Maria Munuera 2012-06-25 12:06:48 -05:00
commit 6d8db3a074
1187 changed files with 39 additions and 223669 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

View File

@ -85,12 +85,6 @@ $(COMPILED_JS):
release: build/$(PACKAGE)
cd build ; $(ZIP) $(PACKAGE).zip -r $(PACKAGE) ; cd ..
tar -z -c -f build/$(PACKAGE)-src.tar.gz \
--exclude='\.svn' \
--exclude='\.git' \
--exclude='build/*' \
cp -R build/svg-edit-2.6 ../

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
content svg-edit content/
overlay chrome://browser/content/browser.xul chrome://svg-edit/content/svg-edit-overlay.xul

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@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1"/>
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/logo.png"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="svg-editor.css" type="text/css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<title>Browser does not support SVG | SVG-edit</title>
<div id="browser-not-supported">
<img style="float:left;padding:10px;" src="images/logo.png" width="48" height="48" alt="SVG-edit logo" /><br />
<p>Sorry, but your browser does not support SVG. Below is a list of alternate browsers and versions that support SVG and SVG-edit (from <a href=""></a>).</p>
<p>Try the latest version of <a href="">Firefox</a>, <a href="">Google Chrome</a>, <a href="">Safari</a>, <a href="">Opera</a> or <a href="">Internet Explorer<a/>.</p>
<p>If you are unable to install one of these and must use an old version of Internet Explorer, you can install the <a href="">Google Chrome Frame plugin</a>.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var viewportHeight =(window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : $(window).height()) - 140;
document.write('<iframe width="100%" height="'+viewportHeight+'" src=""></iframe>');

View File

@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
* Package: svgedit.browser
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Jeff Schiller
* Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
// Dependencies:
// 1) jQuery (for $.alert())
var svgedit = svgedit || {};
(function() {
if (!svgedit.browser) {
svgedit.browser = {};
var supportsSvg_ = (function() {
return !!document.createElementNS && !!document.createElementNS('', 'svg').createSVGRect;
svgedit.browser.supportsSvg = function() { return supportsSvg_; }
if(!svgedit.browser.supportsSvg()) {
window.location = "browser-not-supported.html";
var svgns = '';
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
var svg = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'svg');
// Note: Browser sniffing should only be used if no other detection method is possible
var isOpera_ = !!window.opera;
var isWebkit_ = userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit") >= 0;
var isGecko_ = userAgent.indexOf('Gecko/') >= 0;
var isIE_ = userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') >= 0;
var isChrome_ = userAgent.indexOf('Chrome/') >= 0;
var isWindows_ = userAgent.indexOf('Windows') >= 0;
var isMac_ = userAgent.indexOf('Macintosh') >= 0;
var isTouch_ = 'ontouchstart' in window;
var supportsSelectors_ = (function() {
return !!svg.querySelector;
var supportsXpath_ = (function() {
return !!document.evaluate;
// segList functions (for FF1.5 and 2.0)
var supportsPathReplaceItem_ = (function() {
var path = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'path');
path.setAttribute('d','M0,0 10,10');
var seglist = path.pathSegList;
var seg = path.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(5,5);
try {
seglist.replaceItem(seg, 0);
return true;
} catch(err) {}
return false;
var supportsPathInsertItemBefore_ = (function() {
var path = document.createElementNS(svgns,'path');
path.setAttribute('d','M0,0 10,10');
var seglist = path.pathSegList;
var seg = path.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs(5,5);
try {
seglist.insertItemBefore(seg, 0);
return true;
} catch(err) {}
return false;
// text character positioning (for IE9)
var supportsGoodTextCharPos_ = (function() {
var retValue = false;
var svgroot = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'svg');
var svgcontent = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'svg');
svgcontent.setAttribute('x', 5);
var text = document.createElementNS(svgns,'text');
text.textContent = 'a';
var pos = text.getStartPositionOfChar(0).x;
return (pos === 0);
var supportsPathBBox_ = (function() {
var svgcontent = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'svg');
var path = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'path');
path.setAttribute('d','M0,0 C0,0 10,10 10,0');
var bbox = path.getBBox();
return (bbox.height > 4 && bbox.height < 5);
// Support for correct bbox sizing on groups with horizontal/vertical lines
var supportsHVLineContainerBBox_ = (function() {
var svgcontent = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'svg');
var path = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'path');
path.setAttribute('d','M0,0 10,0');
var path2 = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'path');
path2.setAttribute('d','M5,0 15,0');
var g = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'g');
var bbox = g.getBBox();
// Webkit gives 0, FF gives 10, Opera (correctly) gives 15
return (bbox.width == 15);
var supportsEditableText_ = (function() {
// TODO: Find better way to check support for this
return isOpera_;
var supportsGoodDecimals_ = (function() {
// Correct decimals on clone attributes (Opera < 10.5/win/non-en)
var rect = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'rect');
var crect = rect.cloneNode(false);
var retValue = (crect.getAttribute('x').indexOf(',') == -1);
if(!retValue) {
$.alert("NOTE: This version of Opera is known to contain bugs in SVG-edit.\n\
Please upgrade to the <a href=''>latest version</a> in which the problems have been fixed.");
return retValue;
var supportsNonScalingStroke_ = (function() {
var rect = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'rect');
return === 'non-scaling-stroke';
var supportsNativeSVGTransformLists_ = (function() {
var rect = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'rect');
var rxform = rect.transform.baseVal;
var t1 = svg.createSVGTransform();
return rxform.getItem(0) == t1;
// Public API
svgedit.browser.isOpera = function() { return isOpera_; }
svgedit.browser.isWebkit = function() { return isWebkit_; }
svgedit.browser.isGecko = function() { return isGecko_; }
svgedit.browser.isIE = function() { return isIE_; }
svgedit.browser.isChrome = function() { return isChrome_; }
svgedit.browser.isWindows = function() { return isWindows_; }
svgedit.browser.isMac = function() { return isMac_; }
svgedit.browser.isTouch = function() { return isTouch_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsSelectors = function() { return supportsSelectors_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsXpath = function() { return supportsXpath_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsPathReplaceItem = function() { return supportsPathReplaceItem_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsPathInsertItemBefore = function() { return supportsPathInsertItemBefore_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsPathBBox = function() { return supportsPathBBox_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsHVLineContainerBBox = function() { return supportsHVLineContainerBBox_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsGoodTextCharPos = function() { return supportsGoodTextCharPos_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsEditableText = function() { return supportsEditableText_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsGoodDecimals = function() { return supportsGoodDecimals_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsNonScalingStroke = function() { return supportsNonScalingStroke_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsNativeTransformLists = function() { return supportsNativeSVGTransformLists_; }

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
* A class to parse color values
* @author Stoyan Stefanov <>
* @link
* @license Use it if you like it
function RGBColor(color_string)
this.ok = false;
// strip any leading #
if (color_string.charAt(0) == '#') { // remove # if any
color_string = color_string.substr(1,6);
color_string = color_string.replace(/ /g,'');
color_string = color_string.toLowerCase();
// before getting into regexps, try simple matches
// and overwrite the input
var simple_colors = {
aliceblue: 'f0f8ff',
antiquewhite: 'faebd7',
aqua: '00ffff',
aquamarine: '7fffd4',
azure: 'f0ffff',
beige: 'f5f5dc',
bisque: 'ffe4c4',
black: '000000',
blanchedalmond: 'ffebcd',
blue: '0000ff',
blueviolet: '8a2be2',
brown: 'a52a2a',
burlywood: 'deb887',
cadetblue: '5f9ea0',
chartreuse: '7fff00',
chocolate: 'd2691e',
coral: 'ff7f50',
cornflowerblue: '6495ed',
cornsilk: 'fff8dc',
crimson: 'dc143c',
cyan: '00ffff',
darkblue: '00008b',
darkcyan: '008b8b',
darkgoldenrod: 'b8860b',
darkgray: 'a9a9a9',
darkgreen: '006400',
darkkhaki: 'bdb76b',
darkmagenta: '8b008b',
darkolivegreen: '556b2f',
darkorange: 'ff8c00',
darkorchid: '9932cc',
darkred: '8b0000',
darksalmon: 'e9967a',
darkseagreen: '8fbc8f',
darkslateblue: '483d8b',
darkslategray: '2f4f4f',
darkturquoise: '00ced1',
darkviolet: '9400d3',
deeppink: 'ff1493',
deepskyblue: '00bfff',
dimgray: '696969',
dodgerblue: '1e90ff',
feldspar: 'd19275',
firebrick: 'b22222',
floralwhite: 'fffaf0',
forestgreen: '228b22',
fuchsia: 'ff00ff',
gainsboro: 'dcdcdc',
ghostwhite: 'f8f8ff',
gold: 'ffd700',
goldenrod: 'daa520',
gray: '808080',
green: '008000',
greenyellow: 'adff2f',
honeydew: 'f0fff0',
hotpink: 'ff69b4',
indianred : 'cd5c5c',
indigo : '4b0082',
ivory: 'fffff0',
khaki: 'f0e68c',
lavender: 'e6e6fa',
lavenderblush: 'fff0f5',
lawngreen: '7cfc00',
lemonchiffon: 'fffacd',
lightblue: 'add8e6',
lightcoral: 'f08080',
lightcyan: 'e0ffff',
lightgoldenrodyellow: 'fafad2',
lightgrey: 'd3d3d3',
lightgreen: '90ee90',
lightpink: 'ffb6c1',
lightsalmon: 'ffa07a',
lightseagreen: '20b2aa',
lightskyblue: '87cefa',
lightslateblue: '8470ff',
lightslategray: '778899',
lightsteelblue: 'b0c4de',
lightyellow: 'ffffe0',
lime: '00ff00',
limegreen: '32cd32',
linen: 'faf0e6',
magenta: 'ff00ff',
maroon: '800000',
mediumaquamarine: '66cdaa',
mediumblue: '0000cd',
mediumorchid: 'ba55d3',
mediumpurple: '9370d8',
mediumseagreen: '3cb371',
mediumslateblue: '7b68ee',
mediumspringgreen: '00fa9a',
mediumturquoise: '48d1cc',
mediumvioletred: 'c71585',
midnightblue: '191970',
mintcream: 'f5fffa',
mistyrose: 'ffe4e1',
moccasin: 'ffe4b5',
navajowhite: 'ffdead',
navy: '000080',
oldlace: 'fdf5e6',
olive: '808000',
olivedrab: '6b8e23',
orange: 'ffa500',
orangered: 'ff4500',
orchid: 'da70d6',
palegoldenrod: 'eee8aa',
palegreen: '98fb98',
paleturquoise: 'afeeee',
palevioletred: 'd87093',
papayawhip: 'ffefd5',
peachpuff: 'ffdab9',
peru: 'cd853f',
pink: 'ffc0cb',
plum: 'dda0dd',
powderblue: 'b0e0e6',
purple: '800080',
red: 'ff0000',
rosybrown: 'bc8f8f',
royalblue: '4169e1',
saddlebrown: '8b4513',
salmon: 'fa8072',
sandybrown: 'f4a460',
seagreen: '2e8b57',
seashell: 'fff5ee',
sienna: 'a0522d',
silver: 'c0c0c0',
skyblue: '87ceeb',
slateblue: '6a5acd',
slategray: '708090',
snow: 'fffafa',
springgreen: '00ff7f',
steelblue: '4682b4',
tan: 'd2b48c',
teal: '008080',
thistle: 'd8bfd8',
tomato: 'ff6347',
turquoise: '40e0d0',
violet: 'ee82ee',
violetred: 'd02090',
wheat: 'f5deb3',
white: 'ffffff',
whitesmoke: 'f5f5f5',
yellow: 'ffff00',
yellowgreen: '9acd32'
for (var key in simple_colors) {
if (color_string == key) {
color_string = simple_colors[key];
// emd of simple type-in colors
// array of color definition objects
var color_defs = [
re: /^rgb\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})\)$/,
example: ['rgb(123, 234, 45)', 'rgb(255,234,245)'],
process: function (bits){
return [
re: /^(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})$/,
example: ['#00ff00', '336699'],
process: function (bits){
return [
parseInt(bits[1], 16),
parseInt(bits[2], 16),
parseInt(bits[3], 16)
re: /^(\w{1})(\w{1})(\w{1})$/,
example: ['#fb0', 'f0f'],
process: function (bits){
return [
parseInt(bits[1] + bits[1], 16),
parseInt(bits[2] + bits[2], 16),
parseInt(bits[3] + bits[3], 16)
// search through the definitions to find a match
for (var i = 0; i < color_defs.length; i++) {
var re = color_defs[i].re;
var processor = color_defs[i].process;
var bits = re.exec(color_string);
if (bits) {
channels = processor(bits);
this.r = channels[0];
this.g = channels[1];
this.b = channels[2];
this.ok = true;
// validate/cleanup values
this.r = (this.r < 0 || isNaN(this.r)) ? 0 : ((this.r > 255) ? 255 : this.r);
this.g = (this.g < 0 || isNaN(this.g)) ? 0 : ((this.g > 255) ? 255 : this.g);
this.b = (this.b < 0 || isNaN(this.b)) ? 0 : ((this.b > 255) ? 255 : this.b);
// some getters
this.toRGB = function () {
return 'rgb(' + this.r + ', ' + this.g + ', ' + this.b + ')';
this.toHex = function () {
var r = this.r.toString(16);
var g = this.g.toString(16);
var b = this.b.toString(16);
if (r.length == 1) r = '0' + r;
if (g.length == 1) g = '0' + g;
if (b.length == 1) b = '0' + b;
return '#' + r + g + b;
// help
this.getHelpXML = function () {
var examples = new Array();
// add regexps
for (var i = 0; i < color_defs.length; i++) {
var example = color_defs[i].example;
for (var j = 0; j < example.length; j++) {
examples[examples.length] = example[j];
// add type-in colors
for (var sc in simple_colors) {
examples[examples.length] = sc;
var xml = document.createElement('ul');
xml.setAttribute('id', 'rgbcolor-examples');
for (var i = 0; i < examples.length; i++) {
try {
var list_item = document.createElement('li');
var list_color = new RGBColor(examples[i]);
var example_div = document.createElement('div'); =
'margin: 3px; '
+ 'border: 1px solid black; '
+ 'background:' + list_color.toHex() + '; '
+ 'color:' + list_color.toHex()
var list_item_value = document.createTextNode(
' ' + examples[i] + ' -> ' + list_color.toRGB() + ' -> ' + list_color.toHex()
} catch(e){}
return xml;

View File

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
* Package: svgedit.contextmenu
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Author: Adam Bender
// Dependencies:
// 1) jQuery (for dom injection of context menus)\
var svgedit = svgedit || {};
(function() {
var self = this;
if (!svgedit.contextmenu) {
svgedit.contextmenu = {};
self.contextMenuExtensions = {}
var addContextMenuItem = function(menuItem) {
// menuItem: {id, label, shortcut, action}
if (!menuItemIsValid(menuItem)) {
.error("Menu items must be defined and have at least properties: id, label, action, where action must be a function");
if ( in self.contextMenuExtensions) {
console.error('Cannot add extension "' +
+ '", an extension by that name already exists"');
// Register menuItem action, see below for deferred menu dom injection
console.log("Registed contextmenu item: {id:"+", label:"+menuItem.label+"}");
self.contextMenuExtensions[] = menuItem;
//TODO: Need to consider how to handle custom enable/disable behavior
var hasCustomHandler = function(handlerKey) {
return self.contextMenuExtensions[handlerKey] && true;
var getCustomHandler = function(handlerKey) {
return self.contextMenuExtensions[handlerKey].action;
var injectExtendedContextMenuItemIntoDom = function(menuItem) {
if (Object.keys(self.contextMenuExtensions).length == 0) {
// all menuItems appear at the bottom of the menu in their own container.
// if this is the first extension menu we need to add the separator.
$("#cmenu_canvas").append("<li class='separator'>");
var shortcut = menuItem.shortcut || "";
$("#cmenu_canvas").append("<li class='disabled'><a href='#" + + "'>"
+ menuItem.label + "<span class='shortcut'>"
+ shortcut + "</span></a></li>");
var menuItemIsValid = function(menuItem) {
return menuItem && && menuItem.label && menuItem.action && typeof menuItem.action == 'function';
// Defer injection to wait out initial menu processing. This probably goes away once all context
// menu behavior is brought here.
svgEditor.ready(function() {
for (menuItem in contextMenuExtensions) {
svgedit.contextmenu.resetCustomMenus = function(){self.contextMenuExtensions = {}}
svgedit.contextmenu.add = addContextMenuItem;
svgedit.contextmenu.hasCustomHandler = hasCustomHandler;
svgedit.contextmenu.getCustomHandler = getCustomHandler;

View File

@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
// jQuery Context Menu Plugin
// Version 1.01
// Cory S.N. LaViska
// A Beautiful Site (
// Modified by Alexis Deveria
// More info:
// Terms of Use
// This plugin is dual-licensed under the GNU General Public License
// and the MIT License and is copyright A Beautiful Site, LLC.
if(jQuery)( function() {
var win = $(window);
var doc = $(document);
$.extend($.fn, {
contextMenu: function(o, callback) {
// Defaults
if( == undefined ) return false;
if( o.inSpeed == undefined ) o.inSpeed = 150;
if( o.outSpeed == undefined ) o.outSpeed = 75;
// 0 needs to be -1 for expected results (no fade)
if( o.inSpeed == 0 ) o.inSpeed = -1;
if( o.outSpeed == 0 ) o.outSpeed = -1;
// Loop each context menu
$(this).each( function() {
var el = $(this);
var offset = $(el).offset();
var menu = $('#' +;
// Add contextMenu class
// Simulate a true right click
$(this).bind( "mousedown", function(e) {
var evt = e;
$(this).mouseup( function(e) {
var srcElement = $(this);
if( evt.button === 2 || o.allowLeft || (evt.ctrlKey && svgedit.browser.isMac()) ) {
// Get this context menu
if( el.hasClass('disabled') ) return false;
// Detect mouse position
var d = {}, x = e.pageX, y = e.pageY;
var x_off = win.width() - menu.width(),
y_off = win.height() - menu.height();
if(x > x_off - 15) x = x_off-15;
if(y > y_off - 30) y = y_off-30; // 30 is needed to prevent scrollbars in FF
// Show the menu
menu.css({ top: y, left: x }).fadeIn(o.inSpeed);
// Hover events
menu.find('A').mouseover( function() {
}).mouseout( function() {
// Keyboard
doc.keypress( function(e) {
switch( e.keyCode ) {
case 38: // up
if( !menu.find('LI.hover').length ) {
} else {
if( !menu.find('LI.hover').length ) menu.find('LI:last').addClass('hover');
case 40: // down
if( menu.find('LI.hover').length == 0 ) {
} else {
if( !menu.find('LI.hover').length ) menu.find('LI:first').addClass('hover');
case 13: // enter
menu.find('LI.hover A').trigger('click');
case 27: // esc
// When items are selected
menu.find('LI:not(.disabled) A').mouseup( function() {
// Callback
if( callback ) callback( $(this).attr('href').substr(1), $(srcElement), {x: x - offset.left, y: y -, docX: x, docY: y} );
return false;
// Hide bindings
setTimeout( function() { // Delay for Mozilla function() {
return false;
}, 0);
// Disable text selection
if( $.browser.mozilla ) {
$('#' + function() { $(this).css({ 'MozUserSelect' : 'none' }); });
} else if( $.browser.msie ) {
$('#' + function() { $(this).bind('selectstart.disableTextSelect', function() { return false; }); });
} else {
$('#' + { $(this).bind('mousedown.disableTextSelect', function() { return false; }); });
// Disable browser context menu (requires both selectors to work in IE/Safari + FF/Chrome)
$(el).add($('UL.contextMenu')).bind('contextmenu', function() { return false; });
return $(this);
// Disable context menu items on the fly
disableContextMenuItems: function(o) {
if( o == undefined ) {
// Disable all
return( $(this) );
$(this).each( function() {
if( o != undefined ) {
var d = o.split(',');
for( var i = 0; i < d.length; i++ ) {
$(this).find('A[href="' + d[i] + '"]').parent().addClass('disabled');
return( $(this) );
// Enable context menu items on the fly
enableContextMenuItems: function(o) {
if( o == undefined ) {
// Enable all
return( $(this) );
$(this).each( function() {
if( o != undefined ) {
var d = o.split(',');
for( var i = 0; i < d.length; i++ ) {
$(this).find('A[href="' + d[i] + '"]').parent().removeClass('disabled');
return( $(this) );
// Disable context menu(s)
disableContextMenu: function() {
$(this).each( function() {
return( $(this) );
// Enable context menu(s)
enableContextMenu: function() {
$(this).each( function() {
return( $(this) );
// Destroy context menu(s)
destroyContextMenu: function() {
// Destroy specified context menus
$(this).each( function() {
// Disable action
return( $(this) );

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
;(function($) {
var methods = {
init : function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
var settings = {
if(options) {
$.extend(settings, options);
var plugin = this;
var $plugin = $(this);
$plugin.settings = settings;
this.privateMethod = function() {
$"example", {});
// Plug-in code here...
publicFunction : function() {
$.fn.example = function(method) {
if(methods[method]) {
return methods[method].apply(this,, 1));
else if(typeof method === 'object' || !method) {
return methods.init.apply(this, arguments);
else {
$.error("Method " + method + " does not exist on jQuery.example");

View File

@ -1,528 +0,0 @@
* Package: svgedit.draw
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2011 Jeff Schiller
// Dependencies:
// 1) jQuery
// 2) browser.js
// 3) svgutils.js
var svgedit = svgedit || {};
(function() {
if (!svgedit.draw) {
svgedit.draw = {};
var svg_ns = "";
var se_ns = "";
var xmlns_ns = "";
var visElems = 'a,circle,ellipse,foreignObject,g,image,line,path,polygon,polyline,rect,svg,text,tspan,use';
var visElems_arr = visElems.split(',');
var RandomizeModes = {
var randomize_ids = RandomizeModes.LET_DOCUMENT_DECIDE;
* This class encapsulates the concept of a layer in the drawing
* @param name {String} Layer name
* @param child {SVGGElement} Layer SVG group.
svgedit.draw.Layer = function(name, group) {
this.name_ = name;
this.group_ = group;
svgedit.draw.Layer.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.name_;
svgedit.draw.Layer.prototype.getGroup = function() {
return this.group_;
// Called to ensure that drawings will or will not have randomized ids.
// The current_drawing will have its nonce set if it doesn't already.
// Params:
// enableRandomization - flag indicating if documents should have randomized ids
svgedit.draw.randomizeIds = function(enableRandomization, current_drawing) {
randomize_ids = enableRandomization == false ?
RandomizeModes.NEVER_RANDOMIZE :
if (randomize_ids == RandomizeModes.ALWAYS_RANDOMIZE && !current_drawing.getNonce()) {
current_drawing.setNonce(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100001));
} else if (randomize_ids == RandomizeModes.NEVER_RANDOMIZE && current_drawing.getNonce()) {
* This class encapsulates the concept of a SVG-edit drawing
* @param svgElem {SVGSVGElement} The SVG DOM Element that this JS object
* encapsulates. If the svgElem has a se:nonce attribute on it, then
* IDs will use the nonce as they are generated.
* @param opt_idPrefix {String} The ID prefix to use. Defaults to "svg_"
* if not specified.
svgedit.draw.Drawing = function(svgElem, opt_idPrefix) {
if (!svgElem || !svgElem.tagName || !svgElem.namespaceURI ||
svgElem.tagName != 'svg' || svgElem.namespaceURI != svg_ns) {
throw "Error: svgedit.draw.Drawing instance initialized without a <svg> element";
* The SVG DOM Element that represents this drawing.
* @type {SVGSVGElement}
this.svgElem_ = svgElem;
* The latest object number used in this drawing.
* @type {number}
this.obj_num = 0;
* The prefix to prepend to each element id in the drawing.
* @type {String}
this.idPrefix = opt_idPrefix || "svg_";
* An array of released element ids to immediately reuse.
* @type {Array.<number>}
this.releasedNums = [];
* The z-ordered array of tuples containing layer names and <g> elements.
* The first layer is the one at the bottom of the rendering.
* TODO: Turn this into an Array.<Layer>
* @type {Array.<Array.<String, SVGGElement>>}
this.all_layers = [];
* The current layer being used.
* TODO: Make this a {Layer}.
* @type {SVGGElement}
this.current_layer = null;
* The nonce to use to uniquely identify elements across drawings.
* @type {!String}
this.nonce_ = "";
var n = this.svgElem_.getAttributeNS(se_ns, 'nonce');
// If already set in the DOM, use the nonce throughout the document
// else, if randomizeIds(true) has been called, create and set the nonce.
if (!!n && randomize_ids != RandomizeModes.NEVER_RANDOMIZE) {
this.nonce_ = n;
} else if (randomize_ids == RandomizeModes.ALWAYS_RANDOMIZE) {
this.setNonce(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100001));
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getElem_ = function(id) {
if(this.svgElem_.querySelector) {
// querySelector lookup
return this.svgElem_.querySelector('#'+id);
} else {
// jQuery lookup: twice as slow as xpath in FF
return $(this.svgElem_).find('[id=' + id + ']')[0];
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getSvgElem = function() {
return this.svgElem_;
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getNonce = function() {
return this.nonce_;
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.setNonce = function(n) {
this.svgElem_.setAttributeNS(xmlns_ns, 'xmlns:se', se_ns);
this.svgElem_.setAttributeNS(se_ns, 'se:nonce', n);
this.nonce_ = n;
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.clearNonce = function() {
// We deliberately leave any se:nonce attributes alone,
// we just don't use it to randomize ids.
this.nonce_ = "";
* Returns the latest object id as a string.
* @return {String} The latest object Id.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getId = function() {
return this.nonce_ ?
this.idPrefix + this.nonce_ +'_' + this.obj_num :
this.idPrefix + this.obj_num;
* Returns the next object Id as a string.
* @return {String} The next object Id to use.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getNextId = function() {
var oldObjNum = this.obj_num;
var restoreOldObjNum = false;
// If there are any released numbers in the release stack,
// use the last one instead of the next obj_num.
// We need to temporarily use obj_num as that is what getId() depends on.
if (this.releasedNums.length > 0) {
this.obj_num = this.releasedNums.pop();
restoreOldObjNum = true;
} else {
// If we are not using a released id, then increment the obj_num.
// Ensure the ID does not exist.
var id = this.getId();
while (this.getElem_(id)) {
if (restoreOldObjNum) {
this.obj_num = oldObjNum;
restoreOldObjNum = false;
id = this.getId();
// Restore the old object number if required.
if (restoreOldObjNum) {
this.obj_num = oldObjNum;
return id;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.releaseId
// Releases the object Id, letting it be used as the next id in getNextId().
// This method DOES NOT remove any elements from the DOM, it is expected
// that client code will do this.
// Parameters:
// id - The id to release.
// Returns:
// True if the id was valid to be released, false otherwise.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.releaseId = function(id) {
// confirm if this is a valid id for this Document, else return false
var front = this.idPrefix + (this.nonce_ ? this.nonce_ +'_' : '');
if (typeof id != typeof '' || id.indexOf(front) != 0) {
return false;
// extract the obj_num of this id
var num = parseInt(id.substr(front.length));
// if we didn't get a positive number or we already released this number
// then return false.
if (typeof num != typeof 1 || num <= 0 || this.releasedNums.indexOf(num) != -1) {
return false;
// push the released number into the released queue
return true;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.getNumLayers
// Returns the number of layers in the current drawing.
// Returns:
// The number of layers in the current drawing.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getNumLayers = function() {
return this.all_layers.length;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.hasLayer
// Check if layer with given name already exists
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.hasLayer = function(name) {
for(var i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); i++) {
if(this.all_layers[i][0] == name) return true;
return false;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.getLayerName
// Returns the name of the ith layer. If the index is out of range, an empty string is returned.
// Parameters:
// i - the zero-based index of the layer you are querying.
// Returns:
// The name of the ith layer
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getLayerName = function(i) {
if (i >= 0 && i < this.getNumLayers()) {
return this.all_layers[i][0];
return "";
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.getCurrentLayer
// Returns:
// The SVGGElement representing the current layer.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getCurrentLayer = function() {
return this.current_layer;
// Function: getCurrentLayerName
// Returns the name of the currently selected layer. If an error occurs, an empty string
// is returned.
// Returns:
// The name of the currently active layer.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getCurrentLayerName = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) {
if (this.all_layers[i][1] == this.current_layer) {
return this.getLayerName(i);
return "";
// Function: setCurrentLayer
// Sets the current layer. If the name is not a valid layer name, then this function returns
// false. Otherwise it returns true. This is not an undo-able action.
// Parameters:
// name - the name of the layer you want to switch to.
// Returns:
// true if the current layer was switched, otherwise false
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.setCurrentLayer = function(name) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) {
if (name == this.getLayerName(i)) {
if (this.current_layer != this.all_layers[i][1]) {
this.current_layer.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:none");
this.current_layer = this.all_layers[i][1];
this.current_layer.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:all");
return true;
return false;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.deleteCurrentLayer
// Deletes the current layer from the drawing and then clears the selection. This function
// then calls the 'changed' handler. This is an undoable action.
// Returns:
// The SVGGElement of the layer removed or null.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.deleteCurrentLayer = function() {
if (this.current_layer && this.getNumLayers() > 1) {
// actually delete from the DOM and return it
var parent = this.current_layer.parentNode;
var nextSibling = this.current_layer.nextSibling;
var oldLayerGroup = parent.removeChild(this.current_layer);
return oldLayerGroup;
return null;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.identifyLayers
// Updates layer system and sets the current layer to the
// top-most layer (last <g> child of this drawing).
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.identifyLayers = function() {
this.all_layers = [];
var numchildren = this.svgElem_.childNodes.length;
// loop through all children of SVG element
var orphans = [], layernames = [];
var a_layer = null;
var childgroups = false;
for (var i = 0; i < numchildren; ++i) {
var child = this.svgElem_.childNodes.item(i);
// for each g, find its layer name
if (child && child.nodeType == 1) {
if (child.tagName == "g") {
childgroups = true;
var name = $("title",child).text();
// Hack for Opera 10.60
if(!name && svgedit.browser.isOpera() && child.querySelectorAll) {
name = $(child.querySelectorAll('title')).text();
// store layer and name in global variable
if (name) {
this.all_layers.push( [name,child] );
a_layer = child;
svgedit.utilities.walkTree(child, function(e){e.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:inherit");});
a_layer.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:none");
// if group did not have a name, it is an orphan
else {
// if child has is "visible" (i.e. not a <title> or <defs> element), then it is an orphan
else if(~visElems_arr.indexOf(child.nodeName)) {
var bb = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(child);
// create a new layer and add all the orphans to it
var svgdoc = this.svgElem_.ownerDocument;
if (orphans.length > 0 || !childgroups) {
var i = 1;
// TODO(codedread): What about internationalization of "Layer"?
while (layernames.indexOf(("Layer " + i)) >= 0) { i++; }
var newname = "Layer " + i;
a_layer = svgdoc.createElementNS(svg_ns, "g");
var layer_title = svgdoc.createElementNS(svg_ns, "title");
layer_title.textContent = newname;
for (var j = 0; j < orphans.length; ++j) {
this.all_layers.push( [newname, a_layer] );
svgedit.utilities.walkTree(a_layer, function(e){e.setAttribute("style","pointer-events:inherit");});
this.current_layer = a_layer;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.createLayer
// Creates a new top-level layer in the drawing with the given name and
// sets the current layer to it.
// Parameters:
// name - The given name
// Returns:
// The SVGGElement of the new layer, which is also the current layer
// of this drawing.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.createLayer = function(name) {
var svgdoc = this.svgElem_.ownerDocument;
var new_layer = svgdoc.createElementNS(svg_ns, "g");
var layer_title = svgdoc.createElementNS(svg_ns, "title");
layer_title.textContent = name;
return new_layer;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.getLayerVisibility
// Returns whether the layer is visible. If the layer name is not valid, then this function
// returns false.
// Parameters:
// layername - the name of the layer which you want to query.
// Returns:
// The visibility state of the layer, or false if the layer name was invalid.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getLayerVisibility = function(layername) {
// find the layer
var layer = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) {
if (this.getLayerName(i) == layername) {
layer = this.all_layers[i][1];
if (!layer) return false;
return (layer.getAttribute('display') != 'none');
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.setLayerVisibility
// Sets the visibility of the layer. If the layer name is not valid, this function return
// false, otherwise it returns true. This is an undo-able action.
// Parameters:
// layername - the name of the layer to change the visibility
// bVisible - true/false, whether the layer should be visible
// Returns:
// The SVGGElement representing the layer if the layername was valid, otherwise null.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.setLayerVisibility = function(layername, bVisible) {
if (typeof bVisible != typeof true) {
return null;
// find the layer
var layer = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) {
if (this.getLayerName(i) == layername) {
layer = this.all_layers[i][1];
if (!layer) return null;
var oldDisplay = layer.getAttribute("display");
if (!oldDisplay) oldDisplay = "inline";
layer.setAttribute("display", bVisible ? "inline" : "none");
return layer;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.getLayerOpacity
// Returns the opacity of the given layer. If the input name is not a layer, null is returned.
// Parameters:
// layername - name of the layer on which to get the opacity
// Returns:
// The opacity value of the given layer. This will be a value between 0.0 and 1.0, or null
// if layername is not a valid layer
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getLayerOpacity = function(layername) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) {
if (this.getLayerName(i) == layername) {
var g = this.all_layers[i][1];
var opacity = g.getAttribute('opacity');
if (!opacity) {
opacity = '1.0';
return parseFloat(opacity);
return null;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.setLayerOpacity
// Sets the opacity of the given layer. If the input name is not a layer, nothing happens.
// If opacity is not a value between 0.0 and 1.0, then nothing happens.
// Parameters:
// layername - name of the layer on which to set the opacity
// opacity - a float value in the range 0.0-1.0
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.setLayerOpacity = function(layername, opacity) {
if (typeof opacity != typeof 1.0 || opacity < 0.0 || opacity > 1.0) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) {
if (this.getLayerName(i) == layername) {
var g = this.all_layers[i][1];
g.setAttribute("opacity", opacity);

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<script type="text/javascript" src="embedapi.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var svgCanvas = null;
function init_embed() {
var frame = document.getElementById('svgedit');
svgCanvas = new embedded_svg_edit(frame);
// Hide main button, as we will be controlling new/load/save etc from the host document
var doc;
doc = frame.contentDocument;
if (!doc)
doc = frame.contentWindow.document;
var mainButton = doc.getElementById('main_button'); = 'none';
function handleSvgData(data, error) {
if (error)
alert('error ' + error);
alert('Congratulations. Your SVG string is back in the host page, do with it what you will\n\n' + data);
function loadSvg() {
var svgexample = '<svg width="640" height="480" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns=""><g><title>Layer 1</title><rect stroke-width="5" stroke="#000000" fill="#FF0000" id="svg_1" height="35" width="51" y="35" x="32"/><ellipse ry="15" rx="24" stroke-width="5" stroke="#000000" fill="#0000ff" id="svg_2" cy="60" cx="66"/></g></svg>';
function saveSvg() {
<button onclick="loadSvg();">Load example</button>
<button onclick="saveSvg();">Save data</button>
<iframe src="svg-editor.html" width="900px" height="600px" id="svgedit" onload="init_embed()"></iframe>

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
<svg xmlns="">
<g id="tool_closepath">
<svg viewBox="0 0 300 300" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<title>Layer 1</title>
<path stroke="#000" stroke-width="15" fill="#ffc8c8" d="m121.5,40l-84,106l27,115l166,2l29,-111"/>
<line x1="240" y1="136" x2="169.5" y2="74" stroke="#A00" stroke-width="25" fill="none"/>
<path stroke="none" fill ="#A00" d="m158,65l31,74l-3,-50l51,-3z"/>
<g stroke-width="15" stroke="#00f" fill="#0ff">
<circle r="30" cy="41" cx="123"/>
<circle r="30" cy="146" cx="40"/>
<circle r="30" cy="260" cx="69"/>
<circle r="30" cy="260" cx="228"/>
<circle r="30" cy="148" cx="260"/>
<g id="tool_openpath">
<svg viewBox="0 0 300 300" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<title>Layer 1</title>
<path stroke="#000" stroke-width="15" fill="#ffc8c8" d="m123.5,38l-84,106l27,115l166,2l29,-111"/>
<line x1="276.5" y1="153" x2="108.5" y2="24" stroke="#000" stroke-width="10" fill="none"/>
<g stroke-width="15" stroke="#00f" fill="#0ff">
<circle r="30" cy="41" cx="123"/>
<circle r="30" cy="146" cx="40"/>
<circle r="30" cy="260" cx="69"/>
<circle r="30" cy="260" cx="228"/>
<circle r="30" cy="148" cx="260"/>
<g stroke="#A00" stroke-width="15" fill="none">
<line x1="168" y1="24" x2="210" y2="150"/>
<line x1="210" y1="24" x2="168" y2="150"/>
<g id="svg_eof"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.5 KiB

View File

@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
* ext-arrows.js
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
svgEditor.addExtension("Arrows", function(S) {
var svgcontent = S.svgcontent,
addElem = S.addSvgElementFromJson,
nonce = S.nonce,
randomize_ids = S.randomize_ids,
svgCanvas.bind('setnonce', setArrowNonce);
svgCanvas.bind('unsetnonce', unsetArrowNonce);
var lang_list = {
{"id": "arrow_none", "textContent": "No arrow" }
{"id": "arrow_none", "textContent": "Sans flèche" }
var prefix = 'se_arrow_';
if (randomize_ids) {
var arrowprefix = prefix + nonce + '_';
} else {
var arrowprefix = prefix;
var pathdata = {
fw: {d:"m0,0l10,5l-10,5l5,-5l-5,-5z", refx:8, id: arrowprefix + 'fw'},
bk: {d:"m10,0l-10,5l10,5l-5,-5l5,-5z", refx:2, id: arrowprefix + 'bk'}
function setArrowNonce(window, n) {
randomize_ids = true;
arrowprefix = prefix + n + '_'; = arrowprefix + 'fw'; = arrowprefix + 'bk';
function unsetArrowNonce(window) {
randomize_ids = false;
arrowprefix = prefix; = arrowprefix + 'fw'; = arrowprefix + 'bk';
function getLinked(elem, attr) {
var str = elem.getAttribute(attr);
if(!str) return null;
var m = str.match(/\(\#(.*)\)/);
if(!m || m.length !== 2) {
return null;
return S.getElem(m[1]);
function showPanel(on) {
if(on) {
var el = selElems[0];
var end = el.getAttribute("marker-end");
var start = el.getAttribute("marker-start");
var mid = el.getAttribute("marker-mid");
var val;
if(end && start) {
val = "both";
} else if(end) {
val = "end";
} else if(start) {
val = "start";
} else if(mid) {
val = "mid";
if(mid.indexOf("bk") != -1) {
val = "mid_bk";
if(!start && !mid && !end) {
val = "none";
function resetMarker() {
var el = selElems[0];
function addMarker(dir, type, id) {
// TODO: Make marker (or use?) per arrow type, since refX can be different
id = id || arrowprefix + dir;
var marker = S.getElem(id);
var data = pathdata[dir];
if(type == "mid") {
data.refx = 5;
if(!marker) {
marker = addElem({
"element": "marker",
"attr": {
"viewBox": "0 0 10 10",
"id": id,
"refY": 5,
"markerUnits": "strokeWidth",
"markerWidth": 5,
"markerHeight": 5,
"orient": "auto",
"style": "pointer-events:none" // Currently needed for Opera
var arrow = addElem({
"element": "path",
"attr": {
"d": data.d,
"fill": "#000000"
marker.setAttribute('refX', data.refx);
return marker;
function setArrow() {
var type = this.value;
if(type == "none") {
// Set marker on element
var dir = "fw";
if(type == "mid_bk") {
type = "mid";
dir = "bk";
} else if(type == "both") {
addMarker("bk", type);
svgCanvas.changeSelectedAttribute("marker-start", "url(#" + + ")");
type = "end";
dir = "fw";
} else if (type == "start") {
dir = "bk";
addMarker(dir, type);
svgCanvas.changeSelectedAttribute("marker-"+type, "url(#" + pathdata[dir].id + ")");"changed", selElems);
function colorChanged(elem) {
var color = elem.getAttribute('stroke');
var mtypes = ['start','mid','end'];
var defs = S.findDefs();
$.each(mtypes, function(i, type) {
var marker = getLinked(elem, 'marker-'+type);
if(!marker) return;
var cur_color = $(marker).children().attr('fill');
var cur_d = $(marker).children().attr('d');
var new_marker = null;
if(cur_color === color) return;
var all_markers = $(defs).find('marker');
// Different color, check if already made
all_markers.each(function() {
var attrs = $(this).children().attr(['fill', 'd']);
if(attrs.fill === color && attrs.d === cur_d) {
// Found another marker with this color and this path
new_marker = this;
if(!new_marker) {
// Create a new marker with this color
var last_id =;
var dir = last_id.indexOf('_fw') !== -1?'fw':'bk';
new_marker = addMarker(dir, type, arrowprefix + dir + all_markers.length);
$(new_marker).children().attr('fill', color);
$(elem).attr('marker-'+type, "url(#" + + ")");
// Check if last marker can be removed
var remove = true;
$(S.svgcontent).find('line, polyline, path, polygon').each(function() {
var elem = this;
$.each(mtypes, function(j, mtype) {
if($(elem).attr('marker-' + mtype) === "url(#" + + ")") {
return remove = false;
if(!remove) return false;
// Not found, so can safely remove
if(remove) {
return {
name: "Arrows",
context_tools: [{
type: "select",
panel: "arrow_panel",
title: "Select arrow type",
id: "arrow_list",
options: {
none: "No arrow",
end: "----&gt;",
start: "&lt;----",
both: "&lt;---&gt;",
mid: "--&gt;--",
mid_bk: "--&lt;--"
defval: "none",
events: {
change: setArrow
callback: function() {
// Set ID so it can be translated in locale file
$('#arrow_list option')[0].id = 'connector_no_arrow';
addLangData: function(lang) {
return {
data: lang_list[lang]
selectedChanged: function(opts) {
// Use this to update the current selected elements
selElems = opts.elems;
var i = selElems.length;
var marker_elems = ['line','path','polyline','polygon'];
while(i--) {
var elem = selElems[i];
if(elem && $.inArray(elem.tagName, marker_elems) != -1) {
if(opts.selectedElement && !opts.multiselected) {
} else {
} else {
elementChanged: function(opts) {
var elem = opts.elems[0];
if(elem && (
elem.getAttribute("marker-start") ||
elem.getAttribute("marker-mid") ||
)) {
// var start = elem.getAttribute("marker-start");
// var mid = elem.getAttribute("marker-mid");
// var end = elem.getAttribute("marker-end");
// Has marker, so see if it should match color

View File

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
* ext-closepath.js
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Jeff Schiller
// This extension adds a simple button to the contextual panel for paths
// The button toggles whether the path is open or closed
svgEditor.addExtension("ClosePath", function(S) {
var selElems,
updateButton = function(path) {
var seglist = path.pathSegList,
closed = seglist.getItem(seglist.numberOfItems - 1).pathSegType==1,
showbutton = closed ? '#tool_openpath' : '#tool_closepath',
hidebutton = closed ? '#tool_closepath' : '#tool_openpath';
showPanel = function(on) {
if (on) {
var path = selElems[0];
if (path) updateButton(path);
toggleClosed = function() {
var path = selElems[0];
if (path) {
var seglist = path.pathSegList,
last = seglist.numberOfItems - 1;
// is closed
if(seglist.getItem(last).pathSegType == 1) {
else {
return {
name: "ClosePath",
svgicons: "extensions/closepath_icons.svg",
buttons: [{
id: "tool_openpath",
type: "context",
panel: "closepath_panel",
title: "Open path",
events: {
'click': function() {
id: "tool_closepath",
type: "context",
panel: "closepath_panel",
title: "Close path",
events: {
'click': function() {
callback: function() {
selectedChanged: function(opts) {
selElems = opts.elems;
var i = selElems.length;
while(i--) {
var elem = selElems[i];
if(elem && elem.tagName == 'path') {
if(opts.selectedElement && !opts.multiselected) {
} else {
} else {

View File

@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
* ext-connector.js
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
svgEditor.addExtension("Connector", function(S) {
var svgcontent = S.svgcontent,
svgroot = S.svgroot,
getNextId = S.getNextId,
getElem = S.getElem,
addElem = S.addSvgElementFromJson,
selManager = S.selectorManager,
curConfig = svgEditor.curConfig,
started = false,
connections = [],
conn_sel = ".se_connector",
// connect_str = "-SE_CONNECT-",
selElems = [];
elData = $.data;
var lang_list = {
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects" }
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connecter deux objets"}
function getOffset(side, line) {
var give_offset = !!line.getAttribute('marker-' + side);
// var give_offset = $(line).data(side+'_off');
// TODO: Make this number (5) be based on marker width/height
var size = line.getAttribute('stroke-width') * 5;
return give_offset ? size : 0;
function showPanel(on) {
var conn_rules = $('#connector_rules');
if(!conn_rules.length) {
conn_rules = $('<style id="connector_rules"><\/style>').appendTo('head');
conn_rules.text(!on?"":"#tool_clone, #tool_topath, #tool_angle, #xy_panel { display: none !important; }");
function setPoint(elem, pos, x, y, setMid) {
var pts = elem.points;
var pt = svgroot.createSVGPoint();
pt.x = x;
pt.y = y;
if(pos === 'end') pos = pts.numberOfItems-1;
// TODO: Test for this on init, then use alt only if needed
try {
pts.replaceItem(pt, pos);
} catch(err) {
// Should only occur in FF which formats points attr as "n,n n,n", so just split
var pt_arr = elem.getAttribute("points").split(" ");
for(var i=0; i< pt_arr.length; i++) {
if(i == pos) {
pt_arr[i] = x + ',' + y;
elem.setAttribute("points",pt_arr.join(" "));
if(setMid) {
// Add center point
var pt_start = pts.getItem(0);
var pt_end = pts.getItem(pts.numberOfItems-1);
setPoint(elem, 1, (pt_end.x + pt_start.x)/2, (pt_end.y + pt_start.y)/2);
function updateLine(diff_x, diff_y) {
// Update line with element
var i = connections.length;
while(i--) {
var conn = connections[i];
var line = conn.connector;
var elem = conn.elem;
var pre = conn.is_start?'start':'end';
// var sw = line.getAttribute('stroke-width') * 5;
// Update bbox for this element
var bb = elData(line, pre+'_bb');
bb.x = conn.start_x + diff_x;
bb.y = conn.start_y + diff_y;
elData(line, pre+'_bb', bb);
var alt_pre = conn.is_start?'end':'start';
// Get center pt of connected element
var bb2 = elData(line, alt_pre+'_bb');
var src_x = bb2.x + bb2.width/2;
var src_y = bb2.y + bb2.height/2;
// Set point of element being moved
var pt = getBBintersect(src_x, src_y, bb, getOffset(pre, line)); // $(line).data(pre+'_off')?sw:0
setPoint(line, conn.is_start?0:'end', pt.x, pt.y, true);
// Set point of connected element
var pt2 = getBBintersect(pt.x, pt.y, elData(line, alt_pre + '_bb'), getOffset(alt_pre, line));
setPoint(line, conn.is_start?'end':0, pt2.x, pt2.y, true);
function findConnectors(elems) {
if(!elems) elems = selElems;
var connectors = $(svgcontent).find(conn_sel);
connections = [];
// Loop through connectors to see if one is connected to the element
connectors.each(function() {
var start = elData(this, "c_start");
var end = elData(this, "c_end");
var parts = [getElem(start), getElem(end)];
for(var i=0; i<2; i++) {
var c_elem = parts[i];
var add_this = false;
// The connected element might be part of a selected group
$(c_elem).parents().each(function() {
if($.inArray(this, elems) !== -1) {
// Pretend this element is selected
add_this = true;
if(!c_elem || !c_elem.parentNode) {
if($.inArray(c_elem, elems) !== -1 || add_this) {
var bb = svgCanvas.getStrokedBBox([c_elem]);
elem: c_elem,
connector: this,
is_start: (i === 0),
start_x: bb.x,
start_y: bb.y
function updateConnectors(elems) {
// Updates connector lines based on selected elements
// Is not used on mousemove, as it runs getStrokedBBox every time,
// which isn't necessary there.
if(connections.length) {
// Update line with element
var i = connections.length;
while(i--) {
var conn = connections[i];
var line = conn.connector;
var elem = conn.elem;
var sw = line.getAttribute('stroke-width') * 5;
var pre = conn.is_start?'start':'end';
// Update bbox for this element
var bb = svgCanvas.getStrokedBBox([elem]);
bb.x = conn.start_x;
bb.y = conn.start_y;
elData(line, pre+'_bb', bb);
var add_offset = elData(line, pre+'_off');
var alt_pre = conn.is_start?'end':'start';
// Get center pt of connected element
var bb2 = elData(line, alt_pre+'_bb');
var src_x = bb2.x + bb2.width/2;
var src_y = bb2.y + bb2.height/2;
// Set point of element being moved
var pt = getBBintersect(src_x, src_y, bb, getOffset(pre, line));
setPoint(line, conn.is_start?0:'end', pt.x, pt.y, true);
// Set point of connected element
var pt2 = getBBintersect(pt.x, pt.y, elData(line, alt_pre + '_bb'), getOffset(alt_pre, line));
setPoint(line, conn.is_start?'end':0, pt2.x, pt2.y, true);
// Update points attribute manually for webkit
if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf('AppleWebKit') != -1) {
var pts = line.points;
var len = pts.numberOfItems;
var pt_arr = Array(len);
for(var j=0; j< len; j++) {
var pt = pts.getItem(j);
pt_arr[j] = pt.x + ',' + pt.y;
line.setAttribute("points",pt_arr.join(" "));
function getBBintersect(x, y, bb, offset) {
if(offset) {
offset -= 0;
bb = $.extend({}, bb);
bb.width += offset;
bb.height += offset;
bb.x -= offset/2;
bb.y -= offset/2;
var mid_x = bb.x + bb.width/2;
var mid_y = bb.y + bb.height/2;
var len_x = x - mid_x;
var len_y = y - mid_y;
var slope = Math.abs(len_y/len_x);
var ratio;
if(slope < bb.height/bb.width) {
ratio = (bb.width/2) / Math.abs(len_x);
} else {
ratio = (bb.height/2) / Math.abs(len_y);
return {
x: mid_x + len_x * ratio,
y: mid_y + len_y * ratio
// Do once
(function() {
var gse = svgCanvas.groupSelectedElements;
svgCanvas.groupSelectedElements = function() {
return gse.apply(this, arguments);
var mse = svgCanvas.moveSelectedElements;
svgCanvas.moveSelectedElements = function() {
var cmd = mse.apply(this, arguments);
return cmd;
se_ns = svgCanvas.getEditorNS();
// Do on reset
function init() {
// Make sure all connectors have data set
$(svgcontent).find('*').each(function() {
var conn = this.getAttributeNS(se_ns, "connector");
if(conn) {
this.setAttribute('class', conn_sel.substr(1));
var conn_data = conn.split(' ');
var sbb = svgCanvas.getStrokedBBox([getElem(conn_data[0])]);
var ebb = svgCanvas.getStrokedBBox([getElem(conn_data[1])]);
.data('start_bb', sbb)
.data('end_bb', ebb);
// updateConnectors();
// $(svgroot).parent().mousemove(function(e) {
// // if(started
// // || svgCanvas.getMode() != "connector"
// // || != svgcontent) return;
// console.log('y')
// // if( === svgcontent) {
// //
// // }
// });
return {
name: "Connector",
svgicons: "images/conn.svg",
buttons: [{
id: "mode_connect",
type: "mode",
icon: "images/cut.png",
title: "Connect two objects",
includeWith: {
button: '#tool_line',
isDefault: false,
position: 1
events: {
'click': function() {
addLangData: function(lang) {
return {
data: lang_list[lang]
mouseDown: function(opts) {
var e = opts.event;
start_x = opts.start_x,
start_y = opts.start_y;
var mode = svgCanvas.getMode();
if(mode == "connector") {
if(started) return;
var mouse_target =;
var parents = $(mouse_target).parents();
if($.inArray(svgcontent, parents) != -1) {
// Connectable element
// If child of foreignObject, use parent
var fo = $(mouse_target).closest("foreignObject");
start_elem = fo.length ? fo[0] : mouse_target;
// Get center of source element
var bb = svgCanvas.getStrokedBBox([start_elem]);
var x = bb.x + bb.width/2;
var y = bb.y + bb.height/2;
started = true;
cur_line = addElem({
"element": "polyline",
"attr": {
"id": getNextId(),
"points": (x+','+y+' '+x+','+y+' '+start_x+','+start_y),
"stroke": '#' + curConfig.initStroke.color,
"stroke-width": (!start_elem.stroke_width || start_elem.stroke_width == 0) ? curConfig.initStroke.width : start_elem.stroke_width,
"fill": "none",
"opacity": curConfig.initStroke.opacity,
"style": "pointer-events:none"
elData(cur_line, 'start_bb', bb);
return {
started: true
} else if(mode == "select") {
mouseMove: function(opts) {
var zoom = svgCanvas.getZoom();
var e = opts.event;
var x = opts.mouse_x/zoom;
var y = opts.mouse_y/zoom;
var diff_x = x - start_x,
diff_y = y - start_y;
var mode = svgCanvas.getMode();
if(mode == "connector" && started) {
var sw = cur_line.getAttribute('stroke-width') * 3;
// Set start point (adjusts based on bb)
var pt = getBBintersect(x, y, elData(cur_line, 'start_bb'), getOffset('start', cur_line));
start_x = pt.x;
start_y = pt.y;
setPoint(cur_line, 0, pt.x, pt.y, true);
// Set end point
setPoint(cur_line, 'end', x, y, true);
} else if(mode == "select") {
var slen = selElems.length;
while(slen--) {
var elem = selElems[slen];
// Look for selected connector elements
if(elem && elData(elem, 'c_start')) {
// Remove the "translate" transform given to move
if(connections.length) {
updateLine(diff_x, diff_y);
mouseUp: function(opts) {
var zoom = svgCanvas.getZoom();
var e = opts.event,
x = opts.mouse_x/zoom,
y = opts.mouse_y/zoom,
mouse_target =;
if(svgCanvas.getMode() == "connector") {
var fo = $(mouse_target).closest("foreignObject");
if(fo.length) mouse_target = fo[0];
var parents = $(mouse_target).parents();
if(mouse_target == start_elem) {
// Start line through click
started = true;
return {
keep: true,
element: null,
started: started
} else if($.inArray(svgcontent, parents) === -1) {
// Not a valid target element, so remove line
started = false;
return {
keep: false,
element: null,
started: started
} else {
// Valid end element
end_elem = mouse_target;
var start_id =, end_id =;
var conn_str = start_id + " " + end_id;
var alt_str = end_id + " " + start_id;
// Don't create connector if one already exists
var dupe = $(svgcontent).find(conn_sel).filter(function() {
var conn = this.getAttributeNS(se_ns, "connector");
if(conn == conn_str || conn == alt_str) return true;
if(dupe.length) {
return {
keep: false,
element: null,
started: false
var bb = svgCanvas.getStrokedBBox([end_elem]);
var pt = getBBintersect(start_x, start_y, bb, getOffset('start', cur_line));
setPoint(cur_line, 'end', pt.x, pt.y, true);
.data("c_start", start_id)
.data("c_end", end_id)
.data("end_bb", bb);
se_ns = svgCanvas.getEditorNS(true);
cur_line.setAttributeNS(se_ns, "se:connector", conn_str);
cur_line.setAttribute('class', conn_sel.substr(1));
cur_line.setAttribute('opacity', 1);
started = false;
return {
keep: true,
element: cur_line,
started: started
selectedChanged: function(opts) {
// TODO: Find better way to skip operations if no connectors are in use
if(!$(svgcontent).find(conn_sel).length) return;
if(svgCanvas.getMode() == 'connector') {
// Use this to update the current selected elements
selElems = opts.elems;
var i = selElems.length;
while(i--) {
var elem = selElems[i];
if(elem && elData(elem, 'c_start')) {
if(opts.selectedElement && !opts.multiselected) {
// TODO: Set up context tools and hide most regular line tools
} else {
} else {
elementChanged: function(opts) {
var elem = opts.elems[0];
if (elem && elem.tagName == 'svg' && == "svgcontent") {
// Update svgcontent (can change on import)
svgcontent = elem;
// Has marker, so change offset
if(elem && (
elem.getAttribute("marker-start") ||
elem.getAttribute("marker-mid") ||
)) {
var start = elem.getAttribute("marker-start");
var mid = elem.getAttribute("marker-mid");
var end = elem.getAttribute("marker-end");
cur_line = elem;
.data("start_off", !!start)
.data("end_off", !!end);
if(elem.tagName == "line" && mid) {
// Convert to polyline to accept mid-arrow
var x1 = elem.getAttribute('x1')-0;
var x2 = elem.getAttribute('x2')-0;
var y1 = elem.getAttribute('y1')-0;
var y2 = elem.getAttribute('y2')-0;
var id =;
var mid_pt = (' '+((x1+x2)/2)+','+((y1+y2)/2) + ' ');
var pline = addElem({
"element": "polyline",
"attr": {
"points": (x1+','+y1+ mid_pt +x2+','+y2),
"stroke": elem.getAttribute('stroke'),
"stroke-width": elem.getAttribute('stroke-width'),
"marker-mid": mid,
"fill": "none",
"opacity": elem.getAttribute('opacity') || 1
svgCanvas.clearSelection(); = id;
elem = pline;
// Update line if it's a connector
if(elem.getAttribute('class') == conn_sel.substr(1)) {
var start = getElem(elData(elem, 'c_start'));
} else {
toolButtonStateUpdate: function(opts) {
if(opts.nostroke) {
if ($('#mode_connect').hasClass('tool_button_current')) {

View File

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
* ext-eyedropper.js
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Jeff Schiller
// Dependencies:
// 1) jQuery
// 2) history.js
// 3) svg_editor.js
// 4) svgcanvas.js
svgEditor.addExtension("eyedropper", function(S) {
var svgcontent = S.svgcontent,
svgns = "",
svgdoc = S.svgroot.parentNode.ownerDocument,
svgCanvas = svgEditor.canvas,
ChangeElementCommand = svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand,
addToHistory = function(cmd) { svgCanvas.undoMgr.addCommandToHistory(cmd); },
currentStyle = {fillPaint: "red", fillOpacity: 1.0,
strokePaint: "black", strokeOpacity: 1.0,
strokeWidth: 5, strokeDashArray: null,
opacity: 1.0,
strokeLinecap: 'butt',
strokeLinejoin: 'miter',
function getStyle(opts) {
// if we are in eyedropper mode, we don't want to disable the eye-dropper tool
var mode = svgCanvas.getMode();
if (mode == "eyedropper") return;
var elem = null;
var tool = $('#tool_eyedropper');
// enable-eye-dropper if one element is selected
if (!opts.multiselected && opts.elems[0] &&
$.inArray(opts.elems[0].nodeName, ['svg', 'g', 'use']) == -1)
elem = opts.elems[0];
// disable eye-dropper tool
else {
return {
name: "eyedropper",
svgicons: "extensions/eyedropper-icon.xml",
buttons: [{
id: "tool_eyedropper",
type: "mode",
title: "Eye Dropper Tool",
key: "I",
class: "disabled",
events: {
"click": function() {
// if we have selected an element, grab its paint and enable the eye dropper button
selectedChanged: getStyle,
elementChanged: getStyle,
mouseDown: function(opts) {
var mode = svgCanvas.getMode();
if (mode == "eyedropper") {
var e = opts.event;
var target =;
currentStyle.fillPaint = target.getAttribute("fill") || "white";
currentStyle.fillOpacity = target.getAttribute("fill-opacity") || 1.0;
currentStyle.strokePaint = target.getAttribute("stroke");
currentStyle.strokeOpacity = target.getAttribute("stroke-opacity") || 1.0;
currentStyle.strokeWidth = target.getAttribute("stroke-width");
currentStyle.strokeDashArray = target.getAttribute("stroke-dasharray");
currentStyle.strokeLinecap = target.getAttribute("stroke-linecap");
currentStyle.strokeLinejoin = target.getAttribute("stroke-linejoin");
currentStyle.opacity = target.getAttribute("opacity") || 1.0;
if ($.inArray(target.nodeName, ['g', 'use']) == -1) {
var changes = {};
var change = function(elem, attrname, newvalue) {
changes[attrname] = elem.getAttribute(attrname);
elem.setAttribute(attrname, newvalue);
if (currentStyle.fillPaint) change(opts.selectedElements[0], "fill", currentStyle.fillPaint);
if (currentStyle.fillOpacity) change(opts.selectedElements[0], "fill-opacity", currentStyle.fillOpacity);
if (currentStyle.strokePaint) change(opts.selectedElements[0], "stroke", currentStyle.strokePaint);
if (currentStyle.strokeOpacity) change(opts.selectedElements[0], "stroke-opacity", currentStyle.strokeOpacity);
if (currentStyle.strokeWidth) change(opts.selectedElements[0], "stroke-width", currentStyle.strokeWidth);
if (currentStyle.strokeDashArray) change(opts.selectedElements[0], "stroke-dasharray", currentStyle.strokeDashArray);
if (currentStyle.opacity) change(opts.selectedElements[0], "opacity", currentStyle.opacity);
if (currentStyle.strokeLinecap) change(opts.selectedElements[0], "stroke-linecap", currentStyle.strokeLinecap);
if (currentStyle.strokeLinejoin) change(opts.selectedElements[0], "stroke-linejoin", currentStyle.strokeLinejoin);
addToHistory(new ChangeElementCommand(target, changes));

View File

@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
* ext-foreignobject.js
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Jacques Distler
* Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
svgEditor.addExtension("foreignObject", function(S) {
var svgcontent = S.svgcontent,
addElem = S.addSvgElementFromJson,
svgns = "",
xlinkns = "",
xmlns = "",
xmlnsns = "",
se_ns = "",
htmlns = "",
mathns = "",
editingforeign = false,
svgdoc = S.svgroot.parentNode.ownerDocument,
var properlySourceSizeTextArea = function(){
// TODO: remove magic numbers here and get values from CSS
var height = $('#svg_source_container').height() - 80;
$('#svg_source_textarea').css('height', height);
function showPanel(on) {
var fc_rules = $('#fc_rules');
if(!fc_rules.length) {
fc_rules = $('<style id="fc_rules"><\/style>').appendTo('head');
fc_rules.text(!on?"":" #tool_topath { display: none !important; }");
function toggleSourceButtons(on) {
$('#tool_source_save, #tool_source_cancel').toggle(!on);
$('#foreign_save, #foreign_cancel').toggle(on);
// Function: setForeignString(xmlString, elt)
// This function sets the content of element elt to the input XML.
// Parameters:
// xmlString - The XML text.
// elt - the parent element to append to
// Returns:
// This function returns false if the set was unsuccessful, true otherwise.
function setForeignString(xmlString) {
var elt = selElems[0];
try {
// convert string into XML document
var newDoc = Utils.text2xml('<svg xmlns="'+svgns+'" xmlns:xlink="'+xlinkns+'">'+xmlString+'</svg>');
// run it through our sanitizer to remove anything we do not support
elt.parentNode.replaceChild(svgdoc.importNode(newDoc.documentElement.firstChild, true), elt);"changed", [elt]);
} catch(e) {
return false;
return true;
function showForeignEditor() {
var elt = selElems[0];
if (!elt || editingforeign) return;
editingforeign = true;
var str = S.svgToString(elt, 0);
function setAttr(attr, val) {
svgCanvas.changeSelectedAttribute(attr, val);"changed", selElems);
return {
name: "foreignObject",
svgicons: "extensions/foreignobject-icons.xml",
buttons: [{
id: "tool_foreign",
type: "mode",
title: "Foreign Object Tool",
events: {
'click': function() {
id: "edit_foreign",
type: "context",
panel: "foreignObject_panel",
title: "Edit ForeignObject Content",
events: {
'click': function() {
context_tools: [{
type: "input",
panel: "foreignObject_panel",
title: "Change foreignObject's width",
id: "foreign_width",
label: "w",
size: 3,
events: {
change: function() {
setAttr('width', this.value);
type: "input",
panel: "foreignObject_panel",
title: "Change foreignObject's height",
id: "foreign_height",
label: "h",
events: {
change: function() {
setAttr('height', this.value);
}, {
type: "input",
panel: "foreignObject_panel",
title: "Change foreignObject's font size",
id: "foreign_font_size",
label: "font-size",
size: 2,
defval: 16,
events: {
change: function() {
setAttr('font-size', this.value);
callback: function() {
var endChanges = function() {
editingforeign = false;
// TODO: Needs to be done after orig icon loads
setTimeout(function() {
// Create source save/cancel buttons
var save = $('#tool_source_save').clone()
.hide().attr('id', 'foreign_save').unbind()
.appendTo("#tool_source_back").click(function() {
if (!editingforeign) return;
if (!setForeignString($('#svg_source_textarea').val())) {
$.confirm("Errors found. Revert to original?", function(ok) {
if(!ok) return false;
} else {
// setSelectMode();
var cancel = $('#tool_source_cancel').clone()
.hide().attr('id', 'foreign_cancel').unbind()
.appendTo("#tool_source_back").click(function() {
}, 3000);
mouseDown: function(opts) {
var e = opts.event;
if(svgCanvas.getMode() == "foreign") {
started = true;
newFO = S.addSvgElementFromJson({
"element": "foreignObject",
"attr": {
"x": opts.start_x,
"y": opts.start_y,
"id": S.getNextId(),
"font-size": 16, //cur_text.font_size,
"width": "48",
"height": "20",
"style": "pointer-events:inherit"
var m = svgdoc.createElementNS(mathns, 'math');
m.setAttributeNS(xmlnsns, 'xmlns', mathns);
m.setAttribute('display', 'inline');
var mi = svgdoc.createElementNS(mathns, 'mi');
mi.setAttribute('mathvariant', 'normal');
mi.textContent = "\u03A6";
var mo = svgdoc.createElementNS(mathns, 'mo');
mo.textContent = "\u222A";
var mi2 = svgdoc.createElementNS(mathns, 'mi');
mi2.textContent = "\u2133";
return {
started: true
mouseUp: function(opts) {
var e = opts.event;
if(svgCanvas.getMode() == "foreign" && started) {
var attrs = $(newFO).attr(["width", "height"]);
keep = (attrs.width != 0 || attrs.height != 0);
svgCanvas.addToSelection([newFO], true);
return {
keep: keep,
element: newFO
selectedChanged: function(opts) {
// Use this to update the current selected elements
selElems = opts.elems;
var i = selElems.length;
while(i--) {
var elem = selElems[i];
if(elem && elem.tagName == "foreignObject") {
if(opts.selectedElement && !opts.multiselected) {
} else {
} else {
elementChanged: function(opts) {
var elem = opts.elems[0];

View File

@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
* ext-grid.js
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Redou Mine
* Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
// Dependencies:
// 1) units.js
// 2) everything else
svgEditor.addExtension("view_grid", function(s) {
var svgdoc = document.getElementById("svgcanvas").ownerDocument,
svgns = "",
dims = svgEditor.curConfig.dimensions,
svgroot = s.svgroot;
var showGrid = false;
var assignAttributes = svgCanvas.assignAttributes;
var hcanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
var canvasgrid = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "svg");
assignAttributes(canvasgrid, {
'id': 'canvasGrid',
'width': '100%',
'height': '100%',
'x': 0,
'y': 0,
'overflow': 'visible',
'display': 'none'
var canvBG = $('#canvasBackground');
// grid-pattern
var gridPattern = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "pattern");
assignAttributes(gridPattern, {
'id': 'gridpattern',
'patternUnits': 'userSpaceOnUse',
'x': 0, //-(value.strokeWidth / 2), // position for strokewidth
'y': 0, //-(value.strokeWidth / 2), // position for strokewidth
'width': 100,
'height': 100
var gridimg = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "image");
assignAttributes(gridimg, {
'x': 0,
'y': 0,
'width': 100,
'height': 100
$('#svgroot defs').append(gridPattern);
// grid-box
var gridBox = svgdoc.createElementNS(svgns, "rect");
assignAttributes(gridBox, {
'width': '100%',
'height': '100%',
'x': 0,
'y': 0,
'stroke-width': 0,
'stroke': 'none',
'fill': 'url(#gridpattern)',
'style': 'pointer-events: none; display:visible;'
// });
function updateGrid(zoom) {
// TODO: Try this with <line> elements, then compare performance difference
var bgwidth = +canvBG.attr('width');
var bgheight = +canvBG.attr('height');
var units = svgedit.units.getTypeMap();
var unit = units[svgEditor.curConfig.baseUnit]; // 1 = 1px
var r_intervals = [.01, .1, 1, 10, 100, 1000];
var d = 0;
var is_x = (d === 0);
var dim = is_x ? 'x' : 'y';
var lentype = is_x?'width':'height';
var c_elem = svgCanvas.getContentElem();
var content_d = c_elem.getAttribute(dim)-0;
var hcanv = hcanvas;
var u_multi = unit * zoom;
// Calculate the main number interval
var raw_m = 100 / u_multi;
var multi = 1;
for(var i = 0; i < r_intervals.length; i++) {
var num = r_intervals[i];
multi = num;
if(raw_m <= num) {
var big_int = multi * u_multi;
// Set the canvas size to the width of the container
hcanv.width = big_int;
hcanv.height = big_int;
var ctx = hcanv.getContext("2d");
var ruler_d = 0;
var cur_d = .5;
var part = big_int / 10;
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.2;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#000";
for(var i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
var sub_d = Math.round(part * i) + .5;
// var line_num = (i % 2)?12:10;
var line_num = 0;
ctx.moveTo(sub_d, big_int);
ctx.lineTo(sub_d, line_num);
ctx.moveTo(big_int, sub_d);
ctx.lineTo(line_num ,sub_d);
ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5;
ctx.moveTo(cur_d, big_int);
ctx.lineTo(cur_d, 0);
ctx.moveTo(big_int, cur_d);
ctx.lineTo(0, cur_d);
var datauri = hcanv.toDataURL('image/png');
gridimg.setAttribute('width', big_int);
gridimg.setAttribute('height', big_int);
gridimg.parentNode.setAttribute('width', big_int);
gridimg.parentNode.setAttribute('height', big_int);
svgCanvas.setHref(gridimg, datauri);
return {
name: "view_grid",
zoomChanged: function(zoom) {
// update size
if(showGrid) updateGrid(zoom);
buttons: [{
id: "view_grid",
type: "menu",
after: "tool_wireframe",
panel: "view_menu",
title: "Show/Hide Grid",
events: {
'click': function() {
var gr = !$('#view_grid').hasClass('push_button_pressed');
if (gr) {
svgEditor.curConfig.showGrid = showGrid = true;
$('#canvasGrid').attr('display', 'normal');
else {
svgEditor.curConfig.showGrid = showGrid = false;
$('#canvasGrid').attr('display', 'none');

View File

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
* ext-helloworld.js
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
This is a very basic SVG-Edit extension. It adds a "Hello World" button in
the left panel. Clicking on the button, and then the canvas will show the
user the point on the canvas that was clicked on.
svgEditor.addExtension("Hello World", function() {
return {
name: "Hello World",
// For more notes on how to make an icon file, see the source of
// the hellorworld-icon.xml
svgicons: "extensions/helloworld-icon.xml",
// Multiple buttons can be added in this array
buttons: [{
// Must match the icon ID in helloworld-icon.xml
id: "hello_world",
// This indicates that the button will be added to the "mode"
// button panel on the left side
type: "mode",
// Tooltip text
title: "Say 'Hello World'",
// Events
events: {
'click': function() {
// The action taken when the button is clicked on.
// For "mode" buttons, any other button will
// automatically be de-pressed.
// This is triggered when the main mouse button is pressed down
// on the editor canvas (not the tool panels)
mouseDown: function() {
// Check the mode on mousedown
if(svgCanvas.getMode() == "hello_world") {
// The returned object must include "started" with
// a value of true in order for mouseUp to be triggered
return {started: true};
// This is triggered from anywhere, but "started" must have been set
// to true (see above). Note that "opts" is an object with event info
mouseUp: function(opts) {
// Check the mode on mouseup
if(svgCanvas.getMode() == "hello_world") {
var zoom = svgCanvas.getZoom();
// Get the actual coordinate by dividing by the zoom value
var x = opts.mouse_x / zoom;
var y = opts.mouse_y / zoom;
var text = "Hello World!\n\nYou clicked here: "
+ x + ", " + y;
// Show the text using the custom alert function

View File

@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
* ext-imagelib.js
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
svgEditor.addExtension("imagelib", function() {
var uiStrings = svgEditor.uiStrings;
$.extend(uiStrings, {
imagelib: {
select_lib: 'Select an image library',
show_list: 'Show library list',
import_single: 'Import single',
import_multi: 'Import multiple',
open: 'Open as new document'
var img_libs = [{
name: 'Demo library (local)',
url: 'extensions/imagelib/index.html',
description: 'Demonstration library for SVG-edit on this server'
name: 'IAN Symbol Libraries',
url: '',
description: 'Free library of illustrations'
var xlinkns = "";
function closeBrowser() {
function importImage(url) {
var newImage = svgCanvas.addSvgElementFromJson({
"element": "image",
"attr": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"id": svgCanvas.getNextId(),
"style": "pointer-events:inherit"
var mode = 's';
var multi_arr = [];
var cur_meta;
var tranfer_stopped = false;
var pending = {};
window.addEventListener("message", function(evt) {
// Receive postMessage data
var response =;
if(!response) {
// Do nothing
var char1 = response.charAt(0);
var svg_str;
var img_str;
if(char1 != "{" && tranfer_stopped) {
tranfer_stopped = false;
if(char1 == '|') {
var secondpos = response.indexOf('|', 1);
var id = response.substr(1, secondpos-1);
response = response.substr(secondpos+1);
char1 = response.charAt(0);
// Hide possible transfer dialog box
switch (char1) {
case '{':
// Metadata
tranfer_stopped = false;
var cur_meta = JSON.parse(response);
pending[] = cur_meta;
var name = ( || 'file');
var message = uiStrings.notification.retrieving.replace('%s', name);
if(mode != 'm') {
$.process_cancel(message, function() {
tranfer_stopped = true;
// Should a message be sent back to the frame?
} else {
var entry = $('<div>' + message + '</div>').data('id',;
cur_meta.entry = entry;
case '<':
svg_str = true;
case 'd':
if(response.indexOf('data:image/svg+xml') === 0) {
var pre = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,';
var src = response.substring(pre.length);
response = svgCanvas.Utils.decode64(src);
svg_str = true;
} else if(response.indexOf('data:image/') === 0) {
img_str = true;
// Else fall through
// TODO: See if there's a way to base64 encode the binary data stream
// var str = 'data:;base64,' + svgCanvas.Utils.encode64(response, true);
// Assume it's raw image data
// importImage(str);
// Don't give warning as postMessage may have been used by something else
if(mode !== 'm') {
} else {
// $.alert('Unexpected data was returned: ' + response, function() {
// if(mode !== 'm') {
// closeBrowser();
// } else {
// pending[id].entry.remove();
// }
// });
switch (mode) {
case 's':
// Import one
if(svg_str) {
} else if(img_str) {
case 'm':
// Import multiple
multi_arr.push([(svg_str ? 'svg' : 'img'), response]);
var cur_meta = pending[id];
if(svg_str) {
if(cur_meta && {
var title =;
} else {
// Try to find a title
var xml = new DOMParser().parseFromString(response, 'text/xml').documentElement;
var title = $(xml).children('title').first().text() || '(SVG #' + response.length + ')';
if(cur_meta) {
preview.children().each(function() {
if($(this).data('id') == id) {
if(cur_meta.preview_url) {
$(this).html('<img src="' + cur_meta.preview_url + '">' + title);
} else {
} else {
} else {
if(cur_meta && cur_meta.preview_url) {
var title = || '';
if(cur_meta && cur_meta.preview_url) {
var entry = '<img src="' + cur_meta.preview_url + '">' + title;
} else {
var entry = '<img src="' + response + '">';
if(cur_meta) {
preview.children().each(function() {
if($(this).data('id') == id) {
} else {
case 'o':
// Open
if(!svg_str) break;
svgEditor.openPrep(function(ok) {
if(!ok) return;
// updateCanvas();
}, true);
var preview, submit;
function toggleMulti(show) {
$('#lib_framewrap, #imglib_opts').css({right: (show ? 200 : 10)});
if(!preview) {
preview = $('<div id=imglib_preview>').css({
position: 'absolute',
top: 45,
right: 10,
width: 180,
bottom: 45,
background: '#fff',
overflow: 'auto'
submit = $('<button disabled>Import selected</button>').appendTo('#imgbrowse').click(function() {
$.each(multi_arr, function(i) {
var type = this[0];
var data = this[1];
if(type == 'svg') {
} else {
svgCanvas.moveSelectedElements(i*20, i*20, false);
multi_arr = [];
position: 'absolute',
bottom: 10,
right: -10
function showBrowser() {
var browser = $('#imgbrowse');
if(!browser.length) {
$('<div id=imgbrowse_holder><div id=imgbrowse class=toolbar_button>\
browser = $('#imgbrowse');
var all_libs = uiStrings.imagelib.select_lib;
var lib_opts = $('<ul id=imglib_opts>').appendTo(browser);
var frame = $('<iframe/>').prependTo(browser).hide().wrap('<div id=lib_framewrap>');
var header = $('<h1>').prependTo(browser).text(all_libs).css({
position: 'absolute',
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: '100%'
var cancel = $('<button>' + uiStrings.common.cancel + '</button>').appendTo(browser).click(function() {
position: 'absolute',
top: 5,
right: -10
var leftBlock = $('<span>').css({position:'absolute',top:5,left:10}).appendTo(browser);
var back = $('<button hidden>' + uiStrings.imagelib.show_list + '</button>').appendTo(leftBlock).click(function() {
frame.attr('src', 'about:blank').hide();;
'margin-right': 5
var type = $('<select><option value=s>' +
uiStrings.imagelib.import_single + '</option><option value=m>' +
uiStrings.imagelib.import_multi + '</option><option value=o>' + + '</option></select>').appendTo(leftBlock).change(function() {
mode = $(this).val();
switch (mode) {
case 's':
case 'o':
case 'm':
// Import multiple
'margin-top': 10
cancel.prepend($.getSvgIcon('cancel', true));
back.prepend($.getSvgIcon('tool_imagelib', true));
$.each(img_libs, function(i, opts) {
$('<li>').appendTo(lib_opts).text( {
frame.attr('src', opts.url).show();
}).append('<span>' + opts.description + '</span>');
} else {
return {
buttons: [{
id: "tool_imagelib",
type: "menu", // _flyout
position: 4,
panel: "file_menu",
title: "Image library",
events: {
"mouseup": showBrowser
callback: function() {
#imgbrowse_holder {\
position: absolute;\
top: 0;\
left: 0;\
width: 100%;\
height: 100%;\
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);\
z-index: 5;\
#imgbrowse {\
position: absolute;\
top: 25px;\
left: 25px;\
right: 25px;\
bottom: 25px;\
min-width: 300px;\
min-height: 200px;\
background: #B0B0B0;\
border: 1px outset #777;\
#imgbrowse h1 {\
font-size: 20px;\
margin: .4em;\
text-align: center;\
#imgbrowse > ul {\
position: absolute;\
top: 45px;\
left: 10px;\
right: 10px;\
bottom: 10px;\
background: white;\
margin: 0;\
padding: 0;\
#imgbrowse > ul {\
overflow: auto;\
#imgbrowse > div {\
border: 1px solid #666;\
#imglib_preview > div {\
padding: 5px;\
font-size: 12px;\
#imglib_preview img {\
display: block;\
margin: 0 auto;\
max-height: 100px;\
#imgbrowse li {\
list-style: none;\
padding: .5em;\
background: #E8E8E8;\
border-bottom: 1px solid #B0B0B0;\
line-height: 1.2em;\
font-style: sans-serif;\
#imgbrowse li > span {\
color: #666;\
font-size: 15px;\
display: block;\
#imgbrowse li:hover {\
background: #FFC;\
cursor: pointer;\
#imgbrowse iframe {\
width: 100%;\
height: 100%;\
border: 0;\

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
<svg xmlns="">
<g id="tool_imagelib">
<svg width="201" height="211" xmlns="">
<path fill="#efe8b8" stroke="#d6c47c" stroke-linecap="round" d="m2.75,49.51761l56.56,-46.26761c12.73,8.25 25.71001,7 46.44,0.75l-56.03999,47.23944l-22.72002,25.01056l-24.23999,-26.73239z" id="svg_2" stroke-width="7"/>
<path fill="#a03333" stroke="#3f3f3f" d="m3.75,203.25002c14.33301,7 30.66699,7 46,0l0,-152.00002c-14.66699,8 -32.33301,8 -47,0l1,152.00002zm45.75,-152.25002l56.25,-46.75l0,151l-56,48.00002m-47.25,-154.25002l57.25,-46.5" id="svg_1" stroke-width="7" stroke-linecap="round"/>
<path fill="#efe8b8" stroke="#d6c47c" stroke-linecap="round" d="m49.75,49.51801l56.56,-46.26801c12.72998,8.25 25.71002,7 46.44,0.75l-56.03998,47.239l-22.72003,25.011l-24.23999,-26.73199z" stroke-width="7" id="svg_5"/>
<path fill="#2f8e2f" stroke="#3f3f3f" d="m50.75,202.25c14.33301,7 30.66699,7.04253 46,0.04253l0,-151.04253c-14.66699,8 -32.33301,8 -47,0l1,151zm45.75,-151.25l56.25,-46.75l0,144.01219l-56,51.98782m-47.25,-151.25002l57.25,-46.5" stroke-width="7" stroke-linecap="round" id="svg_6"/>
<path fill="#efe8b8" stroke="#d6c47c" stroke-linecap="round" d="m95.75,49.51801l56.56,-46.26801c12.72998,8.25 25.71002,7 46.44,0.75l-56.03998,47.239l-22.72003,25.011l-24.23999,-26.73199z" stroke-width="7" id="svg_10"/>
<path fill="#336393" stroke="#3f3f3f" d="m96.75,200.29445c14.33301,7 30.66699,7 46,0l0,-149.04445c-14.66699,8 -32.33301,8 -47,0l1,149.04445zm45.75,-149.29445l56.25,-46.75l0,148.04445l-56,48m-47.25,-151.29445l57.25,-46.5" stroke-width="7" stroke-linecap="round" id="svg_11"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.6 KiB

View File

@ -1,576 +0,0 @@
* ext-markers.js
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Will Schleter
* based on ext-arrows.js by Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
* This extension provides for the addition of markers to the either end
* or the middle of a line, polyline, path, polygon.
* Markers may be either a graphic or arbitary text
* to simplify the coding and make the implementation as robust as possible,
* markers are not shared - every object has its own set of markers.
* this relationship is maintained by a naming convention between the
* ids of the markers and the ids of the object
* The following restrictions exist for simplicty of use and programming
* objects and their markers to have the same color
* marker size is fixed
* text marker font, size, and attributes are fixed
* an application specific attribute - se_type - is added to each marker element
* to store the type of marker
* remove some of the restrictions above
* add option for keeping text aligned to horizontal
* add support for dimension extension lines
svgEditor.addExtension("Markers", function(S) {
var svgcontent = S.svgcontent,
addElem = S.addSvgElementFromJson,
var mtypes = ['start','mid','end'];
var marker_prefix = 'se_marker_';
var id_prefix = 'mkr_';
// note - to add additional marker types add them below with a unique id
// and add the associated icon(s) to marker-icons.svg
// the geometry is normallized to a 100x100 box with the origin at lower left
// Safari did not like negative values for low left of viewBox
// remember that the coordinate system has +y downward
var marker_types = {
nomarker: {},
{element:'path', attr:{d:'M0,50 L100,90 L70,50 L100,10 Z'}},
{element:'path', attr:{d:'M100,50 L0,90 L30,50 L0,10 Z'}},
{element:'text', attr: {x:0, y:0,'stroke-width':0,'stroke':'none','font-size':75,'font-family':'serif','text-anchor':'left',
'xml:space': 'preserve'}},
{element:'path', attr:{d:'M30,100 L70,0'}},
{element:'path', attr:{d:'M30,0 L70,100'}},
{element:'path', attr:{d:'M50,0 L50,100'}},
{element:'path', attr:{d:'M20,20 L20,80 L80,80 L80,20 Z'}},
{element:'path', attr:{d:'M10,30 L90,30 L20,90 L50,10 L80,90 Z'}},
{element:'path', attr:{d:'M20,80 L80,20 M80,80 L20,20'}},
{element:'path', attr:{d:'M10,80 L50,20 L80,80 Z'}},
{element:'circle', attr:{r:30, cx:50, cy:50}},
var lang_list = {
{id: "start_marker_list", title: "Select start marker type" },
{id: "mid_marker_list", title: "Select mid marker type" },
{id: "end_marker_list", title: "Select end marker type" },
{id: "nomarker", title: "No Marker" },
{id: "leftarrow", title: "Left Arrow" },
{id: "rightarrow", title: "Right Arrow" },
{id: "textmarker", title: "Text Marker" },
{id: "forwardslash", title: "Forward Slash" },
{id: "reverseslash", title: "Reverse Slash" },
{id: "verticalslash", title: "Vertical Slash" },
{id: "box", title: "Box" },
{id: "star", title: "Star" },
{id: "xmark", title: "X" },
{id: "triangle", title: "Triangle" },
{id: "mcircle", title: "Circle" },
{id: "leftarrow_o", title: "Open Left Arrow" },
{id: "rightarrow_o", title: "Open Right Arrow" },
{id: "box_o", title: "Open Box" },
{id: "star_o", title: "Open Star" },
{id: "triangle_o", title: "Open Triangle" },
{id: "mcircle_o", title: "Open Circle" },
// duplicate shapes to support unfilled (open) marker types with an _o suffix
$.each(['leftarrow','rightarrow','box','star','mcircle','triangle'],function(i,v) {
marker_types[v+'_o'] = marker_types[v];
// elem = a graphic element will have an attribute like marker-start
// attr - marker-start, marker-mid, or marker-end
// returns the marker element that is linked to the graphic element
function getLinked(elem, attr) {
var str = elem.getAttribute(attr);
if(!str) return null;
var m = str.match(/\(\#(.*)\)/);
if(!m || m.length !== 2) {
return null;
return S.getElem(m[1]);
//toggles context tool panel off/on
//sets the controls with the selected element's settings
function showPanel(on) {
if ($('#marker_panel_title').length < 1) {
$('#marker_panel').prepend("<h4 id='marker_panel_title'>Arrows</h4>")
if(on) {
var el = selElems[0];
var val;
var ci;
$.each(mtypes, function(i, pos) {
var m=getLinked(el,"marker-"+pos);
var txtbox = $('#'+pos+'_marker');
if (!m) {
txtbox.hide() // hide text box
} else {
if (!m.attributes.se_type) return; // not created by this extension
if (val=='\\textmarker') {
//; // show text box
} else {
txtbox.hide() // hide text box
function addMarker(id, val) {
var txt_box_bg = '#ffffff';
var txt_box_border = 'none';
var txt_box_stroke_width = 0;
var marker = S.getElem(id);
if (marker) return;
if (val=='' || val=='\\nomarker') return;
var el = selElems[0];
var color = el.getAttribute('stroke');
//NOTE: Safari didn't like a negative value in viewBox
//so we use a standardized 0 0 100 100
//with 50 50 being mapped to the marker position
var refX = 50;
var refY = 50;
var viewBox = "0 0 100 100";
var markerWidth = 5;
var markerHeight = 5;
var strokeWidth = 10;
if (val.substr(0,1)=='\\') se_type=val.substr(1);
else se_type='textmarker';
if (!marker_types[se_type]) return; // an unknown type!
// create a generic marker
marker = addElem({
"element": "marker",
"attr": {
"id": id,
"markerUnits": "strokeWidth",
"orient": "auto",
"style": "pointer-events:none",
"se_type": se_type
if (se_type!='textmarker') {
var mel = addElem(marker_types[se_type]);
var fillcolor = color;
if (se_type.substr(-2)=='_o') fillcolor='none';
} else {
var text = addElem(marker_types[se_type]);
// have to add text to get bounding box
text.textContent = val;
var tb=text.getBBox();
//alert( tb.x + " " + tb.y + " " + tb.width + " " + tb.height);
var pad=1;
var bb = tb;
bb.x = 0;
bb.y = 0;
bb.width += pad*2;
bb.height += pad*2;
// shift text according to its size
text.setAttribute('x', pad);
text.setAttribute('y', bb.height - pad - tb.height/4); // kludge?
refX = bb.width/2+pad;
refY = bb.height/2+pad;
viewBox = bb.x + " " + bb.y + " " + bb.width + " " + bb.height;
markerWidth =bb.width/10;
markerHeight = bb.height/10;
var box = addElem({
"element": "rect",
"attr": {
"x": bb.x,
"y": bb.y,
"width": bb.width,
"height": bb.height,
"fill": txt_box_bg,
"stroke": txt_box_border,
"stroke-width": txt_box_stroke_width
marker.setAttribute("markerWidth", markerWidth);
marker.setAttribute("markerHeight", markerHeight);
marker.setAttribute("refX", refX);
marker.setAttribute("refY", refY);
return marker;
function setMarker() {
var poslist={'start_marker':'start','mid_marker':'mid','end_marker':'end'};
var pos = poslist[];
var marker_name = 'marker-'+pos;
var val = this.value;
var el = selElems[0];
var marker = getLinked(el, marker_name);
if (marker) $(marker).remove();
if (val=='') val='\\nomarker';
if (val=='\\nomarker') {
setIcon(pos,val);"changed", selElems);
// Set marker on element
var id = marker_prefix + pos + '_' +;
addMarker(id, val);
svgCanvas.changeSelectedAttribute(marker_name, "url(#" + id + ")");
if (el.tagName == "line" && pos=='mid') el=convertline(el);"changed", selElems);
function convertline(elem) {
// this routine came from the connectors extension
// it is needed because midpoint markers don't work with line elements
if (!(elem.tagName == "line")) return elem;
// Convert to polyline to accept mid-arrow
var x1 = elem.getAttribute('x1')-0;
var x2 = elem.getAttribute('x2')-0;
var y1 = elem.getAttribute('y1')-0;
var y2 = elem.getAttribute('y2')-0;
var id =;
var mid_pt = (' '+((x1+x2)/2)+','+((y1+y2)/2) + ' ');
var pline = addElem({
"element": "polyline",
"attr": {
"points": (x1+','+y1+ mid_pt +x2+','+y2),
"stroke": elem.getAttribute('stroke'),
"stroke-width": elem.getAttribute('stroke-width'),
"fill": "none",
"opacity": elem.getAttribute('opacity') || 1
$.each(mtypes, function(i, pos) { // get any existing marker definitions
var nam = 'marker-'+pos;
var m = elem.getAttribute(nam);
if (m) pline.setAttribute(nam,elem.getAttribute(nam));
var batchCmd = new S.BatchCommand();
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new S.RemoveElementCommand(elem, elem.parentNode));
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new S.InsertElementCommand(pline));
svgCanvas.clearSelection(); = id;
return pline;
// called when the main system modifies an object
// this routine changes the associated markers to be the same color
function colorChanged(elem) {
var color = elem.getAttribute('stroke');
$.each(mtypes, function(i, pos) {
var marker = getLinked(elem, 'marker-'+pos);
if (!marker) return;
if (!marker.attributes.se_type) return; //not created by this extension
var ch = marker.lastElementChild;
if (!ch) return;
var curfill = ch.getAttribute("fill");
var curstroke = ch.getAttribute("stroke")
if (curfill && curfill!='none') ch.setAttribute("fill",color);
if (curstroke && curstroke!='none') ch.setAttribute("stroke",color);
// called when the main system creates or modifies an object
// primary purpose is create new markers for cloned objects
function updateReferences(el) {
$.each(mtypes, function (i,pos) {
var id = marker_prefix + pos + '_' +;
var marker_name = 'marker-'+pos;
var marker = getLinked(el, marker_name);
if (!marker || !marker.attributes.se_type) return; //not created by this extension
var url = el.getAttribute(marker_name);
if (url) {
var len =;
var linkid = url.substr(-len-1,len);
if ( != linkid) {
var val = $('#'+pos+'_marker').attr('value');
addMarker(id, val);
svgCanvas.changeSelectedAttribute(marker_name, "url(#" + id + ")");
if (el.tagName == "line" && pos=='mid') el=convertline(el);"changed", selElems);
// simulate a change event a text box that stores the current element's marker type
function triggerTextEntry(pos,val) {
var txtbox = $('#'+pos+'_marker');
//if (val.substr(0,1)=='\\') txtbox.hide();
function setIcon(pos,id) {
if (id.substr(0,1)!='\\') id='\\textmarker'
var ci = '#'+id_prefix+pos+'_'+id.substr(1);
svgEditor.setIcon('#cur_' + pos +'_marker_list', $(ci).children());
function setMarkerSet(obj) {
var parts ='_');
var set = parts[2];
switch (set) {
case 'off':
case 'dimension':
case 'label':
function showTextPrompt(pos) {
var def = $('#'+pos+'_marker').val();
if (def.substr(0,1)=='\\') def='';
$.prompt('Enter text for ' + pos + ' marker', def , function(txt) { if (txt) triggerTextEntry(pos,txt); });
// callback function for a toolbar button click
function setArrowFromButton(obj) {
var parts ='_');
var pos = parts[1];
var val = parts[2];
if (parts[3]) val+='_'+parts[3];
if (val!='textmarker') {
} else {
function getTitle(lang,id) {
var list = lang_list[lang];
for (var i in list) {
if (list[i].id==id) return list[i].title;
return id;
// build the toolbar button array from the marker definitions
// TODO: need to incorporate language specific titles
function buildButtonList() {
var buttons=[];
var i=0;
id:id_prefix + 'markers_off',
title:'Turn off all markers',
events: { 'click': setMarkerSet },
panel: 'marker_panel'
id:id_prefix + 'markers_dimension',
events: { 'click': setMarkerSet },
panel: 'marker_panel'
id:id_prefix + 'markers_label',
events: { 'click': setMarkerSet },
panel: 'marker_panel'
$.each(mtypes,function(k,pos) {
var listname = pos + "_marker_list";
var def = true;
$.each(marker_types,function(id,v) {
var title = getTitle('en',id);
id:id_prefix + pos + "_" + id,
events: { 'click': setArrowFromButton },
list: listname,
isDefault: def
def = false;
return buttons;
return {
name: "Markers",
svgicons: "extensions/markers-icons.xml",
buttons: buildButtonList(),
context_tools: [
type: "input",
panel: "marker_panel",
title: "Start marker",
id: "start_marker",
label: "Start",
size: 3,
events: { change: setMarker }
type: "button-select",
panel: "marker_panel",
title: getTitle('en','start_marker_list'),
id: "start_marker_list",
colnum: 3,
events: { change: setArrowFromButton }
type: "input",
panel: "marker_panel",
title: "Middle marker",
id: "mid_marker",
label: "Middle",
defval: "",
size: 3,
events: { change: setMarker }
type: "button-select",
panel: "marker_panel",
title: getTitle('en','mid_marker_list'),
id: "mid_marker_list",
colnum: 3,
events: { change: setArrowFromButton }
type: "input",
panel: "marker_panel",
title: "End marker",
id: "end_marker",
label: "End",
size: 3,
events: { change: setMarker }
type: "button-select",
panel: "marker_panel",
title: getTitle('en','end_marker_list'),
id: "end_marker_list",
colnum: 3,
events: { change: setArrowFromButton }
} ],
callback: function() {
addLangData: function(lang) {
return { data: lang_list[lang] };
selectedChanged: function(opts) {
// Use this to update the current selected elements
selElems = opts.elems;
var i = selElems.length;
var marker_elems = ['line','path','polyline','polygon'];
while(i--) {
var elem = selElems[i];
if(elem && $.inArray(elem.tagName, marker_elems) != -1) {
if(opts.selectedElement && !opts.multiselected) {
} else {
} else {
elementChanged: function(opts) {
var elem = opts.elems[0];
if(elem && (
elem.getAttribute("marker-start") ||
elem.getAttribute("marker-mid") ||
)) {
changing_flag = false;

View File

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
* ext-server_moinsave.js
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
* 2011 MoinMoin:ReimarBauer
* adopted for moinmoins item storage. it sends in one post png and svg data
* (I agree to dual license my work to additional GPLv2 or later)
svgEditor.addExtension("server_opensave", {
callback: function() {
var save_svg_action = '/+modify';
// Create upload target (hidden iframe)
var target = $('<iframe name="output_frame" src="#"/>').hide().appendTo('body');
save: function(win, data) {
var svg = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" + data;
var qstr = $.param.querystring();
var name = qstr.substr(9).split('/+get/')[1];
var svg_data = svgedit.utilities.encode64(svg);
if(!$('#export_canvas').length) {
$('<canvas>', {id: 'export_canvas'}).hide().appendTo('body');
var c = $('#export_canvas')[0];
c.width = svgCanvas.contentW;
c.height = svgCanvas.contentH;
$.getScript('canvg/canvg.js', function() {
canvg(c, svg, {renderCallback: function() {
var datauri = c.toDataURL('image/png');
var uiStrings = svgEditor.uiStrings;
var png_data = svgedit.utilities.encode64(datauri);
var form = $('<form>').attr({
method: 'post',
action: save_svg_action + '/' + name,
target: 'output_frame'
}) .append('<input type="hidden" name="png_data" value="' + png_data + '">')
.append('<input type="hidden" name="filepath" value="' + svg_data + '">')
.append('<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="' + 'drawing.svg">')
.append('<input type="hidden" name="contenttype" value="application/x-svgdraw">')
alert("Saved! Return to Item View!");
top.window.location = '/'+name;

View File

@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
* ext-server_opensave.js
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
svgEditor.addExtension("server_opensave", {
callback: function() {
var save_svg_action = 'extensions/filesave.php';
var save_png_action = 'extensions/filesave.php';
// Create upload target (hidden iframe)
var target = $('<iframe name="output_frame" src="#"/>').hide().appendTo('body');
save: function(win, data) {
var svg = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n" + data;
var title = svgCanvas.getDocumentTitle();
var filename = title.replace(/[^a-z0-9\.\_\-]+/gi, '_');
var form = $('<form>').attr({
method: 'post',
action: save_svg_action,
target: 'output_frame'
}) .append('<input type="hidden" name="output_svg" value="' + encodeURI(svg) + '">')
.append('<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="' + filename + '">')
pngsave: function(win, data) {
var issues = data.issues;
if(!$('#export_canvas').length) {
$('<canvas>', {id: 'export_canvas'}).hide().appendTo('body');
var c = $('#export_canvas')[0];
c.width = svgCanvas.contentW;
c.height = svgCanvas.contentH;
canvg(c, data.svg, {renderCallback: function() {
var datauri = c.toDataURL('image/png');
var uiStrings = svgEditor.uiStrings;
var note = '';
// Check if there's issues
if(issues.length) {
var pre = "\n \u2022 ";
note += ("\n\n" + pre + issues.join(pre));
if(note.length) {
var title = svgCanvas.getDocumentTitle();
var filename = title.replace(/[^a-z0-9\.\_\-]+/gi, '_');
var form = $('<form>').attr({
method: 'post',
action: save_png_action,
target: 'output_frame'
}) .append('<input type="hidden" name="output_png" value="' + datauri + '">')
.append('<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="' + filename + '">')
// Do nothing if client support is found
if(window.FileReader) return;
var cancelled = false;
// Change these to appropriate script file
var open_svg_action = 'extensions/fileopen.php?type=load_svg';
var import_svg_action = 'extensions/fileopen.php?type=import_svg';
var import_img_action = 'extensions/fileopen.php?type=import_img';
// Set up function for PHP uploader to use
svgEditor.processFile = function(str64, type) {
if(cancelled) {
cancelled = false;
if(type != 'import_img') {
var xmlstr = svgCanvas.Utils.decode64(str64);
switch ( type ) {
case 'load_svg':
case 'import_svg':
case 'import_img':
// Create upload form
var open_svg_form = $('<form>');
enctype: 'multipart/form-data',
method: 'post',
action: open_svg_action,
target: 'output_frame'
// Create import form
var import_svg_form = open_svg_form.clone().attr('action', import_svg_action);
// Create image form
var import_img_form = open_svg_form.clone().attr('action', import_img_action);
// It appears necessory to rebuild this input every time a file is
// selected so the same file can be picked and the change event can fire.
function rebuildInput(form) {
var inp = $('<input type="file" name="svg_file">').appendTo(form);
function submit() {
// This submits the form, which returns the file data using svgEditor.uploadSVG
$.process_cancel("Uploading...", function() {
cancelled = true;
if(form[0] == open_svg_form[0]) {
inp.change(function() {
// This takes care of the "are you sure" dialog box
svgEditor.openPrep(function(ok) {
if(!ok) {
} else {
inp.change(function() {
// This submits the form, which returns the file data using svgEditor.uploadSVG
// Create the input elements
// Add forms to buttons

View File

@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
* ext-shapes.js
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Christian Tzurcanu
* Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
svgEditor.addExtension("shapes", function() {
var current_d, cur_shape_id;
var canv = svgEditor.canvas;
var cur_shape;
var start_x, start_y;
var svgroot = canv.getRootElem();
var lastBBox = {};
// This populates the category list
var categories = {
basic: 'Basic',
object: 'Objects',
symbol: 'Symbols',
arrow: 'Arrows',
flowchart: 'Flowchart',
animal: 'Animals',
game: 'Cards & Chess',
dialog_balloon: 'Dialog balloons',
electronics: 'Electronics',
math: 'Mathematical',
music: 'Music',
weather: 'Weather &amp; Time',
ui: 'User Interface',
social: 'Social Web',
var library = {
'basic': {
data: {
'heart': 'm150,73c61,-175 300,0 0,225c-300,-225 -61,-400 0,-225z',
'frame': 'm0,0l300,0l0,300l-300,0zm35,-265l0,230l230,0l0,-230z',
'donut': 'm1,150l0,0c0,-82.29042 66.70958,-149 149,-149l0,0c39.51724,0 77.41599,15.69816 105.35889,43.64108c27.94293,27.94293 43.64111,65.84165 43.64111,105.35892l0,0c0,82.29041 -66.70958,149 -149,149l0,0c-82.29041,0 -149,-66.70959 -149,-149zm74.5,0l0,0c0,41.1452 33.35481,74.5 74.5,74.5c41.14522,0 74.5,-33.3548 74.5,-74.5c0,-41.1452 -33.3548,-74.5 -74.5,-74.5l0,0c-41.14519,0 -74.5,33.35481 -74.5,74.5z',
"triangle": "m1,280.375l149,-260.75l149,260.75z",
"right_triangle": "m1,299l0,-298l298,298z",
"diamond": "m1,150l149,-149l149,149l-149,149l-149,-149z",
"pentagon": "m1.00035,116.97758l148.99963,-108.4053l148.99998,108.4053l-56.91267,175.4042l-184.1741,0l-56.91284,-175.4042z",
"hexagon": "m1,149.99944l63.85715,-127.71428l170.28572,0l63.85713,127.71428l-63.85713,127.71428l-170.28572,0l-63.85715,-127.71428z",
"septagon1": "m0.99917,191.06511l29.51249,-127.7108l119.48833,-56.83673l119.48836,56.83673l29.51303,127.7108l-82.69087,102.41679l-132.62103,0l-82.69031,-102.41679z",
"heptagon": "m1,88.28171l87.28172,-87.28171l123.43653,0l87.28172,87.28171l0,123.43654l-87.28172,87.28172l-123.43653,0l-87.28172,-87.28172l0,-123.43654z",
"decagon": "m1,150.00093l28.45646,-88.40318l74.49956,-54.63682l92.08794,0l74.50002,54.63682l28.45599,88.40318l-28.45599,88.40318l-74.50002,54.63681l-92.08794,0l-74.49956,-54.63681l-28.45646,-88.40318z",
"dodecagon": "m1,110.07421l39.92579,-69.14842l69.14842,-39.92579l79.85159,0l69.14842,39.92579l39.92578,69.14842l0,79.85159l-39.92578,69.14842l-69.14842,39.92578l-79.85159,0l-69.14842,-39.92578l-39.92579,-69.14842l0,-79.85159z",
"star_points_5": "m1,116.58409l113.82668,0l35.17332,-108.13487l35.17334,108.13487l113.82666,0l-92.08755,66.83026l35.17514,108.13487l-92.08759,-66.83208l-92.08757,66.83208l35.17515,-108.13487l-92.08758,-66.83026z",
"trapezoid": "m1,299l55.875,-298l186.25001,0l55.87498,298z",
"arrow_up": "m1.49805,149.64304l148.50121,-148.00241l148.50121,148.00241l-74.25061,0l0,148.71457l-148.5012,0l0,-148.71457z",
"vertical_scrool": "m37.375,261.625l0,-242.9375l0,0c0,-10.32083 8.36669,-18.6875 18.6875,-18.6875l224.25,0c10.32083,0 18.6875,8.36667 18.6875,18.6875c0,10.32081 -8.36667,18.6875 -18.6875,18.6875l-18.6875,0l0,242.9375c0,10.32083 -8.36668,18.6875 -18.6875,18.6875l-224.25,0l0,0c-10.32083,0 -18.6875,-8.36667 -18.6875,-18.6875c0,-10.32083 8.36667,-18.6875 18.6875,-18.6875zm37.375,-261.625l0,0c10.32081,0 18.6875,8.36667 18.6875,18.6875c0,10.32081 -8.36669,18.6875 -18.6875,18.6875c-5.1604,0 -9.34375,-4.18335 -9.34375,-9.34375c0,-5.16041 4.18335,-9.34375 9.34375,-9.34375l18.6875,0m186.875,18.6875l-205.5625,0m-37.375,224.25l0,0c5.1604,0 9.34375,4.18335 9.34375,9.34375c0,5.1604 -4.18335,9.34375 -9.34375,9.34375l18.6875,0m-18.6875,18.6875l0,0c10.32081,0 18.6875,-8.36667 18.6875,-18.6875l0,-18.6875",
"dialog_balloon_1": "m0.99786,35.96579l0,0c0,-19.31077 15.28761,-34.96524 34.14583,-34.96524l15.52084,0l0,0l74.50001,0l139.68748,0c9.05606,0 17.74118,3.68382 24.14478,10.24108c6.40356,6.55726 10.00107,15.45081 10.00107,24.72416l0,87.41311l0,0l0,52.44785l0,0c0,19.31078 -15.2876,34.96524 -34.14584,34.96524l-139.68748,0l-97.32507,88.90848l22.82506,-88.90848l-15.52084,0c-18.85822,0 -34.14583,-15.65446 -34.14583,-34.96524l0,0l0,-52.44785l0,0z",
"cloud": "m182.05086,34.31005c-0.64743,0.02048 -1.27309,0.07504 -1.92319,0.13979c-10.40161,1.03605 -19.58215,7.63722 -24.24597,17.4734l-2.47269,7.44367c0.53346,-2.57959 1.35258,-5.08134 2.47269,-7.44367c-8.31731,-8.61741 -19.99149,-12.59487 -31.52664,-10.72866c-11.53516,1.8662 -21.55294,9.3505 -27.02773,20.19925c-15.45544,-9.51897 -34.72095,-8.94245 -49.62526,1.50272c-14.90431,10.44516 -22.84828,28.93916 -20.43393,47.59753l1.57977,7.58346c-0.71388,-2.48442 -1.24701,-5.01186 -1.57977,-7.58346l-0.2404,0.69894c-12.95573,1.4119 -23.58103,11.46413 -26.34088,24.91708c-2.75985,13.45294 2.9789,27.25658 14.21789,34.21291l17.54914,4.26352c-6.1277,0.50439 -12.24542,-0.9808 -17.54914,-4.26352c-8.66903,9.71078 -10.6639,24.08736 -4.94535,35.96027c5.71854,11.87289 17.93128,18.70935 30.53069,17.15887l7.65843,-2.02692c-2.46413,1.0314 -5.02329,1.70264 -7.65843,2.02692c7.15259,13.16728 19.01251,22.77237 32.93468,26.5945c13.92217,3.82214 28.70987,1.56322 41.03957,-6.25546c10.05858,15.86252 27.91113,24.19412 45.81322,21.38742c17.90208,-2.8067 32.66954,-16.26563 37.91438,-34.52742l1.82016,-10.20447c-0.27254,3.46677 -0.86394,6.87508 -1.82016,10.20447c12.31329,8.07489 27.80199,8.52994 40.52443,1.18819c12.72244,-7.34175 20.6609,-21.34155 20.77736,-36.58929l-4.56108,-22.7823l-17.96776,-15.41455c13.89359,8.70317 22.6528,21.96329 22.52884,38.19685c16.5202,0.17313 30.55292,-13.98268 36.84976,-30.22897c6.29684,-16.24631 3.91486,-34.76801 -6.2504,-48.68089c4.21637,-10.35873 3.96622,-22.14172 -0.68683,-32.29084c-4.65308,-10.14912 -13.23602,-17.69244 -23.55914,-20.65356c-2.31018,-13.45141 -11.83276,-24.27162 -24.41768,-27.81765c-12.58492,-3.54603 -25.98557,0.82654 -34.41142,11.25287l-5.11707,8.63186c1.30753,-3.12148 3.01521,-6.03101 5.11707,-8.63186c-5.93959,-8.19432 -15.2556,-12.8181 -24.96718,-12.51096z",
"cylinder": "m299.0007,83.77844c0,18.28676 -66.70958,33.11111 -149.00002,33.11111m149.00002,-33.11111l0,0c0,18.28676 -66.70958,33.11111 -149.00002,33.11111c-82.29041,0 -148.99997,-14.82432 -148.99997,-33.11111m0,0l0,0c0,-18.28674 66.70956,-33.1111 148.99997,-33.1111c82.29044,0 149.00002,14.82436 149.00002,33.1111l0,132.44449c0,18.28674 -66.70958,33.11105 -149.00002,33.11105c-82.29041,0 -148.99997,-14.82431 -148.99997,-33.11105z",
"arrow_u_turn": "m1.00059,299.00055l0,-167.62497l0,0c0,-72.00411 58.37087,-130.37499 130.375,-130.37499l0,0l0,0c34.57759,0 67.73898,13.7359 92.18906,38.18595c24.45006,24.45005 38.18593,57.61144 38.18593,92.18904l0,18.625l37.24997,0l-74.49995,74.50002l-74.50002,-74.50002l37.25,0l0,-18.625c0,-30.8589 -25.0161,-55.87498 -55.87498,-55.87498l0,0l0,0c-30.85892,0 -55.875,25.01608 -55.875,55.87498l0,167.62497z",
"arrow_left_up": "m0.99865,224.5l74.50004,-74.5l0,37.25l111.74991,0l0,-111.75l-37.25,0l74.5,-74.5l74.5,74.5l-37.25,0l0,186.25l-186.24989,0l0,37.25l-74.50005,-74.5z",
"maximize": "m1.00037,150.34581l55.30305,-55.30267l0,27.65093l22.17356,0l0,-44.21833l44.21825,0l0,-22.17357l-27.65095,0l55.30267,-55.30292l55.3035,55.30292l-27.65175,0l0,22.17357l44.21835,0l0,44.21833l22.17357,0l0,-27.65093l55.30345,55.30267l-55.30345,55.3035l0,-27.65175l-22.17357,0l0,44.21834l-44.21835,0l0,22.17355l27.65175,0l-55.3035,55.30348l-55.30267,-55.30348l27.65095,0l0,-22.17355l-44.21825,0l0,-44.21834l-22.17356,0l0,27.65175l-55.30305,-55.3035z",
"cross": "m0.99844,99.71339l98.71494,0l0,-98.71495l101.26279,0l0,98.71495l98.71495,0l0,101.2628l-98.71495,0l0,98.71494l-101.26279,0l0,-98.71494l-98.71494,0z",
"plaque": "m-0.00197,49.94376l0,0c27.5829,0 49.94327,-22.36036 49.94327,-49.94327l199.76709,0l0,0c0,27.5829 22.36037,49.94327 49.94325,49.94327l0,199.7671l0,0c-27.58289,0 -49.94325,22.36034 -49.94325,49.94325l-199.76709,0c0,-27.58292 -22.36037,-49.94325 -49.94327,-49.94325z",
"page": "m249.3298,298.99744l9.9335,-39.73413l39.73413,-9.93355l-49.66763,49.66768l-248.33237,0l0,-298.00001l298.00001,0l0,248.33234"
buttons: []
var cur_lib = library.basic;
var mode_id = 'shapelib';
function loadIcons() {
// Show lib ones
function loadLibrary(cat_id) {
var lib = library[cat_id];
if(!lib) {
$.getJSON('extensions/shapelib/' + cat_id + '.json', function(result, textStatus) {
cur_lib = library[cat_id] = {
size: result.size,
fill: result.fill
makeButtons(cat_id, result);
cur_lib = lib;
if(!lib.buttons.length) makeButtons(cat_id, lib);
function makeButtons(cat, shapes) {
$('.tool_button, .tool_button_current').addClass("loaded")
var size = cur_lib.size || 300;
var fill = cur_lib.fill || false;
var off = size * .05;
var vb = [-off, -off, size + off*2, size + off*2].join(' ');
var stroke = fill ? 0: (size/30);
var shape_icon = new DOMParser().parseFromString(
'<svg xmlns=""><svg viewBox="' + vb + '"><path fill="#333" stroke="transparent" stroke-width="' + stroke + '" /><\/svg><\/svg>',
var width = 40;
var height = 40;
shape_icon.documentElement.setAttribute('width', width);
shape_icon.documentElement.setAttribute('height', height);
var svg_elem = $(document.importNode(shape_icon.documentElement,true));
var data =;
cur_lib.buttons = [];
for(var id in data) {
var path_d = data[id];
var icon = svg_elem.clone();
if (path_d.charAt(path_d.length-1) == "x") {
var size = 32;
var off = size * .05;
var vb = [-off, -off, size + off*2, size + off*2].join(' ')
icon.find('svg').attr('viewBox', vb)
path_d.replace("x", "")
icon.find('path').attr('d', path_d);
var icon_btn = icon.wrap('<div class="tool_button">').parent().attr({
id: mode_id + '_' + id,
title: id
// Store for later use
return {
svgicons: "extensions/ext-shapes.xml",
buttons: [{
id: "tool_shapelib",
type: "mode_flyout", // _flyout
position: 6,
title: "Shape library",
events: {
"click": function() {
callback: function() {
var btn_div = $('<div id="shape_buttons">');
$('#tools_shapelib > *').wrapAll(btn_div);
var shower = $('#tools_shapelib_show');
// Do mouseup on parent element rather than each button
$('#shape_buttons').mouseup(function(evt) {
var btn = $('div.tool_button');
if(!btn.length) return;
var copy = btn.children().clone().attr({width: 24, height: 24});
.attr('data-curopt', '#' + btn[0].id) // This sets the current mode
cur_shape_id = btn[0].id.substr((mode_id+'_').length);
current_d =[cur_shape_id];
var shape_cats = $('<div id="shape_cats">');
var cat_str = '';
$.each(categories, function(id, label) {
cat_str += '<div data-cat=' + id + '>' + label + '</div>';
shape_cats.html(cat_str).children().bind('mouseup', function() {
var catlink = $(this);
// Get stuff
return false;
shower.mouseup(function() {
canv.setMode(current_d ? mode_id : 'select');
var h = $('#tools_shapelib').height();
'margin-top': -(h/2),
'margin-left': 3
mouseDown: function(opts) {
var mode = canv.getMode();
if(mode !== mode_id) return;
var e = opts.event;
var x = start_x = opts.start_x;
var y = start_y = opts.start_y;
var cur_style = canv.getStyle();
cur_shape = canv.addSvgElementFromJson({
"element": "path",
"curStyles": true,
"attr": {
"d": current_d,
"id": canv.getNextId(),
"opacity": cur_style.opacity / 2,
"style": "pointer-events:none"
cur_shape.setAttribute("d", current_d);
// Make sure shape uses absolute values
if(/[a-z]/.test(current_d)) {
current_d =[cur_shape_id] = canv.pathActions.convertPath(cur_shape);
cur_shape.setAttribute('d', current_d);
cur_shape.setAttribute('transform', "translate(" + x + "," + y + ") scale(0.005) translate(" + -x + "," + -y + ")");
// console.time('b');
var tlist = canv.getTransformList(cur_shape);
lastBBox = cur_shape.getBBox();
return {
started: true
// current_d
mouseMove: function(opts) {
var mode = canv.getMode();
if(mode !== mode_id) return;
var zoom = canv.getZoom();
var evt = opts.event
var x = opts.mouse_x/zoom;
var y = opts.mouse_y/zoom;
var tlist = canv.getTransformList(cur_shape),
box = cur_shape.getBBox(),
left = box.x, top = box.y, width = box.width,
height = box.height;
var dx = (x-start_x), dy = (y-start_y);
var newbox = {
'x': Math.min(start_x,x),
'y': Math.min(start_y,y),
'width': Math.abs(x-start_x),
'height': Math.abs(y-start_y)
var ts = null,
tx = 0, ty = 0,
sy = height ? (height+dy)/height : 1,
sx = width ? (width+dx)/width : 1;
var sx = newbox.width / lastBBox.width;
var sy = newbox.height / lastBBox.height;
sx = sx || 1;
sy = sy || 1;
// Not perfect, but mostly works...
if(x < start_x) {
tx = lastBBox.width;
if(y < start_y) ty = lastBBox.height;
// update the transform list with translate,scale,translate
var translateOrigin = svgroot.createSVGTransform(),
scale = svgroot.createSVGTransform(),
translateBack = svgroot.createSVGTransform();
translateOrigin.setTranslate(-(left+tx), -(top+ty));
if(evt.shiftKey) {
var max = Math.min(Math.abs(sx), Math.abs(sy));
sx = max * (sx < 0 ? -1 : 1);
sy = max * (sy < 0 ? -1 : 1);
translateBack.setTranslate(left+tx, top+ty);
var N = tlist.numberOfItems;
lastBBox = cur_shape.getBBox();
mouseUp: function(opts) {
var mode = canv.getMode();
if(mode !== mode_id) return;
if(opts.mouse_x == start_x && opts.mouse_y == start_y) {
return {
keep: false,
element: cur_shape,
started: false
return {
keep: true,
element: cur_shape,
started: false

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
<svg xmlns="">
<g id="tool_shapelib">
<svg xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path fill="#2f2f2c" d="M0,0v24h24V0H0z M18.649,22.23L12,18.736L5.352,22.23l1.27-7.402L1.243,9.585l7.433-1.081L12,1.77


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 388 B

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
<svg xmlns="">
<g id="tool_eyedropper">
<svg id="Untitled-Page%201" viewBox="0 0 27 27" style="background-color:#ffffff00" version="1.1"
xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xml:space="preserve"
x="0px" y="0px" width="27px" height="27px"
<path d="M 6.0622 22.6906 L 17.3661 11.4659 L 15.6438 9.756 L 4.3402 20.9804 C 4.1126 22.0362 3.5914 23.0909 3.0734 23.9488 C 3.9369 23.4341 4.9996 22.9165 6.0622 22.6906 ZM 27 27 L 27 3.065 C 26.9997 4.5607 25.2111 6.3359 25.2111 6.3359 L 22.3407 9.1861 L 22.5324 9.3765 C 23.0605 9.9007 23.0608 10.7515 22.5324 11.2762 L 20.8101 12.9861 C 20.2822 13.5104 19.4248 13.5104 18.8972 12.9861 L 18.5143 12.6058 L 6.8496 24.1882 L 6.5935 24.2307 C 4.5412 24.57 2.2243 26.5011 2.2007 26.5206 L 1.6309 27 L 27 27 ZM 0 27 L 1.6309 27 L 1.1024 26.4753 L 0.5283 25.9053 L 0 25.3808 L 0 27 ZM 0 0 L 0 25.3808 L 0.4832 24.8147 C 0.502 24.792 2.4485 22.4828 2.7891 20.4531 L 2.8317 20.1984 L 14.496 8.6164 L 14.1134 8.2364 C 13.5853 7.7121 13.5853 6.8612 14.1134 6.3364 L 15.8353 4.6266 C 16.3638 4.102 17.2206 4.102 17.7488 4.6266 L 20.6189 1.7766 C 20.6189 1.7766 23.4892 -1.0736 25.0202 0.4462 L 25.7857 1.2062 L 26.5505 1.9661 C 26.8729 2.2862 27.0001 2.666 27 3.065 L 27 0 L 0 0 Z" fill="#2f2f2c"/>
<g id="svg_eof"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.3 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 718 B

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
<!doctype html>
* fileopen.php
* To be used with ext-server_opensave.js for SVG-edit
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
// Very minimal PHP file, all we do is Base64 encode the uploaded file and
// return it to the editor
$file = $_FILES['svg_file']['tmp_name'];
$output = file_get_contents($file);
$type = $_REQUEST['type'];
$prefix = '';
// Make Data URL prefix for import image
if($type == 'import_img') {
$info = getimagesize($file);
$prefix = 'data:' . $info['mime'] . ';base64,';
<script>"<?php echo $prefix . base64_encode($output); ?>", "<?php echo htmlentities($type); ?>");

View File

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
* filesave.php
* To be used with ext-server_opensave.js for SVG-edit
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
if(!isset($_POST['output_svg']) && !isset($_POST['output_png'])) {
die('post fail');
$file = '';
$suffix = isset($_POST['output_svg'])?'.svg':'.png';
if(isset($_POST['filename']) && strlen($_POST['filename']) > 0) {
$file = $_POST['filename'] . $suffix;
} else {
$file = 'image' . $suffix;
if($suffix == '.svg') {
$mime = 'image/svg+xml';
$contents = rawurldecode($_POST['output_svg']);
} else {
$mime = 'image/png';
$contents = $_POST['output_png'];
$pos = (strpos($contents, 'base64,') + 7);
$contents = base64_decode(substr($contents, $pos));
header("Cache-Control: public");
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $file);
header("Content-Type: " . $mime);
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
echo $contents;

View File

@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
<svg xmlns="">
<g id="tool_foreign">
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 84 84">
<g fill="#444" opacity="0.2" transform="translate(6,6)">
<path d="M42.8,74.3c0,4.3,0,5.9,11.8,5.9l4.1,0l0,3.8c-4.5-0.4-16.1-0.4-21.2-0.3c-5.1,0-16.6,0-21,0.4l0-3.8l4.1,0
c0,12.4-13.8,23.9-33.1,25.4L42.8,74.3z M32.4,19.4c-18.7,2.5-19.9,16.2-19.9,22.6c0,7.6,2.3,20.2,20,22.5L32.4,19.4z M42.7,64.7
<g fill="#444" opacity="0.3" transform="translate(4,4)">
<path d="M42.8,74.3c0,4.3,0,5.9,11.8,5.9l4.1,0l0,3.8c-4.5-0.4-16.1-0.4-21.2-0.3c-5.1,0-16.6,0-21,0.4l0-3.8l4.1,0
c0,12.4-13.8,23.9-33.1,25.4L42.8,74.3z M32.4,19.4c-18.7,2.5-19.9,16.2-19.9,22.6c0,7.6,2.3,20.2,20,22.5L32.4,19.4z M42.7,64.7
<g fill="#444" opacity="0.5" transform="translate(2,2)">
<path d="M42.8,74.3c0,4.3,0,5.9,11.8,5.9l4.1,0l0,3.8c-4.5-0.4-16.1-0.4-21.2-0.3c-5.1,0-16.6,0-21,0.4l0-3.8l4.1,0
c0,12.4-13.8,23.9-33.1,25.4L42.8,74.3z M32.4,19.4c-18.7,2.5-19.9,16.2-19.9,22.6c0,7.6,2.3,20.2,20,22.5L32.4,19.4z M42.7,64.7
<g fill="#0000CC">
<path id="xyz321" d="M42.8,74.3c0,4.3,0,5.9,11.8,5.9l4.1,0l0,3.8c-4.5-0.4-16.1-0.4-21.2-0.3c-5.1,0-16.6,0-21,0.4l0-3.8l4.1,0
c0,12.4-13.8,23.9-33.1,25.4L42.8,74.3z M32.4,19.4c-18.7,2.5-19.9,16.2-19.9,22.6c0,7.6,2.3,20.2,20,22.5L32.4,19.4z M42.7,64.7
<g id="edit_foreign">
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="34 38 170 170" overflow="hidden">
<g fill="#000088">
<path d="M30.1,63.9v-4.3l30.2-14.9V50L36.5,61.7l23.8,11.7v5.3L30.1,63.9z"/>
<path d="M106.1,79.7v-1.1c4.2-0.5,4.8-1.1,4.8-5.2V58.2c0-6-1.3-7.9-5.4-7.9c-3.3,0-5.7,1.3-7.8,4.4v18.1
<path d="M147.3,80.5c-3,0-4.2-1.4-4.6-5.3c-4.4,3.7-7.3,5.3-10.5,5.3c-4.5,0-7.6-3.2-7.6-7.7c0-2.4,1-4.8,2.6-6.3
c0,3.2,0.5,4.2,2.2,4.2c1.1,0,1.9-0.4,3.2-1.4v1.9C151.3,79.6,149.8,80.5,147.3,80.5z M142.6,60.5c-8.7,3.2-11.7,5.8-11.7,10v0.3
<path d="M165.3,80.5c-4.2,0-6.3-3.1-6.3-9.1V49.7h-3.8c-0.2-0.1-0.3-0.3-0.3-0.5c0-0.4,0.4-0.9,1.2-1.4
<path d="M193.8,79.7v-1.1c4.1-0.4,4.9-1.3,4.9-6.2V58.1c0-5-1.8-7.6-5.4-7.6c-2.8,0-5,1.2-8,4.5v17.4
<path d="M59.1,116.1v-4.3l30.2-14.9v5.3l-23.8,11.7l23.8,11.7v5.3L59.1,116.1z"/>
<path d="M135.1,131.9v-1.1c4.2-0.5,4.8-1.1,4.8-5.2v-15.1c0-6-1.3-7.9-5.4-7.9c-3.3,0-5.7,1.3-7.8,4.4v18.1
<path d="M152.1,131.9v-1.1c5-0.3,5.7-1.1,5.7-6.3v-16.6c0-3.2-0.6-4.3-2.4-4.3c-0.6,0-1.6,0.1-2.4,0.2l-0.6,0.1v-1.1
l11.2-4L164,99v25.6c0,5.2,0.6,5.9,5.3,6.3v1.1L152.1,131.9L152.1,131.9z M160.8,93.1c-2,0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7c0-2,1.7-3.7,3.7-3.7
<path d="M175.8,131v-5.3l23.7-11.8l-23.7-11.7v-5.3l30.1,14.9v4.3L175.8,131z"/>
<path d="M31.1,169.5v-4.3l30.2-14.9v5.3l-23.8,11.7L61.3,179v5.3L31.1,169.5z"/>
<path d="M71.3,186.4h-4.9l16.5-49.7h4.8L71.3,186.4z"/>
<path d="M127.1,185.3v-1.1c4.2-0.5,4.8-1.1,4.8-5.2v-15.2c0-6-1.3-7.9-5.4-7.9c-3.3,0-5.7,1.3-7.8,4.4v18.1
<path d="M168.3,186.1c-3,0-4.2-1.4-4.6-5.3c-4.4,3.7-7.3,5.3-10.5,5.3c-4.5,0-7.6-3.2-7.6-7.7c0-2.4,1-4.8,2.6-6.3
c0,3.2,0.5,4.2,2.2,4.2c1.1,0,1.9-0.4,3.2-1.4v1.9C172.3,185.2,170.8,186.1,168.3,186.1z M163.8,166.1c-8.7,3.2-11.7,5.8-11.7,10
<path d="M186.3,186.1c-4.2,0-6.3-3.1-6.3-9.1v-21.7h-3.8c-0.2-0.1-0.3-0.3-0.3-0.5c0-0.4,0.4-0.9,1.2-1.4
<path d="M209.1,185.3h-13.4v-1.1c4.2-0.6,4.6-1.2,4.6-6.3V144c0-3.1-0.6-3.7-3.7-3.7c-0.4,0-0.6,0-0.9,0.1v-1.2
<path d="M209.1,157.9c-0.8,0.7-1.7,1.5-2.7,2.6v17.4c0,4,0.4,5.3,2.7,5.9"/>
<polyline opacity="0.2" fill="#231F20" points="209.1,76.4 118.7,186.5 139.1,186.4 209.1,121 209.1,76.4 "/>
<polyline opacity="0.4" fill="#231F20" points="209.1,76.2 118.5,186.5 129.7,186.4 200.2,120.3 209.1,100.8 209.1,76.4 "/>
<path fill="#FFD761" d="M121.6,88.7l0.8,87.5l62.3-56.7c0,0-15.3-25.8-24.8-30C151.1,85.6,121.6,88.7,121.6,88.7z"/>
<path fill="#FEA01E" d="M209.1,19.5h-54l-33.5,69.2c0,0,29.7-3.4,38.3,0.8c8.9,4.4,25,30.8,25,30.8l24.2-50V19.5z"/>
<path d="M120.4,153.7l-0.6,25l23.8-16.9c0,0-8-7-11.2-8.1C129.4,152.8,120.4,153.7,120.4,153.7z"/>
<polyline fill="none" stroke="#231F20" stroke-width="5" points="153.9,19.5 121.6,88.7 120.7,181.2 186.6,120.3 209.1,70.3 "/>
<g id="svg_eof"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 8.1 KiB

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
<svg xmlns="">
Sample icons file. This file looks like an SVG file with groups as its
children. Each group element has an ID that must match the ID of the button given
in the extension. The SVG inside the group makes up the actual icon, and
needs use a viewBox instead of width/height for it to scale properly.
Multiple icons can be included, each within their own group.
<g id="view_grid">
<svg xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<rect fill="#ffffff" stroke="#848484" x="2" y="2" width="20" height="20"/>
<line fill="none" stroke="#848484" x1="11.84375" y1="-1.53125" x2="11.84375" y2="18.46875" transform="rotate(90, 11.8429, 8.46955)"/>
<line fill="none" stroke="#848484" x1="11.90625" y1="5.21875" x2="11.90625" y2="25.21875" transform="rotate(90, 11.9054, 15.2196)"/>
<line fill="none" stroke="#848484" x1="8.5" y1="2.03125" x2="8.5" y2="22.03125"/>
<line fill="none" stroke="#848484" x1="15.5" y1="2.03125" x2="15.5" y2="22.03125"/>
<rect fill="#d8d8d8" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0" x="3.25" y="3.28125" width="4" height="4"/>
<rect fill="#d8d8d8" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0" x="10" y="3.28125" width="4" height="4"/>
<rect fill="#d8d8d8" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0" x="16.75" y="3.28125" width="4" height="4"/>
<rect fill="#d8d8d8" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0" x="3.28125" y="9.75" width="4" height="4"/>
<rect fill="#d8d8d8" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0" x="10.03125" y="9.75" width="4" height="4"/>
<rect fill="#d8d8d8" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0" x="16.78125" y="9.75" width="4" height="4"/>
<rect fill="#d8d8d8" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0" x="3.3125" y="16.59375" width="4" height="4"/>
<rect fill="#d8d8d8" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0" x="10.0625" y="16.59375" width="4" height="4"/>
<rect fill="#d8d8d8" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0" x="16.8125" y="16.59375" width="4" height="4"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 2.0 KiB

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
<svg xmlns="">
Sample icons file. This file looks like an SVG file with groups as its
children. Each group element has an ID that must match the ID of the button given
in the extension. The SVG inside the group makes up the actual icon, and
needs use a viewBox instead of width/height for it to scale properly.
Multiple icons can be included, each within their own group.
<g id="hello_world">
<svg width="102" height="102" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<!-- Created with SVG-edit - -->
<title>Layer 1</title>
<rect ry="30" rx="30" x="2.5" y="2.5" width="97" height="97" id="svg_3" fill="#008000" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="5"/>
<text x="52.668" y="42.5" id="svg_1" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0" font-size="24" font-family="Monospace" text-anchor="middle" xml:space="preserve">Hello</text>
<text x="52.668" y="71.5" fill="#ffffff" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0" font-size="24" font-family="Monospace" text-anchor="middle" xml:space="preserve" id="svg_2">World!</text>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.1 KiB

View File

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
<!doctype html>
<script src=""></script>
<h1>Select an image:</h1>
<a href="smiley.svg">smiley.svg</a>
<a href="../../images/logo.png">logo.png</a>
$('a').click(function() {
var href = this.href;
var target = window.parent;
// Convert Non-SVG images to data URL first
// (this could also have been done server-side by the library)
if(this.href.indexOf('.svg') === -1) {
var meta_str = JSON.stringify({
name: $(this).text(),
id: href
target.postMessage(meta_str, "*");
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = this.width;
canvas.height = this.height;
// load the raster image into the canvas
// retrieve the data: URL
try {
var dataurl = canvas.toDataURL();
} catch(err) {
// This fails in Firefox with file:// URLs :(
alert("Data URL conversion failed: " + err);
var dataurl = "";
target.postMessage('|' + href + '|' + dataurl, "*");
img.src = href;
} else {
// Send metadata (also indicates file is about to be sent)
var meta_str = JSON.stringify({
name: $(this).text(),
id: href
target.postMessage(meta_str, "*");
// Do ajax request for image's href value
$.get(href, function(data) {
data = '|' + href + '|' + data;
// This is where the magic happens!
target.postMessage(data, "*");
}, 'html'); // 'html' is necessary to keep returned data as a string
return false;

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
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<title>Cool smiley</title>
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"chick": "m76.6114,300.49948c-0.94218,-11.68399 1.80264,-23.81186 -2.78349,-35.22473c-7.45612,-25.10127 -23.93798,-47.16536 -31.36633,-72.21014c-3.21228,-16.80365 -8.65163,-34.79272 -2.2363,-51.43718c9.2771,-20.44891 24.58445,-39.1077 45.00853,-51.46853c11.45798,-6.87112 33.39433,1.8131 33.44485,-16.51133c3.62297,-20.89642 15.43811,-40.3082 30.48538,-56.28489c17.86485,-17.49571 47.98021,-20.77926 71.28149,-10.72216c13.19823,4.36545 26.92773,11.92505 29.85556,25.342c-2.0408,13.23198 13.36339,22.40786 12.41484,34.53756c-13.98409,-0.03379 -27.4267,2.25514 -39.10866,9.99602c-8.20006,3.8867 -26.4511,6.08187 -12.88864,15.86904c12.71146,21.22634 12.39029,48.02362 0.02443,69.35255c-8.24092,16.61523 -18.78058,33.14909 -36.37866,43.00504c-13.36313,9.14961 -27.77914,16.93257 -42.68192,23.79149c-11.62872,11.1774 5.32764,27.26614 9.71201,38.8335c3.36447,3.54044 4.524,10.84882 11.15869,9.08932c15.28535,0.25418 32.76015,-1.9313 44.98404,7.81229c-8.94319,8.25949 -25.89421,-1.41025 -38.02573,4.80051c-8.78024,5.75812 -19.06332,7.43823 -31.36371,7.58014c-13.23612,4.30203 -27.23189,-3.61423 -39.08569,1.66962c-4.11388,0.41238 -8.38321,3.40195 -12.45068,2.1799zm58.28394,-16.2124c-4.84233,-9.87674 -20.53861,1.56897 -6.10292,2.32874c2.30783,-0.47092 12.8125,3.03821 6.10292,-2.32874zm-17.85122,-4.32443c14.82944,-9.3367 7.74453,-25.48042 -1.79045,-35.63309c-3.24258,-2.97528 -4.73457,-8.94336 -9.13439,-9.94019c-6.73362,0 -13.46722,0 -20.20084,0c-4.65086,8.49229 -2.48404,17.86589 0.89217,26.43201c3.51066,10.88467 6.16319,28.60654 23.56189,23.00385c2.6806,-0.4599 4.89924,-2.07458 6.67162,-3.86258z",
"cormorant": "m143.5415,0.99936c-4.24326,11.41716 -19.29625,4.15632 -24.74561,12.50427c0.52748,6.07653 -8.29025,7.80436 -13.00653,8.43892c-8.50133,3.84879 -22.80692,-4.79845 -26.45377,4.01417c10.96676,1.70561 23.50823,0.97173 33.37776,7.63992c6.81084,8.30698 18.80501,9.32233 23.86815,19.00227c5.01492,11.90637 0.21405,24.79235 -6.1066,35.16777c-5.40714,11.63457 -14.24293,22.0266 -17.15868,34.6068c0.20795,13.02319 4.72718,25.69211 3.20084,38.80902c0.9605,10.14279 6.64024,19.14648 10.04536,28.64983c5.00912,10.57565 9.93535,21.70013 17.62276,30.53665c7.02892,8.87558 29.89705,11.67009 23.64502,24.91443c-4.01926,11.10844 -7.40147,24.48637 -19.39478,29.5565c-9.50977,5.9848 -21.3932,8.93677 -29.06369,17.37073c3.84956,0.36453 28.16327,-14.36331 23.8996,1.69739c-9.52658,11.2518 16.95053,-0.69223 23.42963,-2.18207c4.74442,-0.99915 4.29691,14.62488 8.52766,3.80228c5.95903,-10.08762 6.23502,-21.34366 11.26126,-30.51312c2.4781,-10.25645 3.82962,7.94009 9.64467,10.12222c7.07556,9.50238 7.79694,-14.07236 11.23129,-19.70615c2.62747,-8.54028 4.63826,-23.31885 8.02322,-27.91885c0.19868,-2.83281 6.58795,3.93147 5.0274,-3.78851c0.90347,-23.48584 -1.83659,-48.86755 -15.67365,-68.59196c-9.60602,-8.62669 -13.22336,-21.57266 -21.36568,-31.47811c-10.01912,-4.8186 -8.05391,-19.66993 -20.19205,-21.12443c-2.75856,-10.2361 2.62035,-22.86311 4.63016,-33.73514c2.78795,-10.12834 8.4742,-20.66132 3.52232,-31.15684c-3.76698,-10.86702 -11.83783,-21.03737 -23.57631,-23.51091c-5.21049,-2.63619 -9.89668,-4.17218 -2.89241,-7.84742c4.71588,-7.73713 -7.28709,7.39913 -1.58588,-2.982l0.25854,-2.29765l-0.00003,0zm-57.08003,24.11987c12.78673,0.33177 -8.83535,0.35227 0,0zm92.46721,218.72338c11.05893,4.6954 0.80228,21.55537 -5.46918,26.98338c-13.1071,-3.20859 2.39713,-19.21964 5.46918,-26.98338l0,0zm-10.64413,31.82323c-5.88483,2.41168 -15.44353,4.13849 -3.83093,0.46683l1.97208,-0.34274l1.85886,-0.12408z",
"cow": "m28.0749,243.56958c-11.25466,-1.13762 -0.26117,-18.72878 -4.5063,-26.87576c-0.04291,-11.99254 -4.49496,-23.80263 -3.04635,-35.73141c8.85702,-21.03091 1.47632,-43.99974 -0.46577,-65.6628c-0.878,-4.78294 -0.85219,-17.06834 -3.03475,-6.14601c-6.04425,18.41563 -0.13999,41.17824 -5.30961,59.82921c-8.64015,10.38419 -15.16653,-6.09071 -6.91858,-12.40807c9.63606,-15.16887 7.3071,-35.6004 7.63113,-54.51396c-0.41477,-11.95865 4.38277,-26.97649 18.58104,-27.31744c12.14677,-0.91866 23.64877,4.86966 35.90276,4.15359c35.73927,0.55689 71.83095,0.86755 107.11801,-5.64501c17.61354,-4.0591 35.14902,3.10693 52.79015,0.20057c9.91351,1.07068 15.15811,-3.56471 10.78886,-12.26689c7.38425,-5.09429 13.06598,9.66071 16.34573,-3.48148c11.89191,-8.19559 13.54935,15.99933 26.71921,9.16614c15.88589,2.05862 -6.90274,16.26875 6.39813,23.38159c8.04169,6.20473 20.35629,21.57409 4.35831,26.00379c-13.75446,-0.96602 -27.54028,-0.06377 -41.30312,0.60226c-6.36993,10.6367 -19.62016,18.61491 -18.16837,32.55296c-1.1003,16.62756 -12.74783,33.02081 -28.69196,38.18489c-6.81386,-1.34894 -9.78644,0.85432 -8.9351,7.83342c-3.52046,9.11967 -4.14098,18.73875 -3.72333,28.43974c-1.04204,5.34808 1.17265,9.50755 4.32187,13.62691c-3.70361,6.41692 -24.92326,2.61598 -16.88379,-9.5238c2.05592,-15.92261 -0.36317,-31.91132 -2.16568,-47.74242c-8.4565,-6.01532 -18.70856,-3.81294 -27.26753,1.0208c-18.88187,6.9252 -40.73763,13.48228 -60.10471,4.59438c-10.79734,-3.01547 -27.0833,-5.25847 -35.10848,3.84904c-3.611,13.73518 -2.64567,28.48619 -5.7238,42.42607c-0.05178,7.28806 6.88112,13.54532 -4.86428,11.51134c-4.90851,0.11278 -9.83028,0.26732 -14.73372,-0.06165zm10.02217,-15.5108c1.93175,-6.52728 -2.78621,-23.11049 -3.1906,-7.64299c-1.60691,4.90746 0.4367,28.47777 2.83738,12.83046c0.15187,-1.72662 0.25968,-3.45683 0.35322,-5.18747z",
"crow_2": "m299.86716,62.24508c-8.36279,-13.35279 -25.79254,-10.94299 -38.7652,-13.97612c-10.77151,-4.46517 -27.26852,-8.74568 -34.93257,4.02601c-10.22766,11.92024 -19.30536,24.77381 -27.38379,38.20519c-16.9417,18.56395 -37.51366,33.44937 -58.19264,47.49408c-17.41919,8.55826 -36.48907,15.23247 -50.59015,29.17691c-26.77713,17.17799 -59.39612,20.30975 -89.00278,30.37996c5.24787,1.82477 28.48156,-4.80739 12.86404,2.45506c-11.61908,3.82678 4.57293,7.38318 9.74338,4.83008c-4.08242,4.36552 -5.2054,4.72249 -0.18473,4.65681c-9.12115,5.09712 20.25491,-1.58305 4.07883,5.5506c-7.04263,2.05971 -24.35976,21.06046 -8.48079,12.5005c14.76321,-6.14401 30.50038,-9.23448 45.85791,-13.45705c-11.48634,11.80891 -27.85513,19.19374 -35.74965,34.16698c0.17943,3.86479 12.21982,-7.85281 17.31087,-9.77229c28.95095,-17.49719 59.28473,-33.71347 91.89844,-43.16046c4.45381,1.07288 5.32478,12.99994 14.00563,6.90237c0.76199,7.59987 19.82927,-11.92125 14.84979,3.30377c8.25793,-13.03635 -0.01482,14.1528 7.62892,18.26904c3.90089,5.15268 19.92041,12.26512 6.86195,14.03082c-5.77165,8.63597 8.09146,-3.46425 11.11865,4.62627c11.3129,4.10901 3.07231,8.32173 -5.11652,5.83363c-6.27592,-0.83809 -7.57079,7.40965 -1.22719,2.29182c7.57507,5.19347 19.60568,3.32813 29.26515,5.56088c9.65308,0.80066 21.35422,-9.88435 25.01279,-7.29437c-8.89755,-6.38512 -21.77765,1.41119 -31.54323,-3.51736c-2.05963,-6.62599 22.89082,2.37143 22.94131,-8.82851c11.68727,-1.08766 -9.82895,-2.59717 -14.00406,0.04509c-14.38026,0.76889 -21.75813,-12.59969 -31.88164,-20.19017c0.30659,-15.75429 11.86186,-29.28856 23.95569,-38.18524c15.77855,-9.50124 31.96706,-21.73888 36.43575,-40.70174c4.63271,-16.88809 7.21239,-34.29048 9.31848,-51.60873c2.84918,-11.17406 11.03882,-21.49306 23.60089,-20.65947c6.77469,-0.94415 13.57404,-1.72816 20.30646,-2.95438z",
"crow": "m65.63132,15.69366c7.23991,-11.19251 23.71874,-13.17996 36.20271,-14.69413c13.92134,1.25098 24.65079,12.10254 32.81262,22.59631c9.49452,8.5772 21.08662,15.85565 25.83853,28.41352c12.01437,5.95259 26.19815,9.13653 33.55229,21.87244c11.11548,14.36729 17.52112,31.75739 23.31628,48.60368c0.92021,12.5585 6.47,24.01521 8.36046,36.46043c3.24197,12.33818 5.82637,24.53572 9.31963,36.76498c3.88237,12.71416 9.39792,24.81319 13.2628,37.54517c7.05891,11.17328 13.48564,22.96204 17.86821,35.4054c-10.48648,-0.88873 0.96857,15.8573 2.93524,22.45895c2.86746,13.58783 -12.84537,5.80856 -15.59308,-0.46634c-9.70456,9.1796 -29.57259,11.24072 -38.3669,-0.80743c-9.26392,-12.20752 -14.38051,-27.69696 -27.16855,-36.53391c-5.02811,-4.18506 -9.90665,-22.45958 -11.7061,-6.32031c6.38489,16.05743 -18.74254,6.90547 -27.66772,9.78912c-15.99664,-3.21661 6.07263,-12.35889 12.86923,-11.27576c6.38602,-6.35408 17.01372,-16.99594 1.7589,-20.33147c-10.44731,-4.15326 -23.84068,-14.68553 -29.71439,0.99188c-7.37552,3.90117 -20.59412,22.40862 -5.95329,23.77255c5.91614,12.10878 -17.0737,3.35048 -23.49316,6.21452c-6.05255,1.90814 -21.13758,-1.4375 -7.08788,-4.49867c12.08796,-1.9845 17.85132,-16.8317 25.44044,-25.82515c-0.25166,-11.53856 -9.48829,-20.69617 -16.41167,-29.40816c-7.36517,-12.27962 -17.64172,-22.79747 -22.75925,-36.23717c-3.35689,-13.95544 -9.74807,-26.85826 -12.98938,-40.84583c-3.65936,-14.01762 -7.85575,-29.82359 0.01893,-43.25633c3.58914,-11.78534 5.08364,-22.78083 -2.44828,-32.4814c-10.40722,-8.4583 -25.19866,-5.06594 -37.19873,-10.67507c-1.4463,-9.05923 17.76661,-12.5158 26.11695,-14.53937c3.17027,-0.11009 5.59681,-2.76167 8.88516,-2.69248z",
"dog": "m100.16203,296.98279c-8.8212,-9.63385 1.38332,-24.43997 -0.42293,-36.27057c0.75693,-11.26283 0.70357,-22.55605 0.97627,-33.83612c-5.62751,-3.03004 -11.14646,-9.8163 -17.39571,-9.15442c-9.39647,12.28885 -8.36188,28.63301 -15.80033,41.86707c-4.14935,12.68604 -14.20047,25.1369 -28.95629,23.20023c-15.78228,0.24448 -5.31179,-12.67972 3.94138,-14.51392c15.5036,-7.47278 14.489,-27.14363 17.24157,-41.59114c1.02824,-10.18478 3.24236,-20.5625 3.54647,-30.63432c-6.4542,-14.31418 -15.78849,-28.37114 -13.67442,-44.85196c-0.91037,-17.78856 4.2768,-37.23788 -5.08019,-53.53189c-5.56927,-15.61405 3.8713,-31.59072 2.9399,-47.52759c0.9721,-14.78285 -5.20505,-30.54867 1.20562,-44.61136c13.7762,-15.53139 12.97964,13.29988 18.95111,20.54415c5.64886,15.40877 24.7487,10.76537 35.50636,4.24826c7.2022,-4.10769 16.87807,-28.32801 24.44378,-14.32351c3.37997,14.22579 -6.14093,25.38077 -12.22646,36.88495c-6.86581,22.01683 5.86861,44.08519 20.93388,59.44197c24.83763,26.97977 44.07555,59.68134 54.0882,95.03609c1.31316,14.68071 3.98535,28.23558 12.82726,40.18617c10.20438,10.1714 26.16472,9.68739 39.32852,13.25957c9.22101,2.52521 30.75206,5.14639 26.47435,17.3808c-14.74448,2.4689 -30.09541,0.23105 -44.90068,-1.32291c-17.28331,-2.73001 -35.00906,-7.2897 -49.09666,-18.1597c-14.62904,-9.61427 -18.7715,20.00995 -34.01671,10.65375c-2.19362,-7.70334 10.66454,-19.74266 -6.53938,-19.26297c-6.33104,0.30879 -15.00338,1.82024 -19.76239,4.89166c1.07452,12.16098 2.04812,24.36316 4.2893,36.36713c-1.78267,6.00809 -14.15643,12.93057 -18.82182,5.63058z",
"duck": "m185.95239,299.43112c-13.71118,-7.29123 11.45862,-7.3541 17.23322,-7.85522c14.99724,-0.2811 17.02971,-18.28448 15.48773,-29.74414c-2.1938,-4.69699 -0.04752,-14.89349 -7.7746,-13.37029c-15.43901,-0.71622 -30.7112,-4.55923 -44.14467,-12.22302c-0.82443,12.88171 -7.29927,24.66777 -11.6053,36.85115c-5.66316,6.16721 14.39644,28.18469 0.43378,18.34869c-9.04433,-8.40845 0.06526,8.74658 -11.16418,3.91656c-15.23827,-0.31436 -31.02578,2.40784 -45.91216,-1.24551c-5.00268,-2.09833 -20.66561,0.51883 -9.25531,-6.49301c6.4804,-1.18185 12.15667,4.48007 17.05421,-2.03778c11.5948,4.79346 30.04866,4.82639 34.25867,-10.28015c7.00595,-11.43338 11.29851,-24.25136 11.56012,-37.68254c-8.2043,-6.31854 -14.70296,-14.48831 -18.43434,-24.21049c-8.62861,-14.22275 -24.3753,-22.02206 -37.28508,-31.87471c-17.12926,-11.15475 -36.8522,-23.99915 -40.20823,-46.00098c-4.08031,-16.32172 0.02216,-34.19492 11.59384,-46.57394c7.80417,-11.16946 22.31328,-21.55052 18.99293,-36.88489c-8.43674,-15.00933 -26.68094,1.9423 -34.96601,9.23433c-9.98,7.06196 -20.71845,24.17017 -34.34288,16.49594c-1.7172,-11.61691 13.7034,-18.90693 17.498,-29.74388c7.8585,-12.19844 12.51045,-26.37627 18.95516,-38.92993c11.65712,-10.85135 30.93148,-10.91782 42.45155,0.28526c14.7008,11.44654 23.86826,29.5425 22.42876,48.35335c1.4173,12.98959 -4.14301,29.91504 8.25453,38.93287c17.92052,9.9613 39.04935,12.35098 57.26444,21.89838c22.77972,10.51788 39.86913,29.49796 59.04057,45.11781c11.7964,10.71736 23.92368,21.11819 35.13879,32.44618c-7.49713,-2.24278 -14.43054,-6.05879 -21.60767,-9.15805c9.28815,12.08043 13.46152,26.94177 15.66077,41.78857c3.61584,15.73579 13.73315,31.11919 8.65729,47.77711c-4.42633,13.85214 -18.52838,-8.55096 -25.42393,-12.47198c-7.88147,-7.42908 -15.67812,-16.62666 -27.10399,-17.90884c-2.06194,13.35767 -4.18094,27.25305 -1.83514,40.63339c1.37479,11.84998 25.0215,4.73886 21.59566,13.51175c-19.80942,-2.16162 -39.69846,-0.3399 -59.55595,-0.59872l-2.94055,-0.30328l0,0z",
"eagle": "m42.43982,248.02586c11.79883,-9.19574 37.51548,5.68584 36.59332,-18.29665c11.6873,-8.23552 20.68873,-26.28419 1.79099,-32.32607c-10.7688,-5.1657 -15.8233,11.42451 -19.57125,12.4706c-7.77777,-10.83765 -3.38924,-28.5033 -0.32791,-39.95343c9.78217,-6.08578 25.82187,-13.03094 14.50231,-26.59097c-2.34529,-14.80103 -3.78094,-32.06657 -17.7612,-41.01302c-10.43393,-6.26692 -25.16679,-12.24148 -20.04643,-26.95332c-6.73619,-10.16047 -14.53631,-24.05076 -10.06464,-36.59579c10.19879,-1.80737 9.00111,23.96806 10.94535,18.5213c-3.83083,-8.28799 9.1568,-27.37077 8.41371,-9.7762c-0.78397,6.31187 -0.27625,19.10084 3.19139,6.43372c9.40052,-13.9652 0.18064,24.20846 9.40782,9.05938c6.50935,-2.10711 4.52592,9.32912 10.80828,3.67456c6.87772,5.25431 11.91442,6.4291 11.89108,15.161c9.16496,3.3132 16.00232,8.79374 14.18665,17.50479c17.88632,-4.31568 2.59483,17.992 15.32488,24.21275c6.86198,10.87837 9.94656,21.77702 9.45206,34.69591c14.12406,-3.90332 23.43909,-19.96727 38.02612,-24.96548c16.37712,-7.58971 22.24484,-26.45808 25.80173,-42.75597c1.58806,-7.86366 11.55658,-7.47865 8.4944,1.35465c11.47125,-12.36288 6.68346,-30.36211 9.92291,-45.39627c1.03862,-8.40902 -2.33224,-26.94658 4.74805,-28.67765c10.56419,9.48252 -2.34641,30.44621 7.95137,36.7387c7.25935,-13.5451 4.68625,-29.74639 5.07938,-44.52987c-0.17744,-8.53332 8.28981,-14.18234 7.88048,-2.00179c3.55096,10.5139 -0.40492,32.21981 1.64958,36.04613c8.07187,-12.48013 6.34647,-29.28694 14.90497,-41.01045c11.77513,4.41697 -3.33727,24.23894 -2.9549,34.73938c1.57841,8.06398 13.11919,-23.61583 13.7003,-6.1498c-5.31714,4.6162 -4.42737,17.32646 1.51364,7.08835c2.29477,-8.40776 17.99155,-5.58858 7.86148,2.08536c-7.52231,6.5335 13.19769,6.07413 4.12683,13.25697c6.05191,9.99521 -10.41388,15.90605 -0.99213,23.11055c-0.5419,2.90166 7.51996,8.55031 3.95645,15.5176c3.55255,6.41606 -12.64786,10.58171 -2.07687,14.97137c0.61145,14.96265 -18.29834,25.28072 -14.15472,39.25008c-1.22144,16.83496 -13.92377,30.96262 -27.51764,39.86047c-12.55846,2.38141 -22.29991,7.42523 -33.09448,14.38452c-7.10794,0.12218 -9.63133,0.08891 -13.34837,5.21904c-5.85042,-4.53848 -15.49744,-11.39697 -13.84404,2.34781c2.50378,17.06932 24.15945,18.76619 35.67772,27.84688c12.28496,4.33621 28.35258,18.74889 15.04837,30.03174c-1.28722,16.03848 -22.62962,6.43207 -28.17253,11.98065c-7.95277,1.1889 -7.12421,6.80249 -14.18958,0.10867c-6.88124,9.22229 -22.27397,-0.76007 -29.61287,-4.75983c-11.90405,5.67993 -17.34648,-22.86903 -19.53539,-2.88507c-4.83576,13.58316 -24.476,-1.01483 -24.37943,16.35269c-8.98567,-1.84631 -9.40855,12.19781 -19.04626,10.78702c6.06173,-2.81454 10.18479,-18.90897 -0.69688,-11.14999c-8.89938,-6.76031 -3.76038,16.63571 -11.0985,4.45398c-1.61417,-15.81525 16.34735,-16.12735 26.46889,-18.96848c3.63502,-9.19174 8.23714,-21.27525 7.27283,-30.1396c-9.56728,3.84567 -17.9573,12.08994 -29.11918,12.79019c0.69484,8.35417 -5.77779,21.85307 -15.72966,14.08031c14.30752,5.57813 7.98567,-25.05467 -0.66062,-9.91721c-3.38933,9.9873 -2.96938,-14.429 -12.7722,-7.32185c-5.13792,3.73692 -1.64958,12.39018 -6.75386,2.35237c-0.99273,-2.02373 -1.14814,-4.89752 0.9282,-6.35475z",
"elk": "m55.44169,70.04322c-9.46609,7.85901 -22.89024,10.68682 -35.01687,12.13352c-10.34381,-1.03976 -26.56821,7.31529 -15.97385,18.70621c7.56154,15.8879 23.87035,2.81345 34.83344,1.97973c6.74288,1.81747 9.04052,25.43575 14.68986,9.83006c3.84105,-12.93275 21.02425,-8.87709 30.14005,-4.40716c14.1686,4.39434 8.46609,22.12076 16.61138,31.95892c12.24081,12.85411 -1.67636,29.24428 -12.4499,37.76401c-12.75361,7.58044 -18.55984,19.76834 -16.78767,34.30325c0.04941,14.73842 -3.99104,30.75432 3.85034,44.19391c11.85099,1.57538 1.64103,-19.88701 4.92331,-27.40918c1.21214,-13.46214 -1.9274,-30.30058 10.90484,-39.28947c11.4828,-10.01157 23.57063,-19.55112 36.47411,-27.62581c12.21095,-0.62399 10.39299,17.77295 13.97888,26.40175c2.87054,13.20355 4.12752,27.58423 3.69688,40.50841c3.125,10.64038 5.51489,24.0757 -1.41217,31.57294c12.91045,1.34732 24.73607,-12.8914 14.16034,-24.30435c-4.26125,-15.94153 -5.71083,-32.54619 -8.8824,-48.75049c-1.29825,-11.53598 -3.35872,-25.34232 4.83759,-34.86038c12.05826,-0.41389 24.32834,12.14566 37.60088,4.59509c11.65439,-7.49344 33.21696,-6.53802 31.62036,11.82347c-3.2142,14.87534 1.55244,29.61519 2.2346,43.81203c-3.42354,18.43187 -22.15714,27.36267 -29.50255,43.57849c6.98146,9.64319 17.6196,-4.17101 24.65466,-8.5957c-1.74142,-12.99426 11.64835,-19.92599 15.71536,-30.922c6.9856,-14.97188 -3.20459,-32.25409 -2.75711,-46.36688c-5.96602,-12.06912 6.08081,-14.98056 11.07512,-3.9678c8.02901,10.14059 21.03195,16.80963 23.7973,30.43394c7.39731,10.39175 10.8736,22.49284 15.64307,34.03711c4.08353,6.21262 10.6907,18.02594 12.81412,3.55118c3.85464,-8.67506 1.42859,-14.46745 -6.31488,-15.1647c-13.17899,-14.6283 -10.83514,-37.51031 -25.72766,-51.16437c-10.90161,-6.89407 -22.06673,-14.37312 -25.85289,-27.85638c-6.71298,-10.98305 -8.98033,-24.34339 -5.63237,-36.85001c4.36508,-2.10748 7.17406,6.33847 3.86676,-3.07584c-7.08252,-11.81364 -21.74017,-16.42101 -34.30881,-20.12214c-13.86351,-4.31435 -28.287,-5.60372 -42.65346,-3.49644c-12.2518,3.14196 -25.56529,6.21495 -37.68355,0.56779c-10.80199,-6.45414 -23.34553,-5.2407 -34.37726,-0.35921c-8.31817,4.58586 -24.95089,-0.17232 -13.39404,-9.69791c-4.65558,-4.05794 -21.26908,7.53993 -8.94252,-2.36752c5.90361,-6.02524 8.73024,-18.58166 6.56192,-25.10496c-2.33636,8.03588 -5.7029,7.70039 -5.40219,-0.79288c-2.03959,15.14413 -12.13537,5.38195 -10.55587,1.00194c0.66773,6.1233 -2.56635,12.84344 -5.72467,3.23117c-0.3636,6.21597 2.87773,15.15818 -3.77972,17.71219c10.15314,9.32419 -13.24982,2.42432 -13.20099,-4.96754c-6.18471,-9.39983 -7.12771,-4.31873 -4.60736,3.21883c-4.59348,-3.34352 -10.47613,-9.66862 -5.36225,0.14767c5.84781,13.3303 21.7189,7.94385 31.61781,10.45553z",
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"hare": "m95.22337,299.53546c-10.68459,-4.81824 3.25798,-14.45154 8.53654,-18.71286c3.55556,-3.28177 -20.37717,0.46036 -10.27298,-10.93198c11.08577,-9.30692 6.89815,-25.05217 -4.18282,-32.37115c-15.24973,-10.2968 -34.81611,-19.10942 -40.44992,-38.33635c-5.69662,-11.9756 7.81301,-24.58835 -0.87631,-35.40263c-6.99412,-14.0412 1.177,-28.68323 6.25594,-41.69022c2.33568,-17.99253 -11.97227,-32.2212 -19.84076,-47.00306c-9.74298,-14.12588 -15.35928,-30.58578 -16.16633,-47.73895c-2.11884,-7.3217 0.22601,-18.6921 8.68694,-8.82097c17.71845,14.18765 37.17033,27.65002 49.57116,47.06949c2.34735,7.01447 11.74658,27.34441 12.27144,8.93449c0.24582,-25.30315 7.97399,-52.90002 27.77682,-69.85634c13.46954,-12.2734 20.73361,9.21683 21.36209,20.13735c3.50587,21.487 -2.30553,42.79486 -8.78146,63.09225c-2.37738,9.43285 -8.56868,35.2823 9.08899,25.75117c40.67693,-15.70451 89.96005,0.78945 116.45525,34.52606c12.17961,16.33485 17.5135,37.32133 17.39308,57.47189c-6.27155,11.83836 17.03061,-0.22177 8.58704,13.43613c-4.97064,15.1297 -19.01465,23.33925 -28.85207,34.75906c-10.01038,9.15085 -2.58298,28.71576 -19.13725,31.59863c-24.15469,7.44629 -49.5191,10.70804 -74.66498,12.6066c-14.07156,2.88287 -20.90056,-13.20758 -7.41347,-19.89679c6.46608,-9.96799 24.96535,-10.66653 30.46185,-12.24564c-13.13484,1.28516 -29.33337,-4.0759 -40.40141,4.05872c-6.70294,10.88138 -12.07141,25.20364 -26.12755,28.30951c-6.3168,1.75439 -12.8116,3.16129 -19.27982,1.25558z",
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"raph_shuffle": "M9.089,13.133c0.346,0.326,0.69,0.75,1.043,1.228c0.051-0.073,0.099-0.144,0.15-0.219c0.511-0.75,1.09-1.599,1.739-2.421c0.103-0.133,0.211-0.245,0.316-0.371c-0.487-0.572-1.024-1.12-1.672-1.592C9.663,9.02,8.354,8.506,6.899,8.517H0.593v3.604H6.9C7.777,12.138,8.333,12.422,9.089,13.133zM22.753,16.082v2.256c-0.922-0.002-2.45-0.002-2.883-0.002c-1.28-0.03-2.12-0.438-2.994-1.148c-0.378-0.311-0.74-0.7-1.097-1.133c-0.268,0.376-0.538,0.764-0.813,1.168c-0.334,0.488-0.678,0.99-1.037,1.484c-0.089,0.121-0.189,0.246-0.283,0.369c1.455,1.528,3.473,2.846,6.202,2.862h2.905v2.256l3.515-2.026l3.521-2.03l-3.521-2.028L22.753,16.082zM16.876,13.27c0.874-0.712,1.714-1.118,2.994-1.148c0.433,0,1.961,0,2.883-0.002v2.256l3.515-2.026l3.521-2.028l-3.521-2.029l-3.515-2.027V8.52h-2.905c-3.293,0.02-5.563,1.93-7.041,3.822c-1.506,1.912-2.598,3.929-3.718,4.982C8.332,18.033,7.777,18.32,6.9,18.336H0.593v3.604H6.9c1.455,0.011,2.764-0.502,3.766-1.242c1.012-0.735,1.772-1.651,2.454-2.573C14.461,16.267,15.574,14.34,16.876,13.27zx",
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"11": "m136.44681,226.75766l47.24773,-47.40907l-91.35118,0l-91.35098,0l0,-29.34846l0,-29.34849l90.303,0c49.66658,0 90.30293,-1.48752 90.30293,-3.30561c0,-1.81805 -19.77211,-23.15214 -43.93797,-47.40906l-43.93811,-44.1035l40.61224,0l40.61209,0l62.02386,62.14279l62.02383,62.14276l-62.14281,62.02386l-62.14279,62.02386l-42.75481,0l-42.75491,0l47.24786,-47.40909z",
"12": "m116.00724,294.49442c-8.01179,-8.01181 -6.96065,-12.86337 12.51841,-57.77466c9.83598,-22.67787 17.88353,-41.89153 17.88353,-42.69699c0,-0.8054 -27.16052,-1.46442 -60.3569,-1.46442l-60.3569,0l0,-42.47337l0,-42.47337l60.83526,0c46.90741,0 60.31158,-1.27951 58.54825,-5.58862c-1.25784,-3.07373 -9.83818,-23.47047 -19.06743,-45.32602c-17.39725,-41.19823 -17.39179,-52.24659 0.02688,-55.67119c8.66862,-1.70424 143.62872,129.24032 148.26757,143.85621c-44.95403,52.18671 -98.68933,106.81281 -148.18829,154.97751c-2.60997,0 -7.15958,-2.41428 -10.11037,-5.36508z",
"13": "m167.5984,129.81894c13.45454,0 26.90909,0 40.36363,0c0,13.45454 0,26.90909 0,40.36363c-13.45454,0 -26.90909,0 -40.36363,0c0,-13.45454 0,-26.90909 0,-40.36363zm-58.30304,0c14.9494,0 29.89909,0 44.8485,0c0,13.45454 0,26.90909 0,40.36363c-14.9494,0 -29.89909,0 -44.8485,0c0,-13.45454 0,-26.90909 0,-40.36363zm-53.81818,0c14.9494,0 29.89908,0 44.84848,0c0,13.45454 0,26.90909 0,40.36363c-14.9494,0 -29.89909,0 -44.84848,0c0,-13.45454 0,-26.90909 0,-40.36363zm-53.81818,0c14.9494,0 29.89908,0 44.84849,0c0,13.45454 0,26.90909 0,40.36363c-14.94941,0 -29.89908,0 -44.84849,0c0,-13.45454 0,-26.90909 0,-40.36363zm165.9394,83.23706c14.2021,-0.91132 28.40395,0.64389 42.60606,-0.26743c0.91125,-14.20201 0.48917,-28.40405 1.40042,-42.60606c13.29086,0 27.91505,0 41.20563,0c0,-13.45454 0,-26.9091 0,-40.36363c-13.45454,0 -26.90909,0 -40.36363,0c0,-14.94952 0,-29.899 0,-44.84848c-14.9494,0 -29.89908,0 -44.84848,0c0,-13.45454 0,-26.90909 0,-40.36363c14.9494,0 29.89908,0 44.84848,0c0,13.45454 0,26.90909 0,40.36363c13.29059,0 27.91478,-0.66666 41.20563,-0.66666c0.91125,14.20197 0.48918,29.0707 1.40044,43.27271c14.20209,0.91129 28.60425,-0.07731 42.80637,0.83398c0,13.29074 -0.20032,28.48132 -0.20032,41.77208c-14.9494,0 -29.89908,0 -44.84848,0c0,14.94951 0,29.89897 0,44.84848c-13.45454,0 -26.90909,0 -40.36363,0c0,13.45454 0,26.90909 0,40.36363c-14.9494,0 -29.89908,0 -44.84848,0c0,-13.29074 0,-29.0479 0,-42.33865z",
"14": "m158.38327,149.9911l-83.00266,-148.9972l149.24145,148.9972l-149.24145,148.99712l83.00266,-148.99712z",
"15": "m175.41861,150.04552l-148.89816,-149.05299l98.06119,0l148.89816,149.05299l-148.89816,149.05287l-98.06119,0l148.89816,-149.05287z",
"16": "m227.52928,183.22569c6.14276,-5.95375 12.01762,-12.81764 17.19296,-18.97911l-155.07133,-2.82724l-21.27044,24.3479l-67.38522,-2.09119c8.44345,-11.0853 17.69294,-24.10754 24.55062,-33.88853l-24.39403,-32.88164l71.89852,0l14.62907,20.54468l158.32403,0l-19.63887,-20.4987c6.06082,-6.45992 15.03049,-15.08081 19.89622,-19.60087l53.24701,52.24467l-53.36812,53.05513l-18.61044,-19.42511z",
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"left_right": "m0.99835,150.00092l86.49609,-86.49651l0,43.24814l125.35546,0l0,-43.24814l86.49605,86.49651l-86.49605,86.49605l0,-43.24803l-125.35546,0l0,43.24803l-86.49609,-86.49605z",
"left_up": "m0.99865,224.5l74.50004,-74.5l0,37.25l111.74991,0l0,-111.75l-37.25,0l74.5,-74.5l74.5,74.5l-37.25,0l0,186.25l-186.24989,0l0,37.25l-74.50005,-74.5z",
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"turn_17": "m187.66985,234.28424l2.06375,-22.20483l-24.28615,-3.86421c-61.48712,-9.78288 -121.75832,-51.26649 -155.31676,-106.90179c-6.02069,-9.98148 -10.05047,-19.59818 -8.95503,-21.37048c2.51272,-4.06578 63.74106,-36.43469 68.91894,-36.43469c2.11224,0 7.18627,5.95309 11.27556,13.22911c17.44035,31.03078 62.57552,63.39609 94.35383,67.65826l12.88387,1.7281l-2.21523,-19.19039c-2.29968,-19.92216 -1.65292,-24.10554 3.72659,-24.10554c3.43987,0 106.12749,76.50481 109.06303,81.25475c2.22696,3.60321 -11.89679,16.9705 -62.46501,59.11911c-21.96555,18.30804 -42.4514,33.28745 -45.52422,33.28745c-4.91821,0 -5.33987,-2.65765 -3.52318,-22.20483z",
"turn_reverse": "m298.99997,168.62498c0,-51.43148 -133.41916,-93.12499 -297.99997,-93.12499l0,-74.49999l0,0c164.58081,0 297.99997,41.69347 297.99997,93.12499l0,74.49999c0,42.46484 -91.92749,79.55168 -223.49998,90.16789l0,37.25l-74.49999,-71.54289l74.49999,-77.45709l0,37.25l0,0c88.72033,-7.15858 161.96952,-26.67409 198.62153,-52.91789",
"u_turn": "m1.00059,299.00055l0,-167.62497l0,0c0,-72.00411 58.37087,-130.37499 130.375,-130.37499l0,0l0,0c34.57759,0 67.73898,13.7359 92.18906,38.18595c24.45006,24.45005 38.18593,57.61144 38.18593,92.18904l0,18.625l37.24997,0l-74.49995,74.50002l-74.50002,-74.50002l37.25,0l0,-18.625c0,-30.8589 -25.0161,-55.87498 -55.87498,-55.87498l0,0l0,0c-30.85892,0 -55.875,25.01608 -55.875,55.87498l0,167.62497z",
"up": "m1.49805,149.64304l148.50121,-148.00241l148.50121,148.00241l-74.25061,0l0,148.71457l-148.5012,0l0,-148.71457z",
"3_ways": "m1,159.61292l52.87097,-52.87097l0,26.43549l69.69355,0l0,-79.30646l-26.43549,0l52.87096,-52.87097l52.87097,52.87097l-26.43549,0l0,79.30646l69.69356,0l0,-26.43549l52.87096,52.87097l-52.87096,52.87097l0,-26.43549l-192.25807,0l0,26.43549l-52.87097,-52.87097z",
"maximize_2": "m1,149.99998l67.05,-67.05l0,33.52501l48.425,0l0,-48.425l-33.52501,0l67.05,-67.05l67.04999,67.05l-33.52499,0l0,48.425l48.42502,0l0,-33.52501l67.04997,67.05l-67.04997,67.04999l0,-33.52499l-48.42502,0l0,48.42502l33.52499,0l-67.04999,67.04997l-67.05,-67.04997l33.52501,0l0,-48.42502l-48.425,0l0,33.52499l-67.05,-67.04999z",
"raph_download": "M16,1.466C7.973,1.466,1.466,7.973,1.466,16c0,8.027,6.507,14.534,14.534,14.534c8.027,0,14.534-6.507,14.534-14.534C30.534,7.973,24.027,1.466,16,1.466zM16,28.792c-1.549,0-2.806-1.256-2.806-2.806s1.256-2.806,2.806-2.806c1.55,0,2.806,1.256,2.806,2.806S17.55,28.792,16,28.792zM16,21.087l-7.858-6.562h3.469V5.747h8.779v8.778h3.468L16,21.087zx"

View File

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"raph_bubble": "M16,5.333c-7.732,0-14,4.701-14,10.5c0,1.982,0.741,3.833,2.016,5.414L2,25.667l5.613-1.441c2.339,1.317,5.237,2.107,8.387,2.107c7.732,0,14-4.701,14-10.5C30,10.034,23.732,5.333,16,5.333zx",
"raph_codetalk": "M16,4.938c-7.732,0-14,4.701-14,10.5c0,1.981,0.741,3.833,2.016,5.414L2,25.272l5.613-1.44c2.339,1.316,5.237,2.106,8.387,2.106c7.732,0,14-4.701,14-10.5S23.732,4.938,16,4.938zM13.704,19.47l-2.338,2.336l-6.43-6.431l6.429-6.432l2.339,2.341l-4.091,4.091L13.704,19.47zM20.775,21.803l-2.337-2.339l4.092-4.09l-4.092-4.092l2.337-2.339l6.43,6.426L20.775,21.803zx",
"raph_talkq": "M16,4.938c-7.732,0-14,4.701-14,10.5c0,1.981,0.741,3.833,2.016,5.414L2,25.272l5.613-1.44c2.339,1.316,5.237,2.106,8.387,2.106c7.732,0,14-4.701,14-10.5S23.732,4.938,16,4.938zM16.868,21.375h-1.969v-1.889h1.969V21.375zM16.772,18.094h-1.777l-0.176-8.083h2.113L16.772,18.094zx",
"raph_talke": "M16,4.938c-7.732,0-14,4.701-14,10.5c0,1.981,0.741,3.833,2.016,5.414L2,25.272l5.613-1.44c2.339,1.316,5.237,2.106,8.387,2.106c7.732,0,14-4.701,14-10.5S23.732,4.938,16,4.938zM16.982,21.375h-1.969v-1.889h1.969V21.375zM16.982,17.469v0.625h-1.969v-0.769c0-2.321,2.641-2.689,2.641-4.337c0-0.752-0.672-1.329-1.553-1.329c-0.912,0-1.713,0.672-1.713,0.672l-1.12-1.393c0,0,1.104-1.153,3.009-1.153c1.81,0,3.49,1.121,3.49,3.009C19.768,15.437,16.982,15.741,16.982,17.469zx"

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
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"wave": "m1,37.20809c99.33355,-125.42461 198.66708,125.4246 298.00061,0l0,225.76426c-99.33353,125.42462 -198.66706,-125.42459 -298.00061,0z"

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
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"chess_knight": "m100.17753,299.2356c-10.0382,0.34137 -24.72987,-4.84531 -14.46609,-16.41525c11.17445,-4.40472 -1.98608,-19.00409 9.21265,-25.88123c8.98889,-12.79953 21.20518,-24.48807 24.89179,-40.11865c-0.57252,-10.60066 -13.22608,-16.87427 -7.18922,-28.60765c-5.92265,-18.77635 -4.55389,-40.38806 6.25748,-57.26643c9.18032,-15.67659 20.32635,-32.28713 19.15084,-51.25797c-11.5139,4.80804 -23.70148,9.0206 -36.37307,6.83708c-11.91311,-1.1064 -22.59742,8.54017 -34.74928,3.29494c-12.31807,-2.55921 -19.64501,-19.02957 -10.4606,-28.65753c10.03679,-8.57325 24.78339,-8.84916 34.35549,-18.41713c12.62932,-10.46186 24.31081,-24.61204 41.71716,-26.46155c7.69322,-1.76131 10.99294,-9.49197 15.25148,-15.2854c3.53894,9.18849 9.69408,17.31353 18.95801,21.387c18.83824,10.9118 23.5276,33.98066 30.47462,52.94444c5.13654,14.85179 9.41592,30.35814 18.01733,43.6171c0.09145,6.36343 -9.56343,9.05308 -3.04225,16.51302c3.39153,20.2325 3.53752,40.95071 3.23686,61.41966c-5.72005,10.01691 -10.93028,21.19722 -3.29993,32.69295c5.09689,14.05096 17.7905,23.26645 24.03563,36.52565c3.53024,6.8656 -6.88226,16.83319 6.09091,15.10654c11.84755,6.2681 2.28101,21.56821 -9.50232,17.11713c-44.15834,1.12289 -88.41394,2.24417 -132.5675,0.9133z",
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"chess_queen": "m59.54884,298.46313c-11.18457,2.51251 -19.80814,-14.30008 -5.94004,-16.129c12.20336,0.23074 -3.0349,-11.94995 7.98012,-16.05304c12.67021,-12.36537 25.23749,-25.26018 33.3575,-41.17609c-4.09126,-5.42482 -10.84344,-10.60782 -9.96117,-18.03085c7.964,-2.71161 19.82806,-0.87375 20.29981,-13.44502c7.24239,-22.68985 9.1741,-46.67986 10.76167,-70.3136c-7.99255,-6.33596 -24.45116,-0.33371 -35.62089,-3.56097c-16.94488,-4.5746 6.31873,-13.33291 13.78075,-12.6113c6.70493,0.01006 16.63324,-4.12222 5.41084,-7.2804c9.46686,-0.43687 23.08297,-12.44518 7.51486,-16.77373c11.54188,-8.28655 2.64816,-26.31929 -2.17102,-36.68976c-7.265,-12.52285 -19.21146,-21.59242 -32.71435,-26.42871c-2.18616,-12.77 18.63421,-8.99565 27.07909,-9.65835c12.78728,0.48775 25.82639,-0.15282 36.96732,-7.11507c15.05278,-6.96464 27.8495,4.65901 41.61934,7.11611c13.92807,0.89699 28.41634,-2.50577 41.97807,1.44028c4.20209,2.98911 11.18788,7.71034 2.77457,9.97613c-16.06789,8.94404 -31.07338,22.15693 -35.10127,40.92605c-6.0766,10.44077 4.6955,19.50048 -5.15381,26.98807c-0.10249,8.80961 22.85634,10.04067 10.00395,14.37878c8.80815,4.77542 27.69864,1.76332 29.62625,12.3696c-7.99612,6.2903 -19.2092,3.80788 -28.79007,4.39512c-3.2489,1.10706 -11.41316,-2.70125 -10.17032,2.89742c-0.6366,25.08775 5.87923,49.75521 12.1806,73.83221c0.00804,11.79608 29.09497,5.10777 12.92737,18.49597c-11.94247,10.28146 5.56685,24.68452 11.63272,33.82986c8.25099,10.03221 22.89711,15.11021 21.67468,29.8362c8.40468,0.60507 18.40166,13.69095 6.78131,16.95151c-62.8902,1.31946 -125.82766,2.22778 -188.72791,1.83258z",
"chess_rock": "m70.40736,299.11804c-15.60727,2.87628 -15.90823,-19.81082 -1.8931,-20.53482c-4.2011,-9.73361 -0.98556,-21.67557 5.22356,-30.68398c8.90442,-15.05035 22.29623,-30.00999 19.52936,-48.8515c-0.95786,-9.8022 -13.10349,-27.37677 5.72565,-24.85997c5.09087,-9.77498 2.13017,-24.16621 5.9483,-35.39389c3.33424,-21.28385 10.75552,-43.9948 2.86147,-65.09612c-4.97705,-11.23243 -17.62387,-18.62589 -16.26645,-32.35733c-1.42947,-13.39034 -0.95647,-26.88279 0.60455,-40.23392c6.07738,0.50975 12.84039,-1.27954 18.38155,1.475c-0.04153,12.96106 12.26991,10.08973 10.7935,-0.92486c3.23881,-1.28251 8.60017,-0.18413 12.6562,-0.55014c18.03256,0 36.06522,0 54.09778,0c-2.06311,7.51434 3.5195,17.19948 10.5887,8.35272c-1.93379,-11.75267 14.25911,-7.86334 10.37854,2.24694c0.22855,13.39515 1.87041,27.25403 -1.89201,40.29753c-6.12787,5.2086 -6.22449,15.45995 -13.90137,21.60233c-6.16908,11.51656 -3.45045,25.43306 -2.7644,37.9428c2.61279,18.51363 6.92676,36.79671 8.00221,55.52328c-0.76923,10.18126 20.18948,7.18474 11.15244,19.71645c-9.87662,8.41151 -4.0954,22.61668 -0.18413,32.66171c7.71916,17.36203 23.99019,32.95758 21.5343,53.32025c-1.94743,8.89606 14.16618,5.88821 9.97758,17.34372c-0.12151,14.11871 -21.10172,5.04239 -30.39526,8.00793c-46.7146,0.56656 -93.44374,1.44144 -140.159,0.99585z"

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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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"times": "m1.00089,73.36786l72.36697,-72.36697l76.87431,76.87368l76.87431,-76.87368l72.36765,72.36697l-76.87433,76.87431l76.87433,76.87431l-72.36765,72.36765l-76.87431,-76.87433l-76.87431,76.87433l-72.36697,-72.36765l76.87368,-76.87431l-76.87368,-76.87431z",
"plus": "m1.00211,102.40185l101.39974,0l0,-101.39975l95.45412,0l0,101.39975l101.3997,0l0,95.45412l-101.3997,0l0,101.3997l-95.45412,0l0,-101.3997l-101.39974,0z"

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@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
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@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
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"clef_bass": "m21.53929,297.24106c0.11552,-13.50244 21.89277,-17.95071 30.83244,-27.31851c34.50853,-23.15955 68.13189,-49.8976 89.28437,-86.39645c22.47179,-37.29227 34.65842,-82.97259 25.51732,-126.22972c-4.84746,-26.84145 -30.93637,-48.32386 -58.5412,-44.96438c-18.18078,2.48732 -39.18159,6.6724 -49.70108,23.45858c-11.41858,8.57642 -5.13639,28.67733 10.08619,21.04295c19.47556,-7.4344 43.93666,7.72539 43.16644,29.21231c0.02258,20.3737 -20.60109,34.74615 -39.82058,32.83379c-21.40677,-0.21405 -42.59771,-17.48695 -42.15028,-39.87929c-1.48358,-36.0903 29.74187,-65.56665 63.16554,-73.13066c29.88613,-9.31284 64.6309,-5.56545 89.8325,13.80772c18.75227,12.81883 33.51952,32.25211 36.60045,55.18989c6.65193,29.82199 -1.94455,60.59844 -16.85703,86.54317c-19.16537,34.9521 -48.44911,63.56561 -82.44233,84.09172c-31.5721,20.13449 -64.41224,38.31845 -98.38529,54.07944c-0.19582,-0.78018 -0.39163,-1.56039 -0.58745,-2.34058zm226.81013,-147.1503c-16.25441,-7.36092 -12.66826,-37.2715 6.2514,-37.94421c14.1568,-3.30239 27.38025,11.49424 23.01007,25.17739c-2.75677,12.80446 -18.12839,18.35408 -29.26147,12.76682zm0,-81.82211c-16.25441,-7.36089 -12.66826,-37.2715 6.2514,-37.9442c14.1568,-3.30238 27.38025,11.49425 23.01007,25.17739c-2.82837,12.84788 -18.04926,18.33069 -29.26147,12.76681z",
"clef_treble": "m142.57787,298.08936c-19.93291,-3.16858 -30.69543,-32.78793 -10.77837,-43.63799c20.76305,-10.6983 33.11169,27.38725 10.4319,31.10985c-12.41878,4.65247 16.12379,12.44363 21.44362,4.62054c16.62259,-8.04572 14.05481,-28.98639 10.0555,-43.73428c-1.38792,-11.29834 -3.1236,-23.3942 -17.37872,-16.97299c-34.39165,2.76706 -61.61951,-32.12309 -58.88461,-64.7627c0.92851,-30.78641 26.14601,-51.87253 44.81895,-73.25146c-6.13037,-27.96899 -7.98138,-60.28084 9.78998,-84.65368c16.36949,-19.81244 24.67825,16.44271 27.44722,28.74505c6.15059,28.7567 -6.11317,58.97542 -26.51985,79.24646c1.94853,9.61536 3.86572,19.23715 5.85146,28.84491c21.56471,-4.16351 42.14922,14.0585 43.32542,35.40215c3.33209,19.27364 -9.02991,37.47516 -25.91515,45.75842c-0.27765,16.55051 8.86742,33.71834 5.58147,50.80913c-3.15567,17.67035 -22.97263,26.33539 -39.26881,22.47659zm22.51283,-75.40413c6.10963,-11.46864 -4.97238,-31.72308 -5.58083,-46.4445c0.2393,-25.67101 -26.99069,4.97273 -18.89308,17.57916c2.40038,7.45953 23.23523,21.13914 4.09677,12.70238c-19.98106,-11.95877 -19.06588,-42.72807 -0.80893,-55.71979c15.31693,-3.39279 5.96193,-23.83228 3.07584,-30.54592c-18.81245,17.14481 -40.13555,38.73356 -36.89114,66.48257c2.4439,26.00902 30.79729,41.78694 55.00137,35.94611zm12.65782,-4.96449c17.94263,-11.51868 17.35378,-41.74863 -2.27676,-51.12454c-20.94589,-11.06784 -6.59929,17.92804 -6.2155,28.9649c2.90686,4.22505 1.26024,28.84393 8.49226,22.15964zm-22.11331,-138.56764c11.03699,-13.35171 23.65346,-32.62746 15.90224,-50.28019c-16.69221,-11.01859 -25.9682,18.77171 -26.37872,31.81623c-0.15186,8.45836 -1.39836,37.61288 10.47649,18.46396l0,0z",
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"note_2_8th": "m49.39571,299.54196c-16.81947,-3.04169 -22.61933,-24.29047 -12.59162,-37.02081c13.30804,-19.68834 41.77522,-32.96077 64.07959,-20.53792c0.44447,-69.55862 0.18803,-139.12106 0.25597,-208.68139c55.61337,-11.00192 111.35248,-21.38966 166.98529,-32.30051c-0.12051,77.70421 -0.24097,155.40842 -0.36145,233.11263c-8.71594,23.50241 -36.8791,39.7999 -61.40207,32.51218c-14.59976,-4.3703 -18.09987,-23.21533 -9.97012,-34.76193c11.1329,-17.22395 31.854,-29.0497 52.68538,-25.82347c5.9447,-0.60136 14.69872,9.02304 12.18608,-1.86462c-0.20636,-61.46065 0.51324,-122.93768 -0.53098,-184.38539c-9.07608,-3.36956 -25.21706,4.38308 -36.83795,5.01031c-38.86079,7.56314 -77.80466,14.7255 -116.5762,22.73074c1.16985,68.10055 0.62434,136.24279 0.45018,204.35774c2.05843,15.54877 -6.51154,30.19547 -19.54225,38.30072c-11.24453,8.17932 -25.1371,11.12784 -38.82984,9.35175z",
"note_3_16th": "m15.05685,274.22351c-14.31707,-1.91919 -18.42601,-20.36026 -8.93697,-29.99135c10.38879,-13.67648 30.27091,-22.30884 46.50806,-13.88651c0.66153,-52.11798 0.28726,-104.24728 0.38611,-156.37085c81.97754,-16.40272 164.06679,-32.26359 246.07988,-48.4937c-0.2363,57.62228 0.57657,115.26416 -0.57095,172.87157c-1.96915,14.86053 -17.13602,24.73001 -30.79037,27.8163c-11.96523,3.66803 -28.81345,-4.27913 -25.97942,-18.60889c3.50381,-15.4984 19.49126,-26.6657 34.85991,-28.02376c8.59586,-2.14986 20.61923,9.25734 16.69226,-5.91415c0.09525,-39.33675 -0.07153,-78.67297 -0.13177,-118.00977c-38.18202,7.50178 -76.35632,15.04294 -114.54555,22.50813c-0.23268,48.18274 0.55394,96.38557 -0.57504,144.55286c-2.30531,15.49788 -18.60167,25.74417 -33.19453,27.71848c-14.44766,3.90948 -29.61349,-11.1328 -21.45115,-25.13463c9.01589,-16.79831 32.00478,-28.23689 49.88007,-18.48071c0.13591,-41.88866 0.57454,-83.7979 -0.20747,-125.67833c-9.66763,-2.10095 -24.53024,4.47319 -35.97192,5.4189c-26.23273,5.15636 -52.45877,10.34411 -78.68841,15.51694c-0.35831,49.24326 0.12716,98.5107 -1.08934,147.73389c-6.17624,16.23714 -25.20985,26.82423 -42.27338,24.45558l0,0zm101.53641,-195.02805c18.87659,-3.72421 37.75267,-7.44825 56.62927,-11.17233c3.17946,-13.298 -14.34059,-1.80056 -21.35852,-2.54169c-31.16307,6.26984 -62.32049,12.56754 -93.49695,18.76997c-1.80596,13.61728 18.79422,-0.36912 26.46645,1.18459c10.58865,-2.07109 21.17471,-4.15247 31.75974,-6.24054zm119.43625,-23.77348c18.94301,-3.80857 37.98227,-7.27608 56.8645,-11.31118c2.82892,-13.23786 -18.20215,0.42724 -25.56601,-1.09475c-29.37257,5.74051 -58.85892,11.05022 -88.16765,17.02801c-3.13623,14.00632 18.26294,0.04643 25.92744,1.45249c10.31323,-2.02774 20.62746,-4.05219 30.94171,-6.07457z",
"note_3_32th": "m15.05685,274.22333c-14.31707,-1.91882 -18.42601,-20.36018 -8.93697,-29.99106c10.3888,-13.67676 30.27089,-22.30908 46.50806,-13.88647c0.66166,-52.11824 0.28732,-104.24765 0.38611,-156.37099c81.97754,-16.40273 164.06694,-32.2636 246.07988,-48.4937c-0.2363,57.6225 0.57663,115.26395 -0.57123,172.87143c-1.96881,14.86089 -17.13586,24.73018 -30.79025,27.81644c-11.96498,3.66806 -28.81322,-4.27921 -25.97935,-18.60878c3.50368,-15.49834 19.49123,-26.6657 34.86018,-28.02408c8.67697,-2.20874 20.51364,9.40097 16.68222,-5.83759c-0.09845,-33.39989 0.78769,-66.86396 -0.50803,-100.22556c-37.99194,7.33447 -75.93604,14.91556 -113.90202,22.38341c-0.40428,43.27432 0.22905,86.58281 -1.10269,129.83c-6.66052,18.05263 -29.74564,30.16772 -47.98743,22.50237c-14.38366,-7.43967 -7.95995,-27.06667 2.9687,-34.4792c10.34322,-10.82147 29.63336,-12.35156 40.562,-8.05225c0.25528,-36.18434 0.11931,-72.37016 0.15388,-108.55522c-38.40674,7.73776 -76.89246,15.09384 -115.31775,22.74432c-0.2578,42.95952 0.63174,85.96188 -0.70086,128.88727c-5.20541,16.91916 -25.24538,27.88303 -42.40446,25.48965zm99.21976,-176.85336c19.73389,-3.88507 39.47778,-7.71994 59.20331,-11.64712c1.63908,-13.07382 -17.1093,-0.27914 -24.42491,-1.54683c-30.21908,5.91451 -60.4242,11.89998 -90.63543,17.85444c-2.77443,12.63378 14.55762,1.2752 21.41661,2.10594c11.47932,-2.25961 22.95964,-4.51424 34.44042,-6.76643zm2.31665,-18.17461c18.87643,-3.72409 37.75285,-7.44817 56.62927,-11.17224c3.17953,-13.298 -14.34081,-1.80056 -21.35843,-2.5417c-31.16306,6.26989 -62.32067,12.56752 -93.49722,18.77c-1.80564,13.61723 18.7942,-0.36929 26.46687,1.1845c10.58833,-2.07081 21.17455,-4.15248 31.7595,-6.24056zm119.82236,-6.10279c19.00511,-3.73167 38.01025,-7.46333 57.01538,-11.195c2.25488,-12.51775 -14.43167,-1.31337 -21.22391,-2.14778c-31.1899,6.14801 -62.39635,12.21269 -93.57906,18.3969c-0.48149,12.89743 19.70058,-0.51178 28.22481,0.73691c9.85522,-1.92534 19.70935,-3.85638 29.56277,-5.79102zm-0.38611,-17.67059c18.94318,-3.80859 37.98227,-7.27608 56.86438,-11.31118c2.82913,-13.23785 -18.20197,0.42724 -25.56577,-1.09474c-29.37247,5.74053 -58.85913,11.0502 -88.1676,17.028c-3.13618,14.00631 18.26254,0.04646 25.92732,1.45247c10.31334,-2.02773 20.6273,-4.05214 30.94167,-6.07454z",
"note_3_64th": "m15.05833,274.22296c-14.317,-1.9187 -18.42625,-20.3604 -8.93719,-29.99104c10.38896,-13.67708 30.27131,-22.30949 46.50857,-13.88661c0.66169,-52.1188 0.28732,-104.24842 0.38611,-156.37186c81.97786,-16.40303 164.06815,-32.26401 246.08122,-48.49419c-0.23633,57.62288 0.57712,115.26462 -0.57092,172.87238c-1.96869,14.86116 -17.13614,24.73065 -30.79056,27.81697c-11.96483,3.66806 -28.81317,-4.27963 -25.97963,-18.60901c3.50381,-15.49847 19.49141,-26.66583 34.8607,-28.02443c7.61099,-2.92159 20.18073,9.65431 16.68201,-4.30438c0.21829,-27.96678 0.10867,-55.9346 0.13544,-83.90191c-38.27235,7.48128 -76.53494,15.0156 -114.80267,22.52314c-0.22958,36.48441 0.55602,72.99504 -0.58997,109.45938c-3.18001,15.89902 -20.29759,26.40845 -35.74976,27.23267c-14.89929,2.89737 -27.08599,-14.42255 -17.93506,-27.04372c9.64191,-15.67046 31.65898,-26.22467 48.93309,-16.72427c0.33206,-30.58104 0.14311,-61.16617 0.19254,-91.74873c-38.39642,7.82673 -76.92161,15.04803 -115.31823,22.87476c-0.25736,36.94054 0.62957,73.92738 -0.70087,110.83084c-5.2055,16.9194 -25.24553,27.88339 -42.40482,25.49002l0,0zm101.38524,-159.31403c18.83891,-3.75145 37.70946,-7.35722 56.50069,-11.3393c2.95145,-13.53962 -17.91554,0.08701 -25.35307,-1.30814c-29.80621,5.87558 -59.6283,11.67136 -89.42722,17.5835c-2.26596,13.04952 15.28052,1.23864 22.46973,2.11949c11.93564,-2.35683 23.87244,-4.70798 35.80987,-7.05554zm-2.1648,-17.54025c19.73418,-3.88531 39.47784,-7.72015 59.20348,-11.64717c1.63916,-13.07402 -17.10936,-0.27902 -24.42487,-1.54701c-30.21927,5.9147 -60.42458,11.89994 -90.63596,17.8548c-2.77449,12.63354 14.55767,1.27519 21.41672,2.10558c11.47937,-2.25951 22.95979,-4.51389 34.44062,-6.7662zm123.16869,-6.50159c18.66148,-3.66445 37.32301,-7.3289 55.98506,-10.99284c1.75296,-13.03485 -16.50751,-0.89732 -23.95999,-1.87753c-30.19955,5.92758 -60.38982,11.90097 -90.58421,17.8548c-3.55789,11.04535 8.5943,3.94657 14.87352,3.58826c14.56204,-2.85567 29.12408,-5.71393 43.68562,-8.57269zm-120.85203,-11.67342c18.8765,-3.72417 37.75323,-7.44803 56.62942,-11.17215c3.18001,-13.29807 -14.34068,-1.80056 -21.35812,-2.54169c-31.16348,6.26993 -62.3213,12.56734 -93.49802,18.77035c-1.80566,13.61685 18.79432,-0.36964 26.46704,1.18407c10.58839,-2.07059 21.17467,-4.1525 31.75968,-6.24059zm119.82291,-6.10266c19.0054,-3.73169 38.01082,-7.46337 57.01573,-11.19506c2.25491,-12.51782 -14.4313,-1.3134 -21.22379,-2.14781c-31.19003,6.14807 -62.39655,12.21279 -93.5799,18.39685c-0.48135,12.89765 19.70091,-0.51173 28.22522,0.73721c9.8551,-1.92541 19.70967,-3.85648 29.56273,-5.7912zm-0.38611,-17.67071c18.94363,-3.8086 37.9825,-7.27608 56.86485,-11.31125c2.82944,-13.23789 -18.20175,0.42725 -25.56567,-1.09475c-29.37276,5.7406 -58.85979,11.05029 -88.16818,17.02811c-3.13626,14.0062 18.26253,0.04649 25.9276,1.4525c10.31329,-2.02775 20.62709,-4.05215 30.94141,-6.07461z",
"note_3_8th": "m15.02169,274.2272c-14.31707,-1.91879 -18.42601,-20.36015 -8.93697,-29.99103c10.3888,-13.67676 30.27088,-22.3091 46.50806,-13.88649c0.66166,-52.11824 0.28732,-104.24764 0.38611,-156.37097c81.97754,-16.40273 164.06694,-32.2636 246.07985,-48.4937c-0.2363,57.6225 0.57663,115.26395 -0.5712,172.87141c-1.96884,14.86089 -17.13589,24.73018 -30.79025,27.81644c-11.965,3.66806 -28.81323,-4.27919 -25.97937,-18.60878c3.50368,-15.49834 19.49124,-26.66568 34.8602,-28.02408c8.2316,-2.53128 20.41348,9.51646 16.65692,-5.23953c-0.07721,-45.31436 0.85016,-90.69309 -0.45593,-135.96806c-37.90379,6.83744 -76.18053,14.4211 -114.18623,21.74638c-0.22679,54.0925 0.53969,108.20272 -0.57019,162.28107c-1.77496,14.91302 -17.02997,24.75598 -30.69292,27.71687c-13.90182,4.60379 -31.50981,-7.66069 -24.80507,-22.93971c8.1866,-17.99985 32.25569,-30.36769 50.72748,-20.3566c0.32813,-48.569 0.14423,-97.14091 0.19258,-145.71125c-38.34256,7.86306 -76.73341,15.50194 -115.11303,23.18613c-0.70871,54.82025 0.60002,109.69145 -0.90556,164.48224c-5.27564,16.97054 -25.17379,27.85027 -42.40448,25.48964z",
"note_32nd": "m96.7115,298.78342c-12.19044,-1.97687 -21.5796,-13.65018 -18.87752,-26.14322c3.19898,-16.4884 18.16196,-28.11014 32.8273,-34.56326c11.8622,-4.83313 26.35187,-5.63437 37.63535,1.13913c0.44954,-79.35593 0.19681,-158.71518 0.26346,-238.07262c3.98198,-0.1698 8.54333,-0.99947 7.45644,4.60387c0.32353,13.2127 8.16176,24.35488 17.90031,32.62089c20.68701,19.0793 43.62003,41.1507 45.44289,71.03391c1.94933,11.70761 -4.32771,23.23071 -1.67,34.59584c2.53688,11.20206 1.78056,22.8308 0.17831,34.09036c7.53368,20.20854 5.71452,43.47615 -2.49284,63.20886c0.75815,6.16689 -13.8391,16.22797 -7.44476,5.95023c8.63434,-18.74539 13.17647,-41.8004 3.81317,-61.08943c-11.33986,-18.69514 -31.97612,-28.28085 -48.89772,-41.04474c-11.778,-11.86667 -5.42902,11.18993 -7.18364,18.06325c-0.26184,33.71661 -0.28255,67.43445 -0.41075,101.15173c-5.27325,12.84436 -14.94577,23.71875 -27.82796,29.29456c-9.44402,4.40988 -20.29373,7.32529 -30.71203,5.16064zm114.86545,-145.34879c-7.29857,-26.18551 -30.51866,-43.93251 -53.18727,-56.72259c-6.20538,-0.86809 1.83978,14.15399 3.5831,18.80585c8.11926,15.92772 24.10783,25.32948 35.63724,38.48439c5.02966,4.16844 10.75517,12.77017 14.6803,15.07132c0.57034,-5.18866 0.22502,-10.51091 -0.71336,-15.63898zm0.91826,-35.72012c-0.11551,-22.00919 -16.64085,-39.55235 -32.65781,-52.65142c-7.46819,-4.94457 -16.49954,-13.27054 -24.16978,-14.26883c1.45969,12.25124 6.9503,24.24821 17.03656,31.76259c14.34996,13.93145 29.52126,27.82796 39.47783,45.32379c1.14618,-3.04146 0.13112,-6.92123 0.3132,-10.16613z",
"note_4th": "m126.58881,297.40149c-11.87886,-2.65546 -23.26585,-13.54025 -21.01448,-26.56512c0.1731,-16.24911 13.85612,-27.71617 25.94878,-36.50977c15.62231,-10.78831 37.15717,-14.20154 54.34061,-5.04248c1.02979,-75.90828 0.44815,-151.83525 0.60191,-227.75206c3.00182,0.70564 9.53603,-2.12083 8.02534,3.09698c-0.14726,78.93155 0.33716,157.8673 -0.38513,236.79541c-0.07584,10.70851 -0.22026,22.31233 -7.75522,30.804c-13.91748,17.52454 -37.15509,29.1525 -59.76181,25.17303z",
"note_64th": "m104.92412,299.31976c-12.00094,-1.27536 -20.94641,-13.79388 -17.06551,-25.49271c6.43043,-17.60776 24.98182,-29.7767 43.42287,-30.74879c7.6006,-2.50558 20.88075,10.01114 17.93382,-3.27145c0.48503,-79.47305 0.24155,-158.94821 0.30153,-238.42232c5.75809,-1.70799 6.23006,2.55972 6.32732,7.33913c1.78415,17.85563 19.14293,26.89136 29.82072,39.25721c15.39714,15.12255 27.5349,36.04512 24.51741,58.34038c-3.08612,10.64033 -0.83701,20.84729 0.30066,31.5748c0.06851,11.58006 -4.18433,22.62605 -0.40593,34.00638c1.68036,11.01886 -3.23894,22.12428 2.03442,32.51251c2.40002,18.25101 0.69795,38.47595 -10.52008,53.59502c-7.11406,1.93207 2.97337,-8.35378 2.33067,-11.88858c6.3118,-18.25085 7.27405,-41.79056 -8.5262,-55.64728c-12.36734,-10.82431 -26.50575,-19.43405 -39.98901,-28.77931c-0.71652,35.81755 -0.4848,71.65158 -0.68907,107.47679c-5.08496,13.03387 -16.00215,23.09641 -29.22493,27.57315c-6.53331,2.3526 -13.63996,3.72845 -20.5687,2.57507zm98.72386,-126.48091c-6.34319,-22.74789 -26.51086,-38.16362 -46.20412,-49.27464c-5.25957,0.57732 2.32552,14.64314 4.87614,19.57021c8.86444,13.06609 22.37558,21.98311 32.7415,33.78232c3.44377,1.45969 10.43367,15.90742 9.37975,5.93784c0.13239,-3.35165 -0.09975,-6.73082 -0.79327,-10.01572zm0.7843,-31.02991c0.01227,-19.15482 -14.53879,-34.37045 -28.41721,-45.78492c-6.00691,-3.41928 -16.78343,-14.40513 -20.81033,-10.93629c1.48004,11.20951 7.52783,21.1048 16.47551,27.9065c11.85971,11.75211 24.67769,23.13779 32.59132,38.04211c0.77432,-2.77734 0.04828,-6.25352 0.16071,-9.2274zm0.01279,-39.15976c-0.40309,-21.71703 -17.74644,-38.41104 -34.56728,-49.83583c-4.69977,-2.50358 -18.46306,-14.73891 -13.78862,-1.7836c3.12802,17.13914 19.8609,25.3779 30.46255,37.43516c7.16287,5.47251 13.39691,18.87303 18.00247,22.03555c0.14136,-2.61625 -0.03749,-5.23595 -0.10913,-7.85128z",
"note_8th": "m92.11929,299.44888c-12.88673,-2.17523 -24.85642,-14.0065 -22.42534,-27.8176c1.23042,-15.16177 13.28207,-27.36446 25.40788,-35.40434c16.13786,-10.9864 38.20284,-15.06764 55.98708,-5.59207c1.04205,-76.42476 0.44817,-152.86866 0.60602,-229.30206c11.21484,-2.71548 7.58873,11.96767 10.1358,18.75797c2.43044,19.96716 15.82285,35.63469 29.15343,49.62502c16.53877,17.58521 34.10059,36.23084 39.47629,60.59399c5.87012,28.26657 -3.51422,57.18356 -15.69261,82.51581c-0.88187,8.11874 -15.77403,19.86469 -8.67888,5.1937c11.94699,-25.09727 21.81674,-54.00095 13.66216,-81.79225c-7.76553,-27.73048 -31.97011,-50.88958 -60.78398,-55.04219c-0.18622,58.55498 0.45346,117.12103 -0.68288,175.66663c-2.83272,17.24548 -17.81155,30.04147 -32.83268,37.34811c-10.35778,4.50974 -22.04797,7.23831 -33.33228,5.2493z",
"note_half": "m126.15042,298.46863c-16.82465,-2.00256 -23.94094,-21.72537 -20.50175,-36.48892c5.91676,-23.32147 29.06407,-39.43811 52.28738,-42.05833c8.81128,-0.72736 18.52644,-0.60411 25.78337,4.94891c5.95566,-2.36537 1.76544,-11.69408 2.85246,-17.2854c0,-68.81003 0,-137.6201 0,-206.43012c14.97716,-2.18183 5.30603,19.02521 7.94768,27.71113c-0.09924,75.95386 0.62134,151.91534 -0.76007,227.86198c-7.30341,28.38443 -39.39244,46.36703 -67.60907,41.74075zm2.8452,-12.40747c22.98492,-7.3089 44.37535,-22.56259 55.31068,-44.49013c0.95541,-13.55527 -16.00528,-10.73553 -23.6718,-6.15868c-13.5024,6.76553 -26.21068,15.65268 -36.74068,26.51123c-6.99238,6.4256 -15.89267,26.17618 0.78696,25.05563l2.30408,-0.3252l2.01074,-0.59286l0,0z",
"note_whole": "m130.51953,195.65829c-18.47874,-2.9818 -38.13104,-9.41365 -49.81914,-24.96915c-4.87284,-6.5025 -6.85786,-14.78229 -6.23731,-22.81049c-0.81288,-10.41815 5.23877,-19.78279 13.11027,-26.04227c15.71593,-12.69998 36.4436,-17.12403 56.18739,-18.21444c21.01479,-0.84168 42.85126,2.6237 61.20964,13.32044c11.19275,6.86285 21.10484,18.66567 20.54733,32.45548c0.612,8.09668 -0.91914,16.68852 -6.59294,22.84065c-11.24144,13.63681 -28.92738,19.59387 -45.72455,22.87505c-14.06622,2.54445 -28.55254,2.69426 -42.68069,0.54472zm34.33258,-7.95905c9.06644,-1.9348 15.01314,-11.03741 14.88672,-20.03276c1.54852,-18.89767 -4.73529,-39.56404 -20.09192,-51.52234c-8.61502,-6.06224 -20.8895,-6.65757 -30.00668,-1.42353c-6.79661,4.10276 -9.33514,12.23845 -9.31819,19.7824c-0.73656,16.04378 3.97748,32.8201 14.66045,45.0217c7.49542,7.87076 19.3475,12.08484 29.86963,8.17453z"

View File

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"drop": "m115.15536,295.759c-42.01334,-15.78687 -72.12711,-65.94934 -65.28346,-108.74701c4.3154,-26.98718 95.35947,-190.81818 103.3105,-185.90417c2.59511,1.60386 25.68835,39.79974 51.31831,84.87975c41.0565,72.21342 46.5999,85.67899 46.5999,113.19665c0,55.77716 -44.6394,101.46498 -98.23825,100.54555c-15.6409,-0.26834 -32.60906,-2.05518 -37.707,-3.97076zm42.09262,-28.05386c1.39066,-7.22116 -1.85785,-10.74289 -9.90955,-10.74289c-18.35065,0 -43.80598,-23.24161 -49.49309,-45.18889c-6.0666,-23.41179 -22.15186,-26.19615 -24.52774,-4.24574c-4.57746,42.29059 76.21872,100.22086 83.93037,60.17752z",
"electric_guitar": "m168.96899,1.09303c-2.62799,0.19977 -5.017,2.04496 -6.96899,4.55579c0.009,13.46278 -11.116,25.03858 -14.875,34.35928c2.30499,1.8475 1.13,2.9332 -1.03101,4.4286c-0.17,2.5165 0.468,4.9685 2.468,7.3554c-2.591,41.8755 -6.024,92.17889 -8.718,134.4599c6.14801,0.138 12.354,1.117 18.81201,0.687c-0.007,-32.55499 2.539,-84.562 3.282,-116.00749c-0.101,-10.2094 -0.504,-24.029 13.12399,-28.8618c-6.94499,-14.7833 5.922,-35.70095 -5.562,-40.97666c-0.146,-0.00122 -0.293,-0.00885 -0.438,0c-0.03099,0.00187 -0.062,-0.00236 -0.093,0l0,-0.00001zm11.692,171.76396c-4.715,6.66701 -11.79199,10.17 -14.146,13.60501c-5.37599,8.46799 -14.379,-3.16701 -26.89,2.99599c0.065,-1.02399 0.153,-2.172 0.21899,-3.20599c-0.07199,-0.002 -0.14699,0.00101 -0.21899,0c-6.659,1.013 -12.157,-7.713 -12.594,-15.44901c5.55199,-11.89 -14.242,-18.006 -19.5,-5.82899c-3.943,13.605 -0.41,27.51199 4.78201,40.672c5.933,16.162 -8.871,30.179 -13.2192,45.17601c-4.1375,9.502 -4.2709,20.46999 2.68719,29.192c9.486,13.58398 29.413,18.62799 47.563,18.758c3.23401,0.224 6.44801,0.414 9.68701,0.58499c57.61699,3.284 34.35399,-35.13699 25.282,-68.41299c-5.82201,-21.66299 1.48199,-36.38 6.269,-42.614c2.659,-7.35001 6.02899,-23 -9.92101,-15.472l0,-0.00101zm-34.567,-128.4203c2.43501,-11.918 -8.10399,0.709 0,0z",
"guitar": "m158.45264,1.00012c-0.96039,0.00612 -1.8884,0.06411 -2.73161,0.18457c-4.49716,0.64245 -8.99768,2.5655 -8.99768,2.5655c0,0 0.00569,8.99612 -0.63676,15.42064c-0.64244,6.42453 -3.21147,17.34015 -3.21147,17.34015l3.15611,6.32144l0.05536,-1.172l10.62189,1.86414l0.94128,0.05537c0,0 1.28059,-1.28413 2.56551,-3.21148c1.2849,-1.92736 3.85747,-3.21148 3.85747,-3.21148c0,0 0.63675,-9.63641 0.63675,-16.70339c0,-7.06698 2.57472,-18.63212 2.57472,-18.63212c0,0 -4.66991,-0.84783 -8.83156,-0.82133zm-1.74417,42.52442l-10.62189,-0.58139l-0.05536,-0.11074l-5.5278,113.65688c0.19376,0.03734 0.44296,0.08304 0.44296,0.08304c0.14801,2.18161 0.8121,3.84209 1.8549,5.14021l11.84926,5.41707c0.3562,0.09476 0.71249,0.18806 1.07048,0.28609l1.28276,-123.83578l-0.29532,-0.05537zm-0.98744,123.89115l0,0.20302l-1.07048,-0.48911c-4.80661,-1.27875 -9.3821,-2.34575 -11.84926,-5.41707l-2.5009,-1.14432l0.20303,-4.07893c-2.16553,-0.41753 -15.40038,-2.83867 -20.1179,-0.47989c-5.13962,2.56979 -8.99552,6.42279 -10.28043,14.77466c-1.2849,8.3519 2.57119,23.77351 1.92873,34.05275c-0.64246,10.27924 -7.71416,19.91469 -10.92641,28.26657c-3.21227,8.35188 -6.4202,17.99007 -2.5655,32.12404c3.85472,14.13391 17.99164,23.77151 25.70107,26.9838c7.70942,3.21225 23.7631,5.14023 23.7631,5.14023c0,0 15.42752,2.58041 25.06432,1.93796c20.23672,-3.64624 28.72404,-15.65756 29.98303,-30.66595c1.259,-15.00839 -4.71521,-33.01251 -13.40884,-48.65207c-9.50552,-17.10013 8.59656,-39.76326 -0.76596,-52.52802c-9.74182,-13.28188 -16.9409,8.64334 -23.78156,3.87593c-2.77655,-1.93504 -6.09895,-3.00655 -9.37605,-3.90359z",
"helicopter": "m145.07504,214.22588c7.36339,2.46503 20.68225,-9.04681 7.26401,-9.72079c-9.08205,-5.71648 20.13416,-1.63675 8.22827,-13.70961c-12.73747,-2.77332 -22.69479,-12.46857 -27.12979,-24.871c-5.18111,-13.36012 -22.04633,-9.68964 -33.09622,-13.54991c-22.05075,-3.93678 -44.07657,-8.59007 -66.50366,-9.73877c-7.45861,8.40495 -10.97594,26.46114 -24.24853,25.75703c-13.26779,-6.6758 0.56035,-23.43509 -3.41489,-33.00934c-7.79329,-2.62592 -6.3066,-7.72096 1.2938,-8.36586c11.59587,-8.00312 1.94812,-23.47349 -0.57486,-34.01581c-6.13778,-10.01295 7.00565,-18.8414 12.01386,-7.02641c6.38165,12.3224 10.0863,25.85204 15.15507,38.7706c1.5816,8.28716 13.30507,3.58878 19.44516,6.06101c25.89155,2.78554 51.80775,5.58556 77.83869,6.66318c13.03992,-5.6261 26.8783,-10.34038 41.29993,-8.34114c10.08574,3.05644 15.78185,-0.7104 15.3338,-11.13895c5.72609,-15.02095 -14.03151,-8.3312 -22.93935,-10.54208c-35.53757,-1.72837 -71.18015,-2.25171 -106.70476,-0.12757c-7.88696,-1.96813 10.41693,-1.78943 13.19444,-2.24187c37.48436,-1.98021 75.04819,-1.00611 112.54227,-2.69012c10.81163,-3.98792 21.54251,3.11311 32.56555,1.91049c27.80304,1.13907 55.63103,1.5356 83.45552,1.62198c-7.86588,5.84674 -22.53885,0.05771 -32.94354,1.5061c-20.90826,-0.64194 -41.94905,-1.24406 -62.73434,1.6021c-8.09567,7.82163 -3.84563,24.5245 6.28453,28.41502c10.32359,5.55025 20.91692,10.41565 30.31529,17.0117c5.93991,11.31316 22.72864,20.80537 17.77679,35.05132c-5.67494,11.7886 -26.25294,4.37625 -31.4632,7.69153c3.85466,6.8309 17.16597,7.52176 19.55997,10.01913c-13.12518,3.78056 -0.61014,11.85339 6.85498,9.29091c9.21201,2.18106 -9.36668,3.71298 -12.4339,2.99583c-14.92371,0.12004 -29.83833,-0.52202 -44.7583,-0.72722c14.41679,-0.6433 28.87468,-0.63033 43.24721,-2.05975c-3.35245,-13.78374 -21.0649,-7.04161 -31.27078,-9.43388c-4.97525,-2.55072 -21.3748,0.68501 -13.06122,5.71829c4.63876,-2.08994 15.97667,-0.09111 5.65021,2.25237c-18.67735,0.60303 -37.42494,0.87289 -56.04201,-1.0285zm45.45972,-5.72816c-5.69293,-8.23618 -25.36656,-6.65369 -28.94688,0.84814c6.97417,5.6115 21.3663,3.65866 28.78714,0.2599l0.15974,-1.10805l0,0zm41.15115,-4.79669c-8.39107,-5.92067 -23.748,-6.57408 -31.28664,-1.76099c9.46599,4.52687 21.07687,2.68456 31.28664,1.76099zm-41.46053,-2.71213c8.91602,-7.60876 -15.73071,-6.19264 -21.17932,-5.80487c-13.47525,6.12955 5.46666,7.82239 11.1256,6.8177c3.37151,-0.02223 6.75697,-0.27522 10.05373,-1.01283z",
"katana": "m127.28507,65.14041c-7.0962,-0.54353 -19.86895,7.61395 -17.02093,-6.32892c4.93732,-8.55679 18.30521,-4.48845 16.78561,5.48313l0.17354,0.62374l0.06178,0.22205l0,0zm17.16403,-18.49577c-6.77293,11.60114 -22.03173,12.43076 -33.48896,16.75148c-5.30647,3.04373 -26.81981,5.02184 -18.62814,-4.27034c11.69819,-7.75446 26.08649,-9.62626 39.25734,-13.85468c4.24069,-0.99664 9.15976,-1.38791 12.85976,1.37354zm-35.03055,12.26915c-5.16663,-17.73298 -10.33324,-35.46593 -15.49986,-53.19891c6.32053,-8.5978 20.25586,-4.8693 18.32531,6.59137c4.01678,13.78642 8.03355,27.57289 12.05032,41.35935m-5.56697,9.33072c22.56753,79.08354 48.81091,157.2375 81.6054,232.70842m-75.6467,-234.76585c22.79797,74.42342 46.12929,148.92492 77.59851,220.23124c0.43317,5.52475 14.80417,22.08911 1.77542,17.81497c-4.05151,-1.9415 -10.97104,-0.62137 -11.72156,-6.31741c-30.74268,-74.29929 -57.39734,-150.28568 -79.92033,-227.47363",
"leaf_1": "m35.63904,285.5213c9.77121,-31.99348 23.14531,-59.08864 35.83149,-72.59245c13.5912,-14.46718 7.56125,-20.74258 -6.45918,-6.72212c-5.89857,5.89853 -7.58387,1.61555 -7.58387,-19.2735c0,-49.83961 25.83589,-80.67891 87.99842,-105.04016c52.59872,-20.61333 91.37741,-43.79435 107.45589,-64.23479l13.10197,-16.65652l0,28.9807c0,35.83507 -11.11781,89.97318 -23.42422,114.0641c-13.0549,25.55626 -57.80217,72.72934 -79.76038,84.08435c-19.67261,10.17316 -61.687,13.16808 -84.14172,5.99792c-11.19011,-3.57314 -14.7415,-0.84308 -20.53963,15.78944c-3.8556,11.06018 -7.0102,26.79501 -7.0102,34.96616c0,9.27652 -3.72057,14.8566 -9.90572,14.8566c-7.3461,0 -8.78352,-3.67429 -5.56284,-14.21973z",
"menorah": "m86.17095,270.72717c9.02267,-23.09398 33.59461,-36.70894 57.45916,-38.45409c0,-4.91623 0,-9.83244 0,-14.74866c-38.305,-2.75075 -76.20534,-18.86525 -101.66333,-48.29793c-23.2569,-24.97108 -35.58256,-58.55817 -37.27682,-92.42073c-13.45491,-9.58464 12.56556,-16.55834 15.7355,-5.95607c-7.24909,8.79617 -0.22592,22.59306 0.80432,33.36646c11.47956,50.91395 56.38975,91.60496 107.78628,98.82449c13.14264,5.82442 16.6395,-2.00252 14.39308,-13.99509c2.81267,-9.48175 -7.44086,-6.60333 -13.57417,-8.37358c-40.52152,-7.1041 -75.7263,-38.65041 -86.11595,-78.75394c-2.97659,-11.47399 -3.94458,-24.11363 -7.5694,-33.51495c7.70256,-6.02401 26.19639,-1.60448 15.97076,9.15671c1.09565,45.56244 38.91488,85.76277 83.65269,91.48959c9.24995,4.52249 8.18915,-3.21457 7.85701,-9.40932c4.90146,-15.06035 -9.71606,-12.79654 -19.53952,-16.50067c-27.62657,-9.39215 -47.87568,-36.35101 -49.79039,-65.51331c-13.2153,-11.51691 15.74928,-17.53994 15.95383,-5.55531c-7.59098,8.84892 0.96818,23.21689 5.54156,32.6564c10.3335,16.84724 28.24842,28.22102 47.83452,30.47823c0,-7.52246 0,-15.04491 0,-22.56738c-18.20905,-2.81535 -32.7534,-18.72141 -34.8131,-36.97318c-12.40635,-10.10166 14.58986,-14.97282 16.53119,-5.29626c-6.736,5.28018 -1.66743,13.75206 2.28733,19.47478c2.82583,3.38407 16.81124,15.16281 15.99458,6.28913c0,-10.03232 0,-20.06463 0,-30.09695c-8.52963,-5.41637 3.21713,-9.02356 -1.91258,-15.41792c2.95047,-6.63559 4.28693,-23.79965 6.49635,-24.00391c7.40089,10.5439 4.63795,25.17949 11.62167,34.34932c-3.85376,4.14688 -4.52328,8.74758 -3.86568,14.89357c0,8.05796 0,16.11592 0,24.17388c11.03737,-3.24367 21.02812,-12.42406 21.72646,-24.48188c-12.61211,-14.80839 30.69243,-11.52931 12.71999,1.59949c-1.87195,17.85434 -17.0993,32.57059 -34.44644,35.57887c0,7.49281 0,14.98562 0,22.47842c29.68999,-2.98224 55.87296,-29.1582 56.39926,-59.47436c-12.36238,-13.6567 27.91393,-12.75137 14.12813,-0.52898c-3.16423,14.80594 -6.23018,30.54218 -16.29872,42.63571c-12.70108,17.1765 -33.04718,27.37456 -53.98901,29.78134c0.16994,9.14496 -4.65584,28.46082 11.13493,20.75519c39.31322,-6.69104 72.74197,-39.63307 78.74797,-79.43351c5.73982,-8.84732 -8.70837,-25.00382 8.28397,-22.77648c10.50046,-2.44997 11.98193,6.34405 5.8692,11.72792c-2.04736,35.89314 -21.91298,70.45303 -53.09749,88.60141c-15.52945,9.13074 -33.16388,14.88533 -51.17824,15.85547c0.17836,7.53169 -0.4761,15.16116 0.61618,22.6142c35.31798,-2.81911 70.08339,-18.10321 93.11932,-45.67516c20.51892,-23.04272 31.08511,-53.43816 32.84753,-84.00375c-10.43478,-10.04525 11.39471,-11.61442 16.59445,-7.04305c-5.883,11.66189 -5.21661,27.04671 -9.11984,40.52295c-12.68921,53.08224 -58.41412,95.84925 -111.85593,105.51876c-7.32545,1.56883 -14.77785,2.36348 -22.20172,3.29227c-0.71042,9.09981 -0.50818,18.35449 11.59822,16.61531c20.59241,4.32626 40.36211,18.55411 46.94081,39.19469c-43.09088,0 -86.18179,0 -129.2727,0c0.31159,-0.88608 0.62314,-1.77219 0.93477,-2.65823zm-82.88959,-208.5947c-0.54892,-8.1144 4.33617,-25.42208 5.66115,-27.43132c2.27143,7.42761 12.58555,23.78434 4.72879,28.60384c-3.29131,-0.38358 -8.04816,1.57556 -10.38994,-1.17252zm34.52483,0.55147c-1.7146,-10.01769 5.4567,-19.41309 4.51432,-29.75311c3.2196,8.43034 16.36395,29.47998 1.96646,30.42084c-2.16732,-0.0773 -4.38702,0.03559 -6.48078,-0.66772zm35.62526,-0.17229c-1.52428,-9.82734 5.20364,-19.12723 4.61758,-29.264c3.98769,8.50923 17.39558,32.7104 -0.82941,30.07944l-1.91212,-0.12625l-1.87605,-0.68919l0,0zm34.60818,0.26421c-1.9521,-10.01891 5.40411,-19.48301 4.43661,-29.84504c3.27068,8.4848 16.29427,29.36411 1.98981,30.63179c-2.15335,-0.08198 -4.37302,0.0215 -6.42642,-0.78675zm69.2087,-0.38279c-1.5544,-10.07727 5.31645,-19.6095 4.34973,-30.05398c2.70531,5.08463 6.32187,13.73424 7.91895,20.50951c4.77353,11.03205 -3.95122,12.51878 -12.26868,9.54446zm35.71176,0.44493c-2.89404,-9.75608 5.30412,-19.55815 4.07715,-29.90718c3.42241,8.32418 12.40758,23.15913 6.53528,30.337c-3.53609,0.01955 -7.13571,0.41735 -10.61243,-0.42982zm34.8703,-0.20629c-2.23303,-8.13288 4.34842,-24.82986 5.07388,-28.23849c3.49849,8.39077 16.5291,33.58521 -2.7937,28.93562l-2.28018,-0.69713l0,0zm35.10023,-0.15336c-1.90784,-8.93159 5.20419,-21.786 4.83258,-28.71239c3.47043,8.02287 16.97986,32.30244 -0.94669,29.60343l-1.89111,-0.14957l-1.99478,-0.74147l0,0z",
"sun": "m238.69324,135.65587c0,46.60593 -40.30034,84.38748 -90.01332,84.38748c-49.71299,0 -90.01332,-37.78156 -90.01332,-84.38748c0,-46.6059 40.30033,-84.38747 90.01332,-84.38747c49.71298,0 90.01332,37.78154 90.01332,84.38747zm-7.30318,120.56636c-4.20586,5.25757 -51.12886,-47.27794 -57.30507,-44.69331c-6.17622,2.58458 -15.51068,86.52086 -22.0425,87.47173c-6.53188,0.9509 -17.76118,-85.09837 -24.12714,-87.15329c-6.36602,-2.05495 -43.23042,49.74286 -48.75608,45.85272c-5.52563,-3.89009 13.12091,-67.11951 10.04803,-73.73549c-3.07288,-6.61595 -73.34953,-9.72229 -74.79697,-17.10284c-1.44742,-7.38055 63.69369,-26.7453 64.2322,-34.0554c0.53854,-7.31011 -43.73452,-48.6129 -41.1993,-55.02096c2.53526,-6.40806 61.81988,21.03078 65.82475,15.40928c4.00487,-5.62149 -7.80805,-76.34053 -1.73039,-78.4587c6.07763,-2.11818 42.59449,47.54089 49.0827,47.30339c6.48817,-0.23753 26.02002,-62.46352 32.64861,-61.00949c6.62865,1.45401 3.32251,66.01247 8.45366,70.32287c5.13113,4.31043 55.87381,-16.15842 59.63792,-10.29998c3.76414,5.85843 -29.09575,62.86814 -27.11681,69.62658c1.97902,6.75845 62.18188,13.20758 61.3595,20.19514c-0.82245,6.98758 -75.2742,9.96732 -78.37666,16.73535c-3.10245,6.76802 28.36942,83.35484 24.16354,88.6124z",
"chair": "m118.11539,289.55515c-7.47328,-14.4328 15.76004,-21.83389 9.75156,-35.26642c-9.58212,-8.59285 -23.93785,-6.58557 -35.88018,-5.92961c-12.89955,-1.58955 -16.67669,11.62587 -24.11323,17.11729c-14.66394,-4.57965 -9.41961,-23.5907 3.95336,-25.69879c17.48831,-7.56879 36.79559,-3.21786 54.96046,-6.57193c13.14571,-7.65541 -3.09947,-24.09541 -13.42245,-25.84244c-17.08451,-6.9008 -38.18468,-7.0844 -51.24073,-21.62146c-5.1916,-11.32457 -3.84497,-32.04767 10.15321,-36.01445c6.34414,-10.73523 5.01785,-24.55999 3.35027,-36.47948c1.42348,-12.67513 -26.70474,-5.25126 -14.90233,-18.24577c10.64336,-8.15804 24.36629,-13.15867 37.81105,-12.959c10.96933,0.36309 11.71716,12.99065 -0.37628,9.89848c-12.30081,6.18077 -7.72121,23.86169 -7.25122,35.16668c5.93514,11.39347 22.04794,5.36764 32.49831,7.07384c14.8665,0.39955 21.73593,0.44463 35.83476,5.23605c14.25958,-1.05464 8.64325,-20.61657 0.17079,-21.97119c-13.03212,-2.87206 -25.91483,-10.25501 -33.20317,-21.62909c-4.07215,-13.26593 1.69855,-27.24597 4.77583,-40.18096c9.18196,-28.0861 34.13237,-54.57027 65.33606,-54.63913c19.15414,0.28833 38.85675,14.48402 42.13089,33.82922c2.48616,20.34066 -5.57245,41.0622 -0.32005,61.11538c12.75343,7.04288 -8.70227,17.78406 -9.16336,27.50478c-5.43883,14.13736 6.97403,30.55498 -3.65417,43.29654c-6.64983,9.38159 -22.16026,14.5639 -22.43275,27.04953c-3.81845,11.24202 -21.47061,10.39703 -30.28923,17.71931c-9.74564,2.86838 -15.08257,19.17726 -0.15649,15.9317c14.55153,-0.35892 29.03516,-5.81784 43.55118,-3.3181c10.39314,7.10063 -0.45073,21.22018 -10.9113,14.54475c-5.46445,0.08383 -25.63857,2.80356 -18.76688,8.69054c17.18895,4.015 35.8273,9.2104 46.95854,24.0352c10.43184,13.90863 -12.73763,17.22995 -17.34935,5.0022c-19.29245,-15.75378 -48.30531,-24.24933 -70.97163,-10.48508c-13.71143,5.73386 -10.53542,20.53958 -11.98199,31.56015c-5.57972,6.09451 -13.26627,-2.5275 -14.84946,-7.91876zm100.26077,-153.99353c-4.62421,-8.64436 -27.69229,-17.16811 -30.82967,-4.71919c1.76141,12.68575 19.62196,15.68971 29.15408,10.51048c1.73547,-1.32053 2.45361,-3.74493 1.67558,-5.79129z",
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Copyright © 2008 Dmitry Baranovskiy
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"raph_linkedin": "M27.25,3.125h-22c-1.104,0-2,0.896-2,2v22c0,1.104,0.896,2,2,2h22c1.104,0,2-0.896,2-2v-22C29.25,4.021,28.354,3.125,27.25,3.125zM11.219,26.781h-4v-14h4V26.781zM9.219,11.281c-1.383,0-2.5-1.119-2.5-2.5s1.117-2.5,2.5-2.5s2.5,1.119,2.5,2.5S10.602,11.281,9.219,11.281zM25.219,26.781h-4v-8.5c0-0.4-0.403-1.055-0.687-1.213c-0.375-0.211-1.261-0.229-1.665-0.034l-1.648,0.793v8.954h-4v-14h4v0.614c1.583-0.723,3.78-0.652,5.27,0.184c1.582,0.886,2.73,2.864,2.73,4.702V26.781z",
"raph_github": "M28.436,15.099c-1.201-0.202-2.451-0.335-3.466-0.371l-0.179-0.006c0.041-0.09,0.072-0.151,0.082-0.16c0.022-0.018,0.04-0.094,0.042-0.168c0-0.041,0.018-0.174,0.046-0.35c0.275,0.01,0.64,0.018,1.038,0.021c1.537,0.012,3.145,0.136,4.248,0.331c0.657,0.116,0.874,0.112,0.389-0.006c-0.491-0.119-1.947-0.294-3.107-0.37c-0.779-0.053-1.896-0.073-2.554-0.062c0.019-0.114,0.041-0.241,0.064-0.371c0.093-0.503,0.124-1.009,0.126-2.016c0.002-1.562-0.082-1.992-0.591-3.025c-0.207-0.422-0.441-0.78-0.724-1.104c0.247-0.729,0.241-1.858-0.015-2.848c-0.211-0.812-0.285-0.864-1.021-0.708C22.19,4.019,21.69,4.2,21.049,4.523c-0.303,0.153-0.721,0.391-1.024,0.578c-0.79-0.278-1.607-0.462-2.479-0.561c-0.884-0.1-3.051-0.044-3.82,0.098c-0.752,0.139-1.429,0.309-2.042,0.511c-0.306-0.189-0.75-0.444-1.067-0.604C9.973,4.221,9.473,4.041,8.847,3.908c-0.734-0.157-0.81-0.104-1.02,0.708c-0.26,1.003-0.262,2.151-0.005,2.878C7.852,7.577,7.87,7.636,7.877,7.682c-1.042,1.312-1.382,2.78-1.156,4.829c0.059,0.534,0.15,1.024,0.277,1.473c-0.665-0.004-1.611,0.02-2.294,0.064c-1.162,0.077-2.618,0.25-3.109,0.369c-0.484,0.118-0.269,0.122,0.389,0.007c1.103-0.194,2.712-0.32,4.248-0.331c0.29-0.001,0.561-0.007,0.794-0.013c0.07,0.237,0.15,0.463,0.241,0.678L7.26,14.759c-1.015,0.035-2.264,0.168-3.465,0.37c-0.901,0.151-2.231,0.453-2.386,0.54c-0.163,0.091-0.03,0.071,0.668-0.106c1.273-0.322,2.928-0.569,4.978-0.741l0.229-0.02c0.44,1.022,1.118,1.802,2.076,2.41c0.586,0.373,1.525,0.756,1.998,0.816c0.13,0.016,0.508,0.094,0.84,0.172c0.333,0.078,0.984,0.195,1.446,0.262h0.011c-0.009,0.006-0.017,0.01-0.025,0.016c-0.56,0.291-0.924,0.744-1.169,1.457c-0.11,0.033-0.247,0.078-0.395,0.129c-0.529,0.18-0.735,0.217-1.271,0.221c-0.556,0.004-0.688-0.02-1.02-0.176c-0.483-0.225-0.933-0.639-1.233-1.133c-0.501-0.826-1.367-1.41-2.089-1.41c-0.617,0-0.734,0.25-0.288,0.615c0.672,0.549,1.174,1.109,1.38,1.537c0.116,0.24,0.294,0.611,0.397,0.824c0.109,0.227,0.342,0.535,0.564,0.748c0.522,0.498,1.026,0.736,1.778,0.848c0.504,0.074,0.628,0.074,1.223-0.002c0.287-0.035,0.529-0.076,0.746-0.127c0,0.244,0,0.525,0,0.855c0,1.766-0.021,2.334-0.091,2.5c-0.132,0.316-0.428,0.641-0.716,0.787c-0.287,0.146-0.376,0.307-0.255,0.455c0.067,0.08,0.196,0.094,0.629,0.066c0.822-0.051,1.403-0.355,1.699-0.891c0.095-0.172,0.117-0.518,0.147-2.318c0.032-1.953,0.046-2.141,0.173-2.42c0.077-0.166,0.188-0.346,0.25-0.395c0.104-0.086,0.111,0.084,0.111,2.42c-0.001,2.578-0.027,2.889-0.285,3.385c-0.058,0.113-0.168,0.26-0.245,0.33c-0.135,0.123-0.192,0.438-0.098,0.533c0.155,0.154,0.932-0.088,1.356-0.422c0.722-0.572,0.808-1.045,0.814-4.461l0.003-2.004l0.219,0.021l0.219,0.02l0.036,2.621c0.041,2.951,0.047,2.994,0.549,3.564c0.285,0.322,0.572,0.5,1.039,0.639c0.625,0.188,0.813-0.102,0.393-0.605c-0.457-0.547-0.479-0.756-0.454-3.994c0.017-2.076,0.017-2.076,0.151-1.955c0.282,0.256,0.336,0.676,0.336,2.623c0,2.418,0.069,2.648,0.923,3.07c0.399,0.195,0.511,0.219,1.022,0.221c0.544,0.002,0.577-0.006,0.597-0.148c0.017-0.115-0.05-0.193-0.304-0.348c-0.333-0.205-0.564-0.467-0.709-0.797c-0.055-0.127-0.092-0.959-0.117-2.672c-0.036-2.393-0.044-2.502-0.193-2.877c-0.201-0.504-0.508-0.902-0.897-1.166c-0.101-0.066-0.202-0.121-0.333-0.162c0.161-0.016,0.317-0.033,0.468-0.055c1.572-0.209,2.403-0.383,3.07-0.641c1.411-0.543,2.365-1.445,2.882-2.724c0.046-0.114,0.092-0.222,0.131-0.309l0.398,0.033c2.051,0.173,3.706,0.42,4.979,0.743c0.698,0.177,0.831,0.198,0.668,0.105C30.666,15.551,29.336,15.25,28.436,15.099zM22.422,15.068c-0.233,0.512-0.883,1.17-1.408,1.428c-0.518,0.256-1.33,0.451-2.25,0.544c-0.629,0.064-4.137,0.083-4.716,0.026c-1.917-0.188-2.991-0.557-3.783-1.296c-0.75-0.702-1.1-1.655-1.039-2.828c0.039-0.734,0.216-1.195,0.679-1.755c0.421-0.51,0.864-0.825,1.386-0.985c0.437-0.134,1.778-0.146,3.581-0.03c0.797,0.051,1.456,0.051,2.252,0c1.886-0.119,3.145-0.106,3.61,0.038c0.731,0.226,1.397,0.834,1.797,1.644c0.18,0.362,0.215,0.516,0.241,1.075C22.808,13.699,22.675,14.517,22.422,15.068zM12.912,11.762c-1.073-0.188-1.686,1.649-0.863,2.587c0.391,0.445,0.738,0.518,1.172,0.248c0.402-0.251,0.62-0.72,0.62-1.328C13.841,12.458,13.472,11.862,12.912,11.762zM19.425,11.872c-1.073-0.188-1.687,1.647-0.864,2.586c0.392,0.445,0.738,0.519,1.173,0.247c0.401-0.25,0.62-0.72,0.62-1.328C20.354,12.569,19.985,11.971,19.425,11.872zM16.539,15.484c-0.023,0.074-0.135,0.184-0.248,0.243c-0.286,0.147-0.492,0.096-0.794-0.179c-0.187-0.169-0.272-0.258-0.329-0.081c-0.053,0.164,0.28,0.493,0.537,0.594c0.236,0.094,0.405,0.097,0.661-0.01c0.254-0.106,0.476-0.391,0.476-0.576C16.842,15.303,16.595,15.311,16.539,15.484zM16.222,14.909c0.163-0.144,0.2-0.44,0.044-0.597s-0.473-0.133-0.597,0.043c-0.144,0.206-0.067,0.363,0.036,0.53C15.865,15.009,16.08,15.034,16.222,14.909z",
"raph_flickr": "M21.77,8.895c-2.379,0-4.479,1.174-5.77,2.969c-1.289-1.795-3.39-2.969-5.77-2.969c-3.924,0-7.105,3.181-7.105,7.105c0,3.924,3.181,7.105,7.105,7.105c2.379,0,4.48-1.175,5.77-2.97c1.29,1.795,3.391,2.97,5.77,2.97c3.925,0,7.105-3.182,7.105-7.105C28.875,12.075,25.694,8.895,21.77,8.895zM21.769,21.822c-3.211,0-5.821-2.61-5.821-5.821c0-3.213,2.61-5.824,5.821-5.824c3.213,0,5.824,2.611,5.824,5.824C27.593,19.212,24.981,21.822,21.769,21.822z",
"raph_slideshare": "M28.952,12.795c-0.956,1.062-5.073,2.409-5.604,2.409h-4.513c-0.749,0-1.877,0.147-2.408,0.484c0.061,0.054,0.122,0.108,0.181,0.163c0.408,0.379,1.362,0.913,2.206,0.913c0.397,0,0.723-0.115,1-0.354c1.178-1.007,1.79-1.125,2.145-1.125c0.421,0,0.783,0.193,0.996,0.531c0.4,0.626,0.106,1.445-0.194,2.087c-0.718,1.524-3.058,3.171-5.595,3.171c-0.002,0-0.002,0-0.004,0c-0.354,0-0.701-0.033-1.033-0.099v3.251c0,0.742,1.033,2.533,4.167,2.533s3.955-3.701,3.955-4.338v-4.512c2.23-1.169,4.512-1.805,5.604-3.895C30.882,12.05,29.907,11.733,28.952,12.795zM21.942,17.521c0.796-1.699-0.053-1.699-1.54-0.425s-3.665,0.105-4.408-0.585c-0.743-0.689-1.486-1.22-2.814-1.167c-1.328,0.053-4.46-0.161-6.267-0.585c-1.805-0.425-4.895-3-5.15-2.335c-0.266,0.69,0.211,1.168,1.168,2.335c0.955,1.169,5.075,2.778,5.075,2.778s0,3.453,0,4.886c0,1.435,2.973,3.61,4.512,3.61s2.708-1.062,2.708-1.806v-4.512C17.775,21.045,21.146,19.221,21.942,17.521zM20.342,13.73c1.744,0,3.159-1.414,3.159-3.158c0-1.745-1.415-3.159-3.159-3.159s-3.158,1.414-3.158,3.159C17.184,12.316,18.598,13.73,20.342,13.73zM12.019,13.73c1.744,0,3.158-1.414,3.158-3.158c0-1.745-1.414-3.159-3.158-3.159c-1.745,0-3.159,1.414-3.159,3.159C8.86,12.316,10.273,13.73,12.019,13.73z",
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View File

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"careful": "m1,1c2.24496,29.70385 10.76853,56.9168 23.28125,80.81181l23.28125,-36.31875l-6.72569,-2.48334l-9.3125,-3.31111l4.86319,-8.48472l17.07292,-30.21389l-52.46042,0zm71.49931,0l-16.86597,29.8l7.24306,2.58681l9.82986,3.51805l-5.5875,8.69167l-33.525,52.46041c24.12122,36.61169 59.3948,61.88649 99.85071,67.36043l0,107.09373l-66.22223,0l0,26.48889l165.55556,0l0,-26.48889l-66.22223,0l0,-107.09373c70.57336,-9.43671 125.94405,-78.40826 132.44444,-164.41737l-226.50069,0z",
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"house": "m21.15257,177.09065c0,-27.41002 0,-54.82008 0,-82.2301c-6.68203,1.86892 -13.14774,5.87402 -20.15257,5.63974c7.71781,-7.14793 21.82513,-9.41176 32.30949,-14.09891c45.79581,-16.133 91.60535,-32.4141 138.27387,-45.86145c13.50775,-0.66366 26.30505,7.15431 39.33269,10.42321c29.47861,10.57565 59.53784,19.97857 88.07501,32.90813c-6.51614,8.73929 -28.58875,5.06429 -25.73117,21.53019c-2.00067,45.62614 -0.83817,91.32375 -1.14786,136.98345c-18.99269,5.63184 -37.89932,11.84375 -56.94553,17.1149c-64.67134,-0.05981 -129.3426,-0.11945 -194.01394,-0.17902c0,-27.40996 0,-54.82036 0,-82.23004l0,-0.00011zm26.14161,31.25392c0,-16.12061 0,-32.24124 0,-48.36197c16.55636,0 33.11272,0 49.66908,0c0,32.24136 0,64.4827 0,96.724c38.34103,0 76.68204,0 115.02308,0c0,-54.026 0,-108.05197 0,-162.07799c-62.73987,0 -125.47972,0 -188.2196,0c0,54.02602 0,108.05199 0,162.07799c7.84248,0 15.68497,0 23.52745,0c0,-16.12067 0,-32.2413 0,-48.36203zm99.33812,-27.44867c0,-6.97108 0,-13.94214 0,-20.9133c13.07082,0 26.14162,0 39.21243,0c0,13.94221 0,27.88445 0,41.82658c-13.07082,0 -26.14162,0 -39.21243,0c0,-6.97108 0,-13.94214 0,-20.91328zm33.9841,1.30707c0,-5.66399 0,-11.32797 0,-16.99203c-9.58527,0 -19.17052,0 -28.75577,0c0,11.32805 0,22.65611 0,33.98409c9.58525,0 19.1705,0 28.75577,0c0,-5.66399 0,-11.32797 0,-16.99205zm-86.2673,28.75577c0,-15.24922 0,-30.4985 0,-45.7478c-14.8136,0 -29.62717,0 -44.44075,0c0.28782,29.49963 -0.86703,59.06848 1.39272,88.50464c7.32339,4.61035 18.6494,2.34561 27.75799,2.99103c5.09669,0 10.19335,0 15.29005,0c0,-15.24927 0,-30.49857 0,-45.74786zm150.9678,34.15282c7.18895,-2.37781 14.3779,-4.75565 21.56683,-7.13347c-0.32449,-45.85204 0.98636,-91.75861 -1.60782,-137.55795c-6.33264,-8.04385 -23.37172,10.13716 -33.97191,1.44468c-8.98801,-5.39767 -16.23575,-5.6667 -13.48424,6.8141c-0.6041,45.64783 -1.40456,91.35368 0.49997,136.97478c-2.32346,17.3029 19.61401,-1.57974 26.99716,-0.54214zm17.56241,-152.88132c5.81549,-2.74289 29.11139,-6.01917 13.28293,-11.03122c-31.02148,-13.18587 -62.53795,-25.50377 -94.87346,-35.06522c-13.26736,-1.87402 -25.71394,5.23786 -38.28336,8.42139c-7.2287,0.92986 -14.03493,6.61982 -2.78639,8.23806c33.43919,12.5762 66.81393,25.55496 101.06847,35.75281c7.2216,-1.29286 14.41238,-4.37938 21.59181,-6.31581zm-104.48328,-16.97943c-12.19943,-4.63456 -24.39883,-9.26913 -36.59824,-13.9037c-25.6514,8.95505 -51.55341,17.25012 -76.89988,27.03273c49.99152,1.67495 100.06706,0.58957 150.09639,0.77469c-12.19943,-4.6346 -24.39885,-9.26915 -36.59827,-13.90372z",
"keep_up": "m79,1l-21.3,35.5l-21.3,35.5l19.88,0l0,184.60001l45.44,0l0,-184.60001l19.88,0l-21.3,-35.5l-21.3,-35.5zm142.00002,0l-21.30002,35.5l-21.29999,35.5l19.88,0l0,184.60001l45.43999,0l0,-184.60001l19.88,0l-21.3,-35.5l-21.29999,-35.5zm-213.00002,269.80002l0,28.39999l284,0l0,-28.39999l-284,0z",
"new_born": "m137.15491,103.06109c-14.77614,-3.80736 -27.4188,-14.09921 -33.90258,-27.59863c-3.9915,-8.31045 -4.89106,-12.46352 -4.90182,-22.63058c-0.01103,-10.43683 0.90331,-14.55167 5.14873,-23.17045c6.5289,-13.25453 17.58841,-22.50933 32.02396,-26.7982c7.85696,-2.33434 19.44511,-2.4919 27.41292,-0.37272c10.68681,2.84234 20.56245,9.23503 27.27812,17.65763c11.44406,14.35284 14.51639,32.93808 8.33334,50.41059c-2.37558,6.7131 -5.38321,11.61306 -10.48294,17.07855c-7.51927,8.05854 -15.46124,12.82613 -25.72244,15.44125c-6.92987,1.76612 -18.2959,1.75824 -25.18729,-0.01743zm46.99359,76.71874c0,-11.66681 -0.15546,-21.21237 -0.34546,-21.21237c-0.55267,0 -23.15134,19.0079 -23.15134,19.47273c0,0.59862 22.40039,22.95203 23.00027,22.95203c0.2731,0 0.49652,-9.54558 0.49652,-21.21239zm-8.12837,89.58151c3.13896,-3.60342 5.94908,-9.57928 7.16283,-15.23215c0.75183,-3.5016 0.8862,-7.28795 0.60019,-16.91275l-0.36856,-12.40109l-33.73602,-33.39706c-29.396,-29.10065 -33.79212,-33.21501 -34.172,-31.98175c-0.2398,0.77843 -0.30579,13.66176 -0.14668,28.62961l0.28934,27.21429l28.53863,28.41072c15.69623,15.6259 28.73599,28.41826 28.97726,28.42744c0.24127,0.00919 1.52603,-1.23157 2.85503,-2.75726zm-21.12221,12.22665c0.5526,-0.21207 -6.52711,-7.73318 -19.03375,-20.22046c-15.75389,-15.72952 -20.00713,-19.64691 -20.36126,-18.75351c-0.82094,2.07094 -0.552,9.37703 0.49458,13.43619c3.03795,11.78281 12.81967,21.70416 24.49419,24.84378c3.43257,0.92316 12.65175,1.36725 14.40625,0.694zm-14.69553,16.96454c-19.19916,-3.63824 -34.22623,-17.37338 -40.35254,-36.88327l-1.52992,-4.87216l0,-51.56241c0,-48.09848 0.08022,-51.82547 1.1941,-55.47855c5.75462,-18.87271 18.67331,-31.86444 36.79293,-37.00092c7.28899,-2.06625 19.90268,-2.05429 27.24492,0.02586c17.6541,5.00159 31.24332,18.57871 36.39166,36.35935l1.50121,5.18457l0,50.90973l0,50.90971l-1.50121,5.18457c-2.97653,10.27997 -9.29736,19.97147 -17.27997,26.49481c-4.88281,3.99017 -14.22415,8.68716 -20.0538,10.08334c-6.28586,1.50537 -16.34073,1.79504 -22.40738,0.64539z",
"officer_2": "m144.87212,278.09424c0,-7.03476 0,-14.06952 0,-21.10431c34.12148,-0.13669 68.24295,-0.27335 102.36444,-0.41003c0,-6.63841 0,-13.27682 0,-19.91524c-26.94872,-0.26555 -53.89742,-0.53107 -80.84613,-0.79662c30.82893,-41.42374 61.65785,-82.8475 92.48683,-124.27124c13.28885,-1.73074 25.24835,9.13577 26.16702,22.30508c1.37796,55.08076 0.61356,110.19873 0.82785,165.29666c-46.99997,0 -94,0 -141.00003,0c0.00002,-7.03473 0,-14.06952 0.00002,-21.10431zm-0.19199,-87.83214c-0.06876,-13.74153 -0.13754,-27.48306 -0.20631,-41.22459c-14.64618,18.8075 -27.62093,39.06267 -43.91019,56.48129c-14.42976,9.56055 -27.65941,-6.01018 -38.58159,-13.69254c-15.26907,-12.11603 -30.9411,-23.83286 -45.24117,-37.08727c-8.74276,-13.13181 5.83314,-31.80238 20.70509,-26.84245c13.32168,6.5739 23.96796,17.78835 36.01906,26.44797c7.16664,7.87663 15.75377,12.89487 20.74445,-0.10861c10.61151,-12.96709 19.11472,-28.05023 32.18712,-38.75249c13.16731,-7.35264 29.1156,-2.93422 43.48628,-4.27982c21.93321,0.06611 43.87927,-0.19524 65.80286,0.42785c-29.83961,40.18141 -59.99303,80.13989 -90.45013,119.85524c-0.51442,-13.73006 -0.41658,-27.48491 -0.55545,-41.22459zm49.58183,-93.47518c-17.8813,-2.9394 -31.59131,-19.77306 -31.46613,-37.7664c-6.28482,-0.26553 -12.56969,-0.53107 -18.85452,-0.79661c5.37549,-6.77119 10.75095,-13.54238 16.12643,-20.31357c26.79919,0 53.59842,0 80.39761,0c-0.07553,16.83184 2.11966,36.40314 -12.31944,48.47567c-8.59595,8.79105 -21.9399,12.10719 -33.88396,10.40091zm-44.65282,-80.96436c-3.48923,-6.17941 -15.89734,-17.4112 -0.91945,-14.28427c30.58981,-0.43799 61.18378,-0.21775 91.77567,-0.27203c0,9.29378 0,18.58757 0,27.88137c-27.24594,0 -54.49188,0 -81.73782,0c-3.03946,-4.44169 -6.07892,-8.88338 -9.11839,-13.32506z",
"officer": "m127.65893,298.12302c-11.91827,-4.4541 -8.85096,-18.47458 -9.45842,-28.44775c-0.14007,-38.77051 -0.03694,-77.54163 -0.06789,-116.31239c21.30015,-0.31718 42.6003,-0.76093 63.90377,-0.70047c-0.02318,44.52536 0.58119,89.061 -0.14537,133.57832c-0.57059,11.93384 -13.89935,13.46393 -23.22325,12.30963c-10.33765,0.00372 -20.67488,-0.15573 -31.00884,-0.42734zm-30.7055,-116.03563c-6.74483,-0.72377 -12.32703,-17.61749 -4.40458,-17.57693c6.23801,-0.08125 12.47601,-0.16251 18.71403,-0.24377c1.007,8.20691 -1.59957,19.89343 -12.37878,18.21895l-1.93067,-0.39824l0,0zm99.85623,-0.00661c-6.98207,-0.87273 -10.75342,-15.40816 -5.67188,-17.55357c6.66685,-0.08684 13.33371,-0.17369 20.00055,-0.26053c1.00876,8.20958 -1.60458,19.90276 -12.38809,18.21675l-1.94055,-0.40263c0,0 -0.00003,0 -0.00003,0zm-107.61794,-56.49044c0.54922,-13.57674 -1.08583,-27.43726 1.69075,-40.79832c4.06557,-10.40357 13.92722,-19.77089 25.33163,-20.63995c23.60493,0.19927 47.27207,-1.00478 70.82676,0.54259c14.04367,3.09693 25.24931,16.9698 23.91605,31.57756c0.32544,21.70094 0.15948,43.40639 0.24002,65.10946c-7.41772,0.09508 -14.83545,0.19016 -22.25314,0.28525c0,-19.53377 0,-39.06755 0,-58.60133c-4.34856,-5.08821 -8.05232,1.74921 -6.5546,6.09985c-0.01697,13.17788 -0.03394,26.35577 -0.05093,39.53365c-21.48996,0 -42.97992,0 -64.46988,0c-0.17615,-15.26811 -0.35229,-30.53623 -0.52844,-45.80434c-4.21338,-4.81828 -7.17517,1.78474 -5.83627,5.79053c-0.07101,17.56546 -0.14203,35.13091 -0.21304,52.69639c-7.42339,0.09512 -14.84679,0.19028 -22.27019,0.28539c0.0571,-12.02556 0.11414,-24.05119 0.17128,-36.07671zm56.41985,-70.72921c-11.43472,-2.06434 -20.27027,-12.69278 -20.54277,-24.26873c16.53569,0 33.07137,0 49.60706,0c0.58516,15.06838 -14.48488,27.02206 -29.06429,24.26873zm-25.62941,-33.78068c2.8164,-2.81977 5.23412,-6.59949 9.76779,-5.28442c14.97531,0 29.95061,0 44.9259,0c-0.48174,3.25565 0.91423,8.389 -0.64331,10.56883c-19.77167,0 -39.54332,0 -59.31499,0c1.75487,-1.76147 3.50974,-3.52295 5.26459,-5.28442zm18.8918,-9.34585c-4.62387,-0.06122 -9.24773,-0.12243 -13.8716,-0.18365c0.48279,-3.24875 -0.91532,-8.37839 0.64332,-10.55128c16.34338,0 32.6868,0 49.0302,0c-0.48172,3.25588 0.91423,8.38858 -0.64331,10.56913c-11.722,-0.07703 -23.43608,0.45157 -35.1586,0.1658zm24.67688,286.6952c-6.54985,-2.25 -11.37944,-9.11417 -10.08943,-16.07803c-0.23178,-33.13365 0.30627,-66.28789 -0.62375,-99.40492c-7.52885,-8.41364 -5.32481,11.97667 -5.61325,16.63527c-0.40672,29.85049 0.65932,59.77377 -0.79054,89.57779c-1.03221,6.81601 -14.93086,10.39682 -2.36958,9.16388c6.49333,0.08212 12.9946,0.3678 19.48656,0.10602z",
"recycle_2": "m70.51852,115.61727c18.49814,35.46731 22.10944,46.23824 15.99329,47.70097c-11.94749,2.85741 -9.54662,19.19937 7.17589,48.84396c20.97182,37.17758 62.04919,60.008 100.6335,55.93118c14.9762,-1.5824 31.90746,-4.84808 37.62502,-7.25717c5.71753,-2.40912 2.20903,2.0788 -7.79668,9.97308c-50.05432,39.49167 -111.87362,36.74075 -161.19199,-7.17288c-19.66416,-17.50925 -46.71899,-68.66641 -46.71899,-88.33963c0,-5.57329 -4.46041,-10.97359 -9.91201,-12.0006c-8.91546,-1.67957 -7.71816,-6.10193 11.90882,-43.98632c12.00147,-23.16548 23.29887,-43.78072 25.10535,-45.81163c1.80651,-2.03091 14.03651,16.92264 27.17781,42.11903zm159.00744,68.37661c-18.49815,-35.4673 -22.10944,-46.23827 -15.99332,-47.70097c11.94749,-2.85736 9.54663,-19.19936 -7.17586,-48.84396c-20.97183,-37.17759 -62.04924,-60.00801 -100.63353,-55.9312c-14.9762,1.58238 -31.90743,4.84812 -37.62498,7.25722c-5.71756,2.40907 -2.20905,-2.07883 7.79666,-9.9731c50.05433,-39.49169 111.87363,-36.74079 161.192,7.1729c19.66417,17.50919 46.71898,68.66639 46.71898,88.33957c0,5.57333 4.46045,10.97359 9.91199,12.0006c8.9155,1.6796 7.71817,6.10193 -11.90878,43.98634c-12.00146,23.16545 -23.29889,43.7807 -25.10535,45.81163c-1.80652,2.03091 -14.03651,-16.92262 -27.17781,-42.11902z",
"shield_1": "m235.43118,0.99993c-25.8405,20.89055 -61.5569,21.09333 -87.59367,0.62283c-25.04173,19.6952 -59.05148,20.25899 -84.60652,1.69064l-45.9514,49.35802c28.26655,30.91131 28.10226,80.57548 -0.48303,111.27486c-3.79379,10.48137 -5.78214,9.97594 -6.19602,20.53111c-0.97335,25.41245 4.72666,49.11902 22.58091,66.97356c15.9491,15.9491 37.5927,22.71344 58.38308,20.29993c34.71738,1.92664 51.36115,18.07672 58.34494,27.73621c9.4303,-10.32108 24.09528,-26.91339 68.66653,-28.98181c26.60716,-4.12497 36.22241,-10.78885 48.70973,-23.10918c16.80759,-16.80759 22.6846,-38.091 22.18927,-61.73892c-0.20569,-9.81746 -1.32416,-13.23065 -6.84674,-25.76584c-28.71786,-30.84172 -28.73875,-80.82797 -0.07623,-111.70699l-47.12085,-47.18442z",
"smoking": "m1.00013,234.70761c0,-6.75858 0,-13.51718 0,-20.27576c85.15819,0 170.31638,0 255.47457,0c0,13.51718 0,27.03435 0,40.55151c-85.15819,0 -170.31638,0 -255.47457,0c0,-6.75858 0,-13.51717 0,-20.27576zm262.90899,-0.33792c0,-6.87125 0,-13.74248 0,-20.61369c4.50577,0 9.01147,0 13.51718,0c0,13.74245 0,27.48491 0,41.22737c-4.50571,0 -9.01141,0 -13.51718,0c0,-6.87125 0,-13.74246 0,-20.61368zm21.62747,0c0,-6.87125 0,-13.74248 0,-20.61369c4.50574,0 9.01147,0 13.51718,0c0,13.74245 0,27.48491 0,41.22737c-4.50571,0 -9.01144,0 -13.51718,0c0,-6.87125 0,-13.74246 0,-20.61368zm-21.62747,-38.40129c2.33044,-12.44823 -4.64667,-27.35672 -18.89619,-26.91631c-16.51076,-0.91339 -33.27669,-0.16469 -49.68698,-1.22891c-15.92004,-5.44565 -24.6412,-22.87308 -22.39098,-39.09009c-2.60393,-4.6821 -13.75305,-3.34301 -18.33653,-8.47466c-22.34129,-12.77989 -25.34413,-47.04951 -6.6355,-64.35941c6.55362,-6.74706 19.10332,-12.28213 27.40872,-10.56472c0,4.27357 0,8.54715 0,12.82071c-17.16693,0.19163 -30.20795,18.71787 -25.17886,34.95034c3.93155,16.28817 21.44681,21.17548 36.06943,21.4035c9.34369,7.54165 -5.73552,20.54516 2.38481,30.40595c5.4973,13.38734 21.79352,9.01994 33.15524,10.07909c16.32292,0.98282 36.22006,-2.88133 48.06549,11.43753c10.15674,11.08647 7.03754,26.81902 7.55853,40.56599c-4.50571,0 -9.01141,0 -13.51718,0c0,-3.67633 0,-7.35268 0,-11.02902zm21.44409,-5.02264c1.06424,-17.34164 -3.94,-36.41237 -18.82684,-46.85637c-14.2328,-10.82034 -32.68178,-7.49533 -49.35545,-8.05716c-10.44089,-9.26265 6.69904,-19.729 4.85689,-30.88184c1.16321,-14.61189 -8.86084,-28.86267 -23.32887,-32.0012c-8.26547,0.48857 -11.4507,-1.71243 -9.8101,-9.54141c-2.56769,-10.66179 12.99852,-3.08173 18.15088,-2.147c18.80948,6.74871 31.28568,27.05275 28.30017,46.93802c-0.48553,7.00495 -7.28169,16.99163 4.77028,14.2243c23.42943,-1.23563 45.83046,13.98601 54.11491,35.81352c6.09546,15.43478 4.5502,32.30844 4.8287,48.56076c-4.44968,0 -8.89935,0 -13.34903,0c-0.11716,-5.35051 -0.23438,-10.70122 -0.35153,-16.05162z",
"stairs": "m2.18934,245.58681c17.86729,-0.11601 35.73457,-0.23204 53.60186,-0.34804c0.11764,-18.34987 0.23526,-36.69974 0.35289,-55.04959c17.78193,0 35.56387,0 53.34581,0c0,-18.46245 0,-36.9249 0,-55.38734c18.2373,0 36.47458,0 54.71188,0c0,-18.01214 0,-36.02428 0,-54.03642c18.01213,0 36.02426,0 54.03641,0c0,-18.01213 0,-36.02428 0,-54.03642c26.79306,0 53.58612,0 80.37918,0c0,9.00607 0,18.01214 0,27.01821c-17.78702,0 -35.57397,0 -53.36099,0c0,18.23729 0,36.47458 0,54.71188c-18.01212,0 -36.02425,0 -54.03641,0c0,18.2373 0,36.47459 0,54.71188c-18.01215,0 -36.02426,0 -54.03641,0c0,18.23729 0,36.47459 0,54.71185c-18.2373,0 -36.47459,0 -54.71187,0c0,18.46246 0,36.9249 0,55.38733c-27.01822,0 -54.03642,0 -81.05463,0c1.20448,-8.94977 -2.05336,-19.04163 0.77228,-27.68333z",
"umbrella": "m138.31999,1l0,29.565c-75.13835,4.16908 -134.31995,48.17229 -134.31999,101.835c0,-9.67107 16.35202,-17.51999 36.5,-17.51999c20.14798,0 36.5,7.84892 36.5,17.51999c0,-9.67107 16.35202,-17.51999 36.5,-17.51999c9.59525,0 18.30284,1.83565 24.81999,4.745l0,144.17499c0,6.44742 -5.23262,11.68002 -11.67999,11.68002c-6.44734,0 -11.68,-5.2326 -11.68,-11.68002l0,-5.84l-23.36,0l0,5.84c0,19.34207 15.6979,35.04001 35.04,35.04001c19.34206,0 35.04001,-15.69794 35.04001,-35.04001l0,-144.17499c6.51714,-2.90935 15.22475,-4.745 24.81999,-4.745c20.14798,0 36.5,7.84892 36.5,17.51999c0,-9.67107 16.35202,-17.51999 36.5,-17.51999c20.14798,0 36.5,7.84892 36.5,17.51999c0,-53.66274 -59.18159,-97.66592 -134.31999,-101.835l0,-29.565l-23.36002,0z",
"yin_yang": "m152.3828,1.00127c40.96666,0 74.20116,33.2665 74.20116,74.23316c0,40.96668 -33.2345,74.20117 -74.20116,74.20117c-40.96668,0 -74.20118,33.26653 -74.20118,74.23318c0,40.96667 33.2345,74.20117 74.20118,74.20117c81.93332,0 148.43431,-66.50104 148.43431,-148.43436c0,-81.93333 -66.50099,-148.43433 -148.43431,-148.43433zm0,51.0353c-12.80867,0 -23.19788,10.38917 -23.19788,23.19786c0,12.80871 10.38918,23.19786 23.19788,23.19786c12.80869,0 23.19785,-10.38917 23.19785,-23.19786c0,-12.80869 -10.38916,-23.19786 -23.19785,-23.19786zm0,148.43436c12.80206,0 23.19785,10.39577 23.19785,23.19786c0,12.80206 -10.39578,23.19788 -23.19785,23.19788c-12.80208,0 -23.19788,-10.39581 -23.19788,-23.19788c0,-12.80206 10.3958,-23.19786 23.19788,-23.19786zm145.10503,-50.94075c0,81.87245 -66.37071,148.24319 -148.24321,148.24319c-81.87246,0 -148.24321,-66.37074 -148.24321,-148.24319c0,-81.87248 66.37075,-148.24324 148.24321,-148.24324c81.8725,0 148.24321,66.37076 148.24321,148.24324z",
"diamonds": "m79.28394,70.5173l69.51914,-69.51918l69.53062,69.51918l-69.53062,69.5193l-69.51914,-69.5193zm-78.28265,78.73502l69.53064,-69.51916l69.51917,69.51916l-69.51917,69.53081l-69.53064,-69.53081zm158.04381,1.41991l69.53076,-69.50788l69.50775,69.50788l-69.50775,69.53059l-69.53076,-69.53059zm-78.26005,78.74646l69.50779,-69.51927l69.53087,69.51927l-69.53087,69.5197l-69.50779,-69.5197z",
"hand_stop": "m136.25574,297.49808c-29.33714,-5.08954 -54.45634,-27.86633 -62.06976,-56.71431c-3.62096,-14.72525 -1.50079,-30.17319 -2.21442,-45.21799c-0.13461,-38.62221 -0.20337,-77.24464 -0.30453,-115.86696c3.44471,-11.98872 17.98409,-18.29414 29.04424,-12.36688c0.96214,-3.14931 0.25692,-8.79729 0.59418,-12.8885c-1.96137,-11.24498 6.05913,-22.68389 17.70836,-23.44487c6.68523,-0.04347 14.68906,5.03699 11.64235,-6.21321c-2.06573,-11.58701 7.02885,-24.78486 19.46753,-23.71677c11.8866,-1.10308 20.91313,10.99307 19.47894,22.20545c0.55293,6.69356 15.04739,-4.38583 20.11427,3.0555c6.46245,3.83537 10.88301,11.15349 9.66263,18.71955c0.37462,20.72639 -0.50464,41.58417 0.94255,62.21075c10.62856,-5.38028 25.7729,1.23052 27.94981,13.06696c-0.24077,36.77421 0.61372,73.57438 -0.64664,110.32743c-4.27835,37.80429 -40.23309,69.77301 -78.61711,67.50256c-4.25351,0.01132 -8.54422,0.05313 -12.75241,-0.65872zm26.24695,-10.04156c32.22029,-5.44516 57.56776,-36.59567 55.75252,-69.35173c0.24638,-31.65953 1.24834,-63.36566 0.07516,-95.00381c-0.74966,-11.56753 -19.92574,-8.76712 -18.68594,1.90652c-0.00584,23.46449 -0.01172,46.92897 -0.01762,70.39346c-5.97046,6.15695 -16.65688,2.44864 -23.81619,7.45261c-15.91585,6.94403 -26.02902,23.94809 -26.37592,41.0688c-8.5842,13.31046 -12.47054,-8.35147 -7.54663,-15.48785c5.69263,-21.52615 25.72418,-37.58736 47.72688,-39.6965c-0.18001,-49.52237 0.46608,-99.06258 -0.57811,-148.57061c-6.22968,-14.02401 -23.68619,-1.72364 -19.04016,10.55674c-0.45773,37.44105 -0.04761,74.89084 -0.68825,112.32923c-4.16106,6.65674 -12.04573,0.3437 -9.47389,-5.79948c-0.17776,-46.90031 -0.35556,-93.80062 -0.53333,-140.70093c-3.33864,-8.28292 -18.12991,-6.98883 -18.3627,2.10197c-0.18286,48.40011 -0.36572,96.80021 -0.5486,145.20032c-3.89212,5.48285 -11.88664,0.71593 -9.73376,-5.26897c-0.14377,-36.45805 0.40013,-72.93186 -0.55034,-109.37686c-0.24316,-10.84745 -18.40633,-10.5788 -18.64873,-0.51889c-0.36327,37.37112 0.09734,74.76224 -0.99649,112.11712c1.02982,9.51479 -12.37218,4.97615 -9.28424,-2.22137c-0.16375,-25.39479 0.44627,-50.81747 -0.58949,-76.18918c-6.1088,-15.65501 -24.37704,-2.73073 -19.28278,10.2811c0.06127,45.03139 -0.41048,90.08521 0.72834,135.10263c2.79378,34.58762 36.09247,63.06729 70.73276,60.79437c3.26721,-0.13614 6.52469,-0.50925 9.73752,-1.11868z",
"man": "m125.90131,25.2503c0,-13.33112 10.79823,-24.12934 24.12934,-24.12934c13.33113,0 24.12932,10.79822 24.12932,24.12934c0,13.33112 -10.79819,24.12934 -24.12932,24.12934c-13.33113,0 -24.12934,-10.79822 -24.12934,-24.12934zm81.12696,68.30144v-12.18601c0,-12.82147 -10.38806,-23.21696 -23.21696,-23.21696h-67.63607c-12.82147,0 -23.21695,10.39549 -23.21695,23.21696v12.18601c-0.02242,0.2766 -0.03739,0.56071 -0.03739,0.84853v70.18918c0,5.4538 4.41839,9.87215 9.87218,9.87215c5.44633,0 9.87589,-4.41837 9.87589,-9.87215v-69.14999h6.62006v79.02961h0.04859v111.66646c0,7.25925 5.89491,13.15787 13.16164,13.15787c7.27048,0 13.16164,-5.89114 13.16164,-13.15787v-111.66646h8.68347v111.66646c0,7.25925 5.89856,13.15787 13.16162,13.15787c7.27045,0 13.16161,-5.89114 13.16161,-13.15787v-111.66646h0.04112v-79.02961h6.62007v69.14623c0,5.45381 4.42955,9.8759 9.8759,9.8759c5.45386,0 9.87218,-4.42209 9.87218,-9.8759v-70.18916c-0.00371,-0.29156 -0.02617,-0.56819 -0.0486,-0.8448z",
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"raph_noview": "M11.478,17.568c-0.172-0.494-0.285-1.017-0.285-1.568c0-2.65,2.158-4.807,4.807-4.807c0.552,0,1.074,0.113,1.568,0.285l2.283-2.283C18.541,8.647,17.227,8.286,16,8.286C8.454,8.286,2.5,16,2.5,16s2.167,2.791,5.53,5.017L11.478,17.568zM23.518,11.185l-3.056,3.056c0.217,0.546,0.345,1.138,0.345,1.76c0,2.648-2.158,4.807-4.807,4.807c-0.622,0-1.213-0.128-1.76-0.345l-2.469,2.47c1.327,0.479,2.745,0.783,4.229,0.783c5.771,0,13.5-7.715,13.5-7.715S26.859,13.374,23.518,11.185zM25.542,4.917L4.855,25.604L6.27,27.02L26.956,6.332L25.542,4.917z",
"raph_cloud": "M24.345,13.904c0.019-0.195,0.03-0.392,0.03-0.591c0-3.452-2.798-6.25-6.25-6.25c-2.679,0-4.958,1.689-5.847,4.059c-0.589-0.646-1.429-1.059-2.372-1.059c-1.778,0-3.219,1.441-3.219,3.219c0,0.21,0.023,0.415,0.062,0.613c-2.372,0.391-4.187,2.436-4.187,4.918c0,2.762,2.239,5,5,5h15.875c2.762,0,5-2.238,5-5C28.438,16.362,26.672,14.332,24.345,13.904z",
"raph_cloud2": "M7.562,24.812c-3.313,0-6-2.687-6-6l0,0c0.002-2.659,1.734-4.899,4.127-5.684l0,0c0.083-2.26,1.937-4.064,4.216-4.066l0,0c0.73,0,1.415,0.19,2.01,0.517l0,0c1.266-2.105,3.57-3.516,6.208-3.517l0,0c3.947,0.002,7.157,3.155,7.248,7.079l0,0c2.362,0.804,4.062,3.034,4.064,5.671l0,0c0,3.313-2.687,6-6,6l0,0H7.562L7.562,24.812zM24.163,14.887c-0.511-0.095-0.864-0.562-0.815-1.079l0,0c0.017-0.171,0.027-0.336,0.027-0.497l0,0c-0.007-2.899-2.352-5.245-5.251-5.249l0,0c-2.249-0.002-4.162,1.418-4.911,3.41l0,0c-0.122,0.323-0.406,0.564-0.748,0.63l0,0c-0.34,0.066-0.694-0.052-0.927-0.309l0,0c-0.416-0.453-0.986-0.731-1.633-0.731l0,0c-1.225,0.002-2.216,0.993-2.22,2.218l0,0c0,0.136,0.017,0.276,0.045,0.424l0,0c0.049,0.266-0.008,0.54-0.163,0.762l0,0c-0.155,0.223-0.392,0.371-0.657,0.414l0,0c-1.9,0.313-3.352,1.949-3.35,3.931l0,0c0.004,2.209,1.792,3.995,4.001,4.001l0,0h15.874c2.209-0.006,3.994-1.792,3.999-4.001l0,0C27.438,16.854,26.024,15.231,24.163,14.887L24.163,14.887",
"raph_cloudDown": "M24.345,13.904c0.019-0.195,0.03-0.392,0.03-0.591c0-3.452-2.798-6.25-6.25-6.25c-2.679,0-4.958,1.689-5.847,4.059c-0.589-0.646-1.429-1.059-2.372-1.059c-1.778,0-3.219,1.441-3.219,3.219c0,0.21,0.023,0.415,0.062,0.613c-2.372,0.391-4.187,2.436-4.187,4.918c0,2.762,2.239,5,5,5h3.404l-0.707-0.707c-0.377-0.377-0.585-0.879-0.585-1.413c0-0.533,0.208-1.035,0.585-1.412l0.556-0.557c0.4-0.399,0.937-0.628,1.471-0.628c0.027,0,0.054,0,0.08,0.002v-0.472c0-1.104,0.898-2.002,2-2.002h3.266c1.103,0,2,0.898,2,2.002v0.472c0.027-0.002,0.054-0.002,0.081-0.002c0.533,0,1.07,0.229,1.47,0.63l0.557,0.552c0.78,0.781,0.78,2.05,0,2.828l-0.706,0.707h2.403c2.762,0,5-2.238,5-5C28.438,16.362,26.672,14.332,24.345,13.904z M21.033,20.986l-0.556-0.555c-0.39-0.389-0.964-0.45-1.276-0.137c-0.312,0.312-0.568,0.118-0.568-0.432v-1.238c0-0.55-0.451-1-1-1h-3.265c-0.55,0-1,0.45-1,1v1.238c0,0.55-0.256,0.744-0.569,0.432c-0.312-0.313-0.887-0.252-1.276,0.137l-0.556,0.555c-0.39,0.389-0.39,1.024-0.001,1.413l4.328,4.331c0.194,0.194,0.451,0.291,0.707,0.291s0.512-0.097,0.707-0.291l4.327-4.331C21.424,22.011,21.423,21.375,21.033,20.986z",
"raph_cloudUp": "M24.345,13.904c0.019-0.195,0.03-0.392,0.03-0.591c0-3.452-2.798-6.25-6.25-6.25c-2.679,0-4.958,1.689-5.847,4.059c-0.589-0.646-1.429-1.059-2.372-1.059c-1.778,0-3.219,1.441-3.219,3.219c0,0.21,0.023,0.415,0.062,0.613c-2.372,0.391-4.187,2.436-4.187,4.918c0,2.762,2.239,5,5,5h2.312c-0.126-0.266-0.2-0.556-0.2-0.859c0-0.535,0.208-1.04,0.587-1.415l4.325-4.329c0.375-0.377,0.877-0.585,1.413-0.585c0.54,0,1.042,0.21,1.417,0.587l4.323,4.329c0.377,0.373,0.585,0.878,0.585,1.413c0,0.304-0.073,0.594-0.2,0.859h1.312c2.762,0,5-2.238,5-5C28.438,16.362,26.672,14.332,24.345,13.904z M16.706,17.916c-0.193-0.195-0.45-0.291-0.706-0.291s-0.512,0.096-0.707,0.291l-4.327,4.33c-0.39,0.389-0.389,1.025,0.001,1.414l0.556,0.555c0.39,0.389,0.964,0.449,1.276,0.137s0.568-0.119,0.568,0.432v1.238c0,0.549,0.451,1,1,1h3.265c0.551,0,1-0.451,1-1v-1.238c0-0.551,0.256-0.744,0.569-0.432c0.312,0.312,0.887,0.252,1.276-0.137l0.556-0.555c0.39-0.389,0.39-1.025,0.001-1.414L16.706,17.916z",
"raph_location": "M16,3.5c-4.142,0-7.5,3.358-7.5,7.5c0,4.143,7.5,18.121,7.5,18.121S23.5,15.143,23.5,11C23.5,6.858,20.143,3.5,16,3.5z M16,14.584c-1.979,0-3.584-1.604-3.584-3.584S14.021,7.416,16,7.416S19.584,9.021,19.584,11S17.979,14.584,16,14.584z",
"raph_volume0": "M4.998,12.127v7.896h4.495l6.729,5.526l0.004-18.948l-6.73,5.526H4.998z",
"raph_volume1": "M4.998,12.127v7.896h4.495l6.729,5.526l0.004-18.948l-6.73,5.526H4.998z M18.806,11.219c-0.393-0.389-1.024-0.389-1.415,0.002c-0.39,0.391-0.39,1.024,0.002,1.416v-0.002c0.863,0.864,1.395,2.049,1.395,3.366c0,1.316-0.531,2.497-1.393,3.361c-0.394,0.389-0.394,1.022-0.002,1.415c0.195,0.195,0.451,0.293,0.707,0.293c0.257,0,0.513-0.098,0.708-0.293c1.222-1.22,1.98-2.915,1.979-4.776C20.788,14.136,20.027,12.439,18.806,11.219z",
"raph_volume2": "M4.998,12.127v7.896h4.495l6.729,5.526l0.004-18.948l-6.73,5.526H4.998z M18.806,11.219c-0.393-0.389-1.024-0.389-1.415,0.002c-0.39,0.391-0.39,1.024,0.002,1.416v-0.002c0.863,0.864,1.395,2.049,1.395,3.366c0,1.316-0.531,2.497-1.393,3.361c-0.394,0.389-0.394,1.022-0.002,1.415c0.195,0.195,0.451,0.293,0.707,0.293c0.257,0,0.513-0.098,0.708-0.293c1.222-1.22,1.98-2.915,1.979-4.776C20.788,14.136,20.027,12.439,18.806,11.219z M21.101,8.925c-0.393-0.391-1.024-0.391-1.413,0c-0.392,0.391-0.392,1.025,0,1.414c1.45,1.451,2.344,3.447,2.344,5.661c0,2.212-0.894,4.207-2.342,5.659c-0.392,0.39-0.392,1.023,0,1.414c0.195,0.195,0.451,0.293,0.708,0.293c0.256,0,0.512-0.098,0.707-0.293c1.808-1.809,2.929-4.315,2.927-7.073C24.033,13.24,22.912,10.732,21.101,8.925z",
"raph_volume3": "M4.998,12.127v7.896h4.495l6.729,5.526l0.004-18.948l-6.73,5.526H4.998z M18.806,11.219c-0.393-0.389-1.024-0.389-1.415,0.002c-0.39,0.391-0.39,1.024,0.002,1.416v-0.002c0.863,0.864,1.395,2.049,1.395,3.366c0,1.316-0.531,2.497-1.393,3.361c-0.394,0.389-0.394,1.022-0.002,1.415c0.195,0.195,0.451,0.293,0.707,0.293c0.257,0,0.513-0.098,0.708-0.293c1.222-1.22,1.98-2.915,1.979-4.776C20.788,14.136,20.027,12.439,18.806,11.219z M21.101,8.925c-0.393-0.391-1.024-0.391-1.413,0c-0.392,0.391-0.392,1.025,0,1.414c1.45,1.451,2.344,3.447,2.344,5.661c0,2.212-0.894,4.207-2.342,5.659c-0.392,0.39-0.392,1.023,0,1.414c0.195,0.195,0.451,0.293,0.708,0.293c0.256,0,0.512-0.098,0.707-0.293c1.808-1.809,2.929-4.315,2.927-7.073C24.033,13.24,22.912,10.732,21.101,8.925z M23.28,6.746c-0.393-0.391-1.025-0.389-1.414,0.002c-0.391,0.389-0.391,1.023,0.002,1.413h-0.002c2.009,2.009,3.248,4.773,3.248,7.839c0,3.063-1.239,5.828-3.246,7.838c-0.391,0.39-0.391,1.023,0.002,1.415c0.194,0.194,0.45,0.291,0.706,0.291s0.513-0.098,0.708-0.293c2.363-2.366,3.831-5.643,3.829-9.251C27.115,12.389,25.647,9.111,23.28,6.746z",
"raph_key": "M18.386,16.009l0.009-0.006l-0.58-0.912c1.654-2.226,1.876-5.319,0.3-7.8c-2.043-3.213-6.303-4.161-9.516-2.118c-3.212,2.042-4.163,6.302-2.12,9.517c1.528,2.402,4.3,3.537,6.944,3.102l0.424,0.669l0.206,0.045l0.779-0.447l-0.305,1.377l2.483,0.552l-0.296,1.325l1.903,0.424l-0.68,3.06l1.406,0.313l-0.424,1.906l4.135,0.918l0.758-3.392L18.386,16.009z M10.996,8.944c-0.685,0.436-1.593,0.233-2.029-0.452C8.532,7.807,8.733,6.898,9.418,6.463s1.594-0.233,2.028,0.452C11.883,7.6,11.68,8.509,10.996,8.944z",
"raph_ruler": "M6.63,21.796l-5.122,5.121h25.743V1.175L6.63,21.796zM18.702,10.48c0.186-0.183,0.48-0.183,0.664,0l1.16,1.159c0.184,0.183,0.186,0.48,0.002,0.663c-0.092,0.091-0.213,0.137-0.332,0.137c-0.121,0-0.24-0.046-0.33-0.137l-1.164-1.159C18.519,10.96,18.519,10.664,18.702,10.48zM17.101,12.084c0.184-0.183,0.48-0.183,0.662,0l2.156,2.154c0.184,0.183,0.184,0.48,0.002,0.661c-0.092,0.092-0.213,0.139-0.334,0.139s-0.24-0.046-0.33-0.137l-2.156-2.154C16.917,12.564,16.917,12.267,17.101,12.084zM15.497,13.685c0.184-0.183,0.48-0.183,0.664,0l1.16,1.161c0.184,0.183,0.182,0.48-0.002,0.663c-0.092,0.092-0.211,0.138-0.33,0.138c-0.121,0-0.24-0.046-0.332-0.138l-1.16-1.16C15.314,14.166,15.314,13.868,15.497,13.685zM13.896,15.288c0.184-0.183,0.48-0.181,0.664,0.002l1.158,1.159c0.183,0.184,0.183,0.48,0,0.663c-0.092,0.092-0.212,0.138-0.332,0.138c-0.119,0-0.24-0.046-0.332-0.138l-1.158-1.161C13.713,15.767,13.713,15.471,13.896,15.288zM12.293,16.892c0.183-0.184,0.479-0.184,0.663,0l2.154,2.153c0.184,0.184,0.184,0.481,0,0.665c-0.092,0.092-0.211,0.138-0.33,0.138c-0.121,0-0.242-0.046-0.334-0.138l-2.153-2.155C12.11,17.371,12.11,17.075,12.293,16.892zM10.302,24.515c-0.091,0.093-0.212,0.139-0.332,0.139c-0.119,0-0.238-0.045-0.33-0.137l-2.154-2.153c-0.184-0.183-0.184-0.479,0-0.663s0.479-0.184,0.662,0l2.154,2.153C10.485,24.036,10.485,24.332,10.302,24.515zM10.912,21.918c-0.093,0.093-0.214,0.139-0.333,0.139c-0.12,0-0.24-0.045-0.33-0.137l-1.162-1.161c-0.184-0.183-0.184-0.479,0-0.66c0.184-0.185,0.48-0.187,0.664-0.003l1.161,1.162C11.095,21.438,11.095,21.735,10.912,21.918zM12.513,20.316c-0.092,0.092-0.211,0.138-0.332,0.138c-0.119,0-0.239-0.046-0.331-0.138l-1.159-1.16c-0.184-0.184-0.184-0.48,0-0.664s0.48-0.182,0.663,0.002l1.159,1.161C12.696,19.838,12.696,20.135,12.513,20.316zM22.25,21.917h-8.67l8.67-8.67V21.917zM22.13,10.7c-0.09,0.092-0.211,0.138-0.33,0.138c-0.121,0-0.242-0.046-0.334-0.138l-1.16-1.159c-0.184-0.183-0.184-0.479,0-0.663c0.182-0.183,0.479-0.183,0.662,0l1.16,1.159C22.312,10.221,22.313,10.517,22.13,10.7zM24.726,10.092c-0.092,0.092-0.213,0.137-0.332,0.137s-0.24-0.045-0.33-0.137l-2.154-2.154c-0.184-0.183-0.184-0.481,0-0.664s0.482-0.181,0.664,0.002l2.154,2.154C24.911,9.613,24.909,9.91,24.726,10.092z",
"raph_power": "M21.816,3.999c-0.993-0.481-2.189-0.068-2.673,0.927c-0.482,0.995-0.066,2.191,0.927,2.673c3.115,1.516,5.265,4.705,5.263,8.401c-0.01,5.154-4.18,9.324-9.333,9.333c-5.154-0.01-9.324-4.18-9.334-9.333c-0.002-3.698,2.149-6.89,5.267-8.403c0.995-0.482,1.408-1.678,0.927-2.673c-0.482-0.993-1.676-1.409-2.671-0.927C5.737,6.152,2.667,10.72,2.665,16C2.667,23.364,8.634,29.332,16,29.334c7.365-0.002,13.333-5.97,13.334-13.334C29.332,10.722,26.266,6.157,21.816,3.999z M16,13.833c1.104,0,1.999-0.894,1.999-2V2.499C17.999,1.394,17.104,0.5,16,0.5c-1.106,0-2,0.895-2,1.999v9.333C14,12.938,14.894,13.833,16,13.833z",
"raph_unlock": "M20.375,12.833h-2.209V10c0,0,0,0,0-0.001c0-2.389,1.945-4.333,4.334-4.333c2.391,0,4.335,1.944,4.335,4.333c0,0,0,0,0,0v2.834h2V9.999h-0.001c-0.001-3.498-2.836-6.333-6.334-6.333S16.166,6.502,16.166,10v2.833H3.125V25h17.25V12.833z",
"raph_tag": "M14.263,2.826H7.904L2.702,8.028v6.359L18.405,30.09l11.561-11.562L14.263,2.826zM6.495,8.859c-0.619-0.619-0.619-1.622,0-2.24C7.114,6,8.117,6,8.736,6.619c0.62,0.62,0.619,1.621,0,2.241C8.117,9.479,7.114,9.479,6.495,8.859z",
"raph_search": "M29.772,26.433l-7.126-7.126c0.96-1.583,1.523-3.435,1.524-5.421C24.169,8.093,19.478,3.401,13.688,3.399C7.897,3.401,3.204,8.093,3.204,13.885c0,5.789,4.693,10.481,10.484,10.481c1.987,0,3.839-0.563,5.422-1.523l7.128,7.127L29.772,26.433zM7.203,13.885c0.006-3.582,2.903-6.478,6.484-6.486c3.579,0.008,6.478,2.904,6.484,6.486c-0.007,3.58-2.905,6.476-6.484,6.484C10.106,20.361,7.209,17.465,7.203,13.885z",
"raph_zoomout": "M22.646,19.307c0.96-1.583,1.523-3.435,1.524-5.421C24.169,8.093,19.478,3.401,13.688,3.399C7.897,3.401,3.204,8.093,3.204,13.885c0,5.789,4.693,10.481,10.484,10.481c1.987,0,3.839-0.563,5.422-1.523l7.128,7.127l3.535-3.537L22.646,19.307zM13.688,20.369c-3.582-0.008-6.478-2.904-6.484-6.484c0.006-3.582,2.903-6.478,6.484-6.486c3.579,0.008,6.478,2.904,6.484,6.486C20.165,17.465,17.267,20.361,13.688,20.369zM8.854,11.884v4.001l9.665-0.001v-3.999L8.854,11.884z",
"raph_zoomin": "M22.646,19.307c0.96-1.583,1.523-3.435,1.524-5.421C24.169,8.093,19.478,3.401,13.688,3.399C7.897,3.401,3.204,8.093,3.204,13.885c0,5.789,4.693,10.481,10.484,10.481c1.987,0,3.839-0.563,5.422-1.523l7.128,7.127l3.535-3.537L22.646,19.307zM13.688,20.369c-3.582-0.008-6.478-2.904-6.484-6.484c0.006-3.582,2.903-6.478,6.484-6.486c3.579,0.008,6.478,2.904,6.484,6.486C20.165,17.465,17.267,20.361,13.688,20.369zM15.687,9.051h-4v2.833H8.854v4.001h2.833v2.833h4v-2.834h2.832v-3.999h-2.833V9.051z",
"raph_cross": "M24.778,21.419 19.276,15.917 24.777,10.415 21.949,7.585 16.447,13.087 10.945,7.585 8.117,10.415 13.618,15.917 8.116,21.419 10.946,24.248 16.447,18.746 21.948,24.248",
"raph_check": "M2.379,14.729 5.208,11.899 12.958,19.648 25.877,6.733 28.707,9.561 12.958,25.308",
"raph_settings": "M16.015,12.03c-2.156,0-3.903,1.747-3.903,3.903c0,2.155,1.747,3.903,3.903,3.903c0.494,0,0.962-0.102,1.397-0.27l0.836,1.285l1.359-0.885l-0.831-1.276c0.705-0.706,1.142-1.681,1.142-2.757C19.918,13.777,18.171,12.03,16.015,12.03zM16,1.466C7.973,1.466,1.466,7.973,1.466,16c0,8.027,6.507,14.534,14.534,14.534c8.027,0,14.534-6.507,14.534-14.534C30.534,7.973,24.027,1.466,16,1.466zM26.174,20.809c-0.241,0.504-0.513,0.99-0.826,1.45L22.19,21.58c-0.481,0.526-1.029,0.994-1.634,1.385l0.119,3.202c-0.507,0.23-1.028,0.421-1.569,0.57l-1.955-2.514c-0.372,0.051-0.75,0.086-1.136,0.086c-0.356,0-0.706-0.029-1.051-0.074l-1.945,2.5c-0.541-0.151-1.065-0.342-1.57-0.569l0.117-3.146c-0.634-0.398-1.208-0.88-1.712-1.427L6.78,22.251c-0.313-0.456-0.583-0.944-0.826-1.448l2.088-2.309c-0.226-0.703-0.354-1.451-0.385-2.223l-2.768-1.464c0.055-0.563,0.165-1.107,0.301-1.643l3.084-0.427c0.29-0.702,0.675-1.352,1.135-1.942L8.227,7.894c0.399-0.389,0.83-0.744,1.283-1.07l2.663,1.672c0.65-0.337,1.349-0.593,2.085-0.75l0.968-3.001c0.278-0.021,0.555-0.042,0.837-0.042c0.282,0,0.56,0.022,0.837,0.042l0.976,3.028c0.72,0.163,1.401,0.416,2.036,0.75l2.704-1.697c0.455,0.326,0.887,0.681,1.285,1.07l-1.216,2.986c0.428,0.564,0.793,1.181,1.068,1.845l3.185,0.441c0.135,0.535,0.247,1.081,0.302,1.643l-2.867,1.516c-0.034,0.726-0.15,1.43-0.355,2.1L26.174,20.809z",
"raph_settingsalt": "M16,1.466C7.973,1.466,1.466,7.973,1.466,16c0,8.027,6.507,14.534,14.534,14.534c8.027,0,14.534-6.507,14.534-14.534C30.534,7.973,24.027,1.466,16,1.466zM24.386,14.968c-1.451,1.669-3.706,2.221-5.685,1.586l-7.188,8.266c-0.766,0.88-2.099,0.97-2.979,0.205s-0.973-2.099-0.208-2.979l7.198-8.275c-0.893-1.865-0.657-4.164,0.787-5.824c1.367-1.575,3.453-2.151,5.348-1.674l-2.754,3.212l0.901,2.621l2.722,0.529l2.761-3.22C26.037,11.229,25.762,13.387,24.386,14.968z",
"raph_bug": "M28.589,10.903l-5.828,1.612c-0.534-1.419-1.338-2.649-2.311-3.628l3.082-5.44c0.271-0.48,0.104-1.092-0.38-1.365c-0.479-0.271-1.09-0.102-1.36,0.377l-2.924,5.162c-0.604-0.383-1.24-0.689-1.9-0.896c-0.416-1.437-1.652-2.411-3.058-2.562c-0.001-0.004-0.002-0.008-0.003-0.012c-0.061-0.242-0.093-0.46-0.098-0.65c-0.005-0.189,0.012-0.351,0.046-0.479c0.037-0.13,0.079-0.235,0.125-0.317c0.146-0.26,0.34-0.43,0.577-0.509c0.023,0.281,0.142,0.482,0.352,0.601c0.155,0.088,0.336,0.115,0.546,0.086c0.211-0.031,0.376-0.152,0.496-0.363c0.105-0.186,0.127-0.389,0.064-0.607c-0.064-0.219-0.203-0.388-0.414-0.507c-0.154-0.087-0.314-0.131-0.482-0.129c-0.167,0.001-0.327,0.034-0.481,0.097c-0.153,0.063-0.296,0.16-0.429,0.289c-0.132,0.129-0.241,0.271-0.33,0.426c-0.132,0.234-0.216,0.496-0.25,0.783c-0.033,0.286-0.037,0.565-0.009,0.84c0.017,0.16,0.061,0.301,0.094,0.449c-0.375-0.021-0.758,0.002-1.14,0.108c-0.482,0.133-0.913,0.36-1.28,0.653c-0.052-0.172-0.098-0.344-0.18-0.518c-0.116-0.249-0.263-0.486-0.438-0.716c-0.178-0.229-0.384-0.41-0.618-0.543C9.904,3.059,9.737,2.994,9.557,2.951c-0.18-0.043-0.352-0.052-0.516-0.027s-0.318,0.08-0.463,0.164C8.432,3.172,8.318,3.293,8.23,3.445C8.111,3.656,8.08,3.873,8.136,4.092c0.058,0.221,0.181,0.384,0.367,0.49c0.21,0.119,0.415,0.138,0.611,0.056C9.31,4.556,9.451,4.439,9.539,4.283c0.119-0.21,0.118-0.443-0.007-0.695c0.244-0.055,0.497-0.008,0.757,0.141c0.081,0.045,0.171,0.115,0.27,0.208c0.097,0.092,0.193,0.222,0.286,0.388c0.094,0.166,0.179,0.368,0.251,0.608c0.013,0.044,0.023,0.098,0.035,0.146c-0.911,0.828-1.357,2.088-1.098,3.357c-0.582,0.584-1.072,1.27-1.457,2.035l-5.16-2.926c-0.48-0.271-1.092-0.102-1.364,0.377C1.781,8.404,1.95,9.016,2.43,9.289l5.441,3.082c-0.331,1.34-0.387,2.807-0.117,4.297l-5.828,1.613c-0.534,0.147-0.846,0.699-0.698,1.231c0.147,0.53,0.697,0.843,1.231,0.694l5.879-1.627c0.503,1.057,1.363,2.28,2.371,3.443l-3.194,5.639c-0.272,0.481-0.104,1.092,0.378,1.363c0.239,0.137,0.512,0.162,0.758,0.094c0.248-0.068,0.469-0.229,0.604-0.471l2.895-5.109c2.7,2.594,5.684,4.123,5.778,1.053c1.598,2.56,3.451-0.338,4.502-3.976l5.203,2.947c0.24,0.138,0.514,0.162,0.762,0.094c0.246-0.067,0.467-0.229,0.603-0.471c0.272-0.479,0.104-1.091-0.377-1.362l-5.701-3.229c0.291-1.505,0.422-2.983,0.319-4.138l5.886-1.627c0.53-0.147,0.847-0.697,0.696-1.229C29.673,11.068,29.121,10.756,28.589,10.903z",
"raph_link": "M15.667,4.601c-1.684,1.685-2.34,3.985-2.025,6.173l3.122-3.122c0.004-0.005,0.014-0.008,0.016-0.012c0.21-0.403,0.464-0.789,0.802-1.126c1.774-1.776,4.651-1.775,6.428,0c1.775,1.773,1.777,4.652,0.002,6.429c-0.34,0.34-0.727,0.593-1.131,0.804c-0.004,0.002-0.006,0.006-0.01,0.01l-3.123,3.123c2.188,0.316,4.492-0.34,6.176-2.023c2.832-2.832,2.83-7.423,0-10.255C23.09,1.77,18.499,1.77,15.667,4.601zM14.557,22.067c-0.209,0.405-0.462,0.791-0.801,1.131c-1.775,1.774-4.656,1.774-6.431,0c-1.775-1.774-1.775-4.653,0-6.43c0.339-0.338,0.725-0.591,1.128-0.8c0.004-0.006,0.005-0.012,0.011-0.016l3.121-3.123c-2.187-0.316-4.489,0.342-6.172,2.024c-2.831,2.831-2.83,7.423,0,10.255c2.833,2.831,7.424,2.831,10.257,0c1.684-1.684,2.342-3.986,2.023-6.175l-3.125,3.123C14.565,22.063,14.561,22.065,14.557,22.067zM9.441,18.885l2.197,2.197c0.537,0.537,1.417,0.537,1.953,0l8.302-8.302c0.539-0.536,0.539-1.417,0.002-1.952l-2.199-2.197c-0.536-0.539-1.416-0.539-1.952-0.002l-8.302,8.303C8.904,17.469,8.904,18.349,9.441,18.885z",
"raph_calendar": "M11.758,15.318c0.312-0.3,0.408-0.492,0.408-0.492h0.024c0,0-0.012,0.264-0.012,0.528v5.469h-1.871v1.031h4.87v-1.031H13.33v-7.436h-1.055l-2.027,1.967l0.719,0.744L11.758,15.318zM16.163,21.207c0,0.205,0.024,0.42,0.06,0.647h5.457v-1.031h-4.197c0.023-1.931,4.065-2.362,4.065-5.146c0-1.463-1.114-2.436-2.674-2.436c-1.907,0-2.675,1.607-2.675,1.607l0.875,0.587c0,0,0.6-1.08,1.716-1.08c0.887,0,1.522,0.563,1.522,1.403C20.312,17.754,16.163,18.186,16.163,21.207zM12,3.604h-2v3.335h2V3.604zM23,4.77v3.17h-4V4.77h-6v3.168H9.002V4.77H6.583v21.669h18.833V4.77H23zM24.417,25.438H7.584V10.522h16.833V25.438zM22,3.604h-2v3.335h2V3.604z",
"raph_picker": "M22.221,10.853c-0.111-0.414-0.261-0.412,0.221-1.539l1.66-3.519c0.021-0.051,0.2-0.412,0.192-0.946c0.015-0.529-0.313-1.289-1.119-1.642c-1.172-0.555-1.17-0.557-2.344-1.107c-0.784-0.396-1.581-0.171-1.979,0.179c-0.42,0.333-0.584,0.7-0.609,0.75L16.58,6.545c-0.564,1.084-0.655,0.97-1.048,1.147c-0.469,0.129-1.244,0.558-1.785,1.815c-1.108,2.346-1.108,2.346-1.108,2.346l-0.276,0.586l1.17,0.553l-3.599,7.623c-0.38,0.828-0.166,1.436-0.166,2.032c0.01,0.627-0.077,1.509-0.876,3.21l-0.276,0.586l3.517,1.661l0.276-0.585c0.808-1.699,1.431-2.326,1.922-2.717c0.46-0.381,1.066-0.6,1.465-1.42l3.599-7.618l1.172,0.554l0.279-0.589c0,0,0,0,1.105-2.345C22.578,12.166,22.419,11.301,22.221,10.853zM14.623,22.83c-0.156,0.353-0.413,0.439-1.091,0.955c-0.577,0.448-1.264,1.172-2.009,2.6l-1.191-0.562c0.628-1.48,0.75-2.474,0.73-3.203c-0.031-0.851-0.128-1.104,0.045-1.449l3.599-7.621l3.517,1.662L14.623,22.83z",
"raph_no": "M16,2.939C9.006,2.942,3.338,8.61,3.335,15.605C3.335,22.6,9.005,28.268,16,28.27c6.994-0.002,12.662-5.67,12.664-12.664C28.663,8.61,22.995,2.939,16,2.939zM25.663,15.605c-0.003,1.943-0.583,3.748-1.569,5.264L10.736,7.513c1.515-0.988,3.32-1.569,5.265-1.573C21.337,5.951,25.654,10.269,25.663,15.605zM6.335,15.605c0.004-1.943,0.584-3.75,1.573-5.266l13.355,13.357c-1.516,0.986-3.32,1.566-5.264,1.569C10.664,25.26,6.346,20.941,6.335,15.605z",
"raph_commandline": "M2.021,9.748L2.021,9.748V9.746V9.748zM2.022,9.746l5.771,5.773l-5.772,5.771l2.122,2.123l7.894-7.895L4.143,7.623L2.022,9.746zM12.248,23.269h14.419V20.27H12.248V23.269zM16.583,17.019h10.084V14.02H16.583V17.019zM12.248,7.769v3.001h14.419V7.769H12.248z",
"raph_photo": "M24.25,10.25H20.5v-1.5h-9.375v1.5h-3.75c-1.104,0-2,0.896-2,2v10.375c0,1.104,0.896,2,2,2H24.25c1.104,0,2-0.896,2-2V12.25C26.25,11.146,25.354,10.25,24.25,10.25zM15.812,23.499c-3.342,0-6.06-2.719-6.06-6.061c0-3.342,2.718-6.062,6.06-6.062s6.062,2.72,6.062,6.062C21.874,20.78,19.153,23.499,15.812,23.499zM15.812,13.375c-2.244,0-4.062,1.819-4.062,4.062c0,2.244,1.819,4.062,4.062,4.062c2.244,0,4.062-1.818,4.062-4.062C19.875,15.194,18.057,13.375,15.812,13.375z",
"raph_printer": "M24.569,12.125h-2.12c-0.207-1.34-1.247-2.759-2.444-3.967c-1.277-1.24-2.654-2.234-3.784-2.37c-0.062-0.008-0.124-0.014-0.198-0.015H8.594c-0.119,0-0.235,0.047-0.319,0.132c-0.083,0.083-0.132,0.2-0.132,0.32v5.9H6.069c-1.104,0-2,0.896-2,2V23h4.074v2.079c0,0.118,0.046,0.23,0.132,0.318c0.086,0.085,0.199,0.131,0.319,0.131h13.445c0.118,0,0.232-0.046,0.318-0.131s0.138-0.199,0.138-0.318V23h4.074v-8.875C26.569,13.021,25.674,12.125,24.569,12.125zM21.589,24.626H9.043V21.5h12.546V24.626zM21.589,13.921c0-0.03,0-0.063-0.003-0.096c-0.015-0.068-0.062-0.135-0.124-0.2H9.043v-6.95h6.987v0.001c0.305-0.019,0.567,0.282,0.769,0.971c0.183,0.655,0.229,1.509,0.229,2.102c0.001,0.433-0.019,0.725-0.019,0.725l-0.037,0.478l0.48,0.005c0.002,0,1.109,0.014,2.196,0.26c1.044,0.226,1.86,0.675,1.938,1.184c0.003,0.045,0.003,0.091,0.003,0.133V13.921z",
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Subproject commit 6ed6e1208d82d015624fdc9e86bd70500d761a39

View File

@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
* Package: svedit.history
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2010 Jeff Schiller
// Dependencies:
// 1) jQuery
// 2) svgtransformlist.js
// 3) svgutils.js
var svgedit = svgedit || {};
(function() {
if (!svgedit.history) {
svgedit.history = {};
// Group: Undo/Redo history management
svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes = {
BEFORE_APPLY: 'before_apply',
AFTER_APPLY: 'after_apply',
BEFORE_UNAPPLY: 'before_unapply',
AFTER_UNAPPLY: 'after_unapply'
var removedElements = {};
* Interface: svgedit.history.HistoryCommand
* An interface that all command objects must implement.
* interface svgedit.history.HistoryCommand {
* void apply(svgedit.history.HistoryEventHandler);
* void unapply(svgedit.history.HistoryEventHandler);
* Element[] elements();
* String getText();
* static String type();
* }
* Interface: svgedit.history.HistoryEventHandler
* An interface for objects that will handle history events.
* interface svgedit.history.HistoryEventHandler {
* void handleHistoryEvent(eventType, command);
* }
* eventType is a string conforming to one of the HistoryEvent types.
* command is an object fulfilling the HistoryCommand interface.
// Class: svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand
// implements svgedit.history.HistoryCommand
// History command for an element that had its DOM position changed
// Parameters:
// elem - The DOM element that was moved
// oldNextSibling - The element's next sibling before it was moved
// oldParent - The element's parent before it was moved
// text - An optional string visible to user related to this change
svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand = function(elem, oldNextSibling, oldParent, text) {
this.elem = elem;
this.text = text ? ("Move " + elem.tagName + " to " + text) : ("Move " + elem.tagName);
this.oldNextSibling = oldNextSibling;
this.oldParent = oldParent;
this.newNextSibling = elem.nextSibling;
this.newParent = elem.parentNode;
svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand.type = function() { return 'svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand'; }
svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand.prototype.type = svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand.type;
// Function: svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand.getText
svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand.prototype.getText = function() {
return this.text;
// Function: svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand.apply
// Re-positions the element
svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand.prototype.apply = function(handler) {
// TODO(codedread): Refactor this common event code into a base HistoryCommand class.
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.BEFORE_APPLY, this);
this.elem = this.newParent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.newNextSibling);
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.AFTER_APPLY, this);
// Function: svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand.unapply
// Positions the element back to its original location
svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand.prototype.unapply = function(handler) {
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.BEFORE_UNAPPLY, this);
this.elem = this.oldParent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.oldNextSibling);
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.AFTER_UNAPPLY, this);
// Function: svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand.elements
// Returns array with element associated with this command
svgedit.history.MoveElementCommand.prototype.elements = function() {
return [this.elem];
// Class: svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand
// implements svgedit.history.HistoryCommand
// History command for an element that was added to the DOM
// Parameters:
// elem - The newly added DOM element
// text - An optional string visible to user related to this change
svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand = function(elem, text) {
this.elem = elem;
this.text = text || ("Create " + elem.tagName);
this.parent = elem.parentNode;
this.nextSibling = this.elem.nextSibling;
svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand.type = function() { return 'svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand'; }
svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand.prototype.type = svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand.type;
// Function: svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand.getText
svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand.prototype.getText = function() {
return this.text;
// Function: svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand.apply
// Re-Inserts the new element
svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand.prototype.apply = function(handler) {
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.BEFORE_APPLY, this);
this.elem = this.parent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.nextSibling);
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.AFTER_APPLY, this);
// Function: svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand.unapply
// Removes the element
svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand.prototype.unapply = function(handler) {
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.BEFORE_UNAPPLY, this);
this.parent = this.elem.parentNode;
this.elem = this.elem.parentNode.removeChild(this.elem);
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.AFTER_UNAPPLY, this);
// Function: svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand.elements
// Returns array with element associated with this command
svgedit.history.InsertElementCommand.prototype.elements = function() {
return [this.elem];
// Class: svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand
// implements svgedit.history.HistoryCommand
// History command for an element removed from the DOM
// Parameters:
// elem - The removed DOM element
// oldNextSibling - the DOM element's nextSibling when it was in the DOM
// oldParent - The DOM element's parent
// text - An optional string visible to user related to this change
svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand = function(elem, oldNextSibling, oldParent, text) {
this.elem = elem;
this.text = text || ("Delete " + elem.tagName);
this.nextSibling = oldNextSibling;
this.parent = oldParent;
// special hack for webkit: remove this element's entry in the svgTransformLists map
svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand.type = function() { return 'svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand'; }
svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand.prototype.type = svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand.type;
// Function: svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand.getText
svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand.prototype.getText = function() {
return this.text;
// Function: RemoveElementCommand.apply
// Re-removes the new element
svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand.prototype.apply = function(handler) {
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.BEFORE_APPLY, this);
this.parent = this.elem.parentNode;
this.elem = this.parent.removeChild(this.elem);
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.AFTER_APPLY, this);
// Function: RemoveElementCommand.unapply
// Re-adds the new element
svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand.prototype.unapply = function(handler) {
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.BEFORE_UNAPPLY, this);
if(this.nextSibling == null) {
if(window.console) console.log('Error: reference element was lost');
this.parent.insertBefore(this.elem, this.nextSibling);
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.AFTER_UNAPPLY, this);
// Function: RemoveElementCommand.elements
// Returns array with element associated with this command
svgedit.history.RemoveElementCommand.prototype.elements = function() {
return [this.elem];
// Class: svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand
// implements svgedit.history.HistoryCommand
// History command to make a change to an element.
// Usually an attribute change, but can also be textcontent.
// Parameters:
// elem - The DOM element that was changed
// attrs - An object with the attributes to be changed and the values they had *before* the change
// text - An optional string visible to user related to this change
svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand = function(elem, attrs, text) {
this.elem = elem;
this.text = text ? ("Change " + elem.tagName + " " + text) : ("Change " + elem.tagName);
this.newValues = {};
this.oldValues = attrs;
for (var attr in attrs) {
if (attr == "#text") this.newValues[attr] = elem.textContent;
else if (attr == "#href") this.newValues[attr] = svgedit.utilities.getHref(elem);
else this.newValues[attr] = elem.getAttribute(attr);
svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand.type = function() { return 'svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand'; }
svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand.prototype.type = svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand.type;
// Function: svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand.getText
svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand.prototype.getText = function() {
return this.text;
// Function: svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand.apply
// Performs the stored change action
svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand.prototype.apply = function(handler) {
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.BEFORE_APPLY, this);
var bChangedTransform = false;
for(var attr in this.newValues ) {
if (this.newValues[attr]) {
if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = this.newValues[attr];
else if (attr == "#href") svgedit.utilities.setHref(this.elem, this.newValues[attr])
else this.elem.setAttribute(attr, this.newValues[attr]);
else {
if (attr == "#text") {
this.elem.textContent = "";
else {
this.elem.setAttribute(attr, "");
if (attr == "transform") { bChangedTransform = true; }
// relocate rotational transform, if necessary
if(!bChangedTransform) {
var angle = svgedit.utilities.getRotationAngle(this.elem);
if (angle) {
var bbox = elem.getBBox();
var cx = bbox.x + bbox.width/2,
cy = bbox.y + bbox.height/2;
var rotate = ["rotate(", angle, " ", cx, ",", cy, ")"].join('');
if (rotate != elem.getAttribute("transform")) {
elem.setAttribute("transform", rotate);
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.AFTER_APPLY, this);
return true;
// Function: svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand.unapply
// Reverses the stored change action
svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand.prototype.unapply = function(handler) {
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.BEFORE_UNAPPLY, this);
var bChangedTransform = false;
for(var attr in this.oldValues ) {
if (this.oldValues[attr]) {
if (attr == "#text") this.elem.textContent = this.oldValues[attr];
else if (attr == "#href") svgedit.utilities.setHref(this.elem, this.oldValues[attr]);
else this.elem.setAttribute(attr, this.oldValues[attr]);
else {
if (attr == "#text") {
this.elem.textContent = "";
else this.elem.removeAttribute(attr);
if (attr == "transform") { bChangedTransform = true; }
// relocate rotational transform, if necessary
if(!bChangedTransform) {
var angle = svgedit.utilities.getRotationAngle(this.elem);
if (angle) {
var bbox = elem.getBBox();
var cx = bbox.x + bbox.width/2,
cy = bbox.y + bbox.height/2;
var rotate = ["rotate(", angle, " ", cx, ",", cy, ")"].join('');
if (rotate != elem.getAttribute("transform")) {
elem.setAttribute("transform", rotate);
// Remove transformlist to prevent confusion that causes bugs like 575.
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.AFTER_UNAPPLY, this);
return true;
// Function: ChangeElementCommand.elements
// Returns array with element associated with this command
svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand.prototype.elements = function() {
return [this.elem];
// TODO: create a 'typing' command object that tracks changes in text
// if a new Typing command is created and the top command on the stack is also a Typing
// and they both affect the same element, then collapse the two commands into one
// Class: svgedit.history.BatchCommand
// implements svgedit.history.HistoryCommand
// History command that can contain/execute multiple other commands
// Parameters:
// text - An optional string visible to user related to this change
svgedit.history.BatchCommand = function(text) {
this.text = text || "Batch Command";
this.stack = [];
svgedit.history.BatchCommand.type = function() { return 'svgedit.history.BatchCommand'; }
svgedit.history.BatchCommand.prototype.type = svgedit.history.BatchCommand.type;
// Function: svgedit.history.BatchCommand.getText
svgedit.history.BatchCommand.prototype.getText = function() {
return this.text;
// Function: svgedit.history.BatchCommand.apply
// Runs "apply" on all subcommands
svgedit.history.BatchCommand.prototype.apply = function(handler) {
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.BEFORE_APPLY, this);
var len = this.stack.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.AFTER_APPLY, this);
// Function: svgedit.history.BatchCommand.unapply
// Runs "unapply" on all subcommands
svgedit.history.BatchCommand.prototype.unapply = function(handler) {
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.BEFORE_UNAPPLY, this);
for (var i = this.stack.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (handler) {
handler.handleHistoryEvent(svgedit.history.HistoryEventTypes.AFTER_UNAPPLY, this);
// Function: svgedit.history.BatchCommand.elements
// Iterate through all our subcommands and returns all the elements we are changing
svgedit.history.BatchCommand.prototype.elements = function() {
var elems = [];
var cmd = this.stack.length;
while (cmd--) {
var thisElems = this.stack[cmd].elements();
var elem = thisElems.length;
while (elem--) {
if (elems.indexOf(thisElems[elem]) == -1) elems.push(thisElems[elem]);
return elems;
// Function: svgedit.history.BatchCommand.addSubCommand
// Adds a given command to the history stack
// Parameters:
// cmd - The undo command object to add
svgedit.history.BatchCommand.prototype.addSubCommand = function(cmd) {
// Function: svgedit.history.BatchCommand.isEmpty
// Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the batch command is empty
svgedit.history.BatchCommand.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return this.stack.length == 0;
// Class: svgedit.history.UndoManager
// Parameters:
// historyEventHandler - an object that conforms to the HistoryEventHandler interface
// (see above)
svgedit.history.UndoManager = function(historyEventHandler) {
this.handler_ = historyEventHandler || null;
this.undoStackPointer = 0;
this.undoStack = [];
// this is the stack that stores the original values, the elements and
// the attribute name for begin/finish
this.undoChangeStackPointer = -1;
this.undoableChangeStack = [];
// Function: svgedit.history.UndoManager.resetUndoStack
// Resets the undo stack, effectively clearing the undo/redo history
svgedit.history.UndoManager.prototype.resetUndoStack = function() {
this.undoStack = [];
this.undoStackPointer = 0;
// Function: svgedit.history.UndoManager.getUndoStackSize
// Returns:
// Integer with the current size of the undo history stack
svgedit.history.UndoManager.prototype.getUndoStackSize = function() {
return this.undoStackPointer;
// Function: svgedit.history.UndoManager.getRedoStackSize
// Returns:
// Integer with the current size of the redo history stack
svgedit.history.UndoManager.prototype.getRedoStackSize = function() {
return this.undoStack.length - this.undoStackPointer;
// Function: svgedit.history.UndoManager.getNextUndoCommandText
// Returns:
// String associated with the next undo command
svgedit.history.UndoManager.prototype.getNextUndoCommandText = function() {
return this.undoStackPointer > 0 ? this.undoStack[this.undoStackPointer-1].getText() : "";
// Function: svgedit.history.UndoManager.getNextRedoCommandText
// Returns:
// String associated with the next redo command
svgedit.history.UndoManager.prototype.getNextRedoCommandText = function() {
return this.undoStackPointer < this.undoStack.length ? this.undoStack[this.undoStackPointer].getText() : "";
// Function: svgedit.history.UndoManager.undo
// Performs an undo step
svgedit.history.UndoManager.prototype.undo = function() {
if (this.undoStackPointer > 0) {
var cmd = this.undoStack[--this.undoStackPointer];
// Function: svgedit.history.UndoManager.redo
// Performs a redo step
svgedit.history.UndoManager.prototype.redo = function() {
if (this.undoStackPointer < this.undoStack.length && this.undoStack.length > 0) {
var cmd = this.undoStack[this.undoStackPointer++];
// Function: svgedit.history.UndoManager.addCommandToHistory
// Adds a command object to the undo history stack
// Parameters:
// cmd - The command object to add
svgedit.history.UndoManager.prototype.addCommandToHistory = function(cmd) {
// FIXME: we MUST compress consecutive text changes to the same element
// (right now each keystroke is saved as a separate command that includes the
// entire text contents of the text element)
// TODO: consider limiting the history that we store here (need to do some slicing)
// if our stack pointer is not at the end, then we have to remove
// all commands after the pointer and insert the new command
if (this.undoStackPointer < this.undoStack.length && this.undoStack.length > 0) {
this.undoStack = this.undoStack.splice(0, this.undoStackPointer);
this.undoStackPointer = this.undoStack.length;
// Function: svgedit.history.UndoManager.beginUndoableChange
// This function tells the canvas to remember the old values of the
// attrName attribute for each element sent in. The elements and values
// are stored on a stack, so the next call to finishUndoableChange() will
// pop the elements and old values off the stack, gets the current values
// from the DOM and uses all of these to construct the undo-able command.
// Parameters:
// attrName - The name of the attribute being changed
// elems - Array of DOM elements being changed
svgedit.history.UndoManager.prototype.beginUndoableChange = function(attrName, elems) {
var p = ++this.undoChangeStackPointer;
var i = elems.length;
var oldValues = new Array(i), elements = new Array(i);
while (i--) {
var elem = elems[i];
if (elem == null) continue;
elements[i] = elem;
oldValues[i] = elem.getAttribute(attrName);
this.undoableChangeStack[p] = {'attrName': attrName,
'oldValues': oldValues,
'elements': elements};
// Function: svgedit.history.UndoManager.finishUndoableChange
// This function returns a BatchCommand object which summarizes the
// change since beginUndoableChange was called. The command can then
// be added to the command history
// Returns:
// Batch command object with resulting changes
svgedit.history.UndoManager.prototype.finishUndoableChange = function() {
var p = this.undoChangeStackPointer--;
var changeset = this.undoableChangeStack[p];
var i = changeset['elements'].length;
var attrName = changeset['attrName'];
var batchCmd = new svgedit.history.BatchCommand("Change " + attrName);
while (i--) {
var elem = changeset['elements'][i];
if (elem == null) continue;
var changes = {};
changes[attrName] = changeset['oldValues'][i];
if (changes[attrName] != elem.getAttribute(attrName)) {
batchCmd.addSubCommand(new svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand(elem, changes, attrName));
this.undoableChangeStack[p] = null;
return batchCmd;

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