${k};
% endfor
% for k, v in unused_resets.items():
assign unused_d${v.lower()}_rst_${k} = ${lib.get_reset_path(k, v, top)};
% endfor
// ibex specific assignments
// TODO: This should be further automated in the future.
assign rv_core_ibex_irq_timer = intr_rv_timer_timer_expired_0_0;
assign rv_core_ibex_hart_id = '0;
## Not all top levels have a rom controller.
## For those that do not, reference the ROM directly.
% if lib.is_rom_ctrl(top["module"]):
assign rv_core_ibex_boot_addr = ADDR_SPACE_ROM_CTRL__ROM;
% else:
assign rv_core_ibex_boot_addr = ADDR_SPACE_ROM;
% endif
// Struct breakout module tool-inserted DFT TAP signals
pinmux_jtag_breakout u_dft_tap_breakout (
.req_i (pinmux_aon_dft_jtag_req),
.rsp_o (pinmux_aon_dft_jtag_rsp),
.tck_o (),
.trst_no (),
.tms_o (),
.tdi_o (),
.tdo_i (1'b0),
.tdo_oe_i (1'b0)
## Memory Instantiation
% for m in top["memory"]:
resets = m['reset_connections']
clocks = m['clock_connections']
% if m["type"] == "ram_1p_scr":
data_width = int(top["datawidth"])
full_data_width = data_width + int(m["integ_width"])
dw_byte = data_width // 8
addr_width = ((int(m["size"], 0) // dw_byte) -1).bit_length()
sram_depth = (int(m["size"], 0) // dw_byte)
max_char = len(str(max(data_width, addr_width)))
// sram device
logic ${lib.bitarray(1, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_req;
logic ${lib.bitarray(1, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_gnt;
logic ${lib.bitarray(1, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_we;
logic ${lib.bitarray(1, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_intg_err;
logic ${lib.bitarray(addr_width, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_addr;
logic ${lib.bitarray(full_data_width, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_wdata;
logic ${lib.bitarray(full_data_width, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_wmask;
logic ${lib.bitarray(full_data_width, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_rdata;
logic ${lib.bitarray(1, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_rvalid;
logic ${lib.bitarray(2, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_rerror;
tlul_adapter_sram #(
) u_tl_adapter_${m["name"]} (
% for key in clocks:
.${key} (${clocks[key]}),
% endfor
% for port, reset in resets.items():
.${port} (${lib.get_reset_path(reset, m['domain'], top)}),
% endfor
.tl_i (${m["name"]}_tl_req),
.tl_o (${m["name"]}_tl_rsp),
.en_ifetch_i (${m["inter_signal_list"][3]["top_signame"]}),
.req_o (${m["name"]}_req),
.req_type_o (),
.gnt_i (${m["name"]}_gnt),
.we_o (${m["name"]}_we),
.addr_o (${m["name"]}_addr),
.wdata_o (${m["name"]}_wdata),
.wmask_o (${m["name"]}_wmask),
.rdata_i (${m["name"]}_rdata),
.rvalid_i (${m["name"]}_rvalid),
.rerror_i (${m["name"]}_rerror)
mem_name = m["name"].split("_")
mem_name = lib.Name(mem_name[1:])
prim_ram_1p_scr #(
.DataBitsPerMask(1), // TODO: Temporary change to ensure byte updates can still be done
) u_ram1p_${m["name"]} (
% for key in clocks:
.${key} (${clocks[key]}),
% endfor
% for port, reset in resets.items():
.${port} (${lib.get_reset_path(reset, m['domain'], top)}),
% endfor
.key_valid_i (${m["inter_signal_list"][1]["top_signame"]}_req.valid),
.key_i (${m["inter_signal_list"][1]["top_signame"]}_req.key),
.nonce_i (${m["inter_signal_list"][1]["top_signame"]}_req.nonce),
.init_req_i (${m["inter_signal_list"][2]["top_signame"]}_req.req),
.init_seed_i (${m["inter_signal_list"][2]["top_signame"]}_req.seed),
.init_ack_o (${m["inter_signal_list"][2]["top_signame"]}_rsp.ack),
.req_i (${m["name"]}_req),
.gnt_o (${m["name"]}_gnt),
.write_i (${m["name"]}_we),
.addr_i (${m["name"]}_addr),
.wdata_i (${m["name"]}_wdata),
.wmask_i (${m["name"]}_wmask),
.rdata_o (${m["name"]}_rdata),
.rvalid_o (${m["name"]}_rvalid),
.rerror_o (${m["name"]}_rerror),
.raddr_o (${m["inter_signal_list"][1]["top_signame"]}_rsp.raddr),
.cfg_i (ram_1p_cfg_i)
assign ${m["inter_signal_list"][1]["top_signame"]}_rsp.rerror = ${m["name"]}_rerror;
% elif m["type"] == "rom":
data_width = int(top["datawidth"])
full_data_width = data_width + int(m['integ_width'])
dw_byte = data_width // 8
addr_width = ((int(m["size"], 0) // dw_byte) -1).bit_length()
rom_depth = (int(m["size"], 0) // dw_byte)
max_char = len(str(max(data_width, addr_width)))
// ROM device
logic ${lib.bitarray(1, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_req;
logic ${lib.bitarray(addr_width, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_addr;
logic ${lib.bitarray(full_data_width, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_rdata;
logic ${lib.bitarray(1, max_char)} ${m["name"]}_rvalid;
tlul_adapter_sram #(
) u_tl_adapter_${m["name"]} (
% for key in clocks:
.${key} (${clocks[key]}),
% endfor
% for port, reset in resets.items():
.${port} (${lib.get_reset_path(reset, m['domain'], top)}),
% endfor
.tl_i (${m["name"]}_tl_req),
.tl_o (${m["name"]}_tl_rsp),
.en_ifetch_i (tlul_pkg::InstrEn),
.req_o (${m["name"]}_req),
.req_type_o (),
.gnt_i (1'b1), // Always grant as only one requester exists
.we_o (),
.addr_o (${m["name"]}_addr),
.wdata_o (),
.wmask_o (),
.intg_error_o(), // Connect to ROM checker and ROM scramble later
.rdata_i (${m["name"]}_rdata[${data_width-1}:0]),
.rvalid_i (${m["name"]}_rvalid),
.rerror_i (2'b00)
prim_rom_adv #(
) u_rom_${m["name"]} (
% for key in clocks:
.${key} (${clocks[key]}),
% endfor
% for port, reset in resets.items():
.${port} (${lib.get_reset_path(reset, m['domain'], top)}),
% endfor
.req_i (${m["name"]}_req),
.addr_i (${m["name"]}_addr),
.rdata_o (${m["name"]}_rdata),
.rvalid_o (${m["name"]}_rvalid),
.cfg_i (rom_cfg_i)
% elif m["type"] == "eflash":
// host to flash communication
logic flash_host_req;
tlul_pkg::tl_type_e flash_host_req_type;
logic flash_host_req_rdy;
logic flash_host_req_done;
logic flash_host_rderr;
logic [flash_ctrl_pkg::BusWidth-1:0] flash_host_rdata;
logic [flash_ctrl_pkg::BusAddrW-1:0] flash_host_addr;
logic flash_host_intg_err;
tlul_adapter_sram #(
) u_tl_adapter_${m["name"]} (
% for key in clocks:
.${key} (${clocks[key]}),
% endfor
% for port, reset in resets.items():
.${port} (${lib.get_reset_path(reset, m['domain'], top)}),
% endfor
.tl_i (${m["name"]}_tl_req),
.tl_o (${m["name"]}_tl_rsp),
.en_ifetch_i (tlul_pkg::InstrEn), // tie this to secure boot somehow
.req_o (flash_host_req),
.req_type_o (flash_host_req_type),
.gnt_i (flash_host_req_rdy),
.we_o (),
.addr_o (flash_host_addr),
.wdata_o (),
.wmask_o (),
.rdata_i (flash_host_rdata),
.rvalid_i (flash_host_req_done),
.rerror_i ({flash_host_rderr,1'b0})
flash_phy u_flash_${m["name"]} (
% for key in clocks:
.${key} (${clocks[key]}),
% endfor
% for port, reset in resets.items():
.${port} (${lib.get_reset_path(reset, m['domain'], top)}),
% endfor
.host_req_i (flash_host_req),
.host_intg_err_i (flash_host_intg_err),
.host_req_type_i (flash_host_req_type),
.host_addr_i (flash_host_addr),
.host_req_rdy_o (flash_host_req_rdy),
.host_req_done_o (flash_host_req_done),
.host_rderr_o (flash_host_rderr),
.host_rdata_o (flash_host_rdata),
.flash_ctrl_i (${m["inter_signal_list"][0]["top_signame"]}_req),
.flash_ctrl_o (${m["inter_signal_list"][0]["top_signame"]}_rsp),
.lc_nvm_debug_en_i (${m["inter_signal_list"][2]["top_signame"]}),
% else:
// flash memory is embedded within controller
% endif
% endfor
## Peripheral Instantiation
<% alert_idx = 0 %>
% for m in top["module"]:
if not lib.is_inst(m):
block = name_to_block[m['type']]
inouts, inputs, outputs = block.xputs
port_list = inputs + outputs + inouts
max_sigwidth = max(len( for x in port_list) if port_list else 0
max_intrwidth = (max(len( for x in block.interrupts)
if block.interrupts else 0)
% if m["param_list"] or block.alerts:
${m["type"]} #(
% if block.alerts:
w = len(block.alerts)
slice = str(alert_idx+w-1) + ":" + str(alert_idx)
.AlertAsyncOn(alert_handler_reg_pkg::AsyncOn[${slice}])${"," if m["param_list"] else ""}
% endif
% for i in m["param_list"]:
.${i["name"]}(${i["name_top" if i.get("expose") == "true" or i.get("randtype", "none") != "none" else "default"]})${"," if not loop.last else ""}
% endfor
) u_${m["name"]} (
% else:
${m["type"]} u_${m["name"]} (
% endif
% for p_in in inputs + inouts:
% if loop.first:
// Input
% endif
.${lib.ljust("cio_""_i",max_sigwidth+9)} (cio_${m["name"]}_${}_p2d),
% endfor
% for p_out in outputs + inouts:
% if loop.first:
// Output
% endif
.${lib.ljust("cio_""_o", max_sigwidth+9)} (cio_${m["name"]}_${}_d2p),
.${lib.ljust("cio_""_en_o",max_sigwidth+9)} (cio_${m["name"]}_${}_en_d2p),
% endfor
% for intr in block.interrupts:
% if loop.first:
// Interrupt
% endif
.${lib.ljust("intr_""_o",max_intrwidth+7)} (intr_${m["name"]}_${}),
% endfor
% if block.alerts:
% for alert in block.alerts:
// [${alert_idx}]: ${}<% alert_idx += 1 %>
% endfor
.alert_tx_o ( alert_tx[${slice}] ),
.alert_rx_i ( alert_rx[${slice}] ),
% endif
## TODO: Inter-module Connection
% if m.get('inter_signal_list'):
// Inter-module signals
% for sig in m['inter_signal_list']:
## TODO: handle below condition in
% if sig['type'] == "req_rsp":
.${lib.im_portname(sig,"req")}(${lib.im_netname(sig, "req")}),
.${lib.im_portname(sig,"rsp")}(${lib.im_netname(sig, "rsp")}),
% elif sig['type'] == "uni":
## TODO: Broadcast type
## TODO: default for logic type
% endif
% endfor
% endif
% if m["type"] == "rv_plic":
.intr_src_i (intr_vector),
% endif
% if m["type"] == "pinmux":
.periph_to_mio_i (mio_d2p ),
.periph_to_mio_oe_i (mio_en_d2p ),
.mio_to_periph_o (mio_p2d ),
.periph_to_dio_i (dio_d2p ),
.periph_to_dio_oe_i (dio_en_d2p ),
.dio_to_periph_o (dio_p2d ),
% endif
% if m["type"] == "alert_handler":
// alert signals
.alert_rx_o ( alert_rx ),
.alert_tx_i ( alert_tx ),
% endif
% if m["type"] == "otp_ctrl":
% endif
% if block.scan:
% endif
% if block.scan_reset:
% endif
% if block.scan_en:
% endif
// Clock and reset connections
% for k, v in m["clock_connections"].items():
.${k} (${v}),
% endfor
% for port, reset in m["reset_connections"].items():
.${port} (${lib.get_reset_path(reset, m['domain'], top)})${"," if not loop.last else ""}
% endfor
% endfor
// interrupt assignments
<% base = interrupt_num %>\
assign intr_vector = {
% for intr in top["interrupt"][::-1]:
<% base -= intr["width"] %>\
intr_${intr["name"]}, // IDs [${base} +: ${intr['width']}]
% endfor
1'b 0 // ID [0 +: 1] is a special case and tied to zero.
// TL-UL Crossbar
% for xbar in top["xbar"]:
name_len = max([len(x["name"]) for x in xbar["nodes"]]);
xbar_${xbar["name"]} u_xbar_${xbar["name"]} (
% for k, v in xbar["clock_connections"].items():
.${k} (${v}),
% endfor
% for port, reset in xbar["reset_connections"].items():
.${port} (${lib.get_reset_path(reset, xbar["domain"], top)}),
% endfor
## Inter-module signal
% for sig in xbar["inter_signal_list"]:
<% assert sig['type'] == "req_rsp" %>\
// port: ${sig['name']}
.${lib.im_portname(sig,"req")}(${lib.im_netname(sig, "req")}),
.${lib.im_portname(sig,"rsp")}(${lib.im_netname(sig, "rsp")}),
% endfor
% endfor
% if "pinmux" in top:
// Pinmux connections
// All muxed inputs
% for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]:
% if sig["connection"] == "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout", "input"]:
<% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'mio_in') %>\
assign cio_${sig["name"]}_p2d${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""} = mio_p2d[${literal}];
% endif
% endfor
// All muxed outputs
% for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]:
% if sig["connection"] == "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout", "output"]:
<% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'mio_out') %>\
assign mio_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""};
% endif
% endfor
// All muxed output enables
% for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]:
% if sig["connection"] == "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout", "output"]:
<% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'mio_out') %>\
assign mio_en_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_en_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""};
% endif
% endfor
// All dedicated inputs
<% idx = 0 %>\
logic [${num_dio_total-1}:0] unused_dio_p2d;
assign unused_dio_p2d = dio_p2d;
% for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]:
<% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'dio') %>\
% if sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout"]:
assign cio_${sig["name"]}_p2d${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""} = dio_p2d[${literal}];
% elif sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["input"]:
assign cio_${sig["name"]}_p2d${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""} = dio_p2d[${literal}];
% endif
% endfor
// All dedicated outputs
% for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]:
<% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'dio') %>\
% if sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout"]:
assign dio_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""};
% elif sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["input"]:
assign dio_d2p[${literal}] = 1'b0;
% elif sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["output"]:
assign dio_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""};
% endif
% endfor
// All dedicated output enables
% for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]:
<% literal = lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'dio') %>\
% if sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["inout"]:
assign dio_en_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_en_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""};
% elif sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["input"]:
assign dio_en_d2p[${literal}] = 1'b0;
% elif sig["connection"] != "muxed" and sig["type"] in ["output"]:
assign dio_en_d2p[${literal}] = cio_${sig["name"]}_en_d2p${"[" + str(sig["idx"]) +"]" if sig["idx"] !=-1 else ""};
% endif
% endfor
% endif
// make sure scanmode_i is never X (including during reset)
`ASSERT_KNOWN(scanmodeKnown, scanmode_i, clk_main_i, 0)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#ifndef _TOP_${top["name"].upper()}_MEMORY_H_
#define _TOP_${top["name"].upper()}_MEMORY_H_
* @file
* @brief Assembler-only Top-Specific Definitions.
* This file contains preprocessor definitions for use within assembly code.
* These are not shared with C/C++ code because these are only allowed to be
* preprocessor definitions, no data or type declarations are allowed. The
* assembler is also stricter about literals (not allowing suffixes for
* signed/unsigned which are sensible to use for unsigned values in C/C++).
// Include guard for assembler
#ifdef __ASSEMBLER__
% for m in top["module"]:
% if "memory" in m:
% for key, val in m["memory"].items():
* Memory base for ${m["name"]}_${val["label"]} in top ${top["name"]}.
#define TOP_${top["name"].upper()}_${val["label"].upper()}_BASE_ADDR ${m["base_addrs"][key]}
* Memory size for ${m["name"]}_${val["label"]} in top ${top["name"]}.
#define TOP_${top["name"].upper()}_${val["label"].upper()}_SIZE_BYTES ${val["size"]}
% endfor
% endif
% endfor
% for m in top["memory"]:
* Memory base address for ${m["name"]} in top ${top["name"]}.
#define TOP_${top["name"].upper()}_${m["name"].upper()}_BASE_ADDR ${m["base_addr"]}
* Memory size for ${m["name"]} in top ${top["name"]}.
#define TOP_${top["name"].upper()}_${m["name"].upper()}_SIZE_BYTES ${m["size"]}
% endfor
% for (inst_name, if_name), region in helper.devices():
if_desc = inst_name if if_name is None else '{} device on {}'.format(if_name, inst_name)
hex_base_addr = "0x{:X}".format(region.base_addr)
base_addr_name = region.base_addr_name().as_c_define()
* Peripheral base address for ${if_desc} in top ${top["name"]}.
* This should be used with #mmio_region_from_addr to access the memory-mapped
* registers associated with the peripheral (usually via a DIF).
#define ${base_addr_name} ${hex_base_addr}
% endfor
#endif // __ASSEMBLER__
#endif // _TOP_${top["name"].upper()}_MEMORY_H_

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
/* Copyright lowRISC contributors. */
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. */
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
def memory_to_flags(memory):
memory_type = memory["type"]
memory_access = memory.get("swaccess", "rw")
assert memory_access in ["ro", "rw"]
flags_str = ""
if memory_access == "ro":
flags_str += "r"
flags_str += "rw"
if memory_type in ["rom", "eflash"]:
flags_str += "x"
return flags_str
* Partial linker script for chip memory configuration.
* eflash virtual is a fixed address that does not physically exist but is used as the
* translation base
% for m in top["module"]:
% if "memory" in m:
% for key, val in m["memory"].items():
${val["label"]}(${val["swaccess"]}) : ORIGIN = ${m["base_addrs"][key]}, LENGTH = ${val["size"]}
% endfor
% endif
% endfor
% for m in top["memory"]:
${m["name"]}(${memory_to_flags(m)}) : ORIGIN = ${m["base_addr"]}, LENGTH = ${m["size"]}
% endfor
eflash_virtual(rx) : ORIGIN = 0x80000000, LENGTH = 0x100000

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import topgen.lib as lib
package top_${top["name"]}_pkg;
% for (inst_name, if_name), region in helper.devices():
if_desc = inst_name if if_name is None else '{} device on {}'.format(if_name, inst_name)
hex_base_addr = "32'h{:X}".format(region.base_addr)
hex_size_bytes = "32'h{:X}".format(region.size_bytes)
* Peripheral base address for ${if_desc} in top ${top["name"]}.
parameter int unsigned ${region.base_addr_name().as_c_define()} = ${hex_base_addr};
* Peripheral size in bytes for ${if_desc} in top ${top["name"]}.
parameter int unsigned ${region.size_bytes_name().as_c_define()} = ${hex_size_bytes};
% endfor
% for name, region in helper.memories():
hex_base_addr = "32'h{:x}".format(region.base_addr)
hex_size_bytes = "32'h{:x}".format(region.size_bytes)
* Memory base address for ${name} in top ${top["name"]}.
parameter int unsigned ${region.base_addr_name().as_c_define()} = ${hex_base_addr};
* Memory size for ${name} in top ${top["name"]}.
parameter int unsigned ${region.size_bytes_name().as_c_define()} = ${hex_size_bytes};
% endfor
// Enumeration of IO power domains.
// Only used in ASIC target.
typedef enum logic [${len(top["pinout"]["banks"]).bit_length()-1}:0] {
% for bank in top["pinout"]["banks"]:
${lib.Name(['io', 'bank', bank]).as_camel_case()} = ${loop.index},
% endfor
IoBankCount = ${len(top["pinout"]["banks"])}
} pwr_dom_e;
// Enumeration for MIO signals on the top-level.
typedef enum int unsigned {
% for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]:
% if sig['type'] in ['inout', 'input'] and sig['connection'] == 'muxed':
${lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'mio_in')} = ${sig['glob_idx']},
% endif
% endfor
<% total = top["pinmux"]['io_counts']['muxed']['inouts'] + \
top["pinmux"]['io_counts']['muxed']['inputs'] %>\
${lib.Name.from_snake_case("mio_in_count").as_camel_case()} = ${total}
} mio_in_e;
typedef enum {
% for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]:
% if sig['type'] in ['inout', 'output'] and sig['connection'] == 'muxed':
${lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'mio_out')} = ${sig['glob_idx']},
% endif
% endfor
<% total = top["pinmux"]['io_counts']['muxed']['inouts'] + \
top["pinmux"]['io_counts']['muxed']['outputs'] %>\
${lib.Name.from_snake_case("mio_out_count").as_camel_case()} = ${total}
} mio_out_e;
// Enumeration for DIO signals, used on both the top and chip-levels.
typedef enum int unsigned {
% for sig in top["pinmux"]["ios"]:
% if sig['connection'] != 'muxed':
${lib.get_io_enum_literal(sig, 'dio')} = ${sig['glob_idx']},
% endif
% endfor
<% total = top["pinmux"]['io_counts']['dedicated']['inouts'] + \
top["pinmux"]['io_counts']['dedicated']['inputs'] + \
top["pinmux"]['io_counts']['dedicated']['outputs'] %>\
${lib.Name.from_snake_case("dio_count").as_camel_case()} = ${total}
} dio_e;
// Raw MIO/DIO input array indices on chip-level.
// TODO: Does not account for target specific stubbed/added pads.
// Need to make a target-specific package for those.
typedef enum int unsigned {
% for pad in top["pinout"]["pads"]:
% if pad["connection"] == "muxed":
${lib.Name.from_snake_case("mio_pad_" + pad["name"]).as_camel_case()} = ${pad["idx"]},
% endif
% endfor
} mio_pad_e;
typedef enum int unsigned {
% for pad in top["pinout"]["pads"]:
% if pad["connection"] != "muxed":
${lib.Name.from_snake_case("dio_pad_" + pad["name"]).as_camel_case()} = ${pad["idx"]},
% endif
% endfor
} dio_pad_e;
// TODO: Enumeration for PLIC Interrupt source peripheral.
// TODO: Enumeration for PLIC Interrupt Ids.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
def make_blocked_sv_literal(hexstr, randwidth):
"""Chop a hex string into blocks of <= 64 digits"""
# Convert hexstr to an actual number
num = int(hexstr, 16)
assert 0 <= num < (1 << randwidth)
mask = (1 << 256) - 1
bits_left = randwidth
acc = []
while bits_left > 0:
word = num & mask
width = min(256, bits_left)
num_nibbles=(width + 3) // 4))
bits_left -= width
num >>= width
return acc
package top_${top["name"]}_rnd_cnst_pkg;
% for m in top["module"]:
% for p in filter(lambda p: p.get("randtype") in ["data", "perm"], m["param_list"]):
% if loop.first:
// ${m['name']}
% endif
// ${p['desc']}
parameter ${p["type"]} ${p["name_top"]} = {
% for block in make_blocked_sv_literal(p["default"], p["randwidth"]):
${block}${"" if loop.last else ","}
% endfor
% endfor
% endfor
endpackage : top_${top["name"]}_rnd_cnst_pkg

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// xbar_env_pkg__params generated by `` tool
from collections import OrderedDict
def is_device_a_xbar(dev_name):
for xbar in top["xbar"]:
if xbar["name"] == dev_name:
return 1
return 0
# recursively find all non-xbar devices under this xbar
def get_xbar_edge_nodes(xbar_name):
edge_devices = []
for xbar in top["xbar"]:
if xbar["name"] == xbar_name:
for host, devices in xbar["connections"].items():
for dev_name in devices:
if is_device_a_xbar(dev_name):
return edge_devices
# find device xbar and assign all its device nodes to it: "peri" -> "uart, gpio, ..."
xbar_device_dict = OrderedDict()
for xbar in top["xbar"]:
for n in xbar["nodes"]:
if n["type"] == "device" and n["xbar"]:
xbar_device_dict[n["name"]] = get_xbar_edge_nodes(n["name"])
# create the mapping: host with the corresponding devices map
host_dev_map = OrderedDict()
for host, devices in top["xbar"][0]["connections"].items():
dev_list = []
for dev in devices:
if dev not in xbar_device_dict.keys():
host_dev_map[host] = dev_list
// List of Xbar device memory map
tl_device_t xbar_devices[$] = '{
% for xbar in top["xbar"]:
% for device in xbar["nodes"]:
% if device["type"] == "device" and not device["xbar"]:
'{"${device["name"].replace('.', '__')}", '{
% for addr in device["addr_range"]:
start_addr = int(addr["base_addr"], 0)
end_addr = start_addr + int(addr["size_byte"], 0) - 1
'{32'h${"%08x" % start_addr}, 32'h${"%08x" % end_addr}}${"," if not loop.last else ""}
% endfor
}}${"," if not loop.last or xbar != top["xbar"][-1] else "};"}
% endif
% endfor
% endfor
// List of Xbar hosts
tl_host_t xbar_hosts[$] = '{
% for host in host_dev_map.keys():
'{"${host.replace('.', '__')}", ${loop.index}, '{
host_devices = host_dev_map[host];
% for device in host_devices:
% if loop.last:
"${device.replace('.', '__')}"}}
% else:
"${device.replace('.', '__')}",
% endif
% endfor
% if loop.last:
% else:
% endif
% endfor

tools/regtool/topgen/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
'''Code representing the entire chip for reggen'''
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from reggen.ip_block import IpBlock
from reggen.params import ReggenParams
from reggen.reg_block import RegBlock
from reggen.window import Window
_IFName = Tuple[str, Optional[str]]
_Triple = Tuple[int, str, IpBlock]
class Top:
'''An object representing the entire chip, as seen by reggen.
This contains instances of some blocks (possibly multiple instances of each
block), starting at well-defined base addresses. It may also contain some
windows. These are memories that don't have their own comportable IP (so
aren't defined in a block), but still take up address space.
def __init__(self,
regwidth: int,
blocks: Dict[str, IpBlock],
instances: Dict[str, str],
if_addrs: Dict[Tuple[str, Optional[str]], int],
windows: List[Window],
attrs: Dict[str, str]):
'''Class initializer.
regwidth is the width of the registers (which must match for all the
blocks) in bits.
blocks is a map from block name to IpBlock object.
instances is a map from instance name to the name of the block it
instantiates. Every block name that appears in instances must be a key
of blocks.
if_addrs is a dictionary that maps the name of a device interface on
some instance of some block to its base address. A key of the form (n,
i) means "the device interface called i on an instance called n". If i
is None, this is an unnamed device interface. Every instance name (n)
that appears in connections must be a key of instances.
windows is a list of windows (these contain base addresses already).
attrs is a map from instance name to attr field of the block
self.regwidth = regwidth
self.blocks = blocks
self.instances = instances
self.if_addrs = if_addrs
self.attrs = attrs
self.window_block = RegBlock(regwidth, ReggenParams())
# Generate one list of base addresses and objects (with each object
# either a block name and interface name or a window). While we're at
# it, construct inst_to_block_name and if_addrs.
merged = [] # type: List[Tuple[int, Union[_IFName, Window]]]
for full_if_name, addr in if_addrs.items():
merged.append((addr, full_if_name))
inst_name, if_name = full_if_name
# The instance name must match some key in instances, whose value
# should in turn match some key in blocks.
assert inst_name in instances
block_name = instances[inst_name]
assert block_name in blocks
# Check that if_name is indeed the name of a device interface for
# that block.
block = blocks[block_name]
assert block.bus_interfaces.has_interface(False, if_name)
for window in sorted(windows, key=lambda w: w.offset):
merged.append((window.offset, window))
# A map from block name to the list of its instances. These instances
# are listed in increasing order of the lowest base address of one of
# their interfaces. The entries are added into the dict in the same
# order, so an iteration over items() will give blocks ordered by their
# first occurrence in the address map.
self.block_instances = {} # type: Dict[str, List[str]]
# Walk the merged list in order of increasing base address. Check for
# overlaps and construct block_instances.
offset = 0
for base_addr, item in sorted(merged, key=lambda pr: pr[0]):
# Make sure that this item doesn't overlap with the previous one
assert offset <= base_addr, item
if isinstance(item, Window):
addrsep = (regwidth + 7) // 8
offset = item.next_offset(addrsep)
inst_name, if_name = item
block_name = instances[inst_name]
block = blocks[block_name]
lst = self.block_instances.setdefault(block_name, [])
if inst_name not in lst:
# This should be guaranteed by the fact that we've already checked
# the existence of a device interface.
assert if_name in block.reg_blocks
reg_block = block.reg_blocks[if_name]
offset = base_addr + reg_block.offset

View File

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// UVM registers auto-generated by `reggen` containing UVM definitions for the entire top-level
from topgen.gen_dv import sv_base_addr
from reggen.gen_dv import bcname, mcname, miname
## This template is used for chip-wide tests. It expects to be run with the
## following arguments
## top a Top object
## dv_base_prefix a string for the base register type. If it is FOO, then
## we will inherit from FOO_reg (assumed to be a subclass
## of uvm_reg).
## Like, we use functions from to define
## per-device-interface code.
<%namespace file="" import="*"/>\
## Waive the package-filename check: we're going to be defining all sorts of
## packages in a single file.
// verilog_lint: waive-start package-filename
## Iterate over the device interfaces of blocks in Top, constructing a package
## for each. Sorting items like this guarantees we'll work alphabetically in
## block name.
% for block_name, block in sorted(top.blocks.items()):
% for if_name, rb in block.reg_blocks.items():
if_suffix = '' if if_name is None else '_' + if_name
esc_if_name = block_name.lower() + if_suffix
if_desc = '' if if_name is None else '; interface {}'.format(if_name)
reg_block_path = 'u_reg' + if_suffix
reg_block_path = reg_block_path if block.hier_path is None else block.hier_path + "." + reg_block_path
// Block: ${block_name.lower()}${if_desc}
${make_ral_pkg(dv_base_prefix, top.regwidth, reg_block_path, rb, esc_if_name)}
% endfor
% endfor
## Now that we've made the block-level packages, re-instate the
## package-filename check. The only package left is chip_ral_pkg, which should
## match the generated filename.
// verilog_lint: waive-start package-filename
// Block: chip
package chip_ral_pkg;
if_packages = []
for block_name, block in sorted(top.blocks.items()):
for if_name in block.reg_blocks:
if_suffix = '' if if_name is None else '_' + if_name
if_packages.append('{}{}_ral_pkg'.format(block_name.lower(), if_suffix))
windows =
${make_ral_pkg_hdr(dv_base_prefix, if_packages)}
${make_ral_pkg_fwd_decls('chip', [], windows)}
% for window in windows:
${make_ral_pkg_window_class(dv_base_prefix, 'chip', window)}
% endfor
class chip_reg_block extends ${dv_base_prefix}_reg_block;
// sub blocks
% for block_name, block in sorted(top.blocks.items()):
% for inst_name in top.block_instances[block_name.lower()]:
% for if_name, rb in block.reg_blocks.items():
if_suffix = '' if if_name is None else '_' + if_name
esc_if_name = block_name.lower() + if_suffix
if_inst = inst_name + if_suffix
rand ${bcname(esc_if_name)} ${if_inst};
% endfor
% endfor
% endfor
% if windows:
// memories
% for window in windows:
rand ${mcname('chip', window)} ${miname(window)};
% endfor
% endif
function new(string name = "chip_reg_block",
int has_coverage = UVM_NO_COVERAGE);, has_coverage);
endfunction : new
virtual function void build(uvm_reg_addr_t base_addr,
csr_excl_item csr_excl = null);
// create default map
this.default_map = create_map(.name("default_map"),
if (csr_excl == null) begin
csr_excl = csr_excl_item::type_id::create("csr_excl");
this.csr_excl = csr_excl;
// create sub blocks and add their maps
% for block_name, block in sorted(top.blocks.items()):
% for inst_name in top.block_instances[block_name.lower()]:
% for if_name, rb in block.reg_blocks.items():
if_suffix = '' if if_name is None else '_' + if_name
esc_if_name = block_name.lower() + if_suffix
if_inst = inst_name + if_suffix
if top.attrs.get(inst_name) == 'reggen_only':
hdl_path = 'tb.dut.u_' + inst_name
hdl_path = 'tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_' + inst_name
qual_if_name = (inst_name, if_name)
base_addr = top.if_addrs[qual_if_name]
base_addr_txt = sv_base_addr(top, qual_if_name)
hpr_indent = (len(if_inst) + len('.set_hdl_path_root(')) * ' '
${if_inst} = ${bcname(esc_if_name)}::type_id::create("${if_inst}");
${if_inst}.build(.base_addr(base_addr + ${base_addr_txt}), .csr_excl(csr_excl));
.offset(base_addr + ${base_addr_txt}));
% endfor
% endfor
% endfor
${make_ral_pkg_window_instances(top.regwidth, 'chip', top.window_block)}
endfunction : build
endclass : chip_reg_block

View File

@ -0,0 +1,846 @@
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import re
import logging as log
from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, List
from reggen.validate import check_keys
from reggen.ip_block import IpBlock
# For the reference
# val_types = {
# 'd': ["int", "integer (binary 0b, octal 0o, decimal, hex 0x)"],
# 'x': ["xint", "x for undefined otherwise int"],
# 'b': [
# "bitrange", "bit number as decimal integer, \
# or bit-range as decimal integers msb:lsb"
# ],
# 'l': ["list", "comma separated list enclosed in `[]`"],
# 'ln': ["name list", 'comma separated list enclosed in `[]` of '\
# 'one or more groups that have just name and dscr keys.'\
# ' e.g. `{ name: "name", desc: "description"}`'],
# 'lnw': ["name list+", 'name list that optionally contains a width'],
# 'lp': ["parameter list", 'parameter list having default value optionally'],
# 'g': ["group", "comma separated group of key:value enclosed in `{}`"],
# 's': ["string", "string, typically short"],
# 't': ["text", "string, may be multi-line enclosed in `'''` "\
# "may use `**bold**`, `*italic*` or `!!Reg` markup"],
# 'T': ["tuple", "tuple enclosed in ()"],
# 'pi': ["python int", "Native Python type int (generated)"],
# 'pb': ["python Bool", "Native Python type Bool (generated)"],
# 'pl': ["python list", "Native Python type list (generated)"],
# 'pe': ["python enum", "Native Python type enum (generated)"]
# }
# Required/optional field in top hjson
top_required = {
'name': ['s', 'Top name'],
'type': ['s', 'type of hjson. Shall be "top" always'],
'clocks': ['g', 'group of clock properties'],
'resets': ['l', 'list of resets'],
'module': ['l', 'list of modules to instantiate'],
'memory': ['l', 'list of memories. At least one memory '
'is needed to run the software'],
'xbar': ['l', 'List of the xbar used in the top'],
'rnd_cnst_seed': ['int', "Seed for random netlist constant computation"],
'pinout': ['g', 'Pinout configuration'],
'targets': ['l', ' Target configurations'],
'pinmux': ['g', 'pinmux configuration'],
top_optional = {
'alert_async': ['l', 'async alerts (generated)'],
'alert': ['lnw', 'alerts (generated)'],
'alert_module': [
'list of the modules that connects to alert_handler'
'datawidth': ['pn', "default data width"],
'exported_clks': ['g', 'clock signal routing rules'],
'host': ['g', 'list of host-only components in the system'],
'inter_module': ['g', 'define the signal connections between the modules'],
'interrupt': ['lnw', 'interrupts (generated)'],
'interrupt_module': ['l', 'list of the modules that connects to rv_plic'],
'num_cores': ['pn', "number of computing units"],
'power': ['g', 'power domains supported by the design'],
'port': ['g', 'assign special attributes to specific ports']
top_added = {}
pinmux_required = {}
pinmux_optional = {
'num_wkup_detect': [
'd', 'Number of wakeup detectors'
'wkup_cnt_width': [
'd', 'Number of bits in wakeup detector counters'
'signals': ['l', 'List of Dedicated IOs.'],
pinmux_added = {
'ios': ['l', 'Full list of IO'],
pinmux_sig_required = {
'instance': ['s', 'Module instance name'],
'connection': ['s', 'Specification of connection type, '
'can be direct, manual or muxed'],
pinmux_sig_optional = {
'port': ['s', 'Port name of module'],
'pad': ['s', 'Pad name for direct connections'],
'desc': ['s', 'Signal description'],
'attr': ['s', 'Pad type for generating the correct attribute CSR']
pinmux_sig_added = {}
pinout_required = {
'banks': ['l', 'List of IO power banks'],
'pads': ['l', 'List of pads']
pinout_optional = {
pinout_added = {}
pad_required = {
'name': ['l', 'Pad name'],
'type': ['s', 'Pad type'],
'bank': ['s', 'IO power bank for the pad'],
'connection': ['s', 'Specification of connection type, '
'can be direct, manual or muxed'],
pad_optional = {
'desc': ['s', 'Pad description'],
pad_added = {}
target_required = {
'name': ['s', 'Name of target'],
'pinout': ['g', 'Target-specific pinout configuration'],
'pinmux': ['g', 'Target-specific pinmux configuration']
target_optional = {
target_added = {}
target_pinmux_required = {
'special_signals': ['l', 'List of special signals and the pad they are mapped to.'],
target_pinmux_optional = {}
target_pinmux_added = {}
target_pinout_required = {
'remove_pads': ['l', 'List of pad names to remove and stub out'],
'add_pads': ['l', 'List of manual pads to add'],
target_pinout_optional = {}
target_pinout_added = {}
straps_required = {
'tap0': ['s', 'Name of tap0 pad'],
'tap1': ['s', 'Name of tap1 pad'],
'dft0': ['s', 'Name of dft0 pad'],
'dft1': ['s', 'Name of dft1 pad'],
straps_optional = {}
straps_added = {}
straps_required = {
'tap0': ['s', 'Name of tap0 pad'],
'tap1': ['s', 'Name of tap1 pad'],
'dft0': ['s', 'Name of dft0 pad'],
'dft1': ['s', 'Name of dft1 pad'],
straps_optional = {}
straps_added = {}
special_sig_required = {
'name': ['s', 'DIO name'],
'pad': ['s', 'Pad name'],
special_sig_optional = {
'desc': ['s', 'Description of signal connection'],
special_sig_added = {}
eflash_required = {
'banks': ['d', 'number of flash banks'],
'base_addr': ['s', 'hex start address of memory'],
'clock_connections': ['g', 'generated, elaborated version of clock_srcs'],
'clock_group': ['s', 'associated clock attribute group'],
'clock_srcs': ['g', 'clock connections'],
'inter_signal_list': ['lg', 'intersignal list'],
'name': ['s', 'name of flash memory'],
'pages_per_bank': ['d', 'number of data pages per flash bank'],
'program_resolution': ['d', 'maximum number of flash words allowed to program'],
'reset_connections': ['g', 'reset connections'],
'swaccess': ['s', 'software accessibility'],
'type': ['s', 'type of memory']
eflash_optional = {}
eflash_added = {}
module_required = {
'name': ['s', 'name of the instance'],
'type': ['s', 'comportable IP type'],
'clock_srcs': ['g', 'dict with clock sources'],
'clock_group': ['s', 'clock group'],
'reset_connections': ['g', 'dict with reset sources'],
module_optional = {
'domain': ['s', 'power domain, defaults to Domain0'],
'clock_reset_export': ['l', 'optional list with prefixes for exported '
'clocks and resets at the chip level'],
'attr': ['s', 'optional attribute indicating whether the IP is '
'"templated" or "reggen_only"'],
'base_addr': ['s', 'hex start address of the peripheral '
'(if the IP has only a single TL-UL interface)'],
'base_addrs': ['d', 'hex start addresses of the peripheral '
' (if the IP has multiple TL-UL interfaces)'],
'memory': ['g', 'optional dict with memory region attributes'],
'param_decl': ['g', 'optional dict that allows to override instantiation parameters']
module_added = {
'clock_connections': ['g', 'generated clock connections']
memory_required = {
'label': ['s', 'region label for the linker script'],
'swaccess': ['s', 'access attributes for the linker script'],
'size': ['d', 'memory region size in bytes for the linker script, '
'xbar and RTL parameterisations'],
memory_optional = {
memory_added = {
# Supported PAD types.
# Needs to coincide with enum definition in
class PadType(Enum):
INPUT_STD = 'InputStd'
BIDIR_STD = 'BidirStd'
BIDIR_TOL = 'BidirTol'
BIDIR_OD = 'BidirOd'
ANALOG_IN0 = 'AnalogIn0'
ANALOG_IN1 = 'AnalogIn1'
def is_valid_pad_type(obj):
except ValueError:
return False
return True
class TargetType(Enum):
MODULE = "module"
XBAR = "xbar"
class Target:
"""Target class informs the checkers if we are validating a module or xbar
def __init__(self, target_type):
# The type of this target
self.target_type = target_type
# The key to search against
if target_type == TargetType.MODULE:
self.key = "type"
self.key = "name"
class Flash:
"""Flash class contains information regarding parameter defaults.
For now, only expose banks / pages_per_bank for user configuration.
For now, also enforce power of 2 requiremnt.
max_banks = 4
max_pages_per_bank = 1024
def __init__(self, mem):
self.banks = mem['banks']
self.pages_per_bank = mem['pages_per_bank']
self.program_resolution = mem['program_resolution']
self.words_per_page = 256
self.data_width = 64
self.metadata_width = 12
self.info_types = 3
self.infos_per_bank = [10, 1, 2]
def is_pow2(self, n):
return (n != 0) and (n & (n - 1) == 0)
def check_values(self):
pow2_check = (self.is_pow2(self.banks) and
self.is_pow2(self.pages_per_bank) and
limit_check = ((self.banks <= Flash.max_banks) and
(self.pages_per_bank <= Flash.max_pages_per_bank))
return pow2_check and limit_check
def calc_size(self):
word_bytes = self.data_width / 8
bytes_per_page = word_bytes * self.words_per_page
bytes_per_bank = bytes_per_page * self.pages_per_bank
return bytes_per_bank * self.banks
def populate(self, mem):
mem['words_per_page'] = self.words_per_page
mem['data_width'] = self.data_width
mem['metadata_width'] = self.metadata_width
mem['info_types'] = self.info_types
mem['infos_per_bank'] = self.infos_per_bank
mem['size'] = hex(int(self.calc_size()))
word_bytes = self.data_width / 8
mem['pgm_resolution_bytes'] = int(self.program_resolution * word_bytes)
# Check to see if each module/xbar defined in top.hjson exists as ip/xbar.hjson
# Also check to make sure there are not multiple definitions of ip/xbar.hjson for each
# top level definition
# If it does, return a dictionary of instance names to index in ip/xbarobjs
def check_target(top, objs, tgtobj):
error = 0
idxs = OrderedDict()
# Collect up counts of object names. We support entries of objs that are
# either dicts (for top-levels) or IpBlock objects.
name_indices = {}
for idx, obj in enumerate(objs):
if isinstance(obj, IpBlock):
name =
name = obj['name'].lower()"%d Order is %s" % (idx, name))
name_indices.setdefault(name, []).append(idx)
tgt_type = tgtobj.target_type.value
inst_key = tgtobj.key
for cfg in top[tgt_type]:
cfg_name = cfg['name'].lower()"Checking target %s %s" % (tgt_type, cfg_name))
indices = name_indices.get(cfg[inst_key], [])
if not indices:
log.error("Could not find %s.hjson" % cfg_name)
error += 1
elif len(indices) > 1:
log.error("Duplicate %s.hjson" % cfg_name)
error += 1
idxs[cfg_name] = indices[0]"Current state %s" % idxs)
return error, idxs
def check_pad(top: Dict,
pad: Dict,
known_pad_names: Dict,
valid_connections: List[str],
prefix: str) -> int:
error = 0
error += check_keys(pad, pad_required, pad_optional,
pad_added, prefix)
# check name uniqueness
if pad['name'] in known_pad_names:
log.warning('Pad name {} is not unique'.format(pad['name']))
error += 1
known_pad_names[pad['name']] = 1
if not is_valid_pad_type(pad['type']):
log.warning('Unkown pad type {}'.format(pad['type']))
error += 1
if pad['bank'] not in top['pinout']['banks']:
log.warning('Unkown io power bank {}'.format(pad['bank']))
error += 1
if pad['connection'] not in valid_connections:
log.warning('Connection type {} of pad {} is invalid'
.format(pad['connection'], pad['name']))
error += 1
return error
def check_pinout(top: Dict, prefix: str) -> int:
error = check_keys(top['pinout'], pinout_required, pinout_optional,
pinout_added, prefix + ' Pinout')
known_names = {}
for pad in top['pinout']['pads']:
error += check_keys(pad, pad_required, pad_optional,
pad_added, prefix + ' Pinout')
error += check_pad(top, pad, known_names,
['direct', 'manual', 'muxed'],
prefix + ' Pad')
return error
def check_pinmux(top: Dict, prefix: str) -> int:
error = check_keys(top['pinmux'], pinmux_required, pinmux_optional,
pinmux_added, prefix + ' Pinmux')
# This is used for the direct connection accounting below,
# where we tick off already connected direct pads.
known_direct_pads = {}
direct_pad_attr = {}
for pad in top['pinout']['pads']:
if pad['connection'] == 'direct':
known_direct_pads[pad['name']] = 1
direct_pad_attr[pad['name']] = pad['type']
# Note: the actual signal crosscheck is deferred until the merge stage,
# since we have no idea at this point which IOs comportable IPs expose.
for sig in top['pinmux']['signals']:
error += check_keys(sig, pinmux_sig_required, pinmux_sig_optional,
pinmux_sig_added, prefix + ' Pinmux signal')
if sig['connection'] not in ['direct', 'manual', 'muxed']:
log.warning('Invalid connection type {}'.format(sig['connection']))
error += 1
# The pad needs to refer to a valid pad name in the pinout that is of
# connection type "direct". We tick off all direct pads that have been
# referenced in order to make sure there are no double connections
# and unconnected direct pads.
padname = sig.setdefault('pad', '')
if padname != '':
if padname in known_direct_pads:
if known_direct_pads[padname] == 1:
known_direct_pads[padname] = 0
padattr = direct_pad_attr[padname]
log.warning('Warning, direct pad {} is already connected'
error += 1
log.warning('Unknown direct pad {}'.format(padname))
error += 1
# Check port naming scheme.
port = sig.setdefault('port', '')
pattern = r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*(\[[0-9]*\]){0,1}'
matches = re.match(pattern, port)
if matches is None:
log.warning('Port name {} has wrong format'
error += 1
# Check that only direct connections have pad keys
if sig['connection'] == 'direct':
if sig.setdefault('attr', '') != '':
log.warning('Direct connection of instance {} port {} '
'must not have an associated pad attribute field'
error += 1
# Since the signal is directly connected, we can automatically infer
# the pad type needed to instantiate the correct attribute CSR WARL
# module inside the pinmux.
sig['attr'] = padattr
if padname == '':
log.warning('Instance {} port {} connection is of direct type '
'and therefore must have an associated pad name.'
error += 1
if port == '':
log.warning('Instance {} port {} connection is of direct type '
'and therefore must have an associated port name.'
error += 1
elif sig['connection'] == 'muxed':
# Muxed signals do not have a corresponding pad and attribute CSR,
# since they first go through the pinmux matrix.
if sig.setdefault('attr', '') != '':
log.warning('Muxed connection of instance {} port {} '
'must not have an associated pad attribute field'
error += 1
if padname != '':
log.warning('Muxed connection of instance {} port {} '
'must not have an associated pad'
error += 1
elif sig['connection'] == 'manual':
# This pad attr key is only allowed in the manual case,
# as there is no way to infer the pad type automatically.
sig.setdefault('attr', 'BidirStd')
if padname != '':
log.warning('Manual connection of instance {} port {} '
'must not have an associated pad'
error += 1
# At this point, all direct pads should have been ticked off.
for key, val in known_direct_pads.items():
if val == 1:
log.warning('Direct pad {} has not been connected'
error += 1
return error
def check_implementation_targets(top: Dict, prefix: str) -> int:
error = 0
known_names = {}
for target in top['targets']:
error += check_keys(target, target_required, target_optional,
target_added, prefix + ' Targets')
# check name uniqueness
if target['name'] in known_names:
log.warning('Target name {} is not unique'.format(target['name']))
error += 1
known_names[target['name']] = 1
error += check_keys(target['pinmux'], target_pinmux_required, target_pinmux_optional,
target_pinmux_added, prefix + ' Target pinmux')
error += check_keys(target['pinout'], target_pinout_required, target_pinout_optional,
target_pinout_added, prefix + ' Target pinout')
# Check special pad signals
known_entry_names = {}
for entry in target['pinmux']['special_signals']:
error += check_keys(entry, special_sig_required, special_sig_optional,
special_sig_added, prefix + ' Special signal')
# check name uniqueness
if entry['name'] in known_entry_names:
log.warning('Special pad name {} is not unique'.format(entry['name']))
error += 1
known_entry_names[entry['name']] = 1
# The pad key needs to refer to a valid pad name.
is_muxed = False
for pad in top['pinout']['pads']:
if entry['pad'] == pad['name']:
is_muxed = pad['connection'] == 'muxed'
log.warning('Unknown pad {}'.format(entry['pad']))
error += 1
if not is_muxed:
# If this is not a muxed pad, we need to make sure this refers to
# DIO that is NOT a manual pad.
for sig in top['pinmux']['signals']:
if entry['pad'] == sig['pad']:
log.warning('Special pad {} cannot refer to a manual pad'.format(entry['pad']))
error += 1
# Check pads to remove and stub out
for entry in target['pinout']['remove_pads']:
# The pad key needs to refer to a valid pad name.
for pad in top['pinout']['pads']:
if entry == pad['name']:
log.warning('Unknown pad {}'.format(entry))
error += 1
# Check pads to add
known_pad_names = {}
for pad in top['pinout']['pads']:
known_pad_names.update({pad['name']: 1})
for pad in target['pinout']['add_pads']:
error += check_pad(top, pad, known_pad_names, ['manual'],
prefix + ' Additional Pad')
return error
def check_clocks_resets(top, ipobjs, ip_idxs, xbarobjs, xbar_idxs):
error = 0
# there should only be one each of pwrmgr/clkmgr/rstmgr
pwrmgrs = [m for m in top['module'] if m['type'] == 'pwrmgr']
clkmgrs = [m for m in top['module'] if m['type'] == 'clkmgr']
rstmgrs = [m for m in top['module'] if m['type'] == 'rstmgr']
if len(pwrmgrs) == 1 * len(clkmgrs) == 1 * len(rstmgrs) != 1:
log.error("Incorrect number of pwrmgr/clkmgr/rstmgr")
error += 1
# all defined clock/reset nets
reset_nets = [reset['name'] for reset in top['resets']['nodes']]
clock_srcs = list(top['clocks'].all_srcs.keys())
# Check clock/reset port connection for all IPs
for ipcfg in top['module']:
ipcfg_name = ipcfg['name'].lower()"Checking clock/resets for %s" % ipcfg_name)
error += validate_reset(ipcfg, ipobjs[ip_idxs[ipcfg_name]], reset_nets)
error += validate_clock(ipcfg, ipobjs[ip_idxs[ipcfg_name]], clock_srcs)
if error:
log.error("module clock/reset checking failed")
# Check clock/reset port connection for all xbars
for xbarcfg in top['xbar']:
xbarcfg_name = xbarcfg['name'].lower()"Checking clock/resets for xbar %s" % xbarcfg_name)
error += validate_reset(xbarcfg, xbarobjs[xbar_idxs[xbarcfg_name]],
reset_nets, "xbar")
error += validate_clock(xbarcfg, xbarobjs[xbar_idxs[xbarcfg_name]],
clock_srcs, "xbar")
if error:
log.error("xbar clock/reset checking failed")
return error
# Checks the following
# For each defined reset connection in top*.hjson, there exists a defined port at the destination
# and defined reset net
# There are the same number of defined connections as there are ports
def validate_reset(top, inst, reset_nets, prefix=""):
# Gather inst port list
error = 0
# Handle either an IpBlock (generated by reggen) or an OrderedDict
# (generated by topgen for a crossbar)
if isinstance(inst, IpBlock):
name =
reset_signals = inst.clocking.reset_signals()
name = inst['name']
reset_signals = ([inst.get('reset_primary', 'rst_ni')] +
inst.get('other_reset_list', []))"%s %s resets are %s" %
(prefix, name, reset_signals))
if len(top['reset_connections']) != len(reset_signals):
error += 1
log.error("%s %s mismatched number of reset ports and nets" %
(prefix, name))
missing_port = [
port for port in top['reset_connections'].keys()
if port not in reset_signals
if missing_port:
error += 1
log.error("%s %s Following reset ports do not exist:" %
(prefix, name))
[log.error("%s" % port) for port in missing_port]
missing_net = [
net for port, net in top['reset_connections'].items()
if net not in reset_nets
if missing_net:
error += 1
log.error("%s %s Following reset nets do not exist:" %
(prefix, name))
[log.error("%s" % net) for net in missing_net]
return error
# Checks the following
# For each defined clock_src in top*.hjson, there exists a defined port at the destination
# and defined clock source
# There are the same number of defined connections as there are ports
def validate_clock(top, inst, clock_srcs, prefix=""):
# Gather inst port list
error = 0
# Handle either an IpBlock (generated by reggen) or an OrderedDict
# (generated by topgen for a crossbar)
if isinstance(inst, IpBlock):
name =
clock_signals = inst.clocking.clock_signals()
name = inst['name']
clock_signals = ([inst.get('clock_primary', 'rst_ni')] +
inst.get('other_clock_list', []))
if len(top['clock_srcs']) != len(clock_signals):
error += 1
log.error("%s %s mismatched number of clock ports and nets" %
(prefix, name))
missing_port = [
port for port in top['clock_srcs'].keys()
if port not in clock_signals
if missing_port:
error += 1
log.error("%s %s Following clock ports do not exist:" %
(prefix, name))
[log.error("%s" % port) for port in missing_port]
missing_net = [
net for port, net in top['clock_srcs'].items() if net not in clock_srcs
if missing_net:
error += 1
log.error("%s %s Following clock nets do not exist:" %
(prefix, name))
[log.error("%s" % net) for net in missing_net]
return error
def check_flash(top):
error = 0
for mem in top['memory']:
if mem['type'] == "eflash":
error = check_keys(mem, eflash_required, eflash_optional,
eflash_added, "Eflash")
flash = Flash(mem)
error += 1 if not flash.check_values() else 0
if error:
log.error("Flash check failed")
return error
def check_power_domains(top):
error = 0
# check that the default domain is valid
if top['power']['default'] not in top['power']['domains']:
error += 1
return error
# Check that each module, xbar, memory has a power domain defined.
# If not, give it a default.
# If there is one defined, check that it is a valid definition
for end_point in top['module'] + top['memory'] + top['xbar']:
if 'domain' not in end_point:
end_point['domain'] = top['power']['default']
if end_point['domain'] not in top['power']['domains']:
log.error("{} defined invalid domain {}"
error += 1
return error
# arrived without incident, return
return error
def check_modules(top, prefix):
error = 0
for m in top['module']:
modname = m.get("name", "unnamed module")
error += check_keys(m, module_required, module_optional, module_added,
prefix + " " + modname)
# these fields are mutually exclusive
if 'base_addr' in m and 'base_addrs' in m:
log.error("{} {} a module cannot define both the 'base_addr' "
"and 'base_addrs' keys at the same time"
.format(prefix, modname))
error += 1
if 'base_addrs' in m and 'memory' in m:
for intf, value in m['memory'].items():
error += check_keys(value, memory_required,
memory_optional, memory_added,
prefix + " " + modname + " " + intf)
# make sure the memory regions correspond to the TL-UL interfaces
if intf not in m['base_addrs']:
log.error("{} {} memory region {} does not "
"correspond to any of the defined "
"TL-UL interfaces".format(prefix, modname, intf))
error += 1
# make sure the linker region access attribute is valid
attr = value.get('swaccess', 'unknown attribute')
if attr not in ['r', 'rw', 'rx', 'rwx']:
log.error('{} {} swaccess attribute {} of memory region {} '
'is not valid'.format(prefix, modname, attr, intf))
error += 1
return error
def validate_top(top, ipobjs, xbarobjs):
# return as it is for now
error = check_keys(top, top_required, top_optional, top_added, "top")
if error != 0:
log.error("Top HJSON has top level errors. Aborting")
return top, error
component = top['name']
# Check module instantiations
error += check_modules(top, component)
# MODULE check
err, ip_idxs = check_target(top, ipobjs, Target(TargetType.MODULE))
error += err
# XBAR check
err, xbar_idxs = check_target(top, xbarobjs, Target(TargetType.XBAR))
error += err
# MEMORY check
error += check_flash(top)
# Power domain check
error += check_power_domains(top)
# Clock / Reset check
error += check_clocks_resets(top, ipobjs, ip_idxs, xbarobjs, xbar_idxs)
# RV_PLIC check
# Pinout, pinmux and target checks
# Note that these checks must happen in this order, as
# the pinmux and target configs depend on the pinout.
error += check_pinout(top, component)
error += check_pinmux(top, component)
error += check_implementation_targets(top, component)
return top, error